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Partially Deleted Rept of Inquiry Q5-83-018 Re Allegation of Falsification of Welding Exams by Ironworkers from Fresno Union.Further Investigation Unwarranted,Based on Failure to Confirm That stand-in Welder Took Tests.Related Info Encl
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 12/15/1983
From: Power E, Shackleton O
Shared Package
ML20151P030 List:
FOIA-84-21 Q5-83-018, Q5-83-18, NUDOCS 8804260133
Download: ML20151P309 (26)






5 REPORT NUMBER QS-$3-018 Ott 151983 1

l. On October 3,1983, Carl NIEBERGER (sic) . San Luis Obispo Telegra=-Tribune newspaper, advised Marvin M. MENDONCA, US NRC Senior Resident Inspector at Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP), San Luis Obispo County, California, of the allegation of f alsification of velding exacinations by ironworkers from the Fresno Union. NEIBERGER relayed to MENDONCA that ironworkers f rom the Fresno tinf on Hall could be ~ certified if they were villing "to pay for a stand-in, i.e. , someone would take the velding exam for their certification." NIEBERGER further advised that the arrange =ents for the stand-ins were alleged to be made through a man named _

A handvritten note, dated October 6,1983, regarding the allegation was forwarded by MENDONCA to Dennis F. KIRSCH, Section Chief. (A copy of the note is attached as EXHIBIT 1.)

2. On October 14, 1983, O. C. SHACKLETON Jr. , Director, Of fice of Investigations Field Of fice, Region V (OIF0, RV), received a memorandum dated October 13, 1983, f rom T. W. BISHOP, Director, Resident, Reactor Projects and Engineering Programs Division, RV, in which it was requested that OI conduct an investigation into the allegations. (A copy of the ce=orandum is attached as EXHIBIT II.)
3. On October 16, 1983, an inquiry, QS-83-018, of the allegation was opened by O. C. SHACKLETON Jr. , Director, 01F0, RV.

4.; On Novecber 28, 1983, at approximately 2:31 p.m. , Carl D. NE1 BURGER, a 7., reperter with the San Luis Obispo Telegram-Tribune, a newspaper, San Luis


Obispo, California, was telephonically contacted by E. J. Ph*ER, Investigator, 01F0, RV. NEIBURGER advised that he had no additional information to that which he previously furnished to MENDONCA regarding ironvorkers purchasing velder's union books' 'in the union hall in Fresno, California.

8804260133 880419 PDR FOIA GARDEB4-21 PDR


  • 2 NEIBURGER related that he had received the initial information a few conths ago from a f riend of his, identity not disclosed, whh had
obtained the allegation f rom another f riend, identity not khovn.

NElBURGER stated that his f riend had stated that a velder eBuld obtain I

. his velder's certification by having another qualified welder act as a stand-in who would take the required welder's examination. After furnishing the original information, NEIBURGER stated that his friend was able to identify a as the person who allegedly handled the arrange:ent for a stand-in.

NEIBERGER advised that he considered his f riend to be an honest and reliable individual who relayed the inforcation regarding the allegation as it was received. NEIBURGER further indicated that his f riend, h:vever, was not technically qualified in the field of welding. He stated that his friend also had no additional information regarding the tatter.

Af ter receiving the information, NEIBURGER advised that he cade his own casual inquiries regarding the allegation, but he could not substantiate the allegation. He indicated that he referred the allegation to the NRC in the hope that possibly something more substantial could be determined.

EE1 BURGER further indicated that he did not know which specific contractors or firms were using the ironworker velders without proper certification, l if any, and he believed the allegation could refer to any ironworker velder employed on the site. NE1 BURGER cade reference to a recent NRC bulletin regarding the subject of selling union cembership books, and therefore, he infor=ed the NRC since apparently the selling of union books 1

had occurred in other locations within the US. NEIBURGER advised that -

there was no reason for a personal interviev vith the NRC since he could l II, provide no further substantial information in this catter. ,


I e


l l .


5. On December 6,1983, nine ironworkers who were employed with H. P. Toley
Co=pany, a, primary contractor at DCPP, were individually therviewed i
under oath by P. V. JOUKOFF and E. J. POWER, Investigators,'0 F0, RV, at

. DCPP, A statement on the results of the interviews was obtained f rom each of the nine individuals.

The identity of eight of the nine velders is as f ollows:

(Statement is attached as EXHIBIT III (Statement is attached as EXHIBIT IV)

(Statement is attached as EXHIBIT V)

(Statement is attached as EXHIBIT VI) n (Statement is attached as EXHIBIT VII)

(Statement. is attached as EXHIBIT VIII) \

(Statement is attached as EXHIBIT IX)

(Statement is attached as EXHIBIT X) 7 l

The ninth velder requested to remain anonymous, and his statement, with his personal identifying information deleted, is attached as EXHIBIT XI.

As reflected in the ansvers to the more significant questions, eight of the nine velders avoved that:

a. They did not provide money, or other incentive, to another individual or a stand-in, to take their velder qualification tests for them.
b. They were not asked or solicited for money or other incentive by


anyone who indicated that he vould take the velding qualification tests for them. ,

c. They were not knowledgeable of anyone who had a second person act as a sta'n8-in.


d. Theyhadnevertakenthevelderqualificationtestsfo}another l

, individual. t e 4 7

I e. They had no knowledge of any ru= ors of an individual being able to obtain a valid welder qualification test record by having a stand-in take the appropriate tests.

f. They had no knowledge of an i.dividual naced
6. Only one velder, averred in his statement (EXHIBIT VIII) that he had received an of fer at the union hall (Local 155) in Fresno 1 by so=eone, name unknown, "to use their card (e.g. union) and certifi- l catico records." further indicated that he believed that "it

, vas a si=ple of fer to me. as a velder so I could be referred to Diablo.

There was no question of money. Jobs are difficcit to obtain, and since I was a velder but did not have current certification papers,  !

I believe this of fer was cade to me. I did not accept the offer. 1 I have no knowledge of others obtaining employment using someone else's velderc certification records. A velder is re-tested on the site (e.g. DCPP) and therefore the certification papers would not help you."

further answered in the negative to the other significant questions indicated above for the other eight velders.

7. During all nine interviews, the velders testified that they were given a welding qualification test at DCPP prior to voriing on site; they classified the overall quality of velding perfor ed on DCPP to be good to excellent; and they claimed no knowledge of any violations of codes, industry standards, or procedures by the velders at the site.

, a


8. On Decenter 8,1983, a copy of the "Active Welders List," dited "12-8-83," published by the Howard P. Toley Coc-any, was obtained f rom the 4ality Control Department of H. P. Toley Ce:pany. A reviev 'of the active velder list revealed that the nine velders who were interviewed

l 5

vu 4 total of The list indicated there hich  :: a y possessed velding certifications.velders employed onvcthe site, of w inquiry. A copy of tr.e Ac 73 hetive ironworkers 12fercent were interviewed II. during this Werders is attached as EXHIBIT I ived that Pullman Pwer Products During the inquiry, inforeation was rece ite, did not employ a.y 9.

(PPP), the other pri=ary contractor On December on s 14, 1983. had velders at DCPP.

f ull-time ironverker PPP, DCPP, telephonically confirmed thu PPP He indicated that elders on site.

no permanently employed ironworker vwas need by PPP, the individual was in the event an ironworker velder The F, P. Foley Company.

obtained on a te:perary basis for lder was then tested to f urther advised that the H. P. Foley Company ved res prior to ac the appropriate FPP velding proce u

, DCPP, was On December 8,1983 file regarding 10.

th contacted and$ checked the further stated that with negative results. _

f all individuals to include file was at updated computerized listing othe Diablo Canyon Power Plant contractor personnel who are employed on site.

therefore, is warranted at this time on No further investigative ef f ort, 11.

the basis that:

d must pass a velding a.

A newly hired ironworker velder is given anl velding on the job; qualification test at DCPP prior to actua iccediately be b.

Poor os unacceptable velding should almostl on site, and subseq identified by appropriate QC personne test prjgram and job during );RC technical inspections of the velder i

J veldir; activities;

- . - - - - ,..-. -- -. _--.------ - . . ~ . . - . . - . . . . _ _ . - . . _ _ - - . _ - _ . - - - - - - - - . - _ . _ - - - . - .


c. With the limited sampling of welders by interviews during this inquiry, there ves no confirmation that a stand-in weller was


taking another person's velding qualificatien test on fe site; and I

. d. There was no apparent wrongdoing in matters over which the NRC exercises regulatory jurisdiction.


'fue g # J Povg I'nvestigator Of fice of Investigations Field Of fice, Region V APPROVED BY: / YfM , d ;f # (

Owen C. Shackleton,'Jr., Directol/

Office of Investigations Field Office Region V


. L I.


~~w-- --=g r --- =-, ---

i , '

\; .

\ \

Problem Statement Allegationf(s):.h ' ' "

q ATS No.(s): 'kN 3 ti cav n ub 4 or n 4 of 5s(P This' document lists (or directly references) each allegation or concero brought to the attention of NRC personnel. The purpose of this statement sheet is to assure that all points raised by the alleger are covered. .

If the problem statement is not clear as to who, what, where, wheo, or vby regarding the issue, the coc::nentary section vill amplify the statement. The commentary section vill also be used if there is apparent conflicting information or if there is no or very little original information available which describes the concero(s). (This can occur if, for example, a lice  ;

concern was received in an interview). i Problera 3tatements (use extra sheets as necessary)

Allegationo  !

Verbatum Statement or Reference




l l

1 l

l e

l 4 ,

IN l Corrae at an - .

. . 16)


.__. o

. i 4[

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- T '

Date This Statement was Completed 3 *[b W' D P Technical Reviewer Signature Informal ion ja INS recd ,',3s i'y m accordance w n t 2,c re"

  • Act. exempti: s _ 4 reh f ca w c ,,-7* - 4=2 a;i al ve a.

. , ; h.D

  • q C 4 81 % Ed

% y % c.

. Fa) ification of Vendor inspection Open RV83A0068 Ol/RV Pp%W records related to structural steel pr'Jucts. -


$ $ (bostrom-Bergen/Meddco) BB1 OC BB2 OC V i a. A former B-B inspector alleges to have O I

documented inspections he never - C to7 performed (2.1.1)*

d b. B-B qualified welders are alleged to O

' have questionable quals in that welders C W.y i didn't maintain their quals by continuous

{ welding for six month

. (2.2.1)*

parts are alleged to have been assembled

} j c. by a manufacturer other than B-B. (2.2.2)*

0 0

d. The adequacy of some inspections performed i

30% 60%

V by B B inspectors are alleged to be ques- (c)

[/ tionable due to poor conditions for inspections i such as inaccessibility and poor lighting. (2.2.3)*


e. B-B personnel performing quality-related 0 V{ activities are alleged to have received no QA program training.

C g, 7


d f. I -B B

fabricated components found to be discrepant 30%

and/or damaged were shipped. 90% {b.

(2.2.5)* (c) l dg. B-B quality practices are suspct due to management 0 0 l pressure to meet schedules. (2.2.6)*

v .h. B-B/Meddco Metals CMTR's were appahntly 24% 0'!

altered. (2.3.1)* 70%


/ 1. Material heat cert, nu..bers are alleged to

! O C tm have been ground off and new numbers stamped in their place. (2.3.2)*

d j. Material piece mark ID numbers are alleged to 30% 75% W have been ground off and new numbers stamped

in their place. (2.3.3)*

J k. Red "Reject Tags" were taken from materials and replaced with "Accept Tags" and the materials O C &

f placed back in the system. (2.3.4)*

d! 1.

Foreign steel purchased by Meddco was uWB@n in this uccrd viss O C o; domestic steel.

(2.3.5)* Med

.,.i  ;

,, in r:ordus 2 the ,%

Act, entr; tic s k4 ht2:finforma"

( i

  • ! See PG and E reprts on Bostro:n-Bergen dated a vary 2 , 9bnd4ebru y 2. 1984~


h.Ln Q j, n( F 0 < L 9 H- 2, \

- . .. - - . Cl- M ' m u f. 1

". . . s' . . ,

.. 12/83 Page 2

, 'y rFC 0b bb J '

f m. A shop worker scraped paint off an 0 0  %

/ accepted item and found the word "uad" on it. (2.3.6)*

I f

/n. Painted over cracks to disguise flaws. NA NA M)

/ o. Weld rod not controlled. NA 0 co p V. p. No QA/QC program prior to 1979. - NA 0 Ellosk



!y q. Pre and post heat treatment on "nuclear quality" NA 0 l 4  :

material not proceduralized. .

gTJ y r. Covered up laminations on plate and welded NA 0 )

"non-QA* steel to "QA" plate; welding perforred l on wet steel; used 308 rather than 458 weld bevels; C '

} used uncalibrated welding equipment; and, prior j to hte 1980, no heat numbers were transferred small pieses of st6el cut from larger "QA" pieces.

V \ (pc un wy b -- w.7 v, (f<,c/ec) (2;wsretsia f aar,N , M- Di v^0 - SE (Romars)

Dh n -

E.llu k -

r l


  • See PG&E reports on Bostrom-Bergen deted January 26, 1984 and February 10, 1984.

Sumary of Allegations / Concerns for the i

,, .. Bostrom-Pergen Issue 1.11egation 99 P.V83t.005B

  • e* ALLEGAT10tl(A) y
  • S""!'AP.Y C0?! Cert! (C) L Et.D
t. . 1-?f-P4 p0&E :.etter Schuyler te l'artin 2.1.1 A former Bestrom-Bergen inspector allegas to have A documented inspections which he never performed.

Bostrom-Bergen qualified welders are alleged to 6 4 7.7.1 have questionable qualifications in that welders did not maintain their qualification by continuous welding during six-month periods.

1.?.? Parts are alleged to have been assembled by a manufacturer other than Bostrom-ter.jen.

2.?.3 The adequacy of some inspections pt:rformed ty gp 02 ,

Bostrom-Bergen inspectors are alleged to be j questionable due to poor conditions for inspections (

such as inaccessibility and poor lightin5  !

p: '

2.?.4 Postrom-Bergen personnel performing quality-related k I activities are alleged to have received no Quality

/ssurance Program training, i

- 1

?.7.0 Rostrom-Bergen fabricated components found to be A ]

discrepant and/or damaged are alleged to have been shipped. I

'I )

?.?.F , Bostrom-Bergen quality practices are cilegedly A suspect due to management pressure to meet schedules.

tpT '

?.3.1 rostrom-Bergen/!'eddco tietals Certified Paterial Test k I P.eports are alleged to have been altered.

2.3.?  !'aterial heat certification numbers are alleged to Q OT I have been ground off and new numbers stamped in their e place. g7 '

E 2.3.3 "aterial piece mart identification numbers are alleged N M. E5 f to have been grount of f and new numbers starped in their place.

j ,EO 3pe d ,


2. 3 t Ped "Reject Tags" were taken from materials, replaced with "/.ccept Tags," and tne materials placed beck into 43%  !! 4ie1 ryN (/ l S$N i t..e sisti.m.  ; di

$5 M 2.3.5 Foreign-produced material purchased by iteddco ".etals is alleged to have been inappropriately used as Pt gM .g g {y ducestically produced. y 9 {j EUg 2.3.6 A shop worker scrapeda r int off of an accepted iten - @ E "$<wti $ G T and found the word "BAD" on it.

4 NEw4 4.M. k @ % N e t,[<v s w ,a. k d.o M g p y ?. M ,,

4f G.E pe,md J m)p e ri 01 A h %dn d4d ( VPath - /C hn 1

& crs %%Ms. y . . g. T_n.. ; C, ( , , c ge & 73 ()'


CONCERN (C) LFAD 8.'.2-8-83 Memo Gishop to Shackleton

1. Anonymous - In early '82, several truck loads of Pr' GI pipe hangers were shipped to Diablo Canyon without 2. .) . \

ctual OC inspection performed. .

4. i ew w Se.d4 Tt u.5 L C. 12-13-83 Statement
1. Falsified insp on Q documents on steel destined Y b for Diablo Canyon. 'l t . \

er U

2. Steel bought from all over the world, but switched O' g'T heat nurters to make it look domestic.

y b

3. Falsified welder cer tifications for work done on Bostram-Bereen steel.

H. t YO  %.

( -- '2. . lW 4 03-g . 9. "c. d M hs overd' M6 (Dhr cracksA M 'M t.b '** S O .i%

o aisguiw ,F .{ - -

D. 17-77-83 Statement


1. Po negative coments about work o per se. He did ;onfirm that I #jng on atmay numbers Diable have {

b been altered on steel being shipped from Bostro-Beroan, and that the quality of steel was suspec 7' 7

~ hw 4% + 4 r ~3 ,

because. i{ could not always b(chgk um -

e% u .

gp E. 1-3-84 Statement

1. Falsified welder cer'ts. (1970-1080) t. , g A l n.1-  :
2. Bostram-Bergsn hired "seedy" character 3, whose work C M' was of poor quality.
3. No 0A/0C program prior to lo7n. I _9 \ i

& R.2 4 Pre and Post heat treatment on "nuclear quality" c l weld r.aterial not proceduralized. _

} l S. Inspections performed in a rush, ad hoc nature. #

6. Pany cuestionable work practices existed on "0A" g7l material at shop, including covering up a lamination { c, _{g on steel plate,possibly destined for Diablo Canyon.

Questionable practices included:

a. Welding non "QA" steel to "0A" steel plate, fi d
b. No control af weld rod, i dl jI
c. No heat numbers were transferred to small pieces.

of steel. cut from larger "QA" pieces, prior to ((


late 1980.

d. Unotibrated welding equipment used. Lb
e. Velding done on wet steel.
f. Used 30 0 , instead of 450 weld bevels.  %

f j e .VI d *? r V ~~7 D

ALLEGATION (A) p CONCEPN (C) LEAD F. 1-18-84 Letter to Martin

/ It- U

1. Improper weld techniques used. I C 0+-

?. NRC investigative techniques not thorough or complete. f S 'T Government's inter-agency comunications are f aulty. I C 3.

9 9

c , . F :.

9 C'

7%# .

Ce 4 9w/au O

2.t. 1  % Qx

@> # @w , d SF

&J. ~ - m -

O ~ aMk 4 m O) 2., rM s 1 6 /3 4 C, /4 lus'hd21s JW k 4,41 o 7.1,g s c / n. 6 6 3 ore g o , k 2 b

& A 6Au JM% A -

u s /IS w. wA J+1mLed g c

,. . t . s T n ak y k P6w %g&yQ Q w o 2 cz. 3 kL c3 4% a mLLs p%,

go d M% , A 3M k A l % b ,nM E S4 . l l

mLA % 44%p

, 2y t IT mg .)* k mL, s /n Adwl o M,e br.g.qx d k k OM

% o l

'2 . t . C lt'opud..d k.A & L - Q t.'bo% '

. d h. k h e . 6 %.. ..w # sal,Lx 4 "' .l A t C ( _p A c h /1 O l

__ _ _ _ . di p p q f e c o rd.)

4 W

  • 4e . h. A St.. __

r s.a x A A & L

  • M ._ . ._

%s Ad - a t 4 .

[d( 4 EAac MaT~ god #/

  • ! ,. /
1. 7. ,9 6h -to-9.u- Q ,Vo% peh d MI s u / t h 'L CMTR 3 i 'a s h oo o emm y c, lao goha ble m od %

d prod) % 3 g DC. O A G we r /t 9c-ple 9,y 0[3H %b A% AA n /50 a.m M )4 n ,S . s  % a lle y '4 e m ~ ~3Gb 6-k 3 C

pu,6 bl6/ 4 % -tvc//u l _ j6 hM 3 7 ,;. b N R%J:b o 2.3,y @e vM, %d-tlt <C AA PGh, E Ju 3 bo kvc wt h Ok -h n prablwa

-2 . s . 5 C.JAwe _EM 3 mM Jb FGM i t 6 te#dt M Aq M M i w w a.6. m m MMwa a w wm Eat . ut d5gmk & & +q~4

'7 ,; . b Io < % O 9 O

    • = *e -. .mO 4 = = = *
  • ems. ee. .me. m . -,

- masa e

. ,w .-

M O M M aw .m M 6 ~ Gl' *M M *& te *= wH6@M DM 6 @m 6 em 6 6 mO4hN w g

& 'M enm N

's e


  • O $%

Lo4]{ 4%


%j %L

, . Fa sification of Vendor inspection Open RY83A006B O!/RV l records related to structural steel I 1


(Bostrom-Bergen/Meddco) 881 BB2 0C 0C

.a. A fonner B-B inspector alleges to have O C

/ documented inspections he never l performed (2.1.1)* l

b. B-B qualified welders are alleged to O C 3 have questunable quals in that welders didn't maintain their quals by continuous welding for six month . (2. 2.1)
  • 1' c. Parts are alleged to have been assembled 0 0 by a manufacturer other than B-B. (2.2.2)*

Y d. The adequecy of some inspections performed 30% 60%

by B-B inspectors are clieged to be ques- (c) tionable due to poor conditions for inspections I such as inaccessibility and poor lighting. (2.2.3)* l

{ e. B-B personnel perfonning quality-related 0 C activities are alleged to have received no

, QA. program training. (2.2.4)*

b f. B-B fabricated components found to be discrepant 30% 90%

and/or damaged were shipped. (2.2.5)* (c) g g. B-B geality practices are suspct due to management pressure to meet schedules. (2.2.6)*

0 0 i

h. B-B/Meddco Metals CMTR's were appanently 24% 70%

] altered.

(2.3.1)* (c)

/ i. Material heat cert. numbers are alleged to O C have been ground off and new numbers stamped in their place. (2.3.2)*

. j. Material piece mark ID numbers are alleged to 30% 75%

have been ground off and new numbers stamped in their place. (2.3.3)*

/1 k. Red "Reject Tage" were taken from materials O C and replaced with "Accept Tags" and the material; placed back in the system. (2.3.4)*

1. h this rec d wn dg egg Foreignsteel.

domestic steel(2.3.5)*

purchased by Meddco was used S

!%2g a[ gnfcm ,

F0iA ___ Q 4 - A l

  • See PG and E reports on Bostrom-Bergen dated January 26, 1984 and February 2, 1984 m h ca ,

= ..

, 12/83 Page 2

? m. A shop worker scraped paint off an a

0 es 0


accepted item ar.d found the word "bad" on it. (2.5.6)*

/, n. Painted over cracks to disguise flaws. NA NA

(/ o. Weld rod not controlled. NA 0  !

I, p. No QA/QC program prior to 1979. NA 0

q. Pre and post heat treatment on "nuclear quality" NA 0 material not proceduralized.

' / r. Covered up laminations on plate and welded "non-QA" steel to "QA" platefwelding 9erformed NA 0 0

on wet steel;"used 30, rather than 45 weld bevels; 2/used uncalibrateo welding equipment; andSprior to late 1980, no heat numbers were transferred small pieces of steel cut from larger "QA" pieces, l

1 I

  • See PG&E reports on Bostroc. Bergen dated January 26, 1984 and February 10, 1984.

-- -y r_ _, -,_ - - - _ _ _ _ _ . - - _ - - -


-n m+ RW e S.

JodRd4 r Mpc<.44 c6V  % t Few tt. v 93 & c c (o8 or/6 l r t u:) rd p r(Od io d e actw va l 6- 83-c W d-. d P v. A c4s set on l

(6cSh l

e c C(

6t r~ CJ 671 b4b CC a . A- f o < m e P>-6 Wsputer gileges o- cj fehave h % t4 sc,pu+tps j

\t n4eu- p e ,4 < m cA (2. i. i) 4D ',e-e, p nfiq wallu w <e ulkqd o c f o b . v.t qus:Wa.We. pal, A nat-

-4 w,dder s, Mdv0 6%4 tA , e p.ah by c%t h r.w3 t&q 4,6 me pr,oJ 3 (2.2.8 D

c. At+.m <lla9d % hm o u%

a% Mlc1 b y A % ddure r ok b 6- 6, $ . 2.. tf A,b hu.cy4sw Agech4 pwb M p% 9 q

% b6 owpe cto rs a.* a.llog.d. % b4 g&W A % p eo, +Lbs -(-o <

A9 po cb4 sach 45 ecms ihibf) M poo< Qkhg . (1.1. 3)+

e. 6-0 p orwnn el p vi e em 4) cz ng( ih) . y ddgk 0 C (d-[vih'e5a./t et N c6) d h h e.v 4. v 4 c et ) (d a C.8. p o p % ba) (%V[
f. B-6 &bnedd. ce f>e m M b \. h IM 30 % 'l d Ja., pt Sw/o r h ujd u te < 9k, ppd Q,,,9,)*



-, = .... + .

. G .- . w. wa ,. .,, . . . , . , m .

est v.-

c (. gC o c g, 64 qu u h pr ckt< % n<e wspec T b 40 %,u g4m d p , e ci a r e i-ra vnnc4 sc.lroAnl~es.(1.2. 6'Y Ic

, 6-6,/ Mactclc c AAd9 C<d R 3 CJ "# 7c csp pa, eMv/ cd b W d (1.. s.I [

(. Ade r id had ( er i. S an be rc, t cw T fo 7c-g uwn bm sbg A %,. ply d2,u)*


3. W d p ,u a ~rel @ Ib.n ~ b m o

,. < u Wp/ 4 lsve be m qr m i off o nw v1M 4 6 6Icuvng&tk En kip /Act(~L,$,2, A R .a 'h 3.<+ T, % r e %bd4 e c w.4 vglu ad widl \ "$cc@ hge,[ w{ flg

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Problem Statement


Allegation f(s): ,

i T.

ATS No.(s): MOMOM g h

Y k 7 g a, ny BS(s): ([  %


T5isdccument lists (or directly references) each allegation or coocern w brought to the attention of NRC personnel. The purpose of this statement sheet is to assure that all points raised by the alleger are cevered.

If the problem statement is not clear as to vbo, what, where, vben, or vby regarding the issue, the coeseota ry section vill amplify the statement. The commentary section vill also be used if there is apparent conflicting information or if there is no or very little original information available ubich describes the concero(s). (This can occur if, for example, a line concero was received io so interview).

Probles Statements (use extra sheets as necessa ry)

A11egatiood Verbatum Statement or Reference i

s r ( f 0$7 CAQ hI Y L1

( .

Cor.sent a ry _ ,


%skea, W w %4e w .

Date Tbis Statecent was Completed S 'l b 'b ,

Technical Reviewer tigoature Information in tMs rec: j itas dcieted in Act,acccrdnce exemptices c,!)b

_4 'he f""IC' of inf:rmation ,

g. g F0,M- _f N - A l -4p ._, f,-
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m26 r = an ALLEGATION DATA FORM u s. wucitu mMemv coassow

, , . .

in.i vcw .a e .* Aty aw 9 # 1

  • RECENING GFFICE Docket Number (if applicable)


1. Facit1ry(les) Involved:

= =.'ae,  :

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/*Me6*tm W aOg/#.iX - -

l a / ,

2' Functional Areate) involved. 7 -

onsite heefth and safety (chi aps op4te bostall - operations construction _

offsite health and eefety safspuerde emergency preparedness

_ other tsp. city) i

3. De cription: lFI 4 I i 15 I i IfIi 14 vle I l id l il nly IslNis W le Ic l r1 il elm  !

.'"""*"" IXle Ic Ielr'ld151,. IMIill11Irie15IfIRIe.IrIaIt'lT1Sl f I I l lul5 le Idl iltolPly le lpleldelfic IP'lel/151. lM.DIMI l>!la leje Imle hlrltrjdlolf leJmlelwi1T I I I I I I I 1

4. Source of Allegation: 7 .

ics.<k .ppecWe bod contractor employee security guard

- licensee employee '

news media

_ NRC employee private citizen I ,_ organization tspecity) _

6 other tspecityt .


5. Date Allegation Received:

1 I o b 8' 3

6. Name of individust ern.i w. Intit.i. .ng t..i .. O, [ M h/ N Receiving Allegation:
7. Of fice: 0 'f Y ACTION CFFICE
8. Action Of fice


treet w. Init;.ts .nd tesi n.m.) u M 8 N

9. FTS Telephone Number; y g3 3 7 7
10. Statust Open,if followup actions are pendir:g or in progress (Check on.1

_ Closed, if followup actions are completed MM DD VI

11. Date Closed:

l l 11.1 Document Hos. -

T2. Remarks: ll l gl g I l_I I I I I I I l l 1IIIIIIl ] ;

it , io so ..

l I I I I I I I I ] I I I l '1 1 1 I I I I I I I l j i 12.1 & n-h Date ome. -

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13. Allegation er: *

.  ! t/ 8 3

  • C D 6 8.


< $6 l Date: 12/08/83 Dl l


This preliminary notification constitutes EARLY notice of events of POSSIBLE safety or public interest significance. The information is as initially received without l

- verification or evaluation and is basically all that is known by NRC staff on this datt:

Facility: N/A Emergency Classification: j

' Notification of Unusual Ever Alert Site Ar*a Emergency l' General hergency X Not Applicable  ;


NUCLEAR PLANT QUALITY ALLEGATIONS MADE TO LOCAL TV STATION l A former velding inspector at Bostrom Bergen Metal Products Company of Oakland, California, has contacted a San Francisco television station, KGO-TV (ABC), with allegations that he falsified various inspection documentation on f abricated metal products sold to Diablo Canyon, South Texas, Comanche Peak, and an unidentif 'ed WPPSS project. The television station has contacted Re; ton T and Bostrom Bergen concerning ,

the allegations but has not yet aired a story.  !

. The TV reporter contacted the Pegion V Public Af f airs Officer about the allegations on the af ternoon of December 6. The reporter put the alleger l in contact with the Director of the Region V Office of Investigations.

On December 7,1983, an executive of Bostrom Bergen contacted the Region V l duty officer. He said that Bostrom Bergen had been confronted with these allegations by a TV reporter several days earlier. He said the Company has ,

conducted an investigation which has largely refuted the allegations.  !

Ybe Region V inspection team at Diablo Canyon looking into other allegations has been'made aware of the new charges. The Region IV Vendor Inspector .

Branch has been notified.

I This information is current as of 9 a.m. PST on Thursday, December 8, 1983.

C0NTACT: J. RANCHETT, FTS 463-3712 DISTRIBUTION: p //lJI Phillips ll',Mr'fE/W /'2l#1Willste /3 '3 Air Rights /2.' O H St. //.* 2 2 # MNBB Chairman Palladino DO NRR IE NMSS Conn. Cilinsky PA 01A RES Mail:

Comm. Bernthal MPA AEOD ADM:DMB Comm. Roberts ELD DOT: Trans Only Conan. Asselstine Regions:J~ //!l E/2.' 70 gr /f,f g "

/2: 5~3 2M M M l

SECT - ACRS - CA INPO NSAC PDR Resident Inspector __ u 9 Licensee (Reactor): RV: FORM 211 3 @ 33I13 (revised 3/14/83)

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  • W AttvV1 CAtt E. CMlf onttia 94546

%,,6 ,,- ,

December 8, 1963

= I l

1 T. W. Bishop, Director, Divi, ton of Resident, Reactor EMORANDtM fDR:

Projects and Engineering Programs i

Oden C. Shackleton, Jr. , Director, Olf0," RV FRON: ,


DIABLO CAWYOM - ALLF.MTIONS RE BOSTROM-BERGEM ME On December 6,1983, Owen C. Shackleton, Jr., Director, Office of Investigations, RV, interviewed by telephone en alleger %o was fomerly e@loyed by Bostrom-Berg Metal Pro.iects, 4700 Coliseum Way, Oakland, California, from January 1981 untti January 1983. The alleger worked as a welding inspector. i The alleger stated that during the early part of 1982 there were several truck loads of new pipe han9ers shipped to Diablo Canyon on which he signed off the He described these QC welding inspection recornis without looking at the work.He claimed he could hangers as belpg built for the plant's cooling system.The elleger stated he falsified not be more sFecific as that was all he knew.

the nanes of the welders and the fitters on these QC documents.

However, should his name be revealed l

The 411eger has requested Thisthe TV newsinbroadcast is pertinent tracing at 6l will detemine if NRC can openly use his identity. i hardware received frtn Bostrom-Bergen as the alleger stated any QC inspection He advised that in the two years he reports bearing his name are falsified.

worked at Bostrom-Bergen only on one or two QC welder inspection reports did he verify every entry on the fom.

fg/ h.

  • Owen C. Shackleton, Jr.

Director en-4 (t .

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