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Amended Procedural Order 1 Re Decommissioning Fund
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/25/1991
From: Kalinski A
NUDOCS 9103110369
Download: ML20070G287 (6)


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AEEEEEE EEEEEEEEak 2EEEE EE1 February 25, 1991 WHEREAS, the Committee held a meeting on October 23, 1990, fer consideration of tiew Hampshire Yankee's filed update concerning the Seabrook 11uclear Decommissioning Fund; and WHEREAS, the Committee voted to establish a procedural echedule for updating by tiew Hampshire Yankee of its filing engarding the Seabrook 11uclear Decommissioning Fund leading to a decision of the Committee no later than December 15, 1991; and WHEREAS, tne Committee appointed the undersigned, its Special Counsel, as a Hearing Officer, delegating procedural e

nothority to him in terms of resolving scheduling, disccvery disputes and pre-hearing matters with a right of appeal to the Committee: and WHEREAS, on October 31, 1990, the undersigned, as Hearing Officer, distributed a Memorandum to all parties notifying them of the actions taken by the Committee at its October 23, 1990 meeting, relative to the establishment of a proposed schedule for updating the Seabrook tiuclear reccmmissioning Fund; and 00L 9103110369 910225 , (l i 1

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WHEREAS, the only response received was one submitted l'y tiew Hampshire Yankee setting forth its suggestions for a rreposed schedule for updating the Seabrook  !!u cle a r recommissioning fund; and WHEREAS, on February 5, 1991, Procedural Order No. 1

.m s issued establishing a procedural schedule for the r4djudicatory proceedings to update the Committee's c-venteenth c Supplemental Order establishing the Seabrook m> clear Decommissioning Financing rund; and WHEREAS, New Hampshire Yankee has filed a Motion to nedify Procedural Order No. I stating that its expert witnesses cannot meet the April 15, 1991 original filing date for the documents required to be filed by them; it is hereby ORDERED, that, pursuant to the authority granted to the undersigned by the Committee, the following Amended procedural schedule is hereby established for the adjudicatory proceedings to update the Committee's coventeenth Supplemental Order establishing the Seabrook Muclear Decommissioning Financin '*J n d .

May 15, 1991 - Initial f i l i i,3 by New Hampshire Yankee -

On or before this date, New Hampshire Yankee is required to file the following:

1. Annual Report required by the Committee's Feventeenth Supplemental Order dated June 4, 1990, including the Decommissioning Study Cost Estimate Update as of January, 1991.

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2. Decommissioning Fund Performance Report through March, 1991.


3. Opening Statement.
4. Direct Testimony of New tlampshire Yankee witnesses.

E. A proposed Decommissioning Fund Payment Schedule for implementation on January 1, 1992.

Copies of each of the above documents and all documents referred to in this Procedural Order are to be forwarded by New flampshire Yankee to each General Intervonor, and all parties are required to provide copies of their documents e and filings to all other parties to the proceeding and to the Comnittee, its Special Counsel, and its expert.

May 15, 1991 - Applications for Generel Intervention -

nn or before this date, Applications for General Intervention are to be filed. Each party wishing appear in the proceeding as a General Intervenor shall file an npplication with the Committee.

fjay 29, 1991 - Discovery Requests to New ilampshire Yankee -

On 9t before this date all discovery requests directed to New llampsh i r e Yankee shall be filed by General Intervonors and by the Committee's export.

June 19, Responses by New 11ampshire Yankee - On er before this date, New ilampshire Yankee's responses to the Discovery Requests of all parties shall be filed.

  • July 3, 1991 - Testimony by General Intervenors and Committee expert - On or before thie date each General Intervenor and the Committee's expert shall file its direct testimony.

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July 10, 1991 - Discovery Requests by New Hampshire Yankee - On or before this date, New Hampshire Yankee shall file all-of its Discovery Requests directed to the General Intervenors and the Committee's expert.

August 7, 1.91 - Responses to New Hampshire Yankee's


Discovery Requests - On or before this date all General intervenors and the Committee's expert shall file their-responses to the Discovery Requests of New Hampshire Yankee.

P August 21, 1991 - Supplemental Discovery Requests - On or befare this date, all parties shall file whatever j additienal Supplemental Discovery Requests they have to each I

-of-the parrles.

21, 1991 Notice of Public Hearing - On or  !

Lugust -

bafore this date, New Hampshire Yankee is required to send out a Notice of Public Hearing to be posted at two public places in Seabrook, New Hampshire and to be published twice in the Manchester Union Leader and the Portsmouth Herald, with the last publication no later than two weeks before th) first hearing date.

September 4, 1991 - Responses to Supplemental Requests

- On or before this date all parties shall file their responses to Supplemental Requests for Discovery by a; parties and discovery shall be complete by this date.

S,eptember 18, 1991 to October 4, 1991 - First Phase of Hearings - The first phase of the hearings will be held in this time period commencing with hearings in the Town of Seabrook on September 18, and September 19, 1991.


October 15, 1991 to October 30, 1991 - Preliminary Docision b; committee - In this time period the Committee wil] issue its preliminary decision on the update of the Seabrook Nuclear Decommissioning Financing Fund.

November 1, 1991 to November 15, 1991 -

Public Notice of Second Phase of Hearings -

In this time period New Hampshire Yankee will be required to send out a Notice of the Public Hearing for the Second Phase of the proceedings, to be posted at two public places in Seabrook, N.H. and to be published twice-in the Manchester Union Leader and the Pertsmouth Herald, with the last publication no later than two weeks before the hearing.

November 15, 1991 to November 29, 1991 -

Second Phase ei Hearings - In this time period, the Committee will hold the Second Phase of Hearings in this proceeding on the update of the Seabrook Nuclear Decommissioning Financing rund.

December 14, 1991 - Final Order by Committee - On this date, the Committee will issue its final Order on revision, amendment a" . updating of the Seabrook Nuclear Decommission ,; Financing Fund and implementation of a revised funding schedule on January 1, 1992.

New Hampshire Yankee shall notify all persons desiring to appear. as General Intervenors in this proceeding by causing a copy of this Order to be published at least twice in a newspaper having state-wide circulation, the last such 4

noblication to be no later t. San Muy 1, 1991, said

-"blication to-be designated in an affidavit to be made on a I repy of this Order and filed with this Committee on or before May 15, 1991.

By order of the Nuclear Decommissioning Financing Ccmmittee this 25th day of February, 1991.

By: ,

4* ( 6 hJb Alexander J r Kalinski Hearing Officer of the Committee 11uclear Decommissioning Financing Committee 8 Old Suncook Road Concord, N.H. 03301 i

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