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Annual Assessment Meeting Slides
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/11/2002
From: Eselgroth P
Reactor Projects Branch 2
Download: ML021050383 (11)



TRANSMITTAL OF MEETING HANDOUT MATERIALS FOR IMMEDIATE PLACEMENT IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN This form is to be filled out (typed or hand-printed)by the person who announced the meeting (i.e., the person who issued the meeting notice). The completed form, and the attached copy of meeting handout materials,will be sent to the Document ControlDesk on the same day of the meeting; under no circumstanceswill this be done laterthan the working day after the meeting.

Do not include proprietarymaterials.

DATE OF MEETING The attached document(s), which was/were handed out in this meeting, is/are to be placed 04/11/2002 in the public domain as soon as possible. The minutes of the meeting will be issued in the near future. Following are administrative details regarding this meeting:

Docket Number(s) 50-286 Plant/Facility Name Indian Point 3 TAC Number(s) (ifavailable)

Reference Meeting Notice 02-018 Purpose of Meeting (copy from meeting notice) Conduct an annual assessment meeting to review Entergy's performance in operating the IP3 facility over the period April 1, 2001 to December 31, 2001.

NAME OF PERSON WHO ISSUED MEETING NOTICE TITLE Peter W. Eselgroth Branch Chief OFFICE Region I DIVISION Division of Reactor Projects BRANCH Projects Branch 2 Distribution of this form and attachments:

Docket File/Central File PUBLIC NRC FORM 658 (9-1999) PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER This form was designed using InForms

Annual Assessment Meeting Reactor Oversight Program - Cycle 2 0

50 I

0 Nuclear Regulatory Commission -Region I King of Prussia, PA


  • Introduction m Review of Reactor Oversight Process m Discussion of Plant Performance Results m Licensee Response and Remarks m NRC Closing Remarks
  • Meeting with the Licensee adjourned
  • NRC available to address questions from the public NRC Response to 9/11 mHighest Level of Security Maintained
  • Comprehensive Review of Security m Closely Coordinated Response With:

- Our Licensees


- Military, State, and Local Agencies

- Intelligence Communities

  • Issued Security Advisories

- Increased Patrols

- Augmented Security Capabilities

- Added Barriers and Posts

- More Limited Access

- Enhanced Security Awareness

  • Issued Order on Security
  • NRC Monitoring Enhanced Security

NRC Representatives

"*Peter Eselgroth Chief, Reactor Projects Branch 2

- (610) 337-5234]

"*Pat Milano, Project Manager, NRR

- (301) 415-1457]

"*Peter Drysdale, Senior Resident Inspector

- (914) 739-8565]

NRC Activities

"* Ensure nuclear plants are designed, constructed, and operated safely

"*Issue licenses for the peaceful use of nuclear materials in the U.S.

"*Ensure licensees use nuclear materials and operate plants safely, and are prepared to respond to emergencies

NRC Performance Goals

"* Maintain safety and protect the environment

"*Enhance public confidence

"*Improve effectiveness, efficiency, and realism of processes and decision making

"*Reduce unnecessary regulatory burden NRC Reactor Oversight Activities

"*Provides assurance plants are operating safely and in accordance with the regulations

"*Risk informed process

"*Objective indicators of performance

"*Inspections focused on key safety areas

"*Defines expected NRC and licensee actions

Reactor Oversight Process

. ý- A., , . - .- I I I IV Action Matrix R

Examples of Baseline Inspections

"* Equipment Alignment S70 hrs/yr

"* Annual Fire Protection S35 hrs/yr

"*Triennial Fire Protection -200 hrs every 3 yrs

"* Operator Response - 125 hrs/yr

"*Plant security -40 hours/yr

"* Emergency preparedness -60 hrs/yr

"* Rad release controls -100 hrs every 2 years

"* Worker radiation protection -125 hrs/year

"* Corrective action program 10% every inspection

"* Corrective action program -200 hr every 2 yrs

Significance Threshold

__________________________________ 23901 Performance Indicators Green: Only baseline Inspection White: May increase NRC oversight Yellow: Requires more NRC oversight Red: Requires more NRC oversight Inspection Findings Green: Very Low safety issue White: Low to moderate safety issue Yellow: Substantial safety issue Red: High safety issue Action Matrix Concept zmmzzz Increasing Safety Significance Increasing NRC Inspection Efforts Increasing NRC/Licensee Management Involvement Increasing Regulatory Actions

National Summary of Plant Performance End of Calendar Year 2001 Licensee Response 74 Regulatory Response 24 Degraded Cornerstone 4 Multiple/Repetitive Degraded Cornerstone 1 Unacceptable 0 Total Plants 103 National Summary

  • Performance Indicator Results 4th Qtr Calendar Yr 2001 Green 1834

, White 8

' Yellow 0

  • Red: 0 mTotal Inspection Findings (April 2001 - December 2001)

Green 660

  • White 23
  • Yellow 2
  • Red 0

IP3 Inspection Activities (Jan 1 - Dec 31, 2001)

  • 6094 hours0.0705 days <br />1.693 hours <br />0.0101 weeks <br />0.00232 months <br /> of inspection related activity
  • Two resident inspectors
  • 11 inspections by regional inspectors o Includes 2 team inspections
  • Inspection Findings m 17 findings of very low safety significance 1P3 Performance Indicators 4Q/2001 WWW.NRC.GOV/NRR/OVERSIGHT/ASSESS/IP3/ip3_chart.html Performance Indicators


1P3 Inspection Finding Summary Reator ~adilation" Sfaac~

Safety Safety [S

)nle~gOccupetions/ Pvbigc Mitigat,* ng Sorrier -l e ny dI , n I dmo;, I" E'ento sywae-i 1ntegrity PrepSredrioaSoet Most Significant Inspection Findings 40/2001 3QJ2001 -m m *zmm 20J2001 mm*mmz

  • li a I 0,2001 IIi Addition.l Inspection & Asesennt Information 4Assessment Reports/Inspectio n Plns: -40 List of Inspection Reports 4Q/2001 *1 List ofAsestmtnt Lettets/Inspection Plans 30/2001 2012001 10/2001
  • Cross Rference Of Ass-sama nt Reports 4-tAs~rr - , -,- 1. Go2 Reference Sources

"*Reactor Oversight Process

//w ww RR /O V ER SIG H T/A SSE S S/index .htm l S

"*Public Electronic Reading Room o http ://

"*Public Document Room P 1-800-397-4209 (Toll Free)

" Region I Public Affairs Office SNeil Sheehan or Diane Screnci 1-800-432-1156 (Toll Free)

1P3 Annual Assessment (April 1 - Dec 31, 2001)

Operated safely Fully met all cornerstone objectives Licensee Response Band of Action Matrix All Inspection Findings of very low safety significance (Green)

SAll Performance Indicators requiring no additional NRC oversight (Green)

NRC Plans to conduct baseline inspections
