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Forwards Request for Info Re Effects of Accidents & Meteorology Needed for Review of Environ Rept
Person / Time
Site: Satsop
Issue date: 07/12/1982
From: Houston R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Tedesco R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
CON-WNP-1266 NUDOCS 8207230159
Download: ML20197F805 (6)


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AEB.R/F JLevine JUL 121982 Ispickler Docket tio.: 50-508 PEasley

^ . WPasedag

  • Plant File AD/RP RF

, HEMDRAttDUM F0H: Robert Tedesco, Assistant Director for Licensing Division of Licensing FROM: R. Wayne Houston, Assistant Director for Radiation Protection Divsion of Systems Integration l


WitP-3 ER ACCEPTAitCE REVIEW Af;D REQUEST FOR It FCRf!ATI0tl In response to the June 2,1982 request for a review of the WilP-3 Environnental Report, Joe Levine and Pat Easley of the Accident Evaluation Branch prepared the enclosed connents and requests for information. The effects of accidents infornation requested in items 450-1 and 2, and the neteorology inforaation requested in items 451-1 through 4514 is necessary for our review and evaluation. We recomend, therefore, tnat tne document be accepted, provided that the infornation identified herein is provided within 30 days.

Origins 1 signedb[

R. Wayne Houston '

R. Wayne Houston, Assistant Director for Radiation Protection Division of Systeus Integration


As stated  !

cc: w/ encl.

R. ftattson L. Hulman I. Spickler l W. Pasedag P. Easley J. Levine L. Uneeler F. Hiraglia 207230159920712M 0/3 ADOCK 05000500 f u)" , o IM'r.

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NnC FORM 318 (10 40) NRCM CNQ OFFICIAL RECORD COPY ese.m ini_m..

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RADIOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES OF ACCIDENTS REVIEW OF WNP-3 ER 450-1 Provide more, evidence, or refer to a source that gives evidence, to,,. ,

support the assumptions regarding evacuation (section The present discussion is too incomplete to sene as a basis for choosing evacuation parameters for an independent evaluation of accident consequences.

450-2 Provide evidence that "...the actual risks associa'ted with WNP-3 would be less than the calculated values..." (section There is no basis for evaluating this statement; there should be a discussion of how the engineered safety features of WNP-3 are an improvement, f

'with respect to safety (or provide for at least the same level of safety), over the older PWR design that was the base design in the RSS.

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4 51 -1 Provide a magnetic data tape of hourly meteorological data collected ,

onsite. The tape should follow guidance in Appendix A of SRP 2.3.3

, in NUREG-0800 for tape fomat. The amount of data should be provided in accordance with section 2.3.3 of Regulatory Guide 1.70 which requests as a minimum two consecutive annual cycles including the most rccent one-year period. If possible, the same data, 8760 consecutive hours used in your CRAC 2 analysis should be identified and included on the tape.

451-2 Describe local air quality conditions and identify the type and levels of pollutants in the region and compare these to National Ambient Air Quality Standards.

451-3 Describe any non-radioactive plant effluents that may be released during nomal plant operation and their impact on local air quality.

451-4 Identify any changes in extreme and severe weather phenomena observed since the issuance of the Environmental Report at the construction permit stage. .

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APPENDIX A Standard Review Plan Section 2.3.3 l



USE: 9-track tape (7 will be acceptable)

Standard Label which would include: 9 Record Length = 160 Block Size (3200 - fixed block size)

Density (1600 BPI - 800 will be accepted)

Do Not Use: Magnetic tapes with unformatted or spanned records At the beginning of each tape, use the first five (5) records (which is the equivalent of ten cards) to give a tape description. Include plant name; location (latitude, longitude); dates of data; information explaining data containing in the "other" fields if they are used; height of measurements; and any additional information pertinent to identification of the tape. Make sure all five records are included, even if some are blank. Format for the first five records will be 160A1. Meteorological data format is (16,12,13, I4, 25F5.1, FS.2, 3F5.1). tc.: J pr.+i d..// .+ s.  :.,t ,As wt,. mpf ; M. ,s, A 4 ,

All data should be given to the tenth of a unit except solar radiation, which should be given to a hundred'th of a unit. This does not necessarily indicate the accuracy of the data (e.g., wind direction is usually given to the nearest degree). All nines in any field indicate a lost record (99999). All sevens in a wind direction field indicate calm (77777). If there are only two levels of data, use the upper and lower levels. If there is only one level of data, use the upper level.

^ Data on magnetic tape are acceptable in any reasonable format, if the fo'rmat is completely described (see NUREG-0158, Part 1), and if a sample tape dump is provided.

2.3.3-8 Rev. 2 - July 1981

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I6' Identifier (can be anything) -

.gsp. . ,

I2 Year 13 Julian Day i

14 Hour (on 24-hour clock)


ACCURACY FS.1 Upper Measurements: Level = meters F5.1 Wind Direction (degrees)

F5.1 Wind Speed (meter /sec)

FS.1 Sigma Theta (degrees)

F5.1 Ambient Temperature (*C)

F5.1 Moisture:

F5.1 Other:

F 5.1 Intermediate Measurements: Level = meters F5.1 Wind Direction (degrees) __

F5.1 Wind Speed (meters /sec)

F5.1 Sigma Theta (degrees)

FS.1 Ambient Temperature (*C)

F5.1 Moisture:

' F5.1 Other:

F5.1 Lower Measurements: Level = meters F5.1 Wind Direction (degrees)

F5.1 Wind Speed (meters /sec)

F5.1 Sigma Theta (degrees)

F5.1 Ambient Temperature ("C)

FS.1 Moisture:

FS.1 Other:

2 2.3.3-9 Rev. 2 - July 1981


F5.1 Temp. Dif f. (Upper-Lower) ( C/100 meters)

FS.1 Temp. Diff. (Upper-Intermediate) ('C/,100 meters)

F5:1 Temp. Diff. (Intermediate-Lower). ("C/100 meters)

F5.1 Precipitation (mm)

F5.Y"L' Solar Radiation (cal /cm 2/ min) f F5.1 Visibility (km)

F5.1 Other:

F5.1 Other:

2.3.3-10 Rev. 2 - July 1981 s