ML14225A615 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Quad Cities ![]() |
Issue date: | 04/27/2013 |
From: | NRC/RGN-III |
To: | Exelon Generation Co |
Bruce Palagi | |
Shared Package | |
ML13093A388 | List: |
References | |
Download: ML14225A615 (13) | |
SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)
Page 1 of 13 Exelon Nuclear Job Performance Measure Inject SSMP to U1 with Trip of Normal Feed JPM Number: 2014 ILT NRC JPM b Revision Number: 00 Date: 10/15/2013 Developed By:
Instructor Date
Validated By:
SME or Instructor Date Reviewed By:
Operations Representative Date Approved By:
Training Department Date
2014 ILT NRC JPM b - Rev. 00 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)
Page 2 of 13 JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initia l validation.
Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 9 and 13 below.
________ 1. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. ________ 2. Knowledge and Abilities (K/A) references are included. ________ 3. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, simulator, or other) ________ 4. Initial setup conditions are identified. ________ 5. Initiating cue (and terminating cue if required) are properly identified. ________ 6. Task standards identifi ed and verified by SME review. ________ 7. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical st eps and are identified with an asterisk (*). ________ 8. If an alternate path is used, the task standard contai ns criteria for successful completion. ________ 9. Verify the procedure(
s) referenced by this JPM re flects the current revision:
Procedure QCOP 2900-02 Rev: 25 Procedure QCAN 912-8 A-8 Rev: 5 Procedure Rev: ________ 10. Verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict. ________ 11. Verify performance time is accurate
________ 12. If the JPM cannot be performed as written wit h proper responses, then revise the JPM. ________ 13. When JPM is initially validated, sign and date JPM cover page. Subsequent validations, sign and date below:
SME / Instructor Date
SME / Instructor Date
SME / Instructor Date
2014 ILT NRC JPM b - Rev. 00 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)
Page 3 of 13 Revision Record (Summary) Revision 00, Renamed to 2014 ILT NRC JPM b, restarted numbering accordingly.
Previous revisions were:
Revision 00, This JPM was developed for ILT NRC Exam 03-01, IAW NUREG 1021, Rev 9. Revision 01, JPM revised to update the format and for procedure revisions.
Revision 02, JPM revised for procedure revisions.
2014 ILT NRC JPM b - Rev. 00 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)
Page 4 of 13 SIMULATOR SETUP INSTRUCTIONS 1) Reset the simulator to any IC.
- 2) Manual Actuations
- 3) Malfunctions (contained in caep file "B caep.cae") Cause 4KV BKR 152-1425 to FAIL to CLOSEl00:00:00l01
imf ed04ll00:00:02l02
Set trigger 5 true when 2901-7 opensl00:00:00l03 trgset 5 "zlohs029017(2)"l00:00:04l04
Trip bus 31 on trigger 5 with a 4 second delayl00:00:00l05 imf ed03f (5 4)l00:00:06l06
Set trigger 6 true when breaker 152-1425 amber light is litl00:00:00l07 trgset 6 "zlohs165001425(2)"l00:00:08l08 delete bus 31 trip on trigger 6l00:00:00l09
trg 6 "dmf ed03f"l00:00:10l10 4) Remotes None 5) Overrides None 6) When the above steps are completed for this and other JPMs to be run concurrently, then validate the concurrently run JPMs using the JPM Validation Checklist. 7) This completes the setup for this JPM.
JPM B QCOP 2900-02, Rev 025, S AJPM B QCAN 912-8 A-8, Rev 005, SAFE SB caep.cae 2014 ILT NRC JPM b - Rev. 00 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)
- Unit 1 Reactor scrammed on loss of Feed Water several minutes ago. HPCI manual startup was attempted, but the turbine st op valve would not open. Maintenance is investigating.
- Reactor water level is -45", lowering.
- The Unit 1 Unit Supervisor has determined that Safe Shutdown Makeup Pump injection is required.
- This JPM is NOT time critical.
INITIATING CUE INJECT Safe Shutdown Makeup Pump to Unit
- 1. NOTIFY the Unit Supervisor when the SSMP system is injecting. {The student will obtain the hard card on the panel. If the student retrieves the paper copy of the procedure, provid e the exam version of QCOP 2900-02}
Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.
Information For Evaluator's Use:
UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
- Denotes critical steps.
- Denotes critical elemen ts of a critical step.
Number any comments in the "Comment Nu mber" column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" sect ion at the bottom of the page. The comment section should be used to document the reason t hat a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance re lating to management expectations.
Some operations that are perform ed from outside of the contro l room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to per form groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.
2014 ILT NRC JPM b - Rev. 00 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)
Page 6 of 13 JPM Start Time:
STEP ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number NOTE: The candidate may dispatch an EO to the SSMP room in anticipation of a locally performed action. If so, acknowledge the direction. Obtain procedure to be used. Obtains QCOP 2900-02 or HARD CARD. ___ ______NOTE: Candidate may choose to follow the procedural steps of QCOP 2900-02 OR use the HARD CARD (Attachment A). Either method is acceptable.
Hard Card Step 2 Verify pump suction pressure available.
Verifies pump suction pressure indicates (i.e., not pegged low) on PI 1/2-2940-01, on the 912-8 panel. ___ ______
F.6.b Hard Card Step 3 Open MOV 1/2 -2901-7, THROTTLED TEST VLV.
Places and holds MOV 1/2-2901-7 control switch in the
OPEN position until valve indicates full open. ___ ______NOTE: Breaker 1425 will trip 4 seconds after the candidate begins opening the 1/2-2901-7 Alternate path starts here. Reports breaker 152-1425, Bus 14-1 feed to Bus 31, has
Acknowledges annunciator 912-8 A8, SSMP System
Trouble, and dispatches EO's
to the SSMP Room and to Bus
14-1. ___ ______CUE: As the EO sent to the SSMP room; report that the room is dark, but otherwise everything appears normal. NO targets have actuated on any breakers. IF asked about the status of the breaker for MO 1/2-2901-7, report that it appears normal.
IF asked, as the EO sent to Bus 14-1, re port that the feed breaker to Bus 31 is OPEN and there appears to have been some arcing in the upper compartment. All other indications on Bus 14-1 appear NORMAL.
2014 ILT NRC JPM b - Rev. 00 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)
Page 7 of 13 STEP ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Notifies Unit Supervisor that SSMP system can NOT be energized from Bus 14-1. ___ ______CUE: IF the candidate asks the Unit 2 Superv isor for permission to energize Bus 31 from Unit 2 (Bus 24-1), grant permission.
F.5.a. (1)
Hard Card Step 1.a. Verify CLOSED breaker 152-2425, Reserve Feed to Bus
31 from Bus 24-1. Observes red light is lit for GCB 2425, GCB RESERVE FEED CONTROL ___ ______*F.5.a (2)*
Hard Card Step 1.b. Open NORMAL FEED CONTROL, ACB 152-3101 feed breaker from Bus 14-1 to
Bus 31. Places control switch for ACB 152-3101, NORMAL FEED CONTROL to the TRIP
position and verifies green
light is lit. ___ ______*F.5.a. (3)*
Hard Card Step 1.c. Close Reserve Feed breaker from Bus 24-1 to Bus
- 31. Places control switch for ACB 152-3102, RESERVE FEED CONTROL, to the CLOSE
position and verifies red light is
lit. ___ ______CUE: IF asked, report as the EO in the SS MP room, "the lights just came back on."
NOTE: Examinee should resume the procedure from step F.6.b (or Hard Card Step 3).
F.6.b* Hard Card Step 3 Open MOV 1/2 -2901-7, THROTTLED TEST VALVE. Places and holds MOV 1/2-2901-7 control switch in the
OPEN position until valve is
full open, (red light lit). ___ ______CUE: If examinee asks whether or not to re-attempt to thrott le the 1/2-2901-7 valve, ask their recommendation. Regardless of their reply reiterate that Safe Shutdown injection to Unit 1 is needed. *F.6.c* Hard Card Step 4 Start 1/2-2901, SAFE SHUTDOWN PUMP. Places 1/2-2901 SAFE SHUTDOWN PUMP control switch to the START position and verifies red light is lit. ___ ______
2014 ILT NRC JPM b - Rev. 00 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)
Page 8 of 13 STEP ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number F.6.c. (1)
Hard Card Step 4 Verifies discharge pressure increase.
Verifies PI 1/2-2940-05, on the 912-8 panel, shows increasing
pressure. ___ ______
- F.6.d Hard Card Step 5 Place FCV 1/2-2901-6 in auto by selecting the pushbutton (should be lit) Depresses the pushbutton on FIC 1/2-2940-7, SAFE SHUTDOWN MU PMP FCV. ___ ______*F.6.d. (1)
Hard Card Step 5 Slowly increase flow setpoint using SP
/until value at bottom of scale indicates 400. Presses to change FIC 1/2-2940-7 setpoint to 400 gpm and verifies flow
increases to 400 gpm. ___ ______
- F.6.e Hard Card Step 6 IF injecting to Unit 1, THEN open MOV 1-2901-8. Places MOV 1-2901-8 control switch to the OPEN position and verifies the red light is lit. ___ ______
- F.6.g. Hard Card Step 8 Close MOV 1/2-2901-7, THROTTLED TEST VLV Places and holds MOV 1/2-2901-7 control switch in the
CLOSED position until valve is full closed, (green light lit). ___ ______ Verifies flow i ndication. Verifies flow indication on 1/2-2901-6, Safe Shutdown MU
Pmp FCV. ___ ______ Notifies the Unit 1 Unit Supervisor that the SSMP is
injecting to Unit 1. ___ ______CUE: As the US, report, "RPV water level is now -40 inches and rising."
2014 ILT NRC JPM b - Rev. 00 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)
Page 9 of 13 STEP ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number F.6.i Hard Card Step 10 Close 1/2-2999-9, SERVICE WATER TO SSMP ROOM
Directs EO to close 1/2-2999-9, Service Water to SSMP Room Cooler Bypass Valve. ___ ______
CUE: As the EO, report, "the 1/2-2999-9, Service Water to SSMP Room Cooler Bypass Valve is closed."
NOTE: Examinee should report that the task is complete. JPM Stop Time:
2014 ILT NRC JPM b - Rev. 00 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)
Page 10 of 13 JPM SUMMARY Operator's Name
- Job Title
- EO RO SRO FS STA/IA SRO Cert JPM Title: Inject SSMP to U1 with Trip of Normal Feed JPM Number: 2014 ILT NRC JPM b Revision Number: 00 Task Number and Title:
SR-2900-P02 (Freq: LIC=A) (ILT-MP) Given Unit 1 in a QGA condition with the SSMP in a standby lineup, start the SSMP from the 912-8 panel and inject to Unit 1 in accordance with QC OP 2900-02. (Import ant PRA Operator Action - Proper operation of SSMP te rminates 19 of the top 100 Core Damage Sequences) (Switching SSMP between units, aligning FPS to SSMP, and switching AC buses)
SR-2900-P07 (Freq: LIC=A) Given a reactor plant in a QGA condition, transfer power for SSMP components from Normal to Reserve at panel 912-8 in accordance with QCOP 2900-01. (Important PRA Operator Action -
proper SSMP switching terminates 2 of the top 100 Core Damage Sequences and has a RAW of 188)
K/A Number and Importance:
K/A: 295031 EA1.08 Rating: 3.8/3.9 Ability to operate and/or moni tor the following as they apply to REACTOR LOW WATER LEVEL : Alternate inject ion systems: Plant-specific Suggested Testing Environment: Simulator
Alternate Path: Yes No SRO Only: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Reference(s): QCOP 2900-02, Rev. 25, SAFE SHUTDOWN MAKEUP PUMP SYSTEM START UP QCAN 912-8 A-8, Rev. 5, SAFE SHUTDOWN MAKEUP PUMP SYSTEM TROUBLE Actual Testing Environment:
Simulator Control Room In-Plant Other Testing Method: Simulate Perform Estimated Time to Complete: 14 minutes Actual Time Used:
minutes 2014 ILT NRC JPM b - Rev. 00 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)
Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily? Yes No The operator's performance wa s evaluated against standards contained within this JPM and has been determined to be: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:
Evaluator's Name
- (Print)
Evaluator's Signature
- Date: [If this page is an odd numbered page, a blank page is automatically generated after this page to keep the student cue sheet separate from this page]
- Unit 1 Reactor scrammed on loss of Feed Water several minutes ago. HPCI manual startup was attempted, but the turbine st op valve would not open. Maintenance is investigating.
- Reactor water level is -45", lowering.
- The Unit 1 Unit Supervisor has determined that Safe Shutdown Makeup Pump injection is required.
- This JPM is NOT time critical.
INITIATING CUE INJECT Safe Shutdown Makeup Pump to Unit
- 1. NOTIFY the Unit Supervisor when the SSMP system is injecting.