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Testimony of Aw Koca Re General Nature of Hatfield Inspector Training & Certification Program.Certification of J Hughes Described
Person / Time
Site: Byron  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/03/1983
From: Koca A
Shared Package
ML20080B300 List:
Download: ML20080B309 (84)



.,                                                   Date: August 3, 1983 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA r'              \

g ggg ,', NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION M Rc i 4: AUG BEFORE THE ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD 4 1983 > 7 Uht dthe ke j t & Ser. In The Matter of )


Cv s



                                           )               50-455 OL

(Byron Nuclear Power Station, ) Units 1 & 2) )


OF DIRECT TESTIMONY OF ALLEN W. KOCA I. Allen W. Koca is the Quality Assurance Supervisor for Hatfield Electric Company. At the time that John Hughes was trained by Hatfield Mr. Koca was Hatfield's Quality Control Supervisor and in that capacity was Mr. Hughes' supervisor. II. Mr. Koca describes the general nature of the Hatfield inspector training and certification program at the time that Mr. Hughes was trained. III. Mr. Koca describes the certification of Mr. Hughes. IV. Mr. Koca describes the procedures followed with regard to the testing of inspector trainees. V. Mr. Koca testifies that he does not recall whether Mr. Hughes failed any of the tests he was given, and there-fore he has no knowledge concerning whether Mr. Hughes had the correct answers from the failed test available to him when he was retested. Such an occurence would be contrary to Hatfield procedures, and Mr. Koca has no knowledge of such a situation ever occurring. 8308050407 830803 PDR ADOCK 05000454 T PDR

V DIRECT TESTIMONY OF ALLEN W. KOCA Q.l. Please state your name. A.l. Allen W. Koca. Q.2. By whom are you employed? A.2. I am employed by Hatfield Electric Company. Q.3. What is the scope of your testimony? A. 3. My testimony discusses the training and certification of John Hughes. Q.4. What is your present position with Hatfield? A.4. I am the Quality Assurance Supervisor at Hatfield. 0.5. How long have you held your present position? A.S. Since November, 1982. 0.6. What positions did you hold before you became the Quality Assurance Supervisor?

IP' l A.6. Immediately before becoming the QA supervisor, I was Hatfield's Quality Control Supervisor. Prior to that, and at the time I was hired by Hatfield, I was an assistant QA manager. Before coming to work for Hatfield I worked for Baldwin Associates at the Clinton Nuclear Power Station as a quality control engineer for approximately four years. Q.7. What are your present responsibilities? A.7. As the Quality Assurance Supervisor I supervise the Hatfield audit and surveillance activities. I am also responsible for the development of quality assurance procedures. My responsibilities also include the training and development of certificttian documents for personnel, and the evaluation of personnel for the levels of inspection qualification. Q.8. What were your responsibilities as the Quality Control Supervisor? A.8. I was responsible for the inspection activities of Hatfield, which included the training and certification of inspection personnel. My responsibilities included the development and administration of the tests taken by inspection personnel.

2 Q.9. Do you know John Hughes? A.9. Yes. Mr. Hughes was employed by Hatfield for a period of about three months commencing in October, 1982. Q.10. What was your relation to Mr. Hughes at the time he was employed by Hatfield? A.10. During the time that Mr. Hughes was being trained, in October, 1982, I supervised Mr. Hughes in my capacity as QC supervisor. Q.11. At the time that Mr. Hughes was trained at Hatfield, what was the basis of the Hatfield certification and training program? A.ll. Hatfield's training program was required to meet standards established by Commonwealth Edison Company. These standards were based in a general fashion on 10 C.F.R. 50, Appendix B, Section 2, and more specifically on ANSI Standard N45.2.6-1978. Using these sources as a guide Edison established specific standards for certification of all contractor QA/QC personnel, standards which encompassed requirements such as amounts of on-the-job training and minimum acceptable education and experience levels. In addition to these

.b standards, certification requirements specific to Hatfield inspectors were delineated in Hatfield Electric Company Procedure 17, " Qualification and Training of Inspection and Audit Personnel." A copy of this procedure is appended to my testimony as Koca Exhibit A. Q.12. At the time that Mr. Hughes was trained at Hatfield, what certification requirements were applied to quality control personnel? A.12. In general terms, each inspector was required to possess a certain amount of education and pertinent experience depending on the nature of the work he or she was to perform. In addition, each individual received classroom training and on-the-job training, and was tested to ensure that he or she had learned the tasks to be performed. Q.13. Please describe the certification process for Mr. Hughes at Hatfield. A.13. When Mr. Hughes arrived at the site for training we were required to ensure that he had the educational and experiential requirements to become a Level II inspector, which is the position for which he was hired. Specifically, Mr. Hughes was to be trained to be a cable pan and cable pan hanger inspector.

I We received a certification of employment from Mr. Hughes' previous employer, Nuclear Energy Service. In addition, we contacted Mr. Hughes' previous employer by telephone to confirm that in fact Mr. Hughes was employed there. A copy of the employer's certification is appended to my testimony as Koca Exhibit B, and an internal Hatfield memorandum discussing the call to Mr. Hughes' former employer is appended as Koca Exhibit C. These materials constituted the evidence we were required to have to demonstrate that Mr. Hughes possessed the required work experience to become a Level II inspector. With regard to education, Mr. Hughes was required to have a high school diploma or an equivalency certification. Mr. Hughes obtained a GED certification prior to his being certified as an inspector at Hatfield. The GED document is appended to my testimony as Koca Exhibit D. It shows that Mr. Hughes received this certification on October 29, 1982. Based on Mr. Hughes' educational and work background we developed a training program for him. This program is set forth in Hatfield QA/OC Memorandum #343, a copy of which is appended to my testimony as Koca Exhibit E. This memorandum established the classroom training, on-the-job

) training and testing that Mr. Hughes was to receive in order for him to be certified. Q.14. Did Mr. Hughes receive the training delineated on Koca Exhibit E? A.14. Yes, he did. With regard to the classroom training, Mr. Hughes received instruction in 10 C.F.R. 50, Hatfield procedures and the Hatfield QA Manual, and in Hatfield procedures 9A, 9B and 9E. Doc-umentation of this classroom training is appended to my testimony as Koca Exhibit F. Mr. Hughes also received the required amount of on-the-job training. As shown on the document appended to my testimony as Koca Exhibit G, Mr. Hughes received 64 hours of on-the-job training in Hatfield Procedure 9A. This training consisted of accompanying a certified Level II inspector in the field on inspections of cable pan hangers. Although as a Level II inspector Mr. Hughes would evaluate data gathered in the field by Level I inspectors, his on-the-job training was designed to get him into the field to become familiar with the gathering of the data he would be responsible for evaluating. Originally, Mr. Hughes was to be qualified as a Level II inspector for procedures 9A, 9B and 9E. Since each procedure required a minimum of 40 hours

J of on-the-job training, Mr. Hughes was to have a minimum of 120 hours of such training. Ultimately, Mr. Hughes was certified only to Procedure 9A, Cable Pan Hanger Installation, and his 64 hours of on-the-job training in this procedure satisfied requirements. Mr. Hughes was tested as required by his training memorandum. He took six tests: the general quality assurance program examination, a general Level II inspector's test, a series of three tests on various Hatfield procedures, and the test for procedures 9A, 9B and 9E. These tests are appended to my testimony as Koca Exhibits H-M. Q.15. Was Mr. Hughes required to pass each of these tests before he could be certified to perform the inspections he was to perform for Hatfield? A.15. Yes. I am aware that in his testimony Mr. Hughes stated that he believed that he was certified as a Level II inspector within about two weeks of beginning at Hatfield. Mr. Hughes' belief may be based on the fact that he took and passed the General Level II Inspector test on October 18, 1982. This test, however, did not permit Mr. Hughes to perform the inspections which he was


hired to perform. It was not until October 28, 1982, that Mr. Hughes took and passed the test for procedures 9A, 9B and 9E. Q.16. Was'Mr. Hughes ultimately certified to perform inspections to Hatfield Procedure 9A, Cable Pan Hanger Installation? A.16. Yes. At the conclusion of Mr. Hughes' training Scott Wagner, who was the lead Level II inspector at that time and who directly supervised the training of Mr. Hughes, prepared a memorandum which summarized Mr. Hughes' training. A copy of this memorandum is appended to my testimony as Koca Exhibit N. Mr. Wagner noted in the memorandum that Mr. Hughes was not yet qualified to perform inspections to Hatfield procedures 9B and 9E, because Mr. Hughes did not yet possess the required amount of on-the-job training in those procedures. Based on Mr. Wagner's memorandum, Mr. Hughes was certified by Hatfield to perform cable pan hanger inspections. The Certificate of Qualification, dated November 1, 1982, is appended to my testimony as Koca Exhibit O. Q.17. Did Mr. Hughes perform any inspections before he was certified?

A.17. Other than those in which he participated through his on-the-job training, no. Q.18. Where did you obtain the documents that you have appended to your testimony as exhibits? A.18. Each of these documents is located in John Hughes' personnel file at Hatfield's Byron office. Q.19. Are you familiar with Mr. Hughes' allegations concerning his retaking of a test that he failed? A.19. Yes, I am aware of his allegations. I have no recollection of whether Mr. Hughes did, in fact, fail any of the tests he was given. Q.20. Please describe how you administered tests to Hatfield inspector trainees at the time that Mr. Hughes was employed by Hatfield. A.20. Each test would be distributed in one of two ways. First, if the Level II inspector responsible for training an individual believed that the individual was ready for a test, I would make a xerox of my master copy and give the test to the Level II for administering to the trainee. If the Level II inspector were not available, for whatever reason, i


and I determined that a trainee was at the stage where a test was appropriate, I would make a xerox of the master and administer the test myself. Tests were administered in the following fashions: If a large group of trainees were being tested at one time, they would be tested together in one large room. If only one trainee were being tested, he or she would take the test sitting at his or her desk or otherwise within eyesight of the person administering the test. 1 0.21. Were the tests closed book? A.21. Yes. Some of the tests, however, included sections in which the trainee was asked to examine drawings or other documents in order to determine the answers, and we called these parts of tests "open book." The test Mr. Hughes took for procedures 9A, 9B and 9E included such an "open book" part.

              "Open book" as we used the term did not mean that the trainees could look up the answers.

Q.22. What procedures were followed when a trainee failed a test? A.22. When an inspector trainee would fail a test I would review the incorrect answers with him or

1 her, informing the trainee of the proper answers. The trainee was then permitted to review the" test on his or her own, after which the test was returned to me. The trainee would then conduct whatever review of the subject matter was necessary to remedy the deficiencies identified by the initial test. Such a review might involve independent study, or discussion with a qualified inspector. After the review, the trainee would be retested. Q.23. How much time customarily would elapse between the taking of the initial and the subsequent tests? A.23. My preference was that at least one day elapse before the retesting. There were occasions when both tests would be taken on the same day. Usually this would occur if the first test was taken early in the day, and the retest then occurred toward the end of the day, often on overtime. Q.24. At the time that Mr. Hughes was trained at Hatfield, what policy did you follow with regard to retaining failed tests? A.24. At that time I retained failed tests only until the test was passed. When the test was passed I

1 O would rip up the failed test and throw it away. Trainees were not allowed to keep the failed tests. Q.25. When a trainee was retested, was the test identical to the one that he or she had failed. A.25. At the time that Mr. Hughes was trained, yes.

Q.26. Has this procedure subsequently been changed?

A.26. Yes. Earlier this year Hatfield's testing procedures were significantly modified. If an inspector trainee fails a test now, he or she must wait a minimum of two days before being retested. In addition, the second test is different from the first test. To a large degree, the second test has different questions than does the first test, and those questions that are the same on both tests are in different locations on the two tests. Our policy also has changed with regard to the retention of failed tests. Mr. Forney, the NRC senior resident inspector, suggested that we retain all tests, and we adopted his suggestion. Q.27. Are you familiar with Mr. Hughes' allegation that the corrected answers to the test he allegedly failed were available to him when he was retested?

( W A.27. Yes, I am. If Mr. Hughes did fail the test it should have been collected from him before he was retested. Since not recall that Mr. Hughes failed a test, I also have no recollection that Mr. Hughes' test was not so collected, and I have no knowledge that he had the corrected answers available to him when he was retested. Q.28. Did other trainees have the' corrected answers to tests that they had failed available to them when they were retested? A.28. Certainly this would have been contrary to our procedures, and I have no knowledge to indicate that any such situation ever occurred. O.29. Have you examined the test that Mr. Hughes allegedly failed? A.29. Yes. The test is for Hatfield procedures #1, #4, #7, and 29. I examined the sheet of correct answers which was attached to the copy of the failed test that I saw, and this sheet is not in my hand-writing nor did I ever see it before. In addition, the test itself does not have my signature or initials on it, although it was my procedure to sign off on all tests that I graded, whether the test was passing or not.

                   '                                                ~~
                                                                                          ~~ Proc 6 dure d17 -'

C' .  !;evision #5

 , ,.                                                                                        Dzte      7 9-82 I

4 hrracmur JIL HATFIELD ELECTRIC COMPANY Byron Units 1 & 2 FROCEDURE #17 QUALIFICATION AND TRAININC OF INSFECTION AND AUDIT PERSONNEL o e Ap roved by: M#A ' ate: Edtfield Electric Company Project Manage,r Approv d-Wy h #- Date: 7' O $

                                       /     HatfieldjElectric Company uality[ Assurance Manager IMPLEMENTATION DATE                A1le  on.,__

k QOc ECM ERA //B/7 8


 ,                                                                                        Procedurre #17         .

R: vision #5 De.e 7-9-82 , BATFIELD ELECTRIC COMPANT Units 1 & 2 TYaining and Qualification of Inspection and Audit Personnel 1.0 PURPOSE 11 The purpose of this procedure is to provide a plan for staffing the QA/QC Departr.ent and for training and certification of quality , control and quality assurance personnel. 2.0 SCOPE 2.1 This procedure applies to personnel who perform inspection, exami-nations and audits of safety related activities. 2.2 This procedure supersedes and replaces Procedure #17 Rev. 3. 2.3 According to the project specifications, Hatfield Electric Company will not perform electrical tests of equ(pment; therefore, inspector capabilities and qualifications for testing are not included in the document. l 3.0 DEFINITIONS 3.0.1 Examination - an element of inspection consisting of investigation of material, croponents, supplies or services to determine conformance to those specified requirements which can be determined by such investi-gation. Examination is usually nondestructive and include simple physical manipulation, gauging and measurement. (ANSI N45.2.10) 3.0.2 , Inspection - a phase of quality control which by means of examination, observation or measurement determines the conformance of materials, supplies, components, parts, appurtenances, systems, processes or structures to predetermined quality requirements. (ANSI N45.2.10) i 3.0.3 Evaluation - the process of determining the effect an appurtenance or item might have on a system or in a function. 3.1 References 3.1.1 Batfield Electric Quality Assurance Manual Section II 3.1.2 ANSI N45.2.6-1978 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 The QA/QC Manager is responsible for implementing this procedure. (, Page 1 ofS

       .F       ...                                                                                       Precedure #17              i Revisicn #5                 !

Date 7-9-82 4.0 Responsibilities - continued

 .{ A.
                        . The company president or the QA/QC Manager is responsible for the certification of personnel subordinate to this procedure.

4.3 It is the responsibility of QA/QC personnel to perform only those inspections and examinations for which they are certified. 5.0 METHODS 5.1 The QA/QC Manager shall anticipate the personnel requirements as i deemed necessary by the project schedule and shall provide sufficient staff to meet these requirements. The QA/QC staff shall be depicted on an organization chart which identifies areas of responsibility (QA Manual, Section I) 5.2 The QA/QC personnel shall be physically capable of performing their duties and these capabilities shall be reviewed annually. 3.2.1 Deleted 5.2.2 QA/QC personnel shall pass the Ishihara test for color blindness (or equivalent). 5.2.3 QA/QC personnel shall pass the J-1 Jaueger test (or equivalent) for visual acuity. Corrective lenses may be used. 5.3 The QA/QC Manager shall develop an evaluation, indoctrination and 1 training program which will ensure that personnel on the staff meet the requirements of this procedure.

             -              5.3.1       The evaluation will be performed prior to employment and will be documented on Form HP-171. The evaluator shall verify
                                      ,via telephone or prior employment certification, the educational and experience factors used. He shall also indicate the basis for any exceptions to recommended practices and shall obtain CECO Project Construction Department concurrance prior to certi-fication of the individual.
to Related inspector experience may include time spent as a craftsman installing similar material or equip-ment which was subject to programmatic quality control inspections. Related inspection experience may also include time spent as an inspector using sufficiently detailed i inspection criteria as to be comparable with the ! criteria in the area of certification. (L Page 2 of 8 l l i l l

  #      -'                                                                     Prcesdure f17

Ravisien f5 Date 7-9-82 .g 5 3 . Methods.- continued 5.3.2 The indoctrination will be performed in accordance with QA/QC

                       .Rersonnel Indoctrination Checklist, Form HP-172. This form shall be used to document the dates various indoctrination items are completed. A Level II inspector or higher shall verify the com-pletion of items by signing in the space provided for the items.

5.3.3 The training outline will be prepared for each QA/QC employee entering the Hatfield QA/QC Program. This outline shall be approved by a Lavel III and shall consist of the following: Formal training classes, including outline, question / answer period and sample form completion. Specific OJT requirements including minimum duration of training period skill level to be achieved. Required " closed book" training quiz or test with minimum 80% acceptable performance level specified. Documentation of completion of training will be included in the personnel file and will be referenced on outline. g Form HP-173, Inspection Training Checklist, HP-174 Audit Training Checklist and HP-175 Lead Auditor Training Checklist, are sample training checklists which will serve as a guide in preparing training outlines. 5.3.4 " Quality control and Quality Assurance personnel shall be certified in accordance with ANSI N45.2.6-1978. These certifications shall be as follows: Quality control

a. Level I Inspector
b. Level II Inspector
c. Level III Inspector Quality Assurance
a. Auditor
b. Lead Auditor

(, 5.4 Level I Qualification Requirements and Capabilities 5.4.1 level I Qualification Requirements Page 3 of 8


      .-.      .                                                                            Procedure #17 Ravisica $5 Date       '7-9-82

( 5.4 level I Inspector Qualification Requirements and Capabilities - continued 5.4.1 Level I Requirements - continued

                                            ... 2.  ..
                             " 5 . 4. '1.'1' " ' Two years of related experience in equivalent inspection activities, or;          High school graduation and six months of related experience in equivalent inspection activities, or;          Completion of college level work leading to an Associates degree in a related discipline, plus three months of related experience in equivalent inspection activities. It is recognized that other factors may provide the same assurance of an inspectors capabilities. If factors other than those listed in Para. thru are used they shall be documented. 5.4.2 Level I Inspector capabilities The inspector shall be capable of recording inspection data and performing routine inspection in accordance with documented procedures and/or common industry practices. ( The inspector shall be familiar with and, proficient in the use of the tools and equipment used in the inspection effort. The inspector shall be capable of determining that the condition and calibration status of his tools are accep-table and current. e The inspector shall be capable of determining that procedures applicable to his work are current and approved. 5 . {, Level II Inspector Qualification Requirements and Capabilities l 5.5.1 Level II Inspector Qualification Requirements One year of satisfactory performance as level I inspector in the corresponding inspection category or class, or; High school graduation plus three years of related ex-perience in equivalent inspection activities, or; Completion of college level votk leading to an Associates degree in a related discipline plus one year related ex-perience in equivalent inspection activities, or; (, Completion of college level work leading to a Bachelor's degree plus six months of related experience in equivalent inspection activities. Page 4 of 8

1 1' ,- Procedure #17 I

  • 1 Ravinien db  ;

l Date 7 9 82 k 5.0 Methods - continued 5*5 - continued 5 . 5 .' 2 Level II Inspector Capabilities The inspector shall have the capabilities of a Level I inspector for the areas of inspection. The inspector shall have demonstrated capabilities in planning inspection. The inspector shall have demonstrated capabilities in supervising or maintaining surveillances over inspection activities, Level I inspectors, and inspectors-in-training. The inspector shall have demonstrated capabilities in reinspection results and in evaluating the validity and acceptability of inspection results. 5.6 Level III Inspector Qualification Requirements and Capabilities 5.6.1 Level III Inspector Qualification Requirements l six years of satisfactory performance as a Level II inspector in the corresponding inspection category or class, or; High school graduation plus 10 years of related ex-perience in equivalent inspection activities; or high e school graduation plus 8 years experience in equiv-alent inspection activities, with at least 2 years of this experience associated with nuclear facili-ties (or, if not, at least sufficient training to be acquainted with the relevant quality assurance g aspects of a nuclear facility), or; ! Completion of college level work leading to an Associate's degree plus seven years of related ex-perience in equivalent innpection activities, with at least two years of this experience associated with nuclear facilities (or, if not, at least suff-icient training to be acquainted with the relevant quality assurance aspects of a nuclear facility), or; Completion of college level work leading to a Bache-lor's degree plus five years of related experience in equivalent inspection activities, with at least two years of this experience associated with nuclear (. facilities, (or, if not, at least suf ficient training to be acquainted with the relevant quality assurance aspects of a nuclear facility). Page 5 of 8


  • Procedure fl7 Ravioien f5 Date 7-9-82  ;

l5.0 Methods - continued 5.6 - continued 5.6.2 Level III Inspector Capabilities The inspector will have all the capabilities of a Level II inspector. The inspector will be capable of evaluating the adequacy of programs used to train and test the inspection personnel. The inspector will be capable of evaluating the qualification of both lower level and the same level inspector. 9 5.7 Quality Assurance Personnel 5.7.1 Auditors An auditor may be any individual who performs any portion of an audit, including Lead Auditor, and other personnel such as r.anagement representatives who may be required to assist in an audit. ( Prior to functioning as an auditor, the individual will receive the training outlined in Form HP-174.

         -                  In addition, auditors will receive on-the-job training, guidance and counseling from .a certified
                          ,                  lead auditor. This guidance from the Lead Auditor, during the performance of an audit, will include such things as planning, performing, reporting and follow-up actions involved in conducting audits.

5.7.2 g Lead Auditors A Lead Auditor will be an individual who is capable of organizing and directing an audit, reporting audit findings and evaluating corrective actions. A prospective Lead Auditor will receive the training outlined on Form RP-174 prior to performing audits. Additionally, the prospective Lead Auditor will rea ceive the training outlined en Form HP-175 prior i to certification as a Lead Auditor. In order to qualify as a Lead Auditor, an individual ( must be able to score a minimum of 10 credits j under the following system: Page 6 of 8

Y , Procedure #17 R3vioica # 5 Date 7-9-82 - continued

                -A.       _ Education (4 credits maximum) Associate's Degree from an accredited      )

institution score one (1) credit; or if the degree is in engineering, I physical sciences, mathematics, or quality assurance, score two (2) l credits, or; l 3 Bachelor's Degree from an accredited institution score two (2) credits; ) or if the degree is in engineering, physical sciences, mathematics, or quality assurance, score three (3) credits. In addition, score one (1) credit for a Master's Degree in engineering, physical sciences, business management, or quality assurance from an accredited institution. B. Experience (9 points eaximum). Technical experience in engineering, manufacturing, construction, operation or maintenance, score one (1) for each full year with a maximum of of five (5) credits for this aspect of experience. If two (2) or more years of this experience have been in the nuclear field, score one (1) additional credit, or;

            ,             If two (2) or more years of this experience have been in quality assurance, score two (2) additional credits, or;

( If two (2) or more years of this experience have been in the nuclear quality assurance, score three (3) additional credits, or; If two (2) or more years of this experience have been in nuclear quality assurance auditing, score four (4) additional credits. C. Rights of Management (2 ooints maximum). The company president or e his designee, or the QA Manager, may grant up to two (2) credits for other performance factors applicable to auditing which may not be j explicitly spelled out in this procedure. These factors may be such l items as leadership, sound judgement, maturity, analytical ability, tenacity, past grformance and QA training. l he candidate for lead Auditor must be able to demonstrate to the president, or his designee, or the QA Manager, the capability to consnunicate effectively both orally and on paper. l The candidate for Lead Auditor must participate in a minimum of five (5)' i quality assurance audits within a period of tice not to exceed three (3) years, prior to qualification, with one (1) nuclear audit with one (1) year prior to qualification. he candidate shall also pass 807. out of 100". on examination which will be developed by the president, his designee or the QA Manager, ne examination thereof, the type (s), content and results will be recorded and placed into the individual's qualification file. { l l Page 7 of 8 l t

  • Proccoure 117 Revision #5 Date 7-9 82

( 5.0 Methods - continued 5.8 Certification 5.8.1 The president of the company or the QA/QC Manager shall certify personnel to the various inspection or audit icvels described in Paragraph 5.3.4. Each certification shall be in specific areas or procedures. The basis for certifiestion should be in accordance with Paragraph 5.4.1, 5.5.1 and 5.6.1 as applicable to the level being certified. If these rec-onmended requirements are not used, the certification shall not be made until the minicum require ents outlined in appendices B or C has been exceeded. The additional 0.J.T. shall be approved by a Level III. 5.8.2 Inspector and Auditor job perforcance vill be re-evaluated each year and certification will be revalidated. 5.8.3 Should the QA/QC Manager determine an individuals demonstrated capabilities are not in accordance with this procedure, his certification will be invalidated. That individual vill be reguired to recertify in accordance with this procedure. 5.8.4 C^rtification will also be invalidated for inspectors who o ' ha e not performed indpections in an area of qualification ( for one year; and for auditors who have not participated in A an audit for one year. Manager shhl1 review and recertify. 6.0 DOCUMENTATIUN 6.1 Form HP-171, Personnel Evaluation 6.2 Fprm HP-172, Personnel Indoctrination Checklist' 6.3 Form HP-173, QC Inspector Training Checklist 6.4 Form HP-174, Auditor Training Checklist 6.5 Form HP-175, Lead Auditor Training Checklist 6.6 Form HF-176, Certificate of Qualification 6.7 Form HP-177, Evaluation Checklist for Lead Auditor Certification - 6.8 Form HP-178, Sum =ary of Inspection Level Capabilities l 6.9 Appendix A, Example Itaining lesson Plan 6)la Appendix B, Minieum Requireeent of Level I Inspectors 6.11 Appendix C, Minieum Requirement of Level II Inspectors L Page 8 of 8

y , , Proendura #17 Farm fHP-171 R1visica f5 Date 7-9-82 -{' HATFIELD ELECTRIC COMPANY PERSONNEL EVALUATION Employees Name Date of Evaluation Position or title Qualification Criteria - I II ANSI N45.2.6-1978 III 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1.0 Education 1 2 3 4 1.1 High school grad 1.2 Associates Degree O 1.3 B.S. Degree 2.0 Related Experience O O 2.1 3 months 2.2 6 months 2.3 one year O 2.4 2 years O 2.5 3 years 2.6 5 years (2 years nuclear)


2.7 6 years (as Level II) Q 2.8 7 years (2 years nuclear) 2.9 8 yearg (2 years Level II) 2.10 10 years O 3.0 specific training nuclear Evaluation By: Date Q Indicates Minic:um Recom. ended by ANSI N45.2.6-1978 Basis for Evaluation: L

_ -bile 3.01 Fons HP-172 Procedure 17, Rev.5 Date: 7-9-82 HATFIELD ELECTRIC COMPAlfl Byron Units 1 & 2 'k QA/QC Personnel Indoctrination Checklist EMPLOYEE:


Item Date BY

1. Organization Responsibilities,
              & Authorities; Technical Objectives
2. Specification Contract F-2790 Division II 3 Safety Practices:
a. Alarm Signals
b. Emergency Phone location and procedure
4. Familiarization
a. Building Nomenclature and location
b. Electrical EQ Nomenclature ,

and location ( 5. Tool & Instrument Familiarization

a. Torque Wrenches
b. Compression Tools
         ,   c. Gauge Blocks
d. Dynomometers
e. Weldin'g Machine Tester
f. Film Gauge
6. Hatfield Electric Q.A. Manual (18 Sections)  %
7. NCR-10CFR50-Appendix B
8. ANSI N45.2, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11, 2.13
9. Hatfield Procedures Manual
10. S & L Drawings
11. S & L Standards Indoctrination Checklist is complete g- and acceptable, s

Verified by Date:

                                                                                                                     <e V        ,

Prcesdura #17 Rzvicion f5 Form HP-173 Date 7-9-82 HATFIELD ELECIRIC COMPANY Quality Control Inspector Training Checklist Trainee Date Started ITEM DATE PERF010!ANCE VERIFIED BY A. FORMAL

1. 10CFR50, App B. & HECO QA Manual
2. Procedures #1, #4, #7, #29
3. Procedures #5 and #6 ,
4. Procedure #14 and #30
5. Procedtfres #22 and #24
6. Procedure f (as duties require)


1. Procedures #1, #4, #7, and #29
2. Procedure f5, #6, #14, and #30
3. Procedures #22 and #24

{ 4. Procedures (as duties require) C. EXAMINATION AND SCORE 1. e-2. L.

4. 9s Training complete and acceptable by: Date L

. - . . . . - - . . - - . . ~ , , --

File 3.01 Precadure fl7 Form fHP-174 Revision f5 Date 7-9-82 HATFIELD ELECTRIC COMPANY

                                      -   Auditor Training Checklist Trainee                                                 Date started ITEM                           DATE            PERFORMANCE VERIFIED BY A. FORMAL
1. HECO QA Manual
2. Project procedures
3. 10CFR50, App. B
4. ANSI N45.2.12
5. Bid specification B. ON THE JOB TRAINING
1. Audit participation (min. of 2 required)

Audit # Audit f Audit f C. EXAMINATION Score e to Training complete and acceptable by: Date L


1. Bid Specification
2. 10CFR50, App. B
3. ANSI Standards N45.2 to N45.2.4
4. ANSI Standards N45.2.6 to N45.2.11
5. ANSI Standards N45.2.12 to N45.2.23
6. ANS D1.1-75
7. Audit plan, Report, Follow-up, Close-out and Log B. ON THE JOB 'IRAINING L. Audit Participation (Min. of 3 audits)

( Audit # Audit # Audit i C'. EXANINATION Score b i l Training complete and acceptable by_ Date t k i

7k Procedure s17 Form fHP-176 Ravisica #5 D2t2 7 9 82 E L E CT RIC COMPANY CONTRACTORS EXECUTIVE OFFICES . 6478 WEST NORTM AVENUE . CHIC AGO. ILLINots 606 35 . AREA 312 . PHONE 622 7080 I CERTIFICATE OF QUALIFICATION Employee Name: Date of Employu.ent: Job


Activities Qualified to Perform Certification Based On Education: , ( Training: Experience: Examinations: e Visual Examination date: Cocxnents: I hereby certify that the above employee meets the requirements of Procedure f17 and ANSI N45.2.6-1978. The capabilities of the employee have been determined by evaluation and are acceptable. The docu=entation of the evaluation vill be found in the personnel file. Expiration : QA/QC Manager Date Hatfield Electric Company b ML uBER OF E LECTR' CAL CONT RACTORS ASS'N of CHICAGO . N ATION AL ELECTRIC AL CONTR ACTORS ASS *N . BUILDING CONSTRUCTION EMPLOYE R'$ A$$'N

    .Y . File 3.01                                                   Fom W-177

' Procedure 17, Rev. S Date: 7-9-82 HATFIELD ELECTRIC COMPANY Byron Units 1 & 2 Lead Auditor Certification Name: (2.3.1) Qualification Point Requirements Credits (2 3.1.1) Education 4 Credits Maximum ( Experience 9 Credits Maxi =um

1. Tech. (0-5 Cr.) and
2. Nuc. Field (0-1 Cr.), or
3. Qual. Assur. (0-2 Cr.), or
4. Auditing (0-3 Cr.), or
5. Nuc. Q.A. (0-3 Cr.), or
6. Nuc. Q.A. Auditing (0-4 Cr.).

(2.3.3) Professional Competence 2 Credits Maxitus

1. P.E.
2. Society ( Management Evaluation 2 Credits Maximum 5

Eval. By: Date: Total Credits ( 1 of 2


             --dil? 3.01                                                                                                           Form HP-177 2

Procedure 17, Rev'.5 Date: 7-9-82 HATFIELD ELECTRIC COMPANY (' Byron Units 1 & 2 Lead Auditor Certification


Name: Eval. Date (2.3.2) 2 Audit Communication Skills Eval. By: Date: (2.3.3) Audit Training Courses 1. 2. 3 4. (2.3.4) Audit Participaticn 1. 2. ( 3. 4. 5.

                                  - (2.3.5)           Exanination v

(5.2) Auditor's Qualification Certified By: Date:


(3.2) Management Annual Assessment Signed Date k. 2 of 2 4

 . - - -    +-,---,----,.,,..,..----,,..--,n,              , _ . . , _  -.---,---e       .---   - . , ,      , , , - , - - , - - -

F File 3.01 Form HP-178 Procedure 17, Rev. 5 Date: 7-9-82 HATFIELD ELECTRIC COMPANY Byron Units 1 & 2 (


OF -INSPECTION LEVEL CAPABILITIES FOR INSPECTOR: INSPECTION LEVEL LEVEL ACTIVITY I II III CAPABILITIES I II III Proc. 1 Recording Inspection Proc. 2 Data X X X f[g f Implementing Inspection Proc. 5 Procedures X X X Proc. O Proc. 7 Planning Inspections Proc. 8 X X Proc. 9A Evaluating the Valid Proc. 9B Acceptability of Inspection Proc. 9C Results 'T X Proc. 9E Proc . 10 Reporting Inspection Results Proc. 11 Supervising Equivalent or P[0c .' 2A Lower Level Personnel y x Proc. 12b Qualifying Lower Level ( Proc. 13AA Proc. 13AB Personnel . X X Proc. 13AC Evaluating the Adequacy of I Proc. 13AD Specific Programs Used to Proc. 13AE Train and Test Inspection Proc. 13C Personnel Proc. 14 . I Froc. 15 Qualifying Same Level Proc. 1b Personnel x Proc. 17 Proc. 18 Proc. 19 Proc. 20 Proc. 21 Proc. 22 Proc. 23 Proc. 24 Proc. 25 Proc. 2b Proc. 27 Proc. 28 Proc. 29 Proc. 30 i s

W. , - Procedura #17 Ravision #5 Date 7-9-82 HATFIELD ELECTRIC COMPANY APPENDIX A EXAMPLE TRAINING LESSON FIAN I. Purpose of Lesson Scope - Goals II. Training A. Definition Review B. Methods Review C. Deconstration III. Questions IV. Practical A. Data taking from drawings or specs. B. Form completion C. V. Examination - 4 s

HATFIE V M LECTRIC COMPANY PROCE b #17 , APPENDIX B " > T ~ "9-82' TABLE I MINIMUM REQUIREMENT OF LEVEL I INSPECTORS CERTIFICATION ACTIVITY DURATION REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENTATION I, a) Read / Study Variable; cover ali Appropriate Contractor Signature of completion procedureg procedures must be done Trainee & Level II b) Formal Lecture Min. I hr. & per outline Outline Approved by Signature of completion L III Trainee & Level II c) Lecture Demon- Min. 8 hr. & per 3 stration and outline Outline approved by Signature of completion L III Trainee & Level II Question / Answer II. Inspector OJT and Demonstrated 40 hrs. of mock Trainee to achieve inspections using 1007. Proper data Trainee to complete capability current checklist taking skills - and retain inspection checklist used. immediate corrections to be made by Level II to evaluate Level II. Level II in writing Trainee to evaluate capa- capability bility

 '1. Testing-General 40 Question                  80% and discuss in-(closed book)                            -                                   Written' exam as correct answer with Level II approved by Level III r.pecific using        All. major types             807. of proper data cnecklist and          of different items                                    Written Inspection /

inspection tools to be inspected taken and discussion or specific test of incorrect approved by Level III results f e


                                                    ,     TABLE II                                     DATE MINIMUM REQUIREMENT OF LEVEL II INSPECTORS CERTIFICATION ACTIVITY              DURATION                      REQUIREMENTS               DOCUMENTATION
1. a) Read / Study Variable; cover all Appropriate Contractor Signature of Completici procedures -

procedures must/be Trainee & Level II done b) Formal Lecture Min. I hr. & per Outline approved by Signature of Completioi outline L III Trainee & Level II c) Lecture Demon- Min. 8 hr & per Outline approved by Signature of Completior stration and outline L III Trainee & Level II Question / Answer II. Inspector OJT and 40 hrs. of mock Trainee to achieve Trainee to complete Demonstrated inspections using 100% proper acceptance / and retain inspection Capability; current checklist reject skills - checklist used. Immediate corrections to be made by Level II. Level II to evaluate Level II to evaluate 'in writing Trainee capability Capability III. Testing-General 40 Question 80% & discuss incor- Written exam as ap-(closed book) rect answer with proved by Level III Level II Specific using check- All major types 80*/. or proper ac- Written Inspection / list and inspection of different items ceptance/ reject and or specific test

      . tools                      to be inspected                discussion of in-         approved by Level III correct results

l l JJ - e


                                                                                --- -       .-.~....,,,v, lERS01:r!EL EVAll!ATI0li At:D CERT]r"AT10!1 W                                               T
  • John 11. Ilughes is hereby certified as: Level 11 Civil / Structural l C Classi ication: Quality Control Technicial II

To perform: Structural Steel / Concrete-Grout / Anchor Bolts Basis for Certification: QAD Training Released on: 3-24 Education: , Onslow High School - Jacksonville, NC - 1967 Training: HVAC/Helding/ Blueprint and Schematics - Georgetown Technical College - Conway, SC Experience: ( QC Inspector (MDE, Structural Steel) - Law Engineering Testing Co. - Raleigh, NC (1 yr. ,1 mo. ) QC Inspector (MDE, Structural Steel) - Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory - Surry, Va. (VEPCO) (10 r.o.) QC Inspector (NDE, Structural Steel) - U.S. Testing Co. - Hoboken, ilJ (10 mo.) See resume for further information Formal Testing Results: Passed Structural and Civil Level 11 Certification examination Physical Capabilities: Passed vision examination 3-16-82 Evaluation performed and certification reco=nended .,..t ./f.29Ji Date by:,/, / ,/ e

                                                                 . : -4,~h . .        1 - 2_ v -J-

h ec-tos/ Supervisor S -2. 7 -P 5 Certifica tion , .

                       -                        -Fanager-NAd/ Level 111                    Date                                                Expiration Date

( .

                                                             /(N'A E yh48/7* B
                                                                         -Attachment 7.2 02-QA-04

o O ( HATFIELD ELECTRIC COMPANY QA/QC MEMORANDUM #452 I TO: File 3.01, J. Hughes FROM: R.A. Barziloski DATE: 11-1-82


Employment Verification by phone Nuclear Energy Service, Danbury, Conn. (203) 796-5000 Talked to Miss Tina Arcont - she worked in personnel and I she verified Mr. Hughes employment I e km aser e . . . - -.

     ',                                                  Gfficial Report of Test Res(=

TESTS OF GENERAL EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT c ged issued by O.=,=lC'AL GEJ C E\TERS . O" ,e GENERAL EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT TESTING SERVICE OF THE AMERICAN COUNCIL ON EDUCATION Name of Examinee HUGHES, JOHN HOLLIS Last First Middle Maiden Address: 3851 lith Street Reported To Rockford, IL 61108 Same Last Grade Date of Birth 8/20/42 Completed lith Date Reported October 12, 1932 Date of Withdrawal From school social security Numbe' 238-64-3787 ~ Last s noot Atten,Nd (sI reQuated Dy "s!Jte Polecy) Pev c ent.le Date Foem Score Us Tes i Test . ...... . ... . .. 10-28-82 MN 39 10 rese2 sociar resi . .. . .. . ..... 10-28-82 MN 44 53 resia sc.ence Test... . . . 10-28-82 MN 51 53 res,4 ne.o na s .ns tesi.. . .. .. .. - 10-28-82 NN 50 4S tesis van,emar.cs rest . 10-28-82 MN 42 30 Passed U.S. 6 IL Constitution Test Total 226 Pd s5ed' X Fa"er O standare score Average (Copies of this report can be obtained from the center 1,sted below I 45

                                                                                              /                                          /

Signature of Chief Examiner w/ Regional Academic Center Name of Center Reeiona1 Office of Education Address of Center ROON 7l2. Courthouse Buildinc,_, Centee unck %vl. I I. 61101 Identif' Cation Numcer tit requited) i 'l Octsher 29. *:

       " Pass o< Fa
  • as cc erm ee by stare oor.c,
   ._.                                                                                                                       C ' U I S ' O  

( ( ( HATFIELD ELECTRIC COMPAITY Byron Units 1 & 2 QA/QC Memorandum #343 TO: A. Koca, QC Supervisor FROM: R. A. Barziloski, QA Supervisor DATE: October 6, 1982


Minicum requirements for J. Hu5 h es to be a Level II QC Inspector in Procedures #9A,' #93 and #9E Mr. Hughes has four years and seven months experieince working to programatic quality control inspections at various nuclear power plants. The following training outline is re-quired for Mr. Hughes in order to certify him to a Level II QC inspector in Procedure #9A, #93 and #9E. I. Classroom Training (8 hours) - including outline A. Reed and study 10CFR50, Appendix B B. Read and study all sections of the HECO QA Manual C. Read and study all HECO Procedures D. Minicum of 2 hours of for=al lecture given by a ( Level II on 10CFR50, Appendix B, HECO QA Manual and . HECO Procedurer II. On the Job Training A. Minieu= of 120 hours of inspections in Procedure 9A, 93 and 9E using forms HP-9A-1, HP-93-1 and HP-9E-1 B. Level II QC Inspector's Succary III. Testing (closed book) A. QA Progra Test B. Level II QC Inspector's Test C. Procedure 9A, 93 and 9E Test e

                                           !Approvecwk by Level IIILQ_A>     _

cc: File 3 01, J. Hughes

                                 && uden

J g I HATFIELD ELECTRIC Byron Units 1 & 2 QA/QC Memorandum #44'7 TO: .Tnw., w ww n / u ntt unener ~ FROM: A. Koca $- DATE: 10-12-82 I


Training Read and discuss 10CFR50, HECO Procedures & QA Manual Please be advised that the following personnel will be required to ottend a training session to be held at 10:00am on 10-13-82 . A copy of this memorandum will be available at F that training meeting and personnel in attendence will be required to sign and date it. Personnel absent from this session will be required to signName the memorandum after they have received said training. Signatui e and Date Name Sienature and Date A. Koca -

                                                             . W                                 '

J. Hughes . w) d[ee z$4M t '

                                          .;        *              -                               ~                            '
                               .e               ,        .                         . .                    .

1 7 All personnel scheduled for the above trainin ave receiv d subject training. Verified by: f/ Mw & ( HECO QA/QC Department pau

                                                       /(6f4 Ek'A/>BI7' f
--..-__._ _ _ ~ . -

w.;- o p ./ . ( TRAINING LECTURE 10CFR50, HECO Procedures, and QA Manual I. 10CFR50 Appendix B - Introduction to its meaning and why it exists at Byron Station A. Organization B. Quality Assurance Program C. Design Control D. Procurement Document control . E. Instruction, Procedures and Drawings F. Document Control G. Control of Purchased Material, Equipment and Services H. Identification and Control of Materials, Parts and Components I. Control of Special Processes ( J. Inspection K. Test Control

 .          L. Control of Measuring and Test Equipment M. Handling, Storage and Shipping N. Inspection, Test and Operating Status O. Nonconforming Materials, Parts, or Components P. Corrective Action Q. Quality Assurance Records R. Audits                                                            .

II. Hatfield Electric Company QA Manual A. The relationship of the manual to 10CFR50 B. Summary of the individual sections of the manual III. Hatfield Electric Company Procedures Manual A. The relationship of the Procedures Manual to the QA Manual General Review of all the Procedures (;IV. B. A. Guestions and Answers Approved by d Level III

                . . :.       ~.

g (10CFR50, Appendix B) NIfE0 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory 10CFR 1st Commission (18 Criteria) 50

         " RUIES and REGULATIONS

Title 10, Chapter 1 LT Code of Federal Regulatio u _

                                            ~             .

l ~


\ - \ 1 l ENERGY Part 50 Domestic licensing of / l . 2nd I Production & Utilization l Facilities {hh OR - \ (r l Auuendix B QA Criteria { for Nuclear Power Plants and Fuel Reprocessing Plant a hh


\ e


3rd Har r oE LD P g ac c ou cas F1anuAL L .

i IeW4 g,d

 .. c
                            ~         {')MATFIELDELECTRICCOMP
         .            . .                         Byron Unita 1 & 2 i

QA/QC Memorandum #434 TO: Scott Wagner /J. Hughes , FROM: A. Koca bd DATE: 10-28-82


Training Procedure 9A, Section A of training outline Please be advised that the following personnel will be required to eittend a training session to be held at 3:3Oom on in-PR_Rp . A copy of this memorandum will be available at that training meeting and personnel in attendence will be required to cign and date it. Personnel absent from this session will be required to sign the memorandum after they have received said training. Name Signatui'e and Date Name Sienature and Date J. Hughes fg


B. Wagner J)mg w_ ,'oh/g i i i/ All personnel scheduled for the above training have rece' ed subject training. , Verified by: l ( r HECO QA/QC Department f~

i -uv - pr3


fiATFIELDELECTRICCOMP Byron Units 1 & 2 QA/QC Memorandum M35 TO: Scott Wagner /J.,]Iughes FROM: A. Ioca [ DATE: 10-28-82


TrainingProcedure 9B, Section B of the training Outline Please be advised that the following personnel will be required to ottend a training session to be held at 9:00am on 10-28-82 . A copy of this memorandum will be available at

  'that training meeting and personnel in attendence will be required to sign and date it. Personnel absent from this session will be r~ equired to sign the memorandum after they have received saidSignature                 training. and Date Name          Signatuf'e and Date                     Name J. Hughes         fk)W, f }&

S. Vagner Q ww ofty/n. s t9.,o h , i re.

    ' "*1""**

U g- ' f e 1 i l j l l, 1 1 i

   /                                                                                                              j 7 All personnel scheduled for the above training have received subject                                           l training.

Verified by. / f ' L kW '

p. HECO QA/QC Department i



                   . .Qg:, rp,- (                                                            M HATFIELD ELECTRIC COMPAl                               ,
            -                          r,       Byron Unit 2 1 & 2                                     l QA/QC Memorandum M36 TO: Scott Vastner/J. Hua:hes FROM: A. roes

[N-MTE: 10-28-82


Training Procedure #9E, Section C of the training outline Please be advised that the following personnel will be required to ottend a training session to be held at '8:00am on , 10-28-82 . A copy of this memorandum will be available at that training meeting and personnel in attendence will be required to cign and date it. Personnel absent from this session will be required . to sign the memorandum after they have received said training. ' Name 'Signatuie and Date Name Sistnature and Date

3. Eughes & i uft.Jhv 0* * @* # .

delt/w 88/tn /gz.. I. Souders -

                                                  '. y i

l ,/ - V All personnel scheduled for the above training have received subject training. Verified by: s

                                                                       %   h l

HECO QA/QC Department { j (c-

i dov e.s

                     'q'        .HATFIELD ELECIRIC COMP Byron Units 1 & 2 QA/QC Memorandum (437
Scott Wagner /J, Hughes FROM: A. Koca DATE:10-28-82 g, , , ,


Training Procedure 9A,9B & 9E, Section D of training outline sod W G Please be advised that the following personnel will be required to ottend a training session to be held at 11:00am on 10-28-82 . A copy of this memorandum will be available at that training meeting and personnel in attendence will be required to cign and date it. Personnel absent from this cession will be required to sign the memorandum after they have received said training. Name Signatui'e and Date Name Signature and Date J. Hughes y/ f,g[/ff j S. Vogner p.g r,J% u io.zgt. . S. Hubler k.em h/h tc/zt/t2


7 All personnel scheduled for the above training have received subject training. Verified by: jj FL - g]g ww { d' HECO QA/QC Department

Y l Detailed Trainfng ontiinn rne Penecanen, 094, agn ana lie Classroom Training I A. Procedures #9A - Class I Cable Pan llanger Installation

1. Detailed review of the procedure
2. Instruction for the following
a. Form HP-9A-1 and Supplement Sheet
              'b. H0 and HL Tab Sheets                                                 i
c. Measuric ; pan hant;ers *
3. Detailed review of the following
a. S & L Ceneral !!otes
h. S 6 L fictd tolerances
c. S 6 L Standards EB-116 and EB-117
4. Question and anc ars B. Procedure #9B - Class I Pan Installation
1. Detailed review of the procedures -
2. Instruction for the following
a. Form HP-9B-1
b. Pan inspectiuas
3. Ibt ailed Review of the following
a. S & L drawings ret. ted to cabic pan and their details
b. S 6 L general notes
c. S & L Standards EB-700, EB-701, EB-702, and EB-300
d. S & L Fictd Tolerances
4. Question and anrwers C. Procedure (9E - Cable Pan Identification -

(  %. Detailed review of the procedures

2. Instructions for the following
a. Form HP-9E-1
b. Segregation Code Inspection
3. 7etailed review of the following
a. S & L Standards
b. S & L general notes 4 The relationship of Procedurc 010, Form 11P-102 and Cable Par. Inspection
5. Question and Ansvers D. Instruction for closing IIDRF's 1 Related to Procedure 09A
2. Relar.d to Procedure 69B
3. Relarcil to Procedure (9E s E. Filing and Document., tion
1. Instructions for preparing hanger packages for fictd inspectors ,
2. Instructions for writing final reports
3. Tracability of Yocuments
a. P..a Sup;3 ort Schedules
b. Log books
c. HD3F's
d. FCR and :!CP.'s
c. Discrcp.mney Report s 4 Questions and Anr: cts


W (8 g#

   . Fictd Training and Inspections A. Building Famili rization
1. Column lines
82. Elevations
3. Auxiliary Building l4.
           ,     Containments 1 & 2 I

B. Pan llangers

1. Demonstration on how 1o inspect pan hangers
2. Actual Pan hanger inspections
3. Filling out Form HP-9A-1 and the supplement shcet l
4. Questions and An' suers
5. Trainiug using form IIP ?A-1 C. Segregation Code I
1. Demonstrations on how to inspect cegregation codes
2. Filling out form IIP-9E-1
3. Questions and Answers
4. Actual segregation code inspection
5. Training using form llP-9E-1 D. Cable Pan
1. Demonstration on how to inspect cable pan
2. Filling out Form HP-9B-1
3. Questions and Answers
4. Actual pan inspections
5. Training using form HP-9B-1 -

( E. Miscellaneous

1. Use of torque wrenches
2. Safety Appro.*cd by / Q -

Level III i I I


     . . . , .                                                                      s

.c Qs (J > O. J. T. Training ployee: Jesu u N uc. 4 E.S Report # Date of Insp. Time Report # Date of Insp. Time 55 4 L4 io- s -e t 2. u R. 'Z 4 0 5 to 2 1 - 8 2-- 7 g C. 5545 io-s '2 w R E889 lo - L S - 1L - 7 u n. z %oG to-: o -BL 'T u n E898 l o - 12. - 9 7. 7 s g-2.893 io - 1 5 t u t. 1904 , o z. 2. z. 9 n_

z. p,9 4 s o - :- S - 9 2- . Lug Lo 2. E lo 'L2-B L l. H U-zg 8 c. 10 - E s - ? L - EuR c,o 2. 3 to-27 7. H P-EO4 1 f o - 1 8 - 8 2. . ZNR 160 7. Lf to-t 2-9 L

2.8 A 4 t o- /S - $ 2 - L u c. 60\9 g o - z. 7 - 77 . - t p g.

     'e83.             s o - t 8 - 8 2-           -t u tt          Go?c       to-L7                LaA.

z ee5 t o - I B- 8 2. - L a c-r - I t B 9.5 to 6 L - '[. W C-79O7 I o 7 2- - 7 W (2-Eqoo / 0 - t 9-IL - Z, u c-1899 t o 91 EuR 14 t. 1 o - 2.0 - 8 2 - 1. 4 TL-toro l o - L i - EL - Z H R. 7.907 l o - to - 8 2 - Zut 1 8 9 L. t o - Lt - B Z - 74R 2887 10 - LI- SL - Z N TL . Z88 8 10 - 2./- ?? . Zut 1911 f D - tl -8 L - Tua L9 01 10 - t1 LuR ZA O I lo 2. 2. 'g .' . g y g. , k, de W ioTAL Ho R.S L4 to -ti /\ Procedure: u p - q % - 2_ I(


l h \

                                              /YbO? EEJ//Bi7 (7                                                        -
 . "+I '                                                                        i f*         o                                                                     :

. i l l HATFIELD ELECTRIC COMPANY QA PROGRAM EXAMINATION . This examination is designed to examine the general knowledge of the Hatfield Electric Company QA Program. CLOSED BOOK Minimum Score 8095 0 S~ c ore Administered and Evaluated by:

                  /V\UL4.,             AU EN Date: /O- /4/-dt Jat:es K. Buc   nan QC Manage

Nam M Date hke_$ lo - #4 41 Score 97'/


J , Y HATFIELD ELECTRIC COMPANY QA Program Examination T F 1 1. 10CFR50 Appendix "B" is a United States Govern-ment law.

2. The Hatfield QA Manual contains 21 sections.

[ 3 Quality Assurance and Quality Control mean the same thing. M 4. The QA personnel must be inde endent from production. 7g p g ovt o 737 . A Evrenab .r.1. A s "L u< l % 1/ 5. Falsification of QA/QC records at a Nuclear Power Plant is punishable by law. 1! 6. A key element of QA records is " traceability" or "trackability." 4 j/

7. Any Level I inspector can initiate a nonconformance

( g 8. report. Each inspector is responsible to ensure that the torque wrench he uses is in calibration.

           /4       9. Foremen are responsible to the QA Manager.

4 10. Procedure #17 defines the qualification requirements of Auditors and Inspectors. 4 I 11. A QC inspector can perform audits of his areaof work.


g , 4 12. Hatfield QC is formally audited by CECO construction. M j 13. The NRC uses 10CRF50 Appendix "B" as a minor guide to.o1 when performing audits at the Byron site.


1 14. Procedures are written first and then the QA manual.  ;

             /X    15. Lead Auditor and Lead Inspectors are one in the same. ~

M! 16. Unacceptable items must be re-audited and the cor-rective action complete before an item is considered 7 closed in an audit. X 17. An FCR may close ar. NCR in some situations. ( X

18. CECO's QA program oversees HECO's detailed QA/QC prograr X 19. Five QC inspections must be performed before becoming an Auditor.

X 20. When correcting errors cross it out and date it.

Oo - e

     ',5.I A

C HATFIELD ELECTRIC COMPANY GENERAL LEVEL II INSFECTOR TEST This test is designed to examine the basic knowledge of the QA Program, QA/QC inspec-tion and/or the capabilities of a Level II  : inspector (per ANSI N45.2.6). 1 CLOSED BOOE Minimum Score 80% Score Administered and evaluated by: Ja mes K. Buchanan

Date: f 0'/I-N

Q /QC Manager C / men Exmm7 Z

i f,',~~' k

       /.                           '                                  Name U TEO Y NM       A r
%                                                                      Date: l o - I F - f 2-   -

HATFIELD ELECTRIC COMPANY Score-* 90% ,,/Y.g General Level II Inspector Test This closed book test is designed to examine the basic knowledge of the QA Program QA/QC inspections a Level II inspector (per ANSI N45.2.6 . andThis or the capabilities of to be specific to any procedure. test is not intended Circle the lowest inspector level capable of performing the fol-lowing fun tions.

1. I II Shall be capable of evaluating the adequacy of specific programs used to train and test inspection personnel.

2.([IIIII Performing the inspection in accordance with a documented j procedure. 3 [IIII/ Plans inspections and prepares or sets up related equip-ment for use in that inspection.

4. I I jIII Maintains surveillance over the inspection.
 .       5. I       III  Evaluate the validity and acceptability of inspection results.

6. WI II II Supervising and certifying lower level personnel. C 7.WIIIhI Reports 0 inspection results which he has reviewed. '. 8 f h I III He may qualify with only a high school diploma and six months of related experience in equivalent inspection per ANSI N45.2.6.

9. h I III Able to determine that measuring and test equipment is in calibration.
10. I h II When "date-taking" personnel are used,the Level inspector shall participate in the inspection.


      .J X              11. 10CFR50 Appendix "B" is a United States Govern-                 .

ment law. j X 12. All QC inspectors have free access to the QA vault. l

                    /y 13    Quality Assurance and Quality Control mean the same thing.                                                               l I    !         14. The QA personnel must be independent from production.


  • True False

( X '

15. Falsification of QA/QC records at a Nuclear Power Plant is punishable by law. ~

X 16. A Key element of QA records is " traceability"or "trackability".

17. Any Level I inspector can initiate a nonconfomance.

Tk 18. An inspector may be used as an audit trainee.

                 /&      19. An audit trainee may audit his area of inspection.

g/ 20. Procedure #17 defines the qualification requirements of auditors and inspectors.


f 21. A QC inspector can perform audits of his area of work.

                  /x     22. Hatfield QC is formally audited by CECO construction..


23. The NRC uses 10CFR50 Appendix B as a minor guide tool when performing audits at the Byron site.


24. Prucedures may be issued for reference only.
                /X       25. Lead Auditor and Lead Inspectors are one in the same.

( Xe '

26. As procedures are revised the Lead Inspector advises, instructs and notifies his inspectors of the changes.

R' 27. An FCR may close an NCR in some situations.

               /         28. CECO's QA program oversees HECO's detailed QA/QC program.


                   'X     29. Five QC inspections must be performed before becoming an auditor.

N / 30. The QA program applies to production and engineering too.

       .        j                    OBJECTIVE AND FILL IN THE BLANK 31.

Items found to be nonconforming must be placed on //M/h .

32. A M# # should be written when items of inspection are found to ,

be in direct violation of drawings, standards, or purchase doc-uments.

33. / Procedure review. is made by/*%vpf before it is implemented
               .in the field by Hatfield.

34.' To check the status of an NCR, the p Of 2y 'should be reviewed.

l f3 Q t- '35. Test are given to satisfy one of the following.

a. the NRC -

[ b. c. The QA Manual's general intent the Project Manager C to provide assurance of an inspectors capabilities. ,

36. Which apply to welding at Hatfield Electric I
a. MRR i
b. AWS
                  /     . ASME all but MRR                                                              l I
          /37. When correcting an error on an inspection checklist you must do the following.        (g e        am in ptnace provided below)             ;
38. Which of the 'following items require periodic calibration to
                  -   standards
a. Band saw traceable to the National Bureau of Standards (one required)
                   /b.       Hicky QA torque wrench
d. "R-meter"
39. For installation requirements, which of the following has pre-cedence over the others in specific instances?
                /     a. S & L Standards
b. S & L Drawings c HECO Procedures d S & L Drawing Details

( 40. The basic element of a QC inspection is

a. the audit j b. the surveillance
                    $.       the checklist
d. the S & L Standards
41. Acceptance criteria may be found in the .
a. procedure
              /      b.      S & L Drawings A.       inspection checklist GP.      all of the above
42. If an FCR applies to an item being inspected it should be
              /      /P/ % ,.n D As mad #J , a ~ a il k r.4                                /                       ' '
43. Why are NCR's requ ed on a nuclear project such as Byron? -
            /' . Y WM, A?                      f/fsr && -l-           J Y m     m) ihyy k M , mnC >                             /

b O m A %g 9* M 4-

m ~

     ~             '

( ) - e, 44. Defing In pct kn:"I an,% 6 // A >a - l .

  • M-
                  ) /?teso             w       &      Dwar u                             /
              /                        .)

C / _

45. If an item is inspected and is out of tolerance it is,A<<,,W
         /46. To           leave "as is"                                              '

must have an appr,oved and accept an item that is out of tolerance one Fv 4 .

       -        7. A drawin      used for inspection nust be an /7 Zag,ft,O drawing and be       af         Aus                   .
48. An "R-Meter" is used .

to detect readiation

               / @a.         locate   rebar in concrete
c. calibrate torque wrenches
d. none of the above
49. Calibration requirements for torque wrenches for installation work is .
a. six months
                /     b     one year (U. one month
d. one week
e. none of the above
50. What guideline does one use when making an inspection of an item in the field?

( a. ANSI Standard

                /6.7 acceptance criteria
c. procedure -
d. audit checklist ftys7 k/'PRoHT) 0, Kkd'.2.


                                                                        *O         b &l*      Lenia    '

( . .. .

l 3;. o a V Q ,_ .  %,J T HATFIELD ELECTRIC COMPANY { Byron Units 1 & 2 ,

                    \                                                       .

GENERAL EXAMINATION Procedures 1, 4, 7, and 29 These examination questions are designed to test the basic knowledge of procedure which are common to most all QA/QC activities. (Ref: Form HP-173) CLOSED BOOK . C . Minimum Score 60/. On Score


Administered and evaluated by: Date: !O"/2 -3 Y Jarrf s K. Buchanan ( e Ot.(QC Manager

                                          ,fb o? [ E M Bi T 7           ,

4( **

f. ,

Dato: May 18, { Nama16 4a r M /rc Y,$- , , Score 90"2// #,


Date b - N d S HATFIELD ELECTRIC COMPANY EXAMINATION i Procedures #1, f'4, # 7, and #29 _ CLOSED BOOK Procedure #1, Method of Preparing Procedures

1. Acceptance criteria for inspection and surveillance checklist f items will be referenced and will be found in either the stan-
                            'dards; approved project specifications; the p-wAm, and the installation drawings.
2. Forms that are part of and separately attached to the pro-

[ cedure will be listed under the section of the procedure. (a) reference h documentation

3. The Project Manager will check the applicable Specifications, v

( Standards, and drawings to determine the insta11a g angy Quality Assurance requirement of the procedu gror8

                                                                                        #  g     ;
4. as m ,, - m) will be responsible for developing the
                    /      ~

site procedures and for submitting them to the Owner for approval.

5. Procedures which have been conditionally approved by the Owner j / (with comments) and which must be implemented for work in progress have the comments with the procedure when issued.

or F l - 6 7 Who will maintain the master set of HECO Procedures:

a. Hatfield Electric Company Engineering
b. Commonwealth Edison QA Department c ., Hatfield Electric Company Project Manger h Hatfield Electric Company QA Department 9 7. The effective date of implementation shall be .

! / a. i one month di2 stamped in red on cover sheet of each procedure

c. one day
d. each Mond c-
     .                                                                                                  q l    ~ , ~-
8. The purposs's this proceduro #1 is to g.cablish the guide-lines and provide the authority for developing, obtaining g
                           ) approval of and distributing the project site procedures

( required for the implementation of Hatfield Electric Com-pany's Quality Assurance Program, hor F


9 The QA Manager will distribute copies of procedures to any field personnel whose activities necessitate having a copy in their possession. @ or F

             -         10. A surveillance checklist will be used on a quarterly basis to verify the proper distribution of Procedure #1. T or@

Procedure #4, Drawing Control All superseded office and field drawings and standards will be either marked / 5 d in red through the title block or destroyed. Upon de11every of installation drawings, standards and specifications to the field office, and prior to issuance to

                           !    the field personnel, a drawing clerk will:
2. T or $ Review them to check if design is correct '.
                            /   3. @ or F Date stamp the transmittals only for standards and specifications
4. dl9or F Date stamp the transmittal and all copies of the installation drawings s 5 Drawings that are for electrical installation and that are recieved from CECO suppliers will be handled in the same fashion as S & L drawings and standards. @ or F
                 -        6.,   The drawing clerk will not maintain a record that will indi-cate which drawing revision have been issued to the field.

T orh t 7 The drawing clerk will issue the changes (FCR's, ECN's) via ,

                         /       Form HP-48. The field personnel will then either attach the change document to the applicable drawing, standard, or specification or will reference it on the drawing, standard, or specification. (T or F 1
                                          .(^')      ,

y g

8. Hatfield QC will perform surveillance of Document Control:

{ a. daily

                     /     b. weekly
                         @ monthly
d. none of the above
      - / 9.               HECO Engineering will maintain a log of notice (ECN's , FCR's) received. h or F each approved change
        -           10. Who will maintain a record of drawings (s) received, indicating for each revision the date received?
a. QC Inspector
b. Lead Auditor
                /          c    QA/QC Clerks (d . drawing clerk
e. none of the above Procedure #7, Electrical Desien Chance
         -           1. The purpose of the procedure is to ensure that during the con-   .

struction phase of the project approved design changes are in-corporated into work activities, as they progress. or F

           -         2. This procedure applies to electrical installation activities
                     /     performed by HECO prior to final turnover of equipment to the Owner. h or F
                       . Special methods for handling design changes detailed on wiring diagrams are in the appendix of this procedure. h or F
              -      4. This procedure applies to non-approved, safety related design
                /           changes specified as revision to the electrical installation drawing. h of F 5.- /O. />     mo u ce#            is responsible for providing         -
                      / assurance, through    v the inspection program, that the methods of this procedure are followed.
6. The is responsible for the imple-
                     !      mentation of this procedure.
a. Inspector 1

( h c. Project Manager QA Manager

d. Superintendent

1 %- () p X J 7.

'                          NCR's mainly apply to Procedure #7.(n        T or F

( ' 8. -

                   /       When a change to an existing installation is necessiated by a drawing revision and rework is required, the Owner's approval will be obtained prior to commencint the rew6rk. @ or F QC personnel,will, when performing inspections of installations, in'spe'ct the areas to the applicable drawing revision (s) in force. horF                         '

10 What does ECN stand for? pg d p yra/h Procedure #29, Field Initiated Reauests for Desien Chances 1. This procedure has been established to ensure that deviations from the design drawings or standards are properly documented, approved and implemented. h or F 2. What is an Field Change Request (FCR )? A form which is used for_ g , d - w A- AmM-,. , A~~7 r 73).'

             / 3.

Who initiates an FCR? hmhne - ' f.4 Production shall not proce[d with PdR related work until they have an approved copy of the FCR. d.)or F 7-f5. FCR's which have been rejected via being superseded shall have to have the FCR reference removed from the drawing and thesupersedingFCRreferenceaddedtothedrawing.@orF f . When an FCR is initiated and Part A completed, it will be submitted to O nleoee for approval.

      -          7. Hatfield QA Department will yerify that the inspection made for the related equipment was performed in accordance with the FCR and veriff that the drawings were revised as shown on the FCR.             .

[ The above statement is .

                                                                                                      . g
a. True '
                      @        False
c. Partly true
8. FCR's can be __ . (best answer),
                     / a.      Major                                                                    ,

l- b. (d) all of the above Minor e. none of the above

c. Superseded


9. Nonclonforming conditions are corrected with an /f[6,[ .

( 10. Who approves and FCR7

a. Project Manger at HECO b/ QA Manger at HECO
c. a&b

[.Noneoftheabove Gr }neav 73y Dc& i-na n. .n ( - e

 . ~, . ,' . ' ' -                     O                              $
 )                                           .


                                          .                                                      1
                     \                                                             .

GENERAL EXAMINATION Procedures 1, 4, 7, and 29 These examination questions are designed to test the basic knowledge of procedure which are common to most all OA/QC activities. (Ref: Form HP-173) CLOSED BOOK . (. - Minimum Score 60*/. i C4 Score l Administered and evaluated by: l Date: C"/O -T V ( e f arr' s K. Buchanan y I oaf 0C Manager s

                                                   , % ? [E M Bi T f           ,

j, , Data: May 18, ~ NamR E O M/ve/r c


I Score 90I /d# Date h N d S HATFIELD ELECTRIC COMPANY EXAMINATION Procedures #1, #'4, # 7, and #29 _ CLOSED BOOK Procedure #1, Method of Preparing Procedures 1. Acceptance criteria for inspection and surveillance checklist f items will be referenced and will be found in either the stan-

                                'dards; approved project specifications; the s' ~,A%

and the installation drawings. 2. [ Forms that are part of and separately attached to the pro-cedure will be listed under the section of the procedure. (a) reference @ documentation 3. v The Project Manager will check the applicable Specifications, ( Standards, and drawings to determine the installa Quality Assurance requirement of the procedujr gor and fo .//It '.

                         !4. ae m ,,- ,wJ             will be responsible for developing the site proceIlures and for submitting them to the Owner for approval.
5. Procedures which have been conditionally approved by the Owner
                           / (with comments) and which must be implemented for work in progress have the comments with the procedure when issued.

or F

                  -6 7    Who will maintain the master set of HECO Procedures:
a. Hatfield Electric Company Engineering
b. Commonwealth Edison QA Department
c. Hatfield Electric Company Project Manger h Hatfield Electric Company QA Department 9 7. The effective date of implementation shall be .
                           / a. one month dD stamped in red on cover sheet of each procedure
c. one day
d. each Mondc-l -

1 l

              .,'                                  2
8. Th3 purpsc thic proc dura #1 10 to cablish tha guide-3 lines and provide the authority for developing, obtaining i j

( approval of and distributing the project site procedures required for the implementation of Hatfield Electric Com-pany's Quality Assurance Program. hor F 9 The QA Manager will distribute copies of procedures to any field personnel whose activities necessitate having a copy in their possession. @ or F

            -  10. A surveillance checklist will be used on a quarterly basis to verify the proper distribution of Procedure #1. T ord9 Procedure #4, Drawing Control All superseded office and field drawings and standards will be either marked / 5 / V       in red through the title block or destroyed.

Upon de11every of installation drawings, standards and specifications to the field office, and prior to issuance to

                  /   the field personnel, a drawing clerk will:

T ord9 Review them to check if design is correct * (~ / 2. T

3. (_T)or F Date stamp the transmittals only for standards I and specifications

I _ 4. dPor F Date stamp the transmittal and all copies of the installation drawings s 5 ' Drawings that are for electrical installation and that are recieved from CECO suppliers will be handled in the same fashion as S & L drawings and standards. @ or F 6., The drawing clerk will not maintain a record that will indi-cate which drawing revision have been issued to the field. T orh t 7. The drawing clerk will issue the changes (FCR's, ECN's) via

              ,/      Form HP-48. The field personnel will then either attach         the l                      change document to the applicable drawing, standard, or specification or will reference it on the drawing, standard, or specification. (Tl or F 1
            -   ,*.                          (3                        ,
                       -                     y )

w n

8. Hatfield QC will perform surveillance of Document Control:

{ a. daily

                          /    b. weekly
                              @ monthly
d. none of the above
                      /9.      HECO Engineering will maintain a log of   each approved change notice (ECN's , FCR's) received. hor F
10. Who will maintain a record of drawings (s) received, indicating for each revision the date received?
a. QC Inspector
b. Lead Auditor
                    /          c      QA/QC Clerks (d. drawing clerk
e. none of the above Procedure #7, Electrical Desien Change
1. The purpose of the procedure is to ensure that during the con-

{~ struction phase of the project approved design changes are in-corporated into work activities, as they progress. h or F

                -         2. This procedure applies to electrical installation activities
                          /    performed by HECO prior to final turnover of equipment to the Owner. h or F
                            . Special methods for handling design changes detailed on wiring diagrams are in the appendix of this procedure. h or F
                  -       4. This procedure applies to non-approved, safety related design

[ changes specified as revision to the electrical installation drawing. h of F

                    -     5.- /n. A       mere ca           is responsible for providing
                           /                   v                                                                      -

assurance, through the inspection program, that the methods I of this procedure are followed.

6. The is responsible for the imple-
                          !    mentation of this procedure.

l a. Inspector 1 l (, h Project Manager

c. QA Manager
d. Superintendent
           " , '.                                             _4_
   t       '.~


                                 ><                                                    (N)                            ,

7. 5 NCR's mainly apply to Procedure #7.(n T or F ( ~ 8. .

                        /       When a change to an existing installation is necessiated by                           \-

a drawing revision and rework is required, the Owner's approval will be obtained prior to commencint the rew6rk. @ or F

                .~         .

QC personnel will, when performing inspections of installations, in'spect the areas to the applicable drawing revision (s) in h or F force.

              -       10       What does ECN stand for? pg d p yra/4 Procedure #29, Field Initiated Recuests for Design Changes 1.

This procedure has been established to ensure that deviations from the design drawings or standards are properly documented, approved and implemented. (hor F

2. What is an Field Change Request (FCR )?

A form which is used for 4 , d ~ ~ w A- A% < W. Awm2 w7v ' [3. - Who initiates an FCR? i . <e s ne - . j4. . Production shall not proce(d with PdR related work until they have an approved copy of the FCR. Or F T p. FCR's which have been rejected via being superseded shall have to have the FCR reference removed from the drawing and thesupersedingFCRreferenceaddedtothedrawing.@orF

f. When an FCR is initiated and Part A completed, it will be submitted to OrJefefc. for approval.
         -           7.       Hatfield QA Department will_ verify that the inspection made for the related equipment was performed in accordance with the FCR and verifi that the drawings were revised as shown on the FCR.           .
                     / The above statement is                                                                     .


a. True '
                           @        False
c. Partly true
8. FCR's can be . (best answer),
                       ./ a .       Major (d) all of the above
 \                           b. Minor              e. none of the above
c. Superseded
9. Nonclonforming conditions are corrected with a

( 10. Who approves and FCR7

a. Project Manger at HECO b/ QA Manger at HECO
c. a&b
                  .-   None of the above Mr /meud af : Ac z-w M.

s u s re..e (

l. .
  ;;r O                                               o T

HATFIELD ELECTRIC COMPANY Byron Units 1 & 2 GENERAL EXAMINATION Procedures 5, 6, 14, and 30 These examination questions are designed to test the basic knowledge of procedures which are (Ref:common to most all QA/OC activities. Form HP-173) CLOSED BOOK ( Minimum Score 80% 82.5% Score l l l Admin' tered and evaluated by: l u J me s K. Buchanan Date:_/O-/d' D

                     /     Manager                                                                             -


                                                  /fb'M EXN/8/T $
                             .-,v,.-w- = - - ' - ' ' ' ^ ~ ' ' ~      '                          ..   .-   --
 ,      c*

b y 18, 1982 [] ( Name: Jo/u M,elr t Date: /0 // -Wz. C Score:_ $$% ,/ HATFIELD ELECTRIC COMPANY g; w EXAMINATION Procedures #14 and #30 CLOSED BOOK Procedures #5 and #6 Procedure #14, andHandling Eouipmentand Storage of Safety Related Mat erial (X 1. The purpose of this procedure is to establish the general

                          'and guidelines equipmenttotobe Tused Fe/ E in the handling and storage of material v 2.

f' Items in will be handled only with lifting equipment that is

a. certified operating condition b.

good operating condition approved operating condition {A d .,' all of the above The items being lifted may _ C capacity of the equipment being used. the rated

a. exceed by 25%
                       @)       not exceed c.
d. exceed with approval from QA Manager a&c In some cases, the Owner or the Manufacturer may require that
special handling methods be employed.

' is required? In this situation what Pdt/od ,

                                                          / W WA r-b eh Items designated areas      stored by Hatfield by the Owner,for the Owner will be stored in mine     the storage levels per ANSI N45.2.2.             will deter-
a. Hatfield Q. Owner
c. NRC
d. Quality Control 6.
           %           Unless otherwise 8AsgsW          / Wn+k/  directed, items stored outdoors will be stored
   .L I
  • f \

X 7. Checklists used in conjunction with this procedure have (/ acceptance

a. criteria spelled out in _

the QA Manual .

b. 10CFR50 Appendix B
c. the proc,edure
                     @ the applicable ANSI standard In cases of conflicts or problems, the         A* c# r9            in-any of the general requirements can not be met.structions or otherwise unfit for use will beRigging equipment or related ac
a. placed on " hold" ~ ,
                   @,                                                             ~
c. repair or scrapped as required d.

used on non-safety material a&b 10. of Safety-Related Material and Equipment.Name a condition DW/ nllfd DLAkI*y - D&s- - r)x/ febr2V \ Wir et . ( Procedure #30, Housekeepine and Protection of Class I Cable Exposed to Construction Activities 1 V [ cable do not suffer possible _The procedure has bee ationcontrol

a. and during exposure to construction activities. ofter instal-
b. reuse
                    . damage
                @d.painting                                                                      n A housekeeping crew will inspect each Cate project are exposed which tocontains   installed construction       cable pag' activities. C orgory  I area orFcables  thatof the A housekeeping crew will also clean pan systcms. O or F V            Upon completion of an area, y

andEngineering verify the field results with Form HP-301. will inspect

                @A. Quality Control
c. The Foreman
d. None of the above O


                         . . - - - - ^                                            --
               ,                               C                              O
       " /5.

At the request of the QA Manager, who will inspectcases all ( of suspected cable damage noted on Foreman's Report of faHousekeeping Engineering and Cable Protection, Form HP-3027 c. Quality Control NRC

d. None of the above v.6.

The housekeeping damage. crew will check each pan run fore possibl marked with Each casetape yellow andand location of possible Aacage will be recorded. T org Mf8.Ends of cables that are not terminated V hor will F be area of pan with excessive debris and housekeeiping crew Foreman n have n priority under this program,.th(AT)Foreman or F will give that area M . Housekeeping that job. T orgshop 1d be noticed only by those assigned to O. The 7mnm ? /Ce W9e# mentation Ge A n wof o vthe e,pprocedure in the field and theis responsible for the imp gram of the procedure. is responsible for the verification pro-k QA Manager (Choose from the following)

                 -L Engineering

(. Project Manager

                 - NRC I
    ;c '


  • of Class Byron site. I material and eqitipment purchased by CECO' for theCECO in th M r Receipt inspection will be acenmolished with the andHECO a willMRR be in accordance with^Hatfield's Procedure. e5.
                 @ . CECO MRR
c. MSR
d. Audit checklist j./

which must be unloaded, handled, and stored by Hatfie eived and. handled in accordance with CECO Site. Instructions. or False. . 4. all other areas of inspection will be ?tugeShipments es Me.) . lacking certi t./,5.' HECO requisitionsd items found acceptable by QA after receipt insp.ection will be placed in the required storage area and will

 .( /            T-u onsidered av False as released and acceptable for installa .in 1.

of material with this or equipment which cannot be handled in accord CECO or FalsePCD will be contacted for resolution

        / of the problem.

7 7. PA aa

                  /s.a       PA r./ v e #                  will be responsible for initiating in accordance with Procedure               for those items      which'  are with MSR requirements.               unac~ceptable   due to damage or nonco#.),   nformance          ~,

Upon delivery, r in on the CECO MRR, the id.Y n.s :oiving personnel will fill d CECO quantity of the mater Q 4:3 1quipment tion number, description, received.

                   . HECO
c. Produc t N
d. none of the above

( 9. with an updated MRR ntatus list.The~sh HECO QA Department will p M d uction

10. True or 4'alse The Material / Services Request Form material arid equipment from CECO. MSB) is used to requis t '. ion rub or False
  .            es'                            TN
     . .o ... .-

L) s g hrocedure #6,, _ Reporting' of Damaged or Nonconforming Mater Eautoment V 1.

           /'            "A deficiency in characteristic, documentation, or procedure which
                     ,minate."    renders the quality of an item unacceptable or indeter-An item which has this characteristic requires a
a. FCR
b. NCR ECN d4 Hold tag (A.
e. MRR V, J .' When an item has a physical defect; test failures; incorrect or inadequate documentation; deviates from prescribed proces-sing, written? inspection or test procedures, what type of report is
a. Material Receiving. Report
b. Field Change Report c Engineering Change Notice None of the above y[ forming condition or after they identify the conditio do item. the following; a PZ w'e h er/ /7r, will be affixed to the V
4. Nonconfoiming itens which are installed shall '

afterbebeing identified, tagged and awaiting disposition. cut down remain in place 7g r- ro/ M bf . e none of e above " Ot@ f[@Is a NCR NCRLog required Status Log by this procedure or a chart of NCR's? I b. Chart of NCR's


l Work if the Pr may be performed on any item on hold under this procedure l True or t Manger or Superintendent gives approval. a14e ,

               .' When the corrective action is completed and an explanation of the action taken to prevent recurrance is documented on the NCR                  '

form, d /> the , ur,uch o returned to the QA Manager who assigns a to verify that the corrective action is complete and in accordance with the approved disposition.

 / 3. After statemen No. 7, what is done with the tags when they are removed?             ' c.c M g ,e # .

I ( State job two site. nonconforming conditions which may be found on the V9. '2 i On n /2n a_ c>.t. w r/e,61 Q . O. N f %. .

                                           . A.fff/N/Al'- /h,e/C .
  • s ct
              '                          l'b
        '/ >;   %-                         J s,


                                               .         Byron Units 1 & 2

G_ENERAL EXAMINATION Procedures 22 and 24 These ex.;mination questions are designed to test the basic knowledge of procedures which

                     .o e cc            .on i o mos t al l. C.\/(N ac t iv it ics .

( *.:a T : F u '. .a -l/3) ( C T.OSE D WK

       ,3                                              Minimum Score 80%

i l Sc ue l Admin' 'e &d and 1.y: 1,- : 10 ,h> f,L ( .r. s :< . chan .n

                       . . / .c : ' .        ..p ~ c
                                                          /c'au EXHI6/7~ L


l .

 .\  ;b,*
  'F*-                         (V3                                  Cd U2u Lpir.s 3                                                                            .,4
 \     .                                                                      aov:

_k $ " 9,.. - + . HATFIELD Elt.CIRIC CO. EX/C- INATION PAO': EDGES #22 5 24 CLOSED BOOK Procedure #22, Qu=.lity Assurance Record Systems d . The purpose of this procedure is to assure that '! 'CG's cuality Assurance records are filed, stored, and maintaioci .iccotdind to acceptable practices for nuclear power plants. (TorF M. Quality Assurnnce records are completed docu aent s . d r.:i ards which sho- he cuality of items and activitles .:cc . ._ , , ; quality. or F [3 It shall be the responsibility of the projec t rd  !'.eSy;L;

                                                                                 .ger.t oT' .p'c-
                                                                                              .c ment and taintain the Quality Assun ice 3
4. The [90- will chow, but .till not be 1i i i I to sT1ouiflg, document identi fication cnd filing 1.ocatien.

a fire-resistant cabinet [. The QA records or within any other will be storud withintre-resistant ..arlosure 6 as desi ly ;.he OA '~anager. T or F All UA pers m.el will have open access tou.e PA i cirds nier.23. 6. area. T or F mwn recoving rccords from the QA files, a 1.od / i ll ':e fi .11 ::d ID, of the person i e civing it, [ 7. out indicating the and the date returned. reco(T or F the QA denarirent area

           's. Fersonnel will not re'nove records fri.:n without appluval of the GA Manager. Qor F
             -                                                                              Q.e Due   to the fact that    the GA    records
f. resistant room, smoking in that roem is acceptable.are stored withL.g aT ve@


10. F.inal turnover of the QA records will be to t he ce".pletion of the job.

_a. . iC c. '3C .uid CECO CFC0 d. '::nc of the above

o 1- ., e ,6 ,. w .. t


e i . Precedure #24, Control and Calibr, tion of Veters 7nd Tnstr - ~ts M. The purp;;e of the procedure 's to e s tC J ch .k ;u ate ::u :s for controlling the issurance end inintiin t..g 1".e calii ru i n

                 'nd proper operatir.g conditien of meters and i..str: a::.

sT cr F

2. i'he procedure applies to those caters and instr : . ants  : :-d :s V testing and neasuring devices for activities affect quality cf safety-related items or installations. (jr.g _) .rthe F

3 Ite.s requiring periodic calibration will be tagged :i -h tk.e date t.n .hich the next cal.ibration is . f4. The production group will maintain and issue it.eters and ina; ru ments, keep a record of their use in gafety-related areas, and fill out the check-out los. T or(F

5. Upon their use, the ceters and in ruments will be chacP d 'ar damage and operaiing condition. . or F y 6. The calibration of ceters and instruments will be perforned a6ainst reference stardards tracca.ble the N. B. S. or other i c.w;;nized indus try c:. indards. - or F p7. An appandi.x to the procadure lists the pe iodic calibration re r.uire..e.:ts for r.? ters and ins :cuments. 1 or F .
8. Tc' ose 7s fourd with a Red Tag will be used just for he day L/ but wij1 be recalibrated for the next days eiork. T or F

[9. N. se a tcol which does not apply to thie procedure./j/ _,,,afe _ ,

10. Ilmre ho (P.) tools which apply to this procedure.

1 T m '.. A M k W -.

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_ CABLE PAN AND HAf;CER INSPECTION EXAMINATION i PROCEDURES f9A. #9B , % This examination is designed to demonstrate the re-quired features of the inspections as delineated in the procedures. The knowledge and capabilities of the in-spector are examined with this examination. Closed and Open Book _ Minimum Score 801 h ( SCORE N __ Admin stered and Evaluated by: 10h Date: /O 8 L D James K. Buchanan QA/QC Manager 5 3 fd()Q {Ylb e

     .                                                                                                               1
  . s ..        '                 O                            0      Namgirds! MinH e M


  • Date ,,..p-cu Score A c IIy '7c, HATFIELD ELECTRIC COMPANY ,fAV c . Cable Pan and Hanger Inspection Examirmtion Procedures 9A, 9B and 9 E Instructions: Questions 1-30 are closed book; 30.-40 are open book.
1. What does this symbol mean if it is found on a cable pan drawing?

Answer, A,1 w

2. /

What does this symbol mean when it is found on a drawing in the middle of a piece of pan? Answer [a,,,dj

        #      3. On an HL TAB sheet, what would a standard connection for a horizon'tal niember that is P1000 be?
a. DV-2
b. DV-4
                      . DV-6 DV-8
4. On the Cable Pan Piece Part Prints, what would the number four (4) stand for? EXAMPLE: 739 D4 Answer #/ '
           #.5     What do the letters "CIF" stand for on the Cable Pan Piece Part Prints?

Answer 817~ n'. /,'f/2

        ~/. 6    What is an H clip?

2-Answer fis fj7,f) s/de , is,,,f) fE- As],() M A,., 627],,)

           /                                                        '


7. When inspecting hangers and comparing them to the design shape, one must observe the hanger facing CmA/ 4 or f+str .
           /.8     Pan elevation within f /-         of design elevation is acceptable.
9. Whare would you go to check to make sure "he welds werc all acceptable on a pan hanger?

Ansuerd),i,O t /?r4f) 10. Name/,the.

1. / C;/ two things you would check on a hanger.

2.;-t'm L,, f /

     'l' '

TRUE FALSE () N. _\ Hanger numbers and locations are given on the TAB sheets. (/ 12. \ A typical hanger number is 13H10. [13 \ A segregation code marker that is brown with black lettering is a non-safety related pan.

        / 4. \

1 P1E and P2E are safety related segregation codes.

       /15.         _
                                      \      Date-taking inspectors make an evaluation of accep-tability and document his on the inspection report.
16. .
                                       \     Thread rod hangers for cable pan are safety related.
                                    \        The cable pan inspector also inspects all welds associated with the hanger and documents this.

Jd. N It has been decided that 20% of all the bolts on cable pans will be inspected for torque by the in-spector.

       # 19.                         \      Cable pan hanger int.pectors are also conduit hanger inspectors per qualification after certification.
20. \ The "Z" elevation is shown on the TAB sheets.

Information for question #21 & #22

     / 21. What would be the standard connection for 3 and 5, if the members were P1000 and they were being welded to an em-bedded plate?                                                   /az Answer               Dt/3                                        '
     /    22. If "D" was specified on the TAB sheet as "8" and it is actually "10" it would be                                             =


                @ qptable? e or False
  • 2 Q3 .

O 5 4 ,-[ LEY 'Z*

                                                                      \              -


                  .                                                          A

_1_ '

                         .. : .1    ..     .

m _u. ., .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. __ _ _- 0 1 romation ror #23-#2;O I ZifZ

  • s

2 e u 4 4 o 5 S r ELEv'Z* 52 _- - A

       /   23.       If all members on this hanger are P1001, what would the stan-dard connection for 1 and 2 on the HL TAB sheet be?

( Answer ) // 2 .

      #24.         The sum of "B" and "D" will equal "C".                               True or             alse
   - /25.            "A"   has a tolerance of 3                  6*          .
      / 26.        The "Z" elevation is the bottom of the pan. Mr False.
       /27.        Cable pan riser routing codes with segregation code will be placed on both sides of the riser at points approximately 4;          feet above the floor line.
       / 28.       Where a riser passes through a floor, additional labels will be installed B                      below the floor line.
a. 4 foot G2 immediately
c. if possible
d. all of the above .
       / 29.       The segregation code color combination can be found where?

Answer /A ,.u g,4 ,- I

      /    30. The splice plate bolts will be installed with the round head of.

the bolt on the_11,m' .A of the cable pan and with the nut and ( - lock washer ass ~embled on the y ,W,o,1 F, of the cable pan. 3-

r .  ! 4 , OPEN BOOK

31. H an be found on the Sargent and Lundy TAB sheet l number _.- ,
                                  ,1 d the location can be found on drawing o-3052H,            !

C-30 sz HU

                   .32. What DV connections will be used on hanger H530 for attachments.

1:'pii2D 2: h v' t YY 3: tW/W 4: DU W

               / 33       Does hanger H530 have auxiliary steel associated with it.

Answer m#n . If so give dimensions .

              /34.        What hanger is H0530 referenced to?

Answer A m -a . 4

      - k 35.             The location of hanger H030 is_ f~' P[ N[" - Y'7 k 2f/9 .
36. For hanger H530, what drawings would you find the details for the hanger connections.

N Answer D.?S/45' , o-~Plet r . . ( / 37. On drawing 0-3052, the elevation of pan 2P2E at Byron is e/ 7u'/<' " at 6'11" North of 18 at "Q" Line.

             /38.        On drawing 0-3052A, pan number 703 C4 is 44 ? d ';~ "

and has dimensions of m <_, 4 <> . N 39. On hanger H032, area 0-3052, what is the elevation of the auxiliary steel? g y Lfg,,

            /     40. What is connection 4 on hanger H17, drawing 0-3052.

Answer 7) r/ f/ . A5Y f I'J ./ '. . 62c s/5 E k s s. -e t

1 ,I / . - s Y i N HATFIELD ELECTRIC COMPANY ( QA/QC Memorandum #448 , TO: File 3.01, John Hughes FROM: Scott Wagner, Lead Inspector DATE: 10-29-82


Training Summary John Hughes has completed and exceeded the minimum re-quirements established in QA%QC Memorandum #343, dated October 6, 1982. His training began October 5,1982 and was completed October 29, 1982. The training followed the attached detailed training outline for Procedures #9A, #9B and #9E. He was given a minimum of eight (8) hours of classroom training and 64 hours of on the job training in Procedure #9A. The training has been documented with the following objective evidence:

                - approved detailed training outline (procedures 9A, 9B and 9E)
                ; records of on the job training
                - classroom attendence records
                - QA program examination - 85%                                          .
                - general Level II Inspectors test - 90%
                - Cable Pan and Hanger Inspectors Examination - 86 1/4 %
                - (Procedures #9A, #9B and #9E)

Mr. Hughes has demonstrated that he has the capabilities to report inspection results, evaluate the validity and acceptability of the results. He is capable of planning and preparing for inspections. He has shown the ability to supervise and maintain surveillance over Level I inspectors and their activities. He is capable of reinspecting questionable data.

                                                       ,,       {A ) w &

Scott Wagner

                                                                         /O ' E 9-8 C .

Level II Inspec(tor . NOTE: Certification in procedures #9B and #9E may come later when on the job training is completed. The above information and tests were reviewed with the inspector immediately following each test or activity in order to clarify any questions. L

                                      /dM EE/DB/T N

my jg / Form HP-176 l [

                                                                                  ,   " Revision                #5
   ,                                                                                     Date                   7-9-82           l
                            #fATFEEE D = i. a e v = i c                  co m uv                     *

CIECUTivt OFFICES . 6479 WEST NORTH AVENUE . CMICAGO. ILLINOIS 604 3S . AREA 312 . PNONE: $22 7080 l 1 _ CERTIFICATE OF QUALIFICATION Employee Name: J. Hughes Date of Employment: 10-4-82 Job


Level II QC Inspector ACTIVITIES QUALIFIED TO PERFORM Procedure #9A (Class I Cable Pan Hanger Installation) CERTIFICATION BASED ON Education: High School Education (G.E.D.) Training: Memorandum #343 Experience: Over one year experience working as a Level II Examinations: to programmatic Quality Control Inspections ( On file { Visual Examination Date: 10-14-82 Comments: I hereby certify that the above employee meets the requirements of Procedure #17 and ANSI N45.2.6-1978. The capabilities of the employee have been determined by evaluation and are acceptable. The document-ation of the evaluation will o d in the onnel file. Expiration: 11-1-83 N _ ' ^ -

                                                               /QC Manager atfield Electric Company Date \\   <\ lk fd$$ ENl$lY 0 iMBER OF ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ASS'N OF CHICAGO . NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS AS$*N . BUILDING CON
