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Changes to LACBWR Controlled Document. Includes QAPD, Issue 27, Quality Assurance Program Description
Person / Time
Site: La Crosse File:Dairyland Power Cooperative icon.png
Issue date: 11/18/2014
From: Martin E
Dairyland Power Cooperative
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Download: ML14330A233 (41)





Changes to LACBWR Controlled Documents

1. The following documents have been revised or issued new.QAPDIssue 27Quality Assurance Program Description Please file the documents in the appropriate controlled document binder andlocation.

The superseded material shall be destroyed.

[] The documents listed above shall be reviewed, and affected personnel shall benotified of the changes.

Read and Heed Training shall be documented on Page2 of 2 as required.

2. The following documents have been CANCELLED.

Please destroy all copies./S/DATEPlease return this notification to the LACBWR Administrative Staff within ten (10)working days.Dairyland Power Cooperative LACBWR4601 State Road 35Genoa, WI 54632-8846 ACP-07.01 Issue 83ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPTPage 2 of 2LACBWR Read and HeedDate: 11/18/2014 Category/I D Issue TitleH QAPD Issue 27 Quality Assurance Program Description DBy sigqning below, the individual acknowledges comprehension of the above checked Read andHeed procedure topics.This acknowledgment serves as proof of training and will be maintained on file as a permanent record.H1 If this box is checked, instructor verification is required for Read and Heed Training.*

Mfl~~aeIS tN e tI 1i + iMYN MFXWMMýýM.M hýr, eUUM a ýkm we,j"10hd lfleecý(,'

lu is 11 11 eltQInstructor Name (print) Instructor Signature Date7-7Original to Administrative Staff Date:

DAIRYLAND POWER COOPERATIVE LA CROSSE BOILING WATER REACTORQUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION REVISION 27PREPARED BYAPPROVED BYManager, Quality Assurance President and CEO&DATE & -7.0-"DATE1 DAIRYLAND POWER COOPERATIVE LA CROSSE BOILING WATER REACTORSTATEMENT OF QUALITY ASSURANCE POLICYThe Quality Assurance Program Description (QAPD) described herein has beendeveloped by Dairyland Power Cooperative (DPC) to provide a consolidated overviewof the quality program controls that govern the operation and maintenance of theLa Crosse Boiling Water Reactor (LACBWR)

Independent Spent Fuel StorageI nstallation (ISFSI) and the Passive SAFSTOR decommissioning of the LACBWRplant. The QAPD describes the quality assurance organizational structure, functional responsibilities, levels of authority and interfaces.

The QAPD applies to the Passive SAFSTOR decommissio-nin-g activities performed under 10 CFR 50, Appendix B and all activities associated with structures, systems,and components which are Important to Safety under 10 CFR 72. The QAPD alsoapplies to transportation packages licensed by the NRC under 10 CFR 71.Requirements of the QAPD are performed in a graded approach commensurate withan item's or an activity's importance to safety. This graded approach is responsive toNRC Regulatory Guide 7.10. The applicability of the requirements of the QAPD toother items and activities is determined on a case by case basis. The QAPD satisfies the requirements of 10 CFR 50 Appendix B, 10 CFR 71 Subpart H, and 10 CFR 72Subpart G.The Manager, Quality Assurance is responsible for the establishment andimplementation of a quality assurance program which meets all regulatory requirements.

The quality assurance

program, as described in this QAPD, isimplemented through the use of approved procedures (i.e., policies, directives, procedures,
manuals, instructions, or other documents) which provide writtenguidance for the control of Important to Safety items and activities and provides forthe development of documentation to demonstrate objective evidence of compliance with stated requirements.

President and CEOuA9 2a/t0 DateI QAPDiRev. 27 DAIRYLAND POWER COOPERATIVE LA CROSSE BOILING WATER REACTORQUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION PAGESTATEMENT OF POLICY .....................................................................................................






2II. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM .......................................................................................

5III. DESIGN CONTROL AND REVIEW .........................................................................................

8IV. PROCUREMENT DOCUMENT CONTROL ..............................................................................


PROCEDURES AND DRAW INGS .................................................................

10VI. DOCUMENT CONTROL ......................................................................................................










15XI. TEST CONTROL ................................................................................................................






18XIV. INSPECTION, TEST, AND OPERATING STATUS .....................................................................

19XV. CORRECTIVE ACTION ........................................................................................................

20XVI. QUALITY ASSURANCE RECORDS .......................................................................................

21XVII. AUDITS .............................................................................................................................










30TABLE 1 -REGULATORY COMPARISON MATRIX .............................................................





36I QAPDiiRev. 27


A. GeneralThe LACBWR Quality Assurance Program Description (QAPD) is designedto meet the requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, 10 CFR 71, SubpartH, and 10 CFR 72, Subpart G and reflects the direction of applicable regulatory guides and industry standards, as they apply to the operation and maintenance of the LACBWR ISFSI and the Passive SAFSTOR phaseof decommissioning the LACBWR plant, thereby assuring that risk to thehealth and safety of the public is not increased.

The quality assurance program described herein is applied by Dairyland Power Cooperative (DPC) to assure safe operation of the LACBWR ISFSIand safe Passive SAFSTOR decommissioning of the LACBWR plant. TheQA program shall be applied to activities with a graded approach to qualitythat is commensurate with an item's or an activity's importance to safetysuch as design, engineering, procurement, installation, maintenance, modification, operations, and decommissioning by DPC or its contractors, and their subcontractors.

Quality Assurance (QA) as defined herein encompasses all those plannedand systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that anImportant To Safety structure, system, or component will perform itsintended function satisfactorily.

QA is recognized as an interdisciplinary function and not the sole responsibility of QA personnel.

It is DPC's policy that the group performing and directly responsible for thework, such as project management, engineering, design, procurement, installation, maintenance,

testing, and dismantlement shall be responsible for the quality of work. This includes quality control and verification that allwork is performed in accordance with approved documents.

QA personnel have responsibility for auditing these groups and assuring DPCmanagement that the QA program is being fully and effectively implemented.

The requirements and commitments contained in this QAPD are mandatory and must be implemented,

enforced, and adhered to by all individuals andorganizations.

Employees are encouraged to actively participate in thecontinued development of the QA program as well as its implementation.

B. Terms and Definitions The terms and definitions listed below are used frequently throughout thisdocument.

COMPANY -Dairyland Power Cooperative (DPC)LACBWR -La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor.QUALITY ASSURANCE (QA) -All those planned and systematic actionsnecessary to provide adequate confidence that structures,

systems, orcomponents (SSCs) will perform satisfactorily in service.QUALITY CONTROL (QC) -Those quality actions which provide a meansI QAPDIRev. 27 to control and measure the characteristics of an item, process or facility toestablished requirements.

ORC -Operations Review Committee.


-Encompasses the plant site, which is undergoing decommissioning, and the ISFSI site where spent fuel is stored. Excludedare the DPC transmission substation adjacent to the plant site and powertransmission apparatus located beyond the LACBWR switchyard.

PLANT -Encompasses the buildings that functionally supported theoperation of the LACBWR nuclear power facility.

ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROL PROCEDURE (ACP) -A document whichestablishes the guidelines and requirements governing functional activities.

QA MANUAL -A manual comprised of the QA Program Description.

SRC --Safety Review Committee.


-A time frame within which a scheduled activityshall be performed with a maximum allowable extension not to exceed 25percent of the schedule interval.

IMPORTANT TO SAFETY (ITS) -A classification given to structures,

systems, and components (SSCs) that provide nuclear safety designfunctions.

(See Appendix A for complete details).

PASSIVE SAFSTOR -Requires thorough initial clean-up, but allowsintermittent inspection of the site and shutdown of active systems such asradiation monitoring.

1. ORGANIZATION A. General Requirements Figure 1 shows the organizational structure for the LACBWR facility andestablishes the functional lines of authority and responsibility of variousgroups and individuals participating in the LACBWR QA program.

Theauthority and duties of persons or groups responsible for the direction, implementation, and auditing of this program are as follows:1. DPC President and CEO has corporate responsibility for all qualityassurance matters relating to decommissioning the LACBWR plant andoperation and maintenance of the LACBWR ISFSI. This individual hasdelegated the authority and responsibility for administration of qualityassurance for LACBWR to the Manager, Quality Assurance.

2. Vice President (VP). Generation reports directly to the President andCEO and has corporate responsibility for the administration andoperation of the LACBWR decommissioning and operation andmaintenance of the LACBWR ISFSI.3. Site Manager, Genoa (SMG) has the overall responsibility for theadministration and operation of the LACBWR ISFSI, the maintenance I O PD2Rev. 27 of the LACBWR plant in Passive SAFSTOR, and the operation of theGenoa 3 coal-fired plant. The SMG is the Chairman of the Operations Review Committee (ORC), a member of the Safety Review Committee and reports directly to the VP, Generation on all LACBWR ISFSI orPlant matters.

As ORC Chair, the SMG approves all procedures thatimplement the requirements of NRC-approved programs and plans.4. Plant/ISFSI Supervisor who reports directly to the Site Manager,Genoa, has on-site responsibility for LACBWR plant decommissioning and operation and maintenance of the LACBWR ISFSI within the limitsset forth in the Decommissioning Plan, Technical Specifications andthis QAPD. This individual has responsibility for implementing thequality assurance requirements at the operating ISFSI anddecommissioning plant through administrative control procedures andprocedures required to fulfill the requirements of this program.Activities performed by outside individuals or groups, including SRC,outside consultants, and representatives of NRC activities, with regardto the LACBWR facility are performed under the authority andresponsibility of the Plant/ISFSI Supervisor.

The Plant/ISFSI Supervisor has daily responsibility for the groupsdesignated in the organizational chart for the facility, including maintenance and training activities.

The Plant/ISFSI Supervisor is theISFSI Security Supervisor and has access to the DPC President andCEO if necessary for security

matters, and is responsible forimplementation and administration of the LACBWR ISFSI PhysicalSecurity Program.5. Manager.

Quality Assurance reports directly to the VP, Generation, with direct access to the DPC President and CEO, if necessary, forquality assurance matters.

This individual has responsibility forestablishing a quality assurance program and performing audits of theprogram to determine its effectiveness.

This individual has theauthority and organizational freedom to verify activities affecting quality and is independent of undue influences and responsibilities forschedules and costs. The Manager, Quality Assurance has theresponsibility and authority to stop unsatisfactory work and controlfurther processing,

delivery, or installation of nonconforming materials.

This individual also has the responsibility and authority to identifyquality problems, to recommend or provide solutions, and to verify theirimplementation.

The individual is responsible for administration of thecorrective action program.6. Health Physics Supervisor reports directly to the Plant/ISFSI Supervisor and is responsible for the administration, maintenance, andimplementation of the Radiation Protection

Program, Process ControlProgram, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, Radioactive EffluentControls
Program, and Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program.I QAPD3Rev. 27
7. Safety Manager functionally reports directly to the Site Manager,Genoa and has responsibility for industrial safety practices at theplant in accordance with applicable regulations.
8. ISFSI Security Project Manager reports directly to the PlantIlSFSI Supervisor and has responsibility for ensuring regulatory requirements are adequately met. This individual ensures that the Security Plan,related procedures, training and contingency requirements aredeveloped and maintained current.9. Technical Engineer reports directly to the Plant/ISFSI Supervisor andhas responsibility for facility licensing during decommissioning, andeventual license termination activities.

This individual is the principle liaison on behalf of the Genoa Site Manager and the Plant/ISFSI Supervisor for contact with the NRC and other regulatory agencies.

10. Operations Review Committee (ORC) is an advisory committee to theSite Manager, Genoa and PlantlISFSI Supervisor and hasresponsibility for performing independent-safety reviews of ISFSI andplant activities prior to implementation of the proposed activityrequiring the review. The safety review shall be a thorough reviewconducted by qualified independent safety reviewers who areknowledgeable in the subject area being reviewed.
11. Safety Review Committee (SRC) is an advisory committee responsible to the President and CEO for providing independent safety review andaudit of designated activities on all matters pertaining to ISFSI nuclearsafety and existing procedures which are a part of the ISFSI regulatory compliance requirements.
12. Administrative Staff reports directly to the Site Manager.

Genoa and isresponsible for maintenance of QA records, procedures,

indexes, andproviding general administrative support.B. LACBWR Facility Or-ganization Requirements Figure 1 shows the organization structure for the LACBWR facility whichconsists of the ISFSI staff and Passive SAFSTOR decommissioning team.Job descriptions have been provided for key supervisory and some supportpositions and identify the authority and responsibility that are associated with that position.

C. Dairyland Power Cooperative Management Organization Figure 2 shows the organization structure for Dairyland PowerCooperative.

The LACBWR facility is a responsibility of the President andCEO. The responsibility for all purchases as they apply to all generating

stations, including LACBWR, and responsibility for control, identification, and issuance of all materials, parts, and components is the responsibility of the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.I QAPD4Rev. 27 II. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAMA. GeneralThe QA program described herein sets forth the requirements for the QAorganization, personnel responsibilities,
controls, and measuresestablished to achieve,
maintain, and document quality.


include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Incorporation of applicable regulatory
criteria, codes, standards, anddesign bases for ITS SSCs into the ISFSI operations and maintenance procedures.
2. Performance of all installation, calibration, and testing on all necessary ITS SSCs in accordance with approved ISFSI procedures.
3. Approved procedures being used in the operation, maintenance, repair,and modification of the ISFSI in compliance with licensing regulations and-consistent with quality practices established-by-DPC.

-4. Maintenance of QA recordkeeping, including

reports, test results,records, and logs.5. Resolution of items identified as adverse to quality with appropriate notifications made to DPC Corporate Management.
6. Performance of audits and surveillances by QA personnel to verify thatISFSI administrative
controls, procedures, and procurement documents contain the necessary QA input requirements and appropriate documentation thereof.B. Apolicability The LACBWR QAPD applies to plant Passive SAFSTOR decommissioning activities (10 CFR 50, Appendix B) and all activities associated with theISFSI (10 CFR 72) and ITS SSCs. The QAPD also applies totransportation packages licensed by the NRC under 10 CFR 71.Requirements of the QAPD are performed in a graded approach to qualitywhich is commensurate with an item's or an activity's importance to safety.This graded approach is responsive to NRC Regulatory Guide 7.10. TheQAPD satisfies the requirements of 10 CFR 50 Appendix B, 10 CFR 71Subpart H, and 10 CFR 72 Subpart G.The LACBWR QA program utilizes the Important To Safety (ITS)classification process to apply and enforce a graded approach to quality intasks related to ISFSI SSCs (refer to Appendix A for details).

C. Regulatory Commitments Except when alternatives or exceptions are identified, the implementing procedures for the QAPD shall comply with the quality assurance guidancedocuments listed in Appendix B. Additionally, the following clarifications apply to all guidance documents listed in Appendix B:1. If the guidance in any of the listed documents is in conflict with theI QAPD5Rev. 27 QAPD, the guidance provided in the QAPD is the controlling document.

2. Standards, guides, codes, etc., identified in any commitment documentare not quality assurance program requirements unless that documentis also listed in the Appendix.
3. Guidance applicable to safety related items and activities (10 CFR 50)are applicable to comparable items and activities (Important To Safety)required by 10 CFR 71 and 10 CFR72.D. Administrative ControlsThe Administrative Controls defined in Appendix C were developed tosupport operation of the LACBWR plant while in SAFSTOR(dismantlement).

These requirements were previously included in theTechnical Specifications and were relocated to this QAPD during activedecommissioning.

These requirements are being maintained to supportPassive SAFSTOR decommissioning activities and will also be requiredwhen decommissioning of the LACBWR plant reconvenes in the future.The remaining Administrative Controls will be only applicable to theLACBWR ISFSI.E. Implementation Individuals that are assigned responsibilities as described in Section I,"ORGANIZATION,"

shall prepare administrative and quality assurance procedures as necessary to implement the requirements of this program insupport of operation and maintenance of the LACBWR ISFSI.' Procedures shall include appropriate quantitative and qualitative acceptance criterianecessary to determine that the activity is being properly performed.

Auditor surveillance reports are distributed to DPC management for their reviewand assessment of the QA program, as to effectiveness, scope, adequacy, and implementation.

Indoctrination in the QA program requirements shallbe provided to all facility personnel and contractors performing activities that could affect the quality of structures,

systems, or components.

F. Personnel Training and Qualification Each member of the facility staff (including audit, surveillance andinspection personnel) shall have sufficient qualifications to perform theirassigned duties. Regulatory Guide 1.8 (Revision I dated 5177) is used fordetermining and assessing appropriate staff qualifications.

Training programs are established and implemented to ensure thatpersonnel achieve and maintain suitable proficiency.

Additionally, personnel training and qualification records are maintained in accordance with procedures.

In addition to the above, the following specific qualification requirements are required:

1. The position of the Manager, Quality Assurance shall meet thefollowing minimum qualifications:
a. Graduate of a four-year accredited engineering or science collegeI QAPD6Rev. 27 or university, or the equivalent in practical experience plus five (5)or more years in positions of leadership, such as lead engineer, project engineer, audit team leader, etc.b. At least two years of this experience should be associated withnuclear quality assurance activities, and at least one year of thisexperience shall be in a quality assurance organization.

Anadditional two years of quality assurance program implementation may be substituted for the one-year experience within a qualityassurance organization.

c. A master's degree in engineering or business management isconsidered equivalent to two years of experience.
2. The position of Health Physics Supervisor shall meet the following minimum qualifications:
a. Academic degree in an engineering/science field or equivalent asprovided for in paragraph (c), below.b. Minimum of five years professional experience in the area ofradiological safety, three years of which shall be in appliedradiation work in a nuclear facility.
c. Technical experience in the area of radiological safety beyond thefive year minimum may be substituted on a one-for-one basistowards the academic degree requirement (four years of technical experience being equivalent to a four year academic degree).d. Academic and technical experience must total a minimum of nineyears.3. The position of Operations Review Committee member shall meet thefollowing minimum qualifications:
a. Knowledgeable of the regulatory requirements and operational aspect of an ISFSI.b. At least 5 years of professional experience and either a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering or the Physical Sciences or shall haveequivalent qualifications in accordance with ANSI 18.1-1971.
c. Knowledge in the subject areas requiring review.The Site Manager, Genoa shall evaluate potential committee member'squalifications and document the appointment of a committee member(s) based on their qualifications.

I QAPO7Rev. 27 Ill. DESIGN CONTROL AND REVIEWA. GeneralThis section establishes the requirements to assure that Important ToSafety (ITS) structures,

systems, and components (SSCs) of the LACBWRISFSI are added, deleted, changed or modified in accordance with thecodes, standards, and regulations that governed the original design,except as amended and approved.

Measures shall be established for thereview, evaluation, and approval of all design changes governing ISFSISSCs. Design control and review for ITS SSCs shall be performed by aDesign Authority utilizing their approved 10 CFR 50 Appendix B or 10 CFR72 Subpart G Quality Assurance Program.Design, fabrication, or modification of storage and shipping casks used forshipment of radioactive materials will not be conducted under this section.B. Responsibilities

1. The LACBWR staff is responsible for establishing procedures toimplement design control and the incorporation of design documents into work orders, procedures and instructions.
2. The Plant/ISFSI Supervisor is responsible for the review of designdrawings, specifications, calculations, and procurement documents toassure that quality standards are included or referenced.
3. The Design Authority is responsible for the incorporation of designbases, regulatory requirements, codes and standards into drawingsand specifications related to ITS SSCs design and changes thereto.4. The ORC is responsible for reviewing all proposed changes andrecommending approval or disapproval to the PlantlISFSI Supervisor for ISFSI related changes.

The review shall determine whether theproposed modifications require prior NRC approval.

5. The Site Manager, Genoa and Plant/ISFSI Supervisor are responsible for reviewing the recommendations for ISFSI related activities from theORC and taking appropriate action. If prior NRC approval is needed,any license amendment request shall be referred to the SRC.6. The SRC is responsible for providing an independent review ofchanges to the ISFSI. They shall provide assurance that themodification meets the design bases, regulatory requirements, andapplicable codes and standards.
7. The Technical Engineer is responsible for the Owner's review ofproposed changes to the design of the LACBWR ISFSI to ensure fullcompliance to the LACBWR design basis, regulatory requirements andapplicable codes and standards.

C. Requirements

1. A Work Order shall be initiated for all modifications to ITS SSCs andsystems maintained operational during ISFSI activities.

Work OrdersI QAPDaRev. 27 may be initiated by any knowledgeable person.2. Design bases, regulatory requirements, and applicable codes andstandards shall be delineated and specify appropriate qualitystandards and requirements for all proposed ISFSI modifications to ITSSSCs and systems maintained operational during ISFSI activities.

These conditions shall be incorporated into drawings, specifications, procurement documents, and procedures.

3. The Owner's Acceptance Review procedure and Work Controlprocedure shall describe and control design changes to ISFSI ITSSSCs.4. All proposed ISFSI modifications shall be reviewed to determine whether they require prior NRC approval.

IV. PROCUREMENT DOCUMENT CONTROLA. GeneralThis section establishes the measures to assure that procurement documents (purchase requisitions and orders) covering

material, equipment, and services for ISFSI ITS SSCs specify appropriate qualityrequirements.

The purchase order specifies or references the applicable requirements, design bases, codes, and standards to assure quality.B. Responsibilities

1. The LACBWR staff is responsible for developing procedures to controlthe preparation, review, and approval of purchase orders for material, equipment, and services covered by the QA program.2. The LACBWR staff is responsible for initiation of purchase requisition worksheets for material, equipment, and services required formaintenance, repair, and modifications.
3. The Design Authority is responsible for preparing engineering specifications which detail the technical and quality requirements forITS material, equipment, and services.
4. The LACBWR staff is responsible for preparing purchase requisition worksheets for material, equipment, and services.
5. Purchasing is responsible for preparing, reviewing, approving, issuing,and controlling purchase orders.6. QA personnel are responsible for review of ITS procurement documents to ensure inclusion of appropriate quality requirements.

C. Requirements

1. Purchase requisitions for new material, equipment, and services andfor spare or replacement parts shall be initiated by any department personnel.

The purchase requisition shall contain the information suchas quantity, item description, and technical and quality requirements I QAPD9Rev. 27 necessary for procurement of the item.2. Purchase orders shall include specifications that contain all theinformation necessary to assure material, equipment, and services areof adequate quality.

This shall include material selection, design data,equipment description, source inspection and testing requirements, cleaning and packaging requirements, and required documentation asdeemed necessary.

3. Documentation that is required to provide evidence that materials, equipment, and services are of adequate quality shall be clearlydelineated in purchase orders. This shall include a listing of each itemof documentation to be submitted, when it is to be submitted, whatrequires approval prior to manufacture, and to whom it shall besubmitted.
4. To the extent necessary, ITS procurement documents shall requiresuppliers of material, equipment, and services to have a qualityassurance program complying with the pertinent provisions of 10 CFR21, 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, and/or 10 CFR 72, Subpart G. Suppliers shall be required to provide DPC access to their facilities and recordsfor inspection and audit, as required, to determine compliance withprovisions of the purchase order. These requirements shall extend tolower tier procurements, as determined by DPC management.
5. ITS purchase requisitions shall be reviewed by QA personnel to assurethat all necessary quality requirements are included or referenced.
6. Formal purchase orders that have been prepared from the purchaserequisition shall be reviewed to assure all required information iscorrectly incorporated.
7. Changes in technical content in procurement documents shall beinitiated and reviewed in accordance with the same procedures utilizedin preparation of the original document.


PROCEDURES, AND DRAWINGSA. GeneralThis section establishes the measures to assure that activities relating toISFSI activities are performed in accordance with approved instructions, procedures, and drawings.

B. Responsibilities

1. The LACBWR ISFSI staff is responsible for preparing or reviewing allprocedures that are required for implementation of the QAPD.2. The Site Manager, Genoa is responsible for approval of ISFSI relatedprocedures that implement NRC-approved programs and plans.3. The ORC is responsible for reviewing all initial and revised procedures that affect ISFSI operations and shall determine whether changes tothese procedures require prior NRC approval.

I QAPD10Rev. 27

4. The SRC shall review new procedures or changes to existingprocedures when it is determined by the ORC that prior NRC approvalis required.

C. Requirements

1. Detailed instruction for ISFSI activities shall be contained inprocedures and checklists covering the following activities:
a. administrative control,b. general security system operation,
c. Security Plan implementation,
d. quality assurance,
e. surveillance and test activities of equipment,
2. For activities other than those within normal craft expertise, instructions for maintenance and repair of ISFSI equipment or systemsshall be contained in procedures.

These procedures shall containinstructions for preparation, performance,

testing, and return toservice.

The procedures may reference manufacturer's instruction

manuals, drawings, and other sources, as applicable.
3. Instructions, procedures, or drawings for ITS activities shall delineate methods and sequences when an activity is to be performed.

Thesedocuments shall include appropriate quantitative or qualitative acceptance criteria for determining that the activity has beensatisfactorily performed.

4. The department responsible for an activity shall be required to providethe necessary technical input and review of changes to instructions, procedures, or drawings.
5. Changes to or deviations from established instructions, procedures, ordrawings will require the same review and approval as the originaldocument.
However, temporary changes to procedures that do notchange the intent of the original procedure may be made in ink, dated,and approved by two people of the management staff.6. Procedures will be reviewed periodically as set forth in administrative procedures.

VI. DOCUMENT CONTROLA. GeneralThis section establishes the requirements for document control as itapplies to the LACBWR ISFSI.B. Responsibilities

1. The LACBWR ISFSI staff is responsible for preparing a standardI QAPD11Rev. 27 procedure for controlling the issuance of procedures and for preparing procedures for controlling the distribution of operating, maintenance, repair, and modification procedures for the ISFSI.C. Requirements
1. Procedures shall be established for the issuance of procedures,
drawings, and specifications.

A document control procedure shall beprepared to provide a uniform system of document identification.

2. All documents shall have an identification number, title, date, andrevision number. Documents shall be filed and controlled by use ofthis identification.

Each type of document shall be filed in a centrallocation identified in a document control procedure.

3. Drawings, specifications, and procedures, including revisions, shall bereviewed for adequacy and approved for release by authorized personnel.

The required reviews and approvals shall be specified in adocument control procedure.

4. The Administrative Staff shall assure that current documents aredistributed to and used at the location where the prescribed activity isperformed.

Documents and revisions shall be distributed as specified in a document control procedure.

Preliminary and superseded documents shall be clearly identified and closely controlled to precludetheir misuse.5. An index of each type of document shall be established and maintained to provide the current status of documents.



AND SERVICESA. GeneralThis section establishes the requirements to assure that purchased ITSmaterial, equipment, and services for the ISFSI, whether purchased directly or through contractors and subcontractors, conform to theprocurement documents.

B. Responsibilities

1. QA personnel are responsible for developing procedures for supplierevaluation and qualification and for coordinating supplier evaluation, qualification, and evaluating supplier quality programs.

QA personnel are responsible for developing procedures for receiving inspection ofmaterial and equipment.

2. LACBWR ISFSI staff shall be responsible for evaluating suppliermanufacturing and technical capabilities.

C. Supolier Qualification

1. Qualification of suppliers shall consist of DPC's experience with thesupplier, supplier's reputation and experience in the field, and in thenuclear industry, a QA program and/or other factors, as appropriate.

I QAPD12Rev. 27

2. Suppliers of casks used for shipment and storage of radioactive material shall be evaluated to ensure that the design and fabrication ofpackaging are performed under the control of an NRC-approved andDPC-accepted QA program.D. Source Inspection
1. When appropriate, suppliers shall be requested to furnish DPC withsufficient information concerning their manufacturing and inspection plan to permit DPC or their designated agent to plan and implement asource inspection plan.2. When appropriate, inspection plans shall include witness and holdpoints for inspection of items, witnessing of processes or tests, audit ofrequired quality documentation, and verification that vendors havecomplied with the specification requirements and have documented any deviation from the specifications.

E. Receiving Inspection

1. Items shall be examined by appropriately trained staff upon receipt forshipping damage, correctness of identification, and specified qualitydocumentation, in accordance with approved instructions.
2. Documentary evidence attesting that items conform to purchase orderrequirements shall be available at the ISFSI prior to installation or useof the item.3. Documentary evidence shall be sufficient in order to identify that thespecific requirements, such as codes, standards, and specifications, can be confirmed for the purchased item. This requirement shall besatisfied by having available copies of the purchase order andappropriate documents referenced therein.4. All ITS materials, parts, and components will be segregated uponreceipt and will be placed in a receiving inspection hold area separatefrom storage facilities.

After acceptance, the material will be identified as acceptable and placed in specified storage.5. During receiving inspection, if a nonconformance or discrepancy exists, the material shall be placed on hold and will remain in a holdstatus until final disposition is determined.

A Corrective Action Report(CAR) shall be initiated.

6. Items dispositioned as unacceptable for use shall be rejected andremoved from the controlled receiving inspection area.VIII. IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL OF MATERIALS, PARTS, AND COMPONENTS A. GeneralThis section establishes the requirements for identification and control ofITS material, parts, and components, based on the ISFSI systemdesignation, from receipt at the facility through installation or use.I OAPD13Rev. 27 B. Responsibilities
1. The LACBWR ISFSI staff is responsible for establishing the overallrequirements for the identification and control of materials, parts, andcomponents from receipt through installation or use, and/or developing procedures and instructions for the control and issuance of qualityrelated materials, parts, and components.
2. The Plant/ISFSI Supervisor shall approve and ensure implementation of procedures or instructions for the identification and control ofmaterials, parts, and components.
3. Appropriately trained ISFSI staff is responsible for control of,identification, and issuance of all ITS material, parts, and components.

C. Requirements

1. Approved instructions and procedures shall be implemented for theidentification and control of materials, parts, and components fromreceipt through installation or use. An identification system utilizing purchase order numbers shall be implemented for identification ofmaterial, parts, and components.
2. Specifications shall require that materials, parts, and components areidentified in accordance with purchase order numbers and shall requirethat documentation have identification providing traceability to an item.3. Physical identification by purchase order number shall be used to themaximum extent possible for relating an item at any time to applicable documentation.

Identification shall be either on the item or recordstraceable to the item. Where physical identification is impractical, physical separation, procedural

control, or other appropriate meansshall be employed.

IX. CONTROL OF SPECIAL PROCESSES A. GeneralThis section establishes the measures to assure special processes, including

welding, heat treating, and non-destructive testing that areidentified as ISFSI ITS, are controlled and accomplished by qualified personnel using qualified procedures in accordance with applicable codes,standards, specifications,
criteria, and other special requirements.

B. Responsibilities

1. The LACBWR ISFSI staff is responsible for establishing procedures that describe how personnel and procedures are qualified for specialprocesses.
2. QA personnel are responsible for reviewing of procedures for welding,heat treating,
cleaning, non-destructive examination, and filler metalcontrol and for assuring maintenance, repair, and modification workinvolving special processes is performed by qualified personnel inaccordance with qualified procedures.

I QAPD14Rev. 27

3. The Plant/lSFSI Supervisor is responsible for assuring the qualification of personnel in special processes and maintaining records of qualified personnel and procedures performing ISFSI activities.

C. Requirements

1. Welding, heat treating,
cleaning, and non-destructive examination shallbe accomplished under controlled conditions in accordance withapplicable codes, standards,
criteria, and other special requirements, using qualified personnel and procedures.

Qualification of personnel and procedures shall comply with the requirements of applicable codesand standards.

2. Welders and welding procedures shall be qualified, as appropriate, inaccordance with Section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure VesselCode and/or appropriate American Welding Society (AWS) WeldingCodes.3. Non-destructive examination personnel shall be qualified inaccordance with the American Society for Non-destructive TestingStandard SNT-TC-IA.
4. Procedures shall be established to describe the method used to controlthe receipt,
storage, baking, drying, and disbursal of welding fillermetals.5. Equipment used for accomplishing special processes shall becalibrated, maintained, stored, handled, and issued in accordance withapplicable procedures or instructions.

X. INSPECTION A. GeneralThis section establishes a program for inspection of ISFSI activities toverify conformance with approved procedures,

drawings, andspecifications.

B. Responsibilities

1. The LACBWR ISFSI staff is responsible for assuring adequateinspection requirements are included in engineering specifications, andreviews of any inspection procedures implementing this section arecompleted.
2. QA personnel are responsible for establishing inspection procedures and assuring adequate inspection requirements are included inprocedures.

They are also responsible for coordinating theassignments of qualified inspection personnel.

3. The Plant/ISFSI Supervisor shall be responsible for approving ISFSIinspection procedures or instructions and shall ensure sufficient
  • inspections are performed to provide adequate confidence that projectactivities meet predetermined requirements.

I QAPD15Rev. 27 C. Requirements

1. Inspections shall be performed only by qualified personnel.

In no caseshall an acceptance inspection be performed by the individual whoperformed the activity.

2. Provisions to ensure inspection planning is properly accomplished areto be established.

Planning activities shall identify the characteristics and activities to be inspected, the inspection techniques, theacceptance

criteria, and the organization responsible for performing the inspections.
3. Mandatory inspection hold points, which require witnessing orinspecting of an activity before proceeding, shall be indicated in theappropriate procedure, specification, or work order. The inspection shall be documented to indicate approval and release prior tocontinuation of the activity.
4. Inspection requirements shall apply to all activities whether performed by company personnel or contractor personnel, and shall require thatinspection procedures and instructions, along with necessary
drawings, are provided prior to commencing inspection activities.
5. Inspection requirements governing modifications,
repairs, andreplacement shall be in accordance with the original design andinspection requirements or as amended by approved changes to theoriginal design.Xl. TEST CONTROLA. GeneralThis section establishes the requirements for an ISFSI test program todemonstrate that ITS SSCs will perform satisfactorily in service.

The testprogram shall include, but not be limited to, surveillance

testing, specialtests, post maintenance
testing, and testing following ISFSI modification orsignificant changes in procedures.

B. Responsibilities

1. The LACBWR ISFSI staff is responsible for establishing therequirements to control the test program and for preparation andreview of test procedures, surveillance during testing, and review anddocumentation of test results.

The LACBWR staff is also responsible for establishing specifications, requirements and acceptance criteriafor testing following ISFSI modifications or installation activities andthe review and approve of results for testing following modifications.

2. The Plant/ISFSI Supervisor is responsible for the approval of ISFSItest. procedures or instructions.
3. The ORC is responsible for review of all ITS proposed test procedures, special testing procedures, performance testing procedures following ISFSI modification and 10 CFR 72.48 evaluations.

I QAPD16Rev. 27

4. The SRC is responsible for reviewing 10 CFR 72.48 evaluations toverify that ISFSI tests do not require prior NRC approval.

C. Requirements

1. A program shall be established to assure all testing required todemonstrate that ITS SSCs will perform satisfactorily in service isidentified and documented.
2. Testing shall be performed in accordance with approved testprocedures that incorporate or reference the requirements andacceptance criteria contained in applicable design documents andTechnical Specifications.
3. Test procedures shall incorporate, but not be limited to, requirements for such items as: hold points, witness points, caution notes,emergency requirements, and test jumper logs.4. Test procedures shall include, as a minimum, provisions for assuringthat:a. Prerequisites have been completed that include, as a minimum:1) Control of systems status as necessary.
2) Availability of calibrated instrumentation and special equipment.
b. Test objectives and applicable acceptance limits are stated.c. Test results are documented.
d. Detailed instructions for performing the test are included.
e. Test results are reviewed and approved.
5. Test reports shall include identification of the inspector, individual conducting the test, the data recorder, the type of observation made,the equipment used, the test results, the acceptability of the testresults, and approved disposition for any deviations.
6. Test results which fail to meet the requirements and acceptance criteria shall be properly noted and appropriate corrective action taken.XII. CONTROL OF MEASURING AND TEST EQUIPMENT A. GeneralThis section establishes the requirements for written procedures for thecontrol, calibration, and periodic adjustment of tools, gauges, instruments, and other measuring and test equipment used to verify conformance toestablished ISFSI technical requirements.

B. Responsibilities

1. The LACBWR ISFSI staff is responsible for establishing requirements II QAPD17Rev. 27 for a program for the control, calibration, and periodic adjustment oftools, gauges, instruments, and other measuring and test equipment used.2. Personnel using Measuring and Test Equipment are responsible forensuring tools, gauges, instruments, and other measuring and testequipment are calibrated to assure compliance with the implementing procedures.
3. The Plant/ISFSI Supervisor is responsible for ensuring implementation of the requirements of this section of the manual for ISFSI activities and for approving ISFSI procedures or instructions.

C. Requirements

1. Inspection, test, and work procedures shall include provisions toassure tools, gauges, instruments, and other inspection, measuring, and test equipment and devices used in activities affecting quality areof the proper range, type, and accuracy to verify conformance toestablished requirements and test parameters.
2. To assure equipment
accuracy, inspection, measuring, and testequipment shall be controlled, calibrated,
adjusted, and maintained periodically, or prior to use. Calibrations are performed againstcertified measurement standards that are traceable to nationally recognized standards.

Where national standards do not exist,provisions will be established to document the basis for calibration.

Control measures and procedures shall prevent the use of calibrated tools, gauges, instruments, and other measuring and test equipment byunauthorized personnel.

Special calibration and control measures arenot required for devices when normal commercial practices provideadequate accuracy.

3. When an item of measuring and test equipment is found to be out ofcalibration, an investigation will be conducted and documented todetermine the validity of previous inspections, tests, or calibrations which were performed with the use of that item.4. Records or logs of the calibration history of measuring and testequipment shall be maintained.
5. Measuring and test equipment shall be controlled by a permanently affixed serial number. Calibration decals, tags or stickers shall bedisplayed prominently on each device and shall reflect the date ofcalibration, due date of the next calibration (for recurring calibration) and identity of person performing the calibration.



AND SHIPPINGA. GeneralThis section establishes the requirements for ISFSI procedures to controlthe handling,

storage, shipping,
cleaning, packaging, and preservation ofITS material and equipment to prevent damage, deterioration, or lossI QAPD18Rev. 27 through shipment, installation or use.B. Responsibilities
1. The LACBWR ISFSI staff is responsible for establishing requirements for the handling,
storage, and shipping of materials, parts, andcomponents covered by the QA program.2. The Plant/ISFSI Supervisor is responsible for approval of allimplementing procedures or instructions related to the ISFSI andensuring the implementation of the requirements of this section of theQAPD.C. Requirements
1. The requirements for handling,
storage, shipping,
cleaning, andpreservation of materials, and equipment shall be documented inapproved procedures.
2. Procurement documents shall include instructions for the handling,
storage, shipping,
cleaning, and preservation of the item beingsupplied, as applicable.
3. Procurement documents specify marking requirements, specialcovering, and protective environments, such as inert gas atmosphere, moisture content levels, and temperature levels, as applicable.
4. Specifications and procedures establish the requirements for specialhandling tools and equipment to ensure safe and adequate handling ofcritical, sensitive, or radioactive items.5. Special handling tools and equipment will be inspected and tested inaccordance with approved procedures, at specified intervals, to verifythat tools and equipment are adequately maintained.
6. Materials and equipment will normally be handled by materials handling personnel.

Other special shipments which require specialequipment and handling will be handled by knowledgeable and trainedpersonnel.

7. Storage of material and equipment will be in areas free from fumes,vapors, and dust. Storage will be in areas protected from the weather,as appropriate, and in which chemical storage is excluded, except asmay be specifically authorized in writing.

Storage will be in areaswhich satisfy the handling and storage requirements specified for theitem.XIV. INSPECTION, TEST, AND OPERATING STATUSA. GeneralThis section describes the system for indicating the inspection, test, andoperating status of ITS components and systems at the ISFSI.B. Responsibilities I QAPD19Rev. 27

1. The LACBWR ISFSI staff is responsible for ensuring that the status ofoperating equipment or systems to be removed from service formaintenance, test, inspection, repair, or modification is in accordance with the approved LACBWR procedures and shall monitor the status ofactivities for compliance with approved procedures and shall ensureinspection results are properly logged. They shall establish theprocedures for implementing the work inspection or status sheetsduring maintenance, repair, and modifications and shall ensureinspection results are properly logged. The LACBWR ISFSI staff isalso responsible for the control of ISFSI status during modifications.

C. Requirements

1. Equipment or systems not ready for normal service shall be clearlyidentified by use of tags.2. Equipment or system inspection and test status shall be indicated.
3. SSCs that are found to be unacceptable during or after testing shallhave their status clearly identified.

XV. CORRECTIVE ACTIONA. GeneralThis section establishes measures to assure that conditions adverse toquality at the ISFSI, such as failures, malfunctions, deficiencies, deviations, defective material and equipment, and non-conformances arepromptly identified and corrected.

This includes the control of materials, parts, or components that do not conform to requirements, therebypreventing their inadvertent use or installation.

B. Responsibilities

1. The LACBWR ISFSI staff is responsible for establishing procedures forthe identification, review, and correction of conditions adverse toquality which includes the control, evaluation, and disposition ofdeficient materials, parts, and components.
2. The LACBWR ISFSI staff is responsible for reviewing nonconforming items that cannot be corrected by vendor action and recommending disposition.

The LACBWR ISFSI staff is also responsible for preparing procedures for repair and rework of nonconforming items.3. The LACBWR ISFSI staff is responsible for reviewing conditions adverse to quality to determine the cause of the condition and forrecommending corrective action to preclude repetition.

4. The ORC is responsible for reviewing significant conditions adverse toquality and recommending corrective action.C. Requirements
1. Conditions adverse to quality, such as failures, malfunctions, deficiencies, deviations, defective material and equipment, shall beI QAPD20Rev. 27 reported on a Corrective Action Report (CAR). Materials, parts, orcomponents that do not conform to requirements shall be identified andplaced in a hold status. Nonconforming items shall remain in asegregated area until approved disposition has been determined.
2. The CAR shall identify the condition, the cause of the condition, andthe corrective action taken.3. For vendor-supplied items or services, the vendor shall be notified ofall nonconforming items and requested to correct the deficiencies.

LACBWR ISFSI staff with assistance from Purchasing shall beresponsible for coordinating the disposition of deficient items withvendors.

QA personnel are responsible for inspecting and accepting orrejecting items that have been corrected by vendors.4. Deficiencies which cannot be corrected by the vendor shall bereviewed by the LACBWR ISFSI staff who will recommend repair,rework, accept, or reject. Items shall be repaired or reworked only inaccordance with approved procedures and shall be re-inspected afterrepair by QA personnel.

LACBWR ISFSI staff shall ensure thatdocumented and approved procedures are available prior to repair orrework.5. Items which are accepted for use with a known deficiency shall be fullydocumented with the specification requirement, justification foracceptance, and effect of such use. All such items shall be approvedby the Plant/ISFSI Supervisor prior to use.6. Conditions adverse to quality which involve design deficiencies, orrecommended corrective actions that involve a design change, shall bereviewed by LACBWR ISFSI staff or applicable Design Authority.

XVI. QUALITY ASSURANCE RECORDSA. GeneralThis section establishes measures for maintaining ISFSI records whichcover all documents and records associated with the operation, maintenance, installation, repair, and modification of SSCs covered by theQAPD. Also included are historical records gathered and collected duringplant and ISFSI operations which are either required to support the drycask storage systems stored at the ISFSI or ultimate shipment to a federalrepository.

B. Responsibilities

1. The LACBWR ISFSI staff is responsible for establishing therequirements of this section.2. The Site Manager, Genoa is responsible for approving and ensuringimplementation of procedures for this section.C. Storage Requirements
1. Originals of special process records are stored in a fire-retardant areaI QAPD21Rev. 27 designed to accommodate such records.2. On-site storage facility is constructed in such a manner as tosafeguard the contents from fire, extreme temperature, and moisturevariations.
3. Entry to the record storage areas is controlled, and only authorized personnel are permitted access.4. Storage requirements shall meet ANSI N45.2.9, "Requirements forCollection,
Storage, and Maintenance of Quality Assurance Records."

D. System Requirements

1. A system shall be established to identify all documents that must bekept permanently (lifetime records).

An index of non-permanent records shall be established.

2. An approved document listing will be reviewed on a regular basis toverify that the record file contains the latest revisions of all requireddocuments.
3. A system will be established to control the issuance and return of allrecords.E. Record Retention In addition to the applicable record retention requirements of Title 10,Code of Federal Regulations, the following records shall be retained for atleast the minimum period indicated.
1. The following records shall be retained for at least five years:a. Records and logs of ISFSI operation.
b. Records and logs of principal maintenance activities, inspections, repair and replacement of principal items of equipment related tonuclear safety.c. All Reportable Events submitted to the Commission.
d. Records of surveillance activities, inspections, and calibrations required by the NAC-MPC CoC and FSAR.e. Records of changes made to the procedures required by the NAC-MPC CoC and FSAR.f. Record of changes made to programs and procedures required byAppendix C.g. Records of radioactive shipments.
h. Records of sealed source and fission detector leak tests andresults.I QAPD22Rev. 27
i. Records of annual physical inventory of all sealed source materialof record.j. QA Audits.2. The following records shall be retained for the duration of the LACBWRlicense:a. Facility design modification packages and work order packages.
b. Records of new and irradiated fuel inventory, fuel transfers andassembly burn-up histories.
c. Records of radiation exposure for all individuals entering radiation control areas.d. Records of facility radiation and contamination surveys.e. Records of gaseous and liquid radioactive material released to theenvirons, and records of analyses required by the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program.f. Records of training and qualification for current members of thefacility staff.g. Records of in-service inspections performed pursuant to Technical Specifications.
h. Records of reviews performed for changes made to procedures orequipment or reviews of tests and experiments pursuant to 10 CFR50.59 and 10 CFR 72.48.i. Records of meetings of the ORC and the SRC.j. Records of decommissioning andlor dismantlement of the facility.
k. Records of reviews performed for changes to the Offsite DoseCalculation Manual and the Process Control Program.I. Records of the test results obtained in welding procedures andwelder performance qualifications and a listing of qualified personnel and procedures.
m. Records of training, test results, and a listing of qualified personnel.

XVII. AUDITSA. GeneralThis section establishes the requirements for a system of planned anddocumented audits to verify compliance with all aspects of the QA programand to assess the effectiveness of the program as it applies to the ISFSI.The system provides for the reporting and review of audit results byappropriate levels of supervision and management.

I QAPD23Rev. 27 B. Responsibilities

1. QA personnel are responsible for developing audit checklists, designating and training audit personnel, and conducting audits.2. The SRC performs independent review and audit to verify that theISFSI is being maintained consistent with company safety,administrative, and licensing provisions.

The evaluations of ISFSIactivities shall be performed by QA personnel or a qualified offsiteentity under the cognizance of the SRC.C. Requirements Implementing procedure(s) for the internal audit/survey program shallinclude controls to ensure that the following are met:1. Audits shall be performed in accordance with written procedures orchecklists by appropriately trained personnel having no directresponsibilities in the area audited.

Deficiencies from previous auditsshall be reviewed and re-audited, as appropriate.

The checklists areused as guides to the auditor.2. Audits may be conducted by QA personnel or other qualified personnel, such as technical specialists from other companydepartments and outside consultants.

3. Audit and surveillance results shall be documented and reviewed withsupervision responsible for the area audited, who shall take necessary action to correct reported deficiencies.

Follow-up action, including re-audit/re-survey of deficient areas, is initiated as deemed appropriate.

4. QA personnel shall assess the following:
a. evaluation of quality assurance practices, procedures, andinstructions;
b. effectiveness of implementation; andc. conformance with approved procedures.
5. Audit schedules assure that the following areas are audited at theindicated frequencies or more frequently as performance dictates.
a. The conformance of ISFSI operation to provisions contained withinthe NAC-MPC CoC Technical Specifications and applicable licenseconditions is audited at least once every 24 months. The auditshall include elements such as:" Training and qualifications of the staff." Actions taken to correct deficiencies occurring withequipment, structure,
systems, or method of operation thataffect nuclear safety.* Performance of activities required by the QA program toI QAPD24Rev. 27 meet the criteria of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, 10 CFR 71,Subpart H and 10 CFR 72, Subpart G.Implementation of the programs required by Appendix C, 1.0through 2.5.b. Other activitiesldocuments as requested by the President and CEOor SRC.7. Deficiencies or nonconformances identified during an audit shall bedocumented and brought to the attention of the Site Manager, Genoaand the PlantlISFSI Supervisor.

Follow-up shall be performed to verifythat corrective actions have been taken to correct the deficiencies ornonconformances.

8. Audit reports are sent to DPC management for their review andassessment of the QA program.9. Audit reports shall be forwarded to the President and CEO, and to themanagement positions responsible for the areas audited, within 30days after completion of the audit.10. External audits or surveys of suppliers providing Important To Safetymaterials, parts, equipment or services are performed at the indicated frequency or more frequently as performance dictates.
11. Suppliers providing commercial grade calibration services who areaccredited by a nationally recognized accrediting body, usingprocedures consistent with those found in ANSI/ISO/IEC 17025"General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories",

do not have to be periodically surveyed if the conditions of the NRC Safety Evaluation dated September 28, 2005 are met (seeAppendix B). Controls shall be established in applicable procedures toensure the requirements of the NRC Safety Evaluation are satisfied.

XVIII. OPERATIONS REVIEW COMMITTEE A. GeneralThis section establishes the requirements for the Operations ReviewCommittee (ORC) for ISFSI activities which shall consist of thoroughreviews conducted by qualified independent safety reviewers.

Personsperforming these reviews shall be knowledgeable in the subject area beingreviewed.

Independent safety reviews must be completed prior toimplementation of the proposed activity requiring the review.B. Responsibilities ORC members shall be individuals without direct responsibility for theperformance of the activities under review. These reviewers may be fromthe same functionally cognizant organization as the individual or groupperforming the original work.C. Requirements I QAPD25Rev. 27 The following subjects shall be independently reviewed by a qualified ORCmember:1. Review of proposed changes to the LACBWR Technical Specifications, and review of those changes submitted to LACBWR by the Certificate Holder for the NAC-MPC System for implementation consideration.

2. Review of proposed tests and experiments not described in the NAC-MPC FSAR.3. Review of proposed changes or modifications to the ISFSI site, ISFSISSCs, or equipment that affect nuclear safety.4. Review of all procedures and programs required by Appendix C andchanges thereto that require an evaluation in accordance with 10 CFR72.48.5. Render determination in writing to the Site Manager, Genoa if anyitems considered under 1 through 4 above, as appropriate and asprovided for in 10 CFR 50.90 or 10 CFR 72.48 as requiring prior NRCapproval.


SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS The pertinent quality assurance requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, 10 CFR 71Subpart H and 10 CFR 72 Subpart G will be applied, as a minimum, to all qualityactivities affecting the Important To Safety (ITS) Structures, Systems andComponents (SSCs) associated with spent fuel storage and transportation package.NOTEThe safety classification of SSCs of the LACBWR ISFSI facility may be revisedbased on engineering evaluations and a revision to the NAC-MPC FSAR. Thesemodifications are controlled in accordance with the Design Control process and arenot considered a reduction in the commitments to the QAPD.The quality classification of NRC-licensed Dry Spent Fuel Storage Components andTransportation Packages may not be revised using the LACBWR Design Controlprocess.

These modifications must be made by the Certificate Holder. TheCertificate Holder is responsible for design and licensing controls for thesecomponents under their NRC-approved Quality Assurance Program.

DPC utilizesthese types of components and packages under the provisions of a NRC GeneralLicense for Radioactive Material Transportation Packages (10 CFR 71) and SpentFuel Storage (10 CFR 72).Items and services associated with Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material as described in 10 CFR 71, and Independent Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuelas described in 10 CFR 72, will also fall under the requirements of the QAPD.ITS SSCs associated with spent fuel storage and radioactive material transportation packages are defined below:IMPORTANT TO SAFETY AS DEFINED BY 10 CFR 71 AND 10 CFR 72A. Dry Spent Fuel Storage (10 CFR 72)SSC Quality Category Design/License Responsible Transportable Storage Canister and Fuel Basket Assembly A NAC Intl.Vertical Concrete Cask B NAC Intl.Transfer Cask and Adapter Plate B NAC Intl.ISFSI Pad C LACBWRLifting Yoke B NAC Intl.Damaged Fuel Can A NAC Intl.I QAPD27Rev. 27 APPENDIX A(Page 2 of 2)IMPORTANT TO SAFETY STRUCTURES.

SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS B. Transport of Spent Fuel and GTCC Waste (10 CFR 71)SSC Quality Category Design/License Responsible Transportable Storage Canisters and Fuel Basket Assembly A NAC Intl.Damaged Fuel Can A NAC Intl.Transportable Storage Canister and Basket Assembly For A NAC Intl.GTCC Waste Containers ANACIntl.

Storage Transport Cask (STC) A NAC Intl.C. Radioactive Material Transport Packages (10 CFR 71)Radioactive Material Transport Packages subject to the provisions of 10 CFR71, Subpart C, "General Licenses,"

are Important To Safety and subject to theapplicable requirements of the QAPD.NOTES:1. See NAC-MPC Final Safety Analysis Report for additional classification information.

2. See NAC Storage Transport Cask (STC) Final Safety Analysis Report andassociated NAC specifications for additional classification information.
3. For the definition of Quality Categories A, B, and C refer to NUREG/CR-6407.


ALTERNATIVES AND EXCEPTIONS 1.0 REGULATORY COMMITMENTS 1.1 Regulatory Guide 1.8, 1-R-5/77, Personnel Selection and Training, Endorses ANSI N18.1-1971.

1.2 Regulatory Guide 7.10, Revision 2 (3/05), "Establishing QualityAssurance Programs for Packaging Used in the Transportation ofRadioactive Material."

1.3 NUREG/CR-6407, "Classification of Transportation Packaging and DryFuel Storage System Components According to Important to Safety(2/96)."2.0 ALTERNATIVES 2.1 Letter from NRC to Arizona Public Service Company titled "Palo VerdeNuclear Generating

Station, Units 1, 2 and 3 -Approval of Change toQuality Assurance Program (Commercial-Grade Calibration Services)

TAC Nos. MC4402, MC4403, and MC4404)"

and associated NRC SafetyEvaluation dated September 28, 2005.3.0 EXCEPTIONS NoneI QAPD29Rev. 27 APPENDIX C(Page 1 of 4)ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLSThese Administrative Controls were developed to support operation of the LACBWRI plant while in SAFSTOR (dismantlement).

These requirements were previously included in the Technical Specifications and were relocated to this QAPD duringactive decommissioning.

These requirements are also being maintained to supportPassive SAFSTOR decommissioning activities and will also be required whendecommissioning of the LACBWR plant reconvenes in the future. The remaining Administrative Controls will only be applicable to the LACBWR ISFSI.1.0 PROCEDURES 1.1 Written procedures shall be established, implemented, and maintained covering the activities referenced below:1.1.1 ISFSI operations and maintenance.

1.1.2 All programs specified in Section 2 of this Appendix.

1.1.3 Fire Protection Program implementation.

1.1.4 Radiation Protection Program implementation.

1.1.5 Physical Security Plan implementation.

1.1.6 Emergency Plan implementation.

1.1.7 Procedure for controlling temporary changes.1.2 Each procedure required by Section 1.1 above and programs listed inSection 2.1 through 2.5, and any changes thereto, shall beindependently reviewed in accordance with Section XVIII and approvedby the designated manager (i.e., Plant/ISFSI Supervisor) or designeeprior to implementation.

2.0 PROGRAMS AND MANUALS2.1 Process Control Proaqram (PCP)The PCP shall be maintained on-site and will be available for NRCreview. Licensee-initiated changes to the PCP shall be submitted to theNRC in the annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period inwhich the change(s) was made. This submittal shall contain:2.1.1 Information to support the rationale for the change;2.1.2 A determination that the change did not reduce the overallconformance of the solidified waste product to existing criteria forsolid wastes; and2.1.3 Documentation of the fact that the change has been reviewed andfound acceptable by the ORC.I QAPO30Rev. 27 APPENDIX C(Page 2 of 4)ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS2.2 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM)The ODCM shall be maintained by the licensee.

Changes to the ODCMwill be outlined in the annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report perSection 2.5.2. This submittal shall contain:2.2.1 Detailed information to support the rationale for the change.Information submitted should consist of a package of those pagesof the ODCM changed with each page numbered and providedwith an approval and date box, together with appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying the change(s);

and2.2.2 A determination that the change will not reduce the accuracy orreliability of dose calculations or setpoint determinations.

2.3 Radioactive Effluent Controls ProaramA program shall be provided conforming to 10 CFR 50.36a for control ofradioactive effluents and for maintaining the doses to members of thepublic from radioactive effluents as low as reasonably achievable.

Theprogram (1) shall be contained in the ODCM, (2) shall be implemented by health physics procedures, and (3) shall include remedial actions tobe taken whenever the program limits are exceeded.

The program shallinclude the following elements:

2.3.1 Limitations on the operability of radioactive liquid and gaseousmonitoring instrumentation, including surveillance tests andsetpoint determination in accordance with the methodology in theODCM;2.3.2 Limitations on the concentrations of radioactive material releasedin liquid effluents to unrestricted areas conforming to 10 CFR 20,Appendix B, Table 2, and Column 2;2.3.3 Monitoring, sampling and analysis of radioactive liquid andgaseous effluents in accordance with 10 CFR 20 and with themethodology and parameters described in the ODCM.2.3.4 Limitations on the annual and quarterly doses or dosecommitment to a member of the public from radioactive materials in liquid effluents released to unrestricted areas conforming to 10CFR Part 50, Appendix I;2.3.5 Determination of cumulative and projected dose contributions from radioactive effluents for the current calendar quarter andcurrent calendar year in accordance with the methodology andparameters in the ODCM at least every year;I QAPD31Rev. 27 APPENDIX C(Page 3 of 4)ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS2.3.6 Limitations on the annual and quarterly doses to a member of thepublic from tritium and all radionuclides in particulate form withhalf-lives greater than eight days in gaseous effluents released toareas beyond the site boundary conforming to 10 CFR 50,Appendix I;2.3.7 Limitations on the annual dose or dose commitment to anymember of the public due to release of radioactivity and toradiation from uranium fuel cycle sources conforming to 40 CFRPart 190.2.4 Radioloqical Environmental Monitorinq ProgramA program shall be provided to monitor the radiation and radionuclides in the environs of the plant. The program shall provide representative measurements of radioactivity in the highest potential exposurepathways.

The program shall (1) be contained in the ODCM; (2)conform to the guidance of 10 CFR 50, Appendix I; and (3) include thefollowing:

2.4.1 Monitoring,

sampling, analysis, and reporting of radiation andradionuclides in the environment in accordance with themethodology and parameters described in the ODCM.2.4.2 Participation in an Interlaboratory Comparison Program to ensurethat independent checks on the precision and accuracy of themeasurements of radioactive material in the environmental sample matrices are performed as part of the Quality Assurance Program for environmental monitoring.

2.5 Reportinaq Requirements In addition to applicable reporting requirements of Title 10, Codeof Federal Regulations, the following reports shall be submitted prior to March 1 of each year in accordance with 10 CFR Annual Radiological Environmental Monitoring ReportAn Annual Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report whichshall include summarized and tabulated

results, including interpretations and analysis of data trends, of environmental samples taken during the previous calendar year. In the eventthat some results are not available for inclusion with the report,the report shall be submitted noting and explaining the reasonsfor the missing results.

The missing data shall be submitted assoon as possible in a supplementary report.I QAPD32Rev. 27 APPENDIX C(Page 4 of 4)ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLSThe report shall also include the following:

a summarydescription of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program; a map of all sampling locations keyed to a table givingdistances and directions from the plant; the results of theInterlaboratory Comparison Program; and a discussion of allanalyses in which the lower limit of detection (LLD) was notachievable.

2.5.2 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release ReportParagraph (a)(2) of 10 CFR 50.36a, "Technical Specifications onEffluents from Nuclear Power Reactors,.

requires that a report bemade to the Commission annually.

The report shall specify thequantity of each of the principal radionuclides released tounrestricted areas by liquid or gaseous effluents during theprevious year. With the exception of the collection of hourlymeteorological data, the information submitted shall be inaccordance with Appendix B of Regulatory Guide 1.21 (Revision

1) dated June 1974 with data summarized on at least a quarterly basis.This same report shall include an assessment, performed inaccordance with the ODCM, of radiation doses to members of thepublic from radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents releasedbeyond the effluent release boundary.

This report shall containany changes made to the ODCM during the previous twelvemonths.I QAPD33Rev. 27 TABLE IREGULATORY COMPARISON MATRIXLACBWR REGULATORY GUIDE 7.10QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM 10 CFR 50(SECTION)






& SHIPPING ACP-05.01 13.1, 13.2 XIIIXIV. INSPECTION, TEST AND OPERATING STATUS ACP-11.01, ACP-12.01, ACP-15.04 14 XIVXV. CORRECTIVE ACTION PROGRAM ACP-16.0, ACPo17.02, ACP-17.04 15, 16.1, 16.2 XV, XVIXVI. QUALITY ASSURANCE RECORDS ACP-18.01 17.1, 17.2, 17.3, 17.4, 17.5 XVIIXVII. AUDITS ACP-03.01 18.1, 18.2, 18.3, 18.4, 18.5, XVIIIX18.6,18.7 XVIII OPERATIONS REVIEW COMMII:TTEE ACP-02.-13 IN/A N/A- -IQAPD34Rev. 27

-W--FIGURE 1LACBWR FACILITY ORGANIZATION IPlantVISFSI Supervisor ISafety ManagerIQAPD35Rev. 27 FIGURE 2DAIRYLAND POWER COOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION DPC Board of Directors Administration DPC President and CEO -------Vice President and Vice PresiChief Financial Officer Strategic KtVice President Vice PresiPower Delivery External RelVie President t Vice PresiiGeneration Human RescGenoa SiteQAPD 36IRev. 27