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Draft Information Input, E-Mail Teleconference on MSIV Leakage Pathway License Amendment Request - Attachment 2
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 01/14/2004
From: Mccutchen E
Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD)
To: Michelle Honcharik
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML040820923 List:
Download: ML040770270 (4)


Mchell&Hon rk E: Telenference onMSIV Leakage PathwayLicenseAme dmentRequest Pg1 From: "McCutchen, Edward L." <>

To: "Michelle C. Honcharik (E-mail)" <>

Date: 1/14104 11:58AM


RE: Teleconference on MSIV Leakage Pathway License Amendment Request Michelle, Please disregard the first attachment. See this one instead.

<<01-12-04 MSIV Leak Path ROTC.doc>>

Best Regards, Edward (Ed) L. McCutchen, Jr.

Licensing Supervisor, Cooper Nuclear Station (402) 825-2707 office, (402) 943-0921 pager

-Original Message-From: McCutchen, Edward L.

Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 9:42 AM To: Michelle C. Honcharik (E-mail)

Cc: Fleming, Paul V.; Robinson, Norena G.; Robinson, Thomas V. 'Tom"; Done, Kenneth J.; McClure, Timothy P.; Adelung, Perry K.; Yantz, Ronald L. "Ron"; Victor, William R.


Teleconference on MSIV Leakage Pathway License Amendment Request Michelle, Attached please find the record of the telephone conference we held on Monday, 1/12/04. should you have any further questions, please call. Thanks.

<< File: 01-13-04 NRR PM Conf Call.doc >>

Best Regards, Edward (Ed) L. McCutchen, Jr.

Licensing Supervisor, Cooper Nuclear Station (402) 825-2707 office, (402) 943-0921 pager CC: "Fleming, Paul V." <>, "Robinson, Norena G."

<>, "Robinson, Thomas V. "Tom"" <>, "Done, Kenneth J."

<>, "McClure, Timothy P." <>, "Adelung, Perry K."

<>, "Yantz, Ronald L. "Ron"" <>, "Victor, William R."


Michelle bn'charik 12-04'MSIV'LeakPath ROTC:doc '" VPa9 1 E50-0797EF Record Series Code Sheet 0 _of 2 Nebraska Public Power District Date 1112f04 RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Time 10:00-11:00am FROM: TO:

Name: Ed McCutchen (Licensing Supervisor) Name: Michelle Honcharik (NRR PM)

Company: Cooper Nuclear Station Company-. NRC


Teleconference on MSIV Leakage Pathway License Amendment Request On Monday 1112/04, a telephone call was held between CNS and NRC to answer questions of 12/23/03 from NRR's Tom Scarbrough concerning the License Amendment Request for LOCA Dose Calculation Methodology and Resolution of Remaining License Condition 2.C.(6) submitted by CNS Letter NLS2003105 dated 12/09103. Attendees were:

CNS NRR Ed McCutchen, Licensing Supervisor Michelle Honcharik, NRR Project Manager Tim McClure, DED Mechanical Engr Supvr Tom Scarbrough, NRR Ken Done, DED Mechanical Engineer Yong Kim, NRR Ron Yantz, DED CiviVStructural Engineer Perry Adelung, DED Civil/Structural Engineer Tom Robinson, ESD [ST Engineer CNS confirmed that the two questions being asked were as noted below-.

Question 1. Regarding the Installation of the new boundary valves, what sorts of considerations were made in the sizing calculations for the handwheel actuators? The specific concern Isthat the Operator will be able to close the valves without assistance under the process conditions that will exist.

Resvonse - The new boundary valves are in the open position during normal plant operation having been lined up as such prior to plant startup. They are standard ANSI rated valves with standard operators to meet normal and design operating conditions.

During the design basis accident, the valves would be manually positioned to establish the post-LOCA MSIV leakage pathway boundary. Because the valves are located downstream of the MSIVs and the MSIVs are closed, the only flow downstream is the very low leakage flow past the MSIVs.

Additionally, since the MSIV leakage pathway to the Main Condenser will be open with condenser vacuum lost, the piping downstream of the MSIVs will be depressurized.

Accordingly, operators will manipulate these valves at nearly zero differential pressure. Once positioned, the valves will not be re-positioned. Thus, there is no concern of thermal or pressure binding preventing subsequent valve operation.

Moreover, each of the valves was manually operated after installation to assure they could be opened and closed.



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- I Michelle Honcharik 12-04 MSIV Leak Path ROTC.doc_ Page 2 g

- Michelle Honcharik 01-12-04 MSIV Leak Path ROTC.doc Page 211 Questions 2. Regarding the decision not to Include the manual valves in the IST Program, how will the functional testing be performed, and how will the testing monitor/address degrading performance?

Response- The Updated Safety Analysis Report (USAR) will be revised to specify cycling of the manually operated valves once per cycle during an outage. The evolution will be controlled via a Station Surveillance Procedure, and the scheduling and tracking of performance will be controlled under the station's surveillance program.

CNS believes that inclusion of these valves in the Augmented IST program is not necessary and would add minimal value for the level of effort to include them in the program. Other than exercising the valves, there is no [ST-related testing that can be applied to trend degradation of manual, non-powered valves. Thus, cycling the valve to assure functionality under the surveillance program is an appropriate alternative to detect potential degradation of the valve's function to be manually repositioned. Any deficiency noted during the surveillance would be entered into the Corrective Action Program and/or corrective maintenance process.

CNS agreed to send an advance copy of these clarifications to the NRR Project Manager. Subsequent discussions with the L&RA Manager revealed that these questions are only clarifications of the letter and are not responses to RAls. Thus, no letter from CNS will be sent.

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RE: Teleconference on MSIV Leakage Pathway License Amendment Request Creation Date: 1/14/04 11:57AM From: "McCutchen, Edward L." <>

Created By: Recipients owf4_po.WFNDO MCH3 (Michelle Honcharik) wrvicto CC (Victor, William R.)

rlyantz CC (Yantz, Ronald L. Ron) pkadelu CC (Adelung, Perry K.)

tpmcclu CC (McClure, Timothy P.)

kjdone CC (Done, Kenneth J.)

tvrobin CC (Robinson, Thomas V. Tom) ngrobin CC (Robinson, Norena G.)

pvflemi CC (Fleming, Paul V.)

Post Office Route owf4_po.OWFNDO Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 1021 01/14/04 11:57AM 01-12-04 MSIV Leak Path ROTC.doc 30720 Mime.822 45086 Options Expiration Date: None Priority: Standard Reply Requested: No Return Notification: None Concealed


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