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Watts Bar, Unit 2 - Supplemental Safety Evaluation Report (Sser) Open Item 70 Regarding the Preservice Inspection Program Plan
Person / Time
Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 11/01/2012
From: Hruby R A
Tennessee Valley Authority
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
TAC ME3113, TAC ME4074
Download: ML12311A296 (104)


Tennessee Valley Authority, Post Office Box 2000, Spring City, Tennessee 37381-2000November 1, 201210 CFR § 50.34U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionATTN: Document Control DeskWashington, D.C. 20555-0001Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2NRC Docket No. 50-391


WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT -UNIT 2 -SUPPLEMENTAL SAFETYEVALUATION REPORT (SSER) OPEN ITEM 70 REGARDING THEPRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN (TAC NOS. ME4074 andME3113)TVA hereby provides Revision 7 of the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 2 (WBN 2) PreserviceInspection Program Plan. The Preservice Inspection Program Plan has been updated toreflect additional numbers of welds based on the issuance of design change documents.SSER Appendix HH Open Item 70 noted that Section 7 on support welds contained only "ToBe Determined". The number of support welds for several but not all applicable plantsystems has been added in Revision 7. It is TVA's position that the amount of informationavailable in Section 7 is sufficient to permit the NRC Staff to complete their programmaticreview of the WBN 2 Preservice Inspection Program Plan. Should additional validation berequired to support the closure of SSER Appendix HH Open Item 70, completion of thePreservice Inspection Program can be addressed as a validation activity.There are no new regulatory commitments contained in this letter. If you have anyquestions, please contact Gordon Arent at (423) 365-2004.I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on the1st day of November, 2012.Respectfully,Raymond A. Hruby, Jr.General Manager, Technical ServicesWatts Bar Unit 2 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionPage 2November 1, 2012


Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 2 -Preservice Inspection Program Plan, Revision 7cc (Enclosure):U. S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionRegion IIMarquis One Tower245 Peachtree Center Ave., NE Suite 1200Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1257NRC Resident Inspector Unit 2Watts Bar Nuclear Plant1260 Nuclear Plant RoadSpring City, Tennessee 37381 EnclosureWATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANTUNIT 2PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANRevision 7 Preservice InspectionProgram PlanWatts Bar Nuclear PlantUnit 2Tennessee Valley Authority1101 Market StreetChattanooga, TN 37402-2801Watts Bar Nuclear PlantP.O. Box 2000Spring City, TN 37381Docket Number -50-391Construction Permit No. CPPR-92, Issued January 23, 1973Extension Issued October 24, 2000Program No: WBN-2 PSI Rev. 7Effective Date: 10-28-2012Responsible Organization: Inspection Services OrganizationPrepared by: Eben Bums 4:5-.7Reviewed by: Char E. DriskellApproved by: _ _ _ __ _

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PSIPROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 7PROCEDURE Page 2 of 101Revision LogRevision Effective Pages Description of RevisionNumber Date Affected0 7-25-08 All Intial Issue1 10-23-08 19, 20, 21 Incorporate 10CFR50.55a requirements for Components& Containing Alloy 600/82/182.53-56Editorial corrections as marked.2 12-01-09 7 Insert MOU statement11 Changed the word Weld to ComponentTable Added numbers to Total Population and RequiredSummary Examination62 Added TP-2 and TP-3 to table66 Added TP-2 statement67 Added TP-3 statementSection Added Drawing number reference11Section Added Terms12Various Editorial correction3 6 10 3 Update Index7 Remove Mechanical Clamping devices8 Section, define snubber exam and testing Code ofRecord. Add section to address shop/field exams.11 Added section 3.8.5 to address IEP-100 and ISOPM-S02-TOC13, 14 Remove 10CFR50.55a(b)(2)(xi) requirement to use 1989Edition IWB-1220 exemptions. Also, revise 3.15.6 to reflectIWB-1220 exemptions from 2001A03 Code.17 Update 3.18.3 to define snubber exam and testing Code ofRecord.17-18 Minor editorial changes20 Added reference to 1OCFR40.55a(g)(6)(ii)(E) to 3.19.321-24 Added Calibration Block section and table32 Added totals for Exam Cat B-G-233 Revised totals for Exam Cat B-J45 Added AFWS system to Table for Exam Cat C-F-256-58 Revised Augmented commitment Section 8.0 to reflect TVAresponses to NRC.71-73 Updated drawing lists4 10-13-10 8 Add reference to NEDP-16, PER CAP action 247419-001.58 Revised commitment table listing for RV head penetrations NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PSIPROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 7PROCEDURE Page 3 of 1015 7-27-11 8 Add periodic notification to ANII of examination recordsignature status.13 Add reference to IEP-500 for surface conditioning of DMwelds.20-21 Correct paragraph letters for "f" and "g".22 Add Code Cases N-686-1, N-695, and N-69623 Correct typographical errors36 Update weld totals for Examination Category B-J46 Update weld totals for Examination Category C-F-148 Update weld totals for Examination Category C-F-250 Add systems and component totals for ExaminationCategory C-G57 Add support totals for ERCW system60 Add MRP-146 examination requirements and PER 375365reference.62 Updated Relief Request status table67-86 Added relief requests WBN-2/PSI-1 and WBN-2/PSI-295-99 Updated drawing list6 2-15-12 5 Added information from RR on ASME XI 2001/20036 Corrected FSAR reference numbers9 Removed 1OCFR50.55a(b)(2)(iii) reference14-15 Added paragraphs to outline summary and final reports22 Added revision number to Code Case N-72223 Revised per 10CFR50.55a change60 Removed Note, pertaining to updated requirements in10CFR50.55a62 Editioral correction to table7 10-28-12 55 Added Class 1 support counts for RCS and RIRS. Deletedduplicate RHR system from table.56 Added Class 2 support counts for AFWS, CSS, MSS,RHRS, and CCS.57 Added Class 3 support counts for AFWS, CCS, ERCWS,FPCS, and HPFPS. Included total count by type.Corrected table title.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PSIPROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 7PROCEDURE Page 4 of 101TABLE OF CONTENTS1.0 Sum m ary ............................................................................................................................ 62.0 Code A pplicability ......................................................................................................... 73.0 D escription ......................................................................................................................... 83.1 Scope ............................................................................................................ 83.2 Jurisdiction ....................................................................................................... 83.3 R esponsibility .................................................................................................. 93.4 A pplication ................................................................................. .................... 93.5 Classification and Boundaries ........................................................................ 103.6 A ccessibility .................................................................................................... 113.7 Referenced Standards and Specifications ........................................................ 123.8 Exam ination M ethods .................................................................................... 123.9 N ondestructive Exam ination Personnel .......................................................... 133.10 Inspection Intervals ......................................................................................... 143.11 Com ponent Reference System ........................................................................ 143.12 Program Plan and Schedule ............................................................................. 143.13 Evaluation of R ecorded Conditions ................................................................. 153.14 Records and Reports ...................................................................................... 153.15 IW B Requirem ents and Exem ptions ............................................................... 153.16 IW C Requirem ents and Exem ptions ............................................................... 163.17 IW D Requirem ents and Exem ptions ............................................................... 183.18 IW F Requirem ents and Exem ptions ............................................................... 193.19 Code Cases .................................................................................................... 223.20 Code Relief ..................................................................................................... 233.21 A ugm ented Com ponents ............................................................................... 233.22 Calibration Standard ....................................................................................... 244.0 IW B Sum m ary Tables ................................................................................................ 285.0 IW C Sum m ary Tables ................................................................................................ 416.0 IW D Sum m ary Tables ............................................................................................... 517.0 IW F Sum m ary Tables .................................................................................................. 538.0 A ugm ented Sum m ary Tables ....................................................................................... 599.0 Requests for Relief .................................................................................................... 6210.0 A SM E Section X I- Technical Positions .................................................................... 8711.0 D raw ing -Reference List ........................................................................................... 9412.0 Program -Term s ............................................................................................................ 100 NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PSIPROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 7PROCEDURE Page 5 of 1011.0 SUMMARYAs the owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) had established the original PreserviceInspection (PSI) program at Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN) Unit 2 to perform and document theinspection activities in accordance with Technical Instruction (TI) 50B, ASME Section XIPreservice Inspection Program. The latest working revision of TI-50B, Revision 11 datedSeptember 29, 1989 was placed on "Administrative Hold" and on September 04, 1997 Revision12 was issued to "Cancel" the document with that being the status of the original PSI program.This document will be reference to establish the present document as needed.In a letter dated January 29, 2008, Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to U.S. Nuclear RegulatoryCommission (NRC) and In the Matter of Docket Number 50-391 Tennessee Valley Authority,"WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT (WBN) -UNIT 2 -REGULATORY FRAMEWORK FORTHE COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION AND LICENSING ACTIVITIES FOR UNIT 2", itstates in Enclosure 1, "TVA Responses to NRC's Request of Information Needed for LicensingReview Reconstitution", item 4.b.iv, is a commitment to provide a revised Preservice InspectionProgram.The Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) for WBN-2 is a "red-lined" version todepict/demonstrate how the FSAR will appear at fuel load, as reference in TVA to NRC letterdated February 8, 2008. Based on FSAR Sections 5.2.8, and 6.6, components subject toexamination and/or test are components containing water, steam or radioactive waste shall beexamined and tested in accordance with ASME Section XI as required by 1OCFR50.55a(g),except where specific written relief has been requested. FSAR Section 5.2.8 is for TVA Class A(ASME Code Class 1) and Section 6.6 for TVA Class B (ASME Code Class 2) and C and D(ASME Code Class 3) components.This document is being prepared to re-establish the requirements for the Preservice Inspection(PSI) Program Plan at WBN-2, as stated in the previous paragraph. This program plan follows theinspection requirements of 10CFR50.55a(g)(2) which requires that components, includingcomponent supports, that are classified as ASME Code Class 1 and 2 must be designed and beprovided with access to enable the performance of inservice examination of such components andsupports and must meet the preservice examination requirements set forth in Editions andAddenda of Section XI of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler andPressure Vessel Code or optional Code Cases listed in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147 that areincorporated by reference in I OCFR50.55a(b), in effect six month before the date of issuance ofthe construction permit.TVA requested and was granted approval to use an alternative ASME Section XI Code year andaddenda for the construction completion project at WBN Unit 2. The alternate ASME Code forPreservice Examination (PSI) activities is based on the ASME Section XI Edition and Addendaapproved at the time construction was resumed on WBN Unit 2. Based on the initial constructionpermit date for WBN Unit 2 of January 23, 1973 for Construction Permit No. CPPR-92, 10 CFR50.55a(g)(2) would require the PSI code of record to have been based on the ASME Section XICode in effect six months prior to the date of issue of the Construction Permit. The applicableCode would have been the 1971 Edition through Winter 1971 Addenda of ASME Section XI.Since 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(2) also allows the use of subsequent Code Editions/Addenda which areincorporated by reference in 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(2), the 2001 Edition, through 2003 Addenda was NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PSIPROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 7PROCEDURE Page 6 of 101identified as the applicable Code of Record based on the date associated with resumption ofconstruction activities. Reference the Relief Request Section 9.0 RR "WBN-2/PSI-2" for detailinformation and basis.The examination categories and requirements for Class I components will be in accordance withsubsection IWB of ASME Section XI. The examination categories and requirements for Class 2and 3 components will be in accordance with subsections IWC and IWD of ASME Section XI tothe extent practicable. (Watts Bar design was established prior to the publication of subsectionIWC and IWD of Section XI; however, accessible Class 2 and 3 components will be examined inaccordance with the guidelines of IWC and IWD of Section XI, as stated in FSAR Sections 5.2.8and 6.6.During the completion of construction and before startup of WBN-2, the quantity of theindividual items listed in the summary tables as "total population" and "required examination" ofIWB, IWC, IWD and IWF will be established as an ongoing process. For components listed in thesummary tables where the "total population" and the "required examination" number is notknown the number may be noted as "TBD" (To Be Determined) or to establish an amount theWBN Unit I total may be used and noted with an asterisk (*) until the actual population of Unit 2is determined. The "total population" and "required examinations" shall be established anddocumented in the preservice summary report, which is required to be prepared and submittedprior to commercial service.Other inspection requirements and/or commitments made by WBN Unit 2 in the regulatoryframework letter maybe incorporated or reference in this document as augmented inspectionactivities. Augmented inspection requirements or commitments, on ASME class components,may be included or referenced in this program plan for mutual effort toward achieving the intentof the inspection activities.2.0 CODE APPLICABILITY2.1 The rules of ASME Section XI are a mandatory program of examinations, testing andinspections for evidence of adequate safety to manage deterioration and aging effects.2.2 TVA as the owner has the responsibilities to develop a PSI Program Plan to establish abaseline of examinations to demonstrate conformance of the requirements to ASMESection XI for Inservice Inspection activities throughout the life of the plant. Theseresponsibilities include, but are not limited to provision of access in the design andarrangement of the plant to conduct the examination and test, development of plans andschedules, including detailed examination and testing procedures for filing with theenforcement and regulatory authorities having jurisdiction at the site, conduct of theprogram for examination and tests, and recording of the results of the examination andtests, evaluation of the examination and test results, including corrective actions requiredand the actions taken.2.3 As stated above, the edition of ASME Section XI is established based on the referencedcode edition and addenda of 1OCFR 50.55a, that is in effect six month before the date ofissuance of the construction permit. I OCFR50.55a Codes and Standards, dated February27, 2008, specifically IOCFR50.55a (b)(2) which referencesSection XI through 2003 NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PSIPROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 7PROCEDURE Page 7 of 101Addenda. Therefore, the 2001 Edition through the 2003 Addenda of Section XI, Division1, Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components is incorporated by referenceand will be used to develop this program plan and provide the requirements forexamination, testing and inspection of completed components and systems, subject to thelisted limitations and modifications referenced throughout this document.2.4 Subsequent editions and addenda of ASME Section XI which are incorporated byreference in 1OCFR50.55a may be used, subject to documentation as describe inRegulatory Issue Summary 2004-12 and the applicable related requirements, limitationsand modifications.2.5 The Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector(s) (ANII) are assigned to review, verify andcertify that the responsibilities and the mandatory requirements of ASME Section XI aswritten in this document are met.2.5.1 The Inspector shall review the initialrprogram plan, prior to the start of preserviceinspections as well as revisions to the program plan. Also, the Inspector shallsubmit a report to the program owner documenting the review of the initialprogram plan and each revision thereafter. The review shall cover the features thatare affected by the requirements of Section XI and this document, as applicable.Shop and field preservice examinations are exempt from prior review.2.5.2. The Inspector shall verify that the required examinations of this document, havebeen performed and the results recorded. Also, the Inspector shall verify that thenondestructive examination methods used follow the techniques specified and thatthe examinations are performed in accordance with written qualified proceduresand by personnel qualified in accordance with the requirements of ASME SectionXI. In addition, the Inspector has the prerogative to require re-qualification of anyexaminer or procedure when they have reason to believe the requirements are notmet.2.5.3 The Inspector shall perform any additional investigations necessary to verify thatall applicable requirements of this program plan have been met.2.5.4 The Inspector shall certify the examination records after verifying that therequirements of this program plan have been met and that the records are correct.A periodic status of examination record review should be communicated with theANII in order to prevent a large backlog of un-reviewed examination records.2.5.5 WBN-2 shall arrange for the Inspector to have access to all parts of the plant asnecessary to make the required inspections and that the Inspector shall be notifiedand kept informed in advance when the components will be ready for inspection.2.6 Application of this Code and Code of Record begins when the requirements of theConstruction Code have been satisfied.3.0 DESCRIPTION3.1 SCOPE NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PSIPROJECT PRESERVlCE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 7PROCEDURE Page 8 of 101This PSI Program Plan identifies the areas subject to inspection, responsibilities,provisions for accessibility and inspectability, examination methods and procedures,frequency of inspections, record keeping and report requirements, evaluation ofinspection results and subsequent disposition for results. of evaluations.3.2 JURISDICTIONThe jurisdiction of this PSI Program Plan covers the systems that have met all therequirements of the Construction Code, commencing when the construction coderequirements have been met, irrespective of physical location. When portions of systemsare completed at different time's jurisdiction of this division shall cover only thoseportions for which all of the construction requirements have been met. Prior toinstallation, an item that has met all requirements of the construction code may becorrected using the rules of either the construction code or this division, as determined byWBN-2.3.3 RESPONSIBILITYThe responsibilities of maintaining this PSI Program Plan are included in NGDC PP-15.3.4 APPLICATIONComponents identified in this program plan for examination include items such as thereactor vessel, reactor pressure vessel internals (including the core support structure),steam generators, pressurizer, piping systems (including their valves, pumps and heatexchangers) and all respective supports to the components.3.4.1 The following items are part of the Section XI Preservice Inspectionrequirements, but are not included in this document: The Repair/Replacement (R/R) Program Plan, when implemented, will beutilized to perform the required activities for ASME Section XIcomponents. The Repair/Replacement Program Plan is in accordancewith Watts Bar Procedures and RfR work activities packages, with thefollowing limitations and modifications as outlined in 1OCFR50.55a.1. 1OCFR50.55a(b)(2)(xii), Underwater Welding, will be addressed inthe Repair/Replacement Programs, if needed.2. 10CFR50.55a(b)(2)(xvii), Reconciliation of Quality Requirements isaddressed in the Repair/Replacement Program, if needed.3. 10CFR50.55a(b)(2)(xxiii), Evaluation of Thermally Cut Surfaces inIWA-4461.4.2 will be addressed in the Repair/Replacement Program,if needed.4. 1 OCFR50.55a(b)(2)(xxv), Mitigation of Defects by Modification willbe addressed in the Repair/Replacement Program, if needed.5. l0CFR50.55a(b)(2)(xxvi), Pressure Testing Class 1, 2,and 3Mechanical Joints of IWA-4540(c) of the 1998 Edition must beapplied and will be addressed in the Repair/Replacement Program asdescribed, if needed.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PSIPROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 7PROCEDURE Page 9 of 101It should also be noted that a "Memorandum of Understanding" (MOU)has been established to address the interfacing systems between Unit 1and 2. Portions of the Unit 2 systems were documented on Unit 1 ASMEN-5 code data reports as being within the Unit 1 ASME boundary but arenot within the operational boundary for Unit 1. Therefore this area hasbeen address and for work activities prior to startup will have to beperformed to ASME Section XI R/R. The letter and a more detaileddescription of the process and how it should work.can be found in thisdocument as Technique Position-3 (TP-3). The requirements of Examination Category B-P, C-H and D-B, AllPressure Retaining Components for System Leakage Tests, are notrequired prior to initial plant startup. A System Pressure Test ProgramPlan and Schedule will be developed as required to perform theexamination for systems and components as outlined in ASME SectionXI, Articles IWA-5000, IWB-5000, IWC-5000 and IWD-5000 for allClass 1, 2, and 3 components, with the limitations and modifications asoutlined in 1 OCFR50.55a for the inservice interval requirements. The rWB requirements of Steam Generator Tubing of ExaminationCategory B-Q, regarding the extent and frequency of the examination, isgoverned by Technical Specification and documented in the SteamGenerator Tubing Program Plan and Schedule. NEDP- 16, "SteamGenerator Program," provides the requirements for implementation of thepreservice inspection of steam generator tubing. The IWF-5000 requirements for preservice examination and testing ofsnubbers will be performed using Subsection ISTD of the ASME/ANSIOM Code 2001 Edition through 2003 OMb Addenda, as permitted by1OCFR50.55a(b)(3)(v). Examinations shall be performed using the VT-3visual examination method described in IWA-2213. The IWE requirements for Class MC and Metallic Liners of Class CCcomponents are documented in the IWE Program Plan and Schedule. Therequirements will be utilized to perform the required examination asaddressed by Subsection IWE, with limitations and modifications outlinedin 1OCFRS0.55a(b)(2)(ix) and subparagraphs (A), (B), and (F) through(I). The IWL requirements for Class CC Concrete Components is defined atWBN-2 as a concrete structural slab that is covered by a liner and aconcrete floor making it inaccessible for examination and thereforeexempt from examination in accordance with IWL-1220. The remainingShield Building wall is a reinforced concrete structure similar in shape tothe steel containment vessel but is not referred to as a concretecontainment under pressure. However, the concrete structural slab(containment floor) is subject to the repair/replacement requirements ofArticle IWL of ASME Section XI.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PSIPROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 7PROCEDURE Page 10 of 1013.4.1.7 Shop and field examinations may be credited for preservice examinationof Class 1 or 2 components in Subsections IWB or IWC provided the.requirements of IWB-2200(b) or IWC-2200(b), respectively, are met.3.5 CLASSIFICATION AND BOUNDARIES3.5.1 A list of flow diagrams pertaining to the systems boundaries indicating the TVAClass A, B, C and D or ASME Class 1, 2 and 3 systems, structures andcomponents required to be examined is included in Section A list of weld and support location drawings based on the flow diagramboundaries and utilized for component identification and location within thoseboundaries is also included in Section The rules of IWB shall be applied to those components that are classified ASMEClass 1 or TVA Class A.3.5.4 The rules of IWC shall be applied to those components that are classified ASMEClass 2 or TVA Class B.3.5.5 The rules of IWD shall be applied to those components that are classified ASMEClass 3 or TVA Class C or D.3.5.6 The requirements of IWF shall be applied to component supports classifiedASME Class 1, 2 and 3 or TVA Class A, B, C and D as describe above.3.5.7 Optional construction of a component within a system boundary to aclassification higher than the minimum class established in the componentDesign Specification shall not affect the overall system classification by whichthe applicable rules are determined.3.5.8 Where all components within the system boundary or isolable portions of thesystem boundary are classified to a higher class than required by the groupclassification criteria, the rules of the higher classification may be applied,provided the rules of the higher classification apply in their entirety.3.5.9 The portion of piping that penetrates a containment vessel, which is required bySection III to be designed to Class 1 or Class 2 rules for piping and which maydiffer from the classification of the balance of the piping system, need not affectthe overall system classification.3.5.10 If a system safety criteria permits a system to be nonnuclear safety class andWatts Bar optionally classifies and constructs that system, or portion thereof, toClass 2 or Class 3 requirements, the application of the rules is at the option ofWatts Bar.3.6 ACCESSIBILITYProvisions for accessibility shall include the following considerations:

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PSIPROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 7PROCEDURE Page 11 of 1013.6.1 Design considerations other than access provisions may be needed for specificcomponents to render preservice/inservice inspections practical, such as surfacefinish of components subject to crud or corrosion product buildup, materialselection to minimize activation in service and shielding from irradiation effects.3.6.2 Access for the Inspector, examination personnel, and equipment necessary toconduct the examinations shall be provided.3.6.3 Sufficient space for removal and storage of structural members, shielding andinsulation shall be provided.3.6.4 Installation and support of handling machinery where required to facilitateremoval, disassembly and storage of equipment, components and other materialsshall be provided.3.6.5 Performance of examinations alternative to those specified in the event structuraldefects or indications are revealed that may require such alternativeexaminations, when necessary.3.6.6 Necessary operations associated with repair/replacement activities shall beperformed.3.7 REFERENCED STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONSWhen standards and specifications are referenced, their revision date or indicator shall beas listed in ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda, specifically TableIWA-1600-1.3.8 EXAMINATION METHODSASME Section XI identifies three types of examinations to perform inspections as visual,surface and volumetric. The actual examination method is defined and the techniques usedare described in the legend below:Visual (VT), an examination method used to evaluate an item by observation.VT -1 Detection of Surface ConditionsVT -2 'Evidence of LeakageVT -3 General Mechanical and Structural ConditionsSurface (Sur), an examination method used to detect the presence ofdiscontinuities on the surface of the material.PT -Liquid PenetrantMT -Magnetic ParticleET -Eddy CurrentNote: 10CFR50.55a(b)(2)(xxii), prohibits the use of an ultrasonicexamination method for surface examination as allowed by IWA-2220.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PSIPROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 7PROCEDURE Page 12 of 101Volumetric (Vol), an examination method used to detect the presence ofdiscontinuities throughout the volume of material.UT -UltrasonicRT -Radiography3.8.1 The examination method or methods to be used on a component are specified inthe summary tables in Section 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 for ASME Class 1, 2 and 3components and/or parts.3.8.2 When preparation of a surface for nondestructive examination is required, thepreparation shall be by a mechanical method. Such surfaces shall be blendedinto the surrounding area as may be required to perform the examination. Thewall thickness shall not be reduced below the minimum thickness required bydesign. For surface conditioning of dissimilar metal welds the applicableprovisions of IEP-500 shall be applied.3.8.3 All the above nondestructive examinations will be performed using specifictechniques and procedures that are identified in ASME Section XI, oralternative examinations that are demonstrated to be equivalent or superior tothose identified. The provision for substitution of these alternative examinationmethods, combination of methods, or newly developed techniques as outlined inIWA-2240 will utilize the 1997 Addenda of Section XI as stated in1 OCFR50.55a(b)(2)(xix).3.8.4 The extent of exam and examination requirements for volume or area coverage,as required in the summary tables of this document for each component, shall bedocumented on the applicable examination record and shall identify both thecause and percentage of reduced examination coverage. Reference to Code CaseN-460 when the entire examination volume or area cannot be examined due tointerference by another component or part geometry.3.8.5 Nondestructive examination (NDE) procedures are controlled in accordancewith IEP- 100, "Administration of Nondestructive Examination (NDE)Procedures." A listing of NDE procedures is provided in ISOPM-S02-TOC,"ISO Program Manuals NDE Procedures Table of Contents." These proceduresare controlled and available electronically in the Business Support Library(BSL).3.9 NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PERSONNELPersonnel performing nondestructive examinations to this program plan shall be qualifiedand certified using a written practice prepared in accordance with ASME Section XI, asmodified by IOCFR50.55a(b)(2)(xiv), (xv), (xvi), (xviii) and (xxiv). The written practiceshall control the personnel requirement for nondestructive examination for this documentand is outlined with the additional provisions of IOCFR50.55a regarding personnelqualification and certification as noted below.3.9.1 1OCFR50.55a(b)(2)(xiv), Appendix VHI personnel qualification.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PSIPROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 7PROCEDURE Page 13 of 1013.9.2 10CFR50.55a(b)(2)(xv), Appendix VIII specimen set and qualificationrequirements.3.9.3 1OCFR50.55a(b)(2)(xvi), Appendix VIII single side ferritic vessel and piping andstainless steel piping examination.3.9.4 1 0CFR50.55a(b)(2)(xviii), Certification of NDE personnel.3.9.5 1OCFR50.55a(b)(2)(xxiv), Incorporation of the Performance DemonstrationInitiative and Addition of Ultrasonic Examination Criteria.3.10 INSPECTION INTERVALThe Preservice Inspection Program is prepared in accordance with Program B of ASMESection XI to establish the baseline inspections for future inspection intervals.3.11 COMPONENT REFERENCE SYSTEMA component reference system, such as TVA Procedure N-GP-8 Weld Reference System,shall be established during the preservice examinations and will continue to be used duringthe Inservice Inspection process. This applies to all components inspected in the Class 1, 2and 3 systems, including piping, vessel and other components, where practical. Thedrawings used for PSI are based on the classification of the boundaries outlined on theWBN Unit 2 Flow Diagrams to establish the basis for the interrelationship with TVAclassification of components and ASME Section XI inspection activities as described inTechnical Position TP-l, listed in this document. The identification of the componentsrequired to be inspected by PSI shall be the same as or similar to the identificationrecorded for the code data report and/or shop construction records. For the purpose oftraceability of field and shop weld components on the PSI/ISI weld and support locationdrawing, the referenced isometric and the numbering of the welds on the isometric shall beused wherever possible.3.12 PROGRAM PLAN AND SCHEDULESThe program plan summary tables contained in Sections 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 are byexamination category as outlined for ASME Section XI components.3.12.1 For each examination category, the summary tables identify the item number,component or part,, compliance to the Watts Bar Unit-2, examination method,examination figure, extent of exam, acceptance standard, total population andrequired examinations for each category item, total examination in the categoryand notes pertaining to the items. It should be noted that the total population andrequired examinations may change during the preservice examination period dueto changes, modifications and actual walkdowns of the systems but will bedocument for the summary report for the initial inservice inspection activities.3.12.2 The program schedule, which is directly related to the summary tables of theprogram plan, will list the specific identification number of components or parts(welds, bolts, studs or other items) with their, code category and item numbers,method of exam, area to be examined as a minimum and any other essentialinformation.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PSIPROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 7PROCEDURE Page 14 of 1013.12.3 During the PSI activities a list shall be maintained of the components examinedand as a minimum the component or part number, the report number, acceptanceand/or evaluation process, percentage of examination volume or area complete,with an explanation of 90% or less coverage, if applicable and reported to theprogram owner.3.13 EVALUATION OF RECORDED CONDITIONSEvaluation shall be made of flaws detected during the examinations as required by ASMESection XI, Articles IWB-3000 for Class 1 components, IWC-3000 for Class 2components, and IWD-3000 for Class 3 components and IWF-3000 for componentsupports. Flaws detected shall be sized by bounding rectangle or square the flaw for thepurpose of description and dimensioning as described in Section XI, IWA-3300, FlawCharacterization, or IWA-3400, Linear Flaws. All flaws shall be evaluated, after theyhave been characterized, by comparing the results with the acceptance standard specifiedin the summary tables.3.14 RECORDS AND REPORTSExamination records and reports shall be filed and maintained in a manner that will allowaccess for future reference. The record keeping and reporting requirements in thisprogram meets the requirements of IWA-6000 of Section XI. These activities arerequirements in addition to being implemented by Watts Bar procedures for, RecordControl.Nuclear Generation Development & Construction (NGDC) Project Procedure (PP),specifically NGDC PP-15 requires that the PSI program owner provide instructions forthe PSI Summary Report and Site Final Report the following shall be submitted as aminimum.3.14.1 Prepare and submit the PSI Summary Report to U2 Site Licensing for processingand submittal to the NRC. The PSI Summary Report shall be submitted to theNRC prior to the date that WBN 2 is placed into commercial service. Thesummary report shall contain the following information:Components ExaminedExamination Category and Item NumberCode Cases, as applicableExamination MethodTotal number of componentsNumber of components required to be examinedRelief Request written to dateCover sheet providing the following information:Date of document completionName and address of OwnerName and address of generating plantName or number designation of the unit NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PSIPROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 7PROCEDURE Page 15 of 1013.14.2 Prepare the Site Final Report, which includes all pertinent PSI data such asPersonnel Certifications, Examination Data Sheets, and the PSI Summary Report.Submit the Site Final Report to Management Services for lifetime retention as aQA record. If possible, the report should be (but is not required to be) issued byFuel Load to ensure documentation is captured before construction personneldepart. The Site Final Report shall contain, but not be limited to, the followingThe PSI Summary ReportSummary of PSI examinations on ASME Class 3Non-Regulatory Augmented ExaminationsSummary of Personnel Certifications3.15 IWB REQUIREMENTS AND EXEMPTIONS3.15.1 Subsection IWB provides the rules and requirements for Class 1 pressureretaining components and their integral attachments.3.15.2 Preservice examinations required to be performed and completed in the Class Isystems are extended to include essentially 100% of the pressure retaining weldsin all non-exempt components prior to initial plant startup, except examinationcategory B-P, the VT-3 requirements for the internal surfaces of categories B-L-2and B-M-2 and category B-O shall be extended to include only the welds in theouter peripheral of the control rod housings.3.15.3 Component requirements shall be examined as specified listed in the SummaryTables in Section 4.0 of this document. 1OCFR50.55a provides the followingrequirements in lieu of and in addition to the requirements contained within thisdocument: 10CFR50.55a(b)(2)(xxi) requires inclusion of Items B3.120 andB3.140 examination requirements of the 1998 Edition beaddressed.3.15.4 Shop and field examinations may serve in lieu of on-site preservice examinationprovided the following: In the case of the vessels only, the examination are performedafter the hydrostatic test required by Section III. Such examinations are conducted under conditions and withequipment and techniques equivalent to those that are expectedto be employed for subsequent inservice examinations. The shop and field examination records are or can bedocumented and identified in a form consistent with thoserequired for records management.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PSIPROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 7PROCEDURE Page 16 of 1013.15.5 Evaluation of Examination Results shall be in accordance with the AcceptanceStandard requirements listed in the Summary Tables of Section 4.0 for IWBClass 1 components.3.15.6 The following components or parts of components are exempt from thevolumetric and surface examination requirements as noted in IWB-1220 of thePSI Code of Record: Piping of NPS 1 and smaller, except for steam generator tubing; Components and their connections in piping of NPS 1 andsmaller; Reactor vessel head connections and associated piping, NPS 2and smaller, made inaccessible by control rod drive penetrations; Welds or portions of welds that are inaccessible due to beingencased inside concrete, buried underground, located inside apenetration, or encapsulated by guard pipe.Note: Piping is defined as having a cumulative inlet and cumulative outlet pipecross-sectional area neither of which exceeds the nominal outside diametercross-sectional area of the designated size.3.16 IWC REOUIREMENTS AND EXEMPTIONS3.16.1 Subsection IWC provides the rules and requirements for Class 2 pressureretaining components and their integral attachments.3.16.2 The preservice inspection requirements shall apply to those Class 2 componentsinitially selected for examination (except category C-H) and not exempt orexcluded from inservice examination, shall be performed and completed prior toinitial plant startup.3.16.3 Components shall be examined as specified in the Summary Tables for IWClisted in Section 5.0 of this document.3.16.4 Shop and field examinations may serve in lieu of on-site preservice examinationprovided the following: In the case of the vessels only, the examination are performedafter the hydrostatic test required by Section III. Such examinations are conducted under conditions and withequipment and techniques equivalent to those that are expectedto be employed for subsequent inservice examinations. The shop and field examination records are or can bedocumented and identified in a form consistent with thoserequired for records management.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PSIPROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 7PROCEDURE Page 17 of 1013.16.5 The following Class 2 components or parts of components are exempt from thevolumetric and surface examination requirements. Class 2 components within RHR, ECC and CHR systems or portionsof systems.(a) For systems, except the High Pressure Safety Injection;(1) Class 2 piping NPS 4 and smaller;(2) Class 2 vessels, pumps and valves and their connections inpiping NPS 4 and smaller;(b) Class 2 High Pressure Safety Injection portion;(1) Class 2 piping NPS I V2 and smaller;(2) Class 2 vessels, pumps, and valves and their connections inpiping NPS 1 1/22 and smaller(c) Class 2 vessels piping, pumps, valves, other componentsconnections of any size in statically pressurized, passive (i.e. nopumps) portions (i.e., Safety Injection Tanks (SITs) andassociated discharge piping);(d) Class 2 piping and other components of any size beyond the lastshutoff valve in opened ended portions of systems that do notcontain water during normal plant operating conditions. Class 2 components within systems or portions of systems other thanRHR, ECC and CHR systems.(a) For Class 2 systems, except for the Auxiliary Feedwater System.(1) Class 2 piping NPS 4 and smaller;(2) Class 2 vessels, pumps and valves and their connections inpiping NPS 4 and smaller;(b) Class 2 Auxiliary Feedwater Systems.(1) Class 2 piping NPS I 1/2/ and smaller;(2) Class 2 vessels, pumps, and valves and their connections inpiping NPS I /2 and smaller NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PSIPROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 7PROCEDURE Page 18 of 101(c) Class 2 vessels piping, pumps, valves, other componentsconnections of any size in systems that operate (when the systemfunction is required) at a pressure equal to or less than 275 psigand at a temperature equal to or less than 2000 F (930C).(d) Class 2 piping and other components of any size beyond the lastshutoff valve in opened portions of systems that do not containwater during normal plant operating conditions. Class 2 components that are inaccessible due to being encased inconcrete, buried underground, located inside a penetration, orencapsulated by guard pipe.3.16.6 Evaluation of examination results shall be in accordance with the acceptancestandard requirements listed in the Summary tables of Section 5.0 for IWC Class2 components.Note: Piping is defimed as having a cumulative inlet and cumulative outlet pipe cross-sectional area neither of which exceeds the nominal outside diameter cross-sectional areaof the designated size.3.17 IWD REQUIREMENTS AND EXEMPTIONS3.17.1 Subsection IWVD provides the rules and requirements for Class 3 pressureretaining components and their integral attachments.3.17.2 The preservice inspection requirements, with the exception of category D-B, shallbe performed and documented completely once prior to initial plant startup andshall apply to pressure retaining components and their integral attachments onClass 3 systems in support of the following functions:(a) reactor shutdown(b) emergency core cooling(c) containment heat removal(d) atmosphere cleanup(e) reactor residual heat removal(f) residual heat removal from spent fuel storage pool3.17.3 Components required to be examined are specified in the Summary Tables forIWD listed in Section 6.0 of this document.3.17.4 The following Class 3 components or parts of components are exempted from theVT- I visual examination requirements.(a) piping NPS 4 and smaller(b) vessels, pumps, and valves and their connections in piping NPS 4 andsmaller NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PSIPROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 7PROCEDURE Page 19 of 101(c) components that operate at a pressure of 275 psig or less and at a temperatureof 200'F or less in systems or portions of systems whose function is notrequired in support of reactor residual heat removal, containment heatremoval and emergency core cooling(d) welds or portions of welds that are inaccessible due to being encased inconcrete, buried underground, located inside a penetration or encapsulated byguard pipe.3.17.5 Evaluation of examination results shall be in accordance with the acceptancestandard requirements listed in the Summary tables of Section 6.0 for IWD Class3 components.Note: Piping is defined as having a cumulative inlet and cumulative outlet pipe cross-sectional area neither of which exceeds the nominal outside diameter cross-sectional areaof the designated size.3.18 IWF REQUIREMIENTS AND EXEMPTIONS3.18.1 The requirements for examination of Class 1, 2, 3 and MC component supports ofnonexempt components are outlined within this section. The examinationrequirements shall apply to piping supports and supports for vessels, pumps andvalves.Note: There are no MC supports based on the design as being a free standing steelcontainment.3.18.2 An initial preservice examination is to be performed on all component supports,not exempted by this document, once prior to startup. Component supports withinsystems that operate at a temperature greater than 200'F during normal operationsshall be performed during or following initial system heatup and cooldown. Component supports that have been adjusted in accordance with theacceptance standard for component support or corrected byrepair/replacement shall be reexamined unless determine unnecessary bythe evaluations.3.18.3 The preservice visual examination and functional testing requirements ofSnubbers will use Subsection ISTD of the ASME/ANSI OM 2001 Editionthrough OMb 2003 Code as allowed by 1 OCFR50.55a(b)(3)(v). Examination ofsnubbers shall be performed using the VT-3 visual examination method describedin IWA-2213.Integral and non-integral attachments for snubbers, including lugs, pins, boltingand clamps, shall be examined in accordance with the requirements of thisdocument.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PSIPROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 7PROCEDURE Page 20 of 101Thermal movement verification of snubbers will be in accordance with procedure2-PTI-999-02, "Thermal Expansion".3.18.4 Supports exempt from the examination requirements are those connected topiping and other items exempted from volumetric, surface, VT-I or VT-3 visualexamination. In addition, portions of supports that are inaccessible by beingencased in concrete, buried underground, or encapsulated by guard pipe are alsoexempt from the examination requirements.3.18.5 The support examination boundaries for both integral and non-integral supportsare as follows.(a) The boundary of an integral support connected to a pressure retainingcomponent is the distance from the pressure retaining component asindicated for Class 1, 2 and 3.(b) The boundary of an integral support connected to a building structure isthe surface of the building structure.(c) The boundary of a non-integral support connected to a pressure retainingcomponent is the contact surface between the component and thesupport.(d) The boundary of a non-integral support connected to a building structureis the surface of the building structure.(e) Where the mechanical connection of a non-integral support is buriedwithin the component insulation, the support boundary may extend fromthe surface of the component insulation, provided the support eithercarries the weight of the component or serves as a structural restraint incompression.(f) The examination boundary of an intervening element shall include theattachment portion, which includes welds, bolting, pins, clamps, etc. ofthe intervening element to pressure retaining components, integral andnon-integral attachments of pressure retaining components, and integraland non-integral supports. The examination boundary does not includethe attachment of the intervening element to the building structure.(g) All integral and non-integral connections within the boundary governedby IWF rules and requirements are included.3.18.6 Examination of component supports shall include:(a) mechanical connections to pressure retaining components and buildingstructure. For pipe-clamp-type supports, the mechanical connection tothe pressure boundary includes the bolting, pins, and their interface tothe clamp, but does not include the component-to-clamp interface.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PSIPROJECT, PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 7PROCEDURE Page 21 of 101(b) weld connections to building structure(c) weld and mechanical connections at intermediate joints in multi-connected integral and nonintegral supports(d) clearances of guides and stops, alignment of supports, and assembly ofsupport items(e) hot or cold settings of spring supports and constant load supports(f) accessible sliding surfaces3.18.7 The methods of examination shall comply with those listed in Section 7.0 forIWF Summary Tables. Alternative methods of examination meeting therequirements of IWA-2240 may be used.Examinations that detect conditions that require evaluation may be supplementedby other examination methods and techniques to determine the character of theflaw (that is, size, shape, and orientation). Visual examinations that detectsurface flaws that exceed the acceptance criteria may be supplemented by eithersurface or volumetric examinations.3.18.8 Evaluation of examination results shall be in accordance with the AcceptanceStandard requirements listed in the Summary Table of Section 7.0 for IWF Class1, 2 and 3 component supports.3.18.9 All examinations listed in the Summary Table of Section 7.0 shall be performedcompletely, once, as a preservice examination. These preservice examinationsshall be extended to include 100% of all supports not exempted by IWF-1230.3.18.10 Examinations for systems that operate at a temperature greater than 200'F duringnormal plant operation shall be performed during or following initial systemheatup and cooldown.3.18.11 Prior to service, the applicable examinations listed in the Summary Table ofSection 7.0 shall be performed on component supports that have been adjusted inaccordance with IWF-3000 or corrected by various activities.3.18.12 For systems that operate at a temperature greater than 200'F during normal plantoperation, Watts Bar shall perform an additional preservice examination on theaffected component supports during or following the subsequent system heatupand cooldown cycle unless determined unnecessary by evaluation.3.19 CODE CASES3.19.1 The following Code Cases are accepted for use in Regulatory Guide 1.147 andshall be utilized where applicable:

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PSIPROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 7PROCEDURE Page 22 of 101N-460 Alternative Examination Coverage for Class I and 2 welds. To be usedon all IW-B-2500, Class 1 and IWC-2500, Class 2 welds.N-686-1 Alternative Requirements for Visual Examinations, VT-1, VT-2, andVT-3,Section XI, Division IN-695 Qualification Requirements for Dissimilar Metal Piping Welds,Section XI Division 1N-696 Qualification Requirements for Appendix VIII Piping ExaminationsConducted from the Inside Surface,Section XI, Division 13.19.2 The following Code Case is conditionally accepted for use in Regulatory Guide1.147 and shall be utilized where applicable:N-648-1 Alternative Requirements for Inner Radius Examinations of Class 1Reactor Vessel Nozzles.Conditional use states that, In place of a UT examination, licenseesmay perform a visual examination with enhanced magnification thathas a resolution sensitivity to detect a 1 -mil width wire or crack,utilizing the allowable flaw length criteria of Table IWB-3512-Iwithlimiting assumptions on the flaw aspect ratio. The provisions of TableIWB-2500-1, Examination Category B-D, continue to apply exceptthat, in place of examination volumes, the surfaces to be examined arethe external surfaces shown in the figures applicable to this table (theexternal surface is from point M to point N in the figure).3.19.3 The following Code Cases are incorporated by reference in1OCFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(D) and (E) and shall be utilized where applicable.N-722-1 Additional Examinations for PWR Pressure Retaining Welds in Class1 Components Fabricated with Alloy 600/82/182 Materials.N-729-1 Alternative Examination Requirements for PWR Reactor VesselUpper Heads with Nozzles having Pressure Retaining PartialPenetration Welds.3.20 CODE RELIEFDuring the preservice inspections it may be determined that certain examination orinspection requirements are not practical to perform as outlined in Section XI. Code reliefmay be requested by following the circumstances as listed below for an alternative or forimpractical examinations. An index of requests for relief its subject, status and commentsare listed in section 9.0 as they are established.3.20.1 IOCFR50.55a(a)(3) states "Proposed alternatives to the requirements ofparagraphs (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), and (h) of this section or portions thereof may be NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PSIPROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 7PROCEDURE Page 23 of 101used when authorized by the Director of the Office of Nuclear ReactorRegulation. The applicant shall demonstrate that:(i) The proposed alternatives would provide an acceptable level of quality andsafety, or(ii) Compliance with the specified requirements of this section would result inhardship or unusual difficulty without a compensating increase in the level ofquality and safety."3.20.2 1OCFR50.55a(g)(5)(iii) If the licensee has determined that conformance with acode requirement is impractical for its facility, the licensee shall notify the NRCand submit, as specified in § 50.4, information to support the determinations.Determinations of impracticality in accordance with this section must be basedon the demonstrated limitations experienced when attempting to comply with thecode requirements during the inservice inspection interval for which the requestis being submitted. Requests for relief made in accordance with this section mustbe submitted to the NRC no later than 12 months after the expiration of theinitial or subsequent 120-month inspection interval for which relief is sought.3.20.3 10CFR50.55a(g)(5)(iv) states "Where an examination requirement by codeedition or addenda is impractical, the basis for this determination must besubmitted for NRC review and approval not later than 12 months after theexpiration of the initial or subsequent 120 month inspection interval for whichrelief is sought."3.21 AUGMENTED COMPONENTSThis program includes an augmented examination section for items required to beexamined as identified below. The types of commitments not required by ASME SectionXI and are committed to be inspected or examined. The Summary Tables for thecommitments by Watts Bar is located in Section Examination requirements other than ASME Section XI of IWB, IWC, IWD andIWF on Class 1, 2 or 3 components in accordance with Safety Analysis Report(SAR) or IOCFR50.55a.3.21.2 USNRC Notices, Bulletins, or Generic Letters shall be followed as committed toby Watts Bar.3.21.3 INPO or other industry operating experiences shall be followed as committed toby Watts Bar.3.21.4 Westinghouse bulletins or notices shall be followed as committed to by WattsBar.3.22 CALIBRATION STANDARDSCalibration blocks used for ultrasonic examination shall be controlled in accordance withIEP-203, "Control of Calibration Standards." Refer to the Table below for a listing of NGDCPROJECTPROCEDUREWATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANWBN-2 PSIREVISION 7Page 24 of 101WBN calibration blocks. Calibration blocks from other TVA sites and/or vendors maybe used for WBN Unit 2 preservice following review and assignment by a TVA Level I11.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PSIPROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 7PROCEDURE Page 25 of 101Calibration Schedule orBlock ID Size (Dia.) [ Thickness MaterialWB-01 -6.00" Sch 160 (0.715") i SA-376 TP304S ......... .. ... .. ... ................. ....... ... .. ...... ............ ... I.. ....... ................. .............................................. ...... .. ... .... .................... .. ... ... ... .... ............. ..... .. ........ ... .? ......... ................................ ............... ... .. ....... ... .... .......... ......... .. ......... ........... ..... ......... .... .. ... ........ .WB-02 8.00" Sch 140(0.942") -SA-376 TP304WB-03 '12.00" Sch 140 (1.158") ~ SA-376 TP316i ..... ..... .. .. ... .... ... ..... .... ... ..... ... .... ... ..... ....... ........................ ..................... .................. .... ............... .................................................... ............. .. ....... ....... .. ........ ....... ....... ........ ...... .. ..... .......... ...... ......... ... .. ..V WB-04 16.00" Sch 80 (0.754") SA-333 Gr6- -WB-05 32.00" 1.410" r70WB-06 2.00" Sch 160 (0.346") TP304WB-07 8.00" Sch 120 (0.758") TP304WB-08 12.00" Sch80 (0.7671) SA-376TP316WvB-09 8.00" Scb 40 (0.307") A-312 TP316........ ... ... ............ .... ..... .. ....... 8 ..0 0... ...... ... .. ... ............. .............. .. ..... ................... ... .. ......... ...... ..... .... ..... ...... ... ... .... ...... ..... ........ ... ..! .. -o. ... o.. 0 .7 ') ............ ... ........... ........... .......i .P.. ... 6.................. ..................... ...V WB-10 14.00" Sch 160 (1.352") -A-312 TP304WB-11 3.00" Sch 160 (0.450") TP304-H...... .... ................ ...... ............ ... ..... ..... ...... ......... ....... ........... ..... ... ........... .... .. ... ............... .......... ......... S .! ... ..... .......... .. .. .. .......... ..... ..... ... ........... .T P.4 -..... .. .. ...... ............TB-12 2.50" I ... .............. SA-376 TP304WB-12~ ~~ ~ --25"---------------------------96"WB-13 : 4.00" -Sch 120 (0.450") A-312 TP304WvrB-14 ..FLAT (12.00" x 4.00") ..1.482" SA-516 Gr70WB-15 FLAT (12.00" x 4.00") 108 --SA36T 04..7 _ .. ... ....i .. ........ .. ........T.... .... O.: ...4 : .'.... ....... ..... .............. ... ...... ... .. .. ... .. .... ........... .. .o s .. .... ... .... ..... .. .. ... .. ........ ... ...... .... .......... ...... ..'.. f ...........S.-3...T P .4 ................. .. ......... ..WB-16 i12.00" Sch16(.322") SA-376 TP304WB-17 5.00" Sch 160 (0.585") -SA-403 WP316WB-18 18.00" Sch 80 (0.938") SA-333.... ........... ........... .... ... .. ..................... ... ....... ..... .. ....... ..... ......... .. ...... ... ........... ... .......... ...... ..... ... .. .... ...... ...... ...... ... .. .................. ..... ..... .... ...... ...... ...... .......... .. .. ........WB-19 i 6.00"3 Sch XXH (0.782") A106 GrBWB-20 -1l50"-- Sch 160 (0.312") 0 SA-376 TP304 -VWB-21 10.00" 1.493" SA-106 Gr B.... .............. .. .. ....... .... ................. ..... ................. ... .... ..................... .... ................ ......... ..... .. .... .... .... ....... ... .... ... ... .. ..... .... ..... .. ... ....... ... .... ... .. ..... ....... .... ... ...WB-22 INOT USEDWB-23 _ 1.375" DIA x 17.00" LTH STUD N/A SA-193 GrB7.... ........... .... .................. .. ..... .. .... ... ... .... ... .... ..... ... .... ....... .......................... ................. .................... ........ ... .......... ......... ... ............................. ..... .......................... .................. .... ......... ...... i....... .... ...... .......... I... ............. ....... .. ......... ... ..... ..... .......... .......WB-24 1.250" DIA x 5.00" LTH STUD N/A SA-193 GrB7WB-25 -1.675" DIA x 10.50" LTH STUD N/A SA-193 GrB7WB-26 4.50" DIA x 30.50" LTH STUD N/A SA-193 GrB7WB-27 i 2.00" DIA x 8.00" LTH STUD N/A SA-193 GrB7WB-28 NOT USED... 2 7 .... ......... .. .. ... ._0 " .. .. .. ........ ........... .. ...... ... ... ...... ............. ... ... ..... ...... .... .. ...... ... .... ..... .... .' .. ..... ..... ..... ..... ............... .... ..... .... ................................. ....6.T P.... ... .................... ..WvB-29 8.00" 1.206" .SA-376 TP304WB-30 5.00" 0.918" SA-376 TP304VM-31 1.125" DIA x7.50" LTH STUD --N/A AIS 1A 4140.,_ _: 7 ..... ... .....,LS .x _5 ' .. .... ....... -........ .... .. ....... .:._.. .......... ............ ... ..... ...... .......... ........ .......A ! k _ 4 ..... .... .... ...WB-32 1.250" DIA x 10.00" LTH STUD N/A AIS14140.. .. ............................................................................................................................................................... ....................... ................. ........... .... ........... .................... ........................... ........................ .............. .. ... ..... .. .............. .......... ... ... .... ........ ...... .......... .WB-33 10.00" Sch 140 (1.006") TP304WB-34 14.00" ---- Sch 140 (1.247") 1TP304 -[-WB-35 NOT USED 1 NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PSIPROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 7PROCEDURE Page 26 of 101C -alibration .. Schedule orBlock 11) Size ( ia.) Thickness Material _WB-36 1.50" DIA x 10.75" LTH STUD NAAISI 4140 _WB-37 6.00" Sch 80 (0.433") SA-53 GrBWB-38 8.00" Sch80 (0.484") SA-106 GrB....: 3 ... ...... .. ... ........................................... .....9 ....L....... .....6 ......WT ............... ............ ................................I............._......,0...1 _...6......................................... ... ... ... ... S ..A-......... ..... ...... ....... .................. .......WB-39 240"_ T 6.00" WTH) 4.016" --SA-533 GrA. ..WB-40 4.00" Scl6(2.516") A-312 TP304WB- 41 12.00".Sch 40 (0.363") A-312TP304...... -....... ......... ...... ....2 0 0 ........ ... ...... ..... ....... .. ... ... .... ..... ........... ... .... .. .... ... .. ........ .. ... .......... .............. ..... .... .......... 6. ..... .............. ... ......... ... ...... ... ... ................. .. .. ........ ..... .....WB-42 18.00" Sch-40 (0.641") SA-403 TP3042{B-40 :18.00"WB-44 FLAT 8.00" LT x 5.00" WTH 2.150" .6 SA-240 TP304l ... .... ............ ... .. ... ................ ........ .... .. ........... ... ................................. .... ........ ...... ... ....... ....... .. ...... .................. ..... ;.... ..... .. ..... ......... I......................... .... .. ..... ............ ...................... ......... ........ .............. .. ................ ............... ............ .................. ........ ....IWB-45 2.00" DIA x 9.00" LTH STU-D N/A SA193 GrB37;_ 4 .... .. ... ... _.. .7 ...9 .P .L ..S .......... .... ............... ............. ..6 ... ........ .... ......... I ... ................. ..... ........ ........... ...... ........... ..... .A .!... 9 3........ ... r. ........ ....... ............... ...... .... ..... ..WB-46 ~14.00" Sch 40 (0.470" SA-358 TP304Vessel 22.375" LTH x 6.01" WTHWB-47 (OLD ED WAT-021) 5.805" A-508 C12Vessel 33.875" LTH x 6.01" WTrH....... .-. .8 ..... .. .... ... ......... .. .. ..........O .... ..I ....... ...WA T .. .2. ... ... .. .......... ..... .... .. ......... ........ ..... ... ...... .... .. ............. .. ... ........... ... 8 .2 5 .... ..A ..... .C..!.... .... ...... ........ ......... .... ................ ...Vessel 43.31" LTH x 8.08" WTHWB-49 L(O. .ID WAT-03, .. 11.187" A-508.C!2 ..WB-50 Vessel 32.75" LTH x 11.18" WTH 10.25" A-508 C12......... .... .... ... ... .es..f 5 " E ... .~ ~ S f ... ........... ........... .............. ..................... ..... ............. ................. ..... ................. .................................................. ..... ........... .............. ... ... .................. .... ....... .............Vessel 27.53" LTH x 6.00" WVTHW -5 (OLD ID WAT-05) 7.125" A-508 C12WB-52 4.00" 0.656"' Tri-metallic (CR.DM).......... .... ... .... .... ... .... .. .., ...... .... ..... .. ..... .... ....... ... .. ........ .... ... ...... ..... ....... .. ......... ... ........ ... ............ ... ....... .... .... .. .. 0...6... .. ... .... ....... I. ....... ... ..... ... .... .... ..................... .... ..... ........... ........ .. .... ..... ..r..ea!.! .CM ... ... ........ .... ... 3 ............. ..07 ........................................................................ .... .... .3._..00..'. .......... ... ................ ......... ....... ..... ....... ........#..598 _.2 ..........WB-53.................. C1WB-54 12.00" Sch 160 (1.212') SA-351 Gr CF8Pressurizer 15.00" LTH x 6.125" S 1..WB-55 WTIH. 20 3.300" SA-533 GrA C12 .Pressurizer 20.00" LTH x 6.250" iWB-56 WTH 4.000" SA-533 GrA C12.......... ........................ .......... ... ....... ... .. .......... .... ...... ... .... ........... ......... ..... ....... ... .............. ...... ....... .. ..... ...... .............. ..... ......... ............ ..... ........ .... ... ........... .... .. ....... .. ... ....... ....... ... .............. .... ........... .... .. ....... .... .... ....... ..... .......... ..................................................... ....* WB-57 Stm Gen 25.125" LTH x 7.000" WTH 5.000" SA-216 GrWCCPressurizer 17.937" LTH x 6.750"WB-58 WTH 3.062" SA-533 GrA C12..... .................. .......... ...... ......... ....... .. .. ........ .......... ..... ..... ........ ... ............... ...................... ......... .......... .... ......... ..... ........... ........... ..... ..... .. ... ........ .. ..... ............................ ... ............ ... ................. .......... ......... ......................... ..... ...................... .... ................. ...... .... .....WB-59 31.00" (ID) 2.400" SA351 CF8A ,i~~~ ~~ .... .... ... .. ... .. ....... .............. ... ...... .... ........... ... ..... .. ..... ...... ... .. ........ ..... .... ......... ... .... .......... .... .......... ...... ..... ..... ............... ... ..... .. ....... ..... ................ ............ ... .... .... ......... -... ... ........................ ... ...WB-60 31 .00 D3) 3D )000" SA351 CF8A! WB-61 2.00" Sch 80 (0.225") SA-376 TP304SWB-62 .3. 00" ..... .... ..Sch 40 (0.265") SA-376 TP304WB-63 3.00" -Sch 80 (0.297") SA-376 TP304. .WB-64 4.00" -Sch 40 (0.268") SA-376 TP304WB -65 4.00" Sch 80 (0.343") SA-376 TP304 NGDCPROJECTPROCEDUREWATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2PRESERWCE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANWBN-2 PSIREVISION 7Page 27 of 101Calibration Schedule orBlock E Size (Dia.)-- ------- ThicknessB lo_ _ k_ _ _ _ .... .S z e ( j ~a .) .............................. ......... ............. ... ..... ............."....n. ...... .....................WB-66 14.00" Sch 30 (0.3 70")3B-67 16.00" .Sch 30 (0.395") -... ........... .. ... ... ...... ....... ......... .......... i ....... ................. ............. ...... ............... ............... ........ ... ..... ... ............ ......... ....... ... ...... ...... ... .. ..... ...... ..... ..WB-68 20.00" Sch 20 (0.375")..... .. ....Sch ........ 20 .0 .37 5"MaterialA-358 TP304A-358 TP304........... .T. P 3 94. ....................... ......... 0 4SA-35R TP304----.................*3rB-70 6" DIA STUD ____ IN/A AISI 4340WB-71 6.57" OD /5.00" ID 0.787" .. SB-166 TP600SA-479 TP304L ISA-WB-72 6.57" OD /5.00" ID 0.786" 182WB-73 4.00" OD 2.75" ID 0.625" SB- 166 TP600SA-182 TPA91/SA-W-74 -4.0 OD /2.75" ID ,0.625" 479 TPA91! ... ..... ... ........ ......... ...... ..... ...... ...... .. ....... ....... ... ........ ............... .... ........ ..... .......... ..... ........ .................................................. ...... .......... ......... ........... ... ......... .......... ........... ......... .... .......... .......... .................................... .... ....... ................ .. ........ .... .... .............. .. ..........WB-75 2 4.5" dia. RCP stud i N/A A540 (E4340H)WB-76 6.75" dia. RPV stud N/A SA-540UINNER RADIUS CAL BLOCK -WB-77 FLAT N/A SA-240 TP304WB-78 thru --81 Alternate cal block __N/A A-516 Gr70WBN-82thru -85 Alternate cal block N/A A-240 TP304WB-86 4" Pipe Sch 80 .337" SA-335 GrP22WB-87 -.2" Pipe Sch 160 .344" SA-335 GrP22WB-95 & -i96 ..Altermate cal block N/A A-5 16 Gr70*3WB-97 &-98 Altemate cal block N/ATP3!04 WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7WATTS BAR UNIT- 2 IWB SUMMARY TABLESPRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANPage 28 of 101SECTION 4.0IWB SUMMARY TABLESForASME CLASS 1CATEGORIESB-A Pressure Retaining Welds in Reactor VesselB-B Pressure Retaining Welds in Vessels Other Than Reactor VesselsB-D Full Penetration Welded Nozzles in VesselsB-F Pressure Retaining Dissimilar Metal Welds in Vessel NozzlesB-G-1 Pressure Retaining Bolting, Greater Than 2 Inches in DiameterB-G-2 Pressure Retaining Bolting, 2 Inches and Less in DiameterB-J Pressure Retaining Welds in PipingB-K Welded Attachments for Vessels, Piping, Pumps and ValvesB-L-1 Pressure Retaining Welds in Pump CasingsB-L-2 Pump Casings -(NA reference 3.15.2)B-M-1 Pressure Retaining Welds in Valve BodiesB-M-2 Valve Bodies -(NA reference 3.15.2)B-N-1 Interior of Reactor VesselB-N-2 Welded Core Support Structures and Interior Attachments to Reactor VesselsB-N-3 Removable Core Support StructuresB-O Pressure Retaining Welds in Control Rod HousingsASME Section XI items that do not apply to Watts Bar Unit 2 within this Program Plan will be identified with, "NA to Unit-2", this documents the item does not applyand will not be referenced further within the program plan, schedule or summary reports.

WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7WATTS BAR UNIT- 2 IWB SUMMARY TABLESPRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANPage 29 of 101Examination Category B-A, Pressure Retaining Welds in Reactor VesselInspection Program BItem Component Component Exam Examination Extent of Acceptance Total RequiredNo. Examined Compliance Method Requirements Exam Standard Population ExaminationFig. No.B3.10 Shell WeldsBI.1 I Circumferential Applicable Vol. IWB-2500-1 All Welds IWB-3510 4 4(2)B 1.12 Longitudinal NA to UNIT B 1.20 Head WeldsAccessibleB 1.21 Circumferential Applicable Vol. IWB-2500-3 length of IWB-3510 2 2weldAccessibleBI.22 Meridional Applicable Vol. IWB-2500-3 length of all IWB-3510 6 6weldsB11.30 Shell to Flange Applicable Vol. IWB-2500-4 Weld (2) IWB-3510 IB1.40 Head to Flange Applicable Vol. & Suf. IWB-2500-5 Weld (2) IWB-3510 IBI.50 Repair Welds (I)B3.51 Beltline region NA to UNIT-2Totals Examination Category B-A 14 14NOTES:(I) NA to Unit-2(2) Includes essentially 100% of the weld length.(3) NA to Unit-2 Preservice activities(4) NA to Un~it-2 Preservice activities(5) NA to Unit-2 Preservice activities WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7I IWATTS BAR UNIT- 2PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANIWB SUMMARY TABLESPage 30 of 101Examination Category B-B, Pressure Retaining Welds in Vessels Other Than Reactor VesselsInspection Program BItem Component Component Exam Examination Extent of Acceptance Total RequiredNo xmndCmlac ehd Requirements Exntf Acetne TtlRqidNo. Examined Compliance Method Fig.mNo. Exam Standard Population ExaminationPressurizerB2.10 Shell to HeadB2.11 Circumferential Applicable Vol. IWB-2500-1 Both Welds IWB-3510 2 2(4)Iff of allB2.12 Longitudinal Applicable Vol. IWB-2500-2 weld IWB-3510 2 2(2)B2.20 Head WeldsB2.21 Circumferential NA to UNIT B2-22 Meridional NA to UNIT-2Steam Generators (Primary side)B2.30 Head WeldsB2.31 Circumferential NA to UNIT-2B2.32 Meridional .NA to UNIT-2B2.40 Tubesheet to Head Weld Applicable Vol. IWB-2500-6 Weld IWB-3510 4 4(4)Heat Exchanger (Primary side) -HeadB2.50 Head WeldsB2.51 Circumferential NA to UNIT -B2.52 Meridional NA to UNIT Heat Exchanger (Primary side) -ShellB2.60 Tubesheet to Head Welds NA to UNIT B2.70 Longitudinal Welds NA to UNIT B2.80 Tubesheet to Shell Welds NA to UNIT --Totals Examination Category B-B 8 8NOTES:(1) NA to Unit-2 Preservice activities(2) The weld selected for examination is that weld intersecting the circumferential weld.(3) NA to Unit-2 Preservice activities(4) Includes essentially 100% of the weld length WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7IIWATTS BAR UNIT- 2PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANIWB SUMMARY TABLESPage 31 of 101Examination Category B-D, Full Penetration Welded Nozzles in VesselsInspection Program BItem Component Component Exam Examination Extent of Acceptance Total RequiredNo. (8) Examined Compliance Method Requirements Exam Standard Population Examination___o.___ 8)xm eCmlneeh Fig. No.Reactor VesselB3.90 Nozzle to Vessel Welds Applicable Vol. WB-25007 All Nozzles IWB-3512 8 8(a) through (c) (1)B3.100 Nozzle Inside Radius Section Applicable EVT-9 (4) Alt Nozzles IWB-3512 8 8(9)()PressurizerB3.1 10 Nozzle to Vessel Welds Applicable Vol. IWB 25007 All Nozzles IWB-3512 6 6(a) through (c) (1)B3. 120 All Nozzles IB31(6) Nozzle Inside Radius Section Applicable Vol. (7) (4) (1) IWB-3512 6 6Steam Generators (Primary side)B3.130 Nozzle to Vessel Welds NA to UNIT B3.140 All Nozzles(6) Nozzle Inside Radius Section Applicable Vol. (7) (4) (1) IWB-3512Heat Exchanger (Primary side) -HeadB3.150 Nozzle to Vessel Welds NAto UNIT -B3.160 Nozzle Inside Radius Section NA to UNIT-2Totals Examination Category B-D 36 36NOTES:(1) Includes nozzles with full penetration welds to vessel shell (or head) and integrally cast nozzles, but excludes manways and handholes either welded to or integrally cast in vessel.(2) NA to Unit-2 Preservice activities(3) NA to Unit-2 Preservice activities(4) The examination volumes shall apply to the applicable Figure shown in Figs. IWB-2500-7(a) through (d).(5) NA to Unit-2 Preservice activities(6) 10CRF50.55a(b)(2)(xxi)(A) Table IWB-2500-1 Items B3.120 and B3.140 (Inspection Program B) in the 1998 Edition must be applied when using the 2001 Edition, 2003 Addenda.(7) A visual examination with enhanced magnification that has a resolution sensitivity to detect a I-mil width wire or crack, utilizing the allowable flaw length criteria in Table IWB-3512-I, may be performed in place of anultrasonic examination, reference 10CFR50.55a(b)(2)(xxi)(A).(8) Category Items B3.10 -B3.80 are based on Inspection Program A and do not apply to Unit-2.(9) Code Case N-648-1, with conditional approval, see paragraph 3.19.2 for details of exam area and other information.

WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7I IWATTS BAR UNIT- 2PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANIWB3 SUMMARY TABLESPage 32 Of 101Examination Category B-F, Pressure Retaining Dissimilar Metal Welds in Vessel NozzlesIns pection Program Bitem Component Component Exam Examination Extent of Acceptance Total RequiredNo. Examined Compliance Method Requirements Exam Standard Population ExaminationFig. No.Reactor VesselB5.10 NPS 4 or Larger-Nozzle-to-Safe End Butt Welds Applicable Vol. & Sur IWB-2500-8 All Welds IWB-3514 8 8B5.20 Less Than NPS 4-Nozzle-to-Safe End Butt Welds NA to UNIT-2B5.30 Nozzle-to-Safe End Socket Welds NA to UNIT-2PressurizerB5.40 NPS 4 or Larger-Nozzle-to-Safe End Butt Welds Applicable Vol. & Sur IWB-2500-8 All Welds IWB-3514 6 6B5.50 Less Than NPS 4-Nozzle-to-Safe End Butt Welds NA to UNIT-2B5.60 Nozzle-to-Safe End Socket Welds NA to UNIT-2Steam GeneratorsB5.70 NPS 4 or Larger-Nozzle-to-Safe End Butt Welds Applicable Vol. & Sur IWB-2500-8 All Welds IWB-3514 8 8B5.80 Less Than NPS 4-Nozzle-to-Safe End Butt Welds NA to UNIT-2B5.90 Nozzle-to-Safe End Socket Welds NA to UNIT-2Heat ExchangersB5.100 NPS 4 or Larger-Nozzle-to-Safe End Butt Welds NA to UNIT-2B5.110 Less Than NPS 4-Nozzle-to-Safe End Butt Welds NA to UNIT-2B5.120 Nozzle-to-Safe End Socket Welds NA to UNIT-2Totals Examination Category B-F 22 22Note:(1) NA to Unit-2 Preservice activities(2) NA to Unit-2 Preservice activities WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7IWB SUMMARY TABLESWATTS BAR UNIT- 2DtII= I Y'IIM DDnP0DAR DI AAII I Page 33 of 101Examination Category B-G-1, Pressure Retaining Bolting, Greater than 2 in. in DiameterInspection Program BItem Component Component Exam Examination Extent of Acceptance Total RequiredNo. Examined Compliance Method Requirements Exam Standard Population ExaminationFig. No.Reactor VesselB6.10 Closure Head Nuts Applicable VT-I Surfaces All Nuts IWB-3517 54 54B6.20 Closure Studs (1)(7) Applicable Vol. IWB-2500-12 All Studs IWB-3515 54 54B6.40 Threads in Flange (2)(6) Applicable Vol. IWB-2500-12 Flange IWB-3515 54 54SurfaceB6.50 Closure Washers, Bushings (2) Applicable VT-I Surfaces All Washers IWB-3517 54 54PressurizerB6.60 Bolts and Studs NA to UNIT -B6.70 Flange Surface, when connection disassembled NA to UNIT B6.80 Nuts, Bushings, and Washers NA to UNIT Steam GeneratorsB6.90 Bolts and Studs NA to UNIT B6. 100 Flange Surface, when connection disassembled NA to UNIT B6.1 10 Nuts, Bushings, and Washers NA to UNIT Heat ExchangersB6.120 Bolts and Studs NA to UJNIT B6.130 Flange Surface, when connection disassembled NA to UNIT B6.140 Nuts, Bushings, and Washers NA to UNIT C .1 1 .1. .1.Notes; at end of this section.

WATTS BAR UNIT- 2PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANWBN-2 PSI REVISION 7IWB SUMMARY TABLESPage 34 of 101Examination Category B-G-I, Pressure Retaining Bolting, Greater than 2 in. in DiameterInspection Program BItem Component Component Exam Examination Extent of Acceptance Total RequiredNo. Examined Compliance Method Requirements Exam Standard Population ExaminationFig. No. pPipingB6.150 Bolts and Studs NA to UNIT-2B6.160 Flange Surface, when connection disassembled NA to UNIT-2B6.170 Nuts, Bushings, and Washers NA to UNIT -PumpsB6.180 Bolts and Studs (1) (7) Applicable Vol. IWB-2500-12 Studs IWB-3515 96 96B6.190 Flange Surface, when connection disassembled Applicable VT-I Surfaces Flange IWB-3517 4 4(2) (4) (6) SurfacesB6.200 Nuts, Bushings and Washers NA to Unit ---ValvesB6.210 Bolts and Studs NA to Unit ---B6.220 Flange Surface, when connection disassembled NA to Unit ---B6.230 Nuts, Bushings, and Washers NA to Unit ----Totals Examination Category B-G-1 316 316NOTES:(1) Bolting may be examined: (a) in place under tension; (b) when the connection is disassembled; (c) when the bolting is removed.(2) Threads in base material of flanges surface are required to be examined only when the connections are disassembled-(3) NA to Unit-2 Preservice activities(4) Visual examination of bolted connections, VT-I of the flange surface, nuts and washers, for pumps is required only when the component is examined under Examination Category B-L-2. This is for one pump in a group ofpumps performing similar functions in a system and is required only when disassembly for maintenance, repair, or volumetric examination, as stated in B-L-2. (See note 2 in summary table for category B-L-2(5) NA to Unit-2 Preservice activities(6) Examination includes I in. annular surface of flange surrounding each stud.(7) When bolts or studs are removed for examination, surface examination meeting the acceptance standards oflWB-3515 may be substituted for volumetric examination.

I-WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7I IWATTS BAR UNIT- 2PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANIWB SUMMARY TABLESPage 35 of 101Examination Category B-G-2, Pressure Retaining Bolting, 2in. and Less in DiameterInspection Program BItem Component Component Exam Examination Extent of Acceptance Total RequiredNo. Examined Compliance Method Requirements or Exam Standard Population(5) ExaminationFig. No.Reactor VesselB7.10 Bolt, Studs, and Nuts NA to Unit-2PressurizerB7.20 Bolt, Studs, and Nuts (1) (2) Applicable VT-I Surface All Studs, IWB-3517 Iand NutsSteam GeneratorsB7.30 Bolt, Studs, and Nuts (1) (2) Applicable VT-I Surface All Studs, IWB-3517 8 8and NutsHeat ExchangersB7.40 Bolt, Studs, and Nuts NA to Unit-2PipingAll Bolt,B7.50 Bolt, Studs, and Nuts (I) Applicable VT-I Surface Studs, and IWB-3517 13 13NutsPumpsB7.60 Bolt, Studs, and Nuts (1) (2) Applicable VT-I Surface All Studs, IWB-3517 8 8and NutsValvesCRD Housing (only when disassembled)B7.80 (4) Bolt, Studs, and Nuts (1) (4) NA to Un(t-2Totals Examination Category B-G-2 59 59NOTES:(1) Bolting is required to be examined only when a connection is disassembled or bolting is removed.(2) For vessels, pumps, or valves, examination of bolting is required only when the component is examined under Examination Category B-B, B-L-2, or B-M-2. Examination of bolted connection is required only once during theinterval. (See note 2 in summary table for category B-L-2 and B-M-2.)(3) NA to Unit-2 Preservice activities(4) The provisions of Examination Category B-G-2, Item B7.80, that are in the 1995 Edition are applicable, reference IOCFR50.55a(b)(2)(xxi)(B), only to reused boltina.(5) Total population represents "bolted connections".TBD = To be determined WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7WATTS BAR UNIT- 2 IWB SUMMARY TABLESPRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANPage 36 of 101Examination Category B-J, Pressure Retaining Welds in PipingIns pection Pro ram BItem Component Component Exam Examination Extent of Acceptance Total RequiredNo. Examined Compliance Method Requirements Exam Standard Population Examination______________________________ ____________Fig. No.B9.10 NPS 4 or LargerB9.11 Circumferential Welds Applicable Vol. & Sur IWB-2500-8 Welds (1)() IWB-3514 285 285(5) (6) (7)B9.20 Less Than NPS 4Circumferential Welds other than PWR WeldsB9.21 High Pressure Safely Injection Systems Applicable Sur. IWB-2500-8 (1) (4) (5) IWB-3514 105 105B9.22 Circumferential Welds of PWR High Applicable Vol. IWB-25008 Welds IWB-3514 42 42Pressure Safely Injection System (2) (4) (6) (7)B9.30 Branch Pipe Connection WeldsB9.31 NPS 4 or Larger Applicable Vol. & Sur IWB-2500-9, 10 & Welds (I) (4) IWB-3514 I 11I1 (5)(6)(7)B9.32 Less Than NPS 4 Applicable Sur. IWB-2500-9, 10 & Welds IWB-3514 29 29II (1) (4) (5)B9.40 Socket Welds Applicable Sur. IWB-2500-8 Welds IWB-3514 406 406(1) & (4)Totals Examination Category B-J 878 87INotes:(1) Examinations shall include the following:(a) All terminal ends in each pipe or branch nun connected to vessels.(b) All terminal ends and joints in each pipe or branch run connected to other components where the stress levels exceed either of the following limits under loads associated with specific seismic events and operationalconditions:(I) primary plus secondary stress intensity range of 2.4Sm for ferritic steel and austenitic steel(2) cumulative usage factor U of 0.4(c) All dissimilar metal welds not covered under Category B-F.(d) Additional piping welds so that the total number of circumferential butt welds (or branch connection or socket welds) selected for examination equals 25% of the circumferential butt welds (or brancd connection orsocket welds) in the reactor coolant piping system. This total does not include welds exempted by IWB-1220 or welds in Item No. B9.22. These additional welds may be located in one loop (one loop is defined for bothPWR and BWR plants in the 1977 Edition).(2) A 10% sample of PWR high pressure safety injection system circumferential welds in piping > NPS 11/2 (DN 40) and < NPS 4 (DNIOO) shall be selected for examination. This sample shall be selected from locationsdetermined by the Owner as most likely to be subject to thermal fatigue. Thermal fatigue may be caused by conditions such as valve leakage or turbulence effects.(3) NA to Unit-2 Preservice activities(4) Includes essentially 100% of weld length.(5) For circumferential welds with intersecting longitudinal welds, surface examination of the longitudinal piping welds is required for those portions of the welds within the examination boundaries of intersecting ExaminationCategory B-F and B-J circumferential welds.(6) For circumferential welds with intersecting longitudinal welds, volumetric examination of the longitudinal piping welds is required for those portions of the welds within the examination boundaries of intersectingExamination Category B-F and B-J circumferential welds. The following requirements shall also be met:(a) When longitudinal welds are specified and locations are known, examination requirements shall be met for both transverse and parallel flaws at the intersection of the welds and for that length of longitudinal weldwithin the circumferential weld examination volume.(b) When longitudinal welds are specified but locations are unknown, or the existence of longitudinal welds is uncertain, the examination requirements shall be met for both transverse and parallel flaws within the entireexamination volume of intersecting circumferential welds.(7) For welds in carbon or low alloy steels, only those welds showing reportable preservice transverse indications need to be examined by the ultrasonic method for reflectors transverse to the weld length direction except thatcircumferential welds with intersecting longitudinal welds shall meet Note (5).

WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7I IWATTS BAR UNIT- 2PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANIWB SUMMARY TABLESPage 37 of 101Examination Category B-K, Welded Attachments for Vessels, Piping, Pumps and ValvesIns pection Program BItem Component Component Exam Examination Extent of Acceptance Total RequiredNo. Examined Compliance Method Requirements Exam Standard Population ExaminationFig. No.Pressure VesselsSurface IWB-2500-13, 14 Each weldedB10.10 Welded Attachments (I) Applicable (7) and 15 attachment IWB-3516 5 5(7) and 15 (2)(6)PipingIWB-2500-13, 14 Each welded1310.20 Welded Attachments (1) Applicable Surface 5attachment IWB-3516 TBD TBD(2)(6)PumpsBI0.30 Welded Attachments (1) NA to Unit-2ValvesBI0.40 Welded Attachments (1) NA to Unit-2Totals Examination Category B-K TBD TBDNOTES:(1) Weld buildup on nozzles that is in compression under normal conditions and provides only component support is excluded from examination. Examination is limited to those welded attachments that meet the followingconditions:(a) the attachment is on the outside surface ofthe pressure retaining component;(b) the attachment provides component support as defined in NF-l 110;(c) the attachment weld joins the attachment either directly to the surface of the component or to an integrally cast or forged attachment to the component, and(d) the attachment weld is full penetration fillet, or partial penetration, continuous or intermittent.(2) The extent of the examination includes essentially 100% of the length of the attachment weld at each attachment subject to examination.(3) NA to Unit-2 Preservice activities(4) NA to Unit-2 Preservice activities(5) NA to Unit-2 Preservice activities(6) Examination is required whenever component support member deformation, e.g., broken, bent, or pulled out parts, is identified during operation, refueling, maintenance, examination, or testing.(7) For the configurations shown in Figs. IWB-2500-13 and IWB-2500-14, a surface examination from an accessible side of the attachment weld shall be performed. Alternatively, for the configuration shown in Fig. IWB-2500-14, a volumetric examination of volume A-B-C-D from an accessible side of the attachment weld may be performed in lieu of the surface examination of surfaces A-B or C-D.TBD = To be determined WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7I IWATTS BAR UNIT- 2PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANIWB SUMMARY TABLESPage 38 Of 101Examination Category B-L-1, Pressure Retaining Welds in Pump Casings; B-M-1, Pressure Retaining Welds in Valve Bodies;B-L-2, Pump Casings; B-M-2, Valve BodiesInspection Program BItem Component Component Exam Examination Extent of Acceptance Total RequiredNo. Examined Compliance Method Requirements Exam Standard Population ExaminationFig. No.PumpsB12.10 Pump casing welds, B-L-I (4) Applicable VT-I IWB-2500-16 All welds IWB-3518 4 4B 12.20 Pump casing, B-L-2 (2) 4 0ValvesB12.30 Valves, less than NPS 4 valve body welds,B-M-I (4) NA to Unit -B12.40 Valves, NPS 4 or larger valve body welds,B-M-l (4) NA to Unit -B712.50 Valve body, exceeding NPS 4,B-M-2 (2) 28 28Totals Examination Category B-L-1 TBD 4NOTES:(I) NA to Unit-2 Preservice activities(2) NA to Unit-2 Preservice activities, reference RWB-2200(3) NA to Unit-2 Preservice activities(4) Includes essentially 100% of weld length.TBD = To be determined WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7I IWATTS BAR UNIT- 2PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANIWB SUMMARY TABLESPage 39 of 101Examination Category B-N-I, Interior of Reactor Vessel;B-N-2, Welded Core Support Structures and Interior Attachments to Reactor Vessels B-N-3, Removable Core Support StructuresInspection Program BItem Component Component Exam Examination Extent & Acceptance Total RequiredNo. Examined Compliance Method Fig. No. Exam Standard Population ExaminationReactor VesselEachB13.10 Vessel Interior B-N-I (1) Applicable VT-3 Accessible Areas Inspection lWB-3520.2 IPeriodReactor Vessel (BWR)B13.20 Interior attachments within beltline region NA to Unit-2B-N-2B113.30 Interior attachments beyond the beltline region NA to Unit-2B-N-2B 13.40. Core Support Structure NA to Unit2B-N-2Reactor Vessel (PWR)B13.50 Interior attachments within beltline region NA to Unit-2B-N-2B 13.60 Interior attachments beyond the beltline region Applicable VT-3 Accessible Welds Welds IWB-3520.2 6 6B-N-2B 13.70 Core Support Structure Applicable VT-3 Accessible Surfaces IWB-3520.2 1 IB-N-3 (2) SurfacesExamination Category B-N-I 1 IExamination Category B-N-2 6 6Totals Examination Category B-N-3 I 1NOTES:(1) Areas to be examined shall include the spaces above and below the reactor core that are made accessible for examination by removal of components during normal refueling outages.(2) The structure shall be removed from the reactor vessel for examination.(3) NA to Unit-2 Preservice activities WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7IWATTS BAR UNIT- 2PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANIWB SUMMARY TABLESPage 40 of 101IExamination Category B-O, Pressure Retaining Welds in Control Rod HousingsInspection Program BItem Component Component Exam Examination Extent of Acceptance Total RequiredNo xmndCmlac ehd Requirements Exeto Acetne TtlRqidNo. Examined Compliance Method Fig.mNo. Exam Standard Population ExaminationReactor VesselVolumetric 100%B14.10 Welds in CRD Housing (1) Applicable or IWB-2500-18 Peripheral IWB-3523 20 20SurfaceCRDHousingTotals Examination Category B-O 20 20Note:(1) 20 Peripheral components of the 78 Total CRD Housings.

WATTS BAR UNIT- 2PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANWBN-2 PSI REVISION 7IWC SUMMARY TABLESPage 41 of 101-ISECTION 5.0IWC SUMMARY TABLESForASME CLASS 2INDEXCATEGORYC-A,C-B,C-C,C-D,C-F-IC-F-2C-G,Pressure Retaining Welds in Pressure VesselsPressure Retaining Nozzle Welds in VesselsWelded Attachments for Vessels, Piping, Pumps, and ValvesPressure Retaining Bolting Greater than 2 Inch in DiameterPressure Retaining Welds in Austenitic Stainless Steel or High Alloy PipingPressure Retaining Welds in Carbon or Low Alloy Steel PipingPressure Retaining Welds in Pumps and ValvesASME Section Xl items that do not apply to Watts Bar Unit 2 within this Program Plan will be identified with, "NA to Unit-2", this documents the item does not apply and will not bereferenced further within the program plan, schedule or summary reports.

WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7I IWATTS BAR UNIT -2PRESER VICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANIWC SUMMARY TABLESPage 42 of 101Examination Category C-A, Pressure Retaining Welds in Pressure VesselsInspection Prozram BItem Component Component Exam Examination Extent and Acceptance Total RequiredNo. .omplince Mthoduig.ment Feqey StnadooafRqiNo. Examined Compliance Method Requirements Frequency of Standard Population ExaminationWelds atVolumetric grossCI.O Shell Circumferential Welds (1) (3) (4) Applicable IWC-2500-1 structural IWC-3510 5 TBD(5) discontinuity(2)Welds atVolumetric grossC1.20 Head Circumferential Welds (1) (3) (4) Applicable (5) 1WC-2500-1 structural IWC-3510 15 TBDdiscontinuity(2)Welds atVolumetric grossCI.30 Tubesheet-to-Shell Weld (1) (3) (4) Applicable (5) IWC-2500-2 structural IWC-3510 4 TBDdiscontinuity(2)Totals Examination Category C-ANOTES:(1) Includes essentially 100% of the weld length.(2) Gross stnrctural discontinuity is defined in NB-3213.2. Examples are junctions between shells of different thicknesses, cylindrical shell-to-conical shell junctions, shell (or head)-to-flange welds, and head-to-shell welds.(3) In the case of multiple vessels of similar design, size, and service (such as steam generators, heat exchangers), the required examinations may be limited to one vessel or distributed among the vessels.(4) The vessel areas selected for the initial examination shall be reexamined in the same sequence over the service lifetime of the component, to the extent practical.(5) For welds in vessels with nominal wall thickness of 0.2 in. or less, a surface examination may be applied in lieu of a volumetric examination. The examination shall include the weld and 0.5 in. on either side of the weld. Theacceptance standard for tihe examination shall be those specified for piping in IWC-3514.TBD = To Be Determined WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7I IWATTS BAR UNIT- 2PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANIWC SUMMARY TABLESPage 43 Of 101Examination Category C-B, Pressure Retaining Nozzle Welds in VesselsIns pection Program BItem Component Component Exam Examination Extent and Acceptance Total RequiredNo. Examined Compliance Method Requirements Frequency of Standard Population ExaminationFig. No. Exam Stnad Pplto ExmainC11 ~ Nozzles in Vessels < 1/2 in. nominal Thickness(1) (2) (3)(4)C2.11 Nozzle-to-Shell (nozzle-to-head) Weld Applicable Surface IWC-2500-3 (6) IWC-3511 0 TBDC2.20 Nozzles Without Reinforcing Plate in Vessels >V2 in. Nominal Thickness (I) (2) (3) (4)C2.21 Nozzle-toSurface and IWC-2500-4 ()IC3111C2.21 Nozzle-to Shell Weld (nozzle-to-head) Applicable Volumetric (a),(b)or(d) (6) WC-3511 14 TBDC2.22 Nozzle Inside Radius Section Applicable Volumetric IWC-2500-4 (6) IWC-3511 8 TBD(a),(b)or(d)Nozzles With Reinforcing Plate in Vessels > I/2in. Nominal Thickness (1) (2) (3) (4)C2.31 Reinforcing Plate Welds to Nozzle and Vessel Applicable Surface IWC-2500-4(c) (6) IWC-3511 4 TBDC2.32 Nozzle-to Shell Weld (nozzle-to-head) Applicable Volumetric IWC-2500-4(c) (6) IWC-3511 4 TBDC.2 when inside of vessel is accessibleTBC2.33 Nozzle-to Shell Weld (nozzle-to-head) Applicable Visual, VT-2 (5) (6) No Leakage 0 TBDwhen inside of vessel is inaccessibleTotals Examination Category C-B 30 TBDNOTES:(1) Includes nozzles welded to or integrally cast in vessels that connect to piping runs (manways and handholes are excluded).(2) Includes only those piping runs selected for examination under Examination Category C-F.(3) The nozzles selected initially for examination shall be reexamined in the same sequence over the service lifetime of the component, to the extent practical.(4) In the case of multiple vessels of similar design, size, and service (such as steam generators, heat exchangers), the required examinations may be limited to one vessel or distributed among the vessels.(5) The telltale hole in the reinforcing plate shall be examined for evidence of leakage while vessel is undergoing the system leakage test as required by examination category C-H(6) Nozzles at terminal ends (I) of piping run (2).TBD = To be determined WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7I IWATTS BAR UNIT- 2PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANIWC SUMMARY TABLESPage 44 of 101Examination Category C-C, Welded Attachments for Vessels, Piping, Pumps, and ValvesInspection Pro ram BItem Component Component Exam ExaminationAcceptance Total RequiredNo. Examined Compliance Method Requirements Frequency of Standard Population ExaminationFig. No. ExamPressure Vessels (1) (3)C3.10 Welded Attachments Applicable Surface IWC-2500-5 (2)(4)(6) IWC-3512 22 TBDPiping (1) (3)C3.20 Welded Attachments Applicable Surface IWC-2500-5 (2)(4)(6) IWC-3512 83 TBDPumps (1) (3)C3.30 Welded Attachments Applicable Surface IWC-2500-5 (2)(4)(6) IWC-3512 14 TBDValvesC3.40 Welded Attachments NA to Unit 2* 0 TBDTotals Examination Category C-C 119 TBDNOTES:(1) Examination is limited to those welded attachments that meet the following conditions:(a) the attachment is on the outside surface of the pressure retaining component;(b) the attachment provides component support as defined in NF-1 110;(c) the attachment weld joins the attachment either directly to the surface of the component or to an integrally cast or forged attachment to the component; and(d) the attachment weld is full penetration, fillet, or partial penetration, continuous, or intermittent.(2) The extent of the examination includes essentially 100% of the length of the attachment weld at each attachment subject to examination.(3) Selected samples of welded attachments shall be examined each inspection interval.(4) For multiple vessels of similar design, function, and service, only one welded attachment of only one of the multiple vessels shall be selected for examination.(5) For piping, pumps, and valves, a sample of 10% of the welded attachments associated with the component supports selected for examination under IWF-2510 shall be examined.(6) Examination is required whenever component support member deformation, eg., broken, bent, or pulled out parts, is identified during operation, refueling, maintenance, examination, or testing.TBD = To be determined WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7I IWATTS BAR UNIT- 2PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANIWC SUMMARY TABLESPage 45 of 101Examination Category C-D, Pressure Retaining Bolting Greater than 2 in. in DiameterTnsnection Proenram BiItem Component Component Exam Examination Extent andNo xmndCmlac ehd Requirements Frequency of Acceptance Total RequiredNo. Examined Compliance Method Standard Population ExaminationFig. No. ExamPressure Vessels (1) (2)All bolts orVolumetric studs at the IWC-3513 IC4.10 Bolts and Studs Applicable (5) IWC-2500-6 bolted (5) (16 bolts) TBD(5) ~~~~connection ()(6bls(4)Piping (3)C4.20 Bolts and Studs NA to Unit 2 -0 TBDPumpsC4.30 Bolts and Studs NA to Unit 2 0 TBDValvesC4.40 Bolts and Studs NA to Unit 2 0 TBDTotal Examination Category C-D I TBDNOTES:(1) The examination may be performed on bolting in place under load or upon disassembly of the connection.(2) The examination of bolting for vessels, pumps, or valves may be conducted on one vessel, one pump, or one valve among a group of vessels, pumps, or valves that are similar in design, size, function, and service. Inaddition, when the component to be examined contains a group of bolted connections of similar design and size (such as flanged connections or manway covers), the examination may be conducted on one bolted connectionamong the group.(3) The examination of flange bolting in piping systems may be limited to one bolted connection among a group of bolted connections that are similar in design, size, function, and service.(4) The areas selected for the initial examination shall be reexamined in the same sequence over the service lifetime of the component, to the extent practical.(5) When bolts or studs are removed for examination, surface examination meeting the acceptance standards of IWB-3515 may be substituted for volumetric examination.TBD = To be determined WATTS BAR UNIT- 2PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANWBN-2 PSI REVISION 7IWC SUMMARY TABLESPage 46 of 101Examination Category C-F-i, Pressure Retaining Welds in Austenitic Stainless Steel or High Alloy PipingIn cnorfinn Prnnrc m UItem Component Component Exam Examination Extent and Acceptance Total RequiredNo. Examined Compliance Method Requirements Frequency of Standard Population ExaminationFig. No. Exam (2) (2)(3)C5. 10 Piping Welds > 3/8 in. Nominal Wall Thickness 100% offor Piping > NPS 4 each weldC5. 11 Circumferential Welds (> NPS 4)CSS Applicable Vol. & Sur. IWC-2500-7 requiring IWC-3514 286 23CVCS Applicable Vol. & Sur. IWC-2500-7 exam IWC-3514 55* 0*RHRS Applicable Vol. & Sur. IWC-2500-7 (4)(5)(6) IWC-3514 280 21SIS Applicable Vol. & Sur. IWC-2500-7 IWC-3514 291 24C5.20 Piping Welds > 1/5 in. nominal Wall Thickness 100% offor Piping > 2 and < NPS 4 each weldC5.21 Circumferential Welds (I) requiring(High Pressure Safety Injection)reuinCVCS Applicable Vol. & Sur. IWC-2500-7 exam 1WC-3514 353 30SIS Applicable Vol. & Sur. IWC-2500-7 (4)(5)(6) IWC-3514 283 22100%ofeach weldC5.30 Socket Welds requiringCVCS Applicable Sur. IWC-2500-7 exam IWC-3514 358 30SIS Applicable Sur. IWC-2500-7 (4)(5)(6) 1WC-3514 254 19C5.40 Pipe Branch Connections of Branch Piping > 100% ofNPS 2 each weldC5.41 Circumferential Weld requiringCVCS Applicable Sur. IWC-2500- exam IWC-3514 3SIS Applicable Sur. 9,10,11,12&13 (4)(5) IWC-3514 8Total Examination Category C-F-1 2171 171*Piping wall less than 0.375" II WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7 11WATTS BAR UNIT- 2PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANIWC SUMMARY TABLESPage 47 of 101Examination Category C-F-I, Pressure Retaining Welds in Austenitic Stainless Steel or High Alloy PipingInspection Program BNOTES:(1) Requirements for examination of welds in piping 4 NPS 4 (DN 100) apply to PWR high pressure safety injection and auxiliary feedwater systems in accordance with the exemption criteria of IWC-1220.(2) The welds selected for examination shall include 7.5%, but not less than 28 welds, of all dissimilar metal, austenitic stainless steel or high alloy welds not exempted by IWC-1220. (Some welds not exempted by IWC-1220are not required to be nondestructively examined per Examination Category C-F-1. These welds, however, shall be included in the total weld count to which the 7.5% sampling rate is applied.) The examinations shall bedistributed as follows:(a) the examinations shall be distributed among the Class 2 systems prorated, to the degree practicable, on the number of nonexempt dissimilar metal, austenitic stainless steel, or high alloy welds in each system (i.e., if asystem contains 30% of the nonexempt welds, then 30% of the nondestructive examinations required by Examination Category C-F-I should be performed on that system);(b) within a system, the examinations shall be distributed among terminal ends, dissimilar metal welds, and structural discontinuities [See Note (3)] prorated, to the degree practicable, on the number of nonexemptterminal ends, dissimilar metal welds, and structural discontinuities in that system; and(c) within each system, examinations shall be distributed between line sizes prorated to the degree practicable.(3) Structural discontinuities include pipe weld joints to vessel nozzles, valve bodies, pump casings, pipe fittings (such as elbows, tees. reducers, flanges, etc., conforming to ANSI B16.9), and pipe branch connections andfittings.(4) The welds selected for examination shall be reexamined in the same sequence, during subsequent inspection intervals over the service lifetime of the piping component, to the extent practical.(5) For circumferential welds with intersecting longitudinal welds, surface examination of the longitudinal piping welds is required for those portions of the welds within the examination boundaries of intersectingcircumferential welds.(6) For circumferential welds with intersecting longitudinal welds, volumetric examination ofthe longitudinal piping welds is required for those portions of the welds within the examination boundaries of intersectingcircumferential welds. The following requirements shall also be met:(a) When longitudinal welds are specified and locations are known, examination requirements shall be met for both transverse and parallel flaws at the intersection of the welds and for that length of longitudinal weldwithin the circumferential weld examination volume.(b) When longitudinal welds are specified but locations are unknown, or the existence of longitudinal welds is uncertain, the examination requirements shall be met for both transverse and parallel flaws within the entireexamination volume of intersecting circumferential welds.TBD = To be determined WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7I1IWATTS BAR UNIT- 2PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANIWC SUMMARY TABLESPage 48 of 101Examination Category C-F-2, Pressure Retaining Welds in Carbon or Low Alloy Steel PipingInsDection Program BItem Component Component Exam Examination Extent and Acceptance Total RequiredNo. Examined Compliance Method Requirements Frequency of Standard Population ExaminationFig. No. Exam (2) (2)(3)C5.50 Piping Welds > 3/8 in. Nominal Wall Thickness 100% offor Piping > NPS 4 each weldC5.51 Circumferential Welds (1) requiringAFWS Applicable Vol. & Sur. IWC-2500-7 exam IWC-3514 16 2FWS Applicable Vol. & Sur. IWC-2500-7 (4)(5)(6)(7) IWC-3514 277 27MSS Applicable Vol. & Sur. IWC-2500-7 IWC-3514 138 I1C5.60 Piping Welds > 1/5 in. nominal Wall Thickness 100% offor Piping > 2 and < NPS 4 each weldC5.61 Circumferential Welds (I) AFWS Applicable Vol. & Sur. IWC-2500-7 requiring IWC-3514 171 13exam(5)(6)(7)C5.70 Socket Welds NA to Unit 2 --C5.80 Pipe Branch Connections of Branch Piping >C.1 NPS 2Circumferential Weld (1)(4) NA to Unit 2 --Total Examination Category C-F-2 602 53 I I WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7 -1WATTS BAR UNIT- 2PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANIWC SUMMARY TABLESPage 49 of 101Examination Category C-F-2, Pressure Retaining Welds in Carbon or Low Alloy Steel PipingInspection Program BNOTES:(I) Requirements for examination of welds in piping _<NPS 4 (DN 100) apply to PWR high pressure safety injection and auxiliary Feedwater systems in accordance with the exemption criteria of ]WC-1220.(2) The welds selected for examination shall include 7.5%, but not less than 28 welds, of all carbon and low alloy steel welds not exempted by IWC-1220. (Some welds not exempted by IWC-1220 are not required to benondestructively examined per Examination Category C-F-2. These welds, however, shall be included in the total weld count to which the 7.5% sampling rate is applied.) The examinations shall be distributed as follows:(a) the examinations shall be distributed among the Class 2 systems prorated, to the degree practicable, on the number of nonexempt carbon and low alloy steel welds in each system (i.e., if a system contains 30% of thenonexempt welds, then 30% of t[le nondestructive examinations required by Examination Category C-F-2 should be performedon that system);(b) within a system, the examinations shall be distributed among terminal ends and structural discontinuities [see Note (3)] prorated, to the degree practicable, on the number of nonexempt terminal ends and structuraldiscontinuities in that system; and(c) within each system, examinations shall be distributed between line sizes prorated to the degree practicable.(3) Structural discontinuities include pipe weld joints to vessel nozzles, valve bodies, pump casings, pipe fittings (such as elbows, tees, reducers, flanges, etc., conforming to ANSI B16.9), and pipe branch connections andfittings.(4) The welds selected for examination shall be reexamined in the same sequence, during subsequent inspection intervals over the service lifetime of the piping component, to the extent practical.(5) Only those welds showing reportable preservice transverse indications need to be examined by the ultrasonic method for reflectors transverse to the weld length direction, except that circumferential welds with intersectinglongitudinal weld shall meet Note (7).(6) For circumferential welds with intersecting longitudinal welds, surface examination of the longitudinal piping welds is required for those portions of the welds within the examination boundaries of intersectingcircumferential welds.(7) For circumferential welds with intersecting longitudinal welds, volumetric examination of the longitudinal piping welds is required for those portions of the welds within the examination boundaries of intersectingcircumferential welds. The following requirements shall also be met:(a) When longitudinal welds are specified and locations are known, examination requirements shall be met for both transverse and parallel flaws at the intersection of the welds and for that length of longitudinal weldwithin the circumferential weld examination volume.(b) When longitudinal welds are specified but locations are unknown, or the existence of longitudinal welds is uncertain, the examination requirements shall be met for both transverse and parallel flaws within the entireexamination volume of intersecting circumferential welds.TBD = To be determined WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7I IWATTS BAR UNIT- 2PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANIWC SUMMARY TABLESPage 50 of 101Examination Category C-G, Pressure Retaining Welds in Pumps and ValvesInspection Program BItem Component Component Exam Examination Extent and Acceptance Total RequiredNo. Examined Compliance Method Requirements Frequency of Standard Population ExaminationFig. No. ExamPumpsC6.10 Pumps Casing Welds NA to Unit 2Valves (1)(2)(3)C6.20 Valve Body WeldsAFWS Applicable Surface IWC-2500-8 (4) IWC-3515 10 1MSS Applicable Surface 1WC-250,r8 (4) IWC-3515 20 1Total Examination Category C-G 30NOTES:(1) In case of multiple pumps or valves of similar design, size, function, and service in a systemn, required weld examinations may be limited to all the welds in one pump or one valve in the same group or distributed among anyof the pumps or valves ofthat same group.(2) The examination may be performed from either the inside or outside surface of the component.(3) The pumps and valves initially selected for examination shall be reexamined in the same sequence over the service lifetime of the component, to the extent practical.(4) 100% welds in all components in each piping run examined under Examination Category C-F, each inspection interval.TBD = To be determined WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7WATTS BAR UNIT- 2PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANIWD SUMMARY TABLESPage 51 of 101SECTION 6.0IWD SUMMARY TABLESforASME CLASS 3INDEXCATEGORYD-A,Welded Attachments for Vessels, Piping, Pumps and ValvesASME Section X1 items that do not apply to Watts Bar Unit 2 within this Program Plan will be identified with, "NA to Unit-2", this documents the item does not apply and will notbe referenced further within the program plan, schedule or summary reports.

WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7I IWATTS BAR UNIT- 2PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANIWD SUMMARY TABLESPage 52 of 101Examination Category D-A, Welded Attachments for Vessels, Piping, Pumps and ValvesInspection Program BItem Component Component Exam Examination Extent andNo. Examined Compliance Method Requirements Frequency of Stance Potao EqairedFig. No. Exam Standard Population ExaminationPressure Vessels (1)D13.10 Welded Attachments Applicable VT-I IWD-2500-1 (2) (4)(5) IWD-3000 TBD TBDPiping (1)D1.20 Welded Attachments Applicable VT-I IWD-2500-1 (2) (4)(5) IWD-3000 TBD TBDPumps (I)D1.30 Welded Attachments NA to Unit-2Valves (I)D1.40 Welded Attachments NA to Unit-2Total Examination Category D-A TBD TBDNOTES:(1) Examination is limited to those welded attachments that meet the following conditions:(a) the attachment is on the outside surface of the pressure retaining component;(b) the attachment provides component support as defined in NF-I 110;(c) the attachment weld joins the attachment either directly to the surface of the component or to an integrally cast or forged attachment to the component; and(d) the attachment weld is full penetration, fillet, or partial penetration, continuous, or intermittent.(2) The extent of the examination includes essentially 100% of the length of the attachment weld at each attachment subject to examination.(3) N/A to WBN-2 Preservice Examination(4) Examination is required whenever component support member deformation, e.g., broken, bent, or pulled out parts, is identified during operation, refueling, maintenance, examination, or testing.(5) 100% of required area of each welded attachments, each inspection interval or each occurrence identified in note (4).TBD = To be deteromined WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7WATTS BAR UNIT- 2 IWF SUMMARY TABLESPRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANPage 53 of 101SECTION 7.0IWF SUMMARY TABLEForASME CLASS 1, 2,3 & MCINDEXCATEGORYF-A,SupportsASME Section Xi items that do not apply to Watts Bar Unit 2 within this Program Plan will be identified with, "NA to Unit-2", this documents the item does not apply and will notbe referenced further within the program plan, schedule or summary reports.

WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7WATTS BAR UNIT- 2 IWF SUMMARY TABLESPRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANPage 54 of 101Examination Category F-A, SupportsInspection ProgramExamination"Item Component Exam Equinatiot Extent of Acceptance Total RequiredNo. Support Types Examined Compliance Method Requirements Exam Standard Population Examination_________ Fig. No.F7.10 Class I Piping Supports (1) (2) Applicable VT-3 IWF-1300-1 (5) IWF-3410 TBD TBDF1.20 Class 2 Piping Supports (1) (2) Applicable VT-3 IWF-1300-1 (5) IWF-3410 TBD TBDFI.30 Class 3 Piping Supports (I) (2) Applicable VT-3 IWF-1300-1 (5) IWF-3410 TBD TBDFl Supports Other Than Piping supports (I) Applicable VT-3 IWF-1300-1 (5) IWF-3410 TBD TBDClass 1, 2 and 3F1.40 MC Supports NA to Unit Total Examination Category F-A TBD TBDINOTES:(1) Item numbers shall be categorized to identify support types by component support function (e.g., A = supports such as one directional rod hangers; B = supports such as multi-directional restraints; and C = supports thatallow thermal movement, such as springs). Reference tables below for each type. This is established for future activities.(2) The totals shall be comprised of supports from each system (such as Main Steam, Feedwater, or RHR), proportional to the total number of non-exempt supports of each type and function within each system. Referencetables below for each system. This is established for future activities.(3) N/A to WBN-2 Preservice Inspection.(4) N/A to WBN-2 Preservice Inspection.(5) 100% of all supports not exemptedTBD = To be determined WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7WATTS BAR UNIT -2 IWF SUMMARY TABLESPRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANPage 55 of 101CLASS I NON-EXEMPT PIPING SUPPORTDISTRIBUTION BY TYPEExamination Item 1 Exam TotalCategory Number Type & Description Method NumberFI.10A Type A Supports Visual, VT-3 TBD(one directional restraints)F-A, FI.10B Type B Supports Visual, VT-3 TBDSupports (multidirectional restraints)Class I Type C SupportsPiping FI.10C (thermal movement, i.e. variable or Visual, VT-3 TBDconstant springs)FI.J0D Type D Supports Visual, VT-3 TBD(Snubber Types)Totals]F TBDCLASS I NON-EXEMPT PIPING SUPPORTDISTRIBUTION BY SYSTEM & TYPESYS Type A Type B ype C ype D TotalsSys Total % Req. Total % Req. Total % Req. Total % Req.CVCS 100 100 100 100RCS 12 100 12 3 100 3 9 100 9 13 100 13 37 37RHRS 2 100 2 7 100 7 6 100 6 9 100 9 24 24SIS 100 100 100 100_ _ _ _001 1 _ 1 _ 1_ TBD TBDTBD = To Be Determined WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7WATTS BAR UNIT- 2 IWF SUMMARY TABLESPRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANPage 56 of 101CLASS 2 NON-EXEMPT PIPING SUPPORTDISTRIBUTION BY TYPEExamination Item Exam TotalCatgor Number Type & Description j Mto jNmeCtgr NubrII Method NumberFI.20A Type A Supports Visual, VT-3 TBD(one directional restraints)F-A, F1.20B Type B Supports Visual, VT-3 TBDSupports (multidirectional restraints)Class 2 Type C SupportsPiping FI.20C (thermal movement, i.e. variable or Visual, VT-3 TBDconstant springs)F1.20D Type D Supports Visual, VT-3 TBD(Snubber Types)Totalsil TBDCLASS 2 NON-EXEMPT PIPING SUPPORTDISTRIBUTION BY SYSTEM & TYPESys Type A Type B Type C jD TotalsTotal % Req. Total % Req. Total % Req. Total % Req. TotalAFWS 81 100 81 67 100 67 11 100 11 33 100 33 192 192CSS 87 100 87 53 100 53 10 100 10 13 100 13 163 163CVCS 100 100 100 100FWS 100 100 100 100MSS 17 100 17 1 100 1 13 100 13 28 100 28 59 59RHRS 71 100 71 24 100 24 15 100 15 16 100 16 126 126SIS 100 100 100 100CCS 1 100 1 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 1 1TBD TBDTBD = To Be Determined WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7WATTS BAR UNIT- 2 IWF SUMMARY TABLESPRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANPage 57 of 101CLASS 3 NON-EXEMPT PIPING SUPPORTDISTRIBUTION BY TYPEExamination Item & De ti Exam TotalCategory Number I Type escrip Method NumberF1.30A Type A Supports Visual, VT-3 159(one directional restraints)F-A, FI.30B Type B Supports Visual, VT-3 132Supports (multidirectional restraints)Class 3 Type C SupportsPiping F1.30C (thermal movement, i.e. variable or Visual, VT-3 19constant springs)FI.30D Type D Supports Visual, VT-3 9(Snubber Types)Totals 319CLASS 3 NON-EXEMPT PIPING SUPPORTDISTRIBUTION BY SYSTEM & TYPESys Type A ype B Type C TypeD TotalsTotal % Req. Total % Reg. Total % Reg. Total % Req. TotalsAFWS 25 100 25 10 100 10 3 100 3 0 100 0 38 38CCS 60 100 60 38 100 38 8 100 8 8 100 8 114 114ERCWS 74 100 74 84 100 84 8 100 8 1 100 1 167 167FPCS 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 0HPFPS 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 0159 100 159 132 100 132 19 100 19 9 100 9 319 319 WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7WATTS BAR UNIT- 2 IWF SUMMARY TABLESPRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANPage 58 of 101CLASS 1, 2 & 3 NON-EXEMPT SUPPORTSDISTRIBUTION BY TYPECLASS 1, 2 & 3 NON-EXEMPT SUPPORTSDISTRIBUTION BY SYSTEM & TYPESys Type ____ Type C ype DotalsSys Total % Req. Total % IReq. Total % Req. Total % Req.100 100 100 100I TBD TBDTBD = To Be Determined WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7WATTS BAR UNIT- 2 AUGMENTED SUMMARY TABLESPRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANPage 59 of 101SECTION 8.0AUGMENTED EXAMINATIONREGULATORY COMMITMENTSLetters from TVA to NRC:1. WBN U2, Initial Response to Bulletins and Generic Letters, dated September 7,2007, ML 0725706762. WBN U2, Supplemental Response to NRC Bulletin 2004-01, "Inspection of Alloy 82/182/600 Materials used in theFabrication of Pressurizer Penetrations and Steam Space Piping Connections at Pressurized Water Reactors," datedSeptember 20, 2008, ML 0827505183. WBN U2, Supplemental Information Regarding Certain NRC Generic Letters and Bulletins, dated April 1, 2010, ML100950044For the ASME Section XI program portion, the letters listed above are divided into Preservice and Inservice requirements, excludingsteam generator tubing, below. The Inservice requirements will be incorporated into the first interval ISI program for WBN Unit 2.Preservice Commitments1. (Attachment 3 of referenced letter I and Enclosure I of referenced letter 3) WBN U2 will perform a baseline inspection of the RPVhead penetration nozzles prior to fuel load that consists of paragraph IV.C(5)(b) of the First Revised Order EA-03-009.2. (Attachment 5 of referenced letter 1) TVA will perform a baseline inspection (VT-2) of the lower head penetrations prior to fuelload.3. (Attachment 6 of referenced letter 1, Enclosure 1 of referenced letter 2, and Enclosure 5 of referenced letter 3) WBN U2 will performNDE prior to and after completion of mechanical stress improvement process (MSIP) of the pressurizer power operated relief valveconnections, the safety relief valve connections, and the spray line nozzle and surge line nozzle connections. Should circumferentialcracking be observed in either pressure boundary or non-pressure boundary portions of any of the locations covered by the scope ofNRC Bulletin 2004-01, TVA will develop plans to perform an adequate extent-of-condition evaluation, and TVA will discuss thoseplans with cognizant NRC technical staff prior to starting Unit 2.

WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7WATTS BAR UNIT- 2 AUGMENTED SUMMARY TABLESPRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANPage 60 of 101Inservice Commitments1. (Enclosure 1 of referenced letter 3) WBN U2 will perform inspections during the first refueling outage according toI0CFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(D)(2) through (6) and ASME Code Case N-729-1.2. (Attachment 5 of referenced letter 1) WBN U2 will perform a VT-2 examination of the RPV lower head penetrations during the firstrefueling outage.3. (Attachment 6 of referenced letter 1, Enclosure 1 of referenced letter 2, and Enclosure 5 of referenced letter 3) WBN U2 will performbare metal visual (BMV) inspection of the upper pressurizer Alloy 600 locations at the first refueling outage. If any evidence ofapparent reactor coolant pressure boundary leakage is discovered during the BMV examination, then NDE capable of determiningcrack orientation will be performed in order to accurately characterize the flaw, the orientation, and extent. TVA will develop plansto perform an adequate extent of condition evaluation, and plans to possible expand the scope of NDE to other components in thepressurizer, which will be discussed with NRC technical staff prior to restarting Unit 2. TVA will provide the required response forinspections performed within 60 days after completion of the first refueling outage.H. Other PSI/ISI commitmentsPreservice CommitmentNCO080008099 -TVA plans to submit PSI related relief requests on or before September 24, 2010.Inservice CommitmentNCO080008038 -Submit Inservice Inspection (ISI) program within 6 months after receiving an operating license.MI. Augmented PSI/IS1 ExamA. Ultrasonic examination of those areas identified in calculation package 110448.301, "MRP-146 Assessment of Normally StagnantNon-Isolable Branch Lines". This examination will be conducted as a baseline during PSI (WBN Construction Completion Project)and at the specified periodicity during Inservice Intervals. Refer to PER 375365. Additional NDE qualification and training arerequired to perform these ultrasonic examinations. EXREQ is "AUGMRP" and Category is "146" in the PSI database.

WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7WATTS BAR UNIT -2 AUGMENTED SUMMARY TABLESPRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANPae 1 Of 01Examination Category A-E, Augmented Examination -Preservice CommitmentClass I PWR Components Containing Alloy 600/82/182Item Component Component Exam Examination Extent of Acceptance Total RequiredNo. Examined Compliance Method Requirements Exam Standard Population ExaminationFig. No.INRC letterRPV CRD Nozzle J-Groove welds EA 03-009 April I1, 78 78Upper V p weld ( UT N/A Note 1 2003 1Head Vent pipe J-Groove weld (revised)(ML030980322)CRD Nozzle J-Groove welds EA 03-009 Wetted 78 78Vent pipe J-Groove weld (revised) Surface N/A Surface of see aboveweld 1 1RPV NRC Bulletin Area aroundLower Instrumentation Nozzle Penetrations 2003-02 VT-2 N/A instrument No Leakage 58 58Head nozzlesSpray Nozzle-to-pipe connection NRC Bulletin Pre- and I IPressurizer Releif/Safety Nozzle-to-pipe connection 2004-01 UT IWB-2500-8 Post- MSIP IWB-3514 4 4Surge Nozzle-to-pipe connection I INote I -Examine weld from 2" above the highest point of the root of the J-groove weld on a horizontal plane and from 2" below the toe of the J-groove weld on a horizontal plane.

WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2PROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN Request for ReliefPROCEDUREPage 62 of 101SECTION 9.0REQUESTS FOR RELIEFINDEXRFR Number Subject 10CFR50.55a Status CommentsAlternative Examination ApprovedWBN-2/PDI-4 for RPV Shell-to -Flange 1OCFR50.55a(a)(3)(i) 9/3/09 TACNo. ME0022WBN-2/PSI-l Class I Component I OCFR50.55a(g)(5)(iii) Submitted to Under NRC reviewExamination Limitations NRC on10/12/2010WBN-2/PSI-2 ASMIE Section XI 2001 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(i) ApprovedEdition through 2003 02/17/2011Addenda Code of Record TAC No.ME3113 WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2PROJECT PRESERWCE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN Request for ReliefPROCEDUREPage 63 of 101TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITYWATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT (WBN) UNIT 2AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS (ASME) SECTION XI,REQUEST FOR RELIEFWBN-2/PDI-4TVA requests approval for an alternative to ASME Section XI, paragraph IWA-2232 of the ASMESection XI 2001 Edition through the 2003 Addenda, for the Preservice Examinations at Watts Bar Unit2. Specifically, for use of Appendix VIII and Performance Demonstration Initiative (PDI) methodologiesfor performance of the ultrasonic examination of reactor pressure vessel shell-to-flange welds in lieu ofthe requirement of Appendix I and the associated Article 4, ASME Section VEXECUTIVE SUMMARY:In accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3)(i), TVA is requesting relief from the specific requirements ofperforming the volumetric examination of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) circumferential shel I-to-flange weld at Watts Bar Unit 2 in accordance with the requirement of Appendix I of Section XI. In lieuof the requirements of Appendix I and its associated sub-requirements of Article 4 of Section V, WattsBar Unit 2 will use the techniques, personnel, and equipment qualified to meet the requirements ofASME Section XI Appendix VIII, Supplements 4 and 6 of the 2001 Edition through the 2003 Addenda,as administered by the Electric Power Research Institute's (EPRI) Performance Demonstration Initiative(PDI) processes. Watts Bar plans to use the proposed alternative for the Preservice RPV examinations tobe performed prior to commercial operations. This proposed alternative represents the best availablemethodology in qualification of equipment and personnel performing ultrasonic examinations and usesan examination process that has provided and will provide the highest practical quality and greatestamount of coverage for the performance of the shell-to-flange weld examinations. As such, the proposedalternative methodology provides an acceptable level of quality and safety. In addition, the approval ofthis relief results in savings in the cost of performing the examinations, with not having to incorporatethe use of two different sets of examination equipment, and also in future examination will results inlower personnel radiation exposure from not having to use a different methodology for the shell-to-flange weld.Note that this request for relief is similar to the request granted to Watts Bar Unit 1 during the First andSecond 10 Year Intervals submitted most recently in a letter from TVA to the NRC, dated February 7,2007 and approved by the Staff in a letter dated February 28, 2008 (Ref. ML080630679).

WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2PROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN Request for ReliefPROCEDUREPage 64 of 101SYSTEM/COMPONENT(S) FOR WHICH RELIEF IS REQUESTED:ASME Code Class 1 Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Upper Vessel Shell-to-Flange Welds, Table IWB-2500-1 Category B-A, Item Number B 1.30:APPLICABLE CODE EDITION AND ADDENDA FOR THE GIVEN EXAMThe applicable ASME section XI code edition and Addenda of Record for Watts Bar Unit 2 Preserviceinspection is the 2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda with applicable amendments from 1 OCFR50.55a.CODE REQUIREMENTS FROM WHICH RELIEF IS REQUESTED:In accordance with ASME Section XI, paragraph IWA-2232, "Ultrasonic examinations shall beconducted in accordance with Appendix I."Further, in accordance with Appendix I, paragraph 1-2110(b) "Ultrasonic examination of reactor vessel-to-flange welds, closure head-to-flange welds, and integral attachment welds shall be conducted inaccordance with Article 4 of Section V, except that alternative examination beam angles may be used."RELIEF REOUESTED:Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3)(i), TVA requests relief from performing the designated vessel shell-to-flange weld examination in accordance with the requirements of ASME Section XI, paragraphIWA-2232, Appendix I, and the associated Article 4 of Section V methodology in accordance withparagraph 1-2110(b).BASIS FOR RELIEF:In accordance with ASME Section XI, Subarticle IWA-2232, TVA is required to perform ultrasonicexaminations (UT) of the RPV upper shell-to-flange welds using Section XI, Appendix I, which in turnrequires the use of the NDE methodologies and processes of ASME Section V, Article 4. In addition,the guidance of RG-1.150, Revision 1, was historically applied. The above listed weld is the onlycircumferential shell weld in the RPV that are not examined in accordance with the requirements ofASME Section XI, Appendix VIII, as mandated in 10 CFR 50.55a. This rule change mandated the use ofASME Section XI, Appendix VIII, Supplements 4 and 6 for the conduct of RPV examinations. It hasbeen recently stated in EPRI PDI coordination meetings between the PDI committee members and theNRC Staff representatives that the NRC Staff expectations are that licensees should submit requests forrelief to use the more technically advanced Appendix VIIIPDI processes for the shell-to-flange weldexams, in lieu of the Section XI Appendix I and its associated Section V, Article 4 processes.

WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2PROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN Request for ReliefPROCEDUREPage 65 of 101PROPOSED ALTERNATIVESTVA proposes to use the procedures, personnel, and equipment qualified to meet the requirements ofASME Section XI Appendix VIII, Supplements 4 and 6 as administered by the Electric Power ResearchInstitute's (EPR1) Performance Demonstration Initiative (PDI), to conduct the required vessel-to-flangeweld examinations.JUSTIFICATION FOR GRANTING RELIEF:ASME Section V, Article 4, describes the required techniques to be used for the UT of welds in ferreticpressure vessels with wall thicknesses greater than 2 inches. The techniques were first published inASME Section V in the 1974 Edition, summer 1975 Addenda. The calibration techniques, recordingcriteria and flaw sizing methods are based upon the use of a distance-amplitude-correction curve (DAC)derived from machined reflectors in a basic calibration block. UT performed in accordance with SectionV, Article 4, used recording thresholds of 50 percent DAC for the outer 80 percent of the requiredexamination volume and 20 percent DAC from the clad/base metal interface to the inner 20 percentmargin of the examination volume. Indications detected in the designated exam volume portions, withamplitudes below these thresholds, were therefore not required to be recorded. Use of the AppendixVIHIPDI processes would enhance the quality of the examination results reported because the detectionsensitivity is more conservative and the procedure requires the examiner to evaluate all indicationsdetermined to be flaws regardless of their associated amplitude. The recording thresholds in Section V,Article 4, requirements and in the guidelines of RG-1.150, Revision 1, are generic and somewhatarbitrary and do not take into consideration such factors as flaw orientation, which can influence theamplitude of UT responses.The EPRI Report NP-6273, "Accuracy of Ultrasonic Flaw Sizing Techniques for Reactor PressureVessels," dated March 1989, established that UT flaw sizing techniques based on tip diffraction are themost accurate. The qualified prescriptive-based UT procedures of ASME Section V, Article 4 have beenapplied in a controlled process with mockups of RPVs which contained real flaws and the resultsstatistically analyzed according to the screening criteria in Appendix VIII of ASME Section XI. Theresults show that the procedures in Section V, Article 4, are less effective in detecting flaws thanprocedures qualified in accordance with Appendix VIII as administered by the PDI processes. AppendixVIII/PDI qualification procedures use the tip diffraction techniques for flaw sizing. The proposedalternative Appendix VIIIJPDI UT methodology uses analysis tools based upon echo dynamic motionand tip diffraction criteria which has been validated, and is considered more accurate than the Section V,Article 4 processes.UT performed in accordance with the Section V, Article 4 processes requires the use of beam angles of00, 450, 600, and 70' with recording criteria that precipitates equipment changes. Having to performthese process changes is time consuming and results in increased radiation exposure for the examinationpersonnel. Having to comply with the specific ASME Section XI, Appendix I requirements for the RPVcircumferential shell-to-flange weld, when the data is obtained using a less technically advanced process,results in an examination that does not provide a compensating increase in quality and safety for thehigher costs and personnel exposures involved.For future RPV shell-to-flange weld examinations TVA does not anticipate any less coverage than therequired minimum of 90 percent of coverage. However, if any such limitations are encountered duringthe conduct of the examinations, separate individual relief requests will be submitted, as needed.

WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2PROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN Request for ReliefPROCEDUREPage 66 of 101Procedures, equipment, and personnel qualified through the Appendix VIII, Supplements 4 and 6 PDIprograms have shown to have a high probability of detection of flaws and are generally consideredsuperior to the techniques employed earlier for RPV examinations. This results in increased reliabilityof RPV inspections and conditions where an acceptable level of quality and safety is provided with theproposed alternative methodologies. Accordingly, approval of this alternative evaluation process isrequested pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3)(i).IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE AND DURATION:Upon approval by the NRC staff, TVA will implement the provisions of this request for the PreserviceInspection for Watts Bar Unit 2.PRECEDENTSNote that this request for relief is similar to the request granted to Watts Bar Unit 1 during the First andSecond 10 Year Intervals submitted most recently in a letter from TVA to the NRC, dated February 7,2007 and approved by the Staff in a letter dated February 28, 2008 (Ref. ML080630679).

WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2PROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN Request for ReliefPROCEDUREPage 67 of 101ITENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITYWATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT (WBN) UNIT 2AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS (ASME) SECTION XIREQUEST FOR RELIEFWBN-2 / PSI- 1SUMMARY:In accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii), TVA is requesting relief from the "essentially 100%" codecoverage required weld examination volume. This relief request addresses ASME Code Class 1 weldswith the Examination Category and Item Numbers as specified in this relief request. The examinationlimitations described in this relief request are inherent to the component design and manufacture of theinstalled components given the original construction permit date for WBN Unit 2 of January 23, 1973.NRC Information Notice 98-42, "Implementation of 10 CFR 50.55a(g) Inservice InspectionRequirements," defined "essentially 100%" as "more than 90 percent of the specified examinationvolume." In Code Case N-460, "Alternative Examination Coverage for Class I and Class 2 Welds,Section XI, Division 1," the ASME provided the same definition.1.0 SYSTEM/COMPONENTS FOR WHICH RELIEF IS REQUESTEDThe Class 1 components for which relief is requested are listed in Table I along with informationrelated to materials of construction, configuration and NDE results.2.0 APPLICABLE CODE EDITION AND ADDENDAThe applicable ASME Section XI Code Edition and Addenda for Watts Bar Unit 2 preserviceinspection is the 2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda as amended by 10 CFR 50.55a.3.0 CODE REQUIREMENTS FROM WHICH RELIEF IS REQUESTEDIn accordance with 10 CFR 50(g)(5)(iii), relief is requested from the extent of examinationrequirements of "essentially 100%" for the following examination categories and item numbers:B-A, B 1.40 (note 2); B-J, B9.11 (note 4); B-J, B9.22 (note 4); and B-J, B9.31 (note 4). This reliefrequest is applicable to the ultrasonic examination method associated with the subject examinationcategories and item numbers.WBN Unit 2 has invoked ASME Section XI Code Case N-460, "Alternative Examination Coveragefor Class 1 and Class 2 Welds,Section XI, Division 1." Code Case N-460 states, in part, "...whenthe entire examination volume or area cannot be examined.. .a reduction in examinationcoverage.. .may be accepted provided the reduction in coverage for that weld is less than 10%."

WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2PROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN Request for ReliefPROCEDUREPage 68 oflO1I4.0 BASIS FOR RELIEFIn accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii), relief is requested on the basis that the Code required"essentially 100%" examination coverage is impractical due to physical obstructions and limitationsimposed by design, geometry, and/or physical obstructions for the welds and associated componentslisted in Table 1.ASME Section XI, IWB-2200, "Preservice Examination" requires that "...preservice examination beextended to include essentially 100% of the pressure retaining welds in all Class 1 components...";therefore, no alternate Class 1 welds are available for selection. Compliance with the examinationrequirements of ASME Section XI would require significant modification of plant components toremove obstructions, redesign of plant systems/components, and/or replacement of componentswhere geometry is inherent to the component design.Weld profile sketches and coverage plots are included in the nondestructive examination (NDE)reports attached to this relief request for the applicable welds in Table 1.5.0 PROPOSED ALTERNATIVESWBN Unit 2 performed the ASME Section XI Code required preservice volumetric examinationslisted in Table I to the maximum extent possible utilizing qualified/certified personnel andapproved procedures.For Examination Category B-J piping welds listed in Table 1, the examination personnel andequipment were required to meet Appendix VIII requirements as implemented by the ElectricPower Research Institute (EPRI) Performance Demonstration Initiative (PDI) and mandated by 10CFR 50.55a. The shear wave examination of the applicable stainless steel welds listed in Table 1,where access was limited to one-side and the piping thickness is greater than 0.500", were alsosupplemented by a refracted longitudinal wave examination. For those welds in Table 1, whereaccess was limited to one-side and the piping thickness is 0.500" or less, a supplemental 70' shearwave was performed.For the Examination Category B-A RPV head-to-flange weld, W08-09, listed in Table 1, theexamination personnel and equipment were required to meet Article 4 of Section V, except thatalternative examination Beam angle: s may be used, as specified in ASME Section XI, MandatoryAppendix I, 1-2110(b). The Article 4,Section V examination was supplemented with an AppendixVIII qualified examination; however, no additional coverage was achieved or credited based on theAppendix VIII supplemental examination.6.0 JUSTIFICATION FOR GRANTING RELIEFThe welds listed in Table 1 were examined to the maximum extent possible utilizingqualified/certified personnel, qualified equipment, and approved procedures to meet the preserviceacceptance standards of ASME Section XI 2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda.Surface conditioning of the subject welds was performed to the extent necessary to preclude areduction in coverage associated with weld crowns, weld shrinkage, and/or surface roughness.

WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2PROJECT PRESER VICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN Request for ReliefPROCEDUREPage 69 of 101Welds SIF-D 199-05 and SIF-D 199-06 had recordable root geometry identified by volumetricexamination. Weld SJF-D197-05 had a recordable, but acceptable surface indication 1/8" in lengthlocated on the outside diameter valve side at the weld toe identified by surface examination. Thesethree welds have not been in service and were acceptable to the construction code standards forinstallation. The examinations performed on these welds for both construction code and the limitedcoverage preservice examination, greater than 70% coverage minimum, are sufficient to ensurestructural adequacy of the subject welds.These welds also met the ASME Section III NDE acceptance criteria associated with construction,which for Class I butt welds requires radiography. The construction code radiography, whileproviding additional assurance of the structural integrity of the subject welds, is not qualified inaccordance with ASME Section XI, Appendix VIII, and cannot be credited for ASME Section XIcoverage. Additionally, the welds listed in Table 1 will be subjected to an ASME Section IIIpressure test prior to initial plant startup.The proposed alternative volumetric examination will provide reasonable assurance thatunallowable inservice flaws have not developed in the subject welds or that they will bedetected and repaired prior to return of the reactor vessel to service. Thus an acceptablelevel of quality and safety will have been achieved and public health and safety will not beendangered by allowing the proposed alternative examination in lieu of the Coderequirement.7.0 IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE AND DURATIONUpon approval by the NRC staff, TVA will implement the provisions of this relief request for thePreservice Inspection of Watts Bar Unit 2.

WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7WATTS BAR UNIT- 2 Request for ReliefPRESERVlCE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANPage 70 of 101TABLE 1 -ASME CODE CLASS 1 COMPONENTSSystem / Materials Category / Dia. / Report LimitedComponent ID (Configuration) Item No. Thk. Number Scan % Additional InformationRCS / SA-351 CF-8A B-J / B9.11 27.5"/ R-P0147 75% Beam angle: 450 refracted longitudinalRCF-C2-2 (pipe and pump) 2.21" Transducer Size: .5"xl.0"Limitation upstream due to pump housingconfiguration.NRI* (PT NRI*)RCS / SA-351 CF-8A B-J / B9.11 27.5"/ R-P0149 75% Beam angle: 450 refracted longitudinalRCF-C3-2 (pipe and pump) 2.21" Transducer Size: .5"xl.0"Limitation upstream due to pump housingconfiguration.NRI* (PT NRI*)RCS / SA403 WP304 B-J / B9.11 4" /0.531" R-P0228 90% Beam angle: 1) 450 shear and 2) 700 shearRCF-D 145-05 (tee and reducer) Transducer Size: 1) .250" and 2) .250"Limitation due to tee and reducer configuration.NRI* (PT NRI*)RCS / SA-403 WP304 / B-J/ B9.11 4" /0.531" R-P0226 50% Beam angle: 1) 450 shear and 2) 600 refractedRCF-D145-08 SA-182 F316 longitudinal(elbow/valve) Transducer Size: 1) .250" and 2) dual 8xl4mmLimitation due to valve body taper.NRI* (PT NRI*)RCS I SA-351 CF-8A B-J/B9.11 31" /2.48" R-P0152 75% Beam angle: 450 refracted longitudinalRCF-G I-4 (pipe and pump) Transducer Size: .5"xl.0"Limitation downstream due to pump housingconfiguration.NRI* (PT NRI*)I WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7I IWATTS BAR UNIT- 2PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANRequest for ReliefPage 71 of 101TABLE I -ASME CODE CLASS I COMPONENTSSystem / Materials Category / Dia. / Report LimitedComponent ID (Configuration) Item No. Thk. Number Scan % Additional InformationRCS / SA-351 CF-8A B-J / B9.11 31" /2.48" R-P0156 75% Beam angle: 450 refracted longitudinalRCF-G2-4 (pipe and pump) Transducer Size: .5"xl .0"Limitation downstream due to pump housingconfiguration.NRI* (PT NRI*)RCS I SA-351 CF-8A B-J / B9.11 31" /2.48" R-P0150 75% Beam angle: 450 refracted longitudinalRCF-G3-4 (pipe and pump) Transducer Size: .5"xl.0"Limitation downstream due to pump housingconfiguration.NRP* (PT NRI*)RCS / SA-351 CF-8A B-J / B9.11 31" /2.48" R-P0155 75% Beam angle: 450 refracted longitudinalRCF-G4-4 (pipe and pump) Transducer Size: .5"xl.0"Limitation downstream due to pump housingconfiguration.NRI* (PT NRI*)RCS / SA-351 CF-8A / B-J / B9.31 6" / R-P0101 50% Beam angle: 450 refracted longitudinalRCS 6 SA-182 F316 2.33"** Transducer Size: .5"xL.0"(pipe/branch) Limitation from branch connection side due toconfiguration.NRI* (PT NRI*)

WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7WATTS BAR UNIT- 2 Request for ReliefPRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANPage 72 of 101TABLE 1 -ASME CODE CLASS 1 COMPONENTSSystem / Materials Category / Dia. / Report LimitedComponent ID (Configuration) Item No. Thk. Number Scan % Additional InformationRCS / SA-35 1 CF-8A / B-J / B9.31 6" / R-PO 105 50% Beam angle: 450 refracted longitudinalRCS 6 SA- 182 F316 2.33"** Transducer Size: .5"xl.0"(pipe/branch) Limitation from branch connection side due toconfiguration.NRI* (PT NRI*)RCS / SA-351 CF-8A / B-J / B9.31 6" / R-P0106 50% Beam angle: 450 refracted longitudinalRCS 6 SA-182 F316 2.33"** Transducer Size: .5"xl.0"(pipe/branch) Limitation from branch connection side due toconfiguration.NRI* (PT NRP*)RCS / SA-351 CF-8A / B-J / B9.31 4" R-P0107 46% Beam angle: 1) 450 shear and 2) 600 refiractedRCW-01 SA-182 F316 2.21"** longitudinal(pipe/branch) Transducer Size: 1) .375" and 2) dual 8xl4mmLimitation from pipe side due to configuration.NRI* (PT NRI*)RCS / SA-351 CF-8A / B-J/ B9.31 4" / R-P0108 41% Beam angle: 1) 450 shear and 2) 600 refractedRCW-02 SA- 182 F316 2.21"** longitudinal(pipe/branch) Transducer Size: 1) .375" and 2) dual 8xl4mmLimitation from pipe side due to configurationNRI* (PT NRI*)

WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7I IWATTS BAR UNIT- 2PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANRequest for ReliefPage 73 of 101TABLE 1 -ASME CODE CLASS 1 COMPONENTSSystem / Materials Category / Dia. / Report LimitedComponent ID (Configuration) Item No. Thk. Number Scan % Additional InformationRHRS / SA-403 WP316 / B-J / B9.11 14" / R-P0689 76% Phased array 250 to 700 shear wave sectorRHRF-D031-04 SA-182 F316 1.250" (16 element probe) and 400 to 700 refracted(tee/valve) longitudinal wave sector (15 element probesupplemental)Limitation due to valve to tee configuration.NRI* (PT NRI*)RHRS / SA-376 TP316 / SA- B-J / B9.11 14"! R-P0766 83% Phased array 250 to 700 shear wave sectorRHRF-D031-13 182 F316 1.250" (16 element probe) and 400 to 700 refracted(pipe/valve) longitudinal wave sector (15 element probesupplemental)Limitation due to valve to tee configuration.NRP* (PT NRI*)RHRS / SA-403 WP316 / B-J / B9.11 10" / 1.00" R-P0767 90% Phased array 250 to 700 shear wave sectorRHRF-D031-14 SA- 182 F316 (16 element probe) and 400 to 700 refracted(elbow/valve) longitudinal wave sector (15 element probesupplemental)Limitation due to valve to elbow configuration.NRI* (PT NRI*)RHRS / SA-403 TP316 / SA- B3 / B9.11 10" / 1.00" R-P0759 88% Phased array 250 to 700 shear wave sectorRHRS-015 403 WP316 (16 element probe)(pipe/tee) Limitation from tee side configurationNRI* (PT NRI*)

ReuN-2 PSI REVISION 7IIWATTS BAR UNIT- 2PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANRequest for ReliefPage 74 of 101TABLE 1 -ASME CODE CLASS 1 COMPONENTSSystem / Materials Category/ Dia. / Report LimitedComponent ID (Configuration) Item No. Thk. Number Scan % Additional InformationRPV / SA-508 C12 B-A / B 1.40 173" R-PI014 75% Beam angle: 1) 00 longitudinal 2) 450 shear and 3)W08-09 (ring and flange) 7.30" 600 shear, Transducer Size: 1) 1", 2) .5" x 1.0", and3) .5" x 1.0" Limitations from the flange profileconfiguration and three lifting lugs (4.0" tall x 5.9"length each and have a 12.8" arc length in contactwith RPV head) see attached sketch NRI* (PTNRI*)SIS / SA-376 TP304 / SA- B-J / B9.22 1.5" / R-P0590 50% Phased array 350 to 800 shear wave sector (8SIF-B-T076-06 182 F316 0.281" element probe), Limitation from flange side(pipe/flange) configuration NRT* (UT only)SIS / SA-376 TP304 / SA B-J / B9.22 1.5" / R-P0591 50% Phased array 350 to 800 shear wave sector (8SIF-B-T076-23 182 F316 0.281" element probe), Limitation from flange side(pipe/flange) configuration NRI* (UT only)SIS / SA-376 TP304 / B-J / B9.22 1.5" / R-P0650 75% Phased array 350 to 800 shear wave sector (8SIF-B-T077-01 SA-403 WP304 0.281" element probe), Limitation from tee side(pipe/tee) configuration NRI* (UT only)SIS / SA-376 TP304 / SA- B-J / B9.22 1.5"/ R-P0588 50% Phased array 350 to 700 circ/800 axial shear waveSIF-B-T095-01 182 F316 0.281" sector (8 element probe), Limitation from branch(pipe/nozzle) side configuration NRI* (UT only)SIS / SA-376 TP304 / SA- B-I / B9.22 1.5" / R-P0589 50% Phased array 350 to 700 circ/800 axial shear waveSIF-B-T097-13 182 F316 0.281" sector (8 element probe)(pipe/flange) Limitation from flange side configurationNRI* (UT only)

WBRq-2 PSI REVISION 7IWATTS BAR UNIT- 2PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANRequest for ReliefPage 75 Of 101TABLE 1 -ASME CODE CLASS 1 COMPONENTSSystem / Materials Category / Dia. / Report LimitedComponent ID (Configuration) Item No. Thk. Number Scan % Additional InformationSIS / SA-376 TP304 / SA- B-J / B9.22 1.5" / R-P0646 50% Phased array 350 to 800 shear wave sector (8SIF-B-T 107-04 182 F316 0.281" element probe)(pipe/flange) Limitation from flange side configurationNRI* (UT only)SI1 / SA-376 TP304 / SA- B-J / B9.22 1.5"! R-P0649 50% Phased array 350 to 800 shear wave sector (8S1F-B-T107-05 182 F316 0.281" element probe)(pipe/flange) Limitation from flange side configurationNRI* (UT only)SIS / SA-376 TP304 / SA- B-J / B9.22 1.5" / R-P0647 75% Phased array 350 to 800 shear wave sector (8SIF-B-T107-26 182 F316 0.281" element probe)(pipe/nozzle) Limitation from branch side configurationNRI* (UT only)SIS / SA-376 TP304 / SA- B-J / B9.22 1.5" / R-P0651 49% Phased array 350 to 800 shear wave sector (8SIF-B-T142-01 182 F316 0.281" element probe)(pipe/nozzle) Limitation from branch side configurationNRI* (UT only)SIS / SA-376 TP304 / SA- B-J / B9.22 1.5"! R-P0648 71% Phased array 350 to 800 shear wave sector (8SIF-B-T !54-01 182 F316 0.281" element probe)(pipe/nozzle) Limitation from branch side configurationNRI* (UT only)SIS / SA-376 TP304 / SA- B-J / B9.22 3" / 0.281" R-P0508 70% Beam angle: 1) 450 shear and 2) 700 shearSIF-D193-03 182 F316 Transducer Size: 1) .250" and 2) .250"(pipe/valve) Limitation from valve side due to configurationNRI* (UT only)

WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7WATTS BAR UNIT- 2 Request for ReliefPRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANPage 76 of 101TABLE 1 -ASME CODE CLASS 1 COMPONENTSSystem / Materials Category / Dia. / Report LimitedComponent ID (Configuration) Item No. Thk. Number Scan % Additional InformationSIS / SA-376 TP316 / SA- B-J / B9.11 10"/ 1.00" R-P0437 68% Phased array 250 to 700 shear wave sectorSIF-D196-03 182 F316 (16 element probe) and 400 to 700 refracted(pipe/valve) longitudinal wave sector (15 element probesupplemental)Limitation due to valve to elbow configurationNRI* (PT NRI*)SIS / SA-376 TP316 / SA- B-J / B9.11 10" 1.00" R-P0472 73% Beam angle: 1) 450 shear and 2) 700 refractedSIF-D196-05 182 F316 longitudinal(pipe/valve) Transducer Size: 1) .375" and 2) dual 8xl4mmLimitation from valve side due to configurationNRP* (PT NRI*)SIS/ SA403 WP316 / B-J / B9.11 10" /1.00" R-P0486 75% Phased array 250 to 700 shear wave sectorSIF-D196-06 SA- 182 F316 (16 element probe) and 400 to 700 refracted(tee/valve) longitudinal wave sector (15 element probesupplemental)Limitation due to valve to tee configurationNPJ* (PT NRI*)SIS / SA-403 WP316 / B-J / B9.11 6" / 0.719" R-P0440 73% Beam angle: 1) 450 shear and 2) 700 refractedSIF-D 196-07 SA- 182 F316 longitudinal(elbow/valve) Transducer Size: 1) .375" and 2) dual 8xl4mmLimitation from valve side due to configurationNRI* (PT NRI*)

W13N-2 PSI REVISION 7I IWATTS BAR UNIT- 2PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANRequest for ReliefPage 77 of 101TABLE I -ASME CODE CLASS 1 COMPONENTSSystem / Materials Category / Dia. / Report LimitedComponent ID (Configuration) Item No. Thk. Number Scan % Additional InformationSIS / SA-376 TP316 / SA- B1J / B9.11 10"/ 1.00" R-P0487 73% Phased array 250 to 700 shear wave sectorSIF-D196-10 182 F316 (16 element probe) and 400 to 700 refracted(pipe/valve) longitudinal wave sector (15 element probesupplemental)Limitation from valve side due to configurationNRI* (PT NRI*)SIS / SA403 WP316 / BJ / B9.11 10" 1.00" R-P0488 75% Phased array 250 to 700 shear wave sectorSIF-D 196-11 SA-182 F316 (16 element probe) and 400 to 700 refracted(elbow/valve) longitudinal wave sector (15 element probesupplemental)Limitation from valve side due to configurationNRI* (PT NRI*)SIS / SA-376 TP316 / SA- BJ / B9.11 10" 1.00" R-P0304 75% Phased array 250 to 700 shear wave sectorSIF-D 197-03 182 F316 (16 element probe) and 400 to 700 refracted(pipe/valve) longitudinal wave sector (15 element probesupplemental)Limitation from valve side due to configurationNRI* (PT NRI*)SIS / SA403 WP316 / B-J / B9. 11 10" /1.00" R-P0287 73% Beam angle: 1) 450 shear and 2) 700 refractedSIF-D197-05 SA- 182 F316 longitudinal(tee/valve) Transducer Size: 1) .375" and 2) dual 8xl4mmLimitation from valve side due to configurationNRI* (PT -1/8" recordable linear)

WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7WATTS BAR UNIT- 2 Request for ReliefPRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANPage 78 of 101TABLE 1 -ASME CODE CLASS I COMPONENTSSystem / Materials Category/ Dia. / Report LimitedComponent ID (Configuration) Item No. Thk. Number Scan % Additional InformationSIS / SA-376 TP316 / SA- B- / B9.11 10" / 1.00" R-P0306 74% Beam angle: 1)450 shear and 2) 700 refractedSIF-D197-08 182 F316 longitudinal(pipe/valve) Transducer Size: 1) .375" and 2) dual 8xl4mmLimitation from valve side due to configurationNRI* (PT NRI*)SIS / SA-403 WP316 / B-J / B9.11 10" / 1.00" R-P0305 74% Beam angle: 1) 450 shear and 2) 700 refractedSIF-D 197-09 SA- 182 F316 longitudinal(elbow/valve) Transducer Size: 1) .375" and 2) dual 8xl4mmLimitation from valve side due to configurationNRI* (PT NRI*)SI1 / SA-376 TP316 / SA- B-J / B9.11 6" / 0.719" R-P0620 50% Phased array 250 to 700 shear wave sectorSIF-D197-11A 182 F316 (16 element probe) and 400 to 700 refracted(pipe/valve) longitudinal wave sector (dual element probe)Limitation from valve side due to configurationNRI* (PT NRI*)SIS / SA-376 TP316 / SA- B-J / 89.11 10" 1.00" R-P0348 75% Phased array 250 to 700 shear wave sectorSIF-D198-03 182 F316 (16 element probe) and 400 to 700 refracted(pipe/valve) longitudinal wave sector (15 element probesupplemental)Limitation from valve side due to configurationNRI* (PT NRI*)I WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7I IWATTS BAR UNIT -2PRESER VICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANRequest for ReliefPage 79 Of '101TABLE 1 -ASME CODE CLASS 1 COMPONENTSSystem / Materials Category / Dia. / Report LimitedComponent ID (Configuration) Item No. Thk. Number Scan % Additional InformationSIS/ SA-376TP316/SA- B-J/B9.11 10"/1.00" R-P0341 75% Beam angle: 1) 450 shear and 2) 700 refractedSIF-D198-04 182 F316 longitudinal(pipe/valve) Transducer Size: 1) .375" and 2) dual 8xl4mmLimitation from valve side due to configurationNRI* (PT NRI*)S1S/ SA-403 WP316/ B-J /B9.11 10" /1.00" R-P0344 75% Beam angle: 1) 450 shear and 2) 700 refractedSIF-D198-05 SA-182 F316 longitudinal(tee/valve) Transducer Size: 1) .375" and 2) dual 8xl4mmLimitation from valve side due to configurationNRI* (PT NRI*)SIS / SA-403 WP316 / B-J / B9.11 6" / 0.719" R-P0349 75% Beam angle: 1) 450 shear and 2) 700 refractedSIF-D1398-06 SA-182 F316 longitudinal(elbow/valve) Transducer Size: 1) .375" and 2) dual 8xl4mmLimitation from valve side due to configurationNRI* (PT NRI*)SIS/ SA-403 WP316/ B-J / B9.11 10"/1.00" R-P0343 75% Beam angle: 1) 450 shear and 2) 600 refractedSIF-D 198-10 SA- 182 F316 longitudinal(elbow/valve) Transducer Size: 1) .375" and 2) dual 8xl4mmLimitation from valve side due to configurationNRI* (PT NRI*)

WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7i IWATTS BAR UNIT- 2PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANRequest for ReliefPage 80 of 101TABLE 1 -ASME CODE CLASS 1 COMPONENTSSystem I Materials Category / Dia. / Report LimitedComponent ID (Configuration) Item No. Thk. Number Scan % Additional InformationSIS / SA-403 WP316 / B-J / B9.11 10" /1.00" R-P0434 57% Beam angle: 1)450 shear and 2) 700 refractedSIF-D199-03 SA-182 F316 longitudinal(elbow/valve) Transducer Size: 1) .375" and 2) dual 8xl4mmLimitation from valve side due to configurationNRI* (PT NRI*)SIS / SA-376 TP316 / SA- B-J / B9.11 10" /1.00" R-P0369 74% Phased array 250 to 700 shear wave sectorSIF-D199-05 182 F316 (16 element probe) and 400 to 700 refracted(pipe/valve) longitudinal wave sector (15 element probesupplemental)Limitation from valve side due to configuration.Recordable root geometry 3600 at varyingamplitude.(PT NRI*)SIS / SA-403 WP316 / B-J / B9.11 I10" 1.00" R-P0370 75% Phased array 250 to 700 shear wave sectorSIF-D 199-06 SA- 182 F316 (16 element probe) and 400 to 700 refracted(tee/valve) longitudinal wave sector (15 element probesupplemental)Limitation from valve side due to configuration.Recordable root geometry 3600 at varyingamplitude.(PT NRI*)

WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7WATTS BAR UNIT- 2PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLANRequest for ReliefPage 81 of 101ITABLE I -ASME CODE CLASS 1 COMPONENTSSystem / Materials Category / Dia. / Report LimitedComponent ID (Configuration) Item No. Thk. Number Scan % Additional InformationSIS / SA-403 WP316 / BJ / B9.11 6" / 0.719" R-P0405 70% Beam angle: 1) 450 shear and 2) 700 refractedSIF-D199-07 SA- 182 F316 longitudinal(elbow/valve) Transducer Size: 1) .375" and 2) dual 8xl4mmLimitation from valve side due to configurationNRI* (PT NRI*)SIS / SA-376 TP316 / SA- B-J I B9.11 10" 1.00" R-P0382 73% Phased array 250 to 700 shear wave sectorSIF-D199-10 182 F316 (16 element probe) and 400 to 700 refracted(pipe/valve) longitudinal wave sector (15 element probesupplemental)Limitation from valve side due to configuration.NRI* (PT NRI*)SIS/ SA-403 WP316 / B-J / B9.11 10" / 1.00" R-P03 83 73% Phased array 250 to 700 shear wave sectorSIF-D 199-I1 SA- 182 F316 (16 element probe) and 400 to 700 refracted(elbow/valve) longitudinal wave sector (15 element probesupplemental)Limitation from valve side due to configuration.NRI* (PT NRI*)SIS / SA-403 WP316 B-i / B9.11 6" / 0.719" R-P0491 61% Phased array 250 to 700 shear wave sectorSIF-D199-15 (tee and elbow) (16 element probe) and 400 to 700 refractedlongitudinal wave sector (15 element probesupplemental)Limitation from tee side due to configuration.NRI* (PT NRI*)* NRI: No Recordable Indications** Nominal wall thickness is given from the piping side of a branch connection WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2PROJECT PRESER VICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN Request for ReliefPROCEDUREPage 82 of 101RPV Head Lifting Lug Sketch 4 /4 /~~AIAR14ETIWIN EN "OS Tlf. WA00 SKI,I.,iWadtK(3/4r" "'"= ... .N'. =:04 0% (e& to!e-*TRw WiLciwo rr amALL iMrBIAbiL wui~oo Aim c110CM TWt ICNs LbIRA Nf7 LIppti copLrLIUN'0F. UE- RerIPNADRIr vE I01 FIJ%4D usDRAMVFLIII1*4 TOPALM& sMa@YH14VWNTOI2Tb3 A&CRjSILli I.._d, V.LIFLTING LUG DETAILS WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2PROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN Request for ReliefPROCEDUREPage 83 of 101TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITYWATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT (WBN) UNIT 2AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS (ASME) SECTION XIREQUEST FOR RELIEFWBN-2/PSI-2TVA requests approval to use the alternative ASME Section XI Code year and addenda for theconstruction completion project at WBN Unit 2. The alternate ASME Code for Preservice Examination(PSI) activities is based on the ASME Section XI Edition and Addenda approved at the time constructionwas resumed on WBN Unit 2.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:In accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3)(i), TVA is requesting relief to utilize a later Code of Record forPSI activities during the WBN Unit 2 construction completion project. Based on the initial constructionpermit date for WBN Unit 2 of January 23, 1973 for Construction Permit No. CPPR-92, 10 CFR50.55a(g)(2) would require the PSI code of record to have been based on the ASME Section XI Code ineffect six months prior to the date of issue of the Construction Permit. The applicable Code would havebeen the 1971 Edition through Winter 1971 Addenda of ASME Section XI. Since 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(2)also allows the use of subsequent Code Editions/Addenda which are incorporated by reference in 10 CFR50.55a(b)(2), the 2001 Edition, through 2003 Addenda was identified as the applicable Code of Recordbased on the date associated with resumption of construction activities.SYSTEM/COMPONENTS FOR WHICH RELIEF IS REQUESTED:ASME Code Class 1, 2, 3, IWF, and MC components including the applicable Examination Categoriesand Item Numbers.APPLICABLE CODE EDITION AND ADDENDA FOR THE GIVEN EXAM:The ASME Section XI Code Edition and Addenda code of record requested for the WBN Unit 2construction completion project preservice examination (PSI) is the 2001 Edition through 2003 Addendaas limited and/or amended by the rules of 10 CFR 50.55a and those Code Cases either approved for useby Regulatory Guide 1.147 and adopted by WBN Unit 2 or where specific relief has been requested andgranted by NRC.REQUIREMENTS FROM WHICH RELIEF IS REQUESTED:Permission is requested to adopt a later NRC approved Code Edition and Addenda as provided in 10CFR 50.55a(g)(2).RELIEF REOUESTED:Based on the initial construction permit date for WBN Unit 2 of January 23, 1973 for ConstructionPermit No. CPPR-92, 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(2) would require the PSI code of record to have been based onthe ASME Section XI Code in effect six months prior to the date of issue of the Construction Permit.

WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2PROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN Request for ReliefPROCEDUREPage 84 of 101The applicable Code would have been the 1971 Edition through Winter 1971 Addenda of ASME SectionXI. Since 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(2) also allows the use of subsequent Code Editions/Addenda which areincorporated by reference in 10 CFR 50.5 5a(b)(2), the 2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda wasidentified as the applicable Code of Record based on the date associated with resumption of constructionactivities.BASIS FOR RELIEF:The resumption of construction activities at WBN Unit 2 associated with the construction completionproject resulted in an a span of approximately 35 years since the initial construction permits were issued.This 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(2) requirement for determining the PSI code of record would have allowed theuse of the 1971 Edition though Winter 1971 (71/W71) Addenda of ASME Section Xl; however, theprovision in 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(2) to allow the use of subsequent Code Editions/Addenda which areincorporated by reference in 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(2) allows the use of a technically superior PSI Code ofRecord based on 30 years of ASME Code committee knowledge and revisions. For example Class MC,metal containment, examination was not required in the 71 /W71 Section XI code, but it is a requirementof Subsection IWE of the 2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda of ASME Section XI.PROPOSED ALTERNATIVES:Utilize the 2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda of ASME Section XI for WBN Unit 2 constructioncompletion activities subject to the modifications and limitations imposed by 10 CFR 50.55a.JUSTIFICATION FOR GRANTING RELIEF:The 2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda of ASME Section XI was approved for use in 10 CFR50.55a(b)(2) and 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(2) allows the use of subsequent Code Editions/Addenda which areincorporated by reference in 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(2). See excerpt from the 2008 CFR which was in effectat the time of resumption of WBN Unit construction activities:(2) As used in this section, references to Section XW of the ASME Boiler andPressure Vessel Code refer to Section X9, and include the 1970 Editionthrough the 1976 Winter Addenda, and the 1977 Edition (Division 1) throughthe 2003 Addenda (Division 1), subject to the following limitations and modifications:The 2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda of ASME Section XI incorporates 30 years of technical lessonslearned when compared to the 1971 Edition through Winter 1971 Addenda of the ASME Section XICode.IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE AND DURATION:This relief will be utilized for the duration of PSI activities associated with the WBN Unit 2 constructioncompletion project.

WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2PROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN Technical PositionsPROCEDUREPage 85 of 101SECTION 10.0ASME SECTION XITECHNICAL POSITIONSTechnical determination made during implementation of this PSI program and/or the examinations to clarify a position that is not clearlyunderstandable or exclusive to Watts Bar Unit 2 from the referenced requirements. Each Technical Position should be numbered (l,2,3,ect.)and reference to the corresponding paragraph in this or any other document that the subject pertains to and signed by as a minimum theprogram owner and a technical person, if appropriate and inserted in its entirety into this section following the next revision,.TP Number Subject Reference CommentsBasis for Section XI Section XI Class 1 May be used for all Section XITP-S Boundary C lass activities or individually as stated inIdentification the TP.TP-2 Retrieval of Historical Records May be used for retrieval of ShopRecords and Management Radiograph and other recordsRadiographs Lifetime StorageVault.TP-3 Watts Bar Unit I and 2 Section XI R/R Process to follow and documentMemorandum of activities for Unit 2 ASME Section XI work on portionsUnderstanding, ASME of Unit 2 systemsSection XI Interface WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2PROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN Technical PositionsPROCEDUREPage 86 of 101Basis forSection XI Boundary IdentificationWatts Bar Nuclear (WBN) Unit 2ASME Section XI Preservice Inspection (PSI)TP-1This document is a technical position to establish the basis of the interrelationships with TVAclassification system and ASME Section XI activities. Nothing in this technical position shall change theoverall classification of a system or component from its original design. The intent is to adjoin the designof the plant with the inspection requirements of ASME Section XI requirements for inspection. Theoverall design of systems structures and components to the appropriate TVA classification is based onthe guidelines in the Design Criteria Document, procedure number WB-DC-40-36, "The Classification ofPiping, Pumps, Valves, and Vessels". These criteria apply to piping, pumps, valves, and other pressureretaining components within fluid systems that perform a safety function. Primary and secondary safetyfunctions are classified according to their relative importance in protecting the health and safety of thegeneral public. The TVA Class A, B, C and D systems are classified as ASME Section III Class 1, 2 and3 respectively, based on the relationship between the ANS Safety Class, TVA classifications, andRegulatory Guide 1.26 classifications. The Mechanical flow diagrams are labeled with the TVAclassification in such a manner that the classification of every portion of a system can be determinedfrom its flow diagram. The flow diagrams are used to designate the TVA classification A, B, C and D toestablish the ASME Class 1, 2 or 3 boundaries to determine the ASME Section XI requirements.ASME Section XI requires components identified for inspection and testing shall be governed by thegroup classification criteria and provides the inspection requirements for Class 1, 2 and 3 components.ASME Section XI, IWA-1320 states the rules for IWB shall be applied to those systems whosecomponents are classified ASME Class 1 and the rules for IWC apply to components classified as ASMEClass 2 and the rules for IWD apply to components classified as ASME Class 3.Therefore, based on the guidance of WB-DC-40-36 with reference to the ANS documents andRegulatory Guide 1.26 for classification of components, the labeling and marking of the boundaryinterface on the flow diagrams for classification of system,Section XI activities shall be determined forASME Class 1, 2 and 3 systems and components. In reference to the boundary marking on themechanical flow diagrams,Section XI inspection and testing boundaries will be determined, as requiredand if needed to farther distinguish the boundaries a color coding method can be used for informationalpurposes only for the various activities. To further distinguish the activities they are separated to explainthe intent of the each and color coding of the boundaries.1) ASME Section XI Systems and Components (XISC)This activity is to identify the system boundaries for components subject to Section XI activities. Theboundaries are established based on the WBN -2 design and mechanical flow diagrams that apply toitems classified as TVA Class A, B, C and D or ASME Section III Code Class 1, 2 & 3. This activity isnot intended to include the Section XI inspection or testing requirements on systems or portions of asystem that are optionally upgraded to a high classification, unless specifically directed by otherrequirements. This applies to systems of nonnuclear safety class to ASME Section III Class 2 or 3 and/or WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2PROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN Technical PositionsPROCEDUREPage 87 of 101Class 3 to Class 2, Class 2 to Class I or any combination of these. All other boundaries on safety Classsystems represent the activities associated with Section XI, including Repair and Replacement regardlessof the reason or method that detected the condition requiring the repair/replacement. To furtherdistinguish the boundaries a set of color coded drawing can be established and labeled (i.e.2-48W801 XISC) with the XISC to designate the activities for systems and components for this scope of Section XI.Red will be used to represent TVA Safety Class A or ASME Code Class 1. Yellow will be used torepresent TVA Safety Class B or ASME Code Class 2 and finally green to represent TVA Safety Class C& D or ASME Code Class 3. This set of color coded drawing is for informational use only and should bereview for changes during periodic and/or interval updates to correspond with Section XI.Note: This set of drawings may or may not be needed prior to startup as explained in NGDC PP-15,paragraph 2.0 C, but is needed to establish the ASME Section XI EXaminations (XIEX) and ASMESection XI Pressure Tests (XIPT) color coded drawings.2) ASME Section XI Pressure Tests (XIPT)This activity is to identify the pressure testing requirements based on Section XI and within thepreviously established boundaries for Systems and Components. The pressure test boundaries aredetermined and established by the general requirements of Article IWA-5000 for ASME Class 1,2, & 3systems and components requiring a pressure test. The boundary limits are generally defined by thelocation of the safety class interface valves within the system or as describe in IWB, IWC and IWDrequirements for Class 1, 2 and 3 systems respectively. This activity is not intended to include theSection XI inspection or testing requirements on systems or portions of a system that are optionallyupgraded to a high classification, unless specifically directed by other requirements. This applies tosystems of nonnuclear safety class to ASME Section III Class 2 or 3 and/or Class 3 to Class 2, Class 2 toClass I or any combination there of. All other boundaries on safety Class systems that represent theactivities associated with Section XI are to enhance and distinguish the various pressure test boundaries.A color coded drawing can be established and labeled (i.e. 2-48W801-I-XIPT) with the XIPT, todesignate the system boundaries requiring a pressure tests and a visual VT-2 to be performed. The colorsused to represent Class 1, 2 & 3 components are the same as previously established. This set of drawingsis for informational use only and should be review for changes during periodic and/or interval updates tocorrespond with Section XI.Note: This set of drawings is not needed prior to startup as explained in NGDC PP-15, paragraph 2.0 C,but is needed to establish the ASME Section XI EXaminations (XIEX) color coded drawings.3) ASME Section XI EXaminations (XIEX)This activity is to identify the examination requirements based on Section XI and within the previouslyestablished boundaries for systems and components that are not exempted from volumetric, surface orvisual requirements on Class 1, 2 and 3 pressure retaining components. This activity is not intended toinclude the Section XI inspection or testing requirements on systems or portions of a system that areoptionally upgraded to a high classification, unless specifically directed by other requirements. Thisapplies to systems of nonnuclear safety class to ASME Section III Class 2 or 3 and/or Class 3 to Class 2,Class 2 to Class I or any combination there of. All other boundaries on safety Class systems thatrepresent the activities associated with Section XI are to enhance and distinguish the various examination WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2PROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN Technical PositionsPROCEDUREPage 88 of 101boundaries. A color coded drawing can be established and labeled (i.e.2-48W801 XIEX) with theXIEX, to designate the system boundaries requiring an examination by volumetric, surface or visual VT-1 or VT-3 methods. The colors used to represent Class 1, 2 & 3 components are the same as previouslyestablished. This set of drawings is for informational use only and should be review for changes duringperiodic and/or interval updates to correspond with Section XI. Also, the drawings will be a reference toestablish the boundaries when creating the various location drawings to identify the individualexaminations that will support the population of WBN Unit 2 Preservice Inspection Program Plan.4) ASME Section XI IWE/IWL (XIIWE)This activity is to identify the examination boundaries based on Section XI IWE (ASME Categories MC)requirements that are determined to be accessible and not exempt. The boundaries will be determined byusing the configuration drawing based on the design of WBN-2. To enhance and distinguish the variousexamination boundaries a color coded drawing can be established and labeled XIIWE, to designate thesystem boundaries requiring an examination. The boundaries will be represented by an outline of thecolor blue to designate the boundaries for examination. This set of drawings is for informational use onlyand should be review for changes during periodic and/or interval updates to correspond with Section XI.Also, the drawing will be referenced to establish the detailed IWE drawing for PSI and ISI.Note: The revision on all flow diagrams and the revision (RXX) used on the informational use colorcoded drawing for Section XI does not have to be the same but shall be reviewed for changes that willeffect the overall Section XI configuration for inspection and/or testing. As a minimum these drawingshall be reviewed prior to each period and/or interval change as described in the WBN-2 Program Plan.Prepared By: E. Lynn McClain 5/12/2008Program Owner: E. Lynn McClain 5/12/2008Technical Review:Charlie Driskell 5/12/2008 WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2PROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN Technical PositionsPROCEDUREPage 89 of 101Basis forRetrieval of Historical Records and RadiographsWatts Bar Nuclear (WBN) Unit 2ASME Section XI Preservice Inspection (PSI)TP-2During the course of establishing the baseline inspection or during the inservice inspection certain recordsare required to be retrieved from time to time. The intent of the retrieval is for confirmation of or aid in theinspection activities to qualify, verify or validate the components configuration, i.e. weld map records,retrieval of radiographs, etc. for various reasons.The following outline may be used to retrieve weld map data and radiographs.1. Select a weld from the desired PSI/ISI drawing.Example: Drawing ISI-2068-W-04, weld RCS-0252. Locate weld on referenced as constructed drawing from BSL.Example: WBN-E-2282-IC-144. Enter as E28821C 1443. Identity the weld as a field weld or shop weld.If the weld is a field weld, order the radiograph from Records Management LifetimeStorage Vault.If the weld is a shop weld, identify the sketch number and then retrieve from BSL.Example: SK-E2882-1300. Enter as E2882-13004. Identify the weld number and piece mark on the piping fabrication sketch.Example: Weld K, pc 68-RC-65. Identify the box number the radiograph is located in from the Supplier Radiograph IndexManual located in the Records Management Lifetime Storage Vault (Index is sorted like theexample).Example: E-2882, 68-RC-6 PC, SK 1300-K is located in Box number 426. Request that Records Management order the required radiograph from the NationalUnderground Storage Facility.Example: Box 42 is located in Room RC, Section 3, Shelf 2, Bin 6Prepared By: E. Lynn McClain 10/13/2009Program Owner: E. Lynn McClain 10/13/2009ITechnical Review:M. Darlene Tinley 10/13/2009 WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2PROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN Technical PositionsPROCEDUREPage 90 of 101TP-3Watts Bar Unit I and 2Memorandum of UnderstandingASME Section Xl InterfaceWBN Unit I systems were completed and licensed under the requirements of the ASMESection III program and since then, ASME Section XI has been Implemented. Portions ofseveral Unit 2 systems were documented on Unit 1 ASME N-5 Code Dats Reports as beingwithin the Unit I ASME boundary but are not within the operational boundary for Unit I.Boundary calculations and design output (i.e., Unit 2 cross hatching) shows these portions ofsystems as under unit 2 configuration control. As a result of how these portions of systemswere installed and documented, work that needs to be performed in these areas to startup unit2 will have to be performed to ASME Section:Xl. Returning these portions of systems toASME Section III is not an option due to the potential impact on the Unit I ASME programsand potential delay to Unit 2.The-following process will be followed to perform and document ASME Section Xi work onportions of Unit 2 systems outside of the Unit I operating boundary that are documented inUnit I ASME N-5 packages." Work will be performed In accordance with the Unit I ASME Section XI requirementsa Configuration control will be under the Unit 2 programs, procedures, and processes.* Changes outside the Unit I operating boundary will be Issued and Implemented byBechtel using the Unit 2 Work Order process and EDCRs as needed.* Work will be planned and performed using the Unit 2 Work Order (WO) process whichInvokes the requirements of SPP-9.1, TI-100.014, and MMDP-10." Bechtel Is designated as the Repair/Replacement organization In accordance withSPP-9, 1, Section 3.5.1." WO'. will be reviewed and approved by Bechtel QA, Unit 1 Welding and the ASMESection Xl Coordinator.e Planned WO'e will be reviewed by.the Unit I ASME ANII." Work will be performed by Bechtel." Quality Control inspections will be performed by Bechtel, and endorsed by Unit 2 IVA.* Non-destructive Examinations will be performed by Unit 2 TVA ISO/NDE for Section XIRepalr/Replacement." Radiation Protection and Site Support will be performed by TVA Unit 2 staff,* Completed WO's will be reviewed by the Unit I ANII prior to closure." Prior to closing the WO and submitting It for ANII review, Bechtel will Issue a Unit 2WO to punchlist and track to Section XI In-service Leak Test (ISLT).* WO's will be closed by Bechtel and Work Completion Statements (WCS) issued.* The WCS will be processed and EDCR closed by Bechtel.The EDCR closure package will reference the (SLT WO.* ISLT shall be performed during or before/after hydrostatic testing of Unit 2 systems Inaccordance with the Unit 2 WO that was issued at completion of the physical work.* After completion of the system hydro I ISLT, the completed work will be documentedon the Unit 1 ASME NIS-1 and NIS-2A forms.* The Unit 1 / Unit 2 interface boundary will continue to be controlled per TI-12.08,Control of Unit Interfaces. Revision of Unit IPs will be performed using the DCNprocess per SPP-9.3. Operations will Isolate U2 components from U1, followinginterface point removal, utilizing the SPP-10.2 clearance process.* Piping/components In these regions will be added to the Unit 2 ASME Section Xl ISI-population prior to Unit 2 startup.

WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2PROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN Technical PositionsPROCEDUREPage 91 of 101TP-3Watts Bar Unit I and 2Memorandum of UnderstandingASME Section Xl Interfacet1 7 414L oriZ? ý- 11"Av4 ArG. Mauldin " Date'WBN Unit I Engineering Mgr% M.-SkA~g) DhteWBN Unit I-Site VPWBN eR CoordinatorDeZL11 4~ ltjp'ss AC- h -DateB it2n eaing grM. BajestaniWBN Unit 2 VPDate6h! cr eA. dl f/,IL vwWBN Group1' " DateB-N I Welding Engineer Date2A,,.W41./f*tirl¢ -wWBN 2 Welding EngineerDateýýO.&LLtogfL a -qZcqWBN 1 ANII61 DateWýZJ~NDE I-Date2 NuclearAssurance /DdEe"B/2 BechW eld Engineering DateThis document can be found in BSL (Business Support Library) file "WBN, Unit 2-NGDC, TVA Unit 2,General Information, MOU-6.


WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2PROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN TermsPROCEDUREPage 99 of 101SECTION 12.0TERMSACWS: Air Conditioning Chilled Water System (31)ALARA: As Low As Reasonably AchievableANII: Authorized Nuclear Inservice InspectorASME: American Society of Mechanical EngineersAUG: AugmentedAFW: Auxiliary Feedwater System (003B)BC: Branch ConnectionCC: Code CaseCFR: Code of Federal RegulationsCH: ChargingCHR: Containment Heat RemovalCirc: CircumferentialCL: Cold LegCCS: Component Cooling System (70).CRD: Control Rod DriveCSS: Containment Spray System (72)CS: Carbon SteelCSP: Containment Spray PumpCVCS: Chemical and Volume Control System (62)DWG: DrawingDM: Dissimilar MetalE: EquipmentECCS: Emergency Core Cooling SystemERCW: Essential Raw Water Cooling System (67)EL: ElbowEPRI: Electric Power research InstituteET: Eddy Current ExaminationFW: FeedwaterFWS: Feedwater System (03A)FMBMS: Flood Mode Boration Makeup System (84)HL: Hot LegHPFP: High Pressure Fire Protection (26)Hx: Heat Exchanger WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2PROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN TermsPROCEDUREPage 100 of 101IICS: Ice Condenser System (61)IEP: Inspection and Examination ProceduresINPO: Institute for Nuclear Power OperationsISI: Inservice InspectionIWA: Section XI General RequirementsIWB: Section XI Class 1 ComponentsIWC: Section XI Class 2 ComponentsIWD: Section XI Class 3 ComponentsIWE: Section XI Class MC ComponentsIWF: Section XI Class 1, 2, 3 & MC Component SupportsIWL: Section XI Class CC ComponentsPSI: Preservice InspectionMOU: Memorandum of UnderstandingMSS: Main Steam System (01)MT: Magnetic Particle ExaminationNDE: Nondestructive ExaminationNRC: Nuclear Regulatory CommissionNGDC: Nuclear Generation Development & ConstructionPP: Project ProcedureP: PipePENT: PenetrationPSV: Pressure Relief or Safety ValvePWR: Pressurized Water ReactorPT: Penetrant ExaminationPZR: PressurizerPCV: Pressure Control ValvePWS: Primary Water System (81)R: ReducerRC: Reactor CoolantRCP: Reactor Coolant PumpREV: RevisionRHR: Residual Heat RemovalRHRS: Residual Heat Removal System (74)RECIRC: RecirculationRCS: Reactor Coolant System (68)RPV: Reactor Pressure Vessel WBN-2 PSI REVISION 7NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2PROJECT PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM PLAN TermsPROCEDUREPage 101 of 101RSW:RLV:RT:RX:S:SCH:SDCHX:SD:SER:SG:SGBD:SH:SIS:SI:SUR:SFPC:SS:SXI:Tee:TK:Tech. Spec:TRM:TVAUFSAR:UHIS:UT:VCT:VOL:VT:VT-I:VT-2:VT-3:VE:WDS:WBN:W:Raw Service Water (System 25)Relief ValveRadiograph ExaminationReactorSupportsScheduleShutdown Cooling Heat ExchangerShutdownSafety Evaluation ReportSteam GeneratorSteam Generator Blowdown (System I & 15)SheetSafety Injection System (63)Safety InjectionSurface ExaminationSpent Fuel Pit Cooling (System 84)Stainless SteelSection XI, Rules for Inservice InspectionTeeThicknessTechnical SpecificationTechnical Requirements ManualTennessee Valley AuthorityUpdated Final Safety Analysis ReportUpper Head Injection System (87)Ultrasonic ExaminationVolume Control TankVolumetric ExaminationVisual ExaminationVisual Examination for Detection of Surface ConditionsVisual Examination for Evidence of LeakageVisual Examination for General Mechanical and Structural ConditionVisual Examination (VT-2 Augmented Type)Waste Disposal System (77)Watts Bar NuclearWelds