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Summary of 880721 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Retran Analytical Model & Cycle 12 Fuel Reload Analyses.Attendance List & Matl Used by Licensee in Meeting Encl
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 08/09/1988
From: Dromerick A
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8808180292
Download: ML20207F445 (17)



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Cccket No. 50-219 LICENSEE: GPU Nuclear Corporation Jersey Central Power and Light Conpany FACILITY: Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station SUBJEC1:


OF THE JULY 21,1988, MEETING WITH GPU NUCLEAR CORPORATION (GPUN) TO DISCUSS THE RETRAN ANALYTICAL MODEL AND THE CYCLE 12 FUEL RELOAD ANALYSES FOR THE OYSTER CREEK NUCLEAR GENERATING S1A110N On Thursday, July 21, 1988, at NRC, One White Flint North, Rockville, Maryland, representatives of the NRC and its consultants net with representatives of GPUN to discuss the RETRAN analytical Fodel and the Oyster Creek Cycle 12 Fuel Reload analyses.

The specific objectives of the meeting were to clarify the NRC staff concerns identified in the letter, M.W. Hodges (NRC) to R. Furia (GPU), "Request for Additional Information - Review of the GPU Topical Report TR-045, Entitled

'BWR-2 Transient Analyses Fcdel Using the RETRAN Code,'" May 12, 1988, and to explain the GPU responses in the letter R.F. Wilson (GPU) to NRC, Attn:

Control Desk, "0yster Creek Nuclear Generating Station (OCNGS) Docket No.30-219, Reload Topical Peport 045."

The licensee decided to hit, response, amended to better address the specific NRC concerns. as clarified at the meeting. This submittal is expected in abcut a month.

Attachnent 1 is the list of individuals participating in the discussion.

Attachment 2 contains material used by the licensee in his discussion.

62<v.l' Alexander W. Dromerick, Project Panager Project Directorate I-4 Division of Reactor Projects I/II Attachnents:

As stated

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8808180292 880809 PDR P

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- 1 Mr. E. E. Fitzpatrick Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station cC:

Ernest L. Blake, Jr. Resident inspector Shaw, Pittran, Potts and Trowbridge c/o U.S. NRC 2300 N Street, NW , Post Office Box 445 -

k'ashington, D.C. 20037 Forked River, New Je,rsey 08731 J.B. Liberman, Esquire Connissioner Bishop Liberman, Cook, et al. New Jersey Cepartment of Energy 1155 Avenue of the Americas 101 Comerce Street New York, New York 10036 Newark, New Jersey 07107 Mr. David M. Scott, Chief Regional Administrator, Region i Bureau of Nuclear Engineering U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Departnent of Environmental Protection 475 Allendale Road CN 411 King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 Trenton, New Jersey 086?5 Sk'R Licensing Manager GPU Nuclear Corporation I Upper Pond Road Parsippany, New Jersey 07054 Deputy Attorney General State of New Jersey Deparunent of Law and Public Safety 36 b'est State Street - CN !!2 Trenton, New Jersey 08525 Mayor Lacey Township 818 West Lacey Read Forked River. New Jersey 08731 Licensing Manager

Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station f Mail Step
Site Emergency Bldg.

l P. O. Box 388 l Forked River, New Jersey 08731 l

l l



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T!R70rr NRR/PDI-4 492-1321 S.B. Sun NRR/SRXB 492-1058 W.Hodges NRR/SRXB 492-0895 R.V.Furia GPUN 316-7244 L.Bettenhausen NRC/Regl 337-5233 P.S.Walsh GPUN 316-7110 G. Bond GPdN 316-7241 M. Altamar GPUN 316-7439 J .D.Luchenmayer GPUN 316-7971 L.Lois SRXB/NRR 492-0890 D.Katze NRR/SRXB 492-0886 M.McCoy NRR/SRXB 492-0880 H.Komouiya ITS 949-4288 P.Abramson ITS 949-4288 J.F.Stolz NRR/PDI-4 492-1300 I

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TABLE 15.1 RETRAN Correlation Uncertainties

  • Drift flux equation VII-27 on page VII-30 of RETRAN theory manual:

parameter range ARCPR Kappa 1 (Def ault = 0.8) 12 0 0.0235 Calculation of C.

CGL (Def ault = 1.41) 230% 0.0038 '

Calculation of V,3 <

  • Heat Transfer Correlations on page VII-29a Co (Dittus-Boelter) 120% -0.0046 Input value = 0.032 Ca (Hencock-Nicoll) !20% -0.0030 Input value = 0.106 TOTAL 0.0244

Comparison Between Plant-RETRAN and Acceptance Criteria Max. Change Error During Test (Plar;t 151 vs.

Test Parameter Plant RETRAN Marain 20 RETRAN)

Pressure Dome Press. (psi) 12 11 1.8 10 1 Setpoint Power % 5.5 3.5 0.825 2 2 Level Level (in) 13 11 1.95 3.2 2 Setpoint Power 10 11.5 1.5 2 1.5 MSIV Level (in) 57 54 8.55 3.2 3 Closure Dome Press. (psi) 50 33 7.5 10 17

Bypass Dome Press. (psi) 3 3.5 0.45 10 0.5 Valve EPR Press. (psi) 3 4- 0.45 10 1.0 Turbine Power (1) 51 90 7.65 2 39

88' Trip Dame Press. (psi) 60 75 9 10 15 Generator Power (1) 50 A8 7.5 2 2 Trip Dome Press. (psi) 60 55 9 10 5 Pu9p Trip Core Flow (1b/s) 11944 11444 1791.6 1694.4 3500'*'

Recire. Flow Core Flow (1b/s) 2800 4230 420 1694.4 370 Level (in) 3.5 3.7 0.525 3.1 0.2 '

Power (%) 12.5 11 1.875 2 1.5 Dome Press. (psi) 12.5 20 1.875 10 7.5 (1) Corresponds to wide range pressure instrument which is not as accurate as the

' normal narrow range instrument used during normal power operation.

(2) More conservative.

(3) Initial power drop exceeded criteria, which is believed to be due to l

unavailable runback data.

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FIGURE 1.9 RETRAN/ RACE CPR CALCULATION RETRAN Transient to be analyzed is executed.

System Model Transient Transient output is saved on tape.

l Output RETRAN Hot channel model is executed. Reads Hot Channel transient tape utilizing system power and Model upper and lower plenum pressure, flow and enthalpy as boundary conditions at each time Step.

Hot Channel Hot channel output is saved oa tape.

I output RETRAN Re-edit of het channel tape is executed.

Re-edit Re-edit Re-edit output for hot channel power, Output mid plane pressure, flow and inlet enthalpy at each time step is written to a data set.

t RACE RACE code reads data set and calculates Code CPR at each time step and determines 4CPR for the transient.

, FIGURE 1.10 RACI CODE FLOM CHART Reads data set containing fuel related Input ,


Read Re-edit data set with hot chann.1 conditions at each time step.

Calculate Parameters for CPR Co; relation

) ( '~

7 Calculate Critical Quality (X ) for Time Step N ,

Calculate i

Quality (X) p A No in Hot Channel i Revise *

! hot channel

, power i

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X=X c

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Yas, Convergence l Calcu)Ste

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-- -NRC & Local PORs PDI-4 File l 1.Stolz l A.Dromerick OGC-WF E. Jordan B.Grfines NRC Participants F.Orr ACRS (10)

GPA/PA Wilson LThomas HBClayton 4