HL-5089, Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-321/95-23.Corrective Actions:Peo Disciplined,Operations Personnel Reviewed Applicable Fuel Oil Transfer Procedures. Procedure Rev W/Appropriate Enhancements Implemented

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Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-321/95-23.Corrective Actions:Peo Disciplined,Operations Personnel Reviewed Applicable Fuel Oil Transfer Procedures. Procedure Rev W/Appropriate Enhancements Implemented
Person / Time
Site: Hatch Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 01/02/1996
From: Beckham J
HL-5089, NUDOCS 9601100004
Download: ML20100A722 (3)


. . . ~ _ -. .~ -

7., ' Georgia Power Company 40 inverress Center Parkway .

~ Post Office Box 1295 j *, ., 4 Blffejngham, Alabama 35201 Telephone 205 877 7279 i


2. T. n ekham. Jr. Georgia Power j V ce Pres ent-Nuclea' ' the sovrnern electnc system January 2, 1996 Docket No. 50-321 HL-5089 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

-ATTN: Document ControlDesk

. Washington, D. C. 20555 Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant - Unit 1 Reolv to a Notice of Violation Gentlemen:-

-In response to your letter dated December 6,1905, and in accordance _with the requirements of 10 CFR 2.201, Georgia Power Company (GPC) is providing the enclosed response to the Notice of Violation associated with Inspection Report 95-23. In the enclosure, a transcription of the NRC violation precedes GPC's response. .


? N

. T. Beckham, Jr.

W' JKB/jp


Violation 95-23 01 and GPC Response cc: Georgia Power Company

. Mr. H. L. Sumner, Jr., Nuclear Plant General Manager

, NORMS U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Washington. D. C.

Mr. K. Jabbour, Licensing Project Manager - Hatch U. S. Nuclear Regrdatorv Commission. Region H l Mr. S. D. Ebneter, Regional Administrator .

Mr. B. L. Holbrook, Senior Resident Inspector - Hatch 050037 9601100004 960102 k[

F PDR ADOCK 05000321 g i G PDR \



. Enclosure j , _

l Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant - Unit 1 l Violation 95-23-01 and GPC Resomsg l

VIOLATION 95-23-01 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criteria V, Instructions, Procedures and Drawings, requires, in part, that activities affecting quality shall be prescribed by documented instructions and -

shall be accomplished in accordance with these instructions.

Procedure 34SO-R43-001-IS, Diesel Generator Standby AC System, Revision 16, step 7.4.1, in part, requires that Attachment 7, Diesel Generator Fuel Oil System Restoration, be completed after the transfer of fuel oil between storage tanks. This attachment contains a list of valves whose positions are to be verified for returning the' fuel oil transfer system to standby. Valve IR43-F006A [ sic], I A storage tank transfer pump discharge valve, is required to be closed by this attachment.

Contrary to the above:

On October 13, Valve IR43-F006A [ sic] was open during the receipt of diesel fuel. This resulted in fuel oil from a tanker truck being inadvertently pumped into the 1 A day tank.

Approximately 350 gallons of fuel oil overflowed from the day tank and partially flooded the day tank room.

This is a Severity Level IV violation (Supplement 1).

This violation is applicable to Unit 1 only.

RESPONSE TO VIOLATION 95-23-01 Reason for the violation:

This violation was caused by cognitive personnel error. The Plant Equipment Operator I (PEO) responsible for transferring diesel fuel oil among the main diesel fuel oil storage tanks and from the tanker truck to main diesel fuel oil storaSe tank 1 A failed to follow the requirements of procedure 34SO-R43-001-lS, " Diesel Generator Standby AC System."

The PEO misinterpreted the procedure requirement to restore the fuel oil system valves to the specified line-up following the completion of transfers among the main diesel fael oil storage tanks. Attachment 7 of this procedure requires valve IR43-F006A to be closed.

- However, the PEO failed to close valve IR43-F006A, which had been opened to transfer fuel oil between main storage tanks I A and 2C prior to transferring fuel oil from the tanker truck into storage tank 1 A. With valve IR43-F006A open, a flow path between the tanker truck and diesel generator day tank 1 A was established, causing the day tr.nk to

overflow. All spilled fuel oil was contained within the moat surrounding the day tank, i

HL-5089 E-1

Enclosure _  !

Viblation 95-23-01 and GPC Response Corrective steps wnich have been taken and the results achieved:

1 As a result of this event, the involved PEO was disciplined per GPC's Positive Disciphne i Program. In addition, Operations personnel have reviewed the applicable fuel oil transfer procedures. As a result, some procedural enhancements were considered to be appropriate ard procedure revisions incorporating these enhancements have been implemented.

Corrective steps which will be taken to avoid further violations:

Operations management is considering placing a placard with a simplified drawing of the fuel oil system piping and valves to aid personnel in determining the correct valve line-up ;

for the activity to be performed.

Date when full compliance will be achieved:


Full compliance was achieved on 10/13/95 when the diesel fuel oil system valves were  !

aligned per the requirements of procedure 34SO-R43-001-1S and the transfer of fuel oil j from the tanker truck to main diesel fuel oil storage tank 1 A was successfully completed. j l

1 1

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l HL-5089 E-2 l