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Forwards Biweekly Status Rept for Period 881008-21
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 10/26/1988
From: Blough A
To: Wiggins J
NUDOCS 8811030432
Download: ML20205N060 (6)


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00T 261989 Docket No. 50-29',

MEMORANDUM A FP' : James T. Wiggins, Chief Reactor Projects Branch No. 3 FROM: A. Randy Blough, Chief Reactor Projects Section No. 2B


PILGRIM STATUS REPORT FOR THE PERIOD OCTOBER 8 - 21, 1988 Enclosed is the Pilgrim bi-weekly status report from the NRC Resident Office at Pilgrim. Three re'ident inspectors monitored activities at the plant during the report period. .M October 14, 1988, the NRC Commissioners met in Rockville, Maryland to discuss the proposed restart of the Pilgrim plant. A copy of the meeting transcription will be available for public review at the local public document room.

The Pilgrim bi-weekly status report is intended to provide NRC management and the public vith an overview of plant activities and NRC inspection activities.

Subsequent inspection reports will address many of these topics in more detail.

'0RiclNil sinvrn ny A. Randy Blough, Chief Reactor Projects Section No. 3B


As stated 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY PILGRIM STATUS 10/8-21/88 - 0001.0.0 i 10/25/88 -_.

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Memorandum for James T. Wiggins 2 b 7088 cc w/ encl:

R. Bird, Senior Vice President - Nuclear, BECo L. Gustin, Vice President - Corporate Relations, BEco K. Highfill, Station Director, BEco J. Keyes, Licensing Division Manager, BECo Chairman, Board of Selectmen, Plymouth Chairman, Board of Selectmen, Carver Chairman, Board of Selectmen, Duxbury Chairman, Board of Selectmen, Marshfield Chairman, Board of Selectmen, Kingston The Ho..orable Edward P. Kirby The Sonorable Peter V. Forman The Honorable Edward J. Markey M Ernst, Conmittee on Energy, Commonwealth of Massachusetts S. Pollard, Energy Secretary, Commonwealth of Massachusetts B. McIntyre, Chairman, Department of Public Utilities N. ilohnson, Chairman, Duxbury Nuclear Committee

'/lynouth Civil Defense Director R. '3oulay M. Conyngham M. Jeka K. Anderson Public Document Room (POR) local Public Document Room (LPDR)

Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)

NRC Resident Inspector Commonwealth of Massachusetts (2) i i


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I 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY PILGRIM STATUS 10/2-21/88 - 0002.0.0 10/25/88 I f

i Memorandum for James T. Wiggins 3 00T 261988 bec w/ encl:

Region I Docket Room (with concurrences)

T. Murley, NRR ,

F. Miraglia, NRR S. Varga, NRR B. Boger, NRR

0. Crutchfield, NRR J. Partlow, NRR C. Rossi, NRR F. Congel, NRR L. Shao, NRR R. Wessman,flRR D. Mcdonald, NP.R J. Roe, NRR .

F. Akstulewicz, NRR L. Whitney, NRR P. Boehnert, ACRS W. Russell, RI i W. Kane, RI T. Martin, RI J. Durr, RI R. Gallo, RI S. Ebneter, RI  ;

R. Bellamy, RI S. Collins, RI R. Blough, RI L. Doerflein, RI M. Kohl, RI M. J. DiDonato, RI (2)

K. Abraham, RI (2) 4 S

RI:0RP RI:0RP RI:0RP f;,( CWarren/mjd RBlough ( JWiggins 10h #88 10hh88 10/3 8 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY PILGRIM STATUS 10/8-21/88 - 0003.0.0 10/2S/88 I

ENCLOSURE PILGRIM STA(US REPORT FOR THE PERIOD OCTOBER 8 - 21, 1988 1.0 Plant Status As of 8:00 a.m. on October 21, 1988, the reactor was in the cold shutdown mode with moderator temperature about 96 degrees Fahrenheit.

2.0 Facility Operations Summary The plant has been shutdown for maintenance and to make program improve-ments since April 12, 1986. The reactor core was completely defueled on February 13, 1987 to facilitato extensive maintenance and modification of ,

plant equioment. The licensee completed fuel reload on October 14, 1987.  ;

Reinstallt eion of the reactor vessel internal components and the vessel J head was follcueo by completion of the reactor vessel hydrostatic test. 1 The primary containment integrated leak rate test was also completed dur-  !

ing the week of December 21, 1987. l The licensee completed a formal management self-assessment of their ,*eadt-ness for restart and submitted this to the NRC for review on May 26, 1988, in the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Self-Assessment of Readiness for Restart Report and Volume 2, Revision 2 of the Restart Plan. The NRC com-pleted its review of the licensee's Self-Assessment Report and conducted an Integrated Assessment Team Inspection (IATI) during August 8-24, 1988.

The purpose of the IATI was to perform an in-depth assessment of the i

licensee's readiness for restart. The IATI Inspection Report 50-293/88-21 was issued on September 7, 1988. The team concluded with confidence that Boston Edison Company (BECo) management controls, programs and personnel are generally ready and performing at a level to support safe startup and operation of the facility. The Itcensee has formally requested permission of the Commission for restart of the Pilgrim plant.

The licensee is currently performing major surveillance testing and con-tinuing with system turnovers in preparation for restart.

3.0 Items of Special Interest Review of Kapton Wire Use at Pilgrim Station In response to concerns expressed in various forms by State Representative Alexander, the NRC staff has reviewed the application and physical configuration of Kapton wire at the Ptigrim plant. Results of this review will be documented in Inspection Report 50-293/88-33.

OFFICIAL RECORD COPY PILGRIM STATUS 10/8-21/88 - 0004.0.0 10/25/88

I Enclosure 2 NRC Commission Meeting On October 14, 1988, the NRC Comeissioners met in Rockville, Maryland to discuss the possible restart of the Pilgrim plant, U. S.

i Senator E. Kennedy, Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor E. Murphy, U. S.

Representative G. Studds, and representatives from BFCo. as well as mem-bers of the NRC staff from Headquarters and Pegion I, addressed the NRC Commissioners. The NRC Commissioners postpened a vote on the proposed restart of the Pilgrim plant t.o take into consideration the information and issues presented at the meeting.

4.0 Emergency Notification System (ENS) Reports Oa October 10, 1988, at abmt 10:00 p.m., the licensee received an unex-i peeted full scram signal as they were in the process of resetting a scram j signal that was manually inserted to support maintenance on the Inter-mediate Range Monitor (IRM) system. The licensee's investigation deter-

)! mined that the full scram signal was received on high scram discharge i instrument volume level when an operations staff member cycled the "A" 1 Reactor Protection System (RPS) breaker. Opening of either RPS breaker

! will deenergize the scram bypass switch contacts in both "A" and "B" RPS l logic circuits The event was reported to NRC by the licensee on

, October 10, 1988 at about 11:30 p.m. via ENS.

! On October 12,1988, at 9:15 p.m., the licensee experienced a full isola-1 tion of the Reactor Building (secondary containment) and automatic start i

of the "B" standby gas treatment system. The isolation was due to per-sonnel error. The isolation occurred when both "A" and "B" refuel floor radiation monitors tripped. The "A" refuel floor radiation monitor had j not been reset when a half scram was inserted on "B" RPS channel. The licensee was in the process of performing surveillances on RPS electrical protection assemblies which require half scrams on RPS channels. Each refuel floor high radiation level trip contacts are powered from the respective RPS power source.

On October 17, 1988, at 2:33 p.m., a primary containment Group I isolation occurred due to reactor vessel high water level. The licensee was in the process of restoring the feedwater system following the feedwater flush at the time of the isolation. It was determined that the feedwater regulator valve position indicators had failed and were providing an erroneous indication. The feedwater regulator valves were fully open but indicated shut. All inboard and outboard Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIV's) were initially in the open position per a surveillance test when the isolation occurred. No problems were noted in response to the Group I isolation.

The licensee halted the surveillance testing on the MSIV's and initiated maintenance requests to correct the faulty feedwater regulator valve indicators. The licensee made the ENS notification on October 17, 1938 at 4:34 p.m.

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a Enclosure 3 5.0 NRC Staff Status During the Period The inspection staff at Pilgrim during the report period consisted of the following:

Clay Warra ---

Senior Resident Inspector Tae Kim ---

Resident Inspector Cynthia Carpenter ---

Resident Inspector An NRC region-based specialist inspector and an NRC Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulations specialist were onsite during the week of October 9, 1988, to review the licensee's application and physical configuration of Kapton wiring at the plant. In addition, the resident i inspectors from the Susquehanna facility were onsite during the week of October 9,1988, to assist the resident inspectors. During the week of October 17, 1988, the Senior Resident Inspector from the Susquehanna facility and a region-based senior reactor engineer were onsite assisting the resident inspectors. The results of these inspection activities will

be documented in NRC Inspection Report 50-293/88-33.

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