IR 05000002/1987001

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Exam Rept 50-002/87-01OL on 870414.Exam Results:Both Candidates Passed.Exams & Answer Keys Encl
Person / Time
Site: University of Michigan
Issue date: 05/04/1987
From: Burdick T, Hare E, Ridgway K
Shared Package
ML20215K360 List:
50-002-87-01OL, 50-2-87-1OL, NUDOCS 8705110170
Download: ML20215K367 (47)



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Report No. 50-002/0LS-87-01(DRS)

, Docket No.50-002 License No. R-28 Licensee: University of Michigan Phoenix Memorial Laboratory Ann Arbor, MI 48105 Facility Name: Ford Nuclear Reactor Examination Administered At: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Examination Conducted: April 14, 1987

' d-M Examiners: E. re bN


$w Date 4'-27 Approved By .u[ic, ief 3 Operating Licensing Section Date Examination Summary Examination administered on April 14, 1987 (Report Nos. 50-002/0LS-87-01(DRS)

to one reactor operator retake and one senior reactor operator upgrad Results: Both candidates passe l l

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8705110170 PDR 870505 ADOCK 05000002 PDR

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REPORT DETAILS 1. Examiners E. A. Hare

  • K. R. Ridgway
  • Chief Examiner-2. Examination Review Meeting Refer to the Attachmen . Exit Meeting On April 14, 1987, at the conclusion of the examinations, a meeting was held to discuss generic findings made during the course of'the examinations. The following personnel attended the meeting:

Facility Representatives: R. Burn, Reactor Manager G. Cook, Assistant Reactor Manager NRC Representatives: E. Hare K. Ridgway


The items discussed during this meeting are listed in the following paragraph The examiner noted that the general condition of the facility appeared to be uncluttered and nea The examiner noted that all the material previously requested by the examiners during the October 10, 1986 examinations was receive A controlled copy of the Administrative procedure were obtained from the.NRC III Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards Inspector in charge of the Ford facilit The examiner noted that the candidates were cooperative with the examiners.


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ATTACHMENT Examination Review Meeting An examination review meeting is no longer conducted. The specific facility comments, followed by the NRC response, are contained in the following paragraph Facility Comment: In Section L, three questions (L.01, L.02, and L.05)

were taken directly from supplementary material that we provided at your request. We do not require our operators to memorize that material in our training program. The material was labelled as supplementar A statement was made on the binder cover and within the binder that operators require open access to the material when answering written questions about i We request that Questions L.01, L.02, and L.05 be deleted from the examinatio NRC Response: Disagre The questions are valid and will not be deleted. These questions fall under the scope of what the operator must know per 10 CFR 55.21(j).

All material marked as supplementary falls under the scope of written examination as outlined in 10 CFR 55 and will be covered in future examinations at the examiners discretion.


Licensee comment from letter dated February 24,.1987, pertaining to the reactor operator test administered October 10, 198 Question A.09 (2.00)

Explain why the Doppler coefficient is an important factor in reactor stabilit Answer A.09 (2.00)

As power increases fuel temperature increases, resulting in increased thermal agitation of the fuel atoms. (0.5) Most fuel atoms are U238, which has large resonance absorption peaks. (0.5) The increased thermal- motion of the U238 as power increases causes more neutrons over a range of energies to have the proper energy for resonance absorption. (0.5) Therefore, as power increases more neutrons are absorbed parasitically by the U238, reducing the core's reactivity (0.5).


Facility Comment: The appropriate answer to the question as written should be something similar to:

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Attachmen "As reactor power increases in a transient,' fuel temperature increases. Negative Doppler coefficient-4- acts to rapidly insert negative reactivity as power increases, thus tending to decrease power, and reduce the magnitude of the transient."

And the key answer-would more appropriately seem to answer.the question:

" Describe the negative Doppler. coefficient."

NRC Response: Agre Both answers are acceptable for full credi Reference licensee material' supports both answers and will be taken into account in the future. A review of the candidates' tests showed that this question would not change their results in the October 10, 1986 examination.




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REACTOR TYPE: _IEEI____________________

DATE ADMINISTERED: _@Zfg!fif________________

EXAMINER: _RIgGWAY g _K._____________

CANDIDATE: _________________________

IN@IBUCIlgN@_Ig_C@NDig@lEl Use separate paper for the answers. Write answers on one side onl Stcple question sheet on top of the answer sheet Points for each quastion are indicated in parentheses after the Examination The passing question. papers grcde requires at least 70% in each categor will bo picked up one (1) hour after the examination start % OF CATEGORY % OF CANDIDATE'S CATEGORY

__YebgE_ _Igl@6 ___@CQ8E___ _y@LgE__ ______________C@IEGQBy_____________


_19199__ 199199 ___________

________% Totals

_19199__ ___________

Final Grade


All work done on this examination is my ow I have neither given nor received ai ___________________________________

Candidate's Signature



. NRC RULES AND GUIDELINES FOR LICENSE EXAMINATIDNS Ouring the administration of this examination the f ollowing rules apply of your application Chcating on the examination means an automatic denial cnd could result in more severe penaltie : R2stroom trips are to be limited and only one candidate at a time may 1 cav You must avoid all contacts with anyone outside the examination room to avoid even the appearance or possibility of cheatin . Use black ink er dark pencil gnly to facilitate legible reproduction the Print your name in the blank provided on the cover sheet of examinatio . Fill in the date on the cover sheet of the examination (if necessary). Une only the paper provided for answer . Print your name in the upper right-hand corner of the first page of each caction of the answer shee I Consecuti vel y number each answer sheet, write "End of Category __" as cppropriate, start each category on a ngw page, write gnly gn gne side of the paper, and write "Last Page" on the last answer shee I

Number each answer as to category and number, for example, 1.4, j :

10. Skip at least threg lines between each answe I 11. S3parate answer sheets from pad and place finished answer sheets face ,

down on your desk or tabl . Uze abbreviations only if they are commonly used in facility litetatur . The point value f or each question is indicated in parentheses after the question and can be used as a guide for the depth of answer require .' Show all calculations, methods, or assumptions used to obtain an answer to mathematical problems whether indicated in the question or no l

15. Partial credit may be given. Therefore, ANSWER ALL PARTS OF THE QUESTION AND DD NOT LEAVE ANY ANSWER BLAN . If parts of the examination are not clear as to intent, ask questions of the examinet onl . Yaa must sign the statement on the cover sheet that indicates that the work is your own and you have not received or been given assistance in completing the examination. This must be done after the examination has been completed.



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10. Wh n you complete your examination, you shalla Assemble your examination as follows:

(1) Exam questions on to (2) Exam aids - figures, tables, et (3) Answer pages including figures which are part of the answe Turn in your copy of the examination and all pages used to answer the examination question Turn in all scrap paper and the balance of the paper that you did not use f or answering the question Leave the examination area, as defined by the examiner. Ifisafter still l eavi ng , you are f ound in this area while the examination in progress, your license may be denied or revoke .

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QUESTION A.01 (1.00)

is 100 watts and increasing on a 30 second perio How long Racetor power will it take for the reactor power to reach 500 kilowatts?

(N2glect heating effects.) Show your wor (1.0)

QUESTION A.02 (2,00) Explain what the difference is between k-infinite and k-effectiv (1.0) K-effective of a reactor is given as 1.0795 delta k/ What k-excess does the reactor have? (0.5) What reactivity is associated with this k-effective? (0.5)

QUESTION A.03 (1.50) What is the purpose of the " moderator" in the reactor? (1.0) Indicate wh'ich one of the following is considered an important (0.5)

aspect of a good moderato (1) low mass number (2) large scattering cross section (3) small scattering cross section


DUESTION A.04 (2.00)

What effect does a moderator temperature increase have on the following? Explain each, Core Reactivity (1.0) *

(1.0) Control Rod Worth QUESTION A.05 (2.00)

Criefly explain the dif f erences betweens Fast and prompt neutron (1.0) Sl ow and delayed neutrons. (1.0)






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PAGE 3 B __EBINQ1P6ES_QE_SE991gB_ggE6811gN


QUESTION A.06 (2.50)

Xcnon is the major fission product poison in your reacto (3.0) How is it produced? (Include pertinent half-lives)

(Include pertinent half-lives) (1.0) How is it removed? (0.5) Why does xenon reactivity ps4.x after a trip from high power?

QUESTION A.07 (2.50) Describe the Doppler ef f ec (1.5) Explain why the Doppler coefficient is an important f actor in reactor stabilit (1.0)

QUESTION A.08 (2.00)

An irradiated sample removed from the reactor reads 20 Rem /h Fifteen hours later it reads 10 Rem /hr. Show your wor What is the materials half-life? (1.0) How long will it take to decay to 100 mrem /hr? (1.0)



(***** END OF CATEGORY A *****)

(************* END OF EXAMINATION ***************)

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Cycle efficiency = (metwork f = ma e = s/t .


est)/(Energyto) f

! ,  ;

w = og s = V ,t + 1/2 at 2 r  ;

E = sc EE = 1/2 ov I

a=(Vf-V,)/t A = &n A= [ ,

PE = ogh a = sn2/tg g = 0.893/t1/2 i Vf = V, + at w = e/t t ifg eff = ':(tu,1(tm ll l

,', , ,,. A=

, ,2





aE = 931 am e = V,yAo g , gg , -h

. .

Q = aCpat 6 = UAAT I = I ,e l

Pwr = M fah I = I, # j TVL = 1.3/u i I

P = P 10sur(t)

HVL = -0.693/u p = p et/T o

SUR = 26.06/T SG = 5/(1 - Kgg)

CR , = 5/(1 - Kdfx)

SUR = 26s/t= + (s - a)T CRj (1 - Kdf1) = CR2 II ~ Ieff2)

T = (**/s) + [(s - ey Io] M = 1/(1 - Kgf)=CR/G, j .

T = a/(e - s) ,

M = (1 - Kgf,)/(1-Kgfj)

T = (s - e)/(Is) ,

SDM = (1 - Kgf)/Kdf .

e = (Kgf-1)/Kgf = aKgf/Kgf s= = 10"4 seconds l I = 0.1 seconds-I l e=((t*/(TKgf)] + [sgf (1 / + IT)]- l


Id 18 Idi i j=2 .2gd2 P = (s4V)/(3 x 1010) 22 2 x = eN R/hr = (0.5 CE)/d (seters)

R/hr = 5 CE/d2 (feet) ,

Water Paraneters ,

Miscellaneous Conversions 1 gal. = 8.345 le curie = 3.7 x 10 10dps 1 gal. = 3.78 liters 1 kg = 2.21 Ita 1 ft- = 7.48 ga I hp = 2.54 a 103 Stu/hr Density = 52.4 lbs/ft3 1 sw = 3.41 x 106 Stu/hr Density = 1 ge/cd lin = 2.54 cm Heat of vaporization = 970 Stu/lem *F = 9/5'c + 32 Heat of fusion = 1.u 8tu/lem 'C = 5/9 (*F-32)

1 Atm = 14.7 psi = 29.9 in. H BTU = 778 ft-lbf I ft. H O 2

= 0.4335 Itf/i }

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500,000= 1008 ex p ( t /30)

In 5000=t/30 t=30*B.5=255 seconds = 4.25 minutes (1.0)

REFERENCE Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, Chapter 4 ANSWER A.02 (2.00) K-infinite is the multiplication constant for a theoretical reactor with zero leakag K-effective takes into account neutrons lost due to slow and fast leakage (k-eff = k-inf *

slow and fast non-leakage probability.) (1.0) k-excess = k-effective-1 = 1.0795-1 = 0.0795 delta k (0.5) Reactivity = (k-effective-1)/k-effective = (1.0795-1)/1.0795 =

0.0736 delta k/k (0.5)

REFERENCE Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, Chapter 6


ANSWER A.03 (1.50) Neutrons of low energy have the highest probability of causing fission in the fuel. Most neutrons are born at high energy The moderator reduces the neutron energy leve (1.0)

l evel (1) low mass number (0.5)

REFERENCE Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, Chapter 3 i

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Core reactivity is decrease (0.5) The temperature increase causes a density decrease in the moderato There is less moderation and more neutron leakage which is a negative reactivity effec (0.5) Control rod worth As moderation is increase (0.5)

decreased and the probability of leakage into a control rod increases, the effectiveness of the control rods increase (0.5)

REFERENCE Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, Chapter 6 ANSWER A.05 (2.00) Fast neutrons refer to those at high energy level (0.5)

Prompt neutrons refer to those released at the time of f i ssi on .

(0.5) Slow neutrons are neutrons at low energy level (0.5)

Delayed neutrons are those which appear at some time (O.5)

after the f i ssi on e"ent due to fission product deca REFERENCE Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, Chapters 2 and 3 ,

ANSWER A.06 (2.50)

Directl y f rom fissio (0.25) From beta decay of fission products Tellurium 135 decays to iodine 135 and tellurium 13 (0.375)

iodine 135 (19 seconds half-life) which then decays to xenon 135 (6.7 hour8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br /> half-life). (0.375)

Burnout by neutron absorptio (0.333) Beta decay to cesium 135 (0.333) with a 9.2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> half-life. (0.333) Iodine has a shorter half-life than xenon, so initially after a trip, xenon will build up because the only removal mechanism remaining is xenon deca (0.5)

(Exact half-life not required, must be within 20% of actual half-life.)

i j


Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, Chapter 8 l

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PAGE 6 e __EBINg}ELES_gE_BEggIgB_gEEBSIlgN-97/04/14-RIDGWAY, ANSWERS -- UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANSWER A.07 (2.50) As a nucleus increases in temperature, it becomes thermally agitate (0.5) The thermal motion of the nucleus causes neutrons over a range of energies (and velocities) to have the desired relative energy (0.5)

for absorption by the nucleu (0.5$ As fuel temperature increases, (0.5) reactivity decreases (0.5).

REFERENCE Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, Chapter 6 ANSWER A.OB (2.00)

N=Not ex p (-1 t > ], LT2 = 0.693 where T2 = hal f-li f e (0.75) = 20Cexp(-0.693(15)/T2)]

T2 = (0.693) (15)/In (10/20) (0.25)

T2 = 14.99 hr = 20,000 Cexp(0.693(t)/14.993 (0.75) t = 14.99 in (100/20,000)(-0.693)


t = 114.6 hr REFERENCE Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, Chapter 2


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.________ ______ __________

A.01 1.00 ~ RRKOOOO364 A.02 2.00 RRKOOOO365 A.03 1.50 RRKOOOO366 A.04 2.00 RRKOOOO367


A.05 2.00 RRKOOOO368 A.06 2.50 RRKOOOO369 A.07 2.50 RRKOOOO370 A.08 2.00 RRKOOOO371








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DATE ADMINISTERED _@ZZ93/13________________ i l

EXAMINER: _HARgz_@z________________

CANDIDATE: _________________________

IN@IBUgIlgNS_Ig_g@Ngig@IEi U32 separate paper for the answer Write answers on one side onl Stcple question sheet on top of the answer sheet Points for each qu2ction are indicated in parentheses after the questio The passing grcde requires at least 70% in each categor Examination papers will be picked up six (6) hours after the examination start % OF


__YBLUE_ _Igl@L ___SggBE___ _y@LUE__ ______________g@lEGgBy_____________

_12:ZD__ _12t?@ ___________ ________ REACTOR THEORY


_21z99__ _21z99 ___________ ________ SPECIFIC OPERATING ,


_29199__ _29t@9 ___________ ________ FUEL HANDLING AND CORE PARAMETERS


_12 D9__ _12.D9 ___________

CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS 199z99__ ___________ ________% Totals Final Grade All work done on this examination is my ow I have neither given nor received ai _____________- _________ _


Candidate's Signature l




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During the administratien of this examination the following rules apply Cheating on the examination means an automatic denial of your application cnd could result in more severe penalties.

. Rastroom trips are to be limited and only one candidate at a time may i laav You must avoid all contacts with anyone outside the examination i room to avoid even the appearance or possibility of cheatin . Use black ink or dark pencil gnly to f acilitate legible reprodection . Print your name in the blank provided on the cover sheet of the axaminatio . Fill in the date on the cover sheet of the examination (i f necessary) . Use only the paper provi ded f or answer . Print your name in the upper right-hand corner of the first page of each l szetion of the answer shee ; Consecutively number each answer sheet, write "End of Category __" as appropriate, start each category on a new page, write gnly gn gng side of the paper, and write "Last Page" on the last answer shee l


1.4, Number each answer as to category and number, for example, i i 10. Skip at least three lines between each answe ,


r 11. S2parate answer sheets from pad and place finished answer sheets face ,

down on your desk or tabl . Use abbreviations only if they are commonly used in f acility literatur . The point value for each question is indicated in parentheses after the question and can be used as a guide for the depth of answer require . Show all calculations, methods, or assumptions used to obtain an answer to mathematical problems whether indicated in the question or no . Partial credit may be give Therefore, ANSWER ALL PARTS OF THE QUESTION AND DD NDT LEAVE ANY ANSWER BLAN I 16. If parts of the examination are not clear as to intent, ask questions of ;

the examiner onl l f

1 You must sign the statement on the cover sheet that indicates that the work is your own and you have not received or been given assistance in completing the examination. This must be done after the examination has


been complete l

__ _- _ ___ _ - _ _






.10. Wh n you complete your examination, you shall f Assemble your examination as follows: l J

(1) Exam questions on to ,

(2) Exam aids - figures, tables, et (3) Answer pages including figures which are part of the answe I Turn in your copy of the examination and all pages used to answer the examination question Turn in all scrap paper and the balance of the paper that you did not use f or answering the question d. Leave the examination area, as defined by the examiner. If after l eavi ng , you are found in this area while the examination is still in progress, your license may be denied or revoke .

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PAGE 2 t!:.__BE9cIg_ItgOgY


QUESTION H.01 (3.00)

Briefly explain the dif f erence betweens Fast and prompt neutrons (1.0) Slow and delayed neutrons (1.0) Activity and' reactivity (1.0)

GUESTION H.02 (2.00)

What effect does a moderator temperature increase have ons Core reactivity (1.0) Control rod worth (1.0)

Explain your answe '

QUESTION H.03 (2.00)

i Doms the value of Beta-effective change during the FNR core life? 7


Explai (2.0)

QUESTION H.04 ( .75)

How much excess reactivity is permitted by the Technical Specifications?


(.75) .

l l

l QUESTION H.05 (2.00) A step insertion of a small amount of positive reactivity isDescribe made to a reactor while critical in the very low power range.


the changes in neutron flux after the reactivity additio (Neglect heating effects.) (1.0) Describe the changes in neutron flux following a reactor scram f rom f ull power operatio (1.0)

4 GUESTION H.06 (1.50) What is the purpose of the " moderator" in the reactor? (1.0) 1 Indicate which one of the f ollowing is considered an important .



< aspect of a good moderato (1) Low mass number l


(2) Large absorption cross-section l

(3) Small scattering-cross-section




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QUESTION H.07 (2.00)

Indicate whether each of the following statements concerning fission (If FALSE, explain why it is prcduct poisons are TRUE or FALS Folce.) (2.0) The equilibrium xenon concentration increases with increasing power level while the equilibrium samarium concentration significantly decreases with increasing power leve A reactor startup several days after a scram from extended high power operation is considered xenon and samarium free.


QUESTION H.08 (3.00) What is the major fission product poison in your reactor? (1.0)

(1.0) How is it produced? (Include pertinent half-life.)

(Include pertinent half-life.) (1.0) How is it removed?

QUESTION H.09 (1.50)


Indicate whether the f ollowing statements are TRUE or FALS If they are FALSE, briefly indicate wh The delayed neutron fraction is greater at BOL than at f EO (.75) ' ' When determining reactor period, the delayed neutron term may be considered insignificant if reactivity added is less than beta and the prompt term may be considered insignificant when the reactivity added is greater than or equal to beta. (.75)

QUESTION H.10 (2.00) Explain what the dif f erence is between k-infinite and k-effectiv (1.0) K-effective of a reactor is given as 1.0795 delta k/ What k-excess does the reactor have? (0.5) What reactivity is associated with this k-effective? (0.5)

(***** END OF CATEGORY H *****)

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PAGE 4 1___RQQlg6CllVE_g@lEBl@bS_0@ND61NG_DISPgS@L_@NQ_dgggggg


QUESTION 1.01 (2.00)

Ancwer the f ollowing in accordance with 10 CFR 2 What three conditions must be satisfied to permit whole body radiation exposure in excess of 1.25 rems per quarter? (1.5) What is the legal limit for skin exposure to individuals less than 18 years of age? (0.5)

QUESTION I.02 (1.50)

A material decays at a rate of 35 percent per day, what is its hal f-li f e? (1.0)

QUESTION I.03 (3.75)

Radioactive isotopes that are common from the operation of a research recctor are N-16, A-41 and, H- (3.75) For each of the above, give the source, where it would be found, and the half-lif (.25 each, total 2.25) What, if any, precautions or design attributes are taken to reduce the effect of these isotopes at Ford Nuclear Reactor?

(0.5 each, total 1.5)


QUESTION I.04 (1.50)

Fill inReactor the blanks with the radiation level:

electromagnet assemblies and ion chamber assemblies may be removed from the pool and placed in appropriate holders on theiswest side of the pool provided that the maximum contact dose rate less than _________.

, Sample irradiation containers may be removed from the pool for loading of samples provided that the maximum contact dose rate is less than ________ . Handling tools may be removed f rom the pool provided that the l maximum contact dose rate is less than _________ QUESTION I.05 (2.00)

Explain the bases behind limiting the tritium content in the heavy water in the reflector tank to 50 curie *


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PE 5 1:__RegigeCIIVE_DeIEB196s_UOU961Ng_giggge6_eN9_U9ISB99


GUESTIDN 1.06 (1.00)

WhGt are the staff exposure guidelines instituted at your facility for weskly whole body dose and weekly dose to the hand QUESTION I.07 (2.00)

100 rem depend on whether it is a neutron


Does the biological effect of or gamma done? Explai QUESTION I.OB (2.50)

D2 fine or explain the f ollowings (0.5) Dose (0.5) Contamination (0.5) Rad Resolving Time (Dead time) (0.5) Half Thickness (Half Value Layer) (0.5) t QUESTION I.09 (2.00)

What four pieces of equipment will automatically close

' when the radiation level in the building ventilation .

Oxhaust duct is 1 mrem / hour or more?

QUESTION I.10 (1.00)

Place the f ollowing in the proper order f or removing protective clothing when preparing to exit a controlled are . Remove gloves Conduct careful survey of entire body Remove coveralls and hood Exit the controlled area Remove shoe covers (***** END OF CATEGORY I *****)

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PAGE 6 Jc__EEEg1EJg_QEEBSIJNg_gdgB99]EB15I19S l

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QUESTION J.01 (4.00)

Define what constitutes Class I system (1.0) (1.5)

' State five of the six systems classified as Class I system What additional systems must be in operation f or the reactor j to be made critical? (1.5) l l

QUESTION J.02 (2.50) What is the purpose of the water treatment system? (1.0) What type of chemicals are used and what do these chemicals affect?


l l

QUESTION J.03 (2.00)

l Radiation streaming around beamport plugs can be a problem at a research rocctor. How is this problem alleviated at the FNR?


QUESTION J.04 (3.00)

l Sketch a plan view of the reactor, showing the following: Fuel positions

, Source location Nuclear Instrument locations Saf ety and Regulating Rod positions (3.0)

QUESTION J.05 (2.00)

List 5 uses of the reactor air system at the FN (2.0)

QUESTION J.06 (1.00)

What is the general purpose of the pool's water lock system? (1.0)

QUESTION J.07 (2.00)

Where and why do we reset the circuit breaker to the main exhaust fan ofter an electrical power interruption? (2.0)


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l PAGE 7 '

J __[EEg1Elg_ggEB811!!@_9tfDB991ESIDIlgg


i GUESTION J.OB (1.00)

Why isn't compressed air used instead of nitrogen gas to the shim safety rod magnet mechanism (1.0)

QUESTION J.09 (2.50) List 3 ways makeup water can be added to the primary coolant syste (1.5) List 2 ways makeup water can be added to the secondary coolant syste (1.0)

DUESTION J.10 (1.00)

What is the plant's response if the butterfly valve located at the Why?

entrance of the holdup tank is moved from the f ully open positio (1.0)



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(***** END OF CATEGORY J *****)



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GUESTIDN K.01 (1.50)


How does flooding or draining of beam port af f ect the reactor through ' the recctor instrumentation channels?

, QUESTION K.02 (2.00)


Thcre are two potential hazards / effects that could be caused by sudden

unplanned movement of the bridge. Name them.



GUESTION K.03 '(3.00)

i What is the purpose of the holddown mechanism f or the control fuel elements during reactor operation? (1.0) What would happen if the mechanisms were not installed and how could this effect core reactivity? (2.0)


DUESTION K.04 (1.00)


What is the difference between a control rod fuel element and 'a standard ..

fuel element?


? .


QUESTION K.05 (2.00)

i j List two requirements in your technical specifications which apply to fuel j ctorage at your facility.



., QUESTION K.06 (1.50)

i f

What type of temporary storage condition can exist while transferring


unirradiated fuel between the vault and the reactor pool?

I l



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PAGE 9 L.__EWEL_19HD61?g,gNQ_QQB[_P989t![IEBE


DUESTIDN K.07 (2.50)

(0.5 pts each)

State the setpoints f or the f ollowing scrams.

' High Power /No water flow (> 100 Kw) Period Safety Level Safety Building exhaust radiation level Fu'el Vault Criticality detector GUESTIDN K.OB (1.50)

True or Fals Fuel elements can be laid down on the convex plate sid All movements of fuel will be documented in the Fuel Logbook or on the status board mounted on the pool floor, In an emergency, the Lead Operator may authorize the removal of core fuel to the pool storage rac QUESTION K.09 (2.00) List the three scram interlocks which can be bypassed using Procedure DP-111, Defeating Reactor Interlock Scrams. (1.0) What three people can direct the bypassing of any scram interlock?



QUESTION K.10 (1.50)

State th-ee reasons for the FNR operators to want an up-to-date

i calibration of the shim saf ety rods of the reactor.

  • /

QUESTION K.11 (2.00) What does the rod release time measurements determine?

(1.5) If'a magnet current setting is too high, how will this affect release time? (0.5)


. (***** END OF CATEGORY K *****)

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. .-

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1 8 PAGE 10 k __e951NisIgeIlyE_PBQGE9WBES t _ggNgillgNg,'gNg_L151IeI19NE


4 DUESTION L.01 f1.50)


! ,

severity, least Liot three emergency classes f or your f acility in order of

, covere firs ,



QUEST!DN L.02 (1.00)

You You are the Lead Dperator when a reactor emergency has been declare For a general conume the responsibilities of Emergency Directo notification, what two people must you notify? (1.0)


QUESTION L.03 (3.50) Why do the Tech Specs have saf ety limits and limiting saf ety system settings? (2.0) List the values of the safety limits in the Natural Convection Mode for the following: (1.5) Reactor Thermal Power Reactor Coolant Inlet Temperature Height of Water Above the Top of the Core L

i QUESTION L.04 (2.00)

' What is the minimum staffing requirement during reactor operation?

(1.0) When is a Senior Reactor Operator required to be either on call or at the f acility? (1.0)

QUESTION L.05 (2.00) A volunteer may be ,tuthorized to receive up to __________ Rem (0.5)

t o save a li f e and up to ___________ Rem (0.5) to isolate equipment.

List the two personnel selection considerations f or emergency exposure volunteer (1.0)

QUESTION L.06 (1.00)

Pcr OP-f04, Reactor' Operations, if circumstances prevent chronological cntries, how will a late entry be recorded?



__ . _ . . . _ _._ _ . - , , _ _ _ . . , _ _ - . _ _ _ _ __ _.__.- -

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PAGE 11 6 __BgDINISIBellyE_PgggEgg8Egi_gggg111ggs_ egg _6151IeIlges l

l i


GUESTIDN L.07 (2.50)

For the f ollowing plant conditions, state the correct operator actio Choices are scram reactor, insert all rods, or maintain power. (0.5 each) Malf unction of Auto-Dundown circuit Inability to control shim-safety rods Loss of shim rod magnet contact light j i Loss of linear level channel Blockage of greater than 10% of fuel element flow area l l

l l

QUESTION L.OB (2.00) i If a " duress" alarm is received at the control room, what would be the l duties of the operator? (2.0)

(2.00) )


What is the on-shift lead reactor operator's responsiblity for the initial londing of an experiment? (2.0)

i l

l QUESTION L.10 (7.00)

l What requirements apply to the transfer of radioactive experiments: , Within the facility? (1.0) To the other areas of the University? (1.0) l I



I (***** END OF CATEGORY L *****)

(************* END OF EXAMINATION ***************) l

_ _ _ _





- -




Cycle efficiency = (metwork j f = es v = s/t ~



I out)/(Energyta)

2 ,

w = og s = V ,t + 1/2 at E=d A = na i

A = h* *

KE = 1/2 av a=(Vf - V,)/t 9E = egh w = e/t & = anZ/tgg = 0.6g3/t1/2 Vf = V, + at t



W = w aP- a0 i,

' A" , [(*1/2I * I*tI3 l

  • f aE = 931 mm "*Y avA8 -h I=Ie g
  • ~

Q = aCpat ~

6=UAaT I = I ge "*

Pwr = Wfah I = I,10-*E TVL = 1.3/u


sur(t) HYL = -0.693/u P = P,10 t

P = P,e /T


SUR = 26.06/T SCR = 5/(1 - K,ff)

CR, = S/(1 - K,ffx)

SUR = 26s/t* + (s - s)T CR j (1 - K,ffj) = G 2(I ~ Eeff2)

T = (1*/s) + [(s - eVIe3 M = 1/(1 - K,ff) = CR j/CR, .

T = s/(o - s) ,

M = (1 - K ,ff,)/(1 - K ,ffj)

T = (s - e)/(Is) SDM = (1 - K ,ff)/K ,ff F = 10# seconds a = (K ,ff-1)/K ,ff = aK ,ff/K,ff I = 0.1 seconds'I L s = [(s*/(T K,ff)] + [a,ff/(1 + IT)]-

td I i

Idii=2=2k jj Id g2 P = (34V)/(3 x 1010) 2 z = eN R/hr = (0.5 CE)/d (meters)

R/hr = 6 CE/d2 (feet) ,

Water Parameters .

Miscellaneous Conversions 1 gal. = 8.345 le curie = 3.7 x 10 10dps 1 gal. = 3.78 liters 1 kg = 2.21 Its '

1 ft" = 7.48 ga I hp = 2.54 x 103 Stu/hr Density = 62.4 lbg/ft3 1 sw = 3.41 x 106 Stu/hr


I Density = 1 ge/cW lin = 2.54 cm Heat of vaporization = 970 Stu/lom 'F = 9/S*C + 32 Heat of fusion = 144 Bru/lem 'C = 5/9 ('F-32)

! 9 r.14 7_ psi _= 2911a Hs- 1 eTu = 778 rt-ief I I n2v = u. aan scr/ i _ _

- - . . - . _ - ... . ---,

, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _




ANSWER H.01 (3.00) Fast neutrons refer to those at high energy levels. (0.5)

Prompt neutrons refer to those released at the time of fissio (0.5) Slow neutrons are neutronr: at low energy levels. (0.5)

Delayed neutrons are those which appear at some time (0.5)

after the fission event due to fission product deca (0.5) Activity refers to the rate of radioactive deca Reactivity expresses the deviation of a reactor from the critical conditio (0.5)

REFERENCE Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, Chapter 3 ANSWER H.02 (2.00)

Core reactivity is decreased. (0.5) The temperature increase causes a density decrease of the moderator. There is less moderation and more neutron leakage, which is a negative effec (0.5) Control rod worth increases. (0.5) As moderation is decreased and the probability of leakage into a control rod increases, the effectiveness of the control rods increas (O.5) .

REFERENCE Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, Chapter 6 ANSWER H.03 (2.00) Ye (1.0) This value will depend on the fraction of delayed neutrons f rom U-235 and the shape of the cor (1.0) l REFERENCE Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, Chapter 3 ANSWER H.04 ( .75) 1

.038 DK/K

_ _ - -

-_ -__ _. . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _




l PAGE 13 H.__8ESClg8,lHE981-87/04/14-HARE, ANSWERS -- UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN i REFERENCE Tcchnical Specification ANSWER H.05 (2.00) There is a " prompt jump" increase in neutron flux due to the immediate effects of prompt neutrons. (0.5)

Power then increases on a stable period the value of whi ch i s determined by the amount of reactivity inserted and the delayed neutron generation tim (0.5)

Following a scram there is a prompt drop(0.5) in neutron flux as prompt neutron generation is stoppe Flux then gradually decreases as delayed neutrons continue to be generated from the decay of the precursor groups. (0.5)

j REFERENCE 1 Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, Chapter 4


ANSWER H.06 (1.50) Neutrons of low energy have the highest probability of causing f i ssi on in Tbd fuel. Most themoderator neutrons are born at high energy reduces the neutron energy level. ( 1. 0)

l evel s . j  ; (1) Low n. ass number (0.5)


REFERENCE Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, Chapter 3 ANSWER H.07 (2.00) False (0.5) - After reaching equilibrium, the samarium (0.5)

concentration remains

- It may constan be xenon free but samarium will not decay False (0.5)

awa (0.5)

REFERENCE Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, Chapter 8


, - - __ _


, _ _ _ _ _ _.-





(1) Directly f rom fissio (.25) (2) From beta decay of fission products iodine-135 and Tellurium-135 decays to te11urium-13 (0.375)

iodine-135 (19 seconds half-lif e) which then decays to xenon-135 (6.7 hour8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br /> half-life). -(0.375) _1)

( Burnout by neutron absorption. (.333)

(2) Beta decay to cesium-135 (0.333) with a 9.2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> half-lif (0.333)

(Ercet half-life not required, must be within 20*/. of actual half-life)

REFERENCE Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, Chapter 8


ANSWER H.09 (1.50) True False - Just the opposite is tru REFERENCE Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, Chapter 3 ,

j ANSWER H.10 (2.00) K-infinite is the multiplication constant for a theoretical '

reactor with zero leakage. K-effective takes into account neutrons lost due to slow and fast leakage (k-eff = k-inf *

slow and fast non-leakage probability.) (1.0) k-excess = k-effective-1 = 1.0795-1 = 0.0795 delta k (0.5) Reactivity = (k-effective-1)/k-effective = (1.0795-1)/1.0795 =

0.0736 delta k/ (0.5)

i REFERENCE Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operation, Chapter 6

. _ . - . - . . . . _ . . . - - - - . . - - -- .-. - . . -- .. -_-

, _ _ _ _ .__ ._ . _ . _ _ _ .

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PAGE 15 1___H09199CIlyE_ggIEg196g_geNg6}gg_pjgPgS96_ggg_Hg]ggpS-87/04/14-HARE,- ANSWERS -- UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANSWER I.01 (2.00) Quarterly dose less than 3 rems Lif etime dose less than 5(N-18)

Accumulated occupational exposure is documented on NRC Form 4 (0.5 each) .75 rems per quarter-l


REFERENCE 10 CFR 20.101 and 104


i ANSWER I.02 (1.50)

N = Noe[-lambdatt3 100 - 35 / 100 = e[-l ambda x 13 0.65 = e C-lambda x 13 in O.65 = -lambda O.43 = lambda T1/2 = 0.693 / lambda

< T1/2 = 0.693 / O.43 = 1.61 (day)



Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, Chapter 2



ANSWER I.03 (3.75) O-16 [n, p3 N-16; Primarv coolant water; 7 seconds A-40 + (n, gamma) A-41; air space near reactor and primary water with dissolved air; 1.9 hours1.041667e-4 days <br />0.0025 hours <br />1.488095e-5 weeks <br />3.4245e-6 months <br /> H-2 + (n, gamma) H-3; Primary coolant water and air above pool; also heavy water in reflector tank; 12 year ,

(Exact half-lif e not required, must be within 20% of actual  !

hal f-li f e) N-16 = Hold-up tanks in primary coolant and domineralize '

A-41 = Some held in beam ports; use of other gases in pneumatic system H-3 = Vents at top of pool .

REFERENCE l Nuclear Power Plant Health Physics and Radiation Protection, Chapter 5 FNR Systems Descriptions p. 4-5, p. 12-1, p. 3-12 l

i l


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PAGE 10 1___BBDigeCIlvg_MeIgeleLg_HeNQ(INQ_QlgPQgg(_@NQ_U91@BQ3-87/04/14-HARE, ANSWERS -- UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANSWER I.04 (1.30) mrem / hour., mrem / hou . 50 mrem /houe .

(3 G O.5 each = 1.5)

REFERENCE Hacith Physics F1anual, pg. 2-3 ANSWER I.05 (2.00)

This is based on an analysis which showed that, in the event of rupture of the heavy water tank, the water would not, under the conditions of the maximum evaporation rate from the reactor pool, produce tritium concentrations in the reactor building air in excess of the maximum psrmissible concentrations for that isotop REFERENCE OP-402, pg. 1 ANSWER I.06 (1.00)


Whole body < 100 mrem / week (0.5)

Hands < 1 rem / week (0.5)

REFERENCE H2cith Physics Manual, pp. ANSWER I.07 (2.00)

N The unit REM already considers the different effects. Rem is a biological unit, thus different radiation causing the same dose in REM chould have the same effec REFERENCE 10 CFR 20


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PAGE 17 l 1 __Be91geCIIVE_U@lE@l3(S_d@Np(LNG _QlSPQS96_gNQ_d@[98Q@

-87/04/14-HARE, ANSWERS -- UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANSWER I.08 (2.50) Dose - The quantity of radiation absorbed per unit mass by the body or by any portion of the body. (0.5) Contamination - The deposition of radioactive material in any place where it is not desired, particularly if its presence is harmful to personne (0.5) Rad - A measure of the dose of any ionizing radiation to body tissues in terms of the energy absorbed per unit mass of the tissu ergs /g tissu (0.5) Resolving Time (Dead Time)- The time when a detector operating in the Geiger-Mueller region of the curve is insensitive to incoming radia-tion due to the process causing the anode to be engulfed by positive ion (0.5) Half Thickness Value-A term used to represent shielding. A half value layer of a material, reduces the intensity of incident radiation by a factor of (0.5) Also called Half Value Layer (HLV).

REFERENCE Nuclear Power Plant Health Physics and Radiation Protection Chapters 3, 9, 10 ANSWER I.09 (2.00) Ventilation intake and exhaust dampers ' Intake and exhaust ventilating fans Dampers in the beamport exhaust system Room 3103 exhaust hood duct (4 @ O.5 each = 2.0)

REFERENCE Technical Specification 3. 3(1)

ANSWER I.10 (1.00)

3,5,1,2,4 (0.2 pts for each correct answer - subtract 0.2 for each one out of order up to the value of the question)



REFERENCE H2alth Physics Manual, pg. 19 l




_ _ _ _ _ , - _ _ , . _ _ _ . _ . _ , _

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PAGE 19 g___SeEQlElG_DEGR@l1NG_QH9R$QIER10I193 4 -


., Class I systems are essential f or the saf e shutdown and isolation of the reactor (0.5) and to maintain the reactor in a safe, shutdown condition (0.5). (1.0) . The primary coolant The safety system The shim safety rods All scram functions The high temperature auto rundown function The pool level rundown


(5 of 6 required S .30 pts each = 1.5) LCR Log N Linear level servo dropout function All area radiation monitoring equipment except the monitor on the Room 3103 hood (4 & .375 pts each = 1.5)

REFERENCE FNR Systems Description, Chapter 1 ANSWER J.02 (2.50) This system controls general corrosion in the secondary system ~

and fouling or blockage of the heat exchanger. (1.0) 7.25). The chemicals used are Hagatreat (0.25) and sulfuric (0.5).

acid Sul,aric Hagatreat controls corrosion and scale f ormation acid holds down the pH level (0.5).

REFERENCE Pg. 5-4 ANSWER J.03 (2.00)

When the plugs are in position, a lead sleeve around each plug gives protection against streaming through the annular space between the plug cnd the port shel REFERENCE FNR Systems Description, Chapter 3, pg. 5 i

.. -_ _ . _ _ .~. _ _ . __ _ _ _ , _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ . . _ . . . . _ . -




PAGE 19 2 __SEEg1Elg_ DEER $1}Ng_gH9B991EB]SIlgg-87/04/14-HARE, B.



Figure 2.1 in FNR Systems Description, pg. 2-2 REFERENCE Figure 2.1 in FNR Systems Description, pg. 2-2 ANSWER J.05 (2.00) Cooling tower sump level contro . Mixing hot and cold domineralizer resin and f or resin separatio . Secondary water makeup valve contro . Controlling reactor building supply and exhaust ventilat' en damper . Controlling supply and exhaust ventilation duct bypas . Cooling tower sprinkling syste (5 of 6 required & O.4 pts each = 2.0)

REFERENCE FNR Systems Description, Chapter 10 ANSWER J.06 (1.00)

Provides a means f or transf erring highly radioactive samples, experiments, cnd reactor fuel from the pool to a shielded hot cav (1.0)

REFERENCE FNR Systems Description, Chapter 3, pg. 1 ANSWER J.07 (2.00)

Racet circuit breakers in Room 2074 and Reset the mercury switches in Room 307 (1.0) This allows exhaust blowers to operate which in turn stops tha emergency blowers from operatin (1.0)


It would produce radioactive argon-4 __ -_. . _- - . _ - , . -_ --

-- -



Ford Nuc1 Car Re:ctor Cy;tems Description 3 Recctor January 8, 1985


Figure '

' Typical Reactor Core



'l Power Linear Power Range B Level Range A Ing N I

Heavy Water Tank I I V

Radiography Facility

"*"*' "

L75 L65 L55 L45 L35 L25 L15 Source A _ C L76 L66 L56 I L36 I I L16 L6 *

Rod Rod L77 L67 L57 L47 L37 L27 L17 L7 i

B 'gn L L78 L68 L58 j L38 _! L18 L8 Rod Rod F o

  1. L69 L59 L49 L39 L29 L19 l e L40 L30 O

1A0 L60 L50 l L10 (J Outrigger Outrigger l

l l

l Fage 2-2


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PAGE 20 q___SeEg1Elg_DEg8911Ng_ghgB9QIgBISIlgg-87/04/14-HARE, ANSWERS -- UNIVERSITY DF MICHIGAN REFERENCE FNR Systems Description, Chapter 2 ANSWER J.09 (2.50) . To the primary pump directl . To primary return line a the (N.O.) isolation valv . To the south pool by utilizing a 3 valve syste (3 9 .50 pts each = 1.5) . City water valves open to bring sump level back up to the sump level controller setpoint by allowing water to the suction side of secondary circulating pum ' Allow water to discharge side of secondary circulating pum (2 9 .50 pts each = 1.0)

REFERENCE FNR Systems Description, Chapters 4 and 5 ANSWER J.10 (1.00)

The reactor is scrammed (0.5) due to a loss of primary coolant flow eigna (0.5)

REFERENCE FNR Systems Description, pg. 4-5 ,


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PAGE 21 K __E9Eb_dgNQ(lg@_ggg_CQBg_ggg@d{lgR@

-87/04/14-HARE, '


J ANSWER K.01 (1.50) l ion chambers are located directly above B port (0.5), and changes in l Th2 tha condition of that port will affect instrument readings (0.5) which might initiate automatic control action (s) (0.5). (Because of this instrument response difficulty, draining of B port is unacceptable during rocctor operation.)

REFERENCE DP-401, pg. 1 ANSWER K.02 (2.00) Potential reactivity change due to changing the location of the cor (1.0) The risk of damaging the core, the D,0 tank, and the beamport '


REFERENCE OP-214, pg. 1-2 ANSWER K.03 (3.00)

. The purpose of these mechanisms is to prevent the inadvertent withdrawal of a fuel element from the gridplate during rod withdrawa Without the holddown mechanisms, it is conceivable that a rod could jam within the control element and the drive mechanism could lift both out of the core lattice (1.0). If this should occur and the control element should subsequently drop back into the lattice, the sudden insertion of positive reactivity would put the reactor on a short positive period (1.0).

REFERENCE FNR Systems Description, Se .4, pg. 3-8 ANSWER K.04 (1.00)

Control rod fuel elements are identical to standard elements except that


nine central plates have been replaced by a rod guide channe _ - . _ _ - . . _ . _ _ _ _ - . _ . ..



PAGE 22 K __Eug6_vegg61gg_ egg _gggg_P9899gIgBE-87/04/14-HARE, *

ANSWERS -- UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN REFERENCE FNR Systems Description, pg. 2-1 (2.00) )

ANSWER K.05 l All reactor fuel elements and fueled devices shall be stored in a geometric array which assures subcriticality. (1.0)

1 Irradiated fuel elements and fueled devices shall be stored in an array which will permit sufficient natural convection cooling by water or air such that the fuel element or fueled device temperature will not exceed 100 (1.0)

REFERENCE FNR Technical Specification i ANSWER K.06 (1.50)



Tho unirradiated fuel can be laid down in a row on a flat surface with not 100s than 6 inches between each elemen I REFERENCE ]

OP-106, pg. 1  !


ANSWER K.07 (2.50) *

I gpm seconds or less % (2.4 Mw) or greater mr/hr or greate- mr/hr or greater (5 9 0.5 each = 2.5)

REFERENCE TGehnical Specifications Table ANSWER K.08 (1.50) False False True (3 D 0.5 each = 1.5)

l l






ANSWER K.09 (2.00) . Beamport doors scram Thermal column door scram Shim range bypassed (3 rods) scram (3 9 .33 each = 1.0) . Reactor Manager Assistant Reactor Manager On-call Supervisor (3 9 .33 each = 1.0)

REFERENCE OP-111 ANSWER K.10 (1.50) The license and technical specifications requires Core excess reactivity less than O.038 delta K/ Shutdown margin (3 rods inserted) not less than 0.025 delta K/ Shutdown margin (most reactive rod stuck out) not less than 0.0045 delta K/ , Depletion of poison in a rod reduces rod wort . Breaking of a shim rod would result in loss of apparent  ;

wort i Improper fuel fabrication and/or location would result J in rod worth change (3 of 4 required 3 0.5 each = 1.5)

l REFERENCE DP-201, pg. 1


ANSWER K.11 (2.00) I

, They are performed for the purpose of determining the l


excessive decay time associated with the magnetic flux generated by the electromagnet. (1.5) Cause an excessive release time. (0.5)



OP-211 f

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Non-Reactor Safety Related Events Unusual Event Alcrt (3 3 0.5 pts each = 1.5)

REFERENCE FNR Emergency Plan, Section 4 ANSWER L.02 (1.00) Project Director (Dr. Kerr) NRC Region III Duty Officer REFERENCE FNR Emergency Plan, Appendix 2, pg. 2-5 OP-101, pg. 8 ANSWER L.03 (3.50)

The safety limits shall assure that the intygrity of the fuel clad is maintaine (1.0) The LSSS shall prevent the safety limits ,

from being exceeded under the most severe abntrmal situation. (1.0) . 380 Kw degrees F - feet (3 9 0.5 each = 1.5)

! REFERENCE Tcchnical Specifications 2.1 and 2.2


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. ANSWERS -- UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN -87/04/14-HARE, ANSWER L.04 (2.00) The minimum operating crew will be composed of two individuals (0.5),

at least one of which will be a licensed operator (0.5). . During initial startup and approach to power Recovery f rom an unplanned or unscheduled shutdown or a significant reduction in power During refueling Otherwise prescribed in license (4 & .25 nach = 1.0)

REFERENCE Tcchnical Specification DP-102, 103, and 106 ANSWER L.05 (2.00) Rem (0.5)

25 Rem (0.5) . Volunteer is familiar with the consequences of exposur . Volunteer is the eldest able bodied person (2 & O.5 each = 1.0)

REFERENCE FNR Emergency Plan, Appendix 2, pg. 9 -

FNR Emergency Plan, Appendix 3.5, pg. 18 ANSWER L.06 (1.00)

If circumstances prevent chronological entries, events will be recorded as " late entries" with time of recording (0.5) as well as the actual time of the event indicated (0.5).

REFERENCE OP-104, pg. 2 i

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PAGE 23 6:.__9901N19188I1VE_ESQGggUBgh_QQNQlligNS_9NQ_(ig110IlgNE-87/04/14-HARE, ANSWERS -- UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANSWER L.07 (2.50) Insert all rods Scram reactor Maintain power Scram reactor Insert all rods (0.5 each)

REFERENCE DP-104, pg. 7-8 ANSWER L.08 (2.00) Scram reactor and remove the magnet key Leave reactor building, advising anyone he sees to do the sam (DO NOT INITIATE BUILDING ALARM.) Call 123 and notify security that someone is forcing his way into the reactor buildin (3 9 .66 each = 2.0)

REFERENCE OP-104, pg. 18


ANSWER L.09 (2.00)

Th2 lead reactor operator for initial loading of an experiment is racponsible for measuring the experiments' reactivity (1.0) and classifying it as moveable or secured (1.0).



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PAGE 27 6:.__0951NigIS911VE _P8QCEQg6EL _CQNQlllQNS_gNQ_(lg11gIlgNg-87/04/14-HARE, ANSWERS -- UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANSWER L.10 (2.00) Any handling or transfer of radioactive experiments within tbe f acility should be done with health physics assistance (0.5). If this is not possible, the Health Physicist must approve the proposed handling or transfer (0,5). (This approval may be given for a series of duplicate capsules. Under such general approval s , care must be taken to avoid changes in routine.) All experiment transfers to other areas, both within ared outside of the University, will be done under the direct control of Radiation Control Service (0.5) unless specific instructions to the contrary are listed on a particular Reactor Utilization Request (0.5).

REFERENCE OP-105 9.3, pg. 6 Op-106 9.4, pg. 6 i



l l


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.------- -_---- ----------

H.01 3.00 EAHOOO1117 H.C2 2.00 EAHOOO1118 H.03 2.00 EAHOOO1119 H.OG .75 EAHOOO1120 H.05 2.00 EAHOOO1121 H.06 1.50 EAHOOO1122 H.07 2.00 EAHOOO1123 H.00 3.00 EAHOOO1124 H.09 1.50 EAHOOO1125 H.10 2.00 EAHOOO1126

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