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Forwards List of All Uncoordinated Breakers,Locations & Current Versus Time Curves for Calculated Fault Currents,Per Electrical Distribution Sys Functional Insp
Person / Time
Site: Catawba  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/02/1994
From: Rehn D
NUDOCS 9403090207
Download: ML20064C206 (116)


{{#Wiki_filter:_ _ _ - ________ - __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ll l DukeIbwerCompany D L Rats Catawba Nuclear Generation Department Vice President 4800 ConcordRoad (803)S31-3205 Office York, SC 29745 (803)8313426 Fax

 . DUKEPOWER March 02,1994 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington.DC 20555


Catawba Nuclear Station Docket Nos. 50-413 and 50-414 Supplemental Information Concerning Electrical Distribution System Functional Inspection


Letter from NRC to Duke Power Company dated February 14,1994 la the reference letter which summarizes the February 7,1994, meeting with Duke Power Company (DPC) on breaker coordination, your stalT requested that DPC provide a list of all uncoordinated breakers, their location, and current versus time curves for calculated fault currents. Catawba Engineering has compiled the attached summary package in response to that request. Contact Zach Taylor at (803) 831-3812 if there are any questions concerning the contents of this pAkage. Very truly 3ours. AJh DAf(d{-_ - D. L. Rchn KEN \iR92.0I xc: R. E. Martin (with attachments) Project Manager, ONRR S. D. Ebneter Regional Administrator, Region 11 R. J. Freudenberger, SRI 00bij , T 9403090207 940302 'l PDR ADOCK 05000413 .j t D PDR .i ,

Response to Part 1 of Electrical Distribution System Functional Inspection (EDSFI) Deviation DEV 50-413,414/92-01-02 125VDC Vital I and C Power (EPL) System Breaker Coordination Study

1. Summary A. Where are our faults?

See Table 1.1 and attachment I for the postulated fault locations. Since the 125VDC Vital I and C Power (EPL) System is an ungrounded system, the postulated faults require that either a simultaneous positive-to-ground and negative-to-ground fault occur or a double line (positive-to-negative-line) fault occur. The former type of fault requires that two failures occur which is beyond the requirements of the single failure criterion and the design basis of the plant. l Should a single line-to-ground fault occur, the power system will remain l unaffected; however, a ground fault detector will alert the control room operator l via both an annunciator and computer alarm. Any ground faults are promptly addressed through a program which seeks to maintain a dark control room annunciator board. Control room annunciator status is reviewed on a weekly ) basis. A sample status report is shown in attachment 5. I The latter type of fault is extremely unlikely. To illustrate this, a thorough study of both the Nuclear Plant Reliability Database System (NPRDS) for all U.S. nuclear plants and the Catawba Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) was conducted. Failure discoveries made at Catawba since 1985 and all U.S. plants since 1990 were analyzed. Only three reported cases were found where a double line fault occurred on a DC system. One case which occurred at Catawba involved a shorted lamp holder which was attributed to improper installation during previous maintenance activities. The two other cases which occurred at nuclear plants operated by other utilities involved component failures within battery chargers. In both cases, plant status was reported to not have been affected. No reported cases were found that involved double line faults attributed to cable failures. The risk of cable failures is further reduced at Catawba since 2KV-rated, interlocked armor cable is used throughout the plant. Finally, engineering personnel at other utilities were contacted regarding their experiences with faults on safety-related DC power systems. No faults of the types that could challenge the EPL System were reported. B. What breakers are coordinated and not coordinated? Attachments 3 and 6 contain the fault current calculations. The worst-case fault currents and resultant breaker currents are plotted against the breaker time current characteristic curves in attachment 4. Inspection of attachment 4 yields the following conclusions concerning coordination: Page1of9

Response to Part I of Electrical Distribution System Functional Inspection (EDSFI) Deviation DEV 50-413,414/92-01-02 125VDC Vital I and C Power (EPL) System Breaker Coordination Study Fault "BC" (Reference Pace 1 of Attachment 4) No coordination. The fault current falls within the magnetic regions of both the 125VDC Vital I and C Battery Charger breaker (compartment F03 A) and the 125VDC Vital I and C Battery breaker (compartment F02A). Fault " AD" (Reference Pace 2 of Attachment 4) Fully coordinated. A fault at the input terminals of the Auctioneering Diode Assembly would trip the Auctioneering Diode Assembly feeder breaker (compartment F01D) without operating either the 125VDC Vital I and C Battery breaker (compartment F02A) or the 125VDC Distribution Center incoming breaker (compartment F028). The 125VDC Vital I and C Battery Charger breaker (compartment F03 A) would not operate since the battery charger is current limited to a value less than the con ~tinuous rating of the breaker. Fault "EDE" (Reference Pnee 3 of Attachment 4) Fully coordinated. A fault on the 125VDC Auctioneered Distribution Center bus would trip either the Auctioneering Diode Assembly feeder bieaker (compartment F01D) or the 125VDC Auctioneered Distribution Center incoming breaker (compartment F01 A) without operating either the 125VDC Vital I and C Battery breaker (compartment F02A) or the 125VDC Distribution Center incoming breaker (compartment F02B). The 125VDC VitalI and C Battery Charger breaker (compartment F03 A) would not operate since the battery charger is current limited to a value less than the continuous rating of the breaker. Fault "EDE1" (Reference Pace 4 of Attachment 4) Partially coordinated whether the fault occurs at the load-side terminal of the breaker or at the first termination point of the feeder cable. The fault would trip either the 4.16KV Essential Switchgear control power feeder breaker (compartment F01C), the Auctioneering Diode Assembly feeder breaker (compartment F01D), or the 125VDC Auctioneered Distribution Center incoming breaker (compartment F01 A) without operating either the 125VDC Vital I and C Battery breaker (compartment F02A) or the 125VDC Distribution Center incoming breaker (compartment F02B). The 125VDC Vital I and C Battery ) Charger breaker (compartment F03 A) would not operate since the battery charger is current limited to a value less than the continuous rating of the breaker. Full coordination is possible depending on the location of the fault. Page 2 of 9 - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ~

l Response to Part 1 of Electrical Distribution System Functional Inspection (EDSFI) Deviation DEV 50-413,414/92-01-02 125VDC Vital I and C Power (EPL) System Breaker Coordination Study Fault "EDE2" (Reference Paec 5 of Attachment 4) Partially coordinated whether the fault occurs at the load-side terminal of the breaker or at the first termination point of the feeder cable. The fault would trip either the 600VAC Essential Load Center control power feeder breaker (compartment F01E), the Auctioneering Diode Assembly feeder breaker (compartment F01D), or the 125VDC Auctioneered Distribution Center incoming breaker (compartment F01 A) without operating either the 125VDC Vital I and C Battery breaker (compartment F02A) or the 125VDC Distribution Center incoming breaker (companment F02B). The 125VDC Vital I and C Battery Charger breaker (compartment F03 A) would not operate since the battery charger is current limited to a value less than the continuous rating of the breaker. Full coordination is possible depending on the location of the fault. Fault "EDE3" (Reference Pace 6 of Attachment 4) Partially coordinated whether the fault occurs at the load-side terminal of the breaker or at the first termination point of the feeder cable. The fault would trip either the Diesel Generator Load Sequencer feeder breaker (compartment F01F), the Auctioneering Diode Assembly feeder breaker (companment F01D), or the 125VDC Auctioneered Distribution Center incoming breaker (compartment F01 A) without operating either the 125VDC Vital I and C Battery breaker (compartment F02A) or the 125VDC Distribution Center incoming breaker (compartment F02B). The 125VDC Vital I and C Battery Charger breaker (companment F03 A) would not operate since the battery charger is current limited to a value less than the continuous rating of the breaker. Full coordination is possible depending on the location of the fault. Fault "Vl" (Reference Pace 7 of Attachment 4) No coordination. The fault current falls within the magnetic regions of the 120VAC Vital I and C Inverter breaker (compartment F03C), the 125VDC Distribution Center incoming breaker (compartment F02B), and the 125VDC Vital I and C Battery breaker (compartment F02A). Fault " EPA" (Reference Pace 8 of Attachment 4) No coordination. The fault current falls sithin the magnetic regions of the 125VDC Distribution Center breaker (compartment F01C) feeding the 125VDC Vital I and C Power Panelboard, the 125VDC Distribution Center incoming breaker (compartment F02B), and the 125VDC Vital I and C Battery breaker (compartment F02A). Page 3 of 9

Rcsponse to Part 1 of Electrical Distribution System Functional Inspection (EDSFI) Deviation DEV 50-413,414/92-01-02 125VDC Vital I and C Power (EPL) System Breaker Coordination Study Fault " EPA 4" (Reference Pave 9 of Attachment 4) Partially coordinated for a fault that occurs at the first termination point of the feeder cable. The fault would trip either 125VDC Vital I and C Power Panelboard breaker #4 (which feeds a Component Cooling System solenoid valve) or the 125VDC Distribution Center breaker (compartment F01C) feeding the 125VDC Vital I and C Power Panelboard without operating either the 125VDC Vital I and C Battery breaker (compartment F02A) or the 125VDC Distribution Center incoming breaker (F02B). The 125VDC Vital I and C Battery Charger breaker (compartment F03 A) would not operate since the battery charger is current limited to a value less than the continuous rating of the breaker. Full coordination is possible depending on the location of the fault. For faults where the resultant current flowing through the 125VDC Distribution Center breaker (compartment F01C) feeding the 125VDC Vital I and C Power Panelboard is less than approximately 480ADC, full coordination would be achieved. From Table 1.3 of attachment 6, the load current value for 2 EPA is 65.31 ADC. Therefore, from page 29 of attachment 3, the fault current (IEPA4) must be less than: hm s 480-65.31 s 414.69ADC for full coordination to be achieved. Refer to attachment 6 for more information. No coordination for a fault that occurs at the load-side terminal of the breaker. The fault current falls within the magnetic regions of 125VDC Vital I and C Power Panelboard breaker #4, the 125VDC Distribution Center breaker (compartment F01C) feeding the 125VDC Vital I and C Power Panelboard, the 125VDC Distribution Center incoming breaker (compartment F028), and the 125VDC Vital I and C Battery breaker (compartment F02A). C. What is the impact of the upstream breaker clearing? Should an upstream breaker such as the 125VDC Distribution Center incoming breaker (compartment F028) operate prior to the breaker nearest the fault clearing the fault, one load group of the 125VDC Vital I and C Power (EPL) System would be lost; however, the redundant train of power would be available to supply safety-related instrumentation and control loads. D. What is the safety significance of taking out a train? Though the following study demonstrates that full circuit breaker coordination will not be achieved for all postulated faults, there is no safety significance to Catawba Nuclear Station nor the public because a completely independent and redundant 125VDC Vital I and C Power train would be available to supply safety- i l Page 4 of 9

Response to Part 1 of Electrical Distribution System Functional Inspection (EDSFI) Deviation DEV 50-413,414/92-01-02 125VDC Vital I and C Power (EPL) System Breaker Coordination Study related instmmentation and control loads. The safety significance of a single failure resulting in the loss of one load group of the EPL System is analyzed in Table 8-10 of Appendix 8 of the Catawba FSAR. II. Assumptions The following assumptions are made in the 125VDC Vital I and C Power (EPL) System Breaker Coordination Study: i' A. All cables are assumed to be operating at a temperature of 25 C. B. The 125VDC Vital I and C Battery Chargers are assumed to be current limited to 230ADC. This current limit setpoint is periodically verified per battery charger capacity test procedure IP/1/A/3710/11. C A concurrent LOCA/ Blackout is assumed to be the worst-case design basis accident with respect to equipment / component loading. D. All postulated faults are assumed to be either simultaneous positive-to-ground I and negative-to-ground faults or positive to negative line faults. The fault resistance is assumed to be negligible. E. Except for the 120VAC Vital I and C Inverters, all device load currents are based on a nominal operating voltage of 125VDC. The inverter input current is calculated assuming inverter power losses are a linear function ofinverter output current and that the inverter is operated at the minimum rated input voltage of 105VDC. F. The 125VDC Vital I and C Power (EPL) System is assumed to be in a normal alignment; i.e. each 125VDC Vital I and C Battery feeds its associated load group only. III. Analysis Method The 125VDC Vital I and C Power (EPL) System Breaker Coordination Study will utilize the following method to calculate the available fault currents for the postulated faults: A. The fault current analysis will be performed per the guidelines in IEEE Std. 946-1993. B. Load groups A and D of both units will be analyzed since the 125VDC Vital I and l C Batteries associated with these load groups are capable of producing the ) 1 1 Page 5 of 9

ed Response to Part I of Electrical Distribution System Functional Inspection (EDSFI) Deviation DEV 50-413,414/92-01-02 125VDC Vital I and C Power (EPL) System Breaker Coordination Study highest fault current. Each load group consists of a 125VDC Vital I and C Battery (E.g. lEBA), a 125VDC Vital I and C Battery Charger (E.g. lECA), a 125VDC Distribution Center (E.g. lEDA), a 125VDC Auctioneered Distribution Center (E.g. lEDE), an Auctioneering Diode Assembly (E.g.1EADA), and a 125VDC Vital I and C Power Panelboard (E.g. lEPA). In addition, each load group feeds a 120VAC Vital I and C Inverter (E.g. IEIA) which, in turn, feeds a 120VAC VitalI and C Power Panelboard (E.g. IERPA). Table 1.0 summarizes the major equipment associated with each load group. I 1 Table 1.012S VDC/120 VA C Vital I and C Power System Equipment List l Load Group A Load Group B Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 1 Unit 2 IEBA 2EBA lEBD 2EBD lECA 2ECA lECD 2 ECD lEDA 2 EDA lEDD 2EDD IEADA 2EADA lEADB 2EADB IEDE 2EDE IEDF 2EDF lEPA 2 EPA lEPD 2EPD lEIA 2EIA lEID 2EID IERPA 2ERPA lERPD 2ERPD The postulated fault locations are shown on the ~ simplified one-line diagram in attachment 1. The postulated fault locations were chosen to represent a broad cross-section of possible fault locations. Table 1.1 summarizes the locations of the postulated faults. Page 6 of 9

Response to Part I of Electrical Distribution System Functional Inspection (EDSFI) Deviation DEV 50-413,414/92-01-02 125VDC Vital I and C Power (EPL) System Breaker Coordination Study Table 1.1 Postulated Fault Locations Fault ID (Ref. Attach.1) Fault Location BA 125VDC Vital I and C Battery terminals BC 125VDC Vital I and C Batterv Charger output EDA 125VDC Distribution Center bus AD Auctioneering Diode Assembly input VI 120VAC Vital I and C Inverter input EDE 125VDC Auctioneered Distribution Center bus EDEl Two locations: load end of 4.16KV Essential Switchgear control power feeder breaker and first termination point of associated feeder cable EDE2 Two locations: load end of 600VAC Essential Load Center control power feeder breaker and first termination point of associated feeder cab!c EDE3 Two locations: load end of Diesel Generator Load Sequencer control power feeder breaker and first termination point of associated feeder cable EPA 125VDC Vital I and C Power Panelboard bus EPA 4 Two locations: load end of the largest breaker used in a 125VDC Vital I and C Power Panelboard and the first termination point of the associated feeder cable C. All load data was generated during the 125VDC Vital I and C Power (EPL) System loading analysis performed in January,1993. The 120VAC Vital I and C Power Panelboard load data will be converted to equivalent DC values by considering the efficiency and constant power characteristics of the associated , 120VAC Vital I and C Inveners. The total load fed from each 125VDC Vital I and C Battery during a concurrent LOCA/ Blackout will be determined by adding the converted 120VAC Vital I and C Power Panelboard load data (loc) to the remaining load data (Ipjsi,,Ipp, /ADC)- D. An equivalent resistor network will be developed for each postulated fault location. This will include circuit breaker contact resistance, cable resistance, and battery internal resistance. See attachment 2 for the equivalent resistor network diagrams. E. Fault currents will be calculated using Ohm's Law.


F. The 125VDC Vital I and C Batteiy Chargers will be modeled as constant current sources. For conservat sm, all of the charger output current (230 ADC) will be added to the calculated fault current contributed by the battery to yield the fault i current (IBA,IBC, IEDA, IAD IEDE,IEDEl,IEDE2, IEDE3,IVI, IEPA, IEPA4). This is a consetvative approach since, in actuality, the battery charger 1 output current would be divided among the fault and the remaining unfaulted Page 7 of 9

Response to Part I of Electrical Distribution System Functional Inspection (EDSFI) Deviation DEV 50-413,414/92-01-02 125VDC Vital I and C Power (EPL) System Breaker Coordination Study loads fed by the battery. Except for the postulated faults at the 125VDC Vital I and C Battery (Fault "B A") and the 125VDC Vital I and C Battery Charger (Fault "BC"), the current flowing through the circuit breaker closest to the fault will be the same magnitude as the fault current. See attachment 3 for the fault current calculations. G. To determine the resultant current flowing through upstream circuit breakers, the current associated with the unfaulted loads (i.e. I , IB Dist. IPP IADC. IDC) Will be appropriately added to the fault current. For example, if a fault occurs at th.e input of a 120VAC Vital I and C Inverter lEIA (Fault "VI"), the current associated with the unfaulted loads fed from 125VDC Vital I and C Battery lEBA will be added to the fault current to determine the current (Iy1+Ipiff +Ipp+I nc) A that flows through the upstream breakers (i.e. the incoming and battery breakers in companments F02B and F02A, respectively, of 125VDC Distribution Center 1 EDA). The current flowing through the inverter feeder breaker (compartment F03C in 125VDC Distribution Center iEDA) will be equal to the fault current (Iyf). For conservatism, the unfaulted load current values will be based on the first minute of the concurrent LOCA/ Blackout duty cycle. In addition, no credit will be taken for a reduction in bus voltage during a fault. In actuality, the reduced bus voltage would tend to reduce the unfaulted load current. The resultant circuit breaker currents for each postulated fault are calculated in attachment 3. H. For postulated faults "EDEl", "EDE2", "EDE3", and " EPA 4", two values of fault current and resultant circuit breaker current will be calculated. The "high" values will be calculated assuming a fault at the load terminals of the feeder breaker, while the " low" values will be calculated assuming a fault at the first termination point of the feeder cable. I. For conservatism, the current ass'ociated with the load shorted by the fault is not subtracted from the total distribution center current (i.e. for faults "EDEl",

                                         "EDE2", and "EDE3") or the total panelboard current (i.e. for fault " EPA 4").

Under normal plant operating conditions, this approach in conjunction with the use of the first minute LOCA/ Blackout current values for the unfaulted loads generally results in exaggerated, but conservative, differences between the current flowing through the circuit breaker nearest the fault and the nearest upstream breaker. 1 Once the fault currents and resultant circuit breaker currents have been calculated for each postulated fault, the worst-case (highest) values among both load groups of both units will be used to analyze circuit breaker coordination. Specifically, circuit breaker coordination will be determined by plotting the fault current (lyf in the example given in G above) plus the unfaulted load current (Igjsf,+Ipp+I A nc Page 8 of 9

l Response to Part 1 of Electrical Distribution System Functional Inspection (EDSF1) Deviation DEV 50-413,414/92-01-02 125VDC Vital I and C Power (EPL) System Breaker Coordination Study in the example given in G above) where appropriate against the time-current l characteristic curves of the circuit breakers under analysis. Full coordination will i be considered to exist if the breaker nearest the fault clears without operating l 1 (opening) any upstream breakers. In addition, full coordination will be considered to exist if the consequences of operating the upstream breaker are no more severe than those associated with operating the breaker nearest the fault. For those cases where some of the upstream breakers (except the 125VDC Vital I and C Battery breaker or 125VDC Distribution Center incoming breaker) could operate before the breaker nearest the fault clears the fault, partial coordination will be considered to exist. For those cases where either the 125VDC Vital I and C Battery breaker (compartment F02A) or the 125VDC Distribution Center incoming breaker (compartment F02B) could operate prior to the breaker nearest the fault clearing the fault, coordination will be considered not to exist. A coordination study will not be performed for the postulated faults at the 125VDC Vital I and C Battery (Fault "B A") or 125VDC Distribution Center (Fault

                            " EDA") due to the overriding consequences of such a fault. See attachment 4 for the plots of the circuit breaker time current characteristics.

i l l I Page 9 of 9 E -----_____________ _ _ _ --__ _

Attachment 1 Page 1 of 1 F ~~l l 125VDC i 125VDC lVitalBatt.! Vital Batt.

                                    ;       Chgr.              i                                                 _( 1200 A-H) i                          !

l Fault BC  % Fault BA 1  ! 1 F03A ) KB'250A F02A *T LB 400A

                                                 / TM 2500 l / IM 4000                                             ,

gp_ _ _. --- . I F02B ) LB 400A

                                                 /'IM 4000 I

125VDC Dist. Center Fault N 9 .__._____._9 . _ _

                                                                                                                                        - -X_.

l i F01D HFB 90A h


F03C HFB 150A

                                                                                          }                      F01C HFB 90A T

Fault AD Fault W

                                                                                      )(FaultVI                                -
                                                                                        ,e                                   e- 4 > ~- X---

X fr N 5 f 125VDC Per. Assembly Pntbd.

                                               !                          120VAC Vitat F01A HFB 90A
                                               ')                                I and C Inverter BKR. 4 TED 30A T

l lr/ g ault EDE 125VDC Auct. l/ l _.9 .._ 9 . _.p, Dist. Center l t ro te s re tt re:r Fault EPA 4 Ws ws ws 7eA 50A SoA X reutt X reutt X rwit Estt Esta tars l

                                                                        !           Vb=118VDC                i
       ....... ..............---.-        ,                             j                                    !

l l ' l i i 125VDC i i 125VDC

                                          ! Vital Batt.                 !                                    i   Vital Battery i                                  !: Cher.1ECA                  i           gb       0.01021ni                 1EBA
Ic=230ADC  !  :

R2 1-3/C#250MCM R1 1-4/C#250MCM 0.00449n 50 Ft. 0.00314Q 70 Ft. Rf03a KB 250A LB 400A Rf02a 0.00070 0 ($ 0.00062n Rf02b LB 400A 0.000620 # 125VDC Dist. Center 1 EDA Rf01d 2> HFB 90A Rf03c HFB 150A Rf01c HFB 90A 0.00400 0 0.004000 0.00400 0 R$ 1-3/C#2 R6 1-3/C#2/O R4 1-3/C#2 0.09802n 290 Ft. 0.00590 0 35 Ft. 0.01014n 30 Ft. Auctioneering 125VDC l'wr, N/ Diode , f'nibd.1Ef'A ^ 1EADA Vital R3 1-3/C#2 Inverter gep,4 (' TED 30A 1EIA 0.00480 0 0.04056 0 120 Ft. R10 Rf01a 0.00400 0 HFB 90A 0.55728Q 258 [ 1-3/C#10 Ft. 125VDC Dist. Center 1EDE HFB 70A HFB 50A HFB 30A

  • Rf01c Rf01e RfC1f l O #"

l 0.00400 0 0.004000 0.00480 0 3g gVf5 R7 - R8 R9 c 0.030420 0.06149 0 0.21600 0 l 1-3/C#2 1-3/C#6 1-3/C#10 90 Ft. 72 Ft. 100 Ft. v v t j

                       ,s                                                                                                               ;
 $                     Eh                     $h
e. e- a8
 $                     0$                     $E Og Attachment 2

U "Y m f' age 1 of 4 o h3 s i3 8e 1,3 e

i 1 1 i Yb=118VDC  !

                                                                ;                                     i l    125VDC               i                                     !      125VDC l                ,             l Vital Batt.             !                                     l Vital Battery              l i                              i Chgr.1 ECD              i          Rb         0.01021n i               1EBD
Ic=230ADC  : l  :

i...........................i  ;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!, R2 1-3/C#250MCM R1 1-4/C#250MCM 0.00629 0 70 Ft. 0.00314 0 70 Ft. Rf03a KB 250A LB 400A _ Rf02a 0.00070n 0.00062 0 Rf02b LB 400A 0.000620 125VDC Dist. Center 1EDD Rf01d HFB90A Rf03c HFB 150A Rf01c HFB 90A 0.00400 0 0.004000 0.00400 0 R$ 1-3/C#2 R6 1-3/C#2/O R4 1-3/C#2 0.03718n 110 Ft. 0.005900 35 Ft. 0.010140 & 30 Ft. Auctioneering 125VDC Pwr.

                  \/ Diode                                    y                          Pnibd.1EPD 1EADB Vital                                       Repa4 Inverter                                                   TED 30A R3 0.004800 0.050700150[ 1-3/C#2        Ft.                       1EID
                                                                                                         .R10        1-3/C#10 '

ROla HFB 90A 0.589680 273 Ft. 0.00400 0 125VDC Dist._ Center 1EDF HFB 70A HFBSOA HFB 30A

  • Rf01c Rf01e Rf01f 0.00400n 0.00400 0 0.00480 0 *"

gY [82 R7 R8 R9 0.03211 0 0.04697 0 0.2484n 1-3/C#2 1-3/C#6 1-3/C#10 95 Ft. 55 Ft. 115 Ft. )

   ,                    e                 u                                                                                        l e                 i T

0 3s k. 9,y Ec

 $2                 $g8                  l".

g Attachment 2 {j p gy Page 2 of 4 ec OE El 28 80 $3

                                                                                   .................................,                        l i           Vb=118VDC              l l      . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
                                                                                   }                                  l l      i                                                 !                                                             !

i. i i 125VDC i i 125VDC i

Vital Batt. I i Vital Battery i  :' Chgr. 2ECA i Rb 0.01021ni 2EBA
Ic=230ADC  : i  :

R2 1-3/C#250MCM R1 1-4/C#250MCM 0.00314n 35 Ft. 0.00269 0 60 Ft. Rf03a KB 250A LB 400A Rf02a 0.00070 0 0.00062n Rf02b LB 400A 0.00062n 125VDC Dist. Center 2 EDA Rf01d HFB 90A Rf03c HFB 150A Rf01c HFB90A 0.00400n 0.00400n 0.00400 0 i R5 1-3/C#2 R6 1-3/C#2/O R4 1-3/C#2 l 0.08585n h 254 Ft. 0.00759n [ 45 Ft. 0.01352n 40ft. Auctioneering 125VDC Pwr.

                          \/ Diode                                               ,                         Pnibd. 2Ef'A

2EADA Vital Repa4 TED 30A R3 $ 1-3/C#2 inverter 2EIA 0.004800 0.04563n 135 Ft. R10 1-3/C#10 RO1a 0.37152n 172 Ft. 0.00400n @ HFB 90A 125VDC Dist. Center 2EDE HFB 30A Y l HFB 70A HFB 50A l Rf01c Rf01e Rf01f 0.00400 0 0.00400n 0.00480 0 57  ! R8 R9 [ R70.04394n 0.05124n 0.25056n l 1-3/C#2 1-3/C#6 1-3/C#10 l 130 Ft. 60 Ft. 116 Ft. v v v l b 1 R y $a E$ Attachment 2 l 8e tu 8 g hj f $g8 F' age 3 of 4 ! et o$ $1 l 70 80 6.3 1

i Yb=118VDC i

                                                 ;                           i                                      j l                            l i                               i    125VDC                  l                                     l       125VDC i
                                                 ! Vital Batt.                i                                     i   Vital Battery
                 !                               ! Cher.2 ECD                 i           Rb         0.01021n!                   2EBD            l
Ic=230ADC  :  !  :

l ...............: R2 1-3/C#250MCM R1 1-4/C#250MCM 0.00404Q 45 Ft. 0.00247 0 55 Ft. Rf03a KB 250A LB 400A Rf02a ! 0.000700 0.00062 0 Rf02b LB 400A l 0.00062n e- 125VDC Dist. Center 2EDD Rf01d ' HFB 90A Rf03c HFB 150A Rf01c HFB90A 0.004000 0.004000 0.00400 0 R$ 1-3/C#2 R6 1-3/C#2/O R4 - 1-3/C#2 0.04394n 130 Ft. 0.00843G 5 0 Ft. 0.01014 0 30 Ft. Auctioneering 125VDC Pwr.

                               \/ Diode                                    ,,

l'nibd. 2EPD ^ 2EADB Vital Repa4 TED 30A R3 1-3/C#2 Inverter 2EID 0.004800 0.04394n 130 Ft. , R10 1-3/C#10 Rf01a HFB 90A 0.529200 245 Ft. 0.00400 0 i 125VDC Dist. Center 2EDF { Y HFB 70A HFB 50A h HFB SOA l Rf01c Rf01e Rf01f ' Solenold Valve O.004000 0.00400 0 0.00480 0 2KCSVO820 R7 R8 R9 0.05307D 0.059780 0.2808 0 1-3/C#2 1-3/C#6 1-3/C#10 157 Ft. 70 Ft. 130 Ft. v v v C n T 3e. k- 3y Ec e)

           $                    0$                  $EI                                                                       Attachment 2
           *d Uo UY                  O                                                                         l' age 4 of 4 Oc                   h3c                 1,ms ew                                                                                            '

50 0 6O

12SVDC Vital I and C l'ower System Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Unit 1, Train A Fault ID Fault Current Computations Branch and Upstream Circuit Breaker Currente . Fault BC Rb O.01037/ ohme R1 0.003143 ohme Rf02a 0.00062ohme Rf03a 0.0007chme R2 0.00449 ohme Rtotal O.01916 ohme Battery Voltage (Vb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (!c) Total Battery Load (ib) 359.8 ADC lbc=Yb/Rtotal+ic 6388.66 ADC If02m=Vb/Rtotal+1b 6518.46 ADC If03a=lbc-Ic 6158.66 ADC Fault BA Rb O.0102C77 ohme Rtotal O.010297 ohme Battery Voltage (Yb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) Iba=Vb/Rtotal 11790.69 ADC If02a=le 230.00 ADC If03a=lc 230.00 ADC i

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ~ Page 1 of 40                                                                                                                                          ,

12SVDC Vital I and C Power System Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Fault EDA Rb O.0102Cr7 ohme R1 0.003143 chme RfC2a 0.00002 ohms Rf02b O.00062 ohme , Rtotal O.01459 ohme Battery Voltage (Vb) 118 YDC Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) leda = fc + Yb/Rtotal 8317//3 ADC If02a=leda-Ic 8087.73 ADC lf02b=leda 8317.73 ADC-Fault AD Rb O.010207 ohme R1 0.003143 ohme Rf02a O.00062 ohme Rf02b O.00002ohme i Rf01d O.004 ohme R5 0.09802chme r Rtotal O.11661 ohme i Battery Voltage (Vb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC . Current (Ic) Diet. Cntr. Current (Idiet) 0.24 ADC f'wr. F'nfbd. Current (lpp) 52.6 ADC I Inverter Current (idc) 134.3 ADC I lad = lc + Yb/Rtotal 1241.92 ADC If02a= lad +1 diet +Ipp+1dc-!c 1199.06 ADC - If02b= lad +1dist+lpr+1dc 1429.06 ADC Ifold= lad 1241.92 ADC i Page 2 of 40

12SVDC Vital I and C F'ower System Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Fault EDE Rb O.010297 ohme R1 0.003143 ohme Rf02a O.00062ohme Rf02b O.00062 ohme RfOld 0.004 ohme RS O.09802 ohme R3 0.04096 ohme RfOta 0.004 ohme Rtotal O.16117 ohme Battery Voltage (Yb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) I Diet. Cntr. Current (fdist) 0.24 ADC Fwr, Pnibd. Current (Ipp) 52.6 ADC inverter Current (idc) 134.3 ADC tede = ic + Vt /Rtotal 962.15 ADC If02a=lede+1 diet +1pp+1de-!c 919.29 ADC If02b=lede+1 diet +fpp+1dc 1149.29 ADC If01a=lf01d=lede 962.15 ADC Page 3 of 40

125VDC Vital I and C F'ower System Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Fault EDE1 Rb O.0102M ohme R1 0.003143 ohme Rf02a O.00062ohme Rf02b O.00002 ohme Rf01d 0.004 ohme R5 0.09802 ohme R3 0.04050 chme Rf01s 0.004 ohme Rf01c 0004 ohme R7 0.03042 ohme O.19559 ohme i Rtotal Battery Voltage (Vb) , 118 VDC , Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) Total Battery Load (Ib) 359.8 ADC Auct. Diet. Cntr. Current (ladc) 172.7 ADC ledet = fc + Yb/(Rtotal K7) 944.42 ADC If02a=lede1+ib-Ic 1W4.22 ADC High ledet = ic + Vb/Rtotal 833.30 ADC If02a=lede1+1b-Ic 903.10 ADC Low if02b=lede1+1b 1304.22 ADC High

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            !f02b=lede1+1b                    1193.10 ADC                                        Low ifola=lf01d=lede1+1ade                        1117.12 ADC                                      High ifOla=lf01d=lede1+1adc                 1006.00 ADC                                             Low if01c=ledel                  944.42 ADC                                          High if01c=ledel                 833.30 ADC                                           Low        l i

i i L N Page 4 of 40 i

i 125YDC Vital I and C l'ower System Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Fault EDE2 Rb O.0102Cr7 ohme El O.003143 ohme Rf02a 0.00062 ohme Rf02b O.00062 ohme ) Rf014 0.004 ohme RS 0.09802ohme R3 0.04056 ohme Rfola O.004 ohme Rf01e O.004 ohme R8 0.061488 ohme Rtotal O.226668 ohme ( Battery Voltage (Yb) 118 YDC , Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) Total Battery Load (Ib) 359.8 ADC ' r/2.7 ADC  ; Auct. Diet. Cntr. Current (ladc) lede2 = lc + Yb/(Rtotal-R8) 944.42 ADC If02a=lede2+1b-ic 1074.22 ADC High j lede2 = ic + vb/Rtotal 750.01 ADC If02a=;ede2+1b-Ic 880.41 ADC Low ; if02b=lede2+1b 1304.22 ADC High l If02b=lede2+lb 1110.41 ADC Low if0ta=lf01d=lede2+ lade 11r7.12 ADC High if01a=lf01d=lede2+1ade 923.31 ADC tow if01e=lede2 944.42 ADC High if01e=lede2 '/50.61 ADC Low L Page 5of 40

12SVDC Vital I and C Power System Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Fault EDE3 Rb O.010207 ohme R1 0.003143 ohme Rf02a 0.00002 ohme Rf02b O.00002ohme Rf01d O.004 ohme RS O.09802 ohme R3 0.04060 ohme Rf0fa 0.004 ohme Rf01f 0.0048 ohme R9 0.210 ohme Rtotal O.38197 ohme Battery Voltage (Vb) 118 VDC 6 Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) Total Battery Load (ib) 359.8 ADC Auct. Diet. Cntr. Current (ladc) 172.7 ADC lede3 = fc + Yb/(Rtotal-R9) 940.W ADC if02a=lede3+1b-Ic 1070.77 ADC H4h lede3 = ic + Yb/Rtotal 638.92 ADC If02a=lede3+1b-Ic 068.72 ADC Low I if02b=lede3+1b 1300.77 ADC High if02b=lede3+1b 898.72 ADC , Low if01a=lfOld=lede3+ lade 1113.07 ADC High ifOta=lfOld=lede3+ladc 711.62 ADC Low ff01f=lede3 940.W ADC Hgh if01f=lede3 S38 92 ADC Low Page 6 of 40

12SVDC Vital I and C F'ower System Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Fault VI Rb O.0102M ohme R1 0.003143 ohme Rf02a 0.00002chme Rf0Zb O.00002chme Rf03c O.004 ohme R6 0.00S901 ohme Rtotal O.024491 ohme Dattery Volta.3e (Vb) 118 VDC Dattery Charger 230 ADC Current (tc) 0.24 ADC  ; Diet. Cntr. Current (idiet) f'wr. Fnibd. Current (Ipp) S2.6 ADC j Auct. Diet. Cntr. Current (ladc) 172.7 ADC i M = le + Vb/Rtotal 5048.10 ADC If02a=M+1 diet +lpp+1mdc-lo 5043.64 ADC If02b=M+1 diet +lpp+lado 5273.64 ADC If03c=M 5048.10 ADC 1 Page 7 of 40

12SVDC Vital I and C Power System Breaker Coordination St,udy Attachment 3 Fault Ef'A Rb O.0102T ohme R1 0.003143 ohme Rf02a O.00002ohme Rf02b O.00002 ohme Rf01c O.004 chme R4 0.01014 ohme Rtotal O.02873 ohme Battery Voltage (Vb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) Dist. Cntr. Current (ldiet) 0.24 ADC Inverter Current (Idc) 134.3 ADC Auct. Diet. Cntr. Current (ladc) T72.7 ADC 4337.21 ADC ff02a=M+1&st+ldc+1adc-Ic 4414.45 ADC lera = ic + Yb/Riotal If0Zb=M+1dist+1dc+ladc 4644.45 ADC IfOtc=lera 4337.21 ADC Page 8 of 40

12SVDC Vital I and C F'ower System Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 ( i i Fault Ef*A4 Kb O.0102CT7 ohme R1 0.003143 ohme Rf02a O.00002ohme Rf02b O.OOOG2ohme Rf01c O.OO4 ohme R4 0.01014 ohme Repa4 0.0048 chme R10 0.55728 ohme Rtotal O.69081 chme Battery Yottage (Vb) 118 VDC Dattery Char 0er 230 ADC Current (Ic) Total Battery Load (Ib) 369.8 ADC Fwr. Pntbd. Cunent (ipp) 52.6 ADC lepa4 = to + Yb/(Rtotal-R10) 3749.24 If02a=!cra4+1ble 3879.04 ADC Heh i lepa4 = ic + Yb/Rtotal 429.73 ADC If02a=leFa4+1bic 569.53 ADC Low If02b=lepa4 +1b 4109.04 ADC High if02b=lepa4+1b 789.53 ADC Low if01c=lepa4+fpp 3801.84 ADC Hk3 h if01c=lepa4+ipp 482.33 ADC Lew lbkr4=lepa4 3749.24 ADC High Ibkr4=lepa4 429.73 ADC tow Page 9 of 40 _ ._ _ ~- , _ .. . _. __ __ _ _ _ ________ __

125VDC Vital I and C Power Systeni Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 I Cable Description Cable Length Resistance /1000 f t. Two-way Resistance R Cable ID Origination / Destination Cable Size (one-way Ft.) (ohme at 25 degrees C) (ohme at 25 degrees C) R1 1*EF'L503 1EBNtEDA (parallel conductore) 1-4/C#2SOMCM 70 0.0449 0.003143 R2 1*EPL502 1ECA/IEDA 1-3/C#250MCM SO O.0449 0.00449 R3 1*EPL531 1EADNIEDE 1-3/C#2 12 0 0.10 9 0.04056 R4 1*Ef'L521 1 EDA /1Ef'A 1-3/C#2 30 0.109 0.01014 R5 1*EPL522 IEDNIEADA 1-3/C#2 290 0.109 0.09802 RO 1*EPL523 1 EDA /1EIA 1-3/C#2/O 35 0.0843 0.005901 K'I 1*Ef'C5'/8 1EDE/4.16KY Ees. Swgr.1 ETA 1-3/C#2 90 0.109 0.03042 R8 1*EPEb58 1EDE/OO(7VAC Ese. LC 1ELXC 1-3/C#6 72 0.427 0.061488 R9 1*EGB539 1EDF/ Diesel Gen. Load Seq.1DGLS A 1-3/C#10 10 0 1.08 0.210 RIO 1*KCO39 1Ef'D/ Solenoid Viv.1KCSVO570 13/C#10 258 1.08 0.55728 Circuit Breaker Trip 2 pole Reeietance R Bue/ Compartment Type /f'ickup/ Mag. (ohme) Rf02a 1 EDA /FO2A LB IM/400N4000A O.00002 Rf03a IEDAiFO3A KB TM/250A/2500 0.0077 Rf02b IEDA!FO2B LB IM/400N4000A O.00002 Rf01c 1 EDA /FO1C HFB TM/90/NA O.004 Rf01d 1 EDA /FOtp HFB TM/90/NA O.004 Rf03c IEDA/FO3C HFB TM/150/NA O.004 Kf01c 1EDE/FOIC HFS TM/70/NA O.004 Rf01e IEDE/FO1E HFB TM/50/NA O.004 Kf01f IEDE/FO1F HFS TM/30/NA O.0048 Repa4 1EFW4 TED TM/30/NA O.0048 Internal Resistance Total internal Resistance R Battery Cell Description (ohme at 25 C. SG=1.215) Number of Cette (ohme at 25 C. SG=1.215)  ; Rb NCX-17 (NCX-12OO) 0.000173 59 0.010277 Page 10 of 40

12SVDC Vital l and C F'ower System Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Unit 1, Train B Fault ID Fault Current Computations Branch and Upstream Circuit Breaker Currente Fault BC Rb O.010207 ohme R1 0.003143 ohme Rf02a 0.00002 chme Rf03a 0.OOCT7 ohne R2 0.000280 ohme Rtotal O.020956 ohme Battery Voltage (Yb) 118 VDC Dattery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) Total Battery Load (Ib) 348 ADC lbc=VbiRtotal+1c 5860.85 ADC if02m=Vb!Rtotahib 5978.85 ADC If03adbc-Ic 5630.85 ADC Fault DA Rb O.010207 ohme Rtotal O.010207 ohme Battery Voltage (Vb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) Iba=Vb/Rtotal 11790.09 ADC If02a=lc 230.00 ADC If03a=lc 230.00 ADC Page 11 of 40

12SVDC Vital I and C l'ower System Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Fault EDA Rb O.010207 ohme R1 0.003143 ohme Rf02a 0.00002ohme Rf02b O.00002ohme Rtotal O.01459 ohme Battery volta.3e (Yb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) leda = ic + Yb/Rtotal 8317.73 ADC If02a=leda-Ic 8087.73 ADC If02b=leda 8317/13 ADC Fault AD Rb O.010207 ohme R1 0.003143 ohme Rf02a O.00002 ohme Rf02b O.00062 ohme Rf01d 0.004 ohms RS 0.03718 ohme Rtotal O.05677ohme Battery Voltage (Vb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) Diet. Cntr. Current (idist) 0.24 ADC f'wr. Pnibd. Current (Ipp) 52.7 ADC Inverter Current (Idc) 124.9 ADC lad = fc + VWRtotal 2345.83 ADC - If02a= lad +1dist4!pp+1dc-Ic 2293.67 ADC If02bslad+1 diet +ipp+1dc 2523.67 ADC If01d lad 2345.83 ADC Page 12 of 40

12SVDC Vital I and C Power System Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Fault EDE Kb O.010207 ohme R1 0.003143 chme Rf02a O.00062ohme Rf02b O.00002 chme RfOld 0.004 ohme RS O.03718 chme e R3 0.0507 ohme Rf0!a 0.004chme i Rtotal O.11047 ohme , Battery Voltage (Yb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) Diet. Cntr. Current (idiet) 0.24 ADC Fwr. Pnibd Current (Ipp) 52.7 ADC Inverter Current (idc) 124.9 ADC lede = lc + VWRtotal 1298.16 ADC If02a=lede+1 diet +tpp+1dc-Ic 1246.00 ADC If02b=lede+1 diet +lpp+1dc 1476.00 ADC IfOla=lf01d=lede 1298.16 ADC i 4 i i l 1 Page 13 of 40 i

125YDC Vitel I and C I'ower System Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Fault EDEI Rb O.010277 ohme R1 0.003143 ohme Rf02a 0.00062 ohme Rf02b O.00002 ohme RfOld 0.004ohmv l R5 0.03718 ohme R3 0.O'X77 ohme RfOta O.004 ohme Rf01c O.004 ohme R7 0.03211 ohme Rtotal O.14058 ohms Battery Voltage (Vb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) Total Battery Load (Ib) 348 ADC Auct. Diet. Cntr. Current (ladc) 170.13 ADC ledet = ic + Yb/(Rtota:-R7) 1260.84 ADC if02a=lede1+1b-ic 1378.84 ADC High lede1 = le + Yb/Rtotal 1035.02 ADC If02a=lede1+1b-Ic 1153.02 ADC Low if02bledel+1b 1008.84 ADC Hi6h if02b=lede1+1b .1383.02 ADC Low ifOla=lfOld=lede1+1adc 1430.9'l ADC High ifola=lf01d=lede1+tade 1205.15 ADC Low if0tc=ledet 1200.84 ADC High ifOlc=ledet ICBS.02 ADC Low Page 14 of 40

12SYDC Vital I and C f'ower System Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Fault EDE2 Rb O.010207 ohme R1 0.003143 ohme Rf02a O.00062ohme Rf02b O.00062ohme Rf014 0.004 ohme R5 0.03718 ohme R3 0.0507ohme RfDta 0.004ohme Rfote 0.004 ohme R8 0.04097 ohme Rtotal O.16144 ohme Battery Voltage (Vb) 118 VDC Battery Char 6er 230 ADC Current (Ic) Total Battery Load (Ib) 348 ADC Auct. Diet. Cntr. Current (ladc) 170.13 ADC lede2 = ic + Yb/(Rtotal-R8) 1200.84 ADC If02a=lede2+Ib-ic 1378.84 ADC High lede2 = fc + Vb/Rtotal . 960.92 ADC If02m=lede2+1He 1078.92 ADC Low if02b=lede2+Ib 1008.84 ADC High if02b=lede2+1b 1308.92 ADC Low if01a=lf01d=lede2+ lade 1430.97 ADC High

                                                                                                                        . Ifota=lf01d=lede2+tado           1131.05 ADC           Low if01e=lede2       1200.84 ADC            High if0fe=lede2        900.92 ADC -          Low t

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12SVDC Vital I and C F'ower System Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Foult EDE3 Rb O.0102C/ ohme R1 0.003143 ohme Rf02a O.00002 ohme Vf02b O.00002 ohms Rf01d 0.004 ohme R5 0.03718 ohme R3 0.06C77 ohme Rf01a O.004 ohme Rf0tf 0.0048 ohme R9 0.2484 chme Rtotal O.30307ohme Battery Voltage (Yb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) Total Battery Load (ib) 348 ADC Auct. Diet. Cntr. Current (ladc) 170.13 ADC lede3 = lc + Yb/(Rtotal-R9) 1253.68 ADC If02a=lede3+1b-Ic 1371.08 ADC H4h lede3 = Ic + W/Rtotal 564.47 ADC Jf02a=lede3+1b-Ic 072.47 ADC Low if02b=lede3+1b 100168 ADC High if02b=lede3+1b 902.47 ADC Low if0f a=lfOld=lede3 + lade 1423.81 ADC High ifOla=lfD1d=lede3+1 ado 724.00 ADC Low ifotf=lede3 1253 08 ADC Hyh if0tf=lede3 554.47 ADC Low I Page 16 of 40

12SVDC Vital I and C Power System Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Fault VI Rb O.010207 ohme R1 0.003143 ohms Rf02a 0.00002 ohme Rf02b O.00062 ohme Rf03c O.OO4 ohme RO O.005901 ohms l Rtotal O.024491 ohme Battery Voltage (Vb)' 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC , Current (Ic) Diet. Cntr. Current (idist) 0.24 ADC f'wr. Pnibd. Current (Ipp) 62.7 ADC Auct. Diet. Cntr.-Current (ladc) 170.13 ADC 6 M = le + Yb/Rtotal 5048.10 ADC If02a=M+1d;et+1pp+ladc-Ic SO41.17 ADC If02b=M+1dist+1pp+1adc S2/1.17 ADC If03c=M SO48.10 ADC r i i h i Page 17 of 40

l 12SVDC Vital I and C Power System Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Fault Ef'A Rb O.010207chme R1 0.003143 ohme ( Rf02a O.00002ohme Rf02b O.00062 ohme Rf01c O.004 ohme , R4 0.01014 ohms Rtotal O.02873 chme Battery Voltage (Vb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) ' Diet. Cntr. Current (idist) 0.24 ADC , inverter Current (ldc) 124.9 ADC Auct. Diet. Cntr. Current (ladc) 170.13 ADC lepa = fc + Yb/Rtotal 4337.21 ADC If02a=M+ldiet+1dc+1adc-Ic 4402.48 ADC l If02b=M+1 diet +1dc+1adc 4032.48 ADC ifOlc=lera 4337.21 ADC Page 18 of 40

12SVDC Vital I and C F'ower Systera Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 , Fault Ef'A4 Rb O.010207 ohme R1 0.003143 ohme Rf02a O.00002 ohme Rf02b O.00062 ohme RfC1c O.004 ohme R4 0.01014 ohme Repa4 0.0048 ohme RIO O.58968 ohme Rtotal O.62321 ohme - Battery Voltage (Vb) 118 VDC Dattery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) Total Battery Load (Ib) 348 ADC f'wr. I'nibd. Current (Ipp) 52.7 ADC lepa4 = ic + Yb/(Rtotal R10) 3749.24 If02a=lepa4+1b-Ic 3867.24 ADC High lepa4 = Ic + Yb/Rtotal 419.34 ADC If02a=lepa4 +1b-Ic 537.34 ADC Low if02b=lepa4+1b 4097.24 ADC High if02b=lepa4+1b 707.34 ADC Low if01c=lepa4+1pp 3801.94 ADC High if01c=lepa4+lpp 472.04 ADC Low lbkr4=lera4 3749.24 ADC High ibkr4=lepa4 419.34 ADC Low t 4 Page 19 of 40 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ __ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . -___ . .._i - _ . . -_ _ __. . _ _. . _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _

12SVDC Vital I and C F'ower System Breaker Coordination Study Attachraent 3 Cable Description Cable length Resistance /1000 f t. Two-way Resistance R Cable ID Origination / Destination Cable Size (one-way Ft.) (ohme at 2S degrees C) (ohme at 2S degrece C) R1 1* E T'LS15 1EBD/1EDD (paralle: conductore) 1-4/C#2bOMCM 70 0.0449 0.003143 R2 1* E f'L614 1 ECD /1EDD 13/C#2SOMCM 70 0.0449 0.000286 R3 1*EPL533 1EADB/1EDF 1-3/C#2 150 0.16 9 0.05CT/ R4 1*E F'L528 1EDD/1EPP 1-3/C#2 30 0.10 9 0.01014 Rb 1*EPL b29 1EDD/IEADB 1-3/C#2 11 0 0.10 9 0.03718 RO 1*E f'LS30 1EDD/1EID 1-3/C#2/O 3S O.0843 0.006901 R7 1*E PC579 1EDF /4.10KY Ece. Swgr.1ETB 13/C#2 95 0.10 9 0.03211 R8 1*EPEbOO 1EDF/OOOVAC Ees. t C 1ELXD 1-3/C#6 55 0 42'l O 046c5/ R9 1*EGBS40 1EDF/ Diesel Gen. Load Seq 1DGLSB 1-3/C#10 11 6 1.08 0.2484 RIO 1*KCO38 1EPD/ Solenoid viv.1KCSVO820 1-3/C#10 273 108 0.58908 Circuit Breaker Trip 2 pole Resistance R Bue/Compart ment Type / Pickup / Mag. (ohms) Rf02a 1EDD/FOZA LB IM/400A/4000A O.00002 Kf03a 1EDD/F03A KB 1M/250A/2 BOO O.007/ Rf02b 1EDD/FO2B lB IM/400A/4000 A O.00002 Rf01c 1EDD/FO1C Hf B 1M/90/NA O.004 RfOld 1EDD/FO1D HFB TM/90/NA O.004 j.# Rf03c IEDD/FO3C HFB TM/150/NA O.004 Kf01c 1EDF/FO1C HFB TM/70/NA O.004 Rf01e 1EDF/FO1E HFB TM/50/NA O.004 Rf01f 1EDF/FO1F HFB TM/30/NA O.0048 MM Repa4 1EPD/4 TED TM/30/NA O.0048 Internal Resistance Total internal Resistance R Battery Cell Description (ohme at 2S C. SG='.215) Number of Celle (ohme at 25 C SG=1.216) Rb NCX-17 (NCX-12OO) 0.000173 59 0.0102Cr/ Page 20 of 40

125YDC Vital I and C Power System Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Unit 2. Train A Fault ID Fault Current Computatione Branch and Uretream Circuit Breaker Currente , Fault BC Rb O.010207 ohme R1 0.002094 ohme Rf02a 0.00062ohme Rf03a O.OOCT7 ohme R2 0.003143 ohme Rtotal O.017304 chme Battery Yo!tage (Vb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC - Current (Ic) Total Battery Load (Ib) 309.9 APC tbe=VWRtotal+lo 7025.67 ADC . If02a=Vb/Rtotal+Ib 7106.57 ADC If03a=lbc-Ic 0795.67 ADC Fault BA Rb O.010207 ohms Rtotal O 010277 ohme I Battery Voltage (Vb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) Iba=Yb/Rtotal 11790.69 ADC If02a=lc 230.00 ADC ff03a=lc 230.00 ADC Page21 of 40

12SVDC Vital I and C Power System Breaker Coordination Study Attachraent 3 Fault EDA Rb O.010207 ohme R1 0.002694 ohme Rf02a 0.00062 ohme Rf02b O.00002 ohme Rtotal O.014141 ohme Battery Voltage (Yb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) leda = Ic + Vb!Riotal 8574.53 ADC if02a=leda-Ic 8344.63 ADC IfD2b=leda 8574.53 ADC Fault AD Rb O.01020'7 ohme R1 0.002694 ohme Rf02a O.00062ohme Rf02b O.00062 ohms Rf01d 0.004ohme RS O.085852 ohme Rtotal O.103993 ohme Battery Voltage (Vb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) D,iet. Cntr. Current (idiet) 0.24 ADC Fwr Pnibd. Current (Ipp) C631 ADC Inverter Current (Idc) 132 ADC lad = lc + Yb/Rtotal 1364.69 ADC If02a= lad +1 diet +lpp+1dc-Ic 1332.24 ADC If02b= lad +1dist+1pp+1dc 1562.24 ADC IfOld: lad 1364.69 ADC Page 22 of 40

12SYDC Vital I and C F'ower System Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Fault EDE Rb O.010207 ohme R1 0.002094 ohme Rf02a O.00002ohme Rf02b O.00062 ohme Rfold 0.004 ohme RS O.085852 ohme R3 0.04563 ohme Rf0fa O.004 ohme Rtotal O.153023 ohme Battery Voltage (Yb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (ic) Diet. Cntr. Current (tdiet) 0.24 ADC Pwr. f'ntbd. Current (Ipp) OS.31 ADC loverter Current (Idc) 132 ADC i tede = ic + Yb/Rtotal 998.11 ADC If02a=lede+1 diet +lpp+1dc-ic 965.06 ADC If02b=lede+1dist+lpp+1dc 1195.06 ADC IfCta=tfOtd=lede 998.11 ADC -1 Page 23 of 40

12SVDC Vital i and C F'ower System Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Fault EDE1 Rb O.010207 ohme R1 0.002694 ohme Rf02a O.00062 ohme Rf02b O.00062 ohme Rf01d O.004 ohme R5 0.085852 ohme R3 0.04563 ohme Rf01a O.004 chms Rf01c O.004 ohme R7 0.04394 ohme Rtotal O.201563 ohme Battery Voltage (Yb) 118 VDC Sattery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) Total Battery Load (Ib) 369.9 ADC Auct. Diet Cntr. Current (ladc) 172.37 ADC 978.62 ADC If02a=lede1+1b-ic 1118.52 ADC High lede1 = lc + Yb/(Rtotal-R7) ledet = ic + Yb/Rtotal 815.42 ADC If02a=lede1+1b-Ic 955.32 ADC Low if0Zb=lede1+1b 1348.52 ADC High lf02b=ledet +1b 1185.32 ADC Low if01a=lf01d=lede1+ lade 1150.99 ADC High if01a=lf01d=lede1+ladc 987.79 ADC Low ifOtc=ledel gr78.62 ADC High ifotc=ledel 815A2 ADC Low i Page 24 of 40

12SVDC Vital I and C I'ower System Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Fault EDE2 Rb O.0102T ohme R1 0.002694 ohme Rf02a 0.00062ohme Rf02b O.00062 ohme l Rfotd 0.004 chme R5 0.085852 ohme l- R3 0.04563 ohme Rfota 0.004chme Rfote O.004 ohme R8 0.05124 ohme Rtotal O.208863 ohme ! Battery Voltage (Vb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) 1otal Battery Load (Ib) 369.9 ADC Auct. Diet. Cntr. Current (lade) 172.37 ADC lede2 = ic + Vb/(Rtotal-R8) W8.62 ADC If02a=lede2+1b-ic 1118.52 ADC Hyh lede2 = lc + Vb/Rtotal 794.96 ADC If02a=lede2+lb-Ic 934.86 ADC Low If02b=lede2+1b 1348.S2 ADC Heh if02b=lede2+1b 1164.86 ADC low if0ta=lfold=lede2+1ade 1150.99 ADC High if01a=lf01d=lede2+1adc 967.33 ADC Low

                                                                                                                                                               .                                                                                                                  If01e=lede2    978.62 ADC                                     High ifole=lede2    794.96 ADC                                       Low i

Page 25 of 40

12SVDC Vital I and C l'ower System Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Fault EDE3 Rb O.0102M ohms R1 0.002694 ohme Rf02a 0.00002 ohme Rf02b O.00002 chme RfOtd 0.004 ohme RS O.085852 ohme R3 0.04563 ohme Rf01a O.004 ohme Rf01f 0.0048 ohme R9 0.2 sob 6 ohme Rtotal O.408983 ohme Battery Voltage (Vb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) t Total Battery Load (Ib) 309.9 ADC Auct. Diet. Cntr. Current (ladc) 172.37 ADC lede3 = lc + Yb/(RtotaFR9) 974.84 ADC If02a=lede3+11ric 1114.74 ADC Hgh lede3 = lc + Yb/Rtotal 518.52 ADC if02a=!ede3+1b-Ic 058.42 ADC Low if02b=lede3+1b 1344.74 ADC High "O2b=lede3+1b 888.42 ADC Low if01a=lfOld- lede3+1ade . 1147.21 ADC High if01a=lfGid=lede3+ lade 690.89 ADC Low ifOlf=lede3 974.84 ADC High if01f=lede3 518.52 ADC Low Page 26 of 40 3

12SVDC Vital I and C F'ower System Dreaker Coordination Study Attachment. 3 Fault VI Rb O.010207 ohms K1' O.OO2694 ohme Rf02a O.00062 ohme Rf02b O.00002ohme Rf03c O.004 ohme RO O.00/b87 ohme Rtotal O.025'728 ohme Battery Voltage (Vb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) Diet. Cntr. Current (idiet) 0.24 ADC F'wr. f'nibd. Current (Ipp) 65.31 ADC Auct. Diet. Cnt r. Current (ladc) 172.37 ADC M = Ic + Yb/Rtotal 4810.44 ADC If0Za=M+1 diet +lpp+1adc-Ic 4824.36 ADC If02b=M+1dist+1pp+(ade 50S4.36 ADC If03c M 4816.44 ADC I Page27 of 40 _ _ _ _ . ._ , ~ , . . . _ . .

12SVDC Vital I and C Power System Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Fault EPA Rb O.010207 ohme R1 0.002694 ohme Rf02a 0.00002 ohme Rf02b O.00002 ohms Rf01c O.004ohme R4 0.01352 ohme Rtotal O.031001 ohme Battery Voltage (Vb) 118 VDC Dattery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) Diet. Cntr. Current (idiet) 0.24 ADC Inverter Current (:dc) 132 ADC 1'72,37 ADC Auct. Diet. Cntr. Current (ladc) lepa = lc + Yb/Rtotal 3956.98 ADC if02a=M+1 diet +1dc+ladc-Ic 4031.59 ADC If02b=M+1 diet +1dc+1ade 4261.69 ADC IfOlc=lepa 3966.98 ADC Page 28 of 40

i 12SVDC Vital I and C Power System Breaker Coordination Study Attachri1ent 3 l l Fault EPA 4 Rb O.010207 ohme R1 0.002094 ohme Rf02a 0,00062 ohms Rf02b O.00002 ohme Rf01c O.004 ohme R4 0.01352 ohme Repa4 0.0048 ohme RIO O.37152 ohme Rtotal O.407981 ohme Battery Voltage (Vb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) Total Battery Lead (Ib) 309.9 ADC Pwr. Pnibd. Current (Ipp) 65.31 ADC lepa4 = ic + Yb/(Rtotal-R10) 3460.33 If02a=lera4+1b-Ic 3606.23 ADC High lepa4 = ic + Yb/Riotal 519.23 ADC If02a=lepa4+1Hc 659.13 ADC Low if02b=lera4+1b 3836.23 ADC High if02b=lepa4+1b 889.13 ADC Low if01c=lepa4+lpp 3531.04 ADC Hgh ifolc=lepa4+lpp 584.54 ADC Low IWr4=lepa4 340C33 ADC High IHr4=lepm4 519.23 ADC Low Page 29 of 40

12SYDC Vital I and C Power System Breaker Coordinatio;1 Study Attachment 3 i Cable Deecription CaMe length Resistance /1000 Ft. Two-way Resistance R Cable ID Origination / Destination CaHe Size (one-way Ft.) (ohme at 26 degrees C) (ohme at 25 degrece C) ~ l R1 2*EPLSO3 2EBN2 EDA (parallel conductore) 1-4/C#2SOMCM OO O.0449 0.002694 R2 2*EPLSO2 2ECA/2 EDA 1-3/C#2SOMCM 35 0.0449 0.003143 R3 2*Ef'LS31 2EADN2EDE 1-3/C#2 13 5 0.10 9 0.04603 R4 2*EPLS21 2 EDA /2 EPA 1-3/C#2 40 0.16 9 0.01352 RS 2*EPLS22 2EDN2EADA 1-3/C#2 254 0.10 9 0.08S862 RO 2*EPLS23 2 EDA /2EIA 1-3/C#2/O 45 0.0843 0.OTS87 K7 2*Ef'CS78 2EDE/4.10KV Ees. Swgr. 2 ETA 1-3/C#2 13 0 0.10 9 0.04394 R8 2*EPESS8 2EDE/OOOYAC Eee. LC 2ELXC 1-3/C#6 OO O.427 0.0b124 R9 2*EGBS39 2EDE/ Diesel Gen. Load Seq. 2DGLSA 1-3/C#10 11 0 1.08 0.2SOSO RIO 2*KCO39 2EP'NSolenoid Viv. 2KCSVOS70 1-3/C#10 172 1.08 O.37152 Circuit Breaker Trip 2 pole Resistance R Bue/ Compartment Type /f'ickup/ Mag. (ohme) Rf02a 2EDNFO2A LB IM/400A/4000A O.00002 Rf03a 2EDNF03A KB TM/2 SON 2SOO O.OOM Rf02b 2EDNFO2B LB IM/400N4000A O.00002 Rf01c 2 EDA /FO1C HFB TM/90/NA O.004 Rfold 2 EDA /F01D HFB TM/90/NA O.004 Rf03c 2EDNF03C HFS TM/1SO/NA O.004 Rf01c ZEDE/FO1C HFB TM/70/NA O.004 Rf01e 2EDE/FO1E HFB TM/SO/NA O.004 Rfolf 2EDE/FC1F HFS TM/30/NA O.0048 Repa4 2 EPA /4 TED TM/30/NA O.0048 Internal Resistance Total Internal Reeietance R Battery Cell Description (ohme at 25 C. SG=1.215) Number of Celle (ohme at 25 C. SG=1.216) Rb HCX-17 (NCX-12OO) 0.000173 59 0.010207 I Page 30 of 40

l j 12SVDC Vital I and C F'ower System Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 l Unit 2 Train B Fault ID Fault Current Computations Branch and Upetream Circuit Dreaker Currente Fault BC Rb O.0102CTI ohme R1 0.0024695 chme Rf02a O.00062 ohme Rf03a 0.000'/ ohme R2 0.004041 ohme i Rtotal O.0180375 ohme 1 Battery Voltage (Vb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) Total Battery Load (Ib) 364.4 ADC Ibc=VWRtotal+1c 67/1.93 ADC If02a:Vb/Rtotahlb 6906.33 ADC If03a=lbc-Ic OS41.93 ADC Fault BA Rb O.0102CT/ ohme Rtotal O.0102CT/ ohme Battery Voltage (Vb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) Iba:Yb/Rtotal 11790.69 ADC if02a:Ic 230.00 ADC If03a=lc 230.00 ADC l Page 31 of 40

12SVDC Vital I and C Power System Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Fault EDA Rb O.01027/ ohme R1 0.0024695 ohme Rf02a O.00002 ohme Rf02b O.00002ohme Rtotal O.013910S ohme Battery Voltage (Vb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) leda = le + Yb/Rtotal 8709.14 ADC If02m=leda-Ic 8479.14 ADC If02b=leda 8709.14 ADC Fault AD Rb O.010207 ohme R1 0.0024096 ohme Rf02a 0.00002ohme Rf02b O.00002ohme RfOld 0.004 chme RS 0.04394 ohme Rtotal O.0018505 chme Battery Voltage (Vb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) Diet. Cntr. Current (tdiet) 0.24 ADC Pwr. Pnit d. Current (Ipp) 65.41 ADC Inverter Current (Idc) 127.4 ADC lad = ic + Yb/Rtotal 2137.04 ADC If02a= lad +1 dict +(pp+1dc-ic 2100.09 ADC If02b= lad +1 diet +1pp+1dc 2330.09 ADC ifOld: lad 2137.04 ADC Page 32 of 40

12SVDC Vitat I and C f'ower System Dreaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Fault EDE Rb O.010207 ohme R1 0.0024695 ohme Rf02a O.00002 ohme Rf02b O.00002 ohme Rf01d 0.004ohme R5 0.04394 ohme R3 0.04394 ohme RfOla 0.004ohme Rtotal O.1097906 ohme Battery Voltage (Vb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) Diet. Cntr. Current (idiet) 0.24 ADC Pwr. Pnibd. Current (Ipp) 65.41 ADC Inverter Current (Idc) 127.4 ADC lede = lc + Yb/Rtotal 1304.72 ADC If02a=lede+ldist+1pp+1dc-Ic 1267.77 ADC jf02b=leda+1 diet +1pp41dc 1497.77 ADC if01a:If01d=leda 1304.72 ADC Page 3d of 40

12SVDC Vital I and C F'ower System Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Foult EDE1 Rb O.01020/ ohme R1 0.0024695 ohme Rf02a O.00002ohme Rf02b O.00002 ohme Rfold O.004 ohme RS O.04394 ohme R3 0.04394 ohme Rf01a 0.004chme RfC1c O.OO4 ohme R7 0.053066 ohme Rtotal O.166862S ohme Battery Voltage (Yb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) Total Battery Load (Ib) 364.4 ADC Auct. Diet. Cntr. Current (ladc) 171.39 ADC lede1 = le + Yb/(Rtotal-It7) 1266.94 ADC If02a=lede1+ 1b-Ic 1401.34 ADC Hi6h ledel = fc + Yb/Rtotal 937.17 ADC if02a=lede1+1b-Ic 1Cr/1.57 ADC t.ow if02b=lede1+1b 1631.34 ADC High if02b=lede1+1b 1301.57 ADC Low if01a=lfOld=lede1+1ade 1438.33 ADC High if01a=lf01d=lede1+ladc 1108.56 ADC Low if01c=ledet 1266.94 ADC High if01c=ledel 937.17 ADC Low Page 34 of 40

12SVDC Vital I and C Power Systera Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Fault EDE2 Rb O.010207 ohme R1 0.0024695 ohme Rf02a O.00002ohme Rf02b O.00002ohme Rfold O.004 ohme RS 0.04394 ohme R3 0.04394 ohme Rf01a 0.004ohme Rf01e 0.004 ohme R8 0.05978 ohme Rtotal O.1735705 ohme Battery Voltage (Yb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) Total Battery Load (Ib) 364.4 ADC Auct, Diet. Cntr. Current (tadc) 171.39 ADC i lede2 = le + Yb/(RtotaFRS) 1200.94 ADC If02a=lede2+1b-Ic 1401.34 ADC High lede2 = fc + Yb/Rtotal 909.82 ADC If02a=lede2+1b-Ic 1044.22 ADC Low if02b=lede2+1b 1631.34 ADC High - If02b=lede2+1b 1274.22 ADC Low if0!a=lfOld=lede2+!ade 1438.33 ADC Hidh if01a=lf01d=lede2+ladc 1081.21 ADC Low ifOle=lede2 1200.94 ADC High if01e=lede2 909.82 ADC Low Page 35 of 40

l 12SVDC Vital I and C l'ower System Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Fault EDE3 Rb O.010207 ohme R1 0.0024695 ohme Rf02a O.00002 ohme Rf02b O.00002ohme RfOld O.004 ohme R5 0.04394 ohme R3 0.04394 ohme Rfola O.004 ohme Rf01f 0.0048 chme R9 0.2808 ohme Rtotal O.3953965 ohme Battery Voltage (Vb) 118 VDC s Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) Total Battery Load (Ib) 304.4 ADC


Auct. Diet. Cntr. Current (ladc) 171.39 ADC lede3 = le + Yb/(RtotaFR9) 1259.70 ADC If02m=ledo3+1b-ic 1394.10 ADC High ledo3 = la + Yb/Rtotal 528.43 ADC If02a=lede3+1b-Ic 002.83 ADC Low

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              - If02b=lede3+!b        1624.10 ADC                                                         . High if02b=lede3+1b        892.83 ADC                                                             Low ifOlasifOld=lede3+1ade -        1431.09 ADC                                                           Hish, if01a=lfotd=lede3+1adc          099.82 ADC                                                            Low if01f=ledc3     1259.70 ADC -                                                           Hi6h if0tf=tede3         528.43 ADC                                                           Low Page 36 of 40

_ . _ _ = _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - _ - _ _ - - - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ - - -



12SVDC Vital I and C f'ower System Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Fault VI Rb , 0.01027/ ohme '- R1 0.0024695 ohme Rf02a O.00002ohme Rf02b O.00062ohme Rf03c O.004 ohme RO O.00843 ohme Rtotal O.026346S ohme Battery Voltage (Yb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) Diet. Cntr. Current (!dist) 0.24 ADC F'wr. F'nibd. Current (Ipp) OS 41 ADC Auct. Diet. Cntr. Current (ladc) 171.39 ADC M = Ic + Yb/Rtotal 4708.71 ADC If02a=lvi+1 diet +ipp+ladc-Ic 4715 81 ADC If02b=M+1 diet +1pp+ lade 4945.81 ADC If03c=M 4708.7/ ADC Pogo 37 of 40

i 12SVDC Vital I and C l'ower System Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Fault EPA Rb O.0102CT7 ohme R1 0.0024695 ohme ' Rf02m 0.00062 ohme Rf02b O.00002 ohme Rf01c O.004 ohme R4 0.01014 ohms Rtotal O.O'N ohme Battery Voltage (Yb) 118 VDC l Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic)

  • Diet. Cntr. Current (Idiet) 0.24 ADC Inverter Current (idc) 127.4 ADC Auct. Diet. Cntr. Current (ladc) 171.39 ADC lega = fc + Vb/Rtotal 4435.80 ADC If02a:M+ldist+1dc+1adc-Ic 4504.83 ADC if02b=M+1dist+1dc+tade . 4734.83 ADC Ifolc=lera 4435.80 ADC Page 38 of 40

12SVDC Vital I and C Power System Dreaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Fault EPA 4 Rb O.010207 ohme R1 0.0024695 ohme Rf02a 0.00062 ohme Rf02b O.00062 ohme Rf01c O.004 ohme R4 0.01014 ohme Repa4 0.0048 ohme RIO O.5292 ohme Rtotal O.562Ob65 ohme Battery Voltage (Vb) 118 VDC Battery Charger 230 ADC Current (Ic) Total Battery Load (Ib) 364.4 ADC Pwr. Pnibd. Current (Ipp) , 65.41 ADC lepa4 = Ic + Yb/(Rtotat RIO) 3821.37 If02a=lepa4+1b-Ic '. 3955.77 ADC High lepa4 = lc + Vb/Rtotal 439.94 ADC If02a=lepa4+1b-Ic 674.34 ADC Low

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                - if02b=lepa4+1b :  4185.77 ADC          High if02b=lepa4+1b    804.34 ADC            Low if01c=lepa4+Ipp . 3886.78 ADC           High ifOtc=lepa4+1pp    505.35 ADC            Low Ibkr4=lepa4   3821.37 ADC          High Ibkr4=lepa4   439.94 ADC            Low Page 39 of 40

i 12SVDC Vital I and C F'ower System Breaker Coordination Study Attachment 3 Cable Description Cable Length Resistance /1000 ft. Two-way Keeistance R Cable ID Origination / Destination Cable size (one-way Ft.) (ohme at 26 degrees C) (ohms at 25 degree, C) R1 2*Ef"LS15 2ESD/2EDD (parallel conductore) 1-4/C#2SOMCM SS O.0449 0.0024695 R2 2*EPL514 2 ECD /2EDD 1-3/C#250MCM 45 0.0449 0.004041 R3 2*EPLS33 2EADB/2EDF 1-3/C#2 13 0 0.16 9 0.04394 R4 2*EPLS28 2EDD/2Ef"D 1-3/C#2 30 0.169 0.01014 RS 2*EPLS29 2EDD/2EADB 1-3/C#2 130 0.16 9 O04394 R6 2*EPLS30 2EDD/2EiD 13/C#2/O SO O.0843 0.00843 3 R7 2*Ef'CS79 2EDF/4.16KV Ees. Swgr. 2ETB 1-3/C#2 157 0.16 9 0.053066 R8 2*EPES60 2EDE/600VAC Eee. '.C 2ELXD 1-3/C#6 70 0.427 0.05978 R9 2*EOBS40 2EDF/ Diesel Gen. Load Seq 2DGLSB 1-3/C#10 13 0 1D8 0.2808 R10 2*KC638 2EPD/ Solenoid Viv. 2KCSvo820 1-3/C#10 24S 1.08 0.5292 Circuit Breaker Trip 2 pole Resistance R Bus / Compartment Type / Pickup / Mag. (ohme) Rf02a 2 EDA /FO2A LB IM/400A/4000A O.00062 Rf03a 2EDAIF03A KB TM/250A/2SOO O.0077 Rf02b 2 EDA /FO2B LB IM/400N4000A O.00062 Rf01c 2 EDA /FO1C HFB TM/90/NA O.004 RfOtd 2 EDA /FOtD HFB TM/90/NA O.004 Rf03c 2 EDA /FO3C HFB TM/ ISO /NA O.OO4 i Rfotc 2EDE/FOtC HFB TM/70/NA O.004 Rf01e 2EDE/FO1E HFB TM/SO/NA O.004 RfC1f 2EDE/FOtF HFS TM/30/NA O.0048 i Repa4 2 EPA /4 TED TM/30/NA O.0048 Internal Resistance Total Internal Resistance R Battery Cell Description (ohme at 25 C. SG=1.215) Number of Celle (ohme at 25 C. SG=1.215) Rb NCX-17 (NCX-12OO) 0.000173 69 0.010207 i Page 40 of 40

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Attachment 5 1 Catawbn Nuclear Station - Unit #1 rage i of 5 Contrcl Room Annunciator Stctus January 10,19N @ 8 It:m Coordinates Description Resolutinn Status Contact Comments h4 E F J$ "" 1 AD11 B/3 TRANSFORMER A 9309211901 ONSCHED M Pafford Fans not work'mg. TROUBLE 1 AD11 B/4 XFHM ITI A TROUBLE 94000877 NEW WORK Low Oil Level CONTROL n 1 AD11 D/8 125VDC D/G B CTL 9309165701 FUNC V Dunn Ground on DGBB.1SA2 SOLINOID. di PWR SYS TROUBLE 93044160 NEW WORK h CONTROL ;g o 1 AD11 E/3 TRANSFORMER B 9308749901 ONSCHED M Pafford On Schedule TROUBLE 1 AD11 H/4 125VDC ESS CTL PWR 9309165701 FUNCT ' V Dunn Ground on DGBB TROUBLE 93044100 NEW WORK CONTROL 1 AD11 J/3 125VDC NORM CTL 93042433 NEW Ground on CDA/CDB PWR TROUBLE 1 AD18 F/4 YN SYSTEM CRITICAL Ron Sump Temperature low. Sumps drained for cold TROUBL$ Conley weather protection. Engineering evaluation (to remove glycol) to allow back flow year round.

                                                                            ?I 8             -

1 AD4 D/8 Excess Flow Check Under evaluation -HOLDTSM Creed TSM (9300515701) installed. d Valve Status Light Panel Trouble Boyce [o IRFM80 1 AD11 K/2 600V B/0 LC LXI 9400066901 ONSCHED V Dunn n TROUBLE E o 1 AD12 C/1 RN PMP MTR A Air CE4183 HOLDENGR Chris TSM (9305528801) installed. Awaiting face-plate ** Temp Hi Jones Scaling parts for the local receiver gauge 6a  ! 1 AD12 C/4 RN PMP MTR B Air CE4183 HOLDENGR Chris TSM (9305528901) installed. Awaiting face-plate Temp Hi Jones Scaling parts for the local receiver gauge *> T

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C.;tawba Nuc1ccr Station - Unit $2 Attachment 5 3 Page 3 of 5 Control Room Annunciator Status Jcnuary 10 1994 03 ItEn Coords Description Resolution Status Contact Colmeents h

  -                                 .      h*        x                -

G u 2AD4 C/5 DFCS Trouble 93093528-01 ONSCHED Tom Parts expected 01/05/94 Van Deven 2AD6 D/3 NCP C MTR Lower OPS adjust Gary Flow adjustment requires entry into BRG KC Outlet flow Hamilton Lower Containment Fan Roose. Item is Hi/Lo Flow on Trip / Forced Dutage List. 2AD11 D/8 125VDC Diesel Gen 93091656-01 ONSCHED Vince Negative Ground. O B Control Pwr Sys Dunn 3 Trble 6


k 8 $ $ d b N kIII$ N IE N 3 N N N N N $ $ $ EI N M N N(( @ d N I N T N Ts N [i @ M N 8 M 2AD11 I/2 600V Normal Unit 93056011-01 OTGREADY Carolyn Grd on 2TXD will be worked during Aux Pwr Trouble Mc Daniel 2EOC6 ( . bA  : 2AD4 D/8 Excess Flow Check Under HOLDTSM Creed TSM (9304309401) installed. Valve Status Lite Evaluation Boyce Panel Trouble 2AD12 C/1 RN Pmp Mtr 2A Air CE4184 HOLDTSM Chris TSM (93055291-01) installed. CEVN is Hi Temp Jones awaiting face-plate for local receiver gauge.93058003-01 needs to be worked first to verify alarm circuitry. 2AD12 C/4 RN Pmp Mtr 28 Air CE4184 HOLDTSM Chris TSM (93055290-01) installed. CEVN is u Hi Temp Jones awaiting face-plate for local receiver $ gauge.93058802-01 needs to be worked y first to verify alarm circuitry. $

                                                  .                 I                                                          L                     d 2AD11, H/4   125 VDC Ess Pwr      92012027 01    TRIPLIST   Mary        Ground on EDD when CAPT is started (<1                                                        $

Channel "D" Trbl Edmunds sec). CBS monitor during pump runs. , (CES) Continuing to investigate with each w CAPT #2 run 2AD11, J/5 Isolated Phase Bus OUTAGE Chris 2A Main Transformer HL Temp. No good U Trouble Jones way to TSM. Live with until 2EOC6. 5! (CES) "l

Attachment 5 g C tawba Jruclear Station - Unit #2 Page 4 of 5 Control Roon Annuncictor Status Item Coords Description Resolution Status Contact comments g bJ 2AD1 E/8 Turb Hi Vibration OUTAGE Bruce TSM (9303935501) installed to increase $ Dycus bearing #8 setpoint to 9 inils, g N u b 9 9 m 8 i U


G u m b 5

Attachment 5 3 C3taerba Ruclear Stction - Unit #2 '*E' 0 *I 5 Control Roonn Annuncictor Status M Ef GJ Bii M B 2 B R E 4 M a if E !a 5 S G 8 E s t M N;w Annunciators: 2AD4 C/5 DFCS Trouble 2AD6 D/3 NCP C HTR Lower BRG KC Outlet Hi/Lo Flow 2ADll D/8 125VDC Diesel Gen B Control Pwr Sys Trble 600V Normal Unit Aux Pwr Trouble g 2AD11 I/2 w C1Gared Annunciators: $ None. b o m b w m 5



Attachment 6 Page 1 of 8 IV. Calculation The vital inverter DC input current is determined by the following equation: loc = lacVacPF + Puun (Eq.1.0) Voc where loc = inverter DC input current lac = inverter AC output current PF = inverter load power factor Voc = inverter DC input voltage - Vac = inverter AC output voltage Puno = inverter power losses (see below) Assuming that inverter power losses are a linear function ofinverter output current yields the following: Puna = mlac + Pco-wne (Eq.1.1) where m = slope of linear power loss function Promma, = inverter no-load power losses lac = inverter AC output current Solving for the slope (m) yields: l Puun - Pcouwe 1 m= Isc l P.. - Pow - Pro w., (Eq. 1.2) fac where: i lbow = inverter no-load power loss at an input voltage ofl05VDC P., = invener input power at full load in test repon Pow = Sow = inverter output power at full load in test report Per memo to file CN-1358.03 dated 4 / 22 / 92, the power factor of the test load was unity Pow = S w I4e = inverter full load current in test report at an input voltage ofl05VDC l

Attachment 6 Page 2 of 8

 ' Power loss data given in the inverter test reports may be used in Eq.1.2 to calculate the slope (m). For example, the slope (m) for invener 1 EIA is calculated as follows:

18396 -15283.8 - 2772 m= 1 1 126

         = 2.70 The inverter test report data and the slope calculation results are summarized in Table 1.2.

I Table 1.215KVA Inverter Test Report Data and Slope Calculation Results l Inverter lD Pea,,na,,1 (nutts) 1,w (AAC) P;,, (nutts) Pour (nutts) m iEIA SM 9#27721% W6 126 18396 15283.8 2.70 lEID 2394 127.3 17514 15034.1 0.675 2EIA 2394 125.4 18207 15123.2 5.50 2EID 2457 125.1 18270 15037 W4.20!?d The largest values ofPconstant and m are shown shaded. l Substituting Eq.1.1 into Eq.1.0 yields: loc = IscVacPF + mlsc + Pcomune l Isc[VscPF + m]+ Pco.u.' (Eq.1.3) Voc ' Eq.1.3 may be further simplified by assuming the following: l l 1) PF=0.98. Per memo to file CN-1358.03 dated 4/22/92, the power factor of the test load was unity. In addition, the actual load power factor is most likely lower than 0.98 which has the effect of reducing the inverter input power.

2) Voc = 105VDC. This is conservative since the minimum allowed input voltage for the inverters is specified to be 105VDC.
3) V,gc = 120VAC. This is reasonable since the inverters are specified to have an output regulation ofi2%. With an inverter output voltage 2% above the nominal voltage of 120VAC, the increase in load current would be negligible. i l

Incorporating the above assumptions into Eq.1.3 yields: Isc[120(0.98) + m] + Peo-mer j 105 Isc(117.6 + m) + Pro-mat

           =                                                         (Eq.1.4) 105 where:

1 l

1 i l l Attachment 6 Page 3 of 8 l l hc = actual vital AC panelboard load current 1 t loc = inverter DC input current (or adjusted vital AC panelboard current) m = slope of linear power loss function Ibo, = inverter no-load power loss at an input voltage of105VDC  ; Table 1.3 is a summary of the 120VAC Vital I and C Power Panelboard (or 120VAC Vital Inverter) loading during a concurrent LOCA/ Blackout. This load data was generated during the 125VDC Vital I and C Power (EPL) System loading analysis performed in January,1993. Table 1.3120VAC VitalI and CInverter Output Current Data Power Panciboard/ LOCA/ Blackout Duty Cycle (Ig) Vital Inverter 0-1 min. 1-10 min. 10-20 min. 20-60 min. 60-120 min. IERPA/IEIA E9411M 86.50 85.88 87.38 87.38 IERPD/lEID 90.66 80.83 80.65 82.15 82.15 2ERPA/2EIA 93.18 85.52 84.75 86.25 86.25 2ERPD/2EID 88.17 75.24 75.86 76.68 76.68 The largest value oflAcis shown shaded. Based on the data given in Tables 1.2 and 1.3, the corresponding inverter input current (/DC) values can be calculated using Eq.1.4. For example, the corresponding input current (Inc) for lEIA is calculated for the 0-1 minute time period (shown shaded in Table 1.3) as follows: 94.15(117.6 + 2.70)+ 2772 l 105

         = 134.3ADC l     The inverter input current calculation results are summarized in Table 1.4.

, Table 1.4120VA C Vital I and C Inverter input Current Data Power Panelboard/ LOCA/ Blackout Duty Cycle (Inc) l l Vital Inverter ~ 01 min. 1-10 min. 10-20 min. 20-60 min. 60-120 min. l IERPA/IEIA sn H341h < 125.5 124.8 126.5 126.5 l lERPD/IEID 124.9 113.8 113.6 115.3 115.3 2ERPA/2EIA 132.0 123.1 122.2 123.9 123.9 2ERPD/2EID 127.4 112.1 112.8 113.8 113.8 The largest value oflDC si shown shaded. Table 1.5 is a summary of the 125VDC Distribution Center,125VDC Auctioneered Distribution Center, and 125VDC Vital I and C Power Panelboard loading during a concurrent LOCA/ Blackout. This load data was generated during the 125VDC Vital I and C Power (EPL) System loading analysis performed in January,1993.

Attachment 6 Page 4 of 8 Table 1.512SVDC Distribution Center and Power Panelboard Load Data Power Panciboard/ LOCA/ Blackout Duty Cycle Distribution Center 0-1 min. 1-10 min. 10-20 min. 20-60 min. 60-120 min. j 1 EDA (/pjst ) hA24jin 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 l IEPA(Ipp ) 52.60 21.76 44.62 26.92 26.92 IEDE(/A Dc) 4*tL70? > 21.43 91.52 - 19.96 19.96 1 lEDD(IDist ) <

                               $424hik      0.24          0.24          0.24          0.24 1EPD(/pp)                52.70      19.08         38.04         22.82         22.82 IEDFUAnc)                170.13      18.84         88.93         17.38         17.38 2 EDA (/Dist )       s    $$M3';g     0.24           0.24         0.24          0.24 2 EPA (Ipp)              65.31      25.62         48.49         32.31         32.31 2EDE(I  A nc)             172.37      21.06         91.19         19.64         19.64 2EDD(Ipist )      ,jf{3ggg           0.24           0.24         0.24          0.24 2EPD(Ipp )       ?ig@.$.4g 4        24.08         43.02         30.44         30.44 2EDF(/  A pc)             171.39      18.84         88.93         17.37         17.37 The largest values ofIpjsf , Ipp, and /Apc are shown shaded.

l The load data shown in Tables 1.4 and 1.5 may be summed for each unit and train to obtain the total load on the associated battery. For example, the calculated input current to inverter 1EIA (IDC) during the 0-1 minute time period is added to the corresponding load current values for lEDA, IEPA, and lEDE to yield the totalload on battery lEBA as follows: Is = Ioc + Iom.+ler + l.cac (Eq.1.5)

     = 134.3 + 0.24 + 52.60 + 172.70
     = 359.8ADC Table 1.6 summarizes the 125VDC Vital I and C Battery load during a concurrent LOCA/ Blackout. All values were calculated using Eq.1.5.

l Table 1.612SVDC MtalIand C Batterv Load Data 125VDC Vital LOCA/ Blackout Duty Cycle (In) Battery 0-1 min. 1-10 min. 10-20 min. 20-60 min. 60-120 min. IEBA 359.8 168.9 261.2 173.6 173.6 IEBD 348.0 152.0 240.8 155.7 155.7 l 2EBA ' @30 $$n

                             .               170.0        262.1          176.1        176.1 l           2EBD                   364.4      155.3        245.0          161.9        161.9 The largest velue oflBis shown shaded.

The data in Tables 1.4,1.5, and 1.6 is used in the fault current calculations shown in attachment 3.

l J Attachment 6 Page 5 of 8 Attachment 3 contains the fault current analysis for load groups A and D ofunits 1 and 2. In addition to the numerical calculations, attachment 3 contains all cable data, circuit breaker data, and battery data utilized in the calculations. Except for the battery feeder cables, the two-way cable resistances (R 2 -Rjo) were calculated using the following equation: R2 through Rm = 2(One -way cable length)(Resistance per 1000 Ft.)(Eq.1.6) 1000 Since the battery cables consist of parallel conductors, the battery cable resistances (Rj) were calculated using the following equation: (One-way cable length)(Resistance per 1000 Ft.) Ri = (Eq.1.7) 1000 The total internal battery resistance (Rb) was calculated using the following equation: R6 = (Internal resistance)(Number of cells) (Eq. 1.8) l The current values shown shaded in attachment 3 are plotted against the time current . l characteristic curves shown in attachment 4. Inspection of attachment 4 yields the l following conclusions concerning coordination: Fault "BC" (Reference Pare 1 of Attachment 4) No coordination. The fault current falls within the magnetic regions of both the 125VDC Vital I and C Battery Charger breaker (compartment F03 A) and the 125VDC Vital I and C Battery breaker (compartment F02A). Fault "AD" (Reference Pave 2 of Attachment 4) I Fully coordinated. A fault at the input terminals of the Auctioneering Diode Assembly l would trip the Auctioneering Diode Assembly feeder breaker (compartment F01D) l without operating either the 125VDC Vital I and C Battery breaker (compartment F02A) j l or the 125VDC Distribution Center incoming breaker (compartment F02B). The 125VDC Vital I and C Battery Charger breaker (compartment F03 A) would not operate l since the battery charger is current limited to a value less than the continuous rating of the breaker. Fault "EDE" (Reference Pare 3 of Attachment 4) Fully coordinated. A fault on the 125VDC Auctioneered Distribution Center bus would trip either the Auctioneering Diode Assembly feeder breaker (compartment F01D) or the l 125VDC Auctioneered Distribution Center incoming breaker (compartment F01 A) without operating either the 125VDC Vital I and C Battery breaker (compartment F02A) or the 125VDC Distribution Center incoming breaker (compartment F02B). The 125VDC Vital I and C Battery Charger breaker (compartment F03 A) would not operate

l l Attachment 6 j Page 6 of 8 since the battery charger is current limited to a value less than the continuous rating of the breaker. - l l Fault "EDEl" (Reference Pnee 4 of Attachment 4) Partially coordinated whether the fault occurs at the load-side terminal of the breaker or at the first termination point of the feeder cable. The fault would trip either the 4.16KV Essential Switchgear control power feeder breaker (compartment F01C), the Auctioneering Diode Assembly feeder breaker (companment F01D), or the 125VDC Auctioneered Distribution Center incoming breaker (compartment F01 A) without operating either the 125VDC Vital I and C Battery breaker (compartment F02A) or the j 125VDC Distribution Center incoming breaker (compartment F02B). The 125VDC Vital I and C Battery Charger breaker (compartment F03 A) would not operate since the battery charger is current limited to a value less than the continuous rating of the breaker. Full coordination is possible depending on the location of the fault. Fault "EDE2" (Reference Pave 5 of Attachment 4) Partially coordinated whether the fault occurs at the load-side terminal of the breaker or at the first termination point of the feeder cable. The fault would trip either the 600VAC l Essential Load Center control power feeder breaker (compartment F01E), the Auctioneering Diode Assembly feeder breaker (compartment F01D), or the 125VDC Auctioneered Distribution Center incoming breaker (compartment F01 A) without operating either the 125VDC Vital I and C Battery breaker (companment F02A) or the 125VDC Distribution Center incoming breaker (compartment F02B). The 125VDC Vital I and C Battery Charger breaker (compartment F03 A) would not operate since the battery charger is current limited to a value less than the continuous rating of the breaker. Full coordination is possible depending on the location of the fault. Fault "EDE3" (Reference Pave 6 of Attachment 4) Partially coordinated whether the fault occurs at the load-side terminal of the breaker or at the first termination point of the feeder cable. The fault would trip either the Diesel 1 l Generator Load Sequencer feeder breaker (compartment F0lF), the Auctioneering Diode Assembly feeder breaker (compartment F01D), or the 125VDC Auctioneered Distribution j Center incoming breaker (compartment F01 A) without operating either the 125VDC Vital l I and C Battery breaker (compartment F02A) or the 125VDC Distribution Center incoming breaker (compartment F02B). The 125VDC Vital I and C Battery Charger breaker (compartment F03 A) would not operate since the battery charger is current limited to a value less than the continuous rating of the breaker. Full coordination is l possible depending on the location of the fault. Fault "VI" (Reference Pace 7 of Attachment 4) No coordination. The fault current falls within the magnetic regions of the 120VAC Vital I and C Invener breaker (compartment F03C), the 125VDC Distribution Center i

Attachment 6 Page 7 of 8 incoming breaker (compartment F02B), and the 125VDC Vital I and C Battery breaker 1 (compartment F02A). l Fault " EPA" (Reference Pave 8 of Attachment 4) ! No coordination. The fault current falls within the magnetic regions of the 125VDC Distribution Center breaker (compartment F01C) feeding the 125VDC Vital I and C , Power Panelboard, the 125VDC Distribution Center. incoming breaker (compartment F02B), and the 125VDC Vital I and C Battery breaker (compartment F02A). l Fault " EPA 4" (Reference Pace 9 of Attachment 4) l


l Partially coordinated for a fault that occurs at the first termination point of the feeder cable. The fault would trip either 125VDC Vital I and C Power Panelboard breaker #4 (which feeds a Component Cooling System solenoid valve) or the 125VDC Distribution Center breaker (compartment F01C) feeding the 125VDC Vital I and C Power Panelboard without operating either the 125VDC Vital I and C Battery breaker (compartment F02A) or the 125VDC Distribution Center incoming breaker (F02B). The 125VDC Vital I and C l Battery Charger breaker (compartment F03 A) would not operate since the battery charger . l is current limited to a value less than the continuous rating of the breaker. Full coordination is possible depending on the location of the fault. For faults where the resultant current flowing through the 125VDC Distribution Center breaker (compartment FolC) feeding the 125VDC Vital I and C Power Panelboard is less than approximately 480ADC, full coordination would be achieved. From Table 1.3 of attachment 6, the load current value for 2 EPA is 65.31 ADC. Therefore, from page 29 of attachment 3, the fault current (IEPA4) must be less than: IteA4 5 480- 65.31 5 414.69 ADC l From page 29 of attachment 3, Itr44 = Ic + (Eq.1.9) Rwwr l Solving Eq.1.9 for Rt otalyields: W Rwn Ra + Rn + Rro2a + Rro2a + Rronc + R< + Rtr>< + Rso (Eq.1.10) lera< - Ic Solving for R IO in Eq.1.10 yields: Ve Rno = -(Ra + Rn + Rro2a + Rro2a + Rronc+ Ra + Rtras) (Eq.1.1 l) feras-Ic j Combining Eq.s 1.6 and 1:11 and sohing for the one-way cable resistance yields: i

Attachment 6 Page 8 of 8 l Va Rio = -(Ra + Rs + Rro:s + Rro:e + Rrmr + Ra + Rma) heaa -Ic l _2(One-way cable length)(Resistance per 1000 Ft.) 1000 One- way cable length 2 -(Rs + R4 + RFMA + NTMS + NHIC + N4 + NEM4) ( Eq.1.12) Substituting the value of1EPA 4 from above and the values from pp. 29-30 of attachment 3 for the remaining terms in Eq.1.12 yields: One-way cable lenph 2

                                   '*                 2           2                4                    2         2
                               ,,,   _,39, -(1.0207x10 + 2.694x10 + 6.2x10-* + 6.2x10 + 4.0x10 ' + 1.352x10 + 4.8x10 )

2 279 Feet Therefore, full coordination would be achieved if the fault occurs at the first termination point of a 125VDC Vital I and C Power Panelboard feeder cable longer than approximately 279 feet. For faults occuring beyond the first termination point of the feeder cable, full coordination could also be achieved for loads fed by cables shorter than 279 feet provided the fault current is no more than 414.69ADC. No coordination for a fault that occurs at the load-side terminal of the breaker. The fault current falls within the magnetic regions of 125VDC Vital I and C Power Panelboard breaker #4, the 125VDC Distribution Center breaker (compartment F01C) feeding the 125VDC Vital I and C Power Panelboard, the 125VDC Distribution Center incoming l breaker (compartment F02B), and the 125VDC Vital I and C Battery breaker (compartment F02A). l l 1

I i l PART 2 ! i Catawba Nuclear Station l 600 VAC. Essential Auxiliary Power System (EPE) l I. Summary  ; 1

1. Where are our faults?

l The attached one line diagrams of the EPE system show the fault locations. Included are drawings of Unit 1 train A and B motor l control centers, the Unit 2 motor control centers are similar. l Based on the low probability of bus f aults and/or breaker faults at Catawba and our experience that we have never had such a fault on the EPE system at Catawba we do not postulate a fault on the output of the feeder breaker. Also, because of the interlocked armor cable protection and our experience that we have never had a fault on any such cable in service at any of our nuclear plants we do not postulate a fault along the route of the cable. We do postulate a fault at the input terminals of the_ load or at the first cable termination after the cable leaves the motor control center. The loads on each motor control center were reviewed and the load with the highest potential fault current was selected for modeling coordination of breakers for that bus. Attachment D on fault locations for the EPE system provides further justification for selection of these fault locations with information on fault history and probability.

2. What breakers are coordinated and not coordinated?

l l The incoming breakers for motor control centers 1EMXA, 1EMXB, 1EMXC, 1EMXD, IEMXE, 1EMXF, 1EMXI, 1EMXJ, 1EMXK and 1EMXL are i coordinated for the worst case postulated fault at the first cable l termination outside the motor control center. Motor control center

1EMXG utilizes two incoming breakers because it can be powered from l either Unit i load center 1ELXA or Unit 2 load center 2ELXA, These incoming breakers are not fully coordinated for a fault at the worst case load which is control room ventilation system air handling unit 1. This unit is connected with a 250MCM cable that is 100 feet long. All other loads on motor control center 1EMXG are fed from smaller breakers and cables with lower maximum fault current for which the incoming breakers are coordinated.


l 1 l l

3. What is the impact of the upstream breaker clearing?

The two incoming breakers for motor control center 1EMXG are mechanically interlocked such that one breaker is always locked in the open position. If the incoming breaker in service trips to clear a fault power will be lost to some train A control room ventilation system and nuclear service water system loads. One l important function associated with these systems is maintaining l pressurization of the control room. If 1EMXG is deenergized under l non-accident conditions pressurization decreases until, the l operators execute a manual transfer of the system to train B. This is not any different than the result of losing the pressurizing fan alone and has no impact. If 1EMXG is deenergized under accident conditions pressurization is re-established automatically from train B and there is no impact in this situation either.

4. What is the significance of taking out a train?

! There is no safety significance to Catawba Nuclear Station nor the I public because trains A and B of the EPE system are completely redundant such that loss of functions f rom any motor control center-is backed up by a complementary motor control center of the opposite train. Each motor control center is provided with a l control room alarm for loss of power to facilitate restoration of l equipment in a timely manner by operator action. l l l l l l l l l

i l II. Assumptions i The following assumptions are made in the 600 VAC Essential Auxiliary Power System Breaker Coordination Study: A. All cables are assumed to be operating at a temperature of 75 , degrees C. This is in accordance with Duke Power position paper on i cable impedance for AC power systems. l B. Fault currents are determined for both normal operation and LOCA conditions. The normal operation case produces the highest postulated fault current and is used throughout the study. C. All postulated faults are assumed to be three phase bolted faults. D. All fault currents and equipment load currents are based on the highest bus voltage for the normal operation case. l l

i i i l III. Analysis Method A. The fault current analysis was performed per the guidelines in IEEE Std. 141-1986. B. For each motor control center all load breakers and c6bles were reviewed to determine which circuit would produce the highest potential fault current. A coordination. evaluation for each motor control center was then performed between that' worst case load breaker and the incoming breaker. As explained in attachment D the feeder breaker fault is modeled at the load or at the first cable termination outside the motor control center. C. In the fault current analysis the normal load current for all non-faulted feeder breaker loads is added to the feeder breaker fault current to establish the total current seen by the incoming breaker during the f ault. Also in this analysis the feeder breaker fault current is established by the sum of the fault contribution from the incoming breaker and the fault contribution from large motor loads connected to that bus. l l l l l


I l Attachments l A. Tabulation table from short circuit calculation listing fault l current through feeder breaker and incoming breaker for fault at ! the worst case load. Calculations were performed to determine if l the potential short circuit current was higher for the normal I operation or LOCA case. The fault currents were higher for the

normal operation case and that data is provided in attachment A.

B. One line diagrams of each motor control center identifying l types of breakers and attached list of all connected loads on each motor control center. C. Time current coordination curves. The worst case fault current circuits on some motor control centers involve comparing the same I size and type incoming breaker and feeder breaker. For these motor l control centers one coordination curve is provided that covers the worst case motor control center and the others have equal or better coordination. The title block for each coordination curve identifies all applicable motor control centers. Two coordination curves are provided for motor control center 1EMXG. The curve labeled "1EMXG" covers the worst case circuit on this motor control center which is not fully coordinated. The other curve labeled "1EMXG*" covers the next worst case circuit on this motor control center and shows there is coordination for faults at all other l loads. D. Fault locations for the EPE system.

l l l ATTACHMENT A CNC 1381.05 004152 l l 600 VAC Essential Auxiliary Power System Fault Current Calculation (. Case 2: Norrnal Operation j Fault at load Fault atload Bkk!Nbb$mbdbhb. #bbNlikhkMINhhkitb khhkYd[lIIIihdkkh[ l IEMXA Emerg lighting 1ELA IM 8000 5103 HFB60 5116 l 1EMXB VF moist.sep htr 181 IM 8000 4510 HFB125 4628 1EMXC Valve IN176A IM 8000 2445 HFB50 2446 1EMXO Valve 1NI65B IM 8000 2393 HFB50 2394 l HFB100 8316 1EMXE KD jacket wtr htr 1 A IM 8000 8353 1EMXF KD jacket wtr htr 1B IM 8000 8690 hFB100 8650 1EMXG VC air handl unit 1 IM 8000 11309 LB225 12724 1EMXI VF moist. sep htr 1 A1 IM 8000 5302 HFB125 5304 1EMXJ Emerg lighting IELB IM 8000 2023 HFB60 1985 1EMXK H2 skim fan mtr I A iM 8000 6560 HFB150 6560 1EMXL H2 recomb panel IB IM 8000 8178 HFB125 8178 1EMXG' ABFXF 1 A IM8000 7145 HFB150 8012 I 1 k t 4 l 1 e I i

ATTACFDIENT B ! __. From load center 1ELXA l l l , MC800, 1EMXA l HFB60 l Attached is list of all loads fed from this motor control center. l l 1 j Feeder with highest potential fault current at load, i i Fault >'/\ ww Emergency lighting P transformer 1ELA I

                         /of 25

Motor Control Center 1EMXA Loads Breaker Load HFB60

  • AC emergency lighting transformer 1ELA HFB60 Motor control center 1EMXS HFB60 Battery Charger Panel 1 EMS HFB60 Battery Charger 1ECA HFB20 ND pump 1A suction from FWST valve 1FW27A HF820 Refueling water loop isolation valve 1FW1A HFB20 Rx bldg drain hdr outside cont isol valve 1KC430A HFB20 Reactor bldg non-ess return hdr isol valve 1KC3A HFB20 Trn 1A sup to Rx bldg non-ess hdr isol valve 1KC37A HFB20 Aux bldg non-ess return header isol valve 1KC1A HFB20 ND HX 1A cooling water supply isol valve 1KC56A HFB20 NCDT HX clng water rtn outside cont isol valve 1KC333A HFB20 NCDT HX cooling water supply cont isol valve 1KC320A HFB20 Trn 1A sup to aux bldg non-ess hdr isol valve 1KC50A HFB20 ND HX 1A outlet to letdown EX isol valve IND24A HFB20 ND pump 1A miniflow valve 1ND25A HFB20 ND train 1A hotleg injection return isol valve IND32A HFB20 ND EX 1A outlet to cent chrg pumps isol valve IND28A HFB20 Safety inj nps cold leg inj hdr isol valve 1NI162A HFB20 Baron inject. 2 tank discharge isol valve 1NI9A HFB20 Accum N2 supply outside cont isol valve 1NI47A HFB20 Safety injection pump 1A suction valve 1 nil 03A HFB20 Safety inj pump 1A cold leg inj line isol valve 1NI118A HFB20 Safety inj pump suction xover from NV valve 1NI332A HFB20 Safety inj pump 1A hot leg inj header isol valve 1NI121A HFB20 ND header 1A to FC cold leg loops C&D valve 1NI173A HFB20 Safety injection pump 1A miniflow ir.ol valve 1NI115A HFB20 Safety inj pump 1B miniflow line idol valve 1NI144A HFB30 ND pump 1A suction from containment sump valve 1NI185A HFB20 NS pump 1A suction fron FWST isol valve 1NS20A HFB20 NS pump 1A suction from containment sump valve INS 18A ,

HFB20 ND pump 1A disch to cont spray hdr isol valve INS 43A l HFB20 NS spray header 1A containment isol valve INS 32A HFB20 NS spray header 1A containment isol valve INS 29A HFB20 Cent chrg pumps recirculation isol valve 1NV203A HFB20 Charging line outside cont isol valve 1NV312A HFB20 NC pump 1B seal sup outside cont isol valve 1NV55A HFB40 Boric acid transfer pump motor 1A HFB20 Cent charging pump suction from FWST valve 1NV252A HFB20 NC pump 1C seal sup outside cont isol valve 1NV66A HFB20 NC pump 1D seal sup outside cont isol valve 1NV77A HBB20 VCT outlet isolation valve 1NV188A HFB20 NC pump 1A seal sup outside cont isol valve 1NV44A HFB20 RN header 1A supply isolation valve 1RN67A HFB20 KC heat exchanger A inlet isolation valve 1RN287A HFB20 Aux bldg fuel hdlg & rad area sup hdr isol valve 1RN839A l HFB20 NS heat exchanger A inlet isolation valve 1RN144A HFB20 NS heat exchanger A outlet isolation valve 1RN148A l HFB20 Non-essential supply header isol valve 1RN49A l

2. 4 25

HFB20 RN supply crossover isol valve 1RN47A HFB20 Non-essential return header isol valve 1RN51A HFB20 Annulus vent damper 1AVS-D-4 HFB20 Fuel pool filter unit 1A mini flow outlet valve IVF1A HFB20 Fuel pool filter unit 1A mini flow inlet valve IVF3A HFB30 Liquid radwaste ND and NS sump pump motor 1A

  • This feeder has the highest potential fault current for a fault at the load of all feeders on this motor control center.

I l l l i 3of25

1 l l l r -- From load center IELXB l MC800 1EMXB __d __  ::  :: _ _ _ . _ _ . . . . _ . . _ . _ ( HFB 125

                                  }        }

Attached is list of all loads ! Fed from this motor control center.  ! l l i 1 1 Feeder with highest potential fault current  : 1 at load. ) V l Fault /\ VF motsture separator 1 heater 1B l. 3 l l q d 25

l Motor Control Center 1EMXB Loads l l l Breaker Load l HFB20 Steam gen 1C blowdown outside cont isol valve 1BB61B HFB20 S/G 1C blowdown outside cont isol bypass vlv 1BB149B l HFB20 Steam gen 1B blowdown outside cont isol valve 1BB21B l HFB20 S/G blowdown outside cont isol bypass vlv 1BB150B HFB20 CA pump #1 suction from RN header B valve ICA85B HFB20 CA pump 1B disch to S/G 1C isol valve 1CA46B HFB20 CA pump 1B normal suction isolation valve 1CA9B HFB20 CA pump #1 disch to S/G 1B isol valve ICAS4B HFB20 CA pump 1B suction from RN system valve 1CA18B HFB20 Hydrogen igniter pnlbd transformer 1xfmr0014 HFB60 Battery charger 1 ECD HFB40 Power panelboard transformer 1EKTB feeder HFB20 FWST recirculation loop isolation valve 1FW49B HFB20 ND pump 1B suction from FWST valve 1FW55B HFB20 Refueling water loop isolation valve 1FW32B HFB20 XS letdown EX clng water supply cont isol valve 1KC305B HFB20 XS letdown EX clng water return cont isol valve 1KC315B HFB20 NC pumps sup hdr outside cont isol valve 1KC338B j HFB20 Spent fuel pool makeup from FWST valve 1KF101B HFB20 RMNST containment isolation valve 1NB260B l HFB20 NC pump oil fill header cont isol valve 1NC195B HFB30 ND pump suction from containment sump valve 1NI84B l HFB50 ND header A&B hot leg injection isol valve 1NI183B HFB20 S/G A sample hdr outside cont isol valve INM191B HFB20 S/G C sample hdr outside cont isol valve 1NN211B HFB20 Pzr sample header outside cont isol valve 1NM7B HFB20 NC hot let sample hdr outside cont isol valve INM26B HFB20 Cont vlv inj water cont hdr 1B isol valve INW105B HFB20 Cont building loop hose rack take-off isol valve 1RF389B l HFB20 Cont building loop sprinkler system isol valve 1RF447B l HFB20 Annulus sp.rinkler system isolation valve 1RF457B HFB20 Lower cont vent units supply cont isol valve 1RN437B HFB20 S/G 1B outlet hdr blowdown control valve 1SM76B HFB20 Aux shutdown panel air conditioning unit 1B HFB20 Breathing air cont isolation valve IVB83B HFB40 .Switchgea'r room air handling unit 1-SGR-AHU-2 HFB40 Switchgear room air handling unit 1-SGR-AHU-4 HFB50 Annulus vent moisture separator heater 1B HFB90 Annulus ventilation fan motor 1B HFB125

  • Fuel handling area filter train moist separator htr 1B1

! HFB125 Fuel handling area filter train moist separator htr 1B2 HFB100 Fuel handling area exhaust fan motor 1B1 HFB100 Fuel handling area exhaust fan motor 1B2 l S & 25

I l I HFB20 VQ fans suction from containment isol valve IVQ3B HFB20 Cont air addition containment isol valve IVQ15B

HFB20 Motor driven CA pump 1B sump pump motor l

HFB20 CA pump turbine 1 sump pump motor B HFB20 Makeup demin water containment isol valve 1YM119B

  • This feeder has the highest potential fault current for a fault at the load of all feeders on this motor control center, l

I l l l 1 1 6425 l I

 .                                               I From load center 1ELXA

{ MC800,) 1EMXC

      -.-o .- . y - -

HFB50 l Attached is list of all loads fed from this motor control center. Feeder wIth hlghest

              !    potential fault current at load, l



Fault >N Valve 1NI76A l l l 7 of 25

Motor Control Center 1EMXC Loads I Breaker Load HFB20 Train A alternate power to ND ltdn valve IND1B HFB50 Accumulator 1C discharge isol valve 1NI76A

  • HFB20 Check valve test header cont isol valve 1NI95A  ;

HFD20 Hot leg inj check vlv test isol valve 1NI153A HFB20 RN header A to CA pump suction isol valve 1RN250A HFB20 S/G 1A outlet hdr blowdown control valve 1SM77A , HFB20 Main steam 1B pwr operated relief isol valve 1SV28A l HFB20 Cont isol at 134 deg annulus area valve 1VI312A HFB20 Cont H2 purge outlet cont isol valve IVY 17A HFB20 NCDT vent inside cont isolation valve 1WL450A HFB20 Cont sump pumps disch inside cont isol valve 1WL825A HFB20 Vent unit cond drn tank outside cont isol valve 1WL867A HFB20 NCDT pumps disch inside cont isol valve 1WL805A

  • This feeder has the highest potential fault current for a fault at the load of all feeders on this motor control center.

a l 0 e.


1 I l ! From load center 1ELXB 1 MC800 1EMXD ___d , ;  ;; .__ _ . _ . HFB50 l Attached is list of all loads i fed from this motor control center, Feeder wIth highest potential fault current at load.


Fault >\ Valve 1NI65B l 9 o[ 25

Motor Control Center 1EMXD Loads Breaker Load HFB20 Pressurizer power operated relief isol valve INC31B HFB20 N2 to PRT cont isolation outside valve 1NC53B HFB20 Reactor makeup wtr pump disch cont isol valve 1NC56B HFB20 Pressurizer power operated relief isol valve 1NC35B HFB20 ND pump 1A suction from NC loop B valve IND1B HFB20 ND pump 1B suction from NC loop C valve IND36B HFB50

  • Accumulator 1B discharge isol valve 1NI65B HFB20 NI pump A to hot leg check vlv test isol valve 1NI122B HFB20 ND to hot legs chk 1NI125, 1NI129 test isol valve 1NI154B HFB20 RN header B to CA pump suction isol valve 1RN310B HFB20 Main steam 1D pwr operated rel'ef i isol valve 1SV25B HFB20 Instrument air cont isolation valve 1VI77B HFB20 Service air outside cont isol valve IVS54B HFB20 Cont H2 purge outlet cont isol valve 1VYl8B l HFB20 Cont H2 purge inlet blower disch valve IVY 15B HFB20 Vent unit cond drn tank inside cont isol valve 1WL869B
  • This feeder has the highest potential fault current for a fault at the load of all feeders on this motor control center.

l l l lO Oh 2$

l l l From load center 1ELXA 1 I MC800,) 1EMXE HFB100

                 }        }

Attached is list of all loads fed from this motor control center. l l l l i l i l Feeder with highest i ootential fault current l at load. l


Fault N , l 7..-.. . - l , KD Jacket water heater 1A i l l l l I l l ll of 25

Motor Control Center 1EMXE Loads Breaker Load . HFB20 Diesel generator space heater 1A HFB30 125VDC battery charger 1DGCA HFB20 600/120 VAC power transformer 1EKTE feeder HFB20 DG engine jacket water keep warm pump motor 1A HFB100

  • Diesel generator engine jacket water heater 1A HFB20 Diesel gen engine prelube oil pump motor 1A HFB20 Diesel gen engine lube oil transfer pump motor 1A HFB60 Diesel gen engine lube oil sump tank heater 1A HFB20 Diesel generator A HX inlet isolation valve IRN232A HFB20 Diesel generator A EX return to SNSWP valve 1RN846A HFB20 Diesel generator A HX return to lake valve 1RN847A HFB60 Diesel building generator vent fan motor 1Al HFB60 Diesel building generator vent fan motor 1A2 HFB30 Diesel starting air compressor motor 1A1 HFB30 Diesel starting air compressor motor 1A2 HFB20 Diesel generator room sump pump motor 1A2 HFB20 Diesel generator room sump pump motor 1A1
  • This feeder has the highest potential fault current for a fault at the load of all feeders on this motor control center.

l l l l I l

12. of 26

l l l l l 1 i From load center 1ELXB l t

       '                                                       I l

l MC800, 1EMXF HFB 100 j

                   }       I}

l Attached is list of all loads fed from this motor control

               ,       center.
              .i i
                !      Feeder with highest i      potential fault current I      at load.

Fault ( [ ~~l KD Jacket water heater 1B i L _J i 1 4 i 13 of 25

Motor Control Center 1EMXF Loads Breaker Load HFB20 DG engine jacket water keep warm pump motor 1B HFB100

  • Diesel generator engine jacket water heater 1B HFB20 Diesel gen engine prelube oil pump motor 1B HFB20 Diesel gen engine lube oil transfer pump motor 1B HFB60 Diesel gen engine lube oil sump tank heater 1B HFB20 Diesel generator B HX inlet isolation valve 1RN292B HFB20 Diesel generator B HX return to SNSWP valve 1RN848B HFB20 Diesel generator B HX return to lake valve 1RN849B HFB60 Diesel building generator vent fan motor 1B1 HFB60 Diesel building generator vent fan motor 1B2 HFB30 Diesel starting air compressor motor 1B1 HFB30 Diesel str.rting air compressor motor 1B2 HFB20 Diesel generator room sump pump motor 1B2 HFB20 Diesel generator room sump pump motor 1B1
  • This feeder has the highest potential fault current for a fault at the load of all feeders on this motor control center.

If of 26

t l l f _._ From load ! center 1ELXA l From Load center 2ELXA l MC800,) 1EMXG MC800 o .i_ LB225 HFB150

                 )              )

Feeder with second highest

              ,                   potential fault I                   current at load.

Fault)( Aux bldg ftit exh fan motor ABFXF-1A l

               ;   Feeder with highest i   potential fault current
               !   at load.

Fault )( ()Controlroomcreaair handling unit 1 Attached is list of all loads fed from MCC, i l

                          /5 of 25

l Motor Control Center 1EMXG Loads l Breaker Load HFB100 Motor control center 1EMXO HFB40 Power panelboard transformer 1ERTG feeder l HFB20 A header return to SNSWP valve 1RN63A HFB20 Station RN header disch to RL system valve 1RN57A HFB20 Station RN disch header crossover valve 1RN54A HFB20 ABFU mini flow outlet valve 1VA29A l HFB20 ABFU-1B mini flow inlet valve 1VA31A j HFB20 ABFU mini flow outlet valve 2VA29A HFB20 ABFU-2B mini flow inlet valve 2VA31A HFB60 Pump room heater demister'section PREDS-1A HFB60 Pump room heater demister section PRHDS-2A HFB150 ** Auxiliary building filtered exhaust fan motor ABFXF-1A HFB150 Auxiliary building filtered exhaust fan motor ABFXF-2A HFB100 Control room air handling unit 1 HFB50 Control room area PFT-1 moisture separator heater LB225

  • Control room area air handling unit 1 HFB20 Battery room exhaust fan motor 1 HFB20 Pressure fans xconn valve 2VC8A HFB50 Control room area filter train 1 pressure fan motor HFB20 Channel A outside intake isolation valve IVC 6A HFB20 Channel A outside intake isloation valve 2VC6A l HFB50 AB groundwater drainage interior sump pump motor C1 HFB50 AB groundwater drainage sump pump motor.Al HFB50 AB groundwater drainage sump pump motor B1 HFB30 Control room area chiller comp A oil pump motor HFB20 Ctrl area chilled wtr train A makeup valve 1YC77A l HFB100 Control room area chilled water pump motor A  !
  • This feeder has the highest potential fault current for a fault l j at the load of all feeders on this motor control center, j
 **  This feeder has the second highest potential fault current for a fault at the load of all feeders on this motor control center.

l i l

                                    /6 d 25

From load center 1ELXC l l l MC800 1EMXI d) - HFB 125 T} l I} Attached is list of all loads fed from this motor control ! center, i i l l

Feeder with highest
                ,    potential fault current j    at load, i

Fault X

                   ~~l VF moisture separator heater 1 A 1.

_J 17 of 25

Motor Control Center 1EMXI Loads Breaker Load HFB50 Annulus vent moisture separator heater 1A HFB90 Annulus ventilation fan motor 1A HFB125

  • Fuel handling area filter train moist separator htr 1Al HFB125 Fuel handling area filter train moist separator htr 1A2 HFB100 Fuel handling area exhaust fan motor 1A1 HFB100 Fuel handling area exhaust fan motor 1A2 HFB20 Motor driven CA pump 1A sump pump motor
  • This feeder has the highest potential fault current for a fault at the load of all feeders on this motor control center.

l l l l t l I l l l

                                    /g  of Tus

__. From load center IELXD i l I , 1 MC800 ) 1EMXJ i 1 l HFB60 i I ( Attached Is iist of aL( loads I fed from this motor control I center. l l 1 l I 1 i ! I I t Feeder with highest potential fault current at load. Fault t l O Energency i1ghtIng T i transformer 1ELB, i i l 19 of 2s

l 1 i Motor Control Center 1EMXJ Loads Breaker Loads HFB60

  • AC emergency lighting transformer IELB HFB60 Spare chgr AC power panel 1 EMS HFB60 Battery charger 1ECB HFB40 Power panelboard transformer 1EKTJ feeder HFB20 Reactor bldg non-ess return hdr isol valve 1KC18B HFB20 ND HX 1D cooling water supply isol valve 1KC81B Trn 1B sup to RX bldg non-ess hdr isol valve 1KC228B HFB20 HFB20 Train 1B min flow control valve 1KC40B HFB20 Aux bldg non-ess return header isol valve 1KC2B HFB20 Trn 1B sup to aux bldg non-ess hdr isol valve 1KC53B HFB20 Train 1B recirculation line isol vlv 1KC54B HFB20 ND HX 1B outlet to letdown HX isol valve IND58B HFB20 ND pump 1B miniflow valve 1ND59B HFB20 ND train 1B hotleg injection return isol valve IND65B HFB20 ND header 1B to NC cold leg loops A&B valve 1NI178B HFB20 Safety inj pump 1B cold leg'inj line isol valve 1NI150B HFB20 ND HX 1B outlet to NI pump 1B valve 1NI136B HFB20 Safety inj pump suct xover from NV isol valve 1NI334B HFB20 Safety inj pumps to accum fill line isol valve 1NI120B

HFB20 Check valve test header cont isol valve 1NI96B HFB20 Boron injection tank discharge isol valve 1 nil 0B HFB20 Safety inj pump 1B hot leg header isol valve 1NI152B HFB20 Safety inj pumps miniflow header to FWST valve 1NI147B HFB20 Safety inj pump suction xover from NV valve 1NI333B HFB20 Safety injection pumps suction from FWST valve 1 nil 00B HFB20 Safety injection pump 1B suction valve 1NI135B HFB20 NS pump 1B suction from FWST isol valve-1NS3B HFB20 ND pump 1B disch to cont spray hdr isol valve INS 38B HFB20 NS pump 1B suction from containment sump valve INS 1B HFB20 NS spray header 1B containment isol valve INS 15B HFB20 NS spray header 1B containment isol valve INS 12B HFB40 Boric acid transfer pump motor 1B HFB20 Cent charging pump suction from FWST valve 1NV253B HFB20 Boric acid to charging pumps suct valve 1NV236B HFB20 Cent chrg pumps recirculation isol valve 1NV202B HFB20 Upper cont vent units return cont isol valve 1RN432B-HFB20 Upper cont vent units supply cont isol valve 1RN404B HFB20 KC heat exchanger B inlet isolation valve 1RN347B HFB20 Aux bldg fuel hdlg & rad area rtn hdr isol valve 1RN841B HFB20 Non-essential supply header isol valve 1RN50B HFB20 Non-essential return header isol valve 1RN52B HFB20 NS heat exchanger B outlet isolation valve 1RN229B HFB20 NS heat exchanger B inlet isolation valve 1RN225B HFB20 Lower cont vent units return cont isol valve 1RN487B. 1 HFB20 RN header 1B supply isolation valve 1RN69B HFB20 RN supply crossover isol valve 1RN48B HFB20 Annulus vent damper 1AVS-D-9 HFB20 Fuel pool filter unit 1B mini flow outlet valve IVF2B HFB20 Fuel pool filter unit 1B mini flow inlet valve IVF4B HFB30 Liquid radwaste ND and NS sump pump motor 1B 20 a[ 2$

HFB20 NCDT pumps disch outside cont isol valve 1WL807B l HFB20 NCDT vent outside cont isolation valve 1WL451B HFB20 Cont sump pumps disch outside cont isol valve 1WL827B _)

  • This feeder has the highest potential f ault current for a f ault l at the load of all feeders on this motor control center.

l 4 c w l l l 2/ of 25

i I l l l l l

        ,_._ From load center 1ELXC l

l MC800,) 1EMXK

          . _ .._ 9     e  . . _ . . _ _ . _ - . . . - _ _ _ .

i HFB 150 ' } ~ !  !} l Attached is list of all loads fed from this motor control center. l l , I i

                   ; Feeder with highest l potenttal fault current at load, Hydrogen skimmer fan motor 1A
                '{4 l

l l i

22. af 25

i Motor Control Center 1EMXK Loads Breaker Load l HFB20 Main steam 1A pwr operated relief isol valve ISV27A HFB20 VQ fans suction from containment isol valve IVQ2A HFB20 Cont air addition containment isol valve IVQ16A HFB20 Hydrogen skimmer fan 1A inlet valve IVX1A I HFB125 Electric hydrogen recombiner power supply panel 1A HFB20 Containment air return damper 1 ARF-D-2 HFB125 Containment air return fan motor 1A HFB150

  • Hydrogen skimmer fan motor 1A
  • This feeder has the highest potential fault current for a fault at the load of all feeders on this motor control-center.

i 1 e i h I 1 l 1

                                   '2. 3 o[ 26

I From load center 1ELXD 1

 'MC800,                           1EMXL 9               -....__. ._ _ _ . ..

HFB125 I} } Attached is list of all loads i fed from this motor control center, l i. l i

                            ,     Feeder wIth highest                     )

potential fault current ' at load. I Fault _ _ L_ , i j Hydrogen recombiner { panei 13,

                               ._ e                                        l l

l 2.Y Ch 25

l Motor Control Center 1EMXL Lcads Breaker Load , I HFB20 Letdown- outside containment isol valve 1NV15B HFB20 NC pumps seal rtn outside cont isol valve 1NV91B HFB20 VCT outlet isolation valve 1NV189B HFB20 Charging line outside cont isol valve 1NV314B HFB20 S/G 1D outlet hdr blowdown control valve 1SM74B [ HFB20 Main steam 1C pwr operated relief isol valve 1SV26B l HFB20 Hydrogen skimmer fan 1B inlet valve IVX2B l HFB125

  • Electric hydrogen recombiner power supply panel 1B l

HFB20 Containment air return damper 1 ARF-D-4 HFB125 Containment air return fan motor 1B HFB125 Hydrogen skimmer fan motor 1B

  • This feeder has the highest potential fault current for a fault at the load of all feeders en this motor control center.

l l l 25 of 2S I

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( Attachment D Fault locations for the EPE system The Nuclear Plant Reliability Database System (NPRDS) for all U.S. nuclear utilities was checked for history of the type of electrical faults that could potent. ally cause a miscoordination event on the 3 EPE system. No failure reports during the last several years were found that involved faults at the output of molded case circuit ! breakers or on the cable system. Catawba Engineering also contacted engineering personnel at other nuclear plants to ask about experiences at their plants. There were no reports of faults on 480 or 600 VAC safety related systems that would cause a miscoordination event if such a fault occurred on Catawba's EPE system. Catawba's experience on the EPE system has been that there have occasionally been load faults, particularly with valve motors, but there have been no faults that cuveed miscoordination events. For all EPE cables Catawba uses 2KV interlocked armor cable that is also used at McGuire and Oconee Nuclear Stations and many Duke fossil stations. Duke's cable procurement engineer reported that there has never been a documented short circuit failure of one of these cables while in service. Catawba's Probabilistic Risk Assessment Report (PRA) was reviewed for relevant information on probable faults for the EPE system. Table A.16-4 " Essential Auxiliary Power System Significant Operating Incidents" was reviewed and did not include any faults causing miscoordination events or include any faults that could have caused miscoordination. The PRA listed the probability of a bus fault on an EPE motor control center as 4.8E-06. A high energy and spray interaction review during design and construction showed that none of the EPE motor control centers are located in such zones.

