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Rev 0 to Rept on 1993 Eddy Current on Exams of TMI-1 OTSG Tubing
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/08/1994
From: Jandovitt J, Torborg M
Shared Package
ML20073K532 List:
NUDOCS 9410110279
Download: ML20073K538 (83)



TMI-1 OTSG TUBING Prepared by: [

_/_67[f Mark T. Toyb g Approved By: .


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941011027c7 941004 PDR ADOCK 0500CC99 O PDR ,


Attachm2nt 1 Revision 0 Page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO.

I. INTRODUCTION . . . . 4 II. METHODH , . . 4 A. DATA ACQUISITION . . . . . 4

1. General Tube Examinations . . . . . . . . 5
2. Lane /Wedae Examinations . . . . 5
3. Soecialized Tube Examinations . 6
4. Tube Sleeve Examinations . . . . . . . 6 B. DATA ANALYSIS PROCESS . . . . . . . . 6
1. Data Analyst Oualifications . . . . . . 6
2. Data Analysis Secuence . . . 7
3. Data Analysis Software . . . . . . . . 8
4. Recordina of Indications . . . . . . . . . 8
5. Dispositionina of Results . . . . . . . . . . . 9 C. RECORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 III. OUTAGE 10R EKAMINATION CATEGORIES AND RESULTS . . . . . . . . 14 A. EXAMINATIONS REQUIRED BY T.S. 4.19 . . . . . . . 15
1. Dearaded Tubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2. Tech. S og_c . Random Samples . . . . . . . . . 19 B. GPUN ELECTIVE EXAMINATIONS , . . . . . . . . . . . 2'
1. Tubes with Indications Not Confirmed by 8x1 . . . il
2. Lane /Wedae Tubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3. Tubes with Previour Small Amolitude Indications 26
4. Extra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5. Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 C. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS . . . . . . . . . 30
1. Inner Diggeter Tube Indications . . . . . . . . 30
2. Outer Diameter Tube Indications . . . . . . . . . . 30
3. Review of Previous Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 l

IV. CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 i l

i V. REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 I

i Total Pages Main Body = 53 i

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.1 Attachment 1 Revision 0 Page 3 i

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TABLE OF CONTENTS (CorlLiDJLCM Figure II-1 Disposition of Inner Diameter Indications . . 10 Figure II-2 Disposition of Outer Diameter Indications . . . . 11 Figure II-3 TMI-1 OTSG Outline . . . . .. . . 12 Figure III-1 OTSG A Tubes Examined 10R .. . . . . . 32 Figure III-2 OTSG B Tubes Examined 10R . . .. . . . . . 33 Figure III-3 OTSG A Tubes Sleeved 9R & 10R , . . . 34 Figure III-4 OTSG B Tubes Sleeved 9R & 10R . ...... . 35 .

Figure III-5 Distribution Of Indications By Axial Locations . 36  !

Figure III-6 Indication Rates By Region .. . . . . . . 37 Figure III-7 Distribution Of Indications By Percent Through Wall 38 Figure III-8 Distribution Of Indications By Amplitude . . . 39 Table II-1 Listing of Probes Used During Outage 10R . . . . 13 Table III-1 Comparison of Indications in Degraded Tubes . . . . 17 Table III-2 Comparison of Statistical Evaluation to Previous Evaluations . . . ... .... . . . 18 Appendix I DDA-4 Analysts Codes . . ............ 3 Pages Appendix II Comparison Of Previous Exam Results . . . . . . . 15 Pages Appendix III Tubes Repaired During Outage 10R .... . . . . 2 Pages Appendix IV Tubes With Indications 220% Through Wall . . . . . 14 Pages Appendix v Outline of Data Analyst Indoctrination . . . . 2 Pages Appendix VI Tubes Sleeved During 10R . ...... . . . 6 Pages TOTAL EFFECTIVE PAGES = 83 e

. o Attachment 1 Revision 0 i Page 4 l

I. INTRODUCTION On September 10, 1993, TMI-I was shut down for Refueling Outage 10R. During this refueling outage, GPUN performed Eddy Current (ECT) examinations of the Once Through Steam Generators (OTSGs). The scope of the examinations included tubing, plugs and sleeves. The tubing examinations were required by Technical Specification 4.19 (Reference 1), and GPUN engineering requirements. The sleeve examinations were performed as part of their installation process, for newly installed sleeves, and to monitor the condition of the previously i installed sleeves.

During Outage 10R, a total of 2119 examinations were performed on 1559 tubes and 249 sleeves in OTSG A and 1334 examinations were performed on 1083 tubes and 253 sleeves in OTSG B. Based on these examinations, indications requiring repair were identified in two tubes. One tube in OTSG B was removed from service by plugging and one tube in OTSG A was repaired by sleeving. This brings the total number of plugged tubes to 1268 in OTSG A and 373 in OTSG B.

The number of sleeved tubes is now 249 in OTSG A and 253 in OTSG B.

This report was prepared to satisfy the reporting requirements of Technical Specification 4.19.5.b (Reference 1). The data was extracted from GPUN TDR 1134 (Reference 11).

II. METHODS A. DATA ACOUISITION The Eddy Current (ECT) Examinations were performed using the Zetec M1Z-18, Digital Multi-Frequency Eddy Current System. The data was recorded on optical disks and transferred via a fiber optic link to the data analysis trailer.

The data acquisition was performed remotely using B&W " ROGER" in-head fixtures and Zetec Model 4D probe pushers. In the past, switchers have been used to permit alternating between different types of probes.

During this outage, the use of the fiber optic link reduced the number of probe changes eliminating the need for the switchers. During this outage, " ROGER" fixtures were installed in all four OTSG heads permitting the exmmination of plugs in both the upper and lower tubesheets and allewing the examination of tubing from either head.

This arrangement also permitted the examination of tubes from the lower head while tube sleeves were being installed in the upper head.

The ECT examinations utilized a variety of techniques and probes which were tailored to the specific area being examined. The extminations were performed under GPUN surveillance procedure 1300-4B (Reference 5) and are discussed in the following section. The specific probe models used are listed on Table II-1.


  • Attachmsnt 1 Revision 0 Page 5 A.1 general Tube Examinations The general examination of the tubing material was performed from the inside of the tubes using the bobbin coil probe. This probe is the most durable probe available and permits examining the tubes at speeds up to 24 inches per second. The data from the bobbin coil probes was used for the detection of tube wall degradation including IGA, IGSCC, tube to support plate wear and any other general degradation. It was also used to measure tube diameters and profiles. All of the bobbin coil examinations were " full-length examinations" unless otherwise noted.

For the purpose of this report, full-length is from the kinetic expansion transition in the upper tube sheet to the roll expansion transition in the lower tube sheet.

In the case of tubes with no previous degradation, these examinations were performed using a .510" diameter probe with an examination speed of 24 inches per second. For tubes with previous indications, the examinations were performed using a .540" diameter probe at a speed of 12 inches per second. This reduced speed was employed to provide the most constant probe speed practical and to reduce problems associated with the high fill factor of the probe. The purpose of these initial examinations was to screen indications for further evaluation.

Tubes with indications screened during the bobbin coil examinations were re-examined using the logic shown on Figures II-1 and II-2. In summary, this evaluation process ensured that each newly screened indication was examined using both a bobbin coil and pancake coil probe to characterize the extent of degradation. This basis for this process has been previously documented in References 2,3,4, and 9. For previously identified indications, previous 8x1-ABS or MRPC examinations are considered valid unless the bobbin coil indication has changed significantly. The combined information from these probes was then factored into the disposition of the tube.

A.2 Lane /Wedae Examinations The tubes in the lane / wedge region of the OTSGs are subject to high cycle fatigue f ailures at the 15* tube support plate and at the secondary face of the upper tube sheet. The failures typically occur at the edges of the support structures and are circumferential1y oriented, which limits the sensitivity of the bobbin coil probe in this area. To overcome the limitations of the bobbin coil probe, these areas are j examined using a pancake coil probe. The coil orientation and surface riding design of the pancake coil probe improve the sensitivity for detecting circumferential flaws and minimize the negative effects of the support structures or any denting which may be present.

At present, there are two basic designs of pancake coil probes available -

for this examination, the 8x1-ABS probe and the Motorized Rotating Pancake Coil (MRPC) probe. The 8x1-ABS probe has been used for this examination since 1988-7R and was used for the majority of these examinations during Outage 1993-10R. The MRPC probe is designed to be i

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Attachment 1 Revision 0 Page 6 more durable than the 8x1-ABS probe and provides additional analysis capabilities, however, the MRPC probe's data acquisition process is more complex and slower than the 8x1-ABS probe (0.2"/sec versus 6"/sec).

With the completion of the preventive sleeving efforts during outage 1993-10R, the scope of these examinations has decreased significantly.

The original scope of these examinations (1988-7R) included approximately 420 tubes per OTSG. During this outage, the scope of tubes was reduced to approximately 220 tubes per OTSG for Outage 11R.

A.3 Specialized Tube Examinations During the conduct of examinations using both the bobbin coil and 8x1-ABS probes, ambiguous indications are detected and require further evaluations. These indications are resolved by examining the suspect area using the MRPC probe and correlating the results of the various examinations to determine the disposition of the tube.

A.4 Tube Sleeve Examinations During Outage 10R, GPUN installed tube sleeves in approximately 125 tubes in each OTSG. In support of the sleeve installation, eddy current examinations were performed both prior to and after the sleeve installation. Prior to sleeving, each tube was examined using the .510" bobbin coil probe. This examination was performed as a general tube examination (A.2) with additional data analysis. This analysis, referred to as " Bobbin-Profilometry", consisted of measuring the diameter of the tube in the locations where the sleeve roll expansions are to be placed.

Following the sleeve installation, the .431 inch inner diameter sleeves were examined using a .400 inch diameter combination bobbin coil and cross axis coil probe. This probe was used to examine both the parent

  • tubing and the sleeve material for degradation in both the newly installed (10R) and previously installed (9R) sleeves. In addition, for the sleeves which were installed during 10R, the data was evaluated to measure the diameter of the roll expansions using the " Bobbin-Profilometry" process. A rotating cross axis probe was also available to evaluate ambiguous indications but was not used.

B. DATA ANALYSIS PROCESS The eddy current data analysis was performed using GPUN Procedure 6100-QAP-720? 063, Revision 0 (Reference 6). This procedure is based on the recommendations of the EPRI PWR Steam Generator Inspection Guidelines (Reference 7) and also meets the requirements of the TMI-1 Technical  ;

Specifications (Reference 1) and the ASME Code (Reference 10). )

i B.1 Data Analyst Oualifications )

i The data analysis process was performed by Conam Nuclear personnel qualified and certified to at least Level IIA, in accordance with their i


Attachm:nt 1 Revision 0 Page 7 approved program. As a supplement to this qualification, site specific indoctrination and training was attended by all data analyst personnel.

The program included both classroom lectures and hands on practice using eddy current data and experience from both TMI and another B&W designed plant. The training covered generic OTSG degradation mechanisms and examination methods and also specifically addressed the Bobbin Coil, 8x1-ABS, and MRPC methods which are used at TMI.

The total indoctrination process encompassed approximately 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> and was conducted by the designated lead analyst. At the completion of the indoctrination, each data analyst was required to pass a performance demonstration prior to analyzing bobbin coil or 8x1-ABS data for each method to be analyzed. Since tha MRPC examinations are performed in a very specific manner, no performance demonstration was required.

Appendix VI is an outline of the program.

B.2 pata Analysis Secuence The data analysis process was performed in accordance with the same procedures used for the data analyst indoctrination and training. The process was performed in three (3) parts with at least two (2) separate data analysts evaluating 100% of the data for each examination. The only exception to this was the " profilometry" portion of the examinations performed for tube sleeving. This portion of the data received only a single analysis with graphic printouts provided to B&W for review by the process engineers. The data analysis process included:

1. Primary Analysis: The primary analysis included a 100% evaluation of the ECT data and the recording of all attributes identified in Appendix I. This analysis included recording the phase angle, percent through wall, voltage, circumferential extent and location of the indications.
2. Secondary Anelvsis: The secondary analysis also included a 100%

review of the ECT data for the attributes identified in Appendix I.

This analysis, performed as a blind review, was performed in the same manner as the primary analysis, r

3. Resolution Analysis: To complete the analysis process, the results of both the primary and secondary analyses are reviewed by the designated lead analyst. This review combines the primary and secondary analyses results and also resolves any discrepancies. For Outage 1993-10R, this function was performed by a Level III Data Analyst. In the case of indications which are reported as pluggable by one analyst, but are resolved as being non-pluggable, the resolution process is documented using a " Overruling'Pluggable Indication" report form. 1 l

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Attachment 1 Revision 0 Page 8  ;

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B.3 Data Analysis Software i

The data for all examinations was evaluated using the Zetec Eddynet l Analysis software, Version 22, for the primary, secondary and resolution ,

analysis. i B.4 Eggprdine Of Indications l Eddy current indications were recorded to permit dispositioning the examination results and to facilitate monitoring the tubes during future examinations. The recorded indications fall into two basic groups,

" Indications from Tube Wall Degradation" and " Indications from Possible Damage Precursors". The specific criteria used to record the indications is dependent upon the type of probe being used. A complete list of all abbreviations and definitions used to classify indications  !

is included as Appendix I.

Indications from Tube Wall Decradation Indications of tube wall degradation are initially recorded during the analysis of the bobbin coil data. When practical, the indications are assigned a " percent through wall" value based on the phase angle of the indication. When the indication cannot be accurately assigned a through  ;

wall value, it is assigned a three letter code such as BVC, DNI, DSI, DRI, DTI or NQI which indicates the presence of a possible flaw. In either case, the indication's location, amplitude, signal phase angle and " percent through wall" or three letter code are recorded to permit further evaluation of the tube.

once the initial screening of the indications is completed, supplemental examinations are performed using the pancake coil probes if previous data is not available or if the indications have changed. The data from these examinations is analyzed and indications are recorded using three

  • letter codes which indicate the approximate geometry of the degradation. l In general, indications are recorded as SCI, SAI, MCI, MAI, SVI or MVI. i These codes indicate whether the indication is single (S) or multiple '

(M), circumferential (C) or axial (A), and whether or not a volumetric Like the bobbin coil indications, these codes  :

(V) condition is present.

are recorded along with the location, amplitude and phase angle of the  ;


Indications from Possible Damace Precursors The analysis of the eddy current data also identifies indications which _,

are not attributed to tube wall degradation. These indications may be i the result of irregularities in the tube wall profile (IDC), changes in' the magnetic permeability (PVN), denting (DNT) or other changes in the j electrical impedance of the tube, not related to tube wall degradation. ,

These indications are recorded for information only and do not require j follow-up examinations.

e J Attechment 1 Revision 0 Page 9 Indications Recorded Durina Specialized Examinations  !

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The data analysis for specialized examinations such as 8xl-ABS or MRPC probes requires a process which is different than the bobbin coil examinations. In the case of these examinations, the data is typically evaluated to confirm a previously recorded indication. As such, the ,

data is recorded to support diopositioning a given indication by length, size, depth or location on a case by case basis.

Indication Locations The locations of the ECT indications are recorded to identify their

" elevation" or " axial location" in the OTSGs. For free span indications, the locations are recorded in inches above "+" the tubesheet surfaces or tube support plate center. For indications located within or adjacent to the tube support plates, the indications are recorded as "+" or " -" from the center of the T.S.P. The relative locations of the tubesheets and tube support plates (T.S.P.) are shown in Figure II-3.

B.5 Disoositi.onino of Results The combined results of the Bobbin Coil and Pancake Coil examinations are used to disposition the individual tubes. This dispositioning process may involve data which was analyzed by several different data analysts. Since the various techniques are complimentary and do not necessarily supersede one another, the individual evaluations of each technique are not changed to reflect the disposition of the tube.

C. RECORDS The results of the eddy current examinations are considered to be permanent records. The follown.g records have been transmitted to Information Services for retention.

. Optical discs containing the raw data and the primary, secondary and resolution results.

. Printed copies of the primary, secondary and resolution results.

. Printed copies of " Overruling Pluggable Indication" forms.

. Printed copy of the data base containing the complete examination results.

. Copies of the site orientation and indoctrination forms.

. Copies of the data analyst performance demonstrations.

. Computer diskettes contai'ing the ISIS data base used to disposition the tubes.

, a Att achment 1 Revision 0 Page 10 FIGURE II-1 INDICATION IN LD. FLAW PLANE

( 5 < = DEG. = < 30 )


< 3:1 SN > = 3:1 SN AND OR

< 1.0 VOLTS > = 1.0 VOLTS 1 r 1




/ \ / \

< = 2 COlLS > 2 COILS 8X1 - ABS 8X1 - ABS OR OR OR OR MRPC

< = .500 INCHES > .500 INCHES MRPC "NDD" CONFIRMS r 1 r l r 1 r 1  !




/ \

ASSIGN < 3:1 SN > = 3:1 SN




Attachment 1 Revision 0 Page 11 FIGURE II-2 INDICATION IN O.D. FIAW PLANE

( 30 < DEG. = < 105 )





< 20% T.W. 20 % - 39 % > = 40%

OR " NQF  :








,, ,, o J r 1 r 1 r 1 -


L  ; L  ; L J l l


Page 12 FIGURE II-3



'5 a lllllllllllllllllllll 15,531 INCONEL TUBES A 012 i lI""Ill18 38.0 010 40.0 U S 39.0 008 007 006 37.0 005 004 40.0 003 ellllllllllll..u ll!! 002 001 46.0 LCMERTUBE SHEET LTS LTE 28' OUTLETS (2 SUPPORT SIGRT-+-

. _ .. - _ m_ . _ -- . _ . ._

I Attachment 1.  !

Revision 0  !




  1. USED ,

Bobbin A-540-LC/NF/M/HF Bobbin .540" Tubes with Indications [

Differential i Bobbin A-510-LC/NF/M/HF Bobbin .510" Tubes without Indications i

Differential Profilometry Exams 8x1-ABS 8C-5240-555-A0187 Pancake .187" Lane / Wedge "

8-Coil Tubes with Indications Absolute  !

t MRPC B-510-MRPC/PH Pancake .125" Lane / Wedge 1-Coil Tubes with Indications Absolute MRPC B-520-MRPC-3C/7PH Pancake .125" Lane / Wedge 3-Coil Tubes with Indications Absolute COMBO 2AX-400-6FLC/DIFF Bobbin / .400" Installed Sleeves X-Axis Differential  ;



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Attachment 1 Revision 0 Page 14 '

l III. OUTAGE 10R EXAMINATION CATEGORIBS.AND RESULT 4 The locations of the tubes and sleeves examined during Outage 10R are shown on l Figures III-1 through III-4. The examinations were performed in two major '

groups, based on the examination requirement, c A. Examinations Required by Technical Specification 4.19  ;

B. GPUN Elective Examinations (Tubing)

These groups are further divided into specific categories of tubes. When '

classifying the tubes by examination category, some tubes may satisfy the criteria for more than one category and may need to be examined with more than one probe in which case the tube will appear in more than one category. If the tube meets the criteria for multiple categories requiring examination with ,

the same probe, the tube is placed into the first category which applies, following the sequence of this report. As a result of this sequence, some tubes may appear to be missing from a category because they were previously examined. For example, a lane / wedge tube may have been examined as an ISI tube and will not be re-examined as a lane / wedge tube. This section defines the examination scope, purpose, selection criteria, and examination results by category.

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Attachment 1 Revision 0 Page 15 A. EXAMINATIONS REOUIRED BY TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 4.19 A-1 PREVIOUSLY DEGRADED TUBES Data Sets: ISI, ISI-9R Probe: .540" - Bobbin Extent: Full Length SCOPE In OTSG "A", 288 tubes were examined.

In OTSG "B", 39 tubes were examined.

REASON FOR EXAMINATION The examination of the " Degraded" tubes provides a means of monitoring existing degradation. New examination results are compared to the results of previous examinations to determine if there is evidence of an active degradation mechanism occurring in the OTSGs.

SELECTION CRITERIA The " Degraded Tube" population was selected to meet the requirements of Technical Specification 4.19.2.a.1, which requires the examination of all inservice tubes which have previously identified tube wall degradation of 20%

T.W. or greater. During the period of 1981 to 1988-7R, tubes were screened with the bobbin coil probe and all indications were then examined using the 8x1-ABS probe. Tubes with indications z20% T.W. which were confirmed by the 8x1-ABS probe were then considered to be degraded and were included in this population.

One of the inherent limitations of the 8x1-ABS probe is the variability of the eddy current field based on the coil to discontinuity orientation. This variability is most pronounced for small discontinuities and using the above method, tubes with small indications tended to drop in and out of the

" Degraded Tube" population. To reduce this variability, starting with the 1990-8R examinations, all inservice tubes with bobbin coil indications of 20-39% through wall are included in this category. These tubes, with degradation detected prior to 1991-9R, are identified as the sub group of "ISI".

The second sub group was identified as ISI-9R. This group includes indications identified as 20-39% through wall for the first time, during Outage 1991-9R. These tubes were identified separately to permit additional sorting capabilities in the computer data base.

RESULTS The results of the 10R examinations of the " Degraded" tubes were consistent with previous examination results. The majority of tne previously identified indications showed no evidence of change from previous examinations. In two cases (one in each OTSG), the reported % through wall values exceeded the

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  • e Attachment 1 j Revision 0 Page 16 established plugging criteria. One tube was repaired by sleeving and'the other was r: Moved from service by plugging.

l OTSG A One (1) tube (A-74-30) had an inner diameter initiated indication of >40% {

through wall in the upper tubesheet portion of the tube. This section of- l tubing was repaired by inserting an 80 inch sleeve from the top of the upper  ;

tubesheet. This sleeve is the same design as the sleeves installed in the i lane wedge region.

l OTSG B One (1) tube (B-8-44) had an inner diameter initiated indication of >40%

through wall in the freespan portion of the tube and was removed from service  !

by plugging. The indication in this tube was determined to be a single  !

volumetric indication (SVI) by the MRPC probe. Since the indication;was {

previously examined and determined to be a 1-coil indication by 8x1-ABS, and the amplitude of the bobbin coil indication had not changed, it was determined to be a 1-coil indication for the application of the stabilization criteria. i TRENDING OF I.D. INDICATIONS To monitor for evidence of continuing degradation of identified indications, the 1993-10R examination results were compared to the IS91-9R results. The  ;

indications included in this comparison were previously recorded indications with through wall values.of 16% or greater (See note on Table III-2) in both 1993-10R and 1991-9R. A complete listing of the indications is shown in Table III-1 and Appendix II.

In "A" OTSG, 165 indications met the above criteria. The mean change in'the  !

indications was -0.5% of wall thickness between 9R and 10R (standard deviation  !

6.68% of wall). The amplitude of these indications showed a mean change of l

+0.19 volts (standard deviation 0.33 volts).

l In "B" OTSG, 35 indications met the criteria. The average change in the l indications was -0.8% of wall thickness between 9R and 10R (standard deviation .

6.32% of wall). The amplitude of these indications showed a mean change of

+0.05 volts (standard deviation 0.13 volts).

When combined, the average change per indication for both OTSGs was -0.6% of wall (standard deviation 6.62% of wall). The mean amplitude change was +0.16 l volts (standard deviation 0.28 volts). l To determine the significance of these changes, the data was compared to similar evaluations performed during previous examinations. . Based on this comparison (see Table III-2), in which the mean change has been both positivet (apparent increase in the depth of the indications) and negative (apparent decrease in the depth of the indications), the identified changes are considered to be within the qualified repeatabil'ty of the ECT process, and do not indicate a trend of ongoing degradation. This variability is discussed in Reference 3.

Attachm:nt 1 l Revision 0 Page 17 TABLE III-1 COMPARISON OF INDICATIONS IN DEGRADED TUBES NUMBER OF TUBES OTSG A OTSG B TOTAL Total Degraded Tube Population 288 39 327 Tubes Included in Comparison

  • 125 25 150 Indications in Comparison 165 35 200 Tubes Excluded from Comparison ** 163 14 177
  • Comparison includes only indications >16% T.W. in 9R _a_qd 10R.
    • Excluded indications were not recorded as >16% T.W. in 9R EI 10R.

% Throuch Wall Comparison No. Inds No. Inds No. Inds Mean Std Number  % T.W. T.W.  % T.W. Change Deviation Indica- Increased Decreased Unchanged  % T.W.  % T.W.

OTSG tions 9R-10R 9R-10R 9R-10R 9R-10R 9R-10R A 165 56 63 46 -0.5 6.68 B 35 13 15 7 -0.8 6.32 Both 200 69 78 53 -0.6 6.62 A&B Amolitude Comparison No. Inds No. Inds No. Inds. Mean Std Number Volts Volts Volts Change Deviation Indica- Increased Decreased Unchanged Volta Volts OTSG tion 9R-10R 9R-10R 9R-10R 9R-10R 9R-10R A 165 121 41 3 0.19 0.30 B 35 22 11 2 0.05 0.13 Both 200 143 52 5 0.16 0.28 A&B






Number Mean STD Mean STD Indica- Change Deviation Change Deviation f Period tions  % T.W.  % T.W. Volts Volts l i

t 1984/1986-5M 152 -2.6 6.1 -0.2 0.3 1986-5M/1986-6R 118 +1.1 6.6 0.0 0.2 I

1986-6R/1988-7R 119 +2.6 5.5 +0.2 0.3 1988-7R/1990-8R 291 +0.2 7.43 -0.25 0.35 F

1990-8R/1991-9R 229 -2.0 6.96 +0.07 0.31 1991-9R/1993-10R 207 -0.6 6.62 +0.16 0.28 Previous data extracted from GPUN TDR 1068, Revision 0 (Reference 8),

NOTE: For outages 1984 through 1988-7R, all indications were examined with both the 8x1-ABS and .540" bobbin coil probes and only indications >20% T.W. and confirmed by both probes were included. .

This criteria biased the data by eliminating threshold level indications which showed a decrease in % T.W., thereby dropping below 20% T.W., or were affected by the variability of the Bx1-ABS probe. For 1990-8R through 1993-10R, all indications a16% T.W.

were included, which allows for the variability of the process and accounts for the increased number of indications, e


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'I 'I Attachment 1 '

Revision 0 Page 19 A-2 TECH. SPEC. RANDOM SAMPLES Data Sets: 3%-TS Probe: .510" Bobbin, .540" Bobbin (Limited)

Extent: Full Length SCOPE In OTSG "A", 470 tubes were examined.

In OTSG "B", 470 tubes were examined.

REASON FOR EXAMINATION The tubes in this sample have no history of degradation below the kinetic expansion. They are- examined to monitor the overall condition of the steam generator tubing.

SELECTION CRITERIA The initial sample included at least 3% of all the tubes in each OTSG. As required by T.S. 4.19.2.a.2, at least 50% of the tubes were located in the areas where experience has indicated potential problems. This area is the outer periphery, which is defined as the tubes located outside the radius of the outer support rods. The remaining tubes were selected to provide a representative sample of the tube bundle. As directed by Engineering, the samples were selected to include tubes which have not been examined since the 1984 examinations (73%) and tubes which had been examined since 1984 (27%).

BESULTS OTSG A In OTSG A, the examination of t' ; 3%-TS sample revealed inner diameter initiated indications exceeding 20% through wall in two tubes (A-13-10 and A-103-77). The indications in these tubes were recorded as 23% and 33% through wall, respectively, and were confirmed as single volumetric indications (SVI) by the MRPC probe. The tubes will be added to the degraded tube population of the next examination.

Three tubes had non-quantifiable indications (NQI) which were recorded using the bobbin coil probe. The indications in two of these tubes (A-25-87 and A-63-41) were outer diameter initiated while the indications in one tube (A 81) was inner diameter initiated. All three of these areas were examined using the MRPC probe and no detectable degradation (NDD) was reported. No additional monitoring will be required for these tubes.

In one tube (A-72-124), a small amplitude inner diameter indication was recorded as a BVC. This area was examined using the MRPC and a single volumetric indication was noted. Since this indication is below the voltage criteria for sizing using the bobbin coil probe, and since the MRPC confirms its minor nature, the tube remained inservice and will be monitored as a BVC tube.

' l I

Attachmtnt 1 Revision 0 Page 20 OTSG B In OTSG B, the examination of the 3%-TS sample revealed one tube (B-28-42) with an indication exceeding 20% through wall. This indication was outer diameter initiated and was recorded as 22% through wall using the bobbin coil probe. An MRPC examination of this area showed no detectable degradation (NDD), however, this tube will be monitored as a NRI tube during the next examination.

Two tubes (B-22-83 and B-68-62) had distorted tube support plate signals with possible outer diameter initiated indications (DSI) recorded. These areas were examined using the MRPC probe and showed no detectable degradation (NDD).

No additional monitoring will be required for these tubes.


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Attachm3nt 1 Revision 0 )


SCOPE In OTSG "A", 223 tubes were examined.

In OTSG "B", 67 tubes were examined.

REASON FOR EXAMINATION Since 1981, GPUN has used a two step process to identify and disposition indications. In this process, indications are screened using the bobbin coil probe and are confirmed using the 8x1-ABS probe. Indications which are screened by the bobbin probe but are not confirmed by the 8x1-ABS probe are considered to be either relevant indications, which are below the required threshold of detection, or non-relevant indications, caused by something other than tube wall degradation.

Starting in 1981, these indications have been recorded using various codes to permit future monitoring. In outages since 1981, a small number of these indications have been determined to be re'avant and the tubes have been reclassified as degraded or removed from service. In other cases, the indications have been recorded and tubes were returned to the general tube population.

For the 1993-10R outage, GPUN decided to re-examine all tubes with previously accepted indications. The purpose of this examination was to standardize the manner in which the indications are recorded and to ensure that the latest criteria have been applied in the dispositioning of each tube. ,

SELECTION CRITERIA All inservice tubes, which have had indications screened by the bobbin coil '

probe and subsequently accepted by the 8x1-ABS probe, are included in this group.

RESULTS OTSG A In OTSG A, three tubes had innet diameter indications screened as 20% through wall or grester using the .510" bobbin coil probe. In two tubes (A-40-98, A-43-107) a re-examination of the indications, using the .540" bobbin coil probe, showed them to be less than 20% through wall. In one tube (A-32-81),

the .540" probe confirmed the indication was 30% through wall. Since this

Attachment 1 Revision 0 Page 22 indication was previously confirmed by 8X1-ABS (1986-SM), this tube will be added to the degraded tube population.

One tube (A-55-122) had a small amplitude inner diameter indication recorded as a BVC. This area was examined using the MRPC probe and the indication was determined to be a small single volumetric indication (SVI). This tube will continue to be monitored as a BVC tube.

In three tubes distorted indications were recorded as DSI and NQI. These areaa were examined using the MRPC probe. In two cases (A-80-115, A-99-99),

the indications were determined to be non-relevant. In the third case (A-15-41), the indications were determined to be shallow, outer diameter wear, from the contact surface of the broached tube support plate. Based on the combined results of the bobbin coil and MRPC examinations, the wear was determined to be approximately 20-30% through wall and this tube will be monitored as a degraded tube during future examinations.

OTSG B In OTSG 8, three tubes had outer diameter indications identified as 20%

through wall or greater. The indications in two of the tubes (B-26-31, B 98) were determined to be nonrelevant based on the MRPC probe. These tubes will be monitored as NRI tubes during the next examination. In the third tube (B-120-42), the indication was determined to be a small, single volumetric indication. This tube will be monitored as a degraded tube during future examinations.

In addition, distorted indications were identified in two tubes (B-66-37, B-87-1) and were recorded as NQI and DSI. Follow-up examinations using the MRPC probe showed both indications were non-relevant. No additional monitoring of these tubes will be required.




Attachment 1 Revision 0 Page 23 B-2 LANE / WEDGE TUBfd Data Set: Lane / Wedge, Sleevebase, Sleeves-OLD, Sleevepost Probe: .510" Bobbin, 8x1-ABS, 400-Combo Extent: .510" Bobbin Coil - Full Length

.510" Bobbin Coil - Lower sleeve end to lower tube end for previously sleeved tubes.

8x1-ABS - 14th T.S.P. to Upper Roll Transition

.400" Combo Lower Sleeve End to Upper Sleeve End E.C.QfL In OTSG "A"- .510" Bobbin - 323 Lane / Wedge Tubes, 123 Sleevebase Tubes 8x1-ABS - 217 Lane / Wedge Tubes

.400" Combo - 124 Sleevepost Tubes, 125 Sleeves-OLD In OTSG "B"- .510" Bobbin - 333 Lane / Wedge Tubes, 128 Sleevebase Tubes 8x1-ABS - 217 Lane / Wedge Tubes

.400" Combo - 128 Sleevepost Tubes, 125 Sleeves-OLD REASON FOR EXAMINATION:

OTSGs have historically experienced degradation in the lane / wedge tubes.

Previously observed damage mechanisms have included tube to tube support plate wear at various axial locations and high cycle fatigue cracking at the 15*

tube support plate and the secondary face of the upper tubesheet. In consideration of these damage mechanisms, GPUN elected to examine all of the tubes in this region. In addition, GPUN has preventively sleeved some tubes in this region, to reduce the probability of high cycle fatigue cracking.

SELECTION CRITERIA LANE / WEDGE: These examinations included all inservice tubes in the lane and wedge regions as defined in paragraph 4.19.2.a.4(1) of the TMI-1 Technical Specifications (Reference 1). NOTE: Tubes which were sleeved during 1993-10R were examined as the sleevebase data set. The lane area includes the tubes in three rows on each side of the open inspection lane (Rows 73, 74, 75, 77, 78,

79) from Tube 1 to the center of the OTSG. The wedge tubes are the tubes included in the wedge formed by drawing a line from Row 66 Tube 1 to Row 75 Tube 15 and from Row 86 Tube 1 to Row 77 Tube 15. See Figures III-3 and III-4.

For tubes which had not been sleeved during Outage 199 -9R, the examinations included a .510" bobbin coil examination of the full length of the tube. The tubes which had been sleeved during 1991-9R were examined, from the lower sleeve end to the lower roll transition, using the same probe.

All of the unsleeved tubes were also examined in the areas of the 15* tube support plate, the secondary face of the upper tube sheet and the kinetic


  1. r Attachment 1 Revision 0 Page 24 transition zone in the upper tube sheet. These examinations were performed using the 8x1-ABS probe.

SLEEVEBASE: This group includes the tubes which were sleeved during outage 1993-1CR. The majority of the tubes in this group were from the lane wedge region, described above with approximately 50 tubes per OTSG which are outside the previously defined lane region. The tubes in this group were examined over their full length using the .510" bobbin probe. The data from these examinations was evaluated for detecting degradation and was also examined to profile the tube diameters prior to installing the sleeves.

SLEEVES-0, SLEEVEPOST: The scope of these examinations included the sleeves which had been installed during outage 1991-9R (Sleeves-0) and the sleeves which were installed during outage 1993-10R (Sleevepost). The examinations were performed using the .400" X-Axis combination probe.

The area of interest for the examinetion include the entire length of the sleeve and the parent tube in the areas of the rcll expansions. For the sleeves installed during 1993-10R, the data was also analyzed using the profilometry software to verify the dimensions of the roll expansions.

RESULTS OTSG-A In OTSG A, two tubes had an outer diameter initiated indication identified as 20% through wall or greater. In tube A-77-37, the indication was determined to be 32% through wall at the 7* tube support plate. An MRPC examination of this area showed the indication to be a single volumetric indication (SVI).

This tube will be monitored as a degraded tube during the next examination.

In tube A-72-11, the bobbin coil indication was 26% through wall but the MRPC examination showed the indication was non-relevant. This tube will be monitored as a NRI tube during the next examination.

A total of nine other tubes (A-73-26, A-73-45, A-73-55, A-75-46, A-78-34, A-79-13, A-79-21, A-79-22, A-79-32) had distorted signals (DSI, DTI) or other outer diameter indications screened by the bobbin coil probe. No relevant indications were recorded during the MRPC examinations of these areas and no future monitoring will be required.

The post-sleeve examinations and the examination of the sleeves installed during outage 1991-9R did not identify any degradation. The data from measuring the expansion diameters were turned over to the B&W process engineers. No nonconforming conditions, which required corrective actions, were noted.

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  • e Attachment 1 Revision 0 Page 25 OTSG-B In OTSG B, one tube (B-79-65) had an outer diameter indication recorded as 24%

T.W. using the bobbin coil. This indication is located 2.0 inches above the lower tube sheet and was also recorded as a possible loose part (PLP). An MRPC examination of this area did not confirm either the indication or the PLP. This tube will be monitored as a degraded tube during the next examination.

Five tubes (B-66-4, B-74-52, B-74-63, B-77-41, B-87-1) had outer diameter indications recorded as non-quantifiable, (NQI, DSI) while one tube (B-74-10) had an inner diameter indication as non-quantifiable (NQI). These areas were all examined using the MRPC probe and no relevant indications were noted. No future monitoring will be required for these indications.

The post-sleeve examinations and the examinations of the sleeves installed during 1991-9R did not identify any degradation. The data from measuring the expansion diameters were turned over to the B&W process engineers. No nonconforming conditions, which required corrective actions, were noted.

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l Attachment 1 l Revision 0 Page 26  ;

B-3 TUBES WITH PREVIOUS SMALL AMPLITUDE INDICATIONS l Data Set: S/N-SM, S/N, BVC, BVC-9R Probe: .510" Bobbin l Extent: Full Length SCOPE In OTSG "A", 134 tubes were examined.

In OTSG "B", 46 tubes were examined.

REASON FOR EXAMINATION Starting with the examinations performed during the 1986-5M outage, GPUN has applied an amplitude threshold for evaluating poor signal to noise ratio indications. Using this threshold, GPUN has recorded indications (amplitudes less than 1.0 volt, and signal to noise ratios of <3:1), for future monitoring, without assigning a percent through wall value.

This threshold was originally established based on the qualification work performed during the early 1980's. The basic threshold has not changed since the original implementation, however, the specific applications have been improved during each examination.

For example, during the outages from 1986-5M to 1988-8R, tubes with these small amplitude indications were screened and follow-up examination were performed using the 8x1-ABS probe. If the indications were confirmed by the 8x1-ABS probe, the tube was monitored during the subsequent outage. If the indication was not confirmed, the tube was returned to the general population.

Experience gained during examinations from 1986-SM through 1991-9R has shown that small amplitude indications of this type may not be consistently repeatable. In order to address this repeatability question, GPUN examined all inservice tubes with relevant small amplitude indications which had been recorded using three letter codes such as BVC and S/N were examined in accordance with Figures II-1 and II-2.

SELECTION CRITERIA All inservice tubes with indications recorded as S/N or BVC which had phase angles of 5-110' are included in this group. This includes both indications which have been confirmed by the 8x1-ABS probe and indications which were not confirmed by the Bx1-ABS probe.

RESULTS OTSG A In OTSG A, no indications greater than or equal to 20% through wall were recorded. Small amplitude indications were identified in seven tubes (A-3-14, A-4-30, A-64-127, A-64-128, A-72-130, A-142-43, A-149-15) and were recorded as BVC's. In addition, non-quantifiable indications were detected in eight tubes (A-36-103, A-59-72, A-70-81, A-73-18, A-87-81, A-88-77, A-115-42, A-133-26) l

Attachment 1 Revision 0 Page 27 and were recorded as NQI's. These tubes with NQI's were re-examined using the MRPC probe and in all cases, the indications were determined to be nonrelevant. The tubes with the BVC indications will be monitored during the next examination. No additional monitoring is required for the other tubes.

OTSG B In OTSG B, no indications greater than or equal to 20% through wall were recorded. Small amplitude indications were indicated in nine tubes (B-6-41, B-14-53, B-21-4, B-27-66, B-28-66, B-48-76, B-67-1, B-107-5, B-133-80) and recorded as BVC's. In one tube (B-80-11), a distorted support plate indication was recorded as a DSI. This area was examined using the KRPC probe and the indication was determined to be nonrelevant. The tubes with the BVC indications will continue to be monitored during the next exalaination. No additional examinations will be scheduled for the other tube.

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Attachment 1 Revision 0 Page 28 B-4 EXTRA Data Set: Extra Probe: .510" Bobbin, 8x1-ABS Extent: Full Length, Partial Length SCOPE OTSG "B", 2 tubes were examined with .510" Bobbin Probe.

OTSG "B", 1 tube was examined with the 8x1-ABS Probe.

EDSON FOR EXAMINATION During the course of the examinations, eddy current data was acquired on tubes not identified on the ECT data sheets. The tubes were examined as a result of the typographical or interpretive errors on the part of the data acquisition personnel. Once the ECT data is recorded, it is evaluated and the tubes dispositioned accordingly.

SELECTION CRITERIA These tubes are randomly located.

RESULTS OTSG B In OTSG B, no indications were recorded.

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l Attachment 1 l Revision 0  ;

Page 29 l l

B-5 SPECIAL Data Set: Special Probe: 8x1-ABS Extent: 15* T.S.P. to Upper Tube End SCOPE OTSG "B", 1 tube was examined.

FEASON FOR EXAMINATION During the course of indoctrinating the Data Analysts, they are instructed to be observant of any abnormal conditions which are not addressed in the data interpretation guidelines. If anything abnormal is noted, appropriate actions will be taken to further understand the condition. These tubes were considered special cases.

SELECTION CRITERIA During the 1991-9R bobbin coil examinations, a large amplitude indication was noted within the kinetic expansion area of tube B-44-85 in OTSG B. This indication was above the area required to be examined, using the bobbin coil probe, per the analysis guidelines. In order to better understand this indication, the tube was examined using the 8x1-ABS probe.

RESULTS OTSG B The indication in this tube was determined to be the result of multiple axial indications above the kinetic transition. These indications appeared as shallow inner diameter indications on 3 coils of the 8x1-ABS probe. An MRPC examination confirmed that they were multiple axial indications. The large amplitude of the bobbin coil signal is attributed to the axial orientation of the indications. No additional actions will be taken for this tube.

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  • Attachment 1  !

Revision 0 Page 30 l


1. INNER DIAMETER TUBE INDICATIONS Since 1981., GPUN has characterized the location and distribution of indications in the OTSG's by a bulk comparison of the recorded indications. This characterization includes both newly detected and previously detected indications and is intended to confirm that the population of indications is stable and the condition of the OTSG's has not changed significantly since the previous examination. The data from the 1982 examinations is presented to show the contrast between the examination prior to and after the 1982 repairs. See Figures III-F to III-8. ,

The breakdown of the indications shows they are located towards the top of the tube bundle in both OTSG A and OTSG B. In OTSG A, the indication rates are higher towards the periphery of the tube bundle, while in OTSG B, the distribution is more uniform.

A characterization of the size of the indications shows the relative amplitude continues to remain small, with 92 percent of the indications less than 2.0 volts. The ,

indications continue to be part through wall with 330 of the 332 indications, which could be assigned through wall i values, recorded as less than 40% percent through wall.

In the past, the circumferential extent of the indications  ;

was monitored using the 8x1-ABS probe. During this outage, i this function was performed using the MRPC probe. The circumferential extent was recorded with respect to the ,

orientation of the indication. Of the 35 indications recorded with the MRPC probe, 34 were recorded as single  ;

volumetric indications (SVI) indicating there was no  !

significant circumferential extent. The remaining j indication was recorded as a multiple axial indication in  !

the upper tube sheet and was determined to be above the kinetic expansion transition.  ;

i During this outage, 27 tubes-(excluding previously degraded  ;

tubes) had inner diameter indications screened by the bobbin coil probe. These tubes included three tubes from the 3% - i T.S. sample (Section A.2) with the other 24 coming from the ,

elective tube examination population. A comparison of these  !

indications shows they are consistent in both location and size, with the previously identified degradation.

2. OUTER DIAMETER TUBE INDICATIONS During the bobbin coil examinations, possible outer diameter initiated indications were identified in 34 tubes in OTSG A

Attachment 1 Revision 0 Page 31 and 17 tubes in OTSG B for a total of 51 tubes. This population of tubes included 12 tubes from the degraded tube sample (Section A.1) and 6 tubes from the 3% T.S. sample, with the remaining tubes from the various elective examination populations.

These indications were evaluated in a very conservative manner and the subject locations were then examined using the MRPC probe. This population included 28 indications located at the tube support plates or inside the tube sheets and 23 indications located in the free span portion of the tubes. Of the 51 indications, only three (A-15-41, A-77-37, and B-120-42) were cSnfirmed by the MRPC probe.

In two tubes (A-15-41 and A-77-37), the indications were determined to be " wear" from contact between the tube and the tube support plate, at the 5* and 7* T.S.P.

respectively. The wear was determined to be shallow based on the combir.ed results of the bobbin coil and MRPC examinations. In tube A-15-41, the wear was determined to be 20-30% through wall while the indication in A-77-37 was determined to be 32 percent through wall.

The third confirmed indication (B-120-42) was an isolated indication located between the 4* and 5* tube support plates. This indication was determined to be 35 percent through wall based on the bobbin coil probe. The MRPC examination showed the indication was a single volumetric flaw (SVI).

3. REVIEW OF PREVIOUS DATA The previous examination data was reviewed for the two tubes that had indications which exceeded 40% through wall (A 30, B-8-44). Both of these tubes were previously degraded tubes and had been examined as part of the ISI data set.

The review showed no significant change in the shape or amplitude of the ECT signals between outages 1991-9R and 1993-10R. For tube A-74-30, the amplitude of the indications was previously recorded as high as 1.7 volts 4 L 1988-7R and was recorded as 1.4 volts during 1993-10R. L.'s indication in B-8-44 was previously recorded as .9 volts during 1988-7R and was recordad as .8 vcits during 1993-10R.

This comparison indicates there was no obvious change in the physical condition of tube. The change in percent through wall is attributed to the ECT process.

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Attachment 1 Revision 0 l

J Page 37 i


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l 200_ .

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. m .__ ._ _ _. _ . ._ _ _. _ __._

Attachmant 1 Revision 0 l Page 40 1

IV. CONCLUSIONS Based on the results of the 1993, Outage 10R, ECT examinations and data evaluations, GPUN was able to reach the following conclusions:

1. The examinations of the previously " Degraded Tubes" did not indicate a trend of ongoing' degradation.
2. The results of the Technical Specification required examinations did not reveal a trend of new or continuing damage mechanisms. The sample requirements of Technical Specification 4.19 were satisfied without' sample escalation.
3. Tube to tube support plate wear is occurring in isolated cases. At present, the detected wear appears to be miner in nature, however, continued emphasis should be placed on this mechanism.
4. The examination of the previously installed and newly r installed sleeves did not identify any conditions requiring further evaluations.

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Attachment 1 Revision 0 Page 41 1


1. Appendix A to the TMI-1 Operating License, Amendment 153, Technical Specification 4.19, 05/29/90. .
2. GPUN TDR 423, Rev. 1, R. Barley, J. Janiszewski, G. .

Rhedrick, M. Torborg, "Three Mile Island - Unit 1 OTSG Tubing Eddy Current Program Qualification," 03/15/84. [

3. GPUN TDR 642, Rev. 2, M. Torborg, G. Rhedrick " Qualification of Conversion Curve for Inner Diameter Discontinuities,"

10/31/85. ,

4. GPUN TDR 999, Rev.0, M. T.'Torborg, " Evaluation of ECT Probes for Use in Examining the TMI-l OTSGs", 01/09/90.
5. Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit No. 1 Surveillance Procedure 1300-4B, Rev. 7, " Eddy Current Examination of OTSG," 09/15/93. -
6. GPUN Quality Assurance Department Procedure Manual, 6100-QAP-7209.63, Rev.0, " Anal) is of OTSG Eddy Current Data",  ;


7. PWR Steam Generator Examination Guidelines, Revision 2, August 1988, EPRI.
8. GPUN TDR 1068, Rev.0, M. T. Torborg, "9R OTSG Eddy Current Results", 09/24/92.
9. GPUN TDR 858, Rev.0, B. Bader, "Circumferential Extent of _;

Flaws as a Function of 8x1 .187 inch Coil Coverage",

10/19/87. i

10. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, " Rules for l Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components",

1986 Edition.

1 1., GPUN TDR 1134, Rev.0, M. T. Torborg, "10R OTSG Eddy Current Results", 07/21/94.

, . m

6 4 Att. 1, App. I Revision 0 Page 1 of 3 DDA ANALYSIS CODES TO BE PUT IN PERCENT COLUMN Absolute Drift ADR Axial Outer Diameter Anomaly AOD Circumferential Outer Diameter Anomaly COD Retest Bad Data RBD Dent DNT Dent With Possible Indication DNI Ding DNG Distorted Roll Transition -DRT Distorted Roll Transition W/Poss Indication DRI Distorted Tubesheet Signal DTS Distorted Tubesheet Signal With Indication DTI Distorted Tube Support Signal DSS Distorted Tube Support Signal W/ Indication DSI Expansion Transition Location ETL Fixture FIX ID Chatter IDC Retest IDC RDC Indication Below Voltage Criteria BVC Indication Not Reportable INR Indication Not Found INF Multiple Circumferential Indication MCI Multiple Axial Indication MAI Multiple Volumetric Indication MVI-No Detectable Discontinuity NDD tion Quantifiable Indication NQI Obstructed OBS Permeability Variation PVN Retest PVN RPV Positive Identification of Tube PID Plugged PLG Retest Incomplete Exam RIC Retest Tube Number Check RNC Single Volumetric Indication SVI Single Axial Indication SAI Single Circumferential Indication SCI Sludge SLG


j Att. 1, App. I Revision 0 Page 2 of 3 l


Absolute Drift (ADR) - Normally refers to drift in the crevice of non-expanded  !

tubesheets. Can also be used for tube to be wear in free standing section of j tubing. Possible indicator of Inter Granular Attack (IGA). Recorded in low frequency absolute.

l Axial Outer Diameter Anomalv (AOD) - An indication observed during the MRPC  !

examinations of plugs which is outer diameter initiated and based on the shape l of the signal does not appear to be from degradation.

Circumferential Outer Diameter Anomalv (COD) - See Axial Outer Diameter Anomaly (AOD), s Bad Data (RBD) - Self explanatory Dent (DNT) - Tube I.D. smaller than nominal I.D., occurring at support plate.

Intersections or top of tubesheets. Recorded in differential mix.

Dent with Possible Indication (DNI) - Possible discontinuity indication associated with dent but is not measurable. Recorded from differential mix.

Dina (DNG) - Similar to dent but in free-standing part of tube. Either caused in manufacturing or by mechanical cause. Recorded in prime frequency.

Distorted Roll Transition (DRT) - Self explanatory.

Distorted Roll Transition W/Possible Indication (DRI) - A distorted rolled transition that has sufficient distortion that a discontinuity may be creating the distortion.

Distorted Tubesheet Sianal (DTS) - Self explanatory.

l Distorted Tubesheet Sianal with Indication (DTI) - An indication at the intersection of the upper or lower secondary tubesheets which may be j indicative of a possible discontinuity. The signal may be distorted by deposits, dents, or saturated tubesheet signals.

Distorted Tube Sucoort Sicnal (DSS) - A tube support signal which may be distorted due to deposits or denting.

Distorted Tube Sucoort Sianal w/Possible Indication (DS'll - A distorted support plate signal which is also indicative of a possible discontinuity.

i Fixture (FIX) - Used when tubes cannot be examined because the fixture foot is j obstructing tube or the fixture will not reach a particular tube. i ID Chatter (IDC) - Caused by manufacturing process (pilgering). Characterized by long areas of horizontal motion. Recorded in prime frequency. j l


Att. 1, App. I Revision 0 Page 3 of 3 EXPLANATION OF DDA-4 ANALYSIS CODES (Continued 1 Indication Below Voltace Criteria (BVC) - Low level indications which are below the establish voltage criteria for assigning percent through wall values.

Indication Not Reportable (INR) - Indication that has been previously reported but does not meet current reporting criteria.

Indication Not Found (INF) - Indication that has been previously reported but is not found on current examination.

Multiple Circumferential Indication (MCI) - Self explanatory.

Multiple Axial Indication (MAI) - Self Explanatory.

Multiple Volumetric Indication (MVI) - Self Explanatory.

No Detectable Discontinuity (NDD) - Entry not required if dBASE system used.

Hon ouantifiable Indication (NOI) - Condition where a signal forms abnormally and is indicative of degradation which is non-quantifiable.

Obstructed (OBS) - Tube that is obstructed by foreign material, i.e., dirt, chunk of metal, broken off probe head, etc.

Positive Identification (PID) - Code assigned to show the examination was performed to verify the tube identification and the tube is properly l identified.

l Permeability Variation (PVN) - Self explanatory. Recorded in prime frequency l free-standing tube, measured in differential mix at support plate intersections.

Pluaced (PLG) - Permanent mechanical plug, not to be confused with obstruction.

  • Retest Incomplete Exam (RIC) - Tube not run to the extent required or complete l tube not recorded.

Fetest Tube Number Check (RNC) - Used when the tube identity is in doubt. )

l I

Sinale volumetric Indication (SVI) - Self explanatory.

Sinale Axial Indication (SAI) - Self explanatory.

Einale Circumferential Indication (SCI) - Self explanatory.

Sludae (SLG) - Accumulation of ferromagnetic material on top of tubesheets or j support plates. Recorded in lowest absolute frequency as per specific plant requirements.

Att. 1, App. II Revision 0 Page : 1 of 15 THREE MILE ISLAND: UNIT 1 COMPONENT : SG A OUTAGE : 10R COMPARISON "ISI TUBE" EXAMINATION RESULTS Row Tube Exam Exam Exam Indication Ind  % Ind Delta Delta Reason Out Numb Location Deg T.W. Volt Volts Depth 1 4 ISI 10R 22548 013+ 6.7 8 27 2.01 ISI 09R 17044 013+ 6.6 5 17 1.79 00.22 10.00 ISI 10R 22548 015+ 36.1 7 23 2.42 ISI 09R 17044 015+ 36.4 5 17 2.29 00.13 06.00 1 14 ISI-9R 10R 22833 012+ 25.9 5 17 1.96 3%-TS 09R 18995 012+ 25.9 7 23 1.69 00.27 -6.00 2 6 ISI 10R 22549 015+ 24.5 5 17 1.23 ISI 09R 17045 015+ 24.6 6 20 1.08 00.15 -3.00 ISI 10R 22549 015+ 25.1 7 23 1.79 ISI 09R 17045 015+ 25.2 7 23 1.13 00.66 00.00 2 25 ISI 10R 22550 012+ 35.5 8 27 1.34 ISI 09R 17046 012+ 36.0 7 23 1.18 00.16 04.00 ISI 10R 22550 013+ 9.2 5 17 1.45 ISI 09R 17046 013+ 9.1 5 17 1.47 -00.02 00.00 4 29 ISI 10R 22551 015+ 27.3 9 30 2.17 ISI 09R 17047 015+ 27.6 9 30 1.87 00.30 00.00 5 3 ISI 10R 22552 015+ 44.4 6 20 2.09 ISI 09R 17048 015+ 44.7 6 20 1.46 00.63 00.00 ISI 10R 22552 015+ 45.0 8 27 3.83 ISI 09R 17048 015+ 45.3 8 27 2.45 01.38 00.00 5 5 ISI 10R 22650 012+ 27.1 92 34 0.81 ISI 09R 17146 012+ 26.9 78 47 0.46 00.35 -13.00 ISI 10R 22650 015+ 34.7 5 17 1.62 ISI 09R 17146 015+ 34.7 8 27 1.10 00.52 -10.00 6 43 ISI 10R 22554 UTS+ 3.6 7 23 2.63 ISI 09R 17050 UTS+ 3.8 8 27 1.44 01.19 -4.00 ISI 10R 22554 UTS+ 6.4 9 30 2.06 ISI 09R 17050 UTS+ 6.5 6 20 1.49 00.57 10.00 6 47 ISI 10R 22555 015+ 19.9 5 17 1.27 ISI 09R 17051 015+ 19.9 8 27 1.04 00.23 -10.00 Continues Next Page =>




Row Tube Exam Exam Exam Indication Ind  % Ind Delta Delta Reason Out Numb Location Deg T.W. Volt Volts Depth 6 48 ISI 10R 22556 UTS+ 0.5 5 17 2.84 ISI 09R 17052 UTS+ 0.5 8 27 1.93 00.91 -10.00 8 2 ISI 10R 22557 012+ 16.1 7 23 1.79 ISI 09R 17053 012+ 16.2 5 17 1.11 00.68 06.00 ISI 10R 22557 012+ 29.1 7 23 2.17 ISI 09R 17053 012+ 29.2 7 23 1.35 00.82 00.00 ISI 10R 22557 012+ 33.4 7 23 2.55 ISI 09R 17053 012+ 33.3 7 23 1.79 00.76 00.00 8 43 ISI 10R 22651 015+ 23.7 5 17 1.62 ISI 09R 17147 015+ 24.1 7 23 0.97 00.65 -6.00 ISI 10R 22651 015+ 24.2 6 20 1.38 ISI 09R 17147 015+ 24.5 10 33 0.95 00.43 -13.00 ISI 10R 22651 015+ 28.4 5 17 1.33 ISI 09R 17147 015+ 28.7 7 23 0.87 00.46 -6.00 11 4 ISI 10R 22558 015+ 21.3 10 33 1.48 ISI 09R 17054 015+ 21.2 10 30 0.97 00.51 03.00 13 1 ISI 10R 22559 011+ 35.6 8 27 1.74 ISI 09R 17055 011+ 35.5 8 27 1.14 00.60 00.00 ISI 10R 22559 013+ 23.1 10 33 2.16 ISI 09R 17055 013+ 23.3 5 17 1.51 00.65 16.00 15 77 ISI 10R 22652 012+ 30.4 8 27 1.25 ISI 09R 17148 012+ 30.5 7 23 1.06 00.19 04.00 16 2 ISI 10R 22560 015+ 42.5 6 20 1.52 ISI 09R 17056 015+ 42.5 5 17 0.96 00.56 03.00 18 1 ISI 10R 22653 004+ 5.3 10 33 1.29 ISI 09R 17149 004+ 5.1 7 23 1.02 00.27 10.00 18 3 ISI 10R 22654 015+ 25.2 9 30 1.12 ISI 09R 17150 015+ 25.4 6 20 0.96 00.16 10.00 18 84 ISI 10R 22561 015+ 32.7 6 20 1.28 ISI 09R 17057 015+ 32.6 6 20 1.10 00.18 00.00 Continues Next Page =>

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Att. 1, App. II l Revision 0 Page : 3 of 15 THREE MILE ISLAND: UNIT 1 COMPONENT : SG A OUTAGE : 10R COMPARISON "ISI TUBE" EXAMINATION RESULTS Row Tube Exam Exam Exam Indication Ind  % Ind Delta Delta Reason Out Numb Location Deg T.W. Volt Volts Depth ISI 10R 22561 015+ 33.2 8 27 1.50 ISI 10R 22561 015+ 34.0 8 27 0.91 ISI 09R 17057 015+ 34.4 8 27 1.23 -00.32 00.00 ISI 10R 22561 015+ 34.6 8 27 1.37 ISI 10R 22561 015+ 38.2 7 23 1.63 ISI 09R 17057 015+ 38.1 6 20 1.48 00.15 03.00 ISI 10R 22561 015+ 41.0 11 37 1.17 ISI 09R 17057 015+ 40.8 11 37 1.03 00.14 00.00 ISI 10R 22561 015+ 42.0 8 27 1.54 ISI 09R 17057 015+ 41.9 6 20 1.33 00.21 07.00 20 1 ISI 10R 22656 005+ 32.2 7 23 1.68 ISI 09R 17152 005+ 31.9 6 20 1.00 00.68 03.00 20 56 ISI 10R 22562 015+ 33.4 5 17 1.20 ISI 09R 17058 015+ 33.3 7 23 1.02 00.18 -6.00 20 85 ISI 10R 22563 010+ 14.7 5 17 1.25 ISI 09R 17059 010+ 15.1 5 17 0.94 00.31 00.00 ISI 10R 22563 010+ 17.6 9 30 1.55 ISI 09R 17059 010+ 18.0 8 27 1.26 00.29 03.00 ISI 10R 22563 010+ 18.5 8 27 1.38 ISI 09R 17059 010+ 18.9 10 33 1.16 00.22 -6.00 ISI 10R 22563 010+ 31.7 5 17 1.19 ISI 09R 17059 010+ 31.8 5 17 1.09 00.10 00.00 ISI 10R 22563 014+ 31.5 10 33 0.99 ISI 09R 17059 014+ 31.5 8 30 0.84 00.15 03.00 27 78 ISI 10R 22660 015+ 29.9 7 23 1.50 ISI 09R 17156 015+ 30.1 7 23 0.93 00.57 00.00 l ISI 10R 22660 015+ 32.8 11 37 1.84 ISI 09R 17156 015+ 32.8 11 37 1.21 00.63 00.00 28 78 ISI 10R 22566 015+ 14.5 7 23 2.83 ISI 09R 17062 015+ 14.6 6 20 2.59 00.24 03.00 i ISI 10R 22566 015+ 28.2 9 30 1.00 ISI 09R 17062 015+ 28.5 10 33 1.01 -00.01 -3.00 29 58 ISI 10R 22661 015+ 29.8 6 20 1.33 ,

ISI 09R 17157 015+ 29.9 6 20 0.81 00.52 00.00 l Continues Next Page =>

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Att. 1, App, II Revision 0 TEREE MILE ISLAND: UNIT 1 COMPONENT : SG A OUTAGE : 10R COMPARISON "ISI TUBE" EXAMINATION RESULTS Row Tube Exam Exam Exam Indication Ind  % Ind Delta Delta Reason Out Numb Location Deg T.W. Volt Volts Depth 30 23 ISI 10R 22567 015+ 13.1 5 17 0.92 ISI 09R 17063 015+ 13.2 5 17 0.79 00.13 00.00 31 1 ISI 10R 22662 008+ 6.7 8 27 1.02 ISI 09R 17158 008+ 6.5 6 20 1.04 -00.02 07.00 33 102 ISI 10R 22690 015+ 5.7 8 27 1.20 ISI 09R 17186 015+ 5.7 6 20 1.07 00.13 07.00 34 1 ISI 10R 22788 006+ 15.6 9 30 1.28 ISI 09R 17284 006+ 15.6 6 20 1.00 00.28 10.00 34 3 ISI 10R 22569 UTS+ 2.0 6 20 2.58 ISI 09R 17065 UTS+ 2.0 9 30 1.22 01.36 -10.00 37 109 ISI 10R 22664 015+ 39.1 11 37 1.17 ISI 09R 17160 015+ 39.0 9 30 1.01 00.16 07.00 38 29 ISI 10R 22665 012+ 3.6 6 20 1.73 ISI 09R 17161 012+ 3.8 5 17 1.52 00.21 03.00 39 101 ISI 10R 22571 015+ 34.4 7 23 1.21 ISI 09R 17067 015+ 34.7 8 27 0.99 00.22 -4.00 39 110 ISI 10R 22572 015+ 39.8 10 33 1.22 ISI 09R 17068 015+ 39.9 9 30 1.00 00.22 03.00 41 94 ISI 10R 22573 015+ 16.0 7 23 1.07 ISI 09R 17069 015+ 16.1 5 17 0.99 00.08 06.00 42 114 ISI 10R 22695 015+ 34.7 7 23 1.06 ISI 09R 17191 015+ 34.9 7 23 0.83 00.23 00.00 ISI 10R 22695 015+ 43.3 5 17- 0.70 IS1 09R 17191 015+ 43.6 6 20 0.57 00.13 -3.00 43 82 ISI 10R 22574 007+ 37.2 8 27 1.59 ISI 09R 17070 007+ 37.6 8 27 0.90 00.69 00.00 46 88 ISI 10R 22696 015+ 30.1 5 17 1.78 ISI 09R 17192 015+ 30.3 7 23 1.15 00.63 -6.00 Continues Next Page =>

i l

4 . l Att. 1, App. II Revision 0 Page : 5 of 15 THREE MILE ISLAND: UNIT 1 COMPONENT : SG A OUTAGE : 10R ,

COMPARISON "ISI TUBE" EXAMINATION RESULTS l Row Tube Exam Exam Exam Indication Ind  % Ind Delta Delta Reason Out Numb Location Deg T.W. Volt Volts Depth 48 118 ISI 10R 22576 014+ 29.9 5 17 0.97 ISI 09R 17072 014+ 29.6 7 23 0.87 00.10 -6.00 49 73 ISI 10R 22577 UTS+ 5.1 9 30 1.90 ISI 09R 17073 UTS+ 5.1 10 33 1.48 00.42 -3.00 51 2 ISI 10R 22666 015+ 20.5 10 33 1.00 ISI 09R 17162 015+ 20.6 11 37 0.82 00.18 -4.00 52 34 ISI 10R 22791 013+ 23.0 5 17 1.13 ISI 09R 17287 013+ 23.3 5 17 1.02 00.11 00.00 56 93 ISI 10R 22707 015+ 39.0 8 27 0.91 ISI 09R 17203 015+ 39.4 11 37 0.80 00.11 -10.00 57 63 ISI 10R 22580 015+ 36.9 9 30 2.31 ISI 09R 17076 015+ 36.9 8 27 2.01 00.30 03.00 57 65 ISI 10R 22581 015+ 37.6 11 37 1.03 ISI 09R 17077 015+ 37.4 10 33 0.97 00.06 04.00 58 94 ISI 10R 22709 015+ 43.6 7 23 1.05 ISI 09R 17205 015+ 44.1 7 23 0.90 00.15 00.00 60 65 ISI 10R 22714 015+ 37.3 8 27 0.99 ISI 09R 17210 015+ 37.4 7 23 1.07 -00.08 04.00 63 126 ISI 20R 22792 015+ 22.6 8 27 1.19 ISI 09R 17288 015+ 23.0 8 27 1.01 00.18 00.00 64 129 ISI 10R 22583 015+ 45.2 11 37 1.61 ISI 09R 17079 015+ 45.2 11 37 1.38 00.23 00.00 65 94 ISI 10R 22584 015+ 35.5 7 23 0.92 ISI 09R 17080 015+ 35.9 7 23 0.80 00.12 00.00 66 1 ISI 10R 22585 004+ 27.8 11 37 2.80 ISI 09R 17081 004+ 27.7 9 30 2.25 00.55 07.00 66 127 ISI 10R 22586 015+ 44.8 9 30 1.06 ISI 09R 17082 015+ 45.2 9 30 1.14 -00.08 00.00 Continues Next Page =>

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Att. 1, App..II Revision 0 Page : 6 of 15 THREE MILE ISLAND: UNIT 1 COMPONENT : SG A OUTAGE : 10R COMPARISON "ISI TUBE" EXAMINATION RESULTS Row Tube Exam Exam Exam Indication Ind  % Ind Delta Delta Reason Out Numb Location Dog T.W. Volt Volts Depth ISI 10R 22586 015+ 44.8 10 33 1.10 ,

l 67 93 ISI 10R 22668 015+ 35.8 5 17 1.03 i ISI 09R -17164 015+ 36.2 5 17 0.93 00.10 00.00 72 21 ISI 10R 22721 015+ 35.6 5 17 1.61 ISI 09R 17217 015+ 35.7 7 23 1.02 00.59 -6.00 74 30 ISI 10R 22589 UTS+ 5.9 18 60 1.37 i ISI 09R 17085 UTS+ 5.8 10 33 0.58 00.39 27.00 l 75 123 ISI 10R 22592 015+ 21.1 7 23 1.06 ISI 09R 17088 015+ 21.1 8 27 0.72 00.34 -4.00  ;

81 92 ISI 10R 22596 UTS+ 0.8 9 30 1.26 j ISI 09R 17092 UTS+ 0.8 5 17 0.87 00.39 13.00  :

82 32 ISI 10R 22597 UTS+ 6.5 11 37 2.29 ISI 09R 17093 UTS+ 6.3 10 33 1.80 00.49 04.00 82 128 ISI 10R 22731 015+ 8.0 6 20 1.19 ISI 09R 17227 015+ 8.0 5 17 1.18 00.01 03.00 ,

5 83 17 ISI 10R 22598 015+ 35.6 9 30 1.43 ISI 09R 17094 015+ 35.5 10 33 1.30 00.13 -3.00 !

87 1 ISI 10R 22600 012+ 7.4 5 17 3.81 ISI 09R 17096 012+ 7.1 6 20 3.85 -00.04 -3.00 t ISI 10R 22600 012+ 7.8 6 20 3.66 ,

t 87 20 ISI 10R 22733 015+ 33.2 7 23 1.03 ISI 09R 17229 015+ 33.4 7 23 0.91 00.12 00.00 88 124 ISI 10R 22734 015+ 3.7 6 20 1.08 ISI 09R 17230 015+ 3.6 5 17 1.15 -00.07 03.00 90 80 ISI 10R 22674 015+ 31.2 6 20 1.39 ISI 09R 17170 015+ 30.9 10 33 1.19 00.20 -13.00 90 128 ISI 10R 22601 015+ 2.2 6 20 1.70 ISI 09R 17097 015+ 2.1 9 30 1.27 00.43 -10.00  ;

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l Att. 1, App. II Revision 0 Page : 7 of 15 THREE MILE ISLAND: UNIT 1 ,


l Row Tube Exam Exam Exam Indication Ind  % Ind Delta Delta  !

Reason Out Numb Location Deg T.W. Volt Volts Depth 93 27 ISI 10R 22675 015+ 38.0 5 17 1.02 ISI 09R 17171 015+ 38.2 5 17 1.14 -00.12 00.00 93 90 ISI 10R 22738 UTS+ 0.8 10 33 1.23 ISI 09R 17234 UTS+ 0.7 7 23 0.56 00.67 10.00 93 123 ISI 10R 22796 015+ 6.7 7 23 0.91 ISI 09R 17292 015+ 7.1 9 30 0.92 -00.01 -7.00 ISI 10R 22796 015+ 7.1 6 20 1.00 94 113 ISI 10R 22797 015+ 32.9 5 17 1.37 ISI 09R 17293 015+ 33.1 5 17 1.26 00.11 00.00 95 111 ISI 10R 22603 015+ 39.7 5 17 1.47 ISI 09R 17099 015+ 39.8 6 20 1.05 00.42 -3.00 95 123 ISI 10R 22604 UTS+ 2.1 5 17 3.63 ISI 09R 17100 UTS+ 2.1 6 20 3.73 -00.10 -3.00 95 124 ISI 10R 22798 UTS+ 2.4 9 30 0.91 ISI 09R 17294 UTS+ 2.4 8 27 0.99 -00.08 03.00 95 127 ISI 10R 22821 012+ 13.5 8 27 0.74 ISI-8R 09R 17346 012+ 13.4 6 20 0.77 -00.03 07.00 96 32 ISI 10R 22605 015+ 37.5 6 20 1.71 ISI 09R 17101 015+ 37.7 10 33 1.76 -00.05 -13.00 ISI 10R 22605 015+ 43.2 11 37 0.95 ISI 09R 17101 015+ 43.4 11 37 1.29 -00.34 00.00 ISI 10R 22605 UTS+ 4.1 11 37 1.40 ISI 09R 17101 UTS+ 4.1 5 17 1.47 -00.07 20.00 99 1 ISI 10R 22607 004+ 24.0 5 17 1.53 ISI 09R 17103 004+ 24.2 8 27 1.32 00.21 -10.00 ISI 10R 22607 005+ 12.8 8 27 1,66 ISI 09R 17103 005+ 12.6 5 17 1.78 -00.12 10.00 ISI 10R 22607 008+ 5.1 7 23 1.13 ISI 09R 17103 008+ 5.1 5 17 1.00 00.13 06.00 99 17 ISI 10R 22608 015+ 33.1 8 27 1.82 ISI 09R 17104 015+ 33.3 6 20 1.82 00.00 07.00 Continues Next Page =>

Att. 1, App. II Revision 0 Page : 8 of 15 THREE MILE ISLAND UNIT 1 COMPONENT : SG A j OUTAGE : 10R l COMPARISON aISI TUBE" EXAMINATION RESULTS l Row Tube Exam Exam Exam Indication Ind  % Ind Delta Delta Reason Out Numb Location Deg T.W. Volt Volts Depth 100 122 ISI 10R 22609 UTS+ 5.2 7 23 1.81 ISI 09R 17105 UTS+ 5.1 8 27 1.83 -00.02 -4.00 101 16 ISI 10R 22610 015+ 31.4 6 20 1.34 ISI 09R 17106 015+ 31.3 7 23 1.24 00.10 -3.00 101 51 ISI 10R 22611 UTS+ 4.1 11 37 1.49 ISI 09R 17107 UTS+ 4.3 11 37 1.18 00.31 00.00 101 61 ISI 10R 22613 015+ 29.0 7 23 2.30 ISI 09R 17109 015+ 29.4 7 23 2.07 00.23 00.00 103 121 ISI 10R 22614 014+ 12.3 5 17 1.22 ISI 09R 17110 014+ 12.4 10 33 1.14 00.08 -16.00 ISI 10R 22614 014+ 15.5 6 20 1.07 ISI 09R 17110 014+ 15.8 6 20 1.07 00.00 00.00 ISI 10R 22614 015+ 43.7 7 23 2.30 ISI 09R 17110 015+ 43.7 8 27 2.29 00.01 -4.00 ISI 10R 22614 015+ 44.0 5 17 1.24 ISI 09R 17110 015+ 43.7 8 27 2.29 -1.05 -10.00 104 75 ISI 10R 22677 015+ 39.2 6 20 1.35 ISI 09R 17173 015+ 39.7 5 17 1.18 00.17 03.00 105 94 ISI 10R 22615 014+ 0.1 95 28 2.33 ISI 09R 17111 014+ 0.1 93 25 2.32 00.01 03.00 106 2 ISI 10R 22616 015+ 10.7 7 23 1.08 ISI 09R 17112 015+ 10.6 8 27 0.91 00.17 -4.00 107 29 ISI 10R 22619 015+ 37.9 7 23 1.23 ISI 09R 17115 015+ 37.7 7 23 1.41 -00.18 G0.00 107 116 ISI 10R 22745 015+ 43.4 8 27 0.82 ISI 09R 17241 015+ 43.5 7 23 0.88 -00.06 04.00 107 120 ISI 10R 22620 UTS+ 4.9 8 27 1.56 ISI 09R 17116 UTS+ 4.9 7 23 1.22 00.34 04.00 110 52 ISI 10R 22622 UTS+ 1.2 13 37 1.38 ISI 09R 17118 UTS+ 1.1 6 21 1.13 00.25 16.00 Continues Next Page =>


.i , I Att. 1, App. II Revision 0 Page : 9 of 15 THREE MILE ISLAND UNIT 1 COMPONENT : SG A OUTAGE : 10R COMPARISON "ISI TUBE" EXAMINATION RESULTS Row Tube Exam Exam Exam Indication Ind  % Ind Delta Delta Reason Out Numb Location Dog T.W. Volt Volts Depth 112 116 ISI 10R 22624 012+ 22.3 5 17 1.82 ISI 09R 17120 012+ 22.3 9 30 1.64 00.18 -13.00 114 93 ISI 10R 22625 015+ 40.2 8 27 1.60 ISI 09R 17121 015+ 40.0 10 33 1.50 00.10 -6.00 114 113 ISI 10R 22679 013+ 29.3 6 20 2.26 ISI 09R 17175 013+ 29.5 5 17 2.31 -00.05 03.00 115 26 ISI 10'R 22626 015+ 25.8 9 30 1.18 ,

ISI 09R 17122 015+ 25.6 11 37 1.43 -00.25 -7.00  ;

115 109 ISI 10R 22627 UTS+ 5.2 5 17 3.14 ISI 09R 17123 UTS+ 5.1 6 20 3.04 00.10 -3.00 116 2 ISI 10R 22807 006+ 3.8 8 27 2.25 ISI-8R 09R 17332 006+ 3.8 10 33 2.22 00.03 -6.00 116 109 ISI 10R 22628 015+ 36.7 7 23 1.35 ISI 09R 17124 015+ 36.9 11 37 1.12 00.23 -14.00 119 77 ISI 10R 22629 015+ 29.3 9 30 1.82 ISI 09R 17125 015+ 28.8 9 30 1.72 00.10 00.00 119 107 ISI 10R 22630 015+ 38.7 7 23 1.96

  • ISI 09R 17126 015+ 38.8 7 23 1.92 00.04 00.00 121 104 ISI 10R 22633 015+ 4.3 7 23 1.24 ISI 09R 17129 015+ 4.3 8 27 1.22 00.02 -4.00 122 26 ISI 10R 22799 015+ 45.5 6 20 1.31 ISI 09R 17296 015+ 45.9 9 30 1.18 00.13 -10.00  ;

122 30 ISI 10R 22634 UTS+ 0.9 7 23 1.21 ISI 09R 17130 UTS+ 1.0 5 17 1.24 -00.03 06.00 123 96 ISI 10R 22767 015+ 41.6 6 20 2.24 ISI 09R 17263 015+ 41.5 6 20 2.03 00.21 00.00 124 1 ISI 10R 22635 012+ 23.6 7 23 1.74  !

ISI 09R 17131 012+ 23.5 8 27 1.74 00.00 -4.00 l

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Att. 1, App. II Revision 0 Page : 10 of 15 THREE MILE ISLAND: UNIT 1 COMPONENT : SG A OUTAGE : 10R COMPARISON "ISI TUBE" EXAMINATION RESULTS Row Tube Exam Exam Exam Indication Ind  % Ind Delta Delta

. Reason Out Numb Location Deg T.W. Volt Volts Depth 124 99 ISI 10R 22811 013+ 8.2 7 23 0.72 ISI-8R 09R 17336 013+ 8.4 5 17 0.69 00.03 06.00 125 97 ISI 10R 22801 015+ 40.9 6 20 1.03 ISI 09R 17298 015+ 40.9 10 33 1.02 00.01 -13.00 126 94 ISI 10R 22769 015+ 35.9 8 27 2.62 ISI 09R 17265 015+ 36.0 11 37 2.28 00.34 -10.00 126 97 ISI 10R 22770 015+ 26.7 8 27 1.23 ISI 09R 17266 015+ 26.4 7 23 1.26 -00.03 04.00 127 94 ISI 10R 22771 UTS+ 4.6 11 37 0.91 ISI 09R 17267 UTS+ 4.7 10 33 1.13 -00.22 04.00 130 41 ISI 10R 22637 015+ 27.4 6 20 1.78 ISI 09R 17133 015+ 27.7 9 31 1.32 00.46 -11.00 131 1 ISI 10R 22803 013+ 25.6 8 27 1.34 ISI 09R 17300 013+ 25.6 9 30 1.28 00.06 -3.00 131 82 ISI 10R 22766 015- 0.0 7 23 1.07 ISI 09R 17262 015- 0.1 10 33 1.02 00.05 -10.00 ISI 10R 22766 015+ 37.6 10 33 1.74 ISI 09R 17262 015+ 37.3 8 27 1.80 -00.06 06.00 ISI 10R 22766 015+ 42.6 8 27 1.19 ISI 09R 17262 015+ 42.3 7 23 1.42 -00.23 04.00 132 39 ISI 10R 22831 015+ 31.3 5 17 1.33 ISI-8R 09R 17356 015+ 30.9 9 31 0.82 00.51 -14.00 134 1 ISI 10R 22639 004+ 1.5 5 17 1.09 ISI 09R 17135 004+ 1.5 6 20 1.02 00.07 -3.00 ISI 10R 22639 004+ 2.4 8 27 1.27 ISI 09R 17135 004+ 2.3 7 23 1.47 -00.20 04.00 ISI 10R 22639 004+ 3.3 6 20 1.11 ISI 09R 17135 004+ 3.5 6 20 1.14 -00.03 00.00 135 2 ISI 10R 22640 013+ 33.8 5 17 0.94 ISI 09R 17136 013+ 33.5 8 27 0.95 -00.01 -10.00 Continues Next Page =>

Att. 1, App. II Revision 0 Page : 11 of 15 THREE MILE ISLAND: UNIT 1 COMPONENT : SG A OUTAGE : 10R COMPARISON "ISI TUBE" EXAMINATION RESULTS Row Tube Exsm Exam Exam Indication Ind  % Ind Delta Delta Reason Out Numb Location Deg T.W. Volt Volts Depth ISI 10R 22640 014+ 2.3 6 20 1.03 ISI 09R 17136 014+ 2.3 5 17 1.09 -00.06 03.00 ISI 10R 22640 015+ 12.0 9 30 1.21 ISI 09R 17136 015+ 11.5 9 30 1.11 00.10 00.00 ISI 10R 22640 015+ 16.7 5 17 0.83 ISI 09R 17136 015+ 16.3 6 20 0.84 -00.01 -3.00 ISI 10R 22640 015+ 18.0 7 23 0.85 ISI 09R 17136 015+ 17.5 7 23 0.83 00.02 00.00 135 5 ISI 10R 22641 014+ 27.4 5 17 1.50 ISI OPR 17137 014+ 27.6 6 20 1.55 -00.05 -3.00 136 6 ISI 10R 22644 015+ 36.8 10 33 1.71 ISI 09R 17140 015+ 36.9 11 37 1.65 00.06 -4.00 ISI 10R 22644 015+ 40.3 5 17 0.79 ISI 09R 17140 015+ 40.5 5 17 0.86 -00.07 00.00 136 69 ISI 10R 22773 015+ 33.3 5 17 1.23 ISI 09R 17269 015+ 33.0 7 23 1.15 00.08 -6.00 ISI 10R 22773 015+ 37.5 5 17 2.35 ISI 09R 17269 015+ 37.1 8 27 2.36 -00.01 -10.00 138 65 ISI 10R 22774 UTS+ 6.1 10 33 1.69 ISI 09R 17270 UTS+ 6.1 10 33 1.85 -00.16 00.00 139 71 ISI 10R 22775 013+ 25.4 8 27 1.98 ISI 09R 17271 013+ 25.7 8 27 1.90 00.08 00.00 140 67 ISI 10R 22776 UTS+ 3.5 11 37 1.20 ISI 09R 17272 UTS+ 3.6 11 37 1.19 00.01 00.00 143 55 ISI 10R 22787 UTS+ 3.4 10 33 1.29 ISI 09R 17283 UTS+ 3.1 9 30 1.30 -00.01 03.00 145 50 ISI 10R 22778 UTS+ 4.5 5 17 4.01 ISI 09R 17274 UTS+ 4.4 5 17 4.05 -00.04 00.00 l

146 1 ISI 10R 22645 004+ 35.4 7 23 1.72 ISI 09R 17141 004+ 35.5 8 27 1.88 -00.16 -4.00 146 50 ISI 10R 22780 003+ 35.8 8 27 1.98 ISI 09R 17276 003+ 35.8 8 27 1.91 00.07 00.00 Continues Next Page =>

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Att. 1, App. II Revision 0 Page : 11 of 15 THREE MILE ISLAND: UNIT 1 COMPONENT : SG A OUTAGE : 10R COMPARISON "ISI TUBE" EXAMINATION RESULTS Row Tube Exam Exam Exam Indication Ind  % Ind Delta Delta Reason Out Numb Location Deg T.W. Volt Volts Depth 147 2 ISI 10R 22646 012+ 10.7 11 37 1.08 ISI 09R 17142 012+ 10.5 10 33 1.13 -00.05 04.00 150 8 ISI 10R 22681 015+ 3.7 7 23 1.13 ISI 09R 17177 015+ 3.5 8 27 1.08 00.05 -4.00 ISI 10R 22681 015+ 18.7 6 20 1.00 ISI 09R 17177 015+ 18.5 8 27 0.96 00.04 -7.00 Total Tubes Included : 125 Total Indications : 170 Voltage Summary :

Tubes Compared : 125 Number Increased : 121 Indications Compared : 165 Number Decreased : 41 Number No Change : 3 Mean Change : 0.19 Std. Dev. : 0.30 Pcrcent Summary :

Tubes Compared : 125 Number Increased : 56 Indications Compared : 165 Number Decreased : 63 Number No Change : 46 Mean Change : -

0.52 Std. Dev. : 6.68


+ ,

Att. 1, App. II Revision 0 Page : 13 of 15 i THREE MILE ISLAND: UNIT 1 '

COMPONENT : SG B OUTAGE : 10R I' COMPARISON "ISI TUBE" EXAMINATION RESULTS Row Tube Exam Exam Exam Indication Ind  % Ind Delta Delta Reason Out Numb Location Dag T.W. Volt Volts Depth' 7 42 ISI 10R 14984 012+ 12.1 7 23 0.87 i ISI 09R 12984 012+ 12.2 7 23 0.88 -00.01 00.00 ISI 10R 14984 013+ 11.3 13 37 0.91 ISI 09R 12984 013+ 11.4 8 27 0.99 -00.08 10.00 ISI 10R 14984 014+ 23.2 10 33 0.79 i ISI 09R 12984 014+ 22.9 8 27 0.81 -00.02 06.00 t

8 44 ISI 10R 15018 014+ 16.4 14 47 0.73 l ISI-8R 09R 13019 014+ 16.3 11 37 0.80 -00.07 10.00 ISI 10R 15018 014+ 29.4 10 33 0.56 ISI-8R 09R 13019 014+ 29.3 10 33 0.65 -00.09 00.00 9 22 ISI 10R 14985 015+ 44.8 9 30 1.29 ISI 09R 12985 015+ 44.6 8 27 1.19 00.10 03.00 19 44 ISI 10R 14986 015+ 41.5 8 27 1.77 ISI 09R 12986 015+ 41.2 8 27 1.72 00.05 00.00  ;

24 11 ISI-9R 10R 15021 005+ 31.0 5 17 2.52 GE20-0 09R 13690 005+ 31.1 9 30 2.14 00.38 -13.00 30 13 ISI 10R 14987 015+ 44.9 10 33 2.06 ISI 09R 12988 015+ 45.2 9 30 2.17 -00.11 03.00 ,

30 71 ISI 10R 14988 015+ 32.0 7 23 1.71 ISI 09R 12989 015+ 32.0 6 20 1.71 00.00 03.00 ISI 10R 14988 015+ 32.6 9 30 1.22 ISI 09R 12989 015+ 32.7 9 30 1.14 00.08 00.00 38 72 ISI 10R 15017 012+ 7.3 11 37 0.80 ISI-8R 09R 13018 012+ 7.7 13 43 0.81 -00.01 -6.00 ISI 10R 15017 012+ 35.7 11 37 0.83 ISI-8R 09R 13018 012+ 35.8 9 30 0.85 -00.02 07.00 44 75 ISI 10R 15016 013+ 29.3 7 23 0.96 ISI-8R 09R 13017 013+ 29.0 7 23 0.90 00.06 00.00 ISI 10R 15016 014+ 9.7- 10 33 0.86 ISI-8R 09R 13017 014+ 9.8 11 37 0.75 00.11 -4.00 50 39 ISI 10R 15012 008+ 34.0 7 23 1.14 ISI-8R 09R 13013 008+ 34.0 8 27 1.22 -00.08 -4.00 ;

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Att. 1, App. II Revision 0 Page : 14 of 15 THREE MILE ISLAND UNIT 1 COMPONENT : SG B OUTAGE : 10R COMPARISON "ISI TUBE" EXAMINATION RESULTS Row Tube Exam Exam Exam Indication Ind  % Ind Delta Delta Reason Out Numb Location Deg T.W. Volt Volts Depth 60 83 ISI 10R 14989 015+ 39.7 9 30 1.05 ISI 09R 12990 015+ 39.3 11 37 1.01 00.04 -7.00 64 83 ISI 10R 14990 015+ 31.4 8 27 1.78 ISI 09R 12991 015+ 31.5 10 33 1.23 00.55 -6.00 74 56 ISI 10R 15015 014+ 2.3 8 27 1.51 ISI-8R 09R 13016 014+ 2.1 10 33 1.46 00.05 -6.00 79 47 ISI 10R 15009 004+ 25.0 80 36 0.75 ISI-8R 09R 13010 004+ 25.0 79 33 0.63 00.12 03.00 103 33 ISI 10R 15014 014+ 0.1 7 23 1.53 104 77 ISI 10R 14991 UTS+ 4.5 6 20 1.69 ISI 09R 12992 UTS+ 4.1 8 27 1.62 00.07 -7.00 105 8 ISI 10R 14992 UTS+ 6.5 6 20 1.32 ISI 09R 12993 UTS+ 6.5 3 27 1.22 00.10 -7.00 109 11 ISI 10R 14993 015+ 45.1 10 33 1.13 ISI 09R 12994 015+ 44.9 6 20 1.12 00.01 13.00 ISI 10R 14993 015+ 46.0 7 23 1.01 ISI 09R 12994 015+ 46.0 7 23 0.89 00.12 00.00 ISI 10R 14993 UTS+ 5.4 7 23 1.10 ISI 09R 12994 UTS+ 5.3 9 30 1.12 -00.02 -7.00 109 112 ISI 10R 14994 004+ 0.1 8 27 2.14 1 ISI 09R 12995 004+ 0.0 7 23 1.88 00.26 04.00 l ISI 10R 14994 004+ 4.8 6 20 1.2L i ISI 09R 12995 004+ 4.9 9 30 1.21 00.04 -10.00 l l

124 36 ISI 10R 14996 015+ 45.2 6 20 1.20 l ISI 09R 12997 015+ 45.3 10 33 1.17 00.03 -13.00 '

131 27 ISI 10R 15010 011+ 10.2 6 20 0.95 ISI-8R 09R 13011 011+ 10.5 8 27 0.90 00.05 -7.00 136 40 ISI 10R 14997 015+ 40.5 6 20 1.46 ISI 09R 12998 015+ 40.7 6 20 1.37 00.09 00.00 Continues Next Page =>

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-Revision 0 l Page : 15 of 15 THREE MILE ISLAND: UNIT 1 COMPONENT : SG B OUTAGE : 10R  !

COMPARISON "ISI TUBE" EXAMINATION RESULTS Row Tube Exam Exam Exam Indication Ind  % Ind Delta Delta Reason Out Numb Location Dog T.W. Volt Volts Depth 143 43 ISI 10R 14998 010+ 7.9 8 27 0.78  !

ISI 09R 12999 010+ 8.1 9 30 0.75 00.03 -3.00  !

ISI 10R 14998 012+ 0.2 10 33 0.86 ISI 09R 12999 012+ C.1 11 37 0.90 -00.04 -4.00 .l 146 37 ISI 10R 15u00 012+ 7.3 11 37 1.00 ISI 09R 13001 012+ 7.5 9 30 0.98 00.02 07.00 ,

150 25 ISI 10R 15001 007+ 25.4 9 30 1.09 l ISI 09R 13002 007+ 25.5 8 27 0.98 00.11 03.00 '

ISI 10R 15001 015+ 19.5 7 23 0.75 ISI 09R 13002 015+ 19.9 6 20 0.75 00.00 03.00 ,

Total Tubes Included : 25 Total Indications : 36 Voltage Summary :

Tubes Compared : 24 Numbr.r Increased : 22 Indications Compared : 35 Number Decreased : 11 1 Number No Change : 2 {

Mean Change : 0.05 Std. Dev. : 0.13 ,

Porcent Summary :

Tubes Compared 24 Number Increased : 13  ;

Indications Compared : 35 Number Decreased : 15 )

Number No Change : 7  !

Mean Change : -

0.83  !

Std. Dev. : 6.32

  • i


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Att. 1, App. III Revision 0 Page : 1 of 2 THREE MILE ISLAND UNIT 1 COMPONENT : SG A TUBES REPAIRED DURING OUTAGE 10R Row Tube Exam Exam Exam Indication Ind  %/ Ind Per Exam Out Reason Tech Reel Location Deg Circ Volt Ext ID # age 74 30 ISI 540-MIZ18 A011 UTS+ 1.2 8 27 1.01 LTE 22589 10R ISI 540-MIZ18 A011 UTS+ 5.9 18 60 1.37 LTE 22589 10R 74 30 LANE /W 8X1-ABS A017 + 0.0 0 0 0.00 015 24226 10R 74 30 CONFIR MRPC A021 UTS+ 5.9 17 SVI 7.77 UTS 22556 10R 74 30 SLEEVE 400-COMBO A049 + 0.0 0 0 0.00 LSE 22653 10R Total Examinations : 4 Total Indications : 5

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Att. 1, App. III I Revision 0 l Page : 2 of 2 THREE M7Ld ISLAND: UNIT 1

  • COMPONENT : SG B 1 TUBES REPAIRED DURING OUTAGE 10R Row Tube Exam Exam Exam Indication Ind  %/ Ind Per Exam Out Reason Tech Reel Location Deg Circ Volt Ext ID # age 8 44 ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 011+ 26.5 10 BVC 0.67 LTE 15018 10R ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 011+ 34.8 15 BVC 0.65 LTE 15018 10R ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 012+ 8.0 15 BVC 0.59 LTE 15018 10R ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 012+ 17.6 9 BVC 0.73 LTE 15018 10R ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 012+ 27.2 17 BVC 0.54 LTE 15018 10R ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 014+ 16.4 14 47 0.73 LTE 15018 10R ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 014+ 29.4 10 33 0.56 LTE 15018 10R ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 014+ 32.8 12 BVC 0.60 LTE 15018 10R l 8 44 CONFIR MRPC B017 + 0.0 0 0 0.00 013 17488 10R CONFIR MRPC B017 011+ 26.5 0 NDD 0.00 011 17488 10R CONFIR MRPC B017 011+ 35.1 359 SVI 0.94 011 17488 10R CONFIR MRPC B017 012+ 8.4 24 SVI 0.69 012 17488 10R CONFIR MRPC B017 012 + 17 . 5 0 NDD 0.00 012 17488 10R -

CONFIR MRPC B017 012+ 27.1 10 SVI 0.87 012 17488 10R CONFIR MRPC B017 014+ 16.3 28 SVI 0.73 014 17488 10R CONFIR MRPC B017 014+ 29.5 354 SVI 0.83 014 17488 10R CONFIR MRPC B017 014+ 33.0 348 SVI 0.66 014 17488 10R Total Examinations : 2 Total Indications : 17 ,

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INCLUDES MRPC WHERE AVAILABLE Exam Exam Exam Indication Ind  %/ Ind Extent Row Tube Reason Tech Reel Location Deg Coils Volt Tested 1 4 ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 012 + 6.8 7 23 1.21 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 013 + 6.7 8 27 2.01 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 015 + 36.1 7 23 2.42 LTEUTE 2 6 ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 015 + 25.1 7 23 1.79 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 015 + 28.8 7 23 2.42 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 015 + 40.4 6 20 2.11 LTEUTE 2 25 ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 012 + 35.5 8 27 1.34 LTEUTE 3 17 ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 015 + 32.3 8 27 1.09 LTEUTE 4 29 ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 015 + 27.3 9 30 2.17 LTEUTE 5 3 ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 015 + 44.4 6 20 2.09 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 015 + 45.0 8 27 3.83 LTEUTE 5 5 ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 012 + 27.1 92 34 0.81 LTEUTE CONFIR MRPC A021 012 + 27.8 0 NDD 0.00 012013 6 43 ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 UTS + 3.6 7 23 2.63 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 UTS + 6.4 9 30 2.06 LTEUTE 8 2 ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 012 + 16.1 7 23 1.79 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 012 + 25.1 7 23 2.85 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 012 + 29.1 7 23 2.17 LTEUTE JSI 540-MIZ18 A010 012 + 33.4 7 23 2.55 LTEUTE 8 43 ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 015 + 24.2 6 20 1.38 LTEUTE I 11 4 ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 015 + 21.3 10 33 1.48 LTEUTE ,

l 13 1 ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 011 + 35.6 8 27 1.74 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 013 + 23.1 10 33 2.16 LTEUTE l 13 10 CONFIR 540-MIZ18 A040 UTS + 4.1 7 23 1.37 UTELTE CONFIR MRPC A041 UTS + 4.9 347 SVI 1.26 UTSUTS 1 l

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l Exam Exam Exam Indication Ind  %/ Ind Extent t Row Tube Reason Tech Reel ".ocation Dog Coils Volt Tested .:

3%-TS 510-MIZ18 A029 UTS + 4.3 11 37 1.89 UTELTE l CONFIR MRPC A041 UTS + 4.9 347 SVI 1.26 UTSUTS 15 41 CONFIR MRPC A041 005 + 0.7 136 21 0.40 005005 .

CONFIR MRPC A041 005 + 0.7 136 SVI 0.40 005005  !

15 77 ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 012 + 18.3 9 30 1.09 LTEUTE ISI 5.40-MIZ18 A010 012 + 27.4 7 23 1.05 LTEUTE ,

ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 012 + 30.4 8 27 1.25 LTEUTE >

16 2 ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 015 + 42.5 6 20 1.52 LTEUTE 17 82 ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 015 + 5.8 8 27 1.07 LTEUTE 18 1 ISI 540-MIZ18 A011 004 + 5.3 10 33 1.29 LTEUTE 5

18 3 ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 015 + 25.2 9 30 1.12 LTEUTE 18 84 ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 015 + 32.7 6 20 1.28 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 015 + 33.2 8 27 1.50 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 015 + 34.0 8 27 0.91 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 015 + 34.6 8 27 1.37 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 015 + 38.2 7 23 1.63 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 015 + 41.0 11 37 1.17 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 015 + 42.0 8 27 1.54 LTEUTE ,

19 1 ISI 540-MIZ18 A011 005 + 32.1 10 33 1.00 LTEUTE 20 1 ISI 540-MIZ18 A011 005 + 32.2 7 23 1.68 LTEUTE (

20 85 ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 010 + 17.6 9 30 1.55 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 010 + 18.5 8 27 1.38 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 010 + 21.3 7 23 1.25 LTEUTE ,

ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 014 + 31.5 10 33 0.99 LTEUTE

, 22 35 ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 UTS + 4.0 8 27 1.22 LTEUTE i 27 78 ISI 540-MIZ18 A009 015 + 29.9 7 23 1.50 LTEUTE Continues Next Page =>

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Exam Exam Exam Indication Ind  %/ Ind Extent Row Tube Reason Tech Reel Location Deg Coils Volt Tested ISI 540-MIZ18 A009 015 + 32.8 11 37 1.84 LTEUTE 27 96 ISI 540-MIZ18 A009 015 + 37.5 6 20 1.56 LTEUTE 28 78 ISI 540-MIZ18 A009 015 + 14.5 7 23 2.83 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A009 015 + 28.2 9 30 1.00 LTEUTE 29 58 ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 015 + 29.8 6 20 1.33 LTEUTE 31 1 ISI 540-MIZ18 A011 008 + 6.7 8 27 1.02 LTEUTE 32 81 CONFIR 540-MIZ18 A040 015 + 35.5 9 30 2.44 UTELTE DS7 510-MIZ18 A030 015 + 35,5 10 33 3.33 UTELTE 33 97 ISI 540-MIZ18 A009 015 + 36.7 11 37 1.07 LTEUTE 33 102 ISI 540-MIZ18 A009 015 + 5.7 8 27 1.20 LTEUTE 34 1 ISI 540-MIZ18 A011 006 + 14.6 7 23 1.16 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A011 006 + 15.6 9 30 1.28 LTEUTE 34 3 ISI 540-MIZ18 A011 UTS + 2.0 6 20 2.58 LTEUTE 35 54 ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 UTS + 4.4 8 27 1.38 LTEUTE 36 106 ISI 540-MIZ18 A009 015 + 34.3 . 23 1.54 LTEUTE 37 109 ISI 540-MIZ18 A009 015 + 39.1 11 37 1.17 LTSUTE 38 29 ISI 540-MIZ18 A011 012 + 3.6 6 20 1.73 LTEUTE 39 101 ISI 540-MIZ18 A009 015 + 34.4 7 23 1.21 LTEUTE 39 110 ISI 540-MIZ18 A009 015 + 39.8 10 33 1.22 LTEUTE 40 98 GE20-0 510-MIZ18 A030 015 + 25.9 7 23 2.14 UTELTE CONFIR MRPC A041 015 + 25.6 169 SVI 1.76 UTS015 41 16 ISI 540-MIZ18 A011 014 + 3.1 94 33 0.74 LTEUTE CONFIR MRPC A021 014 + 3.1 0 NDD 0.00 014014 Continues Next Page =>

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INCLUDES MRPC WHERE AVAILABLE Exam Exam Exam Indication Ind  %/ Ind Extent Row Tube Reason Tech Reel Location Deg Coils Volt Tested 41 94 ISI 540-MIZ18 A009 015 + 16.0 7 23 1.07 LTEUTE 42 114 ISI 540-MIZ18 A009 015 + 34.7 7 23 1.06 LTEUTE 43 82 ISI 540-MIZ18 A009 007 + 37.2 8 27 1.59 LTEUTE 43 107 GE20-0 510-MIZ18 A030 015 + 37.3 10 33 0.93 UTELTE CONFIR MRPC A041 015 + 37.3 0 NDD 0.00 UTS015 49 73 ISI 540-MIZ18 A009 UTS + 5.1 9 30 1.90 LTEUTE 50 2 ISI 540-MIZ18 A011 015 + 29.3 6 20 1.43 LTEUTE 50 102 ISI 540-MIZ18 A009 015 + 16.1 7 23 1.63 LTEUTE 51 2 ISI 540-MIZ18 A011 015 + 20.5 10 33 1.00 LTEUTE 52 34 ISI 540-MIZ18 A011 014 + 31.6 9 30 1.02 LTEUTE 53 123 ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 015 + 28.5 6 20 0.78 LTEUTE 56 93 ISI 540-MIZ18 A009 015 + 39.0 8 27 0.91 LTEUTE 57 63 ISI 540-MIZ18 A024 015 + 36.9 9 30 2.31 UTELTE 57 65 ISI 540-MIZ18 A024 015 + 37.6 11 37 1.03 UTELTE 58 94 ISI 540-MIZ18 A009 015 + 43.6 7 23 1.05 LTEUTE 60 65 ISI 540-MIZ18 A024 015 + 37.3 8 27 0.99 UTELTE 60 126 ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 014 + 26.3 7 23 1.03 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 014 + 27.8 9 30 0.72 LTEUTE 63 126 ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 015 + 22.6 8 27 1.19 LTEUTE 64 66 ISI 540-MIZ18 A011 015 + 39.2 6 20 1.27 LTEUTE Continues Next Page =>

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INCLUDES MRPC WHERE AVAILABLE Exam Exam Exam Indication Ind  %/ Ind Extent Row Tube Reason Tech Reel Location Deg Coils Volt Tested 64 129 ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 015 + 45.2 11 37 1.61 LTEUTE 65 94 ISI 540-MIZ18 A009 015 + 35.5 7 23 0.92 LTEUTE 66 1 SLEEVE 510-MIZ18 A005 004 + 27.2 11 37 2.40 LTEUTE CONFIR MRPC A021 004 + 27.6 24 SVI 2.57 004005 ISI 540-MIZ18 A011 004 + 27.8 11 37 2.80 LTEUTE CONFIR MRPC A021 004 + 27.6 24 SVI 2.57 004005 66 127 ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 015 + 43.5 10 33 1.28 LTSUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A023 015 + 44.8 10 33 1.10 LTEUTE ISI 510-MIZ18 A025 015 + 44.8 9 30 1.06 UTELTE 72 11 SLEEVE 510-MIZ18 A005 009 -

0.4 100 26 0.60 LTEUTE CONFIR MRPC A021 009 -

0.4 0 NDD 0.00 009009 72 86 ISI 540-MIZ18 A009 UTS + 3.8 10 33 1.35 LTEUTE 74 28 SLEEVE 510-MIZ18 A006 UTS + 6.1 9 30 1.94 LTEUTE 74 30 ISI 540-MIZ18 A011 UTS + 1.2 8 27 1.01 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A011 UTS + 5.9 18 60 1.37 LTEUTE CONFIR MRPC A021 UTS + 5.9 17 SVI 7.77 UTSUTE 75 81 ISI 540-MIZ18 A009 015 + 35.4 9 30 1.41 LTEUTE 75 122 ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 015 + 43.9 7 23 1.68 LTEUTE ,

75 123 ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 015 + 21.1 7 23 1.06 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A010 015 + 23.5 9 30 2.05 LTEUTE 77 37 LANE /W 510-MIZ18 A026 007 - 0.8 80 32 1.82 UTELTE CONFIR MRPC A041 007 - 0.7 146 SVI 0.25 008007 79 130 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 UTS + 5.4 9 30 1.05 LTEUTE 81 92 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 015 + 40.1 7 , 23 1.46 LTEUTE )

CONFIR MRPC A041 015 + 40.1 0 NDD 0.00 UTS015 Continues Next Page =>


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Att. 1, App. IV l REVISION O l Page : 6 of 14 THREE MILE ISLAND: UNIT 1  ;



  • Exam Exam Indication Ind  %/ Ind Extent Row Tube Reason Tech Reel Location Dog Coils Volt Tested ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 UTS + 0.8 9 30 1.26 LTEUTE 81 130 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 012 + 14.4 6 20 1.01 LTEUTE 82 32 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 UTS + 6.5 11 37 2.29 LTEUTE 82 128 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 015 + 8.0 6 20 1.19 LTEUTE 83 17 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 015 + 35.6 9 30 1.43 LTEUTE 83 29 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 015 + 33.8 6 20 0.78 LTEUTE 84 103 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 015 + 31.2 7 23 1.03 LTEUTE CONFIR MRPC A041 015 + 31.3 0 NDD 0.00 UTS015 87 1 SLEEVE 510-MIZ18 A006 012 + 7.0 7 23 3.63 LTEUTE CONFIR MRPC A021 012 + 7.8 2 SVI 8.23 012013 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 012 + 7.8 6 20 3.66 LTSUTE CONFIR MRPC A021 012 + 7.8 2 SVI 8.23 012013 87 20 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 015 + 33.2 7 23 1.03 LTEUTE 88 124 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 015 + 3.7 6 20 1.08 LTEUTE 90 80 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 015 + 31.2 6 20 1.39 LTEUTE 90 128 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 015 + 2.2 6 20 1.70 LTSUTE 93 58 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 UTS + 4.6 10 33 1.19 LTEUTE 93 90 ISI 540-MIZ18 A013 UTS + 0.8 10 33 1.23 LTEUTE 93 123 1-I 540-MIZ18 A014 015 + 6.7 7 23 0.91 LTRUTE ISI 540-M7Z18 A014 015 + 7.1 6 20 1.00 LTEUTE 95 124 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 UTS + 2.4 9 30 0.91 LTEUTE 95 127 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 012 + 13.5 8 27 0.74 LTEUTE i

Continues Next Page =>

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INCLUDES MRPC WHERE AVAILABLE Exam Exam Exam Indication Ind  %/ Ind Extent I Row Tube Reason Tech Reel Location Deg Coils Volt Tested l ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 012 + 25.0 6 20 0.85 LTEUTE '

CONFIR MRPC A041 012 + 24.9 357 SVI 1.58 013012 I ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 015 + 13.6 11 37 1.04 LTEUTE 96 32 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 015 + 37.5 6 20 1.71 LTEU7 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 015 + 43.2 11 37 0.95 LTEU12 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 UTS + 4.1 11 37 1.40 LTEUTE 99 1 ISI 540-MIZ18 A023 005 + 12.8 8 27 1.66 LTEUTE CONFIR MRPC A047 005 + 12.8 0 NDD 0.00 006005 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 008 + 5.1 7 23 1.13 LTSUTE 99 17 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 015 + 33.1 8 27 1.82 LTEUTE 100 34 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 UTS + 6.0 8 27 1.05 LTEUTE 100 90 ISI 540-MIZ18 A013 UTS + 3.0 6 20 1.31 LTEUTE CONFIR MRPC A041 UTS + 2.9 350 SVI 2.21 UTSUTS 100 122 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 UTS + 5.2 7 23 1.81 LTEUTE 101 16 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 015 + 31.4 6 20 1.34 LTEUTE 101 51 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 UTS + 1.5 10 33 1.33 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 UTS + 4.1 11 37 1.49 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 UTS + 4.9 6 20 1.31 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 UTS + 6.0 8 27 0.90 LTEUTE 101 61 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 015 + 29.0 7 23 2.30 LTEUTE 103 77 CONFIR 540-MIZ18 A050 015 + 24.6 10 33 1.81 UTELTE CONFIR MRPC A047 015 + 24.4 358 SVI 1.82 UTS015 3%-TS 510-MIZ18 A039 015 + 24.8 7 23 2.28 UTELTE CONFIR MRPC A047 015 + 24.4 358 SVI 1.82 UTS015 103 121 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 014 + 15.5 6 20 1.07 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 015 + 43.7 7 23 2.30 LTEUTE 104 75 ISI 540-MIZ18 A013 015 + 39.2 6 20 1.35 LTEUTE Continues Next Page =>


INCLUDES MRPC WHERE AVAILABLE Exam Exam Exam Indication Ind  %/ Ind Extent Row Tube Reason Tech Reel Location Dog Coils Volt Tested ISI 540-MIZ18 A013 015 + 40.4 8 27 0.69 LTEUTE 105 94 ISI 540-MIZ18 A013 014 + 0.1 95 28 2.33 LTEUTE CONFIR MRPC A021 014 + 0.0 0 NDD 0.00 014014 106 2 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 015 + 10.7 7 23 1.08 LTEUTE 107 2 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 015 + 34.1 6 20 1.55 LTEUTE 107 29 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 015 + 37.9 7 23 1.23 LTEUTE 107 116 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 015 + 43.4 8 27 0.82 LTEUTE 107 120 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 UTS + 4.9 8 27 1.56 LTSUTE 109 108 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 UTS + 3.8 6 20 2.56 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 UTS + 3.8 6 20 2.56 LTEUTE 110 2 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 UTS + 2.5 11 37 1.08 LTEUTE 110 52 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 015 + 39.3 6 20 1.29 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 UTS + 1.2 13 37 1.38 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 UTS + 2.8 14 33 1.32 LTEUTE 111 33 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 UTS + 4.7 9 30 1.46 LTEUTE 111 51 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 015 + 38.6 7 23 1.68 LTEUTE 114 93 ISI 540-MIZ18 A013 015 + 40.2 8 27 1.60 LTEUTE 114 113 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 013 + 29.3 6 20 2.26 LTEUTE 115 26 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 015 + 25.8 9 30 1.18 LTEUTE 116 2 ISI 540-MIZ18 A015 006 + 3.8 8 27 2.25 LTEUTE l

116 109 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 015 + 36.7 7 23 1.35 LTEUTE 118 67 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 015 + 36.8 8 27 1.41 LTEUTE CONFIR MRPC A041 015 + 36.8 0 NDD 0.00 UTS015 Continues Next Page =>


INCLUDES MRPC WHERE AVAILABLE t Exam Exam Exam Indication Ind  %/ Ind Extent Row Tube Reason Tech Reel Location Dog Coils Volt Tested 119 77 ISI 540-MIZ18 A013 015 + 29.3 9 30 1.82 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A013 015 + 35.6 10 33 0.93 LTEUTE 119 107 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 015 + 38.7 7 23 1.96 LTEUTE 120 67 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 015 + 35.0 9 30 1.30 LTEUTE CONFIR MRPC A041 015 + 35.6 2 SVI 2.73 UTS015 ,

121 104 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 015 + 4.3 7 23 1.24 LTEUTE 122 26 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 015 + 45.5 6 20 1.31 LTEUTE 122 30 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 UTS + 0.9 7 23 1.21 LTEUTE 123 85 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 015 + 44.6 7 23 1.19 LTEUTE 123 96 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 015 + 41.6 6 20 2.24 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 015 + 44.7 7 23 1.97 LTEUTE 124 1 ISI 540-MIZ18 A015 012 + 23.6 7 23 1.74 LTEUTE 124 99 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 013 + 8.2 7 23 0.72 LTEUTE 125 82 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 015 + 31.5 8 27 1.02 LTEUTE 125 97 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 015 + 40.9 6 20 1.03 LTEUTE 126 34 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 015 + 36.5 6- 20 1.02 LTEUTE 126 94 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 015 + 35.9 8 27 2.62 LTEUTE 126 97 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 015 + 26.7 8 27 1.23 LTEUTE 127 94 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 UTS + 4.6 11 37 0.91 LTEUTE 130 41 ISI 540-MIZ18 A012 015 + 27.4 6 20 1.78 LTEUTE 130 73 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 015 + 42.0 7 23 0.83 LTEUTE Continues Next Page =>


Att. 1, App. IV ,


INCLUDES MRPC WHERE AVAILABLE Exam Exam Exam Indication Ind  %/ Ind Extent Row Tube Reason Tech Reel Location Dog Coils Volt Tested 131 1 ISI 540-MIZ18 A015 013 + 25.6 8 27 1.34' LTEUTE  :

131 82 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 015 -

0.0 7 23 1.07 LTSUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 015 + 37.6 10 33 1.74 LTSUTE ,

ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 015 + 42.6 8 27 1.19 LTSUTE 134 1 ISI 540-MIZ18 A015 004 + 2.4 8 27 1.27 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A015 004 + 3.3 6 20 1.11 LTEUTE i

135 2 ISI 540-MIZ18 A015 014 + 2.3 6 20 1.03 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A015 015 + 12.0 9 30 1.21 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A015 015 + 18.0 7 23 0.85 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 A015 015 + 36.5 6 20 1.32 .LTEUTE 136 5 ISI 540-MIZ18 A015 001 + 2.8 97 23 0.43 LTEUTE ,

CONFIR MRPC A021 001 + 2.8 0 NDD 0.00 001001  ;


ISI 540-MIZ18 A015 015 + 39.9 7 23 1.52 LTEUTE 136 6 ISI 540-MIZ18 A015 015 + 36.8 10 33 1.71 LTEUTE 138 65 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 UTS + 6.1 10 33 1.69 LTEUTE 139 67 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 015 + 44.2 11 37 1.56 LTSUTE CONFIR MRPC A047 015 + 45.0 7 SVI 1.83 UTS015 139 71 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 ,013 + 25.4 8 27 1.98 LTEUTE 140 67 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 UTS + 3.5 11 37 1.20 LTSUTE 143 55 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 UTS + 3.4 10 33 1.29 LTEUTE 143 57 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 015 + 42.4 8 27 1.23 LTEUTE 146 1 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 004 + 35.4 7 23 1.72 LTEUTE 146 50 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 003 + 35.8 8 27 1.98 LTEUTE 147 2 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 012 + 10.7 11 37 1.08 LTEUTE Continues Next Page =>


INCLUDES MRPC WHERE AVAILABLE Exam Exam Exam Indication Ind  %/ Ind Extent Row Tube Reason Tech Reel Location Deg Coils Volt Tested 150 8 ISI 540-MIZ18 A014 015 + 3.7 7 23 1.13 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZl8 A014 015 + 18.7 6 20 1.00 LTEUTE Total Tubes Included : 153 Total Indications : 212 L

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Att. 1, App. IV j REVISION O l Page : 12 of 14 THREE MILE ISLAND UNIT 1 COMPONENT : SG B  !


INCLUDES MRPC WHERE AVAILABLE l Exam Exam Exam Indication Ind  %/ Ind Extent Row Tube Reason Tech Reel Location Deg Coils Volt Tested 1 11 ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 UTS + 3.0 7 23 1.22 LTEUTE 7 42 ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 012 + 12.1 7 23 0.87 LTEUTE !

ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 013 + 11.3 13 37 0.91 LTEUTE l ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 014 + 23.2 10 33 0.79 LTEUTE i 8 44 ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 014 + 16.4 14 47 0.73 LTEUTE CONFIR MRPC B017 014 + 16.3 28 SVI 0.73 014015 ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 014 + 29.4 10 33 0.56 LTEUTE CONFIR MRPC B017 014 + 29.5 354 SVI 0.83 014015 9 22 ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 015 + 44.8 9 30 1.29 LTEUTE i 19 44 ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 015 + 41.5 8 27 1.77 LTEUTE 26 31 DS7 510-MIZ18 B019 007 + 17.1 84 27 0.65 UTELTE CONFIR MRPC B036 007 + 17.1 0 NDD 0.00 00S007 28 42 3%-TS 510-MIZ18 B019 LTS + 1.2 87 22 0.63 UTELTE ;

CONFIR MRPC B037 LTS + 1.2 0 NDD 0.00 LTSLTS '

30 13 ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 015 + 44.9 10 33 2.06 LTEUTE I 30 71 ISI 540-MIZ18 B005 015 + 32.0 7 23 1.71 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 B005 015 + 32.6 9 30 1.22 LTEUTE ,

1 38 72 ISI 540-MIZ18 B005 012 + 7.3 11 37 0.80 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 B005 012 + 35.7 11 37 0.83 LTRUTE 44 75 ISI 540-MIZ18 B005 013 + 29.3 7 23 0.96 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 B005 014 + 9.7 10 33 0.86 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 B005 014 + 21.1 9 30 0.69 LTEUTE l 50 39 ISI 540-MIZ18 B005 008 + 34.0 7 23 1.14 LTEUTE I CONFIR MRPC B017 008 + 34.3 0 NDD 0.00 008009 60 83 ISI 540-MIZ18 B005 015 + 39.7 9 30 1.05 LTEUTE Continues Next Page => l I

l i


INCLUDES MRPC WHERE AVAILABLE- 3 Exam Exam Exam Indication Ind  %/ Ind Extent Row Tube Reason Tech Real Location Dog Coils Volt Tested 61 98 DS7 510-MIZ18 B022 008 + 30.6 86 24 0.36 UTELTE CONFIR MRPC B036 008 + 30.6 0 NDD 0.00 009008 64 83 ISI 540-MIZ18 B003 015 + 31.4 8 27 1.78 LTEUTE 74 56 ISI 540-MIZ18 B003 014 + 2.3 8 27 1.51 LTEUTE CONFIR MRPC B037 014 + 2.3 0 NDD 0.00 015014 79 47 ISI 540-MIZ18 B003 004 + 25.0 80 36 0.75 LTEUTE CONFIR MRPC B018 004 + 24.9 0 NDD 0.00 004005 79 65 LANE /W 510-MIZ18 B002 LTS + 2.0 87 24 1.05 LTEUTE CONFIR MRPC B018 LTS + 2.0 0 NDD 0.00 LTSLTS 103 33 ISI 540-MIZ18 B003 014 + 0.1 7 23 1.53 LTEUTE CONFIR MRPC B017 014 + 0.0 0 NDD 0.00 014014 104 77 ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 UTS + 4.5 6 20 1.69 LTEUTE 105 8 ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 UTS + 6.5 6 20 1.32 LTEUTE 109 11 ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 015 + 45.1 10 33 1.13 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 015 + 46.0 7 23 1.01 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 UTS + 5.4 7 23 1.10 LTEUTE 109 112 ISI 540-MIZ18 B005 004 + 0.1 8 27 2.14 LTEUTE CONFIR MRPC B036 004 + 0.1 0 NDD 0.00 005004 ISI 540-MIZ18 B005 004 + 4.8 6 20 1.25 LTEUTE CONFIR MRPC B036 004 + 4.8 0 NDD 0.00 005004- ,

120 42 DS7 510-MIZ18 B026 004 + 14.4 81 35 0.90 UTELTE CONFIR MRPC B036 004 + 14.6 52 SVI 0.78 005004 124 36 ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 015 + 45.2 6 20 1.20 LTEUTE 131 27 ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 011 + 10.2 6 20 0.95 LTEUTE 136 40 ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 015 + 40.5 6 20 1.46 LTEUTE t

Continues Next Page => ,

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INCLUDES MRPC WHERE AVAILABLE Exam Exam Exam Indication Ind  %/ Ind Extent Row Tube Reason Tech Reel Location Dog Coils Volt Tested 143 43 ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 010 + 7.9 8 27 0.78 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 012 + 0.2 10 33 0.86 LTEUTE 146 37 ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 004 + 5.9 8 20 0.75 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 009 + 3.2 7 23 0.74 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 009 + 12.1 6 20 0.68 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 011 + 1.2 9 30 0.72 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 B004 012 + 7.3 11 37 1.00 LTEUTE 150 25 ISI 540-MIZ18 B012 007 + 25.4 9 30 1.09 LTEUTE ISI 540-MIZ18 B012 015 + 19.5 7 23 0.75 LTEUTE Total Tubes Included : 30 Total Indications : 46 k

Att, 1, App, V. ,


30 12:30 - 1:00 Introduction T

- Course Objective

. - Overview

- Schedule of Activities ,

30 1:00 - 1:30 MIZ-18 Bobbin Coil Guidelines (Class Reading Assignment)
15 1:30 - 1:45 Break a
30 1:45 - 2:15 MIZ-18 Bobbin Coil Guideline Lecture (Instructor Directed)
30 2:15 - 2:45 8x1 Analysis Guideline (Class Reading Assignment) l
15 2:45 - 3:00 Break
30 3:00 - 3:30 8x1 Analysis Lecture (Instructor Directed)
45 3:30 - 4:15 Set-Up Equipment i l



+ . 1 Att. 1, App..V l Revision 0 Page 2 of 2 l


DAY TWO 4:00 8:00 - 12:00 Practice Tape Lab Session (Class Reviews Tape)

45 12:00 - 12:45 Lunch 4:00 12:45 - 4:45 Practical Examination (Night Shift)

PAY THREE 4:00 8:00 - 12:00 Practical Examination (Day Shift)

Times shown could be subject to change or modification.

8 J Att. 1, App. VI REVISION O Page : 1 of 6 THREE MILE ISLAND: UNIT 1 COMPONENT : SG A OUTAGE : 10R TUBES SLEEVED DURING "10R" Sleeve Sleeve Exam Exam Exam Extent Row Tube Location Length Reason Tech Reel Tested 62 1 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO A049 LSEUTE 63 2 In1et 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COtCO A049 LSEUTE 64 1 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO A049 LSEUTE 64 3 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 64 4 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO A049 LSEUTE 65 2 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 65 4 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 66 1 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO A049 LSEUTE 66 3 Inlet ,

80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 66 4 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 66 5 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO A049 LSEUTE 67 2 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 67 3 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE ,

67 4 In1et 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 67 5 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 67 6 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 68 5 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 68 6 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 68 7 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO A049 LSEUTE 69 6 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO A049 LSEUTE 69 8 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO A049 LSEUTE 69 9 In1et 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 70 6 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO A049 LSEUTE 70 7 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO A049 LSEUTE 70 8 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO A049 LSEUTE 70 9 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO A049 LSEUTE 71 7 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 71 8 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO A049 LSEUTE 71 9 Inlet 80" SLERVEPOST 400-COKBO A049 LSEUTE 71 10 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 72 8 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO A049 LSEUTE 72 9 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO A049 LSEUTE 72 10 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO A049 LSEUTE 72 11 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO A049 LSEUTE i 73 8 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 73 9 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO A049 LSEUTE 73 10 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 73 11 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO A049 LSEUTE 73 12 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 74 9 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 74 10 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 74 11 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO A049 LSEUTE 74 12 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO A049 LSEUTE 74 13 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO A049 LSEUTE 74 14 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 74 15 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE Continues Next Page =>

  • e j

Att. 1, App. VI '


Sleeve Sleeve Exam Exam Exam Extent Row Tube Location Length Reason Tech Reel Tested 74 16 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 74 17 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 74 18 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE  ;



74 19 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO LSEUTE 74 20 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-CCMBO A049 LSEUTE f 74 21 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE '

74 26 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A043 LSEUTE 74 27 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO AC45 LSEUTE ,

74 28 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LHEUTE '

74 29 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMEO AMS LSEDTE 74 30 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO 3M9 LSELT2 75 30 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO ADO LSEUTE 75 31 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 75 32 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 75 33 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 75 34 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 75 35 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 77 30 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 77 31 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 77 32 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 77 33 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE ,

77 34 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE '

77 35 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 78 9 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 78 10 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE .

78 11 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 78 12 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 78 13 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 78 14 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 78 15 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 78 16 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE '

78 17 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 78 18 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE  ;

78 20 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 78 27 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 79 8 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 79 9 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE <

79 10 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 79 11 Inlet 80" SLEEVIPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 79 12 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE ,

80 7 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 80 8 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 80 9 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 80 10 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 80 11 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE 81 7 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO A049 LSEUTE Continues Next Page =>


,- .~ j

. , I Att. 1, App. VI REVISION O Page : 3 of 6 THREE MILE ISLAND: UNIT 1 '

COMPONENT : SG A OUTAGE : 10R TUBES SLEEVED DURING "10R" Sleeve Sleeve Exam Exam Exam Extent  !

Row Tube Location Length Reason Tech Real Tested 81 8 Inlet 80" SLERVEPOST 400-COREBO A049 LSEUTE 81 9 In1et 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-C00EBO A049 LSEUTE 81 10 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400 -C00EBO A049 LSEUTE 82 6 In1et 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-C00EBO A049 LSEUTE 82 7 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COBEBO A049 LSEUTE ,

82 8 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COBEBO A049 LSEUTE 82 9 In1et 80" SLEEVEPOST 400 -COBEBO A049 LSEUTE  ;

83 6 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400 -C00EBO A049 LSEUTE  !

83 7 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COBEBO A049 LSEUTE ,

83 8 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400 -COBEBO A049 LSEUTE i' 83 9 In1et 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COBEBO A049 LSEUTE 84 5 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-C00EBO A049 LSEUTE 84 6 In1et 80" SLEEVEPOST 400 -C00EBO A049 LSEUTE 84 7 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COBEBO A049 LSEUTE '

85 2 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400 -COREBO A049' LSEUTE 85 3 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400 - COBEBO A049 LSEUTE 85 4 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400 -C00EBO A049 LSEUTE 1 85 5 In1et 80" SLEEVEPOST 400 -COBEBO A049 LSEUTE i 85 6 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400 -CCIEBO A049 LSEUTE 86 2 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COBEBO A049 LSEUTE i 86 3 In1et 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COBEBO A049 LSEUTE i 86 4 In1et 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COBEBO A049 LSEUTE 86 5 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-C00EBO A049 LSEUTE 87 1 Inlet 80* SLEEVEPOST 400 -C00EBO A049 LSEUTE 87 2 In1et 80" SLEEVIPOST 400-COBEBO A049 LSEUTE f 87 3 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-C00EBO A049 LSEUTE 87 4 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400 -COBEBO A049 LSEUTE 88 2 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400 -C00EBO A049 LSEUTE 88 3 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COBEBO A049 LSEUTE  :

88 4 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400 -COBEBO A049 LSEUTE 89 1 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-C00EBO A049 LSEUTE i 89 2 In1et 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COBEBO A049 LSEUTE i

j Total Tubes : 124  :

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Att. 1, App. VI ,


Sleeve Sleeve Exam Exam Exam Extent Row Tube Location Length Reason Tech Reel Tested 62 1 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 63 1 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 63 2 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 64 1 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 64 2 In1et 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 64 3 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 64 4 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 65 2 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 65 4 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 66 1 Inlet -


66 2 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 66 3 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 66 4 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 66 5 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 67 3 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST '400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 67 4 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 'LSEUTE 67 5 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 67 6 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 68 5 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 68 6 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 68 7 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 69 6 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 69 7 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 69 8 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 69 9 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400 -CCBEBO B040- LSEUTE 70 6 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 70 7 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 70 9 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 71 7 Inlet 80" SLEEVIPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 71 8 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 71 9 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 71 10 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 72 7 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 72 8 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 72 9 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 72 10 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 72 11 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 73 8 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 73 9 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 73 10 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO- B040 LSEUTE 73 11 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 73 12 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 74 9 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 74 10 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 74 11 Inlet 80" SLEEVIPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 74 12 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE i

Continues Next Page =>

'4 Att. 1, App. VI  !


TUBES SLEEVED DURING "10R" Sleeve Sleeve Exam Exam Exam Extent Row Tube Location Length Reason Tech Reel Tested 74 13 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 74 14 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 74 15 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE '

74 16 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE l 74 17 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 74 19 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 74 20 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 74 21 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE-74 26 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 74 27 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 74 28 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO 'B040 LSEUTE 74 29 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 75 30 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 75 31 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 75 32 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 75 33 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 75 34 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 75 35 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 77 30 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 77 31 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 77 32 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 77 33 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 77 34 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 77 35 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 78 9 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 78 10 Inlet 80" SLERVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 78 11 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 78 12 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 78 13 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 78 14 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-CCMBO B040 LSEUTE 78 15 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 78 16 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 78 17 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 78 19 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 78 21 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE *

78 26 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 78 27 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 78 28 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 78 29 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-CCMBO B040 LSEUTE 79 9 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 79 10 Inlet 80" SLEEVIPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 79 11 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-CCMBO B040 LSEUTE 79 12 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-CCMBO B040 LSEUTE 80 7 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-CCMBO B040 LSEUTE 80 8 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 80 9 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE Continues Next Page =>

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i Att. 1, App. VI REVISION O Page : 6 of 6 THREE MILE' ISLAND: UNIT 1 COMPONENT : SG B OUTAGE : 10R TUBES SLEEVED DURING "10R" Sleeve Sleeve Exam Exam Exam Extent Row Tube Location Length Reason Tech Reel Tested 80 10 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 80 11 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 81 7 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 81 8 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 81 9 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 81 10 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 82 7 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSBUTE 82 8 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 82 9 Inlet .

80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 83 6 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO B040 LSEUTE 83 7 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 83 8 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 83 9 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 84 5 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO B040 LSEUTE 84 6 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 84 7 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 85 2 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO B040 LSEUTE 85 3 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 85 4 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO B040 LSEUTE 85 6 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 86 1 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 86 2 Inlet 80" SLEEVEFOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 86 3 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO B040 LSEUTE 86 4 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 86 5 Inlet 80" SLERVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 87 1 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 87 2 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 87 3 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO B040 LSEUTE 87 4 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO B040 LSEUTE 88 1 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 88 2 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 88 3 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 88 4 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE 89 1 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO B040 LSEUTE 89 2 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COKBO B040 LSEUTE  ;

90 1 Inlet 80" SLEEVEPOST 400-COMBO B040 LSEUTE Total Tubes : 128 i
