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Proposed Tech Spec Changes to Ensure Adequate Fire Detection Capability
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/01/1983
Shared Package
ML20082P872 List:
NUDOCS 8312090232
Download: ML20082P915 (12)



( 3.18 FIRE PROTECTION 3.16.1 FIRE PROTECTION INSTRUMENTATION Acolicability: At all times when equiprcent in that fire oetection zone is requireo to be operable. Fire detection instruments located within the Reactor Builcing are not required to be oparable Ctring the performance of Type A Containment Leakage Rate Test.

Objective: To insure adequate fire detection capability.

Specification: The minimum fire detection instrumentation for each fire detection zone shown in Table 3.18-1 shall be operaDie or action shall be taken as described in specification l With the ntsnber of OPERABLE fire detection instruments less than required by Table 3.18-1. .

a. Within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, establish a fire watch patrol to inspect the zone with the inoperable instrument (s) at least once per hour unless l the instrument (s) is located inside the containment, then inspect the containment at least once per 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> or monitor containment air temperature at least once per hour at the locations listed in Specification 3.17.3.


b~. Restore the inoperable instrument (s) to CPERABLE status within 14 days or, prepare and submit a special report to the Commission within the next 30 days outlining the actions taken, the cause of the inoperability and the plans and schedules for restoring the instrument (s) w OPERABLE status.

Bases CPERABILITY of the fire detection instrumentation ensures that adequate warning capability is available for the prompt detection of fires. This capability is required in order to detect and locate fires in their early stages. Prompt detection of fires will reduce the potential for damage to safety related equipment and is an integral element in the overall facility fire protection program.

In the event that a portion of the fire detection instrumentation is inoperable, the establishment of frequent fire patrols in the affected areas is required to provide detection capability until the inoperable instrumentation is restored to operability.

8312090232 831201 DR ADOCK 05000 3-86

TABLE 3.18-1 FIRE DETECTION INSTRUMENTS Total NtInber Instrument Location of Detectors Minimum Instruments Operable Heat Smoke Heat Smoke

1. Control Building Elev. 355' Control Rcom 0 17 NA 8 Computer Room 0 10 NA 5 HCV Panel 0 2 NA 1 CC & G Panel- 0 3 NA 2~

PC & PCR Panel 0 3 NA 2 PL Panel 0 1 NA 1 2.- Control Building Elev. 338' 1D 4160 V SWGR 0 1 NA 1 lE 4160 V SWGR 0 1 NA 1 ESAS Cabinets (CB-3C) 0 3 NA 2 Relay Room 4 1 2 1

3. Control Building Elev. 322' 1P 480 V SWGR 0 1 NA 1 1S 480 V SWGR 0 1 NA 1 Battery Room A 0 1 NA 1 Battery Room B 0 1 NA 1 Inverter Room _A 0 1 NA 1 Inverter. Room B 0 1 NA 1 Remote Shutdown Panel 0 1 NA 1

'4. Diesel Generators Diesel A 1 0 1 NA Diesel B 1 0 1 NA

5. Screen House General Area (HVAC) 2 0 1 NA Zme 1 0 6 NA 3 Zma 2 0 6 NA 3


6. Fuel Handling Bldg. Elev. 281' General Cable Area (Zone 8) 0 9 NA 5 Lubricant & Storage Area 0 3 NA 2 (Zone 9) 3-87 i

TABLE 3.18-1 Con:'c FIRE DETECTION INSTRUMENTS Total Number Instrument Location of Detectors Minimum Instruments Doerable Heat Smoke Heat Smoke

7. Auxiliary Builcing Elev. 261' Decay Heat Removal Pump A 0 3 NA 2 (Zone 6)

Decay Heat Removal Pump B 0 4 NA 2 (Zone 7)

8. Auxiliary Building Elev. 281' Pipe Penetration Area (Zone 1) 0 5 iM 3 Makeup & Purification Pumps 0 3 iM 2 (Zone 2)

Valve Gallery (Zone 3) 0 1 NA 1 Cable Gallery (Zone 4) 0 4 tM 2

9. Auxiliary Building Elev. 305' Decay Heat & Nucl. Service Pumps and MCC 1A,1B (Zone 5) 0 7 NA 4 Ventilation Room 1 1 1 1
10. Intermediate Building Elev. 295' EF-P-248 Rooms (Zone 1) 0 6 NA 3 Cable Area (Zone 2) 0 2 NA 1 EF-P-1 Room (Zone 3) 0 2 NA 1

-- Valve Gallery (Zone 4) 0 2 NA 1

11. Intermediate Building Elev. 305' Tank Room (Zone 5) 0 1 NA 1
12. Reac. tor Building Elev. 281; Exhaust Ducts (Zone 1) 0 3 iM 2 Decay Heat Valve 1 (Zone 2) 0 1 NA 1 Decay Heat Valve 2 (Zone 2) 0 1 NA 1 Cable Tray at Let Down Cooler 0 1 NA 1 (Zone 3)
13. Reactor Building Elev. 305' Exhaust Ducts (Zone 4) 0 5 FM 3 Purge Exhaust (Zone 5) 0 1 tM 1 Cable Tray at Personnel Hatch 0 2 tM 1 (Zone 6)
14. Reactor Building Elev. 346' D-Ring ld (Zone 7) 0 6 iM 4 D-Ring le (Zone 8) 0 6 fM 4
15. Reactor Building Elev. 382' Cable Tray (Zone 9) 0 2 iM 1
16. Reactor Building Elev. 382' Elevator Room (Zone 10) 0 1 tM 1 3-87a

3.18.3 DELUGE /SPRitKLER SYSTD45 Acolicability: At all times when equipnent in the area is recuireo to be operable.

Objective: To assure adequate fire sucpression capability.

Specification: The Deluge and/or Sprinkler Systems located in the'following areas shall be operable or action shall be taken as described in l specification

a. Diesel Generator and Radiator Rooms
b. Diesel Generator Combustion Air Intakes
c. Diesel Generator Cooling Air Intake
d. Control Building Filter (AH-F3A, AH-F38) Roorr5
e. Air Intake Tunnel (3 zones)
f. Charcoal Filter (AH-F10, AH-F11)
g. Intake Screen Punp House
h. Diesel driven fire pump areas
1. Control Building at elevation 306'
j. Control Building ESAS Relay Room at elevation 338'6" (Manual system)
k. Fuel Fendling Building at elevation 281'0"
1. . Auxiliary Building containment penetration area at elevation 281'0" (Manual system) With any of the above deluge and/or sprinkler systems in any room or zone inoperable:
a. Establish a once-per-hour fire patrol with backup fiIS suppression equipment for the unprotected area (s), within one hour except that no fire watch is requirec in the air intake tunnel.
b. Restore the system to OPERABLE status within 14 days or, prepare and stbmit a Special Report to tne Commission within the next-30 days outlining the actions taken, the cause of inoperability and the plans and schedule for restoring the system to CPERABLE status.

e 3-89


~3.18.4 CO2 SYSTEM Aoplicability: At all times when the equipment in the area is required to be operable.

Objective: To insure adequate fire suppression capability.

Specification: The CO2 system for the Cable Spreading Room shall be operable with a minimum level corresponding to 8500 lbm at a minimum pressure of 285 psig in the storage tank. With the CO2 system for the Cable Spreading Room inoperable:

a. Establish a continuous fire watch with backup fire suspension equipment for the unprotected area within one hour.


b. Restore the system to CPERABLE status within 14 days or prepare and sthmit a Special Report to the Commission within the next 30 days outlining the action taken the cause of inoperability and the plans and schedule for restoring the system to OPERABLE status.

4 3-90 ,

3.18.5 HALON SYSTEMS Apolicability: The Air Intake Tunnel Halon Systen shall be functional at all times except when the Control Building ventilation is en recirculation. The Computer Room Halon System shall be functional at all times except when the halon-protected computer equipment in the Control Room is not energized.

Objective: To assure adequate fire suppression capability.


3.J9, The Halon System shall be operable having at least 90% of full charge pressure and 95% full charge weight or action shall be taken as described in specification The Air Intake Tunnel Halon System may be removed I from service for periods up to 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> when the air tunnel must be occupied for testing or maintenance. If the Halon system in any zone is inoperable:

a. Restore the system to OPERABLE status within 14 days or, prepare and submit a Special Report to the Commission within the next 30 days


outlining the action taken, the cause of the inoperability and the plans and schedule for restoring the system to operable status.

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4 3-91

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3.18.6 FIRE HOSE STATIONS Applicability: At all times when the equipment in the area is required to be operable.

Objective: To insure adequate fire suppression capability.

Specification: The fire hose stations listed in Table 3.18-2 shall be operable or an additional hose must be routed to the urprotected area from an operable hose station within two (2) hours.


i The CPERABILITY of the fire suppression systems ensures that adequate fire -

suppression capability is available to confine and extinguish fires occurring in any portion of the facility where safety related equipment is locateo. The

, fire suppression system consists of the water system, spray and/or sprinklers, CD 2 , Halon and fire hose stations. The collective capability of the fire suppression systems is adequate to minimize potential damage to safety related equipment and is a major element in the facility fire protection program.

Technical Specification has been changed to reflect a minimum

~ pressure of 285 psig in the CO2 storage tank. Actual plant CO 2. discharge 7

tests have verified that there is an ample system design margin at this setpoint (i.e. 1005).

In the event that portions of the fire suppression systems are inoperable, alternate backup fire fighting equipment is required to be made available in the affected areas until the inoperable equipment is restored to service.

In the event the fire suppression water system becomes inoperable, immediate corrective measures must be taken since this system provides the major fire suppression capability of the plant.

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,Tacle 3.18-2 HOSE STATIONS Intermed_ late Building

1. Fire hose near northeast piping chamber stair ay at elev. 309' (2 stations).

Auxiliary Building .

1. Fire hose near stairway at northeast end of building near valve room at elev. 285'.
2. Fire hose near waste evaporator condensate tank and auxiliary steam condensate return init elev. 285' .
3. Fire hose near stairway at northeast end of auxiliary building and engineered safeguards control center, elen. 309'.
4. Fire hose near radioactive waste control center, elev. 309'. l S. Fire hose in heat exchanger vault, elev. 286'. I Turbine Building
1. Fire hose along west side of building near 12th stage extraction feedwater heaters, elev. 326' .
2. Fire hose along west side of building near 10th stage extraction feedwater heaters, elev. 359'.

Fuel Handling Building

1. Fim hose along west wall north end, elev. 326',
2. Fire hose along west wall south end, elev. 326'.
3. Fire hose along west wall north end, elev. 342'.
4. Fire hose along west wall south end, elev. 342'.
5. Fire hose along east wall north end, elev. 359'.
6. Fire hose along east wall south end, elev. 359'.
7. Fire hose middle west wall, elev. 384'.

Reactor Building (Note 1)

1. Fire hose near personnel access hatch, elev. 312'.
2. Fire hose near southeast stairway, elev. 285'.
3. Fire hose near southeast stairway, elev. 350'.

. 4. Fire hose at top east D-Ring, elev. 369'.

5. Fire hose at door to D-Ring, elev. 285'.
6. Fire hose near west stairway, elev. 285'.
7. Fire hose near equipnent access hatch, elev. 312'.
8. Fire hose near west stairway, elev. 350'.
9. Fire hose at top west D-Ring, elev. 369'.

Note 1: Only required to be operable during plant shutcown conditions that do not require establishing containment integrity per T.S. 3.6. ,



3.18.7 FIRE BARRIER PEtLETRATIONS Acolicability: All fire barrier penetration seals (including cable and pipe penetration barriers, fire cocrs anc fire campers) in fire zone tcuncaries protecting safety related areas shall be functicnal at all times when equipment on either sice Of tre barrier is recuired to be operable.

Objective: To assure the effectiveness of barriers.

Specification: All fire barrier penetration seals protecting safety i related areas shall be functional or action shall be taken as described in With one or more of the above required fire barrier penetration seals non.unctional, establish a fire patrol to inspect at . east one side of the affected penetration once per hour during refueling shutdown, cold shutdown, heatup/cooldown, and hot shutdown.

At all other times a continuous fire watch shall be posted on one side of the affected penetration within one hour. Res, tore the penetration seal to an CPERABLE : 3tus within 14 days or, prepare and submit a Sp cal Report to the Comission within the next 30 cays outlining the action to be taken, the cause of the inoperability and the plans and schedule for restoring the system to an OPERABLE status.

Bases: The functional integrity cf the fire barrier penetration seals ensures that fires will be confined or adequately retarded from spreading to adjacent portions of the facility. This oesign feature minimizes the possibility of a single fire rapidly involving several areas of the facility prior to detection and extinguishment. The fire barrier penetration seals are a passive element in the facility fire protection program and are subject to periodic inspections.

During periods of tirre when the seals are not functional, a roving or continuous fire watch is required to be maintained in the vicinity of the affected seal until the seal is restored to functional status as cescribed in specification


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4.18 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 4.18.1 FIRE PROTECTION INSTRUMENTS Applicability: Instruments listed in Table 3.18-1 Objective: To insure operability of fire cetection instruments.

Soecification: Each of the fire detection instruments ' listed in Table 3.18-1 which are accessible during plant operation shall be demonstrated operable at least once per 6 months by performance of a Channel Functional Test. Instruments listed on Table 3.18-1 which are not accessible during plant operation shall be demonstrated operable by the performance of a Channel Ftnctional Test during each cold shutdown exceeding 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> unless performed in the previous 6 months. The non-supervised circuits between the instrument and the control room and between local panels and the control room shall be demonstrated operable at least once per month for the instrtraents listed in Table 3.18-1.

c.18.1.3 The ifPA Standard 72 D supervised circuits associated with the detector alarms for Table 3.18-1 instrunents shall be demonstrated operable at least once per 6 months.

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l 4-72 l

4.18.5 HALON SYSTEP.S Acolicability: Halon System described in Specification 3.18.5.

Objective: To insure system operability.

Specification: The Halon System shall be verified cperable:

a. At least once per 6 months by verifying each Halon storage tank weight and pressure.
b. At least once per 18 months by:
1. Verifying that the system, including associated ventilation dampers, actuates automatically to a simulated test signal.
2. Functional test of the ultraviolet detectors, test of the pressure wave detectors, and replacement of the explosives actuators for the Air Intake Tunnel Halon System.

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4.16.7 FIRE BARRIER PENETRATIONS b I Applicability: All fire barrier penetration seals (including cable  ;

and pipe penetration barriers, fire doors and fire i dampers) in fire zone boundaries protecting safety ,

relateo areas shall be functional at all times when  !

equipment either side of the barrier is required to -

be operable. i Objective: To assure that the effectiveness of fire barriers protecting safety-related areas is maintained.

Specification: Fire barrier penetraticn seals and fire dampers shall be verified to be functional by a visual in pection:

a. At least once each refueling interval; and
b. Prior to declaring a fire barrier penetration seal or fire damper functional following repairs, maintenance, or initial installation. Fire doors shall be verified to be functional by a visual inspection:

a. At least weekly for doors that are locked


closed to verify that they are locked closed and free of obstructions.

b. At least daily for doors held open by automatic release mechanisms to verify that the doorway is free of obstructions,
c. At least daily for doors neither locked nor supervised to verify that they are in a closed position.
d. Prior to declaring a fire door functional following repairs, maintenance, or initial installation.

