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G20030086/LTR-03-0102 - Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman Ltr. Safety Issues with Millstone (Gertrude Birk)
Person / Time
Site: Millstone  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 02/14/2003
From: Lieberman J
US SEN (Senate)
To: Meserve R
Shared Package
ml030660192 List:
G20030086, LTR-03-0102
Download: ML030590202 (13)


EDO Principal Correspondence Control FROM: DUE: 03/18/03 EDO CONTROL: G20030086 DOC DT: 02/14/03 FINAL REPLY:

Senator Joseph I. Lieberman TO:

Chairman Meserve FOR SIGNATURE OF : ** GRN ** CRC NO: 03-0102 Travers, EDO DESC: ROUTING:

Safety Issues with Millstone (Gertrude Birk) Travers Paperiello Kane Norry Craig Burns/Cyr Zimmerman, NSIR DATE: 02/26/03 Miller, RI ASSIGNED TO: CONTACT:


Thwp (oc-c ~c+,o-oq e-gI hcs. o'-



Concerns safety issues relating to the Millstone nuclear power plans ACTION: Signature of EDO DISTRIBUTION: OCA to Ack LETTER DATE: 02/14/2003 ACKNOWLEDGED No SPECIAL HANDLING:



EDO -- G20030086

SENATE OFFICE BUILDING JOSEPH I. LIEBERMAN WASHINGTON, DC 20510 CONNECTICUT (202) 224-4041 STATE OFFICE COMMITTEES ONE CONSTITUTION PLAZA ARMED SERVICES 7TH FLOOR ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS SMALL BUSINESS S WSitcd Otatc2050-7atc WASHINGTON, DC 20510-0703 HARTFORD, CT 06103 860-549-8463 TOLL FREE 1-800-225-5605 INTERNETADDRESS senator-heberman@heberman senate gov HOME PAGE http //heberman senate gov February 14, 2003 Hon. Richard A. Meserve Chairman Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Chairman Meserve:

I'm enclosing a copy of a letter and background material which I recently received from one of my constituents, Gertrude Birk, who expressed concern about safety issues relating to the Millstone nuclear power plant.

I would appreciate it if you would provide me with information that addresses the issues my constituent has raised.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Sincerely, Jo h I_ ieberman Enclosure JILvh JIL:vhosr


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S! ll-May Move Quickly Under LFederal UnderA I...L£. Order L ,: -.

Greenway Auhonrty: shlltlll I"llU MlY"i yVCL "

stewardship in the Nation's transpor F- by Dylan Davis Gaff ney tation system and expedite envir6n Staff Reporter An Executive Order number mental review of high-priority trans i

13274 was signed September 18 by portation infrastructure projects."-In President Bush and may move Route other words, the action to move on stalled projects is considered a top t 11 from the planning to thl implemen I tation stage. The initiative of the or down initiative and the executive or der reads, "The development and der will put many road projects on a implementation of transportation in fast track.

frastructure projects in an-efficient and , The governors of each state are environmentally sound manner is es in the process of sending in project sential to the well-being of the Ameri recommendations under a November can people and a strong American 12 deadline. Governor Rowland k6t" economy. Executive departments and on boar- -early, sending two recorrm "agencies shall tike appropriate ac mendations September 26 to SecreI-

,otions-to the extent consistent with -tary of Transportation Norman Y.'

applicable laws and available re Mineta. Those sent were the See Route 11 page 5 sources, to promote environmental

k,/ 9 I<

, :2'.. November14,2002 0 5 Th-."East'Lyn6Tytmes Route 11 May Move Quickly Under Federal Order Con'tfrom page 1 life, thereby sustaining bio-diversity eitension of Route 11 and a Route 6 of the existing Interstate 95/lnterstate -for this project." low impact rec 395. The project has an anticipated Anticipated controversies were- in the region. Possible connectionfrom Bolton to Windham. . recognized in the submitted report. reation is being entertained, but Roughly 20 projects are to be chosen cosiof$410million. linked, uninterrupted land is the main

_ The report on Route 11 being "Ihe New England Region of the EPA' by the end of the year, according to - has indicated that the Route 11 concer, with the ultimate goal found StateDirectorofEnvironmentalPlan- considered by Mineta for "project in protection from urban sprawl and streamlining" cites the need to extend project, being a highway on a new ijing Edgar T. Hurle, who added that industrial parks.

the road separating local and drive location, will be a strong candidlate theý schedule would most iikely beat for h Section 404 (c) veto. The issue With an Office of Policy Manage rolling one. Thai is, as projects go i6 through traffic and to meet projected ment grant of $25,000 and a Federal future peak traffic demands. Working of habitat fragmentation is a main con-

)mpletion, others will be reviewed.,

with compatibility issues it outlined cern of that agency and the Fish and Highway expected, Administration grant olis

$jTo get hings -roving along, the - . $900,000 the commission the'goal, "To meetlocal, regional and Wildlife Service."

oder includes the creation of an in-' Hurle said the EPA can veto the well on its way to defining the lanc teragency "Transportation infratruic- statewide transp6rtation needs while acquisition areas, forming subcom.

AJrmy Corps of Engineer's stariip of 6ure Streamlining Task Force." The' observing local growth and develop- local town pUa.i approval on wetlands*projects, but. mittees to workwith TaskForce will promote interagency ment goals and attempting to reduce been used ners and Land Trust representatives noted that'the veto has t*operation and establish meeha--" excess burden on the corridor corn-m grant money will go to hir munities." National importance was very few times nationally. He added, Part of the nisms to coordinate federal, state,, . "TheEPA has gone on record as not ing an appraiser, attorney, engine&

tribal and local agencies through the given to Route 11 as well, and it read, environmental specialists. Th would provide access increasedBase ya Submarine in liking any new road projects." that and next meeting is planned for Noven

ývhile with and permitting in compliance applicable" process, "It the to Other federal agencies approval SNav ber 21 at the Southeastern Connect It Groton and would be beneficial to would be" involved in' the proposed iawvsand env'ironmental proteciion. Highway cut Codncil of Governments in Noi by Mineta and will in- national security and essential to re- project include the Federal

'vill be chaired Administrationin'Connecticut theUS wich.

"cluide'the secretaries of Agriculture,' gional evacuation planning." .Environmental Protection Agency Commerce, Defense and the Interior Part of the criteria to be chosen the US Fish and Wildlife Service. * .. . ... . ..

amount of public' :and ais'well as the Administrator of the said Hurle, was the very few' :" Withmanyfeeling theprojectwill ij_ A_Chair of the'Advisory Council' support.' Overall, there e project," he said, - fall under the new FederalTaskForce,'

and Chair of opponents for this

f Historic Preservation the Route 11 Gieenway Authority i EthgCouncil on Environflnefltal Qual- noting that all four corridor commu-in October to'pre-

"ity. "i. - .. - mties are strongly in favor of it, along'-'-Commission met Greenway Commission was' with the governor's office and the pare. The 2001 and consists submit Route 11

.-.In choosing toGoveirorRowland ke -fronsideration, Southeastern Connecticut Council of created September from the four 4

said, "Its cbompletion wil provide a Governments, which recently sent in 'of iepres'en'ttives the state iepartment Ineeded link between the capitol area ""an endorsement to Mineta. That is not towns impacted, Protection and De iand the growing urbanized areas , always the cas8` with projectsih6-- of Environmental T*e coi -

along the coast." The Route 11 ex- pointed out. "That doesn't mean ev-* partment of Transportaton. Niantic River, eryone is on board, he added. Those mission isnotu nlike the tension would affect many living in have construction in their Gateway Commission, which formed southeastern Connecticut, extending who will frominenabling state' legislation aifin backyard are never happy with new,.

fT*aute from its current ending point'., said. But using a yardstick whose local fight against develop-`

-at-Rkoute 82 in Salem, southerly:" road, he ment in the'Oswegatchie Hills has comparison to other projects Hurle through Montville, East Lyme 'aind. '.

b-en ell documented . '

said, "here is overwhelmingspr "Waterford,terminating in the vicinity - . . . '.The main thrust of the Greenway.,*

Authority Commission involves de-. "

fining the land purchases and ease- 2 ments along the pioposed new road.

The recomimienidation is for one con--ý tinuous connection along the road toj provide uninterrupted access for wild- 2

62 -- " TheEast LymeTymes (t omm'e-ntary Letters to the Tymes Lack of Vision and Leadership Hurting EL Taxpayer To the Editor of The Tymes:

The recent publicity and controversy surrounding several pending development projects in East Lyme, illustrates the need for the town to develop a consistent and comprehensive strategy to deal with this issue.

Although the Stop and Shop proposal seems to be the lightening rod, several other projects currently being developed or in the planning itage will have a major impact on the environmental and financial status of the town Two large housing developments that will add hundreds of upscale homes to ite-commutiity are rrentEl) in process: One of these developments potentially will adversely impact the Lake Pattagansett aquifer through storm run-off and insecticide con tamination from the existing apple orchards. To date, legal efforts to limit the scope of this project have failed and our local elected officials continue to support completion of this development.

These projects will add hundreds of children to an overstressed underfunded school system, put millions into the developer's pockets and add nothing to the town's tax base. In addition to these projects, there is a very real possibility that the Oswegatchie Hills area will see large scale residential development and the proposed completion of Route 11 through East Lyme will impact the quality of life for many who reside or do business in town.

Clearly we are at crossroads relative to development. It is time to deal with this issue head on before it is too late. Despite a call for change nothing has been done. In the past, I have sug gested that the town seriously consider combining the Zoning and Planning Commission's into one entity. This model is used in most town's and is far more.effective in dealing with develop ment issues than our current system which relegates planning to an advisory function with no real powers. Our elected officials also need to look at the imposition of impact fees for large scale residential developments. These fees would be estabhslsd based on the values and size of the homes and could be used to pay for education, police, fire, and senior services. The town should also look toward implementing a residential building moratorium in order to assess the town's ability to provide water, sewers, police and other basic services along with the school system's ability to cope with expanding enrollments. Finally, an advisory panel should be established to investigate the real impact the completion of Route 11 will have on East Lyme. To date our elected

..ofGfials have left too many questions unanswered in their eagerness to embrace this project.

It is up to the citizens 6f East Lyme -to demand that these common sense changes occur.

Special interests who stand to profit by maintaining the statu s quo clearly have won the day. The's strategy in Oswegatchie Hills has failed and it now faces a protracted legal battle as it does over the Stop and Shop issue. In the end the taxpayer winds up paying for the mistakes and miscalculations of our leaders.

Rocco R. Tricarico

  • A -EastLyme

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS IN THE EVENT OF A RADIOLOGICAL INCIDENT AT MILLSTONE STATION IN WATERFORD, CONNECTICUT FOR INDIVIDUALS IN EAST LYME, GROTON CITY, GROTON TOWN, NEW LONDON, OLD LYME, WATERFORD, FISHERS ISLAND, NY AND PORTIONS OF LEDYARD, LYME AND MONTVILLE Emergency Alert Signal If you hear a steady tone lasting approximately thiee (3) minutes, listen to the Emergency Alert System (EAS) radio or television stations below for more detailed information and any instructions.

Radio Stations Radio Stations Radio tations Radio Stations Radio Stations Radio Stations TV Stations TV Stations WTIC 1080 AM WICH 1310 AM WDRC 102.9 FM WCTY 97.7 FM WAXK 102.3 FM WQGN 105.5 FM WFSB-Ch. 3 WTIC-Ch. 61 WSUB 980 AM WLIS 1420 AM WNPR p9.1 FM WNLC 98.7 FM WIlS 104.9 FM WBMW 106.5 FM WTNH-Ch. 8 WHPX-Ch. 26 WMRD 1150 AM WTIC 96.5 FM WPKT ?0.5 FM WKNL 100.9 FM WVIT-Ch. 30

"* Listen to the Emergency Alert System (EAS) station on your radio or television for emergency instructions. Stay calm.

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: " Notify your neighbors of the alert.

"* For more information please refer to pages 2 and 3 of the Yellow Pages.

"* When schools are in session and an evacuation is ordered during the school day, students will be evacuated as a class to the same host community as the general public for that town.

SCHOOLS: "* Parents should pick up their children at the reception center designated for their community.

"* Parents are asked not to pick up their children at school - they will be reunited at the reception center.

"* Signs will be posted to indicate that the school has been evacuated to the host community.


"* Stay indoors and close all windows, doors and fireplace dampers.

TAKE SHELTER: "* Turn off fans and air conditioners and other devices that draw in outside air.

"* Lock your home, office, etc. and close all windows, doors, fireplace dampers or other devises that draw in outside air.

"* Proceed as directed by the EAS instructions over the radio/TV. (see back)

"* What to bring: Medications, cash, checkbook, credit cards, baby supplies, clothes, toiletries, blankets, pillows, flashlight, EVACUATE: batteries, important documents, and your KI (IOSATTM) if accessible. KI will also be available at your host community.

"* Pets CANNOT be taken to American Red Cross shelters. Arrangements for them may include leaving a supply of food and water, or a predetermined individual plan to leave them at a veterinarian or kennel outside of the 10 mile emergency planning zone (EPZ).

"* Do not take KI unless specifically told to by State officials.

"* Do not take more KI than directed. KI is not an anti-radiation pill. Taking more than the recommended dose will not be more effective and may increase the risk of side effects. One dose protects the thyroid for 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

Tý AKE POTASSIUM IODIDE (KI): "* Individuals who do not have KI will be able to obtain KI at their Host Community Reception Center.

"* Important: Potassium Iodide (KI), under the brand name IOSATTM, is an over-the-counter drug that protects the thyroid from absorbing radioactive iodine, only one of the possible radioactive materials that may be released during an incident at a nuclear power plant Individuals allergic to iodine should not take KI.

SPECIAL NEEDS: If you or someone you know has special needs, including physical or transportation needs, please register annually with your local "EmergencyManagement Office. Special needs cards are mailed out each year to residents in the towns listed above.

Information will be kept confidential.


Montville to Rt 32 North to East Hartford: INDHAM High St in Willimantic Rt3Rt. 85 North to Rt 82 west k.W*latc SchooltWidaHgh, Wilimaticto Windham High Rt to Rt. 11 North to Rt 2 West 32 to exit 5A (Main St ) Right at 1 Waterford to ight onto Brewer

!ntersection St to St with Forbes E. Hartford Left onto Forbes St. to East Rt 85 North to Pt 82 west to Rt 11 North to Rt. 2 West OR 1-395 to exit 5A (Main St.) Right at I North to RT. 2 West light onto Brewer St to to Exit 5A (Main St.) 32 intersection with Forbes St. i Right at light onto 91 Left onto Forbes St to East Hartford High School Left onto Forbes St. NORWICH Groton City 1-95 South to Rt 9 North to to East Hartford H.S ch:

1-91 North to Exit 25-26 2No (Pt 3 North) Take Exit 25, Rt 12 N~rth to cross over Putnam Bndge Rt 2A West to to Rt 2 West to Exit 5A 1-395 Ndrth to Exit 81 East (Main St) Right at light to Rt.169 North, and follow Ledyard to onto Brewer St to to toth, and UCONN/Sto intersection with Forbes St signs to hree Rivers OTO and UCONN/Storrs:

Left onto Forbes St to Kelly Midie School. Rt 12 North to East Hartford High School East Lyme, Lyme 8 Rt. 2A West to Old Lyme to New H  : 1-395 North to Exit 89.

Take Rt. 14 West to to Rt. 10 N, to Southern1-95Souht Ext MONTVILLE 4 2A49 203 Northsto Rt. North to SUniversity State field hose 85 35Tu"n D 1Connecticut to Rt 195 Nfil North os dtoU LYMto UCONN field house EAST- TOW 0*

9.,, LYME 958 OTOPqotTrt Fishers Island, NY CITY OF* Fishers Island to Windham: To New London or Stonington Harbor. State provided 1

.. ,bus transportation to 95 & Windham High School

7 K.. g Conne

..... Halthy STATE OF CONNECTICUT Important: Nuclear Preparedness Health Information September 2002

Dear Resident of the Millstone Emergency Planning Zone:

In this envelope you wvill find two packets containing two Potassium Iodide (brand name IOSATTM) tablets each, along with instructions for their use.

Earlier this year, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) offered to provide every state with a nuclear power plant an initial supply of potassium iodide, known by its chemical name "KI." This offer was for the population within 10 miles of each operating nuclear plant, also known as the "Emergency Planning Zone" (EPZ). Governor John G. Rowland accepted the NRC's offer of KI to enhance the state's existing Radiological Emergency Response Plan for Millstone Power Station in Waterford, Connecticut.

The Governor immediately tasked a multi-agency work group to develop a plan to distribute KI to people who live and work in the EPZ. This mailing represents the first phase of Connecticut's distribution plan. KI will also be distributed through an on-going multi-phased process including:

"* Local town offices,

"* Special KI distribution days,

"* Schools, health-care facilities, and other special-needs facilities, and

"* Host Communities (only to be used in the event of an actual nuclear emergency evacuation)

The shelf life for KI is approximately five years. Households with more than four members may obtain additional KI tablets at local municipal offices or during special distribuiTlWi'Ias to be announced in local media. It is recommended that you keep the pills in a safe and accessible location.

Combined with the proper public information, KI distribution within the EPZ is a positive addition to the state's nuclear emergency planning. For more detailed information about KI, including possible side effects and other concerns regarding taking KI, please see the following documents enclosed with this letter:




For individual medical questions and more guidance for young children, especially newborns, please consult your doctor or pediatrician. Additional information, including the guidance of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, may be found on the Connecticut Department of Public Health's web site at

It is important to educate yourself and others about all the proper steps to take in the event of a nuclear emergency, including evacuation and sheltering, by:

  • Reading the emergency planning guidebook which is distributed each year in your area; and

"* Reviewing emergency information located in the Yellow Pages section of your telephone book.

The state is taking this action as a continuing effort to enhance public safety for residents in the Millstone EPZ. Please read the enclosed materials so that you understand what actions you may need to take in an emergency.

Sincerely, Joxel arcia, on.D. sioner T. Wiltse, Director CT D rtment o th CT Office of Emergency Management Paul -iccard, First Selectman Wayne raser, First Selectman Richard Brown, City Manager Town'of-Waterford Town of East Lymie -....... Cit)' of New London State KI Work Group State KI Work Group State KI Work Group Para obtener la versidn en Espailolde esta hoja, porfavor de ilamaral 860-566-4586.

7 State of Connecticut Department of Public Health IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON THE USE OF POTASSIUM IODIDE (KI) TABLETS The State of Connecticut is making potassium iodide tablets (brand name IOSATý) available to residents and workers within the 10-mile emergency planning zone (EPZ) around Millstone Power Station in Waterford, CT. The affected communities include: East Lyme, Old Lyme, Waterford, New London, Groton City, Groton Tovi n, Fishers Island, NY, and portions of Lyme, Montville, and Ledyard.

What is potassium iodide (KI)?

Potassium iodide, also known as KI, is a form of iodine. KI helps protect your thyroid gland when there is a chance you might be exposed to a harmful amount of radioactive iodine.

Why is the thyroid gland important and why is radioactive iodine harmful?

The thyroid gland uses iodine to make hormones that control your body's metabolism Radioactive iodine can harm your thyroid gland and can increase your risk of developing thyroid cancer years after exposure.

Only operating nuclear power stations produce large amounts of the type of radioactive iodine that KI protects against. The Connecticut Yankee power station in Haddam, CT, no longer operates and does not

.produce this type of radioactive iodine.

-V How can I protect myself in the event of an emergency at Millstone Power Station?

You should leave the area or take shelter as state officials tell you. This is the only sure way to protect yourself from being exposed to radioactive materials that might be released in an accident at Millstone Power Station. You may also be told to take KI to increase your level of thyroid protection if radioactive iodine is present. Stay tuned to your local television and radio stations for any emergency instructions When should I take KI?

You will be told when to take KI through the Emergency Alert System (EAS) broadcast over your locai television and radio stations. Not every radiation emergency will result in the release of radioactive iodine. To provide maximum effectiveness, KI should be taken four hours or less before exposure. This will allow time for the KI to be taken up intohe bloodstream and to the thyroid before exposure. -Kwill still stop most of the radioactive iodine if taken up to four hours after exposure.

How much KI should I/my family members take?

Connecticut follows what the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says to take during an emergency.

You should take:

S1 pill (130 mg) if you are 1 year old or older.

1/1/2 pill (65 mg) if you are under 1 year old.

Pills can be taken either whole or broken and mixed in with food or liquid. One dose of KI provides 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of thyroid protection. Do not take extra pills after you leave the area. After you leave the area you are no longer exposed to radioactive iodine. You may cause serious medical problems if you take extra pills. Extra pills will not protect you more.

September 2002

The FDA has studied the safety of KI and concluded that small mistakes in dosing when you break or crush pills are not likely to cause serious illness. The FDA recently provided additional guidance on what is the smallest amount of KI you can take and still protect the thyroid. The smaller amounts may reduce the risk of side effects such as a minor upset stomach or rash. It may not be practical to administer very small doses during an emergency. If you want to use smaller doses, the FDA recommends taking the following minimum amount of KI:

  • 1 pill (130 mg) for anyone over 18 years old.
  • V2 pill (65 mg) for children between 3-18 years old.
  • 1/4/pill (32 mg) for children between 1 month and 3 years old.
  • !/8 pill (16 mg) for children under 1 month old.

Are there other concerns regardin2 taking KI?

>Do not take KI if you are allergic to iodine.

Do not take KI if you have chronic hives, lupus, or other condition with hypocomplementemic vascuhtis.

> Persons with Graves disease and people taking certain heart medicines should talk with their doctor before there is an emergency to decide whether or not to use KI Who will benefit most from taking KI in the event of a release of radioactive iodine?

Children and young adults under 40 years old benefit the most. At younger ages a person's thyroid gland is going through faster changes. The faster changes increase the chance of thyroid cancer if exposed to radioactive iodine. Thyroid cancer can take years to show up after exposure to radioactive iodine. For people over 40, KI is mainly needed to stop a condition called hypothyroidism. This condition can develop after a very large exposure to radioactive iodine and cause the thyroid to not operate properly.

Does KI protect against other radioactive materials or devices, such as a "dirty bomb"?

No. KI does NOT protect against other radioactive materials that might be released during a nuclear power station emergency. Other radioactive materials harm other parts of your body. This is why you are told to evacuate or take shelter in an emergency. KI does not replace evacuation or sheltering. It only adds to your safety in certain cases.

KI will not protect you against a "dirty bomb". A dirty bomb is an ordinary bomb that spreads radioactive matexial when it explodes. The radioactive material used in a dirty bomb would not include radioactive iodine.

Where can I get KI?

People who live and work within a ten-mile area around Millstone Power Station will receive KI at no cost. If you live in this area, your household will receive KI in the mail. Large employers in this area will be offered KI to distribute to their workers. If you work for a smaller employer, or need additional pills for your household, you will be able to pick up KI at the local town hall. During an emergency, KI will only be available at your host community reception center. You do not need a prescription to purchase KI on your own. KI can be purchased over the Internet and at certain pharmacies Please see the Department of Public Health website ( or call the Office of Emergency Management at (860) 566-4586 for more information.

September 2002