HL-3475, Forwards Response to GL 89-10,Suppl 5, Inaccuracy of MOV Diagnostic Equipment

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Forwards Response to GL 89-10,Suppl 5, Inaccuracy of MOV Diagnostic Equipment
Person / Time
Site: Hatch  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 10/01/1993
From: Beckham J
GL-89-10, HL-3475, NUDOCS 9310070273
Download: ML20057E094 (4)


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40 inveme.s Center Parttway Post Offee Box 1295

, Telephone 205 877-7279 m

J. T. sukham, Jr. :Georeia Power Vee President - Nuclear U Hatch Project the southern electic system .

October 1 1993.

Docket Nos. 50-321 HL-3475 50-366 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission A'ITN: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant

. Response to Generic Letter 89-10 Supplement 5 Gentlemen:

On June 28, 1993, the NRC issued Generic Letter (GL) 89-10, Supplement 5, " Inaccuracy of _

Motor-Operated Valve Diagnostic Equipment." This letter describes several problems discovered with various types ofmotor-operated valve (MOV) diagnostic systems used to provide MOV thrust -

information as part of the GL 89-10 program.

1 Georgia Power Company has performed the evaluation requested by GL 89-10,- Supplement 5, for  ;

the Plant IIatch MOV progrant 'Ihe enclosure to this letter contains the information' required by -  !

the supplement. ,

l Mr. J. T. Beckham, Jr. states he is duly authorized to execute this oath on behalf of Georgia Power Company, and to the best of his knowledge and belief, the facts set forth in this letter are true.

Georgia Power Company - a By: -

. T. Beckham, Jr. //

Sworn to and subscribed before me this /d day of [8e AItAJ 1993.=

M . M My commbc cn D:rWe Aug. a. t005 Notary Public MCM/cr 003475

]9S 070034 -

i 'l 9310070273 931001

.PDR ADOCK 05000321.

p ,PDR

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GeorgiaPower A l

l U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page Two l

f October 1, 1993  ;

i l Enclosure l l

j cc: Georcia Power Comoany Mr. H. L. Sumner, General Manager - Nuclear Plant  :


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cow 3 ' cion. Washinaton. D.C.

Mr. K. Jabbour, Licensing Pi jeu anager - Hatch U.S. Nuclear Reculatory Commission. Region 11 l Mr. S. D. Ebneter, Regional Admmistrator l Mr. L. D. Wert, Senior Resident inspector - Hatch State of Georcia Mr. J. D. Tanner, Commissioner - Department of Natural Resources l

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Enclosure Edwin 1. Hatch Nuclear Plant >

Resnonse to Generic Letter 89-10. Supolement 5 l i

t Generic Letter 89-10. Supplement 5 Renoninn Recuirement "Within 90 days of receipt of this letter, all licensees are required to notify the NRC staff of the diagnostic equipment used to confinn the proper size, or to establish settings, for MOVs within the scope of GL 89-10." .

Geornia Power Company Response The primary motor-operated valve (MOV) diagnostic equipment used at Plant Hatch for the Generic Letter (GL) 89-10 program is the Valve Operation and Test Evaluation System (VOTES) l manufactured by Liberty Technology. This equipment has been used to measure vahe stem thrust '

at Plant Hatch since the Unit 1 Spring 1990 refueling outage. The thrust data is then used to  !

determine proper torque switch settings. The current valve settings for a vast majority of the Plant Hatch MOVs were determined using VOTES.

Several MOVs at Plant Hatch have settings determined by the Limitorque Motor Actuator Characterizer (MAC). The MAC system measures thrust by monitoring spring pack displacement, and measures torque in a manner similar to the VOTES Torque Cartridge. The torque values measured by the MAC system are used directly to determine proper vahe torque switch settings.

! Generic Letter 89-10. Sunnlement 5 Reportina Reauirement "Within 90 days of receipt of this letter, licensees are required to report whether they have taken ,

actions or plan to take actions (including schedule and summary of actions taken or planned) to l address the information on the accuracy of MOV diagnostic equipment."

Georcia Power Company Response in GL 89-10, Supplement 5, the NRC stated that Liberty Technology submitted a report dated l October 2,1992 in accordance with 10 CFR Part 21. His report was concemed with factors l which can affect the thrust values obtained with the Liberty Technology VOTES equipment, and ,

l contained guidance to licensees for correcting this thrust data. Georgia Power Company (GPC) i has reviewed the guidance provided by Liberty Technology in their October 2,1992 submittal.

l GPC has determined that this guidance, along with Addendum 5 to the VOTES Users Manual and other guidance provided by Liberty Technology concerning specific valve configurations, is suitable for evaluation of VOTES test data gathered using VOTES Software Version 2.2 or carlier.


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l l HL-3475 E-1

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' Response to Generic Letter 89-10, Supplement 5 i

i The Plant Hatch procedure and vendor manuals which govern the use of VOTES equipment have been revised to include specific guidance for making the appropriate corrections to the thrust data l obtained with the VOTES ~ equipment. Data collected from VOTES testing conducted using ,

VOTES Software version 2.2 or earlier was evaluated using the Liberty Technology guidance. No operability concems were identified; however, some retesting was performed during the most recent refueling outage on each unit to ensure continued reliability, VOTES Software Version 2.31 will be purchased when it is available. This version of the software will address the accuracy concerns described in the supplement, and will eliminate the j need to manually correct VOTES test data for torque effects.

Accuracy information provided by Limitorque for the MAC system is used at Plant Hatch for ,

evaluation of torque values generated by the MAC system. The VOTES Torque Cartridge (VTC) l measures torque in a manner similar to the MAC system. Since the MAC system has been discontinued by Limitorque, GPC has ordered the VTC system for use at Plant Hatch. GPC is not aware of any information which' questions the accuracy of either of these systems for the .

measurement of torque. l I

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HL-3475 'E-2 t

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