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Rev 5 to AP.310, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 12/21/1987
Shared Package
ML20234F425 List:
AP.310, TAC-64736, NUDOCS 8801110489
Download: ML20234F460 (44)


{{#Wiki_filter:12-21-87 Rev. 5 HP3621B D-01948 AP.310 0FFSITE 00SE CALCULATION MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION

                                                                           . ped 1.0 PURPOSE                                                                3 2.0 SCOPE                                                                  3


3 { 4.0 DEFINITIONS 4 5.0 PROCEDURE 5 5.1 Calculations Involving Liquid Effluents General' Considerations 5 l 5.2 Calculations for Compliance with 10CFR20 (Technical Specifications 3.17.1 and 3.15) 6 5.3 Calculations for Compliance with 10CFR50, Appendix I (Technical Specification 3.17.2) 9 5.4 Gaseous Effluent 12 ; 5.5 Atmospheric Dispersion of Gaseous Effluent 15 i 1 5.6 Radionuclides in Effluent Air 15 5.7 Calculations for Assessing Compliance with 10CFR20.106 (Technical Specifications 3.16 and 3.18.1) 16 5.8 Calculations-for Determining Compliance with 10CFR Part 50, Appendix I: Air Dose From Noble Gas 20 5.9 Compliance with 10CFR Part 50, Appendix I: Dose from Tritium, Iodine, and Particulate in Effluent Air.. 22 5.10 Evaluating Compliance with 40CFR Part 190.10:. Fuel Cycle Dose 25 5.11 Administration of Offsite Dose Calculations 28 Rev. 5 AP.310-1 h!h kD K g2 P

                                                                            . .l 1


                                                                     -EAGE' 6.0 RECORDS                                                         29 7.0 ATTACHMENTS                                                     29 7.1 ODCH Site Specific Data Base                             29 LIST OF TABLES TABLE NUMBER        TITLE                                          EAGE 5.4.1          Gaseous Effluent Release Points                  13 A-1            Liquid Source Terms                             36 A-2            Gaseous Source Terms.

1 37-A-3 1986 Annual Average X/Q and D/Q'- Exclusion Area Boundary 38 A-4 1986 Annual Average X/Q and D/Q - Special Locations '39 A-5 Distances for Gaseous Effluent Pathway Evaluation 41 A-6 Dose Factors for Noble Gases and Daughters ' 42 A-7 Values Used to Derive Dose Factors for the Maximum Exposed Individual , j 43 I LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NUMBER TITLE E5GE 4.8-1 Exclusion Area 4.8-2 Site Boundary for Liquid Effluents 4.8-3 Site 8oundary for Gaseous and Liquid Effluents 5.1 Liquid Effluent Flow Diagram 33 5.4 Gaseous Effluent Flow Path 34 I Rev. 5 AP.310-2 i 1 J

i 1.0 PURPOSE j l The Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCH) describes the methods used to calculate doses from ionizing radiation to the general public due to operations at the Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating q Station (RSNGS). Methods are described for assessing compliance J with the Rancho Seco Technical Specifications as they apply to 10 CFR Part 20.106, 10 CFR Part 50 Appendix I, and 40 CFR 190.10a i for liquid and gaseous effluents. 2.0 SCOPE ' The ODCH describes the methods used to calculate doses to the most exposed mcmbers of the general public and effluent monitor setpoints for radioactive gaseous and liquid effluents. The ODCH also contains important site specific parameters used in the calculations (Attachment 7.1). Detailed instructions for performing the calculations described in the 00CH are contained l in separate implementing procedures for the ODCH. I


3.1 Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Chapter 1, Parts 20, 50.36a and Part 50 Appendix I 3.2 Rancho Seco Unit 1 Technical Specifications, Sections 1.0, 3.15 through 3.26, 4.19 through 4.29, 5.1, 6.8, 6.9, 6.15, and 6.16 l 3.3 USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.109, Rev.1, Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I, October l 1977 l i 3.4 H.C. Burke,, Preparation of Radiological Effluent ) Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants, NUREG-0133, USNRC:NRR, October 1978 3.5 ORNL, User's Manual for LADTAP II, NUREG/CR-1276, May 1980 3.6 D.L. Strange,, LADTAP-II, Technical Reference and User Guide, NUREG/CR-4013, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, April 1986 3.7 Eckerman, K.F.,, User's Guide to GASPAR Code, NUREG-0597, USHRC:NRR, June 1980, in RSIC CCC-463 Rev. 5 AP.310-3

4 i 4.0 DEFINITIONS 4.1 REAL INDIVIDUAL I The Real Individual is defined as any member of the public who


participates in activities that result in that person being in the actual pathways for offsite dose. A Real Individual who is expected, based on Land Use Census, to receive the maximum offsite dose to a real person may be used to calculate doses to assess compliance with 40 CFR 190. i 4.2 BATCH RELEASE 4.2.1 The discharge of liquid radioactive wastes of discrcte volume. Batch releases are normally from one of the retention basins to the Haste Hater discharge canal (Environmental Release Point).

      "C" Regenerative Hold-Up Tank (RHUT) is a non-radioactive source of water and can be used as a source of dilution water when it is being discharged.

4.2.2 The discharge of gaseous wastes of . discrete volume. Batch releases for the gaseous pathway include, but are not limited to, Reactor Building Purges and Haste Gas Decay Tank releases. 4.3 CONTINUQUS RELEASE 4.3.1 Continuous liquid releases are not planned to be made from RSNGS. i 4.3.2 A continuous gaseous release is the discharge of gaseous wastes of a nondiscrete volume from a system that may have an input flow during the release. 4.4 DEFAULT RADIONUCLIDES MIX A

  • A mixture of radionuclides that can be used to determine monitor setpoints when no detectable activity is available. (Table A-1, Liquid Source Terms, and Table A-2 Gaseous Source Terms) 4.5 DILUTION FLOH The volume or volume rate of fluid (liquid or gas) which is added to a radiological release stream for the purpose of decreasing the instantaneous concentration of the stream.

4.6 MAXIMUM EXPOSED INDIVIDUAL The Maximum Exposed Individual is that member of the public (real. individual) who is expected, based on the Land Use Census, to receive the maximum exposure to radioactive effluent being evaluated, via applicable pathways. Alternatively, exposure to more conservative conditions (i.e., location and/or pathways, yielding greater exposure) may be assumed, Values of parameters in RG 1.109 Table E-5 are assumed to represent the maximum exposed individual unless Land Use Census data justify a different value. l Rev. 5 AP.310-4

4.7 RSNGS Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station 4.8 UNRESTRICTED AREA Any area at or beyond the site boundary access to which is not controlled by the licensee for purposes of protection of individuals from exposure to radiation and radioactive materials, and any area within the site boundary used for residential quarters or industrial, commercial, institutional and recreational facilities. For environmental protection / effluent control purposes, the Rancho Seco Unrestricted Area is the area outside the Exclusion Area and Liquid Effluent Discharge boundaries, as shown in Figures 4.8-1. and 4.8-2. HQlE: Figure 4-8-3 is the site boundary for gaseous and liquid effluents. 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 CALCULATIONS INVOLVING LIQUID EFFLUENTS--GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 5.1.1 A simple diagram of the main flow paths of radioactive liquid-effluent produced by the RSNGS appears as Figure 5.1. The liquid effluent discharge of RSNGS forms the headwaters of Clay Creek. The dilution factor of a typical nuclear power plant is not applicable. 5.1.2 Dilution of the liquid effluent occurs offsite: At the confluence of Clay and Hadselville Creeks and of Hadselville and Laguna Creeks, and

           &                                                                                                   1             At the confluence of Laguna Creek and the Cosumnes River.

5.1.3 For calculation of offsite doses to determine compliance with 40 CFR 190 (Technical Specification 3.25), dilution which occurs - offsite may be used. When dilution offsite is used, the following general equation applies: Cd - C= F= Fd Hhere: Cd - the concentration downstream from a confluence C= - the concentration upstream from a confluence Fe - the average yearly upstream flow rate Fd - the average yearly downstream flow rate Rev. 5 AP.310-5 i

5.1.4 When calculations are done to assess compliance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix I (Technical Specifications 3.17.2), no dilution which occurs outside the site boundary for liquid effluent is assumed. 5.2 CALCULATIONS FOR COMPLIANCE HITH 10 CFR 20 (Technical Specifications 3.17.1 and 3.15) 5.2.1 Pre-release Calculations Radioactive liquid effluent discharges normally originate in one of the RHUT tanks (A or B) and are then discharged into one of the retention basins (North or South). Samples are collected and analyzed from each RHUT prior to discharge to ensure that compliance with Technical Specifications 3.17.1 and 3.17.2 can be achieved when discharging from the retention basins. The retention basin discharge is the actual liquid effluent release i point (Environmental Release Point). ' The following equation is used to determine if a radioactive liquid effluent discharge will meet the conditions of Technical Specification 3.17.1:


C' I F r HPCF - I X HPC i_ 4 Fc+F r ' Where: HPCF = the calculated fraction of Maximum Permissible Concentration in the radioactive liquid effluent discharged into the unrestricted area ' Cj - the total concentration of radionuclides i in the batch, 2 prior to dilution, of liquid effluent in pCi/mi MPCj - the HPC of radionuclides i from Appendix B Table II, Column 2 of 10 CFR 20 in pCi/ml F r - discharge flow rate; the flow rate of the radioactive liquid batch release from the retention basin to the Haste Water i Discharge Canal in gpm ' Fc - the total available flow rate of the dilution water at l the time of discharge of the liquid effluent in gpm Compliance with Technical Specification 3.17.1 is anticipated  ; when HPCF is less than or equal to 1.0. l l l l i Rev. 5 ) AP.310-6 When it is desired to determine. the-dilution flow or maximum discharge flow so as to meet Technical Specification 3.17.1, the following equations are used. NOTE: SF E Cj/MPC) 21 will require a determination of either minimum dilution flow (Fc) or maximum ditcharge flow (Fr)- . Minimum Dilution Flow (Fcmin) C Fcmin - F r bf ~I MPC g _ i- - Where: Fr - a fixed value (as required by specific release restrictions) SF = a factor which may be applied to incorporate a margin of conservatism (1. I SF 110). Maximum Discharge Flow (Frmax) l F C rmax " _ Cj SF I -I i MPCi - Where: Fc - a fixed value (as required by specific release restrictions) 5.2.2 Monitor Setpoint Calculation HQ1E: When no batch release is occurring or the liquid effluent streams which make up the batch have no detectable. activity, then the mixture in Table A-1 of the ODCM data base may be used as a

           " default" value to make the liquid effluent monitor setpoint calculation. The values in Table A-1 are used for Cj. The following equations are given for the general situations described. HQlE: The liquid effluent monitors are G.A. Technologies monitors and have the conversion factor (efficiency) entered into the . microprocessor. This Conversion Factor (CF) is based on the beta and gamma energy mix of the effluent and results in the monitor reading out directly in total pCi/ml. Rev. 5 AP.310-7 When the monitor is measuring the radioactivity of a process liquid prior to that liquid being diluted by either dilution flow or volumetric dilution: LSP undiluted " gf*I C i r j HPC) When the monitor is measuring the radioactivity of the liquid effluent as it is discharged or no further dilution will occur prior to discharge offsite, the following formula is used: LSP diluted " gf

  • fi
                                                                                                                    +   9 I

j MPC g Where: LSP = the monitor setpoint level in pC1/m1 for either the diluted or undiluted case Bkg - the background reading of the monitor in pCi/ml F the flow rate of the Canal (total available dilution fIow-) prior to the addition of process liquids from the retention basins and/or RHUTs in gpm Fr - the discharge flow rate of the retention basin LSP is the highest value that may be used as the alarm setpoint for the liquid effluent monitor occurring when SF - 1. A lower value may be used for the liquid effluent monitor alarm setpoint. 5.2.3 Post-release Assessme.' of Compliance with 10 CFR Part 20.106 After the results of all measurements required by Technical Specifications Table 4 21-1 are available, an evaluation of compliance with 10 CFR Part 20.106 is performed using the equation: HPCF i- I (Cg /MPC $ ) x (Fr /(FC+F) r Where: Fr - volume or flow from retention basin during release (gpm or gal)*

  • Fr and Fc must have the same units. (Both parameters must be either volume or both flow.)

Rev. 5 AP.310-8

I 5.2.3 (Continued) i fc - volume or flow of dilution water in discharge canal during release (gpm or gul)' Compliance with Specification 3.17.1 has been demonstrated when MPCF 1 1.0. Parameters Fr and Fc are usually water volumes measured during the same time period by a flow totalizer near the end of the discharge canal. In the event a flow totalizer is f inoperable, level measurement and/or pump performance curves and {' time increment may be used. 5.3 CALCULATIONS FOR COMPLIANCE HITH 10 CFR 50, APPENDIX I (Technical Specification 3.17.2) 5.3.1 Prior to the initiation of a batch release, a calculation of the l projected dose from the liquid pathway is made. This projected dose is added to any cumulative dose for the calendar year and quarter. Pre-release CalculaticM are performed to estimate whether the limits of Technical 5 pacification 3.17.2 will be observed for the total amount of radioactive material expected to be released in j the liquid effluent. The expected dose from the release is found by the following equaticn. d ja - I pf Aijap (C$ oT F) It is added to the dose accumulated during the time period of 8 interest, either the quarter-to-date or year-to,-date, according i to the equation: D ja - Ip f Aijap nI ( I" "F) n Where: dja - the calculated dose to a maximum exposed individual's most exposed organ (or total body), j, in age group a, for the release in mrem D - the dose accumulated to total body or organ j of the mk imum exposed individual from among the age groups a during the time period of interest (mrem)

  • Fr and Fc must have the same units. (Both parameters must be either volume or both flow.)

Rev. 5 AP.310-9 j (Continued) Alfap - the Rancho Seco site-related dose factor to the total body or any organ of a person in age group a via pathway p for each identified principal gamma emitter i. Cni - the activity of the radionuclides i in the liquid effluent batch n to be released (pCi/ml) n - a variable identifying each batch of water discharged as radioactive effluent - Fn - the near-field average dilution factor for Ci during the liquid effluent release, defined as the ratio of the undiluted liquid waste flow during release from a basin to the average flow from the site discharge structure. AT n - the expected time period of the release (hours) p - the pathway for the dose. Dose factors, At for the-RSNGS are derived using equations and methods in.R latory Guide 1.109, Rev. 1. (LADTAP-2 may be used to perform the calculations.) Values of parameters in RG 1.109, Rev. 1, Table E-5 are assumed to represent the Maximum Exposed Individual unless the Land Use Census. data justify a different value. Representative values of other parameters recommended in RG 1.109, Rev. 1, including those recommended in the absence of site specific data, are used in the equations to derive the dose factors. Appropriate values'of A ijap representing applicable exposure pathways and age group for the Maximum Exposed Individual are selected and used to compute thisidose. Unless determined by a Land Use Census to be inappropriate during a given' season, the exposure pathways evaluated will include at least the following: fresh water fish, fresh water invertebrate,

            - river shoreline deposits.
            - milk from cows that eat fresh or stored forage irrigated with Clay Creek water, meat from cows that eat fresh or stored forage irrigated with Clay Creek water, and
            - vegetation.

Alternatively, the expected dose from a release may be calculated by using the LADTAP-2 computer code, provided.the same exposure pathways, age group (s) and values of parameters in RG 1.109, Rev. 1, stipulated above in this section are used. Rev. 5 AP.310-10

5.3.2 Post-release Assessment of Compliance At least once every 31 days, an assessment of compliance with Technical Specification 3.17.2 is performed. The same equation, exposure pathways, and values of Al are used in the assessment, jap appearing except in calculated that the Section ! dose is accumulated over all batches of water discharged during the time period of interest. In the following equation, n is a variable identifying each batch of water discharged from a retention basin to the discharge canal. D E Aijap I (C in U nF) ja " Epn n n Water volumes from the retention basin and the discharge canal are derived from flow totalizer (volume) measurements during each release and are used to derive Fn . In the event a flow totalizer is inoperable, level measurement and time increment may be used. Alternatively, the accumulated dose from liquid effluent may be calculated with the LADTAP-2 code, provided the same exposure pathway, age group (s), and values of parameters stipulated in Section are used. i Rev. 5 AP.310-11 i i i

                                                                         ~1 t

5.4 GASE0US EFFLUENT 5.4.1 Overview Airborne radioactive material in the various rooms and systems at h the RSNGS is routed and discharged as airborne effluent as illustrated schematically in Figure 5.4. Figure 5.4 shows the functional arrangements of these streams, treatment and controls, radioactivity monitoring points, and effluent release points. 5.4.2 Effluent Release Points The gaseous effluent release points at RSNGS are summarized in ' Table 5.4-1. i I J l i Rev. 5 i AP.310-12 I 1

Table 5.4-1 Gaseous Effluent Release Points Release Point Data Reactor Building System: Reactor Building Stacks Ventilation Nominal Flow rate: 74,000 CFM Height of Top of Stacks: 146 feet above grade Location: HSH face of the Reactor Building Height of Top of Nearest Structure: 162 feet above grade (Reactor Building) Auxiliary Building System: Auxiliary Building Stacks Ventilation Nominal Flow rate: 42,300 CFM (with one Fan motor) Height of Top of Stacks: 146 feet above grade Location: WSH face of the Reactor Building Height of Top of Nearest Struct!:re: 162 feet above grade (Reactor Building) l Rev. 5 AP.310-13

t Table 5.4-1 Gaseous Effluent Release Points (Continued) Release Point Data i Auxiliary Building System: Auxiliary Building Grade Level Vent Ventilation 1 Nominal Flow rate: 19,500 CFM Height of Top of Stacks: 66 feet above grade Location: NE Corner of the Auxiliary Building Height of Top of Nearest Structure: 162 feet above grade (Reactor Building) Interim Onsite System: Interim Onsite Storage Storage Building Building (IOSB) Ventilation Ventilation Nominal Flow rate: Building Ventilation 8,050 CFM Height of Top of Vent: 24 feet above grade ' Location: Southwest Corner of IOSB Height of Top of Nearest Structure: 425 feet abor grade (West Cooling Tower) l i Rev. 5 l AP.310-14 l - _ - _ - _ - - - - a

1 1 5.4.3 BOUNDARIES The two boundaries for compliance with gaseous effluent Technical Specifications are the Exclusion Area Boundary and the Site Boundary for Gaseous Effluent. The Exclusion Area Boundary is ] a for calculations involving Technical Specification 3.18.1. The Site Boundary for Gaseous Effluent (Figure 4.8-3) is used for calculations involving Technical Specification 3.18.2 and 3.18.3. In general, the Exclusion Area Boundary is used for calculations to demonstrate compliance with 10 CFR 20, while the Site Boundary for Gaseous Effluent is used for calculations to assess compliance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix I. 5.5 ATMOSPHERIC DISPERSION OF GASEOUS EFFLUENT Atmospheric dispersion (i.e., X/Q or X d/Q) and deposition (i.e., D/Q) factors used in performing calculations involving airborne effluent are derived via the MIDAS program from meteorological measurements made at the RSNGS meteorological tower. The measurements are reduced to atmospheric stability classes and joint frequency tables. Using them, relative atmospheric dispersion and deposition factors for a ground-level, building wake discharge are computed with a straight line, 22.5 degree, cardinal sector-width-averaged, Gaussian plume diffusion model. A reference year of meteorological data collected at RSNGS has been reduced to the relative atmospheric dispersion and deposition factors in Table A-4. These factors are normally used to establish radioactive noble gas effluent monitor setpoints and to assess compliance with Specifications 3.18.1, 3.18.2 and 3.18.3. 5.6 RADIONUCLIDES IN EFFLUENT AIR

  • Radionuclides concentrations and quantities in effluent air are needed to establish effluent noble gas monitor setpoints, to estimate offsite radioactivity concentration, and to estimate radiation dose offsite.

5.6.1 PRE-RELEASE MEASUREMENT Before discharge, noble gas radionuclides concentrations in the waste gat decay tanks or in the reactor containment building are measured by gas sampling and analysis. These measured concentrations are used to establish maximum effluent gas flow and the maximum setpoint for reactor containment building effluent and auxiliary building stack effluent noble gas monitors. For batch releases, the quantity of each radionuclides expected is projected as the product of the measured concentration times the total expected release volume, or the product of the measured concentration times the expected flow-rate times the expected time interval. Rev. 5 AP 310-15

5.6.2 EFFLUENT MEASUREMENT Heasured radioactivity concentrations in effluent air are relied upon for estimating offsite radionuclides concentration or radiation dose. The radioactive waste gases sampling and analyses performed to measure these concentrations are. identified in Technical Specifications Table 4.22-1. The quantity'of each radionuclides released in effluent released in batches or in continuous effluent air streams is estimated as the product of each measured radionuclides concentration, the measured average effluent flow, and the discharge time increment. Exhaust fan cap, ;ty, e.g., number of operable fans, etc., may be used to estimate effluent air flow in. lieu of air flow measurement. Alternatively, the gross beta and gamma radioactivity concentration in effluent air may be. measured by the effluent noble gas monitor and integrated over time to' derive the quantity of gross radioactive effluent. gas. The product of the gross radioactive effluent gas quantity and the' fraction attributable to a specific noble gas radionuclides would estimate the' amount of the radionuclides in the effluent air during -that time: Ovni " O vn *I vni Hhere: Qvni - the quantity of each noble gas radionuclides i in a batch in. time increment n. released via effluent stream v (pCi) Qvn - the quantity of gross noble gas radioactivity in batch n or time increment n released via effluent stream v (uCi) * ' fvni - the fraction of radioactive gas in effluent stream v during time increment n or in batch n that is radionuclides i 5.7 CALCULATIONS FOR ASSESSING COMPLIANCE WITH 10 CFR 20.106 (Technical Specifications 3.16' and 3.18.1) Specifications 3.16 and 4.20 require radioactive noble gas monitors named in Table 3.16-1 therein to have alarm and/or. trip (as specified) setpoints determined by a method described in this ODCH. Specification sets maximum dose rate limits that effluent noble gas must meet outside the Exclusion Area. Rev. 5 AP.310-16

5.7.1 NOBLE GAS EFFLUENT HONITOR SETPOINTS Technical specification 3.16 requires that effluent noble gas monitors named in Table 3.16-1 have their alarm and/or trip setpoints determined as described here. The gamma dose rate to a person's whole body is expected to be a larger fraction of the limit (500 mrem /yr) than is the beta plus gamma dose rate to skin is to its limit (3,000 mrem /yr). Each noble gas effluent monitor setpoint is derived on the basis of the gamma dose rate to a person's whole body alone, such that an alarm is set to occur at or before the total body dose rate outside the Exclusion Area exceeds 500 mrem /yr.

          .N_Olf:   The gaseous effluent monitors are GA Technologies monitors and have the conversion factor (CF, i.e. the efficiency) entered into the microprocessor.         This CF is based on the specific energy mix of the effluent and results in the monitor reading out directly in total (beta and gamma equivalent) pCi/ml. Alternatively, a conservative conversion factor based on Xe-133 may be used.

The setpoint of a noble gas effluent monitor is calculated with the equation: M- 500 I C i + Bkg 472 S' F1 (X/Q) I (Cg *Kj ) Where: M - the monitor setpoint (pCi/ml) 500 - the total body dose rate limit (mrem /yr) Cj

                                 - the concentration of radionuclides i in the effluent (uCi/ml) 472 - 28317 cm3/ft8 x 1 min /60 set S'     - a safety margin that may be applied to the maximum setpoint and includes an allocation factor for addressing simultaneous releases (1.0 1 S' i 10).

X/Q - the maximum annual averaged atmospheric dispersion factor for a ground-level release to a sector beyond the Exclusior. Area Boundary for the referenced year (sec/m3), F1 - the effluent gas flow rate (ft*/ min) Kj- a factor converting ground-level concentration of noble gas radionuclides i to total body dose [(mrem-m8)/(pCi-yr)] Bkg - the instrument background reading (pCi/ml) Rev. 5 AP.310-17 m_---- - - -- - -- -

l 5.7.1 (Continued) l Monitor setpoints are determined to ensure compliance with j Technical Specification at the Exclusion Area Boundary in j the sector where the minimum annual, sector-width-averaged 4 atmospheric dispersion (maximum X/Q) occurs. This value ordinarily is'taken to be the maximum annual-averaged value for noble gases in Table A-3. For the purpore of deriving a setpoint, the distribution of noble gas radionuclides is estimated

1. By sampling and analyses according to Technical f Specification Table 4.22-1, or
2. By assuming an historical mix from Table A-2 that applies to the effluent point of interest.

1 A safety factor, S', between 1 and 10 in value may be included in i a setpoint to compensate for statistical fluctuations, I measurement errors, and for other radioactive gaseous effluent. 5.7.2 Dose Rate from Noble Gases Each of the effluent noble gas monitors named in Technical . j Specification Table 3.16-l' includes an alarm that can be set to ' activate when the dose rate due to radioactive noble gases beyond  ; the Exclusion Area Boundary is expected, by calculation, to exceed a preset level. Compliance with the dose rate limits for noble gases in-Specification 3.18.1.a is demonstrated by setting - each gaseous effluent monitor alarm setpoint so that an alarm will occur at or before either dose rate limit in Specification ]j 3.18.1.a is reached. The dose rate due to noble gas is evaluated as follows: The maximum total body dose rate from noble gases beyond the Exclusion Area Boundary is calculated with the equation btb - (X/QT I I hyj

  • Kj vi and the maximum skin dose' rate from noble gases beyond the Exclusion Area Boundary is calculated with the equation i

Ds - (X/Q) I I Qvj (Lj + 1.1 Mj) - vi

                                                                                  -l 1

Rev. 5 AP.310-18 , e - n y nm

5.7.2 (Continued) Where: btb - the total body dose rate fr am noble gases (mrem /yr) bs - the skin dose rate from noble gases (mrem /yr) X/Q - the maximum annual averaged atmospheric dispersion factor for a grou1d level release to a sector beyond the Exclusion Area Boundary (sec/m3) Qvi - the release rate of noble gas radionuclides i from effluent vent v during the time of the release (pCi/sec) Kj - a factor converting time integrated, ground-level concentration of noble gas radionuclides i to total body dose from its gamma radiation (mrem-m3/pCi-yr) Li - a factor converting gamma radiation from noble gas radionuclides i to skin dose (mrem-m3/pCi-yr) Hj - a factor converting gamma radiation from noble gas radionuclides i to air dose (mrad-m3/pCi-yr) 1.1 - a factor converting air dose from gamma radiation to skin dose equivalent (mrem / mrad) To assess compliance with Specification 3.18.1.a. the maximum annual-averaged atmospheric dispersion factor, X/Q, to any sector (width-averaged) beyond the Exclusion Area Boundary from a ground-level release at the RSNGS is used. The value used is taken from Table A-3. 1 s Values of Kj, Lj, and Hj are in Table A-6. 5.7.3 Dose Rate from Radioactive Particulate, Iodine, and Tritim Specification 3.18.1.b provides a maximum limit on. organ dose rate equivalent beyond the Exclusion Area Boundary from iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium, and for all radioactive  ! materials in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 1 days. Compliance is evaluated subsequently by calculating the I dose rate to the most exposed organ of a Maximum Exposed Individual located outside the Exclusion Area and who is exposed by inhaling the airborne radionuclides. l Rev. S AP.310-19


l il m J

                                                                                . j j

5.7.2 (Continued) l The organ dose commitment rate resulting from inhalation is I calculated with the equation: ' D0aj - (X/Q) I I Qvj Raji vi Where: D0aj - the dose commitment rate to organ j of a person in age group a (mrem /yr) the factor to convert air concentration of 1 1 Rahouclideitoorganjdosecommitmentrateofaperson ra n . in age group a exposed by inhalation (mrem-m3/pCi-yr) J 1 Qyj - the release rate of radionuclides i via effluent vent v during the time of the release (pCi/sec) l Exposure to dose rate factors, Ra by using equation 13 in RG 1.109,ji, rev.for 1, inhalation areE-7, Tables E-5, derived E-8, E-9, and E-10 are assumed to represent the Maximum Exposed i Individual in the equation to derive Raji-To assess compliance with Technical Specification 3.18.1.b.. radionuclides other than noble gases in gaseous effluent that are measured in the gaseous sampling and analysis program in i Technical Specification Table 4.22-1 are used to describe'the release rate Oyj for each vent. J The variable X/Q refers to the maximum sector-width-averaged value at or beyond the Exclusion Area Boundary.for the ' annual-averaged Table A-3. 5.8 CALCULATIONS FOR DETERMINING COMPLIANCE HITH-10 CFR PART 50, APPENDIX I: AIR DOSE FROM NOBLE GAS 5.8.1 Method Technical Specification 4.22.2 requires cumulative dose to air l from radioactive effluent noble gases to be determined in order to assess compliance with Specification 3.18.2. The air dose is evaluated in the sector of maximum exposure at or beyond the Site Boundary for Gaseous Effluent. Air dose from noble gas gamma radiation is calculated cumulatively with the equation Drl- 3.17 x 10-8 I (X/Q) I I (Qvni

  • Mi )

v in Rev. 5 AP.310-20

 ,                                                                                  i


                                                                                                                                       'l 5.8.1     (Continued)

Air dose from noble gas beta radiation is calculated cumulatively with the equation DB - 3.17 x 10-8 I (X/Q) I I (Qvni

  • Nj) v in Where:

Dr - the noble gas gamma dose to air (mrad) DB - the noble gas beta dose to air (mrad) X/0 - the maximum annual averaged atmospheric dispersion factor for noble gas effluent from a ground-level release to a sector beyond the Site Boundary for Gaseous Effluents (sec/m3), Hj - a factor converting ground-level concentration to gamma radiation from noble gas radionuclides i to air dose (mrad-m3/pCi-yr) Nj - a factor converting ground-level concentration to beta radiation from noble gas radionuclides i to air dose (mrad-m3/pCi-yr) Ovni - the quantity of each noble gas radionuclides i in batch n released via effluent stream v (pCi) 3.17 x 10 1 yr/3.156 x 107 sec Factors Hj and Ni are 106 pCi/pCi times the values in RG 1.109, Rev. 1, Table B-1, columns 4 and 2, respectively. 5.8,2 Pre-release Dose Projection for Batches Before the gas in the reactor containment building (for a batch release) or in a waste gas decay tank is released, noble gas radionuclides concentrations are measured and the quantity of each expected to be released is estimated as described in Section 5.6.1. The expected air dose from the noble gases to be released is calculated and is added to any air dose accumulated from earlier noble gas effluent during the quarter-to-date and the year-to-date.  ! The air dose from noble gases is evaluated with the maximum annual-averaged X/Q beyond site Boundary for Gaseous Effluents recorded in Table A-4.  ; i Rev. 5 AP.310-21 i i



 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ --- - - - - - - - - - - -        --                                                                       )

5.8.3 Post-release Dose Assessment Specification 4.22.2 requires air dose accumulated during the calendar quarter and year from effluent noble gases to be calculated. The quantity of noble gas radionuclides in effluent air is determined by measurements as described in Section 5.6.2. The noble gas gamma and beta doses to air are calculated beyond the Site Boundary for Gaseous Effluents in the sector experiencing the maximum annual-averaged atmospheric dispersion factor used to compute air dose is in Table A-4. Alternatively, the average atmospheric dispersion factor for the same calendar quarter or year as the effluent may be used to perform the quarterly and/or annual air dose assessment. 5.9 COMPLIANCE WITH 10 CFR PART 50, APPENDIX I: DOSE FROM TRITIUM, IODINE, AND PARTICULATE IN EFFLUENT AIR 5.9.1 Method Technical Specification 4.22.3 requires the radiation dose or dose commitment to the Maximum Exposed Individual accumulated from exposure to tritium, iodine-131, iodine-133, and radioactive materials in particulate form having half-lives greater than 8.0 days, that originate in effluent air, be determined at least every month. The radiation dose or dose commitment accumulated during a calendar quarter and a year may not exceed values stated in Technical Specification 3.18.3. A person may be exposed to effluent radioactive material of this type in air by inhalation or indirectly via environmental pathways that involve deposition onto vegetation and the ground. The exposure pathways evaluated will include, the following:  ; P Exoosure Pathway I 1 Air-inhalation  ! 2 Deposition onto ground--irradiation 3' ;I Deposition onto vegetation--ingested 4 5 Deposition onto forage--cow--milk--ingestion ) i Deposition onto forage--meat animal--meat--ingestion ' The equation used to calculate the dose commitment to the Maximum Exposed Individual from radionuclides other than tritium is Daj - 3.17 x 10-8 [(Xd /0)p-1 I I Qvi

  • Rajip.1 +

vi 5 l 2(D/Q)p}i p-2 y } Qvj

  • Rajipl  !)

Rev. 5 AP.310-22 i

5.9.1 (Continued) Where: i p - 1. i .e. , air-inhalation, in the first term, and p - 2, 3, 4, and 5 in the second term of the equation i excludes H-3 Daj - the dose commitment to organ j of a person in age group a (mrem) Qyi - the quantity of tritium, radionuclides, or radionuclides in particulate form having half-lives greater than 8.0 days in air discharged via effluent stream v (pCi) Xd /0 - atmospheric dispersion factor for a ground-level 'or building wake discharge, adjusted for depletion by 8 days of radioactive decay and by deposition of particulate (sec/m3) D/Q - relative deposition factor, i.e., factor converting a ground-level or building wake discharge in air to a real deposition on land (m-2) Rcjjpradionuclide i in air (pCi yr/m3) or deposited ona factor co vegetation and/or ground (pCi yr/m2) to radiation dose commitment to organ j, including total body, of a person in age group a who is exposed via pathway p. When p-1, representing air-inhalation, Ra jin has units (mrem m3/pCi/yr). When p-2,3,4 or 5 in the sec6nd term of the equation above, representing pathways involving deposition, Rai'p has units (mrem-m2)/((pCi/sec)yr).' Hhen the rad onuclide is H-3, Rajip has units-(mrem-m3)/pCi-yr). Tritium is assumed not to deposit onto vegetation or the ground, unlike particulate. Hence, the concentration in vegetation is assumed to be related to the local atmospheric concentration as described in RG 1.109, rev. 1, Appendix C. The dose commitment to the Maximum Exposed Individual from tritium in gaseous effluent is calculated with the equation Daj - 3.17x10-8 [I X/Qp I (Qyj Rjip)i-H-3]a Where: l p - 1, 3, 4, and 5 i includes H-3 only X/Q - atmospheric dispersion factor for gaseous effluent discharged at ground level or in a building wake (sec/m3) Rev. 5 AP.310-23 i I m______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!

i 5.9.1 (Continued) i Dose factors Ra jip for the RSNGS are derived using the equations and methods in RG 1.109, rev. 1. Appendix C. Values of parameters in RG 1.109, rev. 1. Table E-5 are assumed to represent the Maximum Exposed Individual unless Land Use Census data justify a different value. Any different values from default values will be justified and added as a table to the ODCH. The revised sections of the ODCH, including these values, will be provided with the next Semi-Annual Effluent Report. { Values of other parameters recommended in RG 1.109, rev. 1, including those recommended in the absence of site-specific data, are used in the equations to derive the dose factors. (GASPAR may be used to perform the calculations.) 5.9.2 Pre-release Dose Projection Projection of dose commitment attributable to tritium, radiolodine, and radioactive particulate in the reactor containment building atmosphere or in a waste gas decay tank is not normally done before release in effluent air. 5.9.3 Post-release Dose Assessment The quantity of tritium, iodine-131, iodine-133. and radionuclides having greater than 8.0 day half-lives and that are in particulate form in effluent air are measured by the radioactive gaseous waste sampling and analysis specified in Technical Specification 4.22-1. A post-release calculation of dose commitment accumulated during the quarter or year to date is performed by summing the successive measurements for each quantity of radionuclides made during that period, that is, 4 Ovi = 2 Ovni

  • n where Qvni - the quantity of radionuclides i in effluent air stream v during the time represented by sample'n (pC1)

The cumulative dose comm!tment via each pathway is evaluated with respect to the offsite location where inhalation, gardening, grazing, or harvesting forage occurs together with maximum X/Q. or D/Q (from Table A-4) to represent the pathway and to be used to evaluate the dose commitment via that pathwa As a result, i differing locations for inhalation,, y. grazing, and forage harvesting may be evaluated. An exposure pathway may be excluded from evaluation if it is inappropriate for the season.  ; Appropriate values from Table A-4 through A-5 representing applicable exposure pathways for the Maximum Exposed Individual are selected and used to compute this dose. Rev 5 AP.310-24 l 1 I

i 5.9.3 (Continued) As an alternative, the average atmospheric dispersion or deposition factors for the same quarter or year as the effluent i' may be used to evaluate quarterly and/or annual dose commitment to the Maximum Exposed Individual from tritium, radiciodine, and radioactive particulate. 5.9.4 Alternative Method Alternatively, the dose commitment from tritium, radiciodine, and radioactive particulate in effluent air may be calculated by using the GASPAR computer code, provided the same exposure pathways, age group (s) and values of parameters in RG 1.109, Rev. 1, stipulated in sections 5.9.1 and 5.9.3, are used to estimate the dose to the Maximum Exposed Individual. 5.10 EVALUATING COMPLIANCE HITH 40 CFR PART 190.10: FUEL CYCLE DOSE 5.10.1 Method As long as the RSNGS operates'at a level below the limits of Technical Specifications 3.17.2, 3.18.2, and 3.18.3, no extra analysis is required to demonstrate compliance with Specification 3.25.b In the event a dose calculated in accordance' with Specification 4.21.2, 4.22.2, and 4.22.3 exceeds twice the limit of-Specification, 3.17.2.b, 3.18.2.a. 3.18.2.b, 3.18.3.a,_ or 3.18.3.b, or exceeds a reporting level in Table 3.22-2, an assessment of compliance with Specification 3.25 must be made. Specification 3.25 requires the dose or dose commitment to any 'l real member of the public from radioactive material in effluent air and water and from direct radiation, combine, during a year , s to be kept to no moretthan 25 mrem to the total body, 75 mrem to  ! the thyroid, and 25 mrem to any other organ.


There is no other fuel cycle facility within 50 miles of the RSNGS. Thus, only radiation and radioactivity in the environment attributable compliance to theSpecification with RSNGS are3.25. considered in the evaluation of For the purpose of evaluating compliance with the Specification, the most exposed member of the public is described such that the dose commitment to any resident near the RSNGS will not knowingly be underestimated. The most exposed member of the public, i.e., the Real Individual,is selected on the basis of the applicable  ; combination of existing pathways of exposure identified in the ' annual Land Use Census and the exposure pathways evaluated in the quarterly assessments required by Specifications 4.21.2, 4.22.2, and 4.22.3. bCongel, F.J., Methods for Demonstrating LHR Compliance with the EPA Uranium Fuel Cycle Standard (40 CFR Part 190), NUREG-0543, USNRC:NRR, February 1980. Rev. 5 AP.310-25 i

k 5.10.1 (Continued) Receptor location, pathways, or conditions more conservative, i.e., yielding a higher dose estimate, than appropriate for the Real Individual may be assumed in the dose assessment. The i pathways considered for evaluation will, at least, include the following: water--fish--ingestion 1 water--mollusk (shell fi sh)--inges tion water--i rriga tion--s tored forage--meat animal--meat-. ingestion air--inhalation . 1 air--deposition onto. vegetation--ingestion air--deposition onto ground--irradiation air--deposition onto forage--cow--milk--ingestion air--deposition onto forage--meat animal--meat--ingestion irradiation directly from the RSNGS i Total body and maximally exposed organ dose commitments to the Real Individual from waterborne effluent are calculated by the method described in Section 5.3. Total body and maximally exposed organ dose commitments to the Real Individual from airborne effluent other than noble gases are calculated by the method described in Section 5.9.1. Total body and skin dose to the Real Individual from radioactive noble gases in effluent air are calculated by the method described in Sections 5.10.2 and 5.10.3. Organ doses other than skin to dose the totalfrom immersion body dose. in a noble gas are assumed to be equal Irradiation, i.e., exposure to an external source of radiation, directly from the RSNGS will be evaluated with the aid of environmental dosimetry such as thermoluminescent dosimetry (TLD) or portable ion chamber (PIC) measurements. The dosimetry data will be tested statistically for difference (i.e., increase) in -c radiation exposure near the station relative to more distant ' measurements. 5.10.2  !! Total Body Dose from Airborne Noble Gases l


The gamma radiation dose to the total body of a Real Individual from radioactive noble gas discharged from the RSNGS is calculated with the equation DT - 0.7 x 3.17 x'10-8 (X/Q)'I I Qvj

  • Kj vi i

Rev. 5 AP.310-26 1 1 I o

5.10.2 (Continued) where: DT - the total body dose from irradiation by noble gases (mrem) 3.17 x 10 1 yr/3.156 x 107 sec 0.7 - adjustment to account for residential shielding (dimensionless) X/Q - the average atmospheric dispersion from a ground-level discharge to the receptor location (sec/m3) Qyj - the quantity of noble gas radionuclides i released via effluent stream v during the time period being evaluated (pCi) 3 Kj - factor converting immersion in semi-infinite cloud of ' noble radionuclides i to total body dose (mrem-m3/pCi-sec) The dose factors, Kj, are derived with the equation , t Kj - (106 pCi/pCi) DFBj where: DFBj - total body dose factor for radionuclides i in RG 1.109, Rev. 1 Table B-1, column 5 (mrem-m3/pCi-yr) f The dose to body organs other than skin is assumed to be equal to the total body dose. 1 5.10.3 Skin Dose from Airborne Noble Gases The beta plus gamma dose to the skin of a Real Individual from radioactive noble gas discharged from the RSNGS is calculated with the equation DS - 3.17 x 10-8 (X/Q) I I Qvj

  • 0.7 (Lj + 1.1Hj) vi where:

DS - dose to skin from irradiation by noble gases (mrem) X/Q - average atmospheric dispersion of a ground-level discharge to the receptor location (sec/m3) Qvi - the quantity of noble gas radionuclides released via effluent stream v during the time period being evaluated (pC1) Rev. 5 AP.310-27 '

5.10.3 (Continued) I I Lj - a factor converting beta radiation from radionuclides i to skin doge in RG 1.109, Rev. 1, Table 8-1, Column 3 j (mrem-m3/pCi-yr) M i - a factor converting semi-infinite cloud gamma radiation from radionuclidg Column i to air dose, in RG 1.109, Rev.1, Table B-1, 4 (mrad-m3/pCi-yr) { I 1.1 - conversion factor (mrem / mrad) 0.7 - a factor to account for shielding by a house (301, reduction) 5.10.4 Alternative Method t Alternatively, the dose to a Real Individual from exposure to a radioactive material originating in RSNGS liquid effluent may be computed using the LADTAP-2 computer program, provided the data entered comply with the conditions specified in Section 5.9.1 and otherwise with values recommended in RG 1.109 Rev. I for us the absence of site-specific data. Alternatively, the dose to a Real Individual from exposure to radioactive material-originating in RSNGS effluent air may be calculated using the GASPAR compute program, provided the data entered comply with the conditions specified in Section 5.9.1 and otherwise with values recommended in RG 1.109, Rev. I for use in the absence of site-specific data. 5.11 ADMINISTRATION OF OFFSITE 00SE CALCULATIONS 5.11.1 Implementing procedures which provide instructions for the calculation of offsite doses and dose rate or concentration, effluent monitor setpoints, for which formulae are provided in the ODCH, shall be written and used. ' 5.11.2 An offsitebydose controlled calculation data base is maintained and procedure. Data base values, that are in addition i to those presented in the ODCH, reside in LADTAP, GASPAR and X0QD00 computer programs and are controlled by Environmen,tal Protection Department Administrative Procedures (EDAPs). 5.11.3 The ODCH shall be reviewed annually. Licensee-initiated changes to the ODCH and/or Specification 6.16.2.its data base are made pursuant to Technical  ! Rev. 5 AP.310-28 j! ' ll


1 l 1 6.0 RECORDS l i i As esquired by Technical Specifications and ODCH Implementing ) Procedures. 7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1 ODCM SITE SPECIFIC DATA BASE i


l 1 Rev. 5 AP.310-29

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m .; ( FLOW RATE METER l ( FLOW TOTALIZER i ( / FLOW RATE METER ]j v  ; Rev. 5 AP.310-33 h_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ . _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _


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I ODCM SITE SPECIFIC DATA BASE TABLE OF CONTENTS-Table A-1 Liquid Source Terms Table A-2 Gaseous Source Terms Table A-3 1986 Annual Average X/Q and D/Q, Exclusion Area l Boundary { Table A-4 1986 Annual Average X/Q and D/Q, Special Locations Table A-5 Distances for Gaseous Effluent Pathway Evaluation Table A-6 Dose Factors for Noble Gases and Daughters . Table A-7 Values used to Derive Dose Factors for the Maximum Exposed Individual l Rev. 5 AP.310-35

TABLE A-1 LIQUID SOURCE TERMS Relative Nuclide HPC (pCi/ml) (a) Radioactivity (b) Percent (c) (Ci/yr) (except H3 ) Mo 99 4.00E-05 (Insol) 0.0 0 I 131 3.00E-07 (Soluble) 1.23E-01 19.55 I 132 8.00E-06 (Soluble) 0.0 0 1 133 1.00E-06 (Soluble) 1.70E-02 2.70 I 135 4.00E-06 (Soluble) 1.87E-03 0.30 Cs 134 9.00E-06 (Soluble) 1.53E-01 24.32 Cs 137 2.00E-05 (Soluble) 3.01E-01 47.85 Cr 51 2.00E-03 (Both) 0.0 0 Mn 54 1.00E-04 (Both) 2.45E-03 0.39 Fe 59 5.00E-05 (Insoluble) 0.0 0 Co 58 9.00E-05 (Insoluble) 1.13E-02 1.80 Co 60 3.00E-05 (Insoluble) 1.94E-02 3.08 H 3 3.00E-03 (Both) 2.97E+02 Total 2.98E+02 100% Notes (a) Based on 10 CFR 20 Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 (b) Liquid source terms are representative of the " radionuclides mix" of the liquid effluents, based on the 1984 Annual Report. (c) The concentration of the mix in pCi/mi can be multiplied by the relative percent (divided by 100) to obtain the concentration of each i isotope in pCi/ml. 4 i Rev. 5 AP.310-36 j w


TABLE A-2 GASEOUS SOURCE TERMS l Aux Bldg Reactor ) (a,b) Cont Relative (a,c) Batch Relative Nuclide (Ci/Yr) Percent (d) (Ci/yr) Percent (d) I Kr 85m 8.27E+00 .33 3.65E-01 0.0 Kr 85 0.0 0.0 9.86E+00 0.71 Kr 87 4.18E+00 .17 5.93E-02 0.0 Kr 88 6.53E+00 .26 2.32E-01 0.0 , Xe 131m 1.5BE+00 .06 5.51E-01 0.0 Xe 133m 2.39E+00 .10 5.31E+00 0.38 Xe 133 2.29E+03 91.6 1.36E+03 98.5 Xe 135 1.74E+02 7.0 4.52E+00 0.0 Xe 135m 6.54E+00 0.27 3.52E-06 0.0 Xe 138 3.83E+00 .15 0.0 0.0 Ar 41 2.39E400 .10 3.52E-02 0.0 TOTAL 2.50E+03 100% 1.38E+03 100% Notes (a) Based on operational history of Rancho Seco (1934 annual report) (b) This source term is also applicable for the Auxiliary Bldg. Grade Level Vent. (c) This is also applicable for the Reactory Bldg Haste Gas Decay Tank, Hogge: s, and Air Ejectors. (d) The concentration of the mix in pCi/cc can be multiplied by the relative percent (divided by 100) to obtain the concentration of each isotope in pCi/cc. , 1 Rev. 5 AP.310-37

TABLE A-3 1986 ANNUAL AVERAGE X/Q AND D/0 EXCLUSION AREA BOUNDARY (TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 5.1) X/0 (sec/m3) Iodine-131 Tritium Noble Gases and 1 Particulate no 2.26 Day 8.0 Day Decay Decay Decay no no Depletion Depletion Depleted 1.658E-05 1. 6.54 E-05 1.534-05 The Exclusion Area Boundary, 640 meters from RSNGS reactor contain"nent building, is the boundary for compliance with 10 CFR Part 20.106 i i Rev. 5 AP.310-38

TABLE A-4 1986 ANNUAL AVERAGE X/Q AND D/Q SPECIAL LOCATIONS X/Q (SEC/H3 ) LOCATION DISTANCE NO 2.26 DAY 8.00 DAY 6(r.0) (HETERS) DECAY DECAY DECAY (1/m2) UNDEPLETED UNDEPLETED DEPLETED TRITIUM NOBLE IODINE & GAS PARTICULATE NEAREST HOUSE NE 1432.00 4.157E-06 4.144E-06 3.663E-06 2.348E-08 NEAREST HOUSE ENE 1128.00 9.092E-06 9.071E-06 8.127E-06 6.559E-08 NEAREST HOUSE SE 2560.00 9.085E-07 9.032E-07 7.665E-07 3.868E-09 NEAREST HOUSE SSE 7803.00 8.593E-08 8.424E-08 6.397E-08 1.786E-10 NEAREST HOUSE S 6492.00 1.580E-07 1.553E-07 1.206E-07 2.245E-10 NEAREST HOUSE SSH 3718.00 5.269E-07 5.213E-06 4.290E-07 7.598E-10 1 NEAREST HOUSE SH 1219.00 7.613E-06 7.587E-06 6.774E-06 1.477E-08 NEAPEST HOUSE HSH 2103.00 1.455E-06 1.4474-06 1.248E-06 2.905E-09 l NEAREST HOUSE H 3414.00 5.814E-07 5.763E-07 4.775E-07 1.060E-09 NEAREST HOUSE HNH 4389.00 3.737E-07 3.702E-07 2.991E-07 8.669E-10 NEAREST HOUSE NH 5334.00 3.250E-07 3.215E-07 2.545E-07 8.826E-10 NEAREST HOUSE NNH 7254.00 1.852E-07 1.822E-07 1.394E-07 5.441E-10 SITE BOUNDARY N 640 1.7 E-05 1.7 E-05 1.5 E-05 7.5 E-08 SITE BOUNDARY NNE 670 1.1 E-05 1.7 E-05 1.0 E-05 5.8 E-08 SITE BOUNDARY NE 790 1.2 E-05 1.2 E-05 1.1 E-05 7.3 E-08 SITE BOUNDARY ENE 680 2.1 E-05 2.1 E-05 1.9 E-05 1.5 E-07 SITE BOUNDARY E 670 1.4 E-05 1.4 E-05 1.3 E-05 7.9 E-08 SITE BOUNDARY ESE 680 1.1 E-05 1.1 1.0 E-05 E-05 5.5 E-08 SITE BOUNDARY SE 800 9.7 E-06 9.7 E-06 8.9 E-06 5.1 E-08 SITE BOUNDARY SSE, 950 6.0 E-06 6.0 E-06 5.4 E-061 2.4 E-08 SITE BOUNDARY S 930 7.8 E-06 7.8 E-06 7.1 E-06 2.1 E-08 SITE BOUNDARY SSH 950 8.9 E-06 8.9 E-06 8.0 E-06 1.9 E-08 SITE SOUNDARY SH 1125 8.7 E-06 8.6 E-06 7.7 E-06 1.7 E-08 SITE BOUNDARY HSH 980 7.6 E-06 7.5 E-06 6.8 E-06 1.7 E-08 SITE BOUNDARY H 960 8.2 E-06 8.2 E-06 7.4 E-06 2.1 E-08 SITE BOUNDARY HNH 980 8.2 E-06 8.2 E-06 7.4 E-06 3.0 E-08 SITE BOUNDARY NH 780 1.5 E-05 1.5 E-05 1.4 E-05 7.0 E-08 SITE BOUNDARY NNH 670 2.0 E-05 2.0 E-05 1.8 E-05 1.1 E-07 HILK C0H ENE 1128.00 9.092 E-06 9.071E-06 8.127E-06 6.559E-08 HILK COH SH 3187.00 9.254 E-07 9.170E-07 7.651E-07 1.305E-09 HILK COH HSH 3621.00 4.936 E-07 4.889E-07 4.030E-07 7.714E-10 HILK COH H 7741.00 1.329 E-07 1.303E-07 9.903E-08 1.634E-10 MEAT ANIMAL N 640 1.7 E-05 1.7 E-05 1.5 E-05 7.5 E-08 HEAT ANIMAL NNE 670 1.1 E-05 1.1 E-05 1.0 E-05 5.8 E-08 HEAT ANIMAL NE 460 2.8 E-05 2.8 E-05 2.6 E-05 1.7 E-07 HEAT ANIMAL ENE 460 3.9 E-05 3.9 E-05 3.6 E-05 2.7 E-07 HEAT ANIMAL E 670 1.4 E-05 1.4 E-05 1.3 E-05 7.9 E-08 Rev. 5 AP.310-39

TABLE A-4 (Continued) 1986 ANNUAL AVERAGE X/Q AND D/Q SPECIAL LOCATIONS X/Q (SEC/M3 ) LOCATION DISTANCE NO 2.26 DAY 8.00 DAY 6(r.g) (METERS) DECAY DECAY DECAY (1/m ) UNDEPLETED UNDEPLETED DEPLETED TRITIUM NOBLE IODINE & GAS PARTICULATE MEAT ANIMAL ESE 680 1.1 E-05 1.1 E-05 1.0 E-05 5.5 E-08 MEAT ANIMAL SE 700 1.2 E-05 1.2 E-05 1.1 E-05 6.4 E-08 HEAT ANIMAL SSE 210 7.7 E-05 7.7 E-05 7.4 E-05 2.4 E-07 MEAT ANIMAL S 220 9.4 E-05 9.4 E-05 9.1 E-05 1.9 E-07 j HEAT ANIMAL SSH 210 1.2 E-04 1.2 E-04 1.2 E-04 1.9 E-07 HEAT ANIMAL SH 290 9.6 E-05 9.6 E-05 9.2 E-05 1.4 E-07 MEAT ANIMAL HSH 420 3.3 E-05 3.2 E-05 3.1 E-05 6.5 E-08 HEAT ANIMAL H 515 2.4 E-05 2.4 E-05 2.2 E-05 5.7 E-08 MEAT ANIMAL HNH 450 3.0 E-05 3.0 E-05 2.8 E-05 1.0 E-07 HEAT ANIMAL NH 515 2.9 E-05 2.9 E-05 2.8 E-05 1.3 E-07 HEAT ANIMAL NNH 500 3.1 E-05 3.1 E-05 2.9 E-05 1.7 E-07 MILK G0AT SH 5633.00 3.247 E-07 3.196E-07 2.522E-07 3.456E-10 NEAREST GARDEN ENE 1128.00 9.092 E-06 9.071E-06 8.127E-06 6.559E-08 NEAREST GARDEN SE 6550.00 1.405 E-07 1.384E-07 1.072E-07 4.289E-10  ; NEAREST GARDEN SSH 5327.00 2.705 E-07 2.664E-07 2.115E-07 3.299E-10 NEAREST GARDEN SH 5633.00 3.247 E-07 3.196E-07 2.522E-07 3.456E-10 NEAREST GARDEN HSH 2816.00 8.046 E-07 7.986E-07 6.730E-07 1.412E-09 NEAREST GARDEN H 7714.00 1.337 E-07 1.311E-07 9.965E-08 1.647E-10 NEAREST GARDEN NH 7242.00 1.866 E-07 1.838E-07 1.405E-07 4.'455E-10 VISITOR CENTER E 225.00 9.004 E-05 8.999E-05 8.695E-05 4.045E-07 PARK KIOSK E 525.00 2.076 E-05 2.073E-05 1.940E-05 1.150E-07 HAREHOUSE ENE 225.00 1.350 E-05 1.349E-05 1.304E-05 7.892E-07 DESIGN CITY ENE 250.00 1.118 E-05 1.117E-05 1.076E-05 6.791E-07 EXCLUSION AREA N 640.00 1.676 E-04 1.673E-04 1.550E-04 7.549E-07 EXCLUSION AREA NNE 640.00 1.206 E-04 1.204E-04 1.115E-04 6.232E-07 EXCLUSION AREA NE 640.00 1.648 E-05 1.646E-05 1.525E-05 1.025E-08 EXCLUSION AREA ENE 640.00 2.246 E-05 2.243E-05 L 4E-05 1.644E-08 EXCLUSION AREA E 640.00 1.508 E-05 1.505E-05 1.395E-05 8.428E-07 EXCLUSION AREA ESE 640.00 1.204 E-05 1.202E-05 1.114E-05 6.012E-07 EXCLUSION AREA SE 640.00 1.384 E-05 1.382E-05 1.280E-05 7.357E-08 EXCLUSION AREA SSE 640.00 1.125 E-05 1.123E-05 1.040E-05 4.502E-08 EXCLUSION AREA S 640.00 1.460 E-05 1.457E-05 1.350E-05 3.775E-08 EXCLUSION AREA SSH 640.00 1.741 E-05 1.738E-05 1.610E-05 3.555E-08 EXCLUSION AREA SH 640.00 2.298 E-05 2.294E-05 2.126E-05 4.228E-08 EXCLUSION AREA HSH 640.00 1.558 E-05 1.556E-05 1.441E-05 3.390E-08 EXCLUSION AREA H 640.00 1.629 E-05 1.626E-05 1.506E-05 4.049E-08 EXCLUSION AREA HNH 640.00 1.652 E-05 1.649E-05 1.528E-05 5.985E-08 EXCLUSION AREA NH 640.00 2.074 E-05 2.072E-05 1.919E-05 1.540E-08 EXCLUSION AREA NNH 640.00 2.127 E-05 2.124E-05 1.967E-05 1.169E-07 Rev. 5 AP.310-40 w=

TABLE A-5 DISTANCES FOR GASEOUS EFFLUENT PATHWAY EVALUATION (METERS) (2) RECEPTOR SITE NEAREST NEARESr NEAREST NEAREST NcAREST DIRECTIfN BQ1NDARY REJ1D1NCE GARDEN MEAT ANIMAL MILK C.0H MILK G0AT N 640 (3) (1) (1) 640 (3) (1) (1) NNE 670 (1) (1) 670 (1) (1) NE 790 1430 4830 460 (1) (1) ENE 680 1140 1140 460 1140 (1) E 670 (1) (1) 670 (1) (1) ESE 680 (1) (1) 680 (1) (1) SE 800 2560 2560 700 (1) (1) SSE 950 7800 (1) 210 (1) (1) S 930 6490 (1) 220 (1) (1) SSH 950 2900 5300 210 (1) (1) SH 1125 1220 3190 290 3190 5630 HSH 980 1830 2380 420 3620 (1) H 960 3230 3230 510 7740 3230 HNH 980 4390 4390 450 (1) (1) NH 780 5330 6750 510 (1) (1) NNH 670 7250 (1) 500 (1) (1) (1) Locations, if they exist, are greater than 8.047 meters (5 miles) from the Rancho Seco site. Additional Locations: Visitor Center E 225 meters 17.9% occupancy factor Park, Kiosk E 525 meters 41.7% occupancy factor Harehouse ENE 225 meters 23.8% occupancy factor Design City ENE 250 meters 23.8% occupancy factor (2) Site Boundary for Gaseous Effluent (3) Exclusion Area Boundary - 640 meters Rev. 5 AP.310-41




  • Total Body Skin Gamma Air Beta Air i

Dose Factor Dose Factor Dose Factor ' Dose Factor Radionuclides Kj Li Hj Ni (mrem /yr (mrem /yr (mrad /yr (mradlyr l per pCi/m3). per pCi/m3) per pCi/m3) per pCi/m3) 1 Kr-83m 7.56E-02 ---- 1.'93 E+01 2.88E+02 Kr-85m 1.17E+03 1.46E+03 1.23E+03 1.97E+03 l Kr-85 1.61E+01 1.34E+03 1.72E+03 1.95E+03 Kr-87 5.92E+03 9.73E+03 6.17E+03. 1.03E+04 Kr-88 1.47E+04 2.37E+03 1.52E+04 2.93E+03 Kr-89 1.66E+04 1.01E+04 1.73E+04 1.06E+04 Kr-90 1.56E+04 7.29E+03 1.63E+04 7.83E+03 Xe-131m 9.15E+01 4.76E+02 1.56E+02 1.llE+03 Xe-133m 2.51E+02 9.94E+02 3.27E+02 1.48E+03 Xe-133 2.94E+02 3.06E+02 3.53E+02L 1.05E+03 Xe-135m 3.12E+03 7.llE+02 3.36E+03 7.39E+02 Xe-135 1.81E+03 1.86E+03 1.92E+03 2.46E+03. Xe-137 1.42E+03 1.22E+04 1.51E+03. 1.27E+04 Xe-138 8.83E+03 4.13E+03 9.21E+03 4.75E+03 Ar-41 8.84E+03 2.69E+03 9.30E+03 3.28E+03

                     *The listed dose factors are for radi7nuclides that may be' detected in gaseous effluents.

1 1 i 1 Rev. 5 AP.310-42


L _ l T E T 1 1 --.- _ ------- _ _ _ --_ -. - - - - - - - - - -

r-TABLE A-7 Values Used to Derive Dose Factors for the Maximum Exposed Individual Values of personal and environmental parameters used to derive dose factors for the maximum exposed individual that differ from values recommended in Regulatory Guide 1.109 Rev. 1 in the absence of site specific data or that are not in' Regulatory Guide 1.109, Rev. I are - identified by an asterisk (*). TABLE A-7a Usage Values Ao311 cable to the Maximum Exoosed Individual Aae Group Pathway Units Infant Child Teen- Adult. Fruits, vegetables & kg/yr - 520 630 520. grain Leafy vegetables kg/yr - 26 42 64 MiIk li/yr 330 330 400 310 Heat kg/yr - 41' 65 110 Fish kg/yr - 6.9 16' 21 Crayfish kg/yr - 2.2 - 5.2 6.9 Drinking water li/yr 330 510 510 730 Shoreline usage br/yr - 14 100* 200* (w 0.20 Inhalation m3/yr 1400 3700 8000 8000 , Swimming hr/yr - 14*- 100* 100* j TABLE A-7b Irriaation Related Values J Parameter Food Agric. Leafy Irrigation rate (11/m2 mo)

                                            /                   63*         63             3         263*

Fraction of year field is irrigated 1* l' 1* -1* Time field has been irrigated prior 15* 15* 15* 15* to crop of interest (yrs) Rev 5 AP.310-43 l

_ .. ._ ..- _ _ m,_.__ ,


F { TABLE A-7b (continued) Irrjaa. tion Related Value3 Parameter FQnd Agric. Leafy Prodgg(a) Vegetables Milk Meat Fraction of crop that is not 0* 0* i contaminated 0* 0*  ! 1 Fraction of cow's drinking water that is not contaminated l' 0* I (a) Fruit, vegetables, and grain l I I l Rev. 5 AP.310-44 _ _ _ _ . _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ - __}}