MONTHYEARML20082F7771983-11-23023 November 1983 Motion for Order Approving Encl Withdrawal of Application & Terminating Proceeding ML20082F7881983-11-23023 November 1983 Withdrawal of OL Application.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20080L9431983-09-28028 September 1983 Second Request for Addl Extension Until 840115 to Answer Intervenor Motion for Summary Disposition of Contention 1. Portland General Electric Co Expects to Decide on Plant Termination by End of 1983.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20080G0731983-09-13013 September 1983 Request for Extension Until 831014 to Answer Intervenor Motion for Summary Disposition of Contention 1.Motion May Be Moot If Other Owners Concur W/Util Decision to Terminate Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20071Q7201983-06-0303 June 1983 Response Opposing Applicant 830525 Request for Extension Until 830930 to Answer Motion for Summary Disposition of Contention 1.No Good Cause Demonstrated.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20023E0401983-06-0202 June 1983 Memorandum & Order Extending Time Until 830930 for Parties to Answer Intervenor 830512 Motion for Summary Disposition of Contention 1.Util Considering Alternative to Terminating Licensing Efforts ML20071M0781983-05-25025 May 1983 Request for Extension Until 830930 to Answer NRDC Motion for Summary Disposition of Contention 1.Time Needed to Consider Implications of Final Northwest Conservation Electric Power Plan & Licensing Alternatives.Certificates of Svc Encl ML20023C4571983-05-12012 May 1983 Memorandum of Points & Authorities Supporting Intervenor Motion for Summary Disposition Since Contention 1 No Longer Controversial Issue.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20023C3741983-05-12012 May 1983 Statement of Matl Facts as to Which There Is No Genuine Issue Re Contention 1 ML20023C3691983-05-12012 May 1983 Motion for Summary Disposition of Contention 1 Re Calculation of Demand for Electrical Energy Negating Need for Plant.No Genuine Issue of Matl Fact Exists ML20023C6971983-05-12012 May 1983 Affidavit of DB Goldstein Supporting NRDC Motion for Summary Disposition of Contention 1 Re Need for Power.Four Forecasts for Energy Needs Refute Need for Power Justification Developed by Util.Prof Qualifications Encl ML20064N6681983-02-10010 February 1983 Motion to Suspend Health & Safety Prehearing Schedule Pending Adoption of Final Regional Energy Plan or Until Conclusion of Evidentiary Hearings on Need for Power. Applicant Appears Ready to Absorb Facility Costs ML20071A6671983-02-10010 February 1983 Certifies Svc of Intervenor Motion to Suspend Safety & Health Schedule on 830210 ML20070T0661983-02-0404 February 1983 Motion for Order Suspending Health & Safety Prehearing Schedule,Pending Adoption of Final Regional Power Plan & Further Order of Aslb.Suspension Would Be in Best Interest of All Concerned.W/Certificate of Svc ML20028F5951983-02-0101 February 1983 Memorandum & Order ALAB-712,dismissing Confederated Tribes & Bands of Yakima Indian Nation Appeal of ASLB Rejection of Part or All of Four Yakima Contentions.Appeal Unauthorized by Commission Rules of Practice ML20083N8101983-01-31031 January 1983 New Contentions Based on New Info in SER Suppl.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20028F0551983-01-27027 January 1983 Answer to Applicant 830118 Request for Extension of Time Until 830210 to Answer Natl Wildlife Federation/Or Environ Council Discovery Requests.Nrc Does Not Oppose Motion. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20083N1991983-01-26026 January 1983 Notice of Appeal & Exceptions to ASLB 830118 Memorandum & Order.Memorandum & Order Fails to Recognize Yakima Indian Nation Sovereignty & Treaty Rights Which Are Supreme Law of Land.Affidavit of Svc Encl ML20028F1831983-01-25025 January 1983 Notification of Intent to File New Contentions Based on New Info in SER Suppl.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20028F0561983-01-25025 January 1983 Transcript of ACRS Skagit/Hanford Nuclear Project 830125 Meeting in Richland,Wa.Pp 188-281.Viewgraphs Encl ML20028E7301983-01-24024 January 1983 Transcript of ACRS Skagit/Hanford Nuclear Project 830124 Meeting in Richland,Wa.Pp 1-187.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20028E9701983-01-19019 January 1983 Reply to NRC & Applicant Response to Natl Wildlife Federation/Or Environ Council,Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission & Coalition for Safe Power 821213 Motion to Clarify & Amend Certain Contentions.W/Certificate of Svc ML20028E1351983-01-18018 January 1983 Order Establishing Schedule for Evidentiary Hearings on Health & Safety Issues ML20028E1401983-01-18018 January 1983 Memorandum & Order Restating Admitted Contentions ML20072A6731983-01-18018 January 1983 Motion for Extension of Time Until 830210 to File Answer to Natl Wildlife Federation/Or Environ Council 830105 Motion to Compel Discovery.Parties Attempting to Settle Matter by Informal Agreement.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20028C9581983-01-0505 January 1983 Memorandum Supporting Natl Wildlife Federation/Or Environ Council 830105 Motion to Compel Discovery.Applicants Misinterpreted 10CFR2.740(b)(1) Relevancy Std.Discovery Requests Are Relevant.W/Certificate of Svc ML20028C9501983-01-0505 January 1983 Motion to Compel Applicants to Respond in Full to Natl Wildlife Federation/Or Environ Council 821201 Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents ML20028C3221983-01-0303 January 1983 Suppl to DOE 821126 Limited Appearance Statement.Doe Position Is That Hanford Site Is Not Open,Unclaimed Land as Defined in 1855 Treaty W/Yakima Indian Nation,Article Iii. ASLB Is Wrong Forum for Resolving Issue ML20070L5411982-12-27027 December 1982 Answer Opposing Yakima Indian Nation 821210 Motion for Reconsideration of ASLB 821029 Memorandum & Order Re Suppl to Petition to Intervene.Aslb Rejection of Contentions 7,8 & 9 Well Founded ML20070L4901982-12-27027 December 1982 Affidavit of Mv Stimac Supporting Applicant Answer to Yakima Indian Nation Motion for Reconsideration.Describes Plant Site & Location of Casements.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20079J6021982-12-23023 December 1982 Response Supporting Intervenor 821213 Motion to Clarify & Amend Contentions 7 & 8.Quantification of Environ Impacts Not Practicable Due to Subjective Nature.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20023B3081982-12-20020 December 1982 Response to 821201 Discovery Requests.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20079H3711982-12-13013 December 1982 Motion to Clarify & Amend Contentions 7 & 8.Contentions Should Be Reorganized to Facilitate Coordinated Evidentiary Presentations for Environ Matters ASLB Set Out as Contentions 4,7 & 8.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20070D1181982-12-10010 December 1982 Affidavit of R Jim Supporting Yakima Indian Nation Brief on Admissibility of Nation Reworded Proposed Contention 10 & Motion for Reconsideration.Nation Has Right to Pasture Horses & Gather Roots Even Though Us Holds Title to Land ML20070C9121982-12-10010 December 1982 Notice of Counsel New Law Firm Affiliation,As of 820901 ML20070C8181982-12-10010 December 1982 Motion for Reconsideration of ASLB 821029 Memorandum & Order Re Yakima Indian Nation Contentions 7,8 & 9.Nation Right to Enjoy Reservation Peacefully Given by 1855 Treaty Should Be Protected by ASLB ML20070C7981982-12-10010 December 1982 Brief Supporting Admissibility of Yakima Indian Nation Reworded Proposed Contention 10.Attempt to Terminate Reserved Rights of Yakima Indian Nation Violates Fifth Amend.Land Cannot Be Taken by Inverse Condemnation ML20070C7691982-12-10010 December 1982 Certifies Svc of Brief on Admissibility of Reworded Proposed Contention 10,motion for Reconsideration of ASLB 821029 Memorandum & Order,R Jim Affidavit & Notice of Counsel Law Firm Change on 821210 ML20028B9251982-12-0101 December 1982 Brief Re Admissibility of Yaking Indian Nation Proposed Contention 10.Clarification Needed on Procedural Rule of Commission & Scope of Contention.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20028B8971982-12-0101 December 1982 Request for Production of Documents & Interrogatories,Per 10CFR2.740(b) & 10CFR2.741.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20028B2631982-11-26026 November 1982 Limited Appearance Statement.Hanford Site Is Not Part of Yakima Indian Nation Reservation Established by 1855 Treaty. Indian Privilege of Hunting,Gathering Roots & Berries & Grazing Animals Does Not Extend to Hanford Site ML20066K9761982-11-22022 November 1982 Motion to Alter Lead Party Designation Established for Contention 3 in ASLB 821102 Memorandum & Order.All Intervenors Concur That NRDC Should Be Designated Lead Party,Since NRDC Demonstrated Greatest Expertise on Issue ML20066L0101982-11-22022 November 1982 Motion to Amend Accepted Contention 3.Proposed Amends Would Conform Contention 3 to Earlier Admitted NRDC Contention on Which Contention 3 Is Partially Based.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20028A4551982-11-18018 November 1982 Order Scheduling 821202 Prehearing Conference in Lacey,Wa for Joint Hearing Before NRC & Wa Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council.Simplification & Clarification of Contentions & Stipulations to Be Discussed ML20023A8301982-10-15015 October 1982 Response to 820910 First Set of Production Requests. Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20023A8141982-10-14014 October 1982 Response to Yakima Indian Nation 820930 Suppl to Petition to Intervene,Containing List of Contentions.Objects to Contentions 4-10.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20027C1591982-10-0606 October 1982 Response to 820917 First Set of Interrogatories ML20063P4011982-10-0606 October 1982 Response to Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission 820923 Notice of Appeal of ASLB 820903 Memorandum & Order Denying Intervention.Applicants Will Not Oppose Appeal in Order to Maintain Schedule for Proceeding ML20071N3791982-10-0404 October 1982 Response to First Set of Interrogatories.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20065H5481982-09-29029 September 1982 Applicant Response to Coalition for Safe Power 820910 First Set of Interrogatories.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence 1983-09-28
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MONTHYEARML20082F7771983-11-23023 November 1983 Motion for Order Approving Encl Withdrawal of Application & Terminating Proceeding ML20080L9431983-09-28028 September 1983 Second Request for Addl Extension Until 840115 to Answer Intervenor Motion for Summary Disposition of Contention 1. Portland General Electric Co Expects to Decide on Plant Termination by End of 1983.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20080G0731983-09-13013 September 1983 Request for Extension Until 831014 to Answer Intervenor Motion for Summary Disposition of Contention 1.Motion May Be Moot If Other Owners Concur W/Util Decision to Terminate Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20071Q7201983-06-0303 June 1983 Response Opposing Applicant 830525 Request for Extension Until 830930 to Answer Motion for Summary Disposition of Contention 1.No Good Cause Demonstrated.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20071M0781983-05-25025 May 1983 Request for Extension Until 830930 to Answer NRDC Motion for Summary Disposition of Contention 1.Time Needed to Consider Implications of Final Northwest Conservation Electric Power Plan & Licensing Alternatives.Certificates of Svc Encl ML20023C3691983-05-12012 May 1983 Motion for Summary Disposition of Contention 1 Re Calculation of Demand for Electrical Energy Negating Need for Plant.No Genuine Issue of Matl Fact Exists ML20023C3741983-05-12012 May 1983 Statement of Matl Facts as to Which There Is No Genuine Issue Re Contention 1 ML20023C4571983-05-12012 May 1983 Memorandum of Points & Authorities Supporting Intervenor Motion for Summary Disposition Since Contention 1 No Longer Controversial Issue.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20064N6681983-02-10010 February 1983 Motion to Suspend Health & Safety Prehearing Schedule Pending Adoption of Final Regional Energy Plan or Until Conclusion of Evidentiary Hearings on Need for Power. Applicant Appears Ready to Absorb Facility Costs ML20070T0661983-02-0404 February 1983 Motion for Order Suspending Health & Safety Prehearing Schedule,Pending Adoption of Final Regional Power Plan & Further Order of Aslb.Suspension Would Be in Best Interest of All Concerned.W/Certificate of Svc ML20028F0551983-01-27027 January 1983 Answer to Applicant 830118 Request for Extension of Time Until 830210 to Answer Natl Wildlife Federation/Or Environ Council Discovery Requests.Nrc Does Not Oppose Motion. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20083N1991983-01-26026 January 1983 Notice of Appeal & Exceptions to ASLB 830118 Memorandum & Order.Memorandum & Order Fails to Recognize Yakima Indian Nation Sovereignty & Treaty Rights Which Are Supreme Law of Land.Affidavit of Svc Encl ML20072A6731983-01-18018 January 1983 Motion for Extension of Time Until 830210 to File Answer to Natl Wildlife Federation/Or Environ Council 830105 Motion to Compel Discovery.Parties Attempting to Settle Matter by Informal Agreement.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20028C9581983-01-0505 January 1983 Memorandum Supporting Natl Wildlife Federation/Or Environ Council 830105 Motion to Compel Discovery.Applicants Misinterpreted 10CFR2.740(b)(1) Relevancy Std.Discovery Requests Are Relevant.W/Certificate of Svc ML20028C9501983-01-0505 January 1983 Motion to Compel Applicants to Respond in Full to Natl Wildlife Federation/Or Environ Council 821201 Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents ML20070L5411982-12-27027 December 1982 Answer Opposing Yakima Indian Nation 821210 Motion for Reconsideration of ASLB 821029 Memorandum & Order Re Suppl to Petition to Intervene.Aslb Rejection of Contentions 7,8 & 9 Well Founded ML20066L0101982-11-22022 November 1982 Motion to Amend Accepted Contention 3.Proposed Amends Would Conform Contention 3 to Earlier Admitted NRDC Contention on Which Contention 3 Is Partially Based.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20066K9761982-11-22022 November 1982 Motion to Alter Lead Party Designation Established for Contention 3 in ASLB 821102 Memorandum & Order.All Intervenors Concur That NRDC Should Be Designated Lead Party,Since NRDC Demonstrated Greatest Expertise on Issue ML20063P4011982-10-0606 October 1982 Response to Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission 820923 Notice of Appeal of ASLB 820903 Memorandum & Order Denying Intervention.Applicants Will Not Oppose Appeal in Order to Maintain Schedule for Proceeding ML20069F9541982-09-23023 September 1982 Memorandum Supporting Appeal of ASLB 820908 Memorandum & Order Denying 820505 Petition to Intervene or Alternatively, to Remand Petition to ASLB for Further Clarification on Question of Standing.Certificate of Svc & Exhibit Encl ML20027B5571982-09-15015 September 1982 Motion for Extension of Time Until 821004 to Respond to Applicant Interrogatories.Counsel Was Unavailable When Interrogatories Arrived. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20063M6211982-09-10010 September 1982 Motion for Extension of Time Until 820923 to File Responses to Applicant First Set of Interrogatories.Staff Will Be Absent from Ofc 820911-23.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20063M2351982-09-0101 September 1982 Statement of Matl Fact as to Which There Is No Genuine Issue on Coalition for Safe Power Contention 26 ML20063M2291982-09-0101 September 1982 Motion for Summary Disposition of Coalition for Safe Power Contention 26.No Genuine Issue of Matl Fact Exists.Basis for Contention Was PSAR Section 3.10 Which Has Subsequently Been Amended.Related Correspondence ML20063A5051982-08-19019 August 1982 Motion for Leave to Reply to Applicant 820730 Response Opposing Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission 820716 Motion for Admission of Second Suppl to Petition to Intervene.Question of Standing Raised.W/Certificate of Svc ML20062D5201982-08-0505 August 1982 Response to Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission 820716 Motion for Admission of Second Suppl to Petition to Intervene.Good Cause Shown for Contention 4.Other Factors Favor Admission of Contention 5.W/Certificate of Svc ML20058D5401982-07-21021 July 1982 Memorandum Supporting Appeal of ASLB 820706 Memorandum & Order.Contentions 3E & 5 Should Be Accepted as Litigatable Issues.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20063H1141982-07-16016 July 1982 Motion for Admission of Second Suppl to Petition to Intervene ML20053D0651982-05-27027 May 1982 Motion for Extension of Time Until 820611 to Answer Coalition for Safe Power 820527 Amended Contentions. Washington co-counsel Has Not Received Contention & Document Is Lengthy.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20053A3851982-05-21021 May 1982 Motion for Admission of Natl Wildlife Federation & or Environ Council Second Suppl to Petition to Intervene ML20053A5131982-05-21021 May 1982 Motion for Extension of Time Until 820611 to File Responses to Contentions.Counsel Will Be Absent & co-counsel Involved in Another Hearing.Extension Would Not Delay Proceeding or Prejudice Rights of Other Parties.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20053A4151982-05-19019 May 1982 Response to ASLB Question Posed at 820505 Special Prehearing Conference on Whether Licensing Activities Should Proceed Since Need for Power Issue Best Determined in Spring 1983. Proceeding Should Continue on Normal Schedule ML20052D0561982-04-28028 April 1982 Response Opposing Deposition of MT Dana.Discovery Premature & Does Not Relate to Matters in Controversy.Reasonable Notice Not Given & Allowing Deposition Would Amount to Harassment.W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20054E1511982-04-20020 April 1982 Motion for Extension of Time for Filing Addl Contentions Since Portions of PSAR & Amend 5 to Application for Site Certificate/Environ Rept Received on 820416,4 Days Before Contentions Due ML20010F6551981-09-0909 September 1981 Response Opposing Coalition for Safe Power 810818 Motion for Order Directing Applicant & NRC to Include Intervenor on Svc List.Motion Is Moot as NRC Placed Intervenor on Licensing & Legal Svc Lists Per Earlier Requests.W/Certificate of Svc ML20005B7061981-08-18018 August 1981 Motion,In Ltr Form,For Order That All Parties Fully Serve All Documents on Coalition for Safe Power & Forelaws on Board,Pending Renoticing & Rulings on Petitions to Intervene.Impractical to Gain Access to Documents at Lpdr ML19332A8871980-09-11011 September 1980 Statement Suggesting That Full Commission Review of Orders & Opinions Below Not Necessary Due to Mootness.Aslb 800827 Order Indicates Proceeding Has Terminated ML19330B5001980-08-0101 August 1980 Response in Support of Applicants 800716 Motion Requesting Establishment of Schedule Re Proposed Site Change.Nrc Will Stop Review of Outstanding Geology/Seismology Issues. Certificate of Svc Encl ML19321A6291980-07-16016 July 1980 Motion for Order Evidencing Current Status & Setting Schedule for Further Proceeding.Amend to Application Will Be Filed by 800930.Anticipated Schedule for Environ Rept & PSAR Amends May Be Filed on Same Date.W/Draft Order & Release ML19323J2211980-06-0404 June 1980 Reply Withdrawing 800508 Motion to Dismiss Application. Applicant Response to Motion & Mecca Affidavit Provided Detailed Info Re Applicant 800414 Rept.Progress Rept Must Be Filed by 800601 by Applicant.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19323G0431980-05-28028 May 1980 Answer in Opposition to Skagitonians Concerned About Nuclear Power 800508 Motion to Dismiss Application for CP Due to Nondiligent Pursuance.Applicants Requests for Clarification Are Reasonable Due to Complex Issues.W/Certificate of Svc ML19312E9291980-05-23023 May 1980 Reply in Opposition to Skagitonians Concerned About Nuclear Power 800508 Motion to Dismiss Application W/Prejudice Due to Lack of Diligent Pursuit.Applicants Are Engaged in Extensive Program to Locate Suitable Site ML19310A2181980-05-0808 May 1980 Motion to Dismiss Application W/Prejudice.Applicants Took No Steps to Pursue Application Despite Opportunity Given at 800122 Conference to Address Pending Geology & Seismology Issues.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19323A9551980-04-25025 April 1980 Response Stating No Objection to Doi 800417 Motion to File Brief Amicus Curiae Three Days Out of Time.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19323A9731980-04-17017 April 1980 Pleading in Lieu of Brief Amicus Curiae Re Untimely Petition of Three Indian Tribes.Urges Admittance of Tribes as Full Parties Except for Fully Addressed Issues Where Serious Gaps in Existing Record Must Be Shown.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19294C1331980-03-0505 March 1980 Response Stating No Objection to Secretary of Doi 800215 Request for 60 Day Extension to File Brief Amicus Curiae Re Admission of Indian Tribes in Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19290E5261980-03-0505 March 1980 Response Stating No Objection to Doi 800215 Request for 60- Day Extension to File Brief Amicus Curiae Re Indian Tribes Admission as Intervenors in Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19296D5061980-02-22022 February 1980 Response in Opposition to Doi 800215 Motion for Extension Until 800414 to File Brief Amicus Curiae.Motion Filed at Last Day of Permitted Period.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19296C8801980-02-15015 February 1980 Motion for Extension Until 800114 to File Brief Amicus Curiae Re Whether Indian Tribes Status Gives Sufficient Cause for Late Intervention.Nrc Does Not Object to Such Extension.Affidavit & Certificate of Svc Encl ML19296B1471980-02-0101 February 1980 Answer in Opposition to Skagitonians Against Nuclear Power 800122 Motion to Compel Responses to Interrogatories.Motion Untimely & Questions Re Seismic Profile Outside Scope of Proceedings.Certificate of Svc Encl 1983-09-28
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~ %f ~
PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT ) Docket Nos.STN 50-522 COMPANY, et al. ) STN 50-523
(Skagit Nuclear Power Project, ) January 18, 1983 Units 1 and 2) )
APPLICANTS' MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME On Ja..uary 5, 1983 intervenors National Wildlife Federation and Oregon Environmental Council (NWF/OEC) served a Motion to Compel Discovery together with a supporting memorandum. Under the Commission's rules, Applicants' answer to intervenors' motion would be due January 20, 1983.
Applicants hereby request that the time for Applicants to answer intervenors' motion be extended three weeks to February 10, 1983. The reason for the requested extension is to allow time for Applicants and NWF/OEC to attempt to resolve the subject matter of intervenors' motion informally by agreement. To this end, Applicants have undertaken to provide certain additional informa-tion and documents to NWF/OEC.
I 8301240097 830118 '
PDR ADOCK 05000522 O PDR
- - - - - =
The undersigned has discussed the above with Mr. Thatcher, attorney for NWF/OEC, and Mr. Thatcher has kindly agreed to the requested extension.
DATED January 18, 1983.
Respectfully submitted, PERKINS, COIE, STONE, OLSEN & WILLIAMS By F. Theodore Thomsen Attorneys for Applicants l
l f
et al. )
) STN 50-522 (Skagit/Hanford Nuclear Project, ) STN 50-523 Units 1 and 2) )
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that the following:
APPLICANTS' MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME in the above-captioned proceeding have been served upon the persons shown on the attached list by depositing copies thereof in the United States mail on January 18, 1983 with proper postage affixed for first class mail.
DATED: January 18, 1983.
Gr F. Theodore Thomsen r
Attorney for Puget Sound Power &
Light Company 1900 Washington Building Seattle, Washington 98101 s
y SxAGIT/nANrORD NuCLsAn PROJECT DATE Janaq M, MO NRC Service List ,
Docket Mos. S W 50-522 and STW 50-523 ,
' \
Secretary of the h ission Ime Scott Oswey, Esq. Warren G. Mastings, Boq.
Docketing and Service Branch Counsel for the NRC Staff Associate Corporate Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory r- ission Of fice of the Executive Imgal Portland General Electric Company
, Washington, D.C. 20555 Director 121 S.W. Salmon Street !
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Portland, OR 97204 LICENSING BOARD Washington, D.C. 20555 t John F. Wolf, Esq., Chairman Richard D. Bach, Esq.
~IIITERESTED STATES AND COUltrIES Stoel, Rives, Boley, Fraser & Wyse {
Administrative Judge ;
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board 2300 Georgia Pacific Bldg.
- 3409 Shepherd Street Washington Energy Facility 900 S.W. Fifth Avenue !
Chevy Chase, MD 20015 Site Evaluation Council Portland, OR 97204 Nicholas D. Imwis, Chairman Neil Stop PY-11 OTHER j Dr. Frank F. Hooper Olympia, WA 98504 Administrative Judge Nina Bell, Staff Intervenor Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Kevin N. Ryan, Esq.
j School of Natural Resources Coalition for Safe Power Washington Assistant Attorney Suite 527, Governor Bldg.
l University of Michigan General
! Ann Arbor, MI 48190 408 S.W. Second Avenus Temple of Justice Portland, OR 97204 l Olympia, WA 98504
- Mr. Gustave A. Linenberger 4
A hinistrative Judge Ralph Cavanagh, Esq.
Frank W. Ostrander, Jr., Esq. Natural Resources Defense Council Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Oregon Assistant Attorney General U.S. Nuclear Regulatory h ission 25 Rearny Street Washington, D.C. 20555 500 Pacific Building San Francisco, CA 94108 520 S.W. Yamhill Portland, OR 97204 Terence L. Matcher, Esq.
WNF and OEC Bill Sebero, Chairman 708 Dokun Blog.
I Stephen F. E11perin, Esq., Chairman Benton County Commissioner Atomic Safety and Licensing 519 S.W. Wird Avenue P.O. Box 470 Portland, OR 97204 j Appeal Board Prosser WA 99350
- U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Robert C. lethrop, Esq.
APPLICAlfrS Attorney for Coltabia River Christine N. Kohl Inter-Tribal Fish Commission F. neodore Thomsen, Esq. Suite 320
, Atomic Safety and Licensing Parkins, Cole, Stone, 8383 N.E. Sandy Blvd.
Appeal Board l Olsen & Williams Portland, OR 97220 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cosmiission 1900 Washington Bldg.
Washington, D.C. 20555 Seattle, WA 98101 j
James B. Hovis, Esq.
Dr. Reginald L. Gotchy Yakima Indian Nation David G. Powell, Esq. c/o Novis, Cockrill & Roy Atomic Safety and Licensing towenstein, Newman, Reis & Axelrad Appeal Board 316 North Third Street 1025 Connecticut Avenue N.W. P.O. Box 487 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20036 Yakima, WA 98907 Washington, D.C. 20555 James W. Durham, Esq. Canadian Consulate General j Senior Vice President Donald Martens, Consul j General Counsel and Secretary 412 Plaza 600 t
Portland *;eneral Elect *1c Company 6th and Stewart Street 121 S.W. Salmon Street Seattle, WA 98101
- Portland, OR 97204 i