05000293/LER-1984-001, :on 840316 & 27,full Scram Signal Generated.No Fuel in Vessel & All Control Rods Valved Out During Events. Caused by Personnel Error.Operations Personnel Counseled on Cause of Event

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:on 840316 & 27,full Scram Signal Generated.No Fuel in Vessel & All Control Rods Valved Out During Events. Caused by Personnel Error.Operations Personnel Counseled on Cause of Event
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 04/12/1984
From: Hamilton P, Harrington W
To: Murley T
LER-84-001, LER-84-1, NUDOCS 8405010486
Download: ML20084D818 (3)

LER-1984-001, on 840316 & 27,full Scram Signal Generated.No Fuel in Vessel & All Control Rods Valved Out During Events. Caused by Personnel Error.Operations Personnel Counseled on Cause of Event
Event date:
Report date:
2931984001R00 - NRC Website



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.., a am, n. i On 3/16/84 and again on 3/27/84, whilo shut down for rofueling, a full scram signal was gonorated. No fuol was in tho vossol, and all control rods woro valvod out at 1

tho tino of the ovents. Operations initiated an investigation which concludod that tho scrams occurrod when the pcwor supply for "A" RPS was temporarily intorruptod.

Causo of tho unplanned scram was duo to oporator orror combined with an of f-normal configuration of tho PPS. During both scrams, the oporator f ailed to realize that a f ull scram will occur when tho scra'n ditchargo high lovat signal is bypassod and a loss of power to olthor RPS oc;urs.

Thoro woro no system or componont f alluros during this ovent.

To procludo rocurrenco, Oporations personnot woro councolled o s the cauco of the ovont.

In addltlon, a copy of this report will be forwarded to all licensed operators and tho Tralnlig Dopartment.

0405010486 R40412 PDR ADOCK 05000293 G





      • aovgo oMe =o vio-cio4 8nPimts e/3119 P ACILif v seAast Hi DOCRif NUMOS A MI LtR Nunesta (61 PAOS (31 "d.R

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On 3/16/84 and again on 3/27/84, whilo shut down for refueling, a full scram signal l

was generatod. No fuel was in the vossol, and all control rods woro valved out at the timo of the event. The event occurred when transferring the power supply for tho i

"A" Reactor Protection System (RPS). During the transf er, power to "A" RPS was momentarily interrupted as planned.

In both casos, the operator expected a half scram f rom loss of power to "A" RPS, but recolved a full scram, i

in both casos, the operator initiated an investigation into tho cause of tho scram.

l The Investigation was completed on 3/28/84 and rovealed that when the scram dischargo I

volumo high lovel circuitry is bypassed, Rolays 5AKl8A and SAKl8C are common to both f

RPS channels. Thus, loss of power to olther RPS channel will causo a full RPS scram.

The scram dischargo volume high lovel scram had boon bypassed vio key lock switch l

approximately two wooks prior to tho first event in support of a modification to tho l

CRO scram dischargo volume system.

Root cause of the ovents is attributed to cognitive operator error.

Specifically, the operators f ailed to realize that a f ull scram would occur whon in tho above-montioned configuration and power to olther channel of tho RPS was intorruptod. Wo bollovo proceduros are adequato in that if the operators had realized that a full scram would occur, they would havo expected the scram and planned accordingly.

To reduco the probability of a similar ovent, Operations personnel woro immodlotoly counsolled on the cause of the scrams upon complotton of the investigation.

In addition, a copy of this roport will be sent to all llconsed operators and the Training Dopartment.

This ovont did not impact iho health and sofoty of the publIc.

A search of f ailuro records Indicatos no provfous occurrences of a similar naturo.

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WOETON ED150N COMPANY 500 WOVLaTON STREET 50eTON. MA55AONUSETTs 02199 wgLLIAM D. HARRINGTON April i2, 1984 e:................

BECo Ltr. #84-053 Dr. Thomas E. Murley Regional Administrator, Region i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 631 Park Avenuo King of Prussia, PA 19406 Docket Number 50-293 License DPR-35

Dear Sir:

The attached Licensoo Event Roport 84-001-00, " Scram Signal During Power Transfer," is hereby submitted in accordanco with the requiremonts of 4


If there are any questions on this subject, please do not hesitato to contact me.

Respectfully submitted, i


i W. D. Harrington PHicaw Enclosuro:

LER 84-001-00 cc Document Control Dosk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.

20555 Standard DECO LER Distribution op '
