L-90-012, Forwards Info Re code-rejectable Indications Found in Reactor Vessel Outlet nozzle-to-shell Welds,Per 900427 Telcon.List of Attendees from Telcon Encl

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Forwards Info Re code-rejectable Indications Found in Reactor Vessel Outlet nozzle-to-shell Welds,Per 900427 Telcon.List of Attendees from Telcon Encl
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/1990
From: Zach J
To: Swenson W
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
PBL-90-0128, PBL-90-128, NUDOCS 9210200339
Download: ML20115D302 (28)



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l Wisconsin

' Electnc PONER COMPANY Point (koch Nuclear Pkant 6510 tJunior Rd .1 o Rwrt VA 54241 (414) 755 2329 JVO c t*T yp. 10 - L 6 &

PBL 90-0128 April 30, 1990 Mr. Warren Svenson, Project Manager Project Directorate 111-3 1 Whiteflint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852

Dear Mr. Svenson:

RPV UNIT 1 VESSEL INDICATIONS On April 27, 1990, a conference call between Wisconsin Electric and th9 NRC took place to discuss the indications found in the Unit I reactor vessel outlet nozzles during the spring 1990 exam. The individuals in attendance are listed on Attachment 1.

As a result of the conference call, the NRC requested and we agreed to provide specific information concerning the code rejectable indications found in the Unit I reactor vessel outlet nozzle-to-shell welds. This infcrmation is provided as Attachment 2.

Based on the discussions between yourself and Hessrs. Elliot, Hum, and Koo of the NRC, we understand that there is no restart issue as long as the indications can be shown to be acceptable by the Handbook of Flaw Indications for Point Beach Units 1 and 2. WCAP-11477, dated June 1987.

This letter and its attachments constitutes the informal transnittal of information you requested, A formal transmittal will be provided to the NRC, via the Public Document Room, within 60 days following the Unit 1 critic lity.

If further information is required or your would like to have a follovup meeting or conference call, let us know as soon as possible.

Very truly yours, hMSY


J. J. Zach


  • Manager - PBNP dms Attachments 200040 9210200339 900430 PDR p

ADOCK 05000266 PDR A wbsWan WIWvasin Dm On7aata q.j [, \ I g g b

'$ s PBL 90-0128 Attachment I ATTENDEES OF APRIL 27, 1990 PHONE CONFERENCE WISCONSIN ELECTRIC J. F. Kohlwey G. R. Sherwood T. G. Malanowski NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Warren Swenson Barry Elliot Martin Hum "ill Koo SOUTHWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE Bill Clayton Hector Diaz Harvey Enoch Roy Niemeyer l

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1.0 Introduction 1

2.0 Scope of 1990 Unit 1 Examination

3.0 Preliminary Results f 4.0 Description of Equipment Failureo 5.0 Evaluation of outlet Nozzle-to-Shell Welds-i i

<- Attachments 2A 1990 Exam Sizing Parameters

! 2B Indication Sizing for Outlet Nozzles A and C ,

t g.

2C Summary of Indications (Historical Correlation) i 2D RPV Nozzle Examination Parameters f 2E Flaw Handbook Plots 4


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1 PBL 90-0128 Attachment 2 Page 1 .

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1 In 1984 Wisconsin Electric Power Company contracted with Southwest Research Institute to examine portions of the Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 1

reactor vessel. During this e'x amination, flaws in the outlet nozzle-to-

- shell welds were identified which were sized in excess of ASME Code section XI allowable limits. These were addressed in Licensee Event Report (LER) No. 84- '2 dated March 28, 1984. ,

2 In 1987 Wisconsin Electric Power Company-again contracted with Southwest Research Institute to cvamine the Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 1 reactor

vessel including-the outlet nozzle-to-sSell welds. The flaws identified Jn i 1984 were again identified and remained essentially unchanged. Part of the 1987 examination was the SI nozzle-to-shell welds. Flaws were identifjed in the SI nozzle-to-shell weld. The evaluation was submitted by our letter

, dated June 2, 1987.

y i

Based on the requirements of ASME-Code.Section XI and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission evaluation of our previous examinations, Wisconsin Electric Power Company planned to ultrasonically examine the outlet J. nozzle-to-shell and SI nozzle-to-shell weld: during our Unitsl. spring 1990-

refueling outage. This examination was performed by Southwest Research e Institute utilizing the Program and Remote (par) device and the SWRI Enhanced

! Data Acqu M. tion System (EDAS).



The 1990 examination plan was first to ultrasonically examine the two (2) outlet nozzle-to-shell welds and the two (2) SI nozzle-to-shell welds 'using ASME Code. techniques and then reexamine identified flaws with refined flaw sizing techniques. The refined sizing techniques-vere to be thosez demonstrated to..the NRC at Southwest Research Institute's facilities in January 1989. .

The SWRI Scan Plan provided similar examination techniques to' those. utilized 1

in 1984.and 1987 (Attachment-2D)._ The data analysis system was upgraded-to'use the SWRI EDAS. These initial techniques were:in accordance with ASME Code Section XI 1977 edition with Summer 1979 Addenda'and, Regulatory

. Guide 1.150, Revision 1. The plan provided a second phase to examine identified flaws with-focused beam transducers to define more realistic flaw sizes, e

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s PBL 90-0128 l Attachment 2 .

Page 2 3.0 PRELIMINARY RESULTS The examination of the 51 noczle-to-shell welds was conducted as planned.

The flaws i&Alified in 1987 were . identified and sized.- All of the flaw '

sizes are within ASME Code Section XI limits.

t The examination of the outlet nozzle-to-shell welds were examined with code techniques as planned'but equipment failures prevented subsequent sizing- ,

with focused beam transducers; Tip diffraction techniques were applied to ,

these welds but the results were inconclusive. ,

Preliminary size data for the outlet nozzle-to-shell welds-bastd on the ,

ASME Code techniques were as_follows: '

a Outlet Nozzle #RPV-2-686-A

F1tw at 334.49 deg. nozzle azimuth-exceeded code limits.
2a = 1.07" j 1 = 2.61" -;

s = 3.17"'

a/t '= 5.70%

! Hax, a/t = 3.30%

l Outlet Nozzle #RPV-2-686-C

Five (5) flaws at 237.3'deg. nozzle azimuth sized as -

one (1) flaw exceeded code limits. ,

2a = 1.52"

1 = 5.63" s = 2.71" a/t = 8.09% >

' Hax a/t = 2.7C%

s Fou" (4) flaws' at 304.31 deg. nozzle azimuth sized as -

one (1) flaw exceeded code limits.

4- 2a- =-1.40"

= 6.36" 1  !

s = 3.48" a/t = 7.45" Max. a/t = 2.90" The preliminary information 'above was communicated to the NRC via phone on -

April 27,;1990. At the time of the phone call, data' analysis.and review was. -

still in progress. More detailed flaw descriptions Lave subsequently been prepaied.and.are attached. The above indication sizesLhave changed due to the refined analysis techniques used. Specific indication sizes can-be found in Attachment 2A. '

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PBL 90-0128 Attachment i Page 3


OF EQUIPMENT FAILURES / PROBLEMS The 199^ examination was conducted with the lower internals in place.

Access to the outlet nozzle-to-shell and 51 nozzle-to-shell welds was through openings in the core barrel. This limited the examination--to be performed by scanning from the nozzle bore.

No significant problems were encountered during the ASME Code scan portion of the project. The focused ultrasonic transducer designed for the SI nozzle-tu-shell weld performed as expected.

Problems occurred during the scan partion which was intended to use focused transducers designed for the outlet nozzle geometry. Two transducers have been manufactured by SWRI. These had previously been utilized at Rochester Gas and Electric's1Ginna Plant-in 1989. One of the transducers was not capable of calibration upcn unpackaging at Point-Beach. The-second tran=dacer was successfully calibrated and mounted for sizing the -

outlet nozzle-to-shell welds flaws. Partially through the scan of the first flaw, this second transducer developed an internal electrical fault.

No replacement transducers were readily available. No further. focus beam scanning was possible since no spare transducers were available.

5.0 EVALUATION OF OUTLET N0ZZLE-TO-SHELL WELD FLAWS The attached provides a detailed description of the'the three (3) outlet nozzle-to-shell weld flaws which had preliminary sizing results exceeding-ASME Code allowable. These are identified as Indication No. 6 for weld RPV-2-686-A and Indication Nos. 2 and 5 for weld RPV-2-686-C. Each indication is composed of several small flaws in close proximity. Each individual flaw has been sized and depicted as a rectangle'as-provided in -

the ASME Code. Attachment 2B is a description of the sizing and Attachment 2C is a correlation with previous examinatic . .

It should be noted that the rules of ASME Section XI have been applied to determine if flaws should se combined or treated separately. -Using these rules, Indication No. 2 in RPV-2-686-C is evaluated as two (2)' separate flaws exceeding the ASME Code allowable a/t ratio, Wisconsin Electric Power company has plotted each of these flaws in accordance with the Westinghouse Flaw Evaluation Handbook Point Beach Units 1 and 2' Reactor Vessels (WCAP-II477). Copies of these plots are-in Attechment 2E. Based upon the plots, Wisconsin Electric Power Company-

-has determined that'all of these flaws will be acceptable by-fracture mechanics as provided in IWB-3600 OfzASME Code Section XI.



. ATTAC!!M' J NT 2) D PT BEACH UNIT 1 OUTLET NOZZLE RPV-2-686-A 1990 EXAM SIZING PARAMETERS _ INDICATION NO. 6 2a = 0.49 " Reflector A at 329.7 de0rees I= 0 51

  • nozzle azimuth.

a= 0.2S "

S= 3.28 t - clad = 9.4 att = 2.61 %

all = 0.48 i alt max = 6.26 %

2a = 0.20 " Reflector B at 331.5 degrees I= 0.41 nozzle azimuth. -

i a= 0.10 *

. S= 3.56

i t - clad = 9.4 "

alt = 1.06 %

all = 0.24 i alt max = 3.62 %

, 2a = 0.86

  • Reflector C at 334.9 degrees -

!= 1.92 " nozzle azimuth. Sized at a= 0.43 " 1/2 max amplitude for 2a.

j S= 3.12 t - clad = 9.4

  • alt = 4.57 %

all = 0.22 alt max = 3.46 %

2a = 0.86 " Reflector 60 at 334.5 riegrees I= 2.42 " nozzle azimuth. Sized at a= 0.43

  • 1/2 max amplitude for 2a. This S= 3.12 flaw is 2 flaws sized as one, t - clad = 9.4 * (Flaws B and C combined) alt = 4.57 %

all = 0.18

, alt max = 3.14 %



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  • 30 Apr 90 nO ' 6'A RPV-2-686-A

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Ind. Dimension Ind. l 2a tLo-o I s M L- 0.50 A .49 .25 .51 3.28 a _._ g gg B .- 0 .10 .41 3.56  ; j C .86 .43 1.92 3.12 -

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                                       "~                   28 Apr 90                            6A        &    6]                                       RPV-2-686-A

At tachmerit 2A

     .                                                                                           Page 5 PT BEACH UNIT 1 OUTLET NO22LE RPV-P.-686-C 1990 EXAM SIZING PARAMETERS                                         INDICNDON NO. 5 2a =    1.10
  • Reflector A at 304.3 degrees I= 1.07
  • nozzle azimutn. Sized at a= 0.55 " 1/2 max amplitude for 2a.

S= 3.64 t - clad = 9.4

  • all= 5.85 %

all = 0.50 alt max = S.5 % 2a = 0.81 Reflector 8 at 309.2 de0rees I= 1.2d nozzle azimuth. Sized at a= 0.41 " 1/2 max amplitude for 2a. S= 3.89 1 t - c'ad = 9.4 " ., a/t= 4.31 % e all = 0.33 a/t may = 4.4 % s 2a = 0.77

  • Reflector C at 313.4 dogrees ,

I= 1.46 " nnzzle azimuth. Sized at a= 0.3P

  • 1/2 max amplitude for 2a.

S= 3.85 j t - clad = 9.4 alt = 4.10 % all = 0.26 alt max = 3.78 % _. 2a = 0.45 " Reflector D at 316.7 degroes I= 0.49

  • nozzle azimuth, a= 0.23 "
S= 3.96 I- clad = 9.4
  • alt = 2.39 %

i all = 0.40 alt max = 6.02 % i 2a = 1.10 " Indication SE al 304.3 degrees I= 5.02

  • no:zle azimuth. Sized at a= 0.55
  • 1/2 max amplitude ter 2a. This S= 3.64 flaw is 3 flaws sized as one.

t - clad = 9.4 " (Flaws A, B, C combined) alt = 5.85 % all = 0.11 alt max = 2.66 % 4

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                                      ""**             30 Apr 90                  a                         _                          _

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  • Reflector A at 237.3 degrees I= 1.07
  • nozzle azimuth a= 0.37
  • S= 3.01 1 - clad = 9.4 alt = 3.94 %

all = 0.35 a/t max = 4.6 % 2a = 0.53 " Reflector 8 at 239.3 degrees I= 0.57

  • nozzle azimuth, a= 0.27
  • S= 3.22 i

t - clad = 9.4 " alt = 2.82 % all= 0.46 alt max = 6.01 % Ea = 0.88

  • Reflector C at 241.9 degrees I= 0.89
  • nozzle azimuth.

a= 0.44

  • S= 3.22 1-c'TJ= 9.4 alt = 4.68 %

all = 0.49 alt max = 6.38 % 2a = 0.81 Reflector D at 246.1 degrees I= 0.58 " nozzle azimuth, a= 0.41

  • S= 2.75 t - clad = 9.4
  • alt = 4.31 %

all= 0.50 alt max = 6.5 % 2a = 0.50

  • Indication E at 24E1 degrees I= 0.25 " nozzle azimuth, a= 0.25 '

S= 2.71 t - clad = 9.4

  • alt = 2.66 %

all = 0.50-alt max = 6.5 % i

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           "                                                                                                                        Attachment 2A
    ,,                                                                                                                              Page 10
PT BEACH UNIT 1 OUTLET NOZZLE RPV-2-686-0 1990 EXAM SIZli 'ARAMETERS INDICATION NO. 2 I 2a = 0.97 ' . Indication 2F at 237.3 degroes I= 3.2
  • nozzle azimuth. This flaw is
a= 0.49
  • 3 flaws sized as one.
S= 3.01 (Haws 2A,28,20 combined) t - clad = 9.4 "

alt = 5.16 % ! all = 0.15 alt max = 2.9 % $ 2a = 0.94

  • Indication 2G at 246.1 degress I- 1.40
  • nozzle azimuth. This flaw is I

a= 0.47

  • 2 flaws sized as one.

S= 2.69 (Flaws 2D and 2E combined) t - clad = 9s" alt = 5.00 % all = 0.32 4 alt max = 4.3 ' 4 l t d

Attachment 2A

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7- -.- - - Ind. Dimension 3 ia Ind. No. 2a a i s " L-- _ kG A .74 .37 1.07 3.01 F l B .53 .27 .57 3.22 C .88 .44 .89 3.32 D .81 .41 .58 2.81 E .5 .25 .5 e.71 6.63 6.07 <; 95 6.19 F .97 .49 3.2 3.01 i s.63 G .94 .47 1.46 2.69 2 l's ;# L' f u _ g ptbl/plcodec2 _ __ site- Pt. Beach 1 }} n o , \ O, ._____ _Ex ap__# 4 R L._ _

  "**-               28 Apr 90 2F~l 2G                                               RPV-2-686-C

4 ' ATTACHME!1T 2D Pt. Beach Unit 1 April 29,1990 Indication Sizing For Outlet Nozzles "A" and "C" In 1990 three indications were preliminarily sized as rejectable in outlet nozzles "A" and "C". Two of these were in nozzle "C" and one was in nozzle "A". After a more extensive review, these three , Indications were re-sized and in some cases separated into several

indications. During this review it was determined that instead of three rejectable indications there were four, but of somewhat smaller 3 dimensions.

Nozzle "A" The rejectable indication in outlet nozzle "A" was located at a nozzle azimuth of 334.5 degrees with an amplitude of 347% DAC. This indication actually consisted of two reflectors which, when compared with Tig. IWA-3330-1 of ASME Code Section XI, 1977 edition with Addenda through the summer 1979, must be sized as one. This indication was i preliminarily sized to 50% DAC in both the length and through wall dimension which yielded a "2a" dimension of 1.07" and length ("1") of 2.42". Section V, 1977 S79 Addenda paragraph T-441.8.2 (3) (4) states that the through-wall dimension for reflectors exceeding 100% DAC shall be recorded at the 50% maximum amplitude positions. Paragraph T-4 41. 8. 2 ( 5 ) states the length dimension shall be recorded at the 50% DAC positions for each end of the reflector. Based on this information, the preliminary sizing was considered to be in error and the indication was re-sized to the proper criteria. The re-sized indication has the dimensions of u 16" for "2a" and an "1" i of 2.42". This indication exceeds the allowablo limits of Section XI 1977 Summer 79 Addenda table IWA-3512-1. Hpzzlo "C" one of the rejectable indications detected in outlet nozzle "C" was located at a nozzle azimuth of 237.3 degrees w_th an amplitude of 139% DAC. This indication was preliminarily sized by including five reflectors which were in close proximitf and determining the through-wn'1 and length dimecsions at 50% DAC. This indication as preliminarily sizad D.A 1 through-vall "2a" of 1.49" and a length "1" of 5.63". l

        "                                                                                                                Attacimwnt 2B
   ,,                                                                                                                    Page 2 Indication Sizita For Outlet Nozzles "A" and "C" Page 2 A careful review of the grouping criteria of Fig. IWA-3330-1 1977 Section XI Summer 79 Addenda indicates that these five reflectors should be sized as two indications instead of one. One of these indications consists of three reflectors with a max amplitude of 139%

DAC, and the other consists of two reflectors with an amplitude of 92% DAC. Considering that the amplitude of the larger of the indications was in excess of 100% DAC, the through-wall sizing was recalculated using the 50% maximum positions instead of 50% DAC. The=re-sized indication "1" of consists of three reflectors and has a "2a" of 0.97" and an 3.2". The indication consisting of two reflectors has a "2a" of 0.94" and an "1" of 1.46". Both indications exceed the allowable limits defined by Table IWA-3512-1. The second indication in outlot nozzle "C" preliminarily sized as rejectable was located at 304.3 degrees. This indication consisted of four reflectors grouped as one with a maximum amplitude of 255% DAC, a "2a" of 1.37" and an "1" of 6.36". Again, a revieti of the grouping criteria of fig IWA-3330-1 indicates that the four reflectors should be considered two jndications with the larger of the two containing three of the reflectors. The larger of the two indications with an-amplitude of-139% DAC was sized to the 50% maximum criteria for the through-wall dimension and 50% DAC , for the length dimensions. The dimensions of this indication are "2a"

          = 1.10" and "1" = 5.02". This indication is still exceeds the allowable limits specified in Section XI 77 S79 Addenda table IWB-3512-1.

The second indication consisting of one reflector is acceptable, s

,.                                                ATTACllME!1T 2C l


OF INDICATIONS Outlet Nozzle "A" 4 Y Ext from

Flaw Azimuth (X) 1984 1987 1990 BPV C. L. ME 45 X X X 64 7.1
60 X NOT SEEN X 67.5 9.1 102.5 X X X 67.68 9.2
  • 104 R R X 66.2 7.7 104.7 X X X 66.2 7.7 104.8 X X X 66.2 7.7 106.5 X X X 65.28 9.45 107 X X X 64 9.08 109 X X X 63.8 9.03 112.5 X X X 62.9 8.72 218 X X X 67 7.6 233 X X X 67.42 8.79 235 X X X 67.3 8.79

~ 237 X X X 67.48 7.8 329.7 X X X 67 16 8.68 , f 334.5 X X R 67.5 8.68 339.5 X X X 68.28 8.58 )

  • This indication was sized as rejectable in 1984 and 1987 but acceptable in 1990. Basis for the 1990 acceptability is a = 0.44" with c.n af t% of 4.68 and an 1 of 0.61 which yields ar. a/1 of .5 and an acceptable a/t% of 6.5. The 1984 and 1987 sizing was based on combin-ing 2 indications. The data taken in 1990 showed these to be separated sufficiently to be sized as individual indications.

i This indication is sized in 1990 as rejectable and includes the indication reported in 1984, at 339.54 Deg. The 1987 data detected the indication at 80% of DAC but had no analysis scans. R denotes Rejectable indication.


                ,,                                                                                  Attachment 2C
       ..                                                                                           Page 2 s


OF INDICA"' IONS Outlet Nozzle "C" Y Ext from . Flaw Azimuth 1984 1987 110.Q RPV C. L. BE I 211 X X X 69.01 8.0 222.5 X X X 68.06 8.19 i 236 X X X 69.02 7.82

                              %   237.3         X          X               R                    69.02                  7.82


                              &   246           X          X               X                    69.02                  7.82
                              &   249           X          X               X                    69.02                  7.82          l l
  • 304.31 X X R 68.91- 8.01
                             *0# 311            R          X               X                    68.91                  8.01
                             *# 314             X          R               X                    68.91                  8.01
                             *0 316             X          X               X                    68.91                  8.01
                             *0 319             X          X               X                   68.91                   8.01
                             *0 321.5           X          X               X                  68.91                    8.01 The detection examination in 1990 located an indication'at 304.3 deg. which includes all of these indications. The 1990 sizing of the rejectable indication includes 3 reflectors sized as 1, which are 304.31, 311, & 314 degrees.

9 In 1984 these 4 indications were sized individually. The indica-tion at 311 was sized as rejectable.

                 #           In 1987 a flaw was sized as rejectable at 314 deg which included the indication at 311 degrees. ~ The sizing was based on the two flaws being in close proximity and therefore considered one flaw.
                %            The rejectable indication in 1990 as sized includes the indica-tion found in 1987 at 236 degrees. The 236 degree indication found in 1987 was detected at 160% DAC but no analysis scans were run.
                &            These indications were sized individually in 1984.

R denotes-Rejectable Indic1tions. i

   .          ,               --        ._         -       .         .- .-             - ~ .          ~           -- .           . .

Attachmerit SC Page 3


OF IriDICATIONS Safety Injection Nozzle "A" Y Ext from Flaw Azimuth 1102 1990 RPV C. L. 1E O R X 10.80 5.75 L t 11 X X 72.28 5.89 26 R X 73.C4 6.87


40 R X 68.00 5.53

 'g                 43             X          X            58.00                                           5.53 h'                   60             X          X            73.96                                           6.87 166            X          X            70.40                                           4.67                                    '

172 X X 73.92 6.78

  • 180 >* X 73.92 6.78 L 215 X X 73.92 61 '" ,,

221 NOT SEEN X 71.04 5. 230 X 72.00 6.75 283 NOT SEEN X 6.56 4.6 NOT SEEN X 71.72 5.17 R unnotes Rejectablo indications

ATTACMIENT 2D l PT BE CH UNIT 1 RPV NOZZLE EXAMIN TlON PARAMETERS OUTLET NOZZLE A 1984 1932 0 193_0 SEARCH UNIT SIZE Detection 1.0" rd,2.25 mhz - 1.0' rd,2.25 mhz 1.0" rd,2.25 mb7 Sizing 1.0" rd,2.25 mhz - 1.0' rd,2.25 mhz. 1.0" rd,2.25 mhz SCANNING INCREMENT Detection 0.6 * 'O.7" 0.75" Sizing 0.21' 0.1 " 0.1 " SCANNING DIRECTION Detection Circumferential Circumferentici Circumferential-Sizing Axial Axial . - Axial 9UTLET NOZZLE C 1984 1987 1990 SEARCH UNIT SIZE Detection 1.0" rd,2.25 mhz 1.0' rd,2.25 mhz 1.0' rd,2.25 mhz Sizing 1.0" rd,2.25 mhz

                                          .                1.0" rd,2.25 mhz '           1.0" rd,2.25 mhz ,

SCANNING INCREMENT ' Detection 0.6' O.7 * ' O.75 ~ Sizing - 0. 21." - 0.1 " 0.1 " , SC/ NNING DIRECTION Detection Circumferential Circumferential -- Circumferential - Sizing Axial Axlal- Axial - - 1987 1990 SAFETY INJECTION NOZZLE A SEARCH UNIT SIZE

                        . Detection                        0.5' rd,2.25 mhz?           0.75" rd,2.25 mhz Sizing                        0.5' rd,2.25 mhz 0.75*. rd,2.P' inhz /1' A3' focused -

SCANNING INCREMENT l Detection  : 0.3 * ' O.2f(at w$1d cl) Sizing - 0.3"?

                                                                               - 0.25' (Cooe) / 0.05" (focused)

SCANNING DIRECTION - - Detection  : Circumferential - ' Axial

S' zing _ Circumfereatial' . Axial t
      ,                                                                                                   .    +_ -.e - .yn.,.
   .  ~   t
  • Attachment 2E Page 1 OUTLET NOZZLE RPV-2-686-A INDICATION NO. 6 i

SURFACE / EMBEDDED  ! FLAW DEM ARTATION LINE . 0.13 . . .... . a . . . _ . . . . . _ . . . . M .~ 12 lil Tiii .i:I.i :ii EVBEDDED FLAW 1 [' 9R , FLAWS WITH a . 21stsi " '"

                                                ...:  +38                          p jCONFIGUR ATION rA. . ."*
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                 *                                                                        . "J7' F p..- + -.                                                              1:p5          ..  .m'
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                 $ 0.04 "W                                    V rMWs                                95F
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                                                                                                                      .                  .    .        :n rii;            .


7. . " .~  ::7 5.. ARE ACCEPTABLE PER n f. /-

i:1!:: iiirn- :u::  : en g:: ir-i CRITERIA OF IWB 3600

h. . I. IN AS LONG AS 2a 40.25 0.02  !
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attachment 2E Page 2 OUTLET NOZZLC RPV-2-686 C INDICATION NO. 2 s SURFACE / EMBEDDED ,. FLAW DEM AR CATION LINE , . 0.13 . .__. . . _ . . . . . _ . _ . _ i: lie-liii :M

                                                               ' id!                  -
ii EMSEDDED FLAW EUI i:f2" ":f:

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                                             ." g w~ ' ' 3.-.,
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12 [ 2G(gVe, gg) 4 iipe. .:ifa.isyf!:i mim: .= t.- :in i- i :ifi i  % ALL EMBEDDED FLAWS

                                                                                                                                     -i Z 0.04                   -                     -
                                                                                                                                                    =e";. . .
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                              .T : " .               :)p~/"".  .
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7' Ti .. . ' ' ARE ACCEPTABLE PER m:li:i ";/n. . /'^ . e iiirin :1!!hi : = O.03 .-.

c. ::ui fi:f!"F CRITERIA OF IWB 3600
                            = . . . .yif-
                                                                                      =ja                 rv 4                        "".:a :            upn        .u       . . .              .

AS LONG AS .2af,0.2$

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                            . . . .=iff                                .           e si2js            i.   .             q                _
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  . o   *t' *
        ..                                                                                                                                                                                          Attachment 2E
 .'                                                                                                                                                                                                 Page 3

SURFACE / EMBEDDED FLAW DEM ARCATION LINE . 0.13 . .... . . . . u...._. . . ._, iEilii.U.iii N

                                                             'iid.1                     !i- EMBEDDED FLAW .*[                                                     D. .~". "=


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                           .. ..;..=

fay:.. : uy. . :=:'.:,. -. . . .u- :-.g ...: .

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                                                                       .:-   25 .1.         .
                                                                                                                .li                               a      ,

0 F!* ....r qn-p 0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 DISTANCE FROM SURFACE (f ? Figure A-7.3 Evaluation Chart for Outlet Nozzle to Shell Weld (Orientation No.1) X Inside Surface Surface Flaw X Longitudinal Flaw X Outside Surface X Embedded Flaw _X_ Circumferential Flaw me m.cano A-57

                                                                                                                                                                                                     .-     -     - - . -}}