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Forwards Emergency Response Data Sys Implementation Program Plan,Per Rev 1 to NUREG-1394.Schedule Outlined in Encl Plan Supercedes schedule-related Commitments Made in 900314 Response to Generic Ltr 89-15
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/28/1991
From: Parker T
RTR-NUREG-1394 GL-89-15, NUDOCS 9111040266
Download: ML20079K816 (30)


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Northern States Power Company 414 Nicollet Mall

~' Minneapohs. Minnesota 55431 1927 Telephone (612) 330 5tOO I

October 28, 1991 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix E U F Nuclear Regulatory Commission

{a Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 l

PPAIRIE IS1AND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT Docket Nos. 50 282 License Nos. DPR-42 50 306 DPR-60 Emergency Response Data System Implementation Plan In accordsn?o with th< requirements of Section VI 4.a of Appendix E to 10 CFR E Part 50, this 'atter submits the Emergency Response Data System implementation program plen .% Prairie Island Units 1 and 2. The implementation program plari is pr::v'.ue1 as Attachment 1.

In support -f the implementation program plan, a response to the site survey questionTaire included in Revision 1 to NUREG-1394, " Emergency Response Data Syseem (ERD!s) 1mple'nentation", which includes plant attribute information, is provided ao / t.tachment 2.

Data Point Libraries for Prairie Island Unite 1 and 2, which were assembled in accordance with the guidelines of Revision 1 to NUREG-1394, are provi/ed in Attachments 3 and 4.

In our March 14, 1990 response to Generic Letter 89-15, " Emergency Ret 7onse Data System", NSP volunteered to connect Prairie Island Units 1 and 2 to the Emergency Response Data Syster and stated that the connection to Prairie Island Units 1 and 2 was scheduled to be available in 1991.

K-That proposed schedule is not consistent with the current NRC schedule for implementation or the subsequent requirements and guidance provided by Section VI.4.a of Appendix E and NUREC-1394. Therefore, we consider the schedule outlined in the atteched implea.entation program plan to supersede the schedule related commitments mac'e in our March 14, 1990 response to Ceneric Letter 89-

'_ 15.


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4 91110402 % 911029 0

' FDR ADOCK 05000232 il p PDR {


'g* USNRC y October 28, 1991 '

tJorthern States Power Compa..y Page 2 Please address ar, questions on *.he implementation of tne Emergency Response Data System r. Prairie Is'and to the Project Coordinator, Richard Allen. His phone number and address are provided in Attachment 2.

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Thomas M Parker Mariage r Nuclear Support Services c: Pegional Ad:rir'strator - Region 111, NRC Senior Reside"t Inspector, NRC NRR Proj ec t E nage r , NRC J E Silberg Attachments:

1. Prairie Island Units 1 anc' 2 Emergency Response Data System Implementation Program Plan.
2. Prairie Island Units 1 and 2 Response to NUREG-1394, Appendix B 1:mergency Response Data System Survey Questionnaire. .
3. Prairie Island Unit 1 Evergency Response Data System Data Poit.t I.i b ra ry .

4 Prairie Island Unit 2 Emergency Response Data System Data Point Library.


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Pege 2 of 4 '

Emergendy Response Data System Implementation Program Plan Section VI.4.a of Appendir E to 10 CFR Part 50 requires that each licensee develop and submit an Emergency Response Data System implerentation program plan to the NRC by October 28, 1991, The Emergency Response Data System implementation program plan for Prairie Island Units 1 r.nd 2 is described below, l

Section 50.72.a.4 of 10 CFR Part 50 specifies that the licensee shall activate the Emergency Response Data System as soon as possible but not later than one hour after declaring an emergency class of alert, site area emergency or general emergency. The Prair!.e Island Emergency Plan Implementing procedures (EPIP) will-be modified to ensure that the Emergency Response Data System is

, actuated within the time requirements of 10 CFR Part 50 Section 50.72.a.4, Prairie Island will utilize existing section work instructions to ensure the integrity of the Emergency Response Data System hardware and software configuration is maintained. The computer gtoup section work instructions will be modified to include provisions for NRC review of-system modifications which could affect the data communication protocol at least 30 days prior-to the modification. The computer group section work instructions will also be changed to ensure that changes to the Data Point Library are submitted using the Data Point Library Reference File Form within 30 days of the change.

The eleven steps, outlined in Revision 1 to NUREG-1394, for the implementation of the Emergency Response Data System are being addressed for Prairie Island Units 1 and 2 as follows:

Step 1. The NRC notifies the contractor, Halliburton NUS, that a utility ,

'ss received : site survey questionnaire, This step requires no action by NSP, and has already been completed.

Step 2. Af ter the utility has received the questionnaire, they will be contacted by Halliburton NUS.

This step was completed during an October 8, 1991 meeting between Region III utilities, NRC Staff and Halliburton NUS where site specific Emergency Response Data System

-implementation issues were~ discussed.

Step 3. A site ylsit will be arranged.

This step was completed during the October 8, 1991 meeting between Region III utilities, NRC and Halliburton NUS.


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, At tachnent 1 Page 3 of 4 Step 4. The NRC will Lusta11 phone lines at the site.

Per NRC Generic Letter 91-14, installation of FTS 2000 federal telephone service for Prairie Island is scheduled for February of 1992. NSP will provide the necessary phone connection from the point of entry of the FTS 2000 system to the location of the Emergency Response Data System Jodem.

Step 5. The utility answers and returns th3 site survey questionnaire, containing the Data Point 1.ibrary (DPL) and Plant Attribute Library (PAL) to the NRC.

The Data Point Library and Plant Attribute Library have been completed and are being submitted to the NRC along with this submittal of the Emergency Response Data System implementation program plan. The Data Point Libraries are provided in Attachments 3 and 4, and the Plant Attribute information is included in Attachment 2.

Step 6. If the plant computer requires customized Emergency Response Data System reception software, specific Emergency Response Data System code will be developed and implemented by Halliburton NUS.

The generic Emergency Response Data System software protocols will be used at Prairie Island. Customized Emergency Response Data System reception software will not be required.

Step 7. The utility will design and write the: - data transmission software, The Emergency Response Data System ca.. ractor is developing a PC based ERDS interface which will perform all communication protocol -


At this time, three options for the implementation of the Emergency Response Data System link at Prairie Island are under consideration. Two of these options utilize the PC based interface being developed by Halliburton NUS, which is expected to be available by April 1992. Our decision on whether or not to use me PC interface developed by Halliburton NUS will be made by the end of November 1991. No matter which of the three options is chosen, work should begin on the design and coding of software for the Emergency Response Data System link on or before December 1991.

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Attachnent i Page 4 of 4 Step 8. Preliminary software testing.

Preliminary software testing will occur during the May to August 1992 time frame, This is the software debugging period for the purpose of identifying and resolving any problems.

Step 9, Following the preliminary software test, a formal test will be conducted at Halliburton NUS, prior to adding the licensee to the Emergency Response Data System.

The Halliburton NUS formal testing can take place any titte af ter the prelittinary testing has been completed. This should occur in the May to August 1992 time frame.

Step 10. A formal test will then be conducted on the Emergency Response Data System computer at the NRC Operations Center.

The NRC Operations Center formal test will occur after successful completica of the Halliburton NUS formal testing and installation into the NRC Emergency Response Data System computer system. These activities .111 be performed and coordinated by the NRC and Halliburton NUS, thus, the schedule is as determined by the NRC and Halliburton NUS.

Step 11. The utility is online, with all development and testing completed.

Upon successful completion of the NRC Operations Center formal test, Prairie Island will be enline and fully integrated into the Emergency Response Data System, a

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8 Attachment 2 Page 2 of 6 I, CONTACTS A. Survey Coordinator:

Terry Chandler, Superintendent of computer & Information Services.

NSP - Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant 1717 Wakonade Drive East Welch, Minn. 55089 612-388-1121 ext 4520 B. Computer Hardware Speciallsc(s):

Rick Shuster, Instrument & Control Specialist -

NSP - Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant 1717 Wakonade Drive East Welch, Minn. 55089 612 388-1121 ext 4493 C. Systems Software Specialist (s):

Ken Slingsby, Principal Cowputer Engineer NSP - Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant 1717 Wakonade Drive East Welch, Minn. 55089 612 388 1121 ext 4431 D. Application-level Sof tware Specialist (s):

Richard Allen, Senior Computer Engineer ~

NSP - Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant 1717 Wakonade Drive East Welch, Minn. 55089 612-388-1121 ext 4495 E. Tel, ' hone Systems Specialist (s):

Mike Brown, Engineer Associate NSP - Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant 1717 Wakonado Drive East Welch, Minn. 55089 612-353-1121 ext 4429 l

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  • Attechnent 2 Page 3 of 6 III. SELECTION OF DI.TA FEEDERS A, flow many data feeders are there?

Two feeders. One for each unit.

B. Identify the selected data feeders.

The data feeders for Prairie Island Units 1 and 2 are designated as ERCS #1 and ERCS #2. ERCS #1 will provide all data requested in the Data Point Library (Attachment 3) for Prairie Island Unit 1. ERCS #2 will provide all data requested in the Data Point Library (Attachment

4) for Prairic Island Unit 2.

The rationale for selecting these feeders is that all of the necessary information is contained within a single computer system (one for each unit) supplying each feeder.

C. Which feeder is the site time determining feeder?

ERCS #1 provides the site time for unit 1.

ERCS #2 provides the site time for unit 2.


[ , *- a Attachment 2 Page 4 of 6 IV. Data Feeder Information

1. Identification of Data Feeder:
a. What is the name in local parlance given to this data feeder?

ERCS al - Unit 1 Emergency Response Computer System ERCS u2 - Unit 2 Emergency Response Computer System

b. Is this the site time determining feeder?

Each feeder has equal access to site time.

c. What is the update frequency of this feeder in seconds?

ERCS n1 update frequency - 60 seconds.

ERCS #2 update frequency - 60 seconds.

2. Hardware / Software Environment:
a. Identify the manufacturer and model number of the data f eeder hardware.

ERCS wi - ENCORE 32/67 - 80 ERCS n2 - ENCORE 32/67 - 80 b, Identify the operating system.

ERCS 91 - MPX 3.4 ERCS #2 - MPX 3.4

c. What .aethod of timekeeping is implemented on this feeder system?

Daylight Savings or Standard depending on the time of the year.

d In what time zone is chis teeder located?

Both feeders are located in the Central time none.

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  • Attachment 2 Page 5 of 6 IV. Data Feodor Information (cont'd)
3. Data Commtmication Details:
a. Can this feeder provide synchronous serial data communication (RS-232-C) wi th full codem control?

Both feeders can provide synchronous serial data communication (RS-232-C) with full modem control.

b. Wiis this feeder transmit in ASCII or EBCDIC 7 Both feeders will transmit in ASCII.
c. Can this feeder transmit at a serial baud rate of 2400 bps?

Both feeders can transmit at a baud rate of 2400 bps.

d. Does the operating system support XON/XOFF flow control?

The operating system for both feeders will support XON/XOFF flow control. No problems are foreseen with the NRC using XON/XOFF.

c. If it is not feasible to reconfigure a serial port for the ERDS linkup please explain why.

It is feasible to reconfigure serial ports for both feeders for the Emergency Response Data System linkup. The feeder serial ports dedicated to the Emergency Response Data System can be configured so that the NRC need not emulate a specific brand of terminal.

f. Do any ports currently exist for the ERDS linkup?

No serial ports currently exist for either feeder, lloweve r , more serial ports can be adde- The additional ports would be dedicated solely to the Emergency ..esponse Data System.

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. 4 Attachment 2 Page 6 of 6 IV.- Data Feeder Information (cont'd)

~4. Data Feeder Physical Environment and-Management:

a. Where is the data feeder located in terms of the TSC, EOF and control room?

The data feeders are not located in or near the TSC, EOF or the control room._ They are located in the plant computer room which is part of the service building located on the-east end of the Prairie Island turbine building,

b. Is the data feeder protected from a loss of supply electricity?

Both data feeders are powered from uninterruptible power supplies that are backed up by batteries and non-safeguards' diesel generators,

c. Is there a human operator for this data feeder?

The feeders run unattended as long as no trouble arises. In case of trouble, an operator is evailable during normal working hours

-(8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> / day) with 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> callout.



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Northern States Power Company Prairie Island Nucteer Generating Plant - Unit 1 (Pit). NRC-ERDS Data point Library Oct 17,1991 Pege 1 of 7 ,

i t .

I a l Heading definitions used in this report ares l Other notes: l 1 l 1 l P!D = Point 10. l The data fletds hit power surply cut off ord turn on levets are ]

, j EU = Engineering units. j' ret provided because the power supplies are not cut of f. l l P/S- = PROC or SENS. ( Processesd or sensor value ) l l l WSNSR e Nwher of Sensors. j Tecoerature compensation for DP transmiters is mentioned in the j l Antg/ Dig = Analog or digitdl point type. l Unique systes description if applicable. Else the answer is no. l l Frocess = How processed. l l l CV-AVG e Chauvenet Validated Average of. l Level reference te? only arpties to SG LEVEL 1/A & 2/s. l l cv = ouality validation against constants. l See unique system description for these peints. l l Location = Sensor location. l l l H1 BANGE = Instrument highest range. l ERCS is the Emergensy Response Computer System at the plant & l j l LO RAkGE = Instrument towest range. l is the feeder for att of the data used by ERDS. l  !

l ZERO REF = 2ero refernece point. l i'

I i l ******* E RDS DPL SN R Y ******* l


  • P!D kRC PARAMETER EROS POINT DESCRIPTION l l.....-............... .......................... .. ....... ........... . .......................... .. ....... ............. ........................ .


I i j 1 1U5048A NI F0WEk RNG SJS avg pwr rng pwr levet 16 1U5n494 NL TEMP 1/A SAS hot les 1 Teperature 31 105022A CNTMNT RAD SAS nigh CNTMT radiation ]

l 2 1U$G82A NI INT!R aNG Avg interned rog power levet 171U5051A ML TEMP 2/a SAS het l*g 2 ienveratu-e 32 1R0009A RCS LTDN RAD RC tetdown line radiation j l 3 1U50STA NI SOUct RNC Avg srce eng owr levet 18 lu5053A CL TEMP 1/A SAS cetd ter 1 Tenperature 33 1U5143A MA!N SL 1/A SAS wein steemline A red *n l l 4 1U5011A REAC VES LEV SAS avg reactor vesset levet 191U5055A CL TE w 2/8 SAS cold leg 2 Tenperature 34 1U5144A PAIN SL 2/8 SAS main steamttre 8 rad'n l l 5 105510A TEMP CORE EX SAS let hotest inco a 1/C 20 1U5001A RCS P9 ESSURE SAS erg RCS pressure 35 1U502aA SG sc RAD 1A SAS sta sen blowdown redan j <

l 6 iu5077A suG MARGIN SAS RCS s 2 cooling margin 21 1U5007A P5t2R LEVEL SAS avs PszR H2O tvt (hR) 36 1U5015A CNTMai P9ESS SAS avg contsiment press ]

l 7 1US152A CORE FLOW RC avg flow 22 1F0128A RCS CHG/M! Charge pro disch bdr flew 371U5013A CNTMuf TEMP SAS avg contairewnt terp l l 8 1U5032A SG LEVEL 1/A SAS avg ets gen 1 N2O level 23 1U5154A pa St FLOW Totat safety injection ftow 38 1U5021A N2 CONC SAS avg contairrwnt P2 cone l ,

j 9 1U5034A SG LE*.TL 2/8 SAS avg sta gen 2 M20 level 24 100651A LP SI Fleu Totet Rkm flow 39 1U506SA swST LEVEL SAS avs RwST tevet l

. l101U5036A SG PRESS 1/A SAS a g sta gen 1 presure 25 1U5153A CTpuT SMP NR Sw p s avg tevet Na 40 tu4105A WIND SPEED Met twe 10M avs wind spa A l

, j11lu5038A SG PRESS 2/8 SAS avs sta sen 2 presure 26 105017A CTmWT EMP WR SAS avg contnnent sep tvt 41 104106A W!so SPEED met twr 10M avs wind spd S l l121U5G40A MW FD FL 1/A SAS svg sta gent feed flow 261U5061AL EFF GAS PAD Shtd bid gas efftnt low rng 42 1Y4109A WIND DI:' ret twr 12 wird dir A l' '

l 13 1050r.2A PN FD Ft. 2/8 SAS svg sts gen 2 feed flow 25 '1050624N EFF CAS RAD Shtd bid gas efftnt hi rne 43 1Y4110A WIND D!R met twr 1 M wind dir R l j 14 luSO44A AX FD FL 1/A SAS evs atm g(n1 aux fd ft 29 1200214 EFF Lie RA0 cire wtr disett red erste 44 1U2907A STAa CLAts met tur SW ava detta te=up A l

}151U5045A Ax FD TL 2/E EAS avg sts gen 2 aet fd f t 30 1U5024A CowD A/E RAD SAS air ejector radiation 45 1U2908A STA8 CLAIS Met tur SOM avg dette teap a l [

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Morthern States Power Compery Prairie Island Muclear Generating Plvet - Unit 1 (Pit) hRC-ERDS Data point Litrary Oct 17,1991 Page 2 of 7 ,

  • i/Lo PIO NRC EROS PARAMETER EU ANLC/ DIG HI RANGE %RM/ TRIP CONVERSION FEEDER ERCS PO!NT DESCRIFTION F/S 5"toCESS LO R.ANCE SET-POINT ZERO RET DAlf GENERIC /COND CESCRIPTION #5NSR LOCATION Fall MODE DP TEMP COMP Unique system description 1U5048A N1 PCLER RNG  % Analog 0.0 N/A N/A . Yht s point reflects the CV-AvM of N41, W,2, W43 & M44 power range reactor EROS #1 f tS avg pwr rng pwr tevet P CV-AVG 120.0 N/A N/A power levet sensors.

07/02/91 Avg power range pwr teret 4 Excore LOW N/A 1U5082A NI INTER Rf4C MCAMP A.alog 1,0E-5 N/A N/A This point reflects the CV-AVG of 358 & 368 rwutron flux intermediate renge ERCS #1 Avg intermed rng power level P CV-AVG 1.0E03 N/A N/A levet seneces.

10/16/91 Avg intenned range <wr level 2 Excore LOW N/A Wote: MCAMP EU = micro-sys.

1U5031A NI SOURC RNG CPS Analog 0.1 N/A N/A This peint reflects the CV-AVG of 31E & 32F neutron flux source range levet.

ERCS #1 Avg arce rng pwr P CV-AVG 1.0E6 N/A N/A The power s@ ply does not shut off for these sensors.

10/16/91 Avg source range pwr level 2 Escore Lcgi W/A 1U5011A REAC VES LEV  % Anatog C.0 0.0 N/A This point reflects the CV-AVG cf the reactor vesset levet based on reactor ERCS #1 SAS svg reactor vessel level P CV-AVG 120.0 120.0 s/A coolant nep operation. If RCPs are of f then wide range RvLIS sensors are 07/02/91 Avg reactor vesset level 4 Contnnnt Failed FRCM RYt1S used. Else, dynamic head RVLls sensors are used. RVl!S is bestinghease reactor vesset level irdication systee.

Note: DP teep ccmpensation is provided in the RVLIS coguter thich sucelles this value to the ERCS comuter.

1U5510A TEMP CORE EX DegF Anatcg 32.0 N/A N/A This point reflects the CV- avg hottest reactor incore therinoccuple.

ERCS #1 SAS 1st hotest incore T/C P CV-AVG 2300.0 NfA m/A Note: T/C = thermoco mte.

07/02/91 36 Incore Failed N/A .

1U5077A SUB MARGIN DegF Ar:atog -200.0 N/A N/A This point reflects the result of a two term linear equation usify, RCS ERCS #1 SAS PCS subcooling msigin P See note 1000.0 N/A N/A saturation tevnperature ( Tenn. saturated vapor as a function of presure 07/02/91 RCS succooling surgin 3 Failed N/A based on the 1967 AgeE stems tables ) and avg core exit teno ( CV-AVG of the incore therinocomtes ).

1U5152A CORE FLOW  % Analog 0.0 N/A N/A This point reflects the CV-avg of these 6 flow values:

ERCS #1 RC ave flow P CV-AVG 115.0 N/A N/A ( A-RC 411, PID=F0400r, ), ( A-RC 412, PID=F0401A ), ( A-RC 413, P!D=F0402A ),

07/17/91 6 Failed m/A ( s-RC 414, PID*F0420A ), ( s-RC 415, PID*F0421A ), ( s-RC 416, PtD=F0422A ) 1 1U5032A SG LEVEL 1/A  % Anatog 0.0 20.0 1%=180 gal DSTP *1= Sensor located 433= above the tree sheet. NR sensors cover a span of 144* '

l ERCS #1 SAS avg sta gen 1 H2O level P CV-AVG 100.0 67.0 Note *2 *2eZero reference 23* above tube biedte, 420" = top of tsbe bundte.

, 07/02/91 Avg sta gen 1 N20 level 3' Note *1 Failed Note *5 *3=This point reflects CV AVG of toop A sie een tevet ( Na461. Na462 & mR463) t I *4= level reference teg*yes, wate+ fitted wiih c e denser pot. ,

  • 5=0P temp cogensation not used. See attachment #1.

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NRC-ERDS Data point Lfbrary Cet 17, W4 Page 3 of 7 ,

itorthtrn States Power Co @ any Prairie Islard Nuclear Generatire Plant - Unit 1 (P!1) .


  • 1= Sensor tocated 433' above the ttee sheet. NR sensors cover a spes of 144" f

% Analog 0.0 20.0 %=180 gal SSTP 1U5034A SG LEVEL 2/B ERCS #1 SAS avg stm gen 2 H2O tev P CV-AVG 100.0 67.0 Note *2 *2=2ero reference 23* above tube bundte, 420" = top cf tthe bundte.

07/05/91 Avg sta sen 2 H2O level 3 Note *1 Failed Note '5 *3=This point re8tects CV-AVG cf toop 5 stm gen tevet ( NR471, NR472 & is*473)

  • 4=levet reference leg *yes, water filled with condenser pot.
  • S=DP teep coripposetion nct used. See attachment #1.

PS!G Analog 0.0 300.0 N/A CV-avg of toop A sta gen pressure ( 4M, 469. 482 ). ,

1U5036A SG PRESS 1/A ERCS #1 SAS avg stm gen 1 presure P CV-avg 1400.0 1075.0 N/A 3 Failed N/A 07/05/91 Avg stm gen 1 pressure j

rSIG Analog 0.0 500.0 N/A CV-avg of loop a sta sen pressure ( 475, 479, 483 ).

1U5038A SG PRESS 2/B ERCS #1 SAS avg stm gen 2 presure P CV-AVG 1490.0 1075.0 N/A Fatted N/A 07/05/91 Avg sts gen 2 pressure 3 tb/Nr Analog 0.0 N/A N/A CV- AVG of toop A fu flow 466(=mtr) & 467(mmtr).

1U5040A MN !D FL 1/A CV-avg 4470000 N/A N/A *1@P com net used es per attachno nt #1.

ERCS #1 SAS avs stm gen 1 feed flow P Failed Note *1 07/05/91 Avg steam gen 1 feed flow 2 tb/Hr Analog 0.0 N/A N/A CV- AVu of toop B fu flow 476(xctr> & 477(atr).

1U5042A #N FD FL 2/B *1=OP cons. .wt used as per attacteent F1 ERCS #1 SAS avs stm gen 2 feed flow P CV-AVG 4470000 N/A N/A 07/05/91 Avg sta sen 2 feed flow 2 Failed W/A GPM Analog 0.0 N/A N/A This pctnt reflects the quality vstlanti m of AFW flow to A steera generatcr 1U5044A AX FD FL 1/A aux fem flow Lo EU S Ni EU. The cv 200.0 N/A N/A agalost ths SAS constants of steere ERCS #1 SAS svg sta gen 1 aux fd ft P Failed N/A constante are currently set at 0.0 and 200.0.

07/05/91 Stm gen 1 aus feed flew 1

  • 1=0P copp not used as per attactueent et.

GPM Analog 0.0 N/A N/A This point reflects the cystity validation of AFW flow to 8 steen generator 105045A Ax FD FL 2/5 N/A against the SAS constants of stram aux feed flow to EU 4 Wi EU. The ERCS #1 SAS avg sta gen 2 aux fd ft P cv 200.0 h/A Failed N/A constants are currently set at 0.0 and 200.0.

07/05/91 sta sen 2 aux feed flow 1

  • 1=CP co m not used as per attachment et.

DegF Analog 50.0 N/A N/A This peint reflects the o;allty valldstion of A-RC hot leg temp 450A against 1U5049A WL TEMP 1/A CV 700.0 N/A N/A the SAS constants cf not leg teep to EU and Mi EU. The c metants are ERCS #1 SAS hot leg 1 Temperature P Failed N/A currently set at 50.0 anj 700.0.

07/05/91 Not leg 1 te perature 1 NP

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.n-NRC-EADS Data poirt library cet 17,1991 Page 4 ef 7 Korthern States Power Ccmpany Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant - tinit 1 (Pit)


't PROCESS LO RANCE SET-POINT 'ZERO REF FEEDER ERCS PGINT DESCRIPTION Unique sy tes deecriptf or N2 LOCAi!ON FAIL Mane DP TEMP COMP Daft GEkERIC/CONO OCSCRIPTION N/A This point reflects the quality validation of s-RC het les ter.v 451A egainst l 105051A HL TEMP 2/8 DegF Analog 50.0 N/A 700.0 C/A N/A the SAS constants of hot leg terp Lo EU and Mi EU. The constants are l ERCS c1 SAS hot leg 2 Tenperature P OY I Failed N/A currently set at 50.0 and 700.G.

07/05/91 Hot leg 2 teccerature 1 DegF Anatog 50.0 GFP 520 W/A This point reflects the aus!ity validation cf A-RC cold leg temp 4506 agatrist 1U5053A CL TEMP 1/A ^e SAS conrtants of cold teg teep te EU armf Hi EU. The constants are 700.0 SFP 555 N/A ERCS #1 SAS cold leg 1 Turvet ature P CV Failed N/A currently set et 50.0 and 700.0.

07/05/91 Cold leg 1 temperature 1 Note: Aterm cetpoints are at full power. In other modes, setpoints are coeu-late' , system pressure.

DegF Anatog 50.0 SFP $20 N/A This point reflects the quality velidation of e-sc cold teg teep 4515 against 1U5055A CL TEMP 2/8 CV 700.0 EFP 555 N/A the SAS constants of cold leg teep to EU aruf Mi EU. The constants are ERCS #1 SAS cold leg 2 temperature P Failed n/A currently set at 50.0 ard 700.0.

07/05/97 Cold les 2 tenc=rature 1 Note: Alarm setpoints art at futt pnver. In other mdes, setpoints are cateu-tated based on system pressure.

PSIG Analog 0.0 SFP 190c m/A CV-avg of the 4 tserrow range pressure sensors. If the validated quality of

  • U500?A RCS PRESSURE CV-avg 3000.0 GFP 2385 N/A the sensors is tMd, than use CV- AVG of 2 e range pressure sensors.

EROS #1 SAS avs RCS preswre P 6

m/A hote: At other then futt power mode. SAS 6* < utates Mi and to stans timits.

07/06/91 Avg RCS prence Anstog 0.0 14.8 527 set Erro This point repres ets the CV-AVC of PRIR 42% 427 & 42S tevet semors.

TU5007A FR2R LEvfL "&

PV-avg 100.0 90.0 65 get/X *180P ccep not used as per attachment #1.

EACW 81 SAS avg FRZR M2C Lvl (NR) P 07/06/o1 Avg pressurizer H2O level 3 Failed Note *1 Gpm Anetog 0.0 m/A m/A ser.sor tocated 20 feet above discharge pwp.

1F0128A RCS CHG/MU 100.0 N/A N/A ERCS #1 Charge crp disch hdr flow S 1 note Low N/A 07/06/91 Gps Analog 0.0 NokE E/A Sam of P!D->(1F0922A $1 flow to cold tegs) & (tr0923A Si flow to rm vst) 1b5154A RP St Flow ERCS #1 Tctet safety injection flow P 1500.0 WONE 2/A 2 N/A 10/09/91 Ae.atog -1.0 1250.0 N/A Surs of PiD->(1F0626a twR toop f!.ow) & (1F0928A ana flow to vst) 100651A LP St FLOW Gpm 9 9000.0 2500.0 N/A EROS #1 fetel E9E flow 2 N/A 10/O'J/91

'Gh> _ e ,~ '


Pref rie 1 stand Nuclear Generating Plant Unit 1 (PII) WRC-EaOS Data point Library Oct 17,1991 Page 5 of 7 , ,

Worthern States Fower Company .


  1. SN54 ' LOCATION FAIL 98001 DP TEmo COMP DATE GENERIC /CONO DESCRIPTION Analog 0.0 N/A N/A Average of 2 values ( swp a 725 PID=60922A ) & ( swp 3 726 PID*F0923A > 4R 1U51*l3A OTMNT SMP ME ( retrow rng ) %

P 100.0 h/A N/A ( narrow range ) levels.

ERCS St Surp 8 avg level NR CV-AVO D7/17/91 2 Failed N/A Ft. Analog 0.0 0.0 N/A This point reflects be tv-avg of contelrnent levels T27 WR & 728 WW.

1U5017A ETMNi SMP WR ( iride rence )

EKCS #1 SAS avg contrwent swip tvt P CV-AVG 120.0 0.5 N/A 1

07/06/91 Avg centstrinent stanp tevel 2 Failed N/A MC1/HR Analog 5.3E-3 N/A This point is the shield bida stack ef fluent radiation in citlerries/hr .


$26 N/A xenon 133 eoulvatent. Ccewted using ( 1R0022A sr/hr

  • 5.2 0 04 ) / 1F5429A. l EP.CS f1 stxk ef fI rson iow rng P 2

N/A 1F54294 is stack flow rate in CF81.1R0022A is low eenge red mattor.

10/10/91 MCf/M Analog 3.3E-5 m/A This point is t7rs shield b!dg stack efftuent radiation in mili-curries /hr IU5061A4 EFF GAS RAD 5260 N/A mere 133 equivalent. Ccrvuted using ( 1R0050A arihr

  • 52.674 ) / 1FV294.

ERCS #1 stack eff! rau nigh rng P N/A 1F5429A is stack flow rete in CFM. 1?D050A is hi range red monitor.

10/10/91 2 N/A i W 1A Efr Lto KAD CFM Anslog 10.0 N/A I

1000()00 1000.0 N/A Etu 41 Ciec wtr cisch r 5 1

N/A 10/10/91 CPM Anatog 10.0 10.0 m/A This point refelets the cm3at ity vettostion o* C ss air ejector gas 1U5024A CONO A/E RAD 1.0 E6 5000.0 N/A rad.oactivity accinst the SAS constants of air ejector radiation which are ERCS 81 SAS air ejector radiation P QV Failed N/A currently set at to and 1,000,c00, l 07/06/91 Air ejector radiction 1 f

l Ar.atog 1.0 1.0 N/A This point reflects the CY-avg of high range CNtMT area monitor or hign range


1U5022A EETMNT RAD R/Mr CV-avg 1.0 EOS 2.0 E4 N/A CNTMY sees e m iter A or high range CNTMT aree monitor s.

ERCS #1 SAS Nigh CNTMT radiation P 07/G6/91 piig Containment radiation 2 Failed N/A I miR/Pr Anatog 0.1 N/A N/A 1R0009A RCS LTDs RAD S 10000.0 1000.0 N/A ERCS #1 RC tetdcwn iine radiation 07/06/91 1 Failed N/A Me/tr Anatog 1.0 N/A N/A This potra refet:ts the cpatify watication of A stia line rad level agairAt TU5143A M/IN SL 1/A P QV 1.0 E5 N/A N/A the sAS constants of main steamline radiation to EU & Mi Elf which are set at ERCS #1 SAS main steemiine A red'n 1 Failed N/A 1 & 100000.

07/06/91 C % steantine A rediation l

l u

. _3 _ _


Northern States Power Conoany Prairie Island Nuclear GenerFting Plant - Unit 1 (Pit) NRC-EROS Data point Lib m y Oct 17,1991 - Page 6 of 7 ,

Ni/Lo P!D NRC EROS PARAMETER EU - ANLG/ DIG HI RANCE ALRM/ TRIP CONVER$10N FEEDER ERCS FO!NT DESCRIPT!ON P/S PROCESS LO RANGE SET-PO!NT ZERO REF DATE CE=ERIC/CCWO DESCR!P1 toes #SMSR LOCA1104 FAIL MODE DP TEMP CCMP UniqJe systeet description 1U51444 MAIN SL 2/8 'MR/Mr Analog 1.0 N/A N/A This point refeicts the mailty validation of 2 sta line rwi tevel against ERCS 81 SAS msin steamlins 8 rad'n P QV 1.0 E5 'N/A h/A the SAS constants of rieln steamline radiation to EU & Mi EU which are set at ,

07/06/g1 Main steeratine B radiation 1 Fail ed N/A ? & 100000.

105026A SG BD RAD 1A CPM Analog 10.0 10.0 N/A This point refetets the quality validation of A steem gen biowdbun radiation ERC5 #1 SAS stm gen blowdown rad *n P' OV 1.0 E6 1.0 E4 w/A the SAS constants of steam gen blowdown radiation Lo Eu & Hi Ett which 07/ 2/91 Ste gen blowdown radiation 1 Failed m/A are currently sit et 10 1 1,000,000,  ;

1U5015A CWTW T PRESS *SIG Analog -5.0 -5.0 N/A This point reflects the tv-avg of coetairrent pressure tM 717 & 718 sensors.

ERCS #1 SAS evg contairment press P CV-avg 200.0 4.0 W/A 07/06/91 Avg containment pressu-e 2 Failed N/A 1U5013A CNTMT TEMP DegF Analog 0.0 N/A N/A *1*Migh elarm is 10 DevF greater than ret ting 5 a:in avg of contairew.t re 9.

ERCS #1 SAS avg contairunent tenp P Mov AVG 400.0 note *1 m/A Thie point rt?tects the CV-avg of contairment air tarp elevaticvs 6o7 and 738 07/06/91 Avg contairinent tenp 3 Failed N/A and 755 sensors.

195021A H2 CONC ( concentration )  % Analog 0.0 m/A h/A This point reflects the tv-Avc c* containnent H2 concentretien sensors 719 &  !

ERCS #1 SAS avg contairenent M2 cone P CV-avg 10.0 m/A N/A 721.

07/06/91 Avg containment H2 conentrn 2 Failed R/A 1U5068A BWST LEVEL  % Analog 0.0 N/A N/A This point reflects the CV-AVG of hfST ( re*ueling water storege tank ) level ERCS F1 SAS avg RVST tevet F CV-avg 100.0 m/A N/A sensore 920 ruf 921.  !

07/06/91 Avg RWST tevet 2 Failed N/A 104105A Wiwo SPEED MPn Anatog 0.0 N/A s/A Sensor location a meteortcf cal tower A 10 sieter height.

ERCS #1 Met tur 10M avg wind spd A P none 100.0 W/A N/A 15 einute moving average of 30sec readings.

10/16/91 1 10 ceter Failed - W/A 1:4106A W1hD SPEED MP4 Analog 0.0 N/A a/A Sensor tocation

  • weteortogical tower a 10 meter height.

ERCS #1 Met twr 10m avg wind spd B P none 100.0 W/A m/A 15 minute moving average of 30sae reedPes.

10/16/91 1 10 meter Failed W/A i

1Y4109A WIND DIR Deg Analog 0.0 N/A N/A Seeitor locatim = meteorlogical tower A li meter height.

n ERCS #1 Pri met twe 10M wind dir A S 360.0 w/A N/A Instantaneous values updated in 30 sec intervals.

07/09/91 1 10 meter Faited N/A i

  • i" w w .




orthern States Power Company Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant - Unit 1 (PI1) NRC-EROS Data point Library Oct 17,1991 Page 7 of 7



EkCS #1 Pri set twr 10M wind dir 8 $ $40.0 N/A N/A Instantaneous values todated in '.0 see intervals.

07/09/91 1 10 meter Tailed N/A 1U2907A STAB CLASS' 0F/100 Analog -9.0 N/A N/A Sensor location = metecelogical tower 10 & 60 meter height.

ERCS #1 Met twr avg delta tern A 'P Diff 9.0 N/A N/A This value represents the dif ference in tevrature in' degF/100f t.

10/16/91 2 10 & 60 M. Failed N/A i

1U2906A STAB CLASS DF/100 Analog -9.0 N/A N/A Se-sor location a meteortogical tower 10 & 60 meter height.  ;

ERCS #1 Met twr avg delta teep 8 P Diff 9,0 N/A N/A this value represents the dif ference in tevrature in degf/100Ft.

10/16/91 2 -10 & 60 M. Fa!!ed N/A L

1 9

h 1

i t

i i


--~ -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ .

l ;, s ,


a. a 4 -- m -'% a s Laa S A

.g I e 4




l 4

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant - Unit 2 (P!2) NRC-ERDS Data point Library oct 17,1971 Pace 1 ef 7 ,.

Worthern States Power Co m any ,

l Heading definitions used in this report are: Other notes:

I i i

= Point ID. l The data fields NI power stply cut oil and turn on levels are l l PID not provided beceuse the power supplies are not cut off. l l EU = Engineering units. l l

l l P/S = PROC or SENS. ( Processesd or sensor value ) l

= Ntrber of sensors. l Temerature comensation for DP transmitees is mentioned in the l l #SNSR l Antg/ Dig = Analog or digital point type. ] unicpe system description if applicable. Else the answer is no. l l

l Process = How processed. l CV-AVG = Chauvenet Validated Average of. l Level reference tag only applies to SG LEVEL 1/A & 2/8. l l t QV = Quality validation against constants. l See unique system description for these two points. l I l l l l Location

  • Sensor location. ERCS is the Emergensy Response Conputer System at the plant & l l l HI RANGE = Instrument highest range. l

= Instrument towest range. l Is the feeder for ett of the data used by ERDS. l l LO RANGE

= Zero refernece point. l l ZERO R.EF l

              • E RDS DPL


              • l j


.. ...____ .__.__.....__ ..... ......___........... .. ....... .....__ . ___ .______..............____. l

.. ...__.. ......... ... .....__..__......__....... I 1 SAS High CNTMT radiation I 16 2U50494 HL TEMP 1/A SAS hot teg 1 Te merature 31 2U5022A CNTMNT RAD l l 1 2U50484 NI POWER thG SAS avg pwr rng pwr tevel SAS hot leg 2 Temperature 32 2R0009A #CS LTDN RAD RC tetdown tfne radiation l l 2 2U5082A N1 INTER RNG Avg interwd rng power levet 17 2U5051A NL TEMP 2/8 18 2U5053A CL TEMP 1/A SAS cold leg 1 Tem eretve 33 2U5143A MAIN SL 1/A SAs main steamline A red'n l l 3 2U5081A NI SOURC RNG Avg srce rng pur level SAS main steamline 8 rad'n SAS cold leg 2 Tem erature 34 2U5144A MAIN SL 2/8 l l 4 2U5011A REAC VES LEV SAS avg reactor vesset levet 19 2U5055A CL TEMP 2/8 20 2U50014 RCS PRESSURE SAS avg RCS pressure 35 2U5026A SG BD RAD 1A SAS sta gen blowdown rad'n l l 5 2uS510A TEMP CORE EX SAS 1st hotest incore T/C SAS avg PRZR M20 tvt (KR) 36 2U5015A CNTMNT PSESS SAS avg contaiteent press l SAS RCS subcooling margin 21 2U5007A PRZR LEVEL l 6 2U5077A SU8 MARGIN Charge snp disch hde flow 37 2U5013A CNTMNT TEMP SAS avg corteirnent tem j RC avg flow 22 2F0128A rCS CNc/Mu l 7 2U5152A CORE FLOW SAS ave containment R2 etmc l Total safety injection flow 38 2U5021A M2 Couc l 8 2U5032A SG LEVEL 1/A SAS avg sta gen 1 H2O level 23 2U51544 NP $1 FLOW SAS avg RVST tevel Totat RHR flow 39 2U5068A BWST LEVEL l l 9 2U5034A SG LEVEL 2/8 SAS avg stm gan 2 H2O tevet 24 2UO651A LP St FLOW Met tur 10M avg wind spd A 25 235153A CTMNT SMP NR Su m 8 avg levet NR 40 1U4105A WIND SPEED l l102U5036A SG PRESS 1/A SAS avg stm gen 1 presure Met twr 10w avg wird spd 8 26 2U5017A CTMNT SMP WR SAS avg centnmmt stm tvt 41 1U4106A WIND SPEED l l112U5038A SG PRESS 2/8 SAS avg sta gen 2 presure met twr TOM wind dic A j Shid bid gas efftnt low rng 42 174109A WIND DIR l122U5040A MN FD FL 1/4 SAS avg stm gent feed flow 26 2U5061AL EFF CAS RAD Met twr 10M wind dir 8 Shld bid gas efftnt hi rng 43 1Y4110A WIND DIR l l13205042A MW FD FL 2/8 SAS avg stm gen 2 feed flow 28 2U5062AN EFF GAS RAD Met twr 504 avg dette teap A l Cire wtr disch rad writr 44 1U2907A STAB CLASS l142U50444 AX FD FL 1/A SAS avg sta gen 1 aux fd ft 29 1R0021A EFF LIQ RAD Met
wr SOM avg detta teap a l SAS air ejector radiation 45 1U2908A STAS CLASS l152U5045A AX FD FL 2/8 SAS avg sta ge4 aux fd ft 30 2U5024A COND A/E RAD 1

.e teorthern States Power Coppany Prairie Island Nuctest Generating Plant . tanit 2 (P!2) NRC-ERDS Data point Library Oct 17,1991 Pege 2 of 7 ,



2U504SA NI POWER RNG  %- Analog 0.0 N/A N/A This point reflects the CV-AVG of N41, N42, N43 & N44 powar rance reactor ER9S #2 SA3 avg pwr rng pwr level P CV-AVG 120.0 N/A N/A power level sensors.

07/02/91 Avg power range pwr level 4 Escore LOW N/A 2U5082A N! !NTER RNG MCAMO Analog 1.0E-5 N/A N/A This point reflects the CV-AVG of 358 & 368 neutron fit.x fr:termdiate range ERCS #2 Avg intermed rng power levet P CV-AVG 1.0E03 N/A N/A levet sensors.

10/16/91 Avg interwd range pwr level 2 Excore LOW N/A . Note: MCAMP EU = micro-anpe.

205081A N1 SOURC RNG CPS Analog 0.1 N/A N/A This point ref tects the CV-AVG of 31E & 32F neutrun flux source ran,e tevet.

ERCS #2 Avg srce rng pwr P CV-AVG 1.CE6 N/A N/A The power sumly ches not shut of f for these senscrs.

' 10/1& 91 Avg source range pwr level 2 Excore LOW N/A 2U5011A REAC VES LEV  % Analog 0.0 0.0 m/A This point reflects the CV-AVG of the reactor vessel level based on reactor ERCS #2 SAS avg reactor vessel level P CV-AVG 120.0 120.0 N/A cootant ptro operation. If RCPs are of f ther. wide range RVLIS sensors are 07/02/91 Avg reactor vesset level 4 Contremt Failed FRCp RVtIS used. Etee, dynamic bead RVLIS sensors are used. RVLIS is Westinghouse reactor vessei tevet indication system.

Note: 08 ten (; cc.Wilcn is provided in the RVLIS corputer which supplies this value to the EROS computer.

2U5510A TEMP CORE EX DegF Analog 12.0 N/A N/A This point reflects the CV-AVG hettest reactor inceee thermocoge.

ERCS #2 SAS 1st hotest incere T/C P CV AVG 2300.0 N/A N/A Note: T/C = thermoco wle.

07/02/91 36 Incore Failed N/A 2U5077A SUS MARGIN DegF Analog -200.0 N/A N/A This point reflects the result of a two tern linear e p tion using L*3 ERCS #2 SAS RCS subcooling margin P See note 1000.0 N/A N/A saturation tenperature ( Terp. saturated vapor as a function of presure 07/02/91 RCS stbcooling margin 3 Failed N/A beseo on the 1967 ASME steam tables ) and avg core exit teep ( CV-AVG of the incore thermoco @tes ).

2U5152A CORE FLOW  % Analog 0.0 N/A N/A This point reflects the CV-AVG of these 6 flow values:

ERCS #2 RC avg flow P CV-AVG 115.0 N/A N/A ( A-RC 411, PID=F0400A ), ( A-RC 412, PID=f0401A ), ( A-RC 413, PID=F0402A ),

07/17/91 6 Failed N/A ( a-RC 416, PID=F0420A ), ( 8-RC 415, PID=F0421A ), ( B-NC 416, P1D=F0422A 3 2U5032A SG LEVEL 1/A  % Analog 0.0 20.0 1%=1809a1.2STP *1= Sensor located 433* above the ttee sheet. NR sensors cover a span of 144" EXCS #2 SAS avg sta gen 1 N20 level P CV-AVG 100.0 67.0 Note *2 *2=Zero reference 23" atme ttbe bundte, 420= = top of tube bundte.

07/02/91 Avg sto sen 1 N20 level 3 Note *1 Failed Note *5 *3=This peint reflects CV-AVG ef loco A sta een levet ( ma461, mR462 & as463)

  • 4=levet reference teg=yes, water fitted with condenser pot.
  • 5=eP tem conpensation not used. See attachsert r1.


a-e Northern States Power Coepony Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant - Unit 2 (P12) NRC-ERDS Data point Library Oct 17,1991 Page 3 of 7 , .


, FEEDER ERCS POINT DESCRIPTION P/S , PAOCESS LO RANGE SET-PolNT ZERO REF DATE GENERIC /COND DESCRIPTION #5kSR. LOCATION FAIL MODE DP TEMP COMP Uniate system description 2U5034A SG LEVEL 2/8  % Analog 0.0 20.0 %=160get aSTP *1= Sensor tocated 433" above the ttee sheet. NR sensors cover a span of 144" ERCS C2 SAS avo sta sen 2 H2O tey P CV-AVG 100.0 67.0 Note *2 *2=2ero reference 23* above ttbe bindte, 420" = top of tsee tudte.

07/05/91 Avg sts een 2 M20 tevel 3 Acte *1 Failed Note *5 *3=This point reflects CV-AVG of toop 8 atm gen tevet ( Ma471, Nue72 4 as473)
  • 4=tevet referenca leg =yts, water fitted with condense pet.
  • 5=CP teep compensation not used. See attachment #1. ,

2U5036A SG PRESS 1/A PStG Analog 0.0 500.0 N/A CV-AVG of loop A sta sen pressure ( 468, 469, 482 ).

EROS #2 SAS avg sta gen 1 presure P CV-AVG 1400.0 1075.0 N/A 07/05/91 Avg sta gen 1 pressure 3 Failed N/A i

2U5038A SG PRESS 2/8 PSIG Anatog 0.0 500.0 N/A CV-AVG of locp a sta gen pressure ( 478, 479, 483 ).

ERCS #2 SAS avg stm een 2 presure P CV-AVG 1400.0 1075.0 N/A 07/05/91 Avg sts gen 2 pressure 3 Failed N/A 2U5040A MN FD FL 1/A Lb'He Analog 0.0 N/A N/A CV-AVG of toop A fw flow 466( mtr) & 467( mtr).

ERCS #2 SAS avg stm gent feed ficw P CV-AVG 4470000 N/A N/A *1=0P corp not used as per attechment 81.

07/05/91 Avg steam gen 1 feed flow 2 Failed Note *1 2U5042A MN F0 FL 2/8 lb/Wr Anstog 0.0 N/A N/A CV-avg of toop 8 fw flow 476tatr3 & 477(mtr).

' ERCS #2 SAS avg stm gen 2 feed flow P CV-AVG 4470000 N/A N/A *1=DP cocp not used as per attachment #1.

07/05/91 Avg stm gen 2 feed flow 2 Failed N/A 2U5044A AX FD FL 1/A CPM Analog 0.0 N/A N/A This point reflects the cpality validstion cf AFW flow to A steam generator ERCS C2 SAS avg stm gent aux fd ft P CV 200.0 N/A N/A against the SAS Constants of steam aux feed flow Lo EU & Ni EU. The 07/05/91 Stm gan 1 aux feed flow 1 Failed N/A constants are currently set at 0.0 ard 200.0.

  • 1=CP ccep not used as per attachment #1.

2U5045A AX FD FL 2/8 CPM Analog 0.0 N/A N/A This point restects the cuality validation of AFW flow to 8 steam tr3nerator ERCS #2 SAS avs stm gen 2 aux fd ft P QV 200.0 N/A N/A against the SAS constants of steam fun feed flew Lo EU & Mt EU. The 07/05/91 sta gen 2 aux feed flow 1 Failed N/A constants are currently set at 0.0 and 200.0.

  • 1=0P co m not usad as per attachment St.

2U5049A HL TEMP 1/A DegF Ar-*n 50.0 N/A N/A .es point reflects the quality validation of A-RC hot Lag temp 450A against ERCS C2 SAS hot leg 1 Twperature P QV 700.0 N/A N/A the SAS constants of hot leg tem to EU and NI EU. The constants are 07/05/91 Mot leg 1 tenperature 1 Faited N/A currently set at 50.0 and 700.0.


. _ . a

e-6 torthtrn States Power Company Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant - tjnit 2 (P!2) NPC-EC S Data point Library Oct 17,1991 . Pape 4 of 7 * -


FEEDER ERCS POINT DESCRIPTION P/S - PROCESS LO RANGE SET-POINT ZERO REF DATE CENERIC/COND DESCRIPTION #$NSR. LOCATION FAIL MCOE DP TEMP COMP Unig;e system d ecription 2U5051A HL TEMP 2/8 Desf Analog 50.0 N/A N/A This point reflects the quality validation of s-WC het leg teap 45?A against j ERCS #2 SAS hot leg 2 Tenperature P CV 700.0 N/A N/A the SAS constants of hot leg temp to EU and N1 EU. The constants are 07/05/91 Hot leg 2 tenperature 1 Failed N/A currently set at 50.0 and 700.0.

2U5053A CL TEMP 1/A DegF Analog 50.0 SFP 520 N/A This point reflects the a;atity validation of A-RC cold leg te m 450s against CRCS #2 SAS cold teg 1 Tenperature P QV 700.0 GFP 555 N/A the SAS constants of cold leg temp Lo EU and Mi EU. The constants are 07/05/91 Cold teg 1 tenperature 1 Failed m/A currently set at 50.0 and 700.0.

Note: Alarm setpoints are et futt power. In other modes, setpcints are calcu-lated based on system pressure.

2U5055A CL TEwP 2/8 DegF Anatog 50.0 GFP 520 N/A This point reflects the quality validation of 8-RC cold teg te m 4518 against ERCS #2 SAS cold leg 2 Teeperature- P cv 700.0 GFP 555 m/A the SAS constants of cold teg temo Lo EU and MI EU. The constants are 07/05/91 Cold teg 2 temperature 1 Failed 4/A currently set at 50.0 and 700.0.

t Note: Alam setpoints are at futt power. In other modes, setpoints are calcu-lated based on system pressure.

2U50014 RCS FRESSURE PSIG Analog 0.0 SFP 1900 N/A CV-avg of the 4 narrow range pressure sensors. If the validated quality of ERCS #2 SAS avg RCS pressure P CV-AVG 3000.0 EFP 2385 m/A the sensors is bad, then use CV-avg of 2 wide range pressure sensors.

07/06/91 Avg RCS pressure 6 m/A note: At other than futt power ande, SAS calculates Mi ard to stare limits.

t 2U5007A *RZR LEVEL 1 Analog 0.0 14.8 527 get arro this point represents the CV-AVG of PRZR 426, 427 & 428 tevet sensors.  !

EROS #2 SAS evg PR2R H2O tvt (st!) P CV-avg 100.0 90.0 65 sai/% *1=0P camp not used as per attachment #1.

07/06/91 Avg pressurizer M20 level 3 Failed Note *1 i

2F0128A RCS ChG/MU Gpm - Analog 0.0 N/A N/A Sensor located 20 feet above discharge piro.

ERCS #2 Charge pro disch hde flow 5 100.0 N/A t/A 07/06/91 1 note Low N/A i

2U5154A HP St FLOW Gpm Analog 0.0 houE N/A Sus of P!J->(2F0922A SI flew to cold legs) & (2F0923A $1 flow to ra vst)

ERCS #2 Total safety injection flow P 1500.0 N0kE N/A 10/09/91 2 m/A 200651A LP $1 FLOW Gcza Analog -1.0 1250.0 w/A Sun of PID->(2F0626a tar tocp flow) & (2F0928A RMR flow to vet)  ;

ERCS #2 Total RMR flow P 9000.0 2500.0 N/A 10/09/91 2 N/A t


e-4 e

NRC-ERDS Data point Library Oct 17,1991 Page 5 of 7 ,, -

t:orihern States Power Company Prairie Island Muclear Generating Plant - (Jnit 2 (Pf 2)


tv-avg 100.0 N/A N/A ( narrow range ) tevets.

ERCS c2 Swp 8 avg tevel NR P 2 Felted N/A 07/17/91 0.0 N/A ihis point reflects the CV-avg of contairvamt levets 727 WR & 728 WR. j 2U5017A CTMNT S:4o WR ( wide range ) Ft. Analog 0.0


ERCS #2 SAS eve contrnent stry tvt P CV-avg 120.0 0.5 N/A Failed N/A 07/06/91 Avg contairunent swp level 2 MCI /HR Analog 5.3E-3 N/A This point is the shield btdo stack ef fluent radiation in miti-curries /br 2U5061AL EFF GAS RAD N/A senon 133 equivalent. Corputed using ( 2R0022A mr/hr

  • 5.26E-04 ) / 2F54294.

ERCS #2 stack efft radn tow rng P 526 N/A 2F5429n is stack flow rate in CFM. 2R0022A is tow range red monitor.

10/10/91 2 MCf/HR Analog 5.3E-5 N/A This point is the shield blog stack efftuant radiation in siti-curries /hr 2U5061AH EFF GAS RAD penon 133 equivalent. Conputed using ( 2R0050A er/wr

  • 52. tit 4 ) / 2F5429A.

$260 N/A ERCS #2 stack ef f t rac21 high rng P N/A 2F5429A is stack flow rate in CFM. 2R0050A is hi range red armitor.

10/10/91 2 CTM Analog 10.0 N/A N/A 1R0021A EFF Lic RAD 5 1000000 1000.0 N/A ERCS #2 Circ wtr disch r 1

N/A 10/10/91 CPM Analog 1 .0 10.0 N/A This point refelets the quotity validation of CDSR air ejector gas 2U5024A CDkD A/E RAD N/A radioactivity against the SAS constants of air ejectar radiation +1ch are ERCS C2 SAS air ejector radiation P CV T.DE6 5000.0 Failed N/A currently set at 10 and *,000,000.

07/06/91 Air ejector radiation 1 igh range R/:tr Analog 1.0 1.0 N/A This point reflects the CV-avg of high range CNTMT area monitor #

2U5022A CNTMNT RAD N/A CNTMT area monitor A or high range CNTMT area monitor 8.

ERCS #2 SA$ High CL MT radiation P CV-avg 1.0 E08 2.0 E4 Failed N/A 07/06/91 Migh contairunent radiation 2 MR/Hr Analog 0.1 N/A N/A 2R0009A RCS LTDN RAD S 10000.0 1000.0 N/A ERCS #2 RC tetdown line radiation 1 Failed w/A 07/06/91 MR/Nr Analog 1.0 N/A N/A This point refelets the quality validation of A sta line red levet against 2U5143A MAIN SL 1/A P ov 1.0 E5 N/A N/A the SAS constants of main steerdine radiation to Eu & Ni Eu whic3 are set at ERCS #2 SAS main steamline A rad'n 1 Failed N/A 1 & 100000.

07/06/91 Main steamline A radiation

, s

.9 Northern States Power Cmpany Prairie Island bucteer Generating Plant - ta st 2 (PI2) mC-EaDS Dete point Litarery oct 17,1991 ea ge 6 of 7 , .



.. ... ... ----- - ---- ... ..... ........ ... .... ......... .. _ .... .. ~ .. . - --- -- .- - .... . .,. .. . ~ ..

Mt/ur Analog , 1.0 W/A 5/A This point refelets the quelf ty votidstlen of S sta line rad Mwet against l2U5144A entu St 2/3 '

1 .ECCS C2 SAS mein stesettne 3 red *n P Of 1.0 E5 m/A m/A the SAS constants of mein steset tne radiation to EU & si EU ediicn are +et et 07/06/91 mein steentine 8 radiation 1 feited m/A 1 8 100000.  !


2U5026A 'Ss to RAC 1A r791 Analog 1'1.0 10.0 e/A This point refelets the gustity votidetion v8 A stese gen tdomeoon rediatica

}' ' ERCS $2 SAS sta gen blowmane ern P QV 1.0 E6 1.0 E4 s/A ageiNt the SAS constants of etese gen tdondoesn radietlen Le EU 8 Mt Eu eAlci j 07/06/91 Ste pen blcudown recPetion 1 Fei1ed s/A are currentty set at TC 4 1,000,000.


} 2U50154 Cutiest FRESS PSIG Anatog -5.0 -5.0 m/A This poMt reflects the tv-Avc ef comairwomt pressure w 717 & 718 senso s, i

j> ERCS C2 SAS evg containment press P CV-avg 200.0 4.0 m/A l 07/06/M Avg conteirament pressure 2 Felled N/A t

i 2U50134 Cuimut TEMP DegF Ansteg. 0.0 w/A s/A *1 nigh storm is to DesF greeter then miting 5 ein evs of containsumt tesap.

a ECCS C2 SAS evg corf.dronent tesqp p asov AVG 400,0 vote *1 m/A This point reflects the CV-AwG ef containsumt air tg elevation 697 ene 738 l 07/06/91 Avg conteiramet tesup 3 Faited m/A and 755 sensors.

l,,2u50214 m2 CD=C ( toncentration )  % Analog 0.0 N/A N/A This poffff re8tects the CV-avg of contelW M2 conce!ntration sensces 719 &

j ECCS #2 SAS evg containeer t M2 conc

  • CV-AVG '0.0

. w/A u/A 721.

f 07/06/91 Avg conteirment M2 corentrn 2 Failed ' t/A J 2U5068A SWST LEVEL t Analog 0.0 N/A 4/A this noiet rgf tects t>e CV-AWG cf ECT ( refuellf4 unter storage 18"* ) iWet l EECS C2 SAS evg eWST tevel P CV-avg inrJ.0 m/A s/A sensors 920 eruf 921.

l- 07/06/91 Avg RWST tevel 2 Felied W/A i

i-i 1U41054 WI @ SPEED 88PM Analog 0.0 m/A m/A Sensor location e seteorlogical tower A to smter helet.

ERCS C2 8 set tur 10M avg wird spd A P none 100.0 N/A m/4 T5 wir w e moving everage of 30see reedings.

j 10/16/91 1 10seter Failed. h/A I.

j 1041064 WI@ SPEED *aF# Analog 0.0 N/A s/A Se%er location = meteerteatest tower 810 smeter height.

E2CS C2 e t twr 10m eve wind spd 5 se P none 100.0 E/A m/s 15 minute movieg e m oge of 33sec readings.

10/16/91 1 13 meter Feited m/A f 1741094 Wi@ DIR Deg Anetog C.0 m/A n/A Sensor tocetion = meteerteveel toiser 4 to meter height, i

4 ECCS C2 Pri act twr 104 wind air A S 360.' m/A W/A instone us vetues terseted 29 30 see lettersets.

07/09/91 1 10 meter feited W/A I


, . ~ , . . . e -,. - ,, ., - e_- ~ , . . < - . , .. -n., , , - .~n._, . . _ , , . , . . . ..n_. _ _ _- . - - .____ _


( i


mortfwn States Power Conpany Pr.tirie 1 stand mueteer Generating Plant - Unit 2 (P12) u*C-ERDS Dats point Library Oct 17,1991 Page 7 of 7 ,

  • mi/Lo PID WRC ERDS PARAMETER EtP AwLG/CIG WI pas 0E ALR*/ TRIP CouvERSIOu FE! DER EROS PCIET DESCRIPT:04 P/1 PROCESS LO SAh4 SET-PCluf ZERO REF D.2TE GENEa!C/Cr>9 C(SCRIPTION WSuSR LOCATION F AIL mCEE CP TE M COMP tefoue systese description 1TA110A w!ND DIR Deg Analog 0.0 m/A N/A Sersor tocation = seteMogical towee A to meter bef et.

ECCS C2 Pri met twc 10M wind dir 8 5 540.0 m/A N/A Instantaneous values isadeted in 30 see intervets.

07/09/91 1 10 aeter Failed a/A 1

1U2907A STA8 CLASS DF/*00 Analtg -9.0 VA m/A Semer tocation = seteertogical tower 10 & 60 meter beight.

EOCS C2 met twr avg dett9 tem A P Diff 9.0 4/4 m/A This volve represeM s t w diffe m in te m eesture in ceg*/100Ft.

10/16/91 2 10 & M m. Failed t/A 4

1U2908A STAB CLASS OF/100 Ansics -9.0 m/A wiA Sersor tocation = meteertocicat <cuer to & 60 meter beitrit.

EECS A2 met twr avg *tta tem 8 P Diff V.O w/A m/A Tais vetue re: resee.ts the difference in t e at re in opg*/10CFt.

10/16/91 2 10 & 60 m . Failed E/A i

I 4


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