NUREG-0484, Forwards SER Suppl Info on Applicant 830203 Submittal Re Applicability of Square Root of Sum of Squares Combination of Dynamic Responses.Method Applicable & Complies w/NUREG-0484

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Forwards SER Suppl Info on Applicant 830203 Submittal Re Applicability of Square Root of Sum of Squares Combination of Dynamic Responses.Method Applicable & Complies w/NUREG-0484
Person / Time
Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 03/21/1983
From: Knight J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Novak T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
CON-WNP-0576, CON-WNP-576, RTR-NUREG-0484, RTR-NUREG-0892, RTR-NUREG-484, RTR-NUREG-892 NUDOCS 8303290126
Download: ML20213E372 (2)


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t Documelit Control Desk 016'

' 7EMED rem!!hiFiie MAR 2 11983

.,.. N f El'00AfTU!' F0P.:

Thonas l'..

flovak, Assistent Director for Licensing, DL FR0!!:

James P. knight, Assistant Director for Conponents & Structures Engineerirg, DE StlPJECT:

IMPl!T FOR SER Sl!PPLEMEf!T FOR Kf!P-2 Peferences:


Letter from G. D. Pouchey to A.. Schwencer, "fluclear Project f.'o. 2 SRSS Combination of Dynanic Responses",

deted February 3, 1983 2.

Letter fron G. D. Bouchey to A. Schwencer, "fluclaar Project flo 2 Application of SRSS Rule for Steel Containnent", deted July 28, 1982 3.

Report, StiA I?109.01-R001, " Study to Demonstrate the Generic Applicability of SRSS Combination of Dynamic Responses for l' ark III f.'uclear Steen Supply Systen end Balance-of-Plant Piping and Equipment Cor.ponents",

Genere.1 Electric Company, dated i:cvember 24, 1981 4

Report, ifEDE-24010-P, " Technical Bases for the tise of the SP.SS l'ethod for Cenbining Dynamic Loads for t' ark II Plants", General Electric Cenpany, dated July 1977.

In Section of the Safety Evelvation Report for Uf!P-2 (f!tlREC-0892), we identified a confirmatory issue concerning the epolicebility of SPSS cor.bination of dynenic responses for the Wi1P-2.

Pe have reviewed the applicant's submittal (Reference 1) dated February 3, 1983. Attached please 'ind our evaluation of this issue for input irto the supplement to the SER.

u. :,

Qg :. Y.r.@

Janes P. Kniaht, Assistant Director for Components & Structures Ergineering Division of Engineering Attachnert: As steted cc:

R. Vollner P. Bosnak A. Schwcncer J. Prevost ETEC P. Chen, ETEC R. Auluck

/A ~


%7-H. Brarmr 8303290126 830321 S. Heu 1

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DE:f,iEB, Cont ?.c,t :

,Y,. L,i,.. BE:t1E.,,,x,7441 /,,,U,g:J3,p,,,,,,,,,g,:J,g,B.&, ,,p p on,m su- > X L,1,,: 1,,b,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,SF,9,u,,,,,(,,,,@,taNC..... ...B ST 3l.l52.83 ,, 3zgze3... 3./.d./.8 3.......... 3 om> a: mew arem- In Section of the SER, the staff stated that the applicant committed to demonstrate that an SRSS combination of dynamic responses for UNP-2 achieves the 84% nonexceedence probability level. We have reviewed the information in References 1, 2, 3 and 4. In Reference 1, the applicant performed a study which included 96 samples of combinations of dynamic responses due to safety relief valve (SRV) discharge and seismic loadings. The results of the study indicated that the nonexceedence probabilities (NEPs) of SRSS combination of responses at selected sample locations are at or exceed 50% and the NEPs of 1.2 SRSS are at or exceed 85%. Based on a review of this study and information in References 2, 3 and 4, we have determined that the SRSS method for combining dynamic responses is applicable to the WNP-2 nuclear plant and satisfias the requirements of NUREG-0484, Revision 1. l --s _-}}