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11/09-10/2004 Meeting Slides for Meeting Between the NRC Staff and the B&Wog Regarding BAW-2374 Rev 2 - Steam Generator Tube Failure Coincident with LBLOCA - Preliminary
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/09/2004
From: Henshaw E
Duke Power Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
BAW-2374, Rev 2
Download: ML043210527 (16)


- ~c/~ A S.ucj Duke CWPower.

J10.45pcD B&WOG/NRC Meeting BAW-2374 Rev 2 Eric Henshaw November 9-10, 2004 Lynchburg VA

~.tDuke rAowe.VCP Oconee Nuclear Station

  • Current Status

- Unit 1 replaced SGs in Fall 2003

- Unit 2 replaced SGs in Spring 2004

- Unit 3 replaced SGs in Fall 2004

- Original OTSGs no longer in service

- Replacement OTSGs have Inconel-690 tubes

- Replacement OTSGs are analyzed for the LBLOCA transient described in Appendix A of BAW-2374 Revision 0 2

BWOGINRC Meeting - Nov 2004 1

_Duke (UPower.


Oconee ROTSG Tube Stress

  • Summary of Oconee ROTSG Stress Analysis

- FANP generated thermal stress inputs for LBLOCA & SBLOCA transients

- Duke Power generated thermal stress inputs for MSLB

- BWC used inputs to define acceptable tube flaw sizes for all 3 events

- Acceptable results obtained to enable tube surveillance to be performed.

  • LBLOCA = 38% TW for 360 uniform part through wall crack
  • SBLOCA = 56% TW for 360 uniform part through wall crack
  • MSLB = 56%1 W for 360 uniform part through wall crack 3

BWOGINRC Mceting - Nov 2004 Ph Duke drPower. Oconee ROTSG Tube Stress

  • Summary of Oconee ROTSG Stress Analysis (cont'd)

- LBLOCA transient analyzed is a large hot leg break

  • Maximum tube-to-shell AT = -374 degF

- SBLOCA transient analyzed is a pressurizer surge line break

  • Maximum tube-to-shell AT = -248 degF 4

BWOG/NRC Meeting - Nov 2004 2

Duke Pdwbwe..Cp.




raft o." S011 502 00 1*

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BWOGINRC Meeting - Nov 2004 Duke (VPower.



Rl.o.FAMP Doo....18640113U.O00 50 _ _ _ _ _ _

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0 no *00 *00 g00 1000 1200 1100 1600 Tm.. (..-oWd.)

6 BWOGiNRC Meeting - Nov 2004 3

Duke RW'Power.

A&Ds-CG Duke Oconee Tube Stress

  • Duke Analysis of LBLOCA Tube Stress

- The analysis performed parallels that performed by FANP for BAW-2374

- Cases performed for Replacement OTSGs

- Base cases performed to evaluate limiting tube-to-shell temperature difference (aka tube stress)

- Sensitivity cases performed to assess

  • Variation of tube stress with break area
  • Variation of tube stress with break location
  • Variation of tube stress with BWST temperature
  • Variation of tube stress with decay heat assumption BWOGINRC Meeting - Nov 2004 kDuke OrPower.

A.A0AwC Duke Oconee Tube Stress

  • Duke Analysis of LBLOCA Tube Stress (cont'd)

- Analysis designed to support NPSH evaluation, candidate single failures to maximize postulated tube leakage

  • RBCU
  • LPI suction valve from RBES

- Initial QA review is not complete

- Final cases remain to be performed BWOG/NRC Mieeting - Nov 2D04 9 4

,Power. Duke Oconee Tube Stress

  • Break Spectrum Case Description

- Maximum LPI performance - passive cross-connect

- Maximum BPI performance

- Minimum EFW flow

- Minimum RBS flow

- AFIS actuation modeled to limit EFW flow

- Rapid MFW coastdown

- BWST temperature = 45 OF

- EFW temperature = 130 OF

- BOC decay heat (4 EFPD for 480 EFPD core)

- Operator action to secure HPI at 15 ft BWST level BWOG/NRC Meeting - Nov 2004 kDuke OPower. Duke Oconee Tube Stress

  • Duke LBLOCA Tube Stress Analysis Status

- Break Spectrum - uses consistent set of assumptions to evaluate variation of tube-to-shell AT with break area. Break located at the top of the hot leg

- Maximum Tube-to-shell AT preliminary break spectrum results

  • 14.1 ft2 = -238 OF
  • 5.0 ft2 = -230 OF
  • 2.0 f 2 = -250 F
  • 1.5 ft2 = -245 OF
  • 1.0 ft2 = -260 OF (limiting case)
  • 0.5 ft2 = -257 OF
  • 0.3 ft2 = -245 OF BWOG/NRC Meeting - Nov 2004l 5

DuPower Duke Oconee Tube Stress

- Duke LBLOCA Tube Stress Analysis Status

- Sensitivity case maximum tube-to-shell AT preliminary results, all assume break area = 1.0 ft2

  • Break spectrum case = -260 0F
  • Break location = -246 OF (SG inlet nozzle)
  • EOC decay heat = -244 OF (480 EFPD)
  • BWST temperature = -251 OF (70"F)

- NPSH case to maximize RB sump temperature (700 F BWST, EOC decay heat)

  • maximum tube-to-shell AT = -248 OF (preliminary)

BWOG/NRC Meeting - Nov 2004

, Power,


Duke Oconee Tube Stress

  • Limiting Break Spectrum Case (1.0 ft2 case)

Sequence of Events 0.0 sec Break initiation 0.0 sec Turbine Trip 0.0 sec Main Feedwater trip 28 sec ECCS actuation (HPIILP1 pumps start) 69 sec EFW flow to SGs begins, 100 sec RBS flow starts 187 sec AFIS actuation on SG A terminates EFW to Loop A

- 200 sec Loop A main feedwater line starts to flash 528 sec AFIS actuation on SG B terminates EFW to Loop B BWOG/NRC Meeting - Nov 2004 6

h Duke PoPower.

FDa V65_

Duke Oconee Tube Stress

  • 1.0 ft 2 case Sequence of Events (cont'd)

- 530 sec Loop B main feedwater line starts to flash

- 1460 sec Loop A SG pressure drops below Patm 2495 sec HPI pumps secured on 15 ft BWST level

- 3280 sec Maximum tube-to-shell AT occurs 3301 sec End of simulation BWST level = 6 feet, beginning of sump recirculation 13 BWOG/NRC Meetng - Nov 2004 Duke

  • 'Power.

,Dk~c Duke Oconee Tube Stress

  • Oconee RELAP5 Model Description

- Based upon RELAPS model described in DPC-NE-3003-PA, Oconee Containment Response Methodology

- Uses RELAP5IMOD2-B&W Version 13 (per licensed method)

- Renodalized SG upper & lower downcomers

  • Defined fluid nodes based upon shell thickness
  • Increased number of nodes

- Added detailed steam line nodalization

- Added detailed main feedwater line nodalization 14 BWOG/NRC Meeting - Nov 2004 7

DkDuke 4fPower-A ll_

Duke Oconee Tube Stress

  • Differences between FANP & Duke Calculations

- Primary difference is secondary side liquid level assumed

  • Duke water level higher than FANP

- Duke analysis assumes

  • Bounding high downcomer orifice plate flow area
  • Error adjusted control setpoints
  • Minimum EFW performance
  • Account for main feedwater piping volume from SG to control valve (mninimum pipe length utilized)

- Oconee specific boundary conditions for ECCS BWOG/NRC Meeting - Nov 2004 k Duke

  • EPower. Duke Oconee Tube Stress
  • Conclusions of Analysis

- Tube stress is not sufficient to cause tube failure in the replacement OTSGs

- Results expected to produce loads well within the current tube surveillance criteria

- Therefore, no need to perform:

  • Postulated BAW-2374 tube failure cases
  • Associated NPSH evaluations
  • Additional dose analyses Is BWOGINRC Meeting - Nov 2004 8

DOPower Duke Oconee Tube Stress

- Duke LBLOCA Tube Stress Analysis - Future

- Limiting case for defining tube stress to be performed

  • Limiting break area from break spectrum
  • Need to consider single failure to eliminate EFW to faulted SG

- Tube stress inputs from final case to be transmitted to BWC for incorporation into revised tube surveillance criteria

- When the analyses have been completed, Duke will prepare a submittal based upon BAW-2374 Revision 1 to address this issue for Oconee.

Mg BWOG/NRC Metn o 2004 ln.a'I9&

l OZPower- Oconee ROTSG Result (14.1 ft2) ftspl- St n~r 0-1-om S..k Ad.. 1412ft U.. OT4238 Tb. -. A 1.

.IR _ _Met___g-Nov2 400 I I=I 0 500 1000 1500 0000 2000 3000 3500 15 BWOG/NRc Meeting.@ Nov 2004 9

_ Duke ErPower.

C."..~C Oconee ROTSG Result (1.0 ft2)

R-p4..t W.-.* - to BRWAl . I 0 H2 UM.OT X .2$0 I .150 0 500 1000 t500 2000 2500 3000 3SO0 T... (C-.ond.)

19 BWOG/NRC Meeting - Nov 2004 10

' Duke lwPower.

A&,b_ w Oconee ROTSG Result (1.0 ft2) SlI... Onrntoi.

S'"-U A-.. i 0 R2 1500 2000 To (..pand.)

21 BWOGINRC Meeting -Nov 2004 Duke IWOPower.


Oconee ROTSG Result (1.0 ft2)

R.po.sen.Bt St.. O-nnlo kA,-. *1.0 K2 I

g00 1000 100 2000 2500 3000 3300 Tn... d.)

22 BWOGINRC Meeting - Nov 2004 11


  • 4Power

. 0 Oconee ROTSG Result (1.0 ft2) 9lw Oa".. l.nI SinkUA. X I OD112 100. I 20 po

.20 _ _ _

0 0 00 10 200 20 300 30 0 boo KAYO 1500Th..tsh 2Y0D 214030003S00 23 BWOG/NRC Meeting - Nov 2004

_wDuke PdrPower.

JD - sV" Oconee ROTSG Result (1.0 ft2)

Rnho.m S... O W.i Sink A. . 1.0 R2 II I

I TO.. (..o..d.)

24 BWOGINRC Meeting - Nov 2004 12

Duke 14ftPower. Oconee ROTSG Result (1.0 ft2)

B-kA.. .. 0 U To. (..f.i d.)

25 BWOGINRC Meeting - Nov 2004 k Duke PrPower. Oconee ROTSG Result (1.0 ft2)

.pb.=n As% O-lot B...k Aa I 0 la2 S00 000 M00 2000 2500 3000 3500 Th g 26 BWOGINRC Meeting - Nov 2004 13

Duke l(Power.


b-Oconee ROTSG Result (1.0 ft2)

R Bpbo..nkStA.. O.u..,.W 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 The. (Hnd.)

27 27 BWOGINRC Meedng - Nov 2004 14

Duke (EPower.

JVDk*_rv Oconee ROTSG Result (1.0 ft2) i..n AX X 1.0 h2 Xas I = = = _ ___

140 I.

I I A - - - A~~. _ _ _ _ _

120 0

31 '1-B 1000 W

1500 2000 2000 3000 3500 Soo Th. roa-d.)

BWOG/NRC Meeting - Nov 20042 Duke

rPaCwer, AD.&A- 1 Oconee ROTSG Result (1.0 ft2)

R.Mp-b I $I-.. O.r~lor 8..% A . t1.0 2 4000 0 S00 1000 1500 2000 2X00 3000 3500 Ti.. (-d.)

x0 BWOG/NRC Meeting - Nov 2004 15

PhDuke WPower. GBS notes

  • Describe limiting case (scenario/sequence of events)
  • Show limiting case plots
  • Explain why better
  • Conclude where we are with these results
  • Where will these results take us in the SG tube surveillance
  • We will have BWC us the final QA'd case going forward
  • No need to consider SGTR and consequences 32 BWOG/NRC Meeting.- Nov 2004 16