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Quad-Cities Nuclear Station 1994 Mgt Plan
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Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/14/1994
Shared Package
ML20064G093 List:
PROC-940214, NUDOCS 9403160030
Download: ML20064G108 (119)


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       .,       ,                                                                                                  i QUAD CITIES NUCLEAR STATION P

1994 MANAGEMENT PLAN f'ebruary 14, 1994

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l 9403160030 940307 U PDR ADOCK 05000254. l- PDR P. fi

1. QUAD CITIES SITE VISION .. . , , . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 4' 2. KEY OBJECTIVES TO SUPPORT OUR G0ALS . . . . . . . 2-1
                 'C0AL: SAFE. EVENT-FREE OPERATION .                                          . .                        .                             . 2-1         ,

Key Objective #1: Reduce Challenges to the Plant . . . , , 2-l_ .  :

                        . Key Objective #2: Error-Free Performance                                    .                                                     2-2 Key Objective #3: Understand / Communicate Reality .                                   . .                               . . 2                    C0AL: EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSillP                    .             . .               .                                           2-2          [

Key Objective #4: Management and Leadership . . . . . . 2

3. QUAD CITIES 1994 SITE OBJECTIVES . . . . . . 3  ;
4. RESOURCES TO SUPPORT 1994 SITE 0BJECTIVES . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
5. KEY 1994 PERPORMANCE INDICATORS . . . . . . . . 5-1

. 6. 1994 STATION PROJECTS . . . . , , . . . . 6-1 7, 1994 SCilEDULE . . . . . . 7-1 1 6 '

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i a Quad Citics 1994 Management Nuclear Station Plan

1. QUAI) CITIES SITE VISION This Management Plan is in direct support of the Quad Cities Site Vision:

Quad Cities will be recognized as a pre-eminent power station by its employees, customers, competitors investors. and the public. We will be the standard by which our peers measure their performance. Our hallmarks will be the innovation. openness, honesty, and mutually supportive teamwork of our people in their pursuit of continuous improvement and excellence. For the 1994 Management Plan, it was necessary to establish goals as a first step toward translating the vision into tangible and measurable actions. The new Quad Cities Management Team developed a set of goals that he!p define what it will take to be pre-eminent by 1996, They are: Safe, Event-free Operation Effective Management and Leadership Competitive Production of Elcetric Power Recognized Industry Leader in order to concentrale our resources on the most important actions first, the focus for 1994 will be on the first two goals It is imperative that Quad Cities achieve an exemplary level of nuclear safety while reducing events and improving human performance. Accomplishment of this goal will require effective leadership and management of key objectwes identified in this Management Plan. The third and fourth goals are extremely important as the competitive level facing the company continues to increase. They depend in a fundamental manner on achieving success in the first two areas. these latter goals are considered to have a longer-term planning horizon. Key objectives have been selected for the 1991 Management Plan to provide manageable, definitive. steps to achieve the first two goals There are four key objectives: 1) Reduce challenges to the plant;

2) error free performance; 3) understand and communicate reality; and, 4) management and  ;

leadership. I l1 l u

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l Quad Cities 1994 Management' Nuclear Station Plan The four key objectives of the'1994 Management Plan are essentially equivalent to the six key objectives of the 1993 Management Plan in that they are intended to focus site activities towards rnecting our vision. This reorganization of the Management Plan for 1994 does not result in the loss of planned actions to address the significant issues facing the site. Rather, the actions from the 1993 plan which support meeting the first two goals have been carried forward and incorporated into this plan. The organization of the 1994 Management Plan focuses efforts on those two goals. l 1-2 l


Quad Cities 1994 Management Nuclear Station Plan

2. KEY OBJECTIVES TO SUPPORT OUR'C0ALS The year 1994 will be one of significant change for the Quad Cities Station, the Nuclear Operating Division, and Commonwealth Edison. To bring about this change in an effective and efficient manner, the site must have a common vision and focus on the efforts to achieve that vision. The vehicle to achieve the Quad Cities vision is provided by the Business Plan and the Management Plan. The five -

year Bu3 mess Plan provides the long range strategy to achieve the site vision. The Management Plan is the current year's portion of the five year Business Plan. The 1994 Management Plan delineates the specific goals and objectives that have been identified to progress toward the site vision. The Plan identifies the work we intend to accomplish to achieve the objectives. The programs, actions, and work identified in this Management Plan demand innovative, u thoughtful, and aggressive action as well as a commitment to excellence based on individual and organizational integrity. The Plan consists of four ley e4ec/Ars / The first three support the goal of safe, event-free operation. These first three key objectives involve reducing plant challenges. fostering error-free performance, and developing the tools necessary to measure and communicate plant and program status to management and external regulators. The fourth key objective directly supports the goal of establishing effective leadership and management at the site. These four key objectives are presented and described below. C0Al; SAFE, EVENT-FREE OPERATION Safe. event-free operation of Quad Cities station is of paramount importance in achieving the goal of being recognized as a "world class" station by 1996. Nuclear safety is a key value at Quad Cities - and we realize that the safe production of electric power requires that the plant operate with high safety system availabilities. low initiating event frequencies, small probabilities of equipment failure and low personnel error rates. Additionally, we must be able to measure and manage the performance of the plant. the people, and the processes. 27Objective //: Eco'uce Cha//eges to the Plant This objective involves reducing hardware and personnel performance challenges thereby lowering the probability of plant events. To reduce challenges, a number of issues must be addressed such as improving plant material condition, restoring margins of safety, enhancing . the site's safety culture, and proper control of activities. 2-1

t 5 J Quad Cities 1994 Idanagement i Nuclear Station - Plan dIfOb)Celike)2 &rorDeePerformance l Error-free performance requires ongoing, critical self assessment of the people, the plant, and , the processes. Reducing errors decreases the likelihood of plant events and involves strong root cause and corre:tive action programs. We will be a learning organization, considering not-r only Quad Cities events but also information from other CECO plants and the nuclear industry. 1 Positive steps are planned to upgrade programs and procedures needed to enhance human performance. Key Objective #3: Understand / Communicate Reality We intend to. measure perior; nance and provide corrective feedback as necessary to~ achieve the stated vision. This requires Lools for measuring'and monitoring performance against. standards and expectations. It is also important that the external regulators be kept apprised of station status including the initiatives in place to effect meaningful improvements in the - safety and quality of our work. G0AL: EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT AND I,EADERSillP increased emphasis i; needed on leadership, teamwork, communications and' accountability among site managers. This is evidenced by previous management failuies in accepting full. responsibility and accountability for low standards of performance. Senior site management is responsible for providing clear performance expectations and establishing ownership and accountability for achieving these  : expectations increasing the effectiveness of the management team is also key to accomplishing safe,- event-free operation. KeyObjectiveft MungementimdLeJWeMb/h  ; i Quad Cities management team is committed to providing common vision and direction for ' sustained Station performance improvement.- Clear and aggressive expectations will be. established for Station and individual' performance. The Station management _ team will communicate clear direction and expectationi The team will reinforce this message through frequent interaction, feedback, follow-up, and examples. i I The Quad Cities management team _ is responsible for ensuring that properly qualified individuals are assigned responsibility for the' various aspects- of station operations. _ Management must provide the training, experience and -tools necessary to ensure: that: minimum qualifications are maintained and that advanced skills are continually developed; 1



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, . . . . . ~. _.- - .- . . - - -. . = - ., . Quad Cities Manageant , Nuclear Station Plan.  ; The managemant team will hold themselves and others accountable for meeting commitments and producing desired results. This will be accomplished by fostering an atmosphere where individuals accept ownership of their responsibilities and experience accountability for their actions. t e a 4 t 5 6 l i f 1



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Quad Citics 1994 Management ! Nuclear Station Plan

3.  ;

QUAD CITIES 1994 SITE OBJECTIVES The Quad Cities management team met to develop the 1994 site objectives. These objectives are aligned to support and further the four key objectives. The Key Objectives and site goals are presented below. The Objectives and Action Plans to achieve these Key Objectives follow. For each objective a description. the intent and detailed action plans with assigned due-dates, responsibilities, and measurement standards are provided.

1. REDUCE CilALLENCES TO Tile PLANT a Malena/ Ondihon Quad Cities material condition will be improved to ensure reliable plant operation. This includes managing the work request inventory, eliminating conditions requiring operator work-arounds, and restoring and improving system performance.

m /denbly andHemove Plant Cha//enges Quad Cities will be a safe, efficient. and reliable producer of electrical energy. System and equipment performance will meet or exceed established standards. We will effectively allocate resources to ensure that the Station's mission is achieved and commitments are met. We will also apply the principle of continuous improvement to our site work processes and practices.

 =         AMvblish Ssfety Odlure Our overriding principle in the conduct of business is Nuclear Safety. A Nuclear Safety Culture will be fostered and reflected in personal dedication and accountability, a disciplined approach to operations. the insistence of a sound technical approach to issue resolution and a rigorous self-assessment process. We will encourage a questioning attitude and prevent complacency among ourselves.

m Proper ControlofActiribes The attributes for achieving "world class" performance will be captured in the programs, policies, procedures, and practices at the Quad Cities rite. The management functions of planning, directing - and controlling will result in effec'ive implemenlation of programs for accomplishing work to support safe production of electricity. 3-1

Quad Cities 1994 Management Nuclear Station Plan

2. ERROR-FREE PERPORMANCE m CnIkatSe//dssessment Critical self-assessment is an attitude to be shared by all members of the organization which monitors site activities against established standards and takes corrective action for identified deviations. This portion of the key objective focuses on the root cause investigation process, the corrective action prograrn, and the process for evaluating our performance against standards.
 =         17hnhale People Traps A large number of events can be contributed. at least in part, to human performance. The techniques of self-checking and evaluation of events through the Human Performance Enhancement System (llPES) will assist in reducing human errors.

Many incidents classified as human errors result from the individual being " set ap" by the systems in place for accomplishing work. For this reason, this area also focuses on providing high quality procedures and accurate technical documentation. The impact of equipment problems in creating the need to work-around processes is also considered.

3. UNDERSTAND / COMMUNICATE REALITY Quad Cities must communicate frequently and effectively with all outside organizations. Open dialogue is required to effectively exchange information amongst ourselves and others outside the Station.
4. MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSillE n Defhe the Yhhn andtheethn We must clearly define and communicate our vision and direction. With clear definition of our goals.

we can work together toward achieving successful operation of the site. n DefheSpecKkHo/es Ownershp andPerformanceEtpecialhns Management must define and communicate expectations for the organization. This includes the roles, responsibilities, accountabilities, and interfaces of each defined position in the organization. Management expects people to be responsible for carrying out their assigned duties; and personnel must take responsibility for their performance and welcome being held accountable. Managers should be visible in the plant and assigned areas to create an environment of ownership and pride. m Pronde hedback andhahale Effeelivenen l l 3-2

Quad Cities 1994 ilanagement Nuclear Station Plan We will encourage involvement of individuals in an environment of teamwork, partnership, and mutual respect to contribute to our success. m Tramhg Training and education is a key to developing leadership potential. Training will be provided to assure that management personnel have the necessary skills to accomplish their work and contribute to the goals and objectives of the Station. m Parikipale h Benchmarbhgbliviiks Learning the best practices in place at other facilities enables us to improve ourselves. m Manage Dulcome Management must be able to monitor performance against expectations. This monitoring uust be done in a timely manner to allow mid-course corrections when necessary. This monitoring includes performance of people. plant, and processes. a /k 'ehRecogm/ ion hrSijm7kant Coninbuthns to Stalkn Successes Superior performance will be recognized to enhance and encourage continuous improvements.

  =        HijhlPeople m the RijhlJob Al Quad Cities people are our most valuable resource. Station goals and objectives can only be achieved by a team which is empowered and motivated. Our full potential will be developed to effectively pursue our objectives.

m SHe Engmeerk: Management Recommendations and initiatives for improvement must be implemented in a timely manner. The relationships between the Objectives. Key Objectives, Site Goals and Vision are depicted in Figure 1 on the following page. Detailed Action Plans have been developed to implement the steps necessary to achieve these Objectives. These Action Plans begin on page 3-5. 3-3

6 QinulOtics 1994 Murgenrnt NuclearStation Han OBJECTIVE 1.01 Effectively manage the Nuclear Work Request (NWR) inventory thereby reducing challenges to the plant and enhancing reliability. Responsibility: T. Kmil Schedule: December 31,1994 INTENT:

        'Ihe intent of this objective is to implement a strategy to work off the inventory of NWRs and manage new NWRs in a rational, eflicient manner. 'Ihe current inventory of NWRs represents work needed to restore the station's safety margin and regain a satisfactory material condition.


1. Establish an NWR Inventory Reduction Team and designate the team leader.

Responsibility: T. Kroll Completion Date: Complete

2. Identify all open 'NWRs. For each open NWR, validate the work requested by the NWR and disposition as appropriate. Omrdinate with other depanments to schedule, plan and execute validated work requests.

Responsible: L Wasilew Scheduled Completion: May 27,1994

3. Enhance the existing NWR work management / tracking system by:
a. Evaluating the content, structure, and quality of existing databases used to manage NWRs. Identify improvements in the structure of the databases needed to simplify the process of managing. executing, and tracking NWRs. 1 Responsibility: L. Wasilew Completion Date: March 18,1994
b. Implement the changes needed for the improvements identified in Step 3.a.  ;

Responsibility: L Wasilew Completion Date: April 1,1994 3-5

Qtul Otics 1994 Mungenent Nirlear Station Han

4. Develop and implement a prioritization system for scheduling NWRs by completing the following:
a. Establish a prioritization scheme for NWRs. The scheme should consider the impact of the NWR on safety, power generation, operability, availability, and the functional equipment group (FEG), discussed below.

Responsible: T . Kroll / L. Tucker / H. Hentschel/W. McGaffigan Scinhded Completion: March 25,1994

b. Review existing procedures which address work prioritization and revise the procedures as necessary to incorpomte the new system.

Responsible: T. Hall Scheduled Completion: April 22,1994

c. Train appropriate plant staff on the new system and procedures.

Responsibic: J. Kudalis Scheduled Completion: May 16,1994

5. Develop and document a method to establish FEGs.

Responsible: H. Hentschel/L. Tucker Scinhded Completion: May 20,1994

6. Using the method developed in Step 5, identify and document the initial draft of FEGs.

Responsible: H. Hentschel/L. Tucker Scheduled Completion: June 3,1994

7. Prioritize and place cach open NWR into a FEG.

Respcmsible: H. Hentschel/L. Tucker Scheduled Completion: July 1,1994

8. Review existing NWR inventory information. Determine the inventory reduction goals fbr 1994 and the total level of resources required to meet that goal.

Responsible: T. Kroll Scheduled Completion: March 25,1994 i I 3-6  ; 1

r Qtad Otics 1994 Mungenent Nuclear Station Itan

9. Iktennine the level of station resources available to reduce the current NWR inventory.

Compare available resources to required resources (developed in Step 8 ) and obtain any additional resources required. IkspomiNe: D. Gibson / D. Cook / M. Steinhofer Scleduled Completion: March 25,1994

10. Evaluate the current NWR life-cycle flowpath to identify areas for improvement in the process. Implement any necessary improvements.

ResponsiNe: B. McGaffigan/L Wasilew Scleduled Completion: April 1,1994

11. Evaluate the current process for developing work packages. Document this evaluation and develop a detailed action plan to implement any improvements determined.

RespmsiNe: T. Hall Schedukd Completion: April 8,1994

12. Complete implementation of the plan developed in Step 11.

Respmsible: T. IIall Scheduled Completion: June 3,1994

13. Review the IRP process to ensure that the IRP contains the appropriate mechanisms for evaluating the efTectiveness and appropriateness of maintenance actions and detemlining that the root cause of equipment problems are being corrected. Provide feedback and recommendations for any required improvements to Regulatory Assurance and obtain a commitment from Regulatory Assurance for implementing the recommendations.

ResponsiNe: T. Kroll/N. Chrissotimos Scheduled Completion: October 10,1994

14. Identify perfomiance indicators fbr maintenance. Interface with IQE to obtiin and present data associated with these indicators.

ResponsiNe: T. Kroll Scheduled Completion: March 18,1994

15. Train the Maintenance Department on use of the performance indicators developed above.

Respmsible: T. IIall Sclmluled Completion: April 1,1994 3-7

Qtud Otics 1994 Mungenent Nuclear Station 11an

16. Conduct a self-assessment of the changes implemented by this objective. 'The evaluation should particularly focus on impmvements in maintenance department perfonnance.

Respomible: T. Kroll / M. Stephens Scheduled Completion: September 2,1994

17. Develop and implement an action plan to conect any weaknesses identified by the self-assessment conducted in Step 16.

Respomible: T. Kroll / M. Stephens Scheduled Completion: October 28,1994

18. Identify and correct the GSRV data base to conectly include Tech Spec and other required surveillances.

Responsible: T. Hall / D. Van Pelt Scheduled Completion: April 1,1994 .

19. Review the Preventive Maintenance program and preventive maintenance NWRs to ensure that tasks identified as preventive maintenance are true preventive maintenance tasks, not conective maintenance tasks. Recode all corrective maintenance which is improperly classified as preventive maintenance thereby allowing for proper scheduling and tracking of real corrective maintenance work.

Responsible: L. Wasilew Scheduled Completion: April 1,1994 PERIDRMANCEMEASURESYEYPECTED RES'ULTS:

1. Significantly reduce the inventory of work tasks (NWRs) to an established goal that has planned duration and execution and continue to work off aged inventory as well as new work using in house resources by December 31,1994.
2. Work all new NWRs within two FEG System Windows (altemative - 90 days) by December 31,1994.


l l Qini Oties 1994 Mnzenent NuclearStation Han OBJECTIVE 1.02 Establish appropriate system performance goals and take action to improve system performance and restore operating and safety margins. RespomiNe: D. Van Pelt Schedule: October 1,1994 INTEVT: Establish perfomiance goals based on plant / system safety, regulatory, and power generation requirements. Monitor performance against the established goals and assess results to focus work activities on improving system performance thus eliminating challenges to the plant and the people who operate it. ACTION PL4N:

1. Task the cognizant System Engineers to establish appropriate performance goals for selected key systems.

Sclululed Completion: April 15,1994 ResponsiNc: B. Strub

2. With the cognizant System Engineers, review existing methods for monitoring system ,

performance for systems selected in Action Step 1. Modify performance measures and indicators, as needed, to monitor against established criteria. Incorporate the system walkdown guidelines issued under Objective 1.14 (System Engineers ) into system performance monitoring methods. Scinhiled Completion: June 1,1994 ResponsiNe: B. Stmb

3. Develop action plans with the cognizant System Engineers to improve system performance to meet established criteria.

Scheduled Onnpletion: July 15,1994 Responsible: B. Strub

4. Implement the Action Plans developed in Step 3.

Scheduled Completion: August 15,1994 Responsible: D. Van Pelt 3-9


Quad Oties 1994 Managenrnt Nixlear Station 11an

5. Continually monitor system performance and repon results to management monthly and to the Technical Review Board (TRB) quanerly. Present any recommendations for improving system performance, changing established criteria and/or changing monitoring techniques to meet the defined objective.

Sclxxluletl Completion: October 1,1994 Responsible: Cognizant System Engineer PERH)RMANCEME4SURES/EYPECTED RESULTS:

1. For 1994, the expected result is the development of performance goals, and action phins to improve performance for the selected key systems delineated in Step 1.

3-10 l

Qui Otics 1994 Mumgenent Nuclear Station lian OBJECTIVE 1.03 Reduce the number of existing Temporary Alterations greater than 90 days old to less than 15 per unit. Ensure that at the end of each unit refuelling outage there are no more than four Temporary Alterations requiring an outage to eliminate. Responsilde: D. Van Pelt Schedule: June 1,1995 INTENT: Long-tenn temporary alterations are challenges to safe, event free operations and are indicative of acceptance of mduced plant / system margins. Elimination ofsuch temporary alterations improves the plant material condition / margin and reduces the challenges to operations. ACTIONPIAN:

1. Complete revision and issuance of the Temporary Alterations procedure to incorporate results from the 1993 Management Plan Objective 1.6, Action Step 3.

Scheduled Completion: April 1,1994 Responsilde: D. Van Pelt

2. Develop a list of undocumented temporary alterations that exist in the plant.

Scleduled Completion: May 2,1994 ResIxmsible: D. Van Pelt

3. In coordination with the cognizant Sys*em Engineer, develop an action plan for documenting and evaluating undocumented temporary alterations.

Scheduled Completion: June 1,1994 Respomilde: D. Van Pelt

4. Review the Control Room Unit I and Control Room Unit 2 Temporary Alteration leg Books and the latest list of temporary alterations installed fbr greater than 3 months to identify which temporary alterations are tmly not " temporary" and require a permanent fix (modification, exempt change, etc.) to eliminate.

Sclaluted ComIA ction: May 2,1994 Respcmsilde: D. Van Pelt 3-11

Qtral Oties 1994 Murgenent Nudcar Station Flan

5. In conjunction with the cognizant System Engineer, determine the appropriate technical solution to permanently resolve the alteration and when the solution can be implemented (system window, refuel outage, during power operation, etc.). Develop a combined Temporary Alteration removal plan for th: plant.

Scheduled Completion: June 15,1994 Responsible: D. Van Pelt

6. Provide engineering assistance required to suppon the removal of Temporary Alterations as delineated in the Temporary Alteration removal plan.

Scheduled Completion: Detennined by the Plan developed in Step 5. Ikspomible: C. Moerke

7. Provide Maintenance assistance required to suppon the removal of Temporary Alterations as delineated in the Temporary Alteration removal plan.

Scheduled Completion: Determined by the Plan developed in Step 5. Resimusilde: T. Kroll

8. Monitor implementation of the combined Temporary Alteration removal plan for completion of major activities such as design, work request development, pans procurement, constmetion, etc. to ensun: established schedules are met. Resolve any deviations to plan implementation with the responsible depanment. Repon to the TRB any baniers to eliminating Temporary Alterations that will impact meeting established performance measures.

Sclululed Completion: December 31,1994 Resimnsilde: D. Van Pelt

9. Establish a rnanagement reporting system which trends the total number of temporary alterations and the number of new and removed alterations on a monthly basis.

Scinhiled Completion: May 2,1994 Respmsible: B. Lundstmm

10. Develop a site communication module, such as a Daily Link adicle, to communicate roles, responsibilities and expectations conceming the Temporary Alteration Prognun.

Scinhiled Completion: April 15,1994 Respmsible: D. Van Pelt I 1 3-12


r Qu.Kl Otics 1994 Mngenent Ntricar Station Ilan PERIDRMANCEME4SUREVE\'PECTED RESULTS:

1. A reduction in the number of tempomry alterations greater than 90 days old to less than ,

15 in each unit meets expectations.

2. By the end of each unit's refueling cutage, reducing to four the number of temporary alterations that require a unit outage to eliminate meets expectations.
3. A reduction in the number of temporary alterations greater than 90 days old to less than 10 in each unit is considered outstanding performance.
4. By the end of each unit's refueling outage, two or less temporary alterations that require a unit outage to is considered outstanding pcTfonnance.

l 1 3-13 'I l


Qtul Otics 1994 Mungenrnt Nuclear Stadon ihm OBJECTIVE 1.04 Reduce the number of installed drip funnels or catch devices to less than 30 during nomial opemtions. Respomible: S. Sober Schedule: December 31,1994 INTENT: Reducing the number ofinstalled funnels will improve plant materiel condition as funnels can only be removed if the system is " tight," i.e., relatively leak free. Tight systems result in less frequent and easier decontamination, lower area radiation doses, and easier conduct of maintenance and testing. Tight, leak free systems reduce challenges to people who operate the plant and to plant systems and components thus resulting in improved plant performance. ACTION PLIN:

1. Identify all installed funnels in the plant by system.

Sclwduled Completion: Complete Responsilde: M. Zinnen

2. Develop a plan with each cognizant System Engineer for removal of system drip funnels.

Scleduled Onnpletion: March 15,1994 Responsible: D. Van Pelt

3. Monitor implementation of the combined funnel removal plan for completion of major activities such as design, work request development, pans procurement, construction, etc.

to ensure established schedules are met. Resolve any deviations to plan implementation with the responsible depanment. Report to the TIW any barriers to removing funnels that will impact meeting established performance measures documented below. Scheduled Comid etion: June 2,1994 Respcmsilde: M.Zinnen

4. Establish a management reporting system which trends the total number of installed funnels and the number of new and removed funnels on a monthly basis.

Scheduled Gun [detion: Monthly, beginning February 22,1994. Responsilde: M. Zinnen PERFORMANCE ME.1SUREVEYPECTED RE5'UL75: 3-14

c .- Qtrul Otics 1994 51ungenent Nuclear Station Itan

1. A reduction in the number of funnels and catch devices installed during nomial operations to less than 30 by December 1,1994 meets expectations.
2. A reduction in the number of funnels and catch devices installed during normal opemtions to less than 20 by December 1,1994 is considered outstanding performance.

b k 3-15

Qttul Oties 1994 Murgenent Nudcar Station Ilan OilJECTIVE 1.05 Reduce challenges to the plant by systematically restoring materiel condition of plant areas to world class standards. Responsible: T. Kroll Schedule: December 31,1994 INTEVT Station systems and areas have been allowed to deteriorate to an unacceptable level.

            'Ihis objective is to systematically upgmde the condition of station systems and areas to world class standards. De recovery of station systems is addressed in other objectives within the Reduce Challenges Key Objective and is not addressed here.

De following actions are directed at establishing an Area Reclamation effort consistent with that for plant systems. ACTION Pls1N

1. Select a pilot area to demonstrate the Area Reclamation program.

Scheduled Completion: Complete Responsible: II. Hentschel

2. Complete walkdown and develop list of required tasks.

Scheduled Comid etion: Febmary 25,1994 Responsible: H. Hentschel

3. Complete the area reclamation of the area selected for the pilot program. Bis reclamation should develop and refine the methods to be used for other area rechunations and demonstrate to station employees "world class" materiel conditions and standards.

Scheduled Cmnpletion: July 8,1994 Respomilde: T. Kroll

4. Using the lessons leamed from the pilot reclamation, determine the number of personnel required for supporting the area reclamation. Obtain and dedicate these people to the area reclamation pmgram.

Scheduled Completion: May 15,1994 Respomible: T. Kroll 3-16

Qu;ul Otics 1994 Magenent NuclearStation lian

5. Using the lessons leamed from the pilot reclamation, develop a walkdmvn plan to reclaim the rest of the station.

Scheduled Completion: July 1,1994 Responsible: II. IIentschel

6. Develop preliminary estimates for implementing the remainder of the area reclamation program based on lessons leamed from the pilot program .

Scheduled Completion: July 1,1994 Responsible: H. IIentschel

7. Establish a schedule for reclaiming plant areas. The schedule is to provide for lead time activities such as walk downs and work packaging to ensure that the reclamation effort is effectively executed. To the extent pmeticable, the schedule should interface with the System Window Schedule to ensure tasks and activities support reclaiming the plant.

Scheduled Completion: July 15,1994 Responsible: B. McGafligan

8. Assign Area Managers to oversee the Area Reclamation effort. The Area managers will be responsible for coordinating the area cleanup with other efforts (such as system activities) to ensure an effective reclamation efron.

Scheduled Completion: March 1,1994 Responsible: T. Kroll

9. Establish a mechanism to monitor the progress of area reclamation efforts. Provide a repon of this monitoring to management quarterly.

Scheduled Completion: May 1,1994 Respmsible: T. Kroll

10. Establish a mechanism to qualitatively assess the effectiveness of the area reclamation progmm. Provide a report of this to management quarterly.

Scheduled Completion: September 1,1994 Responsible: R. Schofield I1. Establish a continuing program to provide the focus to ensure that plant areas are

          . maintained in a World Class condition.

Scheduled Completion: September 1,1994 Responsible: T. Kroll 3-17 l

II Onl Olim 1994 Muwgenent Nickw Station Ihin PERIDRAb1NCEM&1SURESYliXPECTED RES'UL75

1. For 1994, the expected result is to complete the pilot reclanution project and establish a plan and schedule fbr expanding the program to all areas of the station.


Qual Otics 1994 Mungenent Nuclear Station Han 01UECTIVE1.06: By December 31,1994 eliminate 15% of the radiation hot spots known as of March 1, 1994. Eliminate 50% of all hot spots identified aller March 1,1994 by the end of two cycles of system windows. For the 50% of hot spots identified aller March 1,1994 and not eliminated, establish a plan to eliminate or otherwise disposition the hot spots. Responsible: S. Sober Scinfule: December 31,1994 INTEVT: Reducing the number hot spots is indicative of an aggressive effort to improve plant materiel condition Elimination of hot spots provides for improved access to areas and equipment, lower area radiation doses, and provides for easier conduct of maintenance and testing. The elimination of hot spots will reduce tlx challenges to people in operating and maintaining the plant. ACTION PL4N:

1. Identify all hot spots as determined by QCRP $310-1. The listing is to include the associated area and system.

Sclaluted Completion: March 1,1994 Responsible: M.Zinnen

2. Assign an individual the responsibility for conducting hydrolazing operatLns at Quad Cities.

Scialuled Completion: Man;h 15,1994 Responsible: T. Kroll

3. Develop a plan with each cogmzant System Engineer for elimination of each hot spot.

Scheduled Completion: Jwie 30,1994 Respmsible: D. Van Pelt

4. Present a comprehensive hot spot reduction program to the TRB for review and approval Sclululed Completion: July 15,1994 Responsible: M.Zinnen 3-19

Qtzul Otics IW4 2%irtg:enunt Nuclair Station I1an

5. Monitor implementation of the comprehensive hot spot reduction plan for completion of major activities such as design, work request development, parts procurement, construction, etc. to ensure established schedules are met. Resolve any deviations to plan implementation with the responsible department. Report to the 'IRB any barriers to climination of hot spots that will impact meeting established perfonnance measures documented below.

Sclululed Completion: July 15,1994 Responsible: M.Zinnen

6. Establish a reparting system to a assist in managing the hot spot reduction prognun.

Scimhiled Completion: Monthly, beginning March 1,1994. Responsible: M.Zinnen PERFORMANCEME45URES/EVPECTED RESULIS:

1. Eliminating 15% of the hot spots known as of March 1,1994 prior to December 31, 1994 meets expectations.
2. Eliminating more than 20% the number of hot spots known as of March 1,1994 is considered outstanding perfon"ance.
3. Fifly percent of all hot spots identified afler March 1,1994 are eliminated by the end two cycles of system windows. The remainder of these hot spots have a phin in place to eliminate or otherwise disposition the hot spots.


Qtsul Gties 1994 Murg:enrnt Nucimr Station Han OBJECTIVE 1.07 Establish the Optimum Water Chemisty (OWC) Program. Respomible: P. Behrens Schedule: December 31,1996 INTEVT: OWC will greatly reduce the chances of cracking thereby reducing or eliminating the chances of a potentially serious challenge to the plant. The OWC program is designed to accomplish three objectives: Minimize stress conosion cracking of n: actor vessel intemals and recirculation pipe. Reduce mdiation fields by reducing feedwater iron levels which will minimize the transport of cobalt in reactor water. Reduce cobalt inventory / sources by selected component replacement, decontaminations, and possibly zine injection. The steps in this action plan are identified by the objective in the OWC program to which they are aligned. ACTION PIAN:

1. Develop draft Action Plan for implementation of the OWC Program Scheduled Completion: March 1,1994 Responsilde: P. Behrens
2. Present the draft Action Plan to the Technical Review Board (TRB) for technical review and approval and to the Site Planning Group (SPG) for budget and schedule resiew and approval. Incorp> rate any review comments and issue the final Action Plan.

ScInhiled Completion: March 25,1994 Responsilde: P. Behrens

3. System Engineers incorporate approved activities into System Plans.

Scheduled Completion: June 30,1994 Respmsible: D. Van Pelt 3-21 l l l

Qtrul Otics 1994 n:rgenent Ntricar Station lian

4. Monitor implementation of the above action steps and completion of major milestone activities within these steps such as design, work request development, pans procurement, construction, etc. to ensure established schedules are met. Resolve any deviations to plan implementation with the responsible depanment. Repon status and any baniers to plan implementation that will impact meeting established milestones on a routine basis to management and the 1RB.

Sclxtiuled Completion: Ongoing throughout 1994 Responsilde: P. Behrens

5. Assess activities completed per this Action Plan. Develop a plan to continue and complete any needed activities in 1995 and 1996. Present this plan to the TRB and SPG for incorporation in 1995 Management Plan development.

Scheduled Completion: November 30,1994 Responsilde: P. Behrens PERFORMANCEMEASURES/EYPECTED RESUL7S:

1. The Optimum Water Chemistry Program will be fully established and operating by the end of 1996 with the exception of any modifications scheduled for refuel outages subsequent to 1996.

r 3-22

Qtul Otics 1994 Muragenent

     ~ Ntricar Station                                                                                  lian OBJECTIVE 1.08:

Correct vibration-related conditions (e>g., MSUERV vibration, cavitation induced vibration from the RliR-36 and CS-4 valves, etc.) which challenge safe, event-free plant operation. Respomible: R. Walsh Schedule: December 31,1994 INTENT: A multi-disciplined Site Vibration Team has been formed in order to address vibmtion-related conditions which challenge safe, event-free plant operation. The Site Vibmtion Team will evaluate equipment / system vibration issues, provide recommended corrective actions fbr resolution, and assess the effectiveness of those corrective-actions following implementation. The Team has reviewed the known vibration issues, and identified the "high priority" issues. Actions on these "high priority" issues will be implemented during the upcoming outage (s) for each unit. ACTION PIAN:

1. Complete 't review and assessment of the known "high priority" vibration issues.

Provide recommended corrective actions to the appropriate System Engineers to-support any required presentations to the Technical Review Board (TRB) and Site Planning Group (SPG). Scheduled Completion: March 1,1994 Respomible: K. Sturtecky

2. Ensure that the conective actions to address the "high priority" vibration issues on Unit 2 have been chartered for Q2R13.  :

Scheduled Completion: June 15,1994 , Responsible: K. Sturtecky j

     ' 3.        Complete a review and assessment of the remaining known vibration issues (non-priority issues). Prioritize the issues for resolution purposes, and begin developing recommended corrective actions. The recommended actions will ultimately lx:                    1
                                                                                                             'l presented, as necessary, to the TRB and SPG for approval.

Scheduled Completion: August 31,1994 Responsible: K. Stmtecky 3-23 w , n

On! Otics 1994 Mar,:enent Nuclear Station ihm

4. During QlR13, implement the scheduled corrective actions to address / resolve "high priority" vibration issues on Unit 1. Following implementation, assess the effectiveness of the corrective actions.

Sclaluted Completion: August 31,1994 Responsible: K. Sturtecky

5. During Q1R13, install the HPCI turbine exhaust line sparger modification.

Scheduled Completion: July 31,1994 Iks[xmsible: E. Mendenhall

6. During QlM10, implement the scheduled corrective actions to address / resolve "high priority" vibration issues on Unit 1. Following implementation, assess the effectiveness of the corrective actions.

Sclululed Completion: December 31,1994 Responsible: K. Sturtecky PERR)RMANCEME4SURESYEXPECTED RES'ULIS:

1. Corrective actions (implemented in 1994) were effective in resolving their respective vibration issue.

3-24 P

x i i

 . .                                                                                                     l l

QtreJ Otics 1994 Mnigenent Nuclear Station 11an OBJECTIVE 1.09: l Improve MOV perfonnance through design changes, maintenance and testing. Responsilde: R. Walsh Schedule: December 31,1994 INTENT: A Site MOV Team has been formed to address the commitments for Generic letter (GL) 89-10. The Team will identify and pursue enhancements to the MOVs which will improve safety margins and performance; thereby, removing plant challenges. ACTION PL4N:

1. Finalize the scope of design changes needed to enhance the safety margin on safety-significant MOVs.

Scheduled Completion: February 28,1994 Respntsilde: J. Wethington

2. Finalize the cost estimate for the design changes / enhancements identified in step 1.

Scheduled Completion: March 31,1994 ResponsilAe: J. Wethington

3. Present to the Technical Review Board (TRB) a recommended priority for the design changes identified in step 1.

Selululed Completiom June 1,1994 Responsilde: J. Wethington

4. Complete the design margin review for the GL 89-10 valves in their cummt configuration.

Scinhiled Completion: June 24,1994 Respmsible: J. Wethington

5. During Q1R13, complete the scheduled static and dP testing on the Unit I motor operated valves in the GL 89-10 program.

Sclululed Completion: July 31,1994 Respmsilde: J. Wethington 3-25 i

1 Qtzxt Gties 1994 Mutg;enrnt i NucicarStation lian j l

6. 13y the conclusion of QlM10, complete the static and practicable dP testing on all high i and medium priority Unit I rnotor operated valves in the GL 89-10 program. l Scheduled Completion: December 31,1994 l


1. A reduction in the number of MOV performance issues.

l i 3-26 l


Quad Oties 1994 Murrgenrnt Ntricar Station Itan OBJEC17VE 1.10: i Reduce ground water inleakage into the plant. Responsilde: Bob Walsh Schedule: September 30,1995 INTEVT: Reduce the ground water inleakage to permit systematic restoration of the plant materiel condition. Through the use of a CECO project team approach, led by NETS and including industry experts, identify and implement the solution to address the site ground water inleakage issue. ACTION Pis1NS:

1. Interface with the CECO project team for the development of a recommended solution, taking into account the current remedial actions, and present the recommended solution to the Technical Review Board (lRB) for approval.

Scheduled Completion: May 1,1994 Responsible: Mark Uhrich

2. Following TRB approval, interface with the CECO project team in order to pursue budget authorization and develop the schedule, contracts, budget, and support services necessary for implementation.

Scheduled Completion: June 15,1994 Responsilde: Mark Uhrich

3. Develop a mechanism to monitor the implementation of the solution to ensure established schedules are met.

Scheduled Completion: August 1,1994 Responsible: Mark Uhrich

4. Complete implementation of the ground water inleakage solution to support plant reclamation objectives.

Scheduled Completion: September 30,1995 Responsilde: Mark Uhrich 3-27

Qu:al Otics 1994 Murg;enrnt NtrimrStation lian PERIDRMANCEME4SURI:S/EYPECTED RESUL75:

1. Identification and implementation of a solution to the ground water inleakage issue meets expectation.

3-28 1

Qtud Otics 1994 Singenrnt Nuclear Station Han OBJECTIVE 1.11: Perform and evaluate the results of materiel condition reviews to assess the efTectiveness of the materiel condition improvement initiatives (INPO OA.2-1). Responsible: R. Walsh Schedule: September 15,1994 INTENT: Two materiel condition reviews will be performed during 1994 to assess the effectiveness of the materiel condition improvement initiatives. The initial materiel condition revimv v/as completed in January 1994. ACTION PL4N:

1. Station managc.nent will assess the results of the initial effectiveness review and adjust the materiel condition initiatives as approprinte.

Scleduled Completion: March 15,1994 Responsible: L. Tucker /R. Moravec

2. Conduct a second review to assess the effectiveness of the materiei condition ,

initiatives. Scheduled Comid etion: August 5,1994 Responsible: R. Walsh

3. Station management will assess the results of the second effectiveness review and adjust the materiel condition initiatives as appropriate.

Selwduled Completion: September 15,1994 Responsible: L. Tucker /R.Moravec PERR)RMANCEME4SURES/EYPECTED RES'ULTS:

1. Positive trend in materiel condition as measured using the standards established by the Review Team.

i 3-29 I

Qtzul Otics 1994 Mutigenent Nuclear Station lian OBJECTIVE 1.12 Gather, evaluate, and eliminate knmm component, system and evolution challenges to safe, event free, operations. Ilespomilde: L Tucker Schedule: December 31,1995 INTENT:

           'Ihrough a review of plant history, identify previous events and challenges to operations. Interview key plant personnel to determine events and challenges that may not be captured by the historical review. Identify and eliminate known significant challenges to safe, event free, operations.


1. I)esignate a team of Systems Engineering, Maintmance, Opemtions, and Training personnel to investigate challenges to safe, event free operations. Name the leader of this team.

Scheduled Completion: March 11,1994 Responsilie: D. Van Pelt

2. Review LERs, PlFs, the Operations Department list of Work Arounds/Concems, alarm logs, and data from other reporting mechanisms back to 1990 that track events and challenges to safe plant opemtions to identify components, systems and evolutions that have resulted in plant events or challenge to event free operations.

Scheduled Comp!ction: April 15,1994 Ilespomilde: D. Van Pelt

3. In parallel with Action Step 2, an investigative team consisting of Systems Engineering, Maintenance, Operations, and Training will interview maintenance, operations (SCREs), and system engineers .o identify component, system, and evolutica challenges to safe-event free-operations that have occurred or are likely to occur.

Scheduled Completion: April 15,1994 l Respomible: Team Leader Dsignated in Step 1 3-30 -)

Qtzul Oties 1994 Murgenent Nuclair Station lian i

4. Develop screening criteria based on impact to safety, regulatory requirements, or power generation to identify significant challenges to event free operation from the data gathering and evaluation tasks in Action Steps 2 and 3.

Scheduled Completion: March 25,1994 Responsible: Team Leader Designated in Step 1 l 5. Compare the data collected in Action Step 2 to the saney results from Action Step 3 to distinguish actual from perceived events and challenges. Scheduled Completion: April 29,1994 Responsilde: Team leader Designated in Step 1

6. In conjunction with the responsible System Engineer, identify potential corrective actions for each identified actual challenge.

Scheduled Completion: May 27,1994 Res[mnsible: Team Leader Designated in Step 1

7. Using the results of Action Step 6, the Dresden Station will be contacted to compare the results of this ef1brt to actual challenges and resulting solutions at the Dmsden Station. For similar plant challenges, it will be determined if a combined Dresden-Quad Cities approach is beneficial.

Schedukd Completion: July 1,1994 Responsible: D. Van Pelt

8. For challenges identified which require corrective actions, action plans will be developed. Dese action plans will include a discussion of the challenge, the proposed corrective action, the schedule for completion and the required resources by >

depanment. Each developed plan vill be given to the cogninmt System Engineer for implementation as part of his or her combined system plan. Scheduled Completion: July 29,1994 Respmsible: D. Van Pelt

9. 13egin implementation of the action plans identified in Step 8.

Scheduled Completion: September 1,1994 Respmsible: D. Van Pelt PEIUI)RM tNCEME1SUREWEYl'ECTED RESUI2S:

1. For 1994, the expected result is the development of an Action Plan, Schedule, and completion of all required activities planned for 1994.


Qual Oties 1994 Mum..mnt Nuckur Stition Ibn OBJECTIVE 1.13 Begin a long-term process to control, improve, and maintain improved plant perfonnance. This long-tenn process will be implemented through activities which will support compliance with the Maintenance Rule Action Plan; therefore, develop and begin a phased implementation of a Maintenance Rule Action Plan. Ensure completion of the Action Plan is scheduled prior to the regulatory required date to July 10,1996. Responsible: D. Van Pelt Schedule: July 10,1996 INTENT: For 1994, the intent of this objective is to establish a plan, schedule and complete critical activities that must be performed to implement the Maintenance Rule. ACTION PistN:

1. Develop an Action Plan for implementation of the Maintenance Rule. Identify critical tasks in the Action Plan that must be implemented in 1994 to ensure the July 10,1996 date is met. A resource loaded schedule, by depadment, nill be included in the plan.

As part of plan development, detennine if activities initiated in 1993 by the establishment of a System Performance Group should continue in support of mle implementation. Scheduled Completion: May 15,1994 Responsible: D. Van Pelt

2. Present the Action Plan to the Technical Review Board for technical approval and to the Site Planning Group (SPG) fbr schedule approval and approval of required 1994 and 1995 resources.

Scheduled Completion: June 1,1994 Responsible: D. Van Pelt

3. Manage implementation of the required 1994 activities. Resolve any schedule deviations with the responsible depanment. Present status on a quarterly basis, as a minimum, to the SPG and report any barriers to implementation of 1994 activities to '

the SPG for resolution. Scheduled Completion: December 31,1994 Respmsible: D. Van Pelt 3-32

Qtux! Oties 1994 Wugenent Nuclear Station Ih PEREORMANCEME45UREVEXPECTED RESULTS:

1. For 1994, the expected result is the development of an Action Plan, Schedule, and completion of all required activities planned for 1994.


l / . l Qul Otics 1994 Sinigenent - Nudcar Station Han OBJECTIVE 1.14 He Technical Services Department will become the lead organization for identifymg and managing to completion technical solutions that support safe, event fiee operations. Safe, event free operations will be achieved by reducing plant challenges to operations, maintenance and other organizations. The mission for the Systems Engineering Program will be clearly established with the System Engineers identified as the System Managers with responsibility for assigned system perfonnance. Responsible: L. Tucker Schedule: December 31,1995 INTENT: Erough continued improvements in the Systems Engineering Program, reduce the number of plant challenges to safe, event-free, operation by providing conect and timely technical solutions to issues that impact plant, operations, and maintenance perfonnance. His will be accomplished by reinforcing the ownership of system perfomaance, fbstering an ongoing intrusive and questioning attitude with the goal of improved plant performance and safety, and providing the infrastructure and support necessary for the System Engineers to be effective system managers. ACTION PIsiN: .

1. Review the objective, scope, schedule and ongoing activities of the Site. Working Groups for System Management and System Perfom1ance for any needed modification to align with 1994 Management Plan objectives and action plans. Present modifications of each groups activities to the Technical Review Board and Site Planning Group. Continue those activities which support improvements in the System Engineering Program (this objective), the implementation of the Corporate Maintenance Strategy and implementation of the Maintenance Rule (Objective 1.13).

Sche (hiled Onupletion: March 25,1994 Responsible: L. Tucker

2. Establish a Electrical and histrument and Controls Group to better support Operations, Maintenance, and Site Engineering and Construction in reaching and implementing the conect technical solution.

Scheduled Completion: April 22,1994 Responsible: D. Van Pelt 3-34 I s

Qted Otses 1994 Muugenrnt Nuclear Station Han

3. Establish a Process and Self Assessment Group, reporting to the Technical Sen' ices Superintendent, that perfonns the fbliowing functions in support of Technical Services (this Group may assume some of the responsibilities dispositioned in Action Step 1 above):
                           . Assume responsibility for administrative obligations of the Systems Engineers, Establish the management tools / processes required to ensure self assessment is a continual / routine part of how business is conducted within the department, Monitor the elTectiveness and performance of the entire Tecimical Services Depanment to assigned Management Plan objectives and action plan steps, Serve as the technical interface for all outside organizations (organizations outside the Quad Cities Station), and Serve as the backup organization to support the Technical Services Department during periods of peak manloading demands (such as plant outages).

Scheduled Completion: April 22,1994 Iles;xmsible: L Tucker

4. Develop and issue to the Technical Senices Department an administrative guideline / directive that clarifies and establishes the roles, responsibilities and expectations for Systems Engineers.

Scheduled Completion: April 22,1994 Ites;xmsible: L Tucker

5. Develop and issue to the Technical Services Department an administrative guideline / directive that defines the expected frequency and method for system walkdowns.

Scheduled Completion: April 29,1994 ltesponsible: L Tucker

6. Iteview the existing System Engineer qualification program to identify areas in the program that can be improved. Prepare an Action Plan to implement the improvements identified.

Scheduled Completion: May 27,1994 Iles[xmsible: D. Van Pelt 3-35

Qttul Uties 1994 Mungenent Nuclear Station Itan >

7. Begin implementation of the Action Plan developed in Step 6. Collect or prepare all material needed to qualify systems engineers on selected plant systems. Gather data from other CECO stations and the industry, as needed, to prepare the required -

materials. Scheduled Completion: July 29,1994 Responsibic: D. Van Pelt

8. Use the developed materials assembled in Step 7 to qualify the system engineers and associated group leaders on selected systems.

Scheduled Completion: September 30,1994 ' Respomilde: D. Van Pelt '

9. Evaluate the effectiveness of the qualification program and determine the feasibility of program expansion in 1995.

Scheduled Completion: October 28,1994 Respmsilde: D. Van Pelt

10. Based on results of Action Step 8, include action steps in the 1995 Management Plan to qualify additional system engineers.

Sche (hded Completion: November 25,1994 Responsilde: D. Van Pelt

11. In parallel with the above activities, conduct a quarterly efTectiveness review of Systems Engineering. The review will focus on how effective the organization is at providing leadership in developing and implementing technical solutions that support safe, event free, operations. The review will include structured inteiviews with operations, maintenance, line management, and other parts of the organization with a focus on customer service.

Scheduled Completion: Once per quarter ResponsilAe: L. Tucker

12. Request an assist visit from INPO to assess the Systems Engineering Program and recommend any improvements.

Sclululed Com[Aetion: August 1,1994 ResponsilAe: L. Tucker /N. Chrissotimos PERFORMANCEME4SURES/EYPECTED RESULTS:

1. For 1994, the expected result is the development of an Action Plan, Schedule, and j completion of all required activities planned for 1994. l 3-36


   - Qtud Oties                                                                         1994 l\bnagenent Nuclear Stition                                                                                Han OBECTIVE 1.15:

Reduce the design change backlog. Responsible: R. Moravec Schechile: May 15,1994 INTENT: A critical indicator for effective work control processes is shosm in the ability to reduce a backlog, and then once reduced, control future growth. For design changes, I an action plan will be established in order to address the current backlog in a timely manner. Additionally, a process change wiP be implemented by fostering / establishing a culture which emphasizes maintaining exisung equipment and preserving the existing system design. These parallel efforts are critical in controlling the volume of outstanding design changes, and will result in reducing challenges to safe, event-free operation. 11C110NPlstN: Design Ouunge Culture

1. Through the System Engineer Program begin fostering / establishing a culture which emphasizes maintaining existing equipment and preserving the existing system design.

This culture will result in the reduction of unnecessary design changes. Scheduled Completion: April 1,1994 Responsible: L. Tucker

2. Foster / Establish a culture with the Technical Review Board (TIU3) which emphasizes maintaining existing equipment and preserving the existing system design. Tim reviews of proposed design changes should ensure that all options, short of a design change, have been explored. This culture will result in the reduction of unnecessa:y design changes.

Scheduled Completion: April 1,1994 Responsible: L. Tucker

3. Establish a modifications closure functional group.

Scheduled Completion: May 13,1994 Responsible: L. Tucker t 3-37

QuulOties 1994 Mngenent Ntricar Station llan j l Design Giange Backlog

4. Develop a list of'open' design changes (design change backlog) and determine the reason each design change is identified as 'open'.

Sclululed Completion: April 15,1994 Responsible: C. Moerke

5. Develop an Action Plan which will establish a '94 goal fbr design change backlog and begin reducing the backlog by perfonning the following:

schedule or disposition (by the end of 1994) those design changes which either have been requested, or requested and designed, but never installed; disposition (by the end of 1994) the 48 remaining design changes which are impacted by the previously utilized ' chaining' methodology; and disposition those design changes which have been installed (fully or partially) but require action for closure. Scheduled Omipletion: May 15,1994 Responsible: C. Moerke

6. Establish the necessary IQE input (s) to provide a monthly status on the progress of the Action Plan developed in Step 2.

Scheduled Completion: May 15,1994 Responsible: C. Moerke PERFORMANCEME4SUREWEYPECTED RESULIS:

1. Reduction in the number of requested design changes.
2. Achieving the design change backlog goal established fbr 1994.


t Qtal Oties 1994 Mungement NuclearStation Han OBJECT 1VE1.16 Establish a personal commitment from all station personnel to maintain (and develop as a habit) a high degree of awareness of the need for a conservative safety culture. Responsible: H. Hentschel Sclwchile: September 30,1994 INTENT: Promote a high degree of safety culture to ensure that the station has the attitude that "We don't want to Operate with equipment deficiencies and poor personnel performance" in order to achieve safe, event free performance. ACTIONPIAN:

1. All Operations Departments complete their safety culture seminars.

Scheduled Completion: February 18,1994 Resrxmsible: 1L Hentschel

2. Prepare a safety culture outline / synopsis as an aid to individual departments forming their own culture statement.

Scheduled Completion: February 28,1994 ResIxntsible: H. Hentschel

3. Department Ileads establish their individual personnel safety culture philosophy statement and submit to the site Vice-president.

Scheduled O)mpletion: April 1,1994 Res[xntsible: Department Heads

4. Department heads share the philosophy statement (in conjunction with the Code of Ethics) with their departments.

Scheduled Completion: June 15,1994 Resixntsible: Department Heads

5. Depanment lleads conduct a safety culture day within their departments. l Sclxxluled Completion: June 15,1994 )

Res[xutsible: Department Heads l I l 3-39 1

     '                                                                                                j

Qtr.ul Glics 1994 Mngenent Ntrkur Station llan

6. Department Heads obtain the safety culture commitment from their employees and submit to the Site Vice-President.

Scheduled Completion: July 15,1994 Responsible: Department Heads /G. Tietz

7. Establish a semi-annual frequency of holding safety culture meetings within the departments.

Scheduled Completion: August 15,1994 ResponsilAc: Department IIcads PERFORM 4TCEME45URE9'EWECTED RESULTS

1. Iligh degree of safety culture attitude as evidenced by station effectiveness sun'ey result.


Qisd Otics 1994 Mm,;enent , NuclearStation lian OBJECIIVE1.17:


Implement improvements in daily planning so that maintenance and operating have the proper suppmt in management of the non-outage work request backlog to meet station goals. Ikspomilie: W. McGafligan Schedule: December 31,1994 lhTINT: Implement the work control center concept at Quad-Cities Station in order to significantly increase maintenance " wrench time" and improve station schedules. Additionally, implement system window scheduling of each work request as it is written so that maintenance planners, materials management personnel and scheduling personnel will be able to focus the proper resources weeks in advance to ensure successful execution of the work as scheduled. ACTIONPLAN:

1. Begin scheduling new work requests when they are written for the first appropriate system window.

Scleduled Completion: Complete Responsilde: J. Swales

2. Improve system windows scheduling based on the surveillance and preventive maintenance schedule so that agreed upon work is able to be executed on schedule.

(Note: This step of the action plan is detailed wider "EfTective System Windows") Scheduled Com; Action: Initial improvements by March 31,1994. Coordinating system windows with the surveillance and PM schedule by December 31,1994. Responsible: M. Kooi

3. Implement system engineer screening of all work to schedu!c and prioritize both backlog work requests and incoming work requests into system windows.

Scheduled Completion: March 31,1994 Responsible: D. VanPelt 3-41 i D

Qtul Oties 1994 Mure,enrnt Nuclear Station lian

4. Implement the work control center concept to improve schedule accuracy, provide maintenance workers with support to increase wrench time, plan upcoming work, monitor schedule performance and provide repris.
a. Select the location for the Work Control Center and remodel the area to accommodate it.

Scinhded Completion: February 28,1994. ResrxmsilAe: S. liopewell

b. Revise the procedures necessary to implement the Work Control Center.

Sclululed Completion: March 15,1994. Responsible: H. Hentschel, S. Ilopewell, T. Kroll and L. Tucker

c. Finalize the organization for the work control center, develop position descriptions, select the individuals to fill the positions and tmin them.

Sclaluted Completion: March 15,1994 Respomible: W. McGafligan, L. Tucker, T. Kroll and H. Hentschel

d. Train the personnel at the station on the new Work Control Center process.

Scheduled Completion: March 15,1994 Responsible: S. Hopewell

5. Implement all filleen of the Work Control Task Force improvement opportunities.

(These opportunities and their associated recommendations are outlined in the Work Control Task Force " Blue Ikok". Action plans for each will be developed by the site implementation team leaders.) Scheduled Completion: June 15,1995 (Dependent on EWMS schedule) Respomible: J. Swales

6. Train station personnel on new work control processes as they are implemented.

Sclaluted Completion: December 31,1994 Responsible: S. Ilopewell PERFORMANCE AIE4SURES/EYPECTED RESULTS:

1. Support NWR Inventory goals (see Objective 1.01).


Qtral Otics 199-1 Mungenent NuclearStation Han OBJECTIVE 1.18 Enhance the approach to outages to ensure that the work required to achieve the material' condition of a pre-eminent power station and to improve the system safety margins is completed within allocated times and without error. Responsibility: W. McGaffigan Schedule: December 31,1994 INTENT: This plan intends to implement the planning and scheduling discipline which will reduce the amount of work required in an outage, identify the work required well in advance, and ensure that the requirements to execute that work an: identified and coordinated in such a manner as to not impact the duration of the outage or the scope of work accomplished in the outage. It is the intent to build on the system management, system windows and Function Equipment Group (FEG) scheduling concepts to extend the planning horizons and thus better control the execution of the outages. ACTION PLAN:

1. Effectively execute the Outage Plan. A method of tracking and controlling outages will be implemented to ensure that problems are detected early and conflicts nre promptly resolved. The following actions are planned for each outage. The results of QlR13 will be assessed to evaluate the effectiveness of these actions:
a. Co-ordinate a nightly planning report with operations.
b. Schedule emergent work in a timely manner.
c. Utilize an Operations look ahead report.
d. Update managers at a moming meeting.
c. Outage meetings held with Department Heads.
f. Hold Heightened Level of Awareness (HLA) meetings and pre-job briefings,
g. Overlap crews to improve tumover efliciencies.
h. Require workers to self-check before proceeding.
i. Review the Outage Risk Plan daily for changes.
j. Note and post protected systems in several communications.

Scheduled Completion: August 15,1994 ResIxmsibility: W. McGafligan  ; 1 1 l l 3-43 l l

Quad Otics 1994 Magenent Nuclear Station Han

2. Review Outage Manuals from other plants and in conjunction with recommendations from the evaluation of the outage execution in step 1 make recommendations for changes in the Outage Plan guide. Prepare an Action Plan for implementation of the approved recommendations.

Scheduled Completion: October 30,1994 . Responsibility: W. McGaffigan

3. Develop outage teams dedicated to each of the upcoming outages in order to ensure the effective scheduling and preparation for each outage. ,

Scheduled Completion: Unit 1 Maintenance Outage - 3/15/94 Q2R13 - 4/1/94 Respomibility: W. McGafligan

4. Indentifcation of the scope of Q2R13 is critical for scheduling and planning the outage. 'Ihe scope of Q2R13 will be determined by working with S; stem Engineering to determine the work required to support the management ofindividual systems.

Milestones associated with scope definition include:

a. Design change freeze date of Matrh 15,1994 (Technical Review Board)
b. All modification approval letters issued by the approved schedule date (C.


c. All Nuclear Work Requests identified by July 8,1994 (All Depanments)
d. Identify the motor operated valve test and overhaul work scope by July 8,1994 (J. Wethington)
e. SEC work scope chartered by September 8,1994 (T. Kroll)
f. All contracts awarded by November 8,1994.

Scheduled Completion: November 15,1994 Responsibility: W. McGafligan

5. Preparation for Q2R13 implementation will be coordinated through the Work Control Outage Team and will include the following milestones:
a. All materials and parts on site by December 8,1994.
b. All packages ready by December 8,1994.
c. All out of services written by December 30,1994.
d. All Radiation Work Permits written by December 30,1994.
e. _ All scaffolding and insulation requests submitted by December 30,1994.
f. He Outage organization implemented by December 30,1994. ~

Scheduled Completion: December 30,1994 . Responsibility: W. McGalligan  ! I l 3 44 l l 1 l

Qal Otics 1994 Sinigenent Nudear Station lian _

6. A detailed outage schedule will be developed well in advance of the outage start to allow detail review and optimization. The development of the logic will include:
a. Develop logic with plant safety in mind.
b. Develop detailed system windows and determine milestone dates.
c. Develop a detailed outage schedule.
d. The schedule will be reviewed against the shutdown risk policy.
c. Outage goals will be established.

Scheduled Completion: Unit 1 Maintenance Outage - 8/15/94 Q2R13 - 12/30/94 (30 days prior to outage) Responsibility: W. McGatligan PERFORM 4NCEME4 SURF 3 EXPECTED RES'ULTS:

1. The measure of the effectiveness of this outage enhancement plan will be the l completion of the outages on schedule while meeting the outage goals.
                                                                                                      'I 3-45


 > 9 Qtrul Gties                                                                      1994 lWrgenrnt Nuclair Station                                                                             Ihn OIUECTIVE 1.19:

Continue implementation ofimprovements and enforcement of system windows scheduling so that planned work is ready to be perfomled on schedule and supports the site's goals for work request completion. Responsible: W. McGalligan Schedule: December 31,1994 INTENT: Place cach work request into its system window and further categorize it into the proper Functional Fxtuipment Group so that work can be efliciently bundled. Prepare the proper tools for planning system window work so that it can be executed as scheduled. His will allow each department at the station to know when their support for the work must be in place. Implement the work control center to allow for prioritization and scheduling of system window work. This will include scheduling preventive maintenance on tech spec required equipment during LCOs only in order to improve system reliability and ovemil plant safety. ACTION Pts 1N:

1. Develop Functional Equipment Groups and schedule each group in its system window once per quarter. (Note: Functional Equipment Groups are convenient OOS boundaries within which work can be bundled. Each boundary such as a condensate pump would be scheduled in its system window each quarter and might or might not be worked depending on the amount of work requests backlogged within the botmdary.)

Schechiled Start: August 1,1994 Scheduled Completion: December 31,1995 Responsible: J. Swales

2. Implement the work control center so that system engineers have the proper input into prioritizing and scheduling their system's work.

Scheduled Onnpletion: March 15,1994 Responsible: S. Hopewell 3-46

F t Qud Oths 1994 Murgenent Ntrimr Station Han l l

3. Design and implement new repons to facilitate and track system windows scheduling. I Scheduled Completion: June 1,1994  !

Responsible: J. Swales  ;

4. Work with the work control task force implementation team leaders from the other sites to detennine the best way to integrate the system windows schedule with required surveillance and preventive maintenance schedules.

Scheduled Completion: December 31,'1994 Responsible: S. Hopewell

5. Review and revise as necessary the station policy on voluntary entry into LCOs for maintenance in conjunction with the work control improvement opportunity in the area of on-line maintenance.

Scheduled Completion: April 29,1994 Res1xinsible: M. Kooi PERIORMANCEME45URESYEYPECTED RE5'ULTS:

1. Suppon NWR Inventory Goals (see Objective 1.01)
2. Support Schedule adherence goals (see Objective 1.22) 3-17

F Qal Otics 1994 Magenent - Nuclair Station Han OBJECTIVE 1.20: Improve the heightened level of awareness program so that the operating crew is aware of and prepared for all major activities. Responsilie: H. Hentschel Schedule: April 30,1994 INTENT: The list of major activities for each day, to be used as input into the HIA program, will be prepared in the work control center. The operating department will approve and implement this list. A review of the HIA program will be done to identify improvements needed based on lessons leamed and experience. ACTIONPIAN: ,

1. Implement the Work Control Center with Lead Unit Planners who have extensive operating experience to evaluate upcoming activities for significance.

F:hechiled Completion: March 15,1994 Respmsilde: J. Swales

2. Evaluate current HLA process, review lessons leamed from the past use of this process and decide on improvements.

Scheduled Completion: March 31,1994 Resp >nsilde: H. Hentschel

3. Change current procedmes to allow for the Lead Unit Planner to perform the HLA functions.

Scheduled Completion: April 30,1994 Respmsilde: H. Hentschel 1 PERIORAMNCEME4SURES'EYPECTED RES'ULTS: l l

1. Reduction in Level 2 and 3 PIFs due to personnel errors.  ;

i I l l 3-48

r. Qu:xl Otits 1994 Murgenrnt Nuclear Station Han OBJECTIVE 1.21: Resiew periodic tests required to meet Technical Specification and regulatory requirements to ensure that the acceptance criteria have an appropriate basis identified. Responsible: L Tucker Schedule: April 30,1994 INTENT: It has been identified that some surveillance tests important to system operability may have an unclear basis for their acceptance criteria. This situation could lead to confusion about actual test results. Resolution of these issues will assist efTorts to improve scheduling by properly identifying and working off the work request backlog. (Objective 1.01 reviews the GSRV database for scheduling of surveillances) ACTION Pl>1N:

1. Decide whether the rmiew of all suiTeillance tests (technical specification and regulatory) to verify the acceptance criteria is correct, understandable and has a basis identified if this resiew will use procedures after their revision to support the revised Technical Specifications.

Scheduled Completion: March 15,1994 Responsible: L. Tucker

2. Develop a plan with milestones to complete the review of all surveillance tests (technical specification and regulatory) to verify the acceptance criteria is correct, understandable and has a basis identified.

Scheduled Completion: April 30,1994 Responsible: L. Tucker 1 l l l i 1 3-49

l l .

  • j l

Qux! Otics 1994 Murgenent Nudcar Station Man PERR)RM4NCE ME4SURES/ EXPECTED RES'UL15: j

1. Tests / inspections perfomied for technical specification or regulatory requirements have been verified to have a clear acceptance criteria and a basis for the criteria.
2. No missed technical specification surveillances in 1994.
3. No LCO's entered due to inaccurate or unclear test criteria.
4. 97% of Type I surveillances are completed prior to the grace period.

I 3-50

Qxul Otics 1994 Murgenrnt Nuclear Stition Ih OlUECTIVE L22: Improve planning and scheduling so that only authorized work is executed and so that the operating crew is aware of all work being performed. Responsible: W. McGafligan Schedule: December 31,1994 INTENT: Improve work control database maintenance so that the schedule is accurate thereby ensming that all work is authorized in accordance with station planning policies. Efforts to improve the database are included in the NWR Inventory plan (1.01). Improve all departments adherence to the station work control policies on implementation of the eight week lookahead schedule. This performance will be improved by preparing new nports for the use of the working groups and by increasing the phinning time for work through implementation of the work control center. ACTION PLAN:

1. Communicate and enforce station planning policies for system windows scheduling by .

not allowing work that is not correctly statused in the TJM database, per Daily Planning Guidelines. Scheduled Completion: February 28,1994 ResponsilAe: J. Swales

2. Implement the Work Control Center and authorize the Lead Maintenance and Lead Unit Planners to enforce the schedule and provide operating with a list of authorized work.

Scheduled Comid etion: March 15,1994 Responsible: J. Swales

4. Improve preplanning of system windows by writing and enforcing reports on the status of work upcoming in the eight week lookahead and working within the work control center to remove the roadblocks to scheduled work.

Scheduled Completion: May 31,1994 Responsilie: J. Swales 3-51

I Qux! Oties 1994 Murgenent Nuclear Station 11an

5. Implement schedule perfonnance reports (stans and fmishes on time etc.), resource reports (manpower available compared to manpower scheduled etc.), productivity reports ( number of work requests completed compared to number initiated etc.) and any other repons requested by the working departments including exceptions reports to aid maintenance supervisors in improving.

Scheduled Completion: April 15,1994 Responsible: S. Hopewell PERH)RbbtNCEME4SURESYEYPECTED RESULIS:

1. Schedule adherence should be maintained at an 90% level or greater on stats and 80%

or greater on finishes. 1 J 3-52 I

QtalGlies 1994 Mungenrnt Nuclear Station Han OBJECTIVE 1.23 Establish and execute .ALARA Plans for reducing exposure on high-dose jobs. Responsible: S. Sober Schedule: End of Q1R13 hVTENT: Total exposure will be reduced by 5% for ten pre-identified jobs. ACTION PL4N:

1. Determine ten repetitive, high dosejobs which will be targeted for ALARA control and dose reduction.

Scheduled Completion: Complete Responsilde: M.Zinnen

2. Calculate the historical average exposure for the jobs identified in Step 1 using the most recent five executions of thejobs.

Scintuled Completion: March 1,1994 Responsible: M. Zinnen

3. Convene a task force consisting of Work Control, Maintenance, System Engineering.

and Site Engineering to determine ways to reduce exposure by 10% for thejobs identified in Step 1. Develop action plans to implement any recommendations developed. l Scluhiled Completion: March 12,1994 Responsible: M. Zinnen  !

4. Implement the Action Plans developed in Step 3. j Scheduled Completion: End of QlR13 Responsible: M.Zinnen PEREDRMANCEME4SURIMINPECTED RES'ULIS:
1. Acceptable perfomaance is to reduce the dose for the ten jobs identified in Step 1 by 5% in 1994.
2. Outstanding perfbnnance is to reduce the dose for the ten jobs identified in Step 1 by greater than 10% in 1994.

l l I 3-53

Qtud Otics 1994 Mugement Nudeur Station Han OBJECTil'E 1.24 The Bamwell Radicactive Waste Disposal site will no longer accept waste from Quad Cities after June 30,1994, therefbre: 1) Ship all waste possible off site by April 22, 1994. 2) Minimize to the maimum extent pmeticable any further production of mdioactive waste. 3) Develop and implement a plan to make available sufficient offsite storage capacity to allow continued plant operation indefinitely. Resymsible: D. Kimler Schedule: June 30,1994 INTEVT: Ship all radioactive waste in storage at the station to the Bamwell site by April 22, 1994. ACTION PlstN:

1. Coordinate an inventory by all departments to identify contaminated items which are currently in storage and should be disposed. Identify all waste expected to be generated between completion of this inventory and April 22,1994-Scheduled Completion: Febmary 20,1994 Responsible: D. Kimler
2. Identify candidate waste products for " metal melt" disposal process vice DAW processing / burial.

Scheduled Completion: Febmary 25,1994 Respmsible: D. Kimler/J. Forrest

3. Identify items that require a reduction in size to allow shipment. For itents Gat are candidates for the " metal melt" process, detennine revised shipping dates as appropriate.

Scheduled Completion: March 2,1994 Responsible: D Kimler/J. Forrest

4. For items identified in Action 3, perform the necessary size reduction.

Scheduled Completion: April 8,1994 Respmsible: J. Forrest 3-54

l l QtnlOties 1994 Murg;enrnt Ntricar Station Han

5. Receive first order of shipping containers; order additional containers as deemed j necessary.  !

Scheduled Completion: March 15,1994 ) Responsible: J. Forrest

6. Package waste identified in Action 2 for shipment to the " metal melt" processor.  ;

Scheduled Completion: March 28,1994 l Responsible: J. Forrest { t

7. For waste that must be processed as DAW, complete the first shipment to the ,

Bamwell Radioactive Waste Disposal site for burial. i Scheduled Completion: April 8,1994 Responsilde: J. Forrest

8. If necessary, complete a second shipment of DAW to Bamwell.

Sclululed Completion: April 22,1994 Responsilde: J. Forrest l l 9. For waste that can be processed using the " metal melt" method, complete the first j shipment to the " metal melt" processor. I Scheduled Completion: April 22,1994 ] Responsiole: J. Forrest  !

10. If necessary, complete a second shipment of waste to the " metal melt" processor. {

Scheduled Completion: April 29,1994 j ResponsilAe: J. Forrest i I ! 11. If necessary, complete a third shipment of DAW to Bamwell for burial. Scheduled Completion: May 6,1994 Res;xmsible: J. Fonest j 12. If necessary, complete a fourth shipment of DAW to Bamwell for burial, l l Scheduled Completion: May 13,1994 l Respntsilde: J. Forrest I

13. If necessary, complete a fiflh shipment of waste to the " metal melt" processor.

Sclaluted Completion: May 20,1994 Respmsible: J. Forrest l I 3-55 l e L ___ - - - - - - _ - - - - - _ - _ - - _ - - - - _ - - - _ - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ - - _ - - _ _

Qttul Utics 1994 Mungenent Nuclear Station 11an

14. Review activities that are expected to generate significant quantities of radioactive waste and are scheduled after June 15,1994. Reschedule to the fust half of 1994 as rnany of these activities as possible.

Selululed Completion: March 1,1994 Respomilie: B. McGaffigan

15. Determine the amount of storage space required to support plant operation through 1996. Develop a plan to ensure this amount of storage is available and present the plan to the Site Planning Group for approval.

Selmhiled Completion: June 30,1994 Respomible: D. Kimler

16. Develop a progmm that identifies by plant area the largest contributors of DAW.

Take appropriate actions to reduce the amount of DAW genemted in the identified areas Selmiuled Completion: June 30,1994 ResIxntsilie: D. Kimler/J. Forrest PFJUT)RMANCE ME4SURESVEXPECTED RESULTS:

1. All radioactive waste in storage at the station is shipped by April 22,1994.

i o 3-56

Qtzul Gtics 1994 Murrgenent Nuehur Station lian OilJECTIVE201: Continue implementation of the Root Cause Investigation Process. Enss - the philosophy that recurrence control and identification of similar events ma be broad to improve station performance. Critically evaluate investigations and corrective actions to improve program effectiveness. Responsible: N. Chrissotimos Schedule: December 27,1994 1ATEAT: The intent of this Objective is to focus attention and place priority on Root Cause Analysis to maintain quality and ensure consistency. In conjunction with related Objective 2.06, minimize the recurrence of unanticipated events. ACTION Pl<tN:

1. Develop a plan to provide root cause analysis training for Quad Cities personnel.

Scinhiled Completion: May 31,1994 ResponsilAc: D.13rigl

2. Develop an indoctrination guide for Event Screening Committee representatives. This guide should include member responsibilities, meeting protocol, quomm requirements, committee mission and objectives, and the relationship of the ESC with requirements of the CECO Reportability Manual and the Issue Management Process.

Scinhded Completion: April 30,1994 Responsilde: T. Schares

3. Establish a process to monitor and trend recuning cents dispositior.ed using the RCA l progrant Scheduled Completion: This will be based on (nd included in the Action Plan developed in objective 2.06 Responsilde: T. Schares I

l 3-57

i i 1 qui cues wu um ,,nem , I . Ntricar Station Ihm

4. Develop clear and concise expectations to be used by thcse infbrming root cause analyses. Fxtmples of expectations to be considered inclucic: Related conditions, recurring problems, timeliness of significant corrective actions, etrectiveness reviews of corrective actions, and expectations that assigned conretive actions must lx completed.

Scluxluled Comidetion: 'Ihis is based on and included in the Action Plan developed for objective 2.06. Res[xmsilde: T. Schares l'ERH)RM4NCEME4SURIMEYPECTED RESULTS:

1. Identification and verification of a decreasing trend in recuning events at the station by the end of 1994.

I 3-58

Qtur! Gties 1994 Murg:enent Nuclear Station lian OBJECTIVE 2.02: Develop and implement a Iluman Perfbanance Program (HPP) which will include the Human Perfomunce Enhancement System to improve overall plant opemtions by improving human perfbrmance reliability. Responsible: Nick Chrissotimos Sclulule: December 30,1994 JNTENT:

                'Ihe HPES (IIuman Performance Enhancement System) intent is to identify and correct the conditions that cause human perfomiance problems, nuke human actions more reliable, and in so doing continuously improve overall plant safety and reliability.


1. Iksignate a HPES Coordinator.

Scheduled Completion: Febmary 28,1994 Respmsible: Nick Chrissotimos

2. Develop a procedure for the HPES progmm.

Scheduled Completion: May 30,1994 Responsible: Nick Chrissotimos

3. Develop a charter and implement a " Plant Awareness Committee" comprised of first lin : sujuvisor er middle management personnel to include:

Electrical Maintenance Instmment Maintenance Mechanical Maintenance Operating Radiation Protection Chemistry System Engineer Work Planning Construction Quality Control Tmining Scinfuled Completion: June 30,1994 , Respmsible: Nick Chrissotimos l l i l 3-59 _ _-. _ __ i

Qtztl Otics 1994 Mungenent Ntricir Sbtion Han

4. Train each department on the four phases of the IIPES Program which include, problem identification, root cause detennination, implementation of corrective actions, and employee feedback. lhe program will focus on employee involvement and reporting concents.

Scheduled Completion: July 30,1994 Responsible: Nick Chrissotimos

5. Perfbrm a self assessment to identify trends in human perfomrince, see tne performance measures below:

Scheduled Completion: July 30,1995 Respmsible: Nick Chrissotimos

6. Performance an assessment of the Iluman Perfom1ance Program (HPP) and Ihmian Performance Enhancement System (IIPES) after the first year of its implementation.

Scheduled Completion: July 30,1995 Respntsible: Nick Chrissotimos PliRII)RMA NCE ME 1SUREWXPECTED RESUL75:

1. 'Ihe number of repea human perfbmaance problems should trend down.


Qui Gtics 1994 Murcenent Nuclear Station Han - OBJECTIVE 203: Develop and implement a station wide self-check program that will improve overall plant operations by improving human performance reliability. Responsible: Larry Tucker / Steve Simpson Schedule: April 15,1995 INTENT: Using a multi-department team and industry input, develop a consistent self-check program for use by all site departments. Each department would implement the methodology and establish an expectation that the methodology would be widely used by personnel in the department to prevent human performance problems. Each department should stress communication of specific examples where the methodology can be utilized in near term potentially sensitive work activities to prevent human . performance problems. ACTIONPL4NS:

1. Establish the self-check program that will be the basis for use by all site departments.

Scheduled Completion: April 1,1994 Reslonsilde: Nick Chrissotimos

2. Provide a schedule for training on the self-check program for personnel in each department.

Scheduled Completion: April 1,1994 Responsible: I;trry Tucker / Steve Simpson

3. Team members will introduce the new self-check methodology to personnel in the department and implement its use.

Scheduled Completion: April 14,1994 Responsilde: Lany Tucker / Steve Simpson

4. Incorporate self-checking training as part of the Quad Cities N-GET Tmining.

Scheduled Completion: September 30,1994 Responsilde: John Kudalis 3-61

Qtal Gties 1994 Mungenent Niricar Station lian

5. Perfomi a review to identify the effectiveness of the self-check program after one year. See the performance measures below.

Scinhiled Onupletion: April 14,1995 Respmsilde: Nick Chrissotimos PERFORAMNCEMEASURES/EYPECTED RESULTS:

1. 'lhe number of repeat human performance related plant events should trend dosmward starting aller the self-check program is put into efTect.

i f 3-62

Oal Otics 1994 Maq enrnt

     .Nicar Station Ibn 01UECTIVE2.01:

Develop and-implement a comprehensive self-assessment process which supports an effective Nuclear Safety Culture. 'Ihis should include a process in all departments to periodically evaluate performance results and solicit work force input on ways to improve performance to provide opportunities for employee involvement. Responsible: J. Morris Schedule: February 28,1995 INTENT: . An effective Self-Assessment progmm ensures a proactive approach detecting, preventing, and resolving issues which have the potential to impact the safe and efTective opemtion of the station. The intent is to expand the means to effectively evaluate perfbrmance results (areas of strengths and weaknesses and changing performance trends) on a department-by-depanment basis. Te solicit work force input on ways to improve areas of weakness and declining trends and to enlist employee involvement in the development of perfonnance improvement solutions. ACTIONPlstN:

1. Estab!ish additional measurement data elements and standards as needed in the IQE  ;

Progru with depanment concurrence to effectively assess deputment perfonnance. Scheduled Completion: Februanj 25,1994 Respunible: J. Morris

2. Load all available current data into the IQE program so that the data available for assessment is up-to-date for stanup.

Scheduled Completion: March 5,1994 Responsible: All Depanments

3. Establish periodic meetings for the management review of the self-assessment results and if needed meetings to support the wNssment process.

Schedund Completion: March 4, lh Responsible: J. Morris

4. Obtain additional resources necessary to effectively startup and administer the IQE progmm.

Scheduled Completion: March 7,1994 Respmsible: G. Tietz 3-63

Qal Otics 1994 Murgenrnt Nuclear Station 11an

5. Communicate with each affected depanment to explain the self-assessment pnxess using IQE and the requirements for each department in this program. Get commitments from each department to suppon data input and assessments.

Scheduled Completion: March 11,1994 Respmsible: J. Monis

6. Review the need with site management of an indicator in IQE to allow an assessment of the amount of time spent in the plant by management. If deemed necessary establish the process and indicators in IQE. This process should be integrated with the housekeeping tour programs in place and may include reviving the management observation program. (See Management & lxadership Plan)

Scheduled Completion: March 18,1994 Responsible: J. Morris

7. As a pilot progmm, integrate system engineer program indicators into the IQE process as they are developed to the extent that they support an assessment of system, pemonnel, or process perfomaance not already in IQE. This effort should reduce the duplication of tracking effons between system enginees and IQE.

Sclululed Completion: March 25,1994 Respmsilde: L. Tucker

8. Using the results of the pilot program of system engineer indicators discuss with each department the needs to expand' revise indicators in IQE to better assess depanment perfbrmance.

Sclululed Comidetion: May 10,1994 Responsible: J. Morris

9. Complete a survey of computer needs to support the IQF/EIS tools at Quad Cities and address additional needs with site management.

Scheduled Completion: March 1,1994 Responsible: J. Morris

10. Prepare and approve a policy statement or other suitable controlling document for the self-assessment process at Quad Cities.

Scheduled Completion: June 1,1994 Responsible: J. Monis j I l I 3-64

Qual Oties 1994 Muugement Nuclar Station Ihn

11. Complete any necessary management decisions on the convenion from IQE to EIS at Quad Cities and if necessay an action plan for any changes or resource adjustments required to support the change in self-assessment computer tools.

Scinhiled Completion: June 1,1994 Responsible: J. Monis

12. Obtain and evaluate for site use a Perfbrmance Assessment Program based on INPO Guidelines fbr nuclear power plant conduct. Based on this n:sult prepare a plan fbr integration ofINPO Guidelines into the self-assessment process.

Scinhiled Completion: June 30,1994 Respomible: G. Campbell

13. Integrate system performance indicatom which suppon system assessments into the IQE pmcess. This effort should use the results of the system perfbmiance goals of objective 1.02).

Scleduled Completion: September 30,1994 ResponsilAc: L. Tucker

14. Complete an independent assessment of the self-assessment process and prepare an action plan to address the dercient areas.

Scheduled Completion: Februan 1,1995 Responsible: J Morris PERH)RMANCE Af&tSURIMINPECTED RESUL75:

1. Depanmental Ownership: The threshold ihr IQE tracked elements shows a change to a lower threshold in the acceptable and above indicators by the end of 1994.
2. Process Effectiveness: Positive trend in the Perfomunce Monitors within IQFEIS.

3-65 I

Qual Otics 1994 Mug:enent Niclear Station lian OBJECTIVE 2.05: Continue implementation of the Integrated Reporting Program (IRP) thereby encouraging identification of issues at a low threshold. 'Ihe infonnation which results from the IRP will be used to trend issues and proactively identify corrective actions. Respomilde: N. Chrissotimos Schedule: December 27,1994 INTINT: Ensure that issues are identified, captured, tracked, and resolved by establishing a process which promotes issue identification and timely resolution. ACTION PL'1N:

1. Establish a system for routing the final PIF repon. The routing should include the PIF originators so they can see the disposition and ultimate resolution of their issue /concem/cvent.

Scheduled Completion: Complete

2. Assess the effectiveness of the newly implemented IRP to detennine any prognunmatic deficiencies.

Scheduled Completion: Complete

3. Evaluate and disposition the recommendations resulting from the assessment conducted in Step 2. Develop action phms to implement required improvements to the prognun identified in the assessment report.

Scheduled Completion: March 1,1994 Res[omilde: T. Schares

4. Revise QCPP-2301 as necessary to incorporate the recommendations dispositioned in Step 3. Communicate revisions to the IRP to all site personnel.

Scheduled Completion: Based on and included in Action Plan developed in Item 3. Reslomilde: T. Schares

5. Establish a process to perfonn an annual self-assessment of the effectiveness of the IRP.

Scleduled Completion: Based on and included in Action Plan developed in item 3. Respomible: T. Schares 3-66

l l Qtsa! Otics 1994 Mung:enent Ntrkur Station 11an

6. Develop and implement a process that assigns corrective actions to appropriate I individuals and provides monthly trending of open item backlog to site management.

Sclululed Completion: Based on and included in Action Plan developed in item 3. Responsible: T. Schares PERR)RMANCEME4SURES/EYPECTED RESUL15:

1. Significant percentage of root cause analyses performed by station are the result of trend analysis, vs. in reaction to station events. (i.e., > 30% as determined by IRP cffectiveness assessment), with an increasing trend by the end of 1994.


4 ' Qtsul Otics 1994 Mungenent Nudear Station llan OHJECTIVE 2.06: Enhance the issue Management Process to ensure effective, integrated, issue management. Complete the prioritization for all NTS items in accordance with the policy to assure all high priority issues are identified and resolved in a timely manner. Responsilde: N. Chrissotimos Schedule: June 30,1994 IATENT: Ensure that issues are identified, evaluated, tracked, .ind resolved by establishing a process which piomotes issue identification and timely resolution. ACI10N PIstN:

1. Enhance the issue Management process to ensure integrated issue management, (Provide input to the Corporate Issue Management Working Gruup regarding the Quad Cities enhanced Issue Management process.)

Scheduled Completion: June 30,1994 ResponsilAe: N. Chrissotimos 1.1 Update and modify the Issue Management Policy document (QCPP-0101) to reflect the Integrated Planning Process. Scheduled Completion: March 31,1994 ResponsilAe: N. Chrsotimos 1.2 Update and modify the Stauon Commitment and Action Item Tracking procedure (QCAP 2300-6) to refleet the new Issue Management Policy document and the Integrated Planning Process. Scheduled Onnpletion: April 30,1994 , Responsible: N. Chrissotimos 1.3 Obtain PORC approval of the revised Issue Management Policy (QCPP 0101) and the revised Station Commitment and Action Item Tracking procedure - (QCAP 2300-6). Scheduled Completion: May 15,1994 Responsilde: N. Chrissotimos 3-68

Qttal Olim 1994 Murgenent Nuclear Station lian 1.4 Communicate changes in the Issue Management Policy to appropriate site personnel. Sclmluled Completion: May 31,1994 ResponsiNc: N. Chrissotimos 1.5 Implement the new Issue Management Policy and Station Commitment and Action Item Tracking procedure. Scheduled Completion: June 30,1994 ResponsiNe: N. Chrissotimos

2. Implement an interim strategy to assign priorities for new issues.

Scheduled Completion: March 30,1994 Responsible: A. Fuhs

3. Evaluate the Corporate issue Management Working Cnoup sofhvare for managing station issues.

Scinfuled Completion: March 30,1994 ResIxmsiNe: N. Chrissotimos

4. Enhance control of the revision of scheduled completion dates and reporting mechanisms.

Scheduled Completion: April 10,1994 ResponsiNc: A. Fuhs

5. Reduce the backlog of overdue, open NTS items.

Scheduled Completion: June 30,1994 ResponsiNc: A.Fuhs 5.1 Clearly communicate the site policy with respect to the purpose and content of NTS. Guidance must be issued to each department so that the items cunently open in the NTS database can be dispositioned. Scheduled Completion: March 31,1994 Responsible: A. Fuhs 5.2 Identify all issues greater than three years old with status equal to "open".


Scheduled Completion: Febmary 28,1994 ResponsiNe: A. Fuhs 3-69 1

QtralOtics 1994 Mngenent Nirlear Station Han 5.2.1 Review all NIS items identified in 5.2. Scheduled Completion: March 31,1994 Responsible: A. Fuhs 5.2.2 Remove from the NIS database records reviewed under 5.2 that do not meet specified criteria for being tmeked in NIS. Scheduled Completion: April 15,1994 Responsilde: A. Fuhs 5.2.3 Evaluate the need to accomplish and prioritize remaining issues identified in 5.2. If no need exists, consider closing the item. Scleduled Completion: April 30,1994 Responsilde: A. Fuhs 5.2.4 Establish realistic scheduled completion dates for remaining NIS items. For these items, responsible departments must generate or re-afftrm their scheduled completion date, with the understanding that they will be held accountable Ihr meeting their schedule. Items must also be prioritized in accordance with the QCPP 0101 metixxiology and incorporated into the department plans in accordance with the Integrated Phmning Process. Scheduled Completion: May 31,1994-Res1xmsible: A. Fuhs 5.3 Assess applicability of step 5.2 fbr NIS items aged 2 - 3 years,1 - 2 yeam, and 6 - 12 months. Sclululed Completion: June 30,1994 Res[xmsible: A. Fuhs PERR)RMANCEME4SURES/EYPECTED RESULTS:

1. Backlog of NIS items reduced to meet a goal established in IQE.


             ~ _ .                             .                               --    .-                - - -

T Qtul Otics 1994 Murcenent Nuclear Station Han 011]ECTIVE207: Improve the accuracy of the station's drawings in order to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of plant personnel in completing work. Responsible: R. Moravec Schedule: August 1,1994 INTENT:

           'Ihe drawing improvements for this objective will be accomplished through the continuation of ongoing effons to reflect the as-built configumtion (e.g., Detailed System Walkdown Program), and through the reduction of the current drawing revision backlogs. In addition, emphasis will be placed on improving, and maintaining, the quality of critical control room drawings. Process enhancements will be implemented which will improve the efliciency of the drawing change process, and ensure that critical control room drawing revisions will receive the highest priority for completion during future drawing change activities. The drawing improvement efTort for this objective will improve the day-to-day effectiveness and efficiency of plant personnel in completing work, and suppon safe, event-free operations.

ACTIONPis1N: Critical Contml Room Dnmings

1. Issue a complete set of critical control room drawings which reflect the currently known as-built configuration. Process enhancements will be implemented which will ensure that critical control room dmwing revisions receive the highest priority during future IX'R and design change activities (see following section in this action plan).

Scheduled Completion: April 1,1994 Responsible: C. Moerke 3-71


l Qtal Gtits 1994 nn: cement Niricar Station lian j Dnming Change Request (DCR) Pmeess Impmvement and Hacidog Process Improvement

2. Evaluate the current DCR process for potential enhancements which would improve efliciency and ensure that critical control room drawing revisions receive the highest priority for completion. De evaluation has a goal of ensuring that the critical control room drawings will be revised and distributed concurrent with Operations authorization of a design change. As a result of the evaluation, revise / enhance the.

current drawing change process. Scheduled Completion: July 1,1994 Responsible: C. Moerke Backlog

3. Compile a list of all known pending drawing changes (DCR backlog). Prioritize the backlog such that those IX'Rs which impact critical control room drawings are addressed first.

Scheduled Completion: April 1,1994 Responsible: C. Moerke

4. Detennine the resources required to address the anticipated / projected '94 drawing requests and the current backlog in order to achieve a backlog of 100 by the end of
            '94. Obtain and apply any additional resources determined to be necessary in order to reduce the backlog as planned.

Scheduled Completion: April 1,1994 Responsible: C. Moerke

5. Establish an IQE input to monitor the progress on the backlog in order to determine if further resources are wurranted.

Scheduled Completion: April 30,1994 Responsible: C. Moerke Detailed System \Wikdown Pmgnun (DS%P)

6. Review the current scope and schedule of DSWP with the Operations, Maintenance and Technical Senices Superintendents for acceptability. As a result of the review, present any additional '94 scope activities and resource requirements to the Technical Review Board and Site Planning Group for approval.

Scheduled Completion: Complete Responsible: C. Moerke 3-72

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Qtal Otics 1994 Muugenent Nickur Station Han

7. Establish an IQE input to monitor the progress of the DSWP effon in order to determine if further resources are unrmnted.

Scheduled Completion: April 30,1994 ResponsiNe: C. Moerke

8. Review with the Operntions, Maintenance and Technical Services Superintendents additional systems fbr the DSWP effon. As a result of that review, present any.

additional scope activities and resource requirements to the Technical Review Board and Site Planning Group for approval. Sclxxhiled Completion: August 1,1994 ResponsiNc: C. Moerke PEMORMANCE ME4SURESYEYPECTED RES'ULTS:

l. Critical control room drawings are updated to currently known as-built configuration.
2. He number of pending drawing changes (DCRs) is reduced to 100 by the end of 1994.
3. Reduction in the processing time for a DCR.
4. Completion of the 1994 DSWP scope.

i l 3-73 l 1

Qtzul Otics 1994 Murgenrnt Nuclear Station Han OBJECTIVE 2.08: Impmve the Vendor Manual Update Process to assure accurate vendor technical infonnation is available. Responsible: Bob Walsh Schedule: September 15,1994 lhTEAT:

           'Ihis objective will be accomplished through a review of the vendor manual update process for enhancements which would improve the efliciency with which controlled vendor technical information is made available to station personnel In addition, a review of the current backlog of vendor technical infonnation will be performed, and an action plan for climinating that backlog will be developed.

Improving the vendor manual update process, and eliminating the curn nt backlog of vendor technical infonnation, will result in an increase in the number of controlled vendor technical infom1ation manuals available for use by station personnel. Increasing the number of controlled vendor manuals will improve the effectiveness and efficiency of plant pemonnel in completing work activities, and support safe, event-free operation. ACTION PL4NS: Process Improvement

1. Perfban a multi-depanment resiew (e.g., SEC, Maintenance, and System Engineering) of the VEflP process in order to identify process enhancements which will improve the efTiciency with which controlled vendor technical information is made available to station personnel. As a result of the review, revise the necessary station procedures, and ensure that the appropriate personnel are trained on the revisions.

Sclxxluled Completion: September 15,1994 Responsible: Rex IIicks

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l Qui Oties 1994 Mutgenent Nidear Station lian Backlog  ;

2. Develop an action plan which will determine the approach (and required resources) to:

eliminate the existing backlog of safety-related, and unreviewed non-safety related, vendor technical information by the end of 1994; eliminate the existing backlog of non-safety-related vendor technical information by June 1995; and l eliminate uncontrolled technical information.  : Present the plan to the Technical Review Board (TRB) for approval.  ! Sclululed Completion: March 31,1994 Respomible: Tom Wojcik/ Rex Hicks

3. Establish an IQE input to monitor the progress on the backlog in order to determine if further resources are warranted.

Scialuled Completion: May 31,1994 Responsible: Rex Hicks i

4. Develop a site communication module, such as a Daily Link article, to communicate to the station the progress in making controlled vendor technical information readily available, and the expectation that uncontrolled infom1ation should not be used. ,

Selnluled Completion: July 31,1994 Responsible: Rex Ilicks PERIT)RhfANCE ME4SURES/EYPECTED RESUL75: ,

1. Elimination of the backlog of safety-related, and unreviewed non-safety related, vendor technical infonnation by the end of 1994 i


Qual OGes 1994 Mug:cment Nuclear Station Han OBJECTIVE 209: Improve the existing process for developing, revising, and upgrading site procedures (stressing an integrated approach) to support site operations. Responsilde: John Kudalis Schedule: July 30,1994 INTENT: The intent of this objective is to provide quality procedures which will promote safe, error-free operation of the facility through a coordinated and controlled process. This coordinated and controlled process must be integrated with the stations plans to upgrade station drawings and vendor technical infonnation. ACTION PLAN:

1. Use the results of an independent assessment of station procedural activities to define areas where procedure control system improvements are required. -

Scheduled Completion: March 8,1994 Responsible: John Kudalis

2. Determine and list all required procedure activities (e.g., procedure revisions, new procedure development, procedure upgrades) that are required as a result ofissues and recent changes at the site. Examples ofissues and changes to consider include the Technical Specification Upgrade Progam Site / Company reorganization, Station Bhtekout modifications, and the Procedure Upgrade Project.

Scleduk4 Completion: March 8,1994 Responsible: John Kudalis

3. Prioritize and schedule the activities identified in Step 2 wh,ch must be completed in 1994.

Scheduled Completion: June 8,1994 Responsible: John Kudalis

4. Detemiine the resources necessary to implement the schedule developed in Step 3.

Obtain and apply the required resources or re-prioritize and reschedule the activities. Scleduled Completion: June 30.1994 Responsilde: John Kudalis 3-76

9 Qttul Otics 1994 Murigenent

 - Niricar Station                                                                                lian
5. Establish an IQE input, which will monitor progress in order to determine if further resources are untranted.

Scheduled Comid etion: July 30,1994 Responsibic: John Kudalis PERIDRMANCEME4SURES/EYPECTED RESULTS:

1. An integrated station process for procedure development and/or revision that is fully implemented, scheduled with an established scope and end date, and staffed meets expectation.
2. 'lhe completion of the actions planned for 1994, identified in Action Plan Step 3, meets expectation.

I 1 1 i 3-77

Qui Oties 1994 Murgenent Nuclear Station llan OIUECTIVE3.01: Consistently exchange information freely and candidly with fellow employees and with those outside of Quad Cities Station. In these exchanges, the reasons for our decisions and actions are expressed clearly and succinctly. Institute a culture where self criticism is the driving initiative to improve the station and feedback is welcome and viewed as an opportmlity to improve. Communicate regularly and efTectively with our regulators. Respnsible: N. Chrissotimos Schedule: October 14,1994 JNIEVT: Focus attention and place priority on transmittal ofinformation internal and extemal to Quad Cities Station. ACTION Pl.AN:

1. Perform baseline interviews of selected regulatory and site personnel to establish a ,

level of confidence in knowing the accuracy, professionalism, and openness of communications and establish a level of understanding ofissues and processes. Scinfuled Completion: March 15,1994 Respomilie: N. Cluissotimos

2. Develop and implement a regulatory communication strategy.

Scinhiled Completion: March 31,1994 Respomible: N. Chrissotimos 3 Develop a self-assessment program schedule for 1994. Seinluled Completion: March 31,1994 Respomible: G. Campbell

4. Develop and implement a strategy to communicate to site employees the benefits and continued results of self assessment.

Sclaluted Completion: April 15,1994 Respomible: N. Chrissotimos 3-78 l l

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 ,                                                                                                   i Qui Otits                                                                         1994 Murgenent Nuchur Station                                                                               lian
5. Establish guidelines and inform site personnel how to interface with representatives from organizations outside Quad Cities.

Scleduled Completion: April 15,1994 Respomible: N. Chrissotimos

6. Perfbrm followup interviews of selected regulatory and site personnel on the accuracy, professionalism, and openness of communications and compare msults to baseline interviews.

Scheduled Completion: October 14,1994 Respomible: N. Chrissotimos PERH)RM4NCEMEASURESVEYPECTED RES'ULIS:

1. Followup interviews show positive trend results. .


Qtul Otits 1994 Murg:enrnt Ntrkar Station 11an OBJECTIVE 4.01 Clearly define and communicate the vision end direction for achieving sustained Station perfomunce improvement. Respntsibility: G. Tietz Scirdule: March 31,1994 INTEYT: Provide an effective mechanism to communicate the station vision and direction to all site personnel. 'This mechanism should ensure that all site personnel am aware of short and long term goals and objectives. ACTION PLAN:

1. Develop and approve a site employee handbook that delineates:

Corporate Strategy Quad Cities Management Plan Management Expectations Supervisory and Individual Responsibilities

           'Ihe handbook is to be an attractive fommt that includes genemlly useful infonnation, such as a calendar and personal appointment schedules.

Scleduled O)mpletion: March 31,1994 Res[xntsilde: G. Tietz j

2. Distribute handbooks and use the information as a basis for individual tailgate sessions on a periodic, routine 1 asis.

Scheduled O)m[ Action: April 15,1994 and ongoing  ! Res[xntsible: G. Tietz

3. Routinely discuss the contents of the handbook with employees during walk around tours to ensure understanding and application of the infommtion in the book. 'Ihis action should be specified in the program created by Objective 4.06. ,

Scheduled Onnpletion: April 15,1994 and ongoing Res[xntsible: All ManagemerJ j l 3-80 l

Qual Otics 1994 hing;enent Nuclear Station lian PEREORAbiNCE ME 1SUREVEXPECTED RESULTS:

1. Handbooks distributed.
2. Initial Tailgate Sessions have been completed.


Qtal Otics 1994 Muw,;enent .. Nuclear Station lian ) i OBJECTIVE 4.02: l l Clearly define the roles, responsibilities, accountabilities, interfaces and expectations of each Quad Cities department. ResIxmsilde: G. Campbell Schedule: December 31,1994 1A7EVT: Ensure that all departments understand their roles and responsibilities including customer / supplier interfaces with other departments. ACTION Pl<tN:

1. All depadment heads will review existing department "chaner" documents (department goals, mission statements, SPDs) to determine if these documents accurately describe the roles and responsibilities of their department.

Scheduled Completion: June 30,1994 Responsible: All Department lieads

2. All depanment heads will review the 1994 PPRs of their personnel to determine if the PPRs capture the requirements of the documents reviewed in step one. Add infom1ation to the PPRs as needed and also note infom1ation in PPRs which should be added to future drafts of the department charters.

Schethiled Completion: September 1,1494 Respmsible: All Department IIcads

3. Conduct inter-department workshops of selected departments to review and discuss roles and responsibilities of departments that must interface in performing work.

Scheduled Completion: September 1,1994 Responsible: All Degutment IIcads PERH)RM1NCE ME 1SURES/ EXPECTED RESUL'IS:

1. Results of the change efTectiveness survey (see Objective 4.08) indicate increased clarity of roles and responsibilities.


QtalOties 1994 Mumgement Nuclear Station 11an OBJECTIVE 4.03: Ensure that expectations for management involvement and follow up are effectively implemented. Responsilie: G. Tietz Scledule: June 30,1994 INTENT:


Establish a site ethic that requires supervision and management involvement in critical l station activity and instills the belief that follow up is an integral part of management and supervisory duties. ACTIONPIAN: 1

1. Ensure that expectations for management involvement (including those defmed in 1993 plan) are clearly understood by all Management Personnel.

Scheduled Completion: March 31,1994 ResponsilAc: Superintendents ,

2. Update PPR's to include Senior Management expectations for management involvement (this action is,a portion of Objective 4.09).

Scheduled Completion: June 30,1994 Respcmsible: Superiraendents

3. Perform Quarterly Assessments of effective management involvement and follow up during 1994 (perform as part of Objective 4.09).  ;

Scheduled Completion: End of each quarter in 1994. i Responsible: Superintendents PERIDRKINCE AIEASURESVEYPECTED RESUL75: 1

1. Memo issued that establishes management expectations.
2. PPRs updated to reflect senior management expectations.

3-83 i 4

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QualOties 1994 IWnzenent Nuclear Station lian 0BJECTIVE 4.04 Define individual perfonnance measures for the implementation of the Management Plan ResIx>mibility: G. Campbell Schedule: March 31,1994 IA7EVT Integrate the actions required to support the Quad Cities Management Plan into the Perfonnance Planning and Review process for all management personnel at the Quad Cities Station. Monitor individual progress on Management Plan actions in order to recognize both superior and unsatisfactory perfonnance. Sulwrior Performance is to be rewarded and direct feedback is to be provide for unsatisfactory perfomtance. ACIlON PIAN

1. Review infbrmation from sources such as 1994 Management Plan to determine items appropriate for inclusion in the PPR Requirements list. ( Example Objectives: 4.02, 4.03, 4.04, 4.06, 4.07). Provide initial draft to senior Staff for review and comment.

Submit drafl of this infom1ation to all Management Plan Objective Osmers. Scheduled Onnpletion: Febmary 28,1994 Res[xmsible: G. Campbell

2. All Management Plan Objective Owners will review draft and revise as appropriate.

Sclxxluled Completion: March 15,1994 Responsible: G. Campbell

3. Distribute final document derming the actions required to support the Management Plan fbr incorporation into individual's PPR's.

Scheduled Completion: March 31,1994 Responsible: G. Campbell

4. Depanment IIcads and above will review individual performance against the Management Plan Actions on a quarterly basis. Ilrument the reviews as part of actions in Objective 4.09. '

Scheduled Cmnpletion: End of 2nd,3rd and 4th Quaners. Responsible: G. Campbell 3-84

. i l Ocul Gties 1994 Murcenrnt Ntricar Station lian PERH)RA1ANCE AIE4SURES/ EXPECTED RESULIS:  :

1. Create doctanent which specifies actions required to support the management plan which are appropriate for inclusion into PPRs.
2. Infbnnation incorporated into 1994 PPR process.

p 3-85


- l l Qtal Glies 1994 Museenrnt  ; Nudeu Station ihn  ; l OBJECTIVE 4.05 l Develop a program to apply discipline in an appropriate and consistent manner. Itcspnnihility: S. Simpson Sclulule: March 21,1994 JNTEAT Develop a program to apply discipline in an appropriate and consistent manner. ACTION Pis1N

1. Create draft documents needed to define prognun.

Sclaluted Gunidetion: March 31,1994 Res;xntsible: S. Simpson

2. Get input as needed from dernrtment heads, supervisors, and bargaining group on drail document.

Scinfuled Completion: March 31,1994 llesponsilde: S. Simpson

3. Communicate program to appropriate management and bargaining unit personnel.

Scinfuled Completion: March 31,1994 Respomible: S. Simpson PERR)RMANCEME1SURIMEVPECTED R15UL75:

1. Documentation exists specifying measures to ensure discipline program is implemented in a consistent and appropriate manner.
2. Program measures are understood by site pesonnel.
  • 3-86

Qtal Oties 1994 Murgenent Niricar Station Han OBJECTIVE 4.06 Ensure that fomtal programs exist for Qtud Cities Managers to " walk the talk". Responsibility: G. Campbell Schedule: March 31,1994 [hTI:hT Create new programs (or revise / enforce existing programs) which reinforce an ethic that managers must act consistent with the publisbed site values. In particular, the intent is to provide incentives for manager to spend time observing the station and their people. ACTION P121N

1. Establish a policy requiring all supervisory and management personnel to commit to spend time in the plant.

Scleduled Completion: G. Campbell Responsibic: March 31,1994

2. Establish a policy requiring second line supervisory personnel and above to tour assigned work areas with their direct reports on a weekly basis.

Sclwduled Completion: G. Campbell Responsible: March 31,1994

3. Establish a practice of supervisory personnel discussing appropriate subjects with one or more employees during their rounds.

Scheduled Completion: G. Campbell Responsible: March 31,1994 PERH) Rob 1NCE AIE 1SURESYEYPECTED RES'ULTS:

1. Policies exist which require all supervisory and management personnel to commit to spend time in the plant.
2. Policies exist which require department heads and above to tour assigned work areas  ;

with their direct reports on a weekly basis. I

3. 'Ihe implementation of the requirements of these policies will be monitored in accordance with objective 4.09.

3-87 1 l l

E Qteal Gtios 1994 Murgement Nuclear Station Han OBJECTIVE 4.07 Effectively implement the perfonnance appraisal process for bargaining unit personnel. Respmsibility: S. Simpson Scledule: September 30,1994 INTEVT: To provide accurate performance feed back to bargaining unit personnel in accordance with QCPP-0501. ACTION PbtN

1. Ensure supervisors understand program requirements.

Scinhded Completion: March 31,1994 Responsible: S. Simpson

2. Monitor implementation of program implementation.

Scinhded Completion: September 1,1994 Respnsilde: S. Simpson

3. Communicate results and effects of program to senior management.

Scheduled Cempletion: September 30,1994 Respnwible: S. Simpson PERFORA1ANCE AIE4SURESYEXPECTED RES'ULIS:

1. Bargaining unit personnel receive perfomiance appraisals at least once each year.
2. Management has objective infonnation for use in determining promotions from the bargaining unit.


Qtal Oties 1994 Almgenent Nuclear Station Han OBJEC11VE 4.08 Develop a mechanism to assess management elTectiveness as perceived by Quad Cities personnel. Ilesponsibility: G. Tietz Schedule: December 31,1994 INTENT: Specify formal and informal measures which senior management may use to evaluate their effectiveness in directing the activities of the site, as perceived by site personnel. Specifically, include methods to evaluate the effectiveness of Objectives 1.16, 4.01, 4.02, and 4.05. ACTION PL4N:

1. Defme initial elements of the program. (Culture Surveys, small group meetings, etc)

Selwdulerl Completion: March 31,1994 ResponsilAc: G. Tietz

2. Solicit input on effective program elements from Department Heads, Supervisors, and Bargaining Group peTsonnel as appropriate.

Scheduled Completion: June 30,1994 Responsible: G. Tietz

3. Implement initial actions of program.

Scheduled Completion: September 30,1994 Responsilde: G. Tietz

4. Review initial ellbrts and revise future plans as necessary.

Selwduled Completion: December 30,1994 Responsible: G. Tietz PERII)RMANCE ME4SURES/EYi'ECTED RiiSULIS:

1. Infonnation is available to Senior Management on their effectiveness as perceived by site personnel.


QttulGlics 1994 Murgenent Nirlear Station Han OBJECTIVE 4.09: Effectively implement the 1994 PPR process for all nunagement personnel. Respomitility: R. Pleniewicz Schedule: December 31,'1994 1h7ENT-Evaluate all management personnel using the existing PPR process. Ensure that this evaluation includes at a minimum, the requirements specified in objective 4.04. Ensure that all personnel meet the minimum perfomunce requirements for the positions they hold. Identify and develop personnel who have the talent to move to positions of higher responsibility. Iluman Resources will perfomi an audit function for this objective. Individual supervisors will be held accountable for completing these actions for the personnel they supervise. ACTION Pis1N:

1. Evaluate all management personnel according to the PPR process, including quarterly reviews of the infomution specified in Objective 4.04.

Scheduled Completion: December 31,1994 Respomilde: S. Simpson

2. As part of step one, evaluate incumbents to detem1ine the adequacy of their perfomunce and qualifications. Develop and implement individual phms to bring eny incumbents evaluated as marginal perfonners to acceptable levels of perfomiance.

Scheduled C<mipiction: September 30,1994 Responsilslity: S. Simpson

3. Develop and implement plans to qualify high-potential individuals for supervisory and nrumgement positions.

Scheduled Completion: September 30,1994 Respmsibility: S. Simpson PERR)RMANCEME45UREWNPECTED RESULTS:

1. Efrective implementation of PPR process using infomution from Objective 4.04.


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OniGde 1994 Mumigenent Nuclear Station 11an

2. PPR process is implemented in a manner which identifies marginal performers and specifies activities needed to improve their performance.
3. PPR process is implemented in a manner which identifies good perfbrmers and specifies activities needed to prepare them for the next level of responsibility.

3-91 1

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Qin! Otics 1994 Mag:enent Nuch ar Station llan OBJECTIVE 4.10 Implement Leadership and Management development training activities fbr all levels of management at Quad Cities Station. IkspomilAc: J. Kudalis Schedule: June 30,1994 INTEYT: Provide the station staff with appropriatt. continuir.g training in management and leadership skills and techniques. Each member of the station team needs to exercise appropriate degrees ofleadership and management. The intent is to provide each member of the station team with leadership education and training consistent with his/her responsibilities. This training is to extend down to first line supervision. Existing CECO capabilities, approaches and training will be evahlated for application at Quad Cities ACTION PLAN:

1. Ensure available management tmining opportunities are effectively communicated to all management personnel.

Scheduled Completion: March 31,1994 Ikspomible: J. Kudalis

2. Management personnel will infonn the training department of the leadership training activities that they.wish to participate in. (As a minimum, each department will specify goals for participation by their first line supervision initial su;xwisor training oiTered by the Leadership Development Center).

Sclululed Completion: June 30,1994 Responsible: J. Kudalis I

3. Training will use the infbanation from step 2 to schedule leadership training for 1994 l (as allowed by resources and site activity schedule). l Scheduled Completion: June 30,1994 i Responsible: J. Kudalis i


Qtux! Oties 1994 Murgenent Nuclear Station ilan

4. All personnel administering the PPR process will ensure that the section on leadership development activities identifies appropriate training activities for the individual they supervise.

Scledule Completion: September 30,1994 Respomilde: S. Simpson

5. Training will prepare a 1995 schedule of leadership training based on the input from steps 2&4 and identify employees to attend each scheduled training session.

Scleduled Completion: December 31,1994 Responsible: J. Kudalis PERFORM 4NCEME4SURESYEYPECTED RES'ULTS:

1. Leadership development activities are planned in advance to ensure that supervisors receive the training they need at optimum times for their work schedule.


Qtul Glies 1994 Mngenrnt Nuclear Station Itan OBJEC11VE 4.11 Establish long and short term plans for benchmarking activities, including mechanisms to evaluate the effectiveness of these activities. Responsible: G. Tietz Schedule: September 30,1994 INIENT Support the ef1bns of key individuals to further develop industry knowledge and identify improvement ideas and initiatives consistent with the Management Plan. Establish a process for reviewing improvement ideas and initiatives to ensure they are implemented consistent with the initial plans and that the intended results are achieved.Each department will prepare a plan to identify benchmarking activities for their department in 1994 and 1995. These activities can mnge from exchanging infom1ation via mail and conference calls to actual visits to other locations by station personnel. (INPO Evaluations, industry meetings, visits to other utilities, CECO activities at other sites, etc.). These plans will specify action steps, time-frames and resources needed. 1994 actions will be completed according to station priority. 1995 actions can be used as an input in preparing the 1995 budgets and work schedules. The infomaation in these plans will be useful in evaluating the efTectiveness of the depanment in utilizing industry resources to improve their perfomiance. ACTION PIAN:

1. Distribute a memo to all department heads that outlines the requirements for 1994 -

1995 panicipation in the benchmarking program. Scheduled Completion: May 1,1994 Responsible: A. Lewis

2. Each depanment will prepare initial plans to identify benchmarking activities for their department in 1994 and 1.995. 'lhese plans will specify action steps, time-frames and resources needed.

Scheduled Completion: June 30,1994 Responsible: A. Lewis 3-94

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Qtral Oties 1994 Murgenent Nuclear Station lian

3. Evaluate the initial benchmarking program (established in 1993) and revise as necessary to ensure that information from the program is readily available to site personnel, and that the process for capturing information from participants is simplified.

Scheduled Completion: September 30,1994 Responsible: A.Invis PERFORMANCEME4SURESVEXPECTED RESULTS:

1. Benchmarking phins completed.
2. Information derived from Benchmarking activities is readily available.
3. Benchmarking activities are documented in a manner which is useful for future application and for evaluating the benefits of the activity.


Qud Otics 1994 Mnegement NuclearStdon ihn OBJECTIVE 4.12 Establish a schedule and plan to address weaknesses in management tools so that the tools available to management allow easy access and provide correct data so that they-support the management decision process. Respomibility: J. Kudalis Sebedule: July 1,1994 INTENT: Complete a review of the cuncnt nunagement tools including NTS, TJM, IQE, EIS, and any others identified by management to identify the weaknesses and management needs. In concert with other initiatives in progress or planned establish a schedule for improvements of these tools. ACTION PLAN:

1. Survey the depanment managers to determine which management tools they feel are inadequate fbr their needs and which additional tools may be needed.

Scinhiled Omil detion: May 1,1994 Respomible: R. Bees

2. Establish a prioritized list of requested management tool changes for management review. This list should include resource estimates and impact for the proposed changes.

Scinhiled Completion: June 1,1994 Responsilde: J. Kudalis

3. Obtain management approval of the scope of changes. Prepare and obtain approval of a schedule fbr these enhancements.

Scheduled Gimpletion: July 1,1994 Resimmible: J. Kudalis PERFORM 4NCEME4SUREVEYPECTED RESUL75:

1. Schedule approved fbr management tool enhancements including budget of resources.


Qtal Otics 1994 Mugenent Nuck-ar Station 11an OHJECTIVE 4.13 Provide a mechanism for recognizing and encoumging individuals who significantly contribute to improvements at Quad Cities. (example - Revitalize the Quad Cities PRO Program to recognize significant contributors.) Respomibility: G. Campbell Schedule: September 30,1994 INTENT: .

            . Define and implement methods to recognize exceptional performance. This can include programs to recognize innovative short term actions or longer temt perfonnance improvements such as time periods without personnel errors.


1. Define elements of the program.

Scheduled Completion: June 30,1994 Responsilde: G. Campbell

2. Get input from Dils, FLS, Bargaining Group as appropriate.

Scheduled Completion: June 30,1994 Respomible: G. Campbell

3. Complete, implement, and conununicate prognun.

Scheduled Completion: September 30,1994 Responsible: G. Campbell PERR)RM4NCEME45URE%fEYPECTED RESULIS:

1. Program implemented.
3-97 s . , .

Quati Utics 1994 Minwgenent Nuclear Station lian OBJECTIVE 4.14: Ensure that individuals selected for supervisory and management positions are qualified to cany our their assigned responsibilities. Respomibility: S. Simpson Schedule: September 30,1994 INTENT: Implement a process that ensures that the qualifications ofindividuals considered for positions of responsibility are properly evaluated. ACTION PistN:

1. Establish a management review board which screens and interviews applicants supervisory and management positions.

Scheduled Completion: March 31,1994 Responsible: S. Simpson

2. Define minimum qualifications and demonstrated performance required fbr each supervisory and management position. (Related to Objective 4.02)

Sclululed Completion: September 30,1994 Responsible: S. Simpson PERIDRM4NCE AIE4SURES/EYPECTED RESULIS:

1. Review board established to evaluate candidates for fbture management and supervisory positions.
2. Documents exist which define the qualifications required for each management position.


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s 4 Qtrul Utics 199-1 Mmagenent Ntricar Station Han OHJECTIVE 4.15 Site Engineering management will foster an environment that promotes timely, effective, and comprehensive recommendations and solutions to plant problems. Responsible: Larry Tucker / Bob Moravec Schedule: July 31,1994 INTDVT: Coupled 5. + inarovements in the System Engineering Program, reduce the number of plant challenges m safe, event-free opemtion by assuring clear direction and priority i.s set Ihr engineering support for plant problem resolution. 'Ihis will be accomplished by setting high standards, enforcing the standards, monitoring the results of our actions in terms of improved engineering support to the plant, and periodically assessing these results against established measurement standards and through interviews with personnel from interfacing departments. ACTION Pis1N:

1. Reintbrce the expectation that the Technical Resiew Board (TRB) will provide clear, consistent direction for engineering support.

Scheduled Completion: March 31,1994 Responsible: Lany Tucker / Bob Moravec

2. Review and revise SEC administrative guideline to assure roles, responsibilities, and expectations fbr engineering are clear and consistent with interfacing departments.

Scicluled Completion: April 30,1994 Responsible: Lany Tucker / Bob Moravec

3. Assess engineering support and organizational efTectiveness. 'lhe resiew will foms on engineering resources availability to support the station, communication elTectiveness between engineering and interfacing departments, and quality and adequacy of engineering products. 'Ihe review will include interviews with personnel from operations, maintenance, and other departments in the organization.

Sclaluted Completion: June 30,1994 Responsible: Larry Tucker / Bob Moravec 3-99

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   . Qttul Gtics                                                                        1994 Muugenent Nudcar Station                                                                                llan
4. 13ased on the results of the assessment of engineering support, take actions to improve  ;

engineering support to the plant.  : Scheduled Completion: July 31,1994 Respomible: 12trry Tucker / Bob Moravec i

5. Establish a disciplined approach to team management for problem resolution. Teams will develop and be committed to a common purpose, set of performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable. Teams will have recognized team leaders, team members, and team goals which are clearly identified and communicated.

Scheduled Completion: July 31,1994 Responsilde: 1.arry Tucker / Bob Moravec PERIDRMANCE MEASUREMEYPECTED RES'ULTS

1. Positive feedback from the engineering effectiveness review in Step 3 of the Action Plan.

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3 i Qtul Otics 1994 Margenent I Nuclcar Station lian

4. RESOURCIE TO SlJPPORT 1994 SfE OlllECTIVES 1994 Site Rewisce Regiirements:

Pl:RSONNlsl, l Desenpiton 1991 Manarement (1) 60  ; 1:mplope (1) 130 Contractor (2) !Il0 Total Pe rsonnel 19')0 Ol'EltN110NS AND MAIN'Il; NANCE INIENSl3 ($000's) Ikscription 1994 Iludget 165,000 liscalation 0 Total O&M 165,000 Outage Weeks (3) 27 Outage Costs 45,700 CAITTAL INPl;NDilUldS (S000's)-INSTAIJ AllON Ikseription 1994 Budget 50,500 liscalation (%) 0 Total O&M 50,500 41

8 1 l Qtr.ul Glies 1994 Mungenent  ! NucicarStation Han CAITTAL IN14NDTIURES (5000's)-IOlOVAL AND SALNAGE Description 1994 Budget 5,000 - Escalation (%) 0 Total O&M 5,000 , NUILs:

1. From Original Budget
2. (Iligh+1ewy2
3. Reflects Outage Schedule Dated August 2,1993 lhe resource requirements to support implementation of the action plans presented in Section 3 are maintained as a living document by the long range planning group. These resources and schedules are contained in the P2 program to enable integration of Management Plan activities with other programs and events scheduled at the site.

4-2 I 1

Qtrul Otics 1998 Mirtrgenent Nuclear Station lian

5. KEY 1994 PEIGORVIANCE INDICATORS Key 1994 performance indicators used to monitor progress towards the site's vision of pre-eminence include:

Safe. Event Free Ooerillion Industrial Safety Accident Rate (#/200k p-hr) < l.2 Collective Radiation Exposure (p-Rem) 1400 Personnel Errors (# oflevel 2 & 3 PIFs/yr) < 15 Comoetitive Net Genemtion (MWh)(97% of gross) 9,952,000 Unit Capability Factor (%)(27 wks. outage) 70.3 System Perfonnance Indicators TBD O&M Expenses ( S000) $165,000 Corporate Cost (S000) S27,402 Fuel Cost ($000) S50,000 Pnxiuction Cost (S/MWh) w/o Fuel $19.33 Total Production Cost ($/MWh) S24.36 Outage completion on schedule (+/- days) <0 i i In addition to the above indicators, the site is implementing a detailed self-assessment process  ! based on perfinmance indicators which will judge progress at all levels of the organization. )

 'lhe regular review of these indicators by site management will monitor progress toward our           l vision. In addition, as each Action Plan is completed it will be judged against its own               l performanec indicators to ensure the intent of the objective was met.                                 !


    @d Oties                                                                         1994 Magenent Nuclear Station                                                                            Ilan
6. 1991 STKHON PROJECIS The table below is a preliminaq list all modifications, exempt changes, engineering studies, projects, progrants and issues having a cost of greater than $100,000 and scheduled to be worked in 1994. The list is preliminary because the unit outage schedules and scopes are currently being reevaluated. When these are finalized, the list of 1994 projects will be validated with the site budget and finalized.


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I Qtul Oties 1994 Slug;enrnt Ntricar Station Ilan


The following is a summan/ evel l schedule of key events scheduled for 1994 including milestone activities of the Action Plans. l j 1994 OUTAGE SCIIEDULES l QlR13 Start 3/12/94 QlR13 Finish 7/3/94 I Q1M10 Start 10/23/94 Q1M10 Finish 12/10/94 1994 MILESTOSTS Objective Milestone Date Number 1.01 Set NWR inventory reduction goals. 3/25/94 1.02 Establish or modify performance criteria for 6/1/94 selected systems.


1.02 Prepare Action Plans to meet system perfom1ance 7/15/94 goals.

              .03         Develop Action Plans for documenting and               6/1/94 evaluating undocumented temporary modifications.

1.03 Establish Temporary Alteration trend reporting 4/1/94 system to management. 1.05 Complete pilot Area Reclamation project. 7/8/94 1.06 Hot spot elimination plan approved by TRB. 7/15/94 1.08 Assessment of effectiveness of resolution of high 8/31/94  ; priority vibration issues completed. l

                                                                                                     -1 7-1 i

QtsulOties 1994 Murg:enent Nudcar Station I'lan 1994 MIIISTONES Objective Milestone Date Number L 1.09 Scheduled dP testing of high and medium priority End of valves completed for Unit 1. QlR13 l 1.10 Action plan to resolve ground water inleakage 5/1/94 l developed, approved, and scheduled. 1.11 Complete second material condition effectiveness 6/30/94 review. 1.12 Corrective actions for known equipment challenges 5/27/94

                                   . identified.

1.12 Action Plans developed to implement corrective 7/29/94 actions identified in Step 6. 1.13 Maintenance Rule implementation plan approved 6/1/94 by TRB. 1.14 Technical Services Ikpartment roles and 4/22/94 responsibilitics document issued. 1.14 Request INPO assist visit to assess System 8/1/94 Engineering. . i 1.15 Develop design change backlog reduction goals. 5/15/94 l.16 All safety cuylture review days completed by 6/15/94 j departments. l.17 Implement Work Control Center 3/15/94 j l 1.18 Prepared QlM10 Outage Schedule 8/15/94 1.18 Define Q2R13 Outage Scope 12/30/94 l 1 22 Implement schedule performance reports. 4/15/94 1.23 Total dosage from ten high dosejobs reduced by End of 5% from historical average dosage for thosejobs. QlR13 1.24 Ship all DAW on site to Barnwell for disposal. 4 0.2/94 7-2 I ( ,. .. .. . . . ..

Quad Otles 1994 Mmagenrnt Nuckur Station Han 1994 MILESTONES Objative Milestone Date Number 2.01 Develop a plan to provide root cause training to 5/31/94 Quad Cities personnel. 2.02 Implement IIPES program. 7/30/94 2.03 Implement Self-check pmgram. 4/14/94 2.04 Self-assessment policy / procedure approved.- 6/1/94 2.06 Develop issue prioritization scheme. 3/31/94 2.06 Develop action plan to reduce backlog of NTS 6/30/94 items. 2.07 Issue complete set of critical control room 4/1/94 drawings. 2.08 Eliminate backlog of vendor technical information. 12/31/94 4.01 Distribute site employee handbooks. 4/15/94 4.03 First quarterly assessment of management 6/30/94 involvement and followup. 4.06 Policy defining expectations for management and 3/31/94 supervisors spending time in the plant. 4.08 Implement program to assess management 9/30/94 effectiveness. 4.11 Prepare initial plans for benchniarking activities. 6/30/94 4.12 Establish a prioritized list of requested management 6/1/94 tool changes. 4.13 Complete, implement, and communicate PRO 9/30/94 program . 4.14 Establish management review board f- tecning 3/31/94 supervisory and management job app,n .ts. 7-3

        .                                                                                           l l


1 (hulOdes 1994 Mng;enrnt Nuclear Station lian 1994 MILESTONES Objective Milestone Date Number 4.15 Implement actions to improve engineering support 7/31/94 to the plant. 7-4 e i}}