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June 50-269/2003-301 Finalsimulator Scenarios & Outlines
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/11/2003
From: Ernstes M
Operator Licensing and Human Performance Branch
To: Rosalyn Jones
Duke Energy Corp
Shared Package
ML032521014 List:
50-269/03-301, 50-270/03-301, 50-287/03-301, ES-D-1, NUREG-1021, Rev 9 50-269/03-301, 50-270/03-301, 50-287/03-301
Download: ML032480800 (45)

See also: IR 05000269/2003301


Final Submittal




JUNE 16 27,2003

1. As Given Simulator scenario uperaror Hcrions ES-

D-2  % OU7LIdm

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1

Op-Test No.: - Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 1 Page 1 of 1

Event Description: De-Lithiationwith the deborating Demineralizer (N, BOP)

Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

BOP Refer to OP/1/~l103/004(Soluble Poison Control) Enclosure 4.26

(Step 2.6) to begin de-lithiation.

Perform 0P/I/A/1103/004, Soluble Poison Control, Enclosure 4.26

Place Deborating IX in service:

Review Limits and Precautions

Verify closed ICs-32 & 3 7 (SPARE DEBOR IX INLET &


Close ICs-26 (Letdown to RC Bleed)

Open ICs-27 (Debor IX Inlet)

Open IHP-16 (LDST Makeup Isolation)

Verify IHP-15 (LDST Makeup Control) in MANUAL and


Position IHP-14 (LDST Bypass) to "BLEED

Record letdown pressure (contact NEO, Cue: 115 psig)

Wait 5 minutes

qestore system per OP/1/A/1103/004, Soluble Poison Control,

Enclosure 4.26:

Place IHP-14 (LDST Bypass) in "NORMAL"

Close IHP-16 (LDST Makeup Isolation)

Reset IHP-15 Moore Controller for Normal Operation(LDST

Makeup Control)

Close ICs-27 (Debor IX Inlet)

Open 1CS-26 (Letdown to RC Bleed)

Complete OP/1/A/1103/004, Soluble Poison Control,

Enclosure 4.26

Nhen de-lithiation is complete or when directed by the lead

?valuatorthis event is completed.


NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 2 of 14



.. D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1

3p-Test No.: - Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 2 Page 1 of 1

Event Description: PZR Level #I Transmitter Fails HIGH: (I, BOP)

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior


Plant response:


ISA-2/C-3, RC Pressurizer Level High/Low

ISA-ZC-4, RC Pressurizer Level Emerg. HighlLow

Front board (IUBI) indications:

PZR Level 1 indicates 4 0 0

IHP-120 (RC Volume Control) throttles closed

Makeup flow decreases to = 0 gpm.

Crew response:

Refer to ARG:


Check alternate PZR level indications (IUBI and OAC) and

determine that PZR level 1 has failed high.

Check for proper MakeupILetdown flows and adjust to restore

proper level.

SRO should direct the BOP to take actions to restore normal

PZR level.


SRO should refer to PT/600/001 (Periodic Instrument

Surveillance) SASS Manual Operation and have the BOP

SROlBOP select an alternate PZR level channel on 1UBI.

When an alternate PZR level channel has been selected or

when directed by the lead evaluator this event is completed.


NUREG-I 021, Draft Revision 9 Page 3 of 14

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1

3p-Test No.: - Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 3 Page 1 of 2

Event Description: Dropped Control Rod: (C, OATCISRO) (TS)

When directed by the Lead Examiner Group 2, rod #6 drops into the


Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

Plant response:


ISA-2/&10, CRD Position Error

Position Indicating Panel

API indication of dropped rod on individual meter

In limit (zero %) green light on respectivedropped rod.

Loss of respectivedropped rod out limit (100%) red light.

Amber 7 asymmetric lights on the dropped rod and the entire


Diamond Panel indications

9 asymmetric lamp.

. .

g t o stabilize the


Acknowledge and verbalize to the SRO the most important Statalarm

OATC received for the failure.

Verbalize to the SRO reactor power level and direction of movement.

Recognize that a valid runback should be occurring but is not

because the ICs is in manual.


Refer to ARG for ISA-2/B-10, CRD Position Error

Inform SRO entry into AP/015, Dropped Control Rods is


The SRO should use the OAC to monitor unit status

Enter AP/I/AJI 700/15, Dropped Control Rods


NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 4 of 14

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1

3p-Test No.: - Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 3 Page 2 of 2

Event Description: Dropped Control Rod: (C, OATCISRO) (TS)

Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

SRO Direct actions per AP/OI 5, Dropped Control Rods.

1. Verify 5 one dropped control rod or misaligned > 9 (6%) from

group average.

2. Verify Reactor is critical

OATC 3. Verify runback to 55% FP in progress.

OATC should determine that a runback is not in progress due

to ICs in manual and initiate a manual runback as directed by

the SRO.

4. Initiate Enclosure 5.1 (Control of Plant Equipment During


Notify WCC SRO to make notifications

BOP Ensure 1A and 1B MSRH DRN PUMP stopped

Place IFDW-53 and 1FDW-65 (MFDWP Recircs) in

MANUAL and closed

Place IHD-37 and IHD-52 in DUMP.

Start the 1A and 1B MFDW Pump's Seal Injection and Aux oil


5. Notify I&E (SPOC) to perform the following:

Investigate cause of dropped rod

Prepare to reduce RPS FluxlFlow-Imbalance and RPS High

Flux setpoints.

6. Within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> verify > 1% SDM with the allowance for inoperable

SRO control rod(s) by performing PTIIIAII 103/15, Reactivity Balance


7. Refer to TS 3.2.3 Quadrant Power Tilt (QPT) and 3.1.4 Control

Group Alignment Limits.

Verify QPT within COLR limit

8. Within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />, ensure reactor power is less than 60% of the

allowable power per the RCP combination.

Note: The crew may elect to place the Diamond in Auto to let

the unit runback. However going to Auto is blocked by a

When power is being reduced with the ICs in manual this

event is comuleted.

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 5 of 14

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1

Op-Test No.: - Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 4 Page 1 of 1

Event Description: 1A.l RCP High Vibration: (C, BOPISRO)

Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

BOP Statalarm ISA-9/D-2 (RC PUMP VIBRATION HIGH) will alarm.

1. The BOP should refer to the ARG

2. Verify RCP vibration conditions by using RCP OAC Display

Group RCP

3. Refer to AP/016, Abnormal Reactor Coolant Pump Operation.


Determine RCP immediate trip criteria are not met by

referring to Enclosure 5.1 (RCP Immediate Trip Criteria).

Since immediate trip criteria is not met then notify the OSM

and request an evaluation of the RCP vibration condition by

the RCP Component Engineer.

Statalarm 1SA-9/E2 (RCP VIBRATION EMERG HIGH) will actuate.

BOP 1. The BOP should determine that the immediate trip criteria are

now met based on Enclosure 5.1 (RCP Immediate Trip Criteria)

and inform the SRO.

2. The SRO should direct the BOP to:

SRO Verify Reactor power 5 70%

Verify four RCPs operating

Trip the 1Al RCP.

3. TriD the 1Al RCP.

When crew has tripped the RCP this event is completed.


NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 6 of 14

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1

3p-Test No.: - Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 5 Page 1 of 1

Event Description: ATcfails HIGH: (I, OATC)

Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

When the IA, RCP is secured ATcfails HIGH

Statalarm ISA-02/B-5 (RC Cold Leg Diff. Temperature High)

will actuate.

FDW flow will ratio based on the failure

AFDW flow will increase causing Aloop Tc to decrease.

B FDW flow will decrease causing B loop Tc to increase.

This will cause actual ATcto increase

Diagnose the ATcfailure by observing the ATcmeter on IUBI. It

OATC should return to zero but is staying a + 3.5 degrees.

Take the Feedwater Masters to MANUAL and re-ratio feedwater

using the loop Tc meters to return actual ATc to near zero.

When the OATC has re-ratioed FDW and returned Tc to near

zero or when directed by the lead examiner this event is



NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 7 of 14

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1

Dp-Test No.: - Scenario No.: 1 Event No.:6 Page 1 of 1

Event Description: Second dropped Control Rod (Manual Reactor Trip): (M, OATCISRO)

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior


After reactor power has been reduced and when directed by the

lead examiner a second control rod will drop.

Plant response:


ISA-21D-10 (CRD Continuous Boron Dilute Permit) actuates

CRD PI Panel

API indication of dropped rod on individual meter

In limit (zero %) green light on respective dropped rod.

Amber 7 asymmetric lights on the dropped rod and the entire


Crew response:

The OATC should determine that a second control rod has

OATC dropped into the core by observing the CRD PI Panel and

MANUALLY TRIP THE REACTOR. OATC will attempt to trip

the reactor by depressing the reactor trip pushbutton.

Note: The reactor will NOT trip when the button is depressed.

After the reactor pushbutton has been depressed this event is



NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 8 of 14

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1

3p-Test No.: - Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 7 Page 1 of 4

vent Description: CT-1 Lockout and an ATWS: (C, ALL)

Nhen the manual reactor trip push button is depressed, the reactor will not trip and an

4TWS will occur. When reactor power is less than 5% the turbine will be tripped and

CT-I (startup transformer) will lockout, which will result in a loss of power. Power will

De restored from Keowee Unit 1 in approximately 35 seconds via the underground


path ar CT-4.


__ Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior


OATC Recognizethat the Reactor should have tripped and begin

performing Immediate Manual Actions.

Depress REACTOR TRIP pushbutton

Veriw reactor power < 5% FP and decreasing

The OATC should recognize that Power Range Nls are not 5%

FP and perform Rule 1. (CT-24)

Verify that at feast one Power Range Nf i s S % FP.

Initiate manual control rod insertion to the IN LIMIT.

Open 1HP-24 & IHP-25 (IA and 1B BWST Suction)

Ensure 1A or 1B HPIP is operating.

Start I C HPIP.

Open 1HP-26 & 1HP-27 (IA and 1B HP Injection)

Dispatch operators to the Cable Room and to the 600V Load

Centers 1x9 and 2x1 to de-energize the CRD System.

Notify the Procedure Director to GO TO UNPP tab.

__ -


NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 9 of 14


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1

Op-Test No.: - Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 7 Page 2 of 4

Event Description: CT-1 Lockout and an ATWS: (C, ALL)

When the manual reactor trip push button is depressed, the reactor will not trip and an

ATWS will occur. When reactor power is less than 5% the turbine will be tripped and

CT-1 (startup transformer) will lockout, which will result in a loss of power. Power will

be restored from Keowee Unit 1 in approximately 35 seconds via the underground

path and CT-4.

Time Position Amlicants Actions or Behavior

SRO Transfer to the UNPP tab from IMAs and direct the following


Announce plant conditions

Ensure Rule 1 is in progress or complete.

Verify Main FDW available.

IAAT all power range Nls are -4% FP, THEN ensure the

turbine-generator is tripped.

Note: This action will result in a unit loss of power for = 35

seconds due to CT-1 lockout.

Verify -

all wide range Nls 21% FP.

Maximize letdown.

Verify Main FDW available.

Adjust Main FDW flow as necessary to control RCS


Verify overcooling NOT in progress.

Ensure makeup to the LDST is secured.

WHEN all Nls are 4 %FP, AND decreasing, THEN continue in

this tab-


NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 10 of 14

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1

Op-Test No.: - Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 7 Page 3 of 1

Event Description: CT-1 Lockout and an ATWS: (C, ALL)

When the manual reactor trip push button is depressed, the reactor will not trip and ai

ATWS will occur. When reactor power is less than 5% the turbine will trip and CT-1

[startup transformer) will lockout, which will result in a loss of power. Power will be

restored from Keowee Unit 1 in approximately 35 seconds via the underground path

Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

BOP Perform symptoms check and when asked report no other


When power is regained on the Main Feeder Buses perform APll1

Recovery from Loss of Power.


IAAT Pzr level > 80" [180" acc],

THEN ensure Pzr heaters in AUTO

Verify load shed is complete as indicated by LOAD SHED

COMPLETE on an^ ES Module (Channel 1 or 2).

Dispatch an operator to perform End 5.2 (Restoring Loads

Outside the Control Room).

9 Dispatch an operator to perform Encl 5.4 (Actions to Restore

ESV System to Normal Operation).

9 Verify condenser vacuum maintained.

OATC Determine the Main Feedwater Pumps have tripped as a result of

the loss of power and perform RULE 3 (Loss of Main or Emergenc!


= Ensure any EFDWP operating

. Initiate Enclosure 5.9 (Extended EFDW Operation)


Throttle Motor Driven EFDW as necessary to prevent


NUREG-I 021, Draft Revision 9 Page 11 of 14

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1

~~ ~ ~

3p-Test No.: - Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 7 Page 4 of 4

b !vent Description: CT-1 Lockout and an ATWS: (C, ALL)

Nhen the manual reactor trip push button is depressed, the reactor will not trip and an

4TWS will occur. When reactor power is less than 5% the turbine will trip and CT-1

startup transformer) will lockout, which will result in a loss of power. Power will be

  • estoredfrom Keowee Unit 1 in approximately 35 seconds via the underground path

and CT-4.

Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

SRO When the turbine is tripped and power is lost:

Two possible paths

1. GO TO the Blackout tab per parallel actions page

In the blackout tab, the crew will: verify power restored,

initiate AP/I 1(Recovery from Loss of Power) and transfer to

Subsequent Actions.


2. If power is restored prior to transferring to blackout tab, SRO

will complete UNPP tab.

c When power is regained to the 4160-switchgear use a

Parallel Actions transfer from the yellow page to initiate

AP/11(Recovery from Loss of Power).

Determine that reactor power is 5 1%.

Direct an RO to throttle HPI per Rule 6 and adjust Letdown

if needed.

3. Transfer to Subsequent Actions

Verify all control rods are inserted

Verify Main FDW is not operating and ensure SG level are

This event is completed when EOP Encl. 5.9 (Extended EFDW

Operation) is initiated or when directed by the lead examiner.

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 12 of 14

Aooendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1

Op-Test No.: - Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 8 Page 1 of 2

Event Description: Keowee Unit 1 Emergency Lockout, Unit Blackout: (M, ALL)

Note: When directed by the lead examiner Keowee Unit 1 Emergency Lockout will

Applicants Actions or Behavior

Keowee Unit 1 Emergency Lockout will result in a Unit Blackout.

1. Determine that CC and HPI are lost and initiate AP/25 (SSF

Emergency Operating Procedure)

The SRO will make a Parallel Actions transfer to the

Blackout tab.

Close IHP-31 (RCP Seal Flow Control) and IHP-21 (RCP

Seal Return).

Determine SGs are not being feed and dispatch operators

to the Atmospheric Dump Valves.

Note: Since the TD EFDW Pump is 0 0 s no source of FDW is

available to the SGs until power is restored from CT- 5.

Notify SSF operators that feeding with SSF ASW is



Note: If RCS pressure reached 2300 psig the crew will initiate

Rule 4 (Initiation of HPI Forced Cooling). Because no power is

available to the HPI pumps the rule will be exited.

Perform Enclosure 5.38 (Restoration of Power) (CT-8)

1. Verify MFBl and MFB2 de-energized

2. Determine CT-1 has no voltage

3. Verify both Standby Buses de-energized

4. Verify all Keowee Units operating

Note: Keowee 1 emergency locked out, Keowee 2 operating.

5. Notify Keowee operator to give Oconee Control for Keowee 2

6. Close ACB-4 (Unit 2 EMER FDR)

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 13 of 14

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1

Ip-Test No.: - Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 8 Page 2 of 2

tvent Description: Keowee Unit 1 Emergency Lockout, Unit Blackout: (M,ALL)

Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

BOP IO. Close SKI and SK2

11, Place STBY BUS 1 and 2 SYNCHRONIZING switch in OFF.

12. Verify Standby Bus #I energized.

13. Notify SRO Standby Bus #I is energized.

14. Place the following switches in MANUAL:





15. Ensure the following breakers open:

N1 andN2

E l andE2

16. Close S1 and S2

Note: This will power the Main Feeder Buses.


This event and the exam are complete when plant is in a safe

configuration Le. EFW is restored or when directed by the

Lead Examiner.

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 14 of 14

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1

3p-Test No.: - Scenario No.: 2- Event No.: Page 1 of 1

Event Description: Low A CFT pressure (N2 makeup) (N, BOPISRO)

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior


Plant response:

ISA-O8/A-11. CF TANK A PRESS HIGH/LOW will actuate.

Crew response:

1. The crew should refer to the ARG.

BOP 2. Refer to OP/1104/001, Enclosure 4.7 (Pressure Makeup To CFTs

Using Nitrogen) to adjust CFT pressure.

Direct an NE0 to open IN-I37 (CFTs Supply)

9 Cue: Time compression used to open IN-137. This is

used to speed the opening of the valve. It would take

time for the NE0 to travel from work control to the

Auxiliary Building.

Open 1N-298 (N2 Fill CFT IA)

When IN-298 (N2 Fill CFT I A ) is taken to CLOSE or when

directed by the lead examiner this event is completed.

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 2 of 11

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1

Op-Test No.: - Scenario No.: 2- Event No.: Page 1 of 1

Event Description: IN-298 (N2 Fill CFT I A ) fails OPEN (C, BOPISRO)


Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior


Plant response:

1. Determine 1N-298 has failed to close:

Red open light lit

CFT pressure continues to increase

BOP 2. Inform the SRO.

3. Direct the NE0 to close IN-I37 (CFTs Supply).

Note: If IN-I37 is not closed the CFT pressure will continue to

increase, possibly outside of TS limits.

n n

- p G s k u c p e d or when directed by the

lead examiner this event is completed.

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 3 of 11

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1

Op-Test No.: - Scenario No.: 2- Event No.: 1 - Page 1 of 1

Event Description: 1HP-120 (RC Volume Control) Fails closed (C, OATCISRO)

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior


OATC IHP-120 fails closed during CFT pressurization. This will allow

OATC diagnoses of failure.

1. Diagnose 1HP-120 (RC Volume Control) failed closed:

RCS makeup flow goes to zero

PZR level begins to decrease.

LDST level begins to increase.

Valve position demand for 1HP-120 begins to increase to

the 100% demand value and valve position indication will

indicate closed (green light).

2. Refer to AP/14 (Loss of Normal Makeup andlor RCP Seal



Determine Seal Injection is not lost

Determine loss of suction to HPI pumps has not occurred

and GO TO Step 4.6.

Verify % HPI pump operating.

Verify RCP seal injection flow exists.

Verify RCP seal injection or HPI makeup line leak is not

indicated and GO TO Step 4.10.

Verify all RCPs seal return temperatures are C 240°F.

Verify IHP-120 has failed and GO TO Step 4.183.

Perform the following as necessary to maintain Pzr level >



Close IHP-6 (Letdown Orifice Stop)

9 Throttle IHP-7 (Letdown Control)

9 Throttle IHP-26 (IA HP Injection)

When PZR level is being controlled manually or when directed

by the lead examiner this event is completed.

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 4 of 11


Appendix D

- Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1

Op-Test No.: - Scenario No.: 2- Event No.: 3- Page 1 of 1

Event Description: Controlling Tave fails HIGH (I, OATCISRO)

When directed by the lead examiner controlling Tave will fail high.


Time Position I Applicants Actions or Behavior

Plant response:

1. ISA-O2/A-12, ICs Tracking, will actuate due to neutron and

feedwater cross-limits.

2. Controlling Tave will indicate = 596.4 F.

3. Actual loop A & B Tave will decrease until operator stops


4. RCS pressure and temperature will decrease

Crew response:

1. When the ICs TRACKING alarm is received, the candidates

should utilize the Plant Transient Response process to stabilize

the plant and recognize that the controlling Tave has failed. RX

will trip on variable low pressure with no operator action.


2. Verbalize to the SRO reactor power level and direction of


3. Place the FDW Masters in manual and stabilize the plant. Use

control rods and FDW to stabilize the plant

4. The SRO should:

Refer to AP/28, ICs Instrument Failures

Contact SPOC to repair controlling Tave.


When the plant is stable or when directed by the lead

examiner this event is completed.

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 5 of 11

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1

Op-Test No.: - Scenario No.: 2- Event No.: A Page 1 of 1

c Event Description: Seismic event ( P W )

1A RBCU rupture (C, BOPISRO) (TS)




NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 6 of 11

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1

1. ISA-9/B-9, LPSW RBCU A Cooler Rupture will actuate and RB

normal sump level will increase.

The BOP should refer to ARG for 1SA-9/B-9


Verify alarm is valid by checking RBCU 1A Inlet Flow and

RBCU 1A delta flow.

Verify ILPSW-18 (RBCU 1A Oultlet) open

Verify adequate LPSW flow is available; check LPSW pump


Monitor RBNS Level for any unexplained increase (Notify

Chemistry to sample RBNS for boron to determine if a

cooler rupture has occurred).

Diagnose a Cooler Rupture is indicated and Isolate the 1A

RBCU Cooler.

2. The SRO should determine that isolation of LPSW to a RBCU

SRO places the Unit in Tech Spec 3.6.5Condition B (7 day

completion Time) and refer to SLC 16.9.12 (Additional LPSW

And SSW System operability Requirements).

Note: The control room will receive a phone call from security

that indicates that a tremor has been felt but no damage has

been noted.

3. The SRO may refer to AP/05, Earthquake.

SRO Dispatch operators to perform plant inspections

Note: No damage will be reported.

  • Notify SPOC to develop the Strong Motion Accelerometer


  • Verify NO fuel handling activities in progress.
  • These items may not be completed depending on how soon

the next event is started.

Note: Team may decide at this time to begin a unit shutdown.

Refer to event 6.

When the RBCU has been isolated, or at the direction of the

Lead Examiner this event is completed.

NUREG-I 021, Draft Revision 9 Page 7 of 11

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1

3p-Test No.: - Scenario No.: -- 2 Event No.: Page 1 of 2

Event Description: 1 6 SG Tube leak (5 gpm) (C, ALL) (TS)

16 SG tube leak occurs following - RBCU isolation or when directed

- by tl lead evaluator.

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

Plant response:

1. The following alarms actuate:



2. PZR level will decrease.

Crew response:

ALL 1. Diagnose and take actions for a Tube leak in the 1B SG:

BOP 2. Refer to the ARG for the following alarms:



3. Refer to AP/31 (Primary to Secondary Leakage)


Monitor primary parameters; PZR Level and LDST level to

BOP determine that gross leakage exist and transfer to step



Path 1 (crew determines that leakage is gross)

Using an RCS inventory balance, determine OTSG tube

leak sue is less than 25 gpm.

BOP Path 2 (crew determines that leakage is NOT gross)


Notify RP and Chemistry

Determine leak rate using the OAC is 2 100gpd.

Common path

Greater than 25 gpm will require entering the EOP.

. loo e



When the SRO has directed a manual Unit shutdown or when

directed by the Lead Examiner the event is completed.

NUREG-1021, Drafl Revision 9 Page 8 of 11

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1

3p-Test No.: - Scenario No.:2- Event No.: -- 6 Page 1 of 1

Event Description: 16 SG Tube Rupture ( 100 gpm) (C, ALL) (TS)

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

SRO 1. Primary inventory should be monitored and when the leak rate is

determined to be > 25 gpm transfer to the SGTR tab of the EOP.

2. EOP SGTR tab will perform the following:

Determine that the Reactor is not tripped.

Maintain PZR level > 220 inches using Enclosure 5.5 (Pzr

and LDST Level Control).

BOP > Open HP-24 and 25 (IA and 1B BWST Suction)

> Close IHP-5

Monitor RIA-I6 (A MS Header) and 17 (8 MS Header) to

identify all SGs with tube ruptures.

Start the Outside Air Booster Fans on both Units 1 and 3.


Open and white Tag TB Sump pump breakers.

3. The SRO should direct the OATC to begin a unit shutdown at a

SRO rate between 9.9% per hour and 20% per minute (MAXIMUM


When the SRO has entered the EOP SGTR tab or when directed

by the Lead Examiner the event and scenario is completed.

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 9 of 11

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1

op-Test No.: - Scenario No.: _c-2 Event No.: Page 1 of 1

Event Description: Unit Shutdown (R, OATC)


Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

OATC/SRO The OATC will use the FDW Masters and the Diamond to reduce

power while monitoring Reactor Power, Tave, and other plant


If the reactor trips automatically the team must return tolMAs.

The BOP will utilize Enclosure 5.19 (Control of Plant Equipment

During Shutdown for SGTR).

1, NotiQ WCC SRO to make notifications

2. Stop 1A and 1B MSRH Drain Pump

3. Place 1FDW-53 and 1FDW-65 in manual and closed. (Located

on 1VB3)

4. Place 1HD-37 and 1HD-52 in DUMP.

5. Start the both FDWPs Seal Injection and Auxiliary Oil Pumps.

6. When Reactor power is 5 80%, stop 1El and lE2 Heater Drain


7. Transfer electrical auxiliaries

Place ITA AUTO/MAN transfer switch in MAN

Place I T B AUTO/MAN transfer switch in MAN

Close ITA SU 6.9 KV FDR

Close ITB SU 6.9 KV FDR

Place MFBI AUTOlMAN transfer switches in MAN

Place MFB2 AUTOlMAN transfer switches in MAN



When a unit shutdown of > 5% has occurred or when directed

by the lead examiner this event is concluded.

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Pageloof 11


ADDendiX D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1

Op-Test No.: - Scenario No.: 2- Event No.: 8- Page 1 of 2

Event Description: 1A Main Steam line break in RB (M, ALL)

1A main steam line break will occur following - event 7 as directed by

the ad examiner.

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

ALL Plant response:

1. Statalarm ISA-OZA-9, MS Press High/Low, actuates

2. A and B main steam (MS) pressure decreases

3. Reactor trips.

B MS line pressure stops decreasing

A MS line pressure continues to decrease

RCS may saturate

Crew response:

1. The OATC will perform and verify IMAs.

Depress REACTOR TRIP pushbutton

Verify reactor power 5% FP and decreasing

Depress TURBINE TRIP pushbutton

Verify all turbine stop valves closed

SRO Verify RCP seal injection available

2. The BOP will perform a symptoms check.

OATC 3. The Crew should respond to the MSLB in the 1KSG

4. The BOP will perform Rule #5 (Main Steam Line Break) after

receiving concurrence from the SRO. (CT-17)

Stop 1A MDEFDW Pump

Initiate both trains of MSLB isolation

Ensure both Main FDW pumps tripped

Steam 1B SG to maintain CETCs constant


5. If SCM = 0°F then the OATC will perform Rule #2 (Loss of SCM)

after receiving concurrence from the SRO. (CT-1, CT-2)

OATC Trip ALL RCPs within 2 minutes

Ensure open 1HP-24 and 1HP-25

Ensure ALL HPI pumps operating

Fnsiiw n 1HP-36 and 1HP-37

NUREG-I 021, Draft Revision 9 Page 11 of 11

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1

3p-Test No.: - Scenario No.: -- 2 Event No.: S_ Page 2 of 2

vent Description: 1A Main Steam line break in RB (M, ALL)

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior


BOP Verify TBVs available

Feed all intact SGs

Control EFDW as required to raise level to intact SGs to

proper setpoint per RULE 7 (SG Feed Control)

Trip both Main FDWPs

Place FDW block valve switches (1FDW-33, 31, 42, 40) in


Maintain SG pressure c RCS pressure

6. The SRO will "Parallel Action" to transfer to the Excessive Heat

Transfer (EHT) tab and direct the Crew's actions as follows:


7. Enclosure 5.1 (ES Actuation) will be performed.

Diagnose that ES Channels 7 and 8 have not actuated.


Depress the ES Channels 7 and 8 trip pushbutton on 1UBI.

Note: ES Channel 8 pushbutton will not work. This will require

the operator to manually start the 1B RBS pump from the ES RZ


8. Excessive Heat Transfer (EHT) tab will:

Verify excessive heat transfer stopped

Throttle HPI to stabilize RCS pressure and maintain PZR

level > 8 0 (18 0 acc)

Feed and steam all intact SGs to stabilize RCS P/T. PT-11)

Minimize SCM using the following methods as necessary:


k De-energizing all PZR heaters

k Using PZR spray

k Throttling HPI

Initiate Enclose 5.16 (SG Tube-to-Shell A T Control)

When the SRO has transferred to the SGTR tab or when

directed by the Lead Examiner the event and scenario is


NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 12 of 11

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2

3p-Test No.: - Scenario No.: -- 3 Event No.: -1- Page 1 of 1

Ivent Description: Operability test Keowee Unit 1 (N, BOPISRO)


Keowee Unit 1 Gen Field Flashina Breaker fails to OPEN

tomatically (C, BOPISRO)

Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

SRO Direct BOP to perform PT/620/009 (Keowee Hydro Operation) to

operability test unit 1 Keowee underground.

Use OP/1106/019 (Keowee Hydro At Oconee) to perform an

BOP Automatic Startup of Keowee Unit 1

Initial Conditions

1. Verify applicable Statalarms and breaker positions

2. Notify Keowee operator to give Oconee control of Keowee ## 1.

3. Review Limits and Precautions


1. Place UNIT 1 LOCAL MASTER switch to START AND hold until

Keowee Unit starts.

2. Verify the following:





Candidate should diagnose that the breaker did not open

automatically and should open the breaker manually and

initiate a work request or contact SPOC.

SRO should direct the BOP to continue with the startup.

SRO Note: GEN FIELD FLASHING BREAKER automatically trips 5

45 seconds after receiving close signal. Failure of breaker to

trip automatically does NOT make the KHU inoperable. Startup

procedure may continue.

4. Determines KHU #I is operable when test complete

Event is complete when operability test is complete or when

directed by the lead examiner.

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 2 of 11

3p-Test No.: - Scenario No.: -- 3 Event No.: -2- Page 1 of 2

!vent Description: A HPI Pump sheared shaft and the standby HPI pump fails to

auto start: (C, OATC)

Position Aoolicants Actions or Behavior

Plant response:


1SA-2/B-2 (HP RCP Seal Injection Flow HighlLow)

ISA-2/C-2 (HP Injection Pump Disch. Header Pressure


Board indications:

RC Makeup Flow = 0 gpm

1A HPI Pump = 0 amps

PZR level will begin to decrease and LDST level will begin to


Crew response:

OATC 1. Refer to ARG for above Statalarms

2. SRO should refer to AP1014 (Loss of Normal Makeup andlor

RCP Seal Injection)


Verify no HPI pump operating

Close 1HP-5 (Letdown Isolation)


Ensure IHP-120 (RC Volume Control) in HAND and closed

Place IHP-31 (RCP Seal Flow Control) in HAND and closed

Start standby HPI pump (1B HPI pump)

Slowly open IHP-31 in small increments until = 8 gpmlRCP is


Re-establish normal makeup through 1HP120.

Reduce 1HP-7 demand to 0%.

Close 1HP-6

Ensure the following open:

> IHP-1

NUREG-I021, Draft Revision 9 Page 3 of 11

Op-Test No.: - Scenario No.: -- 3 Event No.: A Page 2 of 2

Event Description: A HPI Pump sheared shaft and the standby HPI pump fails to

- auto start: IC.

. . OATC)

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior


SRO 3. Refer to Tech Spec 3.5.2 High Pressure Injection

Condition A

Required Action: Restore HPI pump to OPERABLE status

Completion Time: 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />

Note: Due to sequence of events, SRO may not review the TS

during the scenario. Follow-up questions may be required to

ensure knowledge of this competency.

Event is complete when normal makeup and letdown is

established or when directed by the lead examiner.

NUREG-1021, Drat? Revision 9 Page 4 of 11

3p-Test No.: - Scenario No.: - 3

- Event No.: 3- Page 1 of 1

vent C ;criDtion: Controllina NI fails L O W (I. OATC) (TS)

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior


Plant response:

Statalarm 1SA-2/A-12 (ICs Tracking)

Diamond will transfer to MANUAL, because indicated reactor

power is 1.5%.

Tave will increase and actual reactor power will decrease.

Crew response:

1. Crew should use "Plant Transient Response" to stabilize the plant

OATC by placing both FDW Masters in MANUAL.

2. Adjust CR and FDW as required to stabilize the plant.

3. SRO should refer to AP/028 (ICs Instrument Failures) and

PT/600/001 (Periodic Instrument Surveillance).


4. SRO should refer to TS 3.3.1 (RPS Instrumentation)

Event is complete when plant is stable or when directed by the

lead examiner.


NUREG-I 021, Draft Revision 9 Page5of 11

3p-Test No.: - Scenario No.: 3-- Event No.: A Page 1 of 1


=vent Description: Loss of Instrument Air (C, BOP)

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior


Plant response:

Statalarm 1SA-4/C-5 (Aux Bldg Air HDR PR Low) activates

IA pressure decreasing on Aux and Turb Building gauges located

on 1UB2.

Crew response:

1. Refer to ARG for 1SA-4/C-5.


Send NE0 to start all backup IA compressors

Send operators to check fro IA line ruptures or open valves.

Refer to AP/22 (Loss of Instrument Air)

Start Primary IA Compressor

Using paging system, request that plant personnel stop using

service and IA.

2. AP/22 (Loss of Instrument Air)


Direct Unit 2 to dispatch an operator to start the Diesel Air

BOP Compressor.

IAAT Feedwater flow cannot be controlled, trip Reactor and

all Main FDW pumps.

IAAT two or more CRD temperatures are > 180°F, trip


Using paging system, request that plant personnel stop using

service and IA.

IAAT Aux IA press 5 88 psig dispatch operator to verify Unit 1

Aux IA Compressor is operating.

IAAT IA header pressure is c 80 psig and letdown is desired:

Place IHP-14 (LDST Bypass) to NORMAL

Open IHP-13 (Purification IX Bypass)

Event is complete when AP122 actions are being performed or

when directed by the lead examiner.

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 6 of 11

3p-Test No.: - Scenario No.: - 3

- Event No.: Page 1 of 1

fvent Description: Main FDW Pumr, . trim. and the turbine Fails to trip. (C,

. . OATC)

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior


Plant response:

1A Main FDW pump trips resulting in a reactor trip.

The Main Turbine should trip but does not. This will result in a

reduction steam pressure in both SG until actions are taken to

trip the turbine. The will result in RCS overcooling until tripped.

Crew response:

SRO 1. SRO will enter the EOP.

2. OATC will perform Immediate Manual Actions

OATC Depress REACTOR TRIP pushbutton

Verify reactor power c 5% FP and decreasing

Depress turbine TRIP pushbutton.

BOP Verify all turbine stop valves closed

Note: The OATC should diagnose that the turbine did not trip

and then uerform the RNO steu which will stou both EHC

Event is complete when EHC pumps have been tripped or when

directed by the lead examiner.


NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 7 of 11

3p-Test No.: - Scenario No.: 3- Event No.: 6- Page 1 of 2

vent Description: A TBVs fails open and IMS-17 (A TBV Block) fails to close:


Time Position Aoolicants Actions or Behavior

Note: The A TBVs will fail open at the same time as the turbine


Plant response:

The ATBVs will indicate full open. The B TBVs will be


The RCS will begin to slowly cool off

rn A Main Steam line will begin to depressurize

Crew response:

1. The crew may diagnose the TBVs failed open and with SRO

guidance try to control SG pressure by taking the TBVs to

manual. (This will not work)

2. After trying to control pressure with the TBVs in manual, the SRO

may direct them to close IMS-17 (ATBV Block) but it will not


3. An RO should initiate Rule 5 (Main Steam Line Break). (CT-17)

Select OFF on the A MDEFDWP.

Ensure both Min FDWPTs are tripped

Close IFDW-315

Close 1FDW-33 and 1FDW-31.

Adjust 1B SG to maintain CETCs constant.

Ensure Rule 3 (Loss Of Main or Emergency FDW) in


Ensure Rule 8 (Pressurized Thermal Shock (PTS)) is in

progress or complete.

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 8 of 11

3p-Test No.: - Scenario No.: 3-- Event No.:6- Page 2 of 2


=vent Description: A TBVs fails open and IMS-17 (A TBV Block) fails to close:


Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

4. The SRO should make a Parallel Actions transfer to the

Excessive Heat Transfer tab.

5. Excessive Heat Transfer tab will:

If any SG pressure c 550 psig ensure Rule 5 (Main Steam

Line Break) in progress or complete.

Verify excessive heat transfer stopped.

Verify level in both SGs < 96% O.R.

Throttle HPI to stabilize RCS pressure and maintain Pzr level

> 100.

Verify letdown in service.

Verify B SG has an intact secondary boundary (intact SG).

Ensure open 1FDW-382 and 1FDW369.

Event is complete when Rule 5 is complete and Excessive Heat

Transfer tab is in progress or when directed by the lead



NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 9 of 11

3p-Test No.: - Scenario No.: 3- Event No.: Page 1 of 2


=vent Description: A SG Tube Rupture: (M, ALL)

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior



Plant response:


1SA-8/A-9 (RM Area Monitor Radiation High)

ISA-8/B-9 (RM Process Monitor Radiation High)

ISA-8/D-10 (RM CSAE Exhuast Radiation High)

Board indications:

PRZ level and RCS pressure will decrease.

Crew response:

SRO should remain in Excessive Heat Transfer Tab and perform the


1. Verify initiating Rule 8 (Pressurized Thermal Shock PTS)) is not


2. Verify aux steam header being supplied from another unit.

3. Open AS-8

4. Close ISSH-1, ISSH-3, and ISSH-9.

5. Notify Chemistry to determine RCS Boron concentration.

6. Notify RP and Secondary Chemistry to check for indications of a


7. IAAT the following conditions exist:

ES Bypass Permit satisfied

All SCMs > 0°F

RCS pressure controllable

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 10 of 11

3p-Test No.: - Scenario No.: 3- Event No.: J- Page 2 of 2


Event Description: A SG Tube Rupture: (M, ALL)

Time Position Aoolicants Actions or Behavior


9. Initiate Encl. 5.16 (SG Tube-to-Shell AT Control)

IAAT any SG tube-to-Shell AT approaches either IimitTHEN

take appropriate action.

10. GO TO SGTR tab.

SGTR tab will:

1. Verify Reactor is tripped and Initiate Encl. 5.5 (Pzr and LDST

Level Control)

2. Start A and B Outside Air Booster Fans on Unit 18.2 and Unit 3.


3. Dispatch operator to open TBS pump breakers.

Event is complete when TBS pump breakers have been opened

or when directed by the lead examiner.

NUREG-I 021, Draft Revision 9 Page 11 of 11


ADDendix D ODerator Actions Form ES-D-2

3p-Test No.: - Scenario No.: SPARE Event No.: 1 Page 1 of 1

Ivent Description: That fails HIGH: (I, OATC)

Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

Plant response:

Loop A Thot Dixson meter reading goes to 6200F

Thot recorder dl2°F

Tave recorder and digital meter increases to483"F

Loop A Delta T meter increases to 4 5 ° F

Loop A Tave meter increases to 4 8 8 ° F

Statalarm 1SA-2/B-3, RC Hot Leg Temp High, alarms

Crew response:

The crew should use Plant Transient Response to stabilize the

OATC unit.

Depending on when ICs is taken to manual, FDW flow may be

greater than 100%. If this is true, taking ICs to hand will allow

NI Power to begin to increase to match FDW flow. When this

occurs, the OATC will be required to decrease FDW flows to

stop the power increase.

SRO should refer to AP/28 (ICs Instrument Failures).

After the instrument is repaired the SRO should direct the

crew from AP/28 (ICs Instrument Failures) to return the I C s

SRO tn ql&,

When the ICs has been returned to auto this event is completed.

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 P a g e 2 o f 11

3p-Test No.: - Scenario No.: SPARE Event No.: 2 Page 1 of 1

Zvent Description: 1A CC Pump trips: (C, BOP)


Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior


Plant response:

1. Statalarms:




2. Control Board indications:

IHP-5 will close due to high letdown temperature

Crew Response:

BOP 1. Refer to ARGs

2. Initiate AP/020 (Loss of Component Cooling)

IAAT both of the following are lost:

k CCtoRCPs

> RCP seal injection

THEN perform the following:

k Trip RX

k Stop all RCPs

> Initiate AP/25 (SSF EOP)

SRO IAAT 2 two CRD stator temperatures 2 180"F,


Open ICC-7 and ICC-8


Thi; ev&d-hkdby CC pump is started or

when directed by the lead examiner.


NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 3 of 11

Op-Test No.: - Scenario No.: SPARE Event No.: 3 Page 1 of 1

Event Description: IHP-5 Fails closed: (C, BOP)

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior


SRO 1. AP/032 (Loss of Letdown)

BOP Ensure IHP-120 in HAND and closed

Notify chemist RCS Born sample needed and normal letdown

line is isolated.

Verify CC in operation

Position the standby HPI pump switch to OFF.

Throttle IHP-31 to establish 12-15 gpm SEAL INLET HDR


Close IHP-6

Close IHP-7

Ensure the following open

> IHP-1

> IHP-2

> IHP-3

> 1HP-4

Verify letdown temperature c 135°F


Ensure 1HP-8 and 1HP-9&11 closed


Ensure 1HP-5 is open

Note: IHP-5 will not open from the control room or locally.

SRO GO TO step 4.1 1

Verify 1HP-5 closed

Close IHP-6


Nhen an operator has been dispatched to open IHP-5 or when

directed by the lead examiner this event is complete.

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page4of 11

Op-Test No.: - Scenario No.: SPARE Event No.: 4 Page 1 of 1

Event Description: Unidentified RCS leak in RB (20 gpm): (C, BOP) (TS)

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior


Plant response:

1. Statalarms:

ISA-9/A-6, RB Reactor Bldg Norm Sump Level HighlLow

ISA-8/B-9, Process Radiation Monitor High

2. Control board indications:

RBNS level increases

Pzr level will decrease very slowly due to the leak and IHP-5

being closed.

Crew response:

BOP 1. Refer to ARG for ISA-9/A-6, RB Reactor Bldg Norm Sump Level


2. Refer to AP1002, Excessive RCS Leakage


Initiate Encl. 5.1 (Leak Rate Determination)


Ensure OSM, STA, RP are notified

Monitor trend of T6 AP02 for increases (OAC)

Verify NO leakage through PORV and close 1RC-4

Identify leak is in the RB and GO TO Step 4.20

Place standby CC pump switch to OFF.

Close ICC-I/IHP-I and 1CC-2/1HP-2

Verify leakage has stopped (will not)

Verify re-establishing LD is desired (it is not due to IHP-5

failing shut)

Ensure RB isolation valves are closed.

Verify unit shutdown is desired by Station Management

SRO should determine unit SD is required due to RCS leak


greater than TS limit.

Ensure unit shut down has been initiated in accordance with

one of the following:

-88wn is directed by the SRO

or when directed by the Lead Examiner.

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 5 of 11

)p-Test No.: - Scenario No.: SPARE Event No.: 5 Page 1 of 1

ivent Description: Inability for CRD insertion in automatic during shutdown:


Position Aoolicant's

r 8- - Actions or Behavior

SRO Unit shutdown per OP/l/All102/004 (Operation At Power) Encl. 3.2,

Power Reduction

1. Review Limits and Precautions

2. Notify OSM to contact NRC if required.

3. Start IA/IB MFDW pump Seal Injection Pump

4. Select HOLD


5. Select desired shutdown rate

6. Select desired rate of power reduction of RATE SET

7. Select CTPD SET power level

8. Release hold

Note: Control Rods will not insert in auto.

Plant response:

L 1. Neutron Error goes negative

2. Tave increases

3. When Neutron Error reaches -5, unit will go to track and Statalarm

ISA-2/A-12 (ICs Tracking) will actuate.

Crew response:

OATC 1. OATC should determine that control rods are not inserting.

2. SRO should determine that a manual unit shutdown is required

SRO and direct the OATC to place the ICs in manual and continue the

unit shutdown.

3. OATC should Dlace Diamond in Manual.

Event is complete when ICs has been taken to manual or when

directed by the Lead Examiner.


NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 6 of 11

Op-Test No.: - Scenario No.: SPARE

Event Description:

Event No.: 6

Manual CRD power decrease (R, OATC)

Page 1 of 1



Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior


OATC 1, OATC will insert the control rods and reduce FDW flow with the

FDW Masters (if placed in manual) to reduce power.

2. SRO will direct the unit shutdown and continue in Power Reduction


enclosure of the Operation At Power procedure.

Event is complete when reactor power has been reduced 5% or

when directed by the Lead Examiner.

NUREG-1021, Drafl Revision 9 Page 7 of 11

3p-Test No.: - Scenario No.: SPARE Event No.: 7 Page 1 of 4

vent Description: Small Break LOCA: (M,ALL)

Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

7ant response:

RCS pressure will decrease resulting in a reactor trip.

ES 1&2 will actuate on low RCS pressure, ES 3-6 will

actuate on high RB pressure.

RCS will saturate.

3 e w response:

SRO 1. SRO should direct the OATC to perform Immediate Manual

Actions and the BOP to perform a symptoms check.

2. Once the SRO completes the Immediate Manual Actions he

should transfer to Subsequent Actions and ask the BOP to

report any noted symptoms.

3. When the RCS saturates, the BOP should inform the SRO that

BOP the RCS has saturated and obtain SRO concurrence to

perform Rule #2, Loss of SCM.

Verify that reactor power is c 1%.

Trip RCPs within 2 min of LOSCM (CT-1)

Verify that HPI is performing as required. (CT-2)

& Open IHP-410

Note: BOP should determine that IHP-26 has failed to open

and open IHP-410.

Verify that LPI flow in any header is c 1000 gpm.

Verify that TBVs are available.

Disable AFlS in non-actuated channels.

Establish EFDW to the OTSGs to feed to LOSCM SP per

Rule 7 (SG Feed Control).

Verify both MDEFDWPs operating.


Trip both MFDWPs and close the FDW block valves.


Notify SRO of SG feed status.

Maintain SG pressure c RCS pressure.

Ensure Rules 3 & 8 done or in progress

BLotp- RnP that 1rnw-2-

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page8of 11

3p-Test No.: - Scenario No.: SPARE Event No.: 7 Page 2 of 4

vent Description: Small Break LOCA: (M, ALL)

Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

BOP Attempt to control 1FDW-316 by placing in manual. (will

not control)

Notify SRO that Encl. 5.27 (Alternate Methods for

Controlling EFDW Flow) is being initiated.

Stop B MDEFDW Pump

Place 1FDW-44 controller in HAND and close.

Close 1FDW-42 and 1FDW-382

Open IFDW-384

Close 1FDW-45

Verify 1FDW-47

Verify 1FDW-45,l FDW-44, and 1FDW-42 closed.

Verify 1FDW-382 closed

Verify 1FDW-384 open.


Throttle 1FDW-44 to obtain desired floe rate and/or SG

level per Rule 7 (SG Feed Control) (CT-IO)

4. The SRO should GO TO the LOSCM Tab per the Parallel

Actions page of the EOP Subsequent Actions section. LOSCM

Tab will:


Ensure that Rule #2 is in progress or complete.

Verify that station ASW is not feeding any SG.

Verify that the LOSCM is not caused by excessive heat


Open 1AS-40 while closing 1MS-47.

Verify all the following conditions exist::

P NO RCPs are operating

P HPI flow exists in both HPI headers

P Adequate Total HPI flow per figure 1 (Total Required

HPI Flow).

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 9 of 11

3p-Test No.: - Scenario No.: SPARE Event No.: 7 Page 3 of 4

Event Description: Small Break LOCA: (M, ALL)

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior


SRO Control steaming and feed rates on all intact SGs to

maintain cooldown rate within Tech Spec limits:

9 Tc - > 280°F -< 50°F/ % hour

> Tc < 280°F -< 25OF/ % hour

GO TO Step 70.

Close 1RC-4

Close the following:

9 IHP-1

9 IHP-2

9 IRC-3

9 IGWD-17

5. GO TO LOCA CD tab.

6. When ES Channels 1 and 2 actuate, an operator should inform

the SRO that ES Channels 1 and 2 have actuated. The SRO

should initiate EOP Encl. 5.1, ES Actuation per the parallel

actions page of Subsequent Actions section or of the LOSCM

Tab. When running Encl. 5.1, the operator will:

Determine which ES channels should have actuated and

verify all Blue Lights and White Lightsare lighted for the

OATC appropriate channels.

Place HPI in Manual.

Verify SCMs > 0°F and proceed to the HPI flow check when

he determines that the RCS has saturated.

The operator should determine HPI flow.

Open IBS-1 and IBS-2

Place LPI pumps in manual control.

At SRO direction secure LPI pumps.

Ensure A and B and 3A and 3B Outside Air Booster Fans

are operating. (CT-27)

Dispatch an operator to perform Encl. 5.2 (Placing RB

Hydrogen Analyzers In Service)

Notifv Chemistrv to oreoare for caustic addition.

- The operator m i s t get CR SRO approval to exit this

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 10 of 11

lp-Test No.: - Scenario No.:SPARE Event No.: 7 Page 4 of 4

vent Description: Small Break LOCA: (M, ALL)

Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

SRO LOCA CD tab will:

IAAT BWST level - < 19 feet transfer ECCS suctions to the


Verify ES is actuated.

Ensure all RBCUs in low speed and LPSW flow 2 1400

gpm to each RBCU.

Initiate Encl. 5.35, Containment Isolation

Ensure all RB Aux fans are operating

Ensure all RCPs are stopped.

Dispatch operator to isolate both OTSGs.

Close ICF-1 and ICF-2

Initiate Encl. 5.36, Equipment Alignment for Plant


WHEN CETCs are 5 400°F

THEN continue in this procedure.

Event and exam is complete when the SRO has transferred to

LOCA CD or when directed by the Lead Examiner.


NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9 Page 11 of 11