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Responds to NRC Bulletin 96-001.Forced Outage Control Rod Drop Test Results,Encl
Person / Time
Site: Catawba Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/20/1997
From: Mccollum W
IEB-96-001, IEB-96-1, TAC-M95019, NUDOCS 9701270106
Download: ML20149M715 (7)


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ll l Duke h>u'er Cnmpany WiuJUIR Meow M. Jk Catauba Nudear Genemtion Department nce Presiaera l 48(d)ConcordRoad (M3)83132fW Onice krk SC545 (M3)W3126 Far l


! January 20, 1997 l U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission l Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 l


Duke Power Company Catawba Nuclear Station - Unit 2 Docket No. 50-414 NRC Bulletin 96-01 Test Data l (TAC M95019)

The purpose of this letter is to provide information on Catawba Unit 2 actions taken during the recent forced outage of December ,

14, 1996 in response to NRC Bulletin 96-01.  !

NRC Bulletin 96-01, dated March 8, 1996, requested holders of I operating licenses for Westinghouse designed plants to take actions and supply information to the NRC regarding recent control  !

rod insertion problems. The initial Duke Power response to this j bulletin was provided by letter dated April 4, 1996 and supplemented with additional information by letters dated April 30, 1996 and June 7, 1996. Catawba Unit 1 refueling outage and Catawba Unit 2 forced outage test data were submitted to your staff by letters dated August 29, 1996 and September 10, 1996.

Restated below are pertinent sections of the NRC Bulletin 96-01 l requiring actions during any outages of sufficient length at Catawba during calendar year 1996:

Requested Action (3):

(3) Measure and evaluate at each outage of sufficient duration during calendar year 1996 (end of cycle, maintenance, etc.), /

the control rod drop times and rod recoil data for all  !

control rods. If appropriate plant conditions exist where the vessel head is removed, measure and evaluate drag forces /

for all rodded fuel assemblies.

a. Rods failing to meet the rod drop time in technical b' specifications shall be deemed inoperable.
b. Rods failing to bottom or exhibiting high drag forces shall require prompt corrective action in accordance 4

9701270106 970120 PDR ADOCK 05000414',


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U.S., Nuclear Regulatory Commission January 20, 1997 Page 2 i


! with Appendix 3 to Part 50 of Title 10 of the Code of l Federal Regulations (10 CFR Part 50).

Required Response Item (3):

(3) within 30 days after completing Requested Action (3) for

each outage, submit a report that documents and summarizes
the data obtained. This ia also applicable to Requested Action (4) when any abnormal rod behavior is observed. l i

Catawba Response to Item (3): 1 I

Included as an attachment to this letter is a summary report of the Catawba Unit 2 control rod drop data for Requested Action (3)

I obtained during the Unit 2 forced outage which began December 14, 1996. This testing was completed on December 21, 1996. ,

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Duke Power continues to have 100% successful rod insertions in {

Mark BW fuel and continues to have substantial margin to the "equired Technical Specification insertion times.

Please direct any questions on this matter to Michael S. Kitlan, Jr., at (803) 831-3205.

I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the statements set forth herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

( Very truly yours, W. R. McCollum Jr.


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Ccmmission

. January 20, 1997 Page 3 i

I xc: L.A. Reyes, Regional Administrator, Region II R.J. Freudenberger, Senior Resident Inspector P.S. Tam, Senior Project Manager, ONRR l

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Catawba Nuclear Station NRC Bulletin 96-01 Attachment Unit 2 Forced Outage Control Rod Drop Testing Results On December 21, 1996 Control Rod Drop Timing was performed in accordance with the requirements of NRC Bulletin 96-01.

The following is a summary of the data analysis of the control rod drop testing results for Catawba Nuclear Station j Unit 2.

During the recent Unit 2 forced outage (December 14, 1996),

Control Rod Drop Timing Testing was performed on the Control Rod Drive Lines and Rod Control Cluster Assemblies (RCCAs).

This included a detailed analysis of control rod drop times l and rod recoil data (see attached table).

Catawba Nuclear Station has trended control rod drop times since initial plant startup in 1986. The data have been consistent during all testing on both Unit 1 and Unit 2.

The test method used consisted of selecting a control rod i bank, withdrawing the bank to the hard rod stop (231 steps),

l removing power from both Digital Rod Position Indication (DRPI) System Data Cabinets (Data A and Data B), dropping the entire bank of rods by opening both Reactor Trip Breakers, recording the voltage profile induced by the RCCA drive shaft i as it dropped through the coils of its associated DRPI detector, restoring power to both DRPI Data Cabinets, verifying each RCCA completely inserted, and repeating this test method until all 53 control rods had been tested. All testing was performed at full temperature and pressure with all four Reactor Coolant Pumps running.

The analysis method used consisted of a detailed review of each control rod's time based profile. The individual drop time for each RCCA was determined by analyzing the recorded voltage profile and are shown in the attached table. Two rods, M02 and K02, were observed as having slightly longer drop times. These rods were identified by calculating two standard deviations from the average drop time and comparing

! the recorded voltage profiles of each rod. All rod drop i times were well within the Tech Spec required time of 5 2.2 sec. The average control rod drop time was 1.58 sec. with an average rod bottom time of 2.12 sec. Catawba rod drop 1 traces did not reveal any change at the top or any point in

the fuel assembly.

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1 l The rod drop traces were analyzed for rod recoil (an  ;

indication that the rod is fully inserted to rod bottom).

l All the recorded rod drop traces exhibited rod recoil with a

! minimum of 2 recoils for each RCCA.

l Duke Power has detailed information on the testing and analysis methodology. This information is available to the i NRC upon request.

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9 Catawba Unit 2 Forced Outage Control Rod Drop Testing Results .

t i BOC-8 ( l i SHUTDOWN (approximatety 230 EFPD) t i SHUTDOWN i t


i i 11/26/95 e i Bumup i i 8/11/96 i t Burnup I i i i 12/21/96 I i Bumup t Core Loc iTime to DFTime in DR Total TimeMWD/MTU iTime to DFTime in DR Total TameMWD/MTU Recoils i iTime to DRTime in DRTotal TimeMW'O/MTU Recotts H06 1.560 i q527 2.087 19640 1.565 0.526 2.091 29790 2 1.59 0.52 2.11 34700 2 H10 1.537 0.512 2.049 19891 1.542 0.508 2.050 29940 3 1.54 0.51 2.05 34800 3 F08 1.561 0.488 2.049 19821 1.586 0.529 2.115 29910 3 1.61 0.52 2.13 34800 2 '

K08 1.616 0.595 2211 19626 new rod 1.564 0.593 2.157 29740 2 1.58 0.60 2.18 34600 3 H02 1.600 0.630 2230 22064 new rod 1.539 0.595 2.134 30320 3 1.54 0.62 2.16 34300 2 808 1.556 0.490 2.046 21728 1.533 0.491 2.024 30090 3 1.56 0.51 2.07 34100 3 H14 1.580 0.496 2.076 21337 1.562 0.509 2.071 29620 3 1.57 0.53 2.10 33600 3 P08 1.547 0.492 2.039 21847 1.533 0.510 2.043 30020 4 1 56 0.52 2.08 33900 4 F06 1.562 0.531 2.093 24545 1.599 0.545 2.144 34140 3 1.64 0.57 221 38900 2 F10 1.558 0.550 2.108 24650 1.561 0.576 2.137 34310 3 1.60 0.57 2.17 33100 3 K10 1.521 0.538 2.059 24543 1.527 0.558 2.085 33990 3 1.53 0.57 2.10 _33700 2 K06 1.542 0.533 2.075 24463 1.577 0.557 2.134 34350 2 1.60 0.59 2.19 39300 2 D02 1.623 0.579 2202 21485 1.592 0.577 2.169 26780 3 1.61 0.60 221 29400 3 B12 1.591 0.507 2.098 21102 1.592 0.509 2.101 26530 3 1.62 0.54 2.16 29100 3 M14 1.618 0.572 2.190 21562 1.614 0.561 2.175 26980 3 1.59 0" 2.17 29600 3 PO4 1.607 0.499 2.106 21673 1.576 0.493 2.069 27150 3 1.58 0.51 2.09 29800 3 B04 1.573 0.532 2.105 21720 1.533 0.510 2.043 27220 4 1.57 0.51 2.08 2990( 3 D14 1.575 0.532 2.107 21416 1.574 0.526 2.100 26820 3 1.59 0.53 2.12 2940C 3 P12 1.575 0.501 2.076 21473 1.545 0.507 2.052 26860 3 1.56 0.50 2.06 29400 4 M02 1.635 0.518 2.153 21297 1.614 0.526 2.140 26690 3 1.66 0.52 2.18 29300 3

_E03 1.560 0.528 2.088 15587 1.555 0.508 2.063 25150 3 1.57 0.54 2.11 29600 2 C11 1.552 0.516 2.068 15402 1.535 0.511 2.046 25300 3 1.57 0.53 2.10 29900 3 L13 1.528 0.495 2.023 15726 1.517 0.507 2.024 25580 3 1.55 0.51 2.06 30200 3

_N05 1.543 0.528 2.071 15713 1.543 0.525 2.068 25490 3 1.60 0.55 2.15 30100 3 COS 1.529 0.469 1.998 15800 1.536 0.507 2.043 25670 4 1.54 0.51 2.05 30300 3 E13 1.583 0.552 2.135 15880 1.589 0.561 2.150 25730 2 1.60 0.61 221 30300 2 N11 1.531 0.493 2.024 15288 1.511 0.511 2.022 24960 4 1.56 0.51 2.07 29500 3 LO3 1.590 0.605 2.195 15960 new rod 1.555 0.611 2.166 26010 2 1.58 0.60 2.18 30700 2 ,

H04 1.546 0.559 2.105 20787 1.567 0.542 2.109 31320 2 1.59 0.57 2.16 36200 2 DOS 1.555 0.545 2.100 21014 1.561 0.542 2.103 31680 3 1.59 0.54 2.13 36700 2 H12 1.553 0.498 2.051 20467 1.571 0.494 2.065 31070 0 1.63 0.53 2.16 36000 2 M08 1.584 0.556 2.140 21200 1.564 0.526 2.090 31820 2 1.61 0.54 2.15 36800 2 F02 1.589 0.506 2.095 11085 1.562 0.526 2.088 20330 3 1.61 0.54 2.15 24600 3 B10 1.563 0.515 2.078 10984 1.532 0.525 2.057 20410 3 1.60 0.51 2.11 24700 4 K14 1.564 0.515 2.079 10867 1.535 0.508 2.043 20180 4 1.58 0.53 2.11 24500 3 PO6 1.515 0.529 2.044 11038 1.507 0.509 2.016 20440 4 1.55 0.53 2.08 24800 3 B06 1.572 0.550 2.122 10851 1.571 0.541 2.112 20360 3 1.59 0.56 2.15 24700 3 F14 1.574 0.529 2.103 11266 1.558 0.524 2.082 20830 3 1.61 0.52 2.13 25300 3 P10 1.536 0.500 2.036 11020 1.515 0.493 2.008 20230 3 1.55 0.51 2.06 24500 4 K02 1.617 0.522 2.139 11186 1.593 0.527 2.120 20770 3 1.64 25200 3 D04 1.548 0.481 2.025 20132 1.549 0.506 2.055 30060 4 1.56 0.554 0.52 2.19 2.08 34700 3 M12 1.582 0.617 2.199 19971 new rod 1.524 0.563 2.087 29980 3 1.54 0.37 2.11 34700 2 D12 1.563 0.472 2.035 19882 1.543 0.492 2.035 29370 3 1.56 0.53 2.09 34700 2 M04 1.599 0.509 2.108 19885 1.583 0.511 2.094 29940 3 1.58 0.53 2.11 34700 3 Page1

Catawba Unit 2 Forced Outage Control Rod Drop Testing ResuMs . - .

l 1 i BOC-8 L i i SHUTDOWN (approximately 230 EFPD) i e i SHUTDOWN I I ,

t i 11/26/95 t i Bumup i I l 8/11/96 I i Bumup i i t- l 12/21/96 i i Burnup i ,

, Core Loc iTime to DF8 Time in DR Total TimeMWD/MTU ilime to DRTime in DRTotal TimeMWD/MTU Recods I iTime to DRTime in DRTotat TimeMWD/MTd Recosts H08 1.602 0.521 2.123 32941 1.631 0.542 2.173 41170 3 1.63 0.55 2.18 4S400 2 G03 1.530 0.622 2.152 17733 newrod 1.518 0.594 2.112 27680 2 1.54 0.61 2.15 32400 2 C09 1.531 0.521 2.052 17633 1.543 0.509 2.052 27600 3 1.55 0.54 2.09 32400 2 J13 1.540 0.555 2.095 17958 1.536 0.527 2.063 27930 3 1.55 0.55 2.10 32700 2 2.04 32400 I N07 1.530 0.507 2.037 17644 1.513 0.492 2.005 27630 4 1.53 0.51 3 _

C07 1.534 0.513 2.047 17823 1.552 0.508 2.060 27920 3 1.58 0.53 2.11 32700 3 G13 1.542 0.500 2.042 17616 1.521 0.507 2.028 27640 3 1.55 0.52 2.07 32400 3 N09 1.529 0.523 2.052 17565 1.511 0.523 2.034 27440 3 1.54 0.52 2.06 32100 3 J03 1.575 0.506 2.081 17556 1.522 0.540 2.062 27560 3 1.58 0.53 2.11 32300 2 I Average 1.565 0.528 2.093 18629 1.554 0.529 2.082 27681 3 1.58 0.54 2.12 31979 3 l i i i I I l  !

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