HL-3460, Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50, Production & Utilization Facilities:Emergency Preparedness & Planning Exercise Requirements. Util Agrees W/Numarc Comments to Be Provided to NRC

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Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50, Production & Utilization Facilities:Emergency Preparedness & Planning Exercise Requirements. Util Agrees W/Numarc Comments to Be Provided to NRC
Person / Time
Site: Hatch, Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 09/13/1993
From: Beckham J
To: Chilk S
FRN-58FR34539, RULE-PR-50 58FR34539-00007, 58FR34539-7, HL-3460, NUDOCS 9310190005
Download: ML20057F687 (2)


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.m m - < :corpa Power Septerfber 13, 1993


)1 Docket Nos. 50-321 50-366 50-424 50-425  :'"

. [ _ l' HL-3460

/ LCV-0143 S E P o 3 .Q?5 _

Mr. Samuel J. Chilk n ,

Secretary of the Commission 8 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission _

Washington. DC 20555 g; ATTENTION: Docketing and Service Branch I C

'a Comments on Proposed Rule 5

" Production and Utilization Facilities, C Emergency Preparedness and Planning - Exercise Requirements" (58 Federal Reaister 34539 of June 28. 19_93)

Dear Mr. Chilk:

Georgia Power Company has reviewed the proposed rule " Production and Utilization Facilities; Emergency Preparedness and Planning - Exercise Requirements," published in the Federal Register on June 28, 1993. In accordance with the request for comments, Georgia Power Company is in total agreement with the NUMARC comments which are to be provided to the NRC.

Should you have any questions, please advise.

Respectfully submitted,

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, / J. T. Beckham, Jrp#

JTE/JDK j;%l-9310190005 930913 PDR PR 50 58FR34539 PDR

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U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page Two i cc: Georaia Power Company- '

C. K. McCoy, Vice President. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant J. B. Beasley, General Manager - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant ,

H. L. Sumner, Jr., General Manager - Plant Hatch  ;

U. S. Nuclear Reaulatory Commission. Washinoton. DC K. N. Jabbour, Licensing Project Manager - Hatch D. S. Hood, Licensing Project Manager - Vogtle U. S. Nuclear Reaulatory Commission. Reaion II S. D. Ebneter, Regional Administrator L. D. Wert, Senior Resident Inspector - Hatch B. R. Bonser, Senior Resident Inspector - Vogtle i

b HL-3460 LCV-0143 xn3

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