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Forwards Licensee Ltr to Pw Agnes & Attachments, Emergency Preparedness Matls, Addressing Outstanding Issues Re Plant Epz.Recommends to Forward Info to FEMA for Use in FEMA Assessment of Plant Offsite Emergency Plans
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 07/09/1987
From: Bellamy R
To: Matthews D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20236B042 List:
FOIA-88-198 NUDOCS 8903200352
Download: ML20236B115 (362)


{{#Wiki_filter:a Esc

         /         oq'o.,                          UNITED STATES -                                .
       !          ? ,n              NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION .                        ~i k

io, E REGION I 631 PARK AVENUE h d * "ll \y >

         %, , , , , , ,o#e '             KING OF PRUSSIA, PENNSYLVANIA 19406          [g3 @o July 9, 1987 MEMORANDUM FOR:    David B. Matthews, Chief, Emergency Preparedness Branch, DRP&EP, NRR                                                                l FROM:              Ronald R. Bellamy, Chief, Emergency Preparedness and                    -

Radiological Protection Branch, DRSS, RI j




Enclosed is a letter from Boston Edison Company to Peter W. Agnes, Jr., i Assistant Secretary of Public Safety for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, j and its attachments, " Emergency Preparedness Materials." This information ] l addresses outstanding issues related to the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station emergency planning zone. -We recommend you forward a copy to FEMA Headquarters for use in the FEMA Region I assessment of the Pilgrim offsite emergency l pians. Should you have any questions concerning the enclosed material, please l contact Bill Lazarus at (215) 337-5208 or FTS 488-1208. stxfd ~F Ronald R. Beu my ef Emergency Preparedness and 1 j l Radiological Protection Branch Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards


As stated cc w/o encl: T. Martin W. Lazarus J. Schumacher i N 8903200352 890310 '! PDR FOIA

  . pOHNSON88-198         PDR    ..


y- . - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , - _ _ _ _ _ _ eosnmeascw Execut.e O'hces 800 Boyiston street 60stcr. r/assacn.setu 02199 l June 30, 1987 Ralph G. Bird EPC# 87-356 senior Vice Presioent - Oc, ear Mr. Peter W. Agnes, Jr.  ! l Assistant Secretary of Public Safety The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of.Public Safety l One Ashburton Place l Room 2133 Boston, MA 02108

Dear Mr. Agnes:

The attachments to this letter are Emergency Preparedness Materials developed recently by my. staff based on our understanding of perceived weaknesses in offsite planning. He believe this information resolves the major concerns being addressed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in their self-initiated review: Beach Population and Sheltering, Mobility Impaired and Transportation Dependent Individuals, Special Facilities Planning and a Northern Reception Center. He recommend that your agency send this information directly to FEMA for consideration during their self-initiated review. Prompt review of this information should preclude an unnecessary negative finding concerning offsite emergency planning for the protection of the health and safety of the-general public around the Pilgrim Station, and in turn avoid creating unnecessary l public concern. He also recommend that the Massachusetts Civil Defense Agency use this information to update the State's Emergency Plan and Procedures as well as those of the five towns within the ten mile Pilgrim Emergency Planning Zone. He are prepared to assist you in quickly achieving this objective. 1 JFC/cae - Attachments

cc: ' Messrs. Ronald Bellamy (with attachments)

                                                           -(         -"

Robert Boulay. "


David Canepa ( ) Joseph Costa .( ) Daniel Daly (

                                                                              )      !

Richard Johnson ( ).  : Richard Krimm (w/o attachments ) 1 William Lazarus (with attachments) 'l-Richard Levin ) 4 ( David Malaguti (

                                                                              )  I David McLoughlin'    (w/o attachments')

Thomas Rodgers .(with attachments) Hilliam T. Russell (


Al Slaney (


Edward Thomas .( ) Henry Vickers' (


David Vogler .( ) 1 l l l



List of Tables ] l List of. Figures-List of Attachments - I. BEACH POPULATION / SHELTERING ] 1 A. ' Location- i B. Population C. Shelters D. Notification E. Resources l- II. HOBILITY IMPAIRED / TRANSPORT DEPENDENT l A. Studies Overview B. Survey Process l

                                                                                                                    'l C. Staging Area Utilization                 j l

D. Resources vs. Needs Hatrix E. Town Resources III. SPECIAL FACILITIES 1 A. Campground Areas B. Tone Alert Radios C. Schools D. Prisons E Nursing Homes IV. RECEPTION CENTERS A. Facility B. Equipment & Personnel C. Training D. Capability 1

i 1 l I LIST OF TABLES-NQt TITLE l I.-l -Estimated Population - Beaches I.-2 Public Shelters and Shelter Area II.A-1 Special.Needs Survey Results 1 I i II.D-1 Resources.vs. Needs Hatrix III.A-1 Campgrounds and Summer Camps III.A-2 Camp Population III.B-1 Special Facilities' Listing a III.C-1 Special Facilities - Schools / Day Care III.C-2 MOU - Bus Transportation Companies-Capacities l III.D-1 Detainees vs Vehicles Matrix - Town Lockups. l IV.-1 Edgar Station Supply Kit i

                                                                                      .l l

1 1 l li 4 ___- _._ 2___.__m______ _

LIST OF FIGURES; EL TITLE 1 i I.-1 Geographical Location of EPZ Beaches III.B-1 Survey Form III.C-1 Sample M00 - Transportation Companies IV.-1 Location of Edgar Station IV.-2 ETE Impact Verification Letter 1 iii ________1____ ___

___y_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i l LIST OF ATTACHMENTS EL TITLE j II.A-1 Emergency Public'Information Brochure II.A-2 Special Needs Survey f II.A-3 Bus Response Capability Study II.C-1 Local RERP - Appendix C i i III.A-1 Sample Special Facilities Emergency Response Plan - Camps 1 III.A-2 Emergency Planning Zone for Plume Exposure Pathway - Hap Atlas 1 III.C-1 Sample Special Facilities Emergency Response Plan -' Schools III.C-2 Sample Special Facilities Emergency Response Plan Day Care 1 Centers J III.D-1 Emergency Response Plan - MCI Plymouth III.0-2 Emergency Response Plan - Plymouth County Jail 4 iv


2. Beach Pooulation/Shelterina A. Beaches and Pond Locations Hithin Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station's ten mile EPZ are five coastal' beaches, and three ponds which have been identified as being patronized by transients, and they are:

l 1. Green Harbor Beach - Marshfield

2. Duxbury (Blakeman's) Beach Duxbury
3. Gray's Beach.- Kingston  !
4. Plymouth Beach - Plymouth
5. White Horse Beach - Plymouth
6. Morton Pond - Plymouth .


7. John's Pond - Carver
8. Sampson's Pond - Carver The geographical locations of these beaches are shown on Figure I-1 Those beaches and ponds have been identified and statistics compiled through the following efforts:


1. On Sunday August 10, 1986 from 1320 - 1725 and on Friday, August 15, from 1325 - 1520, beaches-of the entire EPZ were viewed and photographed using a helicopter to access: I
a. Numbers of people on the beach;
b. Numbers of available parking spaces; l


c. Accessibility. i l
2. -Local authorities were contacted to gather information on
a. Number of Ticket Sales;
b. Number of Resident Parking Permits;
c. Number of Non-Resident Permits;
d. Usage Figures ,
e. Restrictions - Residents only;-

Four Wheel Drive Vehicles Required;

3. Field Studies were undertaken to supplement and verify existing data.



1. Beach Pooulation/Shelterina (continued) 1
8. Pooulation I
                                                                   . Concern:     Assessment of the number of people using the beaches that    l require sheltering. That~is thos'e that do not have access -l to permanent structures.

The numbers of transients using the beaches were determined by the same l mechanisms listed in I. A. _If specific numbers of average vehicle -l occupancy was not available from the local beach operating agency, a ' conservative 2.2 persons per vehicle estimate was used, based on actual field studies. Actual estimates of beach populations are shown in Table I-l C. Delters 1 Stone & Hebster Engineering Corporation was contracted by Boston Edison Company to identify potential shelters in the EPZ. coastline region. The following steps were undertaken to identify potential shelters within one half to one mile of the coastline beaches.

1. Background information was gathered from:
a. FEMA Region 1 Office l
b. MCDA l
c. Red Cross j
2. Review of municipal tax' records to determine:
a. Address
b. Construction characteristics
c. Floor space 4
3. Visual Inspection were conducted to:
a. Confirm Tax Assessment Information
b. Assign Shielding Factors Table I-2 contains a listing of potential shelters. Utilizing the
information shown in Table I-l and Table I-2, Table I-3, a matrix reflecting coastline beach and suggested potential shelters was- l developed. -1 Incorporation of usable shelters into existing town and State plans should occur over the next several months.. This effort will include physical verification of usability of shelter and town / state incorporation into each their plans and procedures.


m--- D. Notification Concern: Identification of the process by which individuals at the beaches are made aware of the locations of these shelters. The transient beach population will be advised as to the location of the shelters by:

a. The EBS message broadcast over the Siren PA system, advising them to follow direction of local beach officials, posted information or to seek shelter in public buildings.
b. Maps will be available from beach police / attendants, or .

lifeguards, geographically showing actual shelters. In addition large scale maps showing the location of these shelters will be located in the State and Local EOCs. E. Resources Concern: The impact on town resources required to respond, and if t these resources are available to the town,'and if not, what compensating measures BECo has in place to address this issue? The towns will store, and distribute the maps showing the locations of. actual shelters at each of the identified beaches. The dispatcher of each town activates and broadcasts any message to be delivered over the town's public alert and notification system. Impact on town resources are minimal to implement sheltering protective action for. transient , beach population. Boston Edison will work with the towns and State to l ensure that this program is maintained on an annual basis through the review and updating of each pertinent portion of this program. l l


               \                                            /
                                                                               ',            3A                                        Green Harbcr
                                                    /                         3              ,Y ~,'                        '


                                   's '

l DUXBURY m Duxbury Beach N 53 Blakeman's Beach

                                                                      /                             I r--                                        4 -- --                    -    __,

1 I i 1 Grey's Beach l KINGSTON i s s ,- e'

                                                                                    ,'                                               Plymouth Beach
                                        \                                         s 4                                    '


                           ,'\ ,,'-                                                                                                                                    '

T Monon STATIO Whitehorse

                 /                                                    \         44                      Park                                                Beach

gohq's Pond s N PLYMOUTH


s 58 N

                                          %                                                                                                             3
  • s CARVER N


                                                                      \                         %


                                                /                                                     \

s N

                                                                        \                 ampson Pon) s
                                                                            %                                  i
                                                                               \                             /
                                                                                      %                  /

s _ _ - - ./ - - - - - - - ~ ~ l l l e 495 1 's , V 6 FIGURE I-I


                 ~ Estimated                            ' Vehicle                 '

No. of Source of Occupancy No. of-H.eaches Vehicles Data (Persons /Veh.) Peoole-Green Harbor 300 Capacity '2.2 660 l . Estimate Aerial Photos Duxbury 1400 Ticket Sales 3.0 4200-(Blakeman's) 500 Beach 1500 Beach Vehicles Gray's Beach 545 HMH Est. 2.2 1200 Plymouth 243 (.67) - Non-resident 2.2 359 Beach 163 4 Whitehorse 265 Capacity 2.2 583 Beach Estimate  ! Aerial Photos l Horton Pond 243 (.33) - Parking permits 2.5 200 l 80 1 d 4 John's Pond 120 Carver 2.5 300 Recreation Comm. Sampson Pond 120 Carver 2.5- 300 Recreation Comm. TOTALS: - 3493 9302' I


Table I-2 SUGGESTED SHELTERS Green Harbor - Marshfield

1. Governor Edward Winslow School Regis Road off Careswell Street
                                 -(Route 139)


2. . St.~ Ann's by the Sea (church).

587 Ocean Street (Route 139) at L Sekonnet Avenue

3. Shops 555 Ocean Street (Route 139)-

at Satucket Avenue  ;

4. Our Lady of the Assumption-40 Canal' Street ,
5. Brant Rock Market .

22 Dike Road (Route 132) at Plymouth Avenue

6. Ranch House '

222 Canal Street at Columbus Road Green Harbor Duxbury B_each -'Duxbury

1. Duxbury High School 130 St. George Street
2. Alden Intermediate School Alden Street
3. Baybanks/A&P Mall
                                 .44046 Depot Street     .
4. Rockland Trust Co.

25 Bay Road

6. Duxbury Free Library 147 St. George Street l

1 4 l


1 i Table I-2 SUGGESTED-SHELTERS (continued) Grav's Beach - Kinoston

1. Stop & Shop Plaza Main Street, Kingston
2. Grossman's (2 buildings) 6 Main Street i j
3. Corcoran Gallery )

45 Main Street >

4. R.S. Means Co. (2 buildings) 63 Smith Lane 4
5. Kingston Oil & Gas Co.

62 Main Street ' (at Howland's Lane)

6. Charlie Horse Restaurant Main Street (at Prospect)

Plymouth Beach - P1vmouth , 1. Pilgrim Sands Hotel l 150 Harren Avenue

2. Plimouth Plantation Harren Avenue
3. Inn For All Seasons 97 Harren Avenue
4. Plymouth Country Club Harren Avenue
5. Plymouth Nursing Home 35 Harren Avenue
6. Lincoln Professional Building 80 Sandwich Street i



                                                                             -:t     i Table I-2                  '
                                                                                  .: i SUGGESTED SHELTERS-(continued)

White Horse Beach - Plymouth .

                      'l . . Hanomet Elementary' School                          y l

Point Road

2. Angelo's State Road
3. Hanomet Plaza l I

Point Road

4. Monte Christo's '1 745 State Road i

l S. Jack's Restaurant t State Road

6. Six Plymouth Home National Bank l Point Road & Strand Avenue .

Morton Pond - Plymouth

1. Governor Carver Motor Inn 25 Summer Street
2. Additional shelters to be determined.

l John's Pond - Carver

1. Shelters to be determined, i

l Samoson's Pond - Carver

1. Shelters to be determined. ,

4 TABLE I-3 SUGGESTED BEACH SHELTERS , 9 le k - d d d d d d y z gg 8{ ;;* ce v.c e g e s. e te 1* x< xh xC xC xC xh xC

                                                                                                                           =>8 .ss 1                   sc u<         sc u<

a< sc ~sc < s< a c sc 3w t.] wo w 1' w n. W1 W ct w ct a< i w ct BEACHES / PONDS S W- U E 56 56 36 56 36 56 GOV.

  • ST. ANN 'ASSUMP BRANT R RANCH GREEN HARBOR 660 6600 PLAZA WWsLOW e N MKa' N 200UU 11300 5000 4050 annn 9000 EN Agp ROCK. *BAPTIS1' LIBRARY DUXBURY BEACH 5700 57000 m me 170000 70000 30000- so20 '8150 7000 GRAYS BEACH STOP& GROSS- CORC. R.S. KINGS. CHAR.

1200 12000 ewe uws casi my uciue- cw wmn 49800 18100 10500 9500 8000 2420 SANDS PLIM. NNFOR COUN. PLY NUR. LINC. PLYMOUTH BEACH 359 3590 mrei ofAwT wu att eci m in - == 5990 6570 3700 annn 2000 1090

                                                                                                                                            'MANOMET              MANO     MONTE WHITEHORSE BEACH 583                                                                              5830     c' eu       "O       o, i n   cRisTo    JACK'S H   ,Of4E
                                                                                                                                                                                                  ,g, N-20000       25000    18600    5500     1980-        15g0 MORTON POND                                                                             200                Dn o -

2000 45000 JOHN'S POND + 300 3000 1 SAMPSON POND

  • 300 3000 l


                                                                                                                     + SHELTERING NOT IDENTIFIED AS OF 6/30/87.
                                                                                                                     > PUBLIC BUILDING i

II. Mobility Imoaired/Transoort Deoendent A. STUDIES OVERVIEW Concern: An overview of previous and current studies on this issue. In August of 1986, the Emergency Public Information: Brochure-(


II.A-1) was distributed to all resident households of the 10 mile EPZ. Included in this brochure was a return mailer to the Massachusetts Civil Defense Agency requesting Special Needs Information. i In May of 1987; a Special Needs Survey (Attachment II.A-2) was mailed to.- more than 35,000 households. In March of 1987, a Bus Response Capability' Study (Attachment II.A-3) was completed. This survey-was conducted to determine the emergency. transportation capability of both school and commercial bus providers located within a 40 mile radius of Pilgrim Station. In April of 1987, an effort was commenced to solicit Memoranda of Understanding from the bus companies identified in the bus survey. i l B. SURVEY PROCESS Concern: A description of the latest survey process and utilization of the information to respond to the mobility impaired. How.the i perceived discrepancy between town and state plans'is actually i addressed in the planning process and'it does not present a real-roadblock to the implementation of protection actions). The May 1987 Special Needs' Survey was designed to identify the number of - persons that were mobility impaired, visually impaired, hearing impaired, transit dependent,-or in need of special equipment to facilitate an evacuation. As of 6/20/87, approximately 1200 persons have responded. Of these 1200, approximately 804 persons need transportation assistance. Survey responses by.the public are being analyzed to determine the most appropriate measures that must be undertaken to assure.the mobility  ; impaired are adequately notified and supported should protective action  ; recommendations be made during an emergency. In addition to the survey, advertisements have been placed in local papers a' requesting deaf persons contact BECo and make arrangements for special equipment. To assure continued identification of the mobility impaired EPZ residents,.BECo will implement an outreach program to periodically. resurvey the area.

II.. Mobility Imoaired/Transoort Deoendent icontinued)- B. SURVEY-(continued) Table II.A.-l includes'a breakdown of the: transportation requirements'by-town for the.special populations, based upon the BECo'Special Needs Survey, and also includes a distribution of the disabilities by town based upon that same survey. Work instructions-which cover BECo's administration of'the mobility impaired program are developed.. Town and State responsibilities have been-added to drafts of their plans and procedures'and' await their review and comments. A synopsis of these responsibilities follows. Physically Imoaired A list of physically impaired residents, compiled through the survey and maintained by BECo, are made available to the Town' Civil. Defense Directors at-the Emergency Operations Centers. Notification is via the prompt - public alerting system and telephone communications from the' local CD director's emergency response staff. Special arrangements necessary to support shelter or evacuation are discussed during this call and-arrangements made in coordination with Area II per Section V.H.3.e of. l their Operations Plan. Transportation Decendent The Town Civil Defense Directors assess the Transportation needs of each community. They advise the Area II Civil Defense Director of-those needs and request that transportation resources be sent to Transportation Dispatch Centers within each town. The towns dispatch these resources to staging areas and homes for pick-ups of transit dependent population as needed. Persons transported are taken to Reception Centers outside the-EPZ per direction in the town and state plans. Mobility impaired persons requiring transportation, as identified by the BECo survey, are evacuated via buses, ambulances, or other appropriate vehicles, under the coordination of Area II and town Civil. Defense Directors. Section A.3.8 of the 1981 State Plan-contains a provision for the establishment of Letters of Agreement with private ~ companies for.this purpose. BECo is also in the process of acquiring additional Letters of Agreement from the companies identified in the March, 1987 Bus Response Capability. Study. The Letters of Agreement received thus far are included in Attachment II.A-3 and more are anticipated. BECo has made~these Letters. of Agreement available to the State to expand the resources available to l them. l

II. Mgbility Imoaired/Transoort Decendent (continued) C. STAGING AREA UTILITIZATION I Concern: Description'of the: utilization of the staging areas for;the transportation dependent population and~whether the existing planning process adehuately addresses this group of-people. Local emergency response plans describe the responsibilities and procedures for evacuation of-the transportation dependent . 1 Appendix C, (Attachment II.C-1)" Protective Response-Evacuation "' . The plans address.the transportation dependent population'by providing information.on the use of transportation resources,.the establishment of a central dispatching center for these resources, and'the use of'staaina areas for the evacuation of the transportation dependent. population. Transportation resources requested by local Civil Defense-Directors will 1 be dispatched by Massachusetts Civil Defense Agency, Area II to Transportation Dispatch Centers'(TDC) in each community. Upon arrival at the TDC, the transportation coordinator will provide each driver with his assignment and direct them to drive over designated routes to pick up transportation dependent individuals at.each staging area. The staging areas are identified in the town plans. The Emergency Broadcast System will be used to provide information tcFthe-public on how transportation assistance can be.obtained and the location of each staging area. Persons needing transportation will go to these staging areas for-pick up. i Bus drivers dispatched from the Transportation. Dispatch Center are l responsible for driving over assigned staging area routes to pick up L evacuees at each staging. area until their buses reach maximum capacity. The evacuees will then be driven to the designated reception center. D. Resources vs. Needs Matrix 3 Concern: That adequate resources are available to evacuate the Mobility - impaired / transport dependent population. Information on the vehicles required to evacuate special. facilities and the mobility impaired / transportation dependent population was obtained from the Special Facility and Special Needs. Survey. .The Special Facility Survey identified the number and type of vehicles which would be required to evacuate these facilities. The survey also identified the resources available (those owned by the facility) which could be used to evacuate  ! facility residents and the number and types of vehicles which would be-needed from outside sources. A summary of the Resources vs. Needs information is contained in the Table 11.0-1.

II. Mobility Imoaired/Transoort Deoendent (continued) D. Resources vs. Needs (continued) The Special Needs Survey conducted by Boston Edison in May 1987 obtained information on the number of mobility impaired and transportation dependent residents in the emergency planning zone.

                  " Preliminary results of the analysis of the data from the Special Needs Survey indicate the following:"

Mobility Transportation Imoaired Deoendent Total Plymouth 75 328 403 Kingston 12 90 102 Carver 18 60 78 Marshfield 12 116 128 , QuxAury_ x 13 80 93 TOTALS 130 674 804  ! e A total of 804 respondents of the Special Needs Survey indicated they would would need transportation assistance. Of this total, 130 are mobility impaired and 674 are transportation dependent.

  • A total of 20 ambulances 17 lift vans, and 12 buses are required to evacuate the mobility impaired and transportation dependent residents from the emergency planning zone.

Boston Edison is securing Memorandums of Understanding with ambulance and transportation companies. Attachment'III.C-1 is an example of the Memorandums of Understanding being secured from these companies. These Memorandums of Understanding will ensure that sufficient ambulances and transportation vehicles are available to evacuate mobility impaired and transportation dependent residents during a radiological emergency. E. Town Resources Concern: Is there any imoact on town resources required to respond, and if so, are these resources available to the town, and if not, what compensating measures BECo has in place to address this issue. The local town transportation resources would be impacted during the implementation of an evacuation. Additional transportation resources, potentially available, have been identified in the Bus Response Capability Study completed in March, 1987 (Attachment II.A-3). BECo is pursuing Memorandums of Understanding with these companies. The Memorandums of Understanding received thus far are attached and more are anticipated. BECo has made these Memorandums available to the State.


  • CARVER 7 29 29 2 16 32 DUXBURY 10 40 35 1 16 47 KINGSTON 6 20 18 1 18 25 MARSHFIELD 9 22 40 2 22 47 PLYMOUTH 31 83 107 11 62 161

V l Att achment II. A-1 Page 1 of 10 ' l l r.nn.w

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                                                                   . Att achment II.A-2                                             Page 1 of 1                   ,

1 l SPECIAL NEEDS SURVEY If you or someone who lives with you would need transportation assistance or notification assistance in the event an evacuation order were given; please completely' fill out this card and return in the postage paid envelope enclosed. Name Check, If Appropriate (LAST) (FIRST) (MI) Visually impaired? . . . . . . . . . . . [ ] Any special equipment Address Hearing impaired? . . . . . . . . . . . [ ] used/needed? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- [ ] ; Mobility impaired? . . . . . . . . . . [ ] If yes, specify (No i mattum Bed Ridden? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]

                          "'                                  Other Disabilities? . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]

If yes, clarify Would you need a ride in

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the case of an Evacuation? . . . . [ ] l \ I l i i a l l


       ' At t ach me n t . II . A- 3       Page 1 of 66 I

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l PILGRIM NUCLEAR POWER STATION. . BUS RESPONSE CAPABILITY STUDY HMM Document No. 1884-004/4342h I March, 1987 Prepared for: . BOSTON EDISON COMPANY  ! l l l l l Prepared by: 1 HMM ASSOCIATES, INC. 336 Baker Avenue l Concord, Massachusetts 01742

v At t achment 11.A-3_ Page 2 of 66

       . .                                                                         l TABLE OF CONTENTS:


                        - HESULTS OF BUS PROVIDER SURVEY 1.1     Introduction 1.2 1-1 Summary of General Information Questions-1.3                                                      1-1 Summary of Refueling Questions 1.4 1-3 Summary of Bus Provider Information Questions 1.5 1-5 Section 1. Database Report
                                                                          'l-6 SECTION 2 - RESULTS OF NRC REGION I UTILITIES SURVEY 2.1     Introduction 2-1 2.2     Survey Results Narrative 2-1 2.3     Survey Results Summary. Table
                                                                         !2-2 SECTION 3 l                      - CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1     Introduction 3-1 3.2     Conclusions 3.3 3-1 Recommendations 3-2 APPENDIX 1 - BUS PROVIDER LIST APPENDIX 2 - BUS PROVIDER QUESTIONNAIRE 1884-004/4342h

v - At t ach rent I I . A- 3 Page 3 of 66 INTRODUCTION This study was performed to identify the emergency transportation capabilities'of municipal and commercial bus providers located within a 40-mile radius of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station. The cities and towns with transportation resources included in this region are as follows: Acushnet Hanson Quincy Attleboro Harwich Randolph Avon Holbrook Raynham Barnstable Hull Revere Boston Hyannis Rockland Bourne Manomet Sagamore Bridgewater Marshfield Sandwich Brockton Marston Mills Scituate Buzzards Bay Mashpee Sharon Cambridge Mattapan Somerset Carver Medford Somerville Chelsea Middleboro South Boston Cohasset Milton South Dennis Cotuit Monument Beach South Yarmouth Dedham New Bedford Stoughton East Boston Norfolk Swansea  ! East Easton North Attleboro Taunton East Palmou.) North Falmouth Teaticket East Sandwica North Truro Walpole Fairhaven Norwell Wareham Fall River Norwood Warren  ; Falmouth Otis West Br.idgewater j Foxborough. Plymouth West Hanover Franklin Pocasset Whitman { Halifax Provincetown Winthrop Hanover 1884-004/4342h -i-3 I l

y _ At t achmen t 11. A- 3 Page 4 of 66 A map of the communities located within the 40-mile radius is depicted in Figure 1. Section 1 of this study contains the results of a bus provider survey. This survey was conducted to determine the emergency transportation capabilities of both school and commercial bus providers. . Section 2 of this study contains the results of a phone-survey made of all nuclear generating stations located within US NRC Region I. The major scope of this survey was to l determine what modes of emergency communications utilities are using to contact and provide information to school systems and { school buses while enroute to their various' locations. Section 3 of this study contains Conclusions and Recommendations, given the results from both the survey of bus-providers, and the survey of current modes of communications used by utilities located in NRC Region I to contact and provide information to school systems and school buses while enroute to various locations. The following agencies have provided the information utilized in this study, as well as the individual entities surveyed as part of this effort. Reference Acency Information Provided

1. Department of Public Listing of bus companies Utilities Rail and Bus operating with the Commonwealth Division  !'
2. Massachusetts Department School transportation services of Education (computer listing 1984-1985)

Southeast Regional Center In an attempt to provide the most comprehensive inventory of resources available, a listing of all bus providers within the 40-mile radius of Pilgria Station can be found in Appendix 1 to this report. This information has been supplied by the above referenced agencies. Those entities who have either refused to take part in this study or have been unteachable via mail and/or telephone have not been included in this effort. 1884-004/4342h -ii-

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l At t achment II . A- 3 Page 6 of 66 However, the majority of these non-respondents have been commercial transportation providers vs. the majority of the


survey respondents being actual school bus providers. A complete listing of individual providers contacted as part of this effort can be found in Appendix 1, and the f questionnaire used in this effort is contained in Appendix 2 to I this report. An effort was made as part of this study to identify an l inventory of transportation resources maintained by the Massachusetts Army National Guard. This request was made to the Massachusetts Army National Guard, Adjutant General's Office, State Transportation Officer. The project researchers were informed that it was not the Guard's policy to release such information. I 1 l l


At t ach men t II . A- 3 Page 7 of 66 l l I SECTION 1 , l , i Results of Bus Provider Survey 1 l l

y At t ach men t I I . A- 3 Page 8 of 66 - l GENERAL INFORMATION - Question 1

1. Hcw anany total vehicles do you have? What are the capabilities of each?

Trolley Bus Capab111ttes Cornpany Seating Radao'

  'ID              Total         Capactty           -Equipment g ____      .________g        g________           _ ____________

071 7 30 Yes, all 087 4 32 'Yes, CBs 4


l Pags Total 36 j i r I - 1 l l l l i 4 1_10

At t ach men t I I . A- 3 Page 4 of 66 1.1 Introduction The following section contains the results of a bus provider survey. This survey has been conducted to determine the emergency transportation capabilities of both school and commercial bus providers located within a 40-mile radius of


Pilgrim Station. The information has been presented in a data l base report format at the end of this section, all raw data ' including the actual completed questionnaires will be provided to Boston Edison under separate cover.


1.2 Summary of General Information Questions Question 1 - Number of Total Vehicles - CaDacity of Each Average Seating Vehicle Capacity 4 Ouantity Per Vehicle School Bus 1929 44 Transit Bus 1453 47 Wheelchair Van 51 15 l Van 139 15 Mini Bus 54 20 . Trolley Bus 36 30 l Ouestions 2 and 3 - TvDe of Maintenance Procram Approximately 40% of the respondents conduct annual preventive maintenance during the summer. These are typically bus providers for schools. Most of the other companies perform maintenance based on mileage. A range of 0 to 61 buses out of service at any one time was reported in the survey responses. The most common response l was 1 vehicle. I 1884-004/4342h 1-1


                                  *At t achment . II . A- 3                                  P age ' 10 o f ' 66 '
Ouestion 4 - Where are Buses Garaced Number of Vehicle  !

Respondents Quantity 0-10 miles 7 '187 10-20 miles 18 373 20-30 miles 18 718 30-40 miles 22 1542. Cape Cod 32 367 Beyond 40 miles 5 701 In general, vehicles ate located in one community. The larger providers, however, garage vehicles in a variety of locations, some of which are company-owned garages and others are drivers' homes. 1.3 Summary of Refuelina Questions Questions 1. 2. and 4 - When are Vehicles Refueled and Where


Almost all respondents to this question reported a standard procedure for refueling vehicles. About 40% report daily refueling: 50% report refueling at 1/4 or 1/2 tank;.and the remainder report refueling as needed or upon completion of a trip. As vehicles sit on lots the minimum fuel level ranges from i 1/4 to a full tank. Only one respondent indicated that tanks are empty during the summer when schools are closed. Roughly 35% of the respondents indicated that fuel was supplied from the principal garage point. The remainder use local service stations or public works garages. 1884-004/4342h 1-2

At t achmenti II . A- 3 P age 10 o f 66 ' 1 Question 4 - Where are Buses Garaced . Number of Vehicle Respondents- Quantity 0-10 miles 7 187 l lo-20'ailes 18 373 20-30 miles 18 718 30-40 miles 22 1542-  ! Cape Cod 32 367 l Beyond 40 miles 5 701 l In general, vehicles are located in one community. The larger providers, however, garage. vehicles in a variety of locations, some of which are company-owned garages and others ' are drivers' homes. 1.3 Summary of Refuelina Questions Quistions 1. 2. and 4 - When are Vehicles Refueled and Where f Almost all respondents to this question reported a standard procedure for refueling vehicles. About 40% report { daily refueling: 50% report refueling at 1/4 or 1/2 tank; and j the remainder report refueling as needed or upon completion of ] a trip. $ As vehicles sit on lots the minimum fuel level ranges from 1/4 to a full tank. Only one respondent indicated that tanks ) 4 are empty during the summer'when schools are closed. ~ Roughly 35% of the respondents indicated that fuel was i i' supplied from the principal garage point. The remainder use local service stations or public works garages. .j 1 l i i 1884-004/4342h 1-2 a

l At t a ch tnent II . A- 3 Page 10 of 66 Question 3 Fuel Type. Capacity and Averace MPG Fuel Types a l Vehicle-Quantity School Transit Wheelchair Mini Trolley Fuel TvDe Bus Bus ' Van Egg Ru p. . Bus Diesel 172 1437 9 0 5 0 l Gas 1166 0 41 103 50 4 l Other 155 9 0 0- 0 0 l< i i Approximate Fuel Tank Capacities Vehicle Quantity School Transit Wheelchair Mini Trolley Fuel Type Bus Bus Van Egn_ Rgg_ Bus Apr. Tank l 60 130 30 Capacity (gal) 25 30 40 Apx. MPG 7 5.5 8 13.5 6.5 5 Apx. Miles per . Tank 420 715 240 338 195 200 l 1 i l l 1.4 Summary of Bus Provider Information Questions Ouestions 1 Method of Contact Many of the vehicle providers operate with established , schedules and assignments. Therefore, it is normally not necessary for them to contact drivers. In situations where drivers do need to be contacted the telephone is the primary , a method. A few respondents reported use of a call fan-out j procedure for unscheduled activation of drivers. ) i i 1884-004/4342h 1-3

m l At t achcen t I I . A- 3 Page 11 of 66 Ouestions 4 Drivers Employed See listing that follows for a breakdown of the number of drivers employed full time and part time, i Ouestion 6 - Unscheduled Activation Time Ten minutes to six hours was the range reported for time required to notify and get drivers to their buses during an unscheduled activation. Thirty minutes was-the most common 1 response. 1 l l Ouestion 7 - Radio Eculoment Of the 56 companies that responded to'the survey, 53% i indicated that they have some form of radio communication in some or all of their vehicles. Two-way radios. CB radios and high-band radios were the typical responses regarding radio equipment used on vehicles. Question 0 - Driver Mutual Assistance Acreements Most of the respondents do not have formal mutual assistance obtain additional drivers. Several indicated that they have informal contacts with other companies or organizations from which they might acquire additional drivers. 1-4 1884-004/4342h

                                                                           - At t achre nt I I . A- 3 Page 12 of 66 1.5    Section 1                  Data Base Reports 3ENERAL INFORMATION - Questson 1                                                                                     j
1. How rnany_ total vehicles do you have' What are the capabitattes of each?

l School Eoas Capaba11ttes Cornpany Seating Rad 1o j ID Total Capacity Equipment

                               ~~~~~~~~~5                55Ad/65Ch'                 so~~~~~~~~~~~~~                  f 505~~~~

13 71 Yes l 007 010 40 44 Yes 2 way in 20 No j 017 2 44Ad/65Ch 024 14 44Ad/65Ch No 026 13 55 Yes , 1 027 20 65 Yes 030 10 65 No 033 30 43 Yes. 2 way 034 17 16-65/1-32 Yes 036 11 42Ao/6DCh No 037 90 65 to 71 Yes 039 3 43 Yes 041 119 65 Yes, 119 units 042 4 42Ad/65Ch No 045 3 2-65/1-16 No 049 20 65 to 71 No Yes. 30% CBs j 400 65Ad/43Ch 030 053 6 65 No j No j 054 9 65 10 72 Yes, 3 units [ 057 ' 10 44Ad/65Ch Yes, in 5 units 059 6 43 Ad No i 060 100 23 to 71 Yes ] 061 064 16 65 Yes. 16 Bus. 23 65 to 71 Yes 068 30 65 Yes, 2 way 073 074 105 44Ad/65Ch 50 44Ad/65Ch No 077 30Ad/54Ch No 080 1 48 43 No 081 42 65 No 086 2 45 No 098 25 65 Yes 106 30 '44Ad/65Ch No 108 Yes, 15 units 118 35 33-71/2-65 120 57 44Ad/65Ch 24 65 No 121 2 65 No 125 No 128 100 65 4 41 No 130 65 44Ad/65Ch 123 No 136. 16 65 300 43 Yes. 100 units 137

  ? age Total                                  1929 RO =      Adults r"        Childran                         i,-

At t ach men t I I . A- 3 Page 13 of 66

                       . GENERAL INFORMATION - Question 1
1. How inany total vehicles do you have? What are the capab111tles of each?

Tecnstt Bus Capabtlitles Cornpany Seating Radio 10 Total Capacity Equipment 008 86 47 Yes, 6 units 011 1203- 44 No 017 3 38 to 45 No 021 4 45 Yes, 2 way/5ch 038 11 49 .Yes 041 11 49 No

                             @42                                2   49               Yes. CBs 043                                1   41               No 044                               .3   45               No 064                                2   49 071                                6   44               Yes, -. a l l                            g 42               Yes, all                                 1 071                              76 I

071 5 45 Yes, all 071 1 52 Yes, all 081 7 49 -NO - 112 15 49 Yes 124 1 65 No 130 4 41 to 49 No 137 10 47 Yes { 143 2 29 No Pags Total 1453 l i l l l6

______y_.____._. At t achmen t ' II . A- 3 Page 14 of 66 GENERAL INFORMATION - Question 1 l

1. How enany total vehicles do you have' What are the capabilities of each? )

Wh921 chair Van Capabilities l l l Company Seating Radio I ID Total Capacity Equipment 007 2 4 Yes 021 1 twc/8 pas 2.way/5ch 024 2 10 Yes 037 4 16 to 35 Yes 041 6 8 Yes, 8 units j 045 2 16 No 049 2 19 to 22 Yes. CBs 050 2 8 No. 071 1 16 Yes, all 071 4 17 Yes, all 071 4 9 Yes, all 073 1 3 Yes, 2 way 116 19 11-8/8-18 Yes. 2 way  ! 137 1 8 Yes l Pags Total 51 I i

y At t achmen t I I . A- 3 Page'15 of ( GENERAL INFORMATION - Question 1

1. How many total vehicles do you have? What are the' capabilities of each?

Von Capabilities l Company Seatang Radio l ID- Total Capacity Equipment 007 3 16 Yes 033 1 8 Yes. 2 way 041 45 9 Yes ,, 042 2 1-15/1-10 Yes. Bus. .i 049 4 16 Yes. CBs j 052 28 15 No 054 1 9 No 073. 3 12 Yes, 2 way l 092 6 8 Yes. CBs l l 106 1 15 Yes l 121 10 12 to 15 No i 125 3 le No I 137 30 11 No I 143 2 15 No . I. Pego Totel 139 i l l 1_'

v. Att achmen t I I . A- 3 ' _ Page 16 of 66 ' 3ENERAL INFORMATION - Quest son 1 {

1. How many total vehicles do you have? What are the capab111ttes of each? l i

9 na Bus Capabt11ttes

ompany Seating Radio q ID Total Capacity Equi pment 007- 2 9 Yes 010 2 20 No 012 5 21 Yes. 2 way ]

027 2 16 Yes l 030 1 16 No 034 3 16 Yes 039 22 20 Yes 049 1 19 to 22 Yes. CBs ] 050 3 12 to 16 No 064 1 21 { Yes, 2 way j 073 3 12 4 086 1 16 No 1C6 1 35 Yes 116 5 21 Yes. 2 way } I 121 2 1-29/1-35 No page Total 54 1 e i I l l 1 j i i

y .,. .- l I At t ach een t I I . A- 3 Page 17 of 6i l i iENCRAL INFORMATION - Questions 2 and 3

. Is there a scheduled yearly preventive maintenance. program?

as at ongoing over a specific time period (e.g., summer)?

       .If yes,
3. How many of your buses, on the average, may be out of service at any one time' Co.

Question 2b ._Q uestion 3 ID Question la c..________ ___ ____________________ ________________________________________ 9 004 No, ongoing minimal 007 No, ongoing. 15

038 No, ongoing 5 010 No, ongoing. 61 f Oli no, based on mileage 2 012 No, ongoing. 1-2 017 No, based on mileage 1 Weekends 021 Yes 1 Summer 024 Yes 1 026 No 1 to 2

( 027 No, ongoing. 2 l 030 No, ongoing. l' Summer 033 Yes 1 Summer 034 Yes 1

                                 $ummer                                             6 036 Yes                      Summer 037 Yes                      Summer 1

038 Yes 0 039 No, based on mileage ~ 041 No, based on mileage 1 042 No, ongoing. 1 043 No, mileage based. 0 044 No, ongoing. Once per month 0 045 Yes 2 049 No, ongoing. 12 to 15 050 No, mileage based. 1 052 No, ongoing. 1 Summer 053 Yes Summer 1 054 Yes 037 Nc, days service Summer & other I 059 Yes 060 No, ongoing. 10 061 No, ongoing. 1 Summer 1 064 Yes Summer 1 068 Yes IO IO I2 071 No, ongoing 21 quarterly 3 073 Yes Summer & miles 2 077 Yes 2x/ year 081 yes Summer 4-win /O-su 086 Yes 087 No, based on mileage Not summer 0 092 Yes 098 No, ongoing. 0 Summer 3 106 Yes 112 No, ongoing 2 116 ido, mileage based. 2 Summer

         .: . 'ea

x---__--___-__________ __ __ At t ach men t I I . A- 3 = Page 18 of 66 f If not,~where l

  = GENERAL Are all buses     INFORMATION garaged at                      - Question 4the above listed location?                                  I 4

are they garaged and in what quantity' / Location Vehicle Vehicle Distance from PNPS Company Location 1D Quantity

                                                                                              ...__....-_... ---                      l

_..___.. _ 0 to le miles ' _______ 43 Plymouth 8 to 19 miles 086 Duxbury 137 25 0 to le miles 8 Marshfield 6 to 18 miles 063 Manomet 062 33 9 to 19 miles 4- Plymouth 9 to'19 miles 087 Carver 027 22 0 to 19 miles 52 Plymouth 10 to 29 miles 008 Abtngton 1 137 25 Bridgewater le to 29 miles- # 021 5 19 to 28 miles 1 Wareham 18 to 29 miles 131 Wareham 130 8 le to 20 miles i 16 Hanover 18 to 29 miles 136 East Wareham 024 16 18 to 28 miles i 27 Scituate le to 29 miles i 106 Hanson 055 i 19 to 28 miles 1 Norwell 18 to 29 miles 080 Raynham 25 18 to 28 miles 137 15 Scituate it to 29 miles 008 Hanover 053 6 18 to 28 miles 61 Whitman 18 to 29 miles 137 23 Middleboro le to 29 miles 068 Rockland 100 9 West Bridgewater 19 to 20 miles 135 4 10 to 29 miles 30 Wareham 10 to 29 miles 129 60 Pembroke 137 18 to 26 miles 10 Hanover le to 20 miles 054 15 Bridgewater 18 to 20 miles  ; 134 Raynham 095 15 20 to 30 miles ' 18 Avon 20 to 30 miles 003 Brockton 60 29 to 30 miles 137 31 East Easton at to 38 miles 033 Randolph 137 60 Taunton, 29 to 39 miles. 123 54 20 to 30 miles 11 Cohasset 20 to 30 miles, 030 New Bedford 136 20 to 38 miles - 041 Avon 4 29 to 30 miles 004 4 Brockton 28 to 30 miles 008 5 Taunton 20 to 30 miles 125 25 Hull 20 to 30 miles 137 56 New Bedford 29 to 30 miles 071 11 Fatrhaven 20 to 30 miles 038 37 New Bedford 20 to 30 miles

            .073                                 10          Holbrook                                  20 to 30 miles 059                                   7         Avon                                      28 to 30 miles 006                                 37         Attleboro                                  20 to 38 miles 002                                   1        Taunton                                    20 to 30 miles 124                                94         Fairhaven                                  20 to 30 miles 037                                 57          Stoughton                                 3g go 4g ,ig,,

- ditL_ - -- - _____1_ __ = psp,g - _ _ _ _



At t ach nent I I . A- 3 Page 19 o f 66 - l l GENERAL INFORMATION - Question 4 4 Are all buses garaged at the above listed location? If not, where are they garaged.and in what quantity' Company Vehicle Vehicle ID Location I Quantity Location Distance.from PNPS_ __g____ _________3 g___________________


137 25 Duxbury 063 9 to 19 miles 8 Marshfield 9 to 10 miles 962 33 Manomet I 087 9 to 18 miles 4 Plymouth 0 to 10 miles 027 22 Carver 008 9 to le miles 52 Plymouth 137 25 9 to 19 miles Abington 19 to 29 miles 021 5 Bridgewater 131 10 to 29 miles 1 Wareham 18 to 29 miles 130 8 Wareham 136 16 10 to 29 miles .) j Hanover 18 to 29 miles 024 16 East Wareham 106 27 18 to 20 miles Seituate 18 to 29 miles 055 1 Hanson { 980 10 to 29 miles i 1 Norwell 18 to 29 miles 137 25 Raynham COB 18 to 29 miles 15 Scituate le to 20 miles ' 053 6 Hanover ) 137 18 to 29 miles 61 Whitman 18 to 29 miles 068 23 Middleboro 4 100 9 18 to 29 miles l Rockland 18 to 20 miles l 135 4 West Bridgewater 129 30 18 to 29 miles Wareham 18 to 20 miles 137 60 Pembroke 954 10 18 to 29 miles Hanover 18 to 29 miles 134 15 Bridgewater 095 15 10 to 20 miles Raynham 18 to 29 miles 003 18 Avon 137 60 20 to 30 miles , Brockton 20 to 30 miles. 033 31 East Easton 137 60 20 to 30 miles Randolph 29 to 30 miles 123 54 Taunton, 030 20 to 30 miles 11 Cohasset 20 to 30 miles 041 136 New Bedford 004 20 to 30 miles 4 Avon 20 to 30 miles 008 4 Brockton 125 29 to 30 miles 5 Taunt on 137 20 to 39 miles 25 Hull 29 to 30 miles 071 56 New Bedford 038 20 to 30 miles 11 Fairhaven 20 to 30 miles 073 37 New Bedford 20 to 30 miles 059 10 Holbrook 20 to 30 miles 006 7 Avon 20 to 30 miles 002 37 Attleboro 20 to 30 miles 124 Taunton 1 20 to 30 miles 037 94 Fairhaven 20 to 30 miles 320 57 Stoughton 20 to 30 miles 010 10 Revere 30 to 40 miles 1-13

At t ada ment I I . A Page 20 of 66-1 GENERAL INFORMATION - Question 4' 4 Are all: buses garaged at the~above-12sted location? If'not, where are they garaged and in what quantaty?  ; I Company Vehtcle Vehtele ID Quant i t y Location Location . . Distance from PNPS 041 -----------------..-- ------------------ 45 Fall River 30 to 40: miles 121 36 Swansea 049 27 30 to 40 miles Foxborough 30 to 40 miles 042 8 Fall R2ver 098 2 30 to 40 miles Revere 30 to 40 miles 081 15 Dedham 016 38 to 48 miles 4 Boston 30 to 40 miles 043 1 Fall River 981 40 38 to 40 miles Norwood 30 to 40 miles 3 052' 28 South Shore '! 011 967 30 to 48 miles Boston 30 to 40 miles  ! 011 87 Quincy 026 13 30 to 40 miles Cambridge 30 to 40 miles 081 31 Norwood 017 36 to 49 miles 5 Boston 30 to 40 miles 1 e71 48 Fall River I 108 30 38 to 40 miles Somerset 30 to 40 miles 012 5 Boston j 060 30 to 40 miles 6 Boston 30 to 40 miles 074 105 Norfolk 143 4 30 to 40 miles Wrentham 30 to 40 miles i- 039 25 Fall River 133 65 30 to 48 miles ! Warren, RI Beyond 40 miles 010 42 North Shore Beyond 40 miles 011 88 Lynn Beyond 40 miles 011 86 Medford Beyond 40 miles 112 15 North Andover Beyond 40 miles i 930 405 Metro-West Beyond 40 miles

    $43                            5    Falmouth                        Cape Cod 036                          11     East Sandwich                   Cape: Cod 1

O*4 Hyannis 1 Cape Cod 692 6 Provincetown Cape Cod. 064 .19 Barnstable Cape Cod

                                                                                                                 -4 008                          15     Hyannis                        Cape Cod 044                                 Falmouth                                                                    i 1

Cape Cod i 037 18 Harwich Cape Cod 047 1 Falmouth Cape Cod 044 1 Provincetown Cape Cod 038 1 Harwich Cape Cod 065 7 Mashpee Cape Cod 076 > 1 Falmouth Cape Cod j 084 1 Otis Cape Cod 034 20 East Falmouth Cape Cod ) i 118 35 South Yarmouth Cape Cod 101 1 Sagamore Cape Cod 102 2 Sagamore Cape Cod 104 2 Sagamore Cape Cod 103 4 Sandwich Cape Cod , i 126 1 Teaticket Cape Cod 1-14

m At t achmen t II . A- 3 Page 21 o GENtiRAL INFORMATION'- Question 4 4 Are all buses garaged at the above'11sted location? If not, where are they garaged and in what quantity? Company Vehicle Vehicle Location ID Quantity Location Distance from PNPS 085 . ___ _....__.....__ __________ .______ 2 Otis 007 Cape Cod 20 Barnstable 031 Cape Cod 1 Cotutt Cape Cod 061 100 Hyannis Cape Cod 019 1 Bourne Cape Cod 020 1 Bourne Cape Cod 035 2 Falmouth Cape Cod 048 le Falmouth Cape Cod 056 1 Harwich 088 Cape Cod 3 Pocasset 11G Cape Cod 24 Cape Cod 070 Cape Cod 7 Monument Beach 077 Cape Cod' 50 Cape Cod Cape Cod Total 3888 l l 1-13

I At t ach ren t II . A- 3 Page 22 of 66 L REFUELING - Questions 1, 2, and 4

                                .1.           When are your buses refueled?              (e.g., daily or when tank registers -

1/4 full)  ; 2. What is the minimum fuel level in your buses as they sat on your lot? 4 Where are your buses refueled, specify location if.different from where! ' buses are garagedS Company s ID Question 1 Question 2 Question 4 004 daily I 1/4 full Avon 007 as needed 1/4 tank on lot 008 daily. full on lots , 010 1/4 tank 011 1/4 full local stations daily full on lots 012 daily full on lot 017 1/2 tank 1/2 full local stations 021 daily full Bridgewater 024 1/4 tank Wint. full East Wareham 024 1/4 tank Sum. empty East Wareham 026 1/4 tank 1/4 full Cambridge PWD 027 daily 1/2 full Harwich HD 030 1/4 tank 1/4 full on lot 033 daily 034 1/2 tank local stations bi-daily 1/4 full Falmouth 036 1/4 tank 1/2 full on lot 037 daily 1/2 full on lot 038 daily full on lot 039 1/2 tank 1/2 full local stations 041 daily 1/2 tank on lot i I 042 1/4 tank 1/4 full Fall River 043 trip end full any truck stop 044 daily 2/3 full local stations 045 2-3 days 1/2 full Falmouth 049 daily 1/2 tank Foxborough HD 030 daily full on lot 053 daily 3/4 full Hanson 053 1/4 tank 1/4 full local stations 054 1/4 tank 1/4 full Hanover 057 1/2 tank 1/2 full local stations 039 1/4 tank 1/2 full Holbrook 060 trip end full Boston 061 daily full on lot 064 1/4 tank Centerville 068 daily full on lot 'I 071 bi-daily 1/2 tank on lot i 073 daily 1/2 full on lot 077 1/2 tank Cape Cod 080 1/4 tank on lot 081 1/4 tank 1/4 full Norwood on lot /Dedham local station 086 1/4 tank 1/4 full on lot 087 daily local stations 092 1/4 tank- Provincetown 098 daily 1/2 tank Revere 1-16

v At t achnent II.A-3 Page 23 of 6t l REFUELING - Quest 1ons 1, 2, and 4 1.' Nhen are your buses refueled? (e.g., daily or when tank registers 1/4 full)

2. What as-the mansmum fuel level in your buses as they sit on your lot? f 4 Where are your buses refueled, spectfy location af different from where buses.are garaged?

t Company l 3D Question 1 Question 2 Question 4 l 106 1/4 tank 1/2 full Scatuate j 108 1/2 tank on lot j 112 daily 1/2 full North Andover l 116. daily full Cape Cod  ! 118 varies  ! 121 1/2 tank on lot 125 daily 3/4 full 130 trap start 836 1/4 tank 1/4 full l 137 1/2 tank full on lot 143 daily full local stations l l 1 3 l_l'

m At t ach ren t I I . A- 3 Page 24 of 6f RCFUELING - Question 3 i 1

3. What type of. fuel as used in your vehicles? (Gave ration af both diesel and-gasoline buses). What is the average miles per gallon for each vehicle? '

School Bus Fuel Company Vehicle Tank Average ID Total Fuel Type Capacity MPG l 004 4 gas _ 4 007 13 diesel 60 9 010 40 diesel 60 5. 5 024 14 gas 11-60/3-30 4. 5 026 13 gas 027 20 gas 60 5 030 2 diesel 50 8 l 033 30 gas 60 5 034 2 gas /propan 60/80 5/4 034 8 gas 60 S. 5 034 7 propane 80 4 036 11 gas 60 5 037 25 diesel 65 5. 5 037 65 gas 65 5. 5 039 2 gas 60 4. 5 039 1 diesel 60 7 041 28 diesel 60 8 031 91 gas 60 8 042 4 gas 60, 30 7 045 3 gas 60 9 049 3 diesel 60 7 049 17 gas 60 7 050 397 gas 60 5 050 3 diesel 60 5 053 6 gas / diesel 65 7. 5 054 9 gas 5 037 10 gas 60 6 059 10 gas 30 to 60 6 060 6 gas 60, 30 5 064 9 gas 60 7 064 7 diesel 60 10 068 10 diesel 60 7. 5 068 13 gas 60 7. 5 073 30 gas 50/30 5 077 50 gas /dlesel 60 9 080 1 gas 60 081 48 gas / diesel 60 6/10 086 42 gas / diesel 65 5 098 2 gas 65 8 106 7 diesel 60 8. 5 106 18 gas 60 4. 5 108 30 diesel 118 35 gas 60 5 til 22 gas 60 121 2 dieset 60 123 2 gas 40 4 1-18


At t achment II.A_3 Page 25 of 66 , RECUELING - Question 3

3. What type of fuel as used in your vehteles? (Give ration af both diesel and gasollne buses). What 15 the average miles per gallon for each vehtele' School Bus Fuel
            . Company       Vehicle                     Tank                    Average                                                                            '

Fuel Type- Capacity MPG J ID Total 130 4 gas 136 16 gas  ;

                                                                                                                                                                 '1 337-                     1 diesel          60                      8 137'                   299  gas            30, 68                  8 143                      1  gas                                                                                                                       i u



1 l l 1 1_19

v Page 26 of 66~ At t achrent IT . A- 3 REFUELING - Question 3

3. What type of fuel 15 used in your vehicles' (Give ratto if both diesel and gasoline buses). What is the average miles per gallon for each vehicle' Transtt Bus Fuel Company Vehtele Tank Average ID Total Fuel Type Capacity MPG 008 86 diesel 140/160- 5 011 1203 diesel 125 4.1 021 4 diesel 75 3. 5 038 11 diesel 160 5-041 11 diesel 130 7 042 2 #2 oil 165 6. 5 043 1 diesel 6 044 3 diesel 165 6 071 88 diesel 90 to le 4. 2 -

081 7 gas / diesel 160 8 112 15 diesel 110 4. 9 130 4 diesel 137 10 diesel 100 143 1 diesel 1 t At t achment II . A-3 Page 27 of 66 PEFUELING - Question 3

3. What type of fuel as used in your veh3cles? (Give ratto af both diesel and gasoline buses). What is the average miles per gallon for each veh2cle?

Wheelchate Van Fuel Company Vehicle Tank Average  ; ID Total Fuel Type Capacity MPG j G07 2 gas 037 4 gas 40 6. 7 l 045 2 gas 25 9 050 2 gas 25 6 071 9 diesel 45 8 073 1 gas 20 12 116 19 gas 40 to 45 8 121 10 gas 25 to 30 137 1 gas 22 10 1-21

At t a ch me n t ' I I . A- 3 Page 28 of REFUELING - Question 3

3. What type of fuel 1s used an your vehteles?

and gasoline buses). What (Gave ratto af both diesel vehtele? is the average miles per gallon for each Van Fuel l Company Vehicle  ! Tank Average l ID Total Fuel-Type Capacity MPG , 007 3 _________ ________ _______ ) gas l G24 2 gas 033 30 le  ! 1 gas 26 12 I 041 45 gas 15 le  ! 042 2 gas 049 26 20' { 4 gas 054 22 12 \ 1 gas 17 15 i 073 3 gas 28 21 092 6 gas 106 1 gas 36 7. 5 l 125 3 gas 15 13.5  ; 137 30 gas 143 2 gas 22 le ')i l l l l l l l l i l l l 1-22

At t ach me n t II.A 3 Page 29 of REFUELING - Questson 3 l

3. What type of fuel as used in your vehicles?

and gasoline buses). What (Give ratio af both diesel vehicles is the average miles per gallon for each Mint Bus Fuel Cornpa ny Vehicle ID Tank Average Total Fuel Type Capacity MPG 007 2 gas ele 2 gas 012 30 5. 5 5 diesel 60 027 2

8. 5 gas  ;

030 6 1 gas , 034 3 gas 039 10

7. 5 gas 60 039 11 12 gas 35 049 11 3 gas 60 C50 7 3 gas 25 073 6 3 gas 20 086 12 1 gas 30 106 8 1 gas 30 116 5 5 gas 45
 .121                                                              8 2    gas                30 l

9 1-23

i 1 At t ach ment I I . A- 3 Page 30 o FrEFUELING - Question 3

3. What type of fuel is used in your vehicles? ~

and gasoline buses). Wnat (Gave ratto af both dtesel vehtele' is the average males per gallon for each' Trolley Bus Fuel Company Vehicle l Tank Average ID Total Fuel Type Capaefty mpg g ____ _______ g________ .a g______ l l l a l_24 l U____ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                                                     ' At t achment I I . 'A- 3                                                                 Page 31' of 66 bus PROVIDER INFORMATION - Questions 4 and 5 4 How inany f ull-t aine drivers do you employs '
5. How inany part-t ime drivers do you employ' Company Full Part k
         !D                Time           T a rne                                                                                                              i 1
      '004                0              6 007                0             .20
      .008                37             60 010                0              45 011                1200           650 012               3 to 5         3 to le                                                                                                                1 1

017 1 12 021 0 26 024 16 2 026 1 0 1 027 14 0 ' 030 0 7 033 26 6 ' 034 17 5 036 0 11 037 150 038 9 10 039 0 22 041 0 300 042 2 7 043 1 1 044 3 10 045 0 5 049 2 14 030 0 250 to 300 052 0 35 053 2 3 054 0 10 057 0 6 059 none 11 060 4 to 5 6 to 8 064 0 13 068 18 6 071 114 11 073 0 23 077 6 50 080 1 0 081 10 60 087 4 12 092 6 0 098 2 1 106 20 2 108- 0 25 112 25 7 to 8 116 23 4 118 0 32 121 25 10 125 0 2 130 1 5 1-25

7, , At t ach men t. I I . A- 3 . , Page 32 Jof 66-3 j BUS' PROVIDER INFORMA' TION -' Questions'4 and'5 4..How'many:ful1-tame dravers do you~ employ? 5.;How.many part-time desvers do you employ' TCompany- . Full part ID- T a rne . Time lgg---- g--------- - - . _ , . _ _ _ . 137^ s 33$- 143 g L5

                                                                                                                                                  ;'s 4

l aa '

f. .
                                                                                                                                                 . ij

l t 1 a

                                                                                                                                                  ')  1
                                                                                                                                                 ^j l

l 1 l:  ? l k=)h ' _ = - _ __ . _ _ - - __ _ _ _ _ _ _

At t achmen t I I . A- 3 Pace 33 of 6 i i SECTION 2 Results of NRC Region I Utilities Survey i i 1 1 l l l h I i i


y At t achment I I . A- 3 Page 34 o f. 66 i 2.1 Introduction i The following section contains the results of a phone i survey US NRC made Regionof I. all nuclear generating stations located within I The major scope of this effort.was to- I determine what modes of emergency communications utilities are utilizing to contact and provide information to school systems and school buses while enroute to various locations. 2.2 Survev Results Narrative By an overwhelming margin, the survey indicates that commercial telephone is the primary means of communication to schools and bus drivers (see table to follow). In cases where vehicles or schools are equipped with radio communications, l this mode is often reli6d upon as a' supplement to telephone communications. In addition, most utilities have-supplied tone alert radios to schools, with one utility providing tone alert radios to actual bus terminals as well. None of the utilities contacted have provided tone alert radios for placement in buses or driver homes. 1884-004/4814h 2-1

At t ach ment I I . A- 3 Page 35 of 66 I i 2.3 Survey Results Summary Table i REGION I NUCLEAR GENERATING STATIONS: METHOD OF EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS TO 1 SCHOOL SYSTEMS / BUSES AND DRIVERS Two-Way Tone-Alert Utility Telephone Radio Radio Other { v Maine Yankee X0 i Vermont Yankee Xo  ! Yankee Rowe X0 James A. Fitzpatrick X0 O (*) X L Nine Mile Point X0 O K Robert E. Ginna X0 X < Indian Point XO X Haddam Neck X0 XO (*) Millstone Xo XO X Oyster Creek X0 X j Salem XO X0 X O (**)  !, Calvert Cliffs O X Susquehanna X0 Three Mile Island X0 X Peach Bottom X0 X0 (*) i c Beaver Valley XO Limerick -X0 X0 (*) { l X = School System j O = Buses and Drivers (*) = Partial (**) = Bus Terminals Only l l 1884-004/4814h 2-2 l

l At t ach me n t II.-3 Page 36 of 66 j l 1 l l l 1

                                                                                                                                                                        -l l

l 1 SECTION 3 Conclusions and Recommendations 1 l l l l

At t ach re n t I I . A- 3 Page 37 of 66 3.1 Introduction The following section contains Conclusions and Recommendations, based on the results from both the survey of bus providers'(Section 1), and the survey of current modes of communications utilities located in NRC Region I are utilizing to contact and provide information to school systems and school buses (section 2). 3.2 Conclusions The data compiled in Section 1 of this study is based on an analysis of 56 survey responses received from a total of 119 bus providers. This yields a response rate of 47%. Many of' the bus providers contacted initially as part of this study have been grouped together due f.o their operations actually


being combined under ownership by a parent company. For those companies where survey data was unobtainable, information as provided by the appropriate regulatory body has been utilized.  ! The overall result of this data collection effort indicates that there are 119 bus providers with transportation resources l located within a 40-mile radius of Pilgrim Station, 3 of whom  ! are located within the 10-mile EpZ. Of these companies, 53% have available some form of remote communication to contact their buses while enroute to various locations.- It is clear i that the majority of bus providers utilize pre-assigned routes and do not rely on communications systems to remotely direct I their transportation vehicles. The survey of utilities located in Region I contained in j Section 2 of this study indicated that the major communications 2 links to schools, bus companies, and bus drivers was by commercial telephone. Many of the utilities surveyed have supplied school systems within their respective Ep2 with tone alert radios to supplement their prompt alerting and notification systems. Several bus providers contained within l the various EPZs which this survey encompassed did have partial i 1 1884-004/4815h 3-1 3

At t ach:m n t I I . A- 3 Page 38 of 66 1 two-way radio communications with some of their vehicles. ,l However, this communications link is used on a limited basis ' and is still supported at these utilities by preassigned bus routes and the prompt notification systems in place within these various EpZs. 3.3 Recommendations Given the results of the data collection reviewed in Section 1, the phone survey of nuclear utilities in Region I, and the Conclusions discussed previously, the recommendations I which can be made as a result of this study are as follows: o School systems and individual schools within the EpZ should have an alternate method of notification to serve as a supplement to phone notifications and EBS/ siren system early warnings. This may be { accomplished through the placement of Tone Alert radios in individual schools. This method of emergency notification is utilized at nine nuclear generating stations within Region I which accounts for 53% of the total. o School and private bus providers must be given j specific instructions in the event of an emergency, and the current method of phone notification seems most appropriate. Most school bus providers currently have procedures and notification networks in place that are adequate.- They indicate that their response to unscheduled activation averages 30

                                                                                                             - 60 minutes. To alter these existing procedures j

could result in additional delays in activation {, times. { I i 1884-004/4815h 3-2 - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _1

At t ach ment I I . A- 3 Page 39 of 66 o Given the nature of bus transportation (i.e., stopping and boarding of. passengers on a. regular basis), it is our recommendation to rely on the current' Siren System to alert buses within the EPZ i ds to any emergency condition at PNPS requiring public notification. This recommendation is in keeping with alerting methodologies for all of the nuclear generating stations located within USNRC Region I. Written' instructions should be provided in each bus as to what actions to take-upon hearing the sirens. This would provide an automatic response by buses based on pre-planned instructions. Tone alert radios are not recommended for this purpose due to.their need for providing instructions to the general population. o The major outcome of this study was the I determination of emergency transportation capabilities of both school and commercial bus providers within a 40-mile radius of Pilgrim Station. It is our recommendation that the data contained in this report be maintained for further reference, updated on a-regular basis and that Boston Edison identify those facilities in addition to school' systems which may require transportation resources in an emergency, quantify these requirements.and seek formal agreements with'these individual bus providers which may be considered as major resources for emergency transportation in the future. 1 l 1884-004/4815h 3-3 l l

~ ~ ~ ~ - - - _ - . At t ache mnt 11. A- 3 Page 40 of 66 I l I 1 l l J l l e f f APPENDIX 1 Bus Provider List 1884-004/4816h

j i I q

                                                        ' At t achment II . A- 3               Page 41. of 66 b5 COMEANY ADDRESS AND PHONE INFORMATION Contact and
or.ip . Company )

e9 Phorse ID Name and Address f D- } England Bus Co...Ir.c. 001 New 561' Main Street. 995-4824

1 Acushnet MA 02743 1

002 .i<askell Bus Service 1 192 Richardson Avenue 222-8100 Attleboro MA 02703 003 Park Transportation.Co. 2 100 Wales Avenue 'i 588-1355 i { Avon  ! MA 02322 .j i i 2 004 A/on Public Schools a

                                                                                                                   'i West Main Street                                  588-0230                        )

Avon MA 02322 \ Auto-Eus, Inc. e 005 196 East Main Street 536-4000 Avon MA 02322 't 006 School Bus Leasing c 196 East Main Street Avon MA 02322 Inc. 007 Northstde Bus Service. P. O. Fox 483 362-4663 Barnstacle MA 02630 \ l 1 i


                                                            . At t achment II . A- 3                                                            Page m,2 of 66 i

l I i i BUS COMPANY ADDRESS AND PHONE.!NFORMATION Contact and Aef. Comp. Company Phone ID ID Name and Accress and Brock ------------------

                           -----------------ton              Street Railway,Co 1            008          Plymouth                                                                                                                             l 31 Milk Street                                                             773-9480 Boston MA 02109 2             003         Brush Hill Transportation Co.

31 Milk Street-Boston MA 02109 1 010 North Shore Bus Co. 31 Milk Street 289-2598 Boston MA 02109 1 011 MBTA 45 High Street 722-5000 Boston MA 02110 1 012 Airways Transportation Co. 10 Gainsboro Street 267-2981 Boston MA 02115 1 013 Copley Motor Tours, Inc. 10 Gainsboro Street 267-2981 Boston MA 02115 1 014 Greyhouno Lines, Inc. 10 5t. James Avenue 542-7700 Boston MA 02115 I i i

                                                            ' At tachcent II.A 3                Page 43 of 66 l*US COMPANY. ADDRESS AND PHONE INFORMATION Company' Contact and.

Saf. ' Comp.

                                                                                 ' Phone.

1D ID Name and Address Commonwealth Limo Service, Inc.

1. 015 26 Marlborough Street
                                                                                   $36-5222 Boston                                                                     {

MA 02116-

l. 1 016- Andre Coach Lines 104 Widett Carele 268-9830 l

Boston ! MA 02118 2 017 Adams Motor Transportation Co., Inc. j P. O. Box 18126 296-1930 Boston MA 02118 018 W11bert Herbin, Jr. 1 P. O. Box 546 445-3997 Cathedral Station Boston MA 02118 2 019 Bourne Public Schools 28 Sandwten Road 759-5112 i


Bourne MA 02532 2 020 Upper Cape Regional School Bus Service 220 Sandwich Road 759-7711 Bourne MA 02532 021 Bridgewater State College 1 Grove Street Building 697-1319 Brtdgewater MA 02324 l l

____,m . _ _ - - . - , _ _


At t a ch ment II . A- 3 l Page 44' of 66 9US COMPANY ADDRESS AND PHONE INFORMATION isf. Como. Company Contact and ID- ID~ Name and Address Phone

i. 022 Plymouth County Bus Transportation 142 Oak Hall Way 587-1336 Brockton MA 02401 1 023 Bay State Bus Corp.

1442 Main Street 580-1178 Brockton MA 02401 2 024 Wayne Dudley, Inc. Box 490 Buzzards Bay MA 02532 1 025 Cambridgeport Child Care, Inc. 65R Chestnut Street 868-4275 Cambridge MA 02139 E 026 Cambridge School Dept. 159 Thorndike Street 498-9227 Cambridge MA 02141

    .                           027                  Town of Carver Main Street 866-4551 Carver MA 02330 l

028 Chelsea Hall Associates 100 Captains Row I 884-1942 Chelsea MA 02150

  'V At t achmen t I I .' A- 3                                       Page 45 of 66 BUS COMPANY ADDRESS AND PHONE INFORMATION Ae f.      Comp.                   Company ID        ID                                                                              Contact and Name'and Address                                        Phone 1         029                      _________________________________

Edmar Limousine Service ___________________________ C12 # ford F. Connots 76 e cadway Street 884-2575 Che;eea MA 02150 2 030 Cohasset School 143 Pond Street 383"6108 Cohasset MA 0201c., 2 031 David Aitchinson 69 Geraldine Road Cotutt MA 02635 1 032 Ride-Well, Inc. Pier #1-Massport South Brernen Street 567-4444 East Boston MA 02128 2 033 Souths. astern Regional School Bus Service 250 Foundry Street 238-1218 East Easton MA 02334 1 034 Dees Transportation 447 3andwich Road 540-6605-East Falmouth MA 02536 1 035 R and B Transportation 29 Ledengreen Drive East Falraouth MA 02536


y __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ At t achment I I . A- 3 . Page 46 of 66 i BUS COMPANY ADDRESS AND PHONE INFORMATION Rpy Comp. Company ID ID Contact and Name and Address Phone 2 036 -----------------------------------------------------__--____ Canning Transportation 491 Route 6A. East Sandwich MA 02537 2 037 Medeiros Bus Co. 72 Sycamore Street 993-5040' Fairhaven-MA 02719 2 038 American Eagle Motor Coach, Inc. 72 Sycamore Street 993-5048 Fairhaven MA 02719 1 039 L and S Transportation Co. 1273 Redman Street 678-7999 Fall River MA 02721 1 040 Lawrence Rendek P. O. Box 848 675-0551 Fall River MA 02722 I 041 Tremblay's Bus Co. , Inc. P. O. Box 71 675-0551 Fall River MA 02722 1 042 S. Howard Bus Co. Sandra Howard 399 Bank Street 674-8201 Fa11 River. MA 02722 I l ? -_____-_______ _ ___--_--__ _ _ -

At t achmen t I I . A- 3 Page .4 7 of' 66 E'US ' COMPANY ADDRESS AND PHONE INFORMATION Rs f. Comp. Company- Contact and-ID ID Name and Address. Phone ______________________________________________..______________ .i 1 043 My. Coach, Inc. 1 409 Bailey Street  !, 673-9236 Fall River MA 02724 , 1 044 Cape Cod Bus Lines i 11 Walker Street 548-0333 Falmouth MA 02540 2 045 All Village Taxi 450 Brick Kiln Road ' 540-7200 Falmouth ' MA 02540 2 046 Robert Bretvogel 106 Jericho Path 548-1830 i Falmouth MA 02540 2 047 Marlene Corey 84 Fresh Pond Road 548-7641 Falmouth MA 02540 I 2 048 Daniel Cunha 12 Moran Avenue l 548-2580 l Falmouth MA 02540 j 2 049 Town of Foxborough 543-3866 Foxborough MA 02035

y- < Att achment II. A-3 Page48of.[66' BUS COMPANY ADDRESS AND' PHONE INFORMATION '1 Ref. Comp. Company' Contact and . i ID ID Name and Address Phone 2 050' Wellsley Motor. Coach Co. y P. O. Box 2328 ] 879-2500 :s Framingham-MA 01701' ' k 1 051 Vendettt Motors, Inc. 411 West Franklin Street R 528-3450 Franklin MA 02038 1, i 1 052 H. T. Drummond, Inc. i 22 McClelland Road )

                                                                                   '293-6264 J

Halifax MA 02338 l 1

                                                                                                                                                                    ^1 2         053     Donald Rogers                                                                                                                                        j 1352 Broadway Street                                                                                                                                   j 826-4386 Hanover                                                                                                                                                 j MA 02339                                                                                                                                                !

2 054 South Shore Regional School Bus Service 476 Webster Street 878-8822 Hanover , MA 02339 2 055 Community School Transport 291 Spring Street Hanson MA '02341 2 056 William Vagenas 12 Park Street 432-0936 Harwich MA 02645

At t achment II . A- 3 Page 49 of 66 - BUS COMPANY ADDRESS AND PHONE INFORMATION Ref. Comp. Company


Contact and ID ID Name and Address' Phone 2 057 .------------------- Robert Joy and Son -------------------------________________ Queen Anne Road 432-0735 I Harwich I

                         ~MA    02645 1

2 058 Buddy Julian l Sasson Road l k Harwich . l MA 02645 l 1 059 Wallace Bus Lines, Inc. 145 Belcher Street 767-2877 Holbrook MA 02343 1 060 Bob Charles Transportation P. O. Box 603 l 268-7400 l Hull i MA 02045

                                                                        .y 1         061       Barnstable Bus Co.

Ferndcck Street 775-8187 Hyannis MA 02601 2 062 A. Leslie Crowell Box 33 224-3638 Manomet l MA 02345 l l i \ 1 063 Clarke'A. Phillips, Jr. 431 Webster Street 834-4590 Marshfteld MA 02050

s- - i At t ach men t . I I . A Page '50 - of 66

      ' BUS COMPANY ADDRESS AND PHONE INFORMATION Re f. Comp. Company ID'                                                                         Contact and 1D       Name and Address                                          Phone 1        06*       ---__----...

Edwin -_-----__--__.-____-____________________________ J. Pana, Sr. and Son, Inc. P. O. Bon 221 428-2062 Marston Mills

  • MA 02648 2 065 Magt Transportation P. O. Box 1184-Nashpee MA 02649 i

2 066 ARA Transportation, Inc. 820 Cummings Highway 298-0755  ! Mattapan MA 02126 I 1 067 Canton and Blue Hall Bus Line, Inc. ! 70 Union Street 1 395-8080 Medford MA 02155 \, w a, 1 068 Warrentown Transportation, Inc. 15 Summer Street 947-2051 Middleboro MA 02346 1 069 Stork Transportation Systems Thomas N. Arnold 286 Blue Hill Avenue 282-4404 Milton MA 02186 2 070 Pateteta Sampson 514 County Road Monument Beach MA 02553

g-___-___ _ At t ach men t I I . A- 3 Page 51 of. 66 l l EfuS COMPANY ADDRESS AND PHONE INFORMATION I Ref. Cornp. Cornpany Contact and ID 10 Name and Address Phone

                                                                                                            ~             ~ ~~

5 '071 b~[or~. n 5t reet Bus Co , irc[ 65 Potomska Street 999-5211 New Bedford' .- MA 02740 2 072 Southeast Regional School Bus Service l 65 Potornska Street , 999-5211 J l New Bedford i MA 02740 1 3 2 073 Reliable Bus Lines Inc. ) P. O. Box M147 l 992-9342 l i New Bedford MA 02741 1 074 W. T. Holmes Transportation Co., Inc. 22 Myrtle Street Norfolk MA 02056 4 l 1 075 Tcwn and Country Transportation P. O. 1069 673-4949 North Attleboro MA 02760 2 076 Aries Trust 33 North Falmouth Highway North Falmouth MA 02556 1 e 1 077 Lower Cape Bus and Taxi  ; Highland Road ' 349-9231 North Truro MA 02652

At t a ch ren t 11. A- 3 Page 52 of 66 .

                                                           .                                                                                                                                                     1 FUS COMPANY ADDRESS AND PHONE INFORMATION Re f.                                                    Cornp. Cornpa ny Contact and                     '

ID ID Name and Address Phone ' 1 078 ____________________________________ North Truro Carnpt ng Area, Inc. ____________ ___________ Highland Road 349-9231 North-Truro MA 02652 i I l 1 079 Drifting Sands Dune Tours, Inc. P. O. Bou'365 Highland Road 349-9231 North Truro MA 02652 l 1 1

i 080 Norwell Coach Service, Inc.

l 724 Main Street 659-2671  ; Norwell MA 02061 2 081 Norwood Motor Tours 100 Broadway Street l Norwood MA 02062 l 2 082 Sansone Motors 100 Broadway Street 762-2700 Norwood MA 01062 1 083 W i l l i arn H. Dyer South Main Street 269-4044 (413) Otis MA 01253 2 084 Rayrnond Fallio West Center Road Otis MA 01253

                                               . . . . _ . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . = .     ..                   .     ..        .. . . . .             ..

r At t achment I I . A- 3 Page 53 of a

    $US COMPANY ADDRESS AND PHONE INFORMATION                                                                                                                                 <

R9 f. - Comp. Company ID ID Contact and Name and Address Phone e 085 _____________________________________________________________ Town of Ot2s Otis NA 01253 2 086 Town Brook Serv 2ee 14 Water Street 746-4820 i Plymouth i MA 02360 l l 1 087 Plymouth Rock Trolley Co., Inc. 22 Masn Street 747-3419' Plymouth MA 02360 2 088 Peter Fernandes Box 536 Pocasset MA 02559 I l 2 083 Provincetown School l Off Pruice Street l 487-1177 Provincetown MA 02657 i 1 030 Art't. Beach Taxi Arthur J. Costa

9 Washington Avenue 487-1950 Provincetown MA 02657 1 091 Coastal Aerts Dune Tours, Inc, c/o Manuel Phallaps Bradford Street Ext. 487-1700 Provincetown MA 02657

v At t ach twn t I I . A- 3 .Page 54 of 66 BUS COMPANY ADDRESS AND PHONE INFORMATION Raf. Comp. Cornpany Contact and

D ID Name and Address Phone

_____ I _____________________________________________________________ i 1 092 Meadow's Dune Tours  ! Matthew J. Costa Bradford Street Ext. 487-0880 Provincetown MA 02657 2 093 Charles Transportation 36 Edison Park Outney MA 02169 1 094 Convention and Travel Consultants, Inc. P. O. Box 710 986-5352 Randolph MA 02368 1 2 095 Lopes Bus Lines 33 North Main Street Raynharn MA 02767

                                                                                                                          .                            I 1                      096                         Raynharn Transportal 1on Co.

814 Broadway Street 824-4493 Raynh arn MA 02768 1 097 Brander Bus Lines, Inc. 20 Slater Street 222-2071 Rehoboth MA 02769 2 098 Revere Public Schools 101 Arlton Street 284-5380 Revere MA 02151 1

                                                                                                                                                                           .l 1
                                                                                                                                                                           , J
                                             . At t ach rent I I . A- 3                                                                              Page155 of 66.            ,
                                                                                                                                                                           .1 BUS COMPANY-ADDRESS'AND PHONE INFORMATION
 ' Raf. Comp. Company                                                                                                   Contact and                                    l ID       ID        Name and Address                                                                                          Phone                                      -i c        033       Revere Bus Co.

27 Arlton Street 286-1770 Revere MA 02151 l l 2 100 Rockland Motors, Inc. 7 Market Street 878-0152 Rockland j MA 02370 i lj 2 101 Nancy Gaelo l 895 Sandwach Road 1 Sagamore . MA 02561 J l l 2 102 John Mcdonald Box 600 l 888-0287 (?) l Sagamore MA 02561 2 103 H. J. Whitney, Inc. 50 Savery Avenue Sagamore MA 02561 2 104 Eleanor Mcdonald Box 600 888-0287 (?) Sagamore MA 02561 2 105 Paul Outrk Box 778 477-3491 Sandwien l MA 02563 l l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _. _m___.__ ___m&_- - _ _ _ -

v. At t ach men t I I . A- 3 Page 56 of 66 BUS COMPANY ADDRESS AND PHONE INFORMATION Ref. Comp. Company Contact and ID ID Name and Address Phone I--- i3s-- AT i: s;;; sis------------------------------------------------ l 334 Hatherly Road 545-6604 Scituate MA 02066 1 107 Jerauld Transat 54 Richards Avenue 784-7479 Sharon MA 02067 l 2 108 Fisher Bus Co. 260 Pleasant Street 4 673-0685 Somerset MA 02726 1 103 Riley Bus Co. Vincent and Brian Riley l 100 Olymple Road 674-0516 Somerset MA 02726 1 i 2 110 Vocell Bus Co. 321 Washington Street 776-5640 Somerville MA 02143 1 til Hub Bus Lines, Inc.

                       .321 Washington Street 776-0630 Somerville MA 02143 1           112       Merrimac Transportation Co.

267 Dorchester Avenue 426-8800 South Boston MA 02127

      .y                                                                                                                                                  .,

I At t achme nt II.A-3. Page .5 7 of 6 l FUS COMPANY ADDRESS AND PHONE INFORMATION Ja f. Comp. Company

    'D                                                          ID Contact and Name and Address                                  Phone 113    ________________________________________________________

Deacon Transportation, Inc. ____ 329 West 2nd Street  ; 269-7010 I South Boston MA 02127 1 t l 114 Gray Line, Inc. 367 Dorchester Avenue 426-8800

                                                                     . South. Boston                                                                         1
                                                                     'MA 02127 115    Boston-Worcester Express Corp.                                                        4 367 Dorchester Avenue                                                                 j

South Boston MA 02127 I 1 116 Cape Transit, Inc. 1 P. O. Box H 4 222 Old Chatham Road 385-8326 South Dennis MA 02660 117 Lamson Bus Lsnes 305 Willow Street 468-2913 South Hamilton MA 01982 118 Cape Carrier Corp. 11 Walker Street 394-2300 South Yarmouth MA 02664 119 Unda's Bus Service 1139 Washington Street 344-2231 Stoughton MA 02072 L___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._

y At t ach ren t I I . A- 3 Page' 58 of 6 BUS COMPANY ADDRESS AND PHONE INFORMATION. Raf. Comp. Company Contact and ID '!D Name and Address Phone 1 120 Baystate Bus Commuter Lines, Inc. 1139 Washington Street 583-2225 Stoughton MA 02072 i 2 121 Swansea School Dept. l 1 Gardners Neck Road Swansea MA 02777 l 1 122 H arid L Bloorn, Inc. 427 Cohannet Street 822-1991 Taunton l MA 02780 I l 1 123 Bloom's Bus Lines, Inc.  ; 427 Cohannet Street 822-1991 l l Taunton i MA 02780 1 124 R and F Transportation Co., Inc. 35 Dana Street 824-4547 Taunton MA 02780 l 1 1 2 125 Bristol-Plymouth School Bus Service 940' County Street l 823-5151 l- Taunton l MA 02780 l l l 2 126 Patrick Gonsalves 339 Brick K11n Road Teaticket MA 02536


                                                                                                             ~m, i1 At t achment - II . A-3                                     Page 59 of 66   j BUS COMPANY ADDRESS AND PHONE INFORMATION                                                                        i Ref. Comp. Company                                        Contact and                                    ;

ID ID Name and Address Phone I 1 127 Transit Bus Lines, Inc. 609 Main Street 668-1530 Walpole MA 02081 J 2 128 M. J..Connolly and Sons , 609 Main Street -! 668-1530 Walpole MA 02081 2 129 Town of Wareham 295-8886 , Wareham I MA 02571 1 130 Gateway Bus Line, Inc. 2506 Cranberry Highway 295-0028 Wareham j MA 02571 i 2 131 Rogers and Sons Garage l 2472 Cranberry Highway l 295-1900 l Warenam MA 02571 4 2 132 School Transportation Co. 290 Market Street 245-0250 (401) Warren RI 02885 2 133 Town and Country-P. O. Bow 367 Market Street 245-0250 (401) Warren RI 02885

         .                                             At t ach ment II . 3- A               ' Page 60 of 6 ' .


                                                                               . Contact and                 ]

ID ID Name and Address Phone 1 134 Lucant Bus Line,.Inc... 369 South. Main Street 583-5500' i West Bridgewater MA 02379 l

                                                                                                             .1 2                 135     Logan. Transportation l

West Bridgewater MA 02379 1- 136 Joseph Ingle and Sons Ctreuit Street 878-1947 West Hanover ) MA 02339 , l 1 137 Carey's Transportal ion, Inc.-

                              ~305 Temple Street                                                               f 447-4444 Whitman MA 02382 2                 138     Carey's Leasing Co.

P. O. Box 350 447-4444 Whitman MA 02382 l 1 139 Hudson Bus Lines,.Inc. ,j 305 Temple Street { 447-444 Whitman l MA 02382 2 140 C.A.P.I.C. Head Start E.B.~ Newton School Pauline Street 846-8080 Wintnrop MA 02152 l i

v q i At t achment II . A- 3 .Page 61 of 66


j BUS COMPANY. ADDRESS AND PHONE INFORMATION Company Contact and ) Raf. Comp. Phone ID' ID. Plame and Address Rapad Transtt, Inc. 1 141 .; 52 Crest. Avenue 846-0859 Winthrop l MA 02152 1 142 United Truck and Bus Service Co. 9 Casco Street 791-3803 Worcester MA 01604 1 143 Camper Tours, Inc. 14B Hawthorne Village 533-5479 Franklin MA 02038 1 1 f 4

f At t achrene II A-3 Page 62 of l i l 1 l l l i l APPENDIX 2 l j Bus Provider Survey Questionnaire A 1884-004/4816h - .- - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ -

v At t achmen t I I . A- 3 Page 6 3 of 66 BUS PROVIDER SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE Date: Name of Company: Telephone: Contact Person: _ Location:


GENT *AT- INFORMATION What are the capabilities of each?

1. How many total vehicles do you have? l SEATING f RADIO EQUIPMENT )

TOTAL CAPACITIES E l School Bus Transit Bus Wheelchair Van Van Ambulance l l Mini Van 1 Trolley Bus

2. Is there a scheduled yearly preventive maintenance pro 5 ram?

If yes, is it ongoing over a specific time period (e.g., suusner)?

3. How many of your buses, on the average, may be out of service at any one time?
4. Are all buses garaged at the above listed location?

If not, where are they gara5ed and in what quantity? A2-1 1884-004/4816h

At t ach een t I I . A- 3 Page -4 of 66 REFUELINC i (e.g., daily or when tank registers 1/4

1. When are your buses refueled?

full)  ; lott 2, What is the miniawn fuel level in your buses as they sit on your 1 (Give ratio if both diesel a

3. What type of fuel is used in your vehicles?What is the avers 5e miles per Saill 1 and Sasoline buses).

vehiclef TANK j FUEL TYPE AVC MPG TOTAL CAPACITIES i i i IXPJ I School Bus Transit Bus . ' Wheelchair van r van A_mbulance 1 Mini van . Trolley Bus from where 4. Where are your buses refueled, specify location if different buses are Saraged? l l l l l l l l A2-2



1. How are your drivers normally contacted?
2. Is there an alternate method? (Describe)

II l 1

3. What is the company's policy for unscheduled activation of drivers?


4. How many full-time drivers do you employ?

l j

5. How many part-time drivers do you employt
6. Historically, how long has it taken to notify and get drivers to their buses during an unscheduled activation? 6 l

l 1 i

7. If your buses have radio equipment, what type of radio do they utilize?

(e.g., high ban, CB, one-way communication, etc.)  ;

8. Do you have mutual assistance agreements with other transportation companies for additional driverst Please specify with whom.  !

l I i I i 1884-004/4816h A2-3 , j

v-f At t achmen t I I .' A- 3 Page 66 of 66 l EXISTIWG COMMITNEarTS

1. Currently are you under contract or lease agreement to provide bus service to any towns, or school districts, or other organizations?

If yes, specify? (type of involvement) , i

                                                                                                                 .l l


2. Is bus service provided daily, weekly, etc., to clients listed in #17 (Explain) f l

l 1 i

3. Historically, how many bus drivers and buses would be available for  !

(Assume you are emergency duty if called upon during an emergency? providing maximum service to your clients) During a weekday? During a weekend or holiday? . During your highest seasonal period? 1 4. What other bus providers supply school bus service to individual school districts? A2-4

                  'eoo n60/oA16h                                                 ----- _ - - ___      __



Evacuation involves notification to the Evacuation may bepubli and report to a designated reception center. ordered by the Governor (who is advised by the Commissioner, l Massachusetts Department of Public Health, j B Reseensibilities and Procedures 1. The Board of Selectmen have the responsibility for implem an evacuation of the public when notified of the evacuation recommendation made by the Department of Public Health. 2. The Citil Defense Director is responsible for coordinating Thethe evacuation with the department heads and the HCDA Area II! Director will provide status updates to the Board of Selectme


on the activities being taken to complete the evacuation.



3. The Civil Defense Director will initiate the evacl public from the affected area, if the 3oard of Selectmen be contacted.
4. The procedures for public notification of t 5 The responsibility for traffic control lies with t Department.

the Public Works Department and Fire Department and from available resources requested through the MCOA Area II. 6. The evacuation of the public to the reception center will be conducted for each affected sector using C-5 (I.D. 82) DRAFT MA e ___________.____________m_


7. The Civil Defense Director will activate the Transportation Dispatcher Center located at Standish Plaza to coordinate the dispatching of buses, special vehicles and the t l

affected area.

8. Buses,.special vehicles' and ambulances requested by the Civil Defense Director from NCDA Area II will be directed to report I to the Transportation Dispatch Center.
9. The Transportation Officer is responsible for-setting up the Transportation Dispatch Center. He will coordinate the assignments of bus, special vehicle and ambulance drivers to pick up evacuees needing transportation.


10. Bus, special vehicle and ambulance drivers will be dispatched 1 on a priority basis to pick up special facility residents, 1 physically-impaired, and the general public without f transportation, i 1
11. Staging areas for persons without transportation is found in I Table C-4. The Transportation Officer will direct the driver i to take the evacuees to the Reception Center using the  !

evacuation routes found in Table C-2, C-3 and Figure C-1. )

12. The Civil Defense Director and Health Director will coordinate the pick-up of special facility and physically-impaired ,

residents with the Transportation Officer. Nursing home and I hospital residents will be evacuated to the designated host facility identified in Appendix .I. l V. PROTECTIVE RESPONSE -- F000. WATER AND MILK CONTROL A. General A radioactive release can result in the contamination of some foodstuffs. Milk is particularly susceptible because it can also become contaminated by contaminated pasturage ingested by dairy animals. Potable water. both surface and ground, supplies can aise be contaminated by either an airborne or a liquid release. In general, the ingestion pathway to man is.a consequence providing reasonably long response time, although it could be necessary to immediately restrict some freshly harvested vegetables and fruits. C-6 (I.D. 82) DRAFT F MAY


1. Stop and Shop
2. North Plymouth Post Office
3. Standish Plaza
4. Memorial Hall .q
5. Shirley Square l
6. West School lj
7. Plymouth Airport f 1
8. Plymouth-Carver High School l l
9. Plymouth Country Club
10. Manomet Elementary School
11. Indian Brook School
12. South Street l
13. Bruno's Corner
             " NOTE :       Staging Areas are those areas where persons without transportation-       l will be directed to for possible public transport.

t C-13 (I.D. 82) DRAFT RE MAY1

v-3 i l i

                                                                                                                     -i II.D-1 i

Resources vs'Needs Summary Matriz 4 Special Facilities, Mobility Imoaired'and Transportation Dependent Regular Available Needed Poo. POV V B LV A POV V B Lv A V 's LV A Camps 3,280 0 8 55 0 0 44 20 14 0 0 8 57 0 0 Day Care 803 0 16 111 0 0 62 1 0 0 0 18 100 0 0 Jails 480 6 6 5 0 0 6 6 'O 0 0 0 5 0 0 Hospitals 479 0 0 2 4 35 50 0 0 0 0- 0 2 . 4 35 Mobility Imp. 130 0 0 0 17 20 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0' 17 20 General Pop. 675 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 'O (Bus Evac.) Nursing Homes 1,717 0 3 8 48 54 96 3 2 1 1 3 8 48 53 Schools 17.568 0 2 274 0 0 1380 20 303 0 0 9 15 0 0 Totals 25,141l.6 32 76 69 109 1638 50 317 1 .1 39 199 69 108 Ku POV = Privately Owned Vehicles V = Vans i B = Buses l LV = Lift Vans A = Ambulances l l l

III. SPECIAL FACILITIES Implementing procedures (Appendix I to each local RERP) for Special Facilities in each of the five towns within the Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) associated with Pilgrim Nuclear' Power Station have been developed. These appendices to the local RERPs were sent during the month of June, 1987, to the Massachusetts j Civil Defense Agency (MCDA) for their review and comment. The MCDA i subsequently forwarded these documents to each town for their review and ) incorporation into their planning programs. j The appendices identify specific emergency response actions for the l administrators of the Campgrounds, Schools / Day Care Centers, Jails, Hospitals l and Nursing Homes for.each locality. l A. Camo Ground Areas I

1. Facilities l

Concern: Location and type of facility. l The addresses of each summer camp and campground is listed on Table III.A-1, " Campgrounds and Summer Camps". The location of Campgrounds and Summer Camps as well as j other Emergency and Special Facilities is shown in the 1 Emeraency Plannina Zone For Plume Exoosure Pathway 1 Mao i 611A1 (See Attachment III A-2). A copy of this Atlas will be distributed with Appendix I as a reference document. The location of the Campgrounds and Summer Camps are also found on the enlarged EPZ for Plume Exposure Pathway Map which is located at local and state E0C'S AND EOF. , i

i I

2. Shelterina Concern: Adequate available structures for sheltering Campgrounds U

A list of shelters available for each campground'will be daveloped for Plymouth, Duxbury, Kingston and Marshfield. Curver has identified in 'the Hay,1985 plan the use of its. 1 Governor John Carver-School (during school hours) or Police I Station. 1 Summer Camps Sheltering and evacuation procedures have been developed in ] conjunction with the_ directors of each camp. 1 With the information supplied by the Camp Directors only. Hind-in-The-Pines Girl Scout Camp cannot provide adequate sheltering in the event of a radiological release. - A sheltering location will be determined. _If transportation is necessary buses will be preassigned to pick up the campers and relocate them'to the shelter. The CD's procedures will be modified to insure they are aware of the-need for transportation. ]

3. Pooulation Concern: Number of individuals utilizing facilities Campgrounds - the number of sites at each campground is listed on Table III. A-1, " Campgrounds and Summer- Camps

Summer Camps- The total number of staff and resident population at  ; each camp is listed on Table III. A-2. " Camp Population", and is { also listed in Attachment 1 of each camp procedure (see Attachment III.A-1). J i

 ~                                                                                                       q 1

l 1

4. Procedures Concern: Description of evacuation and shelter place that would be utilized to protect'the users of these- {

facilities. Summer Camps In conjunction with the Camp Director, procedures have been developed which address the following items: ,

                                             -      Responsibilities
                                             -      Sheltering
                                             -      Evacuation 1
                                             -      Reception Center location
                                             -      Transportation needs An example of a Camp procedure can be found in Attachment III. A-1.

The Camp Directors are responsible for reviewing and updating their procedure annually. Any changes are forwarded to the Civil Defense l Agency. (See Attachment III. A-1, Emergency Preparedness Responsibilities) C;mpgrounds Sheltering and Evaluation Procedure to be developed. l 5. Resources Concern: The impact on town resources and any required BECo Compensating Actions. A transportation resource matrix will be developed which will identify and assign resource needs for each facility. NOTE: The Hay 1985 revision of the town plans identifies 35 summer camps within the EPZ. The results from two telephone surveys conducted independently by Boston Edison and KLD Associates indicated a total of 26 camps. The nine camp discrepancy is accounted for as follows:

  • Camps Daniel Webster and Millbrooks are outside the EPZ.
  • Camps Dorothy Carleton, Timberland, H.M. Arthur, the Country Dance & Song Society of America, Plymouth Recreational Center, and Pine Acres are no longer in business.
  • Myles Standish State Forest is listed twice.

Table III. A-1 Camoarounds and Summer Camos CAMPGROUNDS Blueberry Hill Jarvio Concho Curlew Pond Lakeview Street Plymouth, MA South Carver, MA 746-3708 866-4511 (100 sites) Pinewood Hay Shady Acres Tremont Road Tremont Road South Carver, MA South Carver, MA 866-3392 866-4040 (60 sites) (125 sites) Indianhead Resort Pinewood Lodge Trailer Park Route 3A & Old Sandwich Pinewood Road Plymouth, MA Plymouth, MA 888-3688 746-3548 (400 sites) (87 sites) Ellis Haven Hyles Standish SF Federal Furnace Road Plymouth, MA

                       & King's Pond Plain Road      Carver, MA Plymouth, MA                  866-2526 746-0803                      (457 sites)

(70 sites) Sandy Pond Campground Plymouth Rock 8ourne Road K0A Campground Plymouth, MA Plymouth, MA 759-9336 947-6435 (100 sites) (350 s'tes) Camp Dennon Hedges Pond Road Plymouth, MA 888-1939

Table III. A-1 (continued) SUMMER CAMPS Camp Clark Camp Mishannoeh Hedges Pond Road Route 180' Plymouth, Ma Kingston, MA 888-2290 746-0790 l Camp Massasoit Hind in the~ Pines Elbow Pond Road Girl Scount Center Plymouth, MA Gallows Fond 888-6484 Plymouth, MA 224-2002 (Main Office: Taunton: 824-4034) Camp Squanto Camp Clear (near Fearing Pond Rd.) Clear Pond Plymouth, MA Carver, MA 224-2010 866-4549 Blairhaven Web of Life Outdoor Crescent Street Education Center Duxbury, MA Main Street 934-5123 Carver,HA 866-5353 l l Camp Norse Boy Scouts Cacholot Scout Reservation i Darby Road South Carver, MA l Plymouth MA 295-2117  ; 746-2256 (Main Office: 993-9978) Pinewood Camp Camp Hing  ! W. Long Pond Road Keene Street Plymouth, MA H. Duxbury, MA i 224-3480 837-6144 l Camp Bournedale -Baird Center- I Valley Road Bloody Pond Road Plymouth, MA Plymouth, MA~ 888-2634 2248041 ' Camp Child Morey's Pond Road Plymouth, MA 224-2080 m.____._______.-___. I

4 Table III. A-2 Camo'Pooulation j SUMMER CAMPS POPULATION' Plymouth . {

                                                -Baird Center                   43            J Bournedale                    180 Browning Pool                 156 Cachalot Scout Reservation    135             J' Camp Child                    285 Camp Clark                    285            3 Camp Massasoit                100           1' Camp Pinewoods                165 Camp Squanto                  305              <

Hind In The Pines Girl Scout 450 )' YAD 18-Carver Camp Clear 58 Heb of Life 50 i 1 Duxbury Blairhaven 50 Camp Hing 565 Kingston Mishannoeh 180 i Norse Boy Scout 165 Harshfield No Camp within the EPZ 4

ATTACHMENT III.-A-1 SPECIAL FACILITIES EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN CAMP BOURNEDALE Valley Road, Plymouth, MA 02360 Telephone: (617) 888-2634 Honths: June - November-I. Purpose I This plan describes the preparation and protective actions required to respond to an emergency condition at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station. This procedure is contained in Appendix I to the town of-Plymouth Radiological Emergency Response Plan. II. Emergency Preparedness Responsibilities A .' Director has the following responsibilities:

1. Maintain a tone-alert radio in the facility.
2. Monitor the tone-alert radio'while the camp is open.
3. Review and update this procedure annually. Any changes should be forwarded to the Civil Defense Director.
4. Ensure all staff members are familiar with emergency l responsibilities listed in Section III, Emergency Response l Procedures. Direct all questions to tne Civil Defense Director (phone: 746-4186).
5. Participation in emergency response training classes, and emergency drills and exercises as requested by the. Civil Defense Director is optional.

B. The staff has the following responsibilities: l

1. Review Section III, Emergency Response Procedures. Direct all questions to the Director.
2. Participation in emergency response training classes, and i emergency drills and exercises, as requested by the Director is optional.

l l 1

a l

 -III. Emergency. Response Procedure                                                                     !

Action Cornoleted A. Unusual Event Initials Ilme i

1. No action required i
2. No notification B. Alert
1. No action required unless directed.
2. Review sheltering and evacuation procedures l found in Section C. J C. Site Area Emergency / General Emergency
1. Receive notification from the Tone Alert Radio Receivers or the Civil Defense Director via telephone of the emergency declaration and any protective action recommendations. Protective actions include sheltering or evacuation.
2. If shelterina is recommended: ,
a. Close all windows and doors.

i b. Turn off all ventilation systems using l outside air (i.e. fans, air condition-ing, etc.). I c. Remain indoors.

d. Await further instructions'from the Civil Defense Director.
e. Tune to WROR 98.5 FM, HPLM 1390 AM, 99.1 FM, or HATO 95.9 FM to receive additional information and updates of-the incident.

I I a . _- -_ - _-___ __- _: _ ___- _ _ -

3. If evacuation is recommended: __
a. Request _from the Civil Defense Director.. buses needed to evacuate the facility in accordance with Attachment 1, " Resource Requirements."
b. Obtain from the Civil Defense Director the estimated time of arrival of the buses.
c. Verify the location of the Reception Center'and evacuation route (see Attachment 2).
d. Divide children into groups according to the number of vehicles available.

Assign one or.more staff members to accompany each vehicle (private or bus).

e. Inform all staff members of the name and location of the Reception Center.
f. Hake a list of all children which are to be transferred to the Reception Center, j
g. Verify the location of the Reception Center with the bus driver.  !
h. Instruct the staff members to remain with the children until they are 'j picked up at the Reception Center by J their parents / legal guardians. j
i. When the child is picked up by the  ;

parents / legal guardian, cross the child's  ! name off the list.

                                                                            -g i

ATTACHMENT 1; CAMP BOURNE 0 ALE RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS Maximum Resident Population' -150 Maximum Staff Population 30 Available Required To At The Resources' Evacuate Facility. NEEDED Vans 0- 2 'O Passenger

   . Cars              0                0                             0 Buses             3                0                             3 Bus Capacity:  66


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                                 &           RICHARO              P 10             CORO*000 PA             H tt                                          TfAEETTLfLA                1 16        opt a                    g                             I" g, v ,, m                - .         s.Du g                sy              C0Vf                     l-17 WT HOPE CIR           L15         TEWPLE                   M45                                                       * ' ' ' '
              ;; 4;,                                                                                                  WULuMS AV             s4                                                  fA51Av
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g. v;0st.(.? a DG{ t 5

CR00EED LA Its NORTH 0CEAN A0 bis 708f Y GARDEN Na5 ILM t ia $1 MA C5 a 12

                                                                          ,                               H 15        OAx                                                                      E WOW
        ' dNFS 8            A0                                                            CR055                   &u                              n 15         TORREY LA            K 1514                                 W 15         51WAAAAv            W4 P 13         Rs55Ls iks A%.                                                           OAKWOODA0                                                                IviRGREIN

( A' g ry A p og 80 CROS5 WA 016 K 16 TREF 707 LA 4 14 Lad St WiGUEL Av W4 0 12 0CEAN Av L Ag'l r%p, OR oo' 8' A % ** DANA CT K 17 TREMONT K 15 705flR LA L 14 ST VINC(NT Ab Wa5 5 13 F14 ras-(aggs, OMTAG PA H 15 TROU1 FARW LA 4 14 70VNORY LA W 15

  • 5A via da a i; DE LORENM OR 64 4 SCHOFrELD RO W t5 5 A .,, .

StAn3 5p OLD BARN A0 015 TROUT FARW A0 4 14 FOU@av @ W i4 SCHOOL J 53 OEER PATH TR. 40 4 15 OLD COACH W& m Au Og y ,9, J-N 16 IUREIY R10GI LA J 15 IRANCl$ AV J 12 si et * ?y Sf COND BROOn P0v14 E DEER PATH TR 50 M Ja6 G 15 OLO CORO*C00H-PA 16 U890N M444 fRANs W 15 5Evn av ls'ta O tt SnA6 p 't ia5 El%%A. Av 0 11 5aAn aC 59 **

  • O " OLO COLONY LA K 16 UNION HILL A0 mm e H 15 f RANauh CT hM L 15 WH 5HE RCAN DA J 12 L*M S 12 shots 1RmG
                                                                                                "                    OLOCOVE A0           At7                                    M4                                             SHe av               taa C'8CW'                                                                            H                 "         OLO FARW R0          J 14        UPLAND A0                 4 17          GAROM               W 15 0n              RD            5 12-13                                                 0LD WILL LA                      URIAH$                                 URA DVIEW SHOW OR              Lab C08%'Sa                  8o                                                 DUCK HILL A0            017                             K'15                                  N 16                               L 15         SWEL$ POND R0 W 14 C*A4                     P" 5% Aosif 80          09               OUX80 ROUGH TR G-H 15 OLO es0RTH                        G-15 VALLEY                    l 14         GRA'AV               W 15          SW;%5 LA            W-6
                                            $0 WtA006                                                                                                 VILLAGE WA                11$

CRAN 6f eav Cia 0 12 EAGLES NE5T R0 K 16 M M GA MEN K45 vet GRAf5 8(ACH RO W 15 SOUTH L42 RD 0 t? 13 EAST 5 15 CLO PASTURE R0 A14 l t4 GREEK Las SpRiN-C AANN ERv RD 5 12 50 PRISIDIN?S WA0fw0RTH LA k 17 grove L il E WARGINAL A0 kt8 n 13 SPRUC'E Ld5 i g, E PmER0 $CHA0LA WADSWORTH @ M6 MAeTHORNE @ La2 51*ND'5M Av I hie WALKER R0 Lab f C Av5 ai LAsi Sk C l' SURag', p p ,{ EWR BREW 5TER La7 ORCHARDA0 J 015 HERif AGE t A L-t? STARUNG Av L 12 l

      *l A % J                P it                                                                                  OTTER ROCM A0         0 15        WASMiteGTON            SK47            HILLCREst R0         L 14          STa t:0N            J 17 inACH(a              pat                                                 PARES                E45            ATER                   4 17          HILLTOP Av 004 N AAv               0t'          twRif CCpgsy'a                                                  a5                                                                                                     L 14          STONEW ALL TER J 13 H 0            PARKYlEW TER          5 14       WELLINGTON LA              ki4          HOLME5 AV OUN=Av fr~               i t}           gg e              5y                                                  PARTmG ROCX RD                   WIST                       k16 L 15          5tRA*8tRRv LA a 14 DuNaav                  p er to( Wh 's-           r. ,             IV G EEN                1 15                            H-14                                                HOWf PARR CT         L-y           SUWWE R             g i4 PARTRIDGE R0         K 17        WESTERN WA               1 17 0 0                                                                                                                                                                 HOWLAN05 LA WYN
                                                                                                                    #                    l L-15          5 UNSET RO          La5
                                                                                    #                               p    [                           WH TE                    g                    AN     O c w t3 U$7UAN ' F 10                        W Atkf R Re  .      0-11' I5         PETERSON RO          4 17 WILDFLOWER PA                   ( 14 fV R0 h,,a,gg         pg,,,         '

FOROVtLLE RO f14 JA5045 WLL u W 13 ' g,, 6Auw w 3 FORGE RD PfTil8USH LA 5 15 W WARD W A Ha5 JONES AM4

                              , , ,                                                                     K 15 g g',.,
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7 ;. FORT HILL Av 4 17 PHEASANT HILL WINDY HILL LA la6 JONES RIVER M L45 TERCErNA W 15 81 Dl 8A. R, A Aut h FRAN KLIN U M516 WINSLOW R0 Ra5 JOSE PH K-13 in0WAS L ' ., n A5.<iN3 70N Pn H 15 PHELPS U aa6 WINSOR A17 A 14 gg yL 15 DNND '4 F' FRANNuN TER Hl6 PgcR;W gyWAY WINTER KEITH Av VrCTO8' hat NN; A 09 m A SC% FREEWAN PL 1 17 R 16 Ju NHNEDY RD W 15 W 15 wnmAv M 0- ptLL HILL LA N 16 WIRI WA FRIENDSHIP u R 17 K46 KING 00W W 15 I WOOOL.AND WA H 15 - ST Wt *#SH8UR "' ' s NV HL Y e sa s. pu g , 3, ,;g

                                                               ,,,              gggg g g a, 0,V                                                                                                   E              I II              5A ascg? A'                                                                                           y,4         PINE LAuf RO         5 15 0                                                                                                                                                            LANDING R0           L.t$
    't'                                   Wa fi s f tA         &P               GURNET RO               l te       NNE PT A0             tal                                                LAMuh (A gt37                ,9         l G%           A g a v'.            rI                                                                                                                                                L45          gg$,gg, g,           ,y UAG4M                                                                        HALL 5 BROOK WA tid                PINE RIDGE LA       t-16                                                 LA950N E                                                         l' 4'           w h ed,g g ;. ,.                                                                                                                                                       Ld5 m                         c          . yg g               o g' MARDEN HILL RO HARRtSON n.16         PMw000 L A piNx titAC LA Ka6                                                  LEE CR               La5 Whaa8 u wMitt PINE LA Las J9 J ie                             M6                                                  LE* RG Gba^t s a G8d A' W( AX A G1                                                 HARVEST OR             K44         PIONEER OR           la4          glygg7gy                               LILAND RO tas           m                   Las MARV(v$ L A             l 14       P6ANTAf t04 0R        b15                                                LittRT W 15           m.Ca    g           ..g LE                    &4                                                 HAWKINS L A            g .16       PLUM FIELO LA       1 17 W 15           gg,                  ,y GM t N                    O'                                                                                                                      ADAMS               L 15               LIBERTV CIR         W 13 aa m ' 'a.                                                                   HE ADW AT[RS L A        lag        PLYWOUTH AV           b18         ALLf h 0 ALE LA     a.1)                                                 *000 m 0Ai           Iy 4                     5 'i DUXBURY                               HER'TAGE t A           # 16        N RO                R45           ^LLEat0h LINoth               Laa           WR:GHT Cf            La4 HERRtNG WfiR RD         las P055UW RUN                 1 16         Aily t 15              uS80N Av            u i5
   > A VVON?                ('.                                                                                                                                        W 15                LITTLE J0MN AV E 13 HtCK5 PT RO           R45          P0w0ER PT AV        1 17
   =A% aa M                 O9            ABRAWS HILL RD ANDERSON At        W 15                LORiNG Av            L-15 mr.. wi,                                                             1 17 HIODEN ACRES                          PRIOR 7 ARM R0      A t6         ARROW 0n            ACORN                      Ha6           y                                                                                    L t$               (Y004 LA             14
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                                 ,u           RO                        MAW ir Ak            0 20                                                                                0 IS StouGM RO                   U 19 bRD ? a~-                                          P O 19                                            LIGMMRS LA0 's        MOREYS PONO R0 f 20 PRINCE                   M 16      SM.f M                 5 20       PONO RD 10*A8C             74       MA' 80               ! ?0 Caser'                  5 .[        EIL h.vp Cip                                     0 19 (ANCA$7[R Av p ia WORGAN 40             5 17 PRINCETON R0 0 13 Skauf MILL C R 16 baLLEY R0                                 0 CAa                     gp                              P4 ME Af ME R OR                                                                                                                                                            t yAu nA-                 ad it$f N*O*iR n4, O g HEDGf RO                             & 16     LAN0tNG WA           y.ft       MORSE RD         P 20 PIRSCILLA RO P i9 20 50LtAD                            5 20 VALLE v RD P  ig WORTON      RO       v t1 PRISCILLA RO          5 16 50VLg A0                    gag VALLEV RO L a , n.a A -           pq E .ilA M l" 8. = 0 v ig Mt0GES PON0 0 U te LANG8040 R0                                                                                        U 19 50VTM                       0 ,6 VALLEY RO             #

LJ5NI DA SE af R OCs 0 20 LANileN LA O gu . MORTON PARu RD o n PRISCILLA RD 0 16 PROVINCff0WN SOUTH CHERRv M is VIRNON I C,t an*Af(R LASCA.A Av . O t) Wf PLEASANT C.{ tu g RO om y. a ?,>' IL 15N1 RL u !9 "MANG PON n is Mf ARi% WA,D1 13 LAUREL RO f 20 MURRA' N 16 vl(W RO 5 20 50 LAST L6NE RD U 15 Vt RONICA @ ( , n.p IlV G 2: i p i; WU5fER8(LO Wa6 Puf HAW Cf N 16 50 GREEN 0a6 VICTORIA Av ( p y(., IM MA.C

                                .                              gg       n,AA ATMA sc         12; LAUnfN @

_ v 19 PUTNAM PL M 16 50 MiGMLAND av 0 4 VINAL Av 08 CoopAO Ar fW 850% % aN MGM CLif8 % W 16 LAURffRO f 20 NAMELOC pi LAURIN0A LA gy NANCY U-17 OUAKIR RD P-20 50 LINE RO VINEOROOK RD ( Cg,f10% N, IWf 850% RC PN mGM PINI OR 0 14 P 14 50 MEA 00W RD P t3 WADSORfM RO y f NADMiAv V- 19 00EEN DR CDACMfER 0 13 J +4 MeGHJND Av 0 20 LA*Rf 4CE RO P O 14 0 14 RAHAfLLI P 16 SOUTHPARE' 81- 1 6 WALL WIN 0 0R ( i ENCMANff 0 LA U i? M6 MONO PL N i6 LE ACH PONO RD N 15 NATHAN END COB 8 A" f *t W% P 'O N0MLANO ff A 0 20 if 8A404 ALLIF N is NA THANIE L 0 15 RAY R 20 SOUTMPONOA0 0-15 WALNUT e  ! C068 5 MOLLOW 0 t- W11 South PONO #ALL4UT >- COCMif uATE R0 P ?j  % W 16 MGM OALI R0 0 er LEE 04 P ia NAUTILUS PAIM ' 5 20 RAYMOND R0 T 19 R0 f 15f A RD 0M MILLCRf 57 RO v 18 Af f Wa@ War U. r2 NELSON CT N 16 RED DAK RD 4 16 WALfERSRO C00 M $ 20 ISEL' PL R 16 MILL 510C DR 5 20 LEONARO RO y gg ' IIELSON 81 16 Rif D SWOR RD Ila $0UfM RUSSELL N 16 ""*""N I W AY E20 50VfM WL51 WAMPANDAG R0 L Cr' LCM (51ER OR P4 (vf RGRgEN DR I 20 MILL 5 0E @ W- 15 WitLO 0-16 , W is LEPANfD 5-20 ) i U t1 Rff0VILLE RO TH WAWSf f1 R0 D E5'g 0 'ABYA v t1 M4Lif07 0 20 if Wl5 O t6 IsiCHOLAS AW UNE RO

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                                                              $M MOLWE5TER                 M 16 LINCOLN -                0-to COLONYSLACM U. tr       NoonRD           4 16 Al0GE AV              RN . SPOONER                     g.g WASHueGTON            O 'i 8tv0               5          i MWAST AD P 20 HOMM                             0 20 L#NOA LA                            Is0RTH           N-i6 AcGr m                P.t3 SPRiseG                     N16 *ATI A                N I IA MOM RO           U- t r M000 0R               0 14 LIN0AN LA               N t6                                                                                             WAf(RCURE         N   i COLi u                                                   'd                                                     0 13 NORTH GREEN       0 16 R008:es5 R0         W   16 SPRING        RO           y.14 i

COLuM6.A Cip M00VER R 20 (fSA Av WH Mu M 44 M08845 Hu M FM SPRutt 03 M IRCROUSE @ P C0i L'MBUS RO "0 OND RD 1 u HOPMN5R0 0 15 LinLE WiCAJANS NORTH PARK N- 16 ROSied50N 0 16 SPRUCf x.y WAVONR0 R ff0 ALfvRNAClot4 Mon Ago on p. g4 PONO RD P ts R i C0WWW WH SNONS W u ROCK 4 R47 SOUANTO @ Nu WEBSTER ggg ,TY OR I4 'l0E 4N RA POND RO A 14 HO*ES LA 0 17 Lif1LE PINE LA 0 15 Is0 TRIANGLI ROCKY HILL RO 0 19 50VANT0 W N is WEBSTER SPRissG T N '6 w0wg AND Cr n.16 Lif7tf POND,RD0 15 COME C A 0 I4 Llif t! 5ANO M 164 4 ROCKY NECM 50VIRE WAV Pu WELCM 0 MOWLAND R0 R 15 R0 COON! RD

                                                             *E NOWL AC                               P00 R0           W t1        NORfM mhD OR      U. i1                   01344 50VIRREL RD - V 16 WELLINGSLEv Av 0 N 16                                                                                                              , 04 WELLINGTON RO P P 16                  O Av                                                               v-17       NoneNGHAM         0 t4 ROCKY PONO RD 015 sfAHORD C00.]5 e NO,RD gg                                sif?cg pA'4         02( HUO50h                   W 16 Lif10N OR                           NYE RO            0u ROOMAN LA               N i6 STAGECOACM CIR 014 WINDY LA                          0
                                                                 " HUGM(5                  0 14          E51040R W 18                                                          y4  STAN0      ISM       Av                                v 1

COOFI a h6 *O Liv's L0i N1 OAA N 16 ROGERS N 16 WESI Av HUNTINGTON R0 0 P 14 0. ,6 4 CORA Cod aoh # HrA44:5M 5-20 LOW 8A@ 4 OAA RIDGE RO le 15 ROOSEVELT RD 044 STANOISM C1 N 16 WEST h W '6 " 'I OAAM Bucati LA va7 ROPE WALM Cf W-15 STA40rSM R to WESI CNERRY COGALt f(R W is "D INDE Ph0(NC[ LONG Outa POW @ U 17 08tRY W A N @ 547 MU@ HEL Av Aa SMSM yy 6 Hu @ 0 ICIAN At R-20 ROIY CAH00N RO W 16 5f ARLIGM1 Way f 20 Wf 5f LINf RO A CORN!$M Can 1 19 808LSt A# I"I M W ie 0-i6 CORNISM R" R1 IN0iAN BR00a R0 5 t9 LOOKOUT DCEAN Av N 16 ROYAL N 16 STEPMENS LA N 016 West POND RO P 0 CORhisa aktD RD f i 'O'AN MILL Av R 20 LOOa0UT77 % U 20 DC100ER LA R 19 RufflNI TER 0-17 STEPHENS O 16 *E5ffRLY ROUff h IND'AN M'LL @ 5 20 LOPRE 5h 0 20 N C0avt Ttf De 52c sonRn L0fMRU8 N 16 OLD BEACM RO R-20 RUSSELL AV N 16 STEVENS W A 0 13 WESTON Av h 16 IRANC55 R- <O05f RiA. PAna 0 COTTON RUSSELL N 16 STOCRA0( PATM u 17 WESTON O LOUTPOW R6 0 16 Sf000ARO WEStW M 5 i C0f10h,i ArL I"A'Li9 RANw% ~ 0 16 ,g y ,, ,,, ,h a, gggg g gg,gg";g OLD COLONY 0 20 RUSSELL WILLS N 16 WistWo'@00N C0va? W #4 "3 15A6id A N i$ POND RO 5 41 id OLD MEADOW R0 0 4 MMM RD 01718 STRAND Av ' M RUTLf0Cf Way W17 NN 4 W 4 M fftSLIRO@0 0 20 C0v4' W 15 IR ON ISLAC LA4 R pa N LOW STRAwstRRyMitt W PONO RD 5 17 OLO MORTON V-17 5A86A16A RD 544 15 C0vtLA Og IRES = p0S A h k ISLANO PQN0 90 R ig OLO PONO RO RD R 16 Mf( CAx OR 0 LOWRv e U ig i 19 SACHEW RD R 20 C0vt @ pg f risu Wig 0 DA yn JACs SON LA 0 16 STRINGER RO U 14 WMihNG Q I 15 LUCv 5 PA1M U 17 OLIVER NECK RD V 16 SAGAMORE C1 5 20 C0s LA 0 54 iALP 5 2C JACR50% tum m P. e4 OtWSTIAD 7ER 4 16 5AGAMORf 0 16 STUARTAv pu WmtNty WAy w CRA8' Afi R^ R '6 f uata n A, 0 is JAC06 5 LADDE R P 18 SUGAR 8USM LA Q 16 WICaf f 5 PATM v Ou LUh45 W A W.17 ORENSE Nu ST CHARLE5 AW P 20 CRACSION( 'M og feiTOs ou JACoulu%! D0ia 04 0 13 ORIOLE WAY V47 5AM05f t C1 N16

                                                                                                                                                                                         $UWWER                 04 Wr0GEON POND ROC I

CRANBf Rev Com 0 R o F UW Wu JAW' AC A C v 16 5UWWii R0 W to WtLOCA1 ta R t te WADL'S P 14 OVERLOOu RO 6 17 SAWOSITRO N 15 CR AN8 Mar (4 1 20 CA8LL LA 0u JAME S CiG 0 20 5VWW'10 0 19 WiLOMO U CRIMINTAs GA, p",a[E LA wy =Ah WAR f 08 0u WAGONit!A W4 OVERLoca ffR 0-tr SAMosti ** RM M*M C v s 2C W 99 WAA h '6 M SWM @ 44 5ANMSON OR W4 0 t1 W'LLAn0 pt CH5Cthi R 20 GAat0405 $ 2C vAM94R C*R A4 5ANDER$0N RO R 5ag SUNRISE Av 0 I C8tf 5' h 20 CA.LO*5 POC Rf C J ANE F k 19 WANovitav R 2C PAMA@ $UN5(f Av R 20 WILLIAW5 0 Rg W ANQW[1 Q p. tg PA00iNGT04 RO 86 14 5ANOPiPER LA V 17 l CRf 5t R OGE RO fi 16 GARABA J hn J ASONS LA UNSET LA V 16 W8LLOW 48 vi PA1WIR RD P4 5ANDRAW4 T 17as A (fiO55 0 19 GAft K 0d dA'NES 0 14 WANOMEf6(ACH F '4 8t v0 R 20 PAW 5 P 14 5ANDRIOR W 16

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au G =m. h4 thDaa A, Uo . % 0, .. . . On w ig WAHLow[R C1 W,,so.g O

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u Gain C0c ts t r 6'A GM Nh:N LA uC- c Ex W A a .0*o 04 PitGa= umit LAh 04 Pu PWINTAtWAv 0 14 SCUSSU C W Av 1 20 Scoff DR 0 20 THOWA5 Av P 20 Wottsfia A G4 ou As Pu N te W0agAt AU Oa 80 W '6 Govt A. R 7g agpgpo Ay R pg WCan 0 '6 PINE RO W48 iMOMAS b'I'I

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                                                    ,      Radiological Sampling &

Monitoring Locations Evacuation Routes 0 Siren Locations Special Facilities Emergency Operations Facility (E.O.F.) g Emergency Operations Center (E.O.C.)

                                                $         Police Station h

Fire Station

                                                .:::     Jails h       Schools'                                                      l
                                                $        Hospitals & Nursing Homes Public Recreation Areas (with a Peam use Of greater tman 200 persons.
                                                +        Major Tourist / Historic Sites (with a peak USe Of greater than 300 persons.                '

A Camps & Campgrounds mth a" estimater1 peak use Of Q' eater than 200 Def 605 e k i n - ___ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ . _ _ . _ .____._m. ._



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                                                                                                   ]          (se cYa's"IN0s                    FACILITY

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1. Suryty3 Concern: Identification of the number of radios required,
a. Identification of facilities to receive Tone Alert Radios has been developed via reviewing listings from previous emergency plans, reviewing telephone directories, and contacting professional agencies. A listing of those facilities are contained in Table III.B-1.
b. Those facilities identified above were then surveyed to determine any special needs in April 1987. (See Survey Form, figure III.B-1) The results of this survey are in Table III.B-1.
c. As the result of items (1) and (2) above, meetings were held with each facility director to discuss any particular special requirements they may have.
d. Based on information identified in the above three items, Boston Edison determined the need for approximately 100 Tone Alert Radios. These Tone Alert Radios were ordered from Emergency Alert Receivers, Inc. of Cathedral Station, NY and are set to monitor the MCDA EBS ORI station of HR0R (FM), Boston at 98.5 mHz. Five hundred Tone Alert Radios were purchased. The unused portion of the radios will be placed in storage to serve as replacements.
e. Users will be asked for feedback regarding the EBS tests that are conducted periodically. (Also enclosed with the delivery package is a small supply of postage-paid return cards that the user is encouraged to send in to Boston Edison should they not hear an EBS test.)
f. Commercial businesses and industries are in the process of being identified. Bostn Edison's survey has identified 1611 business / industries. A preliminary sampling of 305 have indicated that approximately 15% of these might qualify for a Tone Alert Radio. (See criteria in 2.d) This would indicate that approximately 300 might qualify for a Tone Alert Radio in the EPZ. Boston Edison has sufficient quantities to support this and still maintain a spare inventory of some 100 Tone Alert Radios.

B. TONE ALERT RADIOS (continued)

2. Procedures Concern: Description of the existing program'that ensures tone alert radios are provided and workable on an ongoing basis.
a. The Boston Edison procedure (called the Tone Alert Radio Work Instruction) provides for the receipt from the vendor by Boston Edison, of each Tone Alert Radio.
b. Upon Boston-Edison receipt of each Tone Alert Radio, a-file for each piece of equipmust is created, and the serial number of each is' recorded. Several maintenance forms to record pertinent radio facts are placed in each folder, and the Tone Alert Radio history is begun. As the history of each piece of equipment is
                             . developed, it is operationally checked, e.g., connected to tone                         !

equipment, to ensure that it performs as designed. A Boston i Edison property identification label is affixed to each radio.  ! i

c. When the operability of each piece of equipment is ensured, it i is placed in storage until needed, and the records history folder is placed in file. j
d. The Tone Alert Radios are then-taken from stock and delivered to each qualifying facility. Qualifying facilities are those j facilities that (1) need special attention to early  !

j notification, (2) employ greater than 50 persons, or (3) have a high ambient background noise level that might preclude them 4 from hearing a nearby siren,

e. As each Tone Alert Radio is i.nstalled, the' facility director, or his designee, is requested to sign the receipt form indicating that facilities receipt of the equipment. The' operation of the 4 equipment is explained and a Tone Alert Radio operational  !

handbook is left at each facility. A copy of the receipt is l left at the facility. Telephone numbers for repair or questions are listed in the handbook and on the unit receipt. The. I handbook also contains user information regarding the l self-testing feature, suggested placement of the unit, and details of Boston Edison's maintenance program.'

f. Upon discovery of a defective piece of equipment at a given facility, that facility is instructed to contact the Boston Edison EOF. A replacement radio is obtained from stock, and the defective unit is replaced.
g. The defective radio's individual records history folder is updated by Boston Edison to reflect it's failure, and arrangements are made for. repair / replacement of the defective unit. The stock inventory is adjusted to. reflect the decrease in available units.

c L.____________

                                 - ~ , -

I i i B. TONE ALERT RADIOS (continued)

h. Upon receipt of the repaired'/ replacement' unit, either the records history folder is updated, or created, depending on whether it is a repaired unit, or a replacement. unit.
i. The returned / replaced unit is placed into stock, and the stock adjusted to reflect this. increase.
j. Contact is made with each recipient facility, on an annual -)

basis. This contact ensures the equipment is still in place, is ' operational, and receives the! regularly conducted tests.

k. Records of the above information are maintained on a Boston Edison computer which lists the. facility, location by address,-

equipment number (with serial number), installation date, battery change due-date..and other pertinent information regarding the distribution and maintenance of the Tone Alert Radios. i i l l

                   .m 1 of 3 Table III.B-1 SPECIAL FACILITIES IDENTIFIED REQUIRING TONE ALERT RADIOS FACILITY NAME                         TYPE     PHONE            TOWN Bay Path Nursing Home                       NH       585-5561         Duxbury Berrybrook School, Inc.                    DC        585-2307         Duxbury Blairhaven                                   C       934-5123         Duxbury Camp Hing                                    C       837-6144         Duxbury Chandler Street School                       S       585-4318         Duxbury Duxbury House Nursing Home                 NH        585-2397         Duxbury Elementary School (lower)                    S       934-6528         Duxbury Elementary School (upper)                    S       934-5667         Duxbury Ellison High School                          S       934-6541         Duxbury first Parish Nursery                       DC        934-6532         Duxbury Good Shepard Nursery School                DC        934-6007         Duxbury Intermediate School                          S       934-6521-        Duxbury Learn-in-Play Preschool                    DC        585-9048         Duxbury Munch-Kin Montessori / Bay Farm Academy      S       934-7101         Duxbury North Hill Country                         DC        934-5800         Duxbury Pied Piper Preschool                       DC        585-5070         Duxbury St. John's Nursery School                  DC        934-6523         Duxbury Camp Daniel Webster                          C                        Marshfield Camp Hillbrook                               C                        Marshfield Governor Hinslow School                      S       837-2871         Marshfield 130 Court Street (Pupil Personnel)           S                        Plymouth Baird Center                                 C       224-3041         Plymouth Beverly Manor Home                         NH        747-4790         Plymouth Blueberry Hill                               C       746-3708         Plymouth Camp Bournedale                              C       888-2634         Plymouth Camp Child                                   C       224-2080       ' Plymouth   l Camp Clark                                   C       888-2290         Plymouth   !

Camp Dennen C 888-1939 Plymouth  ! Camp Dorothy Carleton C Plymouth I Camp H.M. Arthur C Plymouth  ! Camp Massasoit C 888-6464 Plymouth l Camp Norse Boy Scouts C 746-2256 Plymouth l Camp Squanto C 224-2010 Plymouth  ; Cold Spring School S 746-0708 Plymouth Cooperative Child Care DC 746-0612 Plymouth Country Dance & Song Soc./ America C Plymouth E11is Haven C 746-0803 Plymouth  ! Federal Furnace School S 746-5134 Plymouth i Happiness House Rest Home NH 746-2982 Plymouth j Happy Day Nursery School DC 746-0812 Plymouth j Hedge School (St. Peter's Kindergarten) S 746-1140 Plymouth ' Indian Brook School S 224-6753 Plymouth Kev: NH Nursina Home. DC-Day Care. S-School. C-Camo. J-Jail / Correctional Fac.



2 of 3 Table III.B-1 (Continued) SPECIAL FACILITIES IDENTIFIED REQUIRING TONE ALERT RADIOS FACILITY NAME TYPE PHONE TOWN Indian Head Resort C 888-3688 Plymouth Jack and Jill Nursery DC 224-2526 Plymouth Jordan Hospital H 746-2000 Plymouth Kidsport, Inc. DC 747-4733 Plymouth Kinder College, Inc. DC 224-8753 Plymouth Kinder Haus Nursery School DC 746-6038 Plymouth Little People's Place DC 746-5980 Plymouth Hanoniet Elementary School S 224-3940 Plymouth Hayflower House Nursing Home NH 746-4343 Plymouth Methodist Nursery School DC 746-7036 Plymouth Miles Standish State Forest C 866-2526 Plymouth Ht. Pleasant School S 746-1097 Plymouth Nathaniel Horton School S 746-6500 Plymouth Newfield House Convalescent Home NH 746-2912 Plymouth Oak Street School S 746-1661 Plymouth Pilgrim Manor Nursing Home NH 746-7016 Plymouth Pinewood Camp C 224-3480 Plymouth Pinewood Lodge Trailer Park C 746-3548 Plymouth Pinewood School Montessori, Inc. S 746-5127 Plymouth Pinewood County House of Correction J 746-0610 Plymouth Plymouth Nursing Home NH 746-2085 Plymouth Plymouth Recreation Center C Plymouth Plymouth Rock K0A Campground C 947-6435 Plymouth Plymouth, Town of, Jail J 746-1212 Plymouth Plymouth-Carver Intermediate School S 746-8450 Plymouth Plymouth-Carver Regional High School S 746-4700 Plymouth Sandy Pond Campground C 759-9336 Plymouth Seven Hills Nursery School DC 746-4275 Plymouth South School S 224-8186 Plymouth Timberland-Cedarwood C Plymouth Hest Elementary School S 747-0435 Plymouth Hind in the Pine Girl Scout Center C Plymouth Zion Christian Pre-School DC 746-3213 Plymouth Blueberry Hill Rest Home NH 585-3657 Plymouth Camp Hishannock C 746-0790 Plymouth Evanswood Ref.irement Apartments NH 585-2576 Kingston Growth Unlimited Preschool DC 585-5864 Kingston Kingston Elementary / Intermediate Schooi S 585-3821 Kingston Margaret H. Carter Vets Home NH 585-6028 Kingston Headowcrest Apartments NH 585-8028 Kingston Provincial Residence NH 746-0570 Kingston Sacred Heart Elementary School S 746-2113 Kingston Sacred Heart Junior / Senior High School S 746-2374 Kingston Sacred Heart Pre-Primary School S 746-0350 Kingston l Kev: NH.Nursina Home. DC-Day Care. S-School. C-Camo. J-Jail / Correctional Fac.

 ..y__                                                                      __


       -Sunny Acres DC               .

Kingston Benjamin Ellis School S 866-3348 Carver-Cachalot Scout Reservation C 295-2117 Carver: Camp Clear C 866-4549 Carver l Captain Pal Preschool DC- 866-5415 Carver l Cranberry Crossings DC 866-2400 Carver.: Governor John Carver School S 866-5361 Carver, Hilltop Nursing Home NH 866-4548 Carver Jarvio Concho C 866-4511 Carver i Miles Standish State Forest C 866-2526 Carver Pine Acres Campground C Carver Pinewood Way C 866-3392 Carver-Shady Acres C 866-4040 Carver Web of Life Outdoor Education Center C 866-5353 Carver l l



                                                                                                . EMERGENCY FUNCTION REPORTS TO l


1. Procedures Concern: Description of existing, implementable procedures.

The Town of Carver RERP States: u "There are two schools in Carver, both of which are public schools and beyond the 10-mile EPZ. These are the Governor John , Carver School (Grades K-7) and the Benjamin Ellis School (Grade i K). In addition, students residing in Carver. attend the Plymouth-Carver Regional High School in Plymouth, Massachusetts. In the event of a emergency at PNPS, the Civil Defense Director of the Town of Carver would establish direct communications with the School Department and/or School Principal's office to assess the situation, determine whether protective actions are needed, and coordinate all response actions necessary. In the event of an emergency of sufficient magnitude to warrant 1 offsite response and protective measures, the schools will follow their established plans for supervision and care of all students, and those residing within the EPZ. l j In the event of a sheltering recommendation during school hours, I all students will be kept at the school until the end of the normal school day at dismissal time. Those students living  ! within the EPZ will be assembled at the school to remain there,- l under supervision, until the sheltering period is over. All other students will be dismissed to their homes by usual means of transportation. Upon notification of an end to sheltering students remaining in the school will be sent home by school bus or other approved transportation. These procedures will be disseminated to all parents prior to implementation and on a regular basis over the course of the school year. In the event of an ordered evacuation from the school, those students living within the EPZ shall be transported directly to the reception center at- Bridgewater State College where they will be supervised until rendezvous with their families. Parents will be instructed Dat to attempt to pick up their I children at the schools because of problems with' traffic l congestion and delays that would result. . Students whose residences are outside the EPZ would be dismissed to their homes


by usual means of transportation." __--e_ _ _ _ ~J

C. SCHOOLS / DAY CARE FACILITIES (continued) The Town of Plymouth RERP States:

                      "If necessary, sheltering would be accomplished at . the schools according to established procedures. In. the event that an evacuation of the Town of Plymouth is recommended, the School Department would be notified by the Town Police Department. The School Department would then, under' the direction          of the Superintendent who would be at the EOC with the other Town officials, initiate established early dismissal procedures to        l effect an evacuation of all schools. See Table IV-5 for suggested evacuation routes and reception centers for schools."

The Town of Duxbury RERP States:

                      "In- the event of an emergency requiring evacuation of Duxbury,     )

the Police Department will initially notify the ' School i Department, which in turn and upon direction from the Director of Civil Defense, will notify each school, and the school. bus contractor. The School Department Transportation Officer will coordinate the use of the buses to transport students to the Grace Ryder complex in Marshfield." The Town of Marshfield RERP States:

                      "Only the Governor Hinslow School, located on Regis Road in the Southern part of Town, is within the 10-mile EPZ.       Should it become necessary to evacuate schools within the plume exposure      l pathway EPZ, students from the Governor Hinslow School will be transported to Marshfield High School to await their parents.
Students evacuated from Duxbury to schools in Marshfield will be l transported to the Grhce Ryder School complex located on Main Street and then to Hanover Hall for remote rendezvous with their parents."

l l

C. SCHOOLS / DAY CARE FACILITIES (continued) , The Town of Kingston RERP States:

                                "There are three school complexes in Kingston:      the Silver Lake Regional   High      School, the   Kingston  Elementary / Intermediate   j School, and the Sacred Heart Parochial Schools. . In the event of         !

an emergency at PNPS, the Civil Defense Director of- the Town of Kingston would establish direct communications with the School l Department and/or School Principal's office to- assess the- ' situation, determine whether protective actions are needed, and. coordinate all response actions necessary. In the event of a sheltering recommendation during school hours, i all students will be kept at the school under supervision until l the end of the sheltering period is announced. Upon i notification of an end of sheltering, students will be sent home ) by school bus or other approved transportation. These procedures will be disseminated to all parents prior to implementation an on a regular basis over the course of the school year. In the event of an emergency of sufficient magnitude to warrant ' offsite response and protective measures, the school will follow their established plans for . supervision and care of all students. In the event an evacuation of the Town.of Kingston is recommended, the Kingston ~ Civil Defense Director or his designee i the School Department and/or each school as will notify described in Section VI.B. Notification. Schools will. be evacuated by school buses to the Reception centers according to the routes described in Section VI.D. Parents will ~ be able to rendezvous with their children at the reception center at , Bridgewater State College. Parents would be instructed mLt to j attempt to pick up their children at the schools because of ) problems with traffic congestion and delays that would result." Implementing procedures (Appendix I to each local RERP) for Special facilities for each of the five EPZ towns have been developed. These , appendices to the local RERPs wer sent during the month of June,1987, to i the Massachusetts Civil Defense Agency (MCDA) for their review and i comment. The HCDA subsequently forwarded these documents to each town for i their review and incorporation into their planning programs ~.  ! The appendices identify specific emergency response actions for the administrators of the Schools, Hospitals and Nursing Homes, Camps, Day Care Centers, and Jails for each EPZ town. The Appendix I revision to the local plans mentioned above is a detailed set of implementing procedures for Schools (Attachment III.C-1) and Day Care Centers ( Attachment. III .C-2) that are used by each educational facility to implement the defined response to an emergency at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station.

C. SCHOOLS / DAY CARE FACILITIES'(continued) These procedures outline .the responsibilities of the Superintendent, the Principal, the Faculty, the Administrative Staff, and the Custodians- for each educational facility. The response actions are then stipulated for each of the above, with the exception ' of .the Superintendent,. whose responsibilities are defined in the procedure for Emergency Operations Center Activation and Operation. BECo is conducting a survey (nearly completed) of educational institutions outside of the Plume Exposure EPZ to identify students commuting from within the EPZ. The purpose of this survey is to gather data that will be used to provide an emergency response procedure for. these institutions that ensures that these students are not returned to the EPZ during protective responses of sheltering or evacuation. In addition to the Appendix I attachment to the local RERPs, BECo recommends that a major revision to the local plans be performed and that specific implementing procedures / checklist be developed for emergency response personnel not reporting to the local E0C.

2. Pooulation Concern: Description of the population and required transportation for evacuating.

In the Appendix I draft revision to the local plans for Day Care Centers, a simple matrix (Table III.C-1) provides data of the current population of students and staff, identifies the transportation resources available, and lists what would be needed to affect an evacuation protective response. 1

3. Bus Comoanies Concern: Description of transportation company location and designation of resources.

The data requested is contained in the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Bus Study (See sample Memorandum of Understanding, Figure III.C-1). There are currently Memoranda of Understanding from bus companies that indicate that there is sufficient transportation to provide for nearly 10,600 people (See Table III.C-2) within the EPZ. Since this response represents only nine of the 143 available bus companies, it is believed that adequate evacuation transportation resources are available for a.l l the special populations and the transient public located within the EPZ. j l,


_ - -_ - - - - - - - - - - - J


4. Resources Concern: Impact .upon town resources ud any required BECo compensating  ;-



i Bus resources owned by the towns of cr,e 1.ocalities are used primarily to transport public school populations.. Since most buses make trips _ from 1 more than one school e.g., elementary and high school), simultaneous 1 evacuation of all schools would have to be supported. by the bus companies identified in the PNPS -Bus Study. Memoranda . of Understanding from bus  ! companies to provide the required support have been' developed. The MOUs l have been forwarded to the MCDA for inclusion in the appropriate RERPs. 1 i I 1 1 i l 1

l 1 of 3 Table III.C-1 SPECIAL FACILITIES - SCHOOLS / DAY CARE Required Available Needed PLYMOUTH Pop. V 8 C V B V B SCHOOLS  ; Cold Springs 380 - 6 25 - - - 5 Federal Furnace' 676 - 11 75 .- 10 - - Hedge 366 - 6 30 - 1 - 5 l Indian Brook 730 - 12 60 - 12 - - 1 Hanomet Elementary 470 - 8 30 - 8 - -

                .Hount Pleasant                 146     -

2 21 - 1 1 - i Nathaniel Horton 998 - 16 75 - 15 - - i Oak Street 59 - 1 4 1 2 - - Pinewood Montessort 33' - 1 1 - - - 1 i Plymouth / Carver 1930 - 30 130 3 56 - - Intermediate Plymouth / Carver High 1575 ' - 25 175 - 32 - 1 South Elementary 695 - 11 46 2 12 - - Hest Elementary 775 - 12 40 6 12 - - Totals: 8833 - 140 712 12 161 1 12 DAY CARE CENTERS Busy Bee 28 - 1 2 - - -

                                                                                     'l Cooperative Child Care          83     -

2 5 1 - - 2 Happy Day 11 1 - 5 - - - - Jack & Jill 20 2 - - - - 2 - Kidsport 44 - 1 5 - - - 1 Kinder Haus 28 - 1 - - - - 1 Kinder College 17 2 - 2 2 -

                                                                                .2    -

l Little People's Place 84 - 2 5 - - - 2 Hethodist N.S. 28 - 1 2 - - 2 - Seven Hills 23 3 2 2 - - 2 - Tiny Town Children's Center 43 - 1 2 - - - 1 Zion Christian Pre-School 23 - 1 1 - - - 1 Totals 432 8 10 31 3 0 8 9 KINGSTON SCHOOLS Kingston Elementary 793 - 12 72 - 13 - - Sacred Heart PrePrimary 84' - 2 2 - - - - l Sacred Heart Schools 1300 - 20 20 3 18 - - l Silver Lake Regional 1047 - 16 130 - 55 - - Totals 3224 0 50 224 3 86 0 0 DAY CARE CENTERS i Growth Unlimited Preschool 38l - 1l - -

                                                                             -l  -

1 C - Car with capacity for 5 V - Van with capacity for 9 B - Bus with capacity for 65 l_____-_.

                                                                                                                    ~2-of 3 Table III.C-1 (continued)

SPECIAL FACILITIES - SCHOOLS / DAY CARE Required Available Needed , CARVER Pop. V B C V B V B 'l SCHOOLS l Benjamin Ellis School 25 2 - - 2- - - Gov. John Carver Elementary 1327 - 20 2 2 19 - - Totals: 1352 2 20 2 4 19 0 0 DAY CARE CENTERS Captain Pal Preschool 36 - 1 5 - - l

                                                                                                   -         1 Cranberry Crossing                      66     -      1        6    -          -


                  -     1 l                                          . Totals:     102     0      2       l'    0 0           0      '2 DUXBURY l

l SCHOOLS Alden Lower Elementary 458 - 7 35 - 22* - - Alden Upper Elementary 271 - 4 21 - 22* - - Chandler Elementary 630 - 10 49 - 22* _ - - Duxbury Intermediate 753 - ' 12 96 - 22*- - - Duxbury High 1162 - 18 146 - 22* - - Magic Dragon Children' Center 49 - 1 10 - 22* - - Bay Farm Montessori coubined with Hunch-Kin Montessori 200 - 3 2 .1 - 2 Pilgrim Area Collaborative 21 - 1 6 .1 22* - - Totals: 3544 0 56 365 1 23 i 0 2

  • The 22 buses serve the total school system. Assuming- half capacity for cars, the town would 'need approximately 15 buses for simultaneous evacuation of all public schools.

DAY CARE CENTERS Berrybrook 62 - 1 2 - - - - First Parish Nursery .32 - 1 1 - - -

                                                                                                             'l                 ,

Good Shepherd Nursery 61 - 1 10 - - - 1-Learn &-Play 27 3 - 2 - - 2 - North Hill Country Day 21 - - 1 - - 3 - Pied Piper Preschool 17 2 - 2 - - 2 - St. John's Nursery 20 3 - 2 - - 3 -. Totals: 240 8 3 20 0 0 10- 2 l

                 .C    Car with capacity for 5
                 =V - Van with capacity for 9
     -            B = Bus with capacity for 65 L_- -_ _ __ -            _ _ _ _ . _ _ .

3 of 3 i Table III.C-1 (continued) SPECIAL FACILITIES - SCHOOLS / DAY CARE lj Required Available Needed -l Pop. V B C ' V- B V. B~ .; MARSHFIELD SCHOOLS Gov. Hinslow Elementary 616 - 9 60 1 13 - - ( DAY CARE CENTERS-None within Plume EPZ C - Car with capacity for 5 V - Van with capacity for 9 8 - Bus with capacity for 65 i l

x- _y

                                                                                                                        - .i j


                                      ' Town of Carver                                 20      :65        1300 South Shore Regional V.T.S.                      9       65         585 A. Leslie Crowell                               36       65        2340 Clarke A. Phillips, Jr.                         18       44         792 Rockland Motors, Inc.                           10       45         450              i Gat'eway Bus Lines, Inc.                         4       44         176 Rogers and Sons Garage                           3       65         195
                                                                                                                           -i Joseph Ingle and Sons                           16       44         704:

q 10,584  ! l J I 9 Y t

m i 1 2 of-2 Table-III.C-2 BUS TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES-LOCATIONS l HEMORANDA 0F UNDERSTANDING 1 1 i' Plymouth and Brockton Street Railway Company 31 Milk Street-Boston, MA 02109-Town of Carver Main Street Carver, MA 02330 South Shore Regional Vocational Technical School 476 Webster Street Hanover, MA 02339 A. Leslie Crowell l Box 33 Manomet, MA 02345 i Clarke A. Phillips, Jr. 431 Webster Street Marshfield, MA 02050 1 Rockland Motors, Inc, j 7 Market Street .l Rockland, MA 02370 l Gateway Bus Lines, Inc.  : 2506 Cranberry Highway Wareham, MA 02571 Rogers and Sons Garage 2472 Cranberry Highway Wareham, MA 02571 t Joseph Ingle and Sons ! Circuit Street West Hanover, MA 02339 1 l

Fi gure 'III . C- 1 BOSTON EDtSON Emergency Operations Tacihty q Obery Heights i P'ymouth, Massachusetts 02360 June 5. 1987 EPC87-297-Clarke A. Phillips, Jr. , Company 431 Webster Street Marshfield, MA 02050 Gentlemen: This letter is intended to record our mutual understanding concerning the orovision of transportation resources at the request of state and local officials to be used during an emergency at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant. In the event of an emergency, buses and special vehicles may be nee (ed to evacuate special f acilities such as schools, day care centers, nursing homes, and hospitals; as well as persons without transportation. State and local officials will be responsible for determining the number of buses or special vehicles needed to transport special populations who have been advised t." evacuate. During an emergency, your company may be contacted by these officiais to supply transportati6n ret 00rcet hecet!4Py to~ complete ~

                                                                                       ~                                                                       ~

the evacuation. 1 1 Please indicate the vehicles available f rom your company to support state and/or local emergency response ef forts: 1 Type of Number Total  ! Vehicle Available Cacacity . Buses b7 ' b J 9)Y L l Wheel Chai r Vaas b I i Vans O l Mini Vans D We understand that all the vehicles may not be immediately available. Please acknowledge this understanding in the space below and return it to the  ! undersigned at the above address by June 15. 1987. Your cooperation in this effert is anernciated. Should you have any Questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 747-8542 f s r Very'tr


ly your , ) .s , e

                                                                    ,       (f           %
                                                                    'R    erf. Silva gnager Emergency Preparedness ACKNOWLE      D:


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POSITION /T TLE IN COMPAlf [ OATE b ' 9 O . ,,, . l L_______________________


                                                                                                                .l INDIAN BROOK SCHOOL STATE ROAD, MAN 0 MET s




v SPECIAL FACILITIES RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN INDIAN BROOK SCHOOL STATE ROAD, MANOMET, MA 02360 l MAY 29, 1987 I. PURPOSE l This plan describes the preparation and protective response required by Indian Brook School to react to an emergency condition at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station. 1 XI. RESPONSIBILITIES j A. The Superintendent of Schools has the responsibility to:

1. Perform an annual review of this procedure and forward _any corrections to the Civil Defense Director.
2. Review bus needs for the school district annually with Principal (s) and Contract Bus Representatives.
3. Participate in the EOC, upon activation.
4. Coordinate emergency bus transportation for the school district, private schools, and other special facilities to reception centers and mass care facilities, as necessary.
5. Notify principals of emergency conditions.
6. Contact Hedia Center to instruct students who live inside the EPZ and go to school outside the EPZ to report to the reception center.
7. Attend training, drills, and exercises.

B. The Principal of Indian Brook School has the responsibility to:

1. Perform an annual review of this procedure and forward any corrections to the Plymouth Superintendent.
2. Attend training, drills, and exercises as requested by Superintendent.

DRAFT REVISIO JUNE 1987 l ___ _ _ - _ -

3. _ Continuously monitor tone-alert radio while school is in session.
4. Review district bus needs with Superintendent.
5. Request emergency bus transportation' for school as necessary.
6. Respond to emergency instructions from the Superintendent.

C. The Faculty / Teacher (s) is responsible to:

1. Supervise and monitor student activity during protective action recommendations.
2. Attend training, drills, and exercises as requested by the Principal.
3. Respond to requests from the Principal in the event of an emergency.

D. The Administrative Support Staff is responsible to:

1. Respond to telephone inquiries.
2. Attend training, drills, and exercises as requested by the Principal.
 . 3. Respond to requests from the Principal in the event of'an emergency.

E. The Custodian (s) is responsible to:

1. Secure windows, doors and ventilation system in the event of a protective action.
2. Post sign indicating school evacuation status.
3. Attend training, drills, and exercises as requested by the Principal.
4. Respond to requests from the Principal in the event of an emergency.

F. The Plymouth Civil Defense is responsible to*

1. Provide dosimetry and potassium iodide to bus drivers.



                 ' UNUSUAL EVENT
1. Not notified. No action required.


ALERT Initials Ilmg

1. Receiva notification:
a. From Superintendent via telephone.
b. From tone-alert radio.
1. Contact Superintendent at 747-6590 to verify receipt of notification.
2. Determine student census.

Student Census .

3. Determine buses needed if school should need to be evacuated.
a. For buses with capacities of 60 or more:

STUDENT CENSUS / 60 - BUSES REOUIRED* (* NOTE: Round answer un to the nearest whole number. If bus capacity is not 60 or greater, divide census by capacity.)

b. Record bus transportation needs:

QLig Ilmg # of Buses

4. Report the number of buses required to the Superintendent.
5. When instructed by the Superintendent, implement early dismissal or school cancellation. Follow normal early dismissal / cancellation procedure.
6. Review procedure under Site Area Emergency. I
7. Respond to Superintendent's requests.
8. Instruct administrative support staff to answer telephones in response to inquiring calls. l DRAFT REVISION JUNE 1987


1. Receive notification:
a. From Superintendent via telephone.
b. From tone-alert radio,
i. Contact Superintendent at 747-6590 to verify receipt of notification.
2. Determine buses needed if school should need to be evacuated.
a. For buses with capacities of 60 or more:

STUDENT CENSUS / 60 = BUSES REQUIRED * (* NOTE: Round answer un to the nearest whole number. If bus capacity is not' 60 or greater, divide census by capacity.)

b. Record bus transportation needs: '

DAtt litt f of Buses

3. Inform Superintendent on a periodic basis of the number of buses needed.

QAll limi Student Census Number of Buses Needed I 4 Place teachers and custodian (s) on standby.

5. Maintain a log of your activities.
6. Receive briefing from and provide status briefing to Superintendent on a- periodic basis.
7. Cancel activities.
a. Extra-curricular
b. Any group activities using buildings DRAFT REVISH3N JUNE 1987

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l


1. Receive notification:
a. From Superintendent via telephone,
b. From tone-alert radio.
i. Contact Superintendent at 747-6590 to verify receipt of notification.
2. Determine buses needed if school should need to be evacuated.
a. For buses with capacities of 60 or more:

STUDENT CENSUS / 60 - BUSES REQUIRED * (* NOTE: Round answer ER to the nearest whole number. If bus capacity is not 60 or greater, divide census by capacity.)

b. Record bus transportation needs:

DAll 11]D1 # of Buses 1 1

3. Inform Superintendent on a periodic basis of the number of buses needed.

Q111 Time Student Census Number of Buses Needed

4. Maintain a log of your activities.
5. Receive briefing from and provide status briefing to Superintendent on a periodic basis.
6. Cancel activities,
a. Extra-curricular
b. Any activities using buildings I



7. If school is in session:

Initials Time

a. When instructed by the Superintendent, implement early dismissal or school 3 cancellation. Follow normal early i dismissal / cancellation procedure.
b. Place teachers on standby.
c. Place custodians on standby. ,
d. If traffic control is needed at the school, request from Superintendent  ;

at 747-6590.

8. If school is in session and sheltering is recomended:
a. Instruct Custodian (s) to:
1. Close and lock all outside doors.

l ii. Shut off school ventilation



b. Instruct Faculty / Teachers to:
1. Take student attendance, ii. Remain with class. l 111. l Ensure students do not open i outside doors.  :
c. Instruct Administrative Support Staff to: I
1. Answer telephones and respond to inquiries, ii. Forward inquiries to Principal if unable to answer.


                                                                        ' JUNE 1987

Initials Time I

9. If school is in session and evacuation is recomended: )


a. Receive. reception center location from Superintendent. l

i Bridgewater Other

b. Assign classes to buses,
c. Instruct Faculty / Teachers to:
1. Take student attendance.
11. Remain with class.

iii. Escort class to bus, and seat class together on bus, iv. Remain with students until j students arrive and are registered at reception center. i

v. Log the name of'the student and receive signature of parents / guardians. picking up the student on Reception Center Release Log (see p. 16).
d. Instruct Custodian (s) to:
i. Close a .d lock all outside doors to school after everyone has left the school.
11. Post copies of Student Relocation Notice on main entrances to school (see p. 25).
e. Instruct Administrative Support Staff to:
1. Refer incoming calls to (Later).

ii. Leave school after students via personal vehicle or bus. I DRAFT REVISION JUNE 1987

y-i 1 Initials Ilg f. Receive the estimated time of arrival and the number of buses sent to your school. E. T. A. # of Buses i

g. If buses do not. arrive within 60-minutes of the time identified by the Superintendent, contact the Superintendent.


h. When buses arrive, contact the Superintendent..
1. Instruct each bus driver to follow the map.within the School Bus Handbook to the reception center,
i. If bus driver does not have j Handbook, provide bus driver i with a copy of Attachment 1. l
j. Instruct Bus Driver to:
1. Follow map from school to  ;

reception center. '

k. Af ter school is evacuated, notify Superintendent.
1. Relocate to the reception center.
m. Advise Superintendent of the bus arrival time (s) at the reception center,
n. Ensure completion of student registration,
o. Instruct teachers to remain with class i until _ parents or guardians arrive,
p. If parents / guardians have not picked up student (s) by 8PM, ensure student is transported to congregate care facility.



                                                                          -l Initials Time
10. Respond to requests'from Superintendent.
11. Resolve problems as they arise.
12. Remain on standby. l
13. Instruct teachers that they are free to go when all their students have been picked up or relocated to congregate care facility.
14. When emergency is terminated, provide copy of all logs and messages to the Superintendent.

i l

                                                                          -i l


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                                                                                                                                        .1 DRAFT REVISION JUNE 1987

________a___ _ __ _ _ . _ _ _ __ _ _


1. Not notified. No action required.

i 1 e f l l l l l l i 1 i DRAFT REVISION JUNE 1987

1 l l 1 1 ALERT

1. Not notified. No action required l

l l l l l l l l 1 1 4 l l 1 l l l l l l DRAFT REVISION

                                            . JUNE 1987 l


                                                                                             ' SITE AREA EMERGENCY                           Initials- Time
1. . Receive notification from Principal.
                                                                                           .2.        Respond to requests.from Principal.
3. Remain on standby.



1. Receive notification from Principal.
2. When instructed to shelter by Principal:


a. Take student attendance, i
b. Remain with class. '
c. Ensure students do not open doors.
3. When' instructed to evacuate by Principal:
a. Take student attendance,
b. Remain with class,
c. Escort class to bus, seat class together on bus,
d. Supervise students during transport-to reception center.
e. Ensure students are registered.
f. As parents / guardians pick up students, document on Attachment 1.
g. If parents / guardians do not arrive prior to 8PM, notify Principal and i i

ensure transportation is available to congregate care facility.

h. Notify Principal when students have been transported to congregate care a facility.


4. l Respond to requests from Principal.




m 6 l l l DRAFT REVISION JUNE 1987


1. Not notified. No action required.

l l l l 1 DRAFT REVISION JUNE 1967

                                                                                                                             ~l I

l ALERT l initials T itre -  !

1. Answer telephones and' respond to inquiries. I 2.


                                                          . Forward inquiries to Principal if. unable                         j to answer.                                                           !
i l



1. Answer telephones.
a. Refer incoming calls to' (Later)
2. Forward inquiries to Principal..'if unable to answer.
3. If school is evacuated, leave school, _.

after students, via personal vehicles or bus.


l 0 l k 1 i DRAFT REVISION JUNE 1987

l GENERAL EMERGENCY Initials Time- #

1. Answer telephones.


a. Refer incoming calls to (Later).


2. Forward inquiries to Principal, if unable l to answer. I
3. Leave school, after students, via personal vehicles or bus to Reception Center.

1 1 i l 1

                                                                              '1 DRAFT REVISION -

JUNE 1987


1. Not notified. No action required.

I 1 i 1 l i I l l l i DRAFT REVISION JUNE 1987


1. Not notified. No action required l

l l 1 4 l l l l DRAFT REVISION JUNE 1987

l L SITE AREA' EMERGENCY Initials - Time

1. Receive notification from Principal.
2. Respond to requests from Principal.
3. Remain on standby. ..

l 1 1 1 l l l I I k DRAFT REVISION

                                                                                                    . JUNE 1987


1. Receive notification from Principal. _
2. When directed by Principal:


a. Close and lock all outside doors.
b. Shut off school ventilation systems. 1
c. Post copies of Attachment 1 on doors I at the main school entrances.


POST COPIES OF THIS NOTICE AT MAIN ENTRANCES ATTACHMENT I STUDENT RELOCATION NOTICE. The faculty, staff and students of Indian Brook School have relocated to Bridgewater State College. Parent (s) and' guardian (s) may pick up student (s) at Bridgewater State College until 8PM, at which time students will be relocated to the congregate care facility. To get to Bridgewater-State College, follow Route 3A to Route 3 North; Route 3 North to Route 44 (West), Route 44 to Route 18/28 North and turn right on Route 18/28; Route 18/28 North to Broad Street and turn right onto Broad Street; Broad Street to Sumer Street and turn right onto Summer Street; Sumer Street to Plymouth Street and turn left onto Plymouth Street; Plymouth Street to Burrill Ave, and turn right on Burrill Ave.; Burrill Ave. to Burnell l Academic Building on the left. l i x -. -

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s l l i DRAFT REVISION JUNE 1987 i _-__ .__




                                                             - - _ _ _ = _ _ _ - _     _ -

L l SPECIAL FACILITIES I l EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN BUSY BEE NURSERY & DAY CARE (NURSERY) e 21 Point Road, Manomet, MA' 02345 Telephone: (617) 224-7238 Months: All Year Days: M, T H, TH, F Hours: 6:00 AM - 6:30 PH I. Purpose This plan describes the preparation and protective actions required to respond to an emergency condition at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station. This procedure is contained in Appendix I to the town of Plymouth Radiological ) Emergency Response Plan.


II. Emergency Preparedness Responsibilities  ! A. Director has the following responsibilities: l 1. Maintain a tone-activated radio in the facility.

2. Monitor the tone-activated radio while school is in session.
3. Review and update this procedure annually.- Any changes should be forwarded to the Civil Defense Director.

4 Ensure all staff members are familiar with emergency responsibilities listed in Section III, Emergency Response l Procedures. Direct all questions to the Civil Defense Director (phone: 746-4186). I

5. Participation in emergency response training classes, and emergency drills and exercises as requested by the Civil Defense Director is optional.

B. The staff has the following responsibilities:

1. Review Section III, Emergency Response Procedures. Direct all questions to the Director.

i , 2. Participation in emergency response training classes, and emergency drills and exercises, as requested by the Director is optional. DRAFT REVISION JUNE 1987

a l l l l III. Emergency Response Procedure Action Comoleted A. Unusual Event Initials Time  !

1. No action required l
2. No notification
8. Alert l
1. Receive " Standby" notification from the Civil Defense Director.
                                      .2. No action required unless directed.
3. Review sheltering and evacuation procedures found in Section C.

C. Site Area Emergency / General Emergency

1. Receive notification from the Civil Defense Director via telephone of the emergency declaration and any protective action recommendations. Protective actions include 1

sheltering or evacuation, j 1

2. The tone alert radio receiver serves'as a * '

backup notification system. It is activated as part of the public alerting system.

3. If shelterina is recommended: l
a. Close all windows and doors,
b. Turn off all ventilation systems using outside air (i.e. fans, air condition-i ing, etc.),
c. Remain indoors.
d. Await further instructions from the Civil Defense Director.
e. Tune to HROR 98.5 FM, HPLM 1390 AM, 99.1 FM, or HATO 95.9'FM to receive additional information and updates of the incident.



 '4. If evacuation is recommended:
a. Request from the Civil Defense Director (746-4186), buses needed to evacuate the facility in accordance with  ;

Attachment 1, " Resource Requirements."

b. Obtain from the Civil Defense Director the estimated time of arrival of  ;

the buses, i

c. Verify the location of the Reception Center and evacuation route (see Attachment 2). j
d. Divide children into groups according to the number of vehicles available.

Assign one or mora staff members to , accompany each vehicle (private or bus).

e. Inform all staff members of the name and location of the Reception Center,
f. Make a list of all children which are to be transferred to the Reception Center.
g. . Verify the location of the Reception Center with the bus driver,
b. Instruct the staff members to remain with the children until they are picked up at the Reception Center by their parents / legal guardians.
i. When the child is picked up by the parents / legal guardian, cross the child's name off the list.





                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          .l ATTACHMENT 1 u

l RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS 24 Maximum Resident Population 4 Maximum Staff Population Available Required To At The NEEDED Facility Resources Evacuate Passenger 0 j 0 2 Cars 0 0 1 Buses Bus Capacity: 66

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          -I 1

l l-DRAFT REVISI JUNE 1987 L _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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D. Prisons There are two types of prisons in the EPZ; town lockups and jails. Town lockups are used to detain. individuals on a short term basis,

                ~hile w      jails are institutions capable of housing large number of inmates'for an extended period.

There are four town lockups in the EPZ, one located in each town. Their locations and maximum capacity.are shown below: Location and Caoacity of Town Lockuoi  ; i HOLDING CELLS IQTAL TOWN ADDRESS MLE FEMALE JUVENILE CAPACITY Carver. Main Street 3 1 1 10 Duxbury 443 Hest St. 3 1- 1 10 Kingston 244 Main St. 4 1 1 12 l Plymouth So. Russell St. 8 2 1 22 l The tw] jails in the EPZ are the Plymouth County Jail, located on Obery Heights in Plymouth and the MCI-Plymouth on Circle Drive also in , Plymouth. The inmate populations are 65 and 150 for MCI-Plymouth and the ' Plymouth County Jail respectively. ) 1

1. Procedures l Concern: Description of the existing procedures that are in place and would be implemented. 1 l

l Town Lockuos Prisoners in town lockups are noimally released after only.a few hours following arrest. Those suspected of more serious crimes are " transported to the Plymouth County Jail. However,.there are no l formal procedures in place for evacuating detainees during a Radiological emergency. To address this issue, the checklist for the Pc, lice Chief of each town will be reissued to indicate the following: e At the Site Area Emergency classification, the Police Chief will make the necessary arrangements to relocate detainees to the Plymouth County Jail.

  • Following emergency de-escalation each town police department will transport relocated inmates back to the town' lockups.


y Jails Each jail has a response procedure that would be' implemented in the event of a radiological emergency. These procedures are:

  • Emergency Response Plan, MCI-Plymouth, Draft. Revision June 1987, (Attachment III.D-1).
  • Emergency Response Plan, Plymouth County Jail, Draft Revision June 1987, (Attachn.ent III.D-2).
a. MCI-Plymouth Notification of prison officials is done by the Plymouth Police when notified by the plant. Protective Action. Recommendations from HCDA - Area II will initiate proper response for sheltering or evacuation. In addition, MCI-Plymouth officials have a procedure (Attachment III.0-1) which addresses:

o Responsibilities e Notification e Resources e Evacuation

  • Coordination with MCDA-Area II
b. Plymouth County Jail Notification of Plymouth County Jail officials is done by the Plymouth Police. Recommendations for evacuation or sheltering  ;

will be received from HCDA Area II at the Site Area or General Emergency. The Emergency Response Procedure for this facility, Attachment  ! III.D-2, describes the required actions for every emergency classification. In addition, the procedure addresses: o Responsibilities

  • Notification e Resources e Evacuation e Coordination with MCDA-Area II

v. l l

2. Resources
                                         , Concern:   The impact on town resources required to respond. And if.

these resources are available to the town. .If not..what compensating measures BECo has in place to address this issue? l Town Lockuos l Relocation of prisoners in town lockups to the County Jail impacts'the resources of each town. However as Table III.D-1 shows, each town has adequate resources to perform this task. Furthermore, the impact is.not significant considering the number of inmates affected and that relocation takes place durin0 the Site Area Emergency level. q l 2A111 l l The transportation requirements and resources at the MCI-Plymouth and the l Plymouth County Jails will be evaluated. Any additional vehicles required j will be obtained through Memoranda of Understanding with transportation companies. These companies, which will be listed in the Jail plans, will be notified directly by the Facility Directors during the emergency. l

Table III.0-1 MCI - PLYMOUTH Emergency Response Plan a Detainees vs Vehicles Matrix - Town Lockuos-MAXIMUM NO. ' OF INHATES NO.'0F VEHICLES IQ!M I Carver 10 '9 10 9 Duxbury 12 5 Kingston Plymouth 22 20

                                                                                                                                                                                       'l i


                                                                                                                                                                                     -i i

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At t achment - 111. D- 1 MCI - PLY 1!CPTH Em'ergency Response Plan SPECIAL FACILITIES EMERGENCY RESPONSE' PLAN HCI-PLYMOUTH l I. PURPOSE The p'Jrpose of this Response Plan is -to provide written procedures to be - followed in the event of a nuclear reactor emergency at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plan in Plymouth. { I II. CHAIN'0F COMMAND A. Superintendent

8. Deputy Superintendent '

C. Shift Commander I D. Director of Treatment E. Prison Camp Officer with the most seniority III. IMMEDIATE ACTION PHASE / INTELLIGENCE GATHERING A. In the event the siren warning system is activated in the State Forest for a nuclear reactor emergency, the Shift Commander should immediately contact a secondary informational source to verify the existence of an actual emergency according to the following priority:

1. Plymouth Police
2. WPLM Radio (FM) I
3. Any FM or AM Radio Station ~ k i


4. Television News Reports f

B. The Superintendent should be immediately notified and preparation should be made to evacuate the institution. The' Superintendent shall notify the Deputy Commissioner and other appropriate parties. j

V ALERT PHASE-1, following verification of a nuclear reactor emergency and  !

noti fication of tne ' Superintendent, the Shift Commander shall follo~a a~. crders issued by the Superintendent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ __ DR M RE M Q

y i S. O'ficers should be immediately identified to start moving vehicles into position to evacuate all staff and inmates in an orderly ana controlled fashion. When all available buses and vans are in position, an announcement over the Public Address System shall be made by the Shif t Commander to board the positioned vehicles for evacuation. Time and feasibility permitting, inmates'shall be allowed to gather a limited amount of. personal effects. C. The Shif t- Commander shall secure all institution keys in the vault, as time permits, and make sure the administration area is locked. The Shift Commander shall take both the Count and Main Log with him. As'much portable radio equipment as possible should be taken by staff ~ during the evacuation. D. All vehicles should proceed to MCI-Bridgewater unless'otherwise-instructed by the Superintendent, via Cranberry Road to South Carver, to Route 58 to Route 495 to MCI-Bridgewater. l E. The Shift Commander shall attempt to communicate with MCI-Bridgewater via vehicle radio of evacuation plans and developments. 1 1 F. Upon arrival at MCI-Bridgewater, the Shift Commander shall meet i immediately with the MCI-Bridgewater Shift Commander to decide j further arrangements for housing and food. "A staff and inmate count ' shall be taken as soon as possible." i i V. SUBSEOUENT ACTION PHASE A. All staff shall be accounted for and injuries (if any) to staff and inmates shall receive prompt and professional attention. B. When appropriate, all staff shall write a report of their actions and observe events during the evacuation. C. As soon as practical the Superintendent shall conduct a debriefing of events. VI. EVACUATION ROUTE See Figure 1, Evacuation Map. VII. REVIEW DATE This policy shall be reviewed at least annually from the effective date  ! by the Superintendent and/or his/her designee.

                                                                                                       -2 DRAFT REVISIOf
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To outline the tasks and procedures required to shelter or evacuate the ' Plymouth County Jail inmate population during an emergency at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, j II. RESPONSIBILITIES A. The County Sheriff or his designee is responsible to:

1. Direct the sheltering and/or' evacuation of Plymouth County Jail  !


2. Maintain Security throughout the emergency.  ;
3. Perform an annual review of this plan and forward corrections to  !

the Director of Sheriff's Emergency Management Agency / Plymouth I County Civil Defense.

4. Direct the emergency response activities and emergency response agencies, j B. The Special Sheriff is responsible to assist the Sheriff in discharging his responsibilities.

C. The Chief of Operations for the House of Corrections County Jail is responsible for implementing the specific measures for. evacuation and/or sheltering of inmates. l D. The Chief of Deputies for the Field Operations and Law Enforcement  ! Division is responsible for providing support to the Chief.of Operations. E. The Director of Sheriff's Emergency Management Agency / Plymouth County Civil Defense is responsible to:

1. Develop the Jail. Evacuation and Sheltering Plan and submit it to the Sheriff for approval.
2. Coordinate procurement and employment of resources to support  ;

the evacuation and shelter plan.

3. Coordinate emergency response activities with the HCDA Area II EOC.



v-4 Establish and maintain communications with the Massachusetts National Guard if necessary, during an evacuation.

5. Coordinate training, drills and exercises related to this plan through the Sheriff Department Training Coordinator.


1. Unusual Event Initials Time  !


a. Receive notification of unusual event from the Plymouth Police Department.
b. Verify notification of unusual event Emergency Action Level (EAL) with the Plymouth County Civil Defense Director. .i
c. Inform the Chief of Deputies and Chief of Operations of the notification of unusual event EAL.
d. Review emergency plans and assess Plymouth __

I County Sheriff resources immediately l' l available.

e. Receive notification of termination of unusual event or event reclassification l

from the Plymouth Police Department j

2. Alert
a. Receive notification of Alert EAL from the Plymouth Police Department
b. Verify alert EAL notification with the Plymouth County Civil Defense Director.
c. Direct activation of, and report to, the Plymouth County Emergency Operations Center (EOC).
d. Inform the Chief of Deputies and Chief of Operations of the Alert l Emergency Action Level Notification.
e. Direct the Chief of Operations to __ ,

implement immediate lockdown of inmates through the Deputy l Superintendents of Hain and Modular Facilities..

                                                                            -2 DRAFT REVIS

_ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nn nnoca -.

1 Initials Tjse

f. Verify accountability of all inmates with_ Chief of Operations. ~

l! J

g. Confirm resource requirements and resource availability for evacuation and sheltering of inmates. ,
h. Direct the recall ~of off-duty personnel,
i. Receive notification of ' termination i of Alert'EAL from the Plymouth

Police Department. ' l

j. Inform the Chief of Deputies and the Chief of Operations of. termination of the Alert EAL, or of event reclassification.
3. Site Area / General Emeraency
  • l a. Receive notification of Site. Area /

General Emergency EAL from the Plymouth Police l Department. I

b. Verify Site Area / General {

Emergency EAL notification with the ' Civil Defense Director, j

c. Direct activation of, and report to, the Plymouth. County EOC.
d. Inform the Chief of Deputies and Chief of Operations of the Site Area / General Emergency EAL notification. ,

l 1 j e. Direct the Chief of Operations to l implement immediate lockdown of inmates.

f. Direct recall of off-duty personnel.,
g. Direct issuance of dosimetry to appropriate emergency workers.
h. Ensure that emergency workers read dosimetry every 15 minutes.

I i. Assess immediate resource require-

ments and availability.


Initials ' J_Lme

j. Obtain from the Director of Sheriff's .
                                                                           - ~ ~

Emergency Management Agency / Plymouth-County Civil Defense Director recommendations or directives from the HCDA Area II EOC concerning evacuation or shelter of. inmates.

k. If the recommendation / directive from ,

the HCDA Area II EOC is to shelter l in place, do the following: 1

1. Ensure windows / doors are closed.

ii. Ensure ventilation is turned off. I l l l iii. Conduct a count of all inmates and l personnel, ensure Division that all i personnel are taking shelter  ! indoors. l

1. If the recommendation / directive from the HCDA Area II EOC is to evacuate, do the following:

l i. Ensure that the HCDA Area II I l EOC is informed of inmate evacuation transportation requirements. ii. Direct that the Chief of Operations to begin loading inmates into on-hand vehicles and begin evacuating to the designated destination, beginning with groups requiring special protection. iii . Verify with MCDA Area II EOC that inmates will go to MCI-Bridgewater. iv. Ensure notification of the destination facility that evacuation is in progress.

v. Ensure that all inmates and county' personnel are accounted for during movement to MCI-Bridgewater.

vi. Ensure that designated security measures are taken. DRAFT REVIS

s-- Initials Time-vii. Ensure that key subordinates _ _ _ . . commence planning for the i return'to the Plymouth County l Jail.

m. Receive notification of' termination ____

of Site Area / General Emergency EAL, or of event reclassification from the Plymouth Police Department.

n. Inform the Chief of Deputies and the

! Chief of Operations of changes in EAL classification. i 1 i l l l l i i DRAFT __ _REVIS,IC




8. Chief of-Operations:for the House of Correctional County Jail
1. Unusual Event
a. Receive notification of Unusual Event ~

in accordance'with-' established

                         ~ department procedures, j
b. Review plans and procedures. .,
c. Assess the immediate state of resources and report the resource availability to the Sheriff.
d. Receive notification of. termination of-Unusual Event or. event reclassification.' .
                         'in accordance with established-                                     j department procedures.
2. Alert
a. Receive' notification of Alert EAL in -

in'accordance with established - department procedures.

b. Direct immediate lockdown of all inmates.
c. Con' firm resource requirements and '

f resource availability for evacuation. and sheltering of' inmates, and report the same to the Sheriff. and the County " EOC.

d. Direct the recall of off-duty personnel.
e. Receive notification of' termination of Alert EAL or of event reclassification in accordance with established-department procedures.
3. Site Area / General Emeroency
a. Receive notification of Site Area /

General Emergency in accordance with established department procedures,

b. Direct immediate lockdown of all inmates,
c. Ensure dosimetry is the appropriate division emergency workers. s
d. Ensure that division emergency workers read dosimetry every 15 minute's.


Initials Time

e. Assess immediate resource requirements and availability of resources for inmate evacuation and shelter; advise the Sheriff and the County EOC of the same.
f. Direct the recall'of off-duty personnel. _ _ _ __
g. When/if sheltering is directed by the _ _ _ _ .
        . Sheriff or the EOC, ensure that all subordinates are indoors and accounted for.

Do the following:

1. Close all. windows.

ii. Turn off ventilation. iii. Conduct a count of all division personnel and inmates and ensure that all are taking shelter indoors. l

    ~h. When/if evacuation is directed by the Sheriff or the EOC, begin loading' inmates into vehicles and commence movement to the designated facility.


i. Verify the destination with the E0C. -l ii. Begin with inmates requiring special l

security and protection; use on-hand 3 vehicles.  ; i iii When vehicles from outside sources 1 arrive, begin loading these with inmates and moving the vehicles to the designated facility. iv. Advise the reception facility of the evacuation. I

v. Ensure that security for movement is in place.

vi. Ensure that a maintenance truck with tools and parts is available, with a radio. L vii. Ensure that all vehicles have radio ____ communications with the EOC. viii. Ensure that all drivers have route maps. See Figure 1. 1 l . DRAFT REVISIO ; e s 0Q s p OQQo

Initials Iltrg l ix. Assist in post-emergency planning for .. _ the return to Plymouth County. Jail. I

1. Receive notification of termination 'of
                                                                              . Site Area / General Emergency.EAL,.or of                     'j event reclassification in accordance                            )

with established department procedures. 4 j j I l I l I, i 1 i l 1 DRAFT REVISIC

I C. Chii _ef of Deouties. Field Ooerations_ Division

1. Unusual-Event
                                      'a.      Receive notification of Unusual Event in accordance with established                              l department procedures.
b. Review plans and procedures.
c. Assess the.immediate State'of Division resources and report the same to the Sheriff. .
d. Receive notification of termination of Unusual Event or event reclassification in accordance with established department procedures.

2- 6.lST_t

a. Receive notification of Alert EAL from the County. Sheriff.
b. Confirm resource requirements and resource availability for support of. i evacuation and sheltering of inmates, and. l report the same to the Sheriff and the l County EOC.
c. Direct the recall of off-duty personnel.
d. Assist the Chief of Operations for.the County Jail with inmate lockdown if required.
e. Receive notification of termination of Alert EAL or of event reclassification-in accordance with established department procedures.
3. Site Area / General Emeraency
a. Receive notification of Site Area / General Emergency in accordance with established l department procedures.
b. Direct recall of off-duty personnel.
c. Assist the Chief of Operations for the County Jail with inmate lockdown,
d. Ensure dosimetry is issued to appropriate Division emergency workers.


                                                                                             ,ll!NC 14R7

n Initials T i_me

e. Ensure that Division emergency workers read dosimetry every 15 minutes.

f-. Assess immediate resource requirements ___ and availability of' resources for inmate evacuation and shelter; advise the ( Sheriff and the County EOC of the same. l

g. When/if directed by the Sheriff or the EOC, ensure that all subordinates and l inmates are indoors and accounted for. ,


h. When/if directed by the Sheriff, provide security for movement of inmates  ;

to the designated reception facility,

i. Assist in post-emergency planning for the return to Plymouth County Jail.
j. Receive notification of termination of Site / General' Emergency EAL, or 1 event reclassification in accordance j with established department procedures.


l D, Dj_ rector of Sheriff's Emeraency Manaaement Acency/ Plymouth (punu _ty., Civil Defense

1. Unusual Event ]
a. Receive notification of Unusual Event -~

in accordance with established l department procedures l

b. Contact the HCDA Area II EOC and receive confirmation of Unusual Event; past this onto the Sheriff.
c. Notify County Department heads and the Chairman of the County Commission in I accordance with established department j procedures. l 1
d. Review emergency plans and assess Plymouth County Sheriff resources immediately available.
e. Receive notification of termination of Unusual Event or event reclassification i in accordance with established ]

department procedures. 1 I

f. Verify Unusual Event termination or event ' reclassification by contacting 3 the HCDA Area II EOC. 4
2. Alert  ;
a. Receive notification of Alert EAL from I j

in accordance with established  ! department procedures.

b. Verify Alert EAL notification by contacting the HCDA Area II EOC; inform ,

the County Sheriff. j l

c. Notify County Department heads and the Chairman of the County Commission in accordance with established department 1 procedures.
d. Activate the County EOC.


e. Confirm resource requirements and  ;

resource availability for all divisions l for inmate evacuation and sheltering 3 operations; report the same to the j l County Sheriff. DRAFT REV1

Initials Time

f. . Direct the recall of off-duty personnel.

9 Monitor the activities of other County Sheriff Divisions and record events.

h. Receive notification-of termination of Alert EAL or event reclassification from -

in accordance with established department procedures,

i. Verify notification of Alert EAL or event reclassification by contacting MCDA Area II EOC.
3. Site Area / General Emercency 4
a. Receive notification of Site Area / General Emergency in accordance with the established department procedures, a


b. Verify notification of Site Area / General Emergency by contacting the HCDA l j

Area II EOC; inform the County Sheriff. 1 l

c. Notify County Department heads and the  !

Chairman of the County Commission in , accordance with established department procedures.

d. Activate the County EOC.
e. Direct and monitor the issuance of __

dosimetry to emergency workers. f. Direct the recall of off-duty personnel.

g. Monitor the activities of other County Sheriff Divisions and record events.
h. Communicate all requirements for outside resources to MCDA Area II EOC.
i. If evacuation is ordered, confirm that inmates will be evacuated to MCI-Bridge-water as planned.
j. Coordinate post-event planning for return af inmates'to the County Jail,
k. Receive notification of termination of Site Area / General Emergency in accordance with established department procedures.


Initiali i T.jpg . ' . J

1. Confirm notification of termination-of Site Area / General Emergency by. contacting the HCDA Area II EOC.

l IV. LOGISTICS See Attachment 1,. Resources. V. EVACUATION ROUTE See Figure 1, Evacuation Route Map. l i I ! DRAFT REVl!

______y________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

                                                                                                                                                                                                     -l SPECIAL FACILITIES.

q ATTACHMENT-1 1 PLYMOUTH COUNTY JAIL RESOURCES ~ 1 1 Total Number of' Inmates: 330 (May be 450-500 by December:1987) l Total Number of Staff: 150 j Approximately 33.3% of the population to be moved requires special security. Vehicles On-Hand: , Vans: 6 Capacity: -36

                                                               -Cars:                                                   6              Capacity:   18                                                       i
                                                                                                                                                                                                        -l   .

Vehicles Required: ' l Buses: 5 . Capacity: 60 per bus 1 i A-14 _ DRAFT REVISIO'

                                                                                                                                                                                          "'"e "a'


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1. Procedures-Concern: Description of the existing procedures.

Procedures for protection of the residents of nursing homes were-developed-

          -in conjunction with facility administrators and staff., These1 draft procedures are included in Appendix I of the draft revised. town plans.~

These' plans-and appendices were'made available to the' town and the State for their review and comment. The procedures'for the nursing homes include a. listing of the responsibilities of each key staff member and a check list to be used by the staff at each level of the emergency including sheltering and evacuation protective-actions. Tables-included in the-procedure. allow the staff to determine the resources needed to evacuate the facility and!to j determine the available space of host facilities. Attachment III. E-1 is j the Special Facility Emergency Response Procedure for Mayflower Nursing Home in Plymouth, MA. This procedure is typical-of the procedures that have been developed.for other nursing homes in the EPZ. Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) agreeing to accept residents of other- i nursing homes in the event of a disaster are being solicited by Boston Edison. Attachment III.E-2 is a MOU between the Mayflower House Nursing 3 - Home, located within the EPZ, and the Northwood Convalescent Center..which is located outside the EPZ. .M00's are obtained by the utility and a copy is forwarded to the State.

2. Vehicles ,

Concern: The location of the ambulance /other vehicles.and arrangements for their use.  ! Boston Edison is soliciting Memoranda'of Understanding from (66) ambulance companies and providers located within 30 miles of the Pilgrim Nuclear i Power Station. Figure III.E-1 is an example of a Memorandum of 1 Understanding which was returned by the Town of North Attleboro Ambulance-Service. Each letter indicates the type and number.of' vehicles available  ! i and the total capacity. Also indicated are the number of EMT's available for these vehicles. j Based upon the Special Facilities survey which were distributed to.the Nursing Homes, Table III E-1 identifies the total number of resources which must be provided to each nursing home in the event of an evacuation. Boston Edison will continue their efforts to secure MOU's 'from transportation and ambulance companies to ensure adequate number of vehicles will be available. i i l _ - - - - __ _ - _ A

3. Transportation Concern: Assurances that transportation resources allocated for these facilities do not conflict with those committed to other facilities.

A transportation resource matrix will be developed which will identify and ' assign. resource needs for each facility. Resources i Concern: Impact upon town resources and any required BECo compensating actions. j A transportation resource matrix is being developed which will identify and assign resource needs for each facility. ,. l 1 l l i l' I i

                                                             - - - . - . - - - _ - . - _ - - - _ _ _ . - _ - - - - - . _ . _ _ .   - _ - - - _ - - - - . -   -_--a ___J

NURSING HOMES VEHICLE MATRIX l l TABLE Ill E-1 ' l w 05-- b AVAILABLE AT NEEDED s 3 FACIUTY B V A LV C B V A LV C PLYMOUTH 151 0 0 0 0 10 1 0 1 9 0 BEVERLY MANOR . MAYFLOWER HOUSE 436 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 10 0 HAPPINESS REST HOME 40 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 l l 289 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 8 19 0 PILGRIM MANOR 1 PLYMOUTH NURS!NG HOME 65 0 0 1 0 28 0 0 0 0 0 NEWFIELD HOUSE 130 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 1 0

                      . TOTAL 1,111  1     0      1      0   39      6      1     12    39        0 CARVER HILLTOP REST HOME           19   0     0      0      0     2     0      2      0      0       0 TOTAL     19  0     0      0      0     2     0      2      0      0       0 1          DUXBURY BAY PATH                   280    0    0      0      1     0     0      0     40      7       0 DUXBURY NURSING HOME        44    0    0       0     6      1     1      0      1     0       0     l DUXBURY HOUSE NURSING       34    0    0       0     0      6    0      0       0     0        0 HOME TOTAL   358    0    0      0     1    12       1     0    41       7       0 KINGSTON 20    0    1      0     0      1     0      0      0      0       0 BLUEBERRY HILL EVANSWOOD                    119   0    1       0     0   35       1     0      0      2       0 7    0    0       0     0     2     0      0      0     0        0 MARGARET W. CARTER 1

MEADOWCRESTAPTS 53 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 I 30 1 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 PROVINCAL RESIDENCE TOTAL 229 1 3 0 0 43 1 0 0 2 0 GRAND TOTAL 1,717 2 3 1 1 96 8 3 53 48 0

v' FIGURE TII . E-I N eosnmeasm Emergency Operations Faciht y Obery Heights P;ymouth, Massachusetts 02360 June 5. 1987 EPC87-297 Town of N. Attleboro Ambulance Service 50 Elm Street N. Attleboro, MA 02760 Gentlemen: This letter is intended to record our mutual understanding concerning the provision of ambulance transportation at the request of state and/or local l of ficials to be used during an emergency at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant. .j i State and local of ficials have determined the number of persons in the area who need to be evacuated by ambulance. During an emergency, your company may be contacted by these officials to supply ambulances necessary to evacuate l non-ambulatory residents from the area.  ! 1 Please indicate the vehicles available f rom your company to support state I and/or local emergency response efforts: Type of Number Total l Vehicle Available Caoneity l i l Type 1 Modular Ambulance 1 6


I 12EMis are available for these vehicles. We understand that all the vehicles may not be imediately available.  ! l Please acknowledge this understanding in the space below and return it to the undersigned at the above adcress by June 15, 1987. Your cooperation in this effort is appreciated. Should you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 747-8542. y I Si,/ce ely, ' f

                                                                       />              :

l .'! l J L.

                                                                    ' Mg, . E. Silva Ma ger, Emergency Preparedness ACKNOWLEDGED:                     O SIGNATURE.      i                         #

v y Chief, North AttleboTo Fire GOS ilCN/ilTLE IN COMPANY CATE ._ Tune A 1 c) . '


ATTACHMENT III . E-I . SPECIAL FACILITIES EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURE-( MAYFLOWER HOUSE NURSING HOME 123 South Street, Plymouth, MA.: 02360 746-4343-Burton Lipsky, Administrator I. PURPOSE This Emergency Response Plan is designed:to prepare Mayflower House Nursing Home personnel to respond appropriately in the event of an accident at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station. . II. REFERENCES A. State of Massachusetts Radiological Emergency Response Plan. .i B. . Town of Plymouth Emergency Response Plan. C. Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals, " Accreditation Manual for Long Term Care Facilities", 1986. D. NUREG 0654/ FEMA REP-1, Revision'1, " Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and-Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants". (Published  ! jointly by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Federal j

                                                                                              .1 Emergency Management Agency.)

E. FEMA 8720.1, " Guidance for Emergency Response Team Planning." Federal Emergency Management Agency. j III. RESPONSIBILITIES 1 A. Emeraency Manaaement Team Implementation of this emergency response plan is the - responsibility of the Emergency Management Team. This team is  ! comprised of the following individuals or their alternates with .l their stated responsibilities: j

1. Administrator - The overall authority fo'r the implementation and direction of this Emergency Response Plan rests with the.

administrator or his/her designated alternate. Specific responsibilities include:

a. Coordinating the emergency management response to all radiological incidents. ,


                   .                                                                                I
b. Establishing and maintaining communications with the Plymouth Health Director / Civil Defense Director and-providing' for internal facility communications via telephone, pager, or messenger.
c. Coordinating staff schedules with the Emergency Management Team to ensure adequate 24-hour staffing for emergency conditions.
d. Coordinating the facility's emergency response'e Plymouth Health Director / Civil Defense Director, designated host facilities, and outside agencies.
e. Responding to all internal requests for personnel and l equipment support.
f. Receiving and maintaining current patient census, i transportation requirements,. staffing needs and reporting unset needs to the Plymouth Health l Director / Civil Defense Director.
g. Terminating the emergency and deactivating the emergency response when conditions stabilize, and returning the facility to normal operations,
h. Documenting the emergency management effort on a date-time log until normal operations are restored.
2. Director of Nursina - The Director of Nursing is respons'ible for the assignment of all nursing service personnel.and any volunteers needed to supplement staffing requirements. In the absence of the administrator or his/her designate, the Director of Nursing shall assume . total control of the emergency response. In addition, the Director of Nursing is responsible for overseeing the preparation of. patient' census reports, the classification of patients for transport, and the coordination of the patient care, clinical care and' support departments.
3. Suoervisina Nurse on Dutv - The Supervising Nurse on duty is responsible for duties assigned the Director of Nursing. In the absence of the Director of Nursing, the Supervising Nurse shall be responsible for the assignment of all nursing service personnel. In the absence of the Administrator Lnd the Director of Nursing, the Supervising Nurse shall' assume control of the initial emergency response,
4. Medical Director - The primary responsibility of the Medical
                              . Director is to maintain medical care for Mayflower House Nursing Home patients. The Medical Director reviews and identifies patients eligible for discharge during census reduction efforts.
                                                        ;                                                                                      DRAFT REVISIOl JUNE 198'l
5. Maintenance Personnel - The Maintenance personnel are l responsible for electrical and mechanical functions necessary I to maintain a safe building environment. Maintenance '

personnel answer emergency calls for service from all areas l of the facility. l IV. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS Specific emergency management responses are dependent upon the " Emergency Classification Level" declared at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station. Notification of the emergency classification level, and of any subsequent changes in that classification will be received from the Health Director / Civil Defense Director. NOTE: PROCEDURES FOR ALL CLASSIFICATIONS ARE CUMULATIVE, THAT IS, PROCEDURES FOR EACH EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION INCLUDE THOSE PROCEDURES ESTABLISHED FOR ALL LOHER CLASSIFICATIONS. ACTION COMPLETED' INITIALS 11M1 A. Unusual Event NOT NOTIFIED. NO ACTION required. B. Alert i NOT NOTIFIED. NO ACTION required. l 1 C. Site Area Emercency l

1. Receive notification from the Health Director / Civil Defense Director and tone alert radio.
2. Notify the following Emergency Management Team members or their alternates (refer to Table 4).


a. Director of Nursing
b. Supervising Nurse on Duty
c. Medical Director
d. Maintenance Personnel DRAFT REVISIOh JUNE 1987


3. Obtain resident census and classify.

residents according to the following - , i transportation status: IY_PE NUMBER Bus 1 Van Ambulance. . Lift Van ;I Passenger Car j

4. Contact Health Director / Civil Defense Director and identify transportation requirements (refer to Table 4).. .
5. Code residents' charts in accordance with transport status, coding as follows:

B - Bus 3 V - Van A - Ambulance L - Li f t Van P - Passenger Cars

6. Notify the designated host facility (reference Table 3) of the-incident.
a. Request bed availability
b. Reserve available beds for nursing home evacuees. ,
7. Determine on-duty staff census.

On-Duty Census

8. Determine off-duty staff census.

Off-Duty Census

9. Determine emergency staff needs for:
a. Sheltering ,
b. Evacuation
10. ' Inventory and replenish housekeeping .i supplies for a minimum five (5) day period. .]


11. Provide an immediate report of the following (reference Table 1)  !

to the Health Director / Civil Defense Director:

a. Resident census,
b. Transportation requirements.
c. Host facility bed availability.
d. On-duty staff census.
e. Off-duty staff census. ,
f. All unmet needs.
12. Test emergency lighting / emergency generator.
13. Stock kitchen with a five-day supply of canned foods, fruits and juices, disposable plates, cups and utensils.
14. Identify residents whose medical status I would permit temporary discharge to family }

custody (excluding those who would require j special transportation from their homes  ! within the EPZ).

15. Terminate visiting hours.

Prepare abbreviated resident transfer 16. forms providing personal data, diagnosis, medications, etc. {

17. Place identification bracelets or  !

identification /name tags on all ' residents, as applicable. i

18. Time permitting, contact families to pick up residents identified as being appropriate i for discharge, and discharge residents to j family care whenever possible.


19. Consolidate nursing units as possible in order to reduce staffing requirements, and j dismiss staff as appropriate.
20. Ensure that medication carts contain a minimum five (5) day requirement of residents' medication.

i a l DRAFT REVISIOf k JUNE 1987 __ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ . _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ ._- _ _ .2


21. Assemble required special;needs-(e.g., portable oxygen apparatus, patient restraints, etc.) at the appropriate nursing stations.

NOTE: Any personal items to be evacuated should also be assembled at this time.

22. Reserve host facility beds based on availability (reference Table 3).
23. Request additional beds throuth the Health Director / Civil Defense Director (reference Table 4), if required.
24. Receive transportation resources availability through the Health Director /

Civil Defense Director. IX21 Number Bus , i Van Ambulance Lift Van Passenger Car

25. Time permitting, notify residents' families of the possibility of an evacuation and provide the name and location of the appropriate host facility. >


1. Prerequisite - PERFORM ALL APPROPRIATE __


2. Receive notification from the Health i Director / Civil Defense Director and l' tone alert radio.
3. Await Protective Action Recommendations from the Health Director / Civil Defense Director. Such guidelines should consist of either Sheltering or Evacuation.



                                       -NOTE: Recommendations.regarding sheltering or evacuation of Mayflower House Nursing Home will be based on the protection                         1
                                              .provided by the facility's structure-                        l and will be made by MDPH. Consequently, the staff and residents of Mayflower House Nursing Home may be advised to shelter in place even if the                      l general. population of Plymouth                              )

is evacuated. If projected radiation  ; doses to the staff and residents of the J Mayflower House Nursing Home exceed j EPA Protective Action Guidelines, i evaluation of Mayflower House Nursing Home will be recosmonded.

4. ~If Shelterina is recommended:
a. Retain staff and patients.
b. Instruct Maintenance personnel to:-
1. Close and lock all windows and doors.  !
11. Adjust ventilation or air conditioning systems, where possible, to minimize intake of outside air.

iii. Move residents to inner rooms I and hallways where possible. l

5. If Evacuation is recomended: I
a. Notify host facility (reference Table 4) of the evacuation recomend-ation.
b. Report unmet needs to the Health Director / Civil Defense Director l (reference Table 4).
c. Confirm the dispatch of required I transport vehicles from the Health j j Director / Civil Defense Director. j l d. Instruct supervising nurse to '

complete a roster of. residents, their-l Jastination and mode of transportation

(reference Table 1).

l l e. Provide the completed roster (Table 1) tv Healte Director / Civil Defense Director and retru original. l l DRAFT REVISION' JUNE 1987 -

f. As evacuation vehicles arrive, assemble residents and:
1. Residents' Charts,
11. Medications, iii. Transfer Forms, iv. Medical Support Equipment. l 1
g. Assign staff to provide external traffic direction for departure areas,
h. Assign nursing staff to buses and '

other transportation vehicles, as appropriate and available. Ensure drivers have been provided i i.


evacuation route maps (referen:e Table 2).

j. Assign Director of Nursing to assist residents into appropriate transportation vehicles.
k. Dispatch selected establish a temporary administrative headquarters at the designated host facility.
1. Secure records by locking all file cabinets and/or fire files, locking l important records in fire files.
m. Secure residents' personal valuables and lock the safe, Jepositing an inventory list in a separate locked '

file and take a copy to the temporary _ administrative headquarters.

n. Secure drugs / medications not being transported by locking all medication cabinets.
o. Secure the facility via the shutdown of non-essential mechanical, electrical and physical plant systems ylth .tha exceotion p.f safety systems such as sprinkler and alarm systems, or heat in cold weather.


p. Notify the Health Director / Civil Defense Director that evacuation 1 is complete (reference Table 4).
q. Depart the facility when it is locked and secured.
r. Respond to requests from the Health Director / Civil Defense Director in the EOC, as appropriate.

E. REENTRY After evacuation, a safety inspection of the physical plant and surrounding areas is performed by the Administrator and Maintenance personnel. Upon the determination that reoccupation of the j Mayflower House Nursing Home-complex is considered safe, the j Emergency Management Team ensures that the facility is fully 1 I prepared to resume normal operations prior to reoccupation. When the facility is fully prepared, the Administrator / Director coordinates transportation and reoccupation through the Health Director / Civil Defense Director. I 1 1 1 9_ DRAFT REVISI JUNE 1987


                                                                                                        't I

i 1





l e l i i i 1 l l i l 1 l l l l DRAFT REVISI ! JUNE 1987


u SPECIAL FACILITIES TABLE 4 NOTIFICATION LIST I Title Teleohone Number Plymouth Health Director - Plymouth EOC 746-4186 Plymouth Civil Defense Director - Plymouth EOC 746-4186 Burton Lipsky - Administrator 678-7779 (Home) Gregory Kraus - Asst. Administrator 746-4343 (Work) i Marie MacDonald - Director of Nursing Janice Kane - Asst. Director of Nursing Northwood Convalescent Home - Lowell, MA Easton - Lincoln Nursing Home - North Easton, MA l l t DRAFT REVISIOF JUNE 1987 1 _ _- __- D



THIS AGREEMENT, made this 5th day of May,1987 between the Mayflower  ; l House Nursing Home, owned by Oakwood Living Centers, and.  ! existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as a i 1 Skilled Nursing Facility, licenced for the care of patients requiring l Level I, II, & III nursing care  ; i 1 AND i The Northwood Convalescent Center, owned by Oakwood Living Centers, organized and existing under the~ laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts licensed for the care of Level II & III patients. VITNESSETH: .i l VHEREAS, both parties to this agreement want to insure continuity of ] care and treatment appropriate to the needs of.each patient by utilizing the resources of both facilities in a coordinated and co-operative fashion. NOV, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual advantages occurring to the parties hereto, they hereby covenant and agree with each other as l L follows: The Northwood Convalescent Center agrees to furnish care, when suit-able accommodations are available, for each patient of Mayflower House 1 1 Nursing Home when appropriate governmental authorities have determined-a disaster condition exists and requires the transfer of patients.

l d l; l I The institution to which transfer is'made agrees to admit the patient as promptly as possible provided all conditions of eligibility are met. In making the transfer of such a patient, the institution from which the patient is being transferred shall notify the other-insti-  ! I tution of.the impending transfer. No transfer shall be'made until the receiving institution has advised the other that adequate facilities will be available for the patient at the. time' proposed-for transfer. The institution from which the patient is.being transferred shall arrange for prompt, safe, and efficient means of transportation, including care of the patient during transfer. Upon the transfer of a patient to Northwood Convalescent Center from-the l Mayflower House Nursing Home. it is agreed that_the patient's personal belongings shall be listed and accompany the patient with a copy of j l the patient's medical records. l The Nursing Homes agree to exercise their best efforts to provide prompt admission of patients and, to the extent reasonably possible, undertake to assure the continuity of patient care in order that the purposes of this agreement may be most fully _ carried out, -- with the exclusion of patients who are violently mentally deranged o'r have a communicable disease. The Nursing Homes shall have exclusive control of the policies, manage me nt , assets and affairs of their respective institutions. Neither party assumes any liability by virtue of this agreement for any debts or other obligations incurred by the other. Except ac otherwise agreed, charges for services performed-by either

i j; Nursing patients admitted from the other institution shall  !

                                                                                                                                      'l be collected by the institution which rendered the se'rvices directly' from the patient, from any third party payors or any other source                                                i normally billed by . the institution. Except as otherwise' agreed, neither of the Nursing Homes sball have any liability to the other                                               i I

1 for such charges. -1 I The transferring institution shall provide in advance, or with the patient, the medical and administrative information needed to provide continuing the patient, using a transfer and referral form mutually agreed upon. The transferring institution shall provide in 1 advance sufficient inf ormation to permit a determination as to whether the other institution can provide the care needed, i I This agreement may be modified or amended f rom time to time by mutual agreement of the parties, and any such modification or amendment shall be attached to, and become part of, this agreement. This agreement shall be effective on or after May.5, 1987. T,his agreement may be terminated by either f acility upon thirty (30) days written notice. This agreement chall be automatically termin-ated should either facility fail to maintain its licensure. Ve agree to accept patients regardless of race, color, or creed. i l l 1

i l I 1 l IN VITNESS VHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year first hereinabove written. ( -

                                                      ,I     ~          _

Colleen Lovering / Burte . K. 'LipiDi( __E . Administrator Administrator  ; Northwood Convalescent Center Mayflower House Nursing Home I Lowell, Massachusetts Plymouth, Massachusetts 1 1 i I l l l l l l l l l l l l l

1 IV. Northern Reception Center. A. Facility Concern: . Description of Facility Arrangements. 1 1

1. Edgar Station is located on' Route 3A in Weymouth, Massachusetts, i approximately 18 mile north of the Pilgrim EPZ (see Figure IV-1).

The 1987 Public Information Brochure describes the route to the reception center while EBS announcements direct evacuees traveling north to the Edgar facility (see Attachment II.A-1). These evacuees include members of the general'public, transit

                                                    . dependent, and school populations located north-of US Route 44.

The Route 3 exit to the site is approximately;11 miles from the northern boundary of.the EPZ. -KLD sssociates, the traffici management consultant who revised the Evacuation Time Estimate, has confirmed.that the distance is sufficient to prevent any impact on evacuation times (see Figure'IV-2). The thirty-six acre site provides sufficient capacity tc monitor, register and, if necessary, decontaminate all individuals projected to respond according to the updated ETE and FEMA guidelines. The site has an area designated for' monitoring simultaneously five vehicles and evacuees, and a building with showers and- l sinks to be used as a decontamination center. The showers presently drain into the normal sewage system, but Boston Edison i is in the process of installing a valve which will allow for the ' diversion of the waste water.into a holding tank or bladder. Following registration,. evacuees requiring shelter will be given _ a map to a mass care facility operated by the Red Cross. Those requiring decontamination' will be directed to the building - containing the showers. . Automobiles will be decontaminated with damp cloth or masslin cloth while the passengers are being decontaminated. As-soon as individuals-are clean,'they will be allowed to leave in their own. cars. Owners of vehicles which-- cannot be deconned will be provided transportation on busses. Boston Edison is presently negotiating Memorandums of

                                                  . Understanding with local-bus companies'.


BECo Interim Plan 1 (BIP - 1) , Edgar Station Reception: Center Operations, Attachment A, figure A-1.

B. Eauioment and Personnel 1 l Concern: . Description of equipment and personnel run the_ ) facility. l

1. A supply of'. equipment for activation.and operation of the' facility is. stored in the warehouse building. A list of the equipment is provided.on Table IV-1. i 1
2. Personnel assigned to staff Edgar Station are primarily from the non-nuclear organizations of Boston' Edison. Particularly. the transmission and Distribution Department, Energy Services Department and Customer Services Department. .There are 110 i persons assigned, two for each of the 55 positions at the i reception center, j


Figure III-1, BIP-1 j C. Trainina Concern: Description of staff personnel training.  !

1. Personnel are being trained on facility activation, vehicle and personnel monitoring, decontamination, traffic control and-communications. Retraining is provided on an annual basis.

Facility Activation drills are held on an annual basis to i provide hands-on experience. l


PNPS Emergency Plan, Section 8.2, Training Station Operating j i Procedure 5.8.1, Drills and Exercises i D. Caoability Concern: Provide a description of the capability to activate the facility and monitor the population designated to respond  ; (20% of the associated sector population) to the center -l within 12 hours. l 1 l .e


1. The Chief of Operations (CO), a Boston Edison management employee on call 24 hours a day, is notified by PHPS security personnel upon declaration of a Site Area Emergency; The CO then activates a notification call tree, calling three of his subordinates, each in turn will call three people, etc. until an entire staff of 55 has been notified. Since all personnel live within approximately 30 minutes of Heymc'Jth, the facility will be fully operational within 60-90 minutes. Based upon the recently updated ETE', a total of 2800 cars are expected to come to the center. Upon arrival,. vehicles and drivers are-monitored five at a time, a process which takes'one minute per car. At that rate the entire process takes 9.3 hours.

Total activation and n~11toring time is less than 12 hours. 1 1 1 i i

r y luof 4 Table IV-l' EDGAR STATION SUPPLY KIT LTEj OUANTITY Sample Holder Model-#SH-1A . 3 ea , RM-14 Radiation Monitor- 10 ea H/CA-16-60 Cable H/0 Probe -20 ea Hp-160 Probes Pancake G-M l Probe . , 20 ea l Direct Reading Dosimeter

Model 883 Range.0-500 MR .

80 ea l Dosimeter Chargers Model 909 5 ea

                                                                                                                   -1 CS7B IMCI'--Celisium' 137 Check Source..                                     2 ea                                                             -!
   .TLD's Hith Clips #UD81AS5 Beta                                                                                -l Gamma Badges                             '150 ea                                                                l Gell Cell Batteries                        15.eal D Size Batteries #1026T27                100 ea Ivory Liquid Dishwashing Soap             24 ea Palmolive Soap Bars #7381T1               25 ea Lava Soap Bars #7379T2-                   25 ea Detergent Granular for Clothing CID# 40113000                                1 bx Sponge Hops Auto Squeeze #7320T4           10 ea Hand Towels                             1000 ea                                                                 l I

Paper Towels 30 r1 ' Maslin Cleaning Cloths 24X24 1 cs Facial Hipes CID #51617106 240 bx Hand Sponges CID #52290607 35 ea Fingernail Brushes Disposable

     #7247T2                                 1000-ea
   'Q-Tip Swabs                                 12 bx Hand Scissors                              20 pr Hair Combs                                 70 ea Disposable Razors                          70 ea Absorbent Pads                               6 bx Scotch-Bright Pads                           i bx Eys-Lert Eye Hash Stations                  '2'ea                                                              ,

(Portable Squeeze Btl. 16 oz.) Eye-Lert Refills 16 oz. Bottles 24 ea Paper Step Off Pads #T82S16752 24 ea First Aid Kits Jumpkits

     #5804-10                                     5 ea Pouch' Specimen CID #40158809           .1000 ea Large Plastic Haste Bags.--
     #4116T14                                      5 r1
    .Large Plastic Haste Containers 55 Gallon Grey #4011T72                     15 ea l

l l

2 of 4 Table IV-1 (continued) EDGAR STATION SUPPLY KIT l lIfB OUANTITY Labels H/ Radioactive Haterial

                     #0519 7/8" x 2 7/8"                           4 dis Clean Tags Plastic'Hhite #1771T12          350 100 Contaminated Tags Plastic Yellow
                     # 1771T12                                    20 100                l Receipt for Contaminated Articles       2000 ea Vinyl Gloves #G14RG170 Latex
                    ' Surgeon Gloves                              10 cs Glove Liners                             2000 ea Economy Hodel Shoe Covers (Booties)

Tyvek White #4403NS 2000 pr Protective Clothing Paper Coveralls White, Large CID #52176900 1000 ea Rain Gear Jacket #5686T13, Lg. 80 ea , Rain Gear Overalls #5686T23, Lg. 80 ea ~l Traffic Cones #5901T6 100 ea l Stanchions #6068T91 100 ea l Traffic Barricade #U-200AH 7 sets Bu11 horns #5668T14 5 ea i Portable Stanchions #ST-45 18 ea Flashlights with Traffic Hand j

                     #5723T1                                      80 ea             {'

Harning Tape with Radioactive

                      #6041T999                                   10 r1              !

Harning Rope Hagenta/ Yellow

                      #6068T23                                      2 ea Hrapping Cord Solid Braided                                    j
                      #3851T35                                      6 r1             :

Signs w/ Hen #IN-31 Vinyl Press On 4 ea l Signs w/Homen #1N-21 Vinyl Press On 4 ea i Signs w/No Smoking #2008 Vinyl Press  ! On 8 ea  ! Signs w/No Eating #N-480 Vinyl Press On 8 ea Alert Hessage Forms 3 Part 1000 ea ID Badges Field (Green) Numbered Series 175 ea ' i ID Badges Visitors (Blue) Numbered Series 20 ea ID Badges Staff (Orange) Numbered Series 40 ea Telefax Machine 1 ea i l 2

b-3 of ( Table IV-1 (continued) ,

                                                                                                                          . EDGAR STATION SUPPLY KIT i

Eg3 OUANTITY , - Telefax Machine Paper 1. cs - Xerox Copier _ 1 ea Copier Paper 8X x 11 1 cs Auxiliary Lights # 1680K1 ~12 ea-Extension Cords 50 Ft. #7438K17 8 ea Orange. Vinyl 15 Amp Extension-Cords 100 Feet 8 ea Extension Cords 100-Feet

                                                                                         #7438K18 Orange Vinyl 15 Amp                                   ' 8_.ea
                                                                                      '5 Gallon Plastic Pails                                                                                                      a CID #40145306                                                 -15 ea                                                       J Het/ Dry Vacs #6358T12                                           6 ea                                                    .I Het/ Dry Vac Bags #6338T16-                                     2 pk                                                    .!

Step Stools #8102T14 Aluminum  ! Folding 3 ea .l l 6 Ft.~ Ladders #8023T12 5 Hay Adj. 3 ea l

                                                                                          %" Garden Hose 50 Ft. # 7110T22 1 ea Garden Hose Nozzle #4848T1                                      1- ea 24 Hr. Battery Operated Clocks                                                                                             ;
                                                                                          #8422T21                                                        2 ea                                                     q 4 Wheel Carts #2892T2                                         =4 ea                                                       1 Coat Racks                                                      2 ea Steel folding Chairs #SC-2705-04                            100 ea Office Desk w/ Chair                                            3 ea Hriting Tablets White, 8X x 11-CID #30068202-                                              100 ea 12" Rulers CID #30011709                                     15 ea                                                    'l Liquid Paper CID #30004307                                     5 ea                                                        1 3 x 5 Note Pads CID #51454905                                30 pk Poster Board White #Q6-750-173                                  1: ct Rubber Bands CID #50971108                                     3 pk' File Folders Letter Size CID #30013306                                                30 p1 Tape Dispensers CID #300013306                                  5 ea.

Scotch Tape CID #30013100 5 ea 3 Ring Binders 2" Capacity CID #30033106, White 15 ea Pens, Black Medium Point CID #30009008- 360 ea Felt Tip Markers Black CID #30006804 120 ea . Felt Tip Markers Red CIS # 30006902 120 ea, Felt Tip Markers Blue CID #30007000 120 ea , t

4 of 4 Table IV-1 (continued) EDGAR STATION SUPPLY' KIT Heli OUANTITY Hasking Tape 2" Rolls CID #30087502 50 ea  ; Clipboards Ltr. Sz. CID #30003905 20 ea Pencils w/ Erasers CID #30009302 7 pk  ! Pencil Erasers CID #52250703 12 ea Pencil Sharpeners CID #40270802 3 ea Brown Hrapping Paper #1916T36 6 r1 Paper Clips CID #30012808 10 pk j Oesktop Staplers CID #30012708 15 ea l Staples CID #30012806 15 pk i Staple Removers CID #30012904 9 ea Communications Directory 1 ea l



20 MILES C7 , , . - - - -

          . '087@%


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                                \        WEYMOUTH 20 MILES gg            226 3



Flaure IV-2 i KLO.' Associates Letter Confirmina No Imoact on ETE KLD ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED 300 Broadway Huntingloo Station, NY 11746 (516) 549 9803 June 25, 1987 Mr. Roger Silva Boston Edison Emergency Oporations Facility Obery Heights Plymouth, MA 02360

Dear Roger:

In response to your request, it is our opinion that the selection of Edgar Station in Weymouth as a reception center will have no adverse effect on the Evacuation Time Estimates produced to date. Edgar Station is located approximately 15 miles north of the EP2 boundary (30 miles from Pilgrim Station). Further, l it is sufficiently distant from Route 3, a major evacua-tion route, that it is unlikely that any traffic congestion associated with the use of Edgar Station will prooagate far enough to affect the ability of vehicles to leave the EPZ. If you have any questions about this matter please give us a call, i i Very truly yours, j

                                                                           .e LA R Reuben Goldblatt .P.E.

Sr. Systems Analyst l i I I ______-_ . ___ _ - ._- -__ O


                                                     .I 4

l i I


1 I l i



    'III. ORGANIZATION                                                                      9     )

l A. Command and Control. 9 B. Communications 9 j C. Security 9. 1 l D. Radiological Monitoring and Decontamination 9 l E. Shelter Assignment 9 F. Transportation 9 IV. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS 11 l A. General 11 l l B. Radiological Monitoring and Decontamination 11 C. Shelter Assignment 12 D. Transportation 12 E. Sheltering 12 F. Emergency Medical Procedures 13 V. NOTIFICATION AND MOBILIZATION 14 A. Notification 14 B. Mobilization 14 l l l

EDGAR STATION RECEPYION CENTER OPERATION TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) SECTION PAGE NO.- VI. OfLRATION PROCEDURE. A. Chief of Operations B. . Reception Center Manager 21 C. Radiological Coord'inator .3 2 D. Radiological. Monitoring Supervisor 25 f E. Vehicle Decontamination Supervisor 26 F. Personnel Decontamination Supervisor 27 l G. Dosimetry Record Keeper 28 H. Shelter Assignment Coordinator 29  ! I. Transportation Coordinator 30 1 J. Security Coordinator 31 VIII. AMERICAN RED CROSS SUPPORT 34 A. General 34 B. Responsibilities 34 C. Services 34



LIST OF TABLES l TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE NO. V-1 Reception. Centers Notification Roster 15 4 VI-1 Vendors Who Provide Services to Reception 36 Center-VI-2 Contaminated Vehicle Log 37 VI-3 Transportation Log 38 . l VI-4 Reception Centers Record Form 39

                                                                    )l VI-5    Security Coordinator's Report Form          40      i VI-6    Radiological Monitoring Clean Tag           41 A-1     Emergency Worker Sign-in Sheet              A-5~

0-1 Decontamination Guide D-20 l i 3


                   'A-1     Traffic Flow                                    A-7 D-1     CDV-700 Survey Meter                             D-17.

I D-2 Personnel Monitoring D-18 I J D-3 Personnel Dose History D-19 j D-4 Thyroid Gland Screening D-20 D-5 Decontamination Center Progress' Report D D-6 Vehicle Monitoring - Team Progress Report D-27 E-1 Radiological Monitoring Equipment Maintenance E-5 S0P E-2 Operation of Dosimeter.and Charger E-6 j E-3 Emergency Horker Exposure Control Procedure E-7 E-4 How to Issue Dosimetry and KI E-9 E-5 Potassium Iodide (KI) E-12 E-6 Emergency Worker Information Card E-16 E-7 Emergency Horker Exposure Limits and Action .E-17 Levels ' E-8 Radiological Monitoring Station and E-20 Decontamination Facilities

i EDGAR STATION RECEPTION CENTER OPERATION I!BLE OF CONTENTS 1 (Continued) LIST OF ATTACHMENTS A. Traffic Flow and Activation B. Reception Centers Deactivation Procedure C. Offsite Traffic Control Assignments D. Radiological Monitoring and Decontamination E. Exposure Control F. List of Red Cross Operated Shelters

EDEAR STATION RECEPTION CENTER OPERATION l I. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to outline the actions necessary to establish and operate a Reception Center at the Edgar Power Station. This procedure will ensure that evacuees, residents, and transient populations from areas north of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station receive appropriate information and directions to mast care centers and/or radiological monitoring stations. Maintaining an evacuee census as well as evacuee referral to medical facilities or other needed services is also addressed herein. II. SITUATION A. There are three (3) Reception Centers (located in Taunton, Bridgewater, and Heymouth) located along main evacuation routes from the EPZ. B. It is estimated that in excess of 70,500 permanent residents could be evacuating out of the affected area. As many as 4,700 may require mass care and/or radiological monitoring / decontamination at the Edgar Station Reception Center.* C. It is estimated that up to 29.100 tourists and EPZ employees who live outside the EPZ could be evacuating out of the affected area. As many as 1,900 may require radiological monitoring /decon-tamination at the Edgar Station Reception Center. Tourists and EPZ , non-resident employees are not expected to require mass care accommodations.* D. As evacuees arrive at the Reception Trailer, they will be evaluated as to mass care and radiological monitoring needs, assigned to appropriate mass care accommodations and/or the radiological monitoring station and provided with transportation to these facilities. E. An accurate record of vehicles processed and mass care center assignments will be maintained and monitored to ensure mass care centers are not filled beyond capacity.

  • Based on FEMA Memorandum on NUREG-0654 / FEMA REP-1 Criterion J.12, dated December 24, 1985.


EDGAR STATION RECEPTION CENTER OPERATION II. SITUATION (Continued) F. The Reception Centers will be managed by Boston Edison Personnel. G. Family units will bf. kept together. I H. There will be a maximum use of privately owned vehicles (POV). I. Directional (vehicular and personnel) signs will be fabricated and' ready for installation. K. Assignment lists of operational staff will be maintained on a current basis. L. Traffic Control of Evacuees'. vehicles in the City of Heymouth will be conducted by the Heymouth Police Department. M- Shelter operations are the responsibility of the American Red Cross, i l 1

                                                                                                        -l l


EDGAR STATION RECEPTION CENTER OPERATION l III. ORGANIZATION q An organization chart is presented in Figure III_1. The Reception ~ Center organization will consist of the following: > A. Command and Control

1. Chief of Operations
2. Reception Center Manager-l B. Communications l 1. Reception Center Communicator l C. Security
1. Security Coordinator i 1

i External Security Supervisor 2. j

3. Internal Security Supervisor i l D. Radiological Monitorina and Decontamination f 4
1. Radiological Coordinator
2. Radiological Monitoring Supervisor l 3. Vehicle Decontamination Supervisor
4. Personnel Decontamination Supervisor
5. Dosimetry Record Keeper E. Shelter Assianment
1. Shelter Assignment Coordinator ,
2. Shelter Assignment Clerk F. Transportation
1. Transportation Coordinator

_g_ l





aECEP,IDh CD,p i 1 1 I I j ,-,, j gg, {i;'7 l r = ,.  : = ==. i ==- I I I I I i

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y; t EDGAR STATION RECEPTION ~ CENTER OPERATION IV. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS A. General In the event that areas within 10 miles of the plant are. evacuated, evacuees will be instructed to proceed to.the Edgar Station'for Radiological-Monitoring, Decontamination, and Shelter Assignment if required. Upon arriving at the Edgar Station Reception Trailer, evacuees-will be processed as explained below. 1 Processing of evacuees throughithe Reception Center includes the following phases: o' Evacuee / Vehicle Monitoring and Decontamination o Shelter Assignment o Transportation B. Radiological Monitorina and Decontamination' Upon the advice of the Pilgrim Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) that an accident may have resulted in contamination of vehicles or evacuees, radiological monitoring and decontamination 1 facilities will be operated at.the Edgar Station Reception Center.- 1 Establishment and operation of monitoring and decontamination _ stations will be the responsibility of the Radiological Coordinator working under the direction of the Chief of.0perations. . Guidelines and procedures to be followed will be consistent with the-MDPH-policy and procedures as described in those sections.of the: State Plan and MDPH procedures involving _ radiological health elements, and as noted in Attachments D and E of this" Plan.

1. When deemed necessary by the Emergency Coordinator at the EOF, evacuees will be monitored for contamination. As. evacuees, in their vehicles, approach the ReceptionLTrailer. they will be-directed to five monitoring stations located near the main _

entrance. See Attachment A, Figure A-1. , Evacuees will enter the Edgar Station at th'eLsouth entrance-


2. located on'the._ north bound lane of Route 3A'(Location TG-1). Two lanes of traffic will extend. from this-location'to the : monitoring stations as shown in Attachment'A, Figure A-1. m _ ___.- .___m.___ _ . __-__ ._-___._m._ _ _ _ - -


3. Contaminated Vehicles will be directed into the station for proper decontamination by emergency workers.
4. Contaminated Persons will be directed to the Decontamination Center. There, Health Physics personnel will report additional monitoring. Following Radiological Monitoring, evacuees will undergo decontamination. Following decontamination, evacuees will exit the Reception Center via the Monatiquot Street  ;

entrance. C. Shelter Assianment Shelter Assignment will' take place at the monitoring area and at the Personnel Decontamination center. l Following radiological monitoring, vehicles found not contaminated  ; will be directed to the Shelter Assignment area. There, evacuees who require shelter will be provided with directions to one of several Red Cross congregate care facilities. From this point, all uncontaminated vehicles will exit the facility and proceed north on Route 3A. 1 D. Transportation l Following Shelter Assignment, evacuees without vehicles will be directed to the Transportation Area. From this location evacuees will be transported to a congregate care facility. E. Shelterina Following Decontamination evacuees requiring shelter will be provided with directions to one of several Red Cross operated congregate care facilities. A list of these facilities is provided in Attachment F.

EDGAR STATION RECEPTION CENTER OPERATION IV. CONCEPT OF OPERATIO4S (Continued) F. Emeraency Medical Procedures Individuals requiring medical treatment will immediately be monitored (if required) and-transported to.the South Shore Hospital i in Heymouth or the Brockton Hospital in Brockton. Hospital l personnel will be notified by ambulance radio as to the type of condition of the patient and any contamination present. 1 i l j i 1 l l 1 l


l , i l

s, , 1:

                                                                                                                  -l 1

EDGAR STATION RECEPTION CENTER OPERATION V. NOTIFICATION AND MOBILIZATION A. Notification Upon declaration of a Site Area or a General Emergency.the security l officer at PNPS will notify'the Chief of Operations. This will~ 1 initiate a cascading. notification process down the chain of command. That is, each emergency. worker will be notified by his or her superior. For example, when the Reception Center notifies the Security Coordinator, the Security Coordinator notifies the Traffic l Control Supervisor. The Traffic Control Supervisor then notifies - l all! traffic control personnel. Table V-1 lists the. names and

               .telephoneLnumbers of all Reception Center Emergency Horkers.

B. Mobilization Following notification Emergency Workers are required to:

1. Initiate notification of emergency. personnel (Table V-1).
2. Report to the-Edgar Station Reception Center.'
3. Upon arrival, report to'the Decontamination Center and initiate or support facility activation. -l 1
4. Then when operational, sign in, pick up identification'and' i dosimetry equipment. l
5. Follow their respective Operation Procedure, Section VI of this plan.

1 _ _ _-- _-__.--_-.~ _-.:-- _ - _ _



                                                                                                 -l l

TABLE V-1 i s RECEPTION CENTER NOTIFICATION ROSTER Title Hamg Teleohone Numhgr- 1 Chief of Operations First Alternate Restricted Information. ,

    ~Second Alternate                    Available in Controlled CoDies Oniv.                     '

Third Alternate Reception Center Manager First Alternate R Second Alternate

    ' Third Alternate                                                                             !

Security Coordinator First Alternate Second Alternate i Third Alternate Reception Center Communicator _i First Alternate Second Alternate Third Alternate Radiological Coordinator First Alternate Second Alternate l Third Alternate- I Radiological Monitoring Supervisor First Alternate Second Alternate Third Alternate Vehicle Decontamination Supervisor First Alternate Second Alternate Third Aiternate Personnel Decontamination Supervisor First Alternate Second Alternate Third Alternate


                                           -RECEPTION CENTER OPERATION TABLE V-1 RECEPTION CENTER NOTIFICATION ROSTER                        e (Continued)

Title Ramg Telechone Number Dosimetry Record Keeper l First Alternate- Restricted Information; { Second Alternate Available in Controlled Cooies Oniv.  ! Third Alternate Shelter. Assignment Coordinator First Alternate Second Alternate Third Alternate Transportation Coordinator First Alternate j Second Alternate Third Alternate Storeroom Clerk i First Alternate Second Alternate Third Alternate Security I i Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security  ; Security Security Security Security Security Securi ty i Security Security Security

EDGAR STATION RECEPTION CENTER OPERATION TABLE V-l' RECEPTION CENTER NOTIFICATION ROSTER (Continued) Iltigt N3mft Teleohone Number l Shelter Assignment Clerk Shelter Assignment Clerk Restricted Information. Shelter Assignment Clerk 'Available in Controlled Cooies. Shelter Assignment Clerk Shelter Assignment Clerk Shelter Assignment Clerk Shelter Assignment Clerk Shelter Assignment Clerk  ! Shelter Assignment Clerk Shelter Assignment Clerk  ! Shelter Assignment Clerk Shelter Assignment Clerk Shelter Assignment Clerk Shelter Assignment Clerk Shelter Assignment Clerk Shelter Assignment Clerk Shelter Assignment Clerk Shelter Assignment Clerk Shelter Assignment Clerk Shelter Assignment Clerk j r HP Support l HP Support 1 HP Support HP Support HP Support HP Support HP Support HP Support HP Support HP Support HP Support HP Support HP Support HP Support l HP Support HP Support


1. Notify all vendors who have provided services to the Reception Trailer and inform them that their services are no longer required. j
2. Request that their equipment be monitored and issued a clean tag l before removing them from the site.

B. Feceotion Center Manaaer 1

1. Assemble- all. Emergency Horkers in Briefing Room and review De-activation procedure as instructed in the following steps.


2. If the emergency is terminated without an evacuation recommendation, inventory and repack all the emergency equipment. Notify Boston Edison facility management that you are leaving.
3. If an evacuation has been recommended, contact the Chief of j Operations, inform him that_the evacuees are no longer arriving at the Reception Center and that you are ceasing monitoring and decontamination operations.
4. Have all equipment brought to the Monitoring Area. All equipment should be monitored and inventoried prior to repacking. If equipment cannot be decontaminated, it should be packed separately. Arrange for transportation to Pilgrim.


5. Monitor carefully all areac that may have become contaminated. If any radioactive material is found, it should be cleaned up l irumediately. Do not release any area having radiation above acceptable levels (see Attachment D). Areas that cannot be decontaminated should be roped _off. Notify the Chief of Operations and BECo facility management. Have a Security guard limit access until the area is decontaminated.


6. .Have all Emergency Workers at the Reception Center.go through monitoring and possible decontamination in accordance with Attachment D, Radiological Monitoring and Decontamination.
7. The Dosimetry Record Keepers will collect all dosimetry and Emergency i Horker identification badges, romplete the Emergency Worker Dose i Record Form and ensure the emergency worker is issued a Clean Tag in 1 accordance with Attachment E, Exposure Control. l
8. Dismiss the Emergency Horkers at the Reception Center only after:
a. They have been monitored .and if necessary decontaminated,
b. All dosimetry and their Emergency Workc~ identification badges j have been returned.  ;

I f l

  , - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _       _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _ _ -           .

AtCachment C-Page 1 of 4

                                                                   -EDGAR STATION l


                               'OFFSITE TRAFFIC CONTROL 7 ASSIGNMENTS i


                                                                                                       -l a         l 1
                                                                                                       -I I
                                                                                    '                      i e

7 t 0

                                                                                                       ~i l

I i



d E

                                           $                      h N




s N TC-3 $ o

                                             $       n          t WASHINGTON ST.                     H TC-4  s  EXIT 16 TC-2 3




Attachment D . Page 1 of 26 )



                                                                                                                                        '1 l

l l 1 i j l EDGAR STATION i







1. Notify.all vendors who have provided services Lto the Reception . i Trailer and inform them that their services are no. longer required.
2. Request that their. equipment be monitored and issued a clean tag before removing them from the site.

B. Receotion Center Manaaer

1. Assemble all' Emergency Horkers in Briefing Room'and review De-activation procedure as' instructed in the following steps.
2. If the emergency is terminated without an evacuation recommendation, inventory and repack all_the' emergency equipment. Notify Boston Edison facility management that you are leaving.
3. If an evacuation has-been recommended, contact the Chief.of

_ Operations, inform him~thatLthe evacuees are no longer arriving at the Reception Center and that you are' ceasing' monitoring and decontamination operations.

4. Have all equipment brought to the Monitoring Area. All equipment  !

should be monitored and inventoried' prior to repacking. If equipment cannot be decontaminated, it should be packed separately. Arrange-for transportation to Pilgrim.

5. Monitor carefully all areas that may have become contaminated. If any. radioactive material is found, it should be' cleaned up immediately. Do not release any area having radiation above acceptable levels (see Attachment-D). Areas that cannot be .

decontaminated should be roped off. Notify the Chief of Operations and BECo facility management. Have a Security guard limit access  ; until the area is decontaminated.


6. Have all Emergency Horkers at.the Reception Center go-through-monitoring and possible decontamination in accordance with Attachment D, Radiological Monitoring and Decontamination. ,


7. The Dosimetry Record Keepers will collect all dosimetry and Emergency l Horker identification badges, complete the Emergency Horker Dose Record Form and ensure the emergency worker is issued a Clean' Tag in accordance with Attachment E, Exposure Control.
8. Dismiss the Emergency Workers at the Reception Center only after:


a. They have been monitored and if necessary decontaminated. I
b. All do.imitry and their Emergency Horker identification badges -

have besn eturned. i l 1 l l 1



Attachment C' . Page;1 of.4:.' ., [ EDGAR ST'ATION

                                                                                                -RECEPTION CENTER OPERATION.-


                                                                                                                                                 .. }
                                                                                                                                                      -i i


                                                                                                                                                  .1 1

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                                         $                              n         3 N







                                                                      .1 i


Attachment D Page 1 of 26 I j l t EDGAR STATION j RADIOLOGICAL HONITORING & DECONTAMINATION i I l k I l i i i i

                                                                                                                                        -l I

e l l l


                         ' RECEPTION CENTER-OPERATION TABLE V-1 RECEPTION CENTER NOTIFICATION ROSTER                                  -I (Continued)                                                l lille                                  tLiLma                Telechone Number HP Support HP Support                             Restricted Information.

HP Support Available in Controlled CoDies Oniv. I HP Support  ; HP Support I HP Support HP Support HP Support . HP Support 1 HP Support l HP. Support HP Support HP Support HP Support HP Support HP Support 4 HP Support HP Support HP Support HP Support HP Support HP Support HP Support HP Support Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support - Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support

EDGAR STATION RECEPTION CENTER OPERATION-MQLE V-1 RECEPTION CENTER NOTIFICATION ROSTER (Continuea). Fama Telechone Number 11111 Vehicle Decon Support , Vehicle Decon Support- Restricted Information Vehicle Decon Support Available in Controlled Cooies Only l Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle.Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support 'l Vehicle Decon. Support Vehicle Decon Support , Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support Vehicle Decon Support


1. Upon declaration of a Site Area or a General Emergency take the following actions:
a. Maintain a chronological log of all response actions beginning with initial notification.
b. Notify the Reception Center Manager and direct him/her to initiate notification of Reception Center personnel.
c. Call Edgar Station security officer (telephone number) and alert the individual that emergency personnel will be arriving to set up facility.
2. Report to Edgar Station Reception Center in Weymouth.
3. Upon arrival at the Edgar Power Station do the following:
a. If you are the first emergency worker to arrive, follow Facility Activation procedure in Attachment A. Then, delegate this function when another emergency work?r arrives.
b. Notify vendors listed in Table VI-l and request their services as agreed in the memorandums of understanding.
c. Notify the American Red Cross and inform them of the emergency declaration. Keep the Red Cross informed of the emergency status.
4. Maintain communication with the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) through the Reception Center Communicator.
5. If the evacuation recommendation is made to the general public:
a. Contact the Heymouth and Hingham Police Departments and inform them of the situation. Provide them with the list of Traffic Control Assignments detailed in Attachment C.

Inform the police that traffic intersection diagrams and traffic control equipment are available at the Reception Center.


b. Following the conversation with the Police Departments, direct the Reception Center Manager to have equipment and traffic intersection diagrams ready for when the police arrive.
c. Instruct the Public Information Coordinator at the Pilgrim Media Center to include the following message in the EBS broadcast and press release:
                                                             " Evacuees from the Pilgrim Emergency Planning Zone will be travelling to Reception Centers in Taunton, Bridgewater, and Heymouth. If you are not an evacuee, it is recommended that you avoid driving in these areas to reduce traffic congestion. The location of the Reception Centers are as follows:

o Heymouth Power Station located on Route 3A in Heymouth o Taunton State Hospital located at the intersection of Routes 138 and 140 in the City of Taunton o Bridgewater State College located near the Bridgewater town center."

d. Ensure the Red Cross has staffed the congregate care facilities and are ready to receive shelterees.
6. On a regular basis, obtain operation status from Reception Center Manager, including:

o Hanning o facility Set Up o Are evacuees backing up onto the public roads? o Number of evacuees going to congregate care centers and status of map distribution o Number of evacuees requiring decontamination o Any additional support required o Obtain status of bus arrivals

7. If additional resources are needed contact the Emergency Coordinator at the EOF and request additional resources from BECo.
8. Upon terminatiori of the Emergency, deactivate Reception Center in accordance with Attachment B.

_ - _ - _ - - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1


1. Upon receiving the notification from the Chief of Operations, the Reception Center Manager will:


a. Maintain a chronological log of all response actions beginning with initial _ notification. ]l
b. Notify the following individuals or their alternates: )

o The Reception Center Communicator o The Security Coordinator o The Radiological Coordinator i

o. The Shelter Assignment Coordinator l o The Transportation Coordinator The names and telephone numbers are given on the Reception '

Center Notification Roster, Table V-1.

c. Report to the Edgat Station Reception Center in Weymouth.
2. Upon arrival at the Edgar Power Station:
a. Implement Section A of Attachment A, Decontamination Center Activation.
b. Drive around the facility and see if there are any ,

impediments to the Reception Center set up such as a BECo l truck or automobile parked out of place. If necessary have 1 the impediment moved. j

c. Assign personnel to support the following' functions: I o Reception Center Security o Dosimetry Distribution i o Communications j o Storeroom Clerk j
3. When ready, have emergency workers sign-in, pick up l identification and dosimetry.
4. Request a briefing by the Chief of Operations.

l \

                                        -22 l


5. Assemble Reception Center Coordit.ators, then:
a. Brief them on the status of the emergency.
b. Request that Reception Center Personnel be assigned as shown in Figure A-1 of Attachment A.
c. Direct coordinators to set up their functional areas, as Attachment A, and report back when ready for Activation.
6. Contact the Chief of Operations and provide him with a status l of the following: I o Hanning o Facility Set Up o Are evacuees backing up onto the public roads?

o Number of evacuees going to congregate care centers and status of map distribution o Number of evacuees requiring decontamination o Any additional support required 3 o Obtain status of bus arrivals i Keep the Chief of Operations informed of the Reception Center status.

7. Declare the Reception Center activated when appropriate and  ;

advise the Chief of Operations accordingly,

8. Provide offsite intersection diagrams and traffic control equipment to Heymouth and Hingham Police when they arrive. '
9. Redistribute personnel and equipment among the Reception Center areas as necessary in order to meet evacuee monitoring demands.
10. During inclement weather, rotate people out of exposed areas.
11. Arrange for any necessary support personnel and shift relief, 3 after 12 hours, through the Cnief of Operations. l
12. Upon termination of.the emergency, deactivate the Reception 1 Center in accordance with Attachment B.



1. When notified by the Reception Center Manager, take the following actions. 3 1
a. Maintain a chronological log of all your response actions I beginning with initial notification.
b. Notify the following Reception Center personnel and request ,

that they report to the Edgar Station Reception Trailer: { o Radiological Honitoring Supervisor o Personnel Decontamination Supervisor o Vehicle Decontamination Supervisor o Dosimetry Record Keeper Their names and telephone numbers are listed in the Reception Center Notification Roster, Table V-1.

2. Report to the Edgar Station Reception Center in Heymouth. l
3. Upon arrival at the Edgar Power Station implement or assist in implementing Section A of Attachment A, Decontamination Center Activation. ,

1 e l 4. Assemble Radiological staff, brief them on the emergency status l l and do the following: j

a. Have Dosimetry Record Keeper set up for Registration and l Distribution of Dosimetry as shown in Attachment A, Figure l A-2.  ;
b. Have Vehicle Decontamination Supervisor set up contaminated i vehicle parking area as shown in Figure A-1 of Attachment A.
c. Direct Radiological Honitoring Supervisor to set up evacuee l l

monitoring stations as illustrated in Figure A-1 of j Attachment A.  !

d. Have Personnel Decontamination Supervisor activate the Personnel Decontamination Center as shown in Figure A-3 of Attachment A.
e. Request Radiological staff to report when their respective functional areas are activated.
5. When Radiological staff have activated their respective function areas, inform the Reception Center Manager.


6. Ensure'that all Radiological personnel receive dosimetry in accordance with Attachment E, Exposure Control.
7. Verify that Radiological Monitoring and Decontamination is-proceeding in accordance with Attachment D.
8. On a regular basis provide the Reception Center Manager a status on:

o Staffing o Number of evacuees requiring _ decontamination and the zones from which they came o Any additional support required

9. During inclement weather, rotate people out of exposed areas.
10. Ensure that adequate supplies are available to perform all.

Radiological functions. l,

11. When contacted by Personnel Decontamination Supervisor with a request to assign an evacuee with contamination to a hospital, do the following:


a. Contact South Shore Hospital in Heymouth or Brockton l

Hospital in Brockton and request the placement of contaminated evacuees. Ensure the hospital understands that the arriving evacuee has fixed contamination and does not present a problem of spreading contamination. l

b. When the receiving hospital has been identified, contact the Decontamination Leader with the name and location of the hospital.

l I i l I l 1

                                                                                -i l


                                                                                                                      -l l


1. When notified by the Radiological Coordinator report to the Edgar Station Reception Center in Heymouth. ,You are not' required to make emergency worker notifications.
2. Upon arrival, report to the' Decontamination Center and implement or assist in implementing Section A of Attachment'A, Decontamination Center Activation.


3. Gather Ten (10) HP Support Personnel, then:
a. Instruct them to obtain HP equipment.
b. Direct HP Personnel to set up monitoring stations as shown in Attachment A, Figure A-1.
4. After activating monitoring-stations, report readiness status to Radiological Coordinator.
5. A traffic guide will hand an information sheet to every entering vehicle.
6. Two people will man each monitoring statiin. Each team will scan incoming' cars and drivers as.detaileo in Attachment'D within approximately 35 seconds.
7. If the driver and vehicle do not have contamination above acceptable limits then'a ' Clean Tag'.(Table VI-6) will be .

issued by the monitor.taking the swipe of tne vehicle. Check' on the r. lean tag the boxes marked ' person' andLvehicle. Also write the number of passengers next to the. word ' person'. Initial the tag and put it under the windshield wiper of the car. Direct the driver to move his car up to the Reception Center Recorder.

8. Direct injured individuals (regardless of contamination) to the South Shore Hospital in Weymouth or the Brockton Hospital in Brockton._ If the person needs transportation, then request l Radiological Coordinator to send Reception Center' ambulance.  ;
9. Direct contaminated mobility impaired hospital.

Tell evacuee to enter the hospital via the emergency room entrance. l L_________


                            . RECEPTION CENTER OPERATION VI. OPERATION PROCEDURE (Continued)

E. Vehicle Decontamination Supervisor 1: Following notification by the Radiological. Coordinator, notify Vehicle Decontamination personnel'and request them to report to. the Edgar. Station Reception Center in Heymouth'. The names and telephone numbers of these individuals are listed in the Reception Center Notification Roster, lable V-1. Furthermore, a compliment of 20 individuals are fulfill this. function.


2.- Report to the' Edgar' Station' Reception Center.

3. Upon arrival, report to the Decontamination Center and implement or assist in implementing Attachment A, Section A, Decontamination Center Activation.
4. Log in on the Emergency Horker; Sign-in Sheet, Table-A-1.
5. Assemble Vehicle Decontamination personnel and direct them-to set up the contaminated vehicle ~ parking area and vehicle decon area as indicated in Attachment A, Figure A-1.
6. Inform the Radiological Coordinator when-ready for operation.
7. When contaminated vehicles arrive, do as follows:
a. Have passengers leave the car and. proceed to the Decontamination Center. .]
b. Complete Contaminated Vehicle Log, Table VI-2.



8. Decontaminate vehicles in accordance with Attachment D.
9. Vehicles undergoing decontamination will be routed as shown in Attachment A, Figure A-1. Following decontamination, vehicles will be picked un by. owners and directed to exit via Monatiquot .



F. Personnel Decontamination Suoervisor

1. When notified by the Radiological Coordinator, report'to the~

Edgar Station Reception Center in Heymouth'. 'You are not- a required to make emergency worker notifications.

2. Upon arrival, report to the Decontamination Center and implement or assist in implementing Attachment A, Section A, Decontamination ~ Center Activation.
3. Assemble five-(5) HP Support Personnel and proceed to personnel decontamination area. One shower area will be designated for-women'the other for men. -Ensure a female monitor is assigned i to the female side of decontamination area.
4. Evacuees entering decontamination center will be monitored in accordance with Attachment D. Issue clean tags to all evacuees with contamination below acceptable limits.
5. If evacuees cannot be decontaminated below acceptable limits contact the Radiological Coordinator. Request that a hospital be identified to accept a contaminated evacuee.
6. When a hospital has been identified, have the contaminated evacuee (s) escorted to waiting ambulance. Ensure that the evacuee has a copy of the Evacuee Exposure Record Form to take to the hospital.


7. Ask evacuees issued clean tags.if they need a map'to a Red' Cross Congregate Care Center. If so.. direct evacuee to Shelter '

Assignment Clerk.

8. Direct evacuees who do not'have transportation to the transportation assignment area.
     ~G. Dosimetry Record Keeoer
1. When notified by the Radiological Coordinat'or, report to the Edgar Station Reception Center in Heymouth.
2. Upon arrival, report to the' Decontamination Center and implement or assist in implementing Attachment A, Section A.
3. Obtain Dosimetry equipment,-Identification Badges and Emergency Horker Sign-in Sheet (Table A-1). Then' begin Registration of' Reception Center personnel as follows:
a. Request BECo identification.
b. Have emergency personnel sign and record the time of entry into the facility next to their name which is; located under their. emergency worker job title on the Reception Center '

Roster. If their name does not appear under their job' title, have them fill in the required information in the space provided under their job title on the Reception Center Roster.

c. Issue green badges to all the Reception Center personnel.

Instruct them that the badge is to be worn at all times in a visible place.

4. Issue dosimetry and Emergency Worker Dose Record Forms to the following Reception Center personnel in accordance with Attachment E, Exposure Control,
a. Reception Center Manager b, Reception Center Coordinators
c. Reception Center Supervisors
d. Radiological Personnel
e. Security Personnel
f. Shelter Assignment Personnel


1. When notified by the Reception Center Manager, take the ]

following actions: i

a. Maintain.a chronological log of all your response actions beginning with initial notification,
b. Notify Shelter Assignment Clerks and request that they report to.the Edgar Station Reception Center. A total of 10 individuals is needed to support this function. The names and telephone ~ numbers of Shelter Assignment Clerks are listed in Table V-1. j
2. Report to the Edgar Station Reception Center in Heymouth.
3. Upon arrival at the Edgar Power Station implement or assist in implementing Attachment A, Section A, Decontamination Center Activation.
4. Assemble Shelter Assignment' staff, brief them on the emergency status and do the following:
a. Assign personnel to man Shelter Assignment posts in accordance with Figure A-1 of Attachment A.
b. Review Shelter Assignment Procedures with personnel.

Ensure that clerks understand their job as explained in ' item 6 below.

c. Ensure that Shelter Assignment personnel sign-in and I receive Dosimetry. i
5. Direct Shelter Assignment staff to obtain communications l equipment and then to proceed to their assigned posts.
6. Shelter Assianment Clerks will:

l l a. Provide a map with directions to each evacuee requiring shelter or mass care.

b. Each map represents a shelter. space. Therefore the Shelter Assignment Clerk will give many maps as there are occupants in the vehicle. Make sure that all maps provided to a particular vehicle refer to the same Red Cross Shelter.
                                                                                                                            . - _    __ _ ._--________--A


                                       < VI ., OPERATION PROCEDURE (Continued).

4  !

c. Direct the car toward the exit.
d. If you begin to run low on maps, request more from. Shelter Assignment Coordinator.
e. Treat evacuees in Decontamination Center the same way.

Following decontamination provide each person with a map to a Red Cross Shelter. Then direct evacuee to the Transportation Area. j l

7. Notify the_ Red Cross'(telephone _ number) and receive list of congregate care centers activated by the Red Cross. Then do as follows:
a. Obtain maps to the identified Red Cross Shelters from'  !


b. Distri'oute maps to Shelter Assignment Clerks.
c. When Shelter Assignment Clerks begin to run low on maps, provide additional maps.

Note: The number of maps provided is proportional to the capacity of the Congregate Care Center. . When all the maps to a facility have been distributed l by the Shelter Assignment Clerks, the Congregate i Care Center is full.

8. On an hourly basis inform the Reception Center Manager, the number of evacuees directed to Red Cross Shelters.
9. During inclement weather, rotate people out of exposed areas.

l 10. Ensure that Shelter Assignment Clerks have adequate maps. l I. Transportation Coordinator

1. When notified by the Reception Center Manager, take the following actions:
a. Maintain a chronological log of all your response actions beginning with initial notification.

l _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _


2. Report to the Edgar Station Reception Center in Heymouth.
3. Upon arrival at the' Edgar Power Station implement or assist .in.

implementing Attachment A, Section A, Decontamination Center Activation.

4. Contact bus' companies'to make sure transportation vehicles are on their way (See Table VI-1).
5. Shelters will be assigned sequentially. That is,-at any given )

time most evacuees requiring shelter will be travelling to the 1 same Red Cross facility. Bus drivers will.have one or two destinations for every trip.

6. If evacuees are waiting longer than one' half hour for transportation, request additional buses.
7. Maintain Transportation Log, Table VI-3.
8. Every hour give the Reception Center Manager a status on the following:
a. Number of evacuees that have received transportation so.far.
b. Number of evacuees receiving transportation in the last hour.


c. Average waiting time of evacuees,
d. Number of vehicles being used.
9. Coordinate with Security Coordinator to-ensure that transportation vehicles are using the proper traffic routes, figure A-1.

J. Security Coordinator

1. When notified by the Reception Center Manager, take the following actions:
a. Maintain a chronological log of all your response actions beginning with initial notification.


b. Notify security personnel and request that they report to the Edgar Station Reception Center. A-total of 10 individuals is needed _to support this function. The names and telephone numbers of security personnel are listed in Table V-1.
2. Report to the Edgar Station Reception Center in Heymouth.
3. Upon arrival at the Edgar Power Station implement or assist in i implementing Attachment A, Section A, Decontamination Center Activation.
4. Assemble Security staff, brief them on the emergency status and 'l do the following: I
a. Assign personnel to man security posts in accordance with l Attachment A, Section B Traffic Control Posts.-

l b. Review Traffic Control Procedures with Security personnel. Ensure that Reception Center. Recorder understands his job as explained-in item 6 below. 1

c. Ensure that Security personnel sign-in and receive  !


5. Direct Security staff to obtain communications equipment and then to proceed to their assigned posts.
6. One Reception Center Recorder will be assigned to monitoring i stations and will do as follows:
a. As each car completes monitoring write down the license plate number on Table VI-4, Reception Center Record Form and check off if a clean tag was or was not issued.
b. If the car was not given a clean tag, then direct the vehicle toward the decontamination area' .
c. If the car was issued a clean tag, then ask the driver. if (s)he needs directions'to a Red Cross Congregate Care Center. If yes, direct the car to the Shelter Assignment Area.
7. Have Traffic Guide assigned to Reception Center entrance (TG-1) hand out information sheet to every entering vehicle.


8. Direct tow truck to park in the emergency worker parking lot when they arrive.
9. Direct tow truck operator to remove impediments from Reception Center roadways. ,
10. Ensure that drivers of contaminated vehicles return to .]

Decontamination Center and do not wander about facility. - l' 11. On an hourly basis complete Security Coordinator's. Report Form, l Table VI-5, and submit to the Reception Center Manager.

12. During inclement weather, rotate people out of exposed areas.

j 13. Ensure that adequate supplies are available to perform all l Security functions. 1

14. Ensure the traffic guides understand their assignments and are D; handling traffic flow correctly.
15. Assist Monitoring and DecontaminationJpersonnel in preventing the spread of contamination. 't
16. Ensure proper traffic flow during vehicle decontamination.  !'

Refer to Figure A-1 of Attachment A.

17. Following decontamination of vehicles, coordinate the returning {

of vehicles to rightful owners.- Request car owners to show automobile registration and driver's license. Make sure that l' these numbers match those listed in Contaminated Vehicle Log, Table VI-2. L 1 l 1 l .. EDGAR STATION RECEPTION CENTER OPERATION


A. General ~ Following monitoring, evacuees will be assigned several

     '            Red Cross operated shelters. Attachment F is a list'of these Red Cross Shelters' near the Edgar Station Reception Center.

Furthermore, depending on which areas are evacuated, additional ,. shelters could be available in Taunton and Bridgewater. B. kesoonsibilities-

                 'As set-forth'under Public Law 4, 58th. Congress Disaster. Relief Act 1970. Public Law'91-606, and under the Massachusetts Disaster Plan of July 1973,. Annex M. The Red Cross:is responsible for the relief.

of persons inLneed as a result of a disaster. C. Services

1. When disaster threatens. tile Red Cross:
                       . Assists'where feasible-in' disseminating official warnings.
                       . Coordinates Red Cross' resources'for voluntary evacuation.
                       . Assists in rescue efforts..                  .~                            i
                       . transportation of and-storage of household goods.
                       . Assists in coordination of_ voluntary agencies relief efforts.
2. When disaster strikes. the: Red Cross:
a. Provides food at fixed or mobile feeding stations for the victims of disaster and for emergency workers,
b. Provides emergency clothing to meet needs through utilization of serviceable donated garments or by giving the individually affected family an= order'for new clothing at a local merchant of its choice.
c. Provides emergency shelter by:
                            . Assisting victims to find shelter with friends or relatives.
                            . Referring them to homes where space'has been offered.
                            . Assisting them in, securing unoccupied rooms,. apartments, or houses-  .
                            . Providing mass public or' private' buildings declared by competent authorities to be safe and suitable for housing large numbers of people on a temporary basis'.


d. Provides. medical'and nursing service as required in-staffing mass shelters etc., including emergency medical-needs of' victim.
e. Provides blood and blood products as needed.
f. Provides immediate assistance in individual family. basis including:
                                                                             . Information service includin'g maintaining an accurate list of the dead and injured.
                                                                             . Receiving and answering disaster welfare inquiries regarding persons in the' disaster area.         .
                                                                             . Provides emergency assistance to individuals and            j families in addition to mass care seivices as previously    )

stated. J Provides referral to government disaster programs.

                                                                             . Maintains registration of those under Red Cross care in: -

shelters as well as a record of those who seek individual assistance. l

g. Provides aid for recovery to families'for whom government programs are not available.

Assistance is given upon application on an individualized , basis, and is designed to assist these-families or individuals who are without sufficient effect part or all of their own recovery, including:

                                                                              . Food, clothing, and other materials.
                                                                              . Building and repair of owner occupied homes.
                                                                              . Case work services.

, . Medical and nursing care. Household furnishings.

                                                                              . Personal occupational supplies and equipment.

i i i h - ____._._________m__._________ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _

   . .\ '-


                                                                            .l Hame              Tvoe of Service            Teleohone Number.
           -(Later)          Tents                      (Later)

(Later) Heaters for Tents (Later). (Later) Catering (Later) (Later) Portable Bathrooms (Later) (Later) Towing (Later) (Later) Bus Companies (Later) (Later) Tanker Truck (Later) l l l

 .. m EDGAR STATION RECEPTION CENTER OPERATION                                    l l



l i l )e 1 l


, i l i 1 L l



                                                                                                                                                              'l j


                                                                                                                                                            -I J

l l

                                                                               - _ _    _ _  _ _ - - _ _      _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ - _ = _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _- ___ -_ _______-


            ' Li cens e                Clean         License                  Clean-Plate           No. of    Tag          Plate            No. of  Tag Number    State   Pass. Yes/No        Number    State    Pass. Yes/No I

i I l 1 l i


l EDGAR STATION- , RECEPTION CENTER OPERATION 4 l TABLE VI-5 SECURITY C00RDINATOR'S REPORT FORM On an hourly basis or when requested by the Reception Center Manager, the Security will provide'the following information. ' SECURITY COORDINATOR l l DATE -TIME A. EVACUEE REPORT

1. Number of evacuee vehicles that have entered. Reception Center
2. Number of. contaminated vehicles that have entered Reception Center
3. Number of evacuees that have entered Reception Center
4. Number of evacuees that have entered Decontamination Center
5. Approximate number of vehicles backing up into Route 3A
6. Number of evacuee buses that have arrived l


1. Number of Security personnel present
2. Additional Security personnel required
3. List any additional support required.

a. b. c. l l l

 . y: -


                       -VEHICLE PLATE NUMBER l


                                                                 -. -     _ ._. _ - - - .-_ _ - _ _ - _ _ = _ _ _





RECEPTION CENTER OPERATION" ATTACHMENTS-A.. Traffic Flow and Activation B. Reception Center Deactivation Procedure C. Offsite Traffic Control Assignments D. Radiological Monitoring and Decontamination - j q E. Exposure Control F. List of Red Cross Operated Shelters

                                                                                                       'l 1

l l l i l k k. k

Attachment A Page 1 of 10 EDGAR STATION RECEPTION CENTER OPERATION TRAFFIC FLOW AND ACTIVATION A. DECONTAMINATION CENTER ACTIVATION This procedure will be followed by the first emergency workers to arrive at the Edgar Station. Those personnel who follow will support this effort.

1. Upon arrival at the Edgar Station inform security guard of the Pilgrim emergency and request the key to the Decontamination Center (Storage and Shop bldg).
2. Request security guard to direct arriving personnel to the Emergency Horker Parking Lot (see Figure A-1), then to proceed to the Decontamination Center for initial sign-in and Dosimetry distribution.
3. Report to the Decontamination Center and begin facility activation as indicated below (see Figure A-2 and A-3). --
a. Open storage room and obtain supply boxes for:
  • Chief of Operations (CO)
  • Reception Center Manager (RCH)
  • Communicator (C)
  • Security Coordinator (SC)
  • Radiological Coordinator (RC)
  • Shelter Assignment Coordinator (SAC)
  • Transportation Coordinator (TC)
b. Deliver supply boxes to their respective desks.
c. Set up Registration Area for Dosimeter Record Keepers. Then place sign-in sheet, Table A-1, on Registration Table.


                                                                                                                                            - Attachment A.


4. When the first' Security individual arrives, assign that:

person to man Registration Desk. This person will make i sure that every person arriving signs in and receives identification badges. __ 5. Unlock all doors on the exterior. walls;ofdthe building.. f

6. Place rope:and step off pads as outlined in Figure A-2 and. i A-3.
7. Set up radiation detection instruments in monitoring areas.


8. Ensure adequate decon supplies, protective clothing etc., q are available from the warehouse. i
                                                                                                                                                            .. l l


                                                                                                                                                                .I I

o l

Attachment A Page 3 of 10-EDGAR STATION RECEPTION CENTER OPERATION TRAFFIC FLOW AND ACTIVATION B. RECEPTION CENTER TRAFFIC CONTROL POSTS-Refer to Fiaures A-1 and A-4 Traffic Control i Post Location Strateav TG-1 Evacuee Entrance Direct incoming traffic into Reception Center. Hand out information sheets to incoming vehicles. TG-2 Radiological Monitoring Direct vehicle to next available Area monitoring station, i TG-3 Decontamination Center Direct vehicles without clean tags l Entrance directly into generating station. l Direct vehicles with clean tags toward exit. Follow directions for Reception Center Recorder,-Section VI.C.6. TG-4 Shelter Assignment Area Ask driver of vehicle if shelter is l needed. If so, direct vehicle to Shelter Assignment Area on left. If shelter is not required, direct j vehicles toward exit. j i TG-5 Main Exit .Stop south bound vehicles on Route 3A, and direct evacuee vehicles to exit northbound. TG-6 Contaminated Evacuee Assist Vehicle Decontamination Discharge Area personnel. Vehicle passengers will

i. leave car and proceed to south entrance i of the Decontamination Center. Driver l will proceed to Vehicle Decontamination Area. All contaminated evacuees at this location must be directed to Decontamination building.

l 1 m_________ . .._

Attachment A I Page 4 of 10 ' EDGAR STATION RECEPTION CENTER OPERATION 1 I TRAFFIC FLOW AND ACTIVATION B. RECEPTION CENTER TRAFFIC CONTROL POSTS (Continued) j Traf fi c j Control Post Location Strateav TG-7 Contaminated Vehicle Lot Assist Vehicle' Decontamination > personnel in directing drivers'to Vehicle Decontamination Area. Drivers will proceed on foot back to Decontamination Center. TG-8 Shalteree Pick-up Area Direct transportation vehicles to Shelteree Pick-up Area. Permit . Electrical Operations personnel to l proceed to their respective work locations. Direct Emergency Workers to Emergency Horker Parking Area. TG-9 Monatiquot Entrance Direct Haste Water Tanker to Haste I Hater Tank. Direct Transportation and Electrical Operations personnel into-facility. Direct lost evacuees to Reception Center Evacuee Entrance at Fore River Bridge. i l l l l


ntiscnment a

                                                           <Page 5 of.10
                                                           ' Table A-1 EDGAR STATION RECEPTION CENTER OPERATION TRAFFIC FLOW AND ACTIVATION

EMERGENCY HORKER SIGN-IN SHEET TITLE fLA.ME EMPLOYEE NUMBER Chief of Operations Reception Center Manager Security Coordinator Radiological Coordinator Radiological Monitoring Sup. Vehicle Decontamination Sup. ] l Personnel Decontamination Sup. , I Lead Dosimetry Record Keepar Shelter Assignment Coordinator l i Transportation Coordinator l Communicator I Traffic Guide Traff!c Guide Traffic Guide Traffic Guide Traffic Guide Traffic Guide Traffic Guide Traffic Guide Traffic Guide Traffic Guide

                                                                                 Eg~edl[1b P



TITLE NRiE EMPLOYEE NUMBER :l Shelter Assignment Clerk Shelter Assignment Clerk Shelter Assignment Clerk Shelter Assignment Clerk Shelter Assignment Clerk l Shelter Assignment Clerk Shelter Assignment Clerk , Shelter Assignment Clerk Shelter Assignment Clerk Shelter Assignment Clerk ) l I Monitoring Decontamination l Monitoring Decontamination Monitoring Decontamination Monitoring Decontamination Monitoring Decontamination Monitoring Decontamination Monitoring Decontamination . Monitoring Decontamination Monitoring Decontamination Monitoring Decontamination


                                                                                  ' Attachment A' Page 7 of 10 Table A-1 EDGAR STATIOM RECEPTION CENTER OPERATION                                       a TRAFFIC FLOW AND ACTIVATION.

EMERGENCY'HORKER SIGN-IN SHEET (Continued). i TITLE tLAtiE EMPLOYEE NUMBER Honitoring Decontamination Monitoring. Decontamination Monitoring Decontamination 1 Monitoring Decontamination Monitoring Decontamination


Honitoring Decontamination Monitoring Decontamination Monitoring Decontamination 1 Monitoring Decontamination __ Honitoring Decontamination i l l l l l

W ATTACHMENT A, FIGURE A-1 Rg f PAGE 8 OF10 3 hh 5 k @@ a l- s j .____

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4. Before the team can begin monitoring, perform a preoperational

check on the survey meter. I t ___m__._____. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ - . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __




5. Decontamination Center Flow Pattern
a. After individuals have parked their vehicles for monitoring and decontamination, they shall be. directed to the entrance of the decontamination center. i
b. A registration desk shall be set up just inside the door to register incoming personnel. l
c. The first monitoring station is located-adjacent to the registration desk.
d. Individuals found to be free of contamination are directed up a designated aisle to exit the decontamination center,
e. Persons found to be contaminated are directed to the designated decontamination area.
f. Decontamination areas contain sinks and showers.
g. After an attempt is made to decontaminate, remonitor these individuals.
1. If they are still contaminated, repeat the decontamination process.
2. If they are free of contamination, direct them out of the decontamination center, to a clean area to their cars (if clean) or to the bus pickup location. l Emergency workers should report to their supervisor. l l

B. Personnel Monitorina and Decontamination

1. Prior to monitoring review the following information:
a. When monitoring keep the probe about one-half inch from the person's body and listen for an increase in the rate of clicks. It is important to use the headphone since it responds more quickly than the meter.




b. The rate of speed for monitoring should be about one to two inches per second so that the survey meter has the needed time to respond to the presence of contamination.
c. If you hear an increase in the rate of clicking, pause and hold the probe still for about two to three seconds to see if the increased rate is continuous.
d. If the higher rate does continue, then move the probe-slowly in the area to find the highest rate.
e. Once you have found the highest rate, hold the probe steady over this area for approximately eight seconds. While 5 doing this, observe the reading on the meter face,
f. 200 CPM above background has been designated as the official limit determining whether or not a person is contaminated.
g. Begin the personnel monitoring at the top of the individual's head. (See Figure D-2, Personnel Monitoring). I


l. Begin by moving down the left side of the individual's I head to the neck and collar area;
2. Then out over the shoulder to the top of the arm to the I


  • i
3. Then the top of the hand. j
4. Return toward the body under the hand and arm.
5. Proceed down the left side of the body.
6. Follow the outside of the leg down to the cuff and ankle.
7. From here check the left foot including the bottom of l the shoe.

l l




8. Now come up the inside of the leg to the groin area. l
9. Proceed down the inside of the right leg and check the '

foot, again being sure to check the bottom of the right y foot. l

10. Now come up the outside of the leg and do the right side of the body,
11. Bring the probe out under the arm and hand; then return toward the body on the top side of the arm.
12. Do the right shoulder, the neck and then up the side of the head to the starting point.
13. You also need to check the entire surface of both the front and back of the body.
h. If a person is found to be free of contamination, he or she would be permitted to leave the decontamination center.
i. However, if a person is found to be contaminated, (a reading of 200 CPM or higher above background), the team must complete Figure D-3, Personnel Dose History Record form and ensure the person is decontaminated.
j. The recorder will fill in the name of the person being i monitored, their social security number and home address. l The name of the decontamination center location, the serial number of the survey meter and the date and time. Indicate i o' the form the exact locations of any readings above 200 CPM. The monitor vill then sign the form.
k. If the person is an emergency worker dressed in double clothing, instruct him to remove his dosimetry and outer gear. Place in a labeled plastic bag and deposited in the container reserved for contaminated articles.

i l l l l




1. The emergency worker shall'then be remonitored to determine i if the removal of the outside or double clothing has l eliminated the need for further decontamination.


m. If still contaminated, the emergency worker will be  ! the shower area'and the monitoring team will prepare the monitoring areas for the next person.  ! l

2. The process for removing _ radioactive contamination is very similar to removing other types of unwanted materials. (See Table D-1, Decontamination Guide).
a. Hashing with soap and water. Instruct the contaminated person to:
1) Het the affected area with lukewarm water. Using a l mild soap, gently work up a lather.  ;
2) Continue to wash the area for approximately one minute.
3) The person should be careful not to rub or irritate the skin since this may allow the contamination to enter the body.
4) Rinse the area with lukewarm water, and repeat this washing and rinsing.


5) The person should dry off and be resurveyed.
6) Readings should be recorded in the area of the form reserved for second monitoring results.
7) If the person is still contaminated, instruct him to repeat the shower or wash the contaminated area.

Remind him to again be careful not to scrub so hard that is would damage the skin.


8) If the person is still contaminated, the monitoring l team should contact the Emergency Operations Center for -

instructions. The person may need to be. transported to a medical facil.ity for decontamination, j

3. The original form'is sent to the Radiological Defense Officer in the respective town.
a. A copy should be given to the person who has been decontaminated.
b. After receiving their copies, these persons should be 1 released to those facility areas which have been kept free of contamination.
4. There is another method of decontamination that could be l considered for persons with localized contamination,
a. This involves washing with soap and lukewarm water over an )

existing sink. j

1) This method is effective for,small localized areas such as hands, feet or a small patch of skin.
2) This could also be considered if there was a backlog of people awaiting the use of the showers for decontamination.
5. Thyroid Examination  !
a. Emergency workers shall be screened to determine whether their thyroid gland have absorbed radioactive iodine.

l b. To perform a thyroid gland screening check you need to:

1) Close the shield of the probe.




2) ' Place the probe'across the front of the neck-just below the larynx or adams apple. (See Figure D-4).
3) If the reading is'less than 100 CPM above background, no further action is necessary. If the reading is higher than 100 CPM over background the monitoring team should refer the individual to a medical facility for evaluation. i
4) The results of these screening checks recorded and should be given to the emergency worker.


c. Every hour, the monitoring team should report the information on Figure D-5 to the Radiological Defense (

Officer. I

1) The number of persons they monitored.
2) How many were contaminated.
3) How many were decontaminated. ,
4) The number, if any, who were referred to a medical 'l i I l


5) The highest reading recorded above 200 CPM.
6) Any unusual or particularly notable findings.
6. Decontamination team members must read self-reading dosimeters I every fifteen minutes while performing monitoring and decontamination activities.
a. Team members cannot exceed a dose of twenty-five rem (roentgen).

l l-l



   -VII. PROCEDUR1 (Continued)
b. In addition, monitors should periodically perform operational checks on their survey meters,. monitor nearby floor areas and verify background levels.
c. ' Containers holding contaminated waste'should be emptied as needed.
1) .The bags containing these materials should be properly placarded and stored in secured areas.


d. Monitoring team members should notify the Radiological Defense Officer immediately if any of the following occur:
1) .If anyone receives a dose of twenty-five tem or-more as indicated by a self-reading dosimeter.

2)- If anyone has arrived at the decontamination ' center with an injury. ! 3) If any emergency worker reports that he has lost his TLD or self-reading dosimeter.

4) If an individual has a reading anywhere on his body of 50 millirem per hour or greater.
5) If any increase of more than 200 CPM occurs in background levels.-
6) If any contamination is detected outside the controlled area.
7) If contamination is detected within the controlled area in excess of 10 milliroentgen per hour.
8) If contamination is detected on a member.of the decontamination staff.



(Continued) , C. Vehicle Decontamination i

1. Many of the principles for monitoring and decontamination are the same for vehicles as they are for personnel.
2. Perform an operational check on the survey meter.
3. To begin monitoring the exterior of the vehicle, start the survey at the bottom of the vehicle and work up.
a. Consider all surfaces of the vehicles to be contaminated until they are proven clean,
b. Do not lean on or touch the vehicle unless necessary.
c. Some areas of a vehicle need special attention - such as the tires, wheel wells, radiator, air filter and any attached equipment which may have been used in an emergency response,
d. Monitoring the interior of a vehicle is necessary.only if the vehicle was found to be contaminated on the outside or if people transported in the vehicle were found to be contaminated.
e. Keep a record of all vehicles monitored by recording their license plate numbers and monitoring results (See Figure 0-6). Report results to the Radiological Defense Officer, j l
f. Hipe down contaminated areas with a damp towel or masslin  !

cloth. l

g. Discard cloth in appropriately marked bags.
h. As with personnel decontamination, remonitoring the vehicle is important to assure that the vehicle has been adequately decontamination.




1. Vehicles that are found to have contamination on the interior should be moved to a separate location and impounded until team members have the time and resources needed to decontaminate them.
j. Vehicle monitoring team progress reports should be given to I the Emergency Operation Facilities.
k. When' vehicle monitoring is terminated or you are relieved, report to the personnel monitoring area to be checked for contamination.
1. Should your exposure approach the 25 rem (roentgen) limit for emergency workers, immediately report to the personnel monitoring area and notify that the Radiological Defense Officer.




(Continued) E. Attachments 1 l

1. Figure D-1, Personnel Monitoring
2. Figure D-1, Personnel Dose History Record
3. Table D-1, Decontamination Guide
4. Figure D-3, Thyroid Gland Screening
5. Figure D-4, Decontamination Center Progress Report-
6. Figure D-5, Vehicle Monitoring Team Progress Report j 4

l 1 i i 1 i


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Attachment 0 . _Page 18 of.26 EDGAR STATION. RADIOLOGICAL MONITORING AND DECONTAMINATION 1 FIGURE ~0-2 l l 1 PERSONNEL DOSE' HISTORY RECORD Last Name First Name Initial Home Address Visiting Address i City State Zip- City State Zip 3 j Home Telephone Number Visiting Telephone Number SS No. Signature  ! Survey Heter No.: ' Time: Date: Time-Day Radiation Levels (CPIO Initials Backaround Surface Thyroid I Comments: n

1. Has evacuee decontaminated?- No Yes
2. Has clothing contaminated? No Yes l
3. Thyroid dose received '
4. Whole body dose received I

l l a


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