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Revised Final Deficiency Rept Re Improper Sloping of Piping & Tubing Lines for GE Instrumentation.Lines Will Be Installed Which Slope 1/2 Inch Per Ft
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna  Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/23/1980
10CFR-050.55E, 10CFR-50.55E, ER-100450, ER-100508, MCAR-1-58, PLA-593, NUDOCS 8101050332
Download: ML18030A185 (6)




~rVR:f)101050333 Obc."'TE: RO/12/23 hOTARIZEO FACTL;5rr--"usouehznna Stea~Electric Stations Unit ar.0-3.")1 usouet arna Stea~Flectric Stations Urit Al.r[HJR Af'F IL14T(OH URTI S i'f."'.r ennsylvania power 4 Light Co~RCCIP.iAvh

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LT1P r)0 Er4CL)fo PPaL TWO NORTH HIHTH STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA.18101 PHONEr (215)821-5151 NORMAN W.CURTIS'vice President-Engineering 8 Construction-Nuclear 82t.538t December 23, 1980 Mr.Boyce H.Grier Director, Region I U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 L SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATION REVISION TO THE FINAL REPORT OF A DEFICIENCY ZN IMPROPER SLOPING OF PIPING irr TUBING LINES FOR G.E.INSTRUMENTATZON ERs 100450/100508 FILE 840-4/900-10 PLA-593

Dear Mr.Grier:

This letter transmits a revised final report relative to a deficiency in the, installation of instrumentation piping and tubing connected to G.E.nstrumen a ion.The revised report supercedes information previously provided by PLA-512 which reported the deficient condition in accordance with the provisions of 10CFR50.55(e).

The revised report provides a table of acceptance criteria (Table I)for reworked lines.The acceptance criteria for, future instrument line installa-tions remains as originally stated (>I2" per foot)in PLA-512.We trust you will find this supplemental information to be sufficient.

Very truly yours, N.W.Curtis Vice President-Engineering

&Construction-Nuclear Attachment ARS:mcb PENNSYLYANIA POWER CL LIGHT COMPANY Mr.Boyce H.Grier 2-December 23, 1980 cc: Mr.Victor Stello (15)Director-Office of Znspection a Enforcement U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555~~9~+cDong,4; toy~Office of Management'Znformation 6 Program Control U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Mr.Robert M.Gallo U..S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission P.0.Box 52 Shickshinny, Pennsylvania 18655 MCAR 1-58 FINAL REPORT (REV 1)~Sub ecc The installed piping and tubing to GE equipment is lacking groper slope.Descri tion of Potential Problem General Electric Piping and Tubing, Process Instrumentation Specification 22A4019, Paragraph, states: "Where slopes are indicated in the installation arrangement schematics or elsewhere, a minimum slope of 1/2" per foot shall be provided." Contrary to the stated requirement, Bechtel Nonconformance Report 5807 lists 41 small pipe installations to General Electric equipment that do not meet the minimum 1/2" per foot slope requirement.

Cause Three conditions may have contributed to the installation error.They are: 1.Project engineering did not specify the required slope (i,e.l/2" per foot min)on some of the design drawings.2.Construction failed to incorporate specified slope requirements on some of the field prepared fabrication isometric drawings.3.Construction failed in some cases to install the small pipe to the slope specified on the Field fabrication isometric drawings.Anal sis of Safety Implications Project Engineering has determined if the deficiency were to have gone uncorrected it could have adversely affected the safe operation of the plant, and it is therefore deemed reportable under 10CFR 50.55(e).This deficiency could produce an error in essential instrumentation in excess of design limits.Inaccurate instrument readings and delayed trips could result on lines which have differential instruments which function on low differential pressures.

This would be the result of air entrapment in the lines caused by improper slope.'owever, lines with devices which operate on high differential pressure would not be as sensitive to slope variations and would not adversely affect the safe operation of the plant.Corrective Action Field quality control has documented on Nonconformance Reports 5807 and 6055 all.lines that do not meet the requirements of the GE specification (i.e., 1/2" per foot minimum slope).Project engineering has reviewed the problem with General Electric engineering and revised acceptance criteria have been developed for"installed" piping for the various categories.

of instrumentation involved.Engineering i~iemo for Construction 4992, dated June 16, 1980 for'warded this criter'a to the field.'Attachment Page 1 of 2 Rev 1 Those lines which'have not yet been installed shall be installed with a slope 4" per foot.Installed lines which require rework shall be sloped to the requirements of Table I as a minimum.Field construction is reworking-identified lines which do not meet the revised acceptance criteria.The Unit I as-built drawings will include the actual slope of installed line'.Project engineering will revise Unit ZZ SKM's to include a note that the pipe and or tubing shall be installed to have a minimum slope of 4" per foot (Ref.GE Spec.22A4019)and Unit II P&ZDs to include the GE specification as a reference.

Field engineering will revise the Unit ZI fabrication isometrics to reflect the above recuirements.

Pro'ected Completion of Corrective Action All.affected drawings are projected to be revised and Unit I as-builts are projected to be completed by December 30, 1980.Zn the interim, field con-struction was notified by Engineering Memo for Construction 5062 to take steps to insure that the subject pipe and tubing are installed in accordance with GE Specification 22A4019.Any exceptions are to be documented by a Noncon-formance Report.Attachment Page 2 of 2 TABLE I'ran RPV or process line connection to penetration flued head Lines List'ed in Mte 2.>5/16" per foot continuous slope Lines Listed in Note 3 continuous positive s}ope (1)Frcxn penetration flued head to excess flow check valves (only if length is less than 3 feet)>3/16" per foot continuous slope Zero slope OK mtes: 3.A-.slope'of

>-1/8" per=foot-is considered-pos'itive 2.We following functions are included:{a)RPV level (except top head level sensing line)(b)Core Spray d p (c)Y~pn Steam flow signal to feedwater control system 3.The following functions are included: (a)Top head level sensing line (b)Core ap (c)Main steam high flow isolation (d)Elbow taps (Recirc, RHR, RCZC, HPCZ, RNCU Systems){e)Jet pump instrumentation (f)Recirc pump dp (g)Recirc loop suction pressure (h)Head flange seal pressure (i)Recirc pump seal pressure (j)Belm core plate pressure (k)RPV drain line pressure 4.Recirc loop sample line does not require slope