IR 05000282/1986001

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Exam Repts 50-282/86-01 & 50-306/86-01 on 860519-23.Exam Results:One Reactor Operator & Four of Five Senior Reactor Operator Candidates Passed Exams
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island, Surry  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 06/23/1986
From: Burdick T, Reidlenger T, Reidlinger T, Schreiber R
Shared Package
ML20211J995 List:
50-282-86-01, 50-282-86-1, 50-306-86-01, 50-306-86-1, NUDOCS 8606270126
Download: ML20211K015 (100)


{{#Wiki_filter:- . .-. - - .




Report No. 50-282/306-OL/8601 Docket (s)No. 50-282; 50-306 License No(s). DPR 42; DPR 60 Licensee: Norhtern States Power Company ! ' 414 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55401 Facility Name: Prairie Island

Examination Administered At: Prairie Island

Examination Conducted: Senior Reactor Operator and Reactor Operator ) i Examiner (s): b

 'Y~~'~'eidinger T. D. R  (     Date J

_ M b/ M R. T._Schreiber /Date/ ' Approved By: M

 . M. Burdick, Thief
   ,b(A4/1     [/37//%

pate/ Operator Licensing Section Examination Summary Examination a_dministered on March 19-23 1986 JRepor_t_flo_(s,)._50_-282/3_0_6-OL/860 Written and operatlng exams were adinTiils,tered to one reactor operator e andTlv_0_ senior reactor operator Results: One reactor operator and four senior reactor operator candidates passed the examinations.

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REPORTS DETAILS 1. Examiners T. D. Reidinger - NRC R. E. Schreiber - PNL 2. Examination Review Meeting N/A 3. Exit Meeting An exit meeting was held following the examinations with the examiners and facility representatives. The examiners expressed concerns in the areas of simulator initialization conditions, weakness in the candidates knowledge of electricity and electrical systems, certification of control switch alignment and surveillance documentation.


i L j


. PRAIRIE ISLAND Operator and Senior Operator Examination Connents and Resolutions question 5.02 Part C - Revision 77 to Technical Specifications (attached) has revised limits for DNBR; 1.30 for Exxon fuel and 1.17 for Westinghouse fue Either answer should be acceptabl Examiners Comment The answer is acceptable. The examiner, however, notes that the Technical Specifications received with the examination reference material did not reflect this revisio Question 5.06 Answer (C) should also be included as a correct response since above the point of adding heat, any change in moderator temperature also causes a change in fuel temperature which is part of the isothermal temperature coefficient. (This answer was included as a correct response on the March 26, 1985 Prairie Island exam.)

Examiners Comment The answer is acceptable. The facility has since presented additional data after the examination to support their answe Question 5.10 A discussion that includes a reactor trip at 10% power due to power overshoot should also be an acceptable answe Examiners Comment _ Answer is acceptable although no reference material or data was presented for the positio Question 5.11 By the exam, the question is worth one point, yet the key states each of the four answers is worth .4 each. Each answer should be worth .2 Examiners Comment Notes concern and revised answer key point . . Question 5.15 Part a. of the question is worth .5 points on the key. Part b. is worth 1.0 point on the exam and 0.5 on the ke Examiners Comment Notes concern and revised answer key point Question 7.02 In addition to the two answers in the key, the Background Information for Status Trees (attached) provides additional cases for monitoring the status tree Provide direct operator guidance in those rare events that go beyond the design basis of the Engineered Safeguards Systems and the E, ES and ECA series procedure Periodic monitoring of the trees to evaluate Critical Safety Function Status during normal operatio Examiners Comment Will accept the answer presented in paragraph 1, but will not accept paragraph 2 answer. The data presented by the utility, however, for the second paragraph will be accepte * General surveillance under all sets of unusual or abnormal conditions that can lead to or i 'sult from initiation of reactor trip or safety injectio The examiner notes the interpretative difference between the stated position of the utility and the data presented to support the answe Question 7.08 Part b - Since no reference was provided on this question, several other shutdown margins are also correct in references other that that listed in the key. Be Technical Specifications, in cold shutdown - 1%. By Technical Specification Figure 3-10 - 1% to 2%. Any of these responses should receive full credi Ex_am_in_ers Comment The reference was stated in the question (Startup Procedure C1.2), which specifies 3% shutdown margi However, the examiner will accept the answer provided by the utilit _ _ _

- . _ _- - - - .- _ - . - -,

n J Question 7.10 Key defines adverse containment as 10E04 R/hr. Per the reference, this should be 1E04 R/hr.

Examiner Concen_t

The typographical error was corrected as it should have read 10*4 R/h , Question 7.16 i Question asks for three actions required if criticality not achieved

; within 750 pcm of the predicted rod position. Fer the reference, rods
! should be inserted to bring the reactor subcritical, recompute the ECC, l determine and correct the discrepancy, if discrepancy cannot be determined, insert control rods to the bottom of the core, borabe to the Xenon-free, I hot shutdown boron concentration and contact Nuclear Engineer. Responses

which include these steps should be given full credit.

' Examiner Concent Will accept the first half of answer. The second half of the answer is j the key presented in the examination. The examiner notes that the utility was advised of the additional data that was inadvertently omitted from the examination key prior to the receipt of the utility concents, j ] Question 8.06 In addition to not being able to delegate reconmendation of offsite l protective actions, per F3-12 (attached), the Emergency Director cannot delegate authorizing excess radiation exposures. This response should be given full credit.

I Examiner Comment Accepte Question 6.04_ Due to a recent design change, the "L" signed for 21 BAST has been changed { from 10% to 4%. (Setpointchangerequestattached.) This response should also be acceptable.

j Examiners Comment l Accepte Question 6.13 , ' Per the reference, steam line isolation on an affected steam line will also occur due to high-high steam flow plus safety injection. This , response should also be accepted.



. Examiners Comment Accepte Luestion6.15 Part c. of the question asks for six conditions which will actuate the 20/ET backup solenoid. Per pages 9 and 10 of B23, in addition to the six conditions in the key, the 20/ET backup solenoid will actuate due to: Main transformer lockout relays tripped Auxiliary transformer lockout relays tripped Either main steam isolation valve closed


Safety injection These should be included as correct answer Examiners Comment Accepte Question 6.05 Part b. of the question asks for two reasons for the valves being closed during cold shutdown. Per the key and the reference, there is only one reason, over-pressurization of the RCS. The additional two answers are methods of over-pressurization. Full credit should be given for over-pressurizatio Examiner Comment The question asked for two reasons for the valves being closed during cold shutdown. The two reasons being over-pressurization of the RCS by valve leakage and over-pressurization of the RCS by the high discharge pressure of the SI pump. There are two possible sources of over-pressurization of the RCS, through the loop isolation valves and reactor vessel injection isolation valve Hcwever the examiner will accept the generic version of the answer key of

 "over-pressurization of the RCS."

Question 1.01 The reference quoted does not support this question. Several other factors not listed can also affect core reactivity, e.g., fuel enrichment, core loading pattern. If these are adequately explained credit should be given. The explanation for soluble boron control " prevents excessively negative MTC at BOL" is not a reason for why baron is used, it is an undesirable side effect. The explanation of gadolinium states it acts like a burnable poison which is said to flatten flux distribution and reduce baron needed. These are both true. However, question 1.07 states reason for mixing gadolinium in the fuel is to hold down excess reactivit Any of these explanations should be valid for both question _ _ _ _ _ _


Examiner Comment The examiner notes the facility's concer Luestion1.03 Key requires answer to be within i5 steps. Smalles't scale division for rod height is 40 steps, accuracy required should be 20 steps (one-half scaledivision).

Examin_er Coment Not accepte Question 1.11 Key states one of reasons for rod insertion limits is to provide suitable axial flux distribution. Per the reference, the reason is to assure i meeting power distribution limits (i.e., hot channel factors).

Examiner Coment Accepted _ Question 1.14 Key specifies an answer range that is less than one-half a scale divisio Should accept a larger range of answer (e.g. 285-305*F).

Examiner Coment Not accepte Question 2.02 Question specified listing of components. During exam, the proctor authorized circling items on drawing which should be acceptabl Examiner Coment Notes comment Question 2.04 Question does not specify how many responses are required. Credit should be given for tracing back to an initiating signal, even though 10 inputs may not be indicate Examiner Comment Not accepte _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -


. Question 2.05 Part of a question asks for four sources of power to the Rod Control power cabinets. Per the reference, the answers provided are " control" power supplies. Acceptable answers should also include the 70 VDC and 120 VDC power supplie Examiner Coment Disagree, no reference, answer will not be revise ue_s_ tion 2.11 Answer is correct in general terms. However, there are two cross-connect flowpaths upstream of the air dryers through MV-32318 and CP-40-7 (reference drawing B34-2) in addition to the downstream flow path through SA-12-18 and SA-12-19. These should be acceptable answer Examiners Coment Accepte Question 2.13 Reducing general corrosion by reducing free oxygen is the function of hydrogen gas addition to VCT. Suppressing the formation of nitric acid is a by-product of this reaction. Maintaining 15 psig in VCT should not be required for either hydrogen or nitrogen since any gas could also serve this purpos Examiners Comment Examiner notes concer Question 3.02 Answer key should also accept the " load rejection" signal which is necessary to arm steam dunp, reference drawing B7- Examiner Come_nt Accepte Question 3.09 Question says to " identify" potential sources of inadvertent dilutio Listing of sources should be acceptable in addition to marking drawin In addition, there are two separate paths for Reactor Makeup, through blender and through chem mix tank. Both paths should be acceptabl Also, a likely source of an inadvertent dilution is placing a new mixed bed demin in service that is not saturate * Examiner Commen_t Accepte _ . . . . _ . ._ -- . ._. . . - . --- . - - . . . - . . - - - .

. .

) . l

4 luestion3.16a Key should also accept control room hydrogen concentration indicator decreasing as a readout available to determine if recombiner is workin l ]

* Examiner Comment i

/ Accepte i Question 4.06 { In addition to the answers in the key, the response of Tavg to an attempt i to move the rod would distinguish RPI failure and stuck RCCA (reference ! C-6,p.8). From the key it appears the candidate must supply one response

for a failed RPI and one response for stuck rod. A y two answers should l be correct.

' .


Examiner Comment i  ! j Accepted, i l




I i .



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[_ \  Facility: Prairie Island 1,2 Reactor Type: Westinghouse-PWR f ,f,4  Date Administered: May 20, 1986 g

S-C-8 Ii i U Examiner: R. E. Schreiber (.Mh (M S * Candidate: Answer Key INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATE: Use separate paper for the answers. Write answers on one side onl Staple question sheet on top of the answer sheets. Points for each question are indicated in parentheses after the question. The passing grade requires at least 70% in each category and a final grade of at least 80%. Examination papers will be picked up six (6) hours after the examination start . Category % of Candidate's % of Value Total Score Cat. Value Category 25 25 Principles of Nuclear Power Plant Operation, Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow 25 25 Plant Design Including Safety and Emergency Systems 25 25 Instruments and Controls 25 25 Procedures - Normal, Abnomal, Emergency and Radiological Control 100 TOTALS


Final Grade  % All work done on this examination is my ow I have neither given nor received ai Candidate's Signature


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e Page 1 Prairie Island May 20, 1986


Points Available P. qciples of Nuclear Power Plant Operation, Thermodynamics, Reat Transfer and Fluid Flow (25.0) I QUESTION 1.01 List four (4) major means by which reactivity is controlled or altered in the core. Explain why each method is used or how it functions if not under direct operator contro (4.0) ANSWER 1.01 Control rods. Allows large reactivity changes in short time periods. They are used to ensure enough negative reactivity can be . inserted into the core to maintain minimum shutdown , margi . Soluble boron. Allows operation with minimum rod insertion

. to perturb axial flux distributio Prevents excessively negative moderator temperature coefficient at the beginning of core lif . Coolant temperature. The negative Moderator Temperature Coefficient provides an inherent reactivity contro . Fuel temperature coefficient. Most effective at BOL and as protection against rapid reactivity insertien transient . Burnable Poison rod use, they not only aid in flattening radial flux distribution, they reduce the amcunt of soluble boron needed, thus keeping MTC sufficiently negative, especially'at BO . Poisons. Xe and Sm buildup have strong negative effect on reactivit . Gadolinium. Dispersed in fuel, it acts like bp Any four (4) [+0.5] for each item and [+0.5] for each explanation, 44.0 maximum

Reference (s) 1.01 - Prairie Island: Lesson Plan 8188L-001, Reactor Theory Review, pp. 36-3 Section 1.0 Contir.ded on Next Page-

,_ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________ - _ _ d

"o Page 2      ' Prairie Island May 20, 1986

Points Available OVESTION 1.02 Describe how the following will respond to a gradual loss of Natural Circulatio RCS Wide Range T-hot and T-cold (1.0) i Variation of T-cold and P-steam, or Tsat, with time (1.0) . ANSWER 1.02 l l T-hot increases [+0.5] (as boiling in the core refluxes I into the hot leg) and T-cold remains fairly constant [+0.5]

  (gradual cooling to ambient, does not see core behavior   I because of downcomer).      l
        : T-cold does not follow P-steam (T ) [+0.5] (because the    ,

thermocouple is down stream of thgakCP and its loop seal).

P-steam will decrease [+0.5] (as bo11off occurs in S/Gs).

Reference (s) 1.02 Prairie Island: ESO.3, Background information for natural circulation cooldow . Prairie Island: SGTR, Attachment A, Natural Circulation Condition '

   -Section 1.0 Continued on Next Page-

_ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


* .



Page 3 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available QUESTION 1.03 The reactor is subcritical with D-Bank at 72 steps. An ECP has just been run that shows 250 pcm are ne,eded to reach criticality and be on an acceptable ramp toward 10 amps. Use the attached Rod Worth curve to determine the required bank positio Assume no change in boron concentration or xeno (1.0) ANSWER 1.03 At 72 steps the total pcm in the rods is 600 on the Integral curve. [+0.4] Subtracting 250 pcm gives 350 pcm [+0.2]. At this value, D-bank is at about 115 steps +5 steps. [+0.4]


Reference (s) 1.03 Prairie Island: Cl-A, Reactivity Calculations, Figure C1-4A, p.1 of : ,

 -Section 1.0 Continued on Next Page-





Page 4 Prairie Island May 20, 1986


Points Available a '

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arvituto snMb/? .[h aver?]p o_t Figure 1.03 (00ESTION) i

    -Section 1.0 Continued on Next Page-
      -__ _ _ _ _ _

Page 5 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available OVESTION 1.04 Select the time values from column B that match the xenon concentration behavior given in column (2.0) A B a. Time to reach equilibrium 1. 6 hours after startu . 2. 10 hours b. Time to reach peak after trip from 100% powe . 17 hours c. Time to reach starting 4. 24 hours value after trip from 100% powe . 32 hours


d. Time to reach essentially 6. 40 hours xenon free condition after trip from 100% powe . 55 hours 8. 70 hours ANSWER 1.04 a. 6

   :: ,

b. 2 c. 4 d. 8 l l

[+0.5] each Reference (s) 1.04 Prairie Island: NET Notes, p. 3 . Prairie Island: CIA, Reactivity Calculations, Figure Cl- '

l l-Section 1.0 Continued on Next Page- ! - - - .

     . _ _ _ __



Page 6 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available QUESTION 1.05 Use the attached figure to show how much Total Power Defect must be overcome in going from 30% power and 400 ppm boron to 95% power and 100 ppm boro (1.0) ANSWER 1.05 The transition is from -490 to -1690, the difference is-1200+15 pc [+1.0] Reference (s) 1.05 Prairie Island: NET Notes, p. 3 , ,


1-Section 1.0 Continued on Next Page-l


Page 7 Prairie Is.and May 20, 1986 Points Available FIGURE C1-78 TOTAL POWER DEFECT V PERCENT POWER 0 IINfT 9 ('Yf'l C' if)

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. O to 20 30 40 54 6'O 70 8'O S'O 10 0 PERCENT FOWER movto h

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e.wto s .t....g.hy,,..... ..oam.Uf..3. ~ IS-- Fiaure 1.05 (OUESTION)

   -Section 1.0 Continued on Next Page- _ - _ _ _ _ _ _

a e to Page 8 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available QUESTION 1.06 Given the reactor at the following conditions: k,ff = 0.98 Count rate = 20 cps Moderator temperature coefficient = -18.5 pcm/ F (assume constant) What would theg expected count rate be after a temperature decrease of 50 F? Show calculation (2.0) ANSWER 1.06


Reactivity, they= kl


O 98 = -0.02041 = -2041 pcm Temperature change, delta rho = (-18.5)(-50) = 9' 25 pcm Final reactivity, tho2 = -2041 + 925 = -1116 pcm Final k2 = 1/(1-rh 2) = 1/(1+0.01116) = 0.98896 CR2=CRifI t =20(005 ) *136,.23 cps (accept range, 36-38)


Reference (s) 1.06 Prairie Island: Lesson Plan 8188L-001, Reactor Theory Review, pp. 172-17 '

 -Section 1.0 Continued on Next Page-    ;

I !


b Page 9 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available OVESTION 1.07 What is the purpose of mixing Gadolinium in the fuel? (1.0) ANSWER 1.07 This is a distributed burnable poison that serves the same purpose as using burnable poison rods to hold down excess reactivity early in core life. [+1.0] Reference (s) 1.07 Prairie Island: NET Notes, p. 3 i ,

  -Section 1.0 Continued on Next Page-

! _ - _ _ --




Page 10 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available QUESTION 1.08 The reactor is initially at 4 x 10-' amps. Positive reactivity is introduced to put the reactor on The time it takes to reach 1.4 x 10',a constant SUR amps falls inof 0.25 the DP range:

(Selectone.)     (1.0)
(a.) 10 to 25 seconds (b.) 25 to 50 seconds (c.) 50 to 100 seconds (d.) 100 to 150 seconds

ANSWER 1.08 (d.) (about 130 seconds) [+1.0] P=Po10(sur)t P_ , 1.4 x 10-8 P, 0.4 x 10'8 = log 10 3.5 = (0.25)t, t = 2.18 min (~130 sec)


Reference (s) 1.08

    . Prairie Island: NET Notes, p. 2 .


  -Section 1.0 Continued on Next Page- -
     . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

., Page 11 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available QUESTION 1.09 Will the insertion of a given amount of reactivity to a critical reactor at EOL produce a (LARGER, SMALLER, or THE SAME) startup rate than at BOL? Explai (1.0) ANSWER 1.09 LARGER. [+0.5] The value of the effective delayed neutron fraction is smaller at E0L. A smaller Bets-bar-effective results in a larger SUR for a given reactivity change. [+0.5] Reference (s) 1.09 Prairie Island: NET Notes, p. 3 ' Prairie Island: Plant Information Summary, p. QUESTION 1.10 Answer TRUE or FALS Control rods are more effective neutron absorbers at low moderator temperatures than at high moderator temperature (0.5)

  :f f ANSWER 1.10 False. [+0.5] (The neutron migration area increases with temperature of the moderator. This means a larger volume of the reactor is affected by the presence of a rod at higher moderator temperatures than at low. "More effective neutron absorbers" means increased rod worth. The effect is about 20%.)

Reference (s) 1.10 Prairie Island: NET Notes, p. 3 i

 -Section 1.0 Continued on Next Page-



to ' Page 12 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available QUESTION 1.11 What are three (3) purposes of establishing Control Rod Insertion Limits? (1.5) ANSWER 1.11 To minimize the consequences of a rod ejection acciden . To guarantee sufficient shutdown margi . To provide suitable axial flux distribution. (gd-(1 *. ka'f- (b hel

 [+0.5] each  P 4c.h es j oe had6 khts)

Reference (s) 1.11 Prairie Island: Technical Specification Bases, 3.10-1 .



  -Section 1.0 Continued on Next Page-

v e . _ - - - , . . - _ ,.


Page 13 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available QUESTION 1.12 Explain each of the following statements in regard to the Available Net Positive Suction Head to a centrifugal pump, Raising the pump elevation to be closer to the surge tank that feeds it will decrease the NPSH availabl (1.0) Cooling the fluid upstream of the pump will increase the NPSH availabl (1.0) ANSWER 1.12 Available NPSH is the actual head (pressure) minus the vapor pressure of the fluid. Decreasing the distance between the tank and the pump decreases the actual head. [+1.0]

     , Cooling the fluid decreases the vapor pressure of the fluid, thereby increasin head and vapor pressure.g the difference between actual [+ is. du 6 Nc % g /, 4,.u ,g Reference (s) 1.12 b6N NM84 e t c w k e+d A-ad c[3 mw s'c kwtc/. Prairie Island: NET #4, Plant Performance, p. 6.5-1 to :s ,
     .F-Section 1.0 Continued on Next Page-l l

1 l


Page 14 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available QUESTION 1.13 For the following changes in plant status, indicate whether the DNB Ratio will INCREASE, DECREASE, or REMAIN THE SAM Consider each change separately and assume all other plant parameters are unchange Increased reactor power (0.5) Increased CVCS charging and letdown (0.5) Increased PZR pressure (0.5) Increased core inlet temperature, Tc (0.5) ANSWER 1.13 a. Decrease b. Remain the Same c. Increase d. Decrease

[+0.5] each  :: ,

Reference (s) 1.13 Prairie Island: NET Notes, pp. 63-66.

  -Section 1.0 Continued on Next Page-i   .

_. - - _ -. -. - - - - _


Page 15 Prairie Island May 20, 1985 Points Available QUESTION 1.14 Determine the Subcooling Margin, 'F, using the following information: The highest core outlet thermocouple reads 600 The lowest primary system pressure reads 2185 psi It is not necessary to show wor (1.0) What is the effect of Steam Generator tube plugging on P-stm at full power (INCREASE, DECREASE, REMAIN THE SAME)? Assume that RCS temperatures are unchange (0.5) What is the temperature of the steam down stream of a ' liilfightly cracked open valve if the pressure upstream is 500 psia and the pressure downstream is one standard atmospher The steam upstream contains 2% moistur It is not necessary to show wor (1.0) ANSWER 1.14 corresponds to a saturation 2185psig(2200 temperature of 64 psia}F,sothesubcoolingmarginis 649.5 - 600 = 49.5' [+1.0] Decrease. [+0.5] (Heat transfer area is reduced, but nothing else change , so T P-stm is decrease sat is reduced, and therefore Between 290 and 300*F [+1.0] (Isenthalpicprocess. Steam issuperheated.)

Reference (s) 1.14 . Steam Tables for saturated condition . Prairic Island: NET Notes, p. 6 . Hollier Chart and superheated steam table ,

  -Section 1.0 Continued on Next Page-  l
    -   l

, 1 .


Page 16 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available QUESTION 1.15 Explain how some Condensate Depression can be an advantage if the hotweTT level is low in the Main Condenser, but that excessive condensate depression can be a hindrance to overall plant operatio (1.0) ANSWER 1.15 Some CD compensates for the loss of the Available NPSH for the Condensate pump (thereby preventing cavitation), but too much (subcooling below saturation) reduces plant efficiency. [+1.0] Reference (s) 1.15 Prairie Island: NET 4, Plant Performance, p. 5.3- QUESTION 1.16 Does Pressurizer Thermal Shock to the Reactor Vessel become MORE or LESS of a danger as the vessel ages? (0.5) ANSWER 1.16

  't #

More. [+0.5] (As the vessel ages, embrittlement due to fast neutron fluence increases. This raises the NDT temperatur As the NDT temperature increases, the vessel is susceptible to crack propagation at higher and higher temperatures. Because i PTS adds stress to a relatively cool vessel, the dan crack propagation is increased as the vessel ages.) ger of , Reference (s) 1.16 Prairie Island: NET 4, Plant Performance, Unit 1 End of Section 1.0- , i


Page 17 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available 2.0 Plant Desian Including Safety and Emergency Systems (25.0) QUESTION 2.01 Answer the following questions about the Caustic Addition system for the Containment Spray: What are the two (2) important reasons for adding caustic to Containment Spray? (1.0) Describe the provisions for ensuring that the correct proportion of caustic solution from the Standpipe is added to the RWST water flowing through the Containment spray pum (2.0) ANSWER 2.01 Absorb iodine in the containment atmosphere after a LOCA

  [+0.5], and make the spray solution basic (~10.5 pH) to reduce the corroding effects of boric acid on stainless steel [+0.5]. The level in the standpipe is less than the RWST level to account for the denser caustic solution [+1.0]. Vacuum breakers allow the caustic to flow out of the standpipe (such that the level in the standpipe and RWST drop at the same rate) [+1.0]. (The breathers absorb CO2 and moisture from the air and thus reduce corrosion inside the carbon steel standpipe. They do not primarily participate in the spray function. Excess caustic will react with aluminum and galvanized (zine coated) steel in containment to release hydrogen.)



Reference (s) 2.01 Prairie Island: B-180, Containment Spray System, pp. 9-1 *

  -Section 2.0 Continued on Next Page- -

__ - _ -_ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ .- _ - - - - -

     . _

_ . _ . _ _ _ _ _


I Page 18 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 - Points Available QUESTION 2.02 List the equipment still being served by the Component Cooling Water (CCW) system after the CCW system has received a Safeguards Actuation Signal to isolate equipment not essential for safe ' shutdown of the plant. Use the attached figure. Do not list the CCW HXs, CCW pumps, or CCW surge tank. Ignore unit 2 connection (1.5) ANSWER 2.02 Candidate should know that MV-32120 and 32121 are shut by the signal. This leaves the following equipment still receiving CCW: RHR HXs [+0.2]  ! RHR pump coolers [+0.2] Spent fuel pit HXs [+0.1] _ RCPs [+0.4] Alternate: thermal barriers [+0.2] and oil coolers

 [+0.21 S/G blowdown sample analysis panel [+0.1] and sample coolers

SI pump coolers [+0.2] Containment spray pump coolers [+0.2] .

Reference (s) 2.02 4 Prairie Island: B-14, CCW, pp. 5, 13 and Figure B 14- .

  -Section 2.0 Continued on Next Page- -

_-- __ .

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. Page 19 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 ' Points Available

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           ... . sie i Figure 2.02 (QUESTION)
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    -Section 2.0 Continued on Next Page-
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Page 20 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available OVESTION 2.03 Select from the following list of trips, those that will cause an automatic trip of the Emergency Diesel Generator even though there is a SI signal presen (1.5) Crank case pressure high at 2 inches water Diesel overspeed at 1000 rpm Generator reverse current Ground fault on a safeguards bus feed Jacket water pressure low at 9 psig

     , Jacket water temperature high at 205 F Lube oil pressure low at 16 psig Phase differential on the generator ANSWER 2.03 2, 4, [+1.5]
  ;, ,

Reference (s) 2.03 Prairie Island: B-38A, pg 1 '

 -Section 2.0 Continued on Next Page-
  .. .- - - -

Page 21 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available l l QUESTION 2.04 Trace a Containment Isolation Signal back to all possible sources in the top row of the attached Safeguards Logic Diagram. Ignore all reset loops and branche (2.0) ANSWER 2.04 The traces identified should be similar to the attached ke It is not sufficient to list Manual and SI; the training objective is that the candidate be able to trace a signal through the logic network (block diagram). [+0.2] for each of 10 inputs Reference (s) 2.04 Prairie Island: Lesson Plan P8180L-006, Engineered Safeguards, p. I and Figure B-18C, Logic Diagram Safeguards Actuation Signal :


i a-Section 2.0 Continued on Next Page- _ _ . _ _ . .


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . .

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i l-Section 2.0 Continued on Next Page-


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Page 24 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 i Points Available QUESTION 2.05 What are the four (4) sources of power to each Rod Control System Power Supply cabinet? (2.0) What determines which power source is used by a cabinet? (1.0) Answer TRUE or FALSE: An urgent failure in a power cabinet prevents movement of any individual rod ban ,


ANSWER 2.05 Two power supplies are from the M/G sets [+1.0] and two are from the safeguards 480 volt bus 110 [+1.0] (through MCC , 1 AC bus 1, panel 117 and a step down transformer). ' Auctioneered high voltage. [+1.0] l False. [+0.5] (Any rod bank that is not powered by the affected cabinet may be moved manually, even though auto rod motion of the whole system is inhibited by the urgent failure.)

Reference (s) 2.05 Prairie Island: B-5, Rod Control System, pp. 17-1 .

  -Section 2.0 Continued on Next Page- -

_ _ . _ _ _


Page 25 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available QUESTION 2.06 What are the two (2) reasons for maintaining a small constant M through the Pressurizer spray nozzle? (1.0) ANSWER 2.06 Reduce thermal shock to the nozzle when full spray is turned on [+0.5] (alternate answer: prevent excessive cooling of the spray piping) Pressurizer and with theto mix (homogenize)[+the reactor coolant 0.5]. contents of the Reference (s) 2.06 , Prairie Island: B-4A, Reactor Coolant System, p. 1 QUESTION 2.07 On the attached diagram, draw lines to show the Seal Injection Flow into and through the seal (s) and bearing (s) of the Reactor Coolant Pump. Label the inlet and outlet flows and show the connection to the Standpip (3.0) ANSWER 2.07


On the attached diagram there are 8 line segments and 4 labels to be filled in. Scoring is [+0.25] eac Reference (s) 2.07

    ' Prairie Island: B-3, Reactor Coolant Pumps, pp.11-13 and Figure B3- l l


 -Section 2.0 Continued on Next Page- -




.           \

Page 26 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 , Points Available :? vi i.!

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m.IX , Figure 2.07 (QUESTION) s

  -Section 2.0 Continued on Next Page-t
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Page 27 Prairie Island May 20. 1986 Points Available

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  -Section 2.0 Continued on Next Page-l t

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Page 28 Prairie Island


May 20, 1986 Points Available QUESTION 2.08

Which (by number) safeguards bus supplies power to each of the Residual Heat Removal pumps

I Pump 11, bus Pump 12, bus Pump 21, bus Pump 22, bus Describe the feature of the RHR system that prevents overheating of the RHR pumps if the RCS pressure is greater than RHR pump shut-off hea (1.0) ANSWER 2.08 ' bus 15, 16, 26, 25 [+1.0] i Flow from the pumps goes through HXs and then recirculates to the pump suctions. (Flow to the suction of the high head SI pumps, or the containment spray pumps, may be so aligned, but their function is not protection of the RHR pumps. CCW cooling of the RHR pump bearings is continuous,

regardless of the pressure in the RCS. The RHR discharge relief valve only provides overpressure protection for * . train A during ECCS alignment.) [+1.0] Reference (s) 2.08 , Prairie Island: Lesson Plan P8180L-003, RHR System, p.11.

! Prairie Island: B-15, RHR Systems, Figure B-15-3.

i .

u !, , l

   -Section 2.0 Continued on Next Page-      -

! I . . . . , . . _ _ _ . . . - - _ , . . _ _ _ - . . _ _ ...- - . . - . - - . . - - - - - - _ - - - - - , -

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Page 29 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available QUESTION 2.09 What are the two (2) sources of Auxiliary Feedwater? (1.0) Answer TilUE or FALS It is, possible for any AFW pump to supply the emergency auxiliary feedwater needs of either Unit 1 or Unit (0.5) ANSWER 2.09 . Condens!te Storage tanks (3 interconnected) The Cooling Water syste [+0.5] each - False. [+0.5] (The motor driven pumps are cross connected, but the Terry turbine driven pumps are not. In an emergency, it nay be possible to block the return line to the CST, open the common return line to the motor driven pump, open the cross connect to the other unit. It is hard to show on the PIDs available.)

, Reference (s) 2.09

   ' Prairie Island: B-288, Au iliary.' Feedwater System, pp. 4. 3,

Figure B288-1, PID 39220, PID 3922 , s



     ' , .
  -Section 2.0 Continued on Next Page-
. .

_ _ _ _

  • .

Page 30 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available QUESTION 2.10 Answer TRUE or FALS The Instrument AC Distribution System is designed to be Non-Interruptabl (0.5) ANSWER 2.10 False. [+0.5] (Because of redundancy, the system can tolerate brief interruptions. The Computer AC Distribution System is designedtobenon-interruptable.)

l Reference (s) 2.10 1 Prairie Island: B-20.8, Instrument AC and Computer AC I Distribution System, p. QUESTION 2.11 Describe the two (2) flowpaths by which Station Air can be crosstied to Instrument Ai (1.0) if , ANSWER 2.11 Either upstream or downstream of the Instrument Air Dryer (Station air is of acceptable quality for the instrument air system because it has already passed through a dryer.) [+1.0] Reference (s) 2.11 Prairie Island: B-34, Instrument and Station Air, p. b-l 5 0 , &buo O S4'l

   -Section 2.0 Continued on Next Page-

_ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Page 31 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available OUESTION 2.12 j What are the two (2) streams of potentially radioactive TTquid waste that are monitored prior to discharge? i State their respective radiation monitor number (1.0) What automatic function is performed by the effluent monitors should high levels of activity be detected? (0.5) ANSWER 2.12 Common discharge header for liquid wastes [+0.3] R-18

 ;+0.2; and steam generator blowdown header [+0.3] R-19
 + 0.2...
     , The respective flow is shut off. [+0.5]

Reference (s) 2.12 Prairie Island: Lesson Plan P8182L-001, Radioactive Waste Liquid, p. .


i-Section 2.0 Continued on Next Page- * ,


Page 32 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available QUESTION 2.13 Explain & the following materials are added to the Chemical and Volume Control Syste Each material may have more than one purpos (3.0) Hydrogen peroxide Hydrogen gas Hydrazine Lithium hydroxide Nitrogen gas , ANSWER 2.13 Cause a crud burst in the RCS, cleaned up prior to refueling.)(allowing

    [+0.5] system to be Reduce general corrosion by reducing free oxygen (produced
, by radiolysis of the water) [+0.5]. Suppress the formation of nitric acid. [+0.2] Used to maintain 15 psig in VCT whenever RCP is running. [+0.3]
   :f g Scavenges dissolved oxygen at low temperature (below 180 F).

[+0.5] I Added to raise pH (at EOL when boric acid concentration is low and production of Li from neutron boron reaction is low) . [+0.5] Added to assist in purging the RCS of hydrogen (prior to opening up the primary system; (also-called " burping").

 [+0.2] Used to maintain 15 psig in VCT whenever RCP is running [+0.3].

Reference (s) 2.13 l Prairie Island: Lesson Plan P8172L-001A, CVCS, pp. 25-26; Prairie Island: System Procedures C-12, CVCS, pp. 69-7 End of Section 2.0-L____ .__ _ . . -. _ _ _ _ _ .


Page 33 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available 3.0 Instruments and Controls (25.0) OVESTION 3.01 l The Steam Generator Level Control System is said to be

 " level dominant." Explain what this means in terms of the input signals to the controlle (1.25) The flow error of the S/G Level Control System is said to be " anticipatory". Explain what is being anticipated, and how response time is affecte (1.25)


     , A level error signal [+0.25] will overcome '+0.25' a flow error signal [+0.25] to maintain S/G level l+0.25: as close as possible to the program level [+0.25]. The flow error signal allows the system to respond rapidly
 [+0.5] to an anticipated level change [+0.5] due to a steam flow (i.e., power) change. [+0.25]

Reference (s) 3.01 Prairie Island: B-7, Reactor Control Systems, p. 4 .

 -Section 3.0 Continued on Next Page- -

Page 34 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 j Points Available QUESTION 3.02 S ee w(7) Give five (5) of the sia (6 } interlocks or conditions that must be met if the Steam Dump System is to operate in the T avg, load rejection, mod (2.5) ANSWER 3.02 The steam dump "Off/ Reset-On-Bypass" interlock switches are in the ON position. [+0.5] The steam dump " Mode Selector Control" switch is in the T CONTROL position. [+0.5] avg ReactorcoolantlooBtemperaturesareabovetheLow-Low


avg setpoints (540 F). [+0.5] T No turbine trip (2/2 stop valves shut) exist [+0.5] Air pressure is available to the valve [+0.5] Condenser available, [+0.5] or One out of two circulating water pumps operating (breakerclosed). [+0.5] Condenser vacuum greater than 15" Hg. in both condenser shells. [+0.5]

(+2.5 maximum)

7, 8 l% o , [0h-b V*b e'Y I W % '~8 * A~ ' * WS . Reference (s) 3.02 Prairie Island: B-7, Reactor Control . systems, p. 2 .

 -Section 3.0 Continued on Next Page-

__ _ - . _ . .

.       .

' Page 35 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available QUESTION 3.03 Select the correct statement for the Pressurizer Level Control Syste (1.0)

 (a.) Heaters and sprays overlap to provide positive contro (b.) At lo-lo level alarm, heaters and letdown are secure (c.) Reactor will trip at 2/3 hi-hi~ level when reactor is in Mxhr4. 5/ti , /, - s 2 % rb ' -
 (d.) There is an alarm but no control action at high leve '

ANSWER 3.03 (b.) [+1.0] Reference (s) 3.03 Prairie Island: B-7, Reactor Control Systems, p. 37, and Figure B-7-2 .


i-Section 3.0 Continued on Next Page- - l


l I

, - . , . . , - -- - _ . _ . - - . ,. -
       . . - - _ .

__ _


Page 36 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available QUESTION 3.04 Against what phenomenon is the reactor protected by the Overtemperature Delta T reactor trip? (1.0) Indicate whether the OTdeltaT setpoint will INCREASE, DECREASE, or REMAIN THE SAME for each of the following conditions: A gradual increase in T 'due to blockage of S/G avg tube (0.5) A downward drift in RCS pressure due to heater failur '


ANSWER 3.04 DNB [+1.0] (no credit for "overtemperature") . Decrease [+0.5] Decrease [+0.5] Reference (s) 3.04

        . Prairie Island: B-8, RPS, p. .
          '  .
    -Section 3.0 Continued on Next Page-    -
. . . - , , - - - . - - . . - - -- . , . - -y r -, - - m- ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' ~ -

Page 37 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available OVESTION 3.05 Match the Accident Condition in columu A with the Safety Injection Signals in column B. More than one choice is possibl (1.75) A B 8j 1. Large LOCA a. 2/3.PZR pressure (1815 psig 2. S/G Tube Rupture b. 2/3 containment pressure >4 psig 3. Large Steam Line Break c. 2/3 steamline pressure in either inside containment loop (500 psig


4. Loss of S/G Feedwater i ANSWER 3.05 l a, b a a, b, c, inside containment, only a, c outside c

[+0.25] per choice

Reference (s) 3.05 Prairie Island: B-18A, SI and Accumulator Systems, p. 2 . Prairie Island: Updated FSAR, Section 14, Safety Analyses, 14.5-14, 14.5-20, 14.6-1, 14.8-4 i

  -Section 3.0 Continued on Next Page-  -
  . - , . . . _ . - _ _ - . _ _ _
* .

Page 38 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available QUESTION 3.06 Select the seven (7) correct Source Range functions from the following list. An item may apply to more than one (1) NIS rang (1.75) Channel Comparator Computer Input Control Board Indication Control Board Recording Containment Evacuation Alarm Delta I Indication Delta I Recorder ' Detector Current Comparator High Flux at Shutdown alarm 10. High Level Trip - 11. High Power Rod Stop 12. High Power Trip 1 Low Power Trip 14. Overpower Recorder 15. P-6 16. P-8 17. P-9 18. P-10 19. Rate comparator for positive and negative rate trips 20. RPS OT and OP Delta T Trips 21. Rod Control System : ,

, 22. Startup Rate Circuit ANSWER 3.06 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 22 [+0.25] each, +1.75 maximum Reference (s) 3.06
 , Prairie Island: B-9, NIS, pp. 7 and i


a-Section 3.0 Continued on Next Page-l

 .. - . -- . - _ - -- _ _ - -- ._

Page 39 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available QUESTION 3.07 Answer TRUE or FALSE. There are no interlocks to prevent the closing of any Letdown Orifice Isolation valv (0.5) ANSWER 3.07 TRU [+0.5] , Reference (s) 3.07 , Prairie Island: B-12A, CVCS, p. QUESTION 3.08 During switchover from the VCT to the RWST, why does the outlet valve from the VCT remain open until the valve to the RWST is open? (1.0) ANSWER 3.08 To be assured that there is always a supply of water to the suction of the charging pumps. '[+1.0] Reference (s) 3.08 Prairie Island: B-12A, CVCS, p. 1 i ! -Section 3.0 Continued on Next Page-

_ _. _ . . _ _ , , _ , _ . . , .- - _ - _ - -


Page 40 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available QUESTION 3.09 Identify the potential sources of inadvertent dilution of the RCS using the attached diagram, B-12A-2. Do not assume leaking heat exchanger (2.0) ANSWER 3.09 See Figure 3.09 (ANSWER).

Reference (s) 3.09 J Prairie Island: B-12A, CVCS, Figure B-12A- , QUESTION 3.10 If an RTD fails open, will the apparent temperature be high or low? Explai (1.5) ANSWER 3.10 High. [+0.5] The resistance increases with temperature, an open circuit looks like a very high resistance. [+1.0] , Reference (s) 3.10 Prairie Island: Lesson Plan, 8184L-003, Reactor Process Instrumentation, p. 5.

I i





  -Section 3.0 Continued on Next Page-

_ _-

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Page 41 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available




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Figure 3.09 (OUESTION) i t-Section 3.0 Continued on Next Page- __

__, - . . - - - _ - .


Page 42 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available ANSWER 3.09 A g n ' C


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I I . I Figure 3.09 (ANSWER)

 [+0.25] for each choice: M/u, 5 demin. water, 2 deborating ion exchangers-Section 3.0 Continued on Next Page-

, t , _ __ _ _ _


. . Page 43 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available QUESTION 3.11 What is the function of the Air Ejector Monitor, R-157 (1.0) ANSWER 3.11 To indicate primary to secondary leakag [+1.0] Reference (s) 3.11 Prairie Island: Lesson Plan, 8182L-002, p. 1 ,




How is Area Monitor R-7 likely to interact with incore TTux mapping operations? (1.0) ANSWER 3.12 , R-7 is in the area of the seal table [+0.5]. Unless the fuses i are pulled during mapping, the activation of the probes will i trigger the monitor during withdrawal [+0.5].

   ^f e

, Reference (s) 3.12 Prairie Island: Lesson Plan 8182L-002, p. 22.

, s


f a '

  -Section 3.0 Continued on Next Page-


  . . _ - - - - . . - -.- . . _ - , . . - - _

_ _-. .


Page 44 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available OVESTION 3.13 State the positions of the Selector Switch and the Control Switch for the Auxiliary Feedwater Pump if the auto start on main feedpump trip is to be blocked. Ignore any other means by which the MFP may be blocke (1.0) ANSWER 3.13 Selector switch in SHUTDOWN AUTO and control switch in NORMA (The control switch will always be in NORMAL because it is spring return from either START or STOP.) [+1.0] i Reference (s) 3.13' ' Prairie Island: B-288, AFW System, p. QUESTION 3.14 What three (3) signals will cause a Control Room Ventilation TsoTatton? (1.5) ANSWER 3.14 A Safety Injection signal, 1/2.high rad levels on R-23 or R-24, toxic gas monitor. [+1.5] . Reference (s) 3.14 Prairie Island: Lesson Plan 8180L-006, ESF, p. 1 . s

   -Section 3.0 Continued on Next Page- -
. _ _ . _ _ _ _ _
   . _ _ . , -__ _.__ _ . _ . . _ , . . _  _ , ,
.,       I Page 45     Prairie Island May 20, 1986

Points l Available QUESTION 3.15 Which of the five (5) types of fire detectors used throughout the plant is most likely to react first to a developing fire in a general area? (1.0) ANSWER 3.15 I Ionization detector [+1.0] . . Reference (s) 3.15 l Prairie Island: Lesson Plan 8178L-003, pp. 3-4.

1 * OVESTION 3.16 What six (6) Controls and Readouts are available to the operator to determine if the Electric Hydrogen Recombiner System is working properly? (1.5) What is the minimum concentration of hydrogen in the , containment that is flammable? (0.5)

   , ,

ANSWER 3.16 . Wattmeter .' Controller potentiometer On/off switch Power-available pilot light " Temperature readout TC selector switch.

A-1s 0, &c<=p4 e % w c$t%ecY t %clkh%5 o h h cruc, l [+0.25] each j cpq % [+0.5]  ;

Reference (s) 3.16 ,

      . Prairie Island: Lesson Plan 8180L-008, pp. 6, 13-1 Section 3.0 Continued on Next Page-
 .-. _ _ - _ - -. - - - _ - .  ..

_ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _

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Page 46 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available OVESTION 3.17 Explain why it may be necessary to override an ESF Isolation signal that closes Sample Line valves from the PZ (1.0) ANSWER 3.17 After a severe accident it is necessary to monitor fuel failure


and boron concentration by taking samples from the RCS. [+1.0] Reference (s) 3.17 Prairie Island: B-39, Sampling System, p. End of Section 3.0-i 8 t


- p i


J _ . _ , . _ . . _ . . _ - . . _ . _ . . . _ . . . . __ _ . _ _ __ _ ,,_.._ , ,_ ~

      . 1

[ Page 47 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 ' Points Available 4.0 Procedures - Normal, Abnormal. Emeroency and Radiological Control (25.0) QUESTION 4.01 Unidentified leakage from the RCS is limited to gpm, per TS 3.1- (0.5) With regard to Instrumentation Surveillance, use the ideas expressed in the definitions of Channel Calibration and Channel Functional Test to show which is more comprehensiv (1.0)


ANSWER 4.01 l [+0.5] Channel Calibration involves the entire channel, including the sensor. It is more comprehensive because it includes the Functional Test. [+1.0] i Reference (s) 4.01 Prairie Island: TS 3.1- . Prairie Island: TS 1.- .



  -Section 4.0 Continued on Next Page- *
. - . - - - - . , - -  __ _ _

___ . -

.        l l

l Page 48 Prairie Island l May 20, 1986 Points Available OVESTION 4.02 Give the five (5) Immediate Manual Actions contained in emergency procedure AB1, Loss of All Offsite Powe (2.5) ANSWER 4.02 Inspect the reactor TRIP "First Out" annunciator panel for the first out trip and subsequent trip . Verify that the reactor trip breakers are ope . Verify that all full-length control rods and shutdown rods are properly inserted by inspecting the rod position . indications.

, Verify that the power level is decreasing by inspectio . Verify emergency oil pump is on the turbin [+0.5] each Reference (s) 4.02 Prairie Island: Procedure AB1, Loss of All Offsite Power, p. .



  -Section 4.0 Continued on Next Page-  '
-- -- -  - --  - - - - , - - . - - -
-       -
.       .

Page 49 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available OVESTION 4.03 Complete the following table, Red Path Summary, for a Loss of Coolant Accident, procedure E- (2.5) SUBCRITICALITY CORE COOLING or HEAT SINK INTEGRITY CONTAINMENT


ANSWER 4.03 Subcriticality -- Nuclear power >5% Core cooling -- Exit TCs >1200F or Exit TCs >700U F and RVLIS full range (37%, no RCPs Heat Sink -- S/Gs WR level (60% and total feedflow (200 gpm Integrity - Cold leg temp decrease >100F/hr and RCS cold leg temp (230,F Containment - ' Pressure >46 psig

 [+0.5] each

! Reference (s) 4.03 Prairie Island: E0P E-1, information page opposite p. ' ,

  -Section 4.0 Continued on Next Page-  '

i i _ ___ _ _ . _ _, . _ _ _ - _ _ - - - --_ - - - - -- -

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Page 50 Prairie Island May 20, 1986

;         Points j         Available
:   QUESTION 4.04

] l How many Nuclear Instrumentation detectors of each range must

. be in service prior to startup?    (1.5)


:    2 SR j    2 IR l

4 PR


I [+0.5] each '


Reference (s) 4.04

- Prairie Island: C1.2, S/U Administrative Control 3.3.1,
;     p. 5.



i QUESTION 4.05 )' You come on shift during RCS heatup g and note in the log that


the temperature an hour ago was'325 F. According to administrative limits, what is'the highest temperature it is ' allowed to be now? .


j ANSWER 4.05 385 F (60F/hrmaxheatuprate) [+1.0) . ! Reference (s) 4.05 l Prairie Island: C1.2, S/U Administrative Control 3.3.4,

p. 5.



l . l-Section 4.0 Continued on Next Page-

- - - . . - . . - - - . -- - - , _ - . - - . . _ . . - . .   - - _ . . .  . ... - ,
      . l

Page 51 Prairie Island May 20, 1986


Points Available l QUESTION 4.06 Give two (2) observations that would help you distinguish between , a failed Rod Position Indicator and a stuck RCC (2.0) ANSWER 4.06 Symptoms peculiar to a failed RPI: [+1.0] for either Erratic behavior of RPI when bank not in motion OR Sudden large indicated rod position without

changes in nuclear power or motion of other rod C. C hA- 1% Ts.x w i1-k tccl mb % % t*9AMrdless Symptoms pe% eculiar to stud RCCA, simultaneous occ,urrence ch U5 iada'c,


for any one RPI/ group step counter disagreement 1 Rod group movement shown by suspect step counter, but no RPI motion Abnormal power distribution as shown by excore or incore NIs Reference (s) 4.06 Prairie Island: C6, Rod Position Indicator System, pp. 6 and . ! I s

-Section 4.0 Continued on Next Page- *




- - . -. - . - - - . - .  .- ,- - . . .

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'. Page 52 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available j QUESTION 4.07 If a Pressurizer pressure transmitter has failed, should the Reactor trip and SI bistables associated with the failed channel be placed in the trip or bypass position? (0.5) ANSWER 4.07 Trip for both [+0.5] Reference (s) 4.07 Prairie Island: C7.2, Malfunction of the PZR Pressure Control System, p. 3 '

     :t t
 -Section 4.0 Continued on Next Page-
  - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Page 53 Prairie Island l May 20, 1986 ' Points Available QUESTION 4.08 Give four (4) examples or general statements of the kind of significant operations or actions that the Reactor Operator will enter in the Reactor Log. Omit data filled in on the stamped form at the beginning of each da (2.0) ANSWER 4.08 Group answers into these general categories: All operations affecting the operation of the reactor or major unit equipmen . Changes in reactor coolant boron concentratio ' Changes in reactor power level and generator outpu . Performance of unit surveillance testing or special testin Results of testing when applicabl . Instrumentation or equipment failures.

l Occurrence of significant annunciator alarm . REs, SOEs, suspected REs or SOEs. [CAF] Any four (4) [+0.5] each, +2.0 maximum Reference (s) 4.08 Prairie Island: SWI-0-4, p. I e-Section 4.0 Continued on Next Page-


   -- , - _ - _ - ,
     . _ _    _ _
! .

l Page 54 Prairie Island


May 20, 1986

Points Available QUESTION 4.09 Given a situation where the RCS activity becomes so high that Normal Letdown and Excess Letdown must be isolated, what are three (3) emergency letdown paths into containment? (3.0) ANSWER 4.09 Reactor head vent to PRT PZR PORVs to PRT t Excess letdown to RCDT

, Stop an RCP, route seal return to PRT      '

) RCP seal bypass to PRT Pump RCS PZR solid and use safeties after gagging charging pump relief Any three (3) [+1.0] each, +3.0 maximum

l Refe*ence(s) 4.09 i a r Prairie Island: C12, CVCS S/U Procedure, p. 6.

j Prairie Island: C1.9, Emergency S/D and Cooldown, pp. 2- ! .,

s-Section 4.0 Continued on Next Page-
   . _. . . _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . , -

Page 55 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available QUESTION 4.10 There are two (2) caution statements before step one and after step four of ES-0.2, SI Termination. Answer the following in , regard to those cautions: If offsite power is lost after SI reset, what must be done with regard to safeguards equipment? (1.0) What must be done before SI will reinitiate automatically? (1.0) . ANSWER 4.10 It must be manually restarte [+1.0] , Reactor trip breakers must be rese [+1.0] Reference (s') 4.10 Prairie Island: ES-0.2, SI Termination, p. i ,


i . ! . '

     -Section 4.0 Continued on Next Page-


- . , , - .
 . ..- .- . . . . . , , . , , . - , - - - - , , - - - , - - . , . - . - . , . , . -
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Page 56 Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Points Available QUESTION 4.11 What are your quarterly exposure limits, according to PI Radiation Protection rules? (1.5) Under what conditions can you exceed quarterly whole body limits? (0.5) ANSWER 4.11 .25 Rem /qtr for whole body [+0.5] (head and trunk, active blood forming organs, lens of eyes or gonads). Skin dose I per quarter is 7.5 Re [+0.5] Extremities dose is 18.75 Rem /qtr. [+0.5]

        , Quarterly whole body dose can be increased to 3 Rem provided the individual's lifetime accumulated dose does not exceed 5(N-18)whereNisage. [+0.5]

l Reference (s) 4.11 Prairie Island: F2, Radiation Safety, pp. 11 and 12.


     : ,

< O I-Section 4.0 Continued on Next Page-I

. - _ . - - - - - _ _ _ - _ _ - . _ _ - . ___ -. - -- . - . - -
    .- .
' ,
*e Page 57   i Prafrie Island May 20, 1986

Points Available


! QUESTION'4.12 For a LOCA, procedure E-1, state the two (2) conditions , for which the RCPs should be stopped in step (2.0) , In step 3 of E-1, what is an acceptable Wide Range Level in the Intact S/Gs? (0.5) ANSWER 4.12 . High-head SI pumps running, flow indicated [+1.0] RCS pressure (1200 psig (1500 psig for adverse containment) [+1.0] , >50% (accept 60 to 64 as given in next step) [+0.5] Reference (s) 4.12 PrairieIskand: E0P E-1, p. QUESTION 4.13 From a security = standpoint, what is your conduct toward visitors to the control room? ' (1.0)


ANSWER 4.13 Keep an eye on them to make sure they obey company rules [+0.5] and challenge them if their ID is not visible, or if c,therwise appropriate. [+0.5]


Reference (s) 4.13 Prairie Island: SWI-0-13, Watchstanders Guide, p. ,



-Section 4.0 Continued on Next Page- -

i *


_ _ _ _ - _ _ ~. o s o Prairie Island May 20, 1986 Page 58 Points , Available i are NE 0_0ESTION 4.14 After an accident in containment, what two tation (2) condit ons considered Adverse Containment, wiiE regard to(1.0) instrumen readings that appear in Emergency Procedure E-07 W ANSWER 4.14 5 psig [+0.5] and 104 R/hr [+0.5] Reference (s) 4.14 E-0, footnote on information pag . Prairie Island:

  -End of Section 4.0-
  -End of Exam-i ,




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. .

Where mg = m2 (density)3(velocity)3(area)g = (density)2(velocity)2(area)2 _______________________________________________________________ an 2 where V = specific KE = "V2 PE = mgh PE + KE1+P 1V 1 = PE2 +KE 2 +P2 V vo ume

P = Pressure g _______________________________________________________________ Q=UA(T,y,-Tstm) Q = m(hg-h2) Q=Ec(Tout-Tin) p ____________________________________..________________._____________ t SUR = 26.06 T = (B-p)t P = P0 10(SUR)(t) P = Po e /T T p , ______.____ _____________________________________________________________ CR = S/ delta K = (K,ff-1) CRg(1-K,ffg) = CR 2 (I-Keff2)

(1-Keff1)   (I-Eeff) x 100%

SDM = E H = (1-K eff2 I eff ________.___________.______________________________. _______________


decay constant = In (2) " 0.693 t

   :, , A g=A g e (decay constant)x(t)

t 1/2 1/2 , ______________________.__________________________________________ Miscellaneous Conversions Water Parameters 10 dps 1 gallon = 8.345 lbs 1 Curie = 3.7 x 10 1 kg = 2.21 lbs 1 gallon = 3.78 liters

1 ft3 = 7.48 gallons I hp = 2.54 x 10 Btu /hr


3 1 MW = 3.41 x 10 Btu /hr Density =62.4lbg/ft 1 Btu = 778 ft-lbf Density = 1 gm/cm Degrees F = (1.8 x Degrees C) + 32 Heat of Vaporization = 970 Btu /lbm Heat of Fusion = 144 Btu /lbm 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters 2, 1 Atm = 14.7 psia = 29.9 in Hg g = 32.174 ft-lbm/lbf-sec ,


_ qi%KT C E .E c, SE I FACILITY: _ PRAIRIE ISLABD 1&2 REACTOR TYPE: PWR-WEC2 'l DATE ADMINISTERED: 86/05/19 EXAMINER: _BEIDINGER. APPLICANT: INSTRUCIlONS TO 6PPLICANT: I Use separate paper for the answers. Write answers on one side onl Staple question sheet on top of the answer sheet Points for each question are indicated in parentheses after the question. The passing l grade requires at least 70% in each category and a final grade of at i I least 80%. Examination papers will be picked up six (6) hours after the examination start % OF CATEGORY % OF APPLICANT'S CATEGORY VALUE_ TOTAL SCORE VALUE CATEGORY 25.00 25.00 THEORY OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANT OPERATION, FLUIDS, AND THERMODYNAMICS 25.00 25.00 PLANT SYSTEMS DESIGN, CONTROL, AND INSTRUMENTATION 25.00 25.00 PROCEDURES - NORMAL, ABNORMAL, EMERGENCY AND RADIOLOGICAL CONTROL 25.00 25.00 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES, CONDITIONS, AND LIMITATIONS 100.00 100.00 TOTALS FINAL GRADE  % All work done on this examination is my own. I have neither given nor received ai APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE

__ ___ -



  .. \

f . . ,, . t- -

         . ...

t SUR't -At + P = Po e /t = P,10 N=Ne m . Alp 1V1 = Aap2Va A = AN

 - y+8p or t =0 D    Q = A1V1 = A2V2 p Ap  Ap g ,g",-px = I 10 *I# ~

E in " out +0 stored p = k-1 km - k* = AR ATis = 0.693 E = KE + PE + U + PV + Q + li R/hr @ d feet , 6CE . Y g g

 ~  *

Point source 8 1 - kr 1d


    - Ind2 2

H g

-= 1-k I,d =

t2da R/hr x time = R


line source b"{ reduced for - turbine. SG pump, nozzle, c p s, gg 7,, orifice, condenser, pipe. Rx H cps, - g Bio g Rad flow a (dp Tis,gg = Th ya ,

nzt " O(D doppler  " mod + Dvoid  3 g, + TisRad  ** I"'"I   # **  ***

D 23 c head lose a ap

 +DXe * 'Sm + "Pu +    P=h + pambient   =k F = pA    E c
 , Boron + , rod + , fuel +

ap2 phase = APap hase x K

  Poisons     "
       (9"' I   " '

Pump laws speed a flow k, = kg + 3k (speed)aa pressure 6k=k-1 MATil (8 Peed)'a Power Q = kAaT = hAa7 = UAAT SUR = t


y' = b N * *' bat


E * Q = mah f(V ,. . y Q = cot * * " f * p , 3.1 x IOne log x = c log x all = m c. aT x P I = No log y = log x - log y AU - m c. AT v

 ,    tog xy = log x + log y  11 = U + pV aS = 8R Defect = Coeff x a Parameter     -T pV = nRT E111.= 2112 71 T2 C Vi + C2V: = C  !, +Vs)
        . - _ _ - - _ _ _ _

_ _ . - _

   , ,   . . . .
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M amt EIS si LEE 079716 $ 7Mn til?!? mn est 4Hi 5 .43001 i e 00M8 SM78 1 # 10

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saa t 99t 72 G C?tS? sam 77 G ast M tel t $513 1393 1 . . .


OsI s Sen al S C21u Saipt 04t:17 nat t p$c lit: t 0 7476 O W30 8Js74 est s * 932 8 106; M O C7182 OJst79 C al66* S$2 0 636 5 !!K t S M2 4 6313 IN37 as? t SH 8 1057 56 0 C21% 0 87 % 6 0 a016C SS7J 632 0 Illi2 044 4 6222 1 3767 - Gas t


Ist e 1133 3t 00??C1 03tSt7 03871s M24 6753 III? ? 0 76?S 8 6137 13757 Oss e esa t 117t l? S C:In CMcM DJ737 M76 618 5 3144 1 0 767a 960sl IJ715 tes t Iss e !?c7 72 0 C223 0 33741 0 3M's 572 6 611 S 1164 S 0 ???S 9 $950 3M4 est t 872 9 17a6 ?t CC:Je 037aN 0 34i76 S76 3 GN S Ill:7 0 ??M OSen IMM 3733 6763 12th ?4 S C22W 0J1162 0334?t 96J 7 H7J 314 5 0 782S 9546 IJSl2 078 0 tot t 13M l? 0 87279 0 29937 0J7714 6f t 1 let t llM 0 0 7876 0 5473 13%t Sle t les t 13t ? ? 8 C;7tS 0 28'S3 0 3108I 994 6 582 a ll?6 5 0 75?? 8 M40 33S07 Gas e las t talCC 0C:J:1 SJ 76M 0295:9 60: 8 57a 7 3174 p 0 79?t S tats IJs6a tes t 0 0:325 026stl 01st-7 set ? Mit 1172 4 0 803: 8 5390 8Ja7C mis Bei t 1453 3 0 AC&2 0 S293 1334 WEI tel 8 lal?4 0 C;MS SJba:S 82 7770 til e M48 ll?C 2

   - .      . .

mel 15437 GC;3W 0 2438- 0267a7 ' 4171 960 4 1167 7 SalM OS196 1 3330 mII tes t ISPS 7 S Cnt? 0 13374 02575? 622 9 547J !!65 1 0 8187 05067 1326a Onsa Ose t 36373 0 0780: 012364 024796 67t f 6334 3162 8 e sta0 tem 7 IJ?34 mis

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Set 003c73 IS * 15 M SJ8 la


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ties 3M 79 0 01782 4A3M 4084 - 30$ 8 W33 Ilef t 048M lillt S t#% ties s

              . .
              *- * .

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-e' 6te s 387J3 0 017M 3 a3u 3 abaa 319 0 072 8 8191 7 S a991 1 0815 . I ntll 13e 0 _

tes t 363 08 0 018~3 31C:0 3J190 375 0 066 0 1393 0 0 $C71 tes t taa s 3he s? 0018M 29n8 3 0139 33* t 0634 IIM I Sliel 1 9681 *I M15767 lana 95 * 3aa s lat e m3tt 00:8:S f t:n 2 83M SM I . One 11951 0 520t I6an lus: tsa t

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780 4 708 0 6en eMP me 62086 6217 086Ja 4&ar det s

   . .      .  .

- - . 450 0 4W ?l 0 0:954 3 01778 3 03179 4373 7675 170s t 0 6360 0 1376 3 47M est 80e 8 46701 00:94 0 90787 0 9276? aall 75S I }?04 7 Opt Osaat etH get t 464 8 476 S8 0 01944 0 12183 C N177 46C S 7433 alos 3 G M;l 0 7%34 . 4S17 tet t 48t ?C S C7013 07450 07694 471 7 737 0 !?C3 7 0 6723 0 7739 IMt! tit t ett S5t 8 4W H 0C ;i? O6801 0 top) es: 5 720 5 17C2 8 8 6276 07n7 34H; ase let t 163 06 SC20bc 06h0S 8656M 4916 7102 1701 8 G H?! 3 7377 1 430 mg 758 SIC H 0 C?Ott 8 SetI? O 60985 50t 9 GHI 120C 7 0 7C 7 0 721C 3 4?27 Tat t Ot: t S.6 :: C C?Ci' C SalM 0 %t SM I 6fli litis 0 71;l 07h; Ia e at t tat t 1:1 74 S C:lt: ellir 0 1330: lit s 6766 Illt G 0 715' 06t% Ich met 0s: 8 131 91 0 C2373 0 47968 0 6005: 6?L7 wt7 I!M a 0 7279 06753 34:32 met 13t h at8 O C7lal 0 45064 047?Dt 534 7 u?O !!6c 7 0 73St 0 66;2 13570 mas test s ka tt G C21H S afeX 04aMt S42 4 6St a 1197 9 0 743a 0 6874 I M;C tel8 tess e is:$3 0 C2177 0800a 7 e s??;a SSC 1 NO6 119I C 0 7bC7 0tHa 1 3211 tust

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QUESTION 5.01 (2.50) a. Explain the effect of rod position on the Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC). Consider only rods inserted or withdrawn at power and disregard any effects of changes in boron concentrat-io (1.5) b. Explain how and why the magnitude of MTC will vary with RCS temperatur (1.0) QUESTION 5.02 (3.00) a. The heat flux at a particular position in a reactor is 4x10 5 BTU /HR.-SQ.FT. The DNBR is 3.2. Determine the Critical Heat Flux (CHF) at this locatio (1.0) b. How will the CHF vary with the following: (each increase separately) 1. Coolant flow rate ? 2. Reactor coolant pressure ? 3. Reactor coolant quality ? (1.2) c. What is the limiting DNBR for the PI facility and why must it be operated at or above this limit ? (0.8) QUESTION 5.03 (1.50)

- The speed of a centrifugal pump is decreased to half its initial valu Given the following initial conditions, what are the final condition . Fluid Horsepower 25 HP 2. Flow  45 gpm 3. Head  250 psi (***** CATEGORY 05 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)

l --

  . -   .- _ - .


l I . l l QUESTION 5.04 (3.00) l Accume that your plant has experienced a degraded electrical power condition and that you are monitoring the plant's cooldown on natural circulation. Explain WHY you agree or disagree with the following statements: A. A slow downward trend in narrow range Tave is a good indication of well-established natural circulation flo (1.0) B. A difference between wide-range T h and wide-range T c of 65~F and slowl~y increasing indicates developing natural circulation flo (1.0) C. Natural circulation flow rate can be increased by increasing the steam flow rat (1.0) QUESTION 5.05 ( .75) Choose the CORRECT response. The Importance Factor at Prairie Island is than one because delayed neutrons .

(a) less; are less likely to leak from the cor (b) less; do not cause fast fission of U-23 (c) greater; are less likely to leak from the cor (d) greater; do not cause fast fission of U-23 .

QUESTION 5.06 ( .75) Choose the CORRECT respons The isothermal temperature coefficient is the sum of the moderator temperature coefficient and the:

(e) fuel temperature coefficient when power is below the point of adding hea (b) power coefficient when power is below the point of adding hea (c) fuel temperature coefficient when power is above the point of adding hea (d) power coefficient when power is above the point of adding hea (***** CATEGORY 05 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)

. . QUESTION 5.07 ( .75) Choose the CORRECT respons " Shutdown Margin" as used in Technical Specification 3.10 is the amount by which the reactor core would be sub-critical at hot shutdown conditions if all control rods were tripped, assuming:

(c) normal hot channel factors are maintained, and assuming no changes in xenon or boron concentration (b) that the highest worth control rod assembly remained fully withdrawn, and assuming xenon-free conditions and no changes in boron concentration (c) normal hot channel factors are maintained, and assuming xenon-free conditions and no changes in boron concentratio (d) that the highest worth control rod assembly remained fully withdrawn, and assuming no changes in xenon or boron concentratio QUESTION 5.08 ( .75)

Choose the CORRECT respons In which of the following situations will the further insertion of control rods cause Delta I to become more positive?

(a) Buildup of Xenon in the top of the core with rods fully withdraw (b) Positive MTC during a reactor startu (c) Bank D control rods inserted to the core midplan .f(d) Excessively negative MTC at EO QUESTION 5.09 ( .75)

With the plant operating at 85% steady state power and all the P.I. systems in their normal / automatic configuration,the operator borates 100 pc SHUTDOWN MARGIN will ..... 1) increase 2) increase until rods move 3) decrease 4) decrease until rods move 5) remain unchanged, whether or not the rods move (***** CATEGORY 05 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) THEOBY OF NUMkEAR POWEx PLANT OPEEATION, FLUIDS. AND PAGE b IHERMODYNAMICS


QUESTION 5.10 (1.00) The reactor is critical and leveled off at 10-8 amps. Both RCP's are operating and the steam dump system is maintaining Tave. The main condenser dump valve fails ope At what power level, if at all, will the reactor level off? QUESTION 5.11 (1.00) Compare the estimated critical position (ECP) for a startup 15 hours after a trip to the actual critical rod position (ACP) for the following events or conditions. Consider each independently. Indicate whether the ACP will l be higher than, lower than or the same as the EC All steam generator levels are raised by 10% 5 minutes prior to startup, b. The steam dump pressure setpoint is increased to a value just below the lowest code safety setpoin The startup is delayed two more hour Condenser vacuum is decreased by 2 inches of mercur QUESTION 5.12 ( .75)

. Choose the CORRECT response concerning pump shutoff head for a centrifugal pum (a) The excessive flow rate which exists at shutoff head will cause vibrations which may result in pump damag (b) Pump shutoff head is the pump head which exists at the onset of cavitatio (c) Centrifugal pumps must not be started at shutoff head to avoid drawing starting current for an excessive amount of tim (d) At pump shutoff head the resistance to flow is greater than the power which the pump can impart to the flui i l

l l 1 (***** CATEGORY 05 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) )


. . QUESTION 5.13 ( .75) Choose the CORRECT respons Steam generator shrink occurs due to the:

(a) rapid increase in steam generator pressure when turbine power suddenly increase (b) rapid formation of bubbles forcing additional water into the moisture separator (c) rapid decrease in first stage pressure on a down-power transient causing a reduced steam generator level setpoin (d) rapid increase in steam generator pressure when turbine power suddenly decrease .

QUESTION 5.14 (3.00) Power defect changes over core lif Of the coefficients that contribute to power defect, which contributes most to this change over core life? EXPLAIN (1.0) Explain why power defect is desireable for reactor operation at powe (1.0) Which of the reactivity coefficients that contribute to power defect act first to affect reactivity on a sudden power change due to rod movement? EXPLAIN WH (1.0) QUESTION 5.15 (2.50) o. Provide two conditions necessary for Brittle Fracture of a carbon steel pressure vessel to occu (.50) b. Define RT NDT (Nil-Ductility Reference Temperature). (1.0) c. How does RT NDT change as the reactor vessel ages? Briefly EXPLAIN your answe (1.0) QUESTION 5.16 (1.50) List three effects which would cause the Power Range indications to increase over core life. (NI's will be adjusted down)




QUESTION 5.17 ( .75) While conducting a plant startup, the operator planned a rod pull for a for a SUR of .75 dpm from 5*10 -8 amps but instead of withdrawning the rods he inserted the rods. Explain what the new startup rate will be?

  (***** END OF CATEGORY 05 *****)



QUESTION 6.01 (1.00) On a decreasing pressure in the Fire Protection System state what events occur at the following pressures? a) 120 psig b) 105 psig c) 95 psig d) 90 psig QUESTION 6.02 (2.00) List the five conditions required for the emergency on site source breaker to close if the primary off site source and secondary off site source fail to restore the bu QUESTION 6.03 (1.00) If LITE " SI PUMP NOT READY "was illuminated it would signify, (choose one) a)the local / remote switch for the SI pump is in local position b)o Safety Injection signal is present and the SI control room switch is in stop position c)the SI pump switch in the control room is in " pull to lock " position d)a Safety injection signal is present but there is'a loss of safeguards bus power to the running SI pump QUESTION 6.04 (2.00) a) Include the setpoints and coincidences required for a "L" signal


to be generate (1.0) b) List the two automatic equipment actions which occur when a "L" signal is generate (1.0) QUESTION 6.05 (2.00) a)Why are the high head SI to reactor vessel nozzle supply valves " closed" when aligned for ECCS standby operation? (1.0) b) List two reasons why the high head SI to reactor vessel isolation valves are " closed" during cold shutdow (1.0) l



i _ . _ - _


QUESTION 6.06 (1.00) Whct setpoints are required to manually initiate the recirculation phase for the containment spray system? (include coincidence if necessary) QUESTION 6.07 (1.00) Explain how the containment vessel has negative pressure protection during a containment isolation signal if the containment differential pressure is trending upwards greater than .4 psi QUESTION 6.08 ( .50) If left in automatic control, in what position should PCV-135 (letdown pressure control valve) be found two minutes after a safety injection initiation? QUESTION 6.09 (1.00) Why does the non running component cooling water pump start when the , D.C. Transfer-switch for the 4.16KV safeguards bus is transferred from its primary / alternate source? QUESTION 6.10 (1.00) What systems in the plant are available for determining containment hydrogen concentration? List two QUESTION 6.11 (2.50) a) Explain the one difference between Train A and Train B of the auxiliary building special ventilation system (ABSVZ) in their plant / control room indications when both are " started" by a safety injection signa b) Explain the response of each train of (ABSVZ) when " stopping" each train after they were started by the Safety injection signa ( l l l I

 (***** CATEGORY 06 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) .nM u madb Dr.,b10N . WMhW . A h u u.d L1!Da n a n1 1 U H r no [

. - QUESTION 6.12 (1.00) The steam flow signal sent to the RPS is density compensated but the steam flow signal sent to the ESF is not density compensated. Why does the Engineered Safeguards System use an uncompensated signal? (list one reason) QUESTION 6.13 ( .75) List the signals required to initate a steam line isolation on an affected steam lin QUESTION 6.14 (3.00) A. Why do the Reactor Containment Fan Coolers (RCFC) automatically shift (or start) to slow speed following an SIS signal? (1.0) B. Mcw is RCFC affected on an SIS signal? (Include a description of the flow path.) (1.0) C. List four signals that will cause Containment Ventilation isolatio (1.0) QUESTION 6.15 (3.25) With the Main Turbine Control System (MTC) selected to OPERATOR AUTO, state the signals used for the reference AND feedback

. when in: IMP I . IMP OU (1.0) -

b. List three conditions that will cause the MTC to switch to MANUAL. (0.75) c. List six conditions that will actuate the 20/ET backup solenoid in the Emergency Trip Control Block circuit in the MT (1.5)

 - _ - . . - - -  ._ . .. -.

QUESTION 6.16 (2.00) Describe the operation of a hydrogen recombiner uni Include in the description how the hydrogen is drawn-in, the process that takes place, and specifically how the hydrogen is remove (2.0)

.    .

l (***** END OF CATEGORY 06 *****)

 . . _  - -- . - ,  . .-



QUESTION 7.01 (1.00) Prairie Island procedure on dampening Delta I oscillations on a large xenon transient is to react to the swing with rod movemen Plot on part B the general trace you would expect on the C-panel stripchart when the rods are moved by procedure to dampen the xenon oscillation (see figure 7.1) QUESTION 7.02 ( .50) List two cases in which the CSF status trees are required to be monitored per the ERG' QUESTION 7.03 ( .50) If a red terminus is encountered in a CSF status tree, list one action that must be taken by the operator (s) QUESTION 7.04 ( .50) Choose the CORRECT respons With reactor power at 15%, penalty deviation outside the target band shall be accumulated on a time basis of .

(a) one minute penalty for each one minute outside of the target ban (b) one half minute penalty for each one minute outside of the target ban ..
(c) one minute penalty for each one half minute outside of the target ban (d) zero minute penalty for time outside the target ban (***** CATEGORY 07 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)

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l QUESTION 7.05 ( .50) Choose the CORRECT response. For a Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio (QPTR) of 1.09 Technical Specification 3.10 requires that the operator:

(a) reduce reactor power to less than 50%.
(b) reduce reactor power to rated power less 2% for every percent that the QPTR exceeds (c) bring the reactor to hot shutdow (d) reduce reactor power to less than 85%.

QUESTION 7.06 (3.00) a. Several requirements that must be met in order to reset S Include all options, if any, in accordance with E-0.(list four) (2.0) b. What two plant conditions require re-initiation of SI? ( If SI re-initiation (after being reset) is required will it be automatic? Explai (0.5) QUESTION 7.07 (2.25) The following pertain to Shutdown Outside the Control Room (C1.8).

a. List four immediate duties of the Plant Equipment and Reactor Operator in an evacuation of the control room when conditions do not permit a reactor trip prior to leavin (1.0) b. As Xenon decays in the shutdown reactor, Boron must be added to maintain shutdown margin. State five basic steps that must be taken to borate the plant from outside the control roo (1.25)


l 1 - _ __, ' h &MMhh6~- FUKMAu. AbuVNin b . ndsbyt.NCY AND MAU BADIOLOGICAL CONIBQL


QUESTION 7.08 (1.50) Withdrawing the shutdown banks is administrative 1y controlled in the startup procedure (C1.2). State the two plant conditions that may exempt the shutdown banks from being withdrawn? (2.0) What is the minimum shutdown margin that must be maintained with all shutdown and control banks inserted? (0.5) , QUESTION 7.09 (2.00) During the performance of C1.8 " Shutdown from outside the control room": a. Under what circumstance is normal or excess letdown NOT to be established? (0.5) b. List five alternate methods of establishing a letdown flowpat (1.5)

~ QUESTION 7.10 ( .50)

Part of the RCP trip criteria states that the RCP cannot be tripped unless RCS pressure if less than 1200 psig or 1500 psig for ADVERSE CONTAINMEN Define ADVERSE CONTAINMEN . R (***** CATEGORY 07 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) PROCEDURES - NORMAL. ABNORMAL. EMERGENCY AND PAGE 16




QUESTION 7.14 ( .75) For each location below, indicate the reactor coolant leakage criteria per the Technical Specification that would appl . Unknown location 2. Through pressurizer code safety valves to the PRT 3. Total steam generator tube leakage QUESTION 7.15 (1.00) What procedure /s recommend that the CSF status trees should not be implemented but be monitored for information only? QUESTION 7.16 (1.50) List three actions required during a reactor startup if criticality.has not been achieved within -/+ 750 pcm of the predicted rod position.

, QUESTION 7.17 (1.50) What are three major grdups of operator actions employed to maintain the RCS cooling following a loss of heat sink event? QUESTION 7.18 (1.00) All FRG's take precedence over contingency guidelines. TRUE/ FALSE (***** END OF CATEGORY 07 *****) HDMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES, CONblTIONS, ANb_ LIMITATIONS PAGE 17 .

QUESTION 8.01 (1.00) The control switch for no.#12 diesel cooling water pump was mistakenly left in manual for six hours. Unit 1 is at cold shutdown & Unit 2 at 100% powe As a the SRO of the affected unit,you would (choose one) a) apply tech / specs and demonstrate immediately that the other diesel generator and its cooling water pump are operabl b) return the switch to auto for that mispositioned pump switch and the tech / specs that do apply allow for seven days for that pum c) return the switch for that diesel cooling water pump to auto and then demonstrate immediately that the pump is operable per tech / spec d) return the switch to auto for that pump, consider it operable and don't start the redundant pump and diesel because its not necessary or prudent per tech / spec QUESTION 8.02 (1.00) While borating to a refueling shutdown boron concentration in a hot ' shutdown condition Prairie Island twice violated the technical specification concerning the boric acid tank level of 2000 gallons.After the second time the plant elected to allow the BAST level to remain below the technical specification of 2000 gallon What was the reasoning that the plant used to elect to stay below the technical specification level of the BAST level of 2000 gallons? QUESTION 8.03 (1.00) List two people whose responsibilties include ordering a HOLD card to be removed or installe . QUESTION 8.04 (1.00) Fire Brigade composition may be less than for a period of time not to exceed hours in order to accomodate unexpected absence of fire brigade members QUESTION 8.05 ( .50) An open switch with a Secure card attached can be closed upon the direct order of a Power System / Operato TRUE/ FALSE (***** CATEGORY 08 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES. CONDIT1QNS. AND LidlTATIQEE PAGE 16

' QUESTION 8.06 (1.00)

What responsibility of the Emergency Director cannot be delegated to another individual? QUESTION 8.07 ( .50)


Immediate first aid shall take precedence over contamination control in the event of a serious injur true/ false QUESTION 8.08 ( .75) On a large radioactive spill emergency, the Shift Supervisor requires the emergency team members to wear protective clothing due to high airborne radioactivit List the two protective clothing required for the emergency tea QUESTION 8.09 (1.00) When does the Shift Supervisor review the Bypass Index to verify the cecountability of all bypass jumpers, tags QUESTION 8.10 (1.00) The Shift Supervisor needs to authorize the removal of a bypass when it is removed in accordance with a standing procedure. true/ false


QUESTION 8.11 (2.00) If a limiting condition for operation has been exceeded and no time limit has been specified by Tech / Specs, what two actions should be taken?

(assume 50% power)



QUESTION 8.12 (1.00) An operator (aware of the ALARA concept) using a checklist in a radiation _ area can automatically alter the status of a device or component to meet the checklis true/ false (***** CATEGORY 06 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)

8, ADditllEIBATIVE PEQCEDQhES, CQtiDITivtid . Arav t,itlhmwn . r mar, io

' QUESTION 8.13 (1.50)

When the " System / Component Returned to Normal" slot is signed by the Shift . Supervisor on the Work Request,it signifies that several requirements are satisfied. List three requirement QUESTION 8.14 ( .50) The position of a throttled (partially opened ) valve can be independently verified by a second person opening or closing and then repositioning the ' valv true/ false QUESTION 8.15 ( .50) What shall govern in the event of a conflict between the administrative control directives and the administrative work instruction? QUESTION 8.16 (1.50) 10 CFR 20 and 10 CFR 50 designates 15 types of events that must be report-ed to the NRC at once (within one hour). List five separate events that ' require NRC notification within one hour. Note that listing more than one event that comes under the same heading or type will count as on QUESTION 8.17 (1.00)

.According to SWI-0-4 (Records Management), what 2 cases will require the retention of specific portions of the Trend Typer output, as opposed to normal disposal?    (1.0)

QUESTION 8.18 (1.50) a. How is entry and exit to the containment by plant personnel required to be documented? (0.75) b. How does the need for frequent containment entry affect the method of personnel documentation as sited in SWI-0-9

" Operation Section Containment Entry Instructions"?  (0.75)

_ __



 - ,

QUESTION 8.19 (1.75) ~ The following pertain to SWI-0-3 " Safeguards Hold Cards & Component jBlocking or L'ocki,ng".

r a. How is a; component identified as requiring a BLOCK or. LOCK? (0.75) b. Whose permission is required to remove a BLOCK or LOCK? ,

      ~ True/ False When a block or lock device is removed it is returned to the plant maintenance forema (0.5)
  -t  ;.

QUESTION 8.20 (4,00) According to PINGP, SAWI 3.1.1 " Return to Power After Reactor Trip": l )

      .. . l
't a. What three (3) people, by title, must agree that a restart is    I safe prior to returning the reactor to power?    (1.5) I b. Who by job position / title ~can authorize the plant restart?   (0.5)



i , place if FOUR con,ditions cannot be agreed upon by certain plant staff, state the 4 conditions? (2.0) l 'QUESTIO'N 8.21 (1.00) a. Wnat action must be taken immediately in accordance with Tech-nical Specifications, if RCS pressure has just exceeded 2735 psig while at poner? (0.5) b. Nhat ciganization authorizes unit restart following the exceeding of a Safety Limit? (0.5)

  (*****  END OF CATEGORY 08 *****)

n (************* END OF EXAMINATION ***************)

 .- (


!?   -86/05/19-REIDINGER, T.

s^[ ANSWERS--PRAIRIEISLAND1&2 ANSWER WASTER 5.01 (2.50) COP'sY W a. Withdrawing control rods tends to make the coefficient more pos-l itive. [0.5] Withdrawing rods effectively increases core size

and less neutron leakage occurs. With less leakage any tempera-l ture change will result in a smaller reactivity change.[1.0] (1.5)

Will accept opposite affect if explanation of rod insertio b. At higher temperatures the rate of density change becomes larger, increasing the magnitude of MT (1,0) l REFERENCE P.I. NUS NET MOD. 3, Chap. 9.2, p. 1-2 ANSWER 5.02 (3.00) a. DNER = CHF/ Actual flux


CHF = DNBR x Actual flux [0.5]

 = 3.2 x (4 x 10 5')
 =1.28 x 10 6 BTU /HR. FT 2 [0.5]  (1.0)

b. 1. Flow increase = CHF increase 2. Pressure increase = CHF increase 3. Quality increase (1.2)

 (n 4% (wt y la= OCHF{tL. decreasq W42%; & [ each]

feal c.1) 1.3g [0.3] There is a small uncertainity associated with CHF experimental data so a DNBR > 1 is provided for conservatism.

i [0.5] Will accept a 95% surety that boiling (DNB) will not occur;i.e. prevent clad failure (O.

. 2) maintain the integrity of fuel cladding: or preventing fission product I release; (accept either answer)  ! REFERENCE P.I. NUS NET MOD. 4, Chap. 8.2, p.1; Chap. 10.2, pp. 5-9, Lesson Notes p. 82; General Physics Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, p. 227 I Tech / Specs p2.1-1 l



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ANSWERS -- PRAIRIE ISLAND 1&2 -86/05/19-REIDINGER, I i l I D'; ANSWER 5.03 ,

 (1.50) (25)(0.5)(0.5)(0.5) =3.125 HP (45)(0.5) = 22.5 gpm (250)(0.5)(0.5) = 62.5 psi [0.5 each) (1.5)

REFERENCE P.I. NUS NET MO , Chap. 6.2, p.1; 6.4, p. 6 o ANSWER 5.04 (3.00) A. Disagree - Tave is a calculated indication and one parameter decreasing will cause Tave to decrease giving a false indicatio Agree-If other indication is used in conjunction with Tav (1.0) Note: Will also accept disagree due to inaccurate flow through the bypass manifold during natural circulatio B. Disagree - Natural Circulation is indicate 6 by T h stabilizing then tends to decrease and the T c and T h dT tends to decrease as decay heat decrease (1.0) C. Agree - Lowering steam pressure will lower saturation temp which will increase heat transfer across the tube Will also (1.0) accept disagree if mention that a rapid increase in steam flow may stop Natural Circulatio REFERENCE WNTC Thermal and Hydraulic Principles, Chap. 14, p. 27 Training Module VIII -13, para 5.d;III para 1.B.3.4;RO requal exam 1-1.16


ANSWER 5.05 ( .75)


REFERENCE Lesson Notes for NUS NET Series, p 26



ANSWERS -- PRAIRIE ISLAND 1&2 -86/05/19-REIL'INGER, a V, ANSWER 5.06 ( .75)


REFERENCE Westinghouse Reactor Theory Review Text, p I-5.22 ANSUER 5.07 ( .75)


REFERENCE TS 3.10-1 ANSWER 5.08 ( .75)


REFERENCE Lesson Notes for NUS NET Series, P-SOE-78-11 ANSWER 5.09 ( .75)

/ increases REFERENCE Reactor Theory p.208 ANSWER 5.10 (1.00)

REFERENCE PIE chap 1-14b, Reactor theory p211





e., ANSWER 5.11 (1.00) n. ACP lower than ECP b. ACP higher than ECP c. ACP J ower than ECP , 25 d. ACP same as ECP [j{'each] REFERENCE SRO requal chap 5- ANSWER 5.12 ( .75)


REFERENCE Thermal-Hydraulic Principles and Applications to the PWR II, p 10-43 RO requal chap 1-1.12 ANSWER 5.13 ( .75)


REFERENCE Thermal-Hydraulic Principles and Applications to the PWR II, p 12-53 SRO exam Chap 5-5.12 l l I THEORY OF NUCLEAR POoER PLANT OPEFATIOTk FLUIDS, AND PAGE 25 IBERMODYNAMICS





ANSWER 5.14 (3.00) Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC) [0.5] due to an increase (more negative) in MTC as boron concentration is reduced over core life [0.5]. -

     (1.0) Power defect has a stabilizing influence on reactor operation because it resists power change (As power increases, power defect adde negative reactivity and as power decreases, power defect adds positive reactivity).   (1.0) Doppler (FTC) [0.5]. Fuel temperature changes first [0.5]. (1.0)

REFERENCE P.I. NUS NET MOD. 3, Chap. 9.3, pp. 3-4 ANSWER 5.15 (2.50) "[3pf low temperature

- vessel stress  8 73  I 3
- pre-existing material flaw [0/ea.]  W b. RT NDT is that temperature at which non-ductile failure will no longer occu ) Increases [0.5] because of metal changes due to (fast) neutron irradiation [0.5].    (1.0)
- REFERENCE P.I. NUS NET MO , Chap. 10.1, pp. 1-1 ANSWER 5.16 (1.50)

1.less boron at EOL,so more leakage 2. flux shift to outer edges of the core 3. increase in total flux due to fuel burnup REFERENCE Theory Review p76 THE9hY OE_BMLLEAR POWER PLANT OPERAT10H2 FLUIDS. AND PAGE St:


ANSWER 5.17 ( .75)

.325 dpm SUR(.50) to the longest delayed neutron precursor decaying with a mecn life of 80 seconds.(.25)

REFERENCE PI Exam bank Chap 1-21f l

-     ,



ANSWER 6.01 (1.00) a) jockey pump starts b) screen wash pump starts c) motor driven fire pump starts d) diesel driven fire pump starts (.25 pt each) REFERENCE Fire protection p3 ANSWER 6.02 (2.00) 1) bus undervoltage 2) bus lockout relays-reset 3) diesel gen bkrs c/s-auto 4) diesel gen-95% normal freq/ voltage 5)all source breakers to bus are open (.40 pt each) REFERENCE B-20.5 pl3 para ANSWER 6.03 (1.00) C REFERENCE

- B-18 p10 ANSWER 6.04 (2.00)

CL Yd . a)lo-lo level <10% (.50),1/2 on two sets in the safeguards selected BAST b)The SI pump RWST supply isolation valves open The SI pump BA supply isolation valves close (.50 pts each)' REFERENCE B-18A,pl3,18

m_.oca q. r . , v av ev e n . w w m-i ne uv.e ma . u r a u , - ,- . . o m - INSWERS -- PRAIRIE ISLAND 1&2 -86/05/19-REIDINGER, .


ANSWER 6.05 (2.00) a) Prevent unneccessary thermal shock (.50)to the reactor vessel in the event of a spurious SI actuation (.50) a) Prevent overpressurization of the RCS by . 1) valve leakage 2) high discharge pressure of the SI pump (.50 each) REFERENCE B-18A p21,p27; para ANSWER 6.06 (1.00) 8%(.25) low low level RWST(.25) and containment pressure (.25)>10 psig(.25) REFERENCE B-18D p17 ANSWER 6.07 (1.00) Psid >.4: the vaccuum breakers open in spite of the containment isolation for pressure protection REFERENCE




ANSWER 6.08 ( . 50) closed REFERENCE CVCS lesson plans pl3 ANSWER 6.09 (1.00) The CCW pump starts from a false low pressure signal caused by the pressure switch and relay that was momentarily de-energized during the transfer operation.






ANSWER 6.10 (1.00) 1) Containment hydrogen detector-reads out on recorder in control room 2) Gas analyzer lined up Post Loca system & gas grab from the Post Loca system REFERENCE Cont. Hydrogen Control lesson plans p7 AN5WER 6.11 (2.50) a) Train A fan and damper lights are green fo owing actuation (. a), Train B equipment lights are all extinguished.(.6 ) d b)Upon stopping Tra n ,the components that er automatically shutdown remain shutdown (.6 s) upon stopping T in B all no 1e ipment that was operating restar utomatically.(. s) REFERENCE C 19.2 p15 ANSWER 6.12 (1.00) 1) Possibility of the steam line break occurring in a location that would bypass the steam pressure detector ) Break location could result in the loss of the steam multiplier signal and the failure of the steam flow channel to zero. (accept either ans.)

REFERENCE B-18C,p21 ANSWER 6.13 ( .75) 1) low-low tavg,b)high steam flow,c s-signal /t/-k f#




ANSUER 6.14 (3.00) A. Prevent overloading motors due to the high water content (denser atmosphere) during a LOC (1.0) B. Shifts to accident operation, rerouting air flow through (the cooling coils, fan) the butterfly valves to the upper containmen Will accept "All CFCU's shift / start in slow and discharge dampens fail to the dom (1.0) C. SIS High Radiatio Manual containm.nt isolatio Manual containment spra R-111/h-12, or R-2 [4 @ 0.25ea.] (1.0) 02, REFERENCE P.I. System Description, B-18, pp. 18, 67, 8 b~ ' I L j9??jfj ANSWER 6.15 (3.25) . IMP IN- Ref erence- -Percent of Load (M,) Feedback---Impulse Pressure IMP OUT-Reference--Percent of valve position

 ?eedback---None  (0.25 ea.] (1.0) . Use Turbine Manual Pushbutton s gj g7,,b\ Load reference channel failure JNo/O   / Speed reference is different fr turbinespeedby,)0% Turn the Maintenence Test key from TEST to OFF
   [any 3 @ 0.25 ea.] (0.75) . Generator lockout contacts (86) actuated Both main feed pumps trip Auto-stop Oil pressure <45 psig Reactor trip -74swe t$    l High Level in the Feed Water Heater 11, 12, or 13 Hi-Hi Steam Generator w ter level ,


   * g [0.25 ea.] (1.5) ;
% e<nCo  A;H vb4 N REFERENCE P.I. System Description, B-23 pp. y 7. M 19, W

7.w 9,KDcacTUw&JW9mCNRodiWw.KMoadsDownRM.DQ4gg d LnJR:r~'As


ANSWER 6.16 (2.00) 1. Hydrogen enters via natural convection with the containment ai . The air is preheated by the inlet preheater section . 3. Electric heaters raise the temperature of the air to where hydrogen and oxygen spontaneously recombine forming stea . The steam passes into a mixing chamber, mixed with cool entm. air and returned to containmen [0.5 ea.] (2.0) REFERENCE containment Hyrogen Control p10-P8180L KA028/000,K6.01, .



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Termis - FM '?. / .- '

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. ANSWER 7.01 (1.00) i


enawer is illustrated by a figure attache l REFERENCE D-60,PI exam bank j ANSUER 7.02 ( .50) l 9.The operator is directed by an action step in E-0 to begin monitoring the l status tree b.The operator transitions from E-0 to some other guidelines or enters ECA-0.0 on symptoms at which the CSF status trees should be monitore Gsesr<2e M' M JAA2v &A&MMNa~f W u'

"A % t REFERENCE yg  W Af>"#  5 e,,' c%

cl#thyi, M ANSWER 7.03 ( .50) 9.If any red terminus is encountered, the operator is required to immediately stop any optimal recovery guideline in progress, and to perform the functional restoration guideline required by the terminus, b.If during the performance of any red-conditioned FRG, a red condition of higher priority arises, then the higher priority condition should be addressed first, and the lower priority red-frg suspende (accept either answer) REFERENCE ERG"s ANSWER 7.04 ( .50)


REFERENCE TS 3.10-5 i l l



ANSWERS -- PRAIRIE ISLAND 1&2 -86/05/19-REIDINGER, . ANSWER 7.05 ( .50)


REFERENCE TS 3.10-5 ANSUER 7.06 (3.00) n. 1. RCS subcooling >50 F (based on exit TC's). [0.4] or adequate subcooling margin 2. Total feed flow to intact S/G's >200 gpm [0.4] OR Wide range level in one S/G >60%. [0.4] or adequate heat sink 3. RCS pressure >2000 psig and stable or increasin [0.4] 4. Pressurizer level >10%.or adequate RCS inventory [0.4] b. RCS subcooling (based on core exit TC's) (50 F. [0.25] OR Pressuricer level cannot be maintained >5%. [0.25] (0.5)


c. No, the Reactor Trip Breakers have not been cycled, thus, the automatic SI has not been reset (reinstated).

NOTE: May answer YES if assume RT breakers are cycle (0.5) REFERENCE ES-0.2 ; SI Logic diagram; E-0 p. 10

. PROckDUhEd - Nuf. MAL. AbhukMAL, r.nt.FGE.NCY Atm  rAu i RADIOLOGICAL CONIROL    l



ANSWER 7.07 (2.25) c. 1. Pick up the radi . Manually trip the reactor at the reactor trip breaker . Verify turbine trip at the pedesta . Report to the remote S/D pane [0.25 ea.] (1.0) b. (Use last known boron concentration in calculation).

2. Place Boric Acid Pump in " local".

3. Close RMW & Emergency Boration Isolation to Chg. Pump Suction valve (VC-11-58). , 4. Open Emergency Boration to Chg. Pump Suction MOV (MV-32086) manuall ' 5. Start pum . Open VC-11-58 as necessar . (Observe flow). [0.25 ea.] REFERENCE P.I. Procedure C1.8, pp. 2, 5-6 ANSWER 7.08 !

 (1.50) RCS borated to + lea the cold shutdown concentration (

greater) or borate o the hot xenon free concentration d isbeingmaintainedat(no-loadaveragetemperature.,2) (1.0 ea ) *4 p g_ g ( REFERENCE a)P.I. Procedure C1.2 pp 5,6,7 87 h# %-d% b) CIA para 5.p11 i t _. _ PRQEEDME_ES - NORMAL, ABNORMAL EMERGENCY AND PAGE 35 EAD19LMICAL CONTROL .. ANSWERS -- PRAIRIE ISLAND 1&2 -86/05/19-REIDINGER, T.

.. ANSWER 7.09 (2.00) c. When RCS activity is extremely high (1 x 10-4.uci/cc - 10R/hr on R-9) (0.5) b. 1. Head vents 2. RCP seals 3. Pressuricer PORV's 4. Excess letdown to RCDT 5.-Letdown relief valve to PRT 6. Pressurizer safeties 7. Excess letdown to VCT [any 5 at 0.3 ea.] (1.5) REFERENCE OM C1.8 pg. 5, C.19 pg. 2-3 ANSWER 7.10 ( .50) Adverse containment - containment pressure greater than 5 psig or containment radiation level greater than 10 Oi R/h (0.6) REFERENCE ID * N b Info. page for EO Series Procedures ANSWER 7.11 (2.00) a. 1. As a RCP is started the steam bubble will collapse and pressuriner level will decrease rapidly to fill the void. [0.5] 2. If a RCP cannot be started, a rapid cooldown will make the void larger displacing water in the RCS causing an insurge into the pressurizer. [0.5] (1.0) b. If pressurizer is solid, pressure may be reduced rapidly as level is reduced. OR This pressure reduction may be less than saturation in the rest of the RCS and may result in system bulk boiling. Partial credit given for mentioning (1.0) bubble in PZR not in the vessel head and establishing pressure contro REFERENCE ES-0.5 background pg. 1 FFWhDUhE6 - NUhMAL 2 Abi '*mM Ak , t ht h 6 E bs.;1 AND that eb RADIOLOGICAL COILTBQL, '


. ANSWER 7.12 (2.50) a. (11D1)(11D1) = (I2D2)(12D2) [0.5] 1200(2)(2)/(5)(5)=192 mr/hr (192 mr/hr)(2 hr.): 384 mrem [0.75] (1.25) b. 900 mrem + 384 mrem = 1284 mrem [0.25] He exceeded normal 10CFR20 whole body limit of 1250 mre If assume that NRC FORM 4 is complete, then limit of 3000 mrem is not exceede [1.0] NOTE: Answer to "b" is dependent on answer to "a" and graded accordingl (1.25) REFERENCE P.I. Question Bank, 5-16 ANSWER 7.13 (2.50) a. The motor run for 20(.Qminutes (prior to the third attempt) or it has been idle for 45 minute (1.0) b. 1. Insure a steam bubble is formed in the pressurise . Cool the RCS below seal water temperatur . 3. Restrict seal injection flow to the RCP to <10 minutes prior to pump star [0.5 ea.] (1.5) REFERENCE P.I. Procedure C3 p.11 ANSWER 7.14 ( .75) 1. 1 gpm 2. 10 gpm 3. 1 gpm

[0.25 each]
   . _ _ _ _

ANSWERS -- PRAIRIE ISLAND 1&2 -86/05/19-REIDINGER, . REFERENCE P.I. Technical Specifications 3.1-9 ANSWER 7.15 (1.00) ECA REFERENCE ECA-0.0 p3 ANSUER 7.16 (1.50) 1. insert control rods to the bottom 2. borate to xenon free hot shutdown boron concentration 3. contact nuclear engineer

 & I E REFERENCE g) ggp % gg C 1.2 p26 4 y
   .?5)  Q^$

ANSWER 7.17 (1.50) 1.cttempt restoration of feed flow to the steam generators 2. initiate RCS bleed and feed heat removal 3. restore and verify secondary heat sink 4. terminate RCS bleed and feed (accept any three)

.. REFERENCE PI-1FRH.1 p1-10 ANSWER 7.18 (1.00)

false REFERENCE ECA 2.1 p3 ,FRH.1 '


, ,

    ~FAGE M

ANSWER 8.01 (1.00) . n REFERENCE T/S .3.7-1 ,LER 85-002 i ANSWER 8.02 (1.00) I The reactor core was in a safer condition with boric acid in the RCS rather than in a BAST.The boric acid concentration is sufficient to mitigate the consequence of the postulated steampipe rupture accident.



ANSWER 8.03 (1.00) ss,and power system dispatcher / operator ' REFERENCE

SACD 3.10 para 6.
ANSWER 8.04 (1.00)

i 5,2 hrs l REFERENCE 5ACD 3.13 para 6.5.2 , k


ANSWERS -- PRAIRIE ISLAND 1&2 -86/05/19-REIDINGER, .. ANSWER 8.05 ( .50) false REFERENCE SACD 3.10 para 6. ANSWER (1.00) Authorine protective action recommendations REFERENCE AM ge' ,9*E& F3.8 para j g J-/ F ANSWER 8.07 ( .50) true REFERENCE F4 para 1.15 ANSWER 8.08 ( .75) Wear plastic outer clothing and use a self contained breathing apparatus REFERENCE F2 para 14.2bf ANSWER 8.09 (1.00) Once a shift REFERENCE 5ACD 3.9 para 6. . , >

i _- _ ,___. __ _


ANSWER 8.10 (1.00) fclse REFERENCE SACD3.9 para 6.3.2. para f ANSWER 8.11 (2.00) 1) Unit shutdown .shall be initiated within 1 hour after a L.C.O. has been exceeded 2) Unit shall be in hot shutdown within 6 hours after S/D was initiated REFERENCE SWI-0-22 para ANSUER 8.12 (1.00) false REFERENCE SWI-0-10 para 3. ANSWER 8.13 (1.50) 1) system is ready for operation

. 2)no additional work or testing is required 3)all procedure sign-offs are complete 4)Responsibile individual review in Section VI of the WR is signed of (accept any three)

REFERENCE SACD 3.2 para 6.18.2 (c) note ANSUER 8.14 ( .50) false , REFERENCE SAWI 3.10.1 para 6.1.4 s



ANSWERS -- PRAIRIE ISLAND 1&2 -86/05/19-REIDINGER, , ANSWER 8.15 ( .50) Administrative control directives REFERENCE SACD 1.1 para 6. ANSWER 8.16 (1.50)

1. Eventsdefinedby10CFR20,in/0) volving: radiation exposure to personne radioactive release loss of facility operations d. damage to property 2. Events defined by 10 CFR 5071nvolving: a. declaration of emergency classes b. plant shutdown required by technical specifications c. deviations from technical specifications in an emergency as necessary to protect the public health and safet d. any serious degradation of the nuclear plant including it's principal safety barrier e. unanalyzed conditions that significantly compromise plant safet f. a condition that is outside the design basis of the plan g. conditions not covered by the plant's operating and emergency proce-dure h. any natural phenomenon or other external condition that poses a threat to plant safety or significantyly hampers site personnel in the performance of duties necessary for safe plant operatio i. any event that results or should have resulted in ECCS discharge to the RCS as a result of a valid signa J. any event that results in a loss of emergency assessment capability, offsite response capability, or communications capabilit k. any event that poses an actual threat to the plant safety or significantly hampers site personnel in the performance of duties necessary for the safe operation of the plant including fire, toxic gas releases or radioactive release REFERENCE: 10 CFR 20.403 AND 10 CFR 50.72 [5 @ .3 each]

W ADMIIIISTRATTVIFF w c w oh u . wrw i i wrCmnmTeis --w


ANSWER 8.20 (4.00) . c. 1. Shift supervisor 2. STA 3. Duty engineer or Plant Manager [0.4 each) (1.2) b. Elant manager or designe (0.3) , c. 1. Cause of trip is know . Actions taken to correct trip initiation are satisfactor ' 3. Plant response to trip was as expecte . It is safe to return to powe [0,5ea] (2.0) REFERENCE FINGF, Administrative Work Instructions, SAWI 3.1.1 p. 3 ANSWER 8.21 (1.00) n. Unit shutdown [0.25] and NRC notified [0.25] (0.5) b. NRC (0.5) REFERENCE Technical Specifications, '8 . add 1N_lSIEAIIVE PROCEDMBES. CONDITIONS. AND LIMITATIONS PAGE 42


ANSWER 8.17 (1.00) a. 1. Following a reactor tri (0.5) 2. When requested by an individua (0.5) NOTE: Survellances are acceptable ie. Leaktest REFERENCE PINGP; Section Work Instructions, SWI-0-4, p. 3 ANSWER 8.18 (1.50) a. Control room personnel should log each entry and exit and reason for entr (0.75) b. A guard will control and monitor entry and exi (0.75) REFERENCE FING, SWI-0-9, Operation Section Containment Entry Instructions ANSWER 8.19 (1.75) a. Designated on the " Integrated Operations Checklist" (by the words BLOCK & TAG or LOCK & TAG in Status Column). (0.75) b. Shift superviso (0.5) c. False (0.5) REFERENCE PINGP; Section Work Instructions; SWI-0-3, p. 2


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