NG-97-2118, Monthly Operating Rept for Nov 1997 for DAEC

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Monthly Operating Rept for Nov 1997 for DAEC
Person / Time
Site: Duane Arnold NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/30/1997
From: Vanmiddlesworth, Woodward R
To: Beach A
GL-97-02, GL-97-2, NG-97-2118, NUDOCS 9712230387
Download: ML20197B462 (7)


  • Dunn AmcM Energy Center

<  ! . 327104fC Appd

,e Poh IA s2324 Tewnone 319 8517611 fas 319 8517611 UTILITIES December '5,1997 NO 97-2118 Mr. A. Bill ceach Regional Administrator Region 111 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 801 Warrenville Road Lisle,IL 60532-4351


Duane Arnold Energy Center Docket No: 50-331 Operating License: DPR-49 November 1997 Monthly Operating Report File: A 118d

Dear Mr. Beach:

Please find enclosed the Duane Amold Energy Center Monthly Operating Report for November 1997. The report has been prepared in accordance with the guidelines of NRC Generic Letter 97-02: Revised Contents Of The Monthly Operating Report and distribution has been made in accordance with DAEC Technical Specifications, Section 6.ll.l.c.

Very truly yours, lb Gary VanMiddlesworth

=s Y

Plant Manager-Nuclear <(/

s GDV/RDW g Enclosures

.:60353 9712230307 971130

. ll!I.lill!Il. !.ll.II. Il.l PDR ADOCK 05000331 R PDR A9 IES Incastna Company

Mr. A. Bill Beach NO 97 2118 December 15,1997 Page 2 0f 2  ;

-cc: i U.S.Nmlear Regulatory Commission Ms. Lisa Stump i Atta: Document Control Desk lowa State Utilities Board [

s- Mall Station Pl-37 Lucas State Office Building j i Washington, DC 20555-0001 (Orig.) Des Moines,IA 50319 -i Ms. Barbara Lewis -

Dr. William A. Jacobs, Jr.

McGraw lilli,Inc. ODS Associates,Inc.  ;

- 1200 0 Street NW, Suite 1100 1850 Parkway Place, Suite 720 i

. Washington, DC 20005 Marietta, GA 30068-8237 l

Mr. Dennis Murdock Mr. Dale Arends  !

t Centrallowa Power Cooperative Corn Belt Power Cooperative l Box 2517 130013th Street North  !

Cedar Rapids,IA 524% liumboldt,IA 50548 l.

Document Control Dek Mr. Al Outterman j INPO P.ecords Center Morgan, Lewis, Bochius l 700 Galleria Parkway 1800 M St.N W  ;

Atlanta, OA 30339 5957 Washington, DC 20036-5859 l l

Mr. Olenn Kelly DOCU Project Manager  !

I Whitellint North NRC Resident Inspector Mail Stop 13E21 ,

11555 Rockville Pike  !

Rockville, MD 20852 i



, . OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKET NO. 50-0331 i DATE: 12/15/97 l

{ Unit: Duane Amold Encrev Center '

Richard Woodward i TELEPilONE: f 3191851-7318 l OPERATING STATUS  ;

Aw: rage Daily Power Level f ,

1. Unit Name: Duane Arnold Enerry Center 500 l

! 2. Reporting Period: November 1997 400

3. Licensed Thermal Power (MW th ): Ifil l 4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe DER): 565.7 (Turbine) $ I 2200
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe DER): 111
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MW e MDC): M9

! 0

7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MW e MDC): flQ

.: I 6 11 16 21 26

8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (items Number 3 through Day ,
7) since the last report, Give Reasons
Not Aeolicable
9. Power Level to Which Restricted, if Any (Net Mw e ): E
10. Reasons for Restrictions, if Any: N/A
November-97 1997 Cumulative l 11. IIours in Reporting Period 720.0 8,016.0 200,136.0
12. Number ofIlours Reactor Was Critical 720.0 7,528.5 154,022.5
13. Reactor Resene Shutdown llours 0.0 0.0 192.8

! 14. IIours Generator On-Line 720.0 7,384.0 150,405.1

! 15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 ~E6

16. Gross lhermal Energy Generated (MWH) 1,180,377.6 11,839,843.9 213,492,955.0 Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 404,210.0 3,987,760.0 71,576,806.6 1 . Net Electiical Energy Generated (MWH) 381,623.0 3,762,903.9 67,178,462.9 l . Unit Service Factor 100.0 % 92.1 % 75.2 % I

. Unit Availability Factor 100.0 % 92.1 % 75.2 %

l . Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) 101.9 % 90.3 % 70.7 % i

. 22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) 98.5 % 87.3 % 67.7 %

23. Unit Forced Outage Rate 0.0% 1.4% 9.8% i l 24. Shutdowm Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, and Duration of each)
Refueling, April 2,1998,45 days ,
25. If Shutdown at End of Report Period. Estimated Date of Startup: N/A f


. . . -. _. ._ -._ _ . - - _- .- -- . - . . _ . - . _. ~- . . . -. -

I AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL DOCKET NO: $0-0331 DATE: 12/15/97 Unit: Duane Amold Enerav Center ,

COMPLETED BY: Richard Woodward i TELEPHONE: O 19)851 7318 l

MONTil November 1997 i i

Day Average Daily l Power Level .

I blU l Z . 421.9  !

3 331.9 i 4 334.9 }i 3 329.7 6 339.1 ,

7 333.5 5 334.6 ..

333.7 9

10 330.2 11 339.1 12 334.6 l'

13 337.1 lb 337.0 17 336.7 15 337.1  !

19 337.7 20 ~ TER 21 537.4 22 337.4 23 335.2 4 24 337.6 23 333.2 26 533.

27 330.0 j 25 334.5 29 332.5 30 455.4 31 #N/A l

L y , , = , , , , _ ,yy -

c. s. , .n iy.. ,, . , , _ . , . - , . _ . - , y..


  • . DOCKET NO: 50-0331 DATE: 12/15/97  !

Unit: Duane Arnold Energy Center COMPLETED BY: Richard Woodward  :

TELEPHONE: (319) 85173I B l

1. Nasme ofincility.  !

Duane Arnold Energy Center >

2. Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown.

April 2,1998

3. Scheduled date for restart following refueling.
- May 17,1998
4. Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a technical specification change or other license amendment?

Yes. RTS 296, proposes fuel discharge as early as 60 hours6.944444e-4 days <br />0.0167 hours <br />9.920635e-5 weeks <br />2.283e-5 months <br /> after shutdown (versus current 120 hour0.00139 days <br />0.0333 hours <br />1.984127e-4 weeks <br />4.566e-5 months <br /> >


improved Technical Specifications (ITS) approval needed for refuel outage planning.  :

5. Scheduled dale (s) for submit:Ing proposed action and supporting information.

RTS 296, " Refueling Operations" submitted October 3,1997.

N/A. (ITS submitted October 30,1996.)

6. Important ficensing considerhtions associated with refueling, e.g., new or different fuel design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in fuel design, new operating procedures.


7. Current and projected fuel assemblies inventory:

Number of Fuel Projected date oflast Assemblies refueling that can be discharged ,

(after allowing margin for maintenance of continuous full core

_ discharge capability _)_

_ _ _ _ Installed in reactor core (following refueling) 368 n/a pisc}arged fmm, core to Spent Fuel Storage Pool 1528 n/a Installed Capacity of Spent Fuel Storage Pool 2411 2001 L_icensed Capact!y_of Spent Fuel Storage Pool (with rcracking) 2829 2006 Licensed Capacity of S,nent Fuel Storage Pool and Cask Pool 3152 2010 (with veracking) t


, t .

. a -  :

DOCKET NO.: 50-0331 DATE: 12/15/97 Unit: Duane Arnold Enercy Center COMPLETED BY: Richard Woodward TELEPHONE: (3191 851-7318 Monthly Operational Overview for November 1997:

De plam operat.d at full licensed thennal power throughout the month except:

  • !1/01/97 21:00. I1/03/97 01:45, to perform a control rod sequence exchange and turbine testing e 11/03/9712:00 15:15, to reduce recirculation flow to pull control rods to increase reactor load line (rod pull) e i1/04/97 02:30 01:45, rod-pull e 11/05/97 09:50 13:30, to pertorm High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) Operability testing e 11/06/9713:30 20.00, for testing of the plant process computer '

e i1/07/9712:00 16:30, for testing of the plant process cutapt:Tr e 11/11/9714:00 14:30, to adjust electro-hydraulic (EHC) system pressure-set bias  ;

e 11/12/97 01:00 03:00, rod-pull e 11/21/9710:20 16:00, to perform maintenance on the plant process computer -

e 11/29/97 23:00 11/30/9714:00 to perform turbine control valve testing. '

ne total of these capacit, losses amounted to the equivalent of 6.3 full power hours (FPH,,). Other generation losses (those which would occur even at continuous full thermal power operation) netted to -0.9 FPH,,. (Negative net losses result from cooler-than-design (seasonal) circulation water temperatures at the condenser inlet).

Allocation of Production & Losses: Electncal Capacity I actor I ull Power Output  % of 565.7 MWs Equivalent MWe (Design Rating) llours (FPIteq)

Actual Metered Net 1:lectric Output 53D=0 93.7% 674 6 Actur.: Metered Plant Flectric leads 314 56% 40 0 Ofr 1.ine Capacity losses: 00 0 0'r. 0.o MhUnplannad Capachv lasses: 00 0.0% 0.0 Vormal Capacity Losses (Avg '/ill Powr" MWth < 165s) 03 0.1% OA 21;Ltug PJunned Capecuy lesses:

11/13: 4 4 FPileg (CRD sequence exchange)

I1/2940; 1.5 fPlicq (Rod pull,Turbbe Control Valve testing) 46 0.7% $M (ner ) Weather losics - condenser pressure <2.75 In lig / Circ Water Temp < 74.5 'F 33 06% 4.3 l'.mcicney Losses (Weather-Norm-Ihtt-rowr ArWe > 565.7 D sign) 00 00% Of Metering 14sses(Avg indic AfWe Avg A(W//e) 2.7 0.5% 3.4 Cucluded losses (const down, lack or grid demand, etc.) gf gyj Q1 Design Grose Electric Output E E 212,2 At 2022 on November 13,1997, with the plant operating at 100% power, a spurious primary containment isolation system (pCIS) group VI isolation occurred which resulted m the automatic closure of the outboard liactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) steam supply isolation valve. De isolation signal originated from a RCiC room area differential temperature switch and continued for approximately 38 seconds before resetting itself. Operators dispatched to the RCIC toom continned that a stear. leak did not exist. The saspect switch, which had been installed in September 1997, was replaced and the isolation was cleared. Folicwing the isolation, extensive testing failed 10 indicate a cause for the event. He isoladon is considered to be spurious, here wano effect on plant operation or safety During the time the isolation was present, RCIC was

. inoperable, llowever, RCIC h not considered an emergency core cooling system and credit is not taken for RCIC to mitigate any accidents described in the safety analysis. LERN9712 Licensing Action Summary:

Plant Availability: 100.0 % Unplanned Anu Scrams (while/ critical) this month: 0 Nurnber of reportable events: 1 Unplanned Auto Scraria (while/ critical)last 12 months: 0

DOCKETNO: 50-03]l DATE: 12/1567 Unit - Duane Arnold Enerry Center COMPLETED BY: Richard Woodward TELEPHONE: G19) 351-7318 UNIT SHUIDOWNS AND PO%IR REDUCTIONS REPORT MONDL November 1997 No. Date Type Duration Reason Method of Licensee Event Syvem Code Comp. Code . Cause .

(1) (Hours) (2) Shutting Report # (4) (5)

Dowin Reactor (3) 12 11/1-367 S 0 B 5 NA- TA PCV To perform control:od pattern sequence exchange (5.4 full- and turbine control valve testing, power-hours equsvalent) -

'1 - F: Forced Reason 3 - Method. 4 - Exhibit G-Instructions for S: Scheduled A-Equipment Failure (Explain) 1-Manual Preparation ofData Entry I B-Maintenance or Test 2-Manual Scram Sheets for Licensee Event C-Refueling 3-Automatic Scram Report (LER) File (NUREG-D-Regulatory Ros n. Gun 4-Continued 0161) ,

E-Operator Training & License Exarnination 5-Reduced Load '

F-Administrative 9-Other(Explain) 5 -Exhibst I (Same Source)

G-Operanonal Error (Explain)


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