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Staff Response to Tasking Memo & Stakeholder Concerns as of 990405
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/05/1999
Shared Package
ML20207C036 List:
NUDOCS 9906020185
Download: ML20207C057 (88)


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1. TOPIC AREA: Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 A. Specific issue: Evaluation of Industry Proposals and Rulemaking . . . . . . . . . . 1 B. Specific issue: Pilot Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 C. Specific issue: Plant-Specific Licensing Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 D. Specific issue: Guidance Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
11. Topic Area: Reactor inspection and Enforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 A. Specificissue: Risk Informed Baseline Inspection Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 B. Enforcement Program Initiatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 C. Escalated Enforcement Program Initiatives " Regulatory Significance"/ Risk . . 20 111. Topic Area: Reactor Licensee Performance Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 A. Specific issue: Performance Assessment Process Improvements (IRAP, industry's Proposal, and Performance. Indicators) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 IV. Topic Area: Reactor Licensing and Oversight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 A. Specific issue: Ucense Renewal (includes Calvert Cliffs, Oconee and Generic Process improvements) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 B. Specific issue: 50.59 Rulemaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 C. Specific issue: FSAR Update Guidance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 D. Specific issue: Define Design Basis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 E. Specific issue: Improved Standard TS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 F. Specific issue: Generic Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 G. Specific issue: CALs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 H. Specific issue: Applicability of Backfit Rule to Decommissioning Activities . . 39
1. Specific issue: Requests for Additional Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 J. Specific issue: 2.206 Petitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 K Specific issue: Application of the Backfit Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 V. Topic Area: NRC Organizational Structure and Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 A. Specific issue: Reorganization - Restructuring Line Organizations . . . . . . . . . 47 B. Specific issue: Achieving 1:8 Supervisor / Manager-to-Employee Ratios . . . . . 49 C. Specificissue: Increased Employee involvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 VI. Topic Area: Other Agency Programs ano Areas of Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 A. Specific issue: License Transfers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 B. Specific issue: AP600 Design Certification Rulemaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'55 C1. Specific issue: TN-68 (Dual Purpose) Cask Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 C2. Specific issue: BNFUSNC TranStor (Dual Purpose) Cask Review . . . . . . . . . 58 C3. Specificissue: Holtec HISTAR 100 (Dual-Purpose) Cask Review . . . . . . . . . . 60 C4. Specific issue: Westinghouse WESFLEX (Dual Purpose) Cask Review . . . . . 61 C5. Specific issue: NAC-0TC/MPC (Dual Purpose) Cask Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 C6. Specific lasue: NACGMS (Dual Purpose) Cask Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 C7. Specific issue: TN-West MP-187 (Dual-Purpose) Cask Review . . . . . . . . . . . 67 D. Specific issue: Decommissioning Decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

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l F. Gpecific issue: Event Reporting Rulemaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 G. Specific issue: Proposed Kl Rulemaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 H. Specific issue: NEl Petitions - Petition for modifying 50.54(a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

! l. Specific issue: Revised Source Term Rulemaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Vll. TOPlC AREA: Uranium Recovery issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 A. Specific issues: Uranium recovery concems raised in Senate report . . . . . . . . 82 i

Vill. TOPIC AREA: Changes to NRC's Hearing Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 A. Use of informal Adjudicatory Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 1

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.t 1 April 5,1999 I. TOPIC AREA: Risk-Informed and Performance-Besad Reaulation SES Managers: Gary Holaiian, Director, DSSA/NRR, and Thomas King, Director, DST /RES A. Specific lasue: Evahsalon of Industry ProMeels and Rulemakina Objective: The objectives are enhancing safety decisions, efficiently utilizing NRC resources, reducing unnecessary conservatism, oc well as soliciting industry insights.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Conduct Licensing workchop to discuss streamlining 7/22/98C G. Kelly, DSSA the review process, for risk-informed (RI) applications
2. Conduct Periodic PRA Steering Committee (Monthly) T. King, Meetings RES/DSSA
3. Establish agreement with industry on formation of 8/98C T. King, RES industry PRA steering committee to interface with NRC Steering Committee and an industry licensing panel to interface with the NRC RI Licensing Panel.
4. Meet w/ South Texas Project on industry perspective 9/15/980 G. Kelly, DSSA to develop lessons leamed
5. Follow-up to licensing workshop w/UCS/NEl to 11/980 M. Caruso, DSSA discuss review process for RI applications
6. Conduct discussions *,ith ACRS on risk-informed, 8/26/980 R. Barrett, DSSA/

performance-becaa Regulation initiatives 9/24/980 M. Cunningham, 9/30/980 RES 10/29/980 11/19/98C


7. Meet with ACRS Subcommittee and request ACRS 9/24/980 R. Barrett, DSSA letter on views and recommendations for staff optbns paper l_ 8. DSI-13 Role of Industry stakeholder meeting 9/1/98 C J. Craig, RES  ;

9a. Conduct public meeting to discuss options for 10/27-28/980 G. Holahan, modifying Part 50 to be risk-informed.

DSSA T. King, RES l

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, 2 April 5,1999 PRIOS TO JANUARY 28,1999 9b. . Issue paper to Commission klerdifying options on R. Barrett, DSSA/

modifying Part 50 to be dsk-informed (including the use M. Cunningham, of the term" safety and backfitting implications) 12/23/980 RES


(9800152) (NRR) SECY-98 300

10. lasue safety evaluation on WOG ISI topical report S. Ali, DE 12/15/98C NRR PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead
11. Public workshop to discuss risk-informed options TBD. M. Drouin, RES for 10 CFR 50.59 (see note)
12. Final report to NRR with recommendations on TBD M. Drouin, RES approach to making 10 CFR 50.59 risk-informed (see note)
13. Develop Rulemaking Commission paper based on TBD R. Barrett, DSSA/

Commission response to options paper (9800154) M. Cunningham, (NRR) RES

14. Report to the Commission on the status of S/99 J. Murphy, RES proposed revision to Safetv Goal Policy (9700262) 4/30/99 PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead
15. Conduct meetings between Industry PRA Steering Ongoing T. King, RES Committee and NRC Steering Committee
16. Conduct meetings between Industry RI Licensing Ongoing G. Holahan, Panel and NRC R1 Licensing Panel 2/17/99C DSSA
17. Meet with ACRS Subcommittee and request ACRS TBD R. Barrett, DSSA letter on views and recommendations on Rulemaking Commission Paper for modifying Part 50 to be risk-informed per SRM  ;
18. Conduct public meetings to discuss staff response TBD G. Holahan, to SRM on modifying Part 50 to be risk informed DSSA / T. King, RES I
19. Proposed revision to Safety Goal Policy (9700262) 7/99 J. Murphy, RES l RES 1 l


a o 3 Apnl 5,1999 I

l BEYDNDjSEPTEMBER 23,1999 l Milestone Date Lead

20. Issue safety evaluation on EPRI ISI topical report 9/00/00 S. Ali, DE 10/31/99 - NRR
21. Endorse ASME RI-ISI code cases via Regulatory D. Jackson,RES /

Guide 1.147, contingent upon ASME completing code 9/00 S. Ali, DE, NRR case by 12/31/99.


2. Ceminittee meets &ppicMmetely month ly. The most recent mee'ing was in rebicary. Ch& der l lnclvde3.

Cecidin&Uen GIInisi-sIIIce UCA lmpIsment60 sis an &cUvitie5 Dese: uter. of key leeues identf;ceden of ncw scuvinee lnterecuen with pub llc and ndcatry 9a., b.- Oteff h&a deve:Opsd ncw plen end schedu'e fer identifying and evaig&t:ng opSen3. P!&n provides fer interacuen w:th the pub l:c, the nuc!aer :ndus'ry, the AOn0, and the CCCC in the

! deve:cpment &nd ev&lcaSon of Opuen3.

9 and 13. Some items budgeted in DSSA, such as support for SMMs, use of PRA in generic issue resolution, events assessment (except for high risk events) participation in planned or reactive inspections, quarterly updating of PRA plan (9500047, RES) (move to annually), and IPE follow-up, may be deferred in orderio meet the above schedules in developing an options paper. Work suggested to be dropped to support these milestones is the modification of Part 52 regarding use of PRAs beyond Design Certification.

11 and 12. These tasks and their corresponding completion schedules may be modified or deleted depending on the Commission's response to the staff's paper identifying options for modifying Part 50 to be risk-informed (Milestone 9.b).

13. Schedule depends upon Commission response to options paper at Milestone 9b.


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14. An_ extension _wa.s;ww.y..,,, .,. granted to permit staff to focus on high-priority _CSIS l 20. Werk has bcca de
ayed due te need for add;nenal lnfermeden from Ernl (RAl l550ed in i June 1907). Oteff conGnves te :nterect per:cd:ca::y w th Ernl sad w!ll reagme its effeits efter staff rece vcs reopen;cs te CA:s frem Ernl. Ern: egbmitted topice pr:er 's 15502nce of l0l neg Ouide and Otandard nesiew rian and as a reagl1 did not address cedainj:eq' :3ases er. hew the changes n program wecid Impec'i 3k. The staff schedule to issue its safety evaluation report


(SER))y 9/30/99.wa's bas.ed o'n pre.sentation of its. draft .SER ,to the ACRS in Aisgust .1999. The

i 4 April 5,1999 N6R'5~6riiS5tation is rioW sc~hiddled for SehtembeE T999, sinc ~e dIi5'd5es' riot hiids scheduled m'estiniilh August.) Based on this' change, the staff schedule to issue its SER had



been revised to 10/31/99.3This schedule is also' contingent upon EPRI providing its revised


Topibal.Repoit bEMirill1'5f.1999EThe'~ staff had a'two-day meeting (March 2-3,l1999),with EPRI io dis?uss EP_ RNHepohses._to NRCfAlsfelated to the EPRI Topical Repor_t.!

21. The staff schedule to endorse ASME RI-ISI Code Cases via RG 1.147 was contingent upon ASME completing Code Cases by 6/31/99. The staff had a meeting with NEl and industry representatives on October 8,1998. In that meeting, the ASME representatives informed the staff that the ASME plans to complete revisions of the Rl-ISI Code by 12/99. Based on this, the

. staff schedule to endorse ASME RI-ISI Code Cases via RG 1.147 has been revised to 9/00.

Additional Activities: The Center for Strategic and International Studies (GSIS) is conducting a study of the NRC regulatory process. Chairman Jackson and Commissioner McGaffigan are members of the Steering Committee. Ashok Thadanlis on the working group. The CSIS schedule calls for a final report by 4/15/99.

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5 April 5,1999

1. TOPIC AREA: Risk-informed and Performance-Based Reaulation SES Manager: Gary Holahan, Director, DSSA/NIWI B. Specific lasue: Pilot Acolicatl9BE Objective: The goal of the pilot programs is to complete first of a kind risk-informed licensing reviews such that lessons leamed may be utilized for future staff reviews. The pilot applications have provided a forum for developing guidance documents for both the staff and the industry.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Risk-Informed Licensing Panel (RILP) Meetings - Ongoing G. Holahan, assists in focusing management attention, as 8/5/980 DSSA necessary, to identify other pilots and ensure lessons 8/26/98C ,

leamed are developed from pilots 9/1/98C 2/17/99C

2. Issue safety evaluation on Comanche Peak IST 8/14/980 D. Fischer, DE pilot DSSA support
3. Issue safety evaluation for ANO-2 H2 monitoring 9/28/98 C M. Snodderly, DSSA
4. Issue safety evaluation on Vermont Yankee ISI pilot S. Ali, DE 11/9/98C DSSA support
5. Issue safety evaluation on Surry ISI pilot S. Ali, DE 12/16/98C DSSA support
6. Issue safety evaluation on ANO-2 IS1 pilot S. Ali, D$

12//29/98C DSSA support PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 l Milestone Date Lead

7. Issue safety evaluation on SONGS H2 Recombiner 6/30/99 M. Snodderly,- l (See note) DSSA PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead
8. Issue safety evaluation on ANO-1 ISI pilot 07/99 S. Ali, DE


! .r . I 6 April 5,1999 i <

Comments:  ; -

All licensing actions datesare contingent upon timely, technically acceptable industry responses ,

to staff inquiries. '

7. !Jnn, VAh "he suppert of CEO !e attempung is quantf i'hc valUe of hydrogen recemb:nere during a severe acc; dent ue:ng the OOOAT' computer inede . This appreech vias desci: bed in a l4cvember

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.eewuo ..u.u.o.~e.... n meeting vies cenducted veh tJC! and indve'ri representet: vee en December 22,1000, to discges the status of the propeaa . The staff held a public meeting with San Onofre on March 17,1999.-

The staff believes that although the recombiners and hydrogen purge is not a risk significant system they are needed to suptiort the severe accident management guidelines but do not rise to the level of a maintencice rule risk significant system. The licensee is exp'ected to develop i an appropriate reliability and availability control which will provide justification for no longer including these systems in technical specifications.

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7 April 5,1999

1. TOPIC AREA: Risk-informed mid Performance-Based Regulation SES Manager: Gary Holahan, birector, DSSA, NRR C. Specific lasue: Plant-e-7 8 Wnsina Reviews _.

Objective: The use of probabilistic risk assessment in risk-informed decision making for changes to plant-specific licensing basis is intended to enhance safety decisions, efficiently utilize NRC resources and reduce unnecessary conservatism. The goal is to complete first of a kind risk-informed licensing reviews such that lessons leamed may be utilized for future staff reviews.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Establish Lead PM for risk-informed licensing Complete R. Hall, DRPE actions
2. Risk-Informed Licensing Panel (RILP) Meetings - Ongoing G. Holahan, assists in focusing management attention, as 8/5/980 DSSA necessary, on risk-informed licensing actions. 8/26/98C 9/1/980 2/17/990
3. Issue safety evaluation on North Anna 1/2 EDG AOT 8/26/98 C O. Chopra, DE egension DSSA suppod
4. Issue safety evaluation on-Dyster Creek proposal on 9/8/98 C O. Chopra, DE EDG online testing DSSA support
5. Issue safety evaluation on San Onofre 2/3 EDG AOT 9/9/98 C O. Chopra, DE extension DSSA support
6. Issue Commission paper related to staff's evaluation 9/21/98 C G. Carpenter, DE i of probabilistic assessment of "BWR Reactor Pressure DSSA support i Vessel Shell Weld Inspection Recommendations" (9700209)(NRR)'
7. Issue safety evaluation for ANO-2 H, monitoring 9/28/98 C M. Snodderly, i DSSA


8. Create special reporting mechanism in WISP for 10/2/98 C R. Hall, DRPE risk-informed licensing actions to facilitate monitoring and tracking
9. Issue safety evaluation on safety injection tank AOT E. Weiss, DSSA extension for 6 CEOG facilities 10/22/98C

8 April 5,1999 PRIORio JANUARY 28,1999

10. Issue safety evaluation on Comanche Peak E. Weiss, DSSA charging pump AOT extension 12/30/98C


11. Issue safety evaluation on Pilgrim 5DG AOT O. Chopra, DE extension 12/11/98C DSSA support
12. Notify licensees of the opportunity for confirmatory R. Hall, ADPR/

order on H, monitoring. 12/31/980 DSSA PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

13. Issue safety evaluation on Sequoyah proposal on O. Chopra, DE EDG AOT extension 12/18/98C DSSA support
14. Issue reliefs from augmented examination 06/99 G. Carpenter, requirements for various licensees on BWR reactor DE pressure vessel circumferential welds
15. Issue safety evaluation on Browns Ferry 2/3 06/99 O. Chopra, DE proposal on EDG AOT extension DSSA support PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead
16. SER to be issued on CE Owners Group Joint 9/99 W. Lyon Applications Report for HPSI system AOT extensions for 6 sites (see note)
17. SER to be issued on CE Owners Group Joint 8/99 R. Goel Applications Report for CS system AOT extensions for 6 sites (see note)
18. SER to be issued on B&W Owners Group Topical 8/99 S. Brewer Report for LPl/RBS systems AOT extensions for 5 sites (see note)


16. - 18.SER issuance dates for these tasks depends on resolution of ongoing discussions on use of Maintenance Rule / Configuration Risk Management Program (CRMP) for the purpose of configuration management and the individual plant amendment requests.

9 April 5,1999

14. The staff issued Generic imitar 9805, dated November 'i1,1998, which informed BWR licensees that the staff had completed Rs review of the "BWR Vessel and Intemals Project, BWR Reactor Pressure Vessel SheD Weld Inspection Recommendations (BWRVIP-05)," and that BWR licensees may request relief from the inservice inspection requirements of 10 CFR 50.55a(g) for the volumetdc exarnination of circumferential reactor pressure vessel (RPV) welds.

Tnese reliefs will not on'y be effective for the remaining term of opera ~ tion under the current license. The staff will continue to expeditiously review these requests as they are received.

14-15. Dates to be evaluated during prioritization of risk-informed licensing actions.

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10 April 5,1999 L TOPIC AREA: Risk-informed and ." "ed Reaulation SES Manager: Gary Holahan, Director, DSSA, NRR and Thomas King, Director, DST /RES D. Specific issue: Gtddance Documents Objective: To provide guidance for the staff and the industry which will enhance consistency and provide a infrastructure for use in risk-informed regulation.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. NRC/ Utility Workshop on Risk-Informed (RI) 07/22/980 G. Kelly, DSSA RegWation
2. Communicate about process with Licensing 08/17/98C R. Barrett, DSSA counterparts from industry (NRC/ Utility Licensing Workshop - memo issued summarizing items discussed at workshop)
3. Issue ISI trial use RI RG/SRP to Commission 06/11/980 RES (SECY 98-139) S. Ali, DE.

4a Complete review of second draft of Phase 1 PRA 8/31/980 M. Drouin, RES standard 4b. Paper to Commission on status of PRA standards 10/27/980 M. Drouin, RES development effort (9800041) (RES) 4c. Phase 1 draft PRA standard submitted for ASME 11/980 M. Drouin, RES review and comment 4d. Phase 1 draft PRA standard issued for public 1/29/99C M. Drouin, RES comment

5. Revise NRR intemal guidance to raise the priority of 10/1/98 C D. Dorman, risk-informed licensing actions ADPR
6. Communicate revised priority to industry via 10/1/98C R. Hall, ADPR PM/ Licensing interaction
7. Communicate revised priority to industry via 10/29/980 R. Hall, ADPR Administrative Letter
8. Issue interim NRR Guidance on Implementation of 10/30/98C G. Kelly, DSSA Risk-Informed Regulation

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11 April 5,1999 PRIDR TOJANUARY 28,1999

9. Integrate risk attributes into revised licensee ' 1/8/99C DISP performance assessment process (9700238)(NRR), (see note) G. Parry, DSSA (SECY-99-007)

PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

10. Initiate work on Phase 2 PRA draft standard TBD M. Drouin, RES
11. Issue GQA temporary instruction for use following 4/99 it. Oremm, implementation of South Texas GQA program (see note) ORGHWRiritti]


12. Phase 1 PRA standard comments received and 6/99 M. Drouin, RES final draft developed
13. Report to the Commission on development of risk S/46/99 Dave Nelson, attributes for revising enforcement policies. Input to TBD OE II.C. 9. (0000150) (OC) G. Kelly, DSSA PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 l

Milestone Date Lead l 1

_None BEYOND SEPTEMBER 23,1999 i Milestone '

Date Lead i

14. Phase 1 PRA standard issued as final by ASME 12/99 M. Drouin, RES 15.' First Phase 2 PRA standard developed TBD M. Drouin, RES
16. Completion of Phase 2 PRA standard TBD M. Drouin, RES Comments:
9. There will be a follow-on SECY paper providing additional information, date TBD.

Eifd]@d%kU56tlOl@di6fi[dseisiddiirinfaimedbrijWtfitti(NRRA11. A draf pire_ctorsion 3/19/99; 4

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12 April 5,1999

[3[E5IdrIsTdWtaik"eMib'difrWiAffdEAdiM]ddr3MEi5idssd( R63 Sig6ifid5h6E/ Risk P.jp4[(SECY-99387)

14. ACRS & Commission review, a public workshop, and PRA Steering Committee meeting required.

4a-d,10,12,13,15,16. Phase 1 is a standard for full power operation, intemal events only.

Phase 2 is for extemal events and shutdown. Dates are tentative due to uncertainty associated with the number and nature of comments that may be received. This is an ASME initiative and, therefore, the schedules are set by ASME. ASME extended the review and comment period to 5/1/99. Due to the number of comments anticipated, ASME anticipates resolution with final draft developed by 6/99 to start through the intemal ASME consensus process. ASME anticipates issuance of Phase 1 standard at the latest by 12/99; however, believes it may be sooner.

10,16. ' Phase 2 of the PRA standard covers intemal fire, extemal events and low power shutdown. The ASME Risk Managment Committee has not set a date for initiation of Phase 2.

The ANS has expressed to the ASME their interest in providing the lead for Phase 2. The staff has some concem that resolution of this arrangement between ASME and ANS could delay timely initiation of this effort and could, therefore, cause reconsideration of the staffs participation in Phase 2 of this activity with either ASME or ANS.

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13 April 5,1999 11.Toolc Area: Reactor inspection and Enforcement

" SES Manager: William _M. Dean, PIPB/DIPM/NRR and J. Lieberman, Director, OE A. Specific issue: Risk Informed Baseline Inspection Proaram l

(- Program Manager: Alan L Madison, NRR and John Flack, RES Objective: To develop and implement a more risk informed, efficient, and effective baseline inspection program. By risk informed, it is meant that the inspection program's scope will be defined primarily by those' areas that are significant from a risk perspective and that the inspection methods used to assess these areas will take advantage of both generic and plant specific risk insights.

Coordination: Issues ll.A. " Risk Informed Baseline Inspection Program," li.B. " Enforcement Program Initiatives," II.C. " Escalated Enforcement Program," lli.A. " Performance Assessment Process improvements," and VI. F " Event Reporting Rulemaking," require close coordination and the integration of specific tasks by the NRC staff. Responsible project managers are l

coordinating these activities by assessing the impact of proposed program change.c with the other ongoing activities and ensuring that the overall objectives for each project are e.chieved.

Examples include, intra-project task force participation, workshop attendance, concurrent review of projects and periodic senior management briefings. In addition, industry-developed initiatives such as the NEl New Regulatory Oversight Process are being reviewed by all project groups and evaluated for impact.

l PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 l

Milestone Date Lead

1. Establish management oversight panel 9/24/980 C. Holden, DISP (performance assessment and risk informed inspection program)
2. Issue detailed plan and team charter 9/30/98C J.Jacobson, DISP
3. Brief Commission TA's 9/24/98C J.Jacobson, DISP
4. Selectimprovement team members 9/30/98C C. Holden, DISP J.Jacobson,

, DISP l

5. Support NRR public workshop on soliciting input on 9/28/980 J. Flack, RES approaches to risk-informed inspection (RES to present options at workshop).



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i 14 April 5,1999 l


6. Solicit input from stakeholders on scope of 9/28-10/1/980 J.Jacobson, inspection at ' regulatory assessment public workshop, . DISP coordinating with issue lit.A.
7. Meet with ACRS to discuss workshop results 10/2/98C J.Jacobson, DISP
8. Prepare draft recommendations on baseline 10/30/980 J. Flack, RES inspection based on review of BWR and PWR PRA.

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9. Brief Commission on progress to date 11/2/980 B. Mallett, DISP
10. Discuss with ACRS subcommittee proposed scope 11/98C J. Flack, RES and approach B. Mallett, DISP j
11. Develop draft inspection program objectives 11/980 J. Flack, RES B. Mallet, DISP
12. Develop Commission Paper proposing a risk- 1/8/99C B. Mallet, DISP informed baseline inspection program (9700238)

(NRR) SECY-99-007 i

13. Brief Commission TA's 12/98C C. Holden, DISP
14. Communicate proposed changes to staff to obtain 12/98C C. Holden, DISP intemal stakeholder feedback
15. Develop transition strategy 1/99C C. Holden, DISP
16. Brief Commission on recommended program 1/20/99C C. Holden, DISP changes (9700238) (NRR)

PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

17. Begin drafting program changes and start 2/99C A. Madison, j conducting training of staff DIPM 18.a. Begin pilot implementation of new baseline 6/99 A. Madison, inspection program DlPM l


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s 15 April 5,1999 j l

PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead 18.b. Monitor pilot implementation of new baseline 7/99-9/99 -- A. Madison, l Inspection program and review results DIPM BEYOND SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Da'.e Lead

19. Complete pilot implementation of new baseline 12/99 A. Madison, inspection program DIPM
20. Complete transition to risk informed baseline 1/00 W. Dean, DIPM inspection program Comments:

Status: All milestones are on track, there are no schedule changes, and no expected delays. A l Commission briefing ededuled brivas held on March 26,1999.

Deferrals and Susoensions:

SALP Program.

The SALP process suspension will be continued indefinitely. I RES and NRR work assessing the effectiveness of the station blackout and anticipated transient without scram rules and generic safety issue A-45 (decay heat removal) will be deferred from i 12/98 to W99 a be determined date. Personnel commitments supporting timely revision  :

of the reactor oversightprocess (SECY-99-007) and the ongoing reorganization of RES require


rescheduling the work toassess the effectiveness of the station blackout rule, the rule on anticipated transienkwithout scram, and ths generic safety. issue A-45 (decay heat removal) resoluti.on. (9700346) (RES) 1 1 .


}l *.

16 April 5,1999 II. Reactor Insocction and Enforcement

- SES Manager: James Lieberman, Director, Office of Enforcement l

B. Enforcement ProgramInitiatives _

lasues/ Lead Individual:

1) NRC-licensee documentation and disposition of non-risk significant violationsTC) l Mark Satorius
l. _ 2) Severity LevelIV violations _ .

Mark-6atenusDavid Nelson

3) Industry Enforcement Process Proposals
Mark-SatoriusRenee Pedersen Due to the manner that these three issues are linked, all are being considered under one Plan of Action.'

Objective: Reduce unnecessary licensee burdens associated with responding to non-risk j significant violations (Issues Nos.1 and 2) utilizing initial stakeholder inputs and proposals and soliciting stakeholder feedback following implementation of Enforcement Program changes l (Issue No.3), without losing the NRC's ability to detect licensee problems in a timely manner.



Coordination: Issues li.A. " Risk Informed Baseline Core inspection Program," ll.B. " Enforcement  !

Program Initiatives," II.C. " Escalated Enforcement Program," lli.A. " Performance Assessment l Process improvements," and VI.F " Event Reporting Rulemaking," require close coordination and I

the integration of specific tasks by the NRC staff. Responsible project managers are coordinating these activities by assessing the impact of proposed program changes with the other ongoing activities and ensuring that the overall objectives for each project are achieved.

l Examples include, intra-project task force participation, workshop attendance, concurrent review l of projects and periodic senior management briefings. In addition, industry-developed initiatives such as the NEl New Regulatory Oversight Process are being reviewed by all project groups and evaluated forimpact.

i PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead l

1. Implement an Enforcement Guidance EGM issued on M. Satorius 'j Memorandum (EGM) to clarify guidance under the 7/27/980 i existing Enforcement Policy that provides licensees i L incentives to self-identify and correct problems in order to avoid the issuance of notices of violations. I i

' s. .

17 April 5,1999 l

i - PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999

2. Monitor the success of EGM 98-006 on lessening C;;,b 0/1/00 M. Satorius the unnecessary burden to licensees by reducing the and ~

volume of Severity Level IV violations, including centmoe5/15/99 l violations not cited and both those requiring and not C -

l requiring a response. (This item will terminate upon

implementation of the revised SLIV enforcement policy '

l on March 11,1999.)

3. Conduct a public meeting with stakeholders to - 9/3/98C M. Satorius solicit input on the manner that the Enforcement Policy may be revised. '
4. Utilize previously received written inputs from 9/18/98C M. Satorius extemal stakeholders that provides positions on the manner that the objectives should be accomplished.
5. Submit a Commission Paper incorporating the 11/3/98C M. Satorius views of intemal and extemal stakeholders that l provides the Commission the staff's recommendation on the manner to achieve the objectives by proposing an Enforcement Policy change. (9800174) (OE)
6. Brief the Commissioners Technical Assistants on 11/30/980 M. Satorius the results of EGM 98-006 reducing unnecessary licensee burden
7. Conduct Regional Enforcement Coordinator 11/23/98C M. Satorius meeting / training on the Revised Enforcement Policy.
8. Conduct training in the Regional offices, with a RI-11/4/980 M. Satorius I focus on agency expectations for the Revised Ril-9/23/98C Enforcement Policy. EDO/DEDE/DEDR provides Rlli-12/10/980 senior management's expectations at the scheduled RIV-10/14/98 &

I counterpart meetings attended by those individuals. 11/18/98C

9. Evaluate inspection data to determine the extent 12/22/98C and M. Satorius of success that EGM 98-006 had in reducing update prior to unnecessary burden to licensees. Provide this the time of the information to the Chairman for the Senate Hearing. hearing (C) l (9800158)(OE)

I. l l


1 l

April 5,1999 18


PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

10. Following Commission approval of the staff's 2/9/99C M. Satorius Enforcement Policy revision, the Revised Policy is published in the Federal Register, with the message to stakeholders that six months after implementation of the Revised Policy, public meeting / workshops will be held for stakeholder feedback.
11. Conduct video conferencing with Regional 2/22/99C M. Satorius managers to outline the changes to the Enforcement Policy and provide agency expectations.
12. Implement revised Enforcement Po: icy. 3/11/99C M. Satorius
13. Collect enforcement data following the Monthly after M D. Ostenus implementation of the Revised Enforcement Policy, for 3/11/99 Nelson later use in determining the success of the changes in accomplishing the objectives.


l l

Milestone Date Lead j

14. Solicit feedback from regional management, the 7/99 MR. " ^ - --- -

inspection staff, and headquarters staff on the Pedersen successes or failures of the Revised Enforcement Policy.


15. Conduct public meetings /wcrkshops with , 10/99 MR. Cetorius stakeholders, ene In :he "leshing, ten area end cae in Pedersen en erea siegnd & ilegion, to solicit feedback on the successes and shortcomings of the Revised Enforcement Policy.
16. Assemble the collective views of the staff and 11/99 MR. Osterius stakeholders to determine whether the Revised Pedersen Enforcement Policy has accomplished the objectives, l

' or whether further staff action is needed. Submit Commission paper. (9800159) (OE)

i .*

i l 19 April 5,1999 i

I Comm8DlS: . . ..


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1 1

i I

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a 9

p .. .

20 April 5,1999 II. Reactor inspection and Enforcement SES Manager: James Lieberman, Director, Office of Enforcement ~

C. Escalated Enforcement Prouram initiatives "Reaulatory Sionificance"/ Risk

- Objective: Incorporate clearer risk-informed enforcement guidance in the treatment of escalated violations.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Conduct a public meeting with stakeholders to solicit 9/3/980 M. Satorius input on the manner that risk should be incorporated into the Enforcement Policy.
2. Publish EGM to define interim enforcement process 11/25/98C M. Satorius enhancements to enforcement involving " regulatory significance" through increased oversight and greater focus on safety.
3. Conduct a public meeting with stakeholders to 12/17/980 M. Satorius discuss application of regulatory significance.

PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone .

Date Lead j i

4. Conduct a second public meeting with stakeholders 2/9/99C M. Satorius to discuss application of regulatory significance.
5. Conduct a public meeting with stakeholders to 2/9/99C M. Satorius discuss application of risk-informed enforcement.
6. Submit a Commission Paper that addresses the use SM5/993 24 99 M. Satorius of " regulatory significance." (9800069) (OE) C
7. Develop (proposed) risk-informed (revisions to) the SM5/99S2'4/99 M. Satorius  !

Enforcement Policy. , C

8. Discuss (revisions) with stakeholders and solicit S/29/993/11 59 M. Satorius feedback C
9. Submit a Commission Paper utilizing the input from SM/99TBD M'D'. OeLiiss issue I.D.13, the revisions developed above, and Nelson i lessons leamed from the performance assessment trial to revise the Enforcement Policy. (9800155) (OE) I l

i i


  • 1 o' 1

21 April 5,1999 l -

l .. PfGOR TO JUNE 30,1999

10. Develop revised enforcement policy.for use during 0/10/305/25/99 M5. Ceterige trialimplementation of Performance Assessment C yVestreich Program.

PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead None Comments:

7 a 0. lnput w :: be pie ided by .00 and 300.

O. *.":cetone dete chenged te coinc;de v.ith the reector performence esseeement trie period. 9.

Action pending Commission feedback from Reg Significance / Risk paper (SECY-99-087),

submitted 3/24/99 (See Milestones.II.C.6 and ll.C.7) 1

1 9 22 April 5,1999 Ill.Toolc Area: ReactorLicensenPerformance Aseessment SES Manager: Wilham M. Dean, PIPB/DIPM/NRR A.;0c lasue: L.-fuiram T  ::sent Preees improvements (IRAP. Ind' Mrv's Proposal. and Performance Indicators)

Program Manager: Alan L Madison, PIPB/DIPM/NRR Objective: The objective of this task is to develop and implement improvements to the NRC plant performance assessment process (and the overall reactor oversight process) to make it more risk-informed, efficient, and effective while combining the best attributes of the IRAP effort,

' the regulatory oversight approach proposed by NEl, and the staff efforts designed to develop risk-informed performance indicators. ,

Coordination: Issues ll.A. " Risk informed Baseline Inspection Program," II.B. " Enforcement Program initiatives," II.C. " Escalated Enforcement Program," lli.A. " Performance Assessment Process improvements," and VI. F " Event Reporting Rulemaking," require close coordination and the integration of specific tasks by the NRC staff. Responsible project managers are coordinating these activities by assessing the impact of proposed program changes with the other ongoing activities and ensuring that the overall objectives for each project are achieved.

Examples include, intra-project task force participation, workshop attendance, concurrent review of projects and periodic senior management briefings. In addition, industry-developed initiatives l

l such as the NEl New Regulatory Oversight Process are being reviewed by all project groups and evaluated forimpact.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Transition to an annual senior management meeting 6/30/98C J. Isom, DISP
2. Review and discuss with NEl their proposed 8/14/98C D. Gamberoni, assessment process DISP
3. Suspend SALP upon Commission approval 9/15/980 T. Boyce, DISP
4. Hold public workshop to obtain extemal stakeholder 10/1/980 T. Frye, DISP input D.Gamberoni, DISP 5.' Research to provide risk insights on oversight 10/1/980 M. Cunningham, framework (comerstones) RES
6. End of public comment perkx1 for performance 10/6/98C T. Frye, DISP assessment process improvement which began on 8/7/98.


s .


-23 April 5,1999 PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

7. Brief ACRS to obtain theirinput 10/2/98C M. Johnson, DISP
8. Brief Commission on results of public comments 11/2/980 M. Johnson, DISP
9. Award contract for risk-based performarce indicator 11/20/98C T. Wolf, RES development.
10. Brief ACRS to obtain their input 12/3/98C M. Johnson, DISP 4
11. Research to provide recommendations on 12/23/98C M. Cunningham, formulation of a risk-informed assessment and RES inspection concept.

l 12. Brief Commission TAs 11/23/98C M. Johnson, DISP

13. Provide results of review of public comments and 1/8/99C M. Johnson, recommendation for changes to the assessment DISP process to the Commission. Submit Commission paper. (9700238) (NRR) SECY-99-007
14. Brief Commission on recommendations (9700238) 1/20/99C M. Johnson,  !

(NRR) DISP i PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

15. Obtain Commission approval for implementation of 4/99 W. Dean, DIPM recommended changes
16. Obtain Industry approval to make public the data 6/99 T. Wolf, RES i used in Industry's proposed Indicators for monitoring plant performance. Begin phase out of current i Performance Indicator Program.
17. Complete development of implementation plan. 6/99 A. Madison, Start phase-in (pilot) of the revised reactor oversight DIPM l process.
18. Begin trial application of risk-based performance 6/99 T. Wolf, RES indicators.

[> .

1 i k

. 1 24 April 5,1990

! l l , PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead

19. Continua pilot implementation of new reactor 7/99-9/99 -- A. Madison, oversight prwess DIPM Ml BEYOND SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead
20. Complete NRC and licensee training on new 10/99-12/99 A. Madison, ,

reactor oversight process in preparation for full DIPM l implementation

21. Complete trial application, brief Commission, and 11/99 T. Wolf, RES publish candidate risk-based indicators for public comment. (9800160)(RES)
22. Commence fullimplementation of new reactor 1/00 W. Dean, DIPM oversight process
23. Publish last Performance Indicator Report using 1/00 T. Wolf, RES i current Pls l
24. Hold public workshop on candidate risk-based 2/00 T. Wolf, RES performance indicators.
25. Brief commission on proposed risk-based 10/00 T. Wolf, RES performance indicators developed cooperatively by NRC and industry (9800161)(RES)
26. Implement Commission approved risk-based 1/01 T. Wolf, RES performance indicators developed cooperatively by M. Johnson, NRC and industry DIPM
27. Complete evaluation of implementation and 6/01 M. Johnson, effectiveness of the revised assessment process DIPM Comments:

Status: - ~

A Commission briefing h~65dOl53 d T5F5as'heldon March 26,1999._ Ohed21p5Uhd~deii'5'I tN5 Oeini;ieei_en;ng in ;T,cyed ic April. Add;t:en&; injieetene.e added.

Deferrals and Suspensions:

The SALP process suspension will be continued indefinitely.

s. .


1 25 April 5,1999 l

l IV.Toolc Area: Reactor Licensina and Oversicht i

SES Manager: Chris Grimes, Director, RC55PDER/ DRIP /NRR A. SDeCIfic Issue: License Renewal (includes Calvert Cliffs, Oconee and Generic Process improvements)

Objective: Demonstrate that license renewal applications submitted under 10 CFR l Parts 54 & 51 can be reviewed effectively, efficiently and promptly.


Milestone Date Lead )

1. Maintain Calvert Cliffs and Oconee schedules Ongoing C. Grimes, DRIP
2. Conduct management meetings with license monthly C. Grimes, DRIP '

renewal applicants ,

3. Issued Policy Statement " Conduct of Adjudicatory 7/28/98C OGC Proceedings" issued 63 FR 41,872 (8/5/98)
4. Issued case specific order- Calvert Cliffs 8/19/98C OGC j
5. Steering Committee bimonthly meeting with NEl 6/18/980 C. Grimes, DRIP Working Group 8/20/98C 10/29/980 1/14/990 2/26/99C 3/30/990 5/12/99
6. ACRS subcommittee meeting on renewal process 7/16/98C C. Grimes, DRPM
7. Agree on generic issue inventory / priority with NEl 9/980 C. Grimes, DRPM
8. Increased emphasis on renewal with EC and LRSC Ongoing C. Grimss, DRIP
9. Staff complete technical RAls - Calvert Cliffs 9/7/980 C. Grimes, DRPM
10. Staff complete environmental RAls - Calvert Cliffs 9/28/980 C. Grimes, DRPM
11. ACRS subcommittee briefing on renewal activities 11/18/98C C. Grimes, DRPM
12. Staff complete technical RAls - Oconee 12/4/980 C. Grimes, DRPM i

d 26 April 5,1999 PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

13. Staff complete environmental RAls - Oconee 12/29/980 C. Grimes,


DRPM PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead


14. Issue $51.53 rule change to des lgnate HLW 2/99C D. Cleary, DRIP transportation as a generic environmental impact for 60-day public comment (9800003)
15. Issue Draft Environmental Statement for comment 2/24/99C C. Grimes, DRIP

- Calvert Cliffs

16. Complete Safety Evaluation Report (SER) and 3/21/99C C. Grimes, DRIP identify open items - Calvert Cliffs
17. ACRS subcommittee meeting on Calvert Cliffs 4/99 C. Grimes, DRIP SER and open items
18. ACRS full committee meeting on Calvert Cliffs 5/99 C. Grimes, DRIP SER and open items
19. Issue Draft Environmental Statement - Oconee 6/2/99 C. Grimes, DRIP
20. Complete SER and identify open items - Oconee 6/17/99 C. Grimes, DRIP
21. Complete $51.53 final rule change to designate 6/99 D. Cleary, DRIP HLW transportation as a generic environmental impact for Commission approval (9800003)

PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead

22. ACRS subcommittee meeting on Oconee SER and 7/99 C. Grimes, DRIP open items
23. Upon Commission approval, publish 651.53 rule 8/99 D. Cleary, DRIP change designating HLW transportation as a generic environmental impact, to be effective in 30 days
24. ACRS full cornmittee meeting on Oconee SER and 9/99 C. Grimes, DRIP open items

27 April 5,1999 BEYOND SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead

25. Issue Supplemental SER and Final Environmental 11/16/99 C. Grimes, DRIP Statement- Calvert Cliffs -
26. ACRS subcommittee meeting on Calvert Cliffs 1/00 C. Grimes, DRIP Supplemental SER
27. ACRS full committee meeting on Calvert Cliffs 2/00 C. Grimes, DRIP Supplemental SER
28. Issue Supplemental SER and Final Environmental 2/12/00 C. Grimes, DRIP Statement - Oconee
29. ACRS subcommittee meeting on Oconee 3/00 C. Grimes, DRIP Supplemental SER
30. ACRS full committee meeting on Oconee 5/00 C. Grimes, DRIP Supplemental SER
31. License renewal decision complete for Calvert 5/00 C. Grimes, DRIP Cliffs
32. License renewal decision complete for Oconee 8/00 C. Grimes, DRIP
33. License renewal decision completed within 30-36 Ongoing C. Grimes, DRIP months of initial applications
34. Hearing (if request granted) Per Comm.



1-2,0,0,14-01. Leed ciganizet;en changed to ref;ect NP,P, reerganizat en.

STB &-7. Steering Committee meetings with industry and ACRS subcommittee meetings with staff will continue periodically to ensure effective resolution of technical and process issues. The Steering Committee will periodically report progress to the Executive Council in accordance with the memo to Chairman Jackson dated 3/6/98.

%24-Ceriected erienecue '//iTO nuinber.

01,02. Adde m :eeto ee pic.iding ee;npiet en dates for l cense senewat deeielene.

33. Clarifies the fact that the license renewal decision (as opposed to just a review) is completed. Next (third) application expected in 12/99 (ANO-1).

P ;, ,

i -

28 April 5,1999 IV. Toolc Area: Reactor Licensina and Oversicht SES Manager: David Matthews, Director, DRIP /NRR B. Specificissue: 50.59 Rulemakina Objective: To provide clarity and flexibility in existing requirements ma PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Issue SECY-98-171 providing proposed revisions to 7/10/98C E.McKenna, 10 CFR 50.59 for Commission review and approval DRPM
2. Issue COMSECY 98-013 forwarding staff response 5/27/980 E. McKenna, to issues raised in SRM on SECY-97-205 (3/24/98) DRPM
3. Conduct meeting with industry /public to solicit views 8/24/980 M. Drouin, RES on options for making 50.59 risk-informed -
4. ACRS Subcommittee Meeting 9/24/98C M. Drouin, RES
5. Issue proposed rule changes on 10 CFR 50.59 for 10/21/98C E.McKenna, public comment DRPM
6. Trial application of actual 50.59 test cases to assess 10/30/980 M. Drouin, RES options l
7. Discuss options and preliminary evaluation udn 11/19/980 M. Drouin, RES ACRS subcommittee
8. ACRS Full Committee 12/03/980 M. Drouin, RES
9. Report to NRR on option; with release to PDR with 12/28/98C M. Drouin, RES copy to Commission l 1
10. End of public comment period 12/21/980 E.McKenna, DRPM  !
11. Resolve issues identified during comment period 1/990 E.McKenna, DRPM I

a 4

29 April 5,1999 PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead l


12. Paper to Commission (S5CId9-654) summa:izing 2/22/99C E.McKenna, public comments and forwarding recommendations on -

DRIP final rule language for Commission decision'ar.d providingiec6r6me'natio'n d or{ 5 cope.of 10_CFR Sd.59 (9700191) and (9800044)

13. Commission feedback received at briefing on 3/31/990 E.McKenna, 3/2/99 and in subsequent SRM on the briefing ~ DRIP
14. ACRS and CRGR review of final rulemaking 4/99 package 5/99
15. Issue paper containing final 10 CFR 50.59 rule to 4/00/99 E.McKenna, the Commission (9700191) (NRR) and provide 5/10/99 DRIP recerninendation en ecepe of 10 Crn 50.09 (0000044) (Nnn)
16. Publish final n:!e change 10 CFR 50.59 6/99 E.McKenna, DRIP Comments:

3,4,6-9,11,13. Milestones associated with risk-informed options for 50.59 have been integrated with milestones for risk-informed options for Part 50 (Topic I Issue A).

11. The staff hardeveloped a draft comment resolution package that was included as an i attachment to the Commission paper in Milestone 12.

l 12,10,15-10. Lead organizatien changed te reflect Nnn reorganization.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

12,15 De'scriptioI) of m'iiestonis~ revise'd to reflect that' staff providedits recommenda' tion on scope.1rtth_e.2/22/99 paper.


ii,' iST.Wilie~sioniSit'e'ieviseit'~

s refiS5t o additional . meetings with AEi'on criteria }3/25/99 on C

" minimal and 3/31/99'ori" design basis limits for_ fission product barriers") and.the.need for additional, provide final rule package.

.g .,

i 30 April 5,1999 W. Toole Area: Reactor Licwasina and Oversicht i SES Manager: David Matthews, Director, DRIP /NRR C. Specificlasue: FSAR Update Guidance ,

Objective: To provide consistent guidance on information to be contained in FSAR PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Submit SECY-98-087 to Commission which 4/20/980 T. Bergman, contains proposed guidance on information to be DRPM contained in FSAR
2. SRM/SECY-98-087 directs staff to work with industry 6/30/98C T. Bergman, to resolve issues and endorse industry guidance DRPM
3. Issue staff comments on NEl 98-03 dated 7/8/98 9/1/980 T. Bergman, DRPM
4. Receive revised NEl 98-03 (Final Draft Rev. 0) 9/30/98C T. Bergman, DRPM i
5. Issue staff comments on Final Draft Rev. 0 10/8/980 T. Bergman,  ;


6. Receive Rev. O of NEl 98-03 for endorsement 11/4/98C T. Bergman, DRPM
7. CRGR review of draft regulatory guide that 12/8/980 T. Bergman, endorses industry guidance DRPM i
8. Submit paper (SECY 99-001) with draft regulatory 1/5/99C T. Bergman, aulde to Commission (9700198)(NRR) DRPM PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead
9. Publish draft regulatory guide endorsing NEl 98-03 0/99 . . T. Bergman, for comment (00 daye)(ends 4/30/99) 3/17/990 DRIP
10. Resolve issues identified during public comment 5/30/99 T. Bergman, period DRIP


{1. Receiveirid reviekrevised NEl 98 203

. 6/99 T. Bergman, DRIP

o .

r 31 April 5,1999


.- PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead i

M12. ACRS and CRGR review of OCOY and final ear ly June T. Bergman, l regulatory guide 4999 --

DRIP e 7/99 PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead I

W13. Submit paper and final regulatory guido to 8/1/99 T. Bergman, Commission (9700198)(NRR) DRIP 4014. Publish final regulatory guide 9/99 T. Bergman, DRIP Comments:

9. Milestone completed. The 60-day public comment period was shortened to ensure that the schedule for issuance of the final regulatory guide could be maintained, and because of the extensive interaction with stakeholders that has already occurred on this topic.

9-12. Lead sigen zetlhn chenged ic reflect Nnn rehrgenizat hn.

11. New milestone. NEl has indicated that they expect to issue revised NEl 98-03 to address public comments, where appropriate, rather than having the staff address solely through the final regulatory guide. Remaining milestones renumbered accordingly.



12.' Date chanhecito allow sufficient tirrid for staff to review NEl 98-03 and prepare final regulatory guide prior to meeting with CRGR and ACRS. Date to submit final regulatory guide to


i Commission (8/1/99) not impacted. Editorial change to note _ that discussions with ACRS and I CRGR are on the. final regulatory guide.

1 h [N bh&hbh Eh th hb6 bh[b b hb h Ebbd.

I l


( i .

32 April 5,1999 IV. Topic Area: Reactor Licensina and Oversiaht

1 SES Manager. David Matthews, Director, DRIP /NRR

. D. Specificissue: Define Desian Basis Objective: To provide a clear definition of what constitutes design bases information.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. NEl submits 97-04 for information 10/8/97C S. Magruder, DRPM
2. SRM/SECY-97-205 directs staff to continue to 3/24/980 S. Magruder, develop guidance regarding design bases issues DRPM
3. Issue preliminary staff comments on NEl 97-04 8/18/98C S. Magruder, DRPM
4. Meet with NEl to discuss staff comments on 9/18/98C S. Magruder, NEl 97-04 DRPM l

PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999  !

Milestone Date Lead I

5. Meet with NEl Task Force to discuss' draft criteria 4/16/99 S. Magruder, and additional examples DRIP 6.lSend ietter to NEl with staff position 5/7/99 S. Magruder, DRIP
57. NEl submits revised guidance for review and 6/99 S. Magruder, ,

endorsement 6/1/99 DRIP

^ ^

6 8. Resolve f.inal staff comments anldjevelop draft 5/99, _ S. Magruder, '

regulatory gulds 6/15/99 DRIP PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead

59. ACRS and CRGR review of SECY and draft 6/99 S. Magruder, regulatory guide that er.dc,rc,c,3 NC: 37 04 7/99 DRIP 010. Submit paper with draft regulatory guide to 6/99_ _ . S. Magruder, Commission (9800044)(NRR) 7/30/99 DRIP

.s .


, 33 April 5,1999 PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999


Milestone Date Lead SU. SRM to direct staff to publish draft regulatory 6/30/99 S. Magruder, auide for oublic comment (60 days) 8/30/99 - DRIP BEYOND SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead 4012. Resolve issues identified during public comment 10/22/00 S. Magruder, l period 12/30/99 DRIP 4+13. ACRS and CRGR review of paper and final 42/99 S. Magruder,  !

regulatory guide 1/00 DRIP 4214. Submit paper and final regulatory guide that 12/00/00 S. Magruder, enders;e NC: guidence ;c Osmmise:en (9800044) 2/00 DRIP l (NRR)


512. Lead organ Zet:en changed ic reflec; N"In resiganize;;cn.

5-14. NEl's best esdinate for submitiing a guidance document (either a revision to NEl 97-04 or l a new document) is now 6/1/99. The reason for the delay in the submittal is that industry l resources have been diverted to the 10 CFR 50.59 rulemaking (Topic IV issue B). Interim i Milestones 5 and_6.have been added (and remaining milestones renumbered) to highlight interactions between the staff and NEl.-If NEl decides not to submit a guidance document, the i staff will still develop a regulatory guide and meet the revised milestone dates documented above.


l bi2. ScInedd e 5 waSed en i6aCIs nQ an iagieemen W!iIn Ih6 )nddhiff en an appied"<b si Ise l

guidance document. ll an agreement is net rea;hed, the staff piepeees to deveiep, and previde te the Oemm:ee:en, a regc:atery guide : hat rellects the eteffs needs in this aiea. lf the eteff deve:epe its own regylatery guide the scheds e wegld be de:ayed by appicx: mate ly one month.


34 April 5,1999 IV. Tonic Area: Reactor Licensina and Oversiaht SES Manager: William Beckner, TSB/ DRIP /NRR J

E. Specific issue: Improved Standard TS Lead: $TSB Lead PM for each facility conversion Objective: Conversion of facility technical specifications to the appropriate improved standard technical specifications will promote more consistent interpretation and application of technical specification requirements, thereby reducing the need for interpretations and frequent changes to the technical specifications. The goal for each milestone listed below is to complete the conversions currently under review such that the above objectives are met for the affected facilities.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Issue ISTS Amendments for McGuire 1&2 and 9/98C ADPR l Catawba 1&2 i
2. Issue ISTS Amendments for Oconee 1/2/3* 12/16/980 ADPR
3. Issue ISTS Amendments for Byron 1&2* and 12/22/980 ADPR Braidwood 1&2*

PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999*

Milestone Date Lead

4. Issue ISTS Amendments for Comanche Peak 1&2* PJ26/99C DRIP
5. Issue ISTS Amendments for: _


a. Wolf Creek
  • 3/31/990
b. Diablo Canyon 1&2* 4/99 I c. Callaway* 5/99 PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999* i Milestone Date Lead
6. Issue ISTS Amendments for Farley 1&2* 8/99 DRIP i
7. Issue ISTS Amendment for Fermi 2* 9/99 DRIP
8. Issue ISTS Amendment for Palisades
  • 8/99 DRIP

p ,. . ,

35 April 5,1999 t


?O. Lead eisei.le.;;en ebenged te ie'lee; .NCC reeigen ee;;en.

4. Issuance of Comanche Peak iSTS amendment marks completion of the first of a joint effort with licensees for three other sites. Subsequent amendments for the other sites will be issued at one month intervals as indicated in Milestone item 5.

. 5. Consecutive month issuing dates beginning with Wolf Creek on 3/99 were agreed to by the licensee due to the burden of the task. Additional milestone dates were added to more clearly indicate the schedule for Diablo Canyon 1&2 and Callaway.

j 6. Schedule consistent with licensee's original request for 9/30/99.

, 7. Delay at licensee's request to allow more tirpe to respond to RAls.


0. Ce:ey agreed te e.i;h llcer.;;,e beeed en llcen;;,; reei,

l l ' Completion of the milestones as listed depends upon the quality of the licensees'submittals and timeliness of responses to staff RAls.

l .

I i

e L .

,6 .

l 36 April 5,1999 IV. Toolc Area: Reactor Licensina and Oversicht  !


SES Manager: Taiikiaisii,5rehch' Chief,' REX 506 NIP /NRR David f/e::h;..a, Direc;or, ORH4NRR F. Specific lasue: Generic Communicationg

. Objective: Ensure the appropriate use of generic communications. increasing the efficiency of issuance, and utilizing the rulemaking process when appropriate.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Issue memorandum on immediate changes to 8/7/980 J. Stolz, DRPM generic letter process (ET review of strategy; graded <

l approach) .

2. Meet with NEl for input on industry views on generic 8/27/98C J. Stolz, DRPM I communications (Topic IV issue K Milestone 3b(2))
3. Complete self assessment and issue report 11/30/980 R. Dennig, DRPM
4. Prepare input for 1/13/99 Commission briefing on 1/6/99C R. Dennig, Reactor Licensing DRPM
5. Review basis for invoking 50.54(f) 1/26/99C R. Dennig, DRPM
6. Review the definition / purpose of generic 1/26/99C R. Dennig, communication oroducts DRPM PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead
7. (a) Review policy of not taking credit for INPO 2/24/99C R. Dennig, DRIP SEE-IN products (b) Prepare and issue Commission paper 4/99 J. Lyons.,

(9900001) R. Cennig, DRIP

8. Review relationship of generic communications to 2/25/99C R. Dennig, DRIP the backfit rule (coordinate with CRGR) .
9. Draft Commission information pa'per incorporating 3/59I99D R. Dennig, DRIP Milestones 5,6, and 8
10. Meeting with ACRS 4/99 J.Lyons R. Dennig, DRIP 1

3 e 1

37 April 5,1999 l l

l l

1 ,

i I

l PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead i



11. Issue Commission information paper (9900020) 5/99 J. L'yo.ns;


, (NRR) ,

n. Denn:G, DRIP l PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead 1

l 12. Disseminate guidance to staff 7/99 J.Lyons  ;

n. Dennig, DRIP Comments:

Responsible SES Manager and Lead were changed due to NRR reorganization.


1. Generic communications discussed with INPO in telephone conference 7/31/98. NRR ET is l briefed on proposed generic communications early in development process.  !
3. Self-assessment report completed on 11/30/98. SECY-99-005 which transmitted the report was issued on 1/6/99.
9. NRR Executive Team was briefed on the draft Commission paper on 3/19/99.


10. CCGp6 GI $O00 ineCI Ug 6KpdUd6d IG OG$Ud6 ddd$1 GOa! iL6$6i &! Gii piGCe55 liLpiGV6in60$5.

Bat 6 chenge cGGidinated viith ACOC.

i .,

38 April 5,1999 IV. Tonic Area: Reactor Licensina and Overs!eht SES Manager: Bruce Boger, Acting Associate Director for Projects, NRR G.Specificlasue: CALs Objective: Confirmatory Action Letters (CALs) are issued to emphasize and confirm a licensee's or vendor's agreement to take certain actions in response to specific issues. The NRC expects licensees / vendors to adhere to any obligations and commitments addressed in a CAL and will issue appropriate orders to ensure that the obligations and commitments are met. The goal of the milestones listed below is to ensure that staff guidance on the use of CALs is appropriate and that the staff exercises appropriate discipline in the development and issuance of CALs.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Review existing CALs (all future CALs must be 9/30/98 C ADPR reviewed by Director, NRR).
2. Reinforce expectations regarding use of current 9/24/98 C D. Pickett, CALs to ADPR/ Region management ADPR
3. Review / issue revised guidance documents for 11/25/98 C D. Pickett, threshold for issuance of CALs (i.e., IMC 0350, ADPR procedures, etc.) to ensure the existence of clear criteria for consistent decision making.
4. Reinforce expectations regarding revised guidance D. Pickett, on use of CALs to ADPR/ Region management 11/30/98 C ADPR Comments:

All actions associated with this task are complete. The applicable pagen of the Enforcement Manual have been updated and distributed. A memorandum from the Director, NRR, to ADPR/ Region management reinforcing expectations was issued on November 30,1998.

c r

39 April 5,1999 l IV. Topic Area: Reactor Licensina and Oversiaht SES Manager: CaMd ".;M.cise, Ojiecter, OnlI/Nnn ..

.S_tuart R.ichards,. Director, LPD4/DLP.M/NRR.

l H. Specific issue: Applicability of Backfit Rule to Decommissionina Activities l Objective: Resolve issue regarding proper interpretation and application of the Backfit Rule to decommissioning activities.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 1 Milestone Date Lead  ;

1 l 1. Issue initial determination on Maine Yankee backfit 4/21/98C J. Roe, DRPM claim

! 2. Maine Yankee appeals backfit determination and 6/9/980 S. Weiss, DRPM i presents backfit position to staff l

3. Brief EDO on the status of Commission paper on 9/29/980 S. Weiss, DRPM backfit rule l l
4. Forward draft Commission paper on backfit rule to 10/23/98C S. Weiss, DRPM EDO (9800162) (NRR)
5. Meeting with CRGR on backfit paper 10/27/98C S. Weiss, DRPM l l
6. Determination of Maine Yankee backfit appeal 10/28/980 J. Zwolinski, DRPE
7. Meeting with Maine Yankee regarding generic backfit 11/2/980 S. Weiss, DRPM issues
8. Issue Commission paper on backfit rule (Topic IV 11/4/980 S. Weiss, DRPM issue K Milestone Sb) (SECY-98-253)

PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

9. BriefNE er. Oema.lee:cc. dec e:er, Na9/99 0. We:es, OnlI See note

+ ,

1 40 April 5,1999 PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead None Comments:

5. ACRO determined during lte 11/00 meet:ng thet it viegld net rev:cvi OCOY-00-200, "Appi;ceb;;ny si I; ant-Opec;;;c Oeckt nequiremente te I; ante Undergsing Oecommieeisning."
9. OnM leeved en 2/12/00. Lead eiganizeden changed 10 reflect Nnn reorg&nizeGen.

Meetings with NEl on decommissioning rulemaking are planned for the near future (see CTM ltem IV.D.3). If any further need to meet with NEl on the backfit issue emerges, it may be met by including the issue in the' agenda for those meetings. Further tracking of a meeting with NEl on the the backfit issue as a separate item is no longer warranted.

l l

t 4

1 l

l l


't' . . .

. %j

, 4 l 41 April 5,1999 TV. Toolc Area: Reactor Licensina and Oversiaht SES Manager: Suzanne Black, Deputy Director, Division of Licensing Project Management, NRR .

1. Specific issue: Reauests for Additional Information Objective: To refine / define RAI process and ensure that staff RAl's are adding value to the regulatory process.


. Milestone Date Lead

1. Discuss issue of ensuring appropriateness of RAl's 8/20/980 with management and staff (including content, quality 1/5/99C Suzanne Black, and continued oversight) Conduct training .on revised 1/6/99C DLPM Office Letter 803 (milestone 9) when issued. 1/14/99C Ongoing
2. Communicate with licensees via telecon prior to Ongoing C. Oeger,S.' Black issuing RAl. ADPR
3. Meet with internal stakeholders to discuss possible 9/14/980 B. Sheron, ADT closure of amendments with outstanding RAls and imprpved tracking of amendments with outstanding RAls.
4. Form panel of staff reviewers to brainstorm on 9/15/980 B. Sheron, ADT suggested improvements to the RAI process. Letter issued to NEl on suggested improvements on 9/29/98.
5. Stakeholder meeting with NEl on license 10/5/980 B. Sheron, ADT/

amendment and RAI process to solicit feedback from ADPR licensees. Meeting summary with action items issued 10/21/98.

6. Discuss issues with each technical branch in NRR. 11/980 B. Sheron, ADT' Ongoing
7. NRR. licensing action steering group formed to work 10/980 with industry steering group on improvements to the 11/12/980 Suzanne Black, license amendment process - conducting periodic 12/10/9,8,C DLPM meetings. fi/13/990 Ongoing 1

t .

42 April 5,1999 PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999

8. Discuss issues with regional division directors at 12/1/980 B. Sheron, ADT DRS/DRP counterpart meetings. DRS 1/14/99C -


9. Issue guidance to staff on content, quality and S. Peterson,'ADT threshold of RAl's and commencement of initial 12/21/98C RES4dMSS acceptance review. (Issued NRR Office Letter 803, Rev. 2," License Amendment Review Procedures")
10. Monitor outgoing RAls and responses Ongoing S. Black, DLPM RES44 MSS
11. Solicit feedb ek from licensee's on RAls and 12/10/980 develop metrics for RAls. Periodic S. Black, DLPM PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead


122.~Obtain feedback'from iridustr9lidensing action ta'sk 'E/99 S. Black, DLPM  !

-force l PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 i Milestone Date Lead

~ ~

W, eysIOfficiTitter incorporate statf aisa

- 9/9.9 S. Black', DLiiM industry feedtialck _


~ ~ ~

Milestonesi12' ant 3'added to tri'ck receipt arid dfs635iiidri3TEeEdback~from the"inTuitry3 stiffen 9tS5ni"id]eli' tid"aFa~5tik"eh61dir.l6ri'nillest' o nes'9'sna 1O' 'stri65'thsp6dve Mcif5sied'thif6r8tiIi'rii; NRRTo'n'sLitEd Yvit6 AstSS/SFEd"olthleD]Ec~e'ddritirih'dispehi.5:n3 e


-5 . .

et ;

s 43 April 5,1999 i

1 W. Toole Area: Reactor Licensina and Oversicht l SES Manager: Brian Sheron, Associate Director for Project Ucensing and Technical Analysis, NRR ,

J. Specific issue: 2.206 Petitions -

Objective: The objectives of the 2.206 Petition review process include ensuring the public health and safety through the prompt and thorough evaluation of any potential safety problem i addressed by a petition filed under 10 CFR 2.206 and to ensure effective, timely communication


with the petitioner (Management Directive 8.11). The objective of the actions listed below is to


identify and implement measures to improve the timeliness of staff response to petitions. l l

l PRICR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead l

1. Establish a Petition Review Board to ensure 10/97C R. Subbaratnam, management involvement early in the process ADPR
2. Establish public availability of monthly 2.206 Petition 04/980 R. Subbaratnam, Status Reports at the NRC Web site ADPR (http://www.nrc. gov /NRC/PUBLIC/2206/index.html)
3. Assess time!iness of resolution of 2.206 petitions R. Subbaratnam, and brief EDO on the results and any proposed 10/28/980 ADPR process improvements
4. Obtain stakeholder feedback on 2.206 process 1/990 R. Subbaratnam, ADPR/OE/NMSS l l

S. Commission information memorandum from EDO to R. Subbaratnam, '

discuss planned process improvements. (9800201) 1/5/990 ADPR

6. Implement proposed 2.206 process timeliness 1/99C R. Subbaratnam, improvements (if any) ADPR/OE/NMSS PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead
7. Show measured improvement in timeliness of 93/99 t.l!BerkowjLPM resolution of 2.206 petitions ,'V28/.99_Q U. 00bbaiainain, AOPNOE/NMSS
8. Revise MD 8.11 and implement additional process 6/99 HjBirkow, DLPM improvements. C. 00bbaiainern, AOPR/OE/NMSS

e .



44 April 5,1999 PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead None Comments:


QMetrics/statisticfot 8p'eSiind70IsTiietitioEs'Su'rIn3FerfoIdroEirEtE5b'O/diiaIiinan3 offidd~dh.1/28/993FidTleiiihn5tEalkid irripro'Veme~nts in timeliniss' j ~~ ~ ' ' ~ ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' -

8. A revision to Managernent Directive 8.11 to address stakeholder issues and to incorporate additional process improvements is scheduled for 6/99.

l l

1 I

I l

l. _

[L ; ,

i.kf t, m.oti

q l .

45 ' April 5,1999 l

l IV, Topic Area: ReactorLicensingand Oversig'ht SES Manager: frid Mssh3fgichDilefTREMBfDJLP/N_iMi Oasid .'."e;;;.e..e, Dlrecter, N - ~

K. Specific issue: Application of the Ipackfit Rule Objective: Ensure that the staff closely adheres to the backfit rule,10 CFR 50.109, in evaluating all additional requirements, expansion in scope, or unique interpretations against actual impact l on public health and safety. Focus will be directed on risk-informed, performance-based i

regulation; also coordinating with backfit-related concerns on Generic Communications (IV.F),

and Decommissioning (IV.H), and Evaluation of Industr/ Proposals and Rulemaking (l.A).

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Response to NEl letter 8/11/98. NE1 11/9/980 R. Dennig, DRPM recommendation for Near-Term Reg. Improvement - l Recommendation 4," Application of the Backfit Rule"  !

(a. Decommissioning; b. Averted On-site Costs)

2. Meeting with NEl on backfit concems 11/3/980 R. Dennig, DRPM; OGC
3. Brief CSIS on backfitting processes 11/19/980 J. Stolz, DRPM


4. Prepare staff positions on backfit-relatodissues 12/98C R. Dennig, DRPM
a. Averted On-site Costs

'b. Handling of compliance backfit considering 12/980 R. Dennig, DRPM; risk of noncompliance OGC (1) consider exemptions per 10 CFR 50.12 (2) Earlyindustryinvolvementin Generic Communications process (Topic 1V issue F Milestone 3*). .

5. Meeting with EDO on items 4a & b 1/22/990 R. Dennig, DRPM
6. Meeting with NEl onitems
a. Items 4a & b 1/26/99C R. Dennig, DRPM
  • b. Commission decision on backfit to 2/12/990 S. Weiss, DRIP Decommissioning Activities (Topic IV issue H Milestone 9*)

e e

i . .

46 April 5,1999 PRIORTO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

7. Commission Papers *
  • a. Op'tioris on $ackfitting implications 1 rom 12/23/98C R. Barrett, DSSA modifying Part 50 to be risk-informed (Topic I M. Cunningham, Issue A Milestone 10) (9800152) (NRR) RES j (SECY-98-300)
b. on items 4a E b (9800175) (NRR) (Draft) 1/22/990 R. Dennia, DRPM i PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead
8. CRGR Yearly Meeting with Nuclear Utility Spring 1999 CRGR I Backfitting and Reform Group (NUBARG) on Backfit Issues


PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead f

9. CRGR Annual Report -Includes Industry Feedback Summer 1999 CRGR on Effectiveness of Backfitting Process l
10. Backfit trainina at Headauarters andReaions FY99 RES/NRR/HR Comments:


5ES.Marjag53fiingedtofeflect_NRI3lreoiganizla o'nl 6b. SECY-98-253," Applicability of Plant-Specific Backfit Requirements to Plants Undergoing Decommissioning,"was issued on 11/4/98. Commission decision on SECY-98-253 was issued on 2/12/99. . Lead aiganizai:en changed to sei:ect Nnn recrganizatien.


l7b3 WITS' 9800175c' ariceleEI Milestone 4a



Iop,iflVissue3[N5'3?hlilestone4Sipimplik(AOSC) uhBe~TVilTSj l J is being a'd nEExishtisj) ih tieirij[ad_drsiissialidiriclied

  • Reference Milestone on other Topics / Specific issues noted.


- ' 8

' 1 s

47 April 5,1999 V. Tonic Area: NRC OrnapI'dionalStructure and Resources SES MANAGER: Paul E. Bird, Director, HR A. Specific lasue: Reoraani-dlon - Rednb_mina Line Oraan: -4;c ;

Objective: To improve organizational effectiveness and aligr, resources required to carr NRC planned activities through intamal functional realignments and human resource re y out allocations.' .

' PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Offices initiate plans for proposed restructuring 8/19/980 J. McDermott; Office Directors &

Regional Administrators

2. All Employees Meeting 9/3/980 P. Bird
3. Restructuring proposals submitted to Commission 9/30/98C P. Bird (9800163)(HR) 10/1/980
4. Completion of Commission review of restructuring John C Hoyle, proposal: COMSECY 98-31 11/25/98C SECY SECY 98-228 12/10/980 PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead
5. Partnering process completed for reorganization M. Fox; Office packages 2/12/99C Directors &

Regional Administrators

6. Reorganization plans finalized J. McDermott; OTO p;er, app.eced ;;y ';n eM4/996 Office Directors &

' l400,7?A00,300,000 p;er,a par.d:c.g SMe99_ Regional 3/18/990 Administrators

7. Reorganization implementation begins _ ,,

J. McDermott; 3Me18/999 Office Directors & ,

' Regional Administrators

4- , .



48 , April 5,1999 .

PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 -

8. Reorganizatior.s effective . 3/St28/990 J. McDermott; Office Directors &

Regional .

l Administrators l d Commente:

l 5 All office partnerships have agreed that the reorganization proposals may proceed subject in i some cases to further discussion of issues following implementation of reorganization I

plans. Post-reorganization implementation activities, such as personnel actions, physical moves, position description and performance plan updates, will occur between April-August 1999.

l *

_. ___a,*__ n ,*a
6. a. _. . .. . ,.r. . ..s . . . a i.t. _ v. m y...

., .e .m..L.._ ._........a...a_____.._as.t._..

.yy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  • me plene 'er ell feur reg ehe: ef';eee. The regionei si' ee plene v.ere appreved en 11/10/;". -

Ae a reeu:: ef !seuee ideed dur:ag partnereh p .T.eet: age, the ". !!! p;en reesbin::;ed



,........_.___,__mm,. y... .. . .. v v . ,m. . m. . .., .m . .m.

., .. ..a ..m

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a ...e,a__ - ;,_ ,



.a..._._____i.._._.W f...f...... ... . .. .

. . . . . .. .. off. . . .. .



~...-.....s..,..-.%--...~ .m...

. . . =. .;,,.. ,, ,. ..... _ -..... .

l 6 & 7. 'All pending reorganization / staffing plans were reviewed ~and accepted by HR as of. . .

. 3/18/9.9) 8.1.. _i All Comrnissfori-EhMISe$eorganization.s tiecame effebtiveTori 3/58/95.

a 1 1 l


r7; .,- .

- v ;.

g Q

49 April 5,1999 V. Topic Area: NRC Organizational Structure and Resources

! SES MANAGER: . Paul E. Bird, Director, HR l B. SDecific lasue: Achieving 1:8 suDety* Nil.mAPGger-to emDloyee ratios Objective: To reduce supervisory and SES 'positions to achieve an agency-wide supervisor / manager-to employee ratio target of ea supervisor / manager for every eight NRC employees.

(- PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 i

! Milestone Date Lead l~ 1. Continue existing supervisor / manager-to-employee Ongoing J. McDermott; ratio reduction efforts Office Directors &

l Regional Administrators

2. All Employees Meeting -

9/3/98C P. Bird

3. Quarterly assessment of supervisor / manager-to- 10/30/980 J. McDermott i employee ratio
4. Develop. targeted strategies to achieve supervisory J. McDermott ratio goals 10/27/98C
  • I
5. Year and assessment of supervisor / manager-to- 1/25/99C . J. McDermott employee ratio incorporating the results of attrition, including the effect of early outs or buy outs PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead
6. Complete implementation of reorganizations 3/31/995 J. McDermott; developed to achieve streamlining goals Office Directors & I
l. Regional Administrators
7. Implement strategies to achieve supervisory ratio elet/99 J. McDermott; targets -

Office Directors &

Pichi9 Regional Administrators l

8. Quarterly assessment of supervisor / manager-to.

employee ratio g_ J. McDermott i l .

4/30/99 <

I l

E ' *

  • ]

r 50 April 5,1999 P'RIOR TO JUNE 30,1999

0. :.T.p%.T.e;.; . .;eska te ee.'.kie espe. ele.y .e;;- fWSW99 J. ."eDer.T.e;;,

targets- . 0 " ke 0:see;ere 1

.~.. -

?;..;e.e PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestones Date Lead

10. Quarterly assessment of supervisor / manager-to- 7/99 J. McDermott i employee ratio
11. Implement strategies to achieve supervisory ratio 7/15/99 J. McDermott; targets Office Directors &

Regional Administrators Comments:

The milestones in the table above focus only on those aspects of the streamlining effort that address the supervisor / manager-to-employee ratio. Activity extends beyond the March 31, 1999, deadline established for the structural changes contained in issue A to accommodate ,

j implementation of personnel placements.



c 6."N5dr6a'nilitioilrnhiiEintatiod ~oli1NJitelsee. Topic Aria V,'SpecihOss5EA'5bove:

..,-.-a,,,_.--.. . -

7&8 These milestones will bbth be address,e,., d in., a me ,, .. .. .- to--,iss,,ed

. morandum ~

tM u~ at the end of Xpril3,Ths 'due'dsti%ii tiieh'clishijiid.toj/30/99 in 'thi~expectatiorithat cornp.ut.ei-generatdd

~ ~

ststistics; for the_2'$dpiadsfoffX.l99 willilot belavailableliinti.!inid-Aisril.!


iiTAEd'pEglesUoilatilOchieving ~

e Udoit]6 the. 3*,0GirteTof EY,99.h_iIlh; supervisory ratiit5rieIsEj6Ei6aii'dilisjiisife o[.tiehejspjai'of[use.ful3 l



l l

l l

gf m'

i 51 April 5,1999 ,

V. Topic Area: NRC Oraanizational S'tructure and Resources SES MANAGER: Paul E. Bird, Director, HR I C. SDeCIfic issue: increased Employee In'volvement , -

Objective: To enhance organizational effectiveness under the specific conditions imposed by i the agency wide streamlining effort -including functional realignments, reductions in supervisory / managerial personnel, and increased spans of management control-by delegating greater responsibility and accountability to individual employees and fostering greater interactive communications between employees and management.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Continue previous general efforts to foster Ongoing J. McDermott; delegations of responsibility and accountability to )

Office Directors &

employees and more interactive communications Regional between employees and managers. Monitor office Administrators progress

2. All employees meeting 9/3/98C P. Bird PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead
3. Provide guidance to managers and supervisors on J. McDermott employee involvement concepts, including direction and assignment of work, delegation of authority, quality 0/10'O.0_

control, and responsibility and accountab!!ity foroutputs 3/25/990 and outcomes.

- J. McDermott;

4. Begin' Jnteractive meetings cen5:5 tent 'ia:th the Office Directors &

cerningnicet;ene pian ncii under de~ie:e inent between 0/10'90 Regional office managers / supervisors and staff c' bnsfssteht diih 53'7955!

0 Administrators; EDOIdi a


supervisors &

3/25/,n"dIJm:orIEi6; MONDE 6}{eMnlt ddt'ef managers Comments:

The milestones for this issue establish a time period, consistent with the sched'u le for restructuring provided in issue A, for beginning the office / region process of increas,ing employee involvement and engaging staff in the transformation process to a new culture.

[Ej@rioEEE16[6}f e,ji[egols[aylig{onaIadEiMisNMEMI[N

s , i


s . ..?

52 April 5,1999

['Thd 3/25/99 EDOinerdo3idim75de"lieiri5EcifeTJddidits355365riinTsU35Eiiidisl3


e.a. d. tl t witf.,i,oN.i.iiiiAW57E,.ili.i.e r

_ Le_n)ployee..-

s_ . dune E 11999]


-- --- -~ - --

initiate in's'ri!

l l .

l l

l .

l l

l E

l l

1 l

4 i

i 1


a.- .. ,


',5 c

'53 April 5,1999 I

L , VI. Toolc Area: Other Aaency Proarame and Areas of Focus 1 .

SLS: Robert Wood, MGESPGEB/ DRIP /NRR SES Manager: Lawrence Chandler, OGC A. Specificissue: LicenseTransfers -

Objective: To ensure that license transfers are conducted in a timely and technically correct manner and that review and submittal guidance is appropriately disseminated.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead


1. Issued proposed 10 CFR Part 2 Subpart M hearing 8/14/980 J. Gray, OGC process - paper to Commission (SECY-98-197) .
2. Publish proposed rule on license transfer (see 9/11/980 J. Fitzgerald, SECY-98-197) OGC
3. Submit final rules to Commission 11/3/980 J. Fitzgerald, OGC
4. Commission approves / affirms final rules 11/24/98C J. Fitzgerald, OGC
5. Publish final rules in Federal Reaister 12/4/980 J. Fitzgerald, OGC
6. Final rules are effective 12/4/980 J. Fitzgerald, OGC
7. Draft SRP re: Foreign ownership to Commission, 10/23/98C S. Hom, OGC -

SECY-98-246 PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

8. Commission provides comments through issuance 2/17/99C S. Hom, OGC of SRM
9. Revised SRP sent to Federal Register for 2/24/990 S. Hom, OGC solicitation of public comments
10. Complete technical review of TMI-1 transfer 3/4/990 R. Wood, DRIP
11. Revised SRP based on public comments to '6/30/99 S. Hom, OGC Commission l.

y 1 i

4 54 April 5,1999 PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone  ! Date Lead

12. Provide Commission with proposed final criteria for 6/25/99 R. Wood, DRIP triggering a review under 10 CFR 50.80 regarding the .

transfer of operating authority to non-owner operators (i e., use of contract service operating companies)


13. Issue lessons learned from AmerGen TMI-1 6/99 R. Wood, DRIP transfer __

PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead 1

14. Commission approves final SRP l 8/1/99 S. Hom, OGC 1 i
15. Issue final SRP on foreign ownership 9/1/99 S. Hom, OGC R. Wood, DRIP I


Milestone Date Lead i

16. Develop SRP on technical qualifications 12/99 DIPM
17. Develop integrated SRP on license transfer 12/99 R. Wood, DRIP process reflecting lessons learned and process S. Hom, OGC improvements (9800195) l Comments:

0,3. O.e Ocmm:5e!cn approved, vilth cornment5,155c&nce of the dr&f t OTIP on fere gn cvinership on February 17,1000.


10. As of '- Februari24,1000, the ciderjnd the I

,cnd,ergY!L.g m.,-

c";ce concurrence /FlI6ltechni6di re,v,0Qjer it.e_T!/'jj:,c,e.ngg.tianoferje_rL, iew o.f. ih'e T. MI 1 transfer. appl.i.F.Ition.was c

r..ompl.e se +

. . -,---_._,.~

.m. - -.

,. - . . ..D.<,.A. m. . erg en. 's~c. o,m . .. . . .- ,he corgf tio.te..d,a..,n,d.,w.

nt to .

Am. erg,e. n. o.n ments.ont

3/4./.9. 9..- propo.sed


l. . m-m i


- t ns_were providned to~the NRCion_3/15!9_9'---

l l 11,14,10. D&te5 for these inllestenes ..cre med:fied after la5gence of ORM ca 2/17/00.

12-10. These m!'estence vicie renumbered to ref;ect their navi dete3 ar.d cider.


17. 555]iviil]ntegrateiorMd alllicense transfer review criteria (via financial qualifications, decommissioning funding assurance, technical qualifications, foreign ownership, and antitrust).

t I



pg S , .

.N' r 9

. t'N

'W e

, 55 April 5,1999

' VI. Tonic Area: Other Anancy Proarams and Ar=== of F~ u=

SES Manager: Chris Grimas,' Director, FBPBER/ DRIP /NRR B. SpecUlcissue- AP600Deslan Certification Rulemaking Objective: lasue firial'desion_ipdrosill(FDAJ and design certification rule for AP600.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Issue FDA 9/3/980 T. Quay. DRPM PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead
2. Submitproposed ruleJPRM] to Commission 5/99 _ . J.N. Wilson, DRIP (9200142)"(SECY 99-101) 3/31/99C PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead
3. Issue prepceed ru:e {PRMJ for public comment 7/99 J.N. Wilson, DRIP and hearing opportunity .

. BEYOND SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead


4.' S E,. .-..-.......

i on_(9200142)


....,-.~, . - .

J.N.LWils_on,r DRIR .

_k issue final rule fFRN1 '0000M01 (NRR) 12/99 J.N. Wilson. DRlP Comments:

2-3. The schedule ;;;e re.';ed ar.d ;;;re added ;c se ua; for eubir.:::.: si me pic,-c-d r.d ':7 : rd;;;; the Oeir....: :er.,liin accordance with SECY-98-267 Rulemaking Plan forthe AP600, which was approved in an

.....== . ._ _ _ ..._ _ _ _ _ _ _. - ._ _ . ._ ,' SRM dated 7._ 455. and me . eees~.


. . . =,..... ......._,. __ _... . .. .. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

aam...-; e c ...p: _c_me

,=r. _ .:.:re r;;;;.; a me Ar000 :e.: .. Coa: 3: Daeurr.e..: and me

.= - ., ..._~..


m_>.._..__ _2.._._2._ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ ._ _ . _ _ _ _ _, .< _ _ .. _ , _ _ _ - ,-- . _ . - .-


1 Milestiifd adNtN5[tIfiNINihtN[uhbkto'CN[ni W5ispWsW4MaWEEis91 s$hnin$k3 i cN5duleTo

4 , -


l o-56 April 5,1999 VI. Toolc Area: Other IAnencyPranrams and Ar=k= of F~ aJs SES Manager: SusenKShankman,Dep. Director, Licensing and Inspection Directorate, SFPO C1. Snecific lasue: TN-88 (Da# Purm) Cask Neview Objective: To issue a Part 72 (storage) SER and certificate of compliance (through rulemaking) and a Part 71 (transportation) certificate of compliance for the TN-68 dual purpose cask system (Comment 1)

PJtlOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Staff receives response to storage RAI 09/14/980 M. Ross-Lee, SFPO
2. Staff issues second storage RAl, if necessary 12/03/980 M. Ross Lee, SFPO
3. Staff receives response to senond storage RAI 01/29/990 M. Ross se, SFPO PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 .

Milestone Date Lead

4. Staff issues user need memorandum /rulemaking 03/69/99D E. Easton, SFPO
5. Staff issues draft SER and CoC for rulemaking 05/99 M. Ross-Lee, SFPO PRIOR TO SF.PTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead None BEYOND SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead
6. Staff completes rulemaking; issues CoC for use 04/00 E. Easton, SFPO under Part 72 P. Holahan, IMNS

' - qq


. g

.e; 57 April 5,1999 l


1. The storage reviewis being coupleted prior to the transportation review; the transportation review schedule will be determined at a subsequent time. The review schedule is based upon the assumption that the applicant a5 supplement its application and response to staff requests for additional information on the sdadule noted. At this time, no significant issues have been identified. The licensee for Peach 150ttom 1 & 2 intends to utilize this cask system. -

IEE;5= e Od3=%ff91 5 m%E5ssM.ii!RPfsd IG.5Fi'$5Gies5201RG $sE9; I 000-h?MiliisTte 4EUser nTedemorand0m for ruleinakiridissued on March 9l19993 W

e e

p g, pg l m


6 .

m i 58 April 5,1999 VI'. Toolc Area: Other Acency Proarams and Areas of Focus


1 SES Manager: Susan F. Shankman, Dep. Director, Licensing and Inspection Directorate, SFPO l

C2. Specific issue: BNFUSNCTranStor (Dual Purposel Cask Review l

' Objective: To issue a Part 72 (storage) SER and certificate of compliance (through rulemaking) and a Part 71 (transportation) certificate of compliance for the BNFUSNC dual purpose cask system (Comment 1)

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead l

1. Applicant s'ubmits response to 12/29/97 RAI 11/27/980 T. Kobetz, SFPO PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead
2. Staff issues uw led memorandum /rulemaking 05/99 E. Easton, SFPO PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead
3. Staff receives updated SAR from applicant 09/99 T. Kobetz, SFPO


BEYOND SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead

4. Staff issues draft SER and CoCfor rulemaking 10/99 T. Kobetz, SFPO


5)taffliiiiTes Part 71_{trahditati_o_n) CoC 65i $Kob5tz,1SFEdi

55. Staff completes rulemaking; issues CoC for use 09/00 E. Easton, SFPO l . under Pad 72 P. Holahan, 1 IMNS Comments:

"::;etene 2. The eierege red;.v ie be:ng cerapleted pr;gr is the trenspeiteuca red;s... At thie drne, ne eignF; cent leeues have b;ca l dent' ed, bgt the app;; cent inuet updete the eefety ene!yeie repest by Oept 1900.1. This review is associated with the Part 72 Trojan ISFSI (site-specific) license application, and PFS, LLC intends to utilize this cask system as well.

1 I

1 1

m. .

.w.d.g. ,

y 59 April 5,1999 n ,, n ,

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I 1

2.~New,. .Milestonti5 added - T..h_e transpo. .r.ta.ti.o.n. re...v_iew has,n. scheduled for Feb


1 I

1 l

'M .

--c'. . .

60 April 5,1999 l

VI. Topic Area: Ottar Aaency Proarams and Areas of Focus  !

SES Manager: Susan F. Shankman, Dep. )irector, Licensing and Inspection Directorate, SFPO C3. Specific issue: Holtec HISTAR 100 (Dual-Purpose) Osek Review -

Objective: To issue a Part 72 (storage) SER and certificate of compliance (through rulemaking) and a Part 71 (transportation) certificate of compliance for the Holtec HISTAR 100 dual purpose cask system (Comment 1)

PRIOR TO JANUARY 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Staff issues user need memorandum /rulemaking 07/24/98C E. Easton, SFPO
2. Staff issues draft storage SER and CoC for 09/30/980 M. Delligatti, rulemaking (Part 72) SFPO

, PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead


3. Staff issues transportation (Part 71) CoC 03/31/99C M. Delligatti, l SFPO PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead I
4. Staff completes rulemaking; issues CoC for use 08/99 E. Easton, SFPO under Part 72 P. Holahan, IMNS i

Comments: I

1. This review is being performed to support spent fuel storage requirements at Dresden 1 and Hatch 1 & 2, and PFS, LLC intends to utilize this cask system.
2. The draft storag'e SER and CoC were issued on 09/30/98. The package yvas sent to NMSS/INMS to commence the rulemaking process on 09/30/98. The EDO approved the Holtec  ;

HISTAR 100 proposed rule en December 15,1998. The proposed rule was publishedjn the l y

Federal Register on January 11,1999 (64 FR 1542). The comment period M:: er,d 'Jos_edon March 29,1999.

3 1.Milesi6n:e_3 _ Staff issu~edfart 7,1hCMMgrM3_111999]


. ~ij 61 April 5,1999 VI. Tonic Area
Other Aaency Proarams and Areas of Focus SES Manager: Susan F. Shankman,Dep. Director, Licensing and Inspection Directorate, SFPO C4. Specific issue: Wastinahouse WESFLEX (Dual Purpose) Cesk Review .

Objective: To issue a Part72 (storage) SER and certificate of compliance (through rulemaking) and a Part 71 (transportation) certificate of compliance for the Westinghouse WESFLEX dual purpose cask system (Comment 1) >

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Staff issues RAI for base storage system and W21 10/22/980 M. Bailey, SFPO canister
2. Staffissues RAI for W44 canister M. Bailey, SFPO 11/23/980
3. Staff issues RAI for W74 canister 12/21/980 M. Bailey, SFPO PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead gtaff receives responses to RAls 03/29/99C M. Bailey, SFPO PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date ~ Lead
5. Staff issues final RAI, if necessary 07/99 M. Bailey, SFPO BEYOND SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead
6. Staff receives response to RAI,if necessary 10/99 M. Bailey, SFPO
7. Staff issues user need memorandum /rulemaking 12/99 E. Easton, SFPO
8. Staff issues draft SER and CoC for rulemaking 01/00 M. Bailey, SFPO
9. Staff complete rulemaking; issues CoC for use under 12/00 E. Easton, SFPO Part 72 P. Holahan, IMNS Comments:
1. The storage review is being completed prior to the transportation review. The transportation application was resubmitted in May 1998, and the transportation ' review schedule wi!! be determined at a subsequent time. Big Rock Point and Palisades intend to utilize this cask system.


[ . .

. e I

i .

IE 62 April 5,1999

..s,__.___m , , ,


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~ ' " vv vuiu vu o v. . . sun 00.'^^^.- e

..._'_ __ .E_ sYs~pT__.M..e,.'t._o. th's RSIdiilAIcih'29,115b53 T_he st,aff is reasse s gppro.xi.n).

t.h.e ~.-m ate.y th overall schedule.and ce this was _a unantici workloedisin,_ted pa _ delay _of o ree. weeks.i .

d 1

1 l

t 9

  • ^

'. * ~-

. q.;. f TQ 63 April 5,1999 VI. Tonic Area: Other Acency Proarams and Arees of Focus SES Manager: Susan F. Shankman, Dep. Director, Licensing and Inspection Directorate, SFPO C5. Specific issue: NAC-STC#fPC (Dual Purpose) Cask Review

~ Objective: To issue a Part 72 (storage) SER and certificate of compliance (through rulemaking)

' and a Part 71 (trraportation) certificate of compliance for the NAC-STC/MPC. dual purpose cask system (Comment 1)- -

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead
1. Staff receives response on transport RAI 08/07/98C T. McGinty, SFPO
2. Staff receives response on storage RAI 10/08/980 T. McGinty, SFPO
3. Staff issues user need memorandum /rulemaking 12/03/980 E. Easton. SFPO PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead
4. Staff issues Part 71 (transportation) CoC 035iSI996 T. McGinty, SFPO
5. Staff issues draft storage SER and CoC for 03I25/99C T. McGinty, SFPO rulemaking


l PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 l Milestone Date Lead lNone BEYOND SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead

, 6. Staff complete rulemaking; issue CoC for use under 02/00 E. Easton, SFPO Part 72 P. Holahan. SFPO Comments:

1. The storage and transportation review are being conducted concurrently. At this time, no significant issues have been identified, but the applicant must respond by the time-frame noted in

5 , .


n ,


M April 5,1999 l order for the staff to maintain this schedule. The licensee for Yankee /Rowe intends to utilize th cask system. .


. ,_ .__ _ , _0_ -; Ueci y ... b @ Lh/. 9



_ memerendum te supper rulemek:ng ^ves eeced December

___..__._.._____2 m.. 9 Bf f I'ePG4.'4 E Wy..JE. 6E W . _ ________._it_ _ _ , , , _ ___..__,___m2 .___.

0, '.000

_.._"Is,. . .. .. _ t _ _ _ . n, o_ _.kG 9 G LE. . Q . W y u g,g g . k#. EE W W. 6.V. .W.


. .,m_ ._. M. .. .W

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._~a. E Gyh/. .GW * . LV,__t k.

__ , _ _ . . _ _ .;__..,._a

.e _ u. ~ -. .. 3 . e w e .g., .e w. . m, e. .. w e .. ..___

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v,hich may lmpact the eeuence ei thi tienepcitat;en 000 and the dref; a:erage con and CeO fer rg

, 'erna':.,v. ".!a e;a!! e csser.;lf evsical:ng the technice::eewm and the iceuttan" ech;dgie

..y.. - um....

r- . .

Mileito.n_e 4 -Tra.nspo; . .. tat

.. ior_co_c]isue_d 03/25$9; Milestone 5 - Dra,f[st.oragd S,ER and Coced issu.--.. . --.... . --03/25/99.

for rulemaking . . .

~..-..... ,.._....---The package was sent to NMSS/IMNS.to_co._mmence.,the. rulemaking process on 3/25/99.

1 i

1 l

1 l

l l



~ &. . . ,

o 65 April 5,1999 VI. Topic Area: Other Agency Programs and Areas of Focus SES Manager: SusanF. nkman, Dep. Director, Licensing and Inspection Directorate; SFPO C6. Specific issue: NAO UMS (Dual Puraa==) Ceak Review Objective: To issue a Part72 (storage) SER and certificate of compliance (through rulemaking) and a Part 71 (transportation) certificate of compliance for the NAC-UMS dual purpose cask system (Comment 1)

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Staff issues storage RAI 10/30/98C T. McGinty, SFPO
2. Staff receives RAI response 01/29/99C T. McGinty, SFPO PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead
3. Staff issues second storage RAI, if necessary 06/99 T. McGinty, SFPO PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead
4. Staff receives second storage RAI response 08/99 T. McGinty, SFPO
5. Staff issues user need memorandum /rulemaking 08/99 E. Easton, SFPO BEYOND SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead
6. Staff issues draft storage SER and CoC for 11/99 T. McGinty, SFPO rulemaking '
7. Staff completes rulemaking; issues CoC for use 10/00 E. Easton, SFPO under Part 72 P. Holahan, IMNS Comments:
1. The storage review is being completed prior to the transportation review; the transportation review schedule will be determined at a subsequent time. At this time, no significant issues have been identified, but applicant must respond by the time-frame noted in order for the staff to 1


i fTe.

. 3 e

7 >


1-l 66 April 5,1999 maintain this schedule. The licensees for Fitzpatrick, Maine Yankee, and Palo Verde 1,2 & 3 intend to utilize this casksystem.

Milestone 2 - Gtaff received the applicant's response to the RAI on January 29,1999. However, the response was not complete, and the applicant submitted the remaining material on February

~ nee 15,1999. ".e e'a"i4ll :::hi@i[dit M[eie$p[t67a  :: thei.'m3c}3eet.inM5 lE[cect en theMileMifd)3%fL eehedu'e usen ces.[~  ;

i i

i I

e 4

1 1

l l

l l



, , q, .

67 April 5,1999 1

\ .

VI. Topic Area: Other Agency Programs and Areas of Focus SES Managec Susan F. Shankman, Dep. Director, Ucensing and Inspection Directorate, SFPO C7. Specific lasue: TN-West MP-187(Dual-Purnome) Cask Rec ^..

Objective: To issue Part 71 -(transportation) certificate of compliance for MP-187 transportation cask system PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Staff starts final review and SER compilation phase 08/03/980 M. Raddatz, SFPO
2. Staff issues Part 71 certificate 9 compliance 09/10/98C M. Raddatz, SFPO Comments:
1. This transportation ' system is the transport component of the TN-West NUHOMS storage design. As initially certified, its authorized contents will be limited to B&W fuel, although it may be amended at a later date to address other fuel types. This action supports the decommissioning of the Rancho Seco spent fuel pool. This action is complete.

4 l . .


. 6,;-

n gr

. . (

  • rs 68 April 5,1999 VI. Topic Area: Other Aaency Proarams and Area of Focus 1 FJ3if i . }P D. Specific issue: Decommissioning Decisions ..

Objective: Provide timely decisions on current issues and provide framework for decommissioning activities.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Provide response to SRM for SECY-98-075 (DSI- 11/4/980 M. Masnik, DRPM 24)(9700089) (NRR): .

1a. Form task team to develop and provide input for 7/24/980 T. Markley, DRPM Commission paper 1b. Evaluate applicability of using templates for 8/21/98C P. Harris, DRPM decommissioning licensing actions-1c. Develop integrated set of milestones for - 8/21/980 R. Dudley, DRPM addressing decommissioning initiatives under development or contemplated 1d. Complete draft Commission paper for concurrence 9/2/980 T. Markley, DRPM 1e. Submit paperto Commission (9700089) (NRR) 11/4/98C T. Markley, DRPM

2. Complete the following pending licensing actions: . E- N i6 $fE 2a. Maine Yankee M. Webb, DRPM Exemptions from Financial Protection Requirements of 1/7/990 10 CFR 50.54(w) and 10 CFR 140.11 2b. Haddam Neck T. Fredericks, DRPM Exemptions from Financial Protection Requirements of 11/19/980 10 CFR 50.54(w) and 10 CFR 140.11 2c. Big Rock Point P. Harris, DRPM

, Defueled Emergency Plan exemption 10/30/980 Defueled Emergency Plan approval 10/30/98C Defueled Technical Specifications revision 12/24/980 Defueled QA Plan 12/24/98C G

I '. .

~J. ; D.l4:r.G,,G l .

<9 -

7. .

. y ...g,Q,.g


69 April 5,1999 PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

3. Meeting with NEl and industry to present 0/19/09 S. Weiss, DRIP Commissionintegatedmilestonesfor . -


~ 35_"/93 - [S)BidhRcijEL53 decommissioning initiatives necessaryfor above rules See note - .

and existing rules

4. Complete the following pending licensing actions: E 4a. Haddam Neck T B B ... T. Fredericks, Technical Specification change to seismic 4/30/99 DRIP monitoring See note
5. Cig Peck Pebt I. sis 3,OPPM Defsc:cd OA P er. 12/24/900 4b. Maine Yankee M. Webb, DRPM Technical Specification change to spent fuel pool 9/10/99 waterlevel 3/16/99C Se'e' note  ;

4c. Maine Yankee I M. Webb, DRIP #

Exempticin from 10 CFR 70.24 Criticality Accident 4/15/99 Monitoring Piequirements See note 4d. Zion T. Markley, DRIP Exemption from 10 CFR 70.24 Criticality Accident 4/16/99 -

Monitoring requirements 2/9/990 See note PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead

5. Complete the following pending licensing actions: %CliD.i - i'A5Y"8O .

Sa. Maine Yankee M. Webb, DRIP Modification of Ucense Conditions 7/30/99 Technical Specifications change to liquid and 8/15/99 gaseous release limits BEYOND SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead

6. Complete the following pending licensing actions:


7 g .

. q.g l- . w M5.,

70 April 5,1999 BEYOND SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead 6a. Haddamhiack .

T. Fredericks.

Technical Specification diange to refueling and 9/30/99 - DRIP admin requirements ~


3. SRM for on SECY-98-0,7_5.(D..S.I.,'24..-)..w..a. .s..i.s_s.,ued. on

_ m. ..

echedukd 0/1^./00.iNEl req,uested the 3/12/99 meeting be postponed on~3/10/99

~ and agree tB*pI655sie71EvWtesYDunhiis 'tsishh6i14"c6nfersitioriwith.NEl,'the'Di$uty EDO:(Mir'ahli.a



- .irifo'r.rn.

- -t sd"ofi.tifs.t.aff.,'in,tenf.,toin.

-~ . . . _ . i.~.e.tivith N.E.l pi..isentstivb.s 1 approxima.tely.2_ months to. discuss ._.rulemaking_activiti s;

,e ,<, . ___ e _a _ e _ i _ _s _ __ _ ___ ,_ _ ___ .



s.e _ _ a.v. m e o h m .W w . . a .. ~ . yv. ...W. _ a .. _ WW

_ _ a. v voy.. ., . _ _s _. _,wm a

. ._ _ i.v_ ._m_


,2_.., n._ _ __._ ,___ . . _ . .

.m. .n.W.

_ .a.m..ri m.._ _ i._ ._m_

, - m ~ w. .n mv , , ,_

mm...,._......,.___..o k o v. . . w . W . m W .,. . . . , _ _ . _ _ _ _. . ..__su m e___. m. m . , yUm

, w .., , mm

, , o , .. ~ , m, v . v o. _

n .i t'::ee ene 4 ar.d renemLcred as 4a,4b,4c, and 4d.


l.'. lcelene sc.hed te identify ae sob;ed 'ec!';;y and a:aff ked for sempM;bg lkenebs acuen.

Staff RAI on technical specification change to seismic monitoring transmitted to licensee on 12/3/98. Lkeneee's i;epense b as; expected unU: ear y 1000. '"he a aff's compkSen date for "hh_mIIvoieDi eetid.eeb m!!!elIiGG M *f' C e U ko se~G-The licensee _r_e$15e.FiSed was issued on 3/9/99. The. .euee 'h.e. dele eI.the.e.Kr


spo_nse planned _c.ompjletionida_t'5Js3/3[0/99.}

4b.__a '!anned cerr.piten date 2 _,..___m_.-_ __._

for the !.'abe Yankce TO change for OI." ^icater lrie: has b;;n


Wom, mWw --W , , _ , _ _

. . , ~ .. ., = = = v . m u m o m . . . .. m m.._m.__<__.,.._____, ._ yyyWm. -Wuvn. _ . n .

I amen,dmen).hp r,s.." ~ /.d. 000 fer.c.icie. Ac'ti6n cornpletedfwith,the issuan6e~of a liceitse amendment on 3/_16/991

. . .. .,r- - - .... y,. - ,

Ac._T.he l.icensee is. prep.. .. .anng a le.ttedo,. withdraw their.exem..-

. pt!on.Iequ.estj s


_.E.,A..c.tio..n.coi.s. p.i.s..ti..dhe_


i r.m.'. ).' T_he.l.icen. see..subm.. itt.e.d..a..l.e.tte. r.i.vitiidr5.vT

- m_ -< n__a , , _ _ _ . _ _ __.

W, WE, WW. . W..W...g.NW......ggw..v..G.W...._,_____,.._.,____....,,__,____

W . .WW. W W W. .WW. ..W.. .....WG N fWG W E..M W.

a _.-. me n___

. gV m. a _ _ .. _ _ 2 . _, < _ m e , n , e _ _ _ . -

nbr.n.w u. 4.e a n.n m. WW V... .WW . W

%r. %8 UN .WW.

.W4..".v. _- --

Vv. . .. . ..G G N. . f 9f W . .

  • j 1

I i

fQ. ,

u 71 April 5,1999 VI. Toolc Area: Other Aaency Procrams and Areas of Focus I

SES Manager: Susan F. Shankman, Dep. Director, Ucensing and Inspection Directorate, SFPO l

. E. Specific issue: PGE-Troian Reactor Vessel Shloment Application Objective: To issue Part 71 (transportation) approval to ship the Trojan reactor vessel, with l Intemais, for disposalin the State of Washington

. PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Staff prepares SER for Part 71 approval 09/30/980 J. Cook,SFPO
2. Staff prepares EA 09/30/98C J. Cook, SFPO
3. Staff waste classification, if necessary (separate 08/17/980 J. Hickey, DWM SECY memorandum)(980022)(NMSS) ^
4. Staff prepares negative consent SECY paper on 10/02/980 J. Cook, SFPO transportation and FONSI (9800165) (NMSS)
5. Commission issues SRM, if appropriate, on Part 71 10/22/98C OCM exemption (Comment 1)
6. Staff issues Part 71 decision 10/29/980 S. Shankman, SFPO
PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 l

Milestone Date Lead None l

i PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 l Milestone Date Lead

7. Inspection follow-up prior to and during shipment 08/99 B. Spitzberg, RIV (Comment 2) i Comments:


1. The following actions have occurred in parallel to staff action:

1 ,

i (1) The State of Washington prepared a technical evaluation for disposal in September  !

1998. The State of Washington approved the US Ecology, Inc. disposal plan on November 24,1998.


, ~*a,

. 4 72 April 5,1999 (2) The Department of Transportation (DOT) must grant an exemption. The DOT .

published PGE's application for exemption for the Trojan shipment on ~ October 21,1998

[63 FR 58287). DOT approved the exemption on November 23,1998.

(3) The State of Oregon must approve a change to the utility's Decommissioning Plan to allow shipment of the vesselintact. The staff met w!!h the State of Oregon's Office of Energy, Energy Facility Siting Council, which subsequently approved the change to the Trojan Decommissioning Plan on October 15,1998. Byletters dated November 11 and November 17,1998, the State of Oregon approved the shipment plan.

2. The Trojan reactor vessel has been successfully filled with grout. It was accomplished in two pours (12/03/98 and 12/09/98), and both were witnessed by an NRC inspector. The Trojan reactor vessel shipment is scheduled for August 1999.

1 l

l 1

e e

i L-

cf , .

3 79 4

3 73 April 5,1999 VI. Toolc Area: Other Aaency Proarams and Ara == of SES Manager: David Matthews, Director, DRIP /NRR -

m F. Be elasue: Event Renortina Rulem=Mna Objective: Revise event reporting requirements to reduce the reporting burden associated with events of little or no risk significance, obtain information better related to risk, and extend


reporting time limits consistent with the need for prompt NRC action.

Coordination: lasues ll.A! " Risk informed Baseline Core inspection Program," 11.B)" Enforcement Program initiatives,"ll.C;" Escalated Enforcement Program,"lli.A,'" Performance Assessment .

Process improvements," and VI.F]

  • Event Reporting Rulemaking," require close coordination and the integration of specific tasks by the NRC staff. Responsible project managers are coordinating these activities by assessing the impact of proposed program changes with the other ongoing activities and ensuring that the overall objectives for each project are achieved. Examples include, intra-project task force participation, workshop attendance, concurrent review of projects and periodic senior management briefings. In addition, industry-developed initiatives such as the NEl New Regulatory Oversight Process are being reviewed by all project groups and evaluated

- for impact.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead 1.'lssue ANPR 7/23/98C D. Allison, AEOD

2. Conduct public meeting to discuss ANPR 8/21/980 D. Allison, AEOD
3. Public workshop / stakeholder meeting (Chicago) 9/1/98C T. Essig, DRPM
4. Conduct a public meetino ("tabletoo exercise") 11/13/980 D. Allison, AEOD PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead
5. CRGR Briefing eMW99
  • D. Allison, DRIP 38WDC
6. ACRS Briefing g_ D. Allison, DRIP 3/23/99C
7. Proposed rule to the Commission including 4/9/99 D. Allison, DRIP proposed enforcement policy changes (9800096) R. Borchardt, OE (NRR)
8. Publish proposed rule (10 CFR 50.72 and 50.73) 5/14/99 DRIP
9. Conduct a public workshoD 5/28/99 D. Allison. DRl_P



,- . :s, 74 April 5,1999 PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead None I

t BEYOND SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead

10. Brief CRGR 11/26/99 D. Allison, DRIP
11. Brief ACRS 12/10/99 D. Allison, DRIP
12. Final rule to Commission (9800096) (NRR) 1/14/00 D. Allison, DRIP
13. Publish final rule 2/00 DRIP _

Comments: I 1-4. Lee erganizetion chenged is renect owner organization at time of com-iction.

5-10. Leed crgeniz&tica changed 10 refl sci NrI recrg&nizatien.



~ ~




5,6. Datis ch' hdelto' reflect tile actual dates the' CRS and tI1e CRGR were b'riefed; no effect on subsequent milestones.

a ,


- y f*

ug'5 4

l-  ?;

75 April 5,1999 VI. Toole Area: Other Aaency Procrams and Areas of Focus SES Manger: David Matthews, Director, DRIP /NRR G. Snecific issue: Proposed KI RulemeMna Objective: To implement Commission decision regarding the use of Ki as a protective measure for the general pubhc after a severe reactor accident. In addition, to work with other Federal agencies to revise the Federal policy on the use of Kl in the event of a severe nuclear power plant emergency and to develop aide to assist the states in applying the revised Federal policy.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Commission direction received (SRM 6/26/98) 6/26/98C A. Mohseni, IRO
2. Draft and send to Commission Federal Reaister 7/980 A. Mohseni, IRO notice on Federal Ki policy
3. Brief CRGR 10/13/980 M. Jamgochian, NRR
4. Revise K1 Federal Policy FRN and provide to 11/5/98C A. Mohseni, IRO .

FRPCC for review l l

5. Proposed rulemaking package to EDO (9800173) 10/23/98C ' M. Jamgochlan, (NRR) (SECY-98-264) NRR
6. Develop description of available Federal KI 1/99C A. Mohseni, IRO i

stockpiles and availability to states l I

I PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 '

Milestone Date Lead

7. Publish Proposed Rule (9800173) (NRR) TBD M. Jamgochian, (See note)' DRIP .
8. Develop final KI Federal policy FRN reflecting a/99IB.a A. Mohseni, IRO FRPCC review and send to Commission (9700193)


9. Draft a public brochure on use of Kl and provide for 5/99 A. M

' ohseni, IRO Federalagencyand public comment '

10. Establish' procedures to access Federal stockpiles 5/99- A. Mohseni, iRO -

with FEMA

11. Publish Kl Federal Policy FRN 6/99 A. Mohseni, IRO
12. Brief CRGR and publish FinalRule (9800173)

~ TBD M. Jamgochlan, (NRR) DRIP

p *.* .

, f -

  • a;}& "

76 April 5,1999 .!

PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead

13. Revise Kl technical paper (NUREG-1633) to 9/99 A. Mohseni, IRO address public comments and provide to Commission



14. Final brochure on use of KI provided to 9/99 A. Mohseni, IRO Commission for review (9700193) (IRO) .

BEYOND SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead

15. Publish final technical paper (NUREG-1633) 10/99 A. Mohseni, IRO
16. Finalize the public brochure on use of Kl and 10/99 A. Mohseni, IRO provide to FEMA for publication Comments:
4. FRN was revised by Commission 9/30/98, and sent to FEMA on 10/1/98 for FRPCC review.

j The staff presented the revised draft FRN to the FRPCC on November.5,1998.for review, 4

comment, and approval. FRPCC member agencies w :: previde were' expected to provide their comments to the FRPCC in January 1999. Only one or two agencie_s_hav_e.proyided.cornments.

The FRPCC Ki Subcommittee will review those comments and make its recommendation to the FRPCC.

6. US DHHS is charged with the development of inventories of pharmaceuticals for nuclear, biological, and chemical terrorist incidents. The staff met with Dr. Knouss, Director of Emergency i Response, USPHS, on 1/19/99, to follow up on status of Kl in the Federal stockpile. The staff '

also discussed with CDC the same. The staff reported to the EDO the status of availability of Kl in the Federal stockpiles on 1/28/99. Currently, the staff believes that the amount of Kl available in the Federalinventory is not adequate if it were to be used for the public. Because the status of '

Ki in the Federal stockpile is subject to negotiation and change, the staff will continue to interact with the principal agencies until this issue is final. On February 12,1999, the staff provided to the Commission a copy of the DHHS Operating Plan for Anti-bioterrorism initiative.

7. SECY-98-264, Proposed Amendments to 10 CFR 50.47, sent to the Commission on 11/10/98l Commission action still pending.
8. The FRPCC expected '.o receive comments on the NRC proposed FRN from other Federal agencies during 1/99. Only one or two agencies have provided comments to date. Moreover, j  ;

FDA is revisiting its 1982 KI policy. The FDA's comments are essential for the completion of a revised Federal Kl polky. In addition to any FDA policy changes, the FRPCC Subcommittee on KI will evaluate the comments received from other Federal agencies and make its recommendations to i.he FRPCC. The NRC funding for Kl will also have to be resolved. -The co rg'et er, enh:e task hee b;sa de:ayed unt;; 0/09 at the ser::eet. KtWeTels%ange in.the

l .

,-g 1 1 LQ A I 5

77 April 5,1999 N~150's' funding p8sition 5mdre' discussions wiEtileifeWaIaden6iddiifbs ne&deif!DUUol3 i h65Ede'schiiiddl5%,il6Ye'n%iid6ifETB6M$teInt%ithitfieliJI5iifikidj[sBliEd0lh[

11. Before finalissuance of the FRN, FEMA will require NRC funding to be in place.

1'3. SRM direc' ted the staff to withdraw the draft NUREG-1633 and substantially revise and reissue it. Staff issued FRN withdrawing the draft NUREG on 10/16/98 and removed it from the NRC WebSite. Staff formed a KI Core Group to review and address the comments received on the draft NUREG and add new sections on U.S. and foreign experiences in logistics of KI distribution. The core group members include representatives from: AL, TN, AZ, CT, Waterford 1 (CT), NEMA, CRCPD-6, FDA, EPA, FEMA and NRC. The KI Core Group met publicly 12/1/98-  !

12/4/98 at the NRC. Issues were identified based on public comments and resolutions identified.

The U.S. experience was discussed and examined. The members were tasked for follow-up activities. The most significant development in this area has been the FDA's decision to revisit its 1982 policy. On February 12,1999, the staff provided the executive summary of a draft report prepared by CDC on a nine-year study of thyroid disease in persons exposed to radioiodines I from Hanford Nuclear Site between 1944 and 1957. The Kl Core Group v4ll mesyriet again  !

publicly in Tempe, Arizona, on March 1-5,1999.


l l

I l

a e, -



y, 78 April 5,1999

  • VI. Toolc Area: Other Aaency Proarams and Armee of Fome SES Manager: Bill Kane, Associate Director for laspection and Programs , NRR H. Specific lague: NEl Petitions - Petition for modifvina 50.54(a)

Objective: Complete the NEl Petition, accepting in part to modify 10 CFR Part 50.54(a), as it pertains to Quality Assurance Program Change Control and is intended to reduce burdens on

, industry. -

I -


Milestone Date  !


1. Public meeting with stakeholders to discuss R. Gramm, contents of proposed Direct Final Rule. 10/15/980 DRCH
2. Submit to the Commission a memorandum R. Gramm, DRCH

. stating the staff's proposal to accept the NEl 10/19/980 j Petition in part to modify 50.54(a) and propose a Direct Final Rule. (9800166)(NRR)

3. ' Submit to the Commission a SECY Paper R. Gramm, accepting the NEl Petition in part, proposing a 11/30/980 DRCH Direct Final Rule, and a longer term additional rule change. (9800166) (NRR) SECY-98-279
4. Decision by the Commission on the Direct Final 1/2P/990 R. Gramm, DRCH Rule and the Petition's disposition.

l' s PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date i Lead l

5. Publication of a Federal Register Notice to 02/990 R. Gramm, DRCH l accept in part the NEl petition for rulemaking and proposing a Direct Final Rule (9800166)


6.  !

Direct Final Rule effective if no adverse 04/99 n. - um.

comments received. OROH


p[6_~orm,a,,r,i, DIRM ,

7. Coordinate a korkshop with NEl to discuss l TBD 3. Civiss implementation aspects of Direct Final Rule.  !

OROH D! Dorm a_n;

, - l l DIBM 8 issue Voluntary Option rule for public comment TBD 3. Orasnr via Federal register Notice. OROH

~D ~~b3r~ man,5DifsL I

I./, y

  • g


. L'y

".4 79 April 5,1999 PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestones -

Date Lead None BEYOND SEPTEMBER 23,1999 '

Milestones Date Lead

9. Hold meetings and workshops with stakeholders (1/00) n. Orarrge,,,,.

to fully develop voluntary option rulemaking. OROH D. Do.rman, (9900004) DIPM

10. Evaluate public comments on Voluntary Option (1/01) n. Oramm, Rule and prepare Final Rule. (9900.004) ORGH D. Dorman,,


11. Issue Voluntary Option Rule in Federal Register TBD n. Oramm, Notice.

ORGH D. Dorman, DIPM

12. Hold a workshop to discuss implementation TBD fh Oramm,000!!

aspects of Voluntary Option Rule.

D. Dorman, DIPM j The Direct Final Rule was published on 2/23/99. It will become effective on 4/26/99, unless significant adverse.cornment is rec,elvect by 3/25/99. _ Several comment letters have beeri _

received. Both NEl and a licensee h~ ave providsd'comrnents ori the Direct Final Rule Othsr let't'ers (froin'a licAnsibTnd mernb'eis.of tfie public) havejaisdd some%uestions about the


provisiohs ofD6j@i3 QA plan change control, and 50.54(a), welEbe Eats"a topic of a panel discussion during the Regulatory Information Conference.

SECY-98-279 stated that the voluntary option proposed rule will be developed one year after receipt of the SRM and a final rule the following year. The eta" recommende thet WITS item 9900004 be QRas, signed to the proposed rule development, and !t%IfihldAb[a nea "!!T3 1 be assigned for the voluntary option final rule. I i

1 1


u .,.

. .. .a t . . _ . - . ,

l,* .



l' ri:r. a %y l.

80 April 5,1999 ,

1. .

VI. Toolc Area: Other Aaency Pree,. ins and Arees of Focus SES Manager: Cruce Nei, 0;ree:ei, Dlr:dr.r. (A".es "'01/9^; S' iiryjiojatiah'LDifectef!


1. SoecificIssue: Revised Source Term Rulemakina ..

Objective: To revise Part 50 to allow holders of operating power reactor licensees to voluntarily amend the facility design basis to use revised source terms in design basis accident radiological analyses. This action would allow these facilities to pursue risk-informed licensing actions made possible through the use of the revised source term.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Commission approval of rulemaking plan 9/4/980 C. Miller, DRPM (submitted 6/30/98)
2. Complete proposed rule package 10/2/98C C. Miller, DRPM
3. Office concurrence 10/30/98C C. Miller, DRPM


4. ACRS review 11/4/980 C. Miller, DRPM
5. CRGR Briefing 11/10/980 C. Miller, DRPM G. Proposed rule package to EDO 12/4/98C C. Miller, DRPM  !
7. Submit proposed rule package to Commission 12/15/980 C. Miller, DRPM PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead
8. Publish in Federal Register 3/99C T. Essig, DIPM
9. Complete draft guide; draft SRP section 5/99 R. Barrett, DSSA
10. End of Public Comment Period 5/99 R. Barrett, DSSA 4

7 q,

-:.:, q.....

. . . , . M. '

j _7 ..

. e.<

81 April 5,1999 PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead s

11. Office concurrence on final rule; draft guide; draft 7/23 R. Barrett, DSSA SRP
12. ACRS review 7/99 R. Barrett, DSSA
13. CRGR review - 8/99 R. Barrett, DSSA
14. Final rule; draft guide; draft SRP to EDO 8/99 R. Barrett, DSSA (9700025) (NRR)
15. Final rule; draft guide; draft SRP to Commission 8/27/99 R. Barrett, DSSAg BEYOND SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead
16. End of public comment period 12/99 R. Barrett, DSSA
17. Office concurrence on final guide; final SRP 1/00 R. Barrett, DSSA
18. ACRS review on final guide; final SRP 1/00 R. Barrett, DSSA
19. CRGR concurrence on final gu de; final SRP 2/00 R. Barrett, DSSA
20. Final guide; final SRP to EDO (9700025) (NRR) 2/00 R. Barrett, DSSA
21. Final guide; final SRP to Commission 3/3/00 R. Barrett, DSSA
0. 0000 bdefed en piepeeed rule package en 11/10/00. 0000 had ne objecuen te pub :eh!ag propeeed scle ln iederal neg eier. i.iay pederm fci; reviews en llna rufe (m::eetene 10).

10-10. 7.";cCage AOn0 and 0300 wegld be esec;cd te ecesi:n cenjuncuen ..:1 the schede ed rev:cwe.

Otat cenducted a pub :e ince ng .. ;h N0l end lndue;,y en 10/1/00. ne etaff e4ect, te cenduct add: se the 7.;;d adec;. Eere le currenty ne p;ar.ning fer a werkehop. Ouch a werkehep inay be apprepda;e'ence the eta!! hee :esued the f;na rcie, the dien guide, and the dien 00 '. Staff ee ,eduled te raake 'm"ade presentation on source term issues at March 1999 l R.I.C. Eblic~~m^Te'tinjTvdE N51 sciFduliId'fof3I26/95

8. ORM to 000Y 00-200 !aaved en 2/20/00. As a result of the slippage in milestone #8, the staff requested that milestone #15 be revised to 8/27/99. This change in milestone #15 was approved in the SRM. Other intervening and subsequent milestones have been updated to reflect the new due date.

I l

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'+- an 82 April 5,1999 4

VII. TOPIC AREA: Uranium Recovery issues SES Manager: King'Stablein, Acting Branch Chief, Uranlurn Recovery Branch A.' Specific lasues: Uranium recovery concerns raised in Senate report *


. Dual regulation of ground water at in situ leach (ISL) facilities l

. Expanded use of mill tallings impoundments to dispose of other material

. . Eliminate consideration of economics in the processing of attemate feedstock Objective:Tolook forways to:

1. eliminate dual regulation of ISLs facilities;
2. reduce the regulatory burden on uranium mill wanting to expand the use of impoundments for disposal of other materials besides mill tailings; and .
3. encourage uranium mills who want to engage in recycling of materials for their uranium content THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead
1. Commission paper on ways to eliminate dual Charlotte Abrams, l

regulation,at,lSL facilities (9800176) (NMSS) 3/12/99C NMSS (SECY_99_-013) 0/15/99

2. Commission paper on revising guidance for Charlotte Abrams, expanding disposal capability of uranium mill , . _ . . NMSS tallings impoundments, and ask for Commission 4/16/99 policy on hearing orders conceming need to SM9/99 l consider economics in altemate feedstock evaluations (9800180)(NMSS)
3. Implement any changes in review of altemate 04/99 Charlotte Abrams, feedstock that result from hearing and Commission NMSS review of previous hearing o'rders
4. Complete hearing on attemate feedstock P. Block, ASLBP amendment to see how State of Utah concems 02/09/990 I

about staff not applying appropriate economics criteria is determined.

! 5. Complete Part 41'rulemaking plan, including 04/99 Mark Haysfield recommendations on regulatory changes to address Mike Fliegel, NMSS the three issues (9800177)(NMSS)

6. Revise ISL Standard Review Plan to implement 06/99 Bill Ford, NMSS staff recommendationsif approvedbyCommission
7. Issue revised draft guidance on disposal capability 06/99 Charlotte Abrams, l

with Commission-approved revisions NMSS 1


g ,

, ..=.

-[ '5 3

, 83 April 5,1999 PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone -

'. ~

Date .

Lead None BEYOND SEPTEMBER 23,1999 Milestone Date Lead

8. Publish proposed Part'41 for public comment, 04/00 Mark Haysfiel&

including regulatory changes to address three Mike Fliegel, NMSS issues (9800177)(NMSS)

9. Publish final Part 41 codifying agency policy on 02/01 Mark Haysfield resolution of three iss'ues. (9800177) (NMSS) , Mike Fliegel, NMSS Comments: .

General comment re:

objective stated above: Three issues raised in the Senate report are presented in the National Mining Association white paper that was presented to the Commission in April 1998.

1.& 2. Staff will provide recommendations to the Commission on ways to address issues on eliminating dual regulation at ISL facilities and on disposal of materiat in tallings impoundments.. Staff met with OGC on October 13, and developed a strategy for completing the Commission. paper on ISL dual regulation. On October 26,1998, OGC sent staff its legal analysis covering whether staff could remove themselves from the regulation of ground water at ISL facilities. That OGC position has been incorporated into the Commission paper.

Copies of both papers have been concurred in by the CFO.. The papers also have received no legal objection from OGC.

Because of the technical and legal complexity of the issues covered in the Commission papers, the staff requested additional time to complete their work. Delays resulted from time required for consultation with OGC and for staff revisions. Because it has been recommended that the issues discussed in the Commission papers should be addressed through the Part 41 rulemaking task, staff also needed extra time in order to send the Commission papers forward along with the Part 41 rulemaking plan. The Commission papers and Rulemaking Plan were concurred in by NMSS on January 5,1999. The Office of the EDO has reviewed these documents and retumed the Commissior back to

, staff,with m' comments. Th,e_lSL Commission paper b due bed _senttoto COOgas}. paper _s,M pom_ il5 ion on March 912,1999,1999. Revisions in the disposal paper (item 2) will

[equ@,tha{the CQand OGC recor) cur The,dispogpgb new due te me COO e6


... ~ . , , ...Js now %idreyise[tolesolv,eJGC cor,cems.

44 + , -vgg

.. ..: ~



i 84 April 5,1999 '

3.& 4. The most recent attematefleedstock amendment issued by the staff the State of Utah and Emfarocare. One of the contentions is that the staff fslied the appropriate economics test in accepting the amendment application. A decision from the presiding Officer in this hearing was received by on February 9,1999. The decision provides guidance that the staff r.;ede te factor _Ed into lte Osmirns'er, ,%er n.erefore, et if .i; seeaTJr.e er,d re.iee, .h.ere apprepr:ete, the portions of the Commission Paper (item 2 above) dealing with attemate feedstaock.


5. A draft of the Part 41 rulemaking plan and accompanying Commission paper was sent to the Commission
9. An administrative error on the publication date of a final Part 41 has been corrected (the original date given was the date the rulemaking was due to the EDO, not the publication date i

l l


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E5 April 5,1999


Vill. TOPlc AREA: Chanans to NRC's Hearina Process  !

SES Manager: Joe Gray, OGC


A: Use of Infonnel Adjudicatory Procedurms '

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. First draft Commission paper on legislative and J' . Fitzgerald, OGC rulemaking options to enhance Commission's ability to 10/30/980 use informal adjudicatory procedures submitted for General Counsel's review and comment.
2. Draft submitted to Licensing Board for comment 12/1/980 J. Fitzgerald, OGC
3. Comments received on draft 12/18/980 J. Fitzgerald, OGC
4. Paper submitted te . nii.,ission K. Cyr, OGC 1/8/99C

. PRIOR TO JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

5. Briefing of Commission Offices K. Cyr, OGC TBD
6. Commission Guidance TBD K. Cyr, OGC


7. Prepare legislation for Cornmissioner review. . TBD J.02 sere:d,5 Notifshiid]OGC i i
8. Prepare notice of proposed rulemaking for TBD J.GLereld,E Commission review.

'Ridiicsid)OGC PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 23,1999

. Milestone Date Lead l

9. Prepare final rule TBD J.OEosa:d.E

'RMfisctilid)OGC Comments: i

5. Briefings will be scheduled when requested.
