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Proposed Tech Specs Re Atmospheric Steam Relief Valves
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 07/15/1999
Shared Package
ML20209G933 List:
NUDOCS 9907200060
Download: ML20209G935 (5)


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NOC-AE-000564 Page 1 of 5 l


l ATTACHMENT 2 Replacement Proposed Technical Specification Pages l

4 9907200060 990715 PDR ADOCK 05000498 P



1 NOC-AE-000564 Page 2 of 5 Replacement Proposed Technical Specification Pages J


Letter from T. H. Cloninger to NRC Document Control Desk, " Proposed 4

New Amendment for Atmospheric Steam Relief Valve Instrumentation and Revised Amendment of Technical Specification, Atmospheric Steam Relief Valves", dated March 22,1999 (NOC-AE-000462)

Replace the following pages from the referenced letter with the attached pages.

3/4 3-85 Proposed Insert to Technical Specification Bases Page B 3/4 3-6 Proposed Insert to Technical Specification Bases Page B 3/4 7-3 The changes consist of:

3/4 3-85 Changed CHANNEL CALIBRATION surveillance requirement to with an acceptance criteria of"a nominal" setpoint of 1225 psig " 7 psi".

Added new surveillance requirements for a CHANNEL CHECK and for an ANALOG




Proposed Insert Pages Changed description from "an indicated" setpoint of 1225 psig to "a nominal" setpoint.

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INSTRUMENTATION 3/4.3.5 ATMOSPHERIC STEAM RELIEF VALVE INSTRUMENTATION LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION: The atmospheric steam relief valve instrumentation shown in Table 3.3-14 shall be OPERABLE.

APPLICABILITY: As shown in Table 3.3-14 ACTION: As shown in Table 3.3-14 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT 3: Perform a CHANNEL CHECK on each atmospheric steam relief valve automatic actuation channel at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />. Perform a CHANNEL CAllBRATION on each atmospheric steam relief valve automatic actuation channel at a nominal setpoint of 1225 psig 17 psi at least once every 18 months. Perform an ANALOG CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST on each atmospheric steam relief valve automatic actuation channel at a nominal setpoint of 1225 psig 1 psi at least once every 18 7


SOUTH TEXAS-UNITS 1 &2 3/4 3-85

h Proposed insert to Technical Specification Bases Page B 3/4 3-6 l

Insert 3 l"

3/4.3.5 ATMOSPHERIC STEAM RELIEF VALVE INSTRUMENTATION The atmospheric steam relief valve manual controls must be OPERABLE in i

Modes 1,2,3, and 4 (Mode 4 when steam generators are being used for decay heat removal) to allow operator action needed for decay heat removal and safe cooldown in accordance with Branch Technical Position RSB 5-1.

. The atmospheric steam relief valve automatic controls must be OPERABLE

. with a nominal setpoint of 1225 psig in Modes 1 and 2 because the safety analys s assumes automatic operation of the atmospheric steam relief valves i


with a nominal setpoint of 1225 psig with uncertainties for mitigation of the small break LOCA. In order to support startup and shutdown activities (including post-refueling low power physics testing), the atmospheric steam relief valves l

may be operated in manual and open in Mode 2 to maintain the secondary side l

t bl i di tdt t

. pressure a or e ow an n ca e s eam genera or pressure of 1225 psig.

The uncertainties in the safety analysis assume a channel calibration on each atmospheric steam relief valve automatic actuation channel, including verification of automatic actuation at the nominal 1225 psig setpoint, every 18 months.

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Proposed Insert to Technical Specification Bases Page B 3/4 7-3, Section 3/, Atmospheric Steam Relief Valves Insert 4 The atmospheric steam relief valve manual controls must be OPERABLE in Modes 1,2,3, and 4 (Mode 4 when steam generators are being used for decay heat removal) to allow operator ection needed for decay heat removal and safe cooldown in accordance with Branch Technical Position RSB 5-1.

. The atmospheric steam relief valve automatic controls must be OPERABLE with a nominal setpoint of 1225 psig in Modes 1 and 2 because the safety analysis assumes automatic operation of the atmospheric steam relief -

valves with a nominal setpoint of 1225 psig with uncertainties for mitigation of the small break LOCA. In order to support startup and shutdown activities (including post-refueling low power physics testing), the atmospheric steam relief valves 1

may be operated in manual and open in Mode 2 to maintain the secondary side 3

pressure at or below an indicated steam generator pressure of 1225 psig.

The verification that all atmospheric steam relief valves will open and close fully prior to startup following a COLD SHUTDOWN of 30 days or longer, or '

following any refueling shutdown, allows for operation using either manual or automatic controls.

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