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Requests Assistance in Conducting Reviews of Encl 850513 Request for Relief from Certain Portions of Inservice Insp Program for First 10-yr Interval for Facilities.Requests That 850630 Target Date Be Either Confirmed or Revised
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 05/21/1985
From: Thompson H
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Norelius C
TAC-57659, TAC-57660, NUDOCS 8506040614
Download: ML20129A465 (2)



9 Docket Nos. 50-295 Mah21,1935 and 50-304 .- DISTRIBUTION

. nusetLMIR -_3 0 B#1 Rdg NRC PDR Memo File HThompson MEMORANDUM FOR: Charles E. Norelius, Director JPartlow JNorris Division of Reactor Projects PShuttleworth Region III KRidgway, P.II CParrish JCarter FROM: Hugh L. Thompson, Jr., Director Division of Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


LICENSING ACTION REVIEWS FOR ZION UNITS 1 AND 2 Your assistance is requested in conducting reviews of the enclosed request for relief from a certain portion of the Inservice Inspection Program for the

- First Ten-Year Interval for Zion Units 1 and 2. The review for this item

- should consist of a complete Safety Evaluation Report and mini-SALP input, and should be conducted under TACs 57659 and 57660. This request has been discussed between Jan A. Norris,-the NRR Project Manager, and Ken Ridgway.

If you need further information from the licensee, it should be obtained via the Project Manager. Thc requested target date is June 30, 1985.

Please either confirm the due date or provide a revised date as soon as possible.

hs mk ,

Hugh L. Thompson, Jr. , Director Division of Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


As stated cc w/ enclosure:-

P. Shuttleworth J. Norris K. Ridgway, Reg. III CONTACT:

J. Norris X29774 8506040614 850521 PDR ADOCK 05000295 0 PDR

  • See previous white for concurrences y ORB #1:DL* ORB #1:DL* BC-0RB#1:DL* AD :DL b /t CParrish JNorris;ps SVarga G as ompson 5/20 /85 5/20/85 5/20/85 Sg85' 5/l'/85

= _- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - . _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ - - _ _

Docket Nos. 50-295 DISTRIBUTION and 50-304 Docket File LPDR t ORB #1 Rdg NRC PDR Memo File HTh on MEMORANDUM FOR: Charles E. Norelius, Director JPartlow JNo is Division of Reactor Projects PShuttlewor Reglon III KRidgway, I.CParrish FROM: Hugh L. Thompson, Jr., Director Division of Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


LICENSING ACTION REVIEWS FOR. ZION U S 1 AND 2 Your assistance is requested in conducting reviews o the enclosed request for relief frota certain portion of the Inservice I pection Program for the First Ten-Year Interval for Zion Units 1 and 2. e review for this item should consist of a complete Safety Evaluation P. ort and mini-SALP input, and should be conducted under TACs 57659 and 57 60. This request has been discussed between Jan A. Norris, the NRR Proj 't Manager, and Ken Ridgway.

If you need further'information from the 1 ' , it should be obtained via the Project Manager. The requested t .. tte is June 30, 1985.

Please either confirm the due date or pr ide a revised date as soon as posrible.

Hugh L. Thompson, Jr., Director Division of Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


As stated cc w/ enclosure:

P. Shuttleworth J. Norris K. Ridgway, Reg. III CONTACT:

J. Norris.

X29774 e

ORBf1:DL L BC-Ob1:DL- AD-0R:DL D:DL CParrish J ;ps SVarga Glainas HThompson 5/p/85 Sg85 5($85 5/ /85 5/ /85

Comm;nweahh Edison K#ess Reply to: Post Othce Box 767

@ one FuO fwano Pt x CMuGo. DHM cnicaso Hunois W90 May 13, 1985 Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555


Zion Nuclear Power Station Units 1 and 2 Inservice Inspection Program for the First Ten-Year Interval NRC Docket Nos. 50-295 and 50-304


Dear Hr. Denton:

i Attached is Revision 4 to the Zion Generating Station The

?, Inservice Inspection Program for the First Ten-Year Interval.

proposed revision provides relief from hydrostatic pressure testsin funder IWA-5244(a) 1 system, t

. The proposed alternative involves testing under theThis request i provisions of IWA-5244(c).rovisions of Technical Specification 4,3.4.C.3 and 10 CF


!50.55.a.g the p(5)(111).

' Should you have any further questions regarding this matter, please contact this office.

Very truly yours, h

' P. C. LeBlond Nuclear Licensing Administrator l1m j


't fcc; Resident Inspector - Zion J. Norris - NRR I G. Wright - State of 11.

Q9 Q\Q '>[

jC 0110K


i /


/ ,

ATTACHMENT Revision 4'to Zion Generating Station Inservice Inspection Program for . the first ten-year interval.

Relle_f Request from IWA-5244(a)

Relief is requested from hydrostatic pressure tests in the buried piping sections of the service water systems on lines OSWOl3-48", DSWD14-48", OSW001-12", and OSWOCS-10". (Ncte that the buried section of line 05 WOO 8-10" actually lies between two 10 to 12 inch reducers and thus is 12" in diameter.)

Code Requirements IWA-5244(a)

The pressure retaining buried compo'nents within the class

111 boundary are subject to the hydrostatic test requirements of tIWA-5244(a) each inspection interval.

Alternative and Basis As an alternative, testing for evidence of leakage shall be POrformed on the buried portions listed ebove in accorosace with

'- IWA-5244(c),'1980 edition. This will involve verification that flow under nominal operating conditions is not. impaired.

The design of the test boundary valves precludes using a prossure decay test as required by IWA-5244(a). An attempt was made to ' verify' continuity of. flow through the buried section as described in IWA-5244(b). The use lof a flow meter was not possible due to the lack of the required straight pipe length in the actual piping configuration..

l_ -In addition to the required methods of IWA-5244, an acousti- ,

cal. emission-leak test was' considered, but the design configurations

,of the valves would produce questionable or inaccurate results.

This matter has received station on-site and off-site rGviews. Based on the above,'it has been determined that the'aubsti-tution of the testing method of IWA-5244(c) for the required method of .IWA-5244(a) will have no significant ef fect upon the probability for consequences of an accident'or upon the health and safety of.the lpublic. '
