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Testimony of Dl Smith Re Site Emergency Planning.State of Il Plan for Radiological Accidents Encl.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Byron  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/07/1983
From: Danni Smith
Download: ML20072C026 (619)


{{#Wiki_filter:. . _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l 4 4 9 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA tdMG NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION BEFORE THE ATOMIC SAFETY AN RD y N In the Matter of f 4\ COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY = -) eDo et os. -454 OL L J* -455 OL Byron Nuclear Power Station, Agg Units 1 & 2) t 4 p[i, ' s/ N's1[/ D


OF TESTIMONY O DAVID L. SMITH David L. Smith is the Chief of Field Services for the Illinois Emergency Services and Disaster Agency (IESDA). His testimony addresses DAARE/ SAFE Contention 3 and the League's Contentions 19 and 108 insofar as they concern IESDA's responsibilities toward emergency planning at Byron Station. Mr. Smith introduces the Byron Site Specific Volume (Volume 6) of the Illinois Plan for Radiological Accidents (IPRA) and describes its development and current status. His testimony goes on to address specific concerns that were raised by the Intervenors in the language of their contentions or in the course of discovery. Mr. Smith concludes that an effective emergency plan for Byron Station will be in place prior to the commence-ment of its operation. B303080250 830307 PDR ADOCK 05000454 T PDR _ ____ .- J

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                                                                                )                           STN 50-455 OL (Byron Nuclear Power Station                                       )

Units 1 and 2) ) TESTIMONY OF DAVID L. SMITH Ol: Please state your name and present occupation. Al: My name is David L. Smith. I am the Chief of Field Services for the Illinois Emergency Services and Disaster Agency (IESDA). 02: Briefly state your educational and professional qualifications. A2: A resume of my educational and professional background is attached as Exhibit A. 03,: What have been your duties and responsibilities with respect to Commonwealth Edison Company's Byron Nuclear Station? A3,: My responsibility is to coordinate the develop-ment of the Byron site-specific off-aite radiological emergency response plan and to implement a program to train local officials and emergency response personnel in radiological emergency preparedness. A preliminary draft of the Byron site specific volume (Volume 6) of the Illinois Plan for Radiological Accidents has been prepared. It is attached as Exhibit B.

5 Q4: To which contentions is this testimony ad-dressed? A4: DAARE/ SAFE Contention 3 and League of Women Voters' Contentions 19 and 108. QS: Is the draft Byron plan similar to other plans which are in existence and which have been approved for nuclear sites located in Illinois? A5: Yes. The overall concept is the same for the draft Byron plan as it is for the other site-specific plans of IPRA. Each site-specific plan is, however, developed based upon the existing emergency operation procedures and resources of the affected local governments. The current revision of the Byron IPRA is based upon an initial assessment of those procedures and resources, and is currently undergoing review and revision based upon a more detailed assessment. Upon completion of that review a second revision will be published. Q6: DAARE/ SAFE's Contention 3 (a) challenges the adequacy of the emergency planning for Byron based on its purported failure to include plans to evacuate "more than 20,000 students attending Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, most of whom rely on public transportation or those without cars at other colleges in affected areas." Does the Byron IPRA provide for evacuation of students? A6: The draft Byron plan provides for evacuation of all persons within the 10-mile plume exposure emergency

f i planning zone (EPZ) including students. The NIU campus is approximately 25 miles from the plant, well outside the EPZ. Therefore, the plan does not provide for evacuation of NIU students. 07: DAARE/ SAFE Contention 3 also challenges the adequacy of evacuation plans for their purported failure to j include contingency plans to deal with acute gasoline shortages. Have gasoline shortages been considered in the Byron IPRA? A7: Acute gasoline shortages have not been addressed in the draft Byron plan, nor do I believe that it is necessary to do so. An acute gasoline shortage is a situation that would not quickly develop, but would evolve over an extended time period. If it became apparent that an acute gasoline shortage was developing, contingency plans to deal with this matter could be formulated at that time. 08: DAARE/ SAFE Contention 3 next asserts that "in the event of an accident requiring evacuation, there is no assurance that local and state and national authorities required to interface will in fact themselves have plans in place which adequately protect the affected public both within and without the LPZ." Are these authorities in fact interfacing to develop plans which will adequately protect the affected public? A8: Yes. The state and local radiological emergency response plans are developed as a single document for each nuclear generating plant. A team of emergency

planners from ESDA and the Illinois Departn.ent of Nuclear Safety (IDNS) are working with local officials to develop the plan. This ensures that the plan reflects the local government emergency operating procedures and ensures that the local officials are an integral part of plan develop-ment. FEMA submitted a draft copy of their emergency response plan for review by ESDA to ensure a coordinated response. Comments were submitted which have been reflected in their final draft. 09: Next, DAARE/ SAFE asserts that the Byron emergency plan should include protective actions other than evacuation plans to protect the public in the event evacua-tion is impractical. Does the Byron IPRA in fact include any such alternate protective action plan? A9: Yes. The Byron plan includes the alternate protective action of shelter in place. Choice of the appropriate protective action will be based on a considera- ) tion of the radiological assessment, meteorlogical condi-tions, and the condition of the evacuation routes. Q10: Finally, the DAARE/ SAFE Contention asserts that there are no plans to " deal with weather dependent worst case analysis or the potential consequences of a core melt with breach of containment". Does the Byron plan in fact address these emergency conditions? A10: Yes. The draft Byron plan has been developed

to address the worst case accident including the conse-quences of a core melt with a breach of containment. In-cluded in the plan are response actions for emergency workers to follow in weather-dependent contingencies. As an example, the draft Byron plan provides that state and county and local personnel are to operate snow removal equipment in the event of a snowstorm. Oll: Turning to League Contention 19, the first specific factual assertion directed at the Byron emergency plan states that "information gathered by CE during con-struction, during shift changes, and generally provided by Illinois Emergency Preparedness officials show that evacua-tion regarding Byron in an acceptable time cannot be ac-complished." Are you aware of any such information which shows that an evacuation at Byron cannot be accomplished in an acceptable time? All: I am not aware of the information referred to or any information which shows that evacuation at Byron cannot be accomplished in an acceptable time. In fact, the emergency plan was prepared so as to accomplish evacuation as quickly and efficiently as possible. Q12: League Contention 19 also asserts that the public

health and safety requires that there be in place prior to operation of Byron an effective, well publicized and tested plan to evacuate the public in the event of such an accident.

r t Will there be such a drill? A12: Yes. The final Byron plan will be fully exercised by all governmental and private organizations identified in the plan as having a role in radiological emergency response. The exercise will be conducted prior to the operation of the Byron plant during the week of August 22, 1983. To assure the effectiveness of the plan, participants in the exercise will be evaluated by the Regional Advisory Committee as to their ability to implement the plan. Q13: Finally, League Contention 108 asserts that

                               " emergency facilities (including both personnel and physical facilities) are not situated far enough from the Byron site so as to be free from any impact which could neutralize the effectiveness of such personnel and facilities in the event of an accident." Is this an accurate statement?

A13: No. State emergency facilities are located in Springfield (about 190 miles from Byron) and in Dixon, Illinois (about 18 miles from Byron). Commonwealth Edison Company's emergency operation facility (EOF) is located in Dixon. Although ogle County's EOC is located in Oregon (about 5 miles from Byron), it is in a protected facility which has been determined by FEMA to have a protection factor exceeding 100 (which means that protection from i l radiation is 100 times greater inside than outside). In l addition, an alternate location for the Ogle County EOC is l in Stillman Valley which is slightly more than 5 miles from i 1

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c - l 1 I t Byron in-the direction opposite from Oregon. Q14: In answers to interrogatories, the League asserted that relevant state and local agencies had not taken into account the potential presence of up to 50,000 persons at recreational facilities in the 10-mile zone around Byron, including the Byron Drag Way, church camps, state parks, and Girl Scout facilities. Does the Byron emergency plan in fact consider the presence of transients in the plume exposure EPZ? ) A14: Yes. Special concern facilities such as camps, parks, nursing homes, schools and industrial plants have been or will be contacted and are identified in the draft Byron plan. Information regarding the average and peak use of these facilities has been collected and analyzed. It should be noted that the 50,000 persons represents a peak transient population which occurs only one weekend per year i and thus it is not necessary to plan for a transient population of that size as a regular occurrence. { 015: The League also asserts that "15-minute notification for the potential transient population is likely to prove virtually impossible." How will the transient l population be notified in the event of an emergency? A15: The transient population would be notified of an emergency by a public notification system which is made j up of four components: an outdoor warning system, a mobile i I

      . - , _ , . . . . _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ . ~ . - . ~ . _ , _ . , - . , - . _ - . , _ . _ _            . _ _        _ _ . _ , . - _ _ - _ , , _ _ , . , .         . _ _ . _ . . . - - - , . - _ , _ . - _ . .

t public notification system, indoor warning receivers, and a local radio station. The public notification system is designed to provide notification to persons in the plume exposure EPZ within 15 minutes after it is determined that such notification is required. ESDA is responsible for activating the public notification system. Ol6: The League's answers to interrogatories allege generally that due to the small number of " escape routes" which would be utilized for evacuation it is highly unlikely that the Byron area could be adequately evacuated. Do you consider there to be an adequate number of evacuation routes? A16: Yes. There are six major evacuation routes exiting the EPZ. There are also numerous smaller roads which are identified on Map A in the draft Byron plan and which are adequate to effect an evacuation. 017: The League next asserts that all recreational and outdoor areas within the 10-mile EPZ should be equipped with nonradioactive food and water. Do you believe that such measures are in fact required to adequately protect the public health and safety? A17: No. The c:tive action for persons at recreational and outdoor areas will be evacuation. There-fore it is not necessary to provide food and water at those locations. Q18: Finally, the League states that "transpor-

r t tation problems with the 17 schools located in the EPZ should be carefully planned because the available school buses serve more than one school and provisions would have to be made for the parents to pick up their children." Are there plans which specifically address these matters? A18: Yes. The draft Byron plan addresses evac-uation of schools and moving the evacuees to shelters using school buses for transportation. It is extremely unlikely that all schools within the EPZ would be required to evac-uate at the same time. Present planning calls for an evacuation of all persons in a two-mile radius and the three downwind sectors. Thus, resources from sectors not affected by the evacuation could be used to assist the evacuation where needed. In the event that all schools in the EPZ were required to evacuate at the same time, mutual aid would be requested from neighboring school districts. Q19: Based upon your work in developing the Byron IPRA, are you aware of any specific matters which cause you I i to doubt whether there will be an effective emergency plan for Byron prior to the commencement of operation of the Byron Station? A19: No. Although there may currently exist some { matters which are not fully addressed in the plan, I am  ; not aware of any insurmountable problems which will prevent the development of an effective emergency plan for Byron. i I.

T e 4 EXHIBIT B TO TESTIMONY OF DAVID L. SMITH ILLINOIS PLAN FOR RADIOLOGICAL ACCIDENTS (IPRA) PRELIMINARY DRAFT VOLUME 6 NOTICE This copy of preliminary draft of Volume 6 to IPRA is being provided as an accommodation for review in litigation before the NRC Atomic Safety and Licensing Board of emergency planning contentions in the operating license proceedings for Byron Station. This copy is not to be dissemenated in any form or reproduced by any means as it is the property of the State of Illinois. This copy must be returned upon completion of the proceedings. Preliminary draft Volume 6 of IPRA is subject to ongoing review and revision. The dissemenation of uncontrolled and outdated copies of this volume or portions thereof could be detrimental to the purpose for which it is intended. I l This notice is served at the request of the Illinois Emergency and Disaster Agency. l l l l



4 AUTHORIZATION The Preliminary Illinois Plan for Radiological Accidents (IPRA), , Byron Vol. VI, Revision 0, 12/82, has been developed in the interest of protecting the health and safety of the general public of Ogle County, Illinois, in the event of a radiological release incident at the Byron Nuclear Station. The Preliminary Plan has been issued prior to the initial Byron Station Emergency Preparedness Exercise. During the actual exercise, the Plan will be implemented and evaluated while simulating an emergency at the Byron Station that results in offsite radiological releases which would require a response by the Ogle County and participating municipalities. After evaluating and critiquing the exercise, the Plan will be revised accordingly and reissued in final fom. The undersigned, hereby endorse f.he purpose and guidelines of the Preliminary IPRA - Byron Vol. VI, and accept the { duties and responsibilities assigned to us, and acknowledge the relationships herein established. We further agree to provide all resources, both manpower and material, necessary  ; to perform our assigned tasks. The Preliminary Illinois Plan for Radiological Accidents, Byron Volume VI, is adopted for use by the State of Illinois, and Ogle County and participating municipalities. t)wY w ol) n ,2~/d's L Coun Board Chaimanj Ogle County Date


f~ [Ke LS Dele u y ESDA Coordinator

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Director, Illinois Emergency Services Date and Disaster Agency 11

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 GENERAL INFORMATION Table of Contents l I. Site Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

                              'II. Concept of Operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 III. Participating State Agencies . . . . . . . . . . . .            19 A. Illinois State Police District 1. . . . .       21 B. Illinois Department of Transportation District 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 C. Illinois Department of Conservation Region 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 D. Illinois Commerce Comission . . . . . . .        35 IV. Maps A. Evacuation Routes with Associated Traffic Control Points & Access Control Posts     37 B. Special Facilities within the BYRON l                                              STATION Emergency Planning Zone . .. . . . '. 37 C. Sheltering Map for the BYRON STATION Emergency Planning Zone . . . . . . . . . . 37 D. Pre-established Monitoring Locations Map .      38 E. Dairy Farms & Food Processing Plants, Water Basins & Public Water Supply Intakes, and IDPH Medical Facilities
f. Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 l

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Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 0 12/82


BYRON NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION , GENERAL INFORMATION l I. Site Information Overview The BYRON NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION Units 1 & 2, (BYRON STATION) is located on a 1288 acre site in BYRON TOWNSHIP, approxi-mately 3.7 miles south-southwest of the City of BYRON and 2.2 miles east of the Rock River in OGLE COUNTY. The site is situated approximately in the ceiter of the county in a predominantly agricultural area. Land use within two miles is primarily agricultural with some rural residences. The 1980 populatial within two miles of the BYRON STATION is 654 for a population density of 52 persons per , square mile (from 1980 population figures). As a comparison, the density for the STATE OF ILLINOIS is 203 persons per square mile based on 1979 population estimates. Between two and five miles from the BYRON STATION lie two l comunities with a total 1980 popula:fon of 5,594. An additional 934 persons live in rural residences or on farmsteads for a pro-jected total of 6,528 persons living between two and five miles of the BYRON STATION. ( VI (1) Page 1




                                                    '                            AND THE DIRECTOR OF THE ILLINCIS EMERGENCY SERVICES AND DISASTER AGENCY - SPRINGFIELD, ILL!aoIS.

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T Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 { Between five and ten miles from the BYRON STATION lie four connunities with a total 1980 population of 4,701. An additional 9,739 persons live in rural residences or on farmsteads for a projected total of 21,622 persons living within ten miles of the BYRON STATION. Emergency Planning Zone The EMERGENCY PLANNING ZONE (EPZ) for the BYRON STATION consists of a circle with the BYRON STATION as the center point. The EPZ extends ten miles outward in all directions from BYRON STATION for the plume exposure pathway planning zone and fif ty miles outward for the ingestion exposure pathway planning zone. In the event of a serious accident at BYRON STATION, the plume expo-sure EPZ will be the area in which intensive efforts will be made to notify and protect residents and transient population from exposure to radiation. This EPZ includes OGLE COUNTY, a small portion of WINNEBAGO COUNTY, and the following municipalities:


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Ogle County

     ,                                                                              Preliminary Rev. 012/82 e

( BYRON STATION 1980 POPULATION FIGURES R B 348 O n. Su C 402 1,524 28 510 ,23 53 15, N .a .. I *u ,, .., E los

                                                           ' 2"       

M  % F 1,031 2,o L 1,... i., .,, G K H 3 POPULATION TOTALS 2 MILE 654 2-5 MILE s,sze 5-10 Mrte ta nas TOTAL 21.s22 l l [

 \                                                                             .

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i A i Ogle County j Preliminary Rev. 012/82 j

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{ The population distribution in this ten-mile EPZ sur-rounding the BYRON STATION is relatively low. The following table lists the 1980 census population figures for those municipalities located in the EPZ, while the figures on page two distribute the total population into the sixteen 221' radial sectors which divide the EPZ. Table 1 1980 Miles Direction Population From Site From Site BYRON 2,035 3 North, NE DAVIS JUNCTION 113 . 10 East LEAF RIVER 638 7 West,NW MT. MORRIS 2,989 8 West OREGON 3,559 5 Southwest STILLMAN VALLEY 961 6 East,NE Total 10,295 Primary land use around the BYRON STATION is agricultural, , with cash grain crops of corn and soybeans. 1 l Recreational facilities outside the municipalities include a two hundred-seventy three-acre (273) LOWOEN MEMORIAL STATE PARK located three and one-half miles southwest of the BYRON STATION. i The Park has facilities for hiking, camping, picnicking, boating, and fishing. Seven miles south-southwest of the BYRON STATION is the one thousand-eight hundred-acre (1,800) CASTLE ROCK CONSERVA-TION AREA with facilities for picnicking, fishing, and hiking along with a 600-acre Nature Preserve. 5 VI(1) Page 5

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 Major transportation facilities in the BYRON STATION EPZ are limited to Illinois Route 72, three and one-half miles r. orth of the Station, Illinois Route 2, two and one-half miles west of the Station and Illinois Route 64, four and one-half miles south of- the BYRON STATION. Two rail lines also run through the BYRON STATION EPZ: the Chicago North Western is four and one-half miles ' north and; the Burlington Northern is five and one-half miles south. e 1 VI (1) Page 6

1 Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 II. Concept of Operations Accident Classification The utility will perfonn a preliminary accident assessment in the event of an incident at a nuclear power plant. Based upon this assessment, the accident will be categorized by the utility and ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR SAFETY (IDNS) into one of the five classifications

  • below: -
1. Transportation Accident
2. Unusual Event
3. Alert
4. Site Emergency
5. General Emergency For the first four classifications, the BYRON STATION SUPERINTENDENT will notify the COPHONWEALTH EDISON CORPORATE C0fEAND CENTER either directly or through the Ceco SYSTEM POWER DISPATCHER. The COMMAND CENTER DIRECTOR, or the SYSTEM POWER DISPATCHER, if the DIRECTOR is unavailable, will notify the STATE OF ILLINOIS EMERGENCY SERVICES AND DISASTER AGENCY (IESDA) and IDNS on the NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM (NARS). IESDA will then utilize NARS to notify OGLE COUNTY, In a General Emergency, the BYRON STATION SUPERINTENDENT will activate MARS immediately, and will inform the st.te and county governments of the accident simultaneously. Figure 2 outlines this two-fold notification scheme.
  • A more detailed discussion of these classifications can be found g in Chapter 5 of the State General Volume.

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  • County MP ,


                                                                                                                ~n FIGLEE 2 NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM e

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 Operational Response Levels k. The accident classification chosen by the utility and confinned by IDNS also determines the level of operational response required by all involved organizations. The fol-lowing table sets out the minimum operational responses necessary for each classification at the county and local level. Table 2 Classification Minimum Operational Response Unusual Event IESDA will notify OGLE COUNTY of the situation via AARS. Alert IESDA will notify OGLE COUNTY of the situation via NARS. s OGLE COUNTY will notify the local government on the call list. l Site Emergency IESDA will notify OGLE COUNTY of the situation via NARS. l OGLE COUNTY will notify the local governments on their call list. T VI (1) Page 11 l

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 All county and local governments will activate their EOCs and I then place remaining energency l l personnel on standby. Public notification will be implemented. General Emergency The utility will notify IESDA, IONS and OGLE CCC:!TV of the-situation via NARS. OGLE COUNTY will notify their local governments on their call list. All county and local governments will activate their EOCs and all emergency personnel. Public notification will be implemented. i l ! Other protective actions will be implemented as directed. l l i l VI (1) Page 12

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 0 12/82 state level Site Organizations coordinated on a OPERATIONS The operational response will beThe STATE EMERGENCY for state by three separate facilities. rimary coordination site gencies CENTER (STATE EGC) will be the ph re the OST utility and federal a agencies as well as a point Thew eSTATE FORWARD COW 4A is responsible for with the state. can communicate within the EPZ and it l supporting or will be located near agency resources and personnecommunication the allocation of state It will also serve as a i the local government actions. supplies to be utilized dur ng and inventory depot for center major coordination as the emergency. l serve The OGLE COUNTY nt response EOC withinwil the BYRON with STATION county's response centers for the local governme i g the through This not only means coordinatjurisdiction n EPZ. within their coordinating county manicipalities that af the it also means d the contact with the local h EOCs; state through the STATE EOC operations with that of t e E EOC on STATE FORWARD C0t91AND t contact with POST. the STAT actions which OGLE COUNTY will be in direcd as to th NARS, and will be informeThese recommendations within their should be implemented. the local governments / all local inated by the County E0Cs to EOC will also coordinate re-relaying those jurisdiction. The OGLE COUNTYoperational suopo D POST. government requests for the STATE FORWARD COMMAN quests for assistance to VI (1) I Page 13

l Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 1 Notification of the Public I A primary concern of county and local emergency workers will  ; l be the notification of the public of an incident at the BYRON ' STATION. The need for immediate public notification is so essen- . tial that several methods will be used to ensure complete coverage. l The first of these methods will be local siren systems. The use of sirens will alert the public to the fact that they should turn on their radios to WROK/WZOK or other local radio stations for detailed information on the current situation and emergency instructions. Supplemental public announcements will use the local police force to alert the public by broadcasting a simple message over mobile public address systems. This message will infonn citizens of an accident, and will advise them to either take shelter or begin evacuating. They will also be advised to tune to WROK or WZOK in ROCKFORD for further instructions. Since no 24 hour radio station exists in or near the EPZ, the NARS will be used to ensure timely radio notification in the event an incident occurs during non-broadcast hours. Once a General Emergency has been declared and received over the NARS, the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR will notify WROK/WZOK by comercial telephone to advise them of the report. The ILLIN0I,S INFORMATION SERVICE will telephone WROK/WZOK and advise the NEWS DIRECTOR or GENERAL MANAGER that the GOVERNOR or the IESDA DIRECTOR is about to recomend protective actions for the public. After a code word has been given, the WROK/WZOK NEWS VI (1) Page 14

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 DIRECTOR or GENERAL MANAGER will begin recording the conversation via the established commercial telephone link. The GOVERNOR or the IESDA DIRECTOR'S message will be general in nature. More specific protective cction information will be supplied via telephone to the WROK/WZOK NEWS DIR5CTOR or GENERAL MANAGER by a representative of OGLE COUNTY. The COUNTY BOARD CHAIRMAN or his designee, the COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR, will serve as the county representative. A take-shelter request will instruct EPZ residents to remain inside, check all doors and windows, turn off all ventilating systems, etc. In an evacuation request, the two county representatives will announce specifically what areas of the EPZ are to be evacuated and what routes should be taken out of the area. If the county representative's message has been received and recorded within fifteen mir.utes of receiving and recording the GOVERNOR or IESDA DIRECTOR'S message, both messages will then be broadcast over WROK/WZOK in immediate sequence. If the county representative's message has not been received and recorded within l fifteen minutes of receiving and recording the GOVERNOR or IESDA DIRECTOR'S message, the WROK/WZOK NEWS DIRECTOR or GENERAL MANAGER 4 will make one attempt to reach the tardy county representativ? by calling his work and residence telephone numbers. If the attempt to reach the tardy representative fails, the WROK/WZOK NEWS DIREC-TOR or GENERAL MANAGER will broadcast all available recorded i messages; the GOVERNOR or the IESDA DIRECTOR'S message will be t broadcast first. The WROK/WZOK NEWS DIRECTOR or GENERAL MANAGER I i j will then call the IESDA 24-hour telephone number. The IESDA


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Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 DISPATCHER will notify the IESDA DIRECTOR or his designee, who will provide to WROK/WZOK the ' necessary detailed information for the county from which no report has been received. If the county representatives's messages have been received and recorded prior to receiving the GOVERNOR or the IESDA DIREC-TOR'S message, the WROK/WZOK NEWS DIRECTOR or GENERAL MANAGER will call the 24-hour IESDA DISPATCHER telephone number. The IESDA DISPATCHER will imediately notify the IESDA DIRECTOR or the ILLIN0IS INFORMATION SERVICE of the probleta. If the GOVERNOR or the IESDA DIRECTOR has not contacted WR0K/WZOK with a protective

action message witnin an additional fifteen minutes,the NEWS DIRECTOR or GENERAL MANAGER will proceed to broadcast the county l representative's message imediately. The message will state that the GOVERNOR has in fact recommended the protective action. The r GOVERNOR or the IESDA DIRECTOR'S message will be broadcast as soon as it is received and recorded.
The EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM (EBS) will supplement the WROK/WZOK public notification procedures. Once these procedures have been completed, the EBS will be activated by an EBS primary station. The recorded emergency information will then be relayed to nearby EBS affiliates.

Evacuation and Sheltering A number of major roads running through the BYRON STATION EPZ have been pre-selected as evacuation routes to be used in the event of an incident requiring the implementation of such a protective measure. A map outlining these routes can be found at the end of this chapter. VI (1) Page 16

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 The initial determination of which specific routes will be taken by which communities will be made on the basis of wind direction. Each comunity has been provided with a list of primary and alternate routes for each possible wind direction. This pre-selection will minimize any delay associated with choosing an evacuation route and the congestion arising from two communities choosing the same route. At the same time, it will allow a maximum amount of time for alerting the ILLIN0IS STATE POLICE (ISP) who will be manning traffic control posts along those routes (see the attachment to the evacuation route map), and the host comunities which lie along those routes and which will be providing shelters to the evacuees. The problem of shelter will be handled by the IESDA in { conjunction with the LOCAL ESDA COORDINATORS of the host comunities. The REGIONAL ESDA COORDINATORS for REGIONS 2, 3, 5 and 7 will be notified of an incident at the BYRON STATION by the IESOA DISPATCHER. They will be responsible for contacting the county coordinators for those counties which my be receiving evacuees and requesting them to notify their local coordinators. An inventory of shelters beyond 20 miles of the BYRON STATION is annexed'to this 1 volume. ' Once an evacuation has been recomended, these same comunica-tion channels will be used to alert the local coordinators to begin opening and staffing shelters. Host comunities will also be responsible for directing evacuation traffic once it reaches their { city limits, guiding traffic from the evacuation routes to the VI (1) Page 17

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 appropriate shelters. They will be assisted in these endeavors by their police and highway departments as well as by local AMERICAN RED CROSS chapters. These LOCAL ESDA COORDINATORS will relay information to their REGIONAL ESDA COORDINATORS on the status of the sheltering process, the number of shelter spaces available, etc. This data will be passed on to the STATE EOC. The STATE EOC, in turn, will relay information to the local coordinators through the REGIONAL ESDA COORDINATORS concerning the status of the evacuation, expected numbers of evacuees and the evacuation routes being taken. l l 1 4 VI (1) Page 18

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 III. Participating State Agencies Generic plans for state agencies can be found in Volume I, l Chapter 6. The following section includes plans only for those agencies which have district or regional offices with a response specific to the BYRON STATION. l i VI (1) Page 19 l

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 0 12/82 A. Illinois State Police (ISP) District 1 Responsibility ISP DISTRICT 1 includes the entire BYRON STATION EPZ except for a small area in the northern most section of the EPZ, nine af fes from the BYRON STATION; and a triangular area in the north-western sector of the EPZ eight miles from the BYRON STATION. In the event of an incident at the BYRON STATION, DISTRICT 1 personnel will be primarily responsible for evacuation traffic control and preventing access by highway to areas designded by the GOVERNOR. DISTRICT 1 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS OFFICERS will monitor access and traffic control points manned by ISP personnel and, if requested, ( A areas in which local emergency workers are assigned. Additionally, the DISTRICT 1 comand staff will direct STATE POLICE operations in the EPI. Accident Assessment t Upon the request for assistance by ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR SAFETY (IDNS), DISTRICT 1 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS OFFICERS will monitor for possible radioactive release during an incident at the l l BYRON STATION prior to the arrival of the RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT FIELD TEAM (RAFT). DISTRICT 1 will relay any radiation dose measured to the COMMAND CENTER in SPRINGFIELD prior to the estab-lishment of the STATE COMMAND POST. This information will be relayed by the SPRINGFIELD COMMAND CENTER to the ILLIN0IS DEPART-i i I VI (1) Page 21 i

l Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 MENT OF NUCLEAR SAFETY'S RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY A'SESSMENT TEAM (REAC). After the STATE FORWARD COP 9(AND POST and RAFT are establ-ished, all dose measurements will be relayed through the STATE FORWARD COMMAND POST to RAFT. Initial Notification The OPERATIONS SERGEANT of DISTRICT 1 will be notified by the ISP COP 9tAND CENTER in the event of an accident at the BYRON STA-TION. In the event of a General - Emergency being declared, the OPERATIONS SERGEANT will instruct his DISPATCHER to notify the DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION REGION 1 LAND MANAGER. Simultaneously, the OPERATIONS SERGEANT will notify the DISTRICT COMMANDER and HAZARDOUS MATERIALS OFFICERS and off-duty DISTRICT 1 personnel. In the case of an Alert or Site Emergency, the OPERATIONS SERGEANT will notify the DISTRICT 1 CONNDER, and then continue ( notification as instructed by the COP 9(ANDER. Command and Coordination. The DISTRICT'S ranking officer will implement the DISTRICT 1 detailed procedures for the BYRON STATION EPZ during the first hours of a General Emergency. In this initial phase of an emerg-ency, the DISTRICT command structure will remain unchanged. Once the STATE FORWARD CW9tAND POST is established, an officer from DISTRICT 1 will go to the STATE POLICE VAN and assume comand of STATE POLICE personnel in the BYRON STATION EPZ. Operations for the rest of DISTRICT 1 will be conducted from DISTRICT headquarters in STERLING. ( I - VI(1) Page 22

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F Ogle Ccunty Preliminary Rev. 0 l2/82 g Protective Actions ISP DISTRICT 1 will support local law enforcement in the protective actions of evacuation, take shelter warnings, and access control. During an evacuation, DISTRICT personnel will be assigned to traffic control posts by the OPERATIONS SERGEANT using the TRAFFIC CONTROL POST LIST developed for the detailed procedures that places the traffic control posts in a hierarchy for each sector of the 8YRON STATION EPZ. As additional STATE POLICE personnel become available, they will be assigned to access control posts, to support local law enforcement agencies in warning or other tasks as they arise, in support of ongoing protective actions. Parallel Actions The STATE POLICE will support local law enforcement agencies { in law enforcement and crime control in evacuated areas. They will also be available to patrol areas in which state personnel are active and where state equipment is being stored or 'used. For the purpose of radiation control, DISTRICT 1, will assign personnel as a DOSIMETRY CONTROL OFFICER (DCO) and an assistant to help him perform his duties which include: ensuring the distri-bution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter and TLD card), comple-tion of a radiation exposure record for all personnel that may be entering an exposure pathway. Potassium iodide (KI) tablets will also be distributed at this time, but will only be taken upon the reconmendation of IDNS on a voluntary basis. A Dosimetry Control Log for DISTRICT 1 personnel will be maintained as part of a DCO's duties, as well as maintaining the dosimetry equipment and KI tab-lets. Pke(k$

1 Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 l DISTRICT 1 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS OFFICERS will assist with ' monitoring radiation levels in areas where Illinois State Police personnel are on duty. If requested, they will monitor areas where , local law enforcement personnel will be entering the EPZ and/or area that may be radiologically contaminated. Radiological infor-mation will be relayed through the chain of command to IDNS as mentioned above. At the completion of an incident or upon the request of IDNS, the DISTRICT 1 DC0 will: collect all dosimetry equipment, radia-tion exposure records and complete a Dosimetry Control Log. Forward all radiation exposure records and TLD's to: Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety 1035 Outer Park Drive Springfield, IL 62704 /


Information on any radiation dosages received by the ILLIN0IS STATE POLICE personnel will be relayed by IDNS to the Illinois State Police Comand Staff at the STATE FORWARD COMMAND POST or the COMMAND CENTER in SPRINGFIELD. Resources The resources of the STATE POLICE that would be available at the site of a radiological emergency depend upon the amount of time l that has elapsed since the initial warning, and the existing ! commitment of STATE POLICE personnel in other parts of ILLIN0IS. Under normal circumstances, a minimum of ten patrol cars will usually be available within thirty minutes at any of the nuclear power station sites. Four HAZARDOUS MATERIALS OFFICERS with I 4 VI (1) Page 24

l Oglo County Pre 111ninary Rev. 012/82 special radiation detection equipment, will be available within two hours to monitor the areas in which STATE POLICE officers are I working. l l A maximum force of 250 STATE POLICE officers could be avail- l able within six hours of the initial warning. An additional twelve HAZARDOUS MATERIALS OFFICERS could be available as well. This

level of assistance can be maintained for up to 24 hours.

Up to 50 STATE POLICE officers could remain at the incident site for three weeks without causing serious damage to the state's ability to patrol the highways. The levels of response for the time period between the initial and maximum response would depend upon individual site location, making possible a generalized estimate of intermediate support for all four sites. VI (1) Page 25 t k

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 g B. Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Division of Highways District 2 Responsibility Two counties (OGLE and WINNEBAGO) are included within the BYRON STATION EPI. Both counties are within IDOT DISTRICT 2. IDOT DISTRICT 2 in an emergency, as in day-to-day operations, will be responsible for closing highways, posting signs designating the evacuation routes, providing access control, maintenance and debris removal on the highways of those districts and to maintain evacua-tion routes in the EPZ in passable order. They will provide support to the ISP DISTRICT 1 for access and traffic control of evacuation routes should an incident occur at the BYRON STATION. DISTRICT RADIOLOGICAL DEFENSE OFFICERS (RD0s) will serve as the DDSIMETRY CONTROL OFFICERS and will be responsible for all radiological matters in their districts, including supervision of the radiological exposure control program. Initial Notification In the event of a radiological incident at the BYRON STATION classified as an Alert, Site Emergency or General Emergency, IESDA i will notify IDOT communication center, each of whom is on a 24-hour l operation, furnishing information on a NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORT SYSTEM (NARS) FORM. Comand and Coordination l The general organization of IDOT/00H districts are discussed i e in the IDOT/DOH Section of Volume I, Chapter 6. The authority for ( l l VI (1) Page 27 1 i

l l 0g10 County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 operations in DISTRICT 2 during an emergency remains the same as on ' a day-to-day basis and as identified in nomal operational proced-ures. The liaison representative assigned to the STATE FORWARD C0tmAND POST will be limited in authority to that granted such persons by the DISTRICT ENGINEER or such individual acting in his stead. Liaison will be maintained with STATE POLICE and other governmental services involved in the emergency. Prote'ctive Actions The primary duty of IDOT personnel will be to provide for the most expedient and safe evacuation of the public from the BYRON STATION EPZ. This will require a constant assessment of the situation. The BUREAU OF TRAFFIC will be a primary agent being respons-ible for the deciding or approving of the closing of highways; establishing and marking detours; erecting barricades, working with and supporting the STATE POLICE in establishing traffic control points. The BUREAU OF MAINTENANCF dll support the effort by providing personnel and equipment to move barricades and other traffic control devices, clearing evacuation routes of vehicles and debris, physically assisting STATE POLICE at traffic control points, when possible, and if circumstances permit, assisting county and city , highway and street departments. ( fs VI (1) Page 28

                                                                ~             ~'

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 Parallel Actions k-DISTRICT ENGINEER of DISTRICT 2 will, under the direction of the GOVERNOR, officially close those state and federal highways providing access to the site of the nuclear incident. DOH person-nel will barricade and mark those highways that have been closed at other points in the DISTRICT. DOH personnel will place signs along highways as determined by' the BUREAU OF TRAFFIC to detour traffic away,from the accident. , For the purpose of radiation control, DISTRICT 2 will assign personnel as a DOSIMETRY CONTROL OFFICER (DCO) and an assistant or assistants to help him perform his duties which include: ensuring the distribution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter and TLD card), completion of a radiation exposure record for alt personnel that may be entering an exposure pathway. Potassium iodide (KI) tablets will also be distributed at this time, but will only be taken upon the reconsnendation of IDNS on a voluntan basis. A DOSIMETRY CONTROL LOG for DISTRICT 2 personnel will be maintained as part of the DCO's duties, as well as maintaining the dosimetry equipment and KI tablets. l At the completion of an incident or upon the request of IDNS, the DISTRICT 2 DC0 will: collect all dosimetry equipment, radia-tion exposure records and complete a Dosimetry Control Log. Forward all radiation exposure' records and TLDs to: Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety 1035 Outer Park Drive I Springfield, IL 62704 i VI (1) Page 29

0g10 County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 g Infonnation on any radiation dosages received by the ILLIN0IS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION personnel will be relayed by IDNS to the ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STAFF at the STATE FGWARD COMAND POST or ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF in SPRINGFIELD. DESTRICT 2 will also assist in re-entry procedures. All elements of tfhe IDOT will work with other state agencies to effect such a ennelusian to the emergency. Resources The resources of IDOT/DOH are discussed in the IBOT /DOH section involume I, Chapter 6. l i C VI (1) Page 30

i Ogle Ccunty Preliminary Rev. 012/82 ("' C. Illinois Department of Conservation (IDOC) I { Region 1

                    .                                                                           1 i

Responsibility _ IDOC site personnel will warn and evacuate visitors at LOWDEri STATE PARK AND CASTLE ROCK STATE PARK. Personnel from the DIVISION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT REGION.1, augmented by other Law Enforcement personnel, will provide access control for the Rock River in the BYRON STATION EPZ and support law enforcement. Initial Notification The DIVISION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT REGION 1 COMMANDER at STERLING will be notified of an incident at the BYRON STATION by the CHIEF of the DIVISION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT. The REGIONAL COMMANDER will in turn notify the BUREAU OF PUBLIC LAND AND HISTORIC SITES REGION 1 LAND MANAGER and LAW ENFORCEMENT DISTRICT SUPERVISORS. The REGION 1 LAND MANAGER will notify the SITE SUPERINTENDENTS at the LOWDEN and CASTLE ROCK STATE PARKS. The LAW ENFORCEMENT DISTRICT SUPERVI-SORS and SITE SUPERINTENDENTS will notify the personnel under their authority. Notification procedures will be changed in the instance cf a General Emergency at the BYRON STATION. The REGION 1 LAND MANAGER will be notified by the ISP DISTRICT 1 OPERATIONS OFFICER. The rest of the notification sequence will remain the same.

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VI (1) Page 31

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 Cominnd and Ccordination  ! ( The SITE SUPERINTENDENT will instruct his staff to conduct warning and evacuation procedures if an evacuation of Conservation facilities in the BYRON STATION EPZ is ordered. Once the evacuation of sites is over, site personnel responsible for those facilities evacuated will be released from further duty. The REGION 1 l COMMANDER will become the DISTRICT FIELD COMMANDER (DFC) for the BYRON STATION EPZ and direct all DIVISION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT personnel active in the BYRON STATION area. The DFC will conduct operations from the STATE FORWARD C0pmAND POST once established, or ISP DISTRICT 1 HEADQUARTERS in STERLING until the STATE FORWARD COMMAND POST is established. Protective Actions Upon the recommendation of the IDNS, DOC will warn and/or evacuate visitors at the LOWDEN and CASTLE ROCK STATE PARKS. The DIVISION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT will close the ROCK RIVER in the BYRON STATION EPZ to recreational boating. l Parallel Actions If LAW ENFORCEMENT personnel are available in numbers greater than those necessary to control river-borne access to the BYRON STATION EPZ, they will be available for law enforcement duties. For the purpose's of radiation exposure control, the Site Superintendents of the LOWDEN and CASTLE ROCK STATE PARKS will assume the responsibility of DOSIMETRY CONTROL OFFICER (DCO) ensuring the distribution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter and TLD card) and completion of a radiation exposure record for all personnel that may be entering an exposure pathway. Potassium l VI(1) Page 32

l Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 iodide (KI) tablets will also be distributed at this time but will only be taken upon the recomendation of IDNS on a voluntary basis. A DOSIMETRY CONTROL LOG for REGION 1 personnel will be maintained as part of DCO's duties, as well as maintaining the dosimetry equipment and KI tablets. DIVISION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT officers will report to the SITE SUPERINTENDENTS at the LOWDEN and CASTLE ROCK STATE PARKS where the DC0 or his assistant will distribute dosimetry and exposure record forins. At the completion of an incident or upon the request of IDNS, the REGION 10C0 will: collect all dosimetry equipment, radiation exposure records and complete a DOSIMETRY CONTROL LOG. Forward all radiation exposure records and TLDs to: Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety 1035 Outer Park Drive Springfield, IL 62704 Information on any radiation dosages received by the ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION personnel will be relayed by IDNS to the IDOC COMMAND STAFF at the STATE FORWARD COMMAND POST or the ADMIN STRATIVE STAFF in SPRINGFIELD. Resources There is one site superintendent with a total of three staff members for the CASTLE ROCK STATE PARK, and one superintendent and two staff members for the LOWDEN STATE PARK. The number of DIVI-SION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT personnel within OGLE COUNTY varies from zero to two. ( ~ l l VI (1) Page 33 1

7 .. .. . Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 D. Illinois Comerce Commistion (ICC) k s Responsibility The ICC RAILROAD DIVISION is the primary agency for control-ling access by railroad to the BYRON STATION EPZ. Initial Notification In the event of an incident at the BYRON STATION, the IESDA DISPATCHER will contact the ICC RAILROAD DIVISION DU1Y OFFICER by telephone or pager. The DUTY OFFICER will in turn call the COMMIS-SIONERS, the CHIEF ENGINEER of the RAILWAY SECTION and the CHIEF ENGINEER of the ELECTRICAL SECTION. If necessary, the DUTY OFFICER will phone the dispatchers for the Chicago and North Western and, the Burlington Northern Railroad, and instruct them to move all trains out of the BYRON STATION EPZ. . Additional instructions will be given the railroads as the incident develops. l Command and Control The ICC RAILROAD DIVISION has the authority to control rail f traffic in Illinois. In the case of a serious accident at the BYRON STATION, the DUTY OFFICER will implement the detailed proce-dures for the BYRON STATION EPZ and direct railroad dispatchers to clear trains from the EPZ. The CHIEF ENGINEER or the ASSISTANT CHIEF ENGINEER will go to the BYRON STATION area to assess the I situation and to assure railroads' compliance with ICC direction. l l VI (1) Page 35

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 Protective Actions The ICC will assist the evacuation of the BYRON STATION EPZ by coordinating the movements of trains. so they do not block evacua-tion routes. - Parallel Actions The ICC will be the primary agency for controlling access to the BYRON STATION EPZ by rail. The DUTY OFFICER at the STATE EOC will act on the recomendations of IDNS, closing off access to the BYRON STATION EPZ, if necessary, by instructing dispatchers for the Chicago and North Western and Burlington Northern Railroads, and companies with operations on the Rock Island railroads not to use track through the BYRON STATION EPZ. For the purposes of radiation exposure control, ICC personnel assigned duty within potentially contaminated areas 'will report first to the STATE FORWARD COMMAND POST at Dixon, Illinois. There they will be issued self-reading and themoluminescent dosimeters and a radiation exposure record fom by a representative of IDNS. After going off duty, ICC personnel will return to the STATE FORWARD C0lWAND POST to have their radiation dosage recording forms updated and, if necessary, their thermoluminescent dosimeters read. Information on any radiation dosages received by ICC pesonnel will be relayed by IDNS to the engineer in charge of operations. In addition, the ICC representative will distribute dosimoters to train crews that will be entering areas of possible contamin-ation, and make arrangements with the railroad for the return of the dosimeters to himself or the STATE FORWARD COMMAND POST. Resources {


j The ICC officials will travel to the BYRON STATION EPZ by their personal automobiles. Pke(N

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 IV. Maps A. Map of Evacuation Routes with Associated Traffic l Control Points and Access Control Posts

                  .                                                                                            l l

The main evacuation routes were selected on the basis of l traffic capacity, access to shelter areas or to major roads that lead to shelter areas, and the time necessary to exit the BYRON STATION EPZ using the route. The routes are shaded on the BYRON STATION EPZ map to make identification easy. Traffic control posts for the 8YRON STATION EPZ to smooth the flow of evacuation traffic onto and along the routes were chosen in meetings with local government officials. The traffic / access control posts are appro- { priately designated on the map. Refer to Map A at the back of this volume. B. Map of Special Facilities within the BYRON STATION Emergency Planning Zone The special facilities in each community and the facilities important to each conmiunity's emergency response are marked on this map. Information relating to these facilities has been designated by a symbol and number with pertinent infonnation and facility descriptions listed on the bottom of the map. Refer to map B at the back of this volume. C. Sheltering Mao for the BYRON STATION Emergency Planning Zone. The map was developed for the use of the ESDA COORDINATORS of cities and counties which will serve as host areas in the event of

    ,                       an incident at the BYRON STATION. The ten-mile EMERGENCY PLANNING VI (1)

Page 37 I

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 i ZONE and the twenty-mile exclusionary zone for sheltering evacuees is shown for the BYRON STATION. ( Pertinent infonnation on each host area has been included on the map, including the ESDA. COORDINATOR responsible for directing. the implementation of the shelter plan, the number of shelter spaces identified, and one or two shelters that could serve as primary centers. These relocation centers were chosen on the basis of sheltering capacity, response time to open, availability of staff, and location near evacuation routes leading into the host connunity. Refer to map C at the back of this volume. D. Pre-Established Monitorino Locations Mao This map was established to facilitate monitoring, sample ( collection 'and connunications within the 10-mile EPZ. The moni-toring points are at easily discernable physical locations, i.e., intersections, bridges, schools, etc. The maps are carried by all RAFT ENVIRONS team members and are identical to the maps in RAFT C0lWAND and REAC. The map also identifies the RAFT COMMAND CENTER locations. These pre-established locations were designed to provide a known IDMS connand point for all field team members and emergency workers and are permanently wired with power and telephone lines. The sites are spaced around the plant at approximately 120' f, rom each ! VI (1) Page 38

                                                                                   -1 l

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 t other, and at approximately 10 miles from the plant. Refer to map D at the back of this volume. E. Dairy Fams and Food Processing Plants, Water Basins and Public Water Supply Intakes, and Illinois Department

                   , of Public Health Medical Facilities Map This map identifies dairy fams, food processing plants, water basins, public water supply intakes and IDPH medical facilities located within a 50-mile radius of the BYRON STATION. Refer to map E at the back of this volume.

l i VI (1) Page 39 l [

~ Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 0 12/82 sr- Annex 2a


Ogle County Procedures Table of Contents A. Ogle County Procedures

1. Ogle County Board Chairman. . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Ogle County ESDA Coordinator. . . . . . . . . . 5
3. Ogle County Sheriff's Telecommunicator. . . . . 9
4. Ogle County Sheriff's Department. . . . . . . 17
5. Ogle County Highway Department. . . . . . . . 21
6. Ogle County Superintendent of Educational Services . . . . 25
7. Ogle County Health Officer . . . . . . . . . . 29
8. Ogle County Coroner . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 i

f~, VI (2a) Page 1 l l


Ogle County Prelisinary Rev. 012/82 w A. 1. Ogle County Board Chairman Upon receiving notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELECWWIUNICATOR, the OGLE COUNTY BOARD CHAIRMAN will perfom the following task.=: IF NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT OR ALERT CLASSIFICATION

1. Contact the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR for a briefing an the situation.


2. Report to the OGLE COUNTY EOC, review a completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM, and confer with the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR and other County Department Heads on the situation. Concur on authorizing mobilization of county resources.
3. Review department assignments and responsi-e- bilities:

i. l VI (2a) Page 1

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. O I2/82 O C l


comand and coordinate overall response, requests for assistance, ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter, person-al radiation exposure record and TLD card). Potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to be distributed only upon the recomend-ation of IDNS.

b. COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - notification of public, law enforcement & crime preven-t tion, traffic & access control.
c. COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT - maintain clear roads, provide barricades for use in access & traffic control, carry out decontamination activities of county equipment as directed by IDNS.
d. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES - evacuation of students, evacua-tion of public using school buses. -

r -  ; + VI (2a) Page 2 1

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Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 0 12/82

     .                                                                      1
e. COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT - perfom regular t

duties and provide emergency assistarice, as required. 1 , f. COUNTY CORONER - perform regular duties in the event of a fatality, and provide emergency assistance, as required.

4. Establish communications with municipal EOCs and consult with the Mayors and Village Presi-dents on the situation.
5. Review evacuation sectors and routes, traffic and access control points with OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF and OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR.
6. Coordinate with OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR to issue press releases for public notification via local radio & television stations.


i. WZOK (FM)

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Ogle Csunty Preliminary Rev. 012/82 , r-U

7. Coordinate with OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR to contact REGIONAL ESDA/ STATE ESDA and request assistance as required.
8. Assist the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR and OGLE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES to coordinate the transportation of school students and general public in the event of evacuation, if required.


9. During re-entry, assist the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR and OGLE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES to coordinate the trans-portation of returning evacuees from congregate
care shelters, if required.

! 10. During re-entry, return dosimetry and radiation i i exposure record to the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORD-INATOR.


w VI (2a) Page 4

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 A. 2. Ogle County ESDA Coordinator Upon receiving notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELECOMMUNICATOR, the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR will perform the following tasks: IF NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT OR ALERT CLASSIFICATION ( 1. Review a completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM, and if necessary, authorize the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF's TELECOMMUNICATOR to initiate his call list. IF SITE EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION

2. Brief the OGLE COUNTY BOARD CHAIRMAN and other key officials on the situation.

Y I-VI(2a) l Page 5 l 7- ____ _.

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 0 12/82 o c h

3. Report to the OGLE COUNTY EOC, review department assignments and responsibilities, and establish communications with municipal EOC's.
4. Coordinate requests from county department heads for assistance from other city and county departments or outside agencies to meet man-power and resource needs.
5. Ensure that all departments distribute dosi-metry and complete radiation exposure records for all emergency workers, distribute dosimetry to all personnel within the OGLE COUNTY EOC and have each complete a radiation exposure record.

l Potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to be distri-buted only upon the recommendation of IDNS. Maintain the Dosimetry Control Log (see Annex



6. Review evacuation sectors and routes, traffic l

and access control points with OGLE COUNTY l r BOARD CHAIRMAN and OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF. - VI (2a) Page 6

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

7. Implement procedures for public notification by contacting local radio & television stations and reading pre-written messages (use EBS Information Kit).


8. . Direct and record the progress of all OGLE COUNTY departments responding to the emergency.

I i ! 9. Make requests for assistance to REGIONAL ESDA/ STATE ESDA as the needs arise.

10. Coordinate with the OGLE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES for the transportation of school students and general public within effected sectors, to congregate care shelters in the event of evacuation.
11. Direct decontamination activities of county equipment with the assistance of IDNS. -

L VI (2a) l Page 7 l l

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/32 O


(ll 1

12. Request hourly situation status reports from i

all local EOCs within OGLE C9UNTY, and relay ' the information to REGIONAL ESDA/ STATE ESDA.

13. During re-entry, coordinate with the OGLE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES for the transportation of returning evacuees from congregate care shelters.
14. Coordinate other re-entry activities, as required.
15. During re-entry, ansure collection of all dosimetry and radiation exposure records by each department, collect dosimetry and radia-tion exposura records from personnel within the OGLE COUNTY EOC, forward all radiation exposure records and TLDs to:

Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety 1035 Outer Park Drive Springfield, Illinois 62704 VI (2a) Page 8

l Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 A. 3. Ogle County Sheriff's Telecommunicator Upon receiving notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION, via NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SISTEM, either from IESCA or the BYROM STATION, the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELECOR1UNICATOR will perform the following tasks: e 1. Caspiete a NUCLEAR ACCIDENT PEPORTING SYSTEM FORM, call the IESDA DISPATCHER and verify the message; If notification was received from the BYRON STATION, complete a RUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM and call the BYRON STATION to verify the message;

                                                       . Photo-copy         a    sufficient number of copies for distribution to OGLE COUNTY officials.

VI (2a) Page 9


2. Notify the OGLE COUNTI ESDA COORDINATOR, or his alternate:
a. 0GLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR - Jerry Brooks Alternate - James Drymiller . -


3. Upon autorization by the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR, notify the following municipal Police or Fire Departments of the incident and have them complete the NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM.

l VI (2a) j Page 10 l I t


Preliminary RevOgle County

                                                             . O I2/82 b

Alternate - Darrell Ca h

                                       .             s c.


Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82



3. Notify the above municipalities and the following KEY officials, or their alternates, _

of the situation.

i. OGLE COUNTY BOARD CHAIRMAN - Robert l Gingrich (B)
                       .          (H) 815/

Alternate - Richard Whitney l (B) l (H) 815/ j. MT. MORRIS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT - l VI(2a) Page 12

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 IF SITE EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION

4. Notify the above and following officials, or their alternates, of the situation, have them i

place their emergency personnel on standby and implement reccmended protective actions, if any. - Advise OGLE COUNTY officials to report at the - OGLE COUNTY EOC at this time. Advise municipalities to open their E0Cs at this time.


i i l


VI (2a) Page 13

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 D ~


Alternate Jim Ludwig


Alternate - Charles Hayes r k


! n. OGLE COUNTY CORONER - Robert E. Personette Alternate - Don Horner i VI (2a) Page 14


5. Notify the above officials, or their altern-ates, of the situation, activate emergencf workers and implement protective actions, if any.

Advise OGLE COUNTY officials or their alter-nates, not currently at the OGLE COUNTY EOC to report at this time.

6. Activate OGLE COUNTY warning system.
7. Call in off-duty Sheriff Deputies and auxiliary personnel as authorized by the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF.
8. Dispatch all available squad cars, and incoming Sheriff Deputies, to notify the public via mobile P.A., advise squads of the Information/

Take Shelter / Evacuation message to broadcast (see Annex 2h). s. L. VI (2a) Page 15 l

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 C C

9. Make periodic status reports to the OGLE COUNTY EOC.
10. Advise all citizens calling in to tune their radios to WROK for further infor1 nation.
11. Upon notification of re-entry, via NARS, frcm IESDA, notify OGLE COUNTY EOC and municipality officials as listed above.

i i l i VI (2a) l Page 16 l t

Ogle County Preliminary R:v. 012/82 4 br A. 4. Ogle County Sheriff's Department Upon receiving notification of an incident at l the BYRON STATION from the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELECOP94UNICATOR, the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF will perform the following tasks: IF NOTIFICATION 0F UNUSUAL EVENT OR ALERT CLASSIFICATION

1. Contact the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR and receive a briefing on the situation.


2. Report t'o the OGLE COUNTY E0C and receive a briefing on the situation from the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR.

, 3. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM l FORM will be made available for review. j- . L.- VI (2a) Page 17 i

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 O (

4. Receive authorization from the OGLE COUNTY ESDA

COORDINATOR to initiate the department call list.

5. Notify Depart 2ent personnel stating a point of assembly, the SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT HEAD-QUARTERS.
6. Ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter and TLD card) and completion of a radiation exposure record for all personnel that may be entering an exposure pathway area.

Potassium iodide'(KI) tablets are to be distri-l buted only upon recommendation of IDNS. Assign a department person to maintain the Dosimetry 7 Control Log (see Annex 2h): Name:



7. Review evacuation sectors, routes, and traffic and access control points with the OGLE COUNTY -


0g10 County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 W L

8. Notify ILLIN0IS STATE POLICE and the WINNEBAGO COUNTY SHERRIFF's DEPARTMENT to establish the traffic and access control points in the affected areas of WINNEBAGO COUNTY, if re-quired.


9. Coordinate with OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR the systematic notification of the public for Information/Take Shelter / Evacuation,
a. Identify evacuation routes and traffic and access control points throughout the effected area.
b. Direct squads and other departments to notify the public via mobile P.A.
10. Follow standard operating procedures for law enforcement and crime prevention activities.

VI (2a) Page 19

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 C (; 1 l

11. Coordinate with the WINNEBAGO COUNTY SHERIFF to implement protective or parallel actions in portions of WINNEBAGO COUNTY within the EPZ, if necessary. ,


12. Provide and maintain traffic & access ccatrol in the event of evacuation, n.aking appropriate requests for manpower and equipment to support  ;

agencies and departments, as required. f

13. During re-entry, provide and maintain orderly traffic control.
14. During re-entry, ensure collection of all de-partment dosimetry and radiation exposure records. Turn in all radiation exposure re-cords and TLDs to the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COOR-DINATOR for forwarding to IDMS.

C C VI (2al Page 20

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 ' A. 5. Ogle County Highway Department l Upon receiving notification of an ' incident at the BYRON STATION .from the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELEC0f9tUNICATOR, the OGLE COUNTY HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT will perfcrm the following tasks: , IF NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT OR ALERT CLASSIFICATION l t

1. Contact the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR and receive a briefing on the situation.


2. Report to the OGLE COUNTY EOC and receive a
briefing on the situation from the OGLE COUNTY l ESDA COORDINATOR.
3. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be made available for review.

b VI (2a) Page 21

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 L (

4. Receive authorization from the OGLE COUNTY ESDA
,           COORDINATOR to initiate the department call i


5. Notify Department personnel stating a point of assembly, tre COUNTY HIGHWAY BUILDING.


6. Ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant readdosimeterandiLDcard)andcompletionof a radiation exposure record for all personnel

{ that may be entering an exposure pathway area. Potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to be dis-

!          tributed only upon the recomendation of IDNS.

Assign a department person to maintain the dosimetry Control Log (see Annex 2h): Name: -


l Phone: l i 4 VI (2a) Page 22 1

1 l Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 p-



7. kaintain clear roaos by providing equipment ar.d personnel to remove snow, debris , disabled vehicles, etc.
8. Provide and deliver barricades for use in traf-fic and access control as requested by the GGLE COUNTY SHERIFF.
9. Assist all county departments in decantamina-l tion of emergency vehicles and equipment.
10. Provide emergency transportation, as required.
11. Review and update emergency fuel allocation plan, as necessary.
12. Carry out decontamination activities of county equipment as directed by the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR, with the assistance of IDNS.

g Q VI (2a) Page 23

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 O L f x

13. During re-entry, remove barricades from traffic and access control points.


14. During re-entry, ensure colle:: tion of all department dosimetry and radiation exposure records. Turn in all radiation exposure re.-

cerds and TLDs to the OGLE COUNTY ESSA C00R- , i CINATOR for forwarding to IONS. t VI (2a) Page 24

  . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ - - - . . - - - . . - _ .           - - =--

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 0 12/82 C's A. 6. Ogle County Superintendent of Educational Services Upon receiving notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELEC0%fHICATOR, the OGLE COUNT! SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATIOKAL SERVICES will perfom the following tasks: IF NOTIFICATION OF UtiUSUAL EVENT OR ALERT CLAISIFICATION ( 1. Contact' the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR and receive a briefing on the situation.

 ,                             IF SITE EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION
2. Report to the OGLE COUNTY EOC and receive a briefing on the situation from the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR.
3. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be made available for review.

VI (2al Page 25

                                                '0g1e County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

{' t

3. Coordinate with the OGLE COUNTY ESDA C00R-DINATOR to determine effected sectors and the schools involved.


4. Contact and coordinate with affected municipal 8 -

School Superintendents, if protective actions are reconsnended ,

5. Ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant rene dosimeter and TLD card) and completion of a radiation exposure record for all personnel

( ' that may be entering an exposure pathway area. Potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to be distri-buted only upon the reconnendation of IDNS. Assign a department person to maintain the Dosimetry Control Log (see Annex 2h): Name:


Phone: l v ._ l VI (2a) I Page 26



i Ogle County



6. Contact the affected municipal School Superin-tendents to verify that the following scheul districts are aware of the situation and the recommended protective actions:
a. BYRON ; Bill Brown -
b. OREGON ; Larry Beckley
c. STILLMAN VALLEY ; Dave Miller -
d. LEAF RIVER; Michael Maloney -

l l e. MT. MORRIS; David Turner l I'

7. Coordinate with the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINA-TOR and the municip1 School Superintendents for the transportation of school students and general public, within effected sectors, to VI (2a)

Page 27

i l Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 b { congregate care shelters in the event of evacuation.

8. Advise school personnel to assist AMERICAN RED CROSS personnel at congregate care shelters, as needed.


9. During re-entry, coordinate with the OGLE COUNTY ESDA C00RD'INATOR for the transportation of returning- evacuees from congregate ' care shelters.


10. During re-entry, ensure collection of all de-partment dosimetry and radiation exposure records. Turn in all radiation exposure re-cords and TLDs to the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COOR-DINATOR for forwarding to IDNS.

[. VI (2a) Page 28 1

4 - . Ogle County ' Preliminary Rev. 012/82 f' . y A. 7. Ogle County Health Officer Upon receiving notification of an incident at the SYRON STATION from the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S i TELEC0fMUNICATOR, the OGLE COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER will perform the following usks:. i IF NOTIFICATIO.'l 0F UNUSUAL EVENT OR ALERT CLASSIFICATION i

1. Contact the OGLE COUhTT ESDA COORDINATOR and receive a briefing on the situation.

IF SITE EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION l l 2. Report to the OGLE COUNTY EOC and receive a briefing on the situation fonn the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR.

3. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be made available for review.
4. Notify Department personnel stating a point of 7

assembly, the OGLE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT. L VI (2a) Page 29


Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 '


{ (s i

5. Ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter and TLD card) and completion of a radiation exposure record for all personnel that may be entering an exposure pathway area.

4 Potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to be distri-buted only upon the reconnendation of IDNS. Maintain a Dosimetry Control Log (see Annex  ! 2h): IF PROTECTIVE ACTIONS REQUIRED C3 GENERAL EMERGENCY r

6. Assist IDNS & IEPA in gathering samples of food, water and milk as requested.
7. Provide other emergency assistance, as reques-ted.

l 8. During re-entry, ensure collection of all de-partment dosimetry and radiation exposure records. Turn in all radiation exposure re-cords and TLDs to the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COOR-DINATOR for forwarding to IDNS. VI (2a) Page 30

I Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 0 12/82 A A. 8. Ogle County Coroner i Upon receiving notifi. cation of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELECOMMUNICATOR, the OGLE COUNTY CORONER will perform t'he following tasks: IF NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT OF ALER1 CLASSIFICATION i

1. Contact the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORD!NATCR and receive a briefing on the situation.


2. Report at the OGLE COUNTY EOC, if requested, and receive a briefing on the situation from the OGLE COUNTY ESOA COORDINATOR.

l 3. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be made available.

4. Notify Department personnel stating a point of e assembly, the COUNTY CORONER'S OFFICE.

k_ VI (2a) Page 31 l l

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 (-. <


g 5. Ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter and TLD card) and completion of a radiation exposure record for all personnel that may be enterin,g an exposure pathway area. Potassium fodide (KI) tablets are to be distributed only upon the reconnendation of IDNS. Maintain a Dosimetry Control Log (see Annex 2h): i IF PROTECTIVI ACTIONS REQUIRED OR GENERAL EMERGENCY ( s

6. Follow standard operating procedures for any inci-dents which may occur during an incident.
7. Provide other emergency assistance, as requested.
8. Information concerning fatalities will be initiated by the OGLE COUNTY CORONER and coordinated with the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR for public release.
9. During re-entry, ensure collection of all department dosimetry and radiation exposure records. Turn in all radiation exposure records and TLDs to the OGLE

( COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR for forwarding to IDNS. VI (2a) Page 32

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 0 12/82


Annex 2b (\l Byron Procedures Table of Contents A. Byron Procedures

1. Byron Mayor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. , Byron Fire Protection District Chief . . . . 4
3. Byron Connunications Officer . . . . . . . . 9

, 4. Byron Police Department. . . . . . . . . . 14

5. Byron Superintendent of Schools. . . . . . 18
6. Byron Department of Puolic Works . . . . . 21

( l t

       \  .

VI (2b) Page i l i

I Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 g iT

       \m i

i A. 1. Byron Mayor Upon receiving notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the BYRON COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER, the SYRON MAYOR will perform the following tasks: IF NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT OR ALERT CLASSIFICATION

1. FutForize notification of city officials, if


2. Report to the BYRON EOC and review a completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REDPORTING SYSTEM FORM and confer with City Department heads on the situation.
3. Review department assignments and responsibili-ties:

VI(2b) Page 1

                                                            . 1 Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

( r k I l t


coordinate requests for assistance, ensure the g distribution ofdosimetry (instant read dosimete., personal radiation exposurc . record and TLD card). Potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to be distributed only upon the recommendationof IDNS; notifica-tion of naws :nedia, requests for Ccunty and State assistance. Notification of public, perform regular fire protection & ' emergency raedical services, support POLICE DEPARTMENT in traffic & access control.


law enforcement & crime prevention, traffic & access con-trol, support FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT in public notification.

c. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS - evacuation of students, evacuation of public using school buses.

VI (2b) Page 2

Ogle Count) Preliminary Rev. 012/82


l . I

                                                                                                   & IEPA in sample collectio'n.
4. Establish communications with OGLE COUNTY EOC and consult with the OGLE COUNTY ESDA

! COORDINATOR on the situation.

5. Make bourly status reports to the OGLE COUNTY EOC.
6. Review evacuation sectors and routes, access l

control points, and staging areas with BYRON POLICE CHIEF and BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF.

7. Authorize BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF to contact COUNTY ESDA/ REGIONAL ESDA/ STATE ESDA and request assistance as required.
8. Ir.struct BYRON SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS to coordinate the transportation of school stu-dents and general public in the event of g evacuation.

s VI (2b) Page 3


l Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 ( {

9. During re-entry, instruct BYRON SUPERINTENDENT 0F SCH00i.S to coordinate the transportation of
   }                         returning           evacuees    from  congregate   care shelters.                                                           ,
10. During re-entry, return dosimetry and radiation exposure records to the BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF for forwarding to IDNS.

k l

                                                                                                   .*J VI (2b)

Page 4

Ogla County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 s, i I " A. 2 Byron Fire Protection District Chief Upon receiving notification of an incident at

        .          the BYRON STATION from the BYRON COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER the BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will perform the following tasks:


1. Upon authorization, contact the BYRON MAYOR, get briefed on the situation and, place person-nel and resources on standby, if requested.


2. Report to the BYRON EOC and get briefed on the situation from the BYRON MAYOR.


3. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be available for review.

1 1 VI (2b) Page 5 1

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 ( , (

4. Receive authorization from the oYRON MAYOR to initiate the department call list.


5. Notify Department personnel stating a point of assembly, the BYRON FIRE STATION.
6. Ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter and TLD card) and completion of a radiation exposure record for all personnel that may be entering an exposure pathway area.  ;

Potassium fodide (KI) tablets are to be distri-buted only upon the recommendation of IDNS. Assign a department person to maintain a Dosimetry Control Log (see Annex 2h): Name:



7. Coordinate requests from City department heads for assistance from other City and county departments or outside agencies to meet man-power and resource needs.

i i I k._ VI (2b) Page 6 l _ - . . , , , , r

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 ( s

8. Ensure that all departments distribute dosi-metry and complete radiation exposure records for all emergency workers. Distribute dosi-a f metry to all personnel within the BYRON EOC and have each complete a radiation exposure record, potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to be distri-buted only upon the recommendations of IDNS, maintain a dosimetry log book.
9. Review evacuation sectors and routes, access and traffic control points with BYRON MAYOR and BYRON POLICE CHIEF.
10. Follow standard operating procedures for the fire prevention and emergency medical serv-ices.
11. Direct the systematic notification of the public for Infonnation/Take Shelter / Evacuation.
a. Direct squads and other departments to notify the public via mobile P.A. J

( - VI (2b) Page 7

l Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 i ~ I

12. Assists BYRON POLICE DEPARTMENT in traffic and access control, as requested.


13. Make requests for assistance to COUNTY ESDA/-

REGIONAL ESDA/ STATE ESDA as the needs arise.

14. Coordinate with the BYRON SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS the transportation of school students and general public, within effected sectors, to congregate care shelters in the event of evacuation.
15. Direct decontamination activities of city' equipment, with the assistance of IDNS.
16. During re-entry, coordinate with the BYRON SUPERINTENDEhr 0F SCHOOLS for the transporta-tion of returning evacuees from congregate care shelters.
17. During re-entry ensure collection of all dosimetry and radiation exposure records by -

each department. Collect dosimetry and radia-VI (2b) Page 8

Ogle C:unty Preliminary Rev. 012/82 ( s s I

                            ,      tion exposure records personnel within the BYRON EOC. Forward all radiation exposure records and TLDs to:

Illinois Department of Nuclear. Safety 1035 Outer Park Drive Springfield, Illinois 62704 I l e k


VI (2b) Page 9 l

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 A. 3. Byron Comunications Officer Upon receiving notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DISPATCHER, the BYRON COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER will perform the following tasks: IF NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT OR ALERT CLASSIFICATION ( 1. Complete a NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM ( FORM. Call the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELECOM-MUNICATOR and verify the information Photocopy a sufficient number of copies for distribution to BYRON officials.

2. Notify the. tsfRON MYOR, or his alternate, of the situation.

I l a. BYRON MAYOR - Lyle Blanchard l l l l VI (2b) Page 11 l

Ogle Coun2y Preliminary Rev. 012/82 1 7 t Alternate - Dennis Harleman

3. Upon authorization from the BYRON MAYOR, notify the following KEY officials;

Steve Walters t'N 4 Alternate - Mike Lewis l .

c. BYRON POLICE CHIEF - Dennis Harleman Thru Sheriff's Dept.

Alternate - David Coyne 4


1 l VI (2b) j Page 12 1

r- l 1 Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

    ,3 l
                         ,_             IF SITE EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION i
4. Notify ,the above and following officials, or their alternates, of the situation. Advise them to place their emergency personnel on standby, and implement recomended protective actions, if any, and report to the BYRON EOC.

( - Brown


Alternate - Frank Conry


VI (2b) Page 13


5. Notify the above officials, or their alter-nates, of the situation, advise them to acti-vate emergency workers and implement protective actions.

Advise BYRON officials, or their alternates, not currently a_t the BYRON E0C to report at this time.

6. Call in off-duty Police Officers and auxiliary personnel as authorized by the BYRON POLICE CHIEF.

I, 7. Call in off-duty Fire Department personnel as authorized by the BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DIST-RICT CHIEF.

8. Dispatch all available squad cars, and incoming Police Officers, to notify the public via mo-bile P.A.

VI (2b) l Page 14 l

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 ( s B

9. Make periodic status. reports to the BYRON EOC.


10. Advise all citizens calling in to tune their I

radio's to WROK 97.5 (FM) for further infor-mation.

11. Upon receipt of re-entry notification from the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DISPATCHER, notify BYRON EOC.

( - l I VI (2b) Page 15 l 1 l

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

               , A. 4. Byron Police Department Upon receiving notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the BYRON COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER, and the BYRON POLICE CHIEF will perfom the following tasks:


1. Upon notification, contact the BYRON MAYOR, get briefed on the situation, place personnel and resources on standby, if requested.


2. Report to the BYRON E0C and get briefed on the situation from the BYRON MAYOR.
3. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be available for review.

VI (2b) Page 16

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82


4 s.

4. Receive authorization from the BYRON MAYOR to initiate the department call list, i


5. Notify Department personnel stating a point of assembly, the BYRON FIRE STATION.
6. Ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter and TLD card) and completion of a radiation exposure record for all personnel i

that may be entering an exposure pathway area. Potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to be distri-buted only upon the recommendation of IDNS. Assign a department person to maintain a Dosimetry Control Log (see Annex 2h): Name:


Phone: l 7. Review evacuation sectors and routes, access and traffic control points with the BYRON MAYOR and the BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF. a ( l, VI (2b) Page 17

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 0 12/82 t .- l



8. Assist the BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT in l the systematic notification of the public for Infonnation/Take Shelter / Evacuation.
a. Identify evacuation routes and access con-trol points throughout the effected area.

p b. Direct squads and other departments to notify the public via mobile P.A.

9. Follow standard operating procedures for law enforcement and crime prevention activities.
10. Provide and maintain traffic & access control in the event of evacuation, making appropriate requests for manpower and equipment to support agencies and departments, as required.
11. During re-entry, provide and maintain ordeily traffic control. ~

( b. VI (2b) l Page 18 t

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 ( s f I

12. During re-entry, ensure collection of all de-partment dosimetry and radiation exposure re-
     ;                            cords. Turn in all radiation exposure records and TLDs to the BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF for forwarding to IDNS.

i % VI (2b) Page 19

f Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 1 , s 1 A. 5. Byron Superintendent of Schools Upon receiving notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the BYRON COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER, the BYRON SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will perfom the following tasks:

1. Report to the BYRON EOC and get briefed on the situation from the BYRON MAYOR.


2. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM will be made available for review.
3. Coordinate with the OGLE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES and BYRON FIRE PROTEC-TION DISTRICT CHIEF to determine affected sectors and the schools involved.
4. Ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter and TLD card) and completion of -

a radiation exposure record for all personnel


VI (2b) Page 21 L

4 Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 r (


g that may be entering an exposure pathway area. 't Potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to be distributed only upon the recommendation of IDNS. Assign a department person to maintain the Dosimetry Control Log (see Annex 2h): Name:Darlene Lundgen



5. Notify the following schools of the situation and the recommended protective actions:
a. Byron Mary Morgan School,
b. Byron Middle School, I
c. Byron High School,


  )                     PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF for the transporta-VI (2b)

Page 22 l L.

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 i l ( . 6

                -     tion of school students and school personnel, e'

within affected sectors, to congregate care cent'er in the event of evacuation.

7. Advise school personnel to assist RED CROSS a

personnel at congregate care centers, as needed.

8. During re-entry, coordinate with the BYRON SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES and FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF for the transpor-tation of returning evacuees from congregate care shelters.
9. During re-entry, ensure collection of all de-partment dosimetry and radiation exposure re-cords. Turn in all radiation exposure records and TLDs to the BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT
 .                   CHIEF for forwarding to IDNS.

i r. VI (2b) Page 23 l

l Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

 !   A. 6. Byron Department of Public Works l c                                                         ,

j Upon receiving notification of an incident at I the BYRON STATION from the BYRON COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER, the BYRON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORXS will perform the following tasks: IF SITE EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION

1. Report to the BYRON E0C and get briefed on the situation from the BYRON MAYOR.
2. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be made available for review.
3. Receive authorization from the BYRON MAYOR to initiate the department call list.

i 1 1

4. Notify Department personnel stating a point of assembly, the BYRON CITY HALL.

VI (2b) Page~24

l 1 Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82  ; 4 l


N i

5. Ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter and TLD card) and completion of a radiation exposure record for all personnel that may be entering an exposure pathway area.

Potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to be distri-buted only upon the recommendation of IDNS. Assign a department person to maintain the Dosimetry Control Log (see Annex 2h): Name:



6. Maintain clear roads by providing equipment to l remove snow, debris, disabled vehicles, etc.
7. Provide and deliver barricades for use in traf-fic & access control, as requested by the BYRON POLICE CHIEF.


8. Direct personnel to assist IDNS & IEPA in ga-thering samples of water & sewage, as reques-ted. -

( , b . VI (2b) Page 25 i . _ _ _ ._ , -

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

                              ,.-   9. Carry out decontamination activities of city equipment under the direction of the BYRON FIRE I

PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF, with the assistance I of IDNS. i

10. During re-entry, remove barricades from traffic and access control points.
11. During re-entry, ensure collecton of all department dosimetry and radiation exposure records. Turn in all radiation exposure records and TLDs to the BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF for forwarding to IDNS.

I VI (2b) Page 26 l l

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 ( Annex 2c s Oregon Procedures b Table of Contents F A. Oregon Procedures i 1. Oregon Mayor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 I

2. Oregon Fire Protection District Chief . . . . 5
3. Oregon On-Duty Police Officer . . . . . . . . 7
4. Oregon Police Department Chief . . . . . . 13
5. Oregon Superintendent of Schools. . . . . . 17
6. Oregon ESDA Coordinator. . . . . . . . . . 21 ~
7. Oregon Ambulance Service . . . . . . . . . 25
8. Oregon Street & Water Department . . . . . . 27

l 4 . s VI (2c) Page 1

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. O I2/82


{ s

            ,,A. 1. Oregon Mayor r

8 Upon receiving notification of an incident at I the BYRON STATION from the OREGON ON-DUTY POLICE OFFICER, the OREGON MAYOR will perform the following h tasks: IF NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT OR ALERT CLASSIFICATION P l

1. Authorize notification of KEY city officials, if necessary.


2. Report to the OREGON EOC, review a completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM and confer with City Department heads on the situation
3. Review department assignments and responsibili-ties:
a. FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT - perform regular

(; L VI (2c) Page 1

I <


l' Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 0 12/82 k. { 5 t- fire protection & emergency medical services. I b. POLICE DEPARTMENT - law enforcement & I crime prevention, traffic & access control.

c. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS - evacuation of students, evacuation of public using school buses.
d. ESDA COORDINATOR - coordinate requests for assistance, ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter, person-al radiation exposure record and TLD card), distribute potassium iodide (KI) tablets only upon the reconnendation of IDNS, requests for County and State assistance.

l '

e. AMBULANCE SERVICE - primary responsibility i for emergency medical services, also as-

[ . sist with notification of public, and ( traffic & access control. VI (2c) page 2 l

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 ( s


maintain clear roads, provide barricades for use in ! access & traffic control, carry out decon-tamination activities of city equipment, assist IDNS & IEPA in sample collection.

4. Establish communications with the OGLE COUNTY EOC and consult with the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR on the sitdation.

( 5. Review evacuation sectors and routes, access control points, and staging areas with OREGON i PulICE CHIEF and OREGON ESDA COORDINATOR. t

6. Authorize OREGON ESDA COORDINATOR to contact COUNTY ESDA/ REGIONAL ESDA/ STATE ESDA and request assistance as required.

l l D 7. Instruct OREGON ESDA CCORDINATOR and OREGON SUPERINTENDENT '0F SCHOOLS to coordinate the transportation of school students and general i l public in the event of evacuation. . L VI (2c) , Page 3 l l

Ogle County. Preliminary Rev. 012/82 ( l i


i , 8. During re-entry, instruct the OREGON ESDA COORDINATOR and OREGGN SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS to coordinate the transportation of I returning evacuees from congregate care shel-I ters.

9. During re-entry, return dosimetry and radiation exposure records to the OREGON ESDA COORDINATOR for forwarding to IDNS.

f ( i l ' I i t t m VI (2c) Page 4 4

Ogle County. Preliminary Rev. O I2/82


ls i I 4, 2. Oregon Fire Protection District Chief c p Upon receiving notification of an incident at l l the BYRON STATION from the OREGON ON-DUTY POLICE OFFICER, the OREGON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will perform the followii.g tasks: IF NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT OR ALERT CLASSIFICATION I

1. Upon authorization, contact the OREGON PAYOR, receive briefing on the situation and place i personnel and resources on standby, if reques-ted.


2. Report to the OREGON E0C and receive a briefing on the situation from the OREGON MAYOR.

! FORM will be available for review. ( 4. If the situation warrants, instruct department N. VI (Ec) Page 5

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 l k ( personnel to assemble at the OREGON FIRE STATION. 5 Ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter and TLD card) and completion of l a radiation exposure record for all personnel that may be entering an expo:ure pathway area, p Potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to be distri-buted only upon the recomendation of IDNS. Assign a department person to maintain a Dosimetry Control Log (see Annex 2h): I Name:


Phone: IF PROTECTIVE ACTIONS REQUIRED OR GENERAL EMERGENCY 6 Follow standard operating procedures for fire a prevention and emergency medical services. 7 During re-entry ensure collection of all I , dosiraetry and radiation exposure records. Turn in all radiation exposure records and TLD's to the OREGON ESDA COORDINATOR for j ( forwarding to IDNS. VI (2c) Page 6

Ogle Coun2y Preliminary Rev. 0 12/82

 )A A . ,,3.'   Oregon On-Duty Police Officer Upon receiving notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF's TELECOMMUNICATOR, the OREGON ON-DUTY POLICE OFFICER will perform the following tasks:


1. Complete a NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING S(STEM FORM. Call the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELECOM-MUNICATOR and verify the information Photocopy a sufficient number of copies for distribution to OREGON officials.
2. Notify the following OREGON MAYOR, or his alternate, of the situation.

j VI (2c) Page 7

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 (~ t a

a. OREGON MAYOR - Jim Barnes Alternate - Bob Aurand
3. Upon authorization from the OREGON MAYOR, notify the following officials.

Martin Eakle { Alternate - Ed Harris j

c. OREGON POLICE CHIEF - Bob Jones Alternate - Tom Miller l .

l VI (2c) Page 8 1

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 3 x



4. Notify the above and following officials, or their alternates, of the . situation,and advise them to implement recommended protective actions. Advise OREGON officials, or their alternates, not currently at the OREGON E0C to report at this time.
d. OREGON AMBULANCE DIRECTOR - Fay Formon Alternate - Carl Swan VI (2c)

Page 9

Ogle County l Preliminary Rev. 0 12/82 . l i

e. OREGON STREET SUPERINTENDENT - Merlin Bacon Alternate - Wayne Suter f.

OREGON WATER SUPERINTENDENT - Jake Ulferts t Alternate - i i l


d g VI (2c) Page 10

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 (~\



5. Notify the above officials, or their alternates, of the situation, advise them to D

activate emergency workers and implement l protective actions.

    ,               Advise OREGON officials, or their alternates, not currently at the OREGON EOC to report at
 '                  this time.
6. Call in off-duty Police Department personnel L

and auxiliary personnel, as authorized by the OREGON POLICE CHIEF. p

7. Di: patch all available squad cars, and incoming Police Officers, to notify the public via mo-t bile P.A. Advise squads of the Information/-

Take Shelter / Evacuation message to broadcast (see Annex 2h) ( k VI (2c) Page 11

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 (

8. Make periodic status reports to the OREGON E0C.
9. Advise all citizens calling in to tune their radio's to WROK (Att) for further information, e
10. Upon receipt of re-entry notification from the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DISPATCHER, notify OREGON
p. EOC.

l l ' VI (2c) Page 12

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 { ~

;       I A. 4.         Oregon Police Department i

8 Upon receiving notification of an incident at I the BYRON STATION from the OREGON ON-DUTY POLICE p 0FFICER, the OREGON POLICE CHIEF will perform the I following tasks: I IF NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT OR ALERT CLASSIFICATION i 1. 'Upon authorization, contact the OREGON MAYOR, receive a briefing on the situation and place personnel and resources on standby, if reques-ted. l IF SITE EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION 5 l 2. Report to the OREGON EOC and receive briefing on the situation from the OREGON MAYOR. I e

3. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM l FORM will be made available for review.

' 1 ( 4 Initiate the department call list, if the L situation warrants. VI (2c) Page 13

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 i _ f

5. Notify Department personnel stating a point of assembly, the OREGON POLICE STATION.
6. Ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter and TLD card) and completion of a radiation exposure record for all personnel that may be entering an exposure pathway area.

Potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to be distri-buted only upon the recommendation of IDNS. Assign a department person to maintain a /' Dosimetry Control Log (see Annex 2h): ( '

  ,                              Name:


l l Phone:

7. Review evacuation sectors, routes, traffic and access cor, trol points with the OREGON MAYOR and the OREGON ESDA COORDINATOR.


8. Direct the systematic notification of the i public for Information/Take Shelter / Evacuation.

(J-VI (2c) Page 14

i Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 l I~ x

a. Identify evacuation routes and access con-

trol points throughout the effected area. b Direct squads and other assisting depart-ments to notify the public via mobile P.A. t

9. Follow standard operating procedures for law enforcement and crime prevention activities.

l 10. Provide notificat' ion to special concerns as li s'. .d: 6 a. I b D C. I

11. Provide and maintain traffic & access control I

in the event of evacuation, making appropriate 5 requests for manpower and equipment to support 1 agencies and departments, as required. t s VI (2c) Page 15

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 ] i I ( i

12. During re-entry, provide and maintain orderly I

traffic control. I I

13. During re-entry, ensure collection of all de-I partment dosimetry and radiation exposure re-h cords. Turn in all radiation exposure records '


    ,                  forwarding to IDNS.


  ,                                                                       C I

P a VI(2c) Page 16



Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 i


P i A. 5. Oregon Superintendent of Schools e Upon receiving notification of an incident at I the BYRON STATION from the OREGON ON-DUTY POLICE D OFFICER, the OREGON SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will perform the following tasks: -

   ,                          IF SITE EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION i                1. Contact the OREGON E0C and receive a briefing
 ,                     on the situation from the OREGON MAYOR.


2. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be made available for revice.
3. Coordinate with the OGLE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT i

0F EDUCATIONAL SERVICES and OREGON ESDA C00RDI-j NATOR to determine affected sectors and the schools involved. . e

4. Ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter and TLD card) and completion of



VI (2c) Page 17

                            -vr< g---,   y

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 0 12/82 _D 1'


a radiation exposure record for all personnel that may be entering an exposure pathway area. Potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to be distributed only upon the recommendation of IDNS. Assign a department person to maintain the Dosimetry bontrol Log (see Annex 2h):, Name:



5. Notify the following schools of the situation and the recommended prctective actions:
a. Oregon Comunity High School; I

l l

b. Etnyre Middle School;
c. Jefferson Elementary School; I
 )                 -

r, - VI (2c) Page 18

Ogle ' County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 3A i

d. St. Mary's; *
e. Gregon Bible College;
f. Lorado Taft Field Campus;

( schocT students and general pubitc, within

  's affected    sectors,    to  congregate    care shelters in the event of evacuation.
7. Advise school personnel to assist AMERICAN RED CMSS personnel at congregate care shelters as needed.

s ( VI (2c) Page 19

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 ( c I . i *

8. During re-entry, coordinate with the OGLE i I

COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATIONAL I SERVICES and OREGON ESDA COORDINATOR for D the transportation of returning evacuees 5 from congregate care shelters. I

9. During re-entry, ensure coliection of all department dosimetry and radiation expo-sure records. Turn in all radiation exposure records and TLDs to the OREGON y

ESDA COORDINATOR for forwarding to IDNS. 6 P t F t P ! I I e VI (2c) Page 20

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82



             's A. 6. Oregon ESDA Coordinator Upon receiving notification of an incident at i


     ,                                       1.         Upon notification from the OREGON ON-DUTY
     ,                                                  POLICE OFFICER, contact the OREGON MAYOR and i

receive a briefing on the situation. l IF SITE EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION I 2. Report to the OREGON EOC and receive a briefing I on the situation with the OREGON MAYOR. I 3. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM i l FORM will be made available for review.

4. Coordinate requests from city departr.1ent heads

( for assistance from other village and county L VI(2c) Page 21

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 i


4 i departments or outside agencies to meet man-e power and resource needs'. I i

5. Ensure that all departments distribute dosi-metry and complete radiation exposure records i

for all emergency workers. Distribute dosi-metry to all personnel within the OREGON EOC i and have each complete a radiation exposure j record. Potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to 8 be distributed only upon'the recommendation of IDNS. Maintain a Dosimetry Control Log (see l g Annex 2h). , f

6. Review evacuation sectors, routes, traffic and access control points .with OREGON MAYOR and OREGON POLICE CHIEF.
,  n                       -


7. Monitor and record the progress of all OREGON city departments responding to the emergency.

i k VI (2c) Page 22 i

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82





8. Make requests for assistance to COUNTY ESDA/

RElil0NAL ESDA/ STATE ESDA as the needs arise. P

9. Coordinate with the OREGON SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS for the transportation of school i

students and general public, within effected sectors, to congregate care shelters in the event of evacuation. i

10. Dir~ect decontamination &ctivitics of city equipment, with the assistnace of IDNS.
  ,                      11. Make hourly situation status reports to the j                              OGLE COUNTY EOC.
12. During re-entry, coordinate with the OREGON SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS for the transporta-tion of returning evacuees from congregate care shelters.
13. During re-entry, ensure collection of all dosi-metry and radiation exposure records by each department. Collect dosimetry and radiation i 's VI (2c)

Page 23

Ogle Coun2y Preliminary Rev. 012/82 ( ) D l exposure records from ' personnel within the , I OREGON EOC. Forward all radiation exposure records and,TLDs to: e Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety I

  • i 1035 Outer Park Drive Springfield, IL 62704

( s VI (2c) Page 24

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 i * , \ A. 7. Oregon Ambulance Service I

  • Upon receiving notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the OREGON ON-DUTY POLICE 8

0FFICER, the OREGON AMBULANCE DIRECTOR will perform the following tasks:

  ,                              IF SITE EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION
               . 1. Receive authorization from the OREGON MAYOR .to initiate the department call list.


2. Notify Department personnel stating a point of assembly, the OREGON FIRE DEPARTMENT.
3. Ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter and TLD card) and completion of a radiation exposure record for all personnel that may be entering an exposure pathway area.



VI (2c) Page 25

I i Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 ( ( Potassium iodide (KI) tab ~lets are to be distri-i buted only upon the recommendation of IDNS. Assign a department person to maintain a Dosimetry Control Log (see Annex 2h): a Name:



4. Follow standard operating procedures for the fire prevention and emergency medical services.


5. Assists OREGON POLICE DEPARTMENT in notifica-tion of the public traffic and access control, if requested.
6. During re-entry ensure collection of all dosimetry and radiation exposure records.

Turn in all radiation exposure records and TLD's to the OREGON ESDA COORDINATOR for forwarding to IDNS. l. l f ~ VI (2c) Page 26 l

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 t~ s A. 8. Oregon Street & Water Departments Upon receiving notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the OREGON ON-0UTY POLICE OFFICER, the OREGON STREET & WATER SUPERINTENDENTS will perform the following tasks: IF SITE EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION

1. Report either to the OREGON EOC and receive a briefing on the situattor. from the OREGON MAYOR, (a completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be made available for review) or to the OREGON City Garage.
2. Receive authorization from the OREGON MAYOR to initiate the department call list.
3. Notify Department personnel stating a point of assembly, the GARAGE.

l I N-VI (2c) Page 27  ! l

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

4. Ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter and TLD card) and completion of a radiation exposure record for all personnel that may be entering an exposure pathway area.

Potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to be distri-buted only upon the recommendation of IDNS. Assign a department, person to maintain the Dosimetry Control Log (see Annex 2h): Name: T'itle: , Phone: ( IF PROTECTIVE ACTIONS REQUIRED OR GENERAL EMERGENCY

5. clear roads by providing equipment to
   .        remove snow, debris, disabled vehicles, etc.


6. Provide and deliver barricades for use in traf-I fic and access control, as requested by the OREGON POLICE CHIEF.

I - F VI (2c) Page 23 l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

i. ~

l 1

7. Direct personnel to assist IDNS and IEPA in ga-thering samples of water and sewage, as request- ,

ed. , , . 8. Carry out decontamination activities of city equipment under the direction of the OREGON ESDA COORDINATOR, with the assistance of IDNS.

9. During re-entry, remove barricades from traffic and access control points.
10. During re-entry, ensure collecton of all department dosimetry and radiation exposure records. Turn in all radiation exposure
                                  ,          records and TLDs to the OREGON ESDA CCORDINATOR for forwarding to IDNS.


     's VI(2c)

Page 29 i

G-l Ogle County Preliminary Rev.012/82 (~


. ) l Annex 2d Stillman Valley Procedures Table of Contents A. Stillman Valley Procedures

1. Stillaan Valley Village President. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Stillman Valley ESDA Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 , .
    ,                                        3.              Stillaan Valley Fire Protection District Chief . . . . . . 9 4               Stillman Valley Superintendent of Schools . . .                                                     . . . . 15    ,
5. Stillman Valley Public Works Department . . . . . . . . 19 1

i VI (2d) Fage i l 1 i

                                 , - . - , - . . - - - - - -        ~   , - - - - - - - - - - - -                 -     - ' - '      -- ' ' ' - ' ' ' ^ ~ ""~'             ' ' ' ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~

Oglo Ceunty Preliminary Rev.0 12/82 ( A e A. 1. Stillman Valley Village President



1. Authorize notification of village officials, if necessary.


2. Report to the STILLMAN VALLEY EOC and review a completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REDPORTING SYSTEM FORM and confer with Village Department heads on the situation
3. Review department assignments and responsibili-ties:

k N VI (2d) Page 1

a Ogle County Preliminary Rev.0 12/82 I s - P

a. FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT - coordinate re-quests for assistance, ensure the distri-I bution of dosimetry (instant read dosi-meter, personal radiation exposure record I

and TLD card), Distribute potassium iodide I (KI) tablets only upon the recommendation of IDNS, notification of news media,

                             ,                  requests for County and State assistance, perfonn regular fire protection & emerg-i ency medical        services, support Police      "

Department in public notification, traffic I

                                                & access control,
b. ESDA COORDINATOR - ensure collection of all dosimetry and radiation exposure records by each department.

i c. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS - evacuation of students, evacuation of public using school buses.

        !                                  IEPA in sample collection.                            --

VI(2d) Page 2


i Ogle County Preliminary Rev.0 12/82


( D 4. Es'tablish comunications with the OGLE COUNTY EOC and consult with the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR on the situation. I

5. Review evacuation sectors and routes, access i



request assistance as required. 7.

 ,                      Instruct STILLMAN VALLEY SUPERINTENDENT OF           -
 .                      SCHOOLS to coordinate for the transportation of school students and general public in the event of evacuation.
8. During re-entry, instruct the STILLMAN VALLEY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS to coordinate the transportation of returning evacuees from congregate care shelters.

( VI(2d) Page 3 m

Ogle County t Prelimiaary Rev.0 12/82 l ( ( l i A. 1. Stillman Valley Village President 4 i Upon receiving notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE D PROTECTION DISTRICT, the STILLMAN VALLEY VILLAGE PRESIDENT will perform the following tasks: I IF NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT OR ALERT CLASSIFICATION

    ,                     1. Authorize notification of village officials, if i                           necessary.


2. Report to the STILLMAN VALLEY ECC and review a

completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REDPORTING SYSTEM i FORM and confer with Village Department heads on the situation I ' i i

3. Review department assignments and responsibili-i ties:

t I i j VI (2d) Page 1 i L

Ogle County Preliminary Rev.0 12/82 l

a. FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT - coordinate re-

! quests for assistance, ensure the distri-i bution of dosimetry (instant read dosi-meter, personal radiation exposure record and TLD card), Distribute potassium iodide (KI) tablets oniy upon the recommendation of IDNS, notification of news media, requests for County and State assistance, perform regular fire protection & emerg-ency medical services, support Police Department in public notification, traffic i

                               & access control.
b. ESDA , COORDINATOR - ensure collection of i

all dosimetry and radiation exposure records by each department.

c. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS - evacuation of students, evacuation of public using school buses.

i, IEPA in sample collection. VI (2d) Page 2

Ogle Ccunty Preliminary Rev.0 12/82




A. 2. Stillman Valley ESDA Coordinator Upon receiving notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTEbTIONDISTRICT,theSTILLHANVALLEYESDACOOR-DINATOR will perform the following tasks: IF NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT OR ALERT CLASSIFICATION

1. Upon notification from the STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, contact the STILLMAN VALLEY VILLAGE PRESIDENT and get briefed on the situation.


1. Report to the STILLMAN VALLEY EOC and confer on the situation with the STILLMAN VALLEY VILLAGE PRESIDENT.
2. A Completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be made available for review.

b VI (2d) Page 5

Ogle County Preliminary Rev.0 12/82 ( l i I

3. Coordinate requests from city department heads i D for assistance from other city and county 8

departments or outside agencies to meet man-power and resource needs. 9 i 1 4 Ensure that all departments distribute dosi- f metry and complete radiation exposure records

 ,                 for all emergency workers.        Distribute dost-metry to all personnel within the STILLMAN VALLEY EOC and have each complete a radiation exposure record. Potassium iodide (KI) tablets

{ l are to be distributed only upon the recommenda-l tion of IDNS. Maintain a Dosimetry Control Log

          ,        (see Annex 2h).
5. Review evacuation sectors and routes, access and traffic control points with the STILLMAN VILLAGE PRESIDENT and STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT .

t - VI (2d) Page 6

Ogle County Preliminary Rev.0 12/32



6. Monitor and record the progress of all STILLMAN VALLEY departments responding to the emergency.

D I 7. Make requests for assistance to COUNTY ESDA/ REGIONAL ESDA/ STATE ESDA as the needs arise. D

8. Coordinate with the STILLMAN VALLEY SUPERINTEN-p DENT OF SCHOOLS and the STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE I PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF for the transporta-I tion of school students and general public, within effected sectors, to congregate care shelters in the event of evacuation.

6 I

9. Direct decontamination activities of city I

equipment, with the assistance of IDNS. i I

10. Make hourly situation status reports to the i



VI (2d) l Page 7 I l i I

Ogle County Preliminary Rev.0 12/82 ( (" Al

11. During re-entry, coordinate with the !TILLMAN VALLEY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS and STILLMAN l

VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF for the transportation of returning evacuees from congregate care centers.

12. During re-entry, ensure collection of all dosi-mtry and radiation exposure records by each department. Collect dosimetry and radiation exposure records from personnel within the STILLMAN VALLEY EOC. Forward all radiation ex-posure records and TLDs to:

Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety 1035 Outer Park Drive Springfield, IL 62704 l l VI (2d) Page 8 l

Ogle County Praliminary Rev.0 12/82

  )     -

A. 3. Stillman Valley Fire Protection District Chief Upon receiving notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the OGLE COUNTY SHERRIF'S TELECOMMUNICATOR, the STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTEC-TION DISTRICT CHIEF, or FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT MEMBER, will perform the following tasks: IF NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT OR ALERT CLASSIFICATION [

1. Complete a NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM. Call OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF's TELECOMMUNI-CATOR and verify the information Photo-Copy a sufficient number of copies for STILLMAN VALLEY officials.
2. Notify the STILLMAN VALLEY VILLAGE PRESIDENT, or his alternate, of the situation.

Page 9

Ogle County Preliminary Rev.0 12/82 ) (


CHIEF - Stan Seeberg Alternate - John Fisher (B) (H) -

3. Upon authorization of the STILLMAN VALLEY '

VILLAGE PRESIDErlT, notify the following KEY - village officials of the situation and have them report to the STILLMAN VALLEY EOC, if requested.

                                                                  -     \

VI (2d) Page 10

l l Ogle County l Preliminary Rev.0 12/82 l s y . ( i IF SITE EMERGENCY OR GENERAL EMERGENCY-CLASSIFICATION 4 Notify the above and following officials, or their alternate, of the situation. Advise them to place their emergency personnel or standby and implement recommended protective actions, if any, and report to the STILLMAN VALLEY EOC.

        /                               Dave Miller
  • Alternate -

_)} (H) -- - VI (2d) Page 11

1 Ogle County Preliminary Rev.0 12/82 (._

4. Report to the STILLMAN VALLEY EOC and confer on the situation with the STILLMAN VALLEY VILLAGE PRESIDENT.


5. Receive authorization from the STILLMAN VALLEY VILLAGE' PRESIDENT to initiate the department call list.

e .

6. Notify Department personnel stating a point of
    ,               assembly, the STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE STATION.

4 i I

7. Ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter and TLD card) and completion of a radiation exposure record for all personnel that may be entering an exposure pathway area.

Potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to be distri-I buted only upon the recomendation of IDNS. j Assign a department person to maintain the l Dosimetry Control Log (see Annex 2h): e Name:


Phone: VI (2d) Page 12

Ogle County Preliminary Rev.0 12/82 i -


l I

8. Review evacuation sectors and routes, access and traffic control points with the STILLMAN VALLEY VILLAGE PRESIDENT and STILLMAN VALLEY ESDA COORDINATOR.

i i I

9. Follow Standard operating procedures for fire prevention and emergency medical services.

i ~

      ,                   10. Direct the systematic notification of the i                             public for Information/Take Shelter / Evacuation.


                     .          a.      Direct squads and other departments to notify the public via mobile P.A.
11. Coordinate with the STILLMAN VALLEY SUPERIN-l l

TENDENT OF SCHOOLS and the STILLMAN VALLEY ESDA COORDINATOR for the transportation of school students and general public, within affected sectors, to congregate care shelters in the event of evacuation.

12. Direct decontamination activities of village
      ..                      equipment, with the assistance of IDNS.

VI (2d) Page 13

Ogle County Preliminary Rev.0 12/82 t

13. During re-entry, coordinate with the STILLMAN VALLEY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS and the STILLMAN VALLEY ESDA COORDINATOR for the transportation of returning evacuees from congregate care shelters.
14. During re-entry, return dosimetry and radiation exposure records to the STILLMAN VALLEY ESDA COORDINATOR for forwarding to IDNS.

( 9 e i i f s_ VI (2d) Page 14 1 l

Ogle Coun2y Preliminary Rev.0 12/82 ( ( e i A. 4. Stillman Valley Superintendent of Schools i Upon receiving notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, the STILLMAN VALLEY SUPERIN-TENDENT OF SCHOOLS will perform the following tasks: IF SITE EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION (( 1. Report to the STILLMAN VALLEY EOC and receive a briefing on the situation from the STILLMAN VALLEY VILLAGE PRESIDENT.

2. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be made available for review.

VI(2d) Page 15

5 Ogle County Preliminary Rev.0 12/82 3

4. Ensure the distribution of dosimetry (int' ant read dosimeter and TLD card) and completion of a radiation exposure record for all personnel that may be entering .an exposure pathway area.

Potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to be distri-buted only upon the recommendation of IDNS. Assign a department person to maintain the Dosimetry Control Log (see Annex 2h): Name:



5. Notify the following schools of the situation and the recommended protective actions:
a. Monroe Center Grade School,
b. Highland Grade School & Early Childhood,
 )                    c. Meridian Jr. High School,

(- VI (2d) Page 16

Ogle County Preliminary Rev.0 12/82

d. Stil'lman Valley High School,
6. Coordinate with the OGLE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT dF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES and STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF and STILLMAN VALLEY ESDA COORDINATOR for the transportation of school students and general public within affected sectors, to congregate care shelters in the event of evacuation.
7. Advise school personnel to assist AMERICAN RED CROSS personnel at congregate care shelters is needed.
8. During re-ent ry, coordinate with the OGLE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES and STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF and the STILLMAN VALLEY ESDA COORDINATOR for the transportation of returning evacuees from congregate care shelters, m

VI (2d) Page 17 L

Ogle County Preliminary Rev.0 12/82 i

9. During re-entry, ensure collection of all de-partment dosimetry and radiation exposure re-cords. Turn in all radiation exposure records and TLDs to the STILLMAN VALLEY ESDA C00RDI-NATOR for forwarding to IDNS.
                                                                      ,4 N_

VI (2d) Page 18

Ogle County Preliminary Rev.0 12/82 I. ~


A. 5. Stillman Valley Public Works Department Upon receiving notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, the STILLMAN VALLEY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT will perform the following tasks: IF SITE EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION

1. Report to the STILLMAN VALLEY EOC and receive a briefing on the situation from the STILLMAN VALLEY VILLAGE PRESIDENT.

l 2. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be available for review.

3. Receive authorization from the STILLMAN VALLEY VILLEE PRESIDENT to initiate the department call list.


     's VI (2d)

Page 19 l l

i Ogle County Preliminary Rev.0 12/82 1 i ( l i i 8

4. Notify Department personnel stating a point of assembly, the STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE HOUSE.


5. Ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter and TLD card) and completion of a radia-tion exposure record for all personnel that may be entering an exposure pathway area. Potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to be ' distributed 'only upon the reconnendation of IDNS. Maintain a Dosimetry ControlLog(SeeAnnex2h):


6. Maintain clear roads by providing equipment to remove snow, debris, disabled vehicles, etc.
7. Provide and deliver barricades for use in traffic and access control, as required by the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF.
8. Of rect personnel to assist IONS & IEPA in gathering samples of water & sewage, as requested.

I. A ( VI (2d) Page 20 l

Ogle County Preliminary Rev.0 12/82 ( N. 1

9. Carry out decontamination activities of Village equipment under the direction of the STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF, with the assist 3nce of IDNS.

j 10. During re-entry, remove barricades from traffic and access control points.

11. During re-entry, ensure collection of all de-partment dosimetry and radiation exposure re-cords. Turn in all radiation exposure records and TLDs to the STILLMAN VALLEY ESDA C00RDI-NATOR for forwarding to IDNS.

I s VI (2d) Page 21 l 1_ _ _ .- - . - - . _ . ._ .. . - _ _ _ . - _ . . . . -


1 l Ogle County l Preliminary Rev. 012/82 i Annex 2e

       \s !

Leaf River Procedures-e i 8 Table of Contents l A. Leaf River Procedures

1. L ea f Ri ve r Mayo r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Leaf River Fire Protection District Chief. . . . 5 .
3. Leaf River Police Department Chief . . . . . . 11
4. Leaf River Maintenance Department . . . . . .


5. Leaf River School Superintendent . . . . . . 19 l

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Ogle County q Preliminary Rev. 0 12/82 4


s i A. 1. Leaf River Mayor 9 Upon receiving notification of an incident at I the BYRON STATION from the LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTEC-TION DISTRICT CHIEF or FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT I MEMBER, the LEAF' RIVER MAYOR will perform the following tasks: i

1. Authorize notification of Village officials, if


2. Report to the LEAF RIVER EOC, and review a e

completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM and confer with Village Department heads on the situatien. e

3. Review department assignments and responsibili-ties:

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Oglo County Preliminary Rev. 0 12/82 1. 9

a. FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT - coordinate re-I quests for assistance; Potassium iodide 9

(KI) tablets are to be distributed only I upon the recommendation of IDNS; notifi-p . cation of news media, requests for County I and State assistance. Notification of public, perform regular fire protection &

   ,                 emergency medical services, support the
   ,                 LEAF RIVER POLICE DEPARTMENT in traffic &

access control. ( ( l

b. POLICE DEPARTMENT - law enforcement & crime D
  ,                  prevention, traffic & access control, support FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT in public notifica-t i

tion. !I I

c. SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT - evacuation of students, evacuation of public using I

school buses. P

d. MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT - support IDNS and IEPA in sample collection.

8 A

t. -

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Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 i ( l l I

4. Establish comunic6tions with the OGLE COUNTY I EOC and consult with the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR on the situation.


5. Make hourly situation status reports to the i


  ,                     6. Review evacuation sectors, routes, and traffic and access control points with the LEAF RIVER
7. Authorize the LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF to contact COUNTY ESDA/ REGIONAL ESDA/ STATE ESDA and request assistance as l


8. Instruct the LEAF RIVER SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT to coordinate the transportation of school stu-dents and general public in the event of evacuation.
      's VI (2e)

Page 3

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 (

9. During re-Ontry, instruct the LEAF RIVER SCHOOL

SUPERINTENDENT to coordinate the transportation of returning evacuees from congregate care 5 shelters, i

10. During re-entry, return dosimetry and radiation exposure records to the LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTEC-TION DISTRICT CHIEF for forwarding to IDNS.

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 )                                                                     !


2. Leaf River Fire Protection District Chief Upon receiving notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, the LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT


Photo-copy a sufficient number of i

I copies for distribution to LEAF RIVER offi-cials.

2. Notify the LEAF RIVER MAYOR, or his alternate, of the situation.


a. LEAF RIVER MAYOR - Richard Kretsinger

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 )                                                                              <-


3. Upon authorization from the LEAF RIVER MAYOR, i

notify the follewing KEY Yillage officials, l advise them of the situation, and have them report to the EOC, if necessary.

b. LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF-Richard Bruss Alternate - Denny Wells


c. LEAF RIVER POLICE CHIEF - Charles Mullens Alternate - Bob Irving l

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4. Notify the above and following officials, or their alternates, of the situation. Advise

them to place their emergency personnel on standby and implement recommended protective actions, if any, and report to the LEAF RIVER EOC.


Michael Maloney

5. Receive authorization from the LEAF RIVER MAYOR to initiate the department call list.

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Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 i

6. Notify Department personnel stating a point of assembly, the LEAF RIVER FIRE STATION.
7. Ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter and TLD card) and completion of a radiation exposure record for all personnel that that may be entering an exposure pathway area. Potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to be distributed only upon the recomendation ot IDNS. Assign a department person to maintain a Dosimetry Control Log:




8. Coordinate requests from Village department heads for assistance from other Village and county departments or outside agencies to meet manpower and resource needs.
9. Ensure that all departments distribute dosimetry and complete radiation exposure records for all emergency workers. Distribute dosimetry to all
i. personnel within the LEAF RIVER E0C and have VI(2e)

Page 8

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 0 12/82 i - ( I each complete a radiation exposure record, potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to be distri-e buted only upon the recomendations of IDNS, maintain a dosimetry log book.

10. Review evacuation sectors, routes, and traffic and access and traffic control points with the LEAF RIVER HAYOR and LEAF RIVER POLICE CHIEF.
11. Follow standard operating procedures for fire

[" prevention and emergency medical services.

12. Direct the systematic notification of the public for Information/Take Shelter / Evacuation.
13. Assists LEAF RIJER POLICE DEPARTMENT in traffic and access control, as requested.
14. Make requests for assistance to COUNTY ESDA/ REGIONAL ESDA/ STATE ESDA as the need arises.

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Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 (

15. Coordinate with the LEAF RIVER SCHOOL SUPERIN-TENDENT for the transportation of students and general public, within effected sectors, to congregate care shelters in the event of evacuation.
16. Direct decontamination activities of city equip-ment, with the assistance of IDNS.


17. During re-entry, coordinate with the LEAF RIVER SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT for the transportation of '

I returning evacuees from congregate care I shelters. )

18. During re-entry ensure collection of all dosimetry and radiation exposure records by I

each department. Collect dosimetry and radiation exposure records from personnel

       ,                                    within    the LEAF RIVER                                              EOC. Forward       all radiation exposure records and TLD's to:

Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety 1035 Outer Park Drive Springfield, IL 62704 V: (2e) , Page 10 l

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 i ~



3. Leaf River Police Department Chief
    )                                                                                                                           1 I

Upon receiving notification of an incident at the



  ,                       1. Upon notification from the LEAF RIVER FIRE 8

PROTECTION DISTRICT, centact the LEAF RIVER I MAYOR for a briefing on the situation and place I l personnel and resources on standby.

 ,                                    IF SITE EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION i
2. Report to the LEAF RIVER EOC and receive a I

briefing on the situation from the LEAF RIVER MAYOR.

3. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be made available for review.

( VI (2e) Page 11

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 i t

4. Receive authorization from the LEAF RIVER MAYOR I to initiate the department call list.

I I 5. Notify Department personnel stating a point of assembly, the LEAF RIVER VILLAGE HALL. I

6. Ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter and TLD card) and completion of g

a radiation exposure record for all personnel i , that may be entering an exposure pathway area. ( I ' Potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to be I distributed only upon the recommendation of I IDNS. Assign a department person to maintain a Dosimetry Control Log: i Name:


? Phone: t l 7. Review evacuation sectors, routes, and traffic and access and traffic control points with the LEAF RIVER MAYOR and the LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF. VI (2e) Page 12

l Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82






in the systematic notification of the public for Information/Take Shelter / Evacuation. i

a. Identify evacuation routes traffic and access control points throughout the e

effected area. ( 9. Follow standard operating procedures for law enforcement and crime prevention activities.

10. Provide and maintain traffic and access control in the event of evacuation, making appropriate requests for manpower and equipment to support agencies and departments, as required.


11. During re-entry, provide and maintain orderly traffic control.

1 ( VI (2e) Page 13

l Ogle County ' Preliminary Rev. 012/82 I - (

12. During re-entry, ensure collection of all de-partment dosimetry and radiation exposure re-cords. Turn in all radiation exposure records -

and TLDs to the LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF for forwarding to IDNS. I k 4 i .d


VI (2e) Page 14

4 Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 N

4. Leaf River Maintenance Department Upon receiving notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTEC-TION DISTRICT, the LEAF RIVER MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT will perform the following tasks:

IF NOTI.FICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT OR ALERT CLASSIFICATION e Upon notification from the LEAF RIVER FIRE 1. PROTECTION DISTRICT,. contact the LEAF RIVER MAYOR for a briefing on the situation. I B IF SITE EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION i 2. Report to the LEAF RIVER EOC and receive a 8 briefing on the situation from the LEAF RIVER MAYOR. I I

3. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be made available for review. .,

l i s-VI(2e) Page 15

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 i l

4. Receive authorization from the LEAF RIVER 'iAP c l 8 to initiate the department cal? list.
5. Notify Department personnel stating a point of assembly, the LEAF RIVER VILLAGE HALL ,

p -

6. Ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter and TLD card) and completion of a radiation exposure record for all personnel that may be entering an exposure pathway area.

Potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to be distri-buted only upon the recommendation of IDNS. Assign a department person to maintain a Dosinetry Control Log (See Annex 2h): Name:



7. Maintain clear roads by providing equipment to remove snow, debris, disabled vehicles, etc.

[ - VI (2e) Page 16 l

Ogle County l Preliminary Rev. 012/82

8. Provide and deliver barricades for use in traffic and access control, as required by the LEAF RIVER POLICE CHIEF.
9. Direct personnel to assist IDNS & IEPA in ga- ,

8 thering samples of water & sewage, as request-ed.

10. Carry out decontamination activities of village equipment under the direction of the LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF, with the assist-ance of IDNS.
11. During re-entry, remove barricades from traffic and access control points.
12. During re-entry, ensure collection of all de-partment dosimetry and radiation exposure records. Turn in all radiation exposure records and TLDs to the LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF for forwarding to IDNS.



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l Ogle County l Prelirinary Rev. 0 12/82 '

5. Leaf River School Superintendent

( Upon receiving notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT,theLEAFRIVERSCHOOLSbPERINTENDENTwill perform the following tasks: IF SITE EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION

1. The LEAF RIVER SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT, or his designee, shall report to the LEAF RIVER EOC and receive a briefing on the situation from the' LEAF RIVER MAYOR.
2. Coordinate with the OGLE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES and LEAF RIVER FIRE j PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF to determine affected sectors and the schools involved.


3. Ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter and TLD card) and completion of a t

l ( l VI (2e) Page 19 l

t Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

 -]                                                           .-

( radiation exposure record for all personnel that may be entering an exposure pathway area. Potas-sium iodide (KI) tablets are to be distributed only upon the recommendation of IDNS. Assign a person to maintain a Dosimetry Control Log (See Annex 2h): Name:



4. Notify the following of the situation and recom-mended protective actions:

Leaf River Community School Principal: Gary Johnson l i

5. Coordinate with the OGLE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES and LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF for the transpor-tation of school students and general public, VI (2e)

Page 20

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 I - ( within affected sectors, to con _gregate care shelters in the event of evacuation.

6. Advise school personnel to assist AMERICAN RED CROSS personnel at congregate care shelters, as needed.
7. During re-entry, coordinate with the OGLE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES and the LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF for the transportation of returning evacuees from congregate care shelters.
8. During re-entry, ensure collection of all de-partment dosircrry and radiation exposure records. Tutn in all radiation exposure re-cards and TLDs to the LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF for forwarding to IDNS.

( (._ VI (2e) Page 21

Ogle County Preliminiary Rev. 012/82 i ( I A Annex 2f Mt. Morris Procedures Table of Contents A. Mt. Morris Procedures

1. Mt. Morris Village President. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Mt. Morris Fire Protection District. . . .. . . . . . 5
3. Mt. Morris Police Department Dispatcher . . . . . . . 7
4. Mt. Morris Police Department . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5. Mt. Morris Superintendent of Schools . . . . . . . . 17
6. Mt. Morris Water and Streets Department ...... 21
7. Mt. Morris ESDA Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 5

6 ( VI (2f) Page i

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 t_ ( A. 1. Mt. Morris Village President Upon receiving notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the MT. MORRIS POLICE DIS-PATCHER, the MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT will perform the following tasks: IF NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT OR ALERT CLASSIFICATION

1. Authorize the MT. MORRIS POLICE DISPATCHER to notify KEY Village officials, if required.


2. Report to the MT. MORRIS EOC, review a comple-ted NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM and confer with Village Department heads on the i


3. Review department assignments and responsibili-ties:

i i VI (2f) Page 1

l l l Ogle County Pi eliminary Rev. 012/82 ( (' s


respond to requests for assistance, ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter, personal radiation exposure record and TLD card). Distribute potassium iodide (KI) tablets only upon the recom-mendation of IDNS. Perform regular fire protection and emergency medical services.

b. POLICE DEPARTMENT - law enforcement and (

crime prevention, traffic and access con-( trol, public notification.

c. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS - evacuation of students, evacuation of public using i

school buses. e

d. WATER AND STREETS DEPARTMENT - transpor-tation support for IDNS and IEPA in sample i

collection. 1 ( f s VI (2f) l Page 2

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 i

4. Establish communications with the OGLE COUNTY EOC and consult with the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR on the situation.
5. Review evacuation sectors, and traffic routes, and access control points with the MT. MORRIS POLICE CHIEF.
6. Authorize the MT. MORRIS POLICE CHIEF to

(( contact COUNTY ESDA/ REGIONAL ESDA/ STATE ESDA and request assistance as required.  :

7. Instruct the MT. MORRIS SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS to coordinate for the transportation of school students and general public in the event of evacuation. ,
8. During re-entry, instruct the MT. MORRIS SUPERINTEhDENT OF SCHOOLS to coordinate the transportation of returning evacuees from congregate care shelters, i

1 VI (2f) Page 3

I e . Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

            -(                                                                                                                                                                                                      ,

( i 9. During re-entry, return dosimetry and radiation l exposure records to the MT. MORRIS ESDA C00RDI-NATOR for forwarding to IDNS. e i e i a, h i e i I I

   ,                                                                                                                                                                                                   .          +

h I b i I I 4 1 l'. VI (2f) Page 4 i

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 A. 2. Mt. Morris Fire Protection District l Upon receiving notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF's DEPARTMENT TELECOMMUNICATOR, the MT. ' MORRIS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF, or his designee will perform the following tasks: IF ALERT CLASSIFICATION (



2. Designate a representative to report to the MT.

MORRIS EOC and confer on the situation with the MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT.

3. If necessa ry, initiate the department call

( list. VI (2f) Page 5

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 I t

4. Notify Department personnel stating point of assembly, the MT. MORRIS' FIRE STATION.

i l

5. Ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter and TLD card) and completion of a radiation exposure record for all personnel l that may be entering an exposure pathway area.

Potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to be distri- , buted only upon the recommendation of IDNS. Assign a department person to maintain the Dosimetry Control Log (see Annex 2h): Name:


Phone: I I

6. Follow standard operating procedures for fire prevention and emergency medical services.

l l

7. During re-entry, return dosimetry and radiation exposure records to the MT. MORRIS ESDA C00RDI-NATOR for forwarding to IDNS.

VI (2f) Page 6 1

i Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 3 T A. 3. Mt. Morris Police Department Dispatcher Upon receiving notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELECOMMUNICATOR, the MT. MORRIS POLICE DEPARTMENT DISPATCHER will perfom the following tasks: IF NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT OR ALERT CLASSIFICATION


( FORM. Call the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELECOM-MUNICATOR and verify the information Photocopy a sufficient number of copies for distribution to MT. MORRIS officials.

2. Notify the MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT, or his alternate, of the situation.


a. MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT - Dan Mulcay Alternate - Elmars Kalnins VI (2f)

Page 7

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 (

3. Upon authorization from the MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT, notify the following key officials:
b. MT. MORRIS POLICE CHIEF - John Thompson (B)

(H) Alternate - (B) _ (H) -



4. Notify the above and following officials, or their alternates, of the situation. Advise them to place their emergency personnel on stanoby and implement recommended protective actions, if any, and report to the MT. MORRIS EOC.

t ' l VI (2f) Page 8 1

0919 County Preliminary Rev. 012/82




David Turner (B) (H) Alternate - David Rahn (B) (H)


(B) (H) l Alternate - - (B) 815/

                         '(H) 815/


5. Notify the above officials, or their alter-nates, of the situation, advise them to l

VI (2f) Page 9 l

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 i activate emergency workers and implement protective actions. Advise MT. MORRIS officials, or their alter-j nates, not currently at the MT. MORRIS EOC to I report at this time. I

6. . Call in off-duty Police Officers and auxiliary

personnel as authorized by the MT. MORRIS ' POLICE CHIEF. .



7. Dispatch all available squad cars and incoming Police Officers to notify the public via mobile P.A. Advise squads of the Information/Take t

Shelter / Evacuation message to broadcast (see e Annex 2h).

8. Make periodic status reports to the MT. MORRIS E0C.
9. Advise all citizens calling in to tune their radios to WROK (AM) for further information.

( Q VI (2f) Page 10

I Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82



10. Upon~ receipt of re-entry notification from the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELECOMMUNICATOR, call the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELECOMMUNICATOR to verify and notify the MT.

MORRIS E0C. W e i e h i e 1 VI (2f) , Page 11 l

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 A. 4. Mt. Morris Police Department I Upon receiving notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the MT. MORRIS POLICE DEPART-MENT DISPATCHER, the MT. MORRIS POLICE CHIEF will perform the following tasks: IF NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT OR ALERT CLASSIFICATION

1. Upon notification from the MT. MORRIS POLICE DISPATCHER, notify the MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT, receive briefing on the situation and place personnel on standby, if requested.


2. Report to the MT. MORRIS EOC and get briefed on the situation from the MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT.
3. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be made available for reveiw.

t VI (2f) Page 13


Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 ( '

4. Receive authorization from the MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT to initiate the department call list.
5. Notify Department personnel stating a point of assembly, the MT. MORRIS POLICE STATION.
6. Ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter and TLD card) and completion of a radiation exposure record for all personnel [

that may be entering an exposure pathway area. Potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to be distri-

      .       buted only upon the recommendation of IDNS.

Assign a' department person to maintain a Dosimetry Control Log (see Annex 2h): Name:



7. Review evacuation sectors, routes and trarric and access and points with the MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT and the MT. MORRIS ESDA



VI (2f) Page 14




8. Implement the systematic notification of the public for Information/Take Shelter / Evacuation.
a. Identify evacuation routes and traffic and access control points throughout the effected area.
b. Direct squads and other departments to r notify the public via mobile P.A.


9. Follow standard operating procedures for law enforcement and crime prevention activities.


10. Provide and maintain traffic and access control in the event of evacuation, making appropriate requests for manpcwer and equipment to support agencies and departments, as required.
11. During re-entry, provice and maintain orderly traffic control.

( VI (2f) Pane 15



Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82



12. During re-entry, ensure collection of all de-f partment dosimetry and radiation exposure re-

. cords. Turn in all radiation exposure records and TLDs to the MT. MORRIS ESDA COORDINATOR'for forwarding to IDNS. t 1 1 s - 1  ! VI (2f) Page 16 p

   -- ,-- , .,- , , , - , . . , - - . . , , - . . .     -~-   . -           , - -               - , , - - -   -- -

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 (( A. 5. Mt. Morris Superintendent of Schools i Upon receiving notification of an incident at the. BYRON STATION from the MT. MORRIS POLICE DIS-PATCHER, the MT. MORRIS SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will perform the following tasks: IF SITE EMERGEtlCY CLASSIFICATI0ft r 1. Report to the MT. MORRIS E0C and receive a i briefing on the situation from the MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT.

2. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTIf1G SYSTEM FORM will be made available for review.
3. Coordinate with the OGLE COUNTY SUPERIflTEllDENT OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES and MT. MORRIS POLICE CHIEF to determine affected sectors and the schools involved.

4 Ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant ( read dosimeter and TLD card) and completion of l VI (2f) Page 17 w 4

j Ogle County 1 Preliminary Rev. 012/82 f ) s a radiation exposure record for all personnel that may be entering an exposure pathway area. Potassium iodide (KI) tablet.s are to be distri-buted only upon the recommendation of IDtlS. Assign a department person to maintain the 00simetry Control Log (see Annex 2h): f4ame:



5. Notify the following schools of the situation and the recommenced protective actions:

l l

a. Mt. Morris Elementary School;
b. Mt. Morris Jr. High School;
c. Mt. Morris Sr. High Scncol;
d. Ogle County Edua tional Coco;
                              '/I (2f)

Page 18

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 (\. 6. Coordinate with the OGLE COUNTY SUPERINTENDE OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES and MT. MORRIS POLI CHIEF for the transportation of school students and general public within affected sectors to congregate care shelters in the event of evacuation. 7. Advise school personnel to assist AMERICAN RED CROSS personr.el at congregate care shelters as (

      \.           needed.
8. During re-entry, coordinate with the OGLE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES and MT. MORRIS POLICE CHIEF for the transpor-tatica of returning evacuees from congregate care shelters.

i i 9. During re-entry, ensure collection of all de-pa rtment dosimetry and radiation exposure re-cords. Turn in all radiation exposure records and TLDs to the MT. MORRIS ESOA COORDINATOR for forwarding to ICMS. ( VI (2f) Page 19 W '

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 ((~ A. 6. Mt. Morris Water and Streets Department j Upon receiving notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the MT. MORRIS POLICE DIS-PATCHER, the MT. MORRIS PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT , will perform the following tasks: IF SITE EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION

1. Report to the MT. MORRIS EOC and receive a briefing en the situation from the MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT.
2. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be made available for review.
3. Receive authorization from the MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT to initiate the department call list.

4 Notify Department personnel stating a point of assembly, the MT. MORPIS VILLAGE HALL. ( s VI (2f) Page 21

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 ( <- (

5. Ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter and TLD card) and completion of a radiation exposure record for all personnel that may be entering an exposure pathway area.

1 Potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to be distri-buted only upon the recommendation of 10!1S. itaintain a Dosimetry Control Log (See Annex 2h): IF PROTECTIVE ACTI0flS REQUIRED OR GEtlERAL EMERGENCY e a .

6. Maintain clear roads by providing equipment to remove snow, debris, disabled vehicles, etc.
7. Provide and deliver barricades for use in traf-

! fic and access control, as required by the MT. MORRIS POLICE CHIEF.

8. Direct personnel to assist 10!15 and IEPA in ga-thering samples of water & sewage, as re-quested.

( (_ y m V! (2f) Page 22


i t

OgleCountg Preliminary Rev. 0 12/8c

9. Assist with decontamination activities of Village equipment under the direction of the MT. MORRIS POLICE with the assistance of IDNS.
10. During re-entry, remove barricades from traffic and access control points.
11. During re-entry, ensure collection of all de-partment dosimetry and radiation exposure re-r cords. Turn in all radiation exposure records k

and TLDs to the MT. MORRIS ESDA COORDINATOR for forwarding to IDNS. f b VI (2f) Page 23


1 Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 (\~ i A. 7. Mt. Morris ESDA Coordinator Upon receiving notification of. an incident at the BYRON STATION from the MT. MORRIS POLICE DIS-PATCHER, the MT. MORRIS ESDA COORDINATOR will perform the following tasks: IF NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT OR ALERT CLASSIFICATION

1. Upon notification from the MT. MORRIS FOLICE DISPATCHER, contact the MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT and receive a briefing on the situa-tion.


2. Report to the MT. MORRIS EOC and receive a briefing on the situation with the MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT.
3. A completed NULCEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be made available for review.

i s. VI (2f) Page 25 y i

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 ( <- (

4. Coordinate requests from city department heads for assistance from other village and county departments or outside agencies to meet manpower and resource needs.
5. Give hourly situation status reports to the OGLE COUNTY EOC.
6. Ensure that all departments distribut dosi-metry and complete radiation exposure records ,

k for all emergency workers. Distribute dosi-metry to all personnel within the MT. MORRIS E0C and have each complete a radiation exposure record. Potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to be distributed only upon the recommendation of IDNS. Maintain a Dosimetry Control Log (see Annax 2h). l

7. Review evacuation sectors, routes, and traffic and access control points with the MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT and the itT. MORRIS POLICE CHIEF.

t ! ( & N VI (Ef) l Page 26 i

l ' Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 1 . I IF PROTECTIVE ACTIONS REQUIRED OR GEllERAL EMERGENCY

8. Monitor and record the progress of all MT.

MORRIS village departments responding to the emergency.

9. Make requests for assistance to COUNTY ESDA/

REGIONAL ESDA/ STATE ESDA as the needs arise.

10. Direct decontamination activities of city

( equipment with the assistance of IDNS. l

11. During re-entry, coordinate with the MT. MORRIS SUPERINTEND' 4T 0F SCHOOLS for the transporta-tion of returning evacuees from congregate care shelters.
12. During re-entry, ensure collection of all dosi-metry and raciation exposure records by each department. Collect dosimetry and radiation exposure records from personnel within the MT.

MORRIS E0C. Forward all radiation exposure ( ' records and TLDs to: s

                                                              'll (2f)

Page 27 m.


Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 ( (l Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety 1035 Outer Park Drive Springfield, IL 62704 8 s j l k (- . VI (Ef) Page 28 weg .

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 ('\ Annex 2g Davis Junction Procedures 3 i Table of Contents A. Davis Junction Procedures

1. Davis Junction Village President. . . . . .... 1
2. Lynn-Scott-Rock Fire Protection District Chief . 5
;                                                    3. Scott Township Supervisor. . . . .            . . . . . .             13 r                                    4. Scott Towhnship Highway Commissioner. .                .. . .         15

J t (

           't A.

VI (2g) Page i my - _ ., , _ _ ~ _ _ _ . . -- -- - - - - - - ^-

  '                                                                                Ogle County Preliminary Rev.012/82

(t A. 1. Davis Junction Village President d Upon receivinq no' of an incident at the BYRdti STATI0tl fr" i JUtlCTI0tl FIRE PHONE, the DAVIS JUNCTION .cSIDErlT will perform the fol-4 lowing tasks: IF NOTIFICATION OF UtlVSUAL EVEllT OR ALERT CLASSIFICATI0tl

1. Authorize the notification of Village of fi-


2. Report to the DAVIS JUNCTIO4 EOC, review a -

com'pleted NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM and confer with Village Department heads on the situation. i

       %a VI (2c)

, Page 1 7

Ogle County Preliminary Rev.012/82 (- .- s

3. Review department assignments and responsibili-ties:
a. FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT - coordinate requests for a'ssistance, ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter, personal radiation exoosure record and TLD card). Potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to be distributed only upon the recommendation of IDf!S; notifi- (

cation of news media, requests for County and State assistance. flotification of , public, perfonn regular fire protection & l emergency medical services.

b. SCOTT TOWflSHIP SUPERVISOR - support DAVIS JUflCTI0ft, as requested, by utilizing township resources.

Support IDflS and IEPA in samole collec-ticn. VI (2g) Page 2

Ogle County Preliminary Rev.012/82 l I (.

4. Establish communications with the OGLE COUNTY

E0C and consult with the OGLE COUNTY ESDA CCORDINATOR on the situation. -

5. Kake hourly situation status reports to the OGLE COUNTY E0C.
6. Review evacuation sectors routes, and traffic and access control points with LYNN-SCOTT- ROCK FIREPROTECTiONDISTRICTCHIEF.


7. Authorize LYNN-SCOTT-ROCK FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF to contact COUNTY ESDA/ REGIONAL ESDA/ STATE ESDA and request assistance as required. .
8. During re-entry, return dosimetry and radiation exposure records to the LYNN-SCOTT-ROCK FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF for forwarding to IDNS.


VI (2c)

Pa9e 3 l l ~?~

Ogle County Preliminary Rev.012/82 ~{ = A. 2. Lynn-Scott-Rock Fire Protection District

                   .Upon receiving notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the DAVIS JUNCTION FIRE PHONE, the LYNN-SCOTT-ROCK FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF, or FIRE PROTECTI0tl DISTRICT MEMBER, will perform the following tasks:


1. Cocolete a NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM. Call OGLE C00tlTY SHERIFF'S TELEC0tcVNI-CATOR and verify the information Photocopy a sufficient numoer of copies for distribution to DAVIS JUNCTION and SCOTT TOWNSHIP 0FFICIALS.
2. Notify the DAVIS JUtiCTI0fl VILLAGE PRESIDEllT, or his alternate, of the situation.

(H) VI (2c) Page : h

Ogle County Preliminary Rev.012/82 4 - i N 4 Alternate - (B) - , , (H) -

3. Upon authorization from the DAVIS JUNCTION VILLAGE PRESIDENT, notify the following XEY officials:



CHIEF - Richard Love (B) .- (H) Alternate - Dennis Shear (B) (H)


(H) Alternate - (B) - (H) - ( -

      >                                                                                          i VI (2g)

Page 6

           #                      '                                                        -  -=

0gle County Preliminary Rev.0 I2/82 4~~

                      ,                                            (B) -     -

(H) - IF SITE EMERGENCY OR GENERAL EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION 4 Notify the above and following officials, or their alternates, of the situation. Advise them to place their personnel on, standby, and


report to the DAVIS JUilCTI0tt EOC to confer on the situation with the DAVIS JUtiCTIO!! VILLAGE PRESIDENT.

5. Ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter and TLD card) and completion of a radiation exposure record for all personnel that may be entering an exposure pathway area.

Potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to be distri-buted only upon the recommendation of ICftS. Assign a department person to maintain the VI (2g) Page 7 de

Ogle County Preliminary Rev.012/82 ( (~ s 00simetry Con'rol t Log (see Annex 2h):

   .                   Name:



6. Coordinate requests from Village and Township department heads for assistance from other
         ,      Village and county departments or outside agencies to meet manpower and resource needs.
7. Ensure that all departments distribute desi-metry and complete radiation exposure records to:- all emergency workers. Distribute dosi-metry to all personnel within, the DAVIS JUNC-TION E0C and have each complete a radiation exposure record, potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to be distributed only upon the recommen-i

! dations of IONS, maintain a dosimetry log book.

8. Review evacuation sectors, routes, and traffic and access contro! points with DAVIS JUNCTICN VILLAGE PRESIDE?!T.

( ( i s t VI (2g) Page 8 l l L

Ogle County Preliminary ?ev.012/82 C

9. Follow standard operating procedures for fire prevention and emergency medical services.


10. Direct the systematic notification of the public for Information/Take Shelter / Evacuation.
a. Direct squads and other departments to
       ,               notify the public via mobile P.A.

r . 11. Assists OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMEllT in k traffic and access control, as requested. l 4 f a-VI (2c) Page 9


Ogle County Preliminary Rev.012/82

12. Make requests for assistance to COUNTY ESDA/

REGIONAL ESDA/ STATE ESDA as the needs arise.

13. Coordinate with the STILLMAft VALLEY SUPERIrl-TENDENT OF SCHOOLS for the transportation of school students and general public, within effected sectors, to congregate care shelters in the event of evacuation.


14. Direct decontamination activities of Village r i,

equipment, with the assistance of 1015. '

15. During re-entry, coordinate with the STILLMAN VALLEY SUPERIflTENDEtli 0F SCHOOLS for the

( transportation of returning evacuees from congregate care shelters

16. During re-entry, ensure collection of all dosimetry and radiation exposure records by each department. Collect dosimetry and radia-tion exposure records personnel within the
     -                                                          f._

VI (2c) Page 10

T Ogle County Prelimina.y Rev.0 12/82 i

C DAVIS JUNCTION EOC. Forward all radiation exposure records and TLD's to

Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety

   .                                1035 Outer Park Drive P

Springfield, Illinois 62704 l t i l'

     'A i

P S i i I i , VI (2c) Page 11

                                                                                                 ...P                                 <

Ogle County 1 Preliminary Rev.012/82 ) (e . A. 3. Scott Township Supervisor Upon receiving notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the LYNN-SCOTT-ROCK FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, the SCOTT TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR will perform the folicwing tasks: IF NOTIFICATION OF Ut4 USUAL EVENT ORA'LERT CLASSIFICATION 5

    .r           1. Authorize mcbilization of township resources, if requested.


2. Report to the DAVIS JUNCTION E0C and confer with the DAVIS JUNCTION VILLAGE PRESIDENT on the situation.


3. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be made available for review.

4 Ensure the distribution of dosimetry (instant read dosimeter, personal raciation exposure record and TLD card) to all SCOTT TOWNSHIP VI (2g) Page 13

 ,                                                          Ogle County Preliminary Rev.0- 12/82

( \.' personnel utilized by the DAVIS JUNCTION i VILLAGE PRESIDENT. a

5. During re-entry, return dosimetry and radiation exposure records to the LYNN-SCOTT-ROCK FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF for forwarding to

i , l f


1 a n ,

                                                                              %    l l                                                                                   <

YI (20) Page 14 l

l Ogle County Preliminary Rev.012/82 A. 4. Scott Township Highway Comissioner Upon receiving notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the LYNN-SCOTT-ROCK FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, the SCOTT TOWNSHIP ROAD COMMIS-SI0tlER will perform the following tasks: IF NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT OR ALERT CLASSIFICATION g 1. Authorize mobilization of department resources, if requested. l IF SITE EMERGENCY OR GENERAL EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION l i

2. Report to the DAVIS JUNCTION EOC and receive a briefing on the situation from the DAVIS JUNCTION VILLAGE PRESIDENT.
3. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING FORM will be made available for review.

4 Receive authorization from the DAVIS JUf1CTICN VILLAGE PRESIDENT to initiate the department t l call list. VI (2g) Page 15

Ogle County Preliminary Rev.0 12/82 [ t

5. Notify Department personnel stating a point of assembly, the DAVIS JUNCTION FIRE STATION.
6. Ensure the distribution of dosimetry _ (instant read dosimeter and TLD card) and completion of a radiation exposure record for all personnel that may be entering an exposure pathway area.

Potassium iodide (KI) tablets are to be distri-buted only upon the recommendation of IDilS. Assign a department person to maintain the e i Dosimetry Control Log (see Annex 2h): ' Name:



7. Maintain clear roads by providing ecuipment to remove snow, debris, disabled vehicles, etc.
8. Provide and deliver barricades for use in traffic and access control, as recuired by the


                                       '/I (29)

Page 16

Ogle County Preliminary Rev.012/82 C

9. Direct personnel to assist IDMS and IEPA in
gathering samples of water & sewage, as i


10. Carry out decontamination activities of Town-ship equipment under the direction of the LYNN-SCOTT-ROCK FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF, with the assistance of IDNS.
   '      11. During re-entry, remove barricades from traffic and access control points.
12. During re-entry, ensure collection of all department dosimetry and radiation exposure re-cords. Turn in all radiation exposure records and TLD's to the LYNN-SCOTT-ROCK FIRE PROTEC-TION DISTRICT CHIEF for forwarding to IDNS.

l VI (2g) Page 17

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 Annex 2h Forms Table of Contents A. Forms and Pre-written Messages

1. Nuclear Accident Reporting System Form. . . . . . 1
2. Mobile P. A. Warning Script. . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3. News Media Script for Public Notification
a. County
1. Take Shelter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2. Evacuate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4 Dosimetry Control Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

i j' I s. s l VI (2h) Page i i 4

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 A. 1. NUCLEAR ACCIDEtiT REPORTIllG SYSTEM FORM gg 2 .-.* !,at 5,' r,tg*p,, S. ' T.a,j;,=gle g [_ ;*!!!F 6 [- 8888:*C b

                                                                             - .if. tV/.(4 a :s h4.19f              ,     .'1 643 g g ;!?ttl               'y .                     gj % at tet.9                               s. .4:
                           @!;ce w

f[ At'*

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6. 14Littt* thymell. _
                 .     "L ' '* 3 ** v tt.                                                             f.   **st si dt.tHE 15 6*            5I                                                                          g a.!:*;*;st 1      35 tail f.:n.ta0;;agtt'     t 3st35

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                                                                                                            ] u::cacff et LI:bla a at6ta;& 15 2CC;tals                                                             ] ns.aa;;Wf tet LI3wtg
1. staast f ? :Cuets. s.f @ c.A,nivan
m. att'netas *eafttigst aCficula
                          .h 808 IMF0maf!Ce 0%t . I.gutuat tatif. Ataf Of 'u%57:a'a?% a.;gl;tif t h esteest a:s 9:sst3LE acf tCm is#0Ls'*4 *at %9LIC. fS Is! %?IFiCafi;n. taktaf :S %I*t



(=(estatt ;t fu'.spoavatggs aCgs:Egit

                                                                >t  fall:ssu 860ftCfivt aCft:al. Llift ce CNea6 f tsst=C, ta
   \                       h scitre    P.tLit 70 fast fumsscatafsce aCCI*84f.)

1*tL'te tvacLa't h h 9 2 etLt AaDiul (Ga183WS et6ta18) l h 15aLil Fca featt t al Awasin8 SEC7 Cal ;31825 atLtastl Q h 5. 9 PILil 808 thatt (Il 3hans190 SECTOst (Gastgul attiais) s

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                          ] suf CaffLE La sf08tg FtIO te Ochsestee 5tCt:tl out 70                               etti.
9. SELlatt its C:stpefl4. EsPECit0 thMTIOm Os mGnitisct
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10. =tikt 0F .41ths sitta18 35 a  : souse dsth @ L'.t.a't3
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                %0ft .   .54 m37 aretitaatt tsa) ontet appoopeia?t.

nast g 09 2 na(n, . on


VI (Zh) Page 1

I Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 g NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM -- page 2 ' ( 13 33 _" 4 L 3s.ns "t. mm. u .-- the:

                                           === 438        '_02.II_*
                                                                                                    "#9 hit                 12e-:

ea C "89 649 19: --

                                                                                                    -es gle.a 3                      1             -t8 6
                                                          ' 7 43 _                                  _48 Ob3!                                       ?tF e

T. =- !st "F4" la *4a 43-_' " El ?84

u. e == mnin o.imm=. @ *@ *:
14. e4Af48 CGmmin04 (tals. Easus, st&gf. (TC.):
18. nirERafWlt MPFt1EJE3 (&f): @ 8 h C' er b d/M h fLivatte W tup, StPptMatt 8(A5hADWIFt '7 3fRBILITT CLASS (17 andhol te. aqLaang GEftC"IB era h stStat ei g1.r n- m.,.m- om m ,a  ?

Ex.n. , -.n. c . m . ,-a i ,

8. ftpt W Daluest (e % !Pur % WIs easTE. ETL):

C. f?Pt W 59388 OR CWrala3

8. fede e unresiA agte suure ( SR28. L; ate. Gasfems
8. (Is. m gLyarmag 3 faamputarts AECaguS SCIMs h 4 hM hW_
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                                                      .                        - ..                         5 (WT3;st se it. 8Aa.8. 431 ass ansgrves n                                       ,,_

E. 45aam velftse @e h ftB

                        m.4 =                                       _-                                           . . .
          ~                                                                                                                =
   -                                                                                                                           t, VI (2h)

Page 2 l

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 A. 2. Mobile P.A. Warning Script s Information Attention. There has been an incident at the BYRON STATION and all area residents should tune your radio to WR0K on the A.M. dial or WZOK on the F.M. dial for updates on the situation. Take Shelter Attention. There has been an incident at the CYRON STATION and the GOVERNOR has requested that all area residents seek immediate shelter. Tune your radio to WROK on the A.M. dial or WZOK

 ,e           on the F.M. dial for updates on the situation.

( Evacuate Attention. There has been an incident at the BYR0fl STATI0fl and the GOVERNOR has requested that all area residents begin . evacuating. Tune your radio to WROK on the A.M. dial or WZ0K on the F.M. dial for updates on the situation. t


VI (25) Pace 3

r___----_____._____. - - - l Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

            -               A. 3.               News Media Warning Script
a. County 1.. Take Shelter This is FLAME, your 0GLE County TITLE.

I have a message of vital importance for every man, woman and child presently located IDEflTIFICATI0ff 0F AREA in OGLE County. A radiological incident of serious magnitude at the BYR0fl STATION has been reported and Governor FLAME has just recommended that you take immediate shelter.

          <                                                                                              Do not, I repeat, Do not evacuate at
        .t'     -

this time. You may subject yourself to unnecessary radiation by evacuating now.

                        ,                                                                           If you are not inside at this time, immediately proceed to your home, your place of work, or to the home' or business of a friend or relative.           Once inside, stay there until you receive instructions to do otherwise.         Make sure that all windows and doors are tightly shut and that n'    air is getting inside.        Turn off all 7    cing and cooling systems that bring in air from the outside.         If your shelter has a basement, go there.         Do not tie up the    teleonone     lines    by     making   un-VI (2h)

Page 5

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 { necessary calls to friends or relatives, r" s Only use the telephone in emergency situa-tions and limit your conversation. Leave the lines free for emergency workers. All school children, nursing home residents and hospital patients are being well attended to by trained personnel. There

                                                                  ,                                                                        is no need to go there to pick anyone up.

If you are not presently located within this take-shelter area, do not attempt to enter. When it is safe to enter, you will be advised by emergency workers or this station. In the event the incident worsens, you may be requested to f'


evacuate to an area further av:ay from the BYRON STATION. To prepare for a possible evacuation you should, if possible, and without going outside, begin packing all necessary clothing, medical supplies and food for special diets to last you and your family for one week. Pack only essential items. Stay tuned to this station for further information as it becomes available. i


E. VI (25) Page 6

l 1 Ogle County l Preliminary Rev. 012/82 A. 3. News Media Warning Script

a. County
2. Evacuate This is NAME, your OGLE County TITLE.

I have a message of vital importance for every man, woman and child located IDENTIF-ICATION OF AREA in OGLE County. A radiolo-gical incident of a serious magnitude has been reported at the BYRON STATION and GOVERNOR NAME has just requested that you begin evacuating the area. Begin packing immediately. Pack all necessary clothing, medical supplies and food for special diets that you can gather for you and your family as soon as possible. You should be ready to leave in MINUTES minutes. All school children, nursing home , residents and hospital patients are being well at-tended to by trained personnel. There is no need to go there to pick up cryone. If you are presently located in CITY, evacuate in the general direction c? or by one or more of the folicwing routes: or . VI (2h) , Page 7

Il Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 i { (REUSE THE AB0VE PARAGRAPH AS NECESSARY) If you have friends or relatives re-siding at least twenty miles away from you in one of the general directions to be used in your evacuation, go there. If you need public shelter, fcilow the evacuation routes until emergency workers direct you to a public shelter area. No pets will be allowed in a public shelter. If you must take your pet with you to a public shelter, make provisions for your pet to stay in your vehicle. By all means, don't turn your pets loose outside to fend for themselves in the evacuation area. Limit - your telephone calls and keep them brief. ' Do'n ' t tie-up the lines for emergency. workers. If you are bedridden or have someone .in your household that is, call NU:iBER. Special arrangements will be made for them. That number again is NUMBER. Write it down now; NUMBER. If the number is busy, be patient and keep trying. If you are in need of transportation, stay tuned to this station for information on where buses will be departing frem. Additional messages will be broadcast on this station as information becomes available.


VI (2h) Page 8 l 1 i

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 , 1 l Dosimetry Control Log l 0051mETAT CominGL LOG (A) ht. (s) caum 2ATies (c) Oco (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (a) (s) (to) RAS 0051nETEA SERIAL MB. Tuan.In DATE yy El RCD. noe.g l nos : no : 5 SICAAluRE 155ufa musets (VI (V) CD-v.730 lCO.W.738 CD-v.742 QATE 345678 345678 34567a 345673 34567a 3 4 5 6 7,a 34567aj i 34567si 1 34567ai 34567a 34567a I e { VI (Zh) Page 9

1 l l Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 Dosimetry Control Log - Instructions , DostMYTRY CCNTpot, t.oc - INSTRUCTICMS Heedine. (A) Eater 103 (FACE) nuaner sequentially b, ualendar year, e.g.. 1/82. 2/82. 3/82. etc. (5) Enter organisation. e.g.. anytova Fire Dept.. etc. (C) Enter name of Dosiastry Control Of ficer (DCO). Coluan it): Enter date of issue e.g. 4/15/82. etc. Cslumn (2): Enter name and social security account nunner of reciptent. e. g. . Jones. John A. 123-4 5-e 7s9 Column f Ds Chess if potaastua todida (EI) issued. Enter "R" il refused. Column f.): Checa if Radiacion Esposure Recore issued. (NOTE: Must correspond with Self Reading Dostaatar model issued.) Column (H ter Enter' serial number (s) of Self Reading Dosimeter (s) issued La appropriate model nummer column (s). e.g.. CD-v-730 (D-v-738 CD-V-742 1 12345 E Column (4): Enter serial nuaner of Thernetwainesent Dosameter device issues. Coluan (9): Signature of recipient. Coli.r.n (10): Museers permanently entered correspond to column nuaters describing items issued. Circle those turnee-ia and enter date. e.g.. 3*5674 4/17/82 (stansfies radiation espesure recora . CD-y-738 Desameter one T!.D Cerd turn. on April 17. 1982). Calu:m (11): Enter date Radiatisn Espesure Record and TLD Card forvarsed to IDNS. e.g., 4/1dt02.

  • Cstuan (!!): Writtee tattials of DCO verif ying items turneJ-ta.


1. file sequentially la loose leaf bander.
2. E-out columns not used.
3. Note discrepancies watn emplanatory not...

I t I l


t l '/I (Jh) l Page 10 l

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev.012/82 A. INTRODUCTION The Sheltering Guide and its Annex 3a,

                              " Congregate Care Shelters" and Annex 3b,
                              " Sheltering Profiles", prov.ide specific instructions for sheltering the Byron Station EPZ population. Additionally it provides resource and data lists for the various sheltering aspects including . transportation, evacuation routes and facilities.

e ( .. VI(3) Page 1

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev.012/82 ( \ ( , B. SHELTERING INSTRUCTIONS Certain portions of the EPZ population have been given specific evacuation and sheltering considerations as shown below: .

a. County Jail The County Jail in Oregon holding an average of 35 inmates with maximum of 50 inmates shall be evacuated by

( the specific instructions of the Ogle County Sheriff's Department. The Sheriff will notify other Sheriff Departments in the surrounding counties who will

    )             dispatch their own County Sheriff Department vehicles to the jail in Or.egon. These vehicles will then transport the inmates to the surrounding county holding facilities.
b. Shut-in Pooulation Shut-ins are defined as people who by reasons of handicap or inability are confined to their home or severely limited in responding to notification and/or evacuation from their home.

There are several lists of shut-ins maintained for Ogle County. Yellow r Bird Senior Citizens maintains a list of shut-ins which they make available to VI(3) Page 2

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev 012/82 s the Oregon Police. Also, Commonwealth Edison maintains a list (called a Polio List) of health care patients who are dependant upon electrical power for their home based health care equipment. The CECO Polio List for Ogle County is available from the Dixon-Sterling District Headquarters (815/288-2211). The Sherrif's Department will interface and coordinate with the Oregon Police and CECO for notification and evacuation of shut-ins.

c. Pooulation with Soecial Transoortation Reouirements The Ogle County Sherrif's Department will
    }          interface and coodinate with the Oregon Ambulence Service to arrange transportation for people needing special assistance.

These people may include both private residents or nursing home patients who may not have adequate or readily available transportation.

d. School Students

A situation may occur during the evacuation of school students in that they may not have adequate numbers of bus seats available using their own district buses. When this situation i VI(3) Page 3

i l

                                                     .                                 Ogle County Preliminary, Rev.0 12/82 occurs, the SUPERINTENDANT OF EDUCATIONAL

^ '

                                    ,               SERVICES will request transportation assistance from other Ogle County school districts using the information shown in Chapter 3 Sections D and E.

l a 1 1 k I i I I l 1


VI(3) Page 4 l _......--- - , - ---- - .-

i' s a s t e

     )            a   cn                                  r e  i o                                  A r
   .Ds           A ri tt        n                         g n

g su o i it i v n Di t i i t a e v l s c c i e on o e oI L R c h e cr e R So v i t a n r e t l A S N s O t I ns T et C ddl U R euu e ttd t T aSA a S m D N ifr I too J s / G Erd N I en ba R m E u T N L E I I S

           .                                             e B                                              l t

i T s e t _ a e u e r t o _ r o u R A / o tn R n g co o n i. i n n i i g rt o o t y a ts'.

o. i t

i t a u B _ t ii a a c d S Dt c u a e s o c v w n l n L a E e o oI v i i o E d v t h n e j R a c l i R

   ~         O  u   S                          a    w

( T c m n C a r w _ E v o o S E N D

                             ;             .                 i i <

Il ! l . i

Ogle County Prelimintry Rev. 0 12/82

  <)    .

C. EPZ POPULATION The table below shows population of villages and unincorporated areas of township affected by the Byron i Station EPZ. Byron Township 1,514 , Byron City 2,035 Leaf River Township 685 Leaf River Village- 638

          .        Marion Township                  1,843 Stillman Valley Village (Part)                          947 Mt. Morris Township                855 Mt. Morris Village               2,989 Nachusa Township              ,


      )            Oregon Township                  1,143 Oregon City                      3,559 Pine Creek Township                205 Pine Rock Township                 899 Rockvale Township                1,305 Scott Township            -

807 i Stillman Valley Village

            ,         (Part)                           14 Davis Junction Village             113 I

White Rock Township 333 Flagg Township 33 Maryland Township 25 Rockford Township 1,128 Seward Township 48 Winnebago Township 119 o l - Total Population 21,622

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 0 12/62 {) C. EPZ POPULATION (CONT.) Note - Township populations do not include Populations of villages or cities within the township boundaries. Populations Source: US Bureau of Census

                  " Number of Inhabitants Illinos" PC 80-1-A15.

February, 1982. Map Source: Department of Transportation Office of Planning and Programming. General 4

       ;          Highway Maps, Winnebago County, rev. 13/21/80; Ogle County rev. 12/31/79.

t O


f i

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 0 12/82 {) D. OGLE' COUNTY SCHOOL BUSES RESOURCE


Superintendent of Educational Services Ray Appler B#(815)732-3201


H#(815)732-7127 Assistance Superintendent of i Educatonal Services Charles Hayea B#(815)732-3201 H#(815)734-6909 Contracted Buses 3 District Owned 140 Total 143 Licensed Drivers 180-190 NOTE: The County Regional Superintendent of Schools for Ogle County is responsible for the I dispatching and accountability of buses used in the evacuation of students and citizens from the Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) to the congregate care shelters. i s

 .                             ...-_ -.       -         .     - _.             - -~           -

Es OGLE COUNTY SCllOOL BUSES k".8 ) I.oca tion ,_ Telephone # Number of Number of Director llome # Buses Drivers Radio Frequency Byron i Bill Brown 12 21 No Glenn Radatz Leaf River (815)' Mike Maloney 7 4 Andy Martin 3 Oregon (815) Dr. Larry Beckley I 11 15 9 Art Shoemaker 1 Mto Morris (815) Dave Turner 7 Amos Taylor 7 Yes Meridian (815)' ' ' ' - ' Dave Miller 21 Community Neil Pablos 30 No Polo (815) Merle McCaphrey 11 8 Dick Rinard CB Rochelle liigh School Mel. Smith ~ 11 Ralph Jungles 15 Yes Kings Jim Egan ~ 3 Bill Adams

  • 3 2 Forreston Ted Gapinski ~

Ray Bolen 12 12 2-CB Rochelle Ray Neiner ~ Elementary Ward Countryman 12 19 Yes Creston Guy Danicki 2 4 Dan Graber No Lindenwood Judson Lusher ~ 3 6 Lavaughn Jones CB St. Paul i Lutheran Alvin Pabursky ~ 2 3 Larry Mueller No

     .   ~          -       -   -   -.- =           .                                      .
           . ..u                                      '

[] E. OGI.E COUNTY SCIIOOL BUSES 4 Number of Number of Lc ca tion Telephone # Director llome # . Buses Drivers Radio Frequency I Grand Detour John Novack 1-60 pas. 5 No Faith Christian

  • Dennis Shoemacher 1-15 pas.

Ogle County Charles Lamb 3-15 pas. 4 Yes Ed. Coop, with Tom Lynch KAL Bus Lines d

  • Can be contacted by pager through Sheriff's Dept.

ogle County Preliminary Rev. 0 12/82



Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 0 12/82 e ( ~ 1 B. CONGFJi: GATE CARE SHELTERING SPACES

       ,                         Carroll County l                                 Lanark                                        606 Shannon                                       965 Chadwick                                  1,000 i

Mt. Carroll 1,800 Miledgeville 763 6 Total 5,134 Stephenson County

 ,g                              Freeport                        Total    7,002
   ,                             Winnebago County l,                                Rockford                                 5,630 Loves Park                               1,260 Machesney Park                           1,352 Total   10,521 f

Boone County Belvidere Total 2,150 DeKalb County DeKalb 5,824

          /                      Sycamore                                 4,764 i

Total 10,558

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 0 12/82 ( B. CONGREGATE CARE SHELTERING SPACES (CONT.) Lee County Dixon 10,111

  ,              Paw Paw                                   1,795
   ,             Amboy                                     2,645
   ,                                             Total  14,551 D

Whiteside County Rock Falls 5,630 8 Sterling 3,300 I( Total 8,930 i l i i


( n


 .                      S      ~




         .             S
        .       S R
   -            E T

L A E E H R S A E N R O -.. . A. I T A

                  . U T     C A    A G    V E    E

- .. R G N

     .          O C

C S - E - C A P

     .               S R


  • S

l i Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 0 12/82 3 - 4 ANNEX 3B D I SHELTERING PROFILES i ) Table of Contents A. Carroll County ............................. 1


B. Stephenson County .......................... 6


C. Winnebago County .......................... 14 i D. Boone County .............................. 25 E. DeKalb County ............................. 28 F. Lee County ................................ 42

                'G. Whiteside County .......................... 55 l

Shaltering Profile 2.Name of Shelter /or Resource Shannon School

           .J Location 600 South Hickorv, Shannon. IL Telephone Number                      (815)

Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Norman Yackle _ Superintendent John Rogers Principal I Henry Sass Custodian Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: 2 Cyms 965 Washrooms Yes Showers Yes Kitchen No Seating Cafeteria No No. of meals available Food Supply No Check here if food is catered in Buses Yes Owned by school Yes Contracted Do buses have radios? Yes What frequency? Available drivers 10 . Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 300 l Miscellaneous resources 1

Plan reviewed by


I Date: l VI (3B) 9... i

                                                                                                -l shaltaring Profile
   - %Name
      )        of Shelter /or Resource Lanark High School
   ~~' Location School Drive, Lanark IL (on route 64)

I Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Don Siegmund Principal Sylvia Mueller Secretary Melvin Traum Custodian Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: __ Gymnasium 606 1 t Washrooms Yes Showers 20 Kitchen Yes Seating 125 Cafeteria Yes No. of meals available Food Supply 1000 Check here if food is catered in Buses 7 i Owned by school Yes Contracted i Do buses have radios? Yes What frequency? C.B. t

  • Available drivers 10 Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 500 Miscellaneous resources l

Plan reviewed by:


Date: l i i VI (33) Page 2

Shiltaring Profilm i

    'sName of Shelter /or Resource
     ')                                 Mt. Carroll Unit District Schools
    ~ Location           300 South Main Mt. Carroll. IL                                 '

Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Bill Daters Suoerintendent . _ Norm Coatney Principal c Rich Arbizzani Princinal Sheltering Area: Spaces Available:

,         Main Gym 1000 3rd Floor Emotv Classrooms                               600 Band Room 200   Total 1800 Washrooms Yes
    .)                                                          Showers Yes
    ' Kitchen Seating 140 Cafeteria Yes No. of meals available 2500 Food Supp1v_ Yes

' Check here if food is catered in Buses Yes Owned by school Yes f Contracted Do buses have radios? Yes What frequency?_ Available drivers 9 Available shelter volunteers PTO Vehicle Parking 40 Miscellaneous resources i Plan reviewed by:


Date: l i VI (3B) Page 3

Shaltaring Profile 1 Ic'Name of Shelter /or Resource Chadwick School

  . 1
     Location School Street, Chadwick, IL
!        Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact:             Titles:

E.L. Olds III Sunerintendent Glen Strauch Custodian Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Gym 1000 Washrooms Yes Showers Yes Kitchen Yes Seating 120-200 l Cafeteria Yes No. of meals available Food Supply Yes Check here if food is catered in Buses Yes

Owned by school No Contracted KAL
Do buses have radios? No What frequency?

Available drivers Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 40-60 Miscellaneous resources Plan reviewed by:


Date: VI (3B) Page 4 l

Shalterin3 Profils TJ Name of Shelter /or Resource Milledgeville Schools (High School)

   . 1
     ~~' Location Route 88, Milledgeville IL Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact:         Titles:

Earle Mailand Superintendent Lavton Pauson __ Principal (H.E.) Paul Svtes Custodian Sheltering Area: ) Spaces Available: Gvenasium 763 Multiournose Room Washrooms Yes Showers Yes

      ' Kitchen Yes                                             Seating 150 Cafeteria Yes No. of meals available          _

Food Supply Yes Check here if food is catered in Buses 'Yes Owned by school Yes C.ntracted Do buses have radios? Yes What frequency? C.B. Available drivers 6 Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 150 hiscellaneous resources Plan reviewed by:


Date: VI (3B) Page 5

Sholtaring Profilm

               .Name of Shelter /or Resource     Freenort Hieh Echnn1
           ""' Location         West Moslev Streer. Freannve. TT Telephone Number                                        Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact:                      Titles:                        Telephone:

H. Evans Prineinal Bob Schoof Head cusendian L. Ready Assistant Princioal Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Main Cvm 1440 Balcony 250 Old Gym 960 Torn! 2650 Washrooms Yes Showers 36 Kitchen Yes Seating 425 Cafeteria Yes No. of meals available 6500 Food Supply Yes Check here if food is catered Buses 37 Owned by school Yes Contracted No Do buses have radios? Yes What frequency? Available drivers 36 Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 1sn  ! i Miscellaneous resourcas First Aid Office. Home Eennnmica cinee vi rh 6 crnvoc Plan reviewed by:


Date: 3 b


i VI (3B) i v.nn A j l

Sh71tering Profilo

 '.Name of Shelter /or Resource
 )                                     Blackhawk School
 ~ Location 1401__S. Blackhawk Freeport. IL Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated                  '

Name of Persons to contact: Titles: John Maaske Princioal Don Eminstake Custodian Lee Kleepping Custodian Shelterlag Area: Spaces Available: Gym 520 Washrooms Yes Showers 4+4

   ' Kitchen Tes Seating 175 Ca fe teria. Yes No. of meals available 1500 Food Supply 1 week Check here if food is catered in Buses (See High School)

Owned by school (See High School) Contracted (See High School) Do buses nave radios? (See High School) What frequency?_ (See Hieh School) Available drivers (See High School) Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking Miscellaneous resources First Aid Room Plan reviersed by:




VI (33) Pago 7

Sheltering Profile Name of Shelter /or Resource Freeport Jr. High

       .   ~1 Location W. Empire Street. Freeport. IL Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact:             Titles:
   ,                Dean Carrect                            Principal Don Heilm4.R                            Custodian Sheltering Area:                                           Spaces Available:

Aux Cym 337 Main Girls Gym 450 Main Boys Cvm 450 Total 1237 Washrooms Yes Showers 53 Kitchen Yes Seating 280 Cafeteria Yes No. of meals available 1500 Food Supply I week Check here if food is catered in Buses (See High School) Owned by school (See High School) Contracted (See High School) Do buses have radios? (See High School) What frequency? (See Hieh School) Available drivers (See High School) Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking Miscellaneous resources Auditorium 900 Seating, Swimming Pool, First Aid Office, Audio Visual Room 220 Seating Plan reviewed by:


Date: VI (3B) Page 8

               --      ,.         ._                       . - =     --_ -               ___ -_                  _               . _ -          --       ~.   - _ _ -

Sh71 taring Profilo

   - Name of Shelter /or Resource Empire School 0    Location W. Empire Street, Freeport, IL Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact:                       Titles:

I Telephone: John Hartog i Principal Lyle Cramer Custodian Sheltering Area:

 ,                                                                                              SP aces Available:

Gym 412 Washrooms _ Yes i Showers 4+4 Kitchen Seating 100 Cafeteria No. of meals available None Food Supply None Check here if food is catered in Buses (See Hich School) Owned by school (See High School) Contracted (See High School) Do* buses have radios? (See High School) What frequency? (See High School) Available drivers (See High School) Available shelter volunteers VehibleParking Miscellaneous resources First Aid Room, Special Education Facility (20 x 30) Plan reviewed by:


Date: VI (3B) Page 9 1 1

Sh71tering Profilo

y. Name of Shelter /or Resource Tavlor Park N
     ""' Location                 East Stephenson Street, Freeport. IL Telephone Numbet Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact:                                           Titles:

Mrs. Stevens Princinal Walter Mildenstein Custodian Herman Farrar Custodian ... Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Gym 237 i Washrooms Yes i Showers 2+2

       ~ Kitchen Yes
  • Seating 150 Cafeteria No No. of meals available 350 Food Supply Yes Check here if food is catered in Buses (See Hich School)

Owned by school (See High School) Contracted (See High School) Do buses have radios? (See High School) What frequency? (See High School) Available drivers (See High School) Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 200 Miscellaneous resources First Aid Room, All Purnose Room (36 x 66) Plan reviewed by:


Date: T

  .i _

VI (3B) Page 10 i r - . . _ - . . , , . - _ . _ . _, , _ _

Shaltaring Profilm 2 me of Shelter /or Resource Douglas School Location W. Laurel, Freeport, IL I I Telephone Number Area to'be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact: Titles: e Terry Anderson Princioal , Larry Meier Custodian

  • Rober Maher Night Custodian Sheltering Area: Spaces Available:

Gym 480 Hashrooms Yes Showers 3+3

  ~)                                                     -
 ' Kitchen   Yes                                             Seating 150 Cafeteria No                                              No. of meals available 300 Food Supply Yes                                          Check here if food is catered in Buses (See High School)

Owned by school (See High School) Contracted (See High School) Do buses have radios? (See High School)

  • What frequency? (See High School)

Available drivers (See High School) Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking Miscellaneous resources First Aid Room Plan reviewed by:


Date: VI (3B) Page 11

_ Sheltering Profile

         ~' N
       .'$ameofShelter/orResource Center School
        '" Location 718 E. Illinois. Freenort, IL I

Telephone Number (815) 232-3015  ! Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Telephone: Tom Nesmith Principal (815) 235-9157 Allen Heilman Custodien (815) 232-6741 Willie Turner Custodian l (815) 235-7892 Sheltering Area:

Spaces Available

Gym _ ,_ 480

        . Washrooms- Yes
         )                                  .                                           Showers 3+3
         ' Kitchen _ Yes Seating 200 Cafeteria No No. of meals available 155 Food Supply Yes Check here if food is catered in Buses       (See Mich School)

Owned by school (See High School) i Contracted (See High School) Do buses have radios? (See High School) What frequency? (See Hieh School) Available drivers (See High School) Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 100 Miscellaneous resources First Aid Room, Utility Room 66 x 36 vidth Plan reviewed by:




i l VI (3B) Page 12 I i

.. 1 i 1 1 Shiltering Profile i

      .Name of Shelter /or Resource                        Carl Sandburg School                                                l Location                 1717 Ebv Street, Freeport, IL Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact:                                   Titles:

James D. Argo Principal C. H. Wells . Assistant Princinal Michel Diestelmeier Custodian Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Gvm 1200 Yes Showers 16 + 16

    ) Kitchen Washrooms -

Yes _ - Seating 230 Cafeteria Yes No. of meals available None Food Supply No Check here if food is catered in ,' Buses (See High School) Owned by school (See High School) Contracted (See High School) Do buses have radios? (2ee High School) What frequency? (See High School) Available driv 2rs (See High School) Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking , Miscellaneous resources Swimming Pool, First Aid Room, Home Ec. Room (3 stoves. 5 double sinks) Plan reviewed by:


, Date: VI (3B) Page 13

        - - . .        - , ~ .-       . , . . , - -               --           -            _           -                   .-

I Sh11 taring Profila

    . Name of Shelter /or-Resource
      .                                Guilford High School
   -- Location       5620 Springereek Road Rockford IL Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact:            Titles:

Roger Johnson Principal

Darrel Mangas Assistant Principal Donald H. Oleson Assistant Principal Robert Brandt Building Engineer Sheltering Area: Spaces Available:

Commons Area Gym 450 680 Aux Gym Aux Gym 440 250 Aux Gym 292 Total =2118 t Washrooms Yes - Showers 55 Kitchen. Yes Seating 600 . Cafeteria Yes No. of meals available 14.000 Food Supply Yes, also cater to 2 schtols Check here if food is catered in Buses Yes..Rockford School District Owned by school Yes Contracted 1 Do buses have radios? Yes What frequency? Available drivers 100 Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 564 Miscellaneous resources 2900 lockers. Auditorium 1,050 seating Plan reviewed by:


Date: i s I VI (3B)  ! Page 14 l 1

l Shiltering Profilo

          . Name of Shelter /or Resource                                          Harlem North Campus N

M ocation 9229 North Alpine Road l i Rockford. It i ! Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Beryl Thurman Principal William Hale Assistant Principal Bill Lange Building Engineer Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Cvm 1800 Aux Cvm 404 Total 2204 Washrooms Yes

           )41tchen        Yes Showers 40
                                                                                                     . Seating 250 Cafeteria Yes                                                                                 No. of meals available 450 per dav Food Supply No-food catered-Harlem South Check here if food is catered in Buses            Yes Owned by school Harlem Con. School Dist.                                                      Contracted Do buses have radios? Yes                                                                     What frequency? C.B.

Available drivers Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 775 Miscellaneous resources 1500 lockers, auditorium 800 seats Plan reviewed by:




VI (3B) Page 15

Sh21terinn Profilm Name of Shelter /or Resource Haight Elementary School

 ] Location         4704 N. Rockton Avenue. Rockford, IL 1

Telephone Number .-- . Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Curtis W. Slabaugh Principal i Richard Freeman Head Teacher Gladyn Raatz Building Engineer Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Gvm/ Cafeteria 480

   ~ Washrooms 13 Showers 2 Kitchen    Yes               -

Seating 256 Cafeteria Yes No. of meals available Food Supply No Check here if food is catered in Buses Yes Owned by school Rockford School District Contracted Do buses have radios? Yes What frequency?, Available drivers 100 Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 70 + 50 Miscellaneous resources Media Center Plan reviewed by:


Date: VI (33) Page 16

I i Shaltering Profile

      . Name of Shelter /or Resource        Brookview Elementary School
   -      ')
     ~~ Location              1750 Madron Road, Rockford, IL                                              ;

Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Telephone: Randall Larson Principal j Richard Hubbard Building Engineer l Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: t Gve/ Cafeteria 310 , Washrooms 7

     ~..                                                              Showers 2 t
      / Kitqhen_ Yes Seating 280 in Gym Cafeteria Yes No. of meals available None Food Supply No Check here if food is catered in Buses Yes i

Owned by school Rockford School District Contracted Do buses have radios? Yes What frequency? . Available drivers Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 100 Miscellaneous resources Black-top area - North of building - 132' X 32' t l Plan reviewed by:


Date: l VI (3B) Page 17

Shtitarine Profile Name of Shelter /or Resource C.P. Carlson Elementary School Location 4015 Riverlane, Rockford IL 61111 Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Telephone: Kent F. Mevers Princioal Phil Messina Building Enginear Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Gvm/ Cafeteria 500 e Washrooms Yes Showers 3


Kitchen 1 small stove Seating 224 Cafeteria No. of meals available None Food Supply None Check here if food is catered in Buses Yes Owned by school Rockford School District Contracted Do buses have radios? Yes What frequency?_ Available drivers Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 45 cars Miscellaneous resources

.      Plan reviewed by:


I Date: VI (3B) Page 18

Sh11 taring Profilo 5g Name of Shelter /or Resource Elmwood Center School


Location 3445 Elmwood Road, Rockford, Il Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact: Titles: 1 _ David Rehnberg Principal David Valenti Department Head Stephan Messina Building Engineer Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Cvm 190 k'ashrsoms Yes Showers I with 3 shower heads Kitchen 1 stove 2 ovens Seating none Cafeteria none No. of meals available none Food Supply none' Check here if food is catered in X Buses Yes Owned by school Contracted Septran Do buses have radios? Yes l What frequency? Available drivers 100 Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 65 cars l Miscellaneous resources blacktop area, 60' x 120' I Plan reviewed by:


Date: VI (33) Page 19 i

Shaltaring Profile

         . Name of Shelter /or Resource     Springereek Elementary School
       ~ Locati,on_      5222 Springereek Road, Rockford, IL Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact:             Titles:                                                Telephone:

David Hawkinson Principal Grant Mever Building Engineer Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Gym 450

 ;         Washroons 9 Showers i

jKitchen_ yes Seating 400 in gym Cafeteria None No. of meals available None Food Supply No Check here if food is catered in Buses Yes Owned by school Rockford School District Contracted Do buses have radios? Yes What frequency? Available drivers 100 Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 80 Miscellaneous resources 50' X 300' Back yard blacktop playground _ Plan reviewed by:


Date: VI (3B) Page 20

Shiltering Profilo

   -N        f Shelter /or Resource                Cuilford Center Emergency School
  .]'ameo Location 1390 North Mulford Road, Rockford. IL Telephone Number __                                        Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact:                           Titles:                                Telephone:

Edward A Fuef Princioal __ Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Cym 252 Auditorium 100 Total 352

;    Washrooms 8                                                             Showers 10 l
    )Titchen   Yes                                                           Seating 192 Cafeteria Yes                                                           No. of meals available 300 Food Supply Yes

__ Check here if food is catered in Buses Yes Owned by school Rockford School District Contracted Do buses have radios? Yes What frequency?_ Available drivers 100 Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking Miscellaneous resources l l Plan reviewed by:


Date: 1 VI (3B) l Page 21

                                                                                       - - - -                -~ - ~ ' ~

Sh11 taring Profile

      - Name of Shelter /or Resource J. F. Kennedy Middle School
   . 1
     ~~ Location 4664 N. Rockton Avenue Rockford, IL Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated

. Name of Persons to contact: Titles: John Costello Princioal Sylvia Coff Assistant Principal Earl Morris Building Engineer Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Gv=nasium 1080 Gvenastics Room 225 Total 1305 Washrooms 10 Showers 62

       ' Kitchen No stoves                                                          Seating 252 Cafeteria Yes

~ No. of meals available Food Supply None Check here if food is catered in X Buses Yes Owned by school Rockford School District Contracted Do buses have radios? Yes What frequency? Available drivers 1u0 Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 150 Miscellaneous resources 160 x 210 black-top area Auditorium 613 seats, Home Economics Room with stoves Plan reviewed by:


Date: VI (3B) Page 22

                                                  > - - - -     ,-       .r, ,-c.                        - - , , - - - - , - ,.e----,

Shiltaring Profils

   ~   Name of Shelter /or Eisource    Harlem South Camous

Location 735 Windsor Road I Loves Park, IL l Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Jerry Fisher Principal Don Allen Assistant Principal Bob Schoonmaker Head Custodian Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Gym 720 Aux Gym 540 Total 1260 Washrooms Yes T Showers 30

   ) Kitchen Yes                                                    Seating 250 per sitting Cafeteria Yes                                                 No. of meals available 30,000 Food Supply Yes-cater meals to other schools Check here if food is catered in Buses Yes Owned by school Harlem Con. School Dist.                      Contracted Do buses have radios? Yes                                    What frequency?         C.B.

Available drivers Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 350 l Miscellaneous resources 1500 lockers. Gym balcony 750 seating l Plan reviewed by:


Date: l l VI (3B) Page 23

Shtitaring Prefila Name of Shelter /or Resource Franklin Middle School . 7

 .~    Location     8615 N. Secord Street, Machesney Park. IL Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact:                 Titles:

James McClurg Principal David Fulling Assistant Principal Robert LaBore Head Custodian Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Gym 1352 Washrooms Yes Showers 24 Kitchen Yes Seating 150 Cafeteria Yes No. of meals available 350 m r day Food Supply No-supplied by Harlem H.S. South Check here if food is catered in Buses Yes Owned by school Harlem Con. School Dist. Contracted Do buses have radios? Yes What frequency? C.B. Available drivers Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 200 Miscellaneous resources 861 Lockers

Plan reviewed by


I Date:


VI (3B) Page 24 ' t _ _ . , _ , _ _ , , . ~ . -----

                                .           .__ =      ,  -.          ..       . - .                   _   __

4 Shaltaring Profilo

       -. Name of Shelter /or Resource            Washington Elementary School
   . 'l Location 1031 Sth Avenue, Belvidere IL 1

Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Marvin Schuster Principal John McMorrow Assistant Principal 1 Tom Nelson Head Custodian Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Gymnasium 200 4 Washrooms _ Yes 3 Showers Yes

      / Kitchen Yes                                                           Seating                Yes Cafeteria Yes No. of meals available 1000 Food Supply Yes Check here if food is catered in I

Euses Yes Owned by school Yes Contracted Do buses have radios? Yes What frequency?_ . Available drivers Yes Available shelter volunteers Yes Vehicle Parking Yes Miscellaneous resources l l Plan reviewed by:


page: VI (3B) Page 25 i l



Shiltering Profilm Name of Shelter /or Resource Belvidere Junior Hich School Location 520 Pearl Street, Belvidere. IL Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Warren Emrv Princioal , Rudv Cron Assistant Princioal ! Lowell Feltz Head Custodian Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Gymnasium 250

          ,        Washroons Yes                                                           ,

Showers Yes

          / Kitchen Yes                                                                          Seating Yes l                  Cafeteria Yes                                                                 No. of meals available 1000 l                   Food Supply Yes                                                              Check here if food is catered in 1

Buses Yes Owned by school Yes Contracted Do buses have radios? Yes What frequency? Available drivers Yes Available shelter volunteets Yes Vehicle Parking Yes i Miscellaneous resources Plan reviewed by:


Date: VI (3B) Page 26 i

  - - ~       --                  - ,. . . - .                , - , .      . , - - , - - ,         - - - -          - - - . , - - - - - -      ----         - ~ - - - -

I l Shiltering Profile j Name of Shelter /or Resource Belvidere Senior Hich School

      ) Location1500 East Avenue, Belvidere. IL J

t Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact: Titles: $ Willard Prvnn Principal Joan Brannah Assistant Princioal l Fred Craig Head Custodian l Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: l Cvenasium 1700 1 .i

       'a'a shrooms Yes                                       Showers Yes
      ' Kitchen Yes                                           Seating Yes Cafeteria Yes                                          No. of meals available 1500 i       Food Supply Yes                                       Check here if food is catered in Buses      Yes l

Owned by school Yes Contracted Do buses have radios? Yes What frequency? Available drivers Yes Available shelter volunteers Yes Vehicle Parking Yes I I Miscellaneous resources Plan reviewed by:




VI (3B) Page 27 l 1 l

dn71tsring Protilo

     ,   Name of Shelter /or Resource        g,rmmnrn n4gh schnni                     ,
       -, Location        Srsrean Trail. Svea= ore. IL Telephone ' Number              _

Area to be Evacuated,_ Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Deeinic Marchiando Principal Janet Young Custodian ,_, Dick Sticher Asst. Principal _ Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Cyr 625 Gym 1,320 2 ses11 cyes 605 2,550 (Total) Washroo=s Yes Showers 29 N JKitchen Yes Seating 300 Cafeteria Yes No. of meals available 6,000 Food Supply Yes Check here if food is catered Buses owned by school Contracted Do buses have radios? What frequency? Available drivers Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 150 Miscellaneous resources Auditorium - 700 seatine. Librarv - 60' x 60' l Plan reviewed by:


Date: T VI (3B) Page 28

Sh71tering Prsfilo _Nrme of Shelter /or Resource svemenre Jr. ufoh schnn1 . =ocation

  'i 115 Manlewood Dr.. Sve=mnre. TT.

Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated . of Persons to contact: Titles: Telephone: leRoy Crenthnuce princinal Bob Folowell cusendf=n Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Cv- J00 Cv- 486 1.386 (Tnenti Washrooms 8 Showers 90

   )itchen        Yes                                           Seating        200 Cafeteria       Yes                                           No. of meals available Food Supply      (From Hich School)                           Check here if food is catered Buses Owned by school                                               Contracted Do buses have radios?                                         What frequency?

Available drivers Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 50 & Field Miscellaneous resources Librarv 50 t 50 Plan reviewed by:


Date: 1 s J VI (3B) Page 29

dnittering Profilo l _ Name of Shelter /or Resource North Elementary School ocation Brickville Road, Sveamore. IL Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated _ Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Telephone: Helen Kraus princien) Ken Mndlev Cucendian , l Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: cym 1An Washrooms 16 Showers vnno e,.d4ng Kitchen y,, Seating 250 Cafeteria y,e No. of meals available Food Supply v.r- High gehnni Check here if food is catered Buses Owned by school Contracted Do buses have radios? What frequency? Available drivers Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking own l Miscellaneous resources I l Plan reviewed by:


Date: d l l l VI (3B) Page 30 l l l l

snutering Profile - _Name of Shelter /or Resource  %,,,w ree, rim

 '                                                                        ,,, t , .. ce h M ocation        718 S. Locust, Sveamore, IL Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated.

Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Telephone: Lewis Ultrich o r4-rinut John Sietsema _ Custodian . Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Cvm 234 Washrooms _ 12 Showers t e, itchen_ Yes Seating ?co Cafeteria _ Yes No. of meals available Food Supply From Hieh School Buses Check hete if food is catered owned by school Contracted Do buses have radios? What frequency? Available drivers Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking sn Miscellaneous resources Plan reviewed by:


Date: l VI (3B) Page 31

Sh71tering Profilo 1 Name of Shelter /or Resource West Elementarv School

  • ocation 240 Fair, Sveamore, IL Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Telephone: I Don Jenkins Princinal Arnold McMillan Custodian
 ,                                                                                                                           i Sheltering Area:                                                     Spaces Available:

Gym 234 Washrooms 12 Showers 16

        ' Kitchen            Yes                                             Seating         200 Cafeteria           Yes                                             No. of meals-available Food Supply         From High School                      -

Check here if food is catered Buses owned by school Contracted ' Do buses have radios? What frequency? Available drivers Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 50 Miscellaneous resources Plan reviewed by:


Date: l J l

J VI (3B)

Page 32 i i

l. - _

Sh71terinz Prnfiln _Name of Shelter /or Resource DeKalb High School

    - ocation                    1515 S. Fourth St.. DeKalb. IL 1

Telephone Number Area to be Evacuat'ed Nicht - 815)758-7488 i Name of Perso(ns to contact: Titles: Telephone: Robert Brayfield Principal l Jim Snyder Head Custodian Sheltering Area: Spaces Available:

Gvs 216 j Gym 1

486 1 cr- 1.440 2.142 (Total) Washrooms 20 Showers 32

    \pit chen                     Yes                                               Seating                 300 Cafeteria                 Yes                                               No. of meals available 10.000                  I l

Food Supply Yes Check here if food is catered , Buses 25 j Owned by school No Contracted tone Buc co. Do buses have radios? Yes What frequency? 4600 sm7 Available drivers 25 _ i j Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 500 Miscella:'cous resources Full-time school nurse. auditorium nameine 800 l i l Plan reviewed by:


Date: i


J l VI (3B) Page 33

Shelte: ring Profilo s Name of Shelter /or Resource Huntlev Middle School

  .} Location 7th and Tavlor Streets, DeKalb. IL Telephone Number _                      _       Area to be Evacuated
!                     night            -

Name of Persons to contac.t Titles: Telephne: j Robert D. Williams Principal i Ed F.mberson Head Custodian 1 Sheltering Area: i Spaces Available: 1 Gym ) 630 Washrooms Yes

    / Kitchen Yes Showers Yes Seating 300 Cafeteria Yes No. of meals available 500 Food Supply      See Hieh School Check here if food is catered in Buses            See Hieh School Owned by school (See High School)          '

Contracted (See High School)

      ~Jo buses have radios? (See High School)

What frequency?_ (See High School) Available drivers (See High School) Available shelter volunteers (See High School) Vehicle Parking Yes Miscellaneous resources liome Ec. Kitchen, Media Room 40' x 40', Activity Room 50' x 50' l l Plan reviewed by:


Date: s .l i VI (3B) Page 34 4

Shaltering Profilm Name of Shelter /or Resource n r. . . . . . w4aat. c.tge, ocation 650 N. First. Dern1h. TI. Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Night - Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Telephone: Georee Riccio Peineinal Ted Ekstrom Custodian Bud Descarpentrie Custodian Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Gym 675 Gvm 280 955 (Total) Washrooms 16 Showers Ik__, Kitchen Yes Seating 250 Cafeteria Yes No. of meals available None Food Supply None Check here if food is catered Buses See High School Owned by school - See Mich School Contracted Lone Bus Co. Do buses have radios? See Hinh School What frequency? see Hieh school Available drivers See Hinh School Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 150 Miscellaneous resources Plan reviewed by:


Date: VI (3B) Page 35

                   ~ _ _ _ -

pnettering Profile;

          ~Name of Shelter /or Resource checchen r t ,~m e , rv        c: r k n,,3 M ocation_

9th & Garden DeKalb. IL

          -Telephone Number                                                                                                            _

Night - ___ Name of to contact: Area to be Evacuated _ Titles: _ ___ James Keenev Telephone: _ ve 4,, r < ., ,1 Ron_Meier _ Custodian Sheltering Area: _ Gvm Spaces Available:

       -                                                                               _ 291.

Washroo=s 5 iitchen_ 'Yes Showers _ No Cafeteria _ _ Seating _ 250 (Same as e*m) Food Supply _ _ From Mich School No. of meals available_ _ Buses _ See Mich schoot Check here if food is catered _ _ Owned by school __See High School Do buses have radios? See High School Contracted _ See Hieh School _ Available drivers _ What frequency? See High School _ l Available shelter volunteers . Y.iscellaneous resources Vehicle Parking 50 Dav care center _ Plan reviewed by:


Date: 4 VI (3B) Page 36 -

l Shaltsring Profilm Name of Shelter /or Resource Lincoln School Location South 2nd and Sunset. DeKalb IL l Telephone Number i n: Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Telephone: Bob Healev Principal Russ Hjelmberg Custodian Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Gym 294 i Washrooms d T Showers 1

          / Kitchen Yes Seating 150 Cafeteria Yes No. of meals available Food Supply _ From High School Check here if food is catered in Buses   (See High School)

Owned by school (See High School) Contracted (See High School) , Do buses have radios? (See High School) What frequency? (See High School) Available drivers (See High School) Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking Miscellanc ts resources Plan re- red by:


Date: l


l VI (3B) Page 37

Shalterinn Profilm Name of Shelter /or Resource Little John Elementary School

                 'l Location North 12th and School Street. DeKalb, IL i

i Telephone Number ,_, Area to be Evacuated night Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Telephone: Irwin Cox Principal Wayne Bogle Custodian Morris Benson Head Custodian Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Gvm 180 Gym 240 J Total 420 . Washrooms 8 Showers None T


Kitchen Yes Seating 150 Cafeteria Yes No. of meals available Food Supply From High School Check here if food is catered in Buses (See Hieh School) Owned by school (See High School) Contracted (See High School) Do buses have radios? (See High School) What frequency? (See High School) Available drivers (See High School) Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking , Miscellaneous re~ sources ( 3 Plan reviewed by:


Date: VI (3B) Page 39 I

  ,__...----r                           . - _ . - . - , . - _ _ _        .                                         -    , - - _ _ , -

Shtltering Profilm

       -N                                                                Tyler Elementarv 6 ame                 of Shelter /or Resource Location 125 W. Alden DeKalb, IL i.

Telephone Number ( Area to be Evacuated night Name of' Persons to contact: Titles: Telephone:

          ,,JGpy Todnem                                                                  Principal Dave Hanson                                                          Custodian Sheltering Area:                                                                                 Spaces Available:

Gym 450

       . Washrooms                        9                                                              Showers No Kitchen No                                                                                     Seating 120 Cafeteria Yes                                                                                  No. of meals available Food Supply From High School                                                                  Check here if food is catered in Buses (See High School)

Owned by school (See High School) Contracted (See High School) Do buses have radios? (See High School) What frequency? (See High School) Available drivers (See High School Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 50 Miscellaneous resources Plan reviewed by:


Date: i VI (3B) Page 39 f

a - - J - - - a - -- - Shaltaring Profilm sName of Shelter /or Resource Roberts Elementarv ocation Ridge and Normal Road, DeKalb, IL Telephone Number (8 Area to be Evacuated night Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Telephone: Ken Platt Princioal Paul Erdman Custodian Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Gym 315 Washrooms 6 Showers No


Kitchen None Seating 100 Cafeteria None No. of meals available Food Supply From High School Check here if food is catered in Buses (See High School) Owned by school (See High School) Contracted (See High School) Do buses have radios? (See High School) What frequency? (See High School) Available drivers (See High School)

,   Available shelter volunteers                                 Vehicle Parking 25                     l

, Miscellaneous resources l . l Plan reviewed by:


Date: 1 l VI (3B) Page 40 l 1

Shiltaring Profile

   ..Name of Shelter /or Resource  Jefferson Grade School                                        l ocation McCormick Drive. DeKalb, IL Telephone Number __                  ___     Area to be Evacuated nigt Name of Persons to contact:              Titles:                         Telephone:

Linda Murphy Principal Dick Hamna Custodian Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: , Gym 324 Washrooms 7 Showers None


sKitchen Yes Seating 160 Cafeteria Yes No. of meals available Food Supply From High School Check here if food is catered in Buses (See High School) Owned by school (See High School) Contracted (See High School) Do buses have radios? (See High School) What frequency?- (See High School) Available drivers (See High School) Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 30 Miscellaneous resources Plan reviewed by:


Date: VI (3B) Page 41



l Sh21 taring Profile

          ,   Name of Shelter /or Resource Paw Paw Elementary 0       Location   ' Chapman Street, Paw Paw, IL I                                                                                                                      !

Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated t Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Marvin Leuschke Principal (Elementary) June Safranek Janitor Steve Stenger Principal (High School) Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Gym 75 x 90 675 Washrooms Yes showers 6 3M13F Kitchen No Seating Cafeteria No No. or meals available Food Supply Buses 6 3x6 2x66 lx30 Both Schools owned by school Yes Contracted Do buses have radios Yes What frequency? CB Available drivers 9 Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 300 Miscellaneous resources i i t Plan reviewed by:


Date: i VI (3B) Page 42 l l l

Shtitaring Protile Name of Shelter /or Resource Paw Paw High School Location 240 Chapman St., Paw P v. IL Telephonc Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact: Titles: ' Steve Stenger Principal (High School) Keith Flordhuttz Head Custodian i Marvin Leuschke _ Principal ' (Elementary) Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Gym 140 x 80

1. 12 0 Washrooms Yes Showers 12 6M/6F Kitchen Yes 2 stoves 2 ovens Seating 125 Cafeteria Yes No. of meals available i **

Food Supply Buses See Paw Paw elementary Owned by school Yes Contracted Do buses have radios Yes What frequency? CB Available drivers 9 Available shelter volunteers Vehicle parking Miscellaneous resources Plan reviewed by:




VI (3B) Page 43 l l __ _ , _ . -

Sh' altering Profilm Name of Shelter /or Resource Amboy High School Location Metcalf and Hawlev, Amboy. IL Telephone Number 8 _ Area to be Evacuu.ed Name of Persons to contact: Titles: James Braida Principal Don Wvegowski Asst. Principal Ron Biester Head Custodian Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Gym 1,080 1 i Washrooms Yes Showers 48 Kitchen Yes, 1 stove and 1 oven Seating 200

;.       Cafeteria Yes                                                No. of meals available 6,000 Food Supply 30 dav 1 meal Buses 17 used for 3 schools (Buses used by High School, Central School & Jr. High School Owned by school Yes Contracted Do buses have radios No Excent for 1                         What frequency?

Available drivers 14 regular and 12 substitutes Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 300 Miscellaneous resources Large storage area adjacent to school with several months dry l supply. Auditorium stage 50 x 50 and 490 seats Plan reviewed by:


Date: VI (3B) Page 44 l

Shtitaring Profils Name of Shelter /or Resource Amboy Junior High School

  ~]       Location 140 S. Apr.letor: Avenue. Amboy,_IL                                                    i Telephone Number                                                                                l Area to be Evacuated

( Name of Pe'rsons to contact: Titles: C. H. Bumba Principal Lois Dav Head Custodian t

;         Sheltering Area:

Spaces Available: Gym 1,190 Cafeteria Washrooms _Yes Showers _16 6M 10F Kitchen Yes 3 stoves

    )                                                                Seating         250 Cafeteria Yes
No. of meals available 300 meals /das Food Supply 10 Meal - day (Use Warehouse)

Buses Yes Owned by school Yes Contracted Do buses have radios What frequency? i Available drivers t Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking . Miscellaneous resources 4 kitchen in Home Ec Washer & Drver/Ramos/back heating & Lighting / media center room / school grounds can be secured Plan reviewed by:


,i Date: VI (3B) Page 45 ! J

Shaltaring Profilm Name of Shelter /or :tesource Central School Location 30 E. Provost St.. Amboy. It i Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact: Titles: George Mason Principal Dick Lohse IIead Custodian Sheltering Area: 1~ Spaces Available: Gym 375

                . Cafeteria Washrooms Yes Showers 5 Kitchen Yes 3 stoves. 2 ovens                               Seating _100 Cafeteria Yes 50 x 25 No. of meals available 3000 Food Supply Yes 1 meal-month Buses Yes 17 (See High School Info.)

Owned by school Yes Contracted Do buses have radios , What frequency? Available drivers Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 200 Miscellaneous resources Plan reviewed by:


Date: 1 VI (3B) Page 46 4

          , ~ , , _ . _ . , , , , _ _ _ - _ . .                         -_          . , . , _ . ,    ,  . . , ~ , , _

r i snaltering Profilt Name of Shalter/or Rascurca Dixon High School

  " Location        Lincoln Statue Drive, Dixon, IL 0

Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact: Titles: James German Principal ' Kent Johansen Assistant Principal Arc Maves Head Custodian Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Cvm (Old) 3700 Gvm (new) Washrooms Yes _ Showers Yes Kitchen Yes Seating 450 Cafeteria Yes No. of meals available 10,000 Food Supply Yes Buses Yes Owned by school No Contracted R. W. Harmon Do buses have radios What frequency? Available drivers Available shelter volunteers . Vehicle Parking 200 Miscellaneous resources Prepares food for all elementarv schools _Balconv in new gym Plan reviewed by:


. Date:

 ]                                             VI (3B)

Page 47

N;me of Sh21ter/or Ragourca Weshington Eleuntary School Location 703 E. Morgan St.. Dixon, IL m 1


Telephone Number

                                                     /rea to be Evacuated                                   \

Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Telephone: Richard DeFauw Principal Donald Sloan Head Custodian-Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Gym . 816 Washrooms Yes Showers Yes Kitchen No (only serving line) Seating 300 Cafeteria Yes No. of meals available Food Supply Some supplied from High School Buses Yes owned by school No Contracted Do buses have radios What frequency? Available drivers Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking On Street Miscellaneous resources Hot Serving table Plan reviewed by:


Date: l VI (3B) Page 48 I

Nrme of Sh21 tar /or R2ccurca Jeffereen Elecantary School

   ,      Location             800 4th Avanue. Dixon, IL

, Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Telephone: Douglas Shippert Principal Barnev Marshall Head Custodian Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: _Cvm 755 Washrooms Yes Showers Yes Kitchen Yes Seating 180 Cafeteria Yes No. of meals available 1000 Food Supply Yes Buses Yes Owned by school No Contracted R. W. Harmon - Do buses have radios What frequency? Available drivers Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 150 Miscellaneous resources 200 lockers 4 Plan reviewed by:


Date: I , VI (3B) Page 49 t l _ _ _ _ _ _ _._ _ . _ _ _ ---- - - - - - - - -------- - - - - - - ^' ~

Sh11 taring Profila Name of Shelter /or Resource Sauk Valley College Location R. R. 5, Dixon. Il l Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact: Titles: l Ralph Galander Director of Public Info. John Sagmoe Dean of Stadents Norman Welch Dir.of Building & Grounds Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Gym 1270 Washrooms Yes Showers Yes Kitchen Yes Seating 950 Cafeteria Yes No. of meals available 10,000

   . Food Supply Yes Buses Yes owned by school Yes Contracted Do buses have radios                                                What frequency?

i Available drivers Miscellaneous resources

  • Lives on camous/ 24 hour - 7 day securiev/ Emergency liehts Boiler room always open. Ramps and elevators Plan reviewed by:


Date: VI (3B) a n- . en

F l Sheitering Profile N:rms of Shalter/or Resource St. Mary Jr. High I jLocation704PeoriaAve.,Dixon.IL


Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Telephone: Sister Ancille Horgan Principal Roger Corning Custodian Sheltering Area: ' Spaces Available: Gym , 1700 4 Washrooms Yes Showers Yes

        ., Kitchen Yes                                                   ~

Seating 200

         ' Cafeteria Yes No. of meals available Food Supply No Buses Yes Owned by school No Contracted R. W. Harmon l            Do buses have radios                                      What frequency?

Available drivers Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking Miscellaneous resources Food serving facility Plan reviewed by:


Date: i l VI (3B) Page 51

dntitering Profilt Ntsa of Shalter/or Ritrurce Lincoln Elfmantary School Location 501 Lincoln Avenue, Dixon, IL Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Telephone: Larry Lee Tavlor Principal Harry Fish Head Custodiaa Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Gym 1080 Washrooms Yes Showers Yes Kitchen See Below Seating 350

    ), Cafeteria     Yes
. No. of meals available 1000 Food Supply Yes -

Buses Yes owned by school No i Contracted R. W. Harmon Do buses have radios What frequency? , Available drivers Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking Miscellaneous resources 2 stoves and regrigerator in kitchen facility / food transported t from High School / 100 Lockers 1 Plan reviewed by: Ti; a Date: VI (3B) Page 52

snattering Prot 11e Name of Shelter /or Resource Eldena School cation R.R. #4. Dixon, IL ' Telephone Number _ Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact: -

     .Clint Conwav                                        Dirarene                                               -

Jim Ferolo Asst. Director , Bvron Burdge _ Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Gvm 240 i ) Washrooms - Showers 2 1M 2F dtchen Ees 1 stove /1 oven Seating


Cafeteria same as evm - No. of meals available i Food Supply 5 davs canned goods - frem Dixon H.S. Check here if food is catered i Buses 2 x 60 and 6 vans f Owned by school Contracted 1m,,3 a4 ,,4,e w,,,,, ,,..a Do buses have radios? What frequency? Available drivers Supplied by district Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 60 Miscellaneous resources Lounge with refrieerator and stove /75 lockers / classrooms & halls careeted/lounee with couch, chairs & kitchen / washer & drver Plan reviewed oy:


Date: VI (3B) Page 53

Shtitaring Profila Nrme of Shalter/or Razource Madison Eletntary School

                  ,  Location        620 Division St.o c. Dixon, IL Q

Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Telephone: Charles Malone Principal Gene Hellious Head Custodian Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Gvm 550 Washrooms Yes Showers Yes Kitchen Yes Scating 150 Cafeteria Yes No. of meals available 600 Food Supply Yes Buses Yes Owned by school No

                                                                            ,                     Contracted           R. W. Harmon Do buses have radios
What frequency?

i Available drivers Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking Miscellaneous resources Plan reviewed by:




VI (3B) l Page 54 t

                                                         .auc A Let Attg rror114 Name of Shelter /or Resource   Rock Falls Hieh School j    ?    ocation 1

101 Twelfth Aven. Rock Falls. IL Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact: Titles: - *

  • Bill Brelsfoard Princioal Jack Wilt Superintendent Glen Truesdell _ Asst. Principal Sheltering Area: Spaces Available:

i Gvm 2.000 Gym 700 Wrestline Roo= 250 2.950 (Tor,1) Washrooms Yes Showers Yes T

      / Kitchen

. Seating 250 Cafeteria Yes No. of meals available 1.000 Food Supply Yes Check here if food is catered Buses Owned by school No Contracted RAT Tin,= Do buses have radios? What frequency? Available drivers

Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 7nn Miscellaneous resources n ,cutor m.v.,

Plan reviewed by:


Date: i VI (3B) Page 55

                                           , _ - . . . _ . - _ - _ - - - - - .                  ' ' ~ ' ' " "
                        -                                           ^              '

antitering rrorite~ _.Name of Shelter /or Resource Rnck Falle .inninr ufoh ocation 1701 Tuptfeh Avenno _ Rnck Fn11e. TT. Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Jack Etnvre Prineinni Robert Drew John Bushman cu.enagan Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Gvm 1.100 Washrooms Yes Showers Yes (itchen Seating 200 Cafeteria Yes No. of meals available 8.000 Food Supply Yes Check here if food is catered Buses owned by school No Contracted KAL Lines Do buses have radios? What frequency? Available drivers Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 7s Miscellaneous resources District Nurse t l Plan reviewed by:


Date: i .) i VI (3F) Page 56 l

5 Shtitaring.Profilm

      -, Name of Shelter /or Resource          Dillon Elementary School
    '- Location   ,

Eighth Avenue Rock Falls, IL i Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated ' Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Telephona-Jeffrv Hardv Princinal Cale Stanles custodian ___ Ed Conery Custodias _ Sheltering Area: Spaces Availsole: Gym tun l Librarv 9n Vacant Classrooms 150 350 (Total)

        "Jashrooms          Yes-                                                Showers     Yes Kitchen          Yes                                                   Seating Cafeteria         No                                                   No. of meals available Food Supply       No                                                   Check here if food is catered Suses owned by school No                                                     Contracted      KAL Lines Do buses have radios?                                                  What frequency?

Available drivers Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 50 Miscellaneous resources Districe Nurne Plan raviewed by:


Date: l VI (3B) l Page 57 l


     - Name of Shelter /or Resource   Merrill Elementarv School ocation    600 Fourth Avenue. Rock Falls. IL Telephone Number                                 Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact:                 Titles:                      Telephone:

Dnnn1d Stevenc Princinal _ Richard Stahler Custodian Al Binder Custodian Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Gvm 480 _ Basement 250 730 (total) Washrcoms Yes Showers Yes Kitchen Yes Seating __ Cafeteria No. of meals available Food Supply No Check here if food is catered

       ?;;<a          No Owned by school                                              Contracted   KAL Lines Do buses have radios?                                       What frequency?

Available drivers Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 25 Miscellaneous resources District Nurse , Plan reviewed by:


Date: i VI (33) Page 58 i

4 dnettering Profile Name of Shelter /or Resource Thome Elementarv 500 E. Fifth Street, Rock Falls, IL ocation ! Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated ( Nrme of Persons to contact: Titles: Denvne Ettinoer Princinal Everett Manning Custodian i Al Binder Custodian Shaltering Area: Spaces Available: Gym 350 Lunch Area 150 ! 500 (total) Washrooms Yes Showers Yes Kitchen Yes Seating Cafeteria No. of meals available Food Supply Check here if food is catered Buses owned by school Contracted EAL lines Do buses have radios? What frequency? l Available drivers Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 25 Miscellaneous resources District Nurse Plan reviewed by:



     )     ..

l VI (3B) Page 59

Name of Shelter /or Resource Sterline Hieh School I

    -mocation               1608 Fourth Avenue, Sterling. IL                                                             l Telephone Number                                                  Area to be Evacuated Bame of Persons to contact:                              Titles:

W111fam Yamm Principal Richard Zion Administrative Asst. Gene Wolf custodinn __, Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: I Field House 1.700 Librarv 1E0 1.R5n (Tne21) Washrooms Yes Showers Yes itchen Seating 350 Cafgteria Yes _ No. of meals available 2.500 Food Supply Yes Check here if food is catered Buses tio ( owned by school Contracted Do buses have radios? What frequency? Available drivers Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 150 Niscellaneous resources Regular Nurse 1 - Plan reviewed by:




VI (3B) Page 60

                                                   ... .. ..... ..     .a4=

_: fame of Shelter /or Resource Cha11and Junior Hich School ocation 1700 Sixth Avenue. Sterline. IL Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated __ Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Robert Wolf Princinal Steve Voleski Asst. Princinal Tom Wescott custodian Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Cvm 700 Washrooms yes Showers y.. T Kitchen Seating 9an

           ' Cafeteria     y,,

No. of meals available f.nnn Food Supply y,, Check here if food is catered Buses un owned by school Contracted Do buses have radios? What frequency? Available drivers Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking sn Miscellaneous resources Dietrict Nurse Plan reviewed by:


Date: VI (3B) Page 61 i l l

                                          . . . . n s o n m. ., aavs14=

Name of Shelter /or Resource Lincoln Grade School ocation 1501 East Sixth Street. Sterline. IL Telephone Number _ Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Bob Cripe Dir. Bus. Affairs Frank Miller Princioal Shirley Hershman Custodian - _ . Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: G3 150 Washru- e Yes - Showers Kitchen No Seating Chfeteria No No. of meals available Food Supply No Check here if food is catered Buses No Owned by school Contracted Do buses have radios? What. frequency? Available drivers Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking so Miscellaneous resources nicevice x,,ve. Plan reviewed by:


Date: ! VI (3B) I l Page 62 l

Sh71tering Profilo l

   - shame of Shelter /or Resource         Wallace crude schaal T -

l Location 506 West Fourth Street. sear 14ne. 17. l Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons tp contact: Titles: Bob Crine Dir. Bus. Affairs Bruce Connolly Principal t Stephen Murphy Custodian Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: I C'= IS^ Washrooms y.s - Showers v.. Kitchen no Seating Cafeteria No No. of meals available Food Supply Me . Check here if food is catered Buses No Owned by school Concracted Do buses have radios? What frequency? Available drivers Available shelter volunteers __ Vehicle Parking sn Miscellaneous resources n<.e,4ec une.. Plan reviewed by:



     )           .

VI (3B) Page 63

Shsitering Prnfilm

      -~Name of Shelter /or Resource                                                                                  Washincten crnde schnn1
   .              N
     --Location                                                                                         815 West Lefevre. Sterling. ft.

Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Bob Cripe Dir. Bus. Affairs LukeGlowiak Prineinal on v inknenn Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: l Gvm 150


Washrooms Yes Showers Yes T

                 / Kitchen                                                                             No                                                                                       Seating Cafeteria                                                                     No                                                                                       No. of meals available Food Supply No                                                                                                                                                         Check here if food is catered Buses                                                                        No Owned by school                                                                                                                                                       Contracted Do buses have radios?                                                                                                                                                 What frequency?

Available drivers ( Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 1s Miscellaneous resources Plan reviewed by:



                >                                                                                                                                                                                                                 1 VI (33)

Page 64

r Sh11tering Profilo I

       ,Name of Shelter /or Resource Jefferson Grade School 3I
  • Location 806 East refevre. sterline. TT.

Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated , Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Bob Crine Dir. Bus. Affairs l Richard Metcalfe Princinal Keith Wolever Custodian Sheltering Area: Spaces Availtble: 4 Cm 150 Washrooms ve, Showers v..

Kitchen wn Seating
  • Cafeteria wn No. of meals available Food Supply wn Check here if food is catered Buses we Owned by school Contracted Do buses have radios? What frequency?

i Available drivers Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 7s Miscellaneous resources District Nurse 4 Plan reviewed by:


Date: T I VI (3B) Page 65

_- .n . . .-. = _ _ _ . .. - ... _ . - . . - . _ - dnnitaring Protile sName of Shelter /or Resource v., s14. c_..a. e_ , t - _ s_

'"" Location 1510 Fn=t ?$th Revese. temv14me_ TT _

4 1 Telephone Number Area to be Evacuated,, Name of Persons to contact: Titles: Bob Crine Dir. Run. Affairm ' l Phil Hunsbereer Prineinal Jeff Rocers _ Custodian Sheltering Area: Spaces Available: Gym 150 Washrooms Yes Showers Yes

              / Kitchen                                                                           Seating Cafeteria                                                                         No. of meals available Food Supply                                                                       Check here if food is catered Buses y                owned by school                                                                   Contracted

( ._ Do buses have radios? What frequency? i Available drivers Available shelter volunteers Vehicle Parking 50 4 Miscellaneous resources District Nurse Plan reviewed by:


Date: d J VI (3B) Page 66 1 _,, , , w-,

EVACUATION GUIDE Wind into Sectors Sector Affected Evacuate Via To Shelter In North R,A,B Byron IL 2 N Rockford & Machesney Park and IL 2 W to BR 20 E to IL 251 N Loves Park (1) Winnebago Winnebago Rd. N to US 20 E to Rockford & BR 20 E to IL 2 N Machesney Park and/or Winnebago Rd. N to US 20 E to Loves Park BR 20 E to IL 251 N (1) (2) Rockford IL 2 N Rockford, Machesney, Park IL 2 N to BR 20 E to IL 251 N Loves Park ENE A,B,C Byron IL 72 W to IL 26 N Freeport (1) Winnebago Winnebago Rd. N to US 20 W Freeport (1) (2) Rockford IL 2 or IL 251 N to BR 20 W Freeport to US 20 W ME B,C,D Byron IL 72 W to IL 26 N Freeport (1) Winnebago Winnebago Rd. N to US 20 W Freeport Stillman IL 72 E to US 51 S Sycamore Valley to IL 64 E Davis IL 72 E to US 51 S Sycamore Junction to IL 64 E (1) (2) Rockford IL 251 S to US 20 E to Sycamore to US 51 S to IL 64 E ENE C,D,E Stillman IL 72 E to US 51 S Sycamore Valley to IL 64 E Davis IL 72 E to US 51 S Sycamore Junction to IL 64 E Kings IL 64 E Sycamore ) (1) (2) Rockford 'IL 251 S to US 20 E to Sycamore to US 51 S to IL 64 E

l s < EVACUATION GUIDE Wind into Sectors Sector Affected Evacuate Via To Shelter In East D,E,F Stillman IL 72 E to US 51 S Sycamore Valley to IL 64 E Davis IL 72 E to US 51 S Sycamore Junction to IL 64 E (1) Kings IL 64 E Sycamore ESE E,F,G Davis IL 72 E to US 51 S Sycamore Junction to IL 64 E (1) Kings IL 64 E Sycamore (1) Rochelle IL 38 E DeKalb SE F,G,H Chana Chana Rd. S to Flagg Rd. E DeKalb to IL 251 S to IL 38 E (1) Rochelle IL 38 E DeKalb SSE G,H,,J Chana Chana Rd. S to Flagg Rd. E DeKalb to IL 251 S to IL 38 E (1) Rochelle IL 38 E DeKalb South H,J,K Oregon IL 2 S to IL 88 S Sterling & Rock Falls Chana Chana Rd. S to Flagg Rd. E DeKalb to IL 251 S to IL 38 E SSW J,K,L Oregon IL 2 S to IL 88 S Sterling & Rock Falls SW K,L,M Oregon IL 2 S to IL 88 S Sterling & Rock Falls Mt. Morris IL 64 W to IL 26 N Freeport

 }WSW          L,M,N     Oregon      IL 2 S to IL 88 S           Sterling &

Rock Falls Mt. Morris IL 64 W to IL 26 N Freeport

EVACUATION GUIDE Wind into Sectors Sector Affected Evacuate Via To Shelter In West M,N,P Mt. Morris IL 64 W to IL 26 N Freeport Leaf River IL 72 W to IL 26 N Freeport WNW N,P,Q Leaf River IL 72 W to IL 26 N Freeport NW P,Q,R Leaf River IL 72 W to IL 26 N Freeport NNW Q,R,A Eyron IL 2 N Rockford & and Machesney Park IL 2 N to BR 20 E to IL 251 N Loves Park NOTES (1) This community is not required to evacuate the general population, however, students attending schools in this community who permanently reside in the EPZ sectors to be evacuated shall be transported to and sheltered in the host community shown. (2) If needed, students attending school in Rockford shall be transported to and sheltered in the communities shown so long as they are sheltered in the same host facility as the inhabitants of their permanent resident community within the EPZ.

                       -   . - .  =_     ._              -                                       _ _-     _--




 .,  ~ . - -       ,                  _      _ _.___._ _   _ _ , _ , . . . _ . _ , _ . . _ . _ .      _ ,     . . , , _ . ____ _.



NOTE: Traffic directives contained in this index may be changed as necessary to meet the existing traffic situation. Further directives will be given by the State, County or Local Law Enforcement agencies. S ILLINOIS STATE POLICE

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1 l _. - ._.\

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82


s OGLE COUNTY Table of Contents A. Flow Diagram Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 B. Abbreviation List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 C. Functional Summary Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . .9

0. Initial Contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 E. Call List . .................... .19 Initial Notification Diagrams
a. Ogle County .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
b. Byron. . . . ............. . 23
c. Oregon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
d. Stillman Valley.. ............ 27
e. Leaf River . . . ........... . 29
f. Mt. Morris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
g. Davis Junction . . ........... 33 F. Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Locations / Alternate Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
1. News Media Briefing Locations /

Alternate Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39


VI(2) 4 Page i

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 e

   .           G. Concepts of Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
1. Authority and Organizational Listings. . . . . 41-
2. Functional Summaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
a. Accident Assessment ................ 43
b. Comand and Coordinatica . . . . . . . . . 43
1. Comand and Coordination Diagrams aa. Ogle County . . . . . . . . . . . 45 bb. By ron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 cc. Oregon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 dd. Stillman Valley . . . . . . . . 51 ee. Leaf River. . . . . . . . . . . . 53 ff. Mt. Morris . . . . . . . . . . . 55 gg. Davis Junction . . . . . . . . . 57
c. Protective Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
1. Protective Actions Flow Diagrams, ,

aa. Ogle County . . . . . . . . . 61 bb. Byron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 cc. Oregon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 dd. Stillman Valley . . . . . . . . . 67 ee. Leaf River . . . . . . . . . . . 69 ff. Mt. Mo rri s . . . . . . . . . . . 71 gg. Davis Junction . . . . . . . . . 73 VI(2) ' Pate 11 J

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 bs d. Parallel Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75

1. Parallel Actions Flow Diagrams aa. Ogle County . . . . . . . . . . . 77 bb. By ro n . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . 79 -

cc. Oregon . . . . . . . . . .'. . . 81 i dd. Stillman Valley. . . . . . . . .. 83 ee. Leaf River . . . . . . . . . . . 85 ff. Mt. Morris . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 gg. Davis Junction . . . . . . . . . 89

e. Responsibility Matrix Notes . . . . . . . . 91
1. Responsibility Matrices aa. Ogle County . . . . . . . . . . . 93 bb. Byron . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 cc. Oregon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 dd. Stillman Valley . . . . . . . . . 99 ee. Leaf River . . . . . . . . . . . 101 ff. Mt. Mo rri s . . . . . . . . . . . 103 gg. Davis Junction . . . . . . . . . 105
3. Participating Agencies
a. Ogle County Participating Agencies . . . . 107
1. Ogle County Board Chairman . . . . . 109
2. Ogle County Coroner. . . . . . . . . 113 VI(2)

Pate 111

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 3 ( f

 .                  3. Ogle County ESDA Coordinator . . . .       .115 4    Ogle County Highway Department . . .         119
5. Ogle County Superintendent of Educational Services . . . . . . . 123
6. Ogle County Sheriff's Department . . 127
7. Ogle County Sheriff's Telecommunicator 131
8. Ogle County Health Department . . . . 133
b. Byron .
1. Byron Mayor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
2. Byron Fire Protection District . . . ... 139 3.



Byron Conrnunications Officer. . . . . . 143

4. Byron Police Department . . . . . . . . 145
5. Byron Superintendent of Schools . . . . 147
6. Byron Public Works Department . . . . . 151
c. Oregon
1. Oregon Mayor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
2. Oregon Fire Protection District. . . . . 157
3. Oregon On. Duty Police Officer . . . . . 159
4. Oregon Police Department . . . . . . . 161
5. Oregon Superintendent of Schools . . . . 163
6. Oregon ESDA Coordinator . ..... . 165
7. Oregon Ambulance Service ' . . . . . . . . 169

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 .                                                                                  l Ogle Csunty Preliminary Rev. 012/82 i


8. Oregon Water & Streets Department . . 171
d. Stillman Valley
1. Stillman Valley Village President . . . 175
2. Stillman Valley ESDA Coordinator . . . . 179
3. Stillman Valley Fire Protection District. 183
4. Stillman Valley Superintendent of Schools.187
5. Stillman Valley Public Works Department. 191
e. Leaf River
1. Lea f R i ve r Mayo r. . . . . . . . . . . . . 195

( 2. Leaf River Fire Protection District . . . 199

3. Leaf River Police Department ... . . . . 203
4. Leaf River School Superintendent . . . . 207
5. Leaf River Maintenance Department . . . 209
f. Mt. Morris
1. Mt. Morris Village President. . . . . . . 213 2.

Mt. Morris Fire Protection District. . . 217

3. Mt. Morris Police Dep"tment Dispatcher . 219
4. Mt. Morris Police Department. . . . . . . 221
5. Mt. Morris Superintendent of Schools. . . 223
6. Mt. Morris Public Works Department. . . . 227 7.

Mt. Morris ESDA Coordinator . . . . . . . 231 VI(2) Pste v


Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82



 ,                  g. Davis Junction
1. Davis Junction Village President. . . . . 235
2. Lynn-Scott-Rock Fire Protection District . 239
3. Scott Township Supervisor . . . . . . . . 243
4. Scott Township Highway Commissioner . . . 245 H. Personnel / Communications Directory .
1. State Personnel / Radio Communications . . . . . . , . 247
a. NARS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
b. BYRON STATION Prompt Notification System . . . 259
2. County Personnel / Radio Communications . . . . . . . 261
3. Communications Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 I. Resources Summaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 J. Special Concerns ................... .349 K. Evacuation Pl an . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375

, L. Publ ic Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 t M. T ra i n i ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381 N. Exe rci s e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383

0. Emergency Plan Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387 P. Radiation Exposure Control Considerations . . . . . . 389 m.

VI(2) Page vi i


                                                                         ' Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82
 ,     Annex 2A. Ogle County Procedures Annex 28. Byron Procedures Annex 2C, Oregon Procedures Annex 2D. Stillman Valley Procedures Annex 2E. Leaf River Procedures Annex 2F. Mt. Morris Procedures                           .

Annex 2G. Davis Junction Procedures Annex 2H Forms and tiessages 4


4 VI(2) Page v11

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 A. Flow Diagram Notes The following symbols and designations are used in the flow diagrams contained within this section. 1. An arrow identifies the direction of authority or notification from the primary agency to support agencies. A dotted line depicts delegated coordination. 2. The first agency listed in each branch of the flow diagrams identifies that agency as being the primary agency for c specific function. 3. The various governmental and non-governmental agencies are designated by the following symbols: e s County City / Village State Federal Non-Governmental Fixed Nuclear Facility } VI (2)  : Page 1

Ogle County Preliminary Rev 012/82


1 B. Abbreviation List l 4 The following abbreviations have been used in the flow diagrams and text: A 4 ANL - Argonne National Laboratories AMB - Ambulance ARC - American Red Cross AUX - Auxiliary B - NONE-s. C3 - Citizens Band l CH - Chapter CMD - Command CNTR - Center CNTY - County COMM - Communications COOR - Coordinator i VI (2) Page 3 j

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 _2) i DEPT - Department DIR - Director . . DISP - Dispatcher DIST - District DNPS - Dresden Nuclear Power Station


EMER - Emergency EMT - Emergency Medical Technician EOC - Emergency Operations Center EOF - Emergency Operations Facility (' EPZ - Emergency Planning Zon'e ESDA - Emergency Services and Disaster Agency f FD - Fire Department FPD - Fire Protection District G - NONE 1 VI(2) Page 4 1 l

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 HOSP - Hospital I ICC - Illinois Commerce Commission IDA - Illinois Department of Agriculture IDNS - Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety IDOT - Illinois Department of Transportation IDPH - Illinois Department of Public Health IEPA - Illinois Environmental Protection Agency IESDA - Illinois Emergency Services and Disaster Agency

   /"   . IPRA - Illinois Plan for Radiological Accidents

( 1AAP Interagency Radiological Assistance Program ISP - Illinois State Police ISPERN - Illinois State Police Emergency Radio Network _J., JPIC - Joint Public Information Center l l b 1 VI (2) Page 5

 -                                                                                         \
                 -                                                                         l I

Ogle County l Preliminary Rev. 012/82 i i

     ]         KI - Potassium Iodide                                                     '

L LSCS - LaSalle County Station LEADS - Law Enforcement Administration Data System M, MISC - Miscellaneous E NARS - Nuclear Accident Reporting System (, O_ - NONE P P - Primary PA - Public Address PD - Police Department PT-PT - Point-to-Point l VI (2) Page 6 i 1

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 QNPS - Quad-Cities Nuclear Power Station R R - Receive ' RACES - Radio Amateur Comunication Emergency Services RAFT - Radiological Assessment Field Team REAC - Radiological Emergency Assessment Center REACT - Radio Emergency Associated Citizens Team RR - Railroad g S - Support SALV - Salvation (Army) S0P - Standard Operating Procedures SUPT - Superintendent I T - Transmit TLD - Thermoluminescent Dosimeter T/R - Transmit and Receive U_ _ NONE VI(2) Page 7 i -

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

  )  1

( VOL - Volume

 . W   - NONE X   - NONE Y   - NONE I

ZNPS - Zion Nuclear Power Station


! VI (2) Page 8 l

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 C. Functional Summary Descriptions This section describes the five major functions expected to be part of an emergency response. These functions are defined as folluws: Accident Assessment - The evaluation of the conse-quences of the release of radioactive materials from a fixed nuclear facility. Initial Notification - The methods and priorities for disseminating emergency information and request-ing assistance between the fixed nuclear facility, the STATE OF .ILLIN0IS, OGLE COUNTY and local municipalities within the EPZ on a 24-hour basis. Primary and secondary communication links are established between the fixed nuclear facility, local cities, counties and state agencies. The NARS, a direct line telephone circuit, is the established link between the fixed nuclear facility, the STATE OF ILLIN0IS and the counties within the EPZ. Emergency information is disseminated through the NARS to state and county agencies. Municipalities are notified of the emergency through radio frequency and commercial telephone by the OGLE COUNTY SHERICF'S TELECOMMUNICATOR.


VI (2) Page 9

i Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82  ! 1 j]} ' The initial accident notification process is de-  ;


l signed to warn 100% of the affected population within 5 miles of the Byron Station and 100% of urban areas within ten (10) miles in a 15-minute time period. Provisions exist to warn 100% of the + pcpulation within the e.nti re plume exposure EPZ within a 45 minute time period, (see Vol. I, Ch. 5). The emergency response agencies accomplish this notification using messages transmitted over mobile PA systems, sirens, telephone, and radio. The initial notification message is designed to instruct the public to tune to local radio stations for appropriate emergency actions to be taken, (see Vol. I,.Ch. 8). ' i. i I I f J g -- J - w VI (2) Page 10 i



Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 + Comand and Coordination - Identification of the individual who will have overall responsibility within each governmental unit and de:fgnation of the agency that will coordinate the emergency activi-

     .                      ties,    and a description of how the                    involved individuals    &   agencies       interface   to        implemeni:

emergency activities. Prntective Actions - Specific actions taken by local, state and federal authorities to minimize radiation exposure to the local populace during a nuclear incident. They include: , evacuation, taking shelter, access control, and food, water and milk l control. Evacuation

I The notification of the public living l within a potentially affected area, via either the Prompt Notification System and/or mobile PA and commercial radici, to leave their homes and go to a relocation center where they will remain until it is safe to return to their homes. Evacuation will include coordination and direction of transportation and traffic control for the public in the affected area.

Take Shelter The notification of the public 4 VI (2) Page 11

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82


via mobile PA and comercial radio, to take (~ ( shelter in their homes, stores, or places of business, and to remain there until it is safe to go outside. Relocation may be recommended for special cases within an affected area (e.g. , visitors to a beac'h, park, golf course, etc.). Access Control The provision of traffic control during an evacuation and the establishment of barriers by use of roadblocks or other means to prevent ingress to evacuation and/or shelter areas. f Food, Water. and Milk Control ' The sampling, radioactivity testing and restriction of public consumption of food, water and milk until the concentrations of radioactivity have decreased to safe levels. Parallel Actions - Those actions which are to be taken after the primary protective actions have been ! initiated. They include: informing the public radiation exposure control, law enforcement & crime prevention, fire & rescue operations, emergency medical services, social services and re-entry. l VI (2) ' Page 12

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

  ]   -

Public Information The method by which the public is kept informed of the nature and consequences of a nuclear incident before, during and after such an incident has occured. Spokespersons have been- designated for each governmental body within OGLE COUNTY (see Ch. 2, Section F.1.). For a more complete discussion of Public Information, see Ch. 2, section L. and Vol. I, Ch. 8. Radiation Exoosure Control The control of personnel activities to reduce or prevent u'nnecessa ry radiation


exposure or contamination and to keep accurate records of the exposures incurred by evacuees and emergency workers. The ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT 0F NUCLEAR SAFETY is responsible for all aspects of radiation exposure control. Con-trols have been established for evaluation of projected exposure patterns through conduct of radiation surveys, monitoring of personnel exposures with concurrent documentation, decon-tamination procedures and recommendations for

        ..N e administration of potassium iodide (KI),

(See Vol. I, Ch. 5). l


VI (2) 4 Page 13 1


Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 Law Enforcement and Crime Prevention ' Deployment of resources to maintain civil order during or after a nuclear incident. Fire and Rescue Deployment of resources for fire fight-ing/ prevention activities and/or emergency rescue, operations. Emeroency Medical Services Emergency medical services, such as ambulance service, will be provided at the state, county and local ~1evel. The ILLI?iOIS DEPART!1EilT OF PUBLIC HEALTH has identified the l emergency medical capabilities of public and private hospitals in the event of contamination of emergency personnel, (see Vol. I, Ch. 5). Social Services _ I The provision of food, clothing, shelter, and routine medical services for evacuees. Re-entry The determination of when evacuees may re-enter the affected area and the provision of notification and transcortation to evacuees

                                                                                                                                \ .-

VI (2) Page 14

I Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

   ^$   returning home once safe levels of radiation have been reached.

The provision of notification and trans-portatio,n assistance to evacuees returning home once safe levels of radiation have been reach- l ( ed. The ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR SAFETY is responsible for determining when evacuees may re-enter, (see Vol. I, Ch. 5). l l VI (2) Page 15

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

    ,       D. Initial Contact The OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELEC0t@!UNICATOR is the point of initial notification between the BYRON STATION, IESDA and IDNS (alternate numbers are provided for 24-hour notification). The OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELECOMMUNICATOR will          receive  initial notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION via NARS from IESDA,except in a General Emergency where the call-up from the utility will be direct.           The OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELE-COMMUNICATOR will          com-plete a NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM and then verify the information by return call to the l'              IESDA DISPATCHER.       He will then notify the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR or his alternate, (alternate telephone numbers are provided for 24-hour cov-erage).

e VI (2) Page 17

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

      ~5   E. Call List m

The OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELECCPJ1UNICATOR will follow the call list specified within the dis-patcher's detailed procedures. The OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR, or his alternate, will authorize the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELECOMMUNICATOR to proceed with notification of the appropriate county depart-ment officials, community police dispatchers, and . private emergency response agencies via radio frequency or commercial telephone. The OGLE COUNTY communities in closest ptexim-ity to the BYRON STATION are priority-listed in the SHERIFF'S TELECOMMUNICATORS' call list to provide for immediate emergency response. Figures E.1.a. thrcugh E.1.e. ," Initial Notifi-cation Diagrams" illustrate the sequence of the initial notification for 0GLE COUNTY and the com-munities within the EPZ. l s. j . VI (2) Page 19


Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 Ogle County Initial Notification Oste County Sheriff's Deoartment l Syron

                                                                          -    Comme.

Of ficer Oressa cele County _ On-Outy _ Superancandent Police Officer of Educattoaa! servtees itaim Ogle Comtv II'F ogle County a " - Fire - C g,, y Sweertateneemt Coorstaatoi [. N,"f Chaim , , ,,, Byros EL Osle Com ty

  .         g Station       \ ESDA       ,     Sheriff's
                             \~          g l

Teleco - 1cator L - _ _ _ .J L**I M'*E 4t. Morrie Fire pgre Oll ' U"*8F Protectiot Protectica d** "" District District Of ficar l Cesated hemmay Mt. Morris .

                                                                      -       Police                       _    Ogle County Diapatcher                            Coroner
                                                                                    -e r"myna-sc,ot ire      t4 m et tlee lcletract l
      't FIGURE E.1.a.
                                                                                  'll (2)

Page 21

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

m. Byron Initial Notification nyrea I

Meyer i Byrom Fire Proc. Disttlet Olaf Ogle Syroe County Byroe Sheriff's -% Police Ottker Chief Tel+- - eeates 8vros so.a. .e Scheels a,ree Desertaaet of ruhtic Wrse t r FIGURE E.1.0.

                                                                    '/! (2)                                             I
                                                                     ? age 23

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 _7

        \                Oregon Initial Notification

or - Mayor a er esu . Coordt.ator ore Polte ent.,e or . F1r. Pr.t.ct1 Diatetet

w. or.. Chief c tv -

o tv Skertit'e toitee Teleco imateater Cfficer orego. a.e.La.ce Direeter ore. Street s .t. he ore

                                                 'es t e r so t

i I.t. or s et.

                                                .e Sch ts 1'

FIGURE E.1.b. VI (2) Page 25

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 0 12/82 Stillman Valley Initial Notification m

                                                          $eailane i

valler i village

                                                .         rees,...t
                                                          $t111aam volley F1ee Protecaten Otetrict em  .e Osle               $t111ama             5tsllama Catast y           Valley               Vette?
                  $beriff's     ,    Fire                 1$DA
  '               Telece - scetet    Proceetton           Coors.
                                !   . District Stillaes vallev Sues. et Scamets Stillase Yellev Public Wrte Deserement FIGURE E.1.d.

VI (2) Page 27  ! l

                                                                                     .l Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

j Leaf River Initial Notification s I t,,g Liver Mater Leaf Inver Fire Pret, Chief Ogle Leaf Lead County River

   ,                                                      River 3beriff's       Fire               Felice 1.n.c m .       rr.t.              cut.

Distritt l Laat River Maintessace oees,t t Leaf River Sphael Supt. l 1 l .i FIGURE E.1.e. VI (2) Page 29

1 Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

     -T Mt. Morris Initial Notification
,      I w

Mr. Morris

  • Village Presteent
                                          *Mt. Morris Fire           Mt. Morris Protect 1oe          Police Districg            Chief Chiet Ogle County Sheriff's Telecommaacator Mt. Morris         Mt. Morris Police              E30A Stepatcaer         Cao re ar.ator Mt. Marras Sept. of schooi.

t l Mt. Morr t 6.t.e .ia str..t. Depsetamat FIGURE E.1.f. VI (2' Page 31

i T, i i 1 Ogle County I Preliminary Rev. 0 12/82

          -5                  Davis Junction Initial Notification l

4 i t Javas Junction village Freeseent


Lyon-Sc o t t-Moca Fire Frotectaon Distetet Chief , Cale County Lenn-ac e t t-4 Sho rti f 's Asca fire Telecommunaceter Protectice ~ Dietract l scet t ! * .nansnap Supervasor

                                                                       $Cett MiqJunev C m eenonet

FIGURE ~E.1.g. I 1

                                                  '/I  (2.).
                                                   , age .:a i
   , ,.w,    - -~ --e,_

l Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

      -1(                      F. Emergency Ooerations Center Locations / Alternate m

Locations '


l The EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTERS for 0GLE COUNTY and municipalities are located in the. follow-ing places listed below. The EOCs serve as points of coordination for all emergency activities during an incident. All EOCs are adequately equipped to perform command and coordination functions as they pertain to the appropriate protective and parallel actions. Governmental Unit P;inary Location Alternate Location Ogle County Ogle Co. Sheriff's Stillman Valley Department Building High School Oregon, IL Stillman Valley, IL Byron Fire Station City Hall 232 West 2nd Street 121 N. Union St. Byron, IL Byron, IL m VI (2) Page 35

         -- __      _    _                 ,-_      , - - -     -               ----y -   -.

7 l Ogle County ' Preliminary Rev. 012/82 l


3 Oregon Oregon City Hall [


115 North 3rd St. Oregon, IL 815/ - o Stillman Valley Fire Station 129 East Roosevelt Rd. Stillman Valley, IL Leaf River Fire Station Leaf River, IL /

                                                                                                                's, ,

Mt. ' Morris Mt. Morris Village Hall VFW 102 E. Center St. North McHenry St. Mt. Morris, IL Mt. Morris IL 815/ - 815/ - Davis Junction Fire Station 106 S. Maple P:1. Davis Junction, IL i

                      ,)                                                                                      C

VI (2) Page 36 _ - . , . _ ~ _ , - ,, .r., ,,._,.<% .y,_ , - , . , -. -., .

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 m

  ~}   State Forward Comand Post Dixon Regional IESDA Fianning Office 421 W. First Street Dixon, IL i

1 1 l l .I

 '                                                                    l 1

e / VI (2) Page 37


                                                                                      .I Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82
    'T           F. 1. News Media Briefine locations / Alternate d

Locations News Media Briefing Locations for OGLE COUNTY are located in the places listed below. The News Midia Briefing Locations will serve as tne points of coordination for the press during a radiological emergency. Contact persons and telephone numoers have been identified for each News Media Briefing Location and Alternate Location. Governmental Contact Per-Unit son / Alternate Prima ry Location Alternate Location e A Ogle Co. ESDA Coordinator Dale Co. Sherriff's Stillman Valley Asst. ESDA Coord. Department Bldg. High Scncol, Oregon, IL Stillman Valley,IL Byron Mayor Fire Station 232 West 2nd Street Byron, IL l T VI (2) Page 29

1 1 Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

        )  Oregon       Mayor       Oregon City Hall                            '

f s. 115 North 3rd St. Gregon, IL Stillman Village Fire Station

          -Valley       President  129 East Roosevelt Rd.

Stillman Valley, IL Leaf River. Mayor Fire Station Leaf River, IL Mt. Morris Village Mt. Morris VFW President Village Hall North McHenry St. t Mt. Morris, IL Mt. Morris, It i 815/ - 815- - Davis Village Fire Station Junction President 106 S. Maple Rd. Davis Junction, IL i

     !                                                                     . :1 VI (2)

Page 40



l Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 1 7

    ]  G. 'Conceot of Ooerations
1. Authority and Oroanizational Listino The princ,ipal executive officers of OGLE COUtiTY and the municipalities therein are authorized to initiate and command energency personnel in any efforts necessary to protect the health, safety and wel fare of affected residents by their respective charters and bylaws and by the " Illinois Emergency Services and Disaster Agency Act of 1975" (IL Rev.

Stats., Chap. 127, Paragraphs 1101 et. seq.). During a radiological emergency, the principal executive officer of each governmental unit will be responsible for the overall command of the emergency response departments under tneir jurisdiction. The principal officials, the OGLE C0ut1TY BOARD CHAIRt4Afi and the CGLE COUtlTY ESDA C00RDI-t1ATOR will also coordinate the support actions of the state and federal agencies and private social service organizaticas with those of the OGLE COUtiTY personnel under their direction. VI (2) Page al

i l Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 j G. 2. Functional Summaries

a. Accident Assessment The Accident Assessment function is the combined responsibility of C0!W0fiWEALTH EDIS0:1 and IDt15, (See Vol. 1, Ch. 5).
b. Command and Coordination The principal executive officers of CGLE COUitTY and the municipalities therein will be responsible for the overall command of emer-gency response operations. The principal executive officers will be advised and sup-ported at their EOCs by the representatives of emergency response departments as outlineo in each participating agency summary.

The OGLE CGUtlT( ESDA C00RDIfiATOR will provide overall direction & coorcination of the protective and parallel actions -implemented by the designated primary and support departments and agencies. If the emergency is so great that the counties' or mutual aid communities' resources are exhausted, the OGLE COUtiTY ESDA C00RDIlATOR, with the concurrence of the OGLE CoutiTY S0ARD CHAIRt4Ati, will request personnel and other resources frcm the STATE OF ILLI:iOIS through the STATE CCrotAriD POST which will be established near the site by IESCA. The OGLE V! (2'

  • Page 43 t

1 Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

  ]    COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR will coordinate the               ,

mobilization and utilization of these resour . ces. Designated coordinators of municipalities within 0GLE COUNTY will request assistance from the STATE OF ILLIN0IS for personnel or other l resources through the OGLE COUNTY ESDA C00RDI-NATOR. Figures G.2.b.1.aa. th rough - G.2.b -

      " Command and Coordination Diagrams" illustrate the concept of the command and coordination funtion for OGLE COUNTY and municipalities therein.

+ , 9 J )


C t VI (2) page a

Ogle County l Preliminary Rev. 012/82 l ] Ogle County Comand and Coordination s 1 1 Ogle County Sheriff I l l . 1 Ogle Counc7 Ogle Count

  • Soard supertatencent N it " of fducational Servicae
                                            .                              1 Oste Couery                Cale County                   .

Is2A supriateneent Coordinator of Eig. ways 1 Ogle Cauary Wealtin 1-Ntaal Amstetence if Emewested Officer 2-0ver-a11 C m 1 Adunne and support

           %,e1-c. w a             i-Cgle Cou ty Coroner 1

FIGURE G.2.5.1.aa

                                                 '/I (2)

Page af


l l l l Ogle County Preliminarf Rev. 0.12/82

       ~j                                 Byron Comand and Coordination l

1 IL tstA l .

                                                 .         1 Osle Couary ESEA                                      .

C oretaator

                                                  .                      Byroe g                     Police Deoarteest syres noyer Avroe
                                                                         $uet. ei schoole Stros Fire Protectism                            ,

D1atract ' Syros Dept. of Public Wasa t l l 1- meumi ame ut te a.g ted I 2. Over-e.11 Commans-

            }- Advise ase 3eppert
            - C ..         w       m  u.



FIGURE G.2.b.1.3b ' VI (2) Pace 47 l 1

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 0 12/82


5 Oregon Comand and Coordination 3

                                                                              cretoe Police Leet.


  • ESDA -

6 Orette TLre l Protettia p Dietrict Oste County CSDA Ceoreteater l Wregee

                                                   ,                               ..e..

I servtte

    ,                                          Oregoe never Cregon Schoot
                                                         **                  District Cregen                         Scaeet ISLA Coord.

Oregos hter end-Streete NC4 I* %Cael

- ASS 18temme 0,or-ett e_ if Reen.neted
        >- A-t.e e        sort
        - Caeret    t. u..i yeecies Ore..e City Cause11 1

FIGURE VI (2) Page 29

               , ,   _._m.  .        .                        , , _ . ,          _         - _ _ . _ _ . . - _ _ - - _ .

l Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

    -]                     Stillman Valley Connand and Coordination
                                               \i 1L uan I

l t t o.le c ey ESDA Coorstaator

  • 3 8

Stillama l Valley Fire l . Protectice


District stillase Vaalev v111ase Prestamme

    ,                                                         5:111aan Valle, suot. as
                                            ,                    tenoots
                                  *.allev LSD4 Cooreanatet 5ttilaan Valley Pa tic Works senartment 1-%tui Assastance if Aequested 2-over-all P --aa 3-4evise and support W asinate Local aguacase T

o FIGURE G.2.b.1.dd VI (2) Page 51

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

      ]                                   Leaf River Comand and Coordination I

IL tsna I I i i Ggle County esa Coordsmater 1 i tf g River Police l Departamat Leaf

     -'                                                      River u..r s


                                                                                        . h eartsee Leai River TLee Proteetson l                                                             01sertet Leai Elver s ,- t 5=,s.
= % .a 4..t.t...e in me. te4
2. Over-aal l 3. Aavtse ans support 1

4- Caerstaata Local Ageestas i FIGURE VI (2) Page 53

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 0 12/82 m

 ~}                        Mt. Morris Cornnand and Coordination 1

IL E ;DA I l i

                                      !        i Ogle Couacy                         '#I" ESM                      E'olice P


  • I I

i 0 9


Mt. Martie ** '#I* g Village p ,, g,,, Protection Distract 1 i

                                *t. Morris                 Mr. *erras ESDA                      Sust. of Cooreanator                   Schoole 1-%tual ASS 186&ACS Lf 6-Over-ast C m e                                   Mt. Morrts 3-4evise and sweport                                        ,
        . % ,.t    t. w..i   ..

5'.ra 5 ,t. = = I I i T FIGURE G.2.b.'..ff . l

                                                 '!I ( 2 )                                            1 Pace 55 1

Oole County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 1

         ')                                                                  Davis Junction Comand and Coordination                                                                           I d

4 . 4

!                                                                                                   i 16 m

i i o.a. c sv LSDA Coordtaater 4 l l Devte

                                                                                    ,;une a som Scott villase                                       tanto Freeteent                                      supervaner 3..                                             3 Lyne-Scotta 5= = " r=                                          g,,gg tr...c i                                          t-.,u ,

agg"* w .. .

                                        -%C m A..i.t            . e Seemastee
.r-.u c - .

w u. .. -. so. rt

                                      .-Coora.nete Loc.1 Asancase I




                                                                                                                  '/I (2)

Page 57 4 ) I ?

            , , _ _ .   -,..n.., ---r      --e+,* ---~ " - ~ ' - ^ " ' ' ' - *       " ' ' " ' ~ ~ ' ~ ^ '       _ _ _ _ , , _ ,             ._ .- --- - - - - -        - - - - - - - - ' ^

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 G. 2. c. Protective Actions d Figure G.2.c.1.aa. through Protec-tive Action Diagrams summarize the pro-tective action organizations of 0GLE COUitTY and municipal-ities therein. These figures show the primary and support agencies for each pro-tectite action as well as the functions to be performed during the implemen-tation of these actions. ( 9 I I T' l VI (2) Page 59

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 1 1

     ~                                                                                                       i Ogle County Protective Actions W

1 Ogle County Ogle County i I Sheriff's Magiway Departmaat Departamat tvecuatien I k . Ogle County Supertatendent of Educational servacee 1 LL uh , 9 Cale County Ogle County i Sheraff's Minnuaw I g Deeartment Departaeet I Cale County 1 loerd " u""" { Chatrama l d Ogle County Suoettatemaaet of Eoucational

                                           *I                se rvic es i

Ogle Covary *

                              " ESDA             _

Cooretaator c a le County Wtanesase Sharaff's County ( Depercaset $hetnif*s i Department c..... e l.. I I i Ogle County IL 1-shtual aassstance if Magnuay Assuestee state Departamat Pe11ce t 2-No11c hetificatica W!a Mon 11e and/or Pined Puelic Addrese er Alert Svetena i 3-Provtee frammoertation 4-Provase sameting

       $-Prevade sano11ag                                                                   1
                                                                          '     ogle county IDMS              "'A*"

Department i Feed. '44 t e r . and ~ I nals watro.s e

                                                                 ! EPA
                                              -.G..unt u.:.

r: ,. . c.3.aa . VI (2) Page el

r Ogle County Preliminarf.Rev. 012/82

 -$  s Byron Protective Actions r

Byrom Fire Stron Protestion Polite t Diaernet Department tweenation IL EsDa  ! '

  • Byroe I ,
                                                                   ..t.      .,      ,,.r s._ t i
                                           ,                     Scheele             of Fuelic
                                                                                     %rma Osle cent, ISDA Caereinster Byrom Fire i                     Protection e_              District Syron             Take Shette'r -

Mayor g l Byros loree

                                                                 $wpt. et             Police Scaeole              Departeesc Stree Fire Protecties Diatrict
                                      ^***                       Syrom Felice Departammt u.-         ..,.s i                   k Syron                 Syron fire                 Depar tamat Protecties           of Pus 11c Diatrict             Wrma
          != Mutual assistance 12 taguested 2- Fuella Notificattaa via non11e anster Fiana Publie andress or                                 4                6 Alert systems F Provide *ransoortation a cro.1.                                        te s                :rra rw . w.t.d                         I m . syre.

D.. art of Public Marta l


FI3URE G.2. ut J. t .o. g / Page 53 I . _

i Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

     -w                       Oregon Protective Actions 3                      3 oreema                   oresem Police                   Fire Department               Prot.

Dietetet twacuatib  ! l . ore - Serpt. of scheele IL

                . E$DA                                  3                    3 Creese Oregen                   Ptre I

Police Pret, l , Desertaset District otte take inetsar l Couner t$:A Ceerdinator Oretee  != Mutual Assistance if Aeeuestee l Sust. 2- Pubite Nottfteatten Via A.adte of $cheele end TV 1 *- 3- Public Mettftcotten "te Netle and/or Pined Public Addrees of Alert Seates Oreece hver 4. Provide Transeertaties

                                                                        != Provide Sameling Oreten Pottee
                         .                Desertmoet oresee                 Actose Cbatrol
                 !$DA Coord.                            l Creten Water and streets Cesartmaet e                      .

IONS  !!?A i  !

                                      .se  . e.ter, ed MilklCantret Cretes water and Streets Desarruente l

s s. i .uV. 6 u....O. ...OO .

                                             ". ?. l' .7 ')

Page 65 t i

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 j Stillman Valley Protective Actions


Stillama Vallev Fire Protection 1 21 strict It e. rut--l ESCA g l I,** A*'" sttilaan . Valley l **

  • Sept. et I

Schools 3 "', , Ugle County ESCA Coordtaator . Stillaae Valley l Fire e i Protectica District St111aam g Valley Ta** % e!!af V111 ate l l Preetseat Stillman 5:111maa Valley Vallev Suet. of Puelic

                                  *.                  Senoole                    uorsa r,eeartment St111aan Valley 110A Coordtaator Stillaan Valley Fire Protecties Dittrisr I

tecean c~nne, I 1-Mutual Assistance 1g SC111ana Requestes Yalley 2-Put11C Notification Via Public

                                                      ***8 Mobile ans./or Famee Puelic Address or Alert Systema                  b ear N et 3-Provide fransoortation 4-Provide same11ag
                                                                     .                        4 1013                         IEPA

I I e,ae. neee. i-4 - m a sonstja , stillaan Valley Puelic Worsa Dee a rt ren t

  't FIGURE G.2.c.1.dd VI (2)

Page 67

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 T m Leaf River'Protec:ive Actions

  • M Leaf River River Fire Police
                                           !                         Pret.                          Dept.


                                      !L                   Evacuation l                                  l ESOA                                        -

l , -

Leat Leat
                                         \                          River                           River i       '

Sensel Maat. Sept. Lept. Ogle Ceunty ESDA Coereinator

  • Last

[ Kiver l Fite I a


Prot. District Leaf Take Shelter River Maver  ! l Leaf Leaf River River Scheet Ma in t . 7 Sept. Lepart. Leaf River

     .,                            Fire Pres.

019E* ** Lesi River Fo1&ce Dept. Accese Castrel

  -                                                                           i                        I Leaf River                      Leaf Fire
            != wutuaa Asasetance if                               Prot.

tiver Aeevested Maast. 4 District Dept. 1 Puelic Motificattaa Via Mottle sedier F1 sed Public addrese or Alert $vstem b Provtda Tranaoertattaa

            *- Provide Samp11st IONS                   IEPA

_ Feed . . .t.'t. I and Milk Contrei t=e River Maat. Depers. t, _A F'GURE G.2.c.'.ce . VI (2) .,

                                                                 ,ac.e r                 OY I


l ( .. . . . . . Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82


Mt. Morris Protective Actions

                                                                 ~- ~cn-
                                      .,. .ut.
                                            ~n s.                    w-- -
                                           *I       I De           t Evacuartee l

Mt. Morris Sust. Of Schnota 1 IL ESDA 1

  • Mt. h erie Mt. MorTts g Police ~
                                                                   .ater 6
                 ,                   Departamat                    Streets Department Ogle County                        t ggga Take %elter                                g Coorstaator                        l
                ,                     Mt. Morris                                            '

l suot. of I Schools 1-%cuat assastance a f T Aeeuestse Mt. Morria 2-Puelle sotification via V111ase N otle ene/or Fiaee Publie PTesteent Andress or Alert svetens 3-Provide Transoortataos 4-Provide sanottag 5-Prowtae sameAtog Mt. Morris Polite

  • Departamat Mt. Marria
                            +2r a.      c-.?--Y Cooretaator i

Mt. Morris Water 6 Streets Dameesamet 3 $ IONS IEPA raed. ".ece . ned

                          .m s Qatres            ,

Mt. Morris inster 6 stre.t. Deoartaset


FIGURE G.E.e.l.ff t$ f.

                                             /94 s-1 Pace 71

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 Q Davis Junction Protective Actions tree-Scott- Scott Rock Fire Townenty Protection Sweervisor District IL Evsenactee  ! ESDA

                                                                           $        1 Scott toemsnip Hienway
                                               ,                  :coustssioner cale County E5DA Coordinator
  • Lynn-Scot t-I Rock Fire Fratectten l L District Davis Junction , p,,,[

V111 ate President

  • l t scatt Scott Townsnas Townsnap Hitnwav Supervisor
     ,                        Lven-Scot t <                                          '                          a Rock Fire Protectson 4

District Chief Lynn-sc o t t-l Rock Fire iProt ec t ion District Access com ret i 1 *utual Aeststance if Reeuestee Scott 2-Pub 11c Notitication via Townsato Montle and/or Fixed Putlic Mienwe, Address or Alert System :orseasstones 3-Provtee fransportation

                --Provide Smasling 4

1D35 1F?4

                                                          .,m.t.o                                        i Mata ,cntrgt Scott Townssty Mishway humasatonei

1 n = e Pkb ,~ eVKO u.4.C.,i.99 VI (2) Page 73

1 Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 l i

    ,8     G. 2. d.          Parallel Actions i

Figures G.2.d.1.aa. through Parallel Actions Diagrams summarize ther parallel , acti m trgani:r_tions of OGLE COUNTY and - i palities therein. These figures show the primary and support agencies for each parallel action as well as the functions to be performed during imple-4 mentation of these actions. 4 a 4 e I = 4

 ,   s

r i I VI (2) Page 75

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 T Ogle County Parallel Actions Ogle Categy ESDA , Caereinator y ,,e. v o .a_ , , e Ogle County Sheriff's Departaaet

                                                                    *a,.                            q., 3
                                                                                                                             ,g 68             7.8.9 Ogle County       Osle Count, IDMS               ogle County ESDA            dignuey y                                                            Cooretaator       Departaaet
                       *M i a - n     I 'v-awr.               I                                 l                l
                                      + .. .                   i . . .                          l,,,,

Ogle County ogle County g,,,,g,,,,,,,g LSDA / Sheriff's ,g gg,g IL Deoartaast g,nge,, EPA

              .I Cale County           Oste County soare                Shortif's                               t. Mutual Asete'eaCe &I E8euested Chartman             Desertaant                                .-Cooratnate LacaA Asenctee
   '                                                                   ***"***' I"*A'8 I""***"'*

t.u e- . .t m.. - 65-e nator Emergency =orser Ortes rreventsen (Escoeures

                     *                                                  .1-netare deeetan 9-Decontaataat aan af Evacuees a , .e.;,                               +-Oecentamanattom at r aency Ogie County      ei.,

ESDA 10-Decontaatnation et Equipasst Coorsinator and Meteriale Ogle County Sherif f 's Desertment em en. v %eseii Servicae Ogle County AAC Superantessent of Eaucattomal Sarwicae 4

                        $fN17e9 I

i CsLe C waty Cale County haeriff's N14nuev Depertsent Desertment to-entrv I l 1 . w ie County supertstamment Of Mucat netaa

5. - ,...
                                                      ".bCNC          J, . ., . d . ,i . 3 3
                                                                        .l $ t(7)1 Page 77

7 . . . . . . . . Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

 -                                               Byron County Parallel Actions
                                     $7 Ten never                  Fire Protecties District l
                           .Public Indesmacima                    l 64                qu            43.7.10                         an.?

Byrea Bytes Fire Felice M Preeactles Departunet 1 District IL tadiation f.reeeure ISDA l63.7 168.7 0 45.1 s Dyrea tyren g Sept. Cepartment  !!PA et

                  '                                      of Pue11a scheele              Werks Ogle Ceuery 13CA Caerelaater
                  ,                Byron                 Syrom
                 !                 Fa&&as                Fire Dept.
  • Protettise District Syrua
  /                 Fmfereeneet and Crima Prevestice MMr Ayrea Fire                                            3. Musasi Aaoletance 1! 2eeuestee Protectica                                       e-Cooretaate Lacal Aseecame 4           01 strict                                       6a-'oaster e-%t te Ezeeemre es-mea
  • ter teargemey beraer (f.seenwrol
  • 7-Ameerd taestag Birm 6-Oecentananation of Iveeuses 9-Decostantaattee ed Emersency heraara eo te.

Cc.. -


Svrea l 91re l Protecties District Emergeoef Meetcal aerv& sea

7. 3 5prea Supg, ARC of Sensela Social l Services l l

Seren Syree Suet. Sept. of or rutlic isaeole bette j te-est l l s pren  ;

   )                           fire                                                                                                  '

c'r = = =" 2== urria . . . . r ad,, I n e. u.. <. , . i et

                                                                           .4 t I \.Oi)

Page 79 l


Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82


s Oregon Parallel Actions or. Ore.. never asu Ccereteetes Petits tolermettes l

65. 7 68.7 6E.7 taf 7.5.9
                                  /                         Oresee Is3A Oresee fire Cresee Police 1Dits                Ceareteeter               Protectice           Depes taset; 01 strict teetectee' F.moosure                 i                        i -                {-

len '_10 la.a ** l l sn ; * *

  • Cresee Oregos water ene Oretee suya, og IEFA Amewaeace Streete Scheele Service
                                                                                                  / Pouce g. ,gy,g 4,,g,g,,,, M "I

        \     ESCA                                                            b Prowlee *resonorration j                                                                          6A. meester Pueate s.rvesure g                                   ,

66- Mootter Esertency =ormer LLapesures Law tafercearst M 7. Recore Esastas Crsme Prevoettee 8- Decast==iaattee of avecwues 3 9- Decentestaattee of teerseeev .eraere crosos 10- Decost==taaties et Eqwsposes ese notersale d, bItv  ! Fire LSOA > Protecties Geordinator Dietrict

                '                             I be Em m e -
  • la Cresee Cretee never Amewience 3

L ervice Emergencvemeetcal Servicae

                                                      ,4 Cresee                                            Crosen ESLA Sant. of Centesneter                  AAC                  $ceaele e,   . . . , , .                        I 4

Cressa Oregee Police gust. at aeees tmee e seneese f eatr?  ! I Creten Crosen bater see Fire streets Pressettea *; gI'*;a g * *ey*g*}*b* ,, Desertemet Dietrict j i VI (2) t Pace 51

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

 ,                                                                Stillman Valley Parallel Actions 5eillman                      Stillman valley                       Valle, Village                        Fire President                   Protectice District e%11e ltnforsation                       l as-.n                      (n -

68 .8.9 Il g,ggg ,,, ,,ggg ,,, ESDA valley Valle,

                                       !DNS                          Fire                         ESDA Protection                   Coordinatet Disertet l               ,,,....L.....
1 i... . . . . ,

Oe,la Com ty 5ttilman 1etilaan ESDA Vallev Valley Coordinator Suet. of Public IIIA Schools niorks Devertuent a 4 e Stillman Cela County Valle' Sherit!'s Village . Desertsmet Presteent 1.%atual Ameiseance it steeuested 4-Coordtaate Local Ameectes

                               . ,_            ,_,                      6A-Montt.r Public Ernosure Crtae prevestten                         6&-ciestter Emergenes =ormer g         ,,,,,

F-Aacerd Kaestat stillaan $ttlissa 8-Oecostaminattee of tweeuses vallev Va t!" 9-Decontaminettoe of 1mereener NA Fire 10-Oecentastsattom of Eeutpsent coorstaater Protettles and Materiale Steertet t vtto erec:e Stillman vallev Fire Protection Oterriet 8 r aertene =edtest fervicam *

                                                   '.3         Stillman ve11ev l                                       AAC                     Su-c. of l                                                                 Schools I
                                  $ttilaan vallev Soot. af Seneels t

1, re l settinse 5t111asa 2 ' 1 " rl," e s.ite FIGURE G.2.d.l.dd Frstettice 'erse Starrtet beeert e t y{ {2} Page 33

                      -~ -        -

Ogle Count ( Preliminary Rev. 012/8k N J Leaf River Parallel Actions Lea: Leaf F1ver River Fire Maver Protection Otetrtet ee t f - *$* m metaa l

                                                             .. ..                             en -


                 \1          6A               I*I*'         Less atver                         Leaf tsu                       rDits                  Ptre                          ag,,r po t tee Protection Sept.

g District 6 t e eas t e e t as Eneeur* e

                    ,                  O st,7                   bl.7,10
  • 7 Leat Ogle County Leaf E1"T 1534 giver "statenance IEPA Coordinator school D'9t*

Supertatencrnt 6 1 Leaf Leaf River Liver 6-Coordinate Local Aseestea Maser Police 4A-Menster Fuhlte tuseewre Dept. AB-Montter teoreenev .ormer (Espesaret

                                  * ' ~ ~'       *"d 7-tecord teesing
                           'f5*' "''"**                    8-Decoetsennettom of Eva..uees
   -.                                                          e-o,eentesimation of Ese senev I'F"'f8 Leat
      /    Lett                     atver                    10-Oeeentaatnat tee or teutoaent 4tver                    rgr,                          ans .9aternals 94tetenance             Proteetten west.                 District l

N i Leaf Atwer Fire Protection s2 ,,,,.1 .,g.e,i ae rvice s

                                              .8            Leaf                                           ,

MC senoot supt. e- *:' I.-vte** l l l Lesi Leaf River P.tver Ptre Police Protection Dept. Otstetet e e -ea** f i i r

'                                   Leaf                  Leaf Alver                  Ptver h                              sen.oi                aint. nance ee,t.

FIGURE VI (2) Page 85

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 N), Mt. Morris Parallel Actions Mt. Morris Mt. Morris Village Police Pres 14 eat Departamat e.we.. e..a. m . .. e

                                                                      *e e                     . . =         43.7          68.7 65 g          ,3,  Mt. Morris   Mt. Morris g              Fire        Police 1:ss                             ##*"***"   D*'""""
                                                                                      -oers ator 64                  10 01 strict m . 4 . - . ..                   I            I             l
                                                                <          1, . m             1 +e   ,     i:  .?

1 Mt. Morris Mt. Morris LL Water 6 Suot. e( ggg ESDA Streets Scnoots Departmaat I e 1 Ogle County Mt. Morris IIDA Police Coordtaator bepartamat e , g '_ r. e ? -te ceem t m1

                                                      ,      6rame rreventaos Mt. Morris            Mt. Itarria V111ase                  Pare Presseant             Protect 1om District Fire asecue Mt. Morris Mt. Morris A

Fire Protection


Dist?ttt i = en ...--w u. e- : a t.s Mt. Morrie j 6- Caeretnate Local Atencies g,,g, og ta. Moottor Public taoesure AAC g,,,,g, tP- Meetter Emergeacy Worker (Espesure) 7 accord keepang l 6 Decentantsation i j 9- DecentaminatAes of Emerseacy Werners 2 # ~~ " 10- 3ecentamanation et Eq ua pmen t ame Metertala Mt. Morras Mt. Morris Fire

Po11ce Protectco Department Dastrict
                                                            .........i I

Mt. Morris Mt. Marras d water o af Streets acnoote Weartment if

                                                                     =1 f (m/  /$$

Page 87 I L_

T Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 Js Davis Junction Parallel Actions Lyme-Sc o t t-Itock Fire Protettice Dasertet t P31 * - ?M ernseten . 68 ' 8.9 63.7 I

                                           'JN$                       1EfA 4A                     0
        -              1 it          Its    *
  • d bre. r.

bt.7.10 68.7.10

                 .                 Lynn-scott-                      Scott l                   Rock Fire                  townenap l                 Protection                     u t ameaw
  • I District .'omas s a tome i Ot to County' f.S* A Caerstaator cale Ceuary l haeriff*a
      .          e                       Lesertomat 1.mtma t AsetSteaCe $f E8e48eE88 Devne                              l                                            *ere tnate 6 aces Assastae Junction         !        *
  • c=st and 6A-#emator Pualle h eure viliate ." trevesttee 66-sessator taargency moraar y, go g (Lapeeeres 7-Aacard Keeptag Lven g u , ,g ,3 .gg,, g g,.co...

A*** II 9-vecostanAsattee of beersency Irotect&on ggg,,, latritt 10-Decentamanastee of Equipet Lvna-Sceet- , Roca Fire 'tre eastee Pro tec ties

           "!il F' Lynn-Scott =

Aect fira

  • Protection District i

E.mereenet vstest aesvasse l Lyon- kett-Eoca Far-Protection 31 strict i a iocial services f. Lwma-aceat-Aeca Fire Pretetttoe 31atrict u

                           . .. s_= r ,

Scott * ? 2 *u* n" C.r F.w J.?.A.*.yy w . nn townenap N a gme* If

                                                                                *4 f ($)
                                 '.am sesteaar
                                 .                                                       1L/

Page 59 i L

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 g G. 2. e. Resconsibility Matrix Notes figures G.2.e.l.aa through Respon-sibility Matrices summarize the emergency response organizations for the protective and carallel action functions. These figures snow all the- state, local, and private agency organizations expected ;o play an active role during an emergency. The left hand column lists the agencies. .The headings for each column indicate the protective or parallel actions that might be taken. The notes at the bottom of the figures indicate the tasks that would be Derformed by each cepartment for implementing tne particular assigned crotective and/or parallel I actions.

i t

u l l 1 i


l I VI (2) [' Page 91 f


                                                                                         ,,,,...,5....                           ,n,...,..<,C                   u= l                                                       ace-m ' H UR rlJ,0
1. , m i.. .. . un_i . . <. .o.
t. 4:J  ;._

w rWJ4l' Iw m m.t m'i>= -

                          ,,W , r = .n             yJ.            f =..t .                                                               '.

I - E hi>4 g,gg Lam.t. 6 _wn t'mJ. . a......e E'mJ. 6 g.,,,,,,, c ..J....

m. . . c.J., . . . . .
                                                                                                                                   --:auaJ..P 59.6.9
                                                                           . . . 4.                                                                                      caoed. c.w,J .                            'd*

St.. v il i f e sygL batt ri nr . P' I* I I

  • S *e SP 4 CoorJ. , I P P tilst way y g Ag.. r e a-or __


                                                                                                                                                 . 58.4.9                                                                    S 5"P8- *I                   g,  y EJ. S v. s.                               3 i.58, t, S

5 ) a'os ..o e-

                                                                                                                                                 . 53. 6 Hg l e C...

h l e t. Dee.L I Ml.a b r.e Co. - Sh. e t ii

  • e ih.g.e I N I pa q 18.

QQ , -( g jr s. . f*atf e ta


IDr45 ed..F.5A (J Lod..P 4 5.6. 7.8. - la r4

5. 4 .5...

A ere t. .en W. J -- g s 's .. . . y ,,, , y et gg

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .                       t-a

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  • 5 Surpar t e Pe Im.ea y a nme le o L- Fieblic It..ellication wie .adin and TV 2- Put.ltc Notificatlass via Mobile and/or vJ et...e r mis. aJs...e ., al.,e sy i.-- N FIGURE G.2.c l.aa i- e. . i.3, i, ., . i s e i.
4. r .:.s, u , iso, Q sa- es s i , r.a.i s < r.r.. e b$- Ih I $ e @f hStI$.' Cy N..Ehef l8(.Wh (p in i
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                                                                                                     - - . , . - . . .                                                                                                      PARALLEL ACTIONS AS.t A T                                                                                                      I NLME gy                  TAFE               ACLtS$     p,I',

g g,, g pygg.gC 'flk$ BAW FIRE SHf'I Tf n rein t png. g Sat:t AL gg. g gy ngggge.1 r.*2ittor t'stinprfMFS T (($CffF , LD A P$ StRVICFS

                                                                                     *t evor                                     re.1      rm.B                 r*4 Effe Fsus.                                                                                                           31                       rm.t        ro.t                 rmt        rm.t        on.t M LLirt thiti                            l'"E t        Ca r 'f              fn**e f        C o sL                      suaL       Cuuta       . C wra    k L, D'are tsus.                                                                                                                                                                 _Ld.nLal        Can* E nf  C995$.

ClaL&lte . P.I . P.? 1 5 tg 5,BM $ P P S s.. .t . or 1&lLJ212 1L S 5.58.I S P P 311r We b s .),L 5 S.4 S.St.6,4 3 f$ t A <3 og p-e

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  • P.6.7 N V1 (a s - overell C. .and CousJ - over4tl C.,..e. tan 4: son h
                                                                               . P- -sPs          imar y Agenc y f or FielJ siper a lone
                                                                                                ,, . L . r. ~ , , A . e ie .

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                                                                                ) - rsaviJe toanspora4:1.,                                                                                                                             FIGURE (,,. 2.c.1.1313 4 - Pa.evt.le $ epise.g                                                                                                                                                                                               .,

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9/ I Ji AGENCY RESPONSIBILITY MATRIX PROTECTIVE ACTIONS PARALLEL ACTIONS 1AFF At.t B S5 'IU"U. g.' 8' All.tet.1 NAML T val'tTAilp* siel l ig a re eay pog (f t'Bl lC LAW $ 811F. i $r SOCIAL l'al opMAll.en ,go g[f,. e tH olst it4 NI' N F SCelE gggg ggy[rg RE-EN m M.syur s'eJ . C.,J . s mJ. s m.1, rmJ. e* J. (m.t . CmJ. Omd, 6 S 16 4 d*'I

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l- Palel as Not i f is ell a. vta R.sdio and TV STILLMAN VALLEY b p 2- Ful.Ilt Notificasion via Niille anJ/us [.' { {;[j j{l.: (:. 2. c . l . tlil A flawJ Put.lis A8Jerem as Aless Syneen 3 Prowl.le leanspost4alun h 4- PeavlJe S es.llas Af SA M..e. Piel l l.' lapetuse s.. m..itus . e B . e , . . , ..e t .s . . .. s . 6- Decas J >e.ptup * . . p.* 7-INsuna 8nesonoftv4. .. O (D th . eens ==1se4s 1on ei fmesyto y

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                                                                                                                             .nl..P,)A lida$                                                                imJ..P.4                         .b 6. 7,8. '

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2. Fuhlte Nut ills at ion via Hi. bile anJ/*' p Fla.J ri.bilc A44 ess or Alest System M Qlm' G. 2.e. l .a. "

s r s ... l .se ir nsp..e E 4e s. 4- Pr..vlJe 5 melens g

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AGENCY RESPONSIBILITY MATRIX PROTECTIVE ACTIONS PARA!LEL ACTIONS Putt lC p IJW IIFE f f SoKIAL ' , ggngMl\ IAIE ACLEEI p g,, Aa.l >CV NAML vattialla,e a I NS ORrLMI'f #ESCDE SFSVICl'5 EH&Ilft d'alNTEul. l Mill 8MAlli e - - Village P e r s t . lent rm.t . I' m,0 . Omd. emJ .S red. red. red. E mJ . OmJ. C.nar J . . g ,,,,3

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gj g h N T3 to at 94 M

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 it G. 3. .a. Oole County T9rticioatina Acencies This section provides a summary description, by local department, of the functional assignments depicted previously by the Responsibility Matrices, (figures G.2.e.l.aa through These responsibilities are. summarized accorcing to major functions. Each decartment's summary actually begins with the Initial flotification function. The Acci-h dent Assessment function is the responsibility of COMM0t; WEALTH EDIS0fi COMPAtlY and ID.*lS. CCF110f.ilEALTH EDIS0!! COMPA!!Y will be required to sucoly a orelimi-nary assessment of the accident anc reco=enced [ protective actions to ID;5. For General Emer-gencies, CCMM07: WEALTH EDISCT COMPA?iY will recomenc protective actions directly to Ogle County through

                ??ARS and subsequently, Ogle County will inforn the local communities to take the appropriate response l                actions. IDils will perform an indeoendent Confir-matory Accident Assessment and recommend protective actions to be taken.      IDil5 will inform IESDA and the GOVERtiOR of their findings.           IESDA will provide recommendations to the lccal principal executives.

This Confirmatory Accident Assessment will include the deployment of field survey teams for radiation

 )e i

VI (2) Page 107

Ogle Ccunty; Preliminary Rev. 0 12/82

  )'                                                          exposure monitoring and samole collection.                                  Assis-
                                                             - tance in sample collection, analysis and monitoring

! may be provided to IDilS by various state agencies and certain federal agencies througn the IllTERAGEllCY RADIOLOGICAL ASSISTAtlCE PROGRAM .(IRAP) Regional Office, Argonne flational Laboratcry (Atil). 3 i .

             = ,[ * '(h        ',$,g,#* ' .* [!p; fg             k.        ~,I,*','*, *~,c'
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v: m Page IC8

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 0 12/8'2 G. 3. a. 1. Oole County Board Chairman Initial Notification The OGLE COUtiTY BOARD CHAIRMA?i, or his alter-nate, will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATI0ft from the OGLE COUitTY SHERIFF'S TELECOMMUNICATOR, (alternate nuccers are provided for 24-hcur notification). A comoleted t!UCLEAR ACCIDEiiT REPORTI;!G SYSTEM FORM will be furnished and the OGLE COUNTY BOARD CHAIRMAl1 will recort to the OGLE COUtiTY EOC and be oriefea en the situation. If necessary, followinc the accicent assessment ey the utility and IDilS, the OGLE CCU.*iTY E0ARD CHAIRMAN or the OGLE COUNTY ESDA C00RDI :ATOR will im lement prececures for cublic notificaticn via cress re-leases and prewritten radio messages. Ccemand and Coordination The OGLE COUNTY 30ARD CHAIRMAl1 is in cc mand of all OGLE CCUtlTY Departments. The OGLE COUfTY BOARD CHAIRMAN may delegate cc=and and coordination functions to the OGLE CCU?:TY ESDA Ccordinator. The OGLE C0UtiTY ECARD CHAIRMAM will receive advice frem the County ESCA CCORDINATCR, HIGHWAY SUPERIMTEi;CEMi, SHERIFF, SUPERI;iTE!! DENT OF EDUCATIOMAL SER'/ ICES, anc cther county succor: cfficiais. The CGLE :00:iTY T V! (2) Page 'C9

Oole County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 1 _i BOARD CHAIRMAN will coordinate with neic.hborina. cit.y ' s. officials fcr cecisions which may affect them and for mutual assistance. Protective Actions Primary 'and sucport acency .heacs will be briefed . on their resconsibilities in the affec ec areas, instructed 'to follow their detailed proce-dures and to notify the CGLE COUNTY E50A CCORDI ATOR when their assignrrents are ccmoleted. Accrooriate evacuation routes will be selected and the CGLE COUNTY . , REGIO!!AL SUPER!r!TE!!DEMT OF EDUCATIO:iAL SER'/ ICES notified if ' school . stucents or general occulace need to be evacuated or trans:Cr:ec. The IDt!S anc -he IE3A are res:ensible for facd, water ( anc ?. ilk c;n roi. e



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i l Oole County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82


s Parallel Actions The OGLE COUi!TY BOARD CHAIRMAtl will c:crdinate with the OGLE CCtrlTY ESDA C00RDI?!ATOR to ensure that OGLE C00f!TY emergency personnel receive cosimeters


and comoiete radiation exposure recorcs. The OGLE COUtlTY BOARD CHAIRMAft or :ne OGLE COUiTY ESDA C00RDIrlATOR will coordinate with the REC:0NAL ESCA C00RDI!!ATOR, Dixon, IL, and/or other a:preoriate  ! county agencies to ensure crocer se:ial services are proviced at relocation centers anc etne- recuirec areas, iJcon notifici:icn :.",a: re-entry may :e initia:- ed, tne CGLE COU iTY SCARD CHAIRMA; cr :ne CGLE r w CCU::TY ESCA CCCR0!:!ATO?. will notify the county decar: ment heacs and reicca:icn centers. The re-entry message will be verified prior a initia:- i ing actions. A:procriate press releases, and radio messages will be made by the OGLE COU:iTY BOARD CHAIRitAtt or tne OGLE CCUtiTY ESCA C00RDiriATOR. The OGLE COU;1TY BOARD CHAIRMAN will turn in his dosi-metry ex:osure record to the CGLE COUtiTY ESDA CCCR-DI?;ATOR. .

                                                                                                 -              ~


    #   g       +

v: (E! Page ;. .

4 Ocle Coun:v i i Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 '

1. J Oole. County Board Chairman 1

4 Resource Sumarv The OGLE COUtiTY S0ARD CHAIRMAi!, er nis - alter-nate, has available all the resources of OGLE COU1TY, including ecuiccent in the CGLE OCU; TY ECC, r to aid in the implement of the CGLE CCU:ITY - u . . , , n;< BOARD CHAIRMAti's or OGLE SDA CCCRDI;ATOR'S s - c0=and directions. t

                      .   ,i,s. . . .           .    ..             _ .                          .

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7->1-_.r- , ,-,-,,-y,--- - --. -- -

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82

    ~5-G'. 3. a. 2. Ocle County Coroner Initial Notification The OGLE COUtiTY COROT;ER. er his alternate, will receive notificaticn of an incident at the 3YRC?

C00fiTY STATIOil frem tne CGLE COU:TY SHERIRR'S TELECCPMU!11CATOR, (alternate nuccers are proviced for 24-hour notification). The OGLE COU::TY COR0::ER will report to the OGLE CCut:TY E0C for a briefing :n the situation frem the OGLE COUITY ESCA CCORD:::ATCR. A ccmoleted I;UCLEAR ACCIDE?iT REPORT!::G SYSTEM FCRM will be available at the EOC. Cc=and anc Coordination The 0GLE COUf:TY CORC:;ER will ccordinate witn the CGLE COUt!TY ESDA CCC 0!!!ATOR in icciementing ne

          . . , _                 necessary protective and carallel actions.

Protective Actions i;0llE Parallel Actions The OGLE COUt TY CORO::ER is resconsible for normal Coroner activities. The OGLE CCUtiTY COR0iER will ensure that depar cen- :ersonnel receive - dosimetry, and as acercoriate, 0:assium 1 19 lA%

                                                       *  \_4)
age ';S
     .~     -                                   -                    .           .       ~                  .         .         .

Cgle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82

              )                                                                      iodide (XI) tablets          .

XI will be administered en a voluntary basis only. upcn the recccmendation of j IDilS. The OGLE COUllTY CORO.'iER will naintain a 1 ~ Dosimetry Control Log.  ! Upon notiYication of re-entry,' the OCLE COU::TY i COR0ilER will notify his personnel. The. re-entry message will be. verified prior to initia ing action. ' ' The OGLE COUitTY COR05ER will ensure collection of . dosimetry from decartment cersonnel anc forward all TLD's, Radiation Ex:csure Pecords and Dosimetry Control Logs to the CGLE COU:ITY ESDA CCORDI::ATCR. 1 - J

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                                                                                                           . ' ' 11-1 l


Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 G. 3. a. 3. Oole County ESDA Coordinator Initial Notification The OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR, or his alternate, will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELECOMMUNICATOR (alternate numbers are provided for 24-hour notification). The OGLE COUNTY ESDA COOR-DINATOR will report to the OGLE COUNTY EOC, review a completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM and brief the OGLE C00ffiY BOARD CHAIRMAN and other county officials on the situation as they reper: to the EOC. The OGLE COUNTY ESCA CCORDINATOR will [ coordinate with the OGLE COUNTY E0ARD CHAIRMAN on issuing press releases to radio and television

                        ' stations for public notification.                     .

Command and Cecrdination The OGLE COUNTY ESDA C00FDINATOR will coordi-nate with the OGLE COUNTY S0ARD CHAIRMAi! in direct-ing all protective and parallel actions of CGLE COUNTY Departments in providing a total emergency l - -

                         - response.e The CGLE COUNTY ESCA C00RDINATOR will coordinate all requests for assistance from OGLE COUNTY Departments to other city, county or state agencies to meet manpower and resource needs.          The OGLE COUNTY ESDA COCRDINATCR will coordinate racic-VI (2)

Page 115 j l

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82

   )                                               logical information from IDNS to county offices and

( affected municipalities (see Section P). Protective Actions The OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR will assist in identifying evacuation sectors and routes, access control points and staging areas. The OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR will ccordinate with the OGLE COUNTY SUPERINTEtIDENT of EDUCATIONAL SERVICEfor the transportation of school students and general populace. The OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR will direct other protective actionsas necessary to provide a total emergency rescense. Parallel Actions The OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR will ensure t that all CGLE COUNTY departments distribute dosi-

                                                . metry to their persennel, maintain radiation exco-
        .     .,.,-.c.,..,...., ....,e....

sure records, and as appropriate, administer potas-sium icdide (KI) tablets. KI tablets are to be accinistered on a voluntary basis only upon the recommencation of IDNS. The OGLE CCUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR will direct decontamination activities

      -   * - -                                   of county equipment by the OGLE COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTME!I with the assistance of ICNS.

Upon notification of re-entry, the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR will cecrdinate with the CGLE COUNTY SUPERINTEi: CENT OF EDUCATIONAL SERV'CE for p..,.., - ,n.r.., .w ::.:p .up:.:wa.5:a .5_.

,    ' ?y m;e.t.w=.u       .a.. : . m_:s; .. . .g .. w;x;-s.,.,, p..p. .u '...,.,,, ., ., ..~ . 7.-
                                                                 . ym..,-,.,.....,.,,,.-

I ! VI (2) Page 116

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 7 transportation 'ef returning evacuees. The re-entry message will be verified prior to initiating action. The OGLE COUNTY ESDA C00RDIllATOR will ensure collec-tion of all dosimetry and radiation exposure records by each decartment, and forward all TLDs, radiation e.xcosure records and Dosimetry Control Logs to IDf!S. The OGLE COUNTY ESDA C00RDIt:ATOR will direct other

                                 .                                   parallel actions as necessary to provide a total emergency response.                               .


                                                         . 3w                                           -


           *~                                                      -
                  ~='.             J'   s           .                   r.       .                                  .,                .             ,      .
                                                                                                                                    *i        .          _ .

4 e ! '!: (2) l Page 117

Ogle Ccuntv Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 G. 3. a. 4. Oole County Hichway Decartnent Initial Notification The OGLE COUNTY HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT, or his alternate, will receive notification of an incicent at the BYRON STATION from the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELECC>MMUNICATOR, (alternate numbers are provided for 24-hour notification). The OGLE COUNTY HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT will report to the OGLE COUNTY ECC for a briefing on the situation frcm the OGLE COUNTY ESCA C0ORDINATOR. A completed NUCLEAR ACCICENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be available at the EOC. Following authorizaticn, the OGLE COUNTY HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT will initiate his department cell list and have personnel assemble at the County Highway Building. Communications with field persen-nel will be maintained by telephone or radio during emergency operations. Command and Coordination The OGLE COUNTY HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT will coordinate with the OGLE CCUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR in

 ~~        ~ '            ~
                             .' implementing the n'ecessary protective and parallel          ~

actions. VI (2) Pace 119

Oole County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82


3 Protective Actions f'


The OGLE COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMElli has primary responsibility to maintain clear roads by providing equipment to remove snow, debris, disabled vehicles, etc. The OGLE COUtlTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMEllT will assist the CGLE COUflTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT in traffic and access control by previding and setting up barri-cades. Parallel Actions The OGLE COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT will carry out decontamination activities of county equipment under the direction of the OG:.E COUNTY ESDA CCORDI-NATOR, with the assistance of ICNS. The OGLE COUNTY HIGHWAY SUPERINTEfiDEtiT will ensure that cepartcent ,' s personnel receive dosimetry, and as apcropriate, potassium iodide (KI) tablets. KI will be adminis-tered on a voluntary basis only upcn the recommen-dation of IDNS. The OGLE COUNTY HIGHWAY SUPER-4 IfiTEf'DE!1T will assign a department persen to main-tain the Desimetry Control Log. Uoon notification of re-entry, the CGLE COUitTY

                 ..                    - ~
                            .   .. , .                 . r ., .... .

HIGHWAY SUPERIi1TEtiDEtiT will notify his personnel ~. . The re-entry message will be verified prior to " T -

                                                                          ...                  .                    ...           -.             C J          .   ..                                               -


                                                                     '/I (2)

Page '.E0 _ __ _ . ~ , _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ - _ - _ .

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 initiating action. The OGLE COUflTY HIGHWAY DEPART-MEtiT will remove barricades from access control. points. The OGLE COUtlTY HIGHWAY SUPERINTE!!DEtiT will ensure collection of dosimetry from de'pa rtment personnel and forward all TLD's, Radiation Exposure Records and Dosimetry Control Logs to the OGLE COU!iTY ESDA C00RDI!!ATOR. G e 3 s

                                                                         '                     ~       "
                                                                                    .,     'T    ,,      -

I VI (2) Page 121 } .

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 G. 3. a. 5. Oole County Suoerintendent of Educational Services Initial Notification The OGLE COUNTY SUPERINTENL ENT OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICE, or his alternate, will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the CGLE COUtiTY SHERIFF'S. TELECOMMUNICATOR, (alternate numbers are provided for 24-hour notification). The J OGLE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICE will report to the OGLE COUtiTY E0C for a briefing en the situation frem the CGLE COUNTY ESDA C00RDIt!ATOR. A completed tiUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTIt;G SYSTEM FORM I ' will be available at 'the EOC. Following authori-

   \                                                    -

zation, the OGLE COUNTY SUPERItiTEt:DErli 0F EDUCA-TI0tiAL SERVICE will initiate his department call list and have personnel assemble at the CGLE COUNTY COURTHOUSE AntlEX. Communications with field person-nel will be maintained by telephone or radio during emergency operations.

     ,                   ,      Command and Coordination                                   ,
         ~      ~                                                        '
           ~        '

The OGLE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT 0F EDUC TIONAL ' - - SERVICE will coordinate with the OGLE COUNTY ESDA l 1 ' VI (2) Fage 123 L _.

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82

   ]             C00RDIttATOR in implementing the necessary protective         ;

and parallel actions. The OGLE CCUtlTY SUPERIN-TEtIDENT OF EDUCATI0t1AL SERVICE will coordinate with the various municipal School Superintendents to ensure the safety and welfare cf students. Protective Actions The OGLE COUtlTY SUPERINTENDEilT OF EDUCATI0tiAL SERVICE will coordinate with the OGLE COUtlTY ESDA C00RDIrlATOR on the transportation of school students and general populace. This will include initial contact and direction of the municipal School Superintendents to provide safe and prompt trans-portation of scnool students and general populace, if recuired. Additionally, he will coordinate with < the aopropriate Winnebago County, Rochelle, King's Consolidated and Stillman Valley School Sucerin-tendents for the welfare of those students that' while attending schools outside the 10 mile EPI, live within tne EPZ. Parallel Actions The OGLE C0utlTY SUPERINTENDEtii 0F EDUCATI0t:AL _ ..s.. - . l

              . SERVICE      will  ensure   that~. department    personnel I

receive dosimetry , and as appropriate, potassium iodide (KI) tablets. XI will be acministered on a voluntary basis only upon the recommendation of IDt:5. The OGLE COUNTY SUPERINTENDEriT OF EDUCA-

   }         TIONAL SERV!CE will assign a department person to VI (2)

Pace 12a

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 maintain the Dosimetry Control Log. . Upon notification of re-entry, the OGLE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATI0flAL SERVICE will notify his personnel. The OGLE COUtlTY SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICE will coordinate with the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR and municipal School Super-intendents the transportation of returning evacuees. The re-entry message will be verified prior to initiating action. The OGLE COUNTY SUPERIt!TENDENT OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES will ensure collection of dosimetry from departmer.t personnel and forward all TLD's, Radiation Ex::osure Records and Ocsimetry Control Logs to the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR.


VI (2) Page 125 I

l I Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 G. 3. a. 6. Ocle County Sheriff's Deoartment Initial Notification The OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF, or his alternate, wil! receive notification of an incident at the SYRON STATION frcm the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELEC0f314UN-ICATOR, (alternate numoers are provided for 24-hour

      ,              notification). The OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF will repcrt to the OGLE CCUNTY E0C for a briefing on the situa-2 tion from the OGLE COUNTY ESDA C00RDIflATOR. A completed NUCLEAR ACL.0ENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORf4 will be available at the E0C. Following authoriza-tion, the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF will initiate his department call list and have personnel assemble at the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT.        Ccemunica-tions with field personnel will be maintained by telephone or radio during emergency operatior.s.

Cc= mand and Coordination The OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF will ccordinate with the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR in implementing the necessary protective and parallel actions. l l L VI (2) Page 127

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82

   )    Protective Actions The   OGLE   COUNTY    SHERIFF'S   0"'ARTMENT   has prima ry responsibility for public notification, traffic and access control. The OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT will be supported in thesa a:tivities by the OGLE COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT. The OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF will coordinate with the WINNEBAGO COUNTY SHERIFF for notification of portions of WINNE5AGO
 ,     COUNTY within the EPZ.           Additionally,   he will coordinate with the Illinois State Police, Winnebago County, and local police for traffic and access control of affected areas within the EPZ.

Parallel Actions-The OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT is the [ primary agency responsible for crime prevention and law enforcement. The OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF will ensure that department personnel receive dosimetry, i and as appropriate, potassium iodide (KI) tablets. I KI will be administered on a voluntary basis only upon the recommendation of IDNS. The OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF will assign a department person to maintain , the Dosimetry Control Log. Upon notification of re-entry, the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF will notify his personnel. The re-entry message will be verified prior to initiating acticn. V! (2) Page 12E

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 The OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF will ensure collection of dosimetry from department personnel and fantard all TLD's, Radiation Exposure Records and Dosimetry Control Legs to the OGLE' COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR. e


l i. l i VI (2) Page 129 i

  -~ , - _ _ _ . _ --.,-,e-,. ,,. yy,

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 G. 3. a. 7. Oole County Sheriff's Telecommunicator Initial Notification The OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELECOMMUNICATOR will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from either the ILLIN0IS EMERGENCY SERVICES AND DISASTER AGENCY, or the BYRON STATION (General Emergency, only) via the NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM, (alternate numbers are provided for 24-hour notification). A NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be coopleted and the infomation verified by return call. Following authorization, the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELECOMMUNICATOR will notify OGLE COUNTY =and the local municipalities personnel, in i accordance with the appropriate Annex 2a procedures and Figure E.1.a. Command and Coordination The OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELECOMMUfICATOR will carry out assignments under the direction of the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF. Protective Actions l l The OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELECOMMUNICATOR has { primary responsibility for notification of OGLE COUNTY officials and municipal police departments or l fire departments during emergency operations. VI (2) Page 131

I Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82

 ]                Parallel Actions                                            -'

The OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELECOMMUNICATOR will perform normal dispatching activities- The OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELECOMMUNICATOR will monitor the progress of OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT activi-ties and make periodic updates to the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF or his alternate at the EOC. Upon notification of re-entry, the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELECOMMUNICATOR will notify OGLE COUNTY officials and municipal police or fire departments. The re-entry message will be verified prior to initiating action. (s C J_ VI (2)

Page 132

Ogle Coun2y Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 G. 3. a. Ogle County Health Decartment

   ]          8 Initial Notification The OGLE COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER or his alternate will receive notification of an incident at the i

BYRON STATION from the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF S TELECOM-MUNICATOR (alternate numbers are provided for 24-hour notification). The OGLE COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER will report to the OGLE COUNTY E0C for a briefing on the situation from the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR. A completed NARS FORM will be furn-ished. Following authorization, the OGLE COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER will initiate his department call e list and have personnel assemble at the OGLE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT OFFICE. Communications with field personnel will be maintained by telephone or radio during emergency operations. . Command and Coordinaton The OGLE COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER will coordinate I with the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR in im-ple-menting necessary protective and parallel actions.


VI (2) Page 133 L

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/32

 ]        Protective Actions The OGLE COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER will assist IDNS
     . and supporting state agencies in food, water and milk control, as requested.

Parallel Actions The OGLE COUtiTY HEALTH OFFICER will ensure that department personnel receive dosimetry, radiation exposure records and potassium iodide (KI) tablets. KI will be administered on a voluntary basis only upon the recommendation of IDNS. The OGLE COUNTY HEALTH ADMINISTRATOR will assign a department person to maintain the Dosimetry Control Log. - The OGLE COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER will provide other support and assistance as requested by the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR. Upon notification of re-entry, the OGLE COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER will notify his personnel. The re-entry message will be verified prior to initiat-ing action. The OGLE COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER will ensure collection of dosimetry and radiation exposure records from department personnel and forward all TLDs, radiation exposure records and a copy of the Dosimetry Control Log to the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR.

 }                                                                .a VI (2)

Page 134 l t

Ogle Coun2y Preliminary., Rev. 012/82 I . G. 3. b. 1. Byron Mayor J Initial Notification The BYRON MAYOR, or his alternate, will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the BYRON COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER , (alternate numbers are provided for 24-hour notification). He will report to the BYRON EOC and review a completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM, then brief village department heads on the situation. Command and Coordination The BYRON MAYOR is in ccmmand of all BYRON Departments. The BYRON MAYOR will receive advice 4 from the BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF, POLICE CHIEF, SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS and PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT. The BYRON MAYOR will coordinate with neighboring city officials, via radio or telephone, for decisions which may affect l them and for mutual assistance. Protective Actions i Primary and support agency heads will be briefed on their responsibilities in the affected areas, instructed to follow their cetailed prc:e-VI (2) Page 135

i Ogle County l Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 dures and to notify the BYRON MAYOR when their assignments are completed. Appropriate evacuation routes will be selected and the BYRON SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS notified if school students or general populace need to be evacuated or transported. The ILLIN0IS DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR SAFETY and the ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY are respon-sible for food'. water and milk control. The BYRON MAYOR will ensure that the BYRON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT assist these agencies in sample collec- [ tion. Parallel Actions The BYRON MAYOR will instruct the BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF to ensure that BYRON emergency personnel receive dosimeters and complete radiation exposure records. The BYRON MAYOR will coordinate with the AMERICAN RED CROSS as well as { the appropriate county agencies to ensure proper social services are provided at relocation centers and other required areas.

  )                                                             t l

l VI (2) Page 136

i Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 s Upon notification that re-entry may be initiat-ed, the BYRON MAYOR will notify the city department heads and relocation centers. The re-entry message will be verified prior to initiating actions. The BYRON MAYOR will turn in his dosimetry and radiation exposure records to the BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF for forwarding to the ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR SAFETY. ( ( I i - . VI (2)' Page 137

Ogle Coun2y Preliminary, Rev. 012/82



  • Byron Mayor Resource Summary >

The BYRON MAYOR, or his alternate, has available all the resources of BYRON, including equipment in the BYRON EOC, to aid in' the implementation of the BYRON MAYOR'S command decisions. l l l VI (2) Page 138 i

   . _ _ _ _      - "- " ^

Ogle County. Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 ' bs G. 3. b. 2. Byron Fire Protection District Initial Notification The BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the BYRON COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER (alternate numbers are provided for 24-hoJr notification). The BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will report to the BYRON EOC for a briefing on the situation from the BYRON MAYOR. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT

  • REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be available at the EOC.

As appropriate, the BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will initiate his department call list and have personnel assemble at the FIRE STATION. Communications with field personnel will be , maintained by telephone or radio during emergency operations. Comand and Coordination The BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will assist the BYRON MAYOR in coordinating protective and parallel actions of BYRON Departments in provid-ing a total emergency response. The BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will coordinate all VI (2) Page 139

1 Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 ) .' s requests for assistance from BYRON Departments to other city, county or state agencies to meet man-power and resource needs. _ Protective Actions The BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT has primary responsibility for public notification. The BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT will be supported in those activities by the BYRON POLICE DEPARTMENT. The BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will assist in identifying evacuation sec. tors and routes, . access control points and staging areas. The BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will coordinate with the SYRON SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS the transpor-tation of school students and general populace. Parallel Actions The BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT is the primary agency responsible for fire prevention activities. The BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT will

 ,        provide limited emergency medical services.            The BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRI*T CHIEF will ensure that all BYRON Departments distribute dosimetry to their personnel, maintain radiation exposure records and as appropriate, administer potassium iodide (KI)       -

VI (2) Page 140

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 tablets. KI tablets are to be administered on a voluntary basis only upon the recommendation of IDNS. The BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will direct decontamination activities of city equipment, with the assistance of IDNS. Upon notification of re-entry, the BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will notify his personnel. i The re-entry message will be verified prior to initiating action. The BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT will assist the BYRON ?0 LICE, DEPARTMENT in traffic control for returning evacuees. The BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF PRESIDENT will ensure collection of all dosimetry from department person-nel and forward all TLD's, Radiation Exposure Records and Dosimetry Control Logs to IDNS. 1 VI (2) Page 141

1 0g10 County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 G. 3. b. 3. Byron Comunications Officer MitialNotification - The BYRON COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELECOMMUNICATOR (alternate numbers are provided for 24-hour-notification). A NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTN

FORM will be completed and the information verified
                        ,              by return call.             The BYRON COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER will notify the BYRON MAYOR of the situation.

Following authorization, the BYRON COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER will notify the BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF, POLICE CHIEF, SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS and the PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT. Comand and Coordination. The BYRON COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER will carry out assignments under the direction of the BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF. Protective Actions The BYRON COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER has primary responsibility for notification of BYRON officials during emergency operations. VI (2) Page 143 l

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 0 12/82 O ( Parallel Actions The BYRON COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER will perfom normal communication activites. The BYRON CbMMUNICATIONS OFFICER will monitor the progress of the BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT and POLICE DEPARTMENT activities and make peiiodic updates to the BYRON EOC. Upon notification of re-entry, the BYRON COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER will notify BYRON officials. The re-entry message will be verified prior to initiating action. The BYROM COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER {' , will turn in their dosimeters and exposure record forms to the BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT for fomarding to the ILLIN0IS DEPAPTMENT OF NUCLEAR SAFETY. i


l l VI (2) l Page 144 L

1 Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 , l f D G. 3. b. 4. Byron Police Department Initial Notification The BYRON POLICE CHIEF, or his alternate, will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the BYRON COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER (alternate numbers are provided for 24-hour notifi-cation). The BYRON POLICE CHIEF will report to the BYRON EOC for a briefing on the situation from the BYRON MAYOR. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be available at the E0C. Follow-ing authorization, the BYRON POLICE CHIEF will initiate his department call list and have personnel assemble at the POLICE DEPARTMENT. Communications with field personnel will be maintained by telephone or radio during emergency operations. Command and Coordination l- The BYRON POLICE CHIEF will ctordinate with the ) ! BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF in implementing the necessary protective dad parallel actions. Protective Actions The BYRON POLICE DEPARTMENT has primary responsibility for traffic and access control. 2: VI (2) Page 145 _ _ _ . _ - , ~'

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 d

  • BYRON POLICE DEPARTMENT will be supported in these activities by the BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT.

The BYRON POLICE DEPARTMENT will assist the BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT in public notification. Parallel Actions The BYRON POLICE DEPARTMENT is the primary agency responsible for crime prevention and law enforcement. The BYRON POLICE CHIEF will ensure that department personnel receive dosimetry, and as appropriate, potassium iodide (KI) tablets. KI will ,- be administered on a voluntary basis only upon the recommendation of IDNS. The BYRON POLICE CHIEF will assign a department person to maintain the Dosimetry Control Log. Upon notification of re-entry, the BYRON POLICE CHIEF will notify his personnel. The re-entry message will be verified prior to initiating action. The BYRON POLICE CHIEF will ensure collection of dosimetry from department personnel and forward all TLD's, Radiation Exposure Records and Dosimetry Control Logs to the BYRON FIRE PROTEdTION DISTRICT CHIEF. VI (2) Page 146 i

1 Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82  ; l G. 3. b. 5. Byron Suoerintendent of Schools Initial Notification The BYRON SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS, or his alternate, will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the BYRON C0ftUNICATIONS OFFICER (alternate numbers are provided for 24-hour notification). The BYRON SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will report to the BYRON E0C for a briefing on the r situation from the BYRON MAYOR. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be available at the EOC. Following authorization, the BYRON SUPERIN-TENDENT OF SCHOOLS will initiate his department call list. Communications with field personnel will be maintained by telephone or radio during emergency operations. Command and Coordination The BYRON SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will coordinate with the BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF in implementing the necessary protective and parallel actions. The BYRON SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will coordinate with the REGIONAL VI (2) Page 147

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 b SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS to ensure the safety and welfare of students. Protective Actions The BYRON SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will coordinate with the BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF for the transportation of school students and general populace. Parallel Actions The BYRON SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will ensure that department personnel receive dosimetry, and as

      .                                                          .f appropriate, potassium iodide (KI) tablets. KI will        '

be administered on a voluntary basis only upon the j recommendation of IDNS. The BYRON SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will assign a department person to maintain the Dosimetry Control Log. Upon notification of re-entry, the BYRON SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will notify his personnel. The BYRON SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will coordinate with the BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF the transportation of returning evacuees. The re-entry message will be verified prior to initiating action. The BYRON SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will ensure collection of dosimetry from department personnel


i VI (2) Page 148 l

Ogle Count Preliminary, Rev. 012/8h i 1 1 1 and fomard all TLDs, Radiation Exposure Records and Dosimetry Control Logs to the BYRON FIRE PROTECTION !- DISTRICT CHIEF for famarding to IDNS. i 4 l 1 i l i VI (2) Page 149


i l Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 l d.

         .G. 3.       b. 6. Byron Public Works Deoartment Initial Notification The BYRON PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT, or his alternate, will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the BYRON COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER (alternate numbers are provided for 24-hour notification).      The BYRON PUBLIC WORKS SUPERIN-TENDENT will report to tha BYRON E0C for a briefing on the situation from the BYRON MAYOR. A completed s.

NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be available at the EOC. Following authorization, the BYRON PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT will initiate their department call lists and have personnel assemble at the FIRE STATION. Communications with-field personnel will be maintained by telephone or radio during emergency operations. Command and Coordination The BYRON PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT will coordinate with the BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT FIRE CHIEF in implementing the necessary protective and parallel actions. VI (2) Page 151

l Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/S2 D i, Protective Actions The BYRON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT will assist the ILLIN0IS DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR SAFETY and the ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY in food, water and milk control by .providing sample collec-tion. Parallel Actions The BYRON PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT will ensure that department personnel receive dosimetry, and as appropriate, potassium iodide (KI) tablets. -

  -                                                                                           (

KI will be administered on a voluntary basis only upon the recommendation of IDNS. The BYRON PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT will assign a department person to maintain the Dosimetry Control Log. Upon notification of re-entry, the BYRON PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT will notify his personnel. Tjie re-entry message will be verified prior to initiat-ing action. The BYRON PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT will ensure collection of dosimetry from department personnel and forward all TLDs, Radiation Exposure i Records and Dosimetry Control Logs to the BYRON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF.


VI (2) Page 152

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 b, l G. 3. c. 1. Orecon Mayor Initial Notification The OREGON MAYOR, or his alternate, will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the OREGON ON-DUTY POLICE OFFICER (alternate numbers are provided for 24-hour notif-ication). The OREGON MAYOR will report to the OREGON E0C, review a completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT RE-PORTING SYSTEM FORM and brief city department heads on the situation. i Command and Coordination The OREGON MAYOR is in command of all OREGON Departments. The OREGON MAYOR will receive advice from the OREGON AMBULANCE SERVICE PRESIDENT, OREGON ESDA COORDINATOR, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF, POLICE CHIEF, WATER & STREET SUPERINTENDENTS and the SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. The OREGON MAYOR will coordinate with neighboring city officials, via radio or telephone, for decisions which may affect l them and for mutual assistance. I i VI (2) Page 153 l

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 b. Protective Actions . Primary and support agency heads will be briefed on their responsibilities in the affected areas, instructed to follow their detailed proce-dures and to notify the OREGON MAYOR when their assignments are completed. Appropriate evacuation reutes will be selected and the OREGON SUPERINTEN-DENT OF SCHOOLS notified if school students or general populace need to be evacuated or transpor-ted. The ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR SAFETY and the ILLIN0I; ENVIF.ONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY are responsible for food, water and milk control. The OREGON MAYOR will ensure that the OREGON WATER & STREETS DEPARTMENTS assist these agencies in sample collection by providing transportation as necessary. Parallel Actions The OREGON MAYOR will instruct the OREGON ESDA COORDINATOR to ensure that OREGON emergency person-nel receive dosimetry and complete radiation expo-sure records. The OREGON MAYOR will coordinate with the AMERICAN RED CROSS as well as the appropriate county agencies to ensure proper social services are provided at relocation centers and other required gl


VI (2) Page 154

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 b s areas. Upon notification that re-entry may be initia-ted, the OREGON MAYOR will notify the city depart-ment heads and relocation centers. The re-entry message will be verified prior to' initiatirg ac tions. The OREGON MAYOR will turn in his dosimetry and radiation exposure records to the OREGON ESDA COORDINATOR for forwarding to the IDNS. l VI (2) Page 155

0g10 County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 2 . ( Orecon Mayor Resource Sumary The OREGON MAYOR, or his alternate, has avail-able all the re~ sources of OREGON, including equip-ment in the OREGON EOC, to aid in the implementation of the OREGON MAYOR'S command decisions. l f


VI (2) Page 156 (

d i Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 G. 3. c. 2. Oregon Fire Protection District Initial Notification The OREGON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the OREGON ON-DUTY POLICE OFFICER (alternate numbers are provided for 24-nour noti-ficaticn). The OREGON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will report to the GREGCN EOC for a brief fag on the situation from the OREGON MAYOR. A c,maleted fiUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be available at the EOC. Following authori.'ation, the bREGON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF direct will all personnel to assemble at the FIRE DEPARTMENT. Communications with field personnel will be main-tained by telephone or radio during emergency operations. Command and Coordination The OREGON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will. coordinate with the OREGON MAYOR in implementing the necessary protective and parallel actions. l l VI (2) 1 Page 157 l L

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82


I' x Protective Actions The OREGON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT will assist with implementing protective actions as directed by the OREGON MAYOR. Parallel Actions The OREGCN FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT is the primary agency responsible for fire preventicr: ' activities. The GREGON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT l CHIEF will ensure that department personnel receive dosimetry, and as appropriate, pctassium iodide (KI) - tablets. KI will be administered on a voluntary basis only upon the recommendation of IDNS. The


OREGON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will assign a department person to maintain the Dosimetry Control Log. Upon notification of re-entry, the OREGON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will notify his personnel. The re-entry message will be verified prior to initiating action. The OREGON FIRE PROTECTION i DISTRICT CHIEF will ensure collection of dosimetry frem department personnel and forward all TLD's, l Radiation Exposure Records and Dosimetry Control Logs to the OREGON ESDA COORDINATOR. VI(2) Page 158 i

l Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 G. 3. c. 3. Orecon On-Duty Police Officer Initial Notification The OREGON ON-DUTY POLICE OFFICER will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELECOMMUNICATOR

                   .(alternate numbers are provided for 24-hour notifi-cation).      A NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTE'i FORM will be completed and the information verified by
    ;              return call. The OREGON ON-DUTY POLICE OFFICER will notify the OREGON MAYOR of the situation. Following authorization, the OREGON ON-DUTY POLICE OFFICER

\- will notify the OREGON POLICE CHIEF, OREGON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT, ESDA COORDINATOR and WATER & STREETS SUPERINTENDENTS. Command and Coordination The OREGON ON-DUTY POLICE OFFICER will carry out assignments under the direction of the OREGON POLICE CHIEF. Protective Actions The OREGON ON-DUTY POLICE OFFICER has primary responsibility for notification of OREGON officials during emergency operations. VI (2) Page 159

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 b Parallel Actions The OREGON ON-DUTY POLICE OFFICER will perform { normal dispatching activities. The OREGON ON-DUTY POLICE OFFICER will monitor the progress of OREGON POLICE DEPARTMENT activities and make periodic updates to the OREGCN EOC. Upon notification of re -entry , the OREGON CN DUTY POLICE OFFICER will notify OPEGON officials. The re-en try ressage will be verified prior to itiitiating action. The OPECCt: ON-DUTY POLICE - 0FFICER will turn in their dosimeters and exposure l record forms for forwarding to the OREGON ESDA l COORDINATOR. l

 }                                                             b_

VI (2) Page 160

r Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 s G. 3. c. 4. Oregon' Police Deoartment { Initial Notification The OREGON POLICE CHIEF, or his alternate, will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the OREGON ON-DUTY POLICE OFFICER (alternate numbers are provided for 24-hour notiti-cation). The OREGON POLICE CHIEF will report to the OREGON EOC for a briefing on the situation from the OREGON MAYOR. A completed NUCLEAR ACCICENT RE-PORTING SYSTEM FORM will be available at the EOC. Following authorization, the OREGON POLICE CHIEF will initiate his department call list and have personnel assemble at the POLICE DEPARTMENT. Communications with field personnel will be main-tained by telephone or radio during emergency operations. Comand and Coordination The OREGON POLICE CHIEF will coordinate with the OREGON MAYOR in implementing the necessary protective and parallel actions. Protective Actions The OREGON POLICE DEPARTMENT has primary VI (2) Page 161 L

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 0 12/82 2

 -                                                                   /

responsibility for public notification, traffic control and access control. The OREGON POLICE DEPARTMENT will be supported in these activities by the WATER & STREET DEPARTMENTS and AMBULANCE !ER-VICE. Parallel Actions The OREGON PCLICE DEPARTHENT is the primary agency responsible for crime prevention and law enforcement. The OREGON POLICE CHIEF will ensure that depar+. ment personnel receive dosimetry, and as appropriate, potassium iodide (KI) tablets. KI will (' be administered on a voluntary basis only upon the recommendation of IDNS. The OREGON POLICE CHIEF will assign a department person to maintain the Dosimetry Control Log. Upon notification of re-entry, the OREGON


POLICE CHIEF will notify his personnel. The re-entry message will be verified prior to initiating action. The OREGON POLICE CHIEF will ensure collec-tion of dosimetry from department personnel and forward all TLD's, Radiation Exposure Records and Dosimetry Control Logs to the OREGON ESDA C00RDIN-

     -ATOR.                                                        -

k._ l VI (2) l Page 162

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 b

 -s G. 3. c. 5. _0_ recon Suoerintendent of Schools e

Initial Notification The OREGCN SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS, or his alternate, will receive notification of an incident ' at the BYRON STATION from the OREGON ON-DUTY POLICE OFFICER, (alternate numoers are provided for 24-hocr notification). The OREGON SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will report either to the OREGON EOC or r" SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, and contact the OREGON - ( , MAYOR for a briefing on the situation. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be available at the EOC. Following authorization, the OREGON SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will initiate his l department call list. Communications with field personnel will be maintained by telephone or radio during emergency' operations. Command and Coordination The OREGON SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will coordinate with the OREGON MAYOR in implementing the necessary protective and parallel actions. The OREGON SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will also coordin-ate with the REGIONAL SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS to VI (2) Page 163

I Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 h (\ control points and staging areas. The OREGON ESDA COORDINATOR will coordinate with the OREGON SUPER-l INTENDENT OF SCHOOLS the transportation of school students and general populace. Parallel Ac* ions The OREGON ESDA COORDINATOR will ensure that all OREGON Departments distribute dosimetry to their personnel, maintain radiation exposure records and as appropriate, administer potassium iodide (KI) tablets. KI tablets are to be administered on a voluntary basis only upon the recommendation of ( - IDNS. The OREGON ESDA COORDINATOR will assist with decontamination activities of city equipment by the OREGON WATER & STREET DEPARTMENTS, with the assist-ance of IONS. Upon notification of re-entry, the OREGON ESDA COORDINATOR will coordinate with the OREGON SUPERIN-TENDENT OF SCHOOLS for transporthtion of returning evacuees. The re-entry message will be verified prior to initiating action. The OREGON ESDA COORD-INATOR will ensure collection of dosimetry from department personnel and forward all TLDs, Radiation l i

   )              Exposure Records and Dosimetry Control Logs to IDNS.        c



VI (2) Page 164

! .l l l Ogle Ceunty Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 - 2_. , 1 G. 3. c. 6. Oreoon ESDA Coordinator Initial Notification l


The OREGON ESDA COORDINATOR, or his alternate, will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the OREGON ON-DUTY POLICE OFFICER (alternate numbert are provided for 24-hour notification). The OREGON ESDA COORDINATOR will report to the OREGON EOC and confer on the situation with the OREGON MAYOR. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be available at the EOC. Command and Coordination The OREGON ESDA COORDINATOR will assist and i support the OREGON MAYOR in coordinating protective and parallel actions of OREGON Departments in i providing a toial emergency response. The OREGON ESDA COORDINATOR will assist with all requests for assistance from OREGON Departments to other city, county or state agencies to meet manpower and l resource needs. Protective Actions } The OREGON ESDA COORDINATOR will assist in identifying evacuation sectors and routes, i l VI (2) Page 165 I

I Ogle Coun2y Preliminary, Rev. 0 12/82

   ]-                                                                                                                        I' l

access control points and staging areas. The OREGON ESDA COORDINATOR will coordinate with the OREGON SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS the transportation of


school students and general populace.

                                         , Parallel Actions The OREGON ESM COORDINATOR will ensure that all OREG0h Departments distribute tosimetre to their          ,

perscnnel, maintain radiation exposure records and as appropriate, administer pctassium iodide (KI) tablets. KI tablets are to be administered on a voluntary basis only upon the recommendation of IDNS. The OREGON ESDA COORDINATOR will assist with decontamination activities of city equipment by the OREGON WATER & STREET DEPARTMENTS, with the assistance of IDNS. Upon notification of re-entry, the OREGON ESDA COORDINATOR will coordinate with the OREGON SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS for transportation of l I returning evacuees. The re-entry message will be verified prior to initiating action. The OREGON ESDA COORDINATOR will ensure collection of dosimetry F


VI (2) Page 166 i

Ogle County i Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 l from department personnel and forward all TLD's, l Radiation Exposure Records and Dosimetry Control l Logs to IDNS. N 4 i-l, .


t , i -

        .( -

i 1 i i l s i 1 t i i VI-(2) ! Page 167 3

                                                                                                . - - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ ~

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82


G. 3. c. 7. Oreoon Ambulance Service Initial Notification The OREG0M AMBULANCE SERVICE PRESIDENT, or his alternate, will recefve notification cf an incident ' at the BYRON STATION from the GREGON ON-DUTY POLICE OFFICER (alternate numbers are previded for 24-hour notification). The OREGCN AMBULANCE SERVICE PRESIDENT will report to the OREGON E00 for a briefing on the situation from the OREGON MAYOR. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be available at the EOC. Following authori-zation, the OREGON AMBULANCE SERVICE PRESIDENT will determine the need for additional assistance, initiate his department call list and have personnel assemble at the FIRE DEPARTMENT. Comunications with field personnel will be maintained by telephone or radio during emergency operations. Command and Coordination The OREGON AMBULANCE SERVICE PRESIDENT will coordinate with the OREGON MAYOR in implementing the necessary protective and parallel actions. i


l l VI (2) Page 169

l Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 ( i l Protective Actions The OREGON AMBULANCE SERVICE will assist as . necessary in implementing protective action under the direction of the OREGON MAYOR. Parallel Actions The OREGON AMBULANCE SERVICE is the primary agency responsible for emergency medical services.

                     . The OREGON AMBULANCE SERVICE PRESIDENT will ansure that department personnel rec.eive dosimetry, and as appropriate, potassium iodide (KI) tablets. KI will be administered on a voluntary basis only upon the recommendation of         IDNS. The    OREGON    AMBULANCE SERVICE PRESIDENT will assign a department perton to maintain the Dosimetry Control Log.

Upon notification of re-entry , the OREGON AMBULANCE SERVICE PRESIDENT will notify his person-ne). The re-entry message will be verified prior to initiating action. The OREGON AMBULANCE SERVICE PRESIDENT will ensure collection of dosime . try from department personnel and forward all TLD's, Radiation Exposure Records and Dosimetry Control Logs to the OREGON ESDA COORDINATOR.


VI(2) Page 170

l Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 b..

 . G. 3. c. 8    Orecon Water & Street Deoartments Initial Notification The OREGON WATER & STREET SUPERINTEi! DENTS, or P

their alternates, will receive notification of an . incident at the BYRON STATION from the CREGON CN-DUTY POLICE OFFICER (alternate numbers are provided i for 24-hour notification). Depending on the situa-tion, the OREGON WATER & STREET SUPERINTENDENTS will report either to the OREGON EOC where a completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be available, or the CITY GARAGE. The OREGON WATER & STREET SUPERINTENDENTS will contact the OREGON MAYOR for a briefing on the situation. Following authori-l zation, the OREGON WATER & STREET SUPERINTENDENTS will initiate their department call lists and have personnel assemble at the CITY GARAGE. Communica-tions with field personnel will be maintained by telephone or radio during emergency operations. Comand and Coordination The OREGON WATER & STREET SUPERINTENDENTS will coordinate with the OREGON MAYOR in implementing the necessary protective and parallel actions. VI (2) Page 171 1

                .                                                                            -l 1

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 0 12/82 Protective Actions The OREGON WATER & STREET DEPARTMENTS have primary responsibility to maintain clear roads by providing equipment to remove snow, debris, disabled vehicles, .etc. The OREGON WAT,ER & STREET DEPART-fdENTS will also assist the OREGON POLICE DEPARTMENT in traffic and access control by providing and setting up barricades. The OREGON WATER & STREET DEFA.TJ4ENTS will assist tha ILLINDIS DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR SAFETY and the ILLIh0IS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY in food, water and milk control by assisting with sample collection. Parallel Actions The OREGON WATER & STREET DEPARTMENTS will carry out decontamination activities of city equip-ment under the direction of the OREGON ESDA COORDIN-ATOR, with the assistance of IDNS. The OREGON WATER

                  & STREET SUPERINTENDENTS will ensure that department personnel receive dosimetry, and as appropriate, potassium iodide (KI) tablets. KI will be administ-ered on a voluntary basis only upon the recommenda-tion of IDNS.        The OREGON WATER & STREET SUPER-INTENDENTS will assign a department person to                        J i

VI (2) Page 172

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 _m maintain the Dosimetry Control Log. Upon notification of re-entry, the OREGON WATER

        & . STREET SUPERINTENDENTS will notify their person-nel. Tne re-entry message will be verified prior to initiating action.        The ORE 30N WATER 3 STREET DEPARTMENTS will remove barricaces freta access or traffic control coints.         The OREGON WATER & STREET SUPERINTENDENTS will ensure collection of dosimetry from depa rtment personnel and fo rwa rd all TLDs, Radiation Exposure Records and Dosimetry Control T       Legs to the OREGON ESDA COORDINATOR.

s a VI (2) Page 173

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 bs G. 3. d. 1. S_tillman Valley Villace President Initial Notification The STILLMAN VALLEY V.LAGE PRESIDENT, or his alternate, will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF, or FIRE

PROTECTION DISTRICT MEMBER, (alternate numbers are provided for 24-hour notificatien). The STILLMAN VALLEY VILLAGE PRESIDENT will report to the STILLMAN VALLEY EOC, review the completed tiUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM and brief city department heads on the situation. $

Command and Coordination The STILLMAN VALLEY VILLAGE PRESIDENT is in command of all STILLMAN VALLEY Departments. The i _ STILLMAN VALLEY VILLAGE PRESIDENT will receive advice frcm the' STILLMAN VAi. LEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF, ESDA C00RDIfiATOR, SUPERINTENDENT OF. SCHOOLS and PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT. The STILLMAN VALLEY VILLAGE PRESIDENT will coordinate with neighboring city officials, via radio or VI (2) Page 175 l

l OgleCountz Preliminary Rev. 012/8u d [ s 4 telephone, for decisions which may affect them and for mutual assistance. Protective Actions Primary .and support agency heads will be

    . briefed on their responsibilities in the affected areas, instructed to follow their detailed proced-ures and to notify the STILLMAN VALLEY VILLAGE PRESIDENT when their assignments are completed.

Appropriate evacuation routes will be selected and the STILLMAN VALLEY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS ( notified if school students or general populace need to be evacuated or transported. The ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR SAFETY and the ILLIN0IS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY are responsible for food, water and milk control. The STILLMAN VALLEY VILLAGE PRESIDENT will ensure that the STILLMAN VALLEY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT assists these i agencies in sample collection, if recuested. Parallel Actions The STILLMAN VALLEY VILLAGE PRESIDE?iT will instruct the STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DIS-TRICT CHIEF to ensure that STILLPAN VALLEY ecergency


persennel receive casimetry and complete raciation N VI (2) Page 176

Ogle rounty Preliminary Rev. 012/82 b__ exposure records. The STILLMAN VALLEY VILLAGE PRESIDENT will ccordinate with the AMERICAN RED CROSS as well as the appropriate county agencies to ensure proper social services are provided at relocation centers and other required areas. Upon notification that re-entry may be initia-ted, the STILLMAN VALLEY VILLAGE PRESIDENT will notify the city department heads and relocation [ centers. The re-entry message will be verified prior to initiating actions. The STILLMAN VALLEY VILLAGE PRESIDEllT will turn in his dosimetry and radiation exposure records to the STILLMAN VALLEY r.aDA COORDINATOR for forwarding to the ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR SAFETY. VI (2) Page 177

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 l (' Stillman Valley Villace President Resource Summary. The STILLMAN VALLEY VILLAGE PRESIDENT, or his alternate, has available all the resources of STILLMAN VALLEY including equipment in the STILLMAN VALLEY EOC to aid in the implementation of the STILLMAN VALLEY VILLAGE PRESIDENT's ccmand decis-ions.


i l l 1 i VI (2) Page 178 4

          .___,. s                           _ _ _ ,       . _ . , ,   --_._._y,      ,- -  - _ -

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 G. 3. d. 2. Stillman Valley ESDA Coordinator The STILLMAN VALLEY ESDA C00RDIflATOR, or his alternate, will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT (alternate numbers are provided for 24-hour notification). The STILLMAN VALLEY ESDA COORDINATOR will report to the STILLMAN VALLEY EOC and confer on the situation with the STILLMAft VALLEY VILLAGE PRESIDEtiT and STILLf'Att VALLEY FIRE PROTECTI0ft DISTRICT CHIEF. A ccmpleted flVCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTIrlG SYSTEM FORM will be available at the EOC. Command and Coordination The STILLMAN VALLEY ESDA C00RDINATOR will assist the STILLMAl. VALLEY VILLAGE PRESIDENT in coordinating protective and parallel actions of STILLMAN VALLEY Departments in providing the emergency response. The STILLMAN VALLEY ESDA COCRDINATOR will coordinate all requests for assis-tance from STILLMAN VALLEY Departments to other VI (2) Page 179

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 ) city, county or sta.te agencies to meet manpower and resource needs. Protective Actions The STILLMAN VALLEY ESDA COORDINATOR will assist in identifying evacuation sectors and routes, access control points and staging areas. The STILLMAN VALLEY ESDA COORDINATOR will coordinate with the STILLMAN VALLEY SUPERIflTENDENT OF SCF00LS and the STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF, for the transoortation of school students ,' and general populace. Parallel Actions The STILLMAN VALLEY ESDA COORDINATOR will ensure that all STILLMAN VALLEY Departments distri-bute dosimetry to their personnel, maintain radia-tion exposure records and as appropriate, administer potassium iodide (XI) tablets. KI tablets are to be acministered on a voluntary basis only upon the recommendation of !DNS. The STILLMAN VALLEY ESDA COORDINATOR will assist with decontamination activi-ties of city equipment by the STILLMAN VALLEY PUBLIC WORKS DEFARTMENT, under the direction of IDNS. VI (2) Page 180

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/8c Upon notification of re-entry, the STILLMAN VALLEY ESDA COORDINATOR will coordinate with the STILLMAN VALLEY iW IRIflTENDENT OF SCHOOLS and STILLf-1AN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF for transportation of returning evacuees. The re-entry message will be. verified prior to initiating action. The STILLMAN VALLEY ESDA COORDINATOR will ensure - collection of dosimetry from department personnel and forward all TLDs, Radiation Exposure Records and Dosimetry Control Logs to IDNS. l 1 VI (2) Page 181 l

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82


G. 3. d. 3. Stillman Valley Fire Protection District Initial Notification The STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELE-COMMUNICATOR (alternate numbers are provided for 24-hour notification). He will complete a NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM and initiate the ( STILLMAN VALLEY call list. The STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will report to the STILL-MAN VALLEY E0C for a briefing on the situation from the STILLMAN VALLEY VILLAGE PRESIDENT. Following authorization, the STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will initiate his department call list and have all personnel assemble at the FIRE STATION. Comunications with field personnel will be maintained by telephone or radio during emergency operations. Ce mand and Coordination The STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will assist the STILLMAN VALLEY VILLAGE PRESIDENT and STILLMAN VALLEY ESDA COORDINATOR in J coordinating protective and parallel actions of STILLMAN VALLEY Departments in provicing a total Ng[2);g3

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 0 12/82


x emergency response. The STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTEC-TION DISTRICT CHIEF will assist in coordinating all requests for assistance from STILLMAN VALLEY Depart-ments to other city, county or state agencies to meet manpower and resource needs. Protective Actions

 ,             The STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT has primary responsibility for public notification.

The STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT will be supported in those activities by the OGLE COUNTY . SHERIFF's DEPARTl1ENT. The STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will assist in identifying evacuation sectors and routes, access control points and staging areas. The STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will coordinate with the STILLMAN VALLEY SUPERINTEN- , DENT OF SCHOOLS and THE ESDA COORDINATOR for the 1 l transportation of school students and general populace. Parallel Actions The STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT is the primary agency responsible for fire prevention


Page 184

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 s DISTRICT will provide limited emergency medical services. The STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will assist in ensuring that all

            ,STILLMAN VALLEY Departments distribute dosimetry to their personnel, maintain rediation exposure records and as appropriate, administer potassium iodide (KI) tablets.      KI tablets are to be administered on a voluntary basis only upon the recommendation of IDNS. The STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT

[ CHIEF will assist in decontamination activities of city equipment. Upon notification of re-entry,- the STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will notify his personnel. The re-entry message will be veri-fied prior to initiating action. The STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will assist the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT in traffic

          ' control for returning evacuees. The STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will turn in his dosimetry and radiation records to the STILLMAN VALLEY ESDA COORDINATOR for forwarding to ICMS.

2 VI (2) Page 185

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

b. s G. 3. d. 4. Stillman Valley Sucerintendent of Schools Initial Notification The STILU4AN VALLEY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS, or his alternate, will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT (alternate numbers are provided for 24-hour notification). The STILLMAN VALLEY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS, or his designee, will report to the STILLMAN VALLEY EOC for a briefing on the situation from the STILLMAN VALLEY VILLAGE PRESIDENT. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be available at the EOC.

Following authorization, the STILLMAN VALLEY SUPER-INTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will initiate his department call list. Communications with field personnel will be maintained by telephone or radio during emergency operations. Command and Coordination . The STILU4AN VALLEY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will coordinate with the STILLMAN VALLEY ESDA VI (2) Page 187

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 b ( COORDINATOR and STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTICN DISTRICT CHIEF in implementing the necessary protec-tive and parallel actions. The STILLMAN VALLEY SUPERINTENDEtlT OF SCHOOLS will coordinate with the REGIONAL SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS to ensure the safety and welfare of students. Protective Actions The STILLMAN VALLEY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS


will coordinate with the STILLMAN VALLEY ESDA COORDINATOR and STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION ( DISTRICT CHIEF for the transportation of school students and general populace. Parallel Actions The STILLMAN VALLEY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will ensure that department personnel receive dosimetry, and as appropriate, potassium iodide (KI) tablets. KI will be administered on a voluntary basis only upon the recommendation of IDNS. The STILLMAN VALLEY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will-l assign a department person to maintain the Dosimetry Control Log. l Upon notification of re-entry, the STILLMAN 1

 }    VALLEY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will notify his         F -

VI (2) Page 188 l

4 Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 personnel. The STILLMAN VALLEY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will coordinate with the STILLMAN VALLEY ESDA COORDINATOR and STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF in the transportation of returning evacuees. The 're-entry message will be verified prior to initiating action. The STILLMAN VALLEY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will ensure collection of dosimetry , TLDs, Radiation Exposure Records and Dosimetry Control Logs to the STILLMAN VALLEY ESDA


) VI(2) Page 189

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 b,- I G. 3. d. S. Stillman Valley Public Works Decarte:ent Initial Notification The STILLMAN VALLEY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT l SUPERINTENDENT, or his al ternate, will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT (alternate numbers are provided for 24-hour notific-e ation). A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be furnished. The STILU!AN VALLEY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUPERINTENDENT will report to the STILLMAN VALLEY EOC for a briefing on the situation from the STILLMAN VALLEY VILLAGE PRESI-DENT. Following authorization, the STILL".AN VALLEY PUBLICWORKSDEPNRTMENTSUPERINTENDENTwillinitiate the department call list and have personnel assemble 9 at the FIRE STATION. Communications with field l personnel will be maintained by telephone or radio during emergency operations. - Command and Coordination The STILLNAN VALLEY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUPERINTENDENT will ccordinate with the STILLMAN

   )                               VALLEY ESDA COORDINATOR and STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE l                                                     VI (2)

Page 191

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

    ]                                                                                 '

G. 3. d. 5. Stillman Valley Public Works Deoartment l Initial Notification The STILLMAN VALLEY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUPERINTENDENT, or his alternate, will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the STILLMAN VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT (alternate numbers are provided for 24-hour notific-ation). A comoleted NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be furnished. The STILLMAN VALLEY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUPERI!!TENDENT will report to the STILLMAN VALLEY EOC for a briefing on the situation from the STILLMAN VALLEY VILLAGE PRESI-

      .                  DENT. Following authorization, the STILLMAN VALLEY PUBLIC WORKS DE'ARTMENT TUPERINTENDENT will initiate the department call list and have personnel assemble at the FIRE STATION. Communications with field personnel will be maintained by telephone or radio during emergency operations.

Corrmand and Coordination The STILLMAN VALLEY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUPERINTENDENT will coordinate with the STILLMAtl

    }                   VALLEY ESDA COORDINATOR and STILLMAll VALLEY FIRE           F VI (2)

Page 191

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82 PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF in implementing the necessary protective and parallel actions. Protective Actions The STILLMAN VALLEY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT will assist the ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR SAFETY and the ILLIN0IS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY in food, water and milk control by providing sample collection. Parallel Actions ( The STILLMAN VALLEY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUPERINTENDENT will ensure that department personnel receive dosimetry, and as appropriate, potassium iodide (KI) tablets. XI will be administered on a voluntary basis only upon the reconrnendation of IDNS. The STILLMAN VALLEY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUPERINTENDENT will maintain the Dosimetry Control Log. Upon notification of re-entry, the STILLMAN VALLEY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUPERINTENDENT will notify his personnel. The re-entry message will be verified prior to initiating action. The STILLMAN VALLEY MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT SUPERINTENDENT will

 )   ensure collection of dosimetry, TLDs, Radiation VI (2)

Page 192

Ogle County Preliminary Rev. 012/82

  .)                                                                             f x

Exposure Records and Dosimetry Control Logs to the STILLMAN VALLEY ESDA COORDINATOR fro forwarding to ILLIN0IS DEPARTMENT OF flVCLEAR SAFETY. C I l i j - 1 i l l


i VI(2) Page 193 L

Ogle Cour.ty Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 G. 3. e. 1. Leaf River Mayor l Initial Notification The LEAF RIVER MAJOR, or his alter-nate will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT (alternate numbers are provided for 24-hour notification). The , LEAF RIVER MAYOR will report to the LEAF - RIVER EOC, review the completed NUCLEAR k~ ACCIDEitT REPORTING SYSTEM FORll and brief village department heads of the situation. Command and Coordination l The LEAF RIVER liAYOR is in comrrand of all LEAF RIVER Departments. The LEAF RIVER MAYOR will receive advice from the LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION CHIEF, POLICE CHIEF, SCHOOL SUPERTINTEf! DENT. The LEAF RIVER MAYOR will coordinate with neighboring city officials via radio or telephone for dec-isions which may affect them for mutual assistance. VI (2) Page 195

l 1 Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82  ; Protective Actions Primary and support agency supervisors will be briefed on their respensibilities in the affected areas or instructed to follow their detailed procedures. They will notify the LEAF RIVER MAYOR when their assignments are completed. Appropriate evacuation routes will be selected and the LEAF RIVER SCHOOL ( ' SUPERINTENDENT will be notified if school V students or general populace need to be evacuated or transportated. The ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR SAFTEY and the ILLIN0IS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY are responsible for food, water, and milk control. The LEAF RIVER MAYOR will ensure that the LEAF RIVER MAINTAINCE DEPARTMENT assists these agencies in sample collection, if requested. l Parallei Actions The LEAF PIVER MAYOR will instruct the LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF to ensure that LEAF RIVER emergency personnel VI (2) Page 196

1 Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 b / k receive dosimetry and complete radiation exposure records. The LEAF RIVER MAYOR will coordinate with the AMERICAN RED CROSS as well as the appropriate coun,ty agencies to ensure proper social services are provided at congregate care shelters and other required a reas. Upon notification that re-entry may be initiatied, the LEAF RIVER MAYOR will notify the city department heads and congregate care shelters. The re-entry message will be verified prior to initiating actions. The LEAF RIVER MAYOR will turn in his dosbetry and radiation exposure records to the LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF for fewarding to the ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR SAFTEY. VI (2) Page 197 s J

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 , Leaf River Mayor I Resource Summary The LEAF RIVER MAYOR, or his atternate, has available all the resources of LEAF RIVER including equipment in the LEAF RIVER EOC to aid in the implementation of the LEAF RIVER MAYOR'S command decisions. l l l l l VI (2) Page 198


l Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82


( l l G. 3. e. 2. Leaf River Fire Protection District l Initial Notification The LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the OGLE COUNTY TELE-COMMUNICATOR (alternate numbers are provided for 24-hour notification). They will complete a NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM and initiate the LEAF RIVER call list. The LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF i will ensure that all personnel assemble at - the FIRE STATION. Communications with l field personnel will be maintained by , telephone or radio during emergency operations. Command and Coordination l i The LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will assist the LEAF RIVER MAYOR in

   )                                                                              a--.

\ VI (2) Page 199


1 Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 b ' l l coordinating protective and parallel actions of LEAF RIVER Departments in providing a total emergency response. The LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will coordinate all requests for assistance from LEAF RIVER Departments to other city, county or state agencies to meet manpower and resource needs.

 ./                       Protective Actions

( The LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT has primary responsibility for public notifica-tion. The LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT will be supported in those activities by the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT. The LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will assist in identifyir.g evacuation sectors and routes, traffic and access control points. The LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will coordinate with the LEAF RIVER SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS the transpor-tation of school students and general populace. l . l l VI (2) Page 200 l

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 0 12/82 S. Parallel Actions The LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT is the primary agency responsible for fire preven-tion activities. The LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTEC-TION DISTRICT will provide limited emergency medical services. The LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTEC-TION DISTRICT CHIEF will ensure that all LEAF RIVER Departments distribute dosimetry to their personnel, maintain radiation exposure records ,- and as appropriate, administer potassium iodide ' (KI) tablets. KI tablets are to be admini-stered on a voluntary basis only upon the recommendation of IDNS. The LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION _ DISTRICT CHIEF will direct decentami-

   ,   nation activities of city equipment, with the assistance of. IONS.

Upon notification of re-entry, the LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT will notify his personnel. The re-entry message will be verified prior to initiating action. The LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT will assist the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT in traffic } VI (2) Page 201

e Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 7 7 control for returning evacuees. The LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF PRESIDENT will ensure collection of all dosimetry from depart-ment personnel and forward all TLD's, Radiation Exposure Records and Dosimetry Control Logs to IONS

 ,      f l



VI (2) Pane 202


Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/8c 7 s Protective Actions The LEAF RIVER POLICE DEPARTl1ENT has primary responsibility for traffic and access control. LEAF RIVER POLICE DEPARTMENT will be supported in these activities by the LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT. The LEAF RIVER FOLICE DEPARTMENT will assist the LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECT 10tl DISTRICT in public notifica-(' tion, s Parallel Actions The LEAF RIVER POLICE DEPARTMENT is the primary agency responsible for crime prevention and law enforcement. The LEAF RIVER POLICE CHIEF will ensure that department personnel receive dosimetry, and as appropriate, potas-sium iodide (KI) tablets. KI will be admini-

  • stered on a voluntary basis only upon the recomendation of IDNS. The LEAF RIVER POLICE.

CHIEF will assign a department person to maintain the Dosimetry Control Log.


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Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82


( Upon notification of re-entry, the LEAF RIVER POLICE CHIEF will notify his personnel. The re-entry message will be verified prior to initiating action. The LEAF RIVER POLICE CHIEF will ensure collection of dosimetry from department personnel and forward all TLD's, Radiation Exposure Records and Dosimetry Control Logs to the LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF. f ( ! .) F_ VI (2) Paee 205

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 3 G. 3. e. 4. Leaf River Sucerintendent of Schools Initial Notification The LEAF RIVER SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS, or his alternate, will receive notificatica of an incident at the BYR071 STATION from the LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, (siternate numbers are provided for 24-hour notification). A comoleted NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM ./ FORM will be furnished. The LEAF RIVER SUPERIN-TENDEtlT OF SCHOOLS will recort to the LEAF RIVER EOC for a briefing on the situation from the LEAF RIVER MAYOR. Following authorization, the LEAF RIVER SUPERINTEi! DENT OF SCHOOLS will initiate his depart:.;ent call list. Communi-cations with field personnel will be maintained

  • by telephone or radio during emergency opera-tions.

Command and Coordination The LEAF RIVER SUPERINTE?iDENT OF SCHOOLS will coordinate with the LEAF RIVER FIRE 3 PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF in inplementing the j v_ necessary protective and parallel actions. The VI (2) Page 207 I I

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82

 ~i T

LEAF RIi.'ER SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will coordinate with the REGIONAL SUPERIllTENDElli 0F SCHOOLS to ensure the safety and welfare of students. Protective Actions The LEAF RIVER SUPERIllTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will coordinate with the LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTIOil DISTRICT CHIEF the transportation of school students and general peculace. Parallel Actions The LEAF RIVER SUPERIllTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will ensure that department personnel receive dosimetry, and as appropriate, potassium iodide (KI) tablets. KI will be administered on a voluntary basis only upon the recommendation of IDNS. 'The LEAF RIVER SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will assign a department cerson to maintain the Oosimetry Control Log. Upon notification of re-entry, the LEAF RIVER SUPERIllTENDENT OF' SCHOOLS will notify his personnel. The LEAF RIVER SUPERI;lTENDENT OF 3, SCHOOLS will coorcinate with the LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF the transpor-l l VI (2) Page 208 l

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82

  'T' tation of returning evacuees.         The' re-entry message will be verified prior to initiating action.        The LEAF RIVER SUPERIllTD! DENT OF SCHOOLS will ensure collection of dosimetry from department personnel          and fonva rd all TLD's, Radiation Exposure Records and Dosimetry Control Logs to the LEAF RDFER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT.

7 n i i i VI (2) Page 209

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82

 ,3 G. 3. e. 5. Leaf River Maintenance Decartment Initial Notification The LEAF RIVER MAINTENANCE DEPARTh1ENT SUPERINTENDENT, or his alternate, will receive notification of an        incident at the BYRON STATION from the LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, (alternate nu=cers are provided for

( 24-hour notification). A comoleted NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTIrlG SYSTEM FORM will be furn-ished. The LEAF RIVER MAINTENANCE DEPART!*ENT SUPERINTENDENT will report to the LEAF RIVER EOC for a briefing on the situation from the LEAF RIVER MAYOR. Following authorization, the LEAF RIVER MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT SUPERIN- ! TENDENT will initiate their department call lists and have personnel assemble at the FIRE STATION. Communications with field personnel j will be maintained by telephone or radio during i emergency operations. Cc= mand and Coordination 4 J The LEAF RIVER MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT SUPERIflTENDENT will coordinate with the LEAF VI (2) Paee 210

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 0 12/82 l_ RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT FIRE CHIEF in implementing the necessary protective and parallel actions. Protective Actions The LEAF RIVER MAlflTENANCE DEPARTMENT will assist the ILLIt:0IS DEPARTMEtiT OF ?iUCLEAR SAFETY and the ILLI?:0IS EfiVIRONMEiiTAL PROTEC-TION AGENCY in food, water and milk centrol by providing samole collection. _ Parallel Actions ' The LEAF RIVER MAIiTEilANCE DEPARTMEilT SUPERINTENDENT will ensure tnat department personnel receive dosimetry, anc as appro-priate, potassium iodide (KI) tablets. KI will be administered on a voluntary basis only upon l the reccmmendation of IDNS. The LEAF RIVER MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT SUPERINTENDENT will assign a department person to maintain the Dosimetry Control Log. Upon notification of re-entry,. the LEAF RIVER MAIrlTEi!ANCE DEPARTMEilT SUPERINTENDENT s will notify his personnel. The re-entry

 .I                                                            ~

message will be verified crior to initiating - VI (E) Psae 211

l 1 Oole County l Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 e


n action. The LEAF RIVER MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT SUPERINTENDENT will ensure collection of dosimetry from department personnel and forward all TLD's, Radiation Exposure Records and Dosimetry Control Logs to the LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF. l i l VI (2) l Page 212

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82


j t G. 3. f. 1. Mt. Morris Villace President Initial Notification The MT. MORRIS VIL'LAGE PRESIDENT, or his alternate, will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the MT. MORRIS POLICE DISPATCHER (alternate numbers are provided for 24-hour notification). The MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT will report to the MT. MORRIS EOC, review a comoleted NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORT 1 t and brief village decartment heads on the situation. The MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT may direct the MT.

MORRIS POLICE DISPATCHER to notify memoers of the I

Village Board of Trustees as necessary for assis-tance or suoport. Command and Coordination The MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT is in command of all MT. MORRIS Departments. The MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT will receive advice frem the MT. MORRIS POLICE CHIEF, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS, PUBLIC WORKS SUPERIN-TENDENT and ESDA COORDINATOR. The MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT will coordinate with neignooring .

    ./                                                                       , _.

VI (2) Page 213

l l l Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82


city officials, via radio or telephone, for decis-ions which may affect them and for mutual assis-tance. Protective Actions

Primary and support agency heads will be briefed on their resconsibilities in the affected areas, instructed to follow their detailed proced-ures and to notify the MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT when their assignments are comaleted. Approcria te s

evacuation routes will be selected and the TIT. MORRIS SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS notified if school students or general populace need to be evacuated or transported. The ILLIfl0IS DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR SAFETY and the ILLIN0IS ENVIR0tlMEriTAL PROTECTION AGEt!CY are responsible for food, water and milk control. The MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT will ensure that the MT. MORRIS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT i j assists these agencies in sample collection by providing transportation. Parallel Actions The MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT will instruct the MT. MORRIS ESDA CCORDINATOR to ensure that MT. MORRIS emergency personnel receive cosimeters and VI (2) Page 214

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 0 12/82 _3


complete radiation exposure records. The MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDElT will coordinate with the AMERICAtt RED CROSS and the aporopriate county agencies to ensure proper social services are provided at relocation ' centers and other recuired areas. Upon notification that re-entry may be initia-ted, the MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT will notify the city depart:nent heads and relocation centers. The re-entry message will be verified prior to initiating actions. The MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESI-DE?li will turn in his dosimetry and radiation - exposure records to the MT. MORRIS ESDA C00RDI?!ATOR for forwarding to the ILLItt0IS DEPARTME!!T OF NUCLEAR SAFETY.


m VI (2) Page 215 l

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82

 T Mt. Morris Villace President Resource Sumary The MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDEriT,    or his alternate, has available all the resources of MT.

MORRIS including equipment in the MT. MORRIS E0C to

          . aid in the implementation of the MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT'S comand decisions.

i VI (2) Page 216 i

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 0 12/82

  ')                                                                                       .-

( G. 3. f. 2. Mt. Morris Fire Protection District Initial Notification The MT. MORRIS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT will receive notification of an incident classified as an Alert, Site Emergency or General Emergency at the BYR0tl STATION from the OGLE COU!!TY SHERIFF'S TELE-COMMUtIICATOR (alternate numcers are provioed for 24-hour notification). The MT. MORRIS FIRE PROTECTI0tl DISTRICT CHIEF, or his designee will - report to the MT. MORRIS EOC for a briefing on tne situation from the MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDEllT REPORTIt:G SYSTEM FORM

        .                 will be available at the E0C. If the situation warrants, the itT. MORRIS FIRE PROTECTI0tt DISTRICT CHIEF will      direct his department personnel          to assemble at the FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT STATION.

l Communications with field personnel will be main-tained by telephone or radio during emergency operations. Co=nand and Coordination The MT. MORRIS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF g

 .-                      will assist the !!T. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDEilT in            g implementing the necessary protective and parallel             '

action to provide a total emergency res;:cnse. YItgh2kl7

Ogle County Preliminary,' Rev. 012/82


Protective Actions The MT. MORRIS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT will provide general assistance and suoport protective action for activities. Parallel Actions The MT. MORRIS FIRE PROTECTI0ti DISTRICT is the prima ry agency responsible for fire prevention activities. The MT. MORRIS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT will provide emergency medical services, as re-( quired. The MT. MORRIS FIRE CHIEF will ensure that decartment personne1' receive dosimetry, as appro-priate , administer cotassium iodide (KI) tablets. XI tablets are to be administered on a voluntary basis only upon the recommendation of IDMS. The MT. MORRIS FIRE PROTECTI0fl DISTRICT CHIEF will assign a department person to maintain the Dosimetry Control Log. Upon notification of re-entry, the MT. MORRIS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will notify his , personnel. The re-entry message will be verified prior to initiating action. The MT. MORRIS FIRE PROTECTI0tl DISTRICT CHIEF will ensure collection of dosimetry from all department personnel and forward


all TLDs, Radiation Exposure Recorcs and Dosimetry Control Logs to the MT. MORRIS ESDA CCOR0!NATOR. 2 Ykgek18

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82

   )                                                                          (

G. 3. f. 3. Mt. Morris Police Decartcent Discatcher Initial flotification The MT. MORRIS POLICE DEPARTt!ENT DISPATCHER will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATI0ft from the OGLE COUflTY SHERIFF'S TELECCM-MUtlICATOR, - (alternate numbers are provided for 24-hour notification). A fiUCLEAR ACCIDEriT REPORTI!;G SYSTEM FORM will be completed and the information verified by return call. The MT. MORRIS POLICE DEPARTMENT DISPATCHER will notify tne MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDEilT of the situation. Folicwing 4 authorization, the MT. MORRIS POLICE DEPARTMEilT DISPATCHER will notify the MT. MORRIS POLICE CHIEF, SUPERIrlTEllDENT OF SCHOOLS, PUBLIC WORKS SUPERIN-TeitlDENT, and the ESDA COORDINATOR. Command and Coordination The MT. MORRIS POLICE DEPARTMENT DISPATCHER ( will carry out assignments under the direction of the MT. MORRIS POLICE CHIEF. i l Protective Actions The MT. MORRIS POLICE DEPARTi1EllT DISPATCHER has y prima ry resconsibility for notification of MT. y VI (2) Page 219 i

1 l Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 Y n MORRIS officials during emergency operations. Parallel Actions The MT. MORRIS POLICE DEPARTMENT DISPATCHER will perform normal communication activities. The MT. MORRIS POLICE DEPARTMENT DISPATCHER will monitor the progress of the MT. MORRIS POLICE activities and make periodic updates to the MT. MORRIS EOC. Upon notification of re-entry, the MT. MORRIS POLICE DEPARTMENT DISPATCHER will notify MT. MORRIS . officials. The re-entry message will be verified prior to initiating action. The MT. MORRIS POLICE DEPARTMENT DISPATCHER will turn in his cosimeters and exposure record forms to the MT. MORRIS ESDA COORDINATOR. i VI (2) Page 220

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82


( G. 3. f. 4. Mt. Morris Police Decartment Initial flotification The MT. MORRIS POLICE CHIEF, or his alternate, will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATI0tl from the MT. MORRIS POLICE , DEPARTMENT DISPATCHER (alternate numbers are provided for 24-hour notification). The MT. MORRIS POLICE CHIEF will report to the MT. MORRIS EOC for a briefing on the situation from the MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDEiIT. < A ccmoleted t1UCLEAR ACCIDErlT REPORTIrlG SYSTEM FORM will be available at the EOC. Following authori-zation, the MT. MORRIS POLICE CHIEF will initiate his department call list and have personnel assemble at the POLICE DEPARTMEllT. Communications with field personnel will be maintained by telephone or radio during emergency operations. Ccemand and Coordination The MT. MORRIS POLICE CHIEF will coordinate with the MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDE?lT in implementing the necessary protective and parallel actions. 3 J 4 l j VI (2) Page 221

Ogle Ccunty Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 Is


Protective Actions The MT. MORRIS POLICE DEPARTMENT has primary responsibility for traffic and access control. Parallel Actions The MT. MORRIS POLICE DEPARTMENT is the primary agency responsible for crime prevention and law enforcement. The MT. MORRIS POLICE CHIEF will ensure that department personnel receive dosimetry, and as appropriate, potassium iodide (KI) tablets. KI will be administered on a voluntary basis only upon the recommendation of IONS. The MT. MORRIS POLICE CHIEF will assign a decartment person to maintain the Dosimetry Control Log. Upon notification of re-entry, the MT. MORRIS POLICE CHIEF will notify his personnel. The re-entry mess' age will be verified prior to initiating action. The MT. MORRIS POLICE CHIEF will ensure i collection of dosimetr/ from department personnel and forward all TLD's, Radiation Exposure Records and Dosimetry Control Logs to the MT. MORRIS ESDA ! COORDINATOR. i


VI (2) Page 222 i

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82


( G. 3. f. 5. Mt. Morris Suoerintendent of Schools Initial flotification The MT. MORRIS SUPERI!!TENDENT OF SCHOOLS, or his alternate, will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the MT. MORRIS POLICE DEPARTMENT DISPATC4ER, (alternate numbers are provided for 24-hour notification). The MT. MORRIS SUPERIrlTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will recort to the MT. MORRIS EOC for a briefing on the situation from the MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT. A comoleted NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be available at the EOC. Following authorization, the MT. MORRIS SUPERIrlTENDEtli 0F SCHOOLS will initiate his decart-ment call list. Communications with field personnel will be maintained by telephone or radio during emergency operations. Command and Coordination The MT. MORRIS SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOCLS will coordinate with the MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT in implementing the necessary protective and parallel actions. The MT. MORRIS SUPERIllTENDENT OF SCHOOLS S will also coordinate

 ,J                                                      with     the       REGIGNAL       y
                                          '/I (2 )

Page 223

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 3 T SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS to ensure the safety and welfare of students. Protective Actions The MT. MORRIS SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will coordir. ate with the MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT and ESDA C00RDIt!ATOR for the transportation of school students and general populace. Parallel Actions The MT. MORRIS SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will r ensure that department personnel receive cosimetry, ( and as accropriate, potassium iodide (KI) tablets. KI will be administered on a voluntary basis only upon the recon::lendation of IDNS. The MT. MORRIS SUPERIrlTENDEilT OF SCHOOLS will assign a department person to maintain the Dosimetry Control Log. Upon notification of re-entry, the MT. MORRIS SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS will notify his personnel. ~ The MT. MORRIS SUPERINTENDErlT 0F SCHOOLS will coordinate with the MT. MORRIS POLICE CHIEF the transportation of returning evacuees. The re-entry message will be verified prior to initiating action.


VI (2) Page 224

1 Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82

    ]                                                                                                                                                               r r

THE MT. MORRIS SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOL 5 will ensure collection of dosimetry from depart:nent personnel . and forward all TLDs, Radiation Exposure Records and Dosimetry Control Logs to the MT. MORRIS E50A COORDINATOR. 1 9 s., i I i e t

  )                                                                                                                                                              ~

(. _ VI (2) Page 225 _ _._..._ __ . . _ _ _ . . . _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ ._ .~.. . _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . _ , _ _ _ _ _ - . _ _ _ _ .

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82  ; b (-


G. 3. f. 6. Mt. Morris Public Works Decartment Initial Notification The MT. MORRIS PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT, or his al ternate , will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the MT. MORRIS POLICE DEPARTMENT DISPATCHER, (alternate numbers are provided for 24-hour notification). The MT. MORRIS PUBLIC WORXS SUPERINTENDENT will report to the MT. MORRIS EOC for a briefing on the situation from the MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDENT. A completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FORM will be available at the EOC. Following authorization, the MT. MORRIS PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT will initiate his department call list and have persennel assemble at the VILLAGE HALL. Communications with field person-nel will be maintained by telechone or radio during emergency operations. Command and Coordination The HT. MORRIS PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT will

                               . coordinate with the MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESICENT in implementing the necessary protective and parallel s

actions. (_ VI (2) Page 227 l

7 Ogle County l Preliminary, Rev. 0 12/82 l Protective Actions The MT. MORRIS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT will assist the MT. MORRIS POLICE DEPARTMENT with traffic and access control by providing barricades and other necessary equioment. The MT. MORRIS PUBLIC WORKS CEPARTMENT ill assist the ILLIt!0IS DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR SAFETY and the ILLIf!0IS ENVIRONME!!TAL PROTECTIO!! AGEilCY in food, water ano milk control by providing transpor-tation. Parallel Actions The MT. MORRIS PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT will ensure that department personnel receive dosimetry, and as appropriate, potassium iodide (KI) tablets. KI will- be administered on a - voluntary basis only upon the recommendation of IDNS. The MT. MORRIS PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT will assign a d'eoartment person to maintain the Oosimetry Control Log. Upon notification of re-entry, the MT. MORRIS PUBLI.C WORKS SUPERINTENDENT will notify his person-nel. The re-entry message will be verified prior to initiating action. The MT. MORRIS PUBLIC WORKS b l i VI (2) Page 228

i Ogle County 1 Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 i ~ 1 (


) SUPERIllTEi! DENT will ensure collection of dosimetry 1 from department personilel and forward all TL'Os , ' Radiation Exposure Recoras - and Dosimetry Control Logs to the MT. MORRIS ESDA CCORDIllATOR. 1 j-i I i e d i l' S I

         )                                                                                                                                                                                                4::


                                                                                                                '/I (2)

Page 229 1 - n -- r,..-e, - ,, .r..,-n. , - - ,- . - ,,.n-,--,,.,- . , - - - - - . . . . - - - . -

                                                                                                                   ,--.--_-,--,w-n-,,---,--,,,,.--,,-                    - , , , , - - , , , - , -

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 m N  ! r G. 3. f. 7. Mt. Morris ESDA Coordinator Initial flotification The MT. MORRIS ESDA C00RDIllATOR, or her alter-nate, will receive notification of an incident at the BYR0ft STATIOil from the MT. MORRIS POLICE DISPAT-CHER, (alternate numoers are provided for 24-hour notification). The MT. MORRIS ESDA CCORDIt1ATOR


will report to tne MT. MORRIS EOC and confer on the situation with the MT MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDEriT. A /


completed tiUCLEAR ACCIDEili REPORTII:G SYSTEM FORM will be available at the EOC. Command and Coordination The MT. MORRIS ESDA C00RDII;ATOR will assist and support the MT. MORRIS VILLAGE PRESIDEtlT in coordi-nating protective and parallel actions of itT. MORRIS Departments in providing a total emergency response. The MT. MORRIS ESDA CCORDIrlATOR will assist with coordinating all reouests for assistance from MT. MORRIS Departments to other city, county or state agencies to meet mancower and resource needs. VI (2) Page 231 __a -

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 0 12/82

    )                                                               l
  -s Protective Actions The MT. MORRIS ESDA C00RDIllATOR will assist in identifying evacuation sectors and routes, access control points and staging areas.       The MT. MORRIS ESDA C00RDIllATOR will coordinate with the MT. MORRIS SUPERINTE!!DEIIT OF SCHOOLS the transcortation of school students and general populace.

Parallel Actions The MT. MORRIS ESDA C00RDIflATOR . will ensure that all MT. MORRIS departments distribute dosimetry to their personnel, maintain radiation exposure records and as appropria te , administer potassium iodide (KI) tablets. KI tablets are to be admin-istered on a voluntary basis only upon the recommen-dation of IDflS. The MT. MORRIS ESDA C00RDI!!ATOR will assist with decontamination activities of city equipment by the MT. MORRIS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, l if requested, with the assistance of IDilS. Upon notification of re-entry, the MT. MORRIS ESDA CCORDIllATOR will coordinate with the MT. MORRIS SUPERI lTEtIDE!!T OF SCHOOLS for transportation of

returning evacuees. The re-entry message will be i

VI (2) Page'232

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82

       ]                                                                   -

verified prior to initiating action. The MT. ;10RRIS ESDA C00RDIt!ATOR will ensure collection of dosimetry from department personnel and forward all TLDs, Radiation Exposure Records and Dosimetry Control Logs to IONS. I s l i I i s o V! (2) Page 233

                                          - - -  - , . .      --___m _ _ -     -

l' !~ Ogle County Sreliminary, Rev. 012/82

   ~                                                                              ,

1 s

   ,   G. 3. g. 1. Davis Junction Villace President Initial Notification The OAVIS JUNCTION VILLAGE PRESIDENT or his alternate, will receive notification of an ineddent at the BYRON STATION from the LYNN-SCOTT-ROCK FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT (alternate numbers are provided for 24-hour notification).        The OAVIS JUNCTICil VILLAGE PRESIDENT will report to the DAVIS JUNCTICN EOC, review a ccmoleted NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTING      r SYSTB1 FORM and brief city decartment heads on the situation.

l i Command and Coordination The OAVIS JUNCTION VILLAGE PRESIDENT is in command of all DAVIS JUNCTION Departments. The DAVIS JUNCTION VILLAGE PRESDIENT will receive advice from the LYNN-SCOTT-ROCK FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF, SCOTT TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR, and SCOTT TOWNSHIP HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT SUPERINTENDENT. The DAVIS JUNCTION VILLAGE PRESIDENT will coordinate with neighboring city' officials, via radio or telechone, for decisions which nay affect them and for mutual

     ,               assistance.

j n

r. _

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i Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 0 12/82


t Protective Actions Primary and support agency heads will 'be briefed on their responsibilities in the affected areas, instructed to follow their detailed prece-dures and to notify the DAVIS JUNCTION VILLAGE PRESDIEllT when their assignments are comoleted. Appropriate evacuation routes will be selected and the STILLMAN VALLEY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS notified if school students or general populace need to be evacuated or transported. The ILLIt:0IS DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR SAFETY and the ILLIN0IS ENVIRONMEllTAL PROTECTION AGENCY are resconsible for food, water and milk control. Parallel Actions The DAVIS JUNCTION VILLAGE PRESIDENT will instruct the LYflN-SCOTT-ROCK FIRE PROTECTION -DIS-TRICT CHIEF to ensure that DAVIS JUNCTION emergency personnel receive dosimetry and complete radiation exoosure reccrds. The DAVIS JUNCTION VILLAGE PRESIDENT will coordinate with the AMERICAN RED CROSS as well as the aporopriate county agencies to ensure proper social services are provided at


r VI (2) Page 256

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82

   )                                                                        -

( relocation centers and other required areas. Upon notification that re-entry may be initia-ted, the DAVIS JUNCTION VILLAGE PRESDIE?!T will notify the city department heads and reloc: tion centers. The re-entry message will be verified prior to initiating actions. The DAVIS JUNCTION VILLAGE PRESIDENT will turn in his dosimetry and radiation exoosure records form to the LYNN-SCOTT-ROCK FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF for forwarding to tne ILLINDIS DEPARTMENT OF f UCLEAR SAFETY. - 7


h~ VI (2) Page 237 -,

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82


s Davis Junction Villace President Resource Summary The DAVIS JUNCTION VILLAGE PRESIDENT, or his altar-nate, has available all the resources of DAVIS JUNCTION, including equipment in the DAVIS JUNCTION EOC, to aid in the imolementation of the DAVIS JUNCTION VILLAGE PRESI-DENT'S command decisions. r s t I T j VI (2) Page 238 k

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82

   ')                                                                                    ,-

A G. 3. g. 2. Lynn-Scott-Rock Fire Protection District Initial Notification The LYNN-SCOTT-ROCK FIRE PROTECTION . DISTRICT . will receive notification of an incident at the BYR0tl STATION from the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S TELECOM-MUNICATOR. A flVCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTIflG SYSTEM FORM will be completed and the informa* ion verified by return call. The lyt:N-SCOTT-ROCK FIRE PROTECTI0ft DISTRICT CHIEF or his alternate, will initiate the , DAVIS JUtlCTIO?! call list and report to the OAVIS JUtlCTI0tt EOC to confer on the situation with the DAVIS JUNCTIOi! VILLAGE PRESIDEllT. Following authorization, the LYtift-SCOTT-ROCK FIRE PROTECTI0il DISTRICT CHIEF will initiate his department call list and have personnel assemble at the FIRE STA-TI0il. Communications with field personnel will be maintained by telephone cr radio during emergency operations. Command and Coordiration The LYilfi-SCOTT-ROCK FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will assist the DAVIS JUtlCTIO!! VILLAGE

   )                PRESIDEli in ccordinating protective and parallel                C A

VI (2) Page 239

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 3s actions 'of DAVIS JUNCTION Departments in providing a total emergency response. The LYrifi-SCOTT-ROCK FIRE o FROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will coordinate all rcquests for assistance from DAVIS JutlCTION Depart-ments to other city, county or state agencies to meet mancower and resource needs. Protective Actions The LYtlN-SCOTT-ROCK FIRE PROTECTI0tl DISTRICT has primary responsibility for public notification.

   . TheLYtlN-SCOTT-ROCKFIREPROTECT!ONDISTRiCTwillbe succorted in those activities by the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMEllT.

The LYNN-SCOTT-ROCK FIRE PROTdCTION DISTRICT CHIEF will assist in identifying evacuation sectors and routes, access control points and staging areas. Parallel Actions The LYNN-SCOTT-ROCK FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT is the primary agency responsible for fire prevention acti'lities. The LYNN-SCOTTROCK- FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT will provide limited emergency medical services. The LYNN-SCOTTRCCK FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will ensure that all DAVIS JUNCTICN

 }     departments distribute dosimetry to their personnel, VI (2)

Page 240

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 b f ( - f maintain radiation exposure records and as accropri-ate, administer potassium iudide (XI) tablets. XI tablets are to be administered ca a voluntary basis only upon the recomendation of IDNS. The LYNN-SCOTT-ROCK FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will direct decontamination activities of city equipment with the assistance of IDMS. Uoon notification af re-entry, the LYNN-SCOTT-ROCK FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will notify his { personnel. The re-entry message will be verified prior to initiating action. ( The LYNN-SCOTT-ROCK FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT will assist the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT in traffic control for retur-ning evacuees. The LYNN-SCOTT-ROCK FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF will ensure collection of dosimetry from department personnel and forward all TLD's, Radiation Exposure Records and Do:imetry Control Logs to ICNS. VI (2) Page 241

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82

 )                                                                         -

( G. 3. g. 3. Scott Townshio Sucervisor Initial Notification The SCOTT TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR, or his alterna-tive, will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATI0t! from the LYritiSCOTT-ROCK FIRE PROTECTIO!I DISTRICT (alternate numbers are proviced for 24-hour notification). The SCOTT TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR will report to the DAVIS JUNCTI0tl EOC and receive briefing on the situation. A completed ( NUCLEAR ACCIDEtiT REPORTIllG SYSTE!4 FORT 1 will be available at the EOC. Com.and and Coordination The SCOTT TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR will coordinate with the DAVIS JUfCTION VILLAGE PRESIDEllT in imple-menting necessary protective and parallel actions, if recuested. Protective Actions The SCOTT TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR will assist as necessa ry, in implementing protective action under the airection of the DAVIS jut!CTI0fl VILLAGE PRESI-DEilT. i V! (2) Page 243


1 Ogle County l Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 s


Parallel Actions The SCOTT TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR will coordinate with the LYtlN-SCOTT-ROCK FIRE PROTECTI0t! CISTRICT CHIEF to ensure tnat SCOTT TOWNSHIP emergency personnel receive dosimetry and complete Radiation Exposure Records. Resource Summarv The SCOTT TOWHSHIP SUPERVISOR, or his alter-nate, has available all the resources of SCOTT TOWNSHIP, including equipment in the CAVIS jut:CTIO: EOC, to aid in the implementation of the DAVIS JUNCTION VILLAGE PRESIDEMT'S decisions. )

     .I VI (2)

Page 241

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82


G. 3. g. 4 Scott Townshio Hichway Commissioner Initial Notification The SCOTT TOWNSHIP HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT COMMIS-SIONER will receive notification of an incident at the BYRON STATION from the LYrift-SCOTT-ROCK FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT (alternate numbers are provided for 24-hour notification). The SCOTT TOWNSHIP HIGHWAY DEPARTMEili COMMISSIONER will report to the OAVIS JUtlCTI0il EOC for a briefing on the situation 2 from the DAVIS JUf:CTION VILLAGE PRESIDE?lT. A k completed NUCLEAR ACCIDENT REPORTIi!G SYSTEM FORM will be available at the EOC. Following authort-i


CCf*NISSIOllER will initiate their department call lists and have personnel assemble at the FIRE STA-TIO1. Communications with field personnel will be maintained by telephone or radio during emergency opera t. ions. Cor=and and Coordination The SCOTT TOWNSHIP HIGHWAY DEPARTi1Eili COMMISSIONER will coorcinate with the LYNN-SCOTT-

 -)               ROCK FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CHIEF in implementing                c
                                     '!I (2)

Page 245

Ogle County Preliminary, Rev. 012/82 3s the necessary protective and parallel acti:ns. Protective Actions The SCOTT TOWNSHIP HIGHWAY DEPART!!ENT will assist the ILLIN0IS DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR SAFETY and the ILLIN0IS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY in food, water and milk control by providing sample collection, if requested. Parallel Actions The SCOTT TOWNSHIP HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT SUPERI.'l-TEriDEitT will ensure that department personnel receive dosimetry, and as appropriate, potassium iodide (KI) tablets. KI will be administered on a voluntary basis only upon the recommendation of IDMS. The SCOTT TOWNSHIP HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT will maintain a Dosimetry Control Log. Upon notification of re-entry, the SCOTT TOWNSHIP HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT SUPERINTENDENT will notify his personnel. The re-entry message will be verified prior to initiating action. The SCOTT TOWNSHIP HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT SUPERINTENDENT will ensure collection of dosimetry from department personnel and forward all TLD's, Radiation Exposure Records and Dosimetry Control Logs to the LYNN-l SCOTT-ROCK FIRE PROTECTION DISTRIr.T CHIEF. l VI (2) Page 246 l

Ogle County Preliminary Rev.0 12/82

       ]  H.

Personnel / Radio Communications Directory 1. State Personnel / Radio Communications Directory Request for state assistance as the onset of a nuclear accident should be directed to the IESDA DISPATCHER, (217)782-7860, until such time as the BYRON STATE FORWARD COMMAND POST at Dixon, Illinois is operational. Assistance then will be available by calling i:he BYRON STATE FORWARD COMMAND POST at or or via ESDA radio 1 frequency f A I I r l I


y-VI (2) Page 247

1 Ogle County Preliminary Rev.0 12/82

 )-           H. 1. a. Nuclear Accident Reoortina System (NARS)

Introduction The objective of the NARS is to establish, operate and maintain an effective statewide warning system to alert local government and response agencies to the threat of nuclear in-cidents and accidents. Timely warning of im-pending situations will materially assist in reducing the number of casualties. General Resoonsibilities IESDA, in coordination with C0fE0tMEALTH EDISON TELEPHONE DIVISION, is responsible for the development and execution of all steps necessary to insure continuous operation of NARS, to order additional extensions and to expedite maintenance activities. NARS Ooeration The NARS is comprised of over twenty (20) warning / dial capability sta'tions, consisting of over forty (40) extensions and over six hundred (600) miles of private wire telephone circuits. NARS stations are listea under the various Dial Codes with those agencies which can activate the NARS circuits identified by an asterisk (*).


VI (2) Pace 249 i

    ,e, , - . g  -          --          ,         ----r
                                                        .              - -.% my

Ogie County Preliminary Rev.0 12/82

}s        Agency Location I

Dial Code 20

  • Department of Nuclear Safety Springfield, IL "SESDA Springfield,IL Dial Code 22
                *0resden Control Room                     Morris, IL
  • Technical Support Center Morris, IL
                *0resden E.O.F                            Morris, Il Grundy County Sherriff'                 Morris, IL Will County E.S.O.A.                    Joliet, IL
  • Department of Nuclear Safety Springfield, IL
  • System Power Supply Lcmbard, IL
  • Corporate Command Center Chicago, IL
               *SESDA Dial Code 23
  • Quad Cities Control Room Cordova, IL
  • Technical Support Center Cordova, IL
  • Quad Cities E.O.F Cordova, IL Rock Island Communications Rock Island, IL Rock Island County ESDA Rock Island, IL
  • Iowa Disaster Services Des Moines, IA
  • Scott County Sheriff Davenport, IL
              *Clinton County E.0.C.                     Clinton, IL Whiteside County Shariff

} Morrison, IL VI (2) Page 250

                                       .            Ogle County Preliminary Rev.0 12/82

] Whiteside County ESDA Morrison, IL

  • Department of Nuclear Safety

{ Springfield, IL

  • System Power Supply Lombard.IL
  • Corporate Comand Center Chicago,IL
      *SESDA                                     Springfield, IL Dial Code 24
  • Zion Control Room Zion, IL
  • Technical Support Center Zion, IL
  • Zion E.O.F. Zion, IL Zion Police Department Zion, IL Comunity Coordination Center Libertyville IL Lake County Sheriff Waukegan, ilk s' Kenosha County Sheriff Kenosna, IL
  • Wisconsin D.E.G.

Madison, IL Waukesha Waukesha, WI

  • Department of Nuclear Safety Springfield, IL
  • System Power Supply Lombard,IL
  • Corporate Comand Center Chicago, IL
    *SESDA                                     Springfield,IL Dial Code 25                                      .
    *LaSalle Control Room                      Seneca, IL
  • Technical Support Center Seneca, IL g *LaSalle E.0.F. Seneca, IL 2 F VI (2)

Pace 251

I i 1 Ogle County Preliminary Rev.0 12/82



         )               LaSalle County Sheriff                       Ottawa, Il LaSalle County ESDA                          Ottawa, IL Grundy County Sheriff                        Morris. IL Grundy County E.S.0. A.                      Morris, IL
                       *Deparment of Nuclear Safety                   Springfield, IL
  • System Power Supply Lcmbard, It i
  • Corporate Command Center Chicago, IL
                       *SESDA                                         Springfield, IL Dial Code 26
                      *0resden Control Room                          Morris, IL
  • Technical Support Center Morris, IL
                      *0resden E.O.F.                                Morris, IL Dial Code 27
  • Quad Cities Control Room Cordova, IL I
  • Technical Sucport Center Cordova, IL
  • Quad Cities E.O.F. Cordova, IL I

I Dial Code 28

  • Zion Control Rocm Zion, IL
  • Technical Support Center Zion, IL
  • Zion E.0.F. Zion, IL VI (2)

Page 252

E , Ogle County Preliminary Rev 0 12/82

     ')                   Dial Code 29 f'


                          *LaSalle Control Room                   Seneca, IL
  • Technical Support Center Seneca, IL
                          *LaSalle E.O.F.                        Seneca, IL Oial Code 32 I

( Springfield, IL Dial Code 33

  • Iowa Disaster Services DesMoines,, IL
                        *SESDA Springfield, IL  /"

Dial Code 34 Whiteside County Sheriff Morrison, IL l Whiteside County ESDA Morrison, IL Rock Island Communications Rock Island IL Rock Island County ESDA Rock Island, IL (

                       *SESDA Springfield, IL
,                     Dial Code 35 l


  • Wisconsin D.E.G. Madison, WI

! s

    )                 *SESDA                                   Springfield, IL    ::;
                                              '/I (2 )

Page 253 l l

i I i Ogle County Preliminary Rev.0 12/82


n Dial Code 36 Dewitt County ESDA Clinton, IL Dewitt County Sheriff Clinton, IL

      *SESDA                                    Springfield, IL Dial Code
  • Illinois Emergency Services and Disaster Agency Springfield, IL
  • Illinois Department of ?!uclear Safety Springfield, IL
  • Byron Station Byron, IL (s *Syron Technical Suoport Center Byron, Il
     *0gle County Sheriffs Department          Gregon, IL
     *Syron-Emergency Operations Facility (EOF)                       Dixon, IL Byron-State Forward Command Post          Dixon, IL i

Dial Code

  • Byron Station Byron, IL
  • Byron Technical Support Center Byron, IL
  • Byron E.0.F. Dixon, IL T

J l VI (1) Page 254 l [

Ogle County Preliminary Rev.0 12/82

       }                                           Daily Tests                                                            -

IESDA, in cooceration with C0f70MWEALTH EDISON, will conduct daily tests of Dial Code a circuits to insure on-line status is main-tained. Test message is as follows:

                                                                        "This is the EMERGENCY SERVICES AND DISASTER AGENCY. Stand by to ac-knowledge test."

Dispatcher then proceeds to call each station in Dial Code listing. Any station not answering a daily test will be immeciately called by commercial telechone to confirm operational status. Roll Call sheets will be usec to record all tests. Ecuiceent Ooerations The NARS is designed so that over twenty (20) warning / dial capability stations can activate various NARS loops. In an emergency, the nuclear power plant activating a NARS loop will, tie together preselected stations on this system. All stations activated will then receive emergency information" simultaneously, which eliminates manual relay. Each extension has been provided with a vcice circuit connected to all warning sta-  :--


VI (2) Page 255

1 l Ogle County ' Preliminary Rev.0 12/82

  'i       tions. Those extensions without dial capa-bility cannot activate the NARS; therefore, all activities at these locations must be of acknowledgement and fan-out.

To activate any NARS loop:

1. Remove handset.
2. Dial required Code.
3. Confirm stations on line.

4 Transmit message.

5. Confirm receipt of message.
6. Replace handset quickly to make circuit available for continuing operations.

All communications conducted on the NARS are by voice, with signaling devices (Dial Codes) where required. Transmissions over the NARS are classified as privileged communica-tions. To Answer NARS Normal telephone ringing will occur when


the NARS is activated. The following sequence must be adhered to for system use:

1. Remove handset.
2. Acknowledge your station wnen called.

No other conversation.

3. Listen for message. DO NOT SPEAK un-
 }                   til your station is called again.

i VI (2) Page 256

Ogle County Preliminary Rev.0 12/82

    )                                                                4    Copy message. If unable to copy,       -

WAIT until your station is called ' again. At that time, message in quiry should be made.

5. Replace handset quickly to insure circuit is available for centinuing operations.

Maintenance Any difficulty on your line should be im-mediately referred to the: Illinois Emergency Services and Disaster Agency 110 East Adams Street Springfield, IL 62706

 )                                                                                                             __

VI (2) Page 257

Ogle County Preliminary Rev.0 12/82

     ]      H. 1. b. Byron Station Promat Notification System Upon receiving notification to activate the OGLE COUNTY PROMPT NOTIFICATION SYSTEM via NARS from ILLINOIS EMERGENCY SERVICES AND DISASTER AGENCY, the OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF's TELECOMMUNICATOR will perform the following tasks:
2. Notify the following:

ESDA Coordinator, Jerry Brooks (11) (\ (H)

3. Advise Station Manager, of WROX/WZOK News Director, Robert Pressman )

General Manager,Vernon Holte that the Ogle County Prompt Notification System will be activated at (Hr./ min. ) . Protective action messages will be forth-coming from State of Illinois, and the Ogle County Emergency Services ano Disas-ter Agencies. Refer to sample messages section in Annex 2h. VI (2) Page 259

Preliminary Rev.0OgleCountI' 12/8. 4 Advise State of Illinois ESDA, on completion of radio station notification.

5. Select transmitter frequency F2 i (later)
6. Turn prompt notification siren control module on;
7. Input following activation code (later)
8. Wait 15 seconds;
9. Additional instructions for CGLE C00flTf PROMPT fl0TIFICATI0ft activation will be developed upon finalization f
    %                          of design details.

fl0TE: Ogle County Prompt flotification System has in addition to other capabilities, the ability to broadcast an alert signal; i.e.: a steady 3 minute blast. Siren operation at each site is limited by an internal cam which allcws this timed cycle. I i t l


\ l VI (2) Page 260 l

0 II . 2. . PERSONNEL / COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTORY . OGLE COUNTY AGENCY NAME ADDRESS PIIONE RADIO FREQUENCY County Board Robert Chairman 1410 liighland Gingerich Rochelle Alternate William Motter R.R. Leaf River - ESDA Jerry Brooks Rt. 12 Coordinator Oregon Alternate Jim Drymiller 803 Monroe Oregon Sheriff's Melvin Messer 720 Kelly Dr. Department Rochelle Alternate Jim Drymiller 803 Monroe Oregon liighway Jerry Ilinrichs 403 S. 5th Supt. Oregon Alternate Jim Ludwig 808 Franklin Oregon VI (2) Page 261 l e

_. _ _ _ _ _ . = - . - y ' 's

                                                                                                   )83 o

II . 2. PERSONNEL / COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTORY . OGLE COUNTY (CONT.) AGENCY NAME ADDRESS PilONE RADIO FREQUENCY Coroner Bob Personette Mt. Morris Estates Mt. Morris Alternates Don I!orner 621 N. 8th (Chief Deputy) Rochelle Neil llolland 102 S. 10th St. Pregon Regional Ray Appler Rt. 82 Supt. of Oregon Schools Alternate charles llayes 407 E. T.incoln Mt. Morris IIcal th Mike Williams Department Forreston l I VI (2) Page 262 i i


11 . 2. PERSONNEL./ COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTORY . BYRON AGENCY tlAME ADDRESS Pilo E RADIO FREQUENCY Mayor Lyle Blanchard 301 W. Merchant Byron Alternate Dennis liarleman 8581 Sunset Dr. Byron Fire Chief Steve Walters 405 W. Blackhawk Byron Alternate Mike Leuls 507 N. Mineral Byron Police Chief Dennis liarleman 8581 Sunset Dr. Byron Alternate. David Coyne River Lane Byron Supt. of Bill Brown ' Schools Alternate- Frank Conry VI (2) Page. 263

',..7l                                                                                                 .

t v /" %

                                                                                                             / (

11 , 2. PERSONNEL / COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTORY . BYItOli (CollT. ) AGEt1CY NAME ADDRESS PilONE RADIO FREQUENCY liigh School Frank Conry Box K, Principal l Tower Road ! Byron Alternate Jr. liigh Joe Parks Box K, Principal Tower Road Byron Alternate Grade School Dick IIendee Box K Principal Tower Road Byron Alternate VI (2) Page 264 ( .

i H. 2. PERSONNEL / COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTORY . IlYllOli (CollTd AGENCY NAng ADDRESS PHONE RADIO FREQUENCY Water & Ilarold Fry 133 N. Haple Streets Byron Alternate Andrew Jackson e O 1 VI (2) t rug, 265 g * ' , . A

                                                                                                                                                                    / 'T
                                                                                                                                                                                                          / -{

H. 2. PERSONNEL / COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTORY OREGON , AGENCY NAME ADDRESS PHONE Mayor _ RADIO FREQUENCY Jim Darnes 304 Mix St. Oregon Alternate Bob Aurand 504 N. 5th Oregon Fire Chief Gary Griffin 300 S. 6th Oregon , Alternate Jim Brown 406 S. 6th Oregon Police Chief Bob Jones 1202 Koomze Oregon Alternate Tom M11er 105 Moring Ct. Oregon Commissioner Robert Aurand of Finance 504 N. 5th St. Oregon Water Commissioner Norman Collins 511 N. 5th St. Oregon l VI (2) l Page 266


H. 2. PERSONNEL / COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTORY ' OREGON (CONT.) AGENCY NAME ADDRESS PHONE Commissioner RADIO FREQUENCY-James Ludwig 808 N. Franklin of Streets Oregon Public Ilealth Frank Svoboda Mix St.

     & Safety Oregon Supt. of Schools            Larry Beckley               900 S. Washington Oregon Alternate liigh School Principal Glen Dahlman                312 S. Pine Stillman Valley Alternate          Michael Ryder               201 Depot Oregon Etnyre &

Bob Bonnen 804 Jackson Jefferson Schools Oregon . Alternate Pat Talbott Oregon ' l VI f2) Pa,' 67

                                                  .m                                                                 .

1 H. 2. PERSONNEL / COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTORY . OREGON (CONT.) . AGENCY NAME ADDRESS PHONE RADXO FREQUENCY Oregon Annex Charles Lamb 10th & Madison Bf(815)732-3231 ! Oregon Bf (815) 734-6071 - Mt. Morris i Streets Merlin Bacon Rt. 41 Hf (815) 732-2080 Supt. Oregon Bf (815) 732-6411 j Alternate Wayne Suter Chana Hf(815)732-2401 l Oregon Fay Forman 1005 S. 4th Ambulance HS (815) 732-6317 Oregon Bf (815) 732-2161 Service Bf(815)732-2135 - Unlisted i Alternate ESDA Bud Eakle 509 S. 7th H f (815) 732-2048 Coordinator Oregon Alternate 'Ed Harris. 605 Clay HS (815) 732-7176 Oregon Water Supt. Jake Ulferts 311 N. 6th Hf (815) 732-2097 i Oregon I VI (2) Page 268 i




AGENCY NAME ADDRESS PHONE RADIO FREQUENCY Village Ken Ward 209 - 1st Hl (815) 645-8036 President Stillman Valley Bt (815) 645 2200 Alternate Dennis Rice 504 Valley Dr. Hl (815) 645-8357 Stillman Valley - Bl(815)645-2200 Public Works John Theander R.R. Il Hl (815) 645-2655 Department Davis Junction Bl (815) 645-2200 Fire Chief Stan Seeberg 127 E. Main Hl(815)645-2763 Stillman Valley Bl (815) 645-2555 Alternate John Theander R.R. il Hl (815) 645-2655 Davis Junction Bl (815) 645-2200 Police / Civil Dennis Rice 504 Valley Dr. H3 (815) 645-8357 Defense Stillman Valley Bl (815) 645-2200 Officer Alternate 4 VI (2)

              ,.e rg                                                                  Pagp 369

p H. 2. PERSONNEL / COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTORY , STILLMAN VALLEY (CONT.) AGENCY NAME ADDRESS PHONE RADIO FREQUENCY Supt. of Dave Miller 321 Pershing Bf(815)645-2291 Schools Stillman Valley Alternate High Schaor hieal Pavlus R.R. Hf(815)234-5292 Principal Byron Alternate Jr. High Jack Powell R.R. Hf(815)234-8248 Principal Byron Alternate Grade School Virgil Castelli, Jr. Principal Alternate VI (2) Page 270

                         ,.~            .                                                                               r H. 2. PERSONNEL / COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTORY                           ,

LEAP RIVER AGENCY NAME ADDRESS PHONE RADIO FREQUENCY Mayor Richard 101 W. 4th Hl (815) 738-2329 Kretsinger Leaf River Bl(815)738-2341 Alternate Fire Chief Roger Bruss 407 Main Hf (8151738-2933 Leaf River B f (815) 738-2323 B f (815) 398-7601 J Alternate Denny Wells 411 Garfield H f (815) 738-2389 Leaf River Police Chief Charles Mullens Hl (815) 938-2387 B f (815) 738-2341 Alternate Bob Irving R.R. Il Hl (815) 234-5120 Byron Supt. of J. Michael Hf(815)234-5322 Schools Maloney Byron Bf(815)738-2226 Alternate I VI (2) Pag'e%271 f t t')

l D / H. 2. PERSONNEL / COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTORY , LEAP RIVER AGENCY NAME ADDRESS PI10NE RADIO FREQUENCY Principal Gary Johnson 5253 McFarland Rd. Hl (815) 885-3415 Rockford Maintenance Louis Munk 105 E. 1st Bl(815)738-2831 Department Leaf River B 8 (815) 738-2341 Alternate VI (2) Page 272

                                                                                           -                                                                                                                             n H. 2.            PERSONNEL / COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTORY                                               .

MT. MORRIS , AGENCY NAME ADDRESS PHONE RADIO FREQUENCY Mayor Dan Mulcay 406 Sunset H f (815) 734-4559 Mt. Morris Alternate Elmars Kalnins 111 W. Main Hf (815) 734-4407 Mt. Morris Police Chief John Thompson 202 E. Front Hf (815) 734-4085 Mt. Morris Bf(815)734-4132 Alternate ESDA Coord. John Thompson 202 E. Front H f (815) 734-4 085 Mt. Morris B f (815) 734-4132 Alternate Sally Holtapp 6 S. Mulberry Hf (815) 734-4648 ' Mt. Morris Supt. of David Turner R.R. 91 Hf (815) 734-4744 Schools Mt. Morris Bf(815)734-6032 Alternate David Rahn 7 Orchard Lane H f (815) 734-6450 Mt. Morris Bf(815)734-4810 vi (2) f$ D

        ^                                                                                                                     . . .

D P y H. 2. PERSONNEL / COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTORY . MT. MORRIS (CONT.) AGENCY NAME ADDRESS PHONE RADIO FREQUENCY I Water & Art Carr 411 S. McKendrie Hl(815)734-4639 Streets Mt. Morris Department Alternate Jr./Sr. High Frank Floski 503 E. Hitt St. Hl(815)734-4390 School Mt. Morris Bl (815) 734-4 825 Alternate James Jennings 403 W. Lincoln H4 (815) 734-6509 Mt. Morris .B8(815)734-6134 Ogle County Hazel Bergin .105 W. Lincoln Bl (815) 734-6071 Educational Mt. Morris Co-Op Grade School David Rahn 7 Orchard Lane Hl (815) 734-6450 Principal Mt. Morris Bl (815) 734-4 810 Alternate VI (2) Page 274

n r H. 2. PERSONNEL /COMMUNICAliONS DIRECTORY . DAVIS JUNCTION AGENCY N_A M E ADDRESS PHONE RADIO FREQUENCY Village Ed Bradley Davis Junction 111(815)645-8174 4 President Alternate Fire Chief Richard Love Davis Junction HI (815) 645-2569 Bl (815) 645-8000 Bl(815)645-2551 (Emergency) Alternate Dennis Shear Davis Junction 115(815)645-2654 Police Chief None i VI (2) Page 275

 ,                                                                                    f ~ %,                                     q

H. 2. PERSONNEL / COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTORY . DAVIS JUNCTION (CONT.) AGENCY NAME ADDRESS PHONE RADIO FREQUENCY Scott Frederick Wills Davis Junction H 5 (815) 393-4 359 Townsl.ip Road Comm. Scott Wayne Danakas Davis Junction HlfB15)645-2570 Township Supervisor


VI (2) Page 276

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Page 278

Ogle Coun:y Preliminary Rev. 0 12/82 l l 1 i l I Ii

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Ja .2 31 2; di 42 2:  ; 3;'5 2 3 72.3 4 N t VI (2) Page 283

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 I OGLE COUNTY RESOURCES


Communications Ecuioment 13 Base Stations 60 Mobile Radios 66 Portable Radios 75 Pagers 16 C. B. Radios

    ,      11 Portable Transceivers
,           4 P.A. Systems Manoower 118 Full-time 31 Part-time i

21 Comunications 3 Clerical 2 Part-time nurses 1 Health inspector

196 Volunteers 76 Bus Drivers

VI (2) Page 286

0g10 County Pre imary, Rev.0.12/82 l

    )                                                                       ,

I l


l Vehicles 20 Pick-up trucks 9 Single Axle Trucks 8 - 1 _ ton dump trucks 5 Vans 5 Cars 7 Graders 1 Roller 2 Sweepers 6 Tractors 17 Squad cars 1 Motorcycle 2 Jeeps 3 Boats 13 Pumpers 6 Tankers 4 Rescue vehicles i 3 Chiefs vehicle 4 Grass rigs 2 Utility vans 1 Aerial ladder 1 Four-wheel drive l 9 ambulances


( VI (2) Pane 287

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0. 12/82

 .           8 Snow plows 6 End loaders 56 School buses 1 Backhoe Miscellaneous Ecuiement 31 Scott air paks 5 Generators 6 Resuscitators 2 0xygen Units Portable welder 7 Chain saws 1 Trailer with generator 48 Radiation survey meters                        -

83 Barricades 160 ' Traffic cones 3 A-frames 4 Pot lites 2 Come alongs Air bags .


VI (2) - Pane 288

1 Ogle Count Prelimary, Rev.0.12/8f D {' :

   .                        Barrier ropes Emergency lighting I

Air compressors Suction Equipment Backboards Stretchers Misc. rascue equipment Stokes basket Misc. first aid equipment 2 Come-alonet -' Cascade equipment f i


VI (2) ~ Pase 289

l l Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 D * ( OGLE COUNTY CORONER RESOURCE


Communication Ecuioment 1 Telephone Manoower 1 full-time 5 part-time Vehicles 1 Vehicle (van) with 2-way radio 2 Vehicles (vans), as stand-by, with 2 way radios  ! Miscellaneous Ecuioment VI (2) Page 291

Ogle County Preifmary, Rev.0.12/82 D  ! A OGLE COUNTY ESDA RESOURCES


Communications Ecuioment None Manoower None Vehicles None Miscellaneous Ecuioment 48 Radiation survey instruments 1 Trailer with generator l 5 cases of litters VI (2) Pase 293

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 _2) I OGLE COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT RESOURCE


Communication Eouicment Base unit for 2-way radio Telephone Manoower 15 Full-time in the maintenance department 4 Full-time in the engineering and administration dept Vehicles 7 Pickup trucks, 12 with 2-way radios t' 9 Single-axle trucks with 2-way radios s 4 Graders,3 with 2-way radios 4- 1 ton Dump trucks, I with 2-way radio Hiscellaneous Ecuioment 8 Snow plows 6 Chain saws 1 2" pump 2 End loaders 1 Backhoe 1 Portable welder . VI (2) Page 295

                              . _ .                - _.             .a,     -. ._ -

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 D . - i 0GLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT RESOURCES


Communication Ecuiement 11 UHF Mobile radios 11 VHF Mobile radios 2 UHF Portable radios 18 VilF Portable radios 8 UHF Pagers Mancower 16 Field personnel


13 Corrections personnel 5 Comunication personnel 2 Aerial personnel 35 Reserve deputies Vehicles 10 Squad cars (6 marked) 1 Motorcycle . 1 Jeep I 2 Boats Miscellaneous Ecuiement VI(2) Page 297

1 i Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82

         )                                                                  )

l (-l I (This page intentionally left blank) i t l r l l i ? l i


1 VI (2) Page 299

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 3' OGLE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT RESOURCE


Communications Ecuioment None Mancower 1 full-time 1 Clerk-Secretary 2 Part-time nurses 1 Part-time inspector Vehicles None Miscellaneous Eauioment None VI (2) Dage 100

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82




Comunication Ecuioment Mancower 35 men 26 Volunteer 9 full-time Vehicles - 3 Pumpers 1 Tankers 1 Rescue truck 2 Grass rigs 1 Utility van 2 Ambulances Miscellaneous Ecuioment None


VI (2) Page 301

l Ogle County Pralimary, Rev.0.12/82 3 BYRON FOLICE DEPARTMENT RESOURCE


Communication Ecufoment 1 Base station 5 Two-way radios Manoower 4 Full-time

;             12 Part-time 4 Full-time dispachers 2 Part-time dispatchers Vehicles                                                                  t'
                                                                                 'A 3 cars 1 truck Miscellaneous Eauioment Oxygen in cars First aid in cars Barrier ropes 50 Orange cones i

l l VI (2) Paea 303

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev,0.12/82


BYRON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Communications Ecutoment Nona Manoower 3 Full time Vehicles 2 Pick-up trucks [


3 Dump trucks Grader End loader Sweeper Miscellaneous Ecuioment 24 Barricades 50 Cones VI (2) Page 305 ~w



Communications Eouioment 3 C. B. radios Manoower 15 Certified school bus drivers Vehicles 12- 65 person capacity school buses 1 Van Miscellaneous Eouioment None { i VI (2) Pase 307

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82

 ')                                                                                     /
                                                                                        's OREGON SCHOOL DISTRICT #      RESOURCE 


Communications Eouioment 1 Base station in bus barn Manoower __, Full-time l 11 Bus drivers Vehicles 11 Buses, 9 with 2-way radios 1 Van - food service 1 Car with 1-way radio 1 Car-driver's education Miscellaneous Eouiement None i t 1

  )                                                                                    5-.

VI(2) Pare 309

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 D (~ t OREG0tl Af:3ULANCE SERVICE RESOURCE


Comunication Eauioment 20 Pagers Telephone Mercy radio in ambulance vehicle Manoower 20 Volunteers, 10 with EMT training, 8 with 1st responder training Vehicles 2 Ambulance vehicles with 2-way radios / Miscellaneous Ecuioment 3 Resuscitator units 1 Surtech unit Miscellaneous first aid / emergency eouipment ( 1 VI (2) Page 311 1 __ __ _ _ . . - -

0g10 County Pralimary, Rev.0.12/82 ) , OREGON E50A RESOURCE


Connur.ications Ecutoment 2 mootle radios 9 CB radios Manoower 28 Part-time volunteers Vehicles 1 Jeep 1 2-con truck 12 Personn~l e vehicles Miscellaneous Ecutoment { Traffic control gear General office equipment Sandbags 1 generator 2 First aid kits 1 Survey meter,1 Pocket dosimeter,1 pocket dostmeter enarger VI (2) Page 313

Ogle County 1 Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 -

    ~)                                                                                              .~



Consnunication Eouionent 1 Base unit for 2-way radio 1 Telephone 24 Pagers Manoower 24 Volunteers yehicles 3 Pumpers with 2-way radios with PA systems 1 Tanker with 2-way radios and PA systems 1 Rescue unit with with 2-way radio ^ 1 Chief's vehicle with 2-way radio Miscellaneous Eouioment Portable pumps, generators, rescue saw 1 Boat 10 Stretchers Emergency lighting equipment - 3 Resuscitator units


VI (2) Page 315

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 3 f I ( : l OREGON POLICE DEPARTMENT RESOURCE


d Communications Eouioment 1 Telephone 3 Pagers 12 Handheld radios 1 Base station 3 CB radios Manoower 5 Full-time officers, 1 EMT trained 4 Part-time officers, 1 EhT trained ( 1 Full-time radio operator . Vehicles 2 Squad cars with 2-way radios and PA systems 9 Personal vehicles with 2-way radios Miscellanecus Eouioment 2 First aid kits Standard police equipment each car 2 0xygen ur.its N VI(2) Dage 317



Communication Ecutoment 1 Base Station 4 Handheld radios Manoower 6 Full-time Vehicles 7 Trucks 1 Street sweeper . (


1 Tractor - 1 Grader 1 Roller 2 End loaders Miscellaneous Eouioment 50 Barricades 60 Traffic cones 3 A frames 2 Portable generators 3 Pumpers Handtools, chainsaws, portable welders, etc. 4 VI (2) Pase 319

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82




Communication Eauioment 18 Portable radios (6 channel) 10 Mobile 2-way radios Manoower 42 Volunteers (including ambulance personnel) Vehicles 2 Pumpers 2 Tankers 2 Grass trucks 2 Ambulances ( 1 Rescue squad 1 Utility van Miscellaneous Eouioment 10 Scott airpacks Cascade system Air compressor Emergency generator l Miscellaneous rescue equipment

        ]                                                                                                      c VI (2)

Page 321

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 4 STILLMAN VALLEY ESDA RESOURCE


Comunications Eauioment Manoower


Vehicles Miscellaneous


l VI (2) Pase 322

                                                              -  _.             _ _ _ _ = -              . - .   . . _.



Communications Equipment Weather radio

  • Manoower 1 Dispatcher 18 Drivers 11 Substitute drivers Vehicles 18 School buses (A Miscellaneous None i

e ' e 9 VI(2) Pase 324

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 i

 ,T .



Communications Eautoment None Manoower 1 Full time 1 Part time Vehicles 1 Pick up truck (N 1 Dump truck 1 End loader Miscellaneous 5 Regular barricades 2 " Road Closed" barricades f J VI (2) Page 326


Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 Ts LEAF RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT RESOURCE SUM!!ARY Communications Ecuiomant 1 Base station 3 Plektron radios 5 Mobile radios 1 Hend-held radio fiancower 23 Volunteers (Active) 5 Volunteers (Standby) r Vehicles i' 2 Pumpers 1 Stand-by pumper 2 Tankers 1 Ambulance - j 1 Comand har Miscellaneous Ecuioment 6 Scott air paks High rise equipment Repelling ropes i VI (2) - Page 328

Ogle County

                               ,                                                 Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 D                                                                                                                      I

Stokes basket Portable generator Portable generator Portable tanks First aid Backboards Suction equipment Resuscitators Air bags i ( l


{ Page%

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 LEAF RIVER POLICE DEPARTMENT RESOURCE ' Communications Eautoment Manoower Vehicles Miscellaneous Eauioment l


VI (2) Page 331 I

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82

 ,                      LEAF RIVER SCHOOLS RESOURCE 


Connunication Eouioment None Manoower 10 Bus drivers Vehicles 7 School buses Miscellaneous Eouioment None i i e N VI (2) Page 333 1



Communications Ecutomant Manoower e

                                                                                      's ,

Vehicles l Miscellaneous Ecuiement VI (2) Page 335



Communications 1 Base station Hand-held radios 2 Merci radios 12 Pagers Monitors Manoower 28 Part-time Vehicles


2 Pumpers ' 3 Tractors 1 Four-wheel drive 1 Aerial ladder 1 Rescue squad 2 Ambulance 1 Station wagon 1 Suburban wagon 1 Chief district car i VI (2) Page 337



Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 J 1 l Miscellaneous Equipment 1 Stationary Equipment 1 Portable pump 2 Come-alongs 15 Scott air paks 1 Power megaphone Repelling equipment l l l l VI (2) l l Pase 338

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 MT. MORRIS SCHOOL DISTRICT #261 RESOURCE


Communications Ecuioment 1 Base station 7 Mobile fur radios - Manoower 69 Full & part-time employees 11 Part-time bus drivers Vehicles


8 School buses with 2-way radios 1 Station wagon with 2-way radio r f tiiscellaneous None VI (2) Page 339

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82



Communications Ecuioment None Manoower 1 Full-time 1 Part-time Vehicles 2 Vehicles 1 Tractor {' Miscellaneous Eauioment None i A k VI (2) Page 341 l

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82




Communications Ecutoment 11 Portable transceivers 8 Pagers 7 Mobile radios 1 Base station 3 PA systems Manoower 4 Full-time officers 7 Part-time officers / 3 Full-time dispatchers \ 5 Part-time dispatchers Vehicles 2 Vehicles with 2-way radios Miscellaneous Eauioment First aid kits General police equipment ( i k l


r VI (2) Pane 343

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 LYNN-SCOTT-ROCK FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT RESOURCE SUhMARY Comunications Ecutoment At the Davis Junction Fire Station: 1 Base station 1 Mobile radio (in truck) At the Holcomb and Linwood Fire Stations: 2 Base stations 2 Hand-held radios a Mobile Radios (in trucks) 4 Hand-held radios (Available to the District Fire Chief) Mancower At the Davis Junction Fire Station: 18 Volunteers At the Holcomb and Linwood Fire Stations: 42 Volunteers Vehicles At the Davis Junction Fire Station: 2 Trucks At the Holcomb and Linwood Fire Stations: 4 Trucks ( I light rescue

 !!iscellar. ecus Ecuiement At the Cavis .? unction Fire Sutinn-13,000 watt genere cr 2 Scott air paks First aid equipment VI(2)

Page 345

Ogle County ! Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 ,T Exhaust fan Hand lites Flares Resuscitators Oxygen Units Buckboards / stretchers At the Holcomb and Linwood Fire Stations: 4,000 watt generater Hand lights 2 pcrtable pucps Fla res Firs +. rid cquipment 2 resuscitators 5 Scott air paks 3 oxygen units 2 Exhaust fans backboards / stretchers VI (2) Pane 346

    -.- --- , ,,r-   _ ,                   -     -,y +   n    -e-m         - ,-          w -



Communications Eauioment 1 CB Radio Mancower 1 Part-time Vehicles 2 Trucks 1 Grader 1 Tractor Miscellaneous Ecuioment' (


2 Barricades 4 Pot lites e l VI (2) 1 Page 347 i

7 Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0. 12/82 J. Ogle County Special Concerns Special concerns in OGLE COUNTY and the comun-ities therein have been identified and listed within

 ,      this section. The special concern listing includes:

nursing homes, schools, day care centers, recrea-tional facilities and industrial complexes. Speci-fic responsibilities for notification and protective actions have been designated within this section (see section G. " Concept of Operations") tiunicipal- , ity sections (see Sections 2a thru 29) and, " Ogle County Chapter 3, " Sheltering Guide." O ) VI (2) pa 99

Ogle Coun2y Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82

1. Stillman Valley and Vicinity a.) Camp McCormick R. R. #1 Stillman Valley, IL
b. Kings Camp Holcomb Road
2. Leaf River and Vicinity

(\ None

3. Byron and Vicinity a.) Motosports Park l

R. R. #1 Byron, IL b.) Byrcn Dragway R. R. di ~ Byron, Il s J A L VI (2) Page 351 i

I l Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82

 -s c.) Lake Louise R. R. # 1 Byron, IL d.) Byron Sportsmen's Club Town Line Rd.

i Byron IL e.) Quality Metal Finishing Co. N. Walnut & 4th St. Byron Il f.) Kysor of Byron 602 E. Blackhawk Dr. l Byron, IL g.) The Neighbors Nursing

                                 & Care Center i

West Second Street - Byron, IL


VI (2) Page 352

r Ogle County PrelirJry, R;v.0. 12/82 7

   .-                                                                  t h.) Byron Station German Church Road Byron, IL

s. i h l l i l . l


( VI (2) l Page 333 l

q -- --n1 - - - - - - - - --- -- - - - Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82

4. Oregon and Vicinity a.) Lake LaDonna R. R. #3 Oregon, It b.) River Road Camping and Marina River Road
        ,e                                               Oregon. IL c.) White Pines Ranch Pines Road Oregon, IL d.) Stronghold Camp R. R. #2 Oregon, IL                         '

l l e.) Castle Rock State Park R. R. #2 Oregon, IL VI (2) Page 354

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82


f.) Lowden Memorial State Park R. R. #2 Oregon IL . g.) Camp Lowden R. R. #1 Oregon, IL h.) Lutheran Outdoor f Ministry R. R. !2 Oregon, IL - j i) Oregon Country Club Daysville Road Oregon. IL i l j.) Oregon Park District

                       -Oregon Park East
,                       River Road
                       -Wade Park
   )                    North 5th Street                                                                c L._

l VI (2) Page 355 l l ___ _ __. _ _ _ .

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 7A

              -Phelps i

Jefferson Street

              -Lions 10th Stre:t & Webster
              -Veterans Field 700 South 10th Street k.) Atwood Vacuum Machine Co.

( R. R. #2 & Pines Rd.

'    A~
  • Oregon, IL 1.) Cook Manufacturing 1200 S. 2nd Street Oregon, IL m.) E. D. Etnyre & Co.

200 Jefferson Oregon, IL i - and Daysville Road Oregon. IL VI (2) Pane 356

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82


n.) Martin Marietta Aggregates Pines Road Oregon, IL o.) Progressive Graphics 200 Washington St. Oregon, Il p.) Woods Brothers R. R. #2 South Oregon, IL q.) V. I. P Motel R. R. M Oregon, IL


r.) White Pines Manor 811 S. 10th St.

Oregon, IL -


   )'                                                                                          b-VI (2)

Page 357

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 l 3s j s.) Village of Progress Pines Road Oregon, IL t.) County Jail Oregon, IL u.) Yellow Bird Senior r Citizens Center t 215 Washington Oregon IL

v. Acme Resin Co.

R.R. #2 Oregon. IL w.) Rochelle Conservation i i Club l

R. R. #1 ~
Chana, IL l

a. VI (2) Page 358

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0. - 12/82 i

               -b 0
5. _Mt, !! orris and Vicinity a.) Camp Rcss Mt. Morris, It i

b.) Mt. Morris Boat ') Club R. R.

  • 2 Mt. Morris, Il e

c.) Camo Emmaus ' Rt. 1 , Mt. Morris, IL 4 r i d.) Kable Printing Co. 404 N. Wesley , Mt. Morris, IL ' 4 e.) Kable News 16 S. Wesley !~ Mt. Morris, IL l A l t i VI (2) Page 359 ' l

                                                                                                                                                     - Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 r

i f.) Pine Crest Manor 414 5. McKendrie Ave. Mt. Morris IL 9.) Mt. Morris Motel Rt. 1

Mt. Morris '

i i

6. Davis Junction and Vicinity l w
flone l I i .

t j. f I


} ,

j. r I .



i s' i


l . VI (2) Pase 360 i f l

   . - - . . - . . - - . . . - . . _ - . _ . . ~ . . - . . . .. _...                    . - - -..-. - , . ., _... - .-. . ., - ,, -.- -                            -. , - ,,-- -._.

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0. 12/82


OGLE COUNTY IflDUSTRY Quality Metal Finishing Co. Cook Manufacturing N. Walnut & 4th St. 1200 S. 2nd St. Byron, IL Oregon, IL 815/234-2711 KYSOR of Byron E. D. Etnyre & Co. 602 E. Blackhawk Dr. 200 Jefferson Byron, IL Oregon, IL 815/234-2811 and Daysville Rd. Gregon, IL h. Acme Resin Co. flartin Marietta Aggregates Rt. 2, Box 130 Pines Road Oregon, IL Oregon, IL = 815/732-7911 VI (2) Page 361

Ogle County Prelfmary, Rev.0.12/82 Y Atwood Vacuum Machine Co. Progressive Graphics Rt. 2 & Pines Rd. 200 Washington St. Oregon. IL Oregon, IL 815/732-6174 Woods Brothers BYRON Station Rt. 2 South German Church Road Oregon, IL Byron, IL 815/732-2141 815/294-5441 Kable fle's Kable Printing Co. 16 S. Wesley 404 N. Wesley Mt. Morris, IL Mt. Morris IL 815/734-4151 1-VI (2) Page 362 l 4

Ogb2 County Preltmary, Rev.0.12/82 b. Cole County Schools Kinos Consolidated District 144 Kings Consolidated School Kings Road Kings, IL Mt. Morris District 251 ' Mt. Morris Elementary 401 S. Fletcher Mt. !1 orris, IL i , Mt. ttorris Junior High 406 S. 52minary Mt. Morris, IL VI (2) Paga 163

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0. 12/82


m Mt. Morris Senior High 105 West Brayton Mt. Morris, IL Ogle County Educational Coco. 105 West Lincoln Mt. Morris, IL


Orecon District 220 Gregen Community High School 210 South 10th Street Gregon, IL Etnyre Middle School , 1200 West Jefferson St. Gregon, IL - i i i VI (2) Page 364

   ,--=w.n_.:            c,, - -- . . - - , - - . - - -     ,,w.c--.,,                 m ,. . . , , , , , , , ,,.c-   p.-----_+-., _ . _ . , , ,     ..,,--.-y-, nv- , - . - --- c-,,7- .,---

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0. 12/82 Jefferson Elementary 1100 West Jefferson St. Oregon, IL

                                                'I Oregon Annex Special Education Bldg.

210 South 10th Street Oregen, IL St. itary's Route 64, West Oregon, IL i Oregon Bible College 131 florth 3rd ' Gregon, IL Lorado Taft Field Campus Route 2 i 3 Oregon, It

     )                                                                                                                                                         c VI (2)

Page 365 _ . ~ . . . _ .__ -. _ . _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ - _ _ _ . _ _ _

3 Ogle County Prelf mary, Rev.0.12/82 Oregon Day Care Center , 102 S. 2nd Street Gregon IL Village of Progress Road Oregon, IL


Byren Ccmmunity Unit District 226 Byron High School Tower Road Byron, IL i i  ! l Byron Middle School l j' Tower Road i Byron, IL I VI (2)

Page 266 i

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 ?

       )                                                                               ,

Mary Morgan Elementary School Tower Road Byron, IL i .i t Meridian Community Unit Oistrict 223 Stillman Valley High 425 South Pine Street Stillman Valley, IL I

  • Meridian Junior High 207 West Main l

Stillman Valley, IL Highland Grade Sc' co~ & Early Childhcod 410 S. Pine Street Stillman Valley, IL

    ,/                                                                           ,p 52.


VI(21 Page 367 i

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82

 -y Leaf River Community District 270 Leaf River Community School 605 S. Main Street Leaf River, IL m

I l ) I e I l VI (2) t page 368

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i l Ogle County. ) Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 i


l 1 OGLE C0utlTY RECREATI0fl FACILITIES Lake LaDonna White Pines Ranch Rt. 3 Rt. 2 Oregon, II Oregon, IL River Road Camping Byron Dragway and Marina R. R. + 1 , River Road Byron, IL Oregon, IL { Moto Sports Park Lake Louise R. R. #1 R. R. # 1 Byron, IL Byron, IL i-j .C I j ' VI (2) Page 369 i

Ogle County Prelimarj, Rev.0.12/82 T . Stronghold Camp Camp McCormick Rt. 2 Girl Scout Camp Oregon, IL R. R.# 1 Stillman Valley, IL Castle Rock State Park Byron Sportsmen's Club

                        & flature Preserie                Townline Road Rt. 2                             Byron, IL Oregon, IL

{' Lowden Memorial State Lutheran Outdoor Ministry Park Rt. 2 Rt. 2 Oregon IL Oregon, IL ~ Camo Lowcen Boy Scout Camo Rochelle Conservation Club Rt. 1 R. R.# 1 Oregon, IL Chana, IL


1 i VI (2) Page 370

1 Ogle County Prelimarf, Rev.0.12/82

 ).                                                               !

Camp Ross Oregon Park District Mt. Morris, IL 5 Parks

a. Oregon Park East
b. Wade Park
c. Phelps
d. Lions
e. Veterans Field
                                               'l Mt. Morris Boat Club  Oregon Country Club                    '

Rt. 2 Daysville Road Mt. Morris, IL Oregon, IL. Weld Memorial Park Camp Emaus Oregon County Club Rt. 1 Oregon, IL Mt. Morris, It i Fuller Memorial Kings Camo Forest Preserve Holcomb Rd. j Rt. 2 & Meridian Rd. s


VI (2) Page 371 i

Ogle Ccunty Prelimary, Rev.0. 12/82

                                                                                 ,.r* ,

OGLE COUNTY MOTELS, HEALTH CARE FACILITIES & JAIL Pine Crest Manor Ogle County Jail 414 S. McKendrie Ave Oregan, IL Mt. Morris , IL ' White Pines Manor Mt. Morris Motel 811 S. 10th St. Rt. 1 / Oregon, IL Mt. Morris, IL ' The Neighbors Nursing V.7.P. Motel and Care Center R.R. 41 West Second Street Oregon, IL Byron, IL Yellow Bird Senior Citizens Center 215 Washinton Oregon, IL C VI (2) Page 373

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82

 )                                                                                   i

K. Evacuation Plan

1. Wind Sectors, communities impacted by the incident, evacuation routes and host communities are designated in the Evacuation Guide, (see Ch. 1, and Map A). Chapter three (3), " Sheltering Guide", provides guidance to evacuate and shelter the permanent residents, transients and special facilities located within the plume EPZ of the Byron Station.
2. ' Ogle County and municipalities within the Byron EPZ recuiring evacuation will use the Evacuation and Shelter-ing Guide, Mao A and Maa C to determine wnere its popu-lation will be sheltered and what routes may be used.
3. Inic mation flow regarding evacuation and sheltering functions will follow this general procedure:
a. State advises OGLE COUNTY E0C of the affected areas to evacuate.


b. 0GLE COUNTY EOC advises the affected municipalities to evacuate by predetermined routes to a designated host area,
c. OGLE COUNTY EOC advises the REGIONAL ESDA C0CRDIN-ATOR of evacuation routes and desired host areas.
d. REGIONAL ESDA C00RDINATOR advises host area REGIONAL  ::- _

COORDINATOR of the incoming evacuees.

                                            '/I (2)

Pane 375

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0. 12/82 y

e. The REGIONAL ESDA COORDINATOR will notify the SHELTERING COUtlTY ESDA C0ORDINATOR and RED CROSS representative in the host a rea , who will make provisions for opening shelter facilities to accomo-date the incoming evacuees. The LOCAL ESDA C00RDIN-ATOR will arrange' traffic control posts by utilizing local support agencies in directing traffic to designated shelter facilities.


 '\           the REGIONAL ESDA C00RDIt!ATCR on the status of the       -

shelter situation. The REGIONAL ESDA COORDINATOR will update STATE ESDA periodically on the shelter-ing of evacuees.

g. The local chapter of the AMERICAN RED CROSS has the i

responsibility of registering all evacuees in relocation centers in the host areas. Standard record keeping methodology will be used in register-l ing and monitoring evacuees. J. Provisions will be made for monitoring and decontamina-tion of evacuees at host area relocation centers, (see ! Vol. I, Ch. 5).


Page 376

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 f. L. Public Infomation Considerations The methods by which the public is kept informed of the nature and consequences of a nuclear incident both before, during and after such an incident has been discussed in Vol. I, Ch. 8. As one of the several sources of infomation to the STATE OF ILLIN0IS, this section amplifies the local gcvern-ments' role in providing an accurate and consistent release of information. As Chief Executive of the STATE OF ILLIN0IS, the GOVERt:0R is the official spokescerson for the State emergency opera-tions. The GOVERNOR'S staff will receive information from two primary sources, namely ESDA & IDNA IESDA will collect and summarize information concerning the operational response of l the state. IDNS will provide a technical summary of the incident and its consequences, actual and potential, upon the pooulation near the site. Information from the site will be relayed to the STATE EOC and the REAC via NARS and the radiological assessment direct line, both of which will have line extensions in the NCARSITE EOF. In OGLE COUNTY government and each municipality therein,

 }        a spokesperson has been designated and is icentified for            C

( VI (2) Page 377

Ogle County - Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 v


m public information. Each spokesperson will, as necessary, provide timely infomation to the OGLE C0U TY ESDA C00RDIt!ATOR or his designee for coordination of local release with the STATE EOC. The STATE EOC will coordinate this information with the JPIC. This network of information exchange will provide timely coordinated information to all designated spokespersons. Rumor control will be addressed at the lowest govern-mental level possible. In those instances where a local r government cannot control t. local rumors, the state rumor control network will be utilized. Personnel from the ILLIN0IS INFORMATION SERVICE will operate dedicated telephone lines at the STATE EOC and at the JPIC. The State rumor control network telephone numbers will be announced to local govern-ments in the EPZ via NARS and are not to be released to the general public. As time permits, rumors referred to the State rumor control network will be answered directly by ILLIN0iS INFORMATION SERVICE personnel. At all other tir:es , the response to rumors will be incorporated into the next media update provided at the JPIC and the GOVERNOR'S press center in SPRINGFIELD (see Vol. I, Ch. 8).


VI (2) Pate 378

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 (. As a collective effort between the STATE OF ILLItiOIS, the operating utility, and affected county governments, an infor-mational brochure (see Vol. I, Ch. 8), will be distributed on an annual basis to the public residing within the 10-mile EMERGENCY PLANNING ZONE of the Byron . Station. The brochure will adoress how the public will be notified and what their actions should be in an emergency, including the following information: instructions on how to obtain additional infor-mation, what to do if a TAKE-SHELTER request is given, what to do if an EVACUATI0il recuest is given, educational information concerning radiation and respiratory protection, a map of major evacuation routes, and a list of communities likely to serve as nost shelter areas. In addition to a direct mailing, the brochure will be available at area hotels and motels, recreational areas, schools, industries, health care / nursing facilities, public libraries, local ESDA cffices and local utility offices (see Vol. I, Ch. 8). To acouaint the news mecia with the IPRA-Byron , press briefings will be held annually. The briefing dill discuss the following topics: overview of the IPRA-Byron, Concept of OPERATI0 tis, ACCIDErlT CLASSIFICATI0t! SCHEME, CCMt1UtlICATICtlS ?!ETWORK, PROTECTIVE and PARALLEL, ACTI0tlS, and I lFORMATI0tl

                                                                 , p-VI (2).

Page 379

I l 1 Ogle County l Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 l w


(see Vol. I, Ch. 8). In addition, the media will be given a portfolio of handouts and will be able to ask questions of the-representatives of State and local governments and the' utility in attendance. 4 I J y


4 i l { 1' I ., VI (2) Pane 380 r l I

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82

 )                                         .

M. Training Considerations IESDA provides two types of training programs for person-nel involved in emergency response functions. The initial training program describes the following areas of concern: nuclear power plants, radiation, radiation excosure control, potential accidents as:ociated with nuclear power plants, and the methods of responding to these cotential accioents. This training program is cresented at the onset of the olanning process at all nuclear power plant sites in the STATE OF ILLIMOS. Soecific training for emergency workers is corformed on a continual basis during the planning process at municipalities in the EPZ of each nuclear power plant site in Illinois. This training program includes the areas of initial notification, command and coordination, protective actions and parallel actions as these concerns relate to all involved emergency response personnel. Emergency response training is also provided to emergency response personnel by other state agencies such as the IONS. This training generally includes tecnnical information on aspects of radiation exposure control, (see Vol, I, Ch.10). . VI (2) Page 3Al

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 ( N. Exercise Considerations IESDA is responsible for conducting annual drills and exercises on the state level and coordinating those exercises with local agencies. Qualified federal and state government observers will critique the IPRA exercise. In OGLE COUNTY the OGLE COUNTY ESDA COORDINATOR is responsible for testing and exercising the plan on the County level. He is assisted'in coordination of exercises by the utility and STATE and REGION 2 ESDA C00RDINATORS. ' These responsibilities include the following exercise planning and design activities:

1. Identify the need, cbjectives and scope of the exercise.
2. *dentify and describe requirements, activities and f designate personnel responsibilities.
3. Establish initial contacts and agreements with agencies and organizations to be involved. Designate exercise observers.

4 Collect information and provide to the exercise partici-pants and observe the necessary excerpts / copies of IPRA, i applicable implementing instructions, 50P's, resources and other relevent ccordinating documents. l

 )                                                                          s_

l VI (2) Page 383

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 3

5. Verify space and facility requirements and limitations; procedures for preparing the exercise area; displays, materials; preparation of displays and ccmm:nications required.
6. . Develop the emergency problem or nuclear accident in detail, including the primary effects and secondary effects; crepare detailed scenario and simulation aids.
7. Develop prescripted inputs (massages); message flow profile to balance workloads; review and correct mess-

ages; problem ficw; dry run; modify plans and procedures; review concents of simulations; public schedule of events for participants.

8. Review complete exercise scenario with observers; esta-blish ground rules far observers during exercise; outline structure and emonasis of observer input to exercise critique.
9. Final preparations and inspections; refresher training; increase readiness or scenario briefing to set the stage for the exercise; message or problem generated play; record and preserve inputs, records, and actions, and
         .Other     required  materials     for   use    in   criticue.

VI Page(2)3S4 i i


Ogle County Prelimarf, Rev.0.12/82 (. Conduct critique either immediately after exercise or within a reasonable period of time while the events are still fresh in the participants' and obser/ers' minds. Establish purpose of the critique; review problems encountered and actions taken; assess perfomance -

         - operational problems and suggested solutions; observ-ers' reviews; procedures for improving operations proce-dures and techniques; record suggested and agreed ucon

, changes for subsecuent action.

11. Prepare post-exercise report for distribution to all participating agencies and personnel, detailing the strong and weak areas identified by the exercise and corrective actions recommended.
12. Follow up personally with appropriate agencies and monitor post-exercise corrective measures. Outline, b

record and file ideas for the next exercise, including suggestions generated by observers and participants for further exercises. l VI (2) Page 385

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 ~ (

0. -Emeroency Plan Maintenance Responsibility for the maintenance and updating of IPRA lies with IESDA.

In 0GLE COUtlTY, the OGLE COUtlTY ESDA C00RDDIATOR is assigned the role of coordinating the planning, updating and maintenance of the OGLE -C00?lTY section of IPRA-Byron. He is assisted in plan maintenance by the STATE and REGI0ft 2 ESDA. C00RDIflATORS. Emergency Plan Maintenance includes an annual review and periodic updating of the local plan. Additionally, the OGLE C0utlTY ESDA C00RDIt1ATOR with assistance from the REGIOil 2 ESDA C00RDIriATOR, is responsible for document control. This includes the distribution of the plan and its updated sections as required. Each agency head is responsible for the updating his own agency's sections. The use of exercises and drills may reveal a need to make changes in an agency's procedures. In addi-tion, there may be personnel changes, telepone number changes, etc. These changes will be reported as they occur to the OGLE COUNTY ESDA C00RDIt!ATOR, who will keep a record of them. These changes will be reported to the REGI0ilAL ESDA C00RDI-3 NATOR at least semiannually. The REGI0t1AL ESDA C00RDIfiATOR > c (. VI (2) Pace 387

    ~                              .

091e Count Prelimary. Rev.0.12/8[ Y


will, in turn, report these changes to IESDA annually to be incorporated into the plan.


) l i l


VI (2) Pace 388 l .

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 3 ('x P. Radiation Exoosure control Considerations Methods fcr prevention of unnecessary radiation exposure or contamination of emergency workers or the general populace have been delineated in detail in Vol. I, Ch. 5. The purpose 1 of this section is to define and establish procedures for the distribution, use, administering, recording and maintenance of personnel dosimetry equipment, control forms and potassium iodide. Within OGLE COUflTY and the municipalities therein, {' DOSIMETRY C0flTROL OFFICERS (DCOs) have been identified and assigned the responsibility to carry out this function. The DCOs will be supported in their activities by ILLIN0IS DEPARTMEtiT OF NUCLEAR SAFETY'S (IDf:5) RADIOLOGICAL EMERGEf CY , ASSESSMEtiT CEflTER (REAC) and the RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMEllT FIELD TEAM (RAFT). Dosimetry'equicment and foms have been issued to depart-ments within 0GLE COUNTY and municipalities therein (see Vol. I, Ch. 5, 4-SOP-5). The responsibilities of the local DCOs include the following dosimetry procedures:

1. Zeroing all dosimeters prior to use.
2. Issuing the following dosinetry equipment to each 4

VI (2) Page 389 a s

Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0. 12/82 T

 -s                                       .

emergency worker and log appropriate information on Dosimetry Control Log:

a. 1 Instant Read Dosimeter
b. 1 Radiation Exposure Record (Card)
c. 1 Thermoluminescent Dosimeter (TLD)
d. 1 Potassium Iodide Tablet (KI);
3. When dose projection values are available, the RAFT COMMANDER, or his designee, will provide this information t
                ,       utilizing the IDNS Pre-established Monitori..   .  .11ao as a

( x common reference. This informaticn may be provided by the following communication links (see Figure P.3.a. , this Chaoter):

a. Via State ESDA EOC
b. Via County ESDA Coordinator
c. Via DCOs directly
d. Via the State Comand Posts and/or Vans, i.e., ISP, ESDA, IDOT; 4 Emergency workers shall utilize an eyresure notification limit of three (3) Roentgens. Such no.." x .an shall be relayed to the RAFT COMMANDER.

NOTE: Three (3) Roentgens will be an operational limit wilich is subject to change depending on the seriousness n of an incident and the projected doses. The following 1 VI (2) Page 390

ugie county Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 3 a limits have been set by the USEPA for emergency workers: General 25 Roentgens Wholebody Exposure 125 Roentgens to -the Thyroid Life Saving 75 Roentgens Wholebcdy Exposure No Limit to the Thyroid

5. The RAFT COMMANDER may request that TLDs and cocies of dosicetry control logs are turned in -to the IDNS van for one of the following reasons:
a. A emergency worker has incicated that his dosimeter is approachirg a three (3) Roentgens limit,
b. A worker has inoicated that he has dropped or jarred his dosimeter and has lost his exoosure reading, i
c. Periodical reading; l Should the collection of TLDs be necessary during an incident and/or at the completion of an incident, tne RAFT COMMANDER will l

establish a rendezvous point for pick-uo of TL0s and DOS


VI (2) - Pace 391 i

n Ogle County Prelimarf, Rev.0.12/82 1 I

6. Upon completion of an incident, it will be necessary to perfom the following:
a. Collect all dosimetrj.
b. Complete the 00SIMETRY C0tiTROL" LOG.
c. Turn in TLDs and accompany with a copy of the dosimetry control log to IONS or to the IONS Van as requested.

NOTE: It is essential that a copy of the DOSIMETRY CONTROL  : LOG accomoany TLDs to RAFT van for identf fication purposes. i l l 1 4 VI (2)

                      .                        Pace 392
        -                                                                                Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82 P. 2. Potassium Iodide (KI)

Guidelines for the administering of radioprotective drugs, in the event of a release of radioactive icdine, are discussed in Vol. I, Ch. 5, 4-50P-4 At the direction of the REAC or RAFT Comand, the local DC0 shall perform the following procedures:

1. Receive notification from the REAC or RAFT COMMANDER via the following telepnene
  ,                       message:


                                     " Hello, is this                   (DCOI       of       (Facility -

Name) . This is (REAC OR RAFT Commander) of the Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety. As a result of an incident at the Byron Sta-tion, it is recomended that, on a voluntary basis, you administer. potassium iodide to your emergency workers in accordance with label ' directions until further notice. Acditional potassium iodide will be provided if required."

2. If instructed by the REAC or RAFT Ccemander not to administer potassium iodide on a voluntary basis, then this procecure should be omitted.
    )                                                                                                                 '

VI (2) Eage 394

T Ogle County Prelimary, Rev.0.12/82



3. If potassium iodide is administered, follow label l instructions and consult General Information (see Vol. I, Ch. 5, 4-50P-4), enter on DOSIMETRY CONTROL LOG.

i e ( C VI (2) Page 395

Ogle County Pre 11mim ry Rev. 0 12/82

  \                                  RADIOLOGICAL              IMFORMAT10N              DIAGRAM Gov 1

I I Ad3 REAC e i . , i __.  ! ISP 007 OPN l ICC CONS h I I I Fitt.o I MAFT DNS 7 gag I i l i I l e STATE I COMM AND PCsf f i i t isP 007 ssoA I Aa ., I - t Disi oss7 OTHER I 1- s sTAft 4acy I gun I I I I I couNry otPTS


COUNTY OCO l I \ .L Byron. Orenon l

                                                                                                      )~                 1, aC=                       ac"                 7g- *~7'    .

eafygver [t7_MorrM i R5chell5 l _ u_xa_ 7 r - - ' - -- m C:77 orPTs C 7y ogpT3 CITY OCPTS CITY DEPTS I ClTY DEPTS a CITY DEPTS l 1 - - - .J 6- J

      ----- - Alternate co=munication links



FIGURE P. 3. A. (C_ VI (2) Page 397}}