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Finding | |
Title | Inadequate Operability Determination Associated With
the Offsite Degraded Voltage Protection Scheme |
Description | On February 27, 2010, the inspectors identified a noncited violation of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criteria V, \"Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings,\" after Pacific Gas and Electric failed to complete an adequate operability evaluation, as required by Procedure OM7.ID12, \"Operability Determination,\" Revision 14. The inspectors identified that the offsite power degraded voltage protection scheme time delay was inconsistent with key assumptions in the accident analysis. The licensee entered this nonconforming condition into the corrective action program as Notification 50301167 on February 24,2010. Plant operators subsequently requested plant engineering to perform an operability determination of the nonconforming condition per Operability Determination Procedure OM7.ID12. On February 27, 2010, the plant operating authority concluded that the protection scheme was operable based on the information provided in the operability determination. Contrary to the above, on March 2, 2010, the inspectors concluded that the licensee\'s operability determination was inadequate to demonstrate protection scheme operability and was not performed as required by Operability Determination Procedure OM7.ID12. Plant engineering only addressed the capability of the protection scheme at normal grid voltage following a mechanical failure of the 230kV load tap changer. Operability Determination Procedure OM7.ID12, Section 5.3, \"Write the Prompt Operability Assessment (POA),\" required that the licensee address the potential effect of the nonconforming condition to perform the specified safety function. The licensee has entered this finding into the corrective action program as Notification 50319258. Failure to complete an adequate operability evaluation, as required by Procedure OM7.ID12, \"Operability Determination,\" Revision 14, is a performance deficiency. Using Inspection Manual Chapter 0612, Appendix 8. The performance deficiency is more than minor because it is associated with the Mitigating Systems Cornerstone attribute of procedure quality. and the failure to perform an adequate operability evaluation affects the ability to ensure operability of the protection scheme at normal grid voltage following a mechanical failure of the 230kV load tap changer. The inspectors used Inspection Manual Chapter 0609. Appendix A, \"Determining the Significance of Reactor Inspection Findings for At-Power Situations,\" to analyze the finding because the violation represent the actual loss of safety function for greater than the Technical Specification 3.3.5 allowed outage time. Using Appendix M. of the \"Significance Determination Process Using Qualitative Criteria.\" the inspectors concluded that the finding was of very low safety significance (Green) based on a bounding qualitative evaluation. The inspectors based this conclusion on the low probability of an actual degraded grid condition coincidental with an accident or anticipated operational occurrence during the exposure time that protection scheme was available due to the performance deficiency. This finding had a crosscutting aspect in the area of problem identification and resolution associated with the corrective action program component because Pacific Gas and Electric did not thoroughly evaluate the nonconforming condition for operability and reportability. |
Site: | Diablo Canyon ![]() |
Report | IR 05000275/2010007 Section 1R21 |
Date counted | Jun 30, 2010 (2010Q2) |
Type: | NCV: Green |
cornerstone | Mitigating Systems |
Identified by: | NRC identified |
Inspection Procedure: | IP 71111.21 |
Inspectors (proximate) | T Farnholtz S Makor B Correll S Hedger R Kbpriva |
CCA | P.2, Evaluation |
INPO aspect | PI.2 |
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Finding - Diablo Canyon - IR 05000275/2010007 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Finding List (Diablo Canyon) @ 2010Q2
Self-Identified List (Diablo Canyon)
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