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Monthly Operating Rept for Oct 1983
Person / Time
Site: Duane Arnold NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/15/1983
From: Andersen M, Mineck D
DAEC-83-833, NUDOCS 8311210418
Download: ML20082C049 (9)


. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ __

i .. e, OPERATING DATA REP (RT DOCKET NO. 050-0331 DATE 11-15-83 COWLETED BY Matt Andersen TELEPHONE 319-851-7308 OPERATING STATUS Notes

1. Unit Name Duane Arnold Enoray Center
2. Reporting Period October, 1983
3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): 1658

' *4. Nameplats Rating (Gross MWe): 565 (Turbine Ratina)

5. Design Electrical Rating (Not MWe): 538
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 545
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Not MWe): 515 -
8. If Changes Occur In Capacity Ratings (items Number 3 Through 7) Since the Last Report, Give Reasons:
9. Power Level to which Restricted, if Any (Not MWe):
10. Reasons For Restrictions, if Any:

This Month Yr-to-Date Cumulative

11. Hours in Reporting Period 745.0 72 % .0 76680.0
12. Number of Hours Reactor Was Critical 245.6 4240.9 54497.2
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 0.0
14. Hours Generator On-Line 221.5 4076.6 53011.8
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 0.0
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) 200056.8' 5183839.2 65553359.2
17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 62737.0 1735104.0 21950021.0
18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 57958.7 1622374.6 20536647.0
19. Unit Service Factor 29.7% 55.9% __


20. Unit Availability Factor 29.7% 55.9% 69.1%
21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) 15.1% 43.25 52 g .
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) 14.5% 41.3% 49.8%
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate 26.4% 15.3% 17.6%
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, and Duration of Each):
25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period, Estimated Date of Startup .
  • Turbine Rating: 565.7 MWe Generator Rating: 663.5 (MVA) x .90 (Power Factor) = 597 MWe b

' # 773 8311210418 831115 >-

PDR ADOCK 05000331

.R . PDR ,


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AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL DOCKET NO. 050-0331 l UNIT Duane Arnold Enerav Center DATE November 15, 1983 1

COMPLETED BY Matt Andersen TELEPHONE 319-851-7308 MONTH October, 1983

DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL (MWe-Net) (MWe-Net) 1 372 17 0 2 18 18 0 3 0 19 0 4 0 20 0 5 0 21 33 6 0 22 272 7 0 23 426 8 0 24 78 9 0 25 27 10 0 26- 245 11 0 27 401 12 0 2E 227 13 0 29 0 14 0 30 106 15 0 31 408 16 0 o i INSTRUCTIONS On this format, list the average dally unit power level 'In MWe-Net for each day in the reporting month. Compute to the no4 rest whole megawatt.





~~ ^

Unit N2zo Dunno Arnold Encrgy Center Date Noveubar 15, 1983 October, 1983 Completed by Matt Andersen REPORT MONTH _.

Telephone 319-851-7308 n



o2 "c - Licensee

  • Cause & Corrective No. Date e 75 0 37$ Event $, 5 Action to S ES "

e f$e Report # $ 5e Prevent Recurrence

$~ $*o NO eE 8"

12 831002 S 444.1 B l N/A N/A N/A Scheduled maintenance to replace HFA relays and "A" MSiv actuator repair.

13 831024 F 21.9 A 3 N/A N/A N/A Reactor scram due to turbine control valve fast closure.

14 831025 F 14.4 A 2 N/A N/A N/A Manual scram initiated due to TSI high vibration on bearing #5.

15 831028 F 43.1 A 3 N/A N/A N/A MSlV closure and Reactor Scram due to high steam tunnel temperature -

ventilation and poor detector location caused MSIV closure.

1- 2 3 4 F: Forced Reason: Method: Exhibit G-Instructions S: Scheduled A-Equipment Failure (Explain) 1-Manual for Preparation of Data B-Maintenance or Test 2-Manual Scram. Entry Sheets for Licensee C-Ref 'llng 3-Automatic Scram. Event Report (LER) File (NUREG D-Regulatory Restriction 4-Other(Explain) 0161)

E-Operator 1 raining & License Examination F-Administrative 5 G-Operational Error (Explain) Exhibit 1-Same Source (9/77) H-Other(Explain)


. Occkot No. 050-0331 Unit Dueno Arnold Enaray Ctr Date November 15, 1983 Completed by Matt Anderson Telephone 319-851-7308 REFUELING INFORMATION 1 Name of facility.

A. Duane Arnold Energy Center 2 Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown.

A. Fall, 1984 3 Scheduled date for restart following refueling.

A. Fall 1984 4 Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a technical specification change or other license amendment?

None currently identitled.

5 Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting Information.

N/A 6 Important licensing considerations associated with refueling, e.g., new or different fuel design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in fuel design, new operating procedures.

None 7 The number of fuel assemblies (a) in the core and (b) In the spent fuel storage pool.

A. a) 368 bl 576 8 The present licensed spent fuel pool storage capacity and the size of any increase In licensed storage capacity that has been requested or is planned, in number of fuel assemblies.

A. 2050 9 The projected date of the last refueling that can be discharged to the spent fuel pool assuming the present licensed capacity.

A. 1998 i

L . . . . . . .

e-Docket No. 050-0331 Unit Dunno Arnold Energy 'Centne Dato November 15, 1983 MAJOR SAFETY RELATED MAINTENANCE Completed by Matt Anderson.


'10-3-83' PCIS, RPS HFA Relays One hundred eleven (111) safety-related relays were replaced.

10-3-83 to CRD Hydraulic Various Routine maintenance during outage.

10-17-83 p 10-14-83 Neutron Monitoring "A" IRM Replaced four (4) capacitors in High voltage power supply.

10-14-83 RCIC- MO-2401 Motor rewound.

10-15-83 Neutron. Monitoring "F" IRM Replaced detector ano sprocket.

10-15-83 . Control Rod. Drive C11-K27-1 Installed new GE type CR120K relay.

10-15-83 Main Steam isolation CV-4413 Cleaned and lubricated spring guides, l replaced coupling and spring spacer.

1 10-15-83 HPCI MO-2202 Valve disk repaired, pressure seal gasket and packing replaced, p ~ 10-21-83 Feedwater, V-14-1 Sealed leak on "B" Feedwater Check-Valve using furmanite. l

_. -. _ . ~

., .Dockot No. 050-0331 l

., Unit Dunno Arnald Energy Ctr !

Dato Novemb r 15, 1983 l Completed by Matt Andersen Telephone 319-851-7308 NARRATIVE



10-1-83 Plant at 388 MWo. Power limited to less than 75% due to "An main steam line Isolation valve be i ng closed.

At 2134 hours0.0247 days <br />0.593 hours <br />0.00353 weeks <br />8.11987e-4 months <br />, commenced driving control rods for reactor shutdown for maintenance.

10-2-83 At 0350 hours0.00405 days <br />0.0972 hours <br />5.787037e-4 weeks <br />1.33175e-4 months <br />, main generator taken off-line.

At 0645 hours0.00747 days <br />0.179 hours <br />0.00107 weeks <br />2.454225e-4 months <br />, all control rods fully inserted.

10-8-83 Reactor in cold shutdown, maintenance outage in progress.

10-13-83 Reactor In cold shutdown, maintenance outage in progress.

. 10-16-83 At 1030 hours0.0119 days <br />0.286 hours <br />0.0017 weeks <br />3.91915e-4 months <br />, Instrument technicians investigating SRM/lRM drive problems found burned relays in SRM/lRM drive cabinet.

10-17-83 Quarterly ca l i bra t i on of main steam line radiation monitors was not performed as scheduled In July 25, 1983. Immediately started procedure for calibration.

(R0 83-039 pending) 10-18-83 At 1158 hours0.0134 days <br />0.322 hours <br />0.00191 weeks <br />4.40619e-4 months <br />, commenced reactor startup.

4 At 1323 hours0.0153 days <br />0.368 hours <br />0.00219 weeks <br />5.034015e-4 months <br />, reactor critical.

At 2330 hours0.027 days <br />0.647 hours <br />0.00385 weeks <br />8.86565e-4 months <br />, driving control rode to make reactor subcritical for drywell leak Inspection.

10-19-83 At 0315 hours0.00365 days <br />0.0875 hours <br />5.208333e-4 weeks <br />1.198575e-4 months <br />, commenced driving control rods to reactor shutdown for leak repair of "B" feedwater check valve.

At.0347 hours0.00402 days <br />0.0964 hours <br />5.737434e-4 weeks <br />1.320335e-4 months <br />,-all rods full in.

10-20-83 At 2355 hours0.0273 days <br />0.654 hours <br />0.00389 weeks <br />8.960775e-4 months <br />, commenced reactor startup.

10-21-83 Reactor mode switch in startup position, pulling control rods per rod sequence withdrawal sheet. RWM is operable.

L At 0050 hours5.787037e-4 days <br />0.0139 hours <br />8.267196e-5 weeks <br />1.9025e-5 months <br />, reactor is critical.

At 0600 hours0.00694 days <br />0.167 hours <br />9.920635e-4 weeks <br />2.283e-4 months <br />, driving control rods in to make reactor subcritical.

At 0735 hours0.00851 days <br />0.204 hours <br />0.00122 weeks <br />2.796675e-4 months <br />, drywell Inspection completed satisfactory.

i Dsckot Ns. 050-0331

. Unit Du'no Arnold Energy Ctr Date Nsvecb*r 15, 1983 Completed by Matt Anderson Telephone 319-851-7308 NARRATIVE


OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE 10-21-83 At 0905 hours0.0105 days <br />0.251 hours <br />0.0015 weeks <br />3.443525e-4 months <br />, commenced pulling rods.


At 1558 hours0.018 days <br />0.433 hours <br />0.00258 weeks <br />5.92819e-4 months <br />, main generator on-line at 20 MWo.

10-24-83 Normal plant operation at 325 MWo.

At 0451 hours0.00522 days <br />0.125 hours <br />7.457011e-4 weeks <br />1.716055e-4 months <br />, reactor scram on turbine control volve fast closure.

At 1741 hours0.0202 days <br />0.484 hours <br />0.00288 weeks <br />6.624505e-4 months <br />, commenced reactor startup.

At 2145 hours0.0248 days <br />0.596 hours <br />0.00355 weeks <br />8.161725e-4 months <br />, reactor critical.

10-25-83 At 0248 hours0.00287 days <br />0.0689 hours <br />4.100529e-4 weeks <br />9.4364e-5 months <br />, main generator on-line.

At 0515 hours0.00596 days <br />0.143 hours <br />8.515212e-4 weeks <br />1.959575e-4 months <br />, TSI high vibration alarm - bearing #5 reading 8.2 mils and increasing.

At 0540 hours0.00625 days <br />0.15 hours <br />8.928571e-4 weeks <br />2.0547e-4 months <br />, initiated manual scram due to TSI high vibration on

  1. 5 bearing.

At 1158 hours0.0134 days <br />0.322 hours <br />0.00191 weeks <br />4.40619e-4 months <br />, commenced reactor startup.

At 1353 hours0.0157 days <br />0.376 hours <br />0.00224 weeks <br />5.148165e-4 months <br />, reactor critical.

At 2002 hours0.0232 days <br />0.556 hours <br />0.00331 weeks <br />7.61761e-4 months <br />, main generator on-line.

10-26-83 Normal plant operation at 267 MWe, 10-28-83 At 0923 hours0.0107 days <br />0.256 hours <br />0.00153 weeks <br />3.512015e-4 months <br />, received 1/2 Group I signal from steam tunnel temperature; channel B-2 reading 200*F, channel A-2 reading 190'F.

At 1006 hours0.0116 days <br />0.279 hours <br />0.00166 weeks <br />3.82783e-4 months <br />, dropping power to 50% for steam tunnel entry.

At 1040 hours0.012 days <br />0.289 hours <br />0.00172 weeks <br />3.9572e-4 months <br />, 1/2 Group 1 alarm clear.

At 1420 hours0.0164 days <br />0.394 hours <br />0.00235 weeks <br />5.4031e-4 months <br />, 1/2 Group I received on channel B steam tunnel high temperature.

At 1422 hours0.0165 days <br />0.395 hours <br />0.00235 weeks <br />5.41071e-4 months <br />, Group i isolation, reactor scram.

At 1501 hours0.0174 days <br />0.417 hours <br />0.00248 weeks <br />5.711305e-4 months <br />, opened PSV-4401 and PSV-4407 to rolleve pressure and lower level In vessel.



,- Dccket No. 050-0331 )

  • Unit Duens Arnold Energy Ctr l Octo Neverb r 15, 1983 Completed by Matt Anderson Telephone 319-851-7308 j NARRATIVE


OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE 10-28-83 At 1503 hours0.0174 days <br />0.418 hours <br />0.00249 weeks <br />5.718915e-4 months <br />, shut PSV-4401 at 750 psig.


At 1504 hours0.0174 days <br />0.418 hours <br />0.00249 weeks <br />5.72272e-4 months <br />, Indicated level dropped to 119.5" above top of active fuel due to vold collapse following relief valve actuation (manual). HPCI and RCIC systems recirc pump trip and LPCI loop select signal Initiated as designed. Level promptly recovered.

At 1505 hours0.0174 days <br />0.418 hours <br />0.00249 weeks <br />5.726525e-4 months <br />, secured HPCI system.

At 1508 hours0.0175 days <br />0.419 hours <br />0.00249 weeks <br />5.73794e-4 months <br />, placed RCIC in CST to CST mode for pressure control.

10-30-83 At 0113 hours0.00131 days <br />0.0314 hours <br />1.868386e-4 weeks <br />4.29965e-5 months <br />, reactor startup In progress.

At 0114 hours0.00132 days <br />0.0317 hours <br />1.884921e-4 weeks <br />4.3377e-5 months <br />, reactor critical.

At 0925 hours0.0107 days <br />0.257 hours <br />0.00153 weeks <br />3.519625e-4 months <br />, main generator on-line.

10-31-83 Normal plant operation at 349 MWo.

i f

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i I.

Iowa Electric Light and Ibwer Company November 15, 1983 DAEC-83-833 Director, Office of Inspection and Enforcement U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Attn: Document Control Desk


Duane Arnold Energy Center Docket No. 50-331 Op. License DPR-49 October, 1983 Monthly Operating Report

Dear Sirs:

Please find enclosed 12 copies of the Duane Arnold Energy Center Monthly Operating Report for October, 1983. The report has been prepared in accordance with the guidelines of Regulatory Guide 1.16 and distribution has been made in accordance with DAEC Technical Specifications, Appendix A, Section 6.11.1.c and Regulatory Guide 10.1.

Very trul ours, Daniel L. Mineck Plant Superintendent - Nuclear Duane Arnold Energy Center DLM/MWA/pf*

Enclosures File A-118d, TE-5 cc: Director, Office of Inspection Mr. Phillip Ross and Enforcement U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Maryland National Bank Bldg.

Region III Washington, D. C. 20555 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 (1) NRC Resident Inspector Director, Office of Management and Mr. Dennis Murdock Program Analysis Central Iowa Power Cooperative U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Marion, IA _52302 Washington, D. C. 20555 (1) i Mr. George Toyne, Gen. Mgr. )

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Corn Belt Power Cooperative ,

ATTN: Mr. Mohan Thadoni Box 508  ;

Phillips Bldg. Mail 416 Humboldt, IA 50548 Washington, D. C. 20555 _ _

INP0 Records Center 1100 Circle 75 Parkway 7 I Suite 1500 -

Atlanta, GA 30339 1 -

Duarw Arnold Energy Centere P.O. Box 351 e Cedarllapids, Iowa 52406 e 3191851 7611