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Summary of 860430 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md Re Generic Issue 77 on Flooding of safety-related Equipment Compartments by Backflow Through Floor Drains.List of Attendees Encl
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 07/01/1986
From: Donohew J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8607100032
Download: ML20199L862 (7)



Docket No. 50-219 LICENSEES: GPU Nuclear Corporation Jersey Central Power and light Company FACILITY: Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station



TO DISCUSS NRC GENERIC ISSUE 77, FLOODING OF SAFETY RELATED EQUIPMENT COMPARTMENTS BY BACKFLOW THROUGH FLOOR DRAINS On Wednesday, April 30, 1986, a meeting was held at NRC, Bethesda, Maryland with GPUN, the licensee, on NRC Generic Issue 77, Floodino of Safety Equipment Compartments by Backflow Through Floor Drains. In its letter dated August 22, 1985, the NRC staff requested the licensee's participation in this effort.

This licensee is one of nine licensees requested to participate. 'The staff requested that the licensee review the questions in its letter and confirm its willingness to assist the staff in the resolution of this generic issue. The licensee responded in its letter dated December 30, 1985. .The licensee stated that it was in the process of accumulating and correlating the data requested by the staff for Oyster Creek. The licensee expected -

this work to be completed by the end of March 1986 and requested a meeting with members of the staff, following the completion of this work, to discuss the results. This April 30th meeting is that meeting requested by the licensee to discuss these requests.

Attachment 1 is the list of individuals that attended the meeting. Attachment 2 is the list of questions in the staff's letter dated August 22, 1985. No material was handed out by the licensee in the meeting for its presentation.

The following is a summary of the significant items discussed and the actions, if any, taken or proposed.

The licensee presented its methodology to assess the safety equipment vulnerability to potential internal plant flooding at Oyster Creek. It stated that it completed the following steps in its assessment:

1. prepared a list of systems important to safe operation,
2. determined the location of this equipment,
3. identified the potential source of a flood, and 4 evaluated the drainage system to prevent flooding of this safety eouipment.

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. JUL 011986 The licensee explained that every system which was on this list of safety systems was not required for safe plant shutdown following a specific flooding event. The integrity of all these systems, however, was required for the continued safe operation of the plant.

The licensee stated that it considered flooding from external plant water sources such as the intake canal, the fire protection pond and the large outside tanks. It also considered potential sources of flooding inside the plant buildings. These included 1) minor equipment failures, 2) operational errors,

3) unexpected process system induced errors, 4) pipe line breaks and 5) fire protection system actuation.

The licensee explained that it identified the flood zone or compartment where the components in each safety system were located. Each zone or compartment was evaluated for the adequacy of the existing protection of the equipment components from possible flooding. The licensee stated that the analysis of each zone and compartment demonstrated that this equipment is adequately protected. This conclusion was based on separation from flooding sources, design features or detection features that permit isolation from the flooding source in a timely manner. Detection features included shift tours and alarms on sump levels.

The staff questioned the licensee's use of shift tours and alarmed sumps to detect flooding and, in turn, initiate action. The licensee stated that this was based on proven plant detection methods and stated that no credit was assumed for personnel in any area unless the personnel were on a scheduled shift tour.

The licensee stated that this study resulted in the following recommendations to improve the flood protection of safety equipment: (1) develop a preventative maintenance program for all level alarms in sump pits, and (2) include in the alarm response procedures a list of actions in response to a sump level alarm.

The staff expressed its appreciation to the licensee for this technical presen-tation on Generic Issue 77. The staff complimented the licensee on the method-ology employed for this issue and t thoroughness of its review and evaluation.

DJackNN. Dono \

' Jr. , Project Manager BWR Project Directorate #1 Division of BWR licensing Attachments:

As stated cc w/ Attachments:

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t g Attachments: , ,

1. List of Attendees
2. Staff Request for Information in

- its Letter Dated'Auoust 22, 1985 cc: R. Bernerno  ;

G. Lainas i D. Dilanni

! N.. Anderson

.D. Thatcher 4

l 1

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TO DISCUSS NRC GENERIC ISSUE 77 APRIL 30, 1986 NAME ORGANI7ATION D. Dilanni NRC/NRR/DPLA J. Rogers GPIIN M. Sanford r,PilN T. Dempsey GPUN i V. Purdmesser GPUN N. Anderson NRC/NRR/DSR0 D. Thatcher NRC/NRR/DSR0 l


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1. Provide a detailed discussion of the equipment and floor drainge system (s) which serve safety-related equipment or compartments containing safety- .. .

related equipment or compartments. Include diagrams as appropriate. ..

As part of the discussion, describe the features which will prevent back-flow from any area into compartments containing safety-related equipment.

This discussion should include the drainage system and any other compart-

. ment openings such as doors, unsealed penetrations of grating through which fiuid may flow. Sources of fluid to be considered are external flooding (ground water seepage, surface influence from rivers, lakes and rain fa 1 ponding)andfloodingduetotankfailuresandpipebreaksincluding failure of the expansion joints in the circulating water system. The back-flowing fluids to be considered are water, steam and hot air. Confirm for those conditions ' identified above and that redundant safety-related equip-

~ swnt will not be adversely affected by fluid ingress into the equipment ,

compartments. .-

2. Describe the design basis for sizing the equipment and floor drainage -

systems and the means.for assuring that they can effectively handle the maximum leakage flow conditions in the specific plant areas of concern ',

housing redundant safety-related equipment. -

3. Indicate any past incidents of drainage system backflow or other concern for failure of redundant safety-related equipment that has arisen or been postulated in the past due to a fluid leak or harsh environment in safety-re, lated equipment areas.

i .-


1 Oyster Creek Nuclear Nuclear Generating Station cc:

Ernest L. Blake, Jr. Resident Inspector Sliaw, Pittman", Potts and Trowbridge c/o U.S. NRC 1800 M Street, N.W. Post Office Box 445 Washington, D.C. 20036 Forked River, New Jersey 08731 J.B. Liberman, Esquire Commissioner Bishop, Liberman, Cook, et al. New Jersey Department of Energy 1155 Avenue of the Americas 101 Commerce Strcot New York, New York 10036 Newark, New Jersey 07102 Eugene Fisher, Assistant Director Regional Administrator, Region I Division of Environmental Quality U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Department of Environmental 631 Park Avenue Protection King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 380 Scotch Road Trenton, New Jersey 08628 BWR Licensing Manager Mr. P. B. Fiedler GPU Nuclear Vice President & Director 100 Interpace Parkway Oyster Creek Nuclear Parsippany, New Jersev 07054 Generating Station Post Office Box 388 Deputy Attorney General Forked River, New Jersey 08731 State of New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety 36 West State Street - CN 112 Trenton, New Jersey 08625 Mayor Lacey Township 818 West Lacey Road Forked River, New Jersey 08731 D. G. Holland Licensing Manager Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Post Office Box 388 Forked River, New Jersey 08731 i

~ _ _ _ _ _ . - - _ _ , _ . _ _ .




~ Docket Jio.(s)~:~r50-2192 ' ~ '


i Local POR BWD #1 R/F

< J. Zwolinski Attorney, OELD E. Jordan B. Grimes ACRS (10)

J. Donohew C. Jamerson R. Bernero G. Lainas 1

NRC PARTICIPANTS D. Dilanni D. Thatcher N. Anderson 1

bec: Licensee & Service List 1

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