IR 05000002/2009002

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IR 05000002-09-002 on 03/24/09 and 06/01/09 - 06/02/09 for Univ of Michigan - Ford Nuclear Reactor
Person / Time
Site: University of Michigan
Issue date: 06/19/2009
From: Christine Lipa
To: Alexander T
University of Michigan
Download: ML091730675 (7)


une 19, 2009



Dear Mr. Alexander:

On June 2, 2009, the NRC completed inspection activities at the Ford Nuclear Reactor. The purpose of the inspection was to determine whether the decommissioning activities were conducted safely and in accordance with NRC requirements. Specifically, during an onsite inspection on March 24, 2009, the inspectors evaluated decommissioning performance and performed confirmatory soil and concrete sampling with evaluation by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE). At the conclusion of the on-site inspection on March 24, 2009, the inspector discussed the inspection findings with the Reactor Manager.

A final report from ORISE of the results of the soil sample analysis was provided to the NRC on June 1, 2009.

This inspection consisted of an examination of decommissioning activities at the Ford Nuclear Reactor as they relate to safety and compliance with the Commissions rules and regulations.

Areas examined during the inspection are identified in the enclosed report. Within these areas, the inspection consisted of a selective examination of procedures and representative records, and interviews with personnel.

Based on the results of this inspection, the NRC did not identify any violations.

In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter and its enclosure will be available electronically in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). The NRCs document system is accessible from the NRC Web site at We will gladly discuss any questions you may have regarding this inspection.



Christine A. Lipa, Chief Materials Control, ISFSI, and Decommissioning Branch Docket No.: 50-002 License No.: R-28


Inspection Report 05000002/09-02


Docket No. 05000002 License No. R-28 Report No. 05000002/09-02 Licensee: University of Michigan Facility: Ford Nuclear Reactor Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan Dates: March 24, 2009 June 1 - June 2, 2009 (In-Office Review)

Inspector: William G. Snell, Senior Health Physicist Jeremy Tapp, Health Physicist Approved by: Christine A. Lipa, Chief Materials Control, ISFSI, and Decommissioning Branch Enclosure

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY University of Michigan - Ford Nuclear Reactor NRC Inspection Report 05000002/2009002 This routine decommissioning inspection included a review of the licensees current performance related to decommissioning activities and soil and concrete sampling activities.

Research and Test Reactor Decommissioning The inspectors determined that the licensee was making good progress towards completing decontamination and dismantlement activities. No radiological concerns were identified during observation of work in progress. In addition, confirmatory soil and concrete sampling have validated the adequacy and accuracy of the licensees procedures and analytical results.

2 Enclosure

Report Details1 1.0 Research and Test Reactor Decommissioning (69013)

1.1 Inspection Scope The inspectors observed current work activities and performed confirmatory soil and concrete sampling to determine the adequacy and accuracy of the licensees procedures and analytical results.

1.2 Observations and Findings The inspectors observed the licensees activities involving the removal of the storage ports, specifically Storage Port No. 1, and associated vent lines. There were 50 storage ports that extended about 14 feet into the soil outside the buildings foundation, with the ends encased in a buried concrete wall. There were 12 main vent lines that split off to attach to each of the 50 storage ports. The vent lines and storage ports have been excavated for disposal. The licensee cut the vent lines and ports at the concrete walls, and then over-bored the piping to remove it from the concrete. The piping will be shipped as radwaste and the area will be backfilled to grade.

Observations of the storage port work determined that work areas were adequately established to ensure worker safety and the control of radioactive material, areas were roped off and labeled as appropriate, and personal protective clothing was adequate.

The licensee used Storage Port No. 1 to store two large plutonium-beryllium (PuBe)

sources from approximately 1970 to 2003 when they were taken out and relocated external to the reactor building in preparation for decommissioning activities. During storage port characterization surveys, the licensee found elevated gamma measurements towards the end of Storage Port No. 1. These readings correlated with the location where the PuBe sources were stored, which resulted in the activation of the surrounding material. Due to the increased gamma measurements in this area, the inspectors collected two soil samples, one of the area directly below Storage Port No. 1, and one behind the concrete wall that the end of Storage Port No. 1 was encased in.

The inspectors also took a confirmatory concrete sample of that same wall. All three samples were provided to the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE)

for evaluation by gamma spectroscopy for Fe-55 and Co-60. ORISE completed their analysis of the soil samples and provided the NRC with the results in the document, Letter Report for Analytical Results for Two Soil Samples and One Concrete Sample from the Ford Reactor at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, dated June 1, 2009 (ML091550595). The results showed that the concentration of each radionuclide of concern was below their respective derived concentration guideline level (DCGL) and in agreement with the licensees results.

1.3 Conclusion The inspectors determined that the licensee was effectively completing decontamination and dismantlement activities. No radiological concerns were identified during

A List of acronyms used in the report is included at the end of the Report Details.

3 Enclosure

observation of work in progress. Confirmatory soil and concrete sampling have validated the adequacy and accuracy of the licensees procedures and analytical results.

2.0 Exit Meeting Summary The inspectors presented the inspection results to licensee management at the conclusion of the onsite inspection on March 23, 2009. A follow-up telephone exit was conducted with the Reactor Manager on June 2, 2009, following the review of the ORISE Final Report. The licensee acknowledged the findings presented.



  • C. Becker, Decommissioning Reactor Manager
  • Indicates presence at the exit meeting held on June 2, 2009.

INSPECTION PROCEDURES USED IP 69013 Research and Test Reactor Decommissioning ITEMS OPENED, CLOSED, AND DISCUSSED Opened None Closed None Discussed None LIST OF ACRONYMS USED DCGL Derived Concentration Guideline Level DNMS Division of Nuclear Material Safety NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission ORISE Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education PuBe plutonium-beryllium DOCUMENTS REVIEWED Documents used during the inspection were specifically identified in the Report Details, above.
