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Forwards Rev 18 to Emergency Plan.Revs Reviewed,Approved & Do Not Decrease Effectiveness of Plan
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/25/1997
From: Sorensen J
Shared Package
ML20138B374 List:
NUDOCS 9704290144
Download: ML20138B370 (2)


Northern States Power Company i

i 1717 Wakonade Drive East i Welch, MN 55089 Telephone 612-388-1121 April 25,1996 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk!

Washington, DC 20555 1

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLAKT Docket Nos. f 9-282 License Nos. DPR-42 50 306 DPR-60 Prairie Island Emergency Plan Resision 18 Furnished with this letter is Revision 18 to the Nb.i Prairie Is!.md Nuclear Generating Plant Emergency Plan. Revisions have been reviewed and approved .'nd do not decrease the effectiveness of this plan.

Significant changes have been indicated with the use of a vertical line in the right-hand margin.


Replace the existing Emergency Plan pages with the attached revised pages. All supc meded pages should be destroyed and plan holders should review the changes in this revision. Por: og should be completed and the attached acknowledgement of receipt returned within ten (10) workmg days to Bruce Locech, Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant,1717 Wakonade Drive East, Welch, MN 55089.

If you have any questions, please contact Mel Agen at 612-388-1121 Extension 4240.

gW I f\ @sd 1 P Sorensca i

PLa Manager Prairic Island Nuclear Generating Plant c: Office of Nuclear Material Safety & Safeguards (1 copy) k USNRC - Doris Gonzalas, Region Ill (2 copies)

NRC Resident inspector (w/o attachment) i J Silberg (w/o attachment)

M M Agen (w/o attachment)

Records Management (Doc Control Copy) (w/o attachment)

NL File (w/o attachment) 9704290144 970425 PDR ADOCK 05000282 si it is ni n ii F PDR- ll llb llt ll]iiiji stillll lll

  • 4 l ll 9 9 A
  • I Mfct Nunt 1997 - 0259 Dato  : 04/25/97 FROM  : Bruce Loesch/ Linda Reinhart Loc  : Prairie Island 1 TO  : MC GRANAHAN, BONNIE J  !

Copy Num: 515 Holder : US NRC DOC CONTROL DESK l SUBJECT : Revisions to CONTROLLED DOCUMENTS l coco **************************************e*********************************** l Procedure / Rev Title  !

l l

R3 visions.  !

.......... 1 EP 18 EMERGENCY PLAN UPDATING INSTRUCTIONS Pltce this material in your Prairie Island Controlled Manual or File. Remove rcvised or cancelled material and recycle it. Sign and date this letter in the space provieded below within ten working days and return to Bruce j Lo22ch or Linda Reinhart, Prairie Island Nuclear Plant, 1717 Wakonade Drive E., l W]lch, MN 55089. I Contact Bruce Loesch (ext 4664) or Linda Reinhart (ext 4659) if you have any J qu2Etions.

Racmived the material stated above and complied with the updating instructions Date i s -N. f hT ,-


l j l
