ML23045A175 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Oconee ![]() |
Issue date: | 02/14/2023 |
From: | NRC/RGN-II |
To: | Duke Energy Carolinas |
References | |
Download: ML23045A175 (1) | |
(1 point) 1 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 3 conditions:
Time = 1400:
Reactor Power = 100%
Time = 1405:
3A1 and 3B1 RCPs trip At Time = 1405, the 3A/3B FDW Master loop demand output signals are automatically __(1)__ in order to __(2)__.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
- 1. limited to 40%
- 2. allow low level limit control at 25 inches SUR B.
- 1. limited to 40%
- 2. minimize potential overcooling during the fill to 240 inches XSUR C.
- 1. inserted to negative 3.5%
- 2. allow low level limit control at 25 inches SUR D.
- 1. inserted to negative 3.5%
- 2. minimize potential overcooling during the fill to 240 inches XSUR Page 1 of 75 ML23045A175
(1 point) 2 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Time = 1500:
Reactor power = 100%
Time = 1600:
Reactor power = 100%
1RC-67 (PZR Code Safety Valve) fails open 1HP-120 is full open 1A HPI Header flow = 165 gpm rising PZR Level = 208 inches lowering RCS Pressure = 2100 psig lowering AP/1/A/1700/002 (Excessive RCS Leakage) has been initiated
- 1) Prior to any operator action, the operating HPI pump current (amps) at Time =
1600 are __(1)__ than the amps at Time = 1500.
- 2) At Time = 1600 and in accordance with AP/02, the NEXT required procedural action is to __(2)__.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. greater
- 2. close 1HP-5 B.
- 1. less
- 2. close 1HP-5 C.
- 1. greater
- 2. manually trip the reactor D.
- 1. less
- 2. manually trip the reactor Page 2 of 75
(1 point) 3 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Initial conditions:
Reactor power = 100% EOL SB LOCA occurs Current conditions:
Rule 2 in progress ALL RCPs are secured Both MFW pumps are operating 1B MDEFWP and U1 TDEFWP fail to start In accordance with Rule 2, EFDW flow will be established to __(1)__ SG(s) at a MAXIMUM rate of __(2)__.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
- 1. ONLY 1A
- 2. 300 gpm B.
- 1. ONLY 1A
- 2. 450 gpm C.
- 1. BOTH
- 2. 300 gpm to each SG D.
- 1. BOTH
- 2. 450 gpm to each SG Page 3 of 75
(1 point) 4 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 conditions:
Reactor Power = 100%
2A and 2B RBCUs operating in HIGH speed 2C RBCU is OPERABLE and OFF Time = 0301:
LBLOCA occurs Time = 0305:
RO is verifying proper ES actuation with EOP Encl. 5.1 (ES Actuation)
Given no operator action(s) associated with the RBCU alignment(s), which ONE of the following describes U2 RBCU status at Time = 0305?
ALL RBCUs are operating in LOW speed C.
2A and 2B RBCUs are operating in LOW speed and 2C RBCU is OFF D.
2A and 2B RBCUs are operating in HIGH speed and 2C RBCU is OFF Page 4 of 75
(1 point) 5 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 3 conditions:
Initial conditions:
Reactor power = 80%
Current conditions:
Group 3 Rod 5 drops fully into the core 3B2 RCP trips ICS runback in progress In accordance with AP/3/A/1700/001 (Unit Runback), the automatic ICS runback signal will be removed once the unit has runback to _____.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
74% at a rate of 20% per minute and then 45% at a rate of 1% per minute B.
74% at a rate of 25% per minute and then 45% at a rate of 1% per minute C.
74% at a rate of 20% per minute and then 55% at a rate of 1% per minute D.
74% at a rate of 25% per minute and then 55% at a rate of 1% per minute Page 5 of 75
(1 point) 6 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
A transient involving RCP SI and CC flow occurs RCS Pressure remains 2155 psig stable In accordance with AP/1/A/1700/014 (Loss of Normal HPI Makeup and/or RCP Seal Injection), what is the EARLIEST time that the Unit 1 Seal Return valves received a signal to close?
1310 B.
1312 C.
1314 D.
1315 Page 6 of 75
(1 point) 7 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Time = 2300:
Reactor power = 100%
1A CC Pump switch in ON 1B CC Pump switch in AUTO Time = 2315:
MSLB occurs in the RB RB pressure = 4.1 psig and slowly rising At Time = 2315, the 1A/1B CC Pumps are OFF due to the actuation of ES Channels
__(1)__ and the 1A/1B CC Pump status can be confirmed on __(2)__.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
- 1. 5 & 6
- 2. 1AB3 and the ES Component Status Panel B.
- 1. 5 & 6
- 2. 1AB3 ONLY C.
- 1. 1 & 2
- 2. 1AB3 and the ES Component Status Panel D.
- 1. 1 & 2
- 2. 1AB3 ONLY Page 7 of 75
(1 point) 8 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Time = 0400:
Reactor power = 100%
Operators respond to a failed OPEN 1RC-1 (Pzr Spray)
Time = 0405:
Reactor power = 100%
RCS pressure = 2115 psig rising Time = 0415:
RCS pressure = 2155 psig rising Pzr temperature = 640ºF rising
- 1) At Time = 0405, the REQUIRED ACTION(s) of TS 3.4.1 (RCS Pressure, Temperature, and Flow Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DNB) Limits)
__(1)__ required to be performed.
- 2) At Time = 0415, Pzr Heater Bank 2 (Groups B and D) are __(2)__.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. are NOT
- 2. energized B.
- 1. are NOT
- 2. de-energized C.
- 1. are
- 2. energized D.
- 1. are
- 2. de-energized Page 8 of 75
(1 point) 9 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 conditions:
Initial conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
Effective Full Power Days (EFPD) = 5 Feedwater and Diamond in MANUAL in preparation for an NI Calibration Current conditions:
BOTH Main Feedwater pumps trip Reactor power = 82% lowering RCS pressure peaks at 2410 psig CRS directs performance of EOP Rule 1 Based upon the current conditions
- 1) Reactivity added by the Moderator Temperature Coefficient is __(1)__.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. negative
- 2. open B.
- 1. negative
- 2. closed C.
- 1. positive
- 2. open D.
- 1. positive
- 2. closed Page 9 of 75
(1 point) 10 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 3 conditions:
Time = 0800:
Reactor power = 100%
TD EFDW pump is operating in RUN for testing MS pressure = 885 psig lowering Time = 0801:
MS pressure = 700 psig lowering Time = 0802:
MS pressure = 500 psig lowering Given no operator action
- 2) at Time = 0802, the TD EFDW pump __(2)__ be operating.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. lit
- 2. will B.
- 1. dark
- 2. will C.
- 1. lit
- 2. will NOT D.
- 1. dark
- 2. will NOT Page 10 of 75
(1 point) 11 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Reactor in MODE 3 1A MFW pump is operating 1B MFW pump is secured 1A and 1B MDEFWPs are in AUTO 2 1A and 1B SG levels = 25 inches stable Time = 1300:00 1FDW-35 (1A STARTUP FDW CONTROL) fails closed 1A SG XSUR = 25 inches lowering Over the next 6 minutes the 1A SG level lowers at a constant rate Time = 1302:00 1A SG XSUR = 23 inches lowering Time = 1304:00 1A SG XSUR = 21 inches lowering Time = 1306:00 1A SG XSUR = 19 inches lowering
- 1) The EARLIEST time the 1A MDEFWP auto start signal initiated was __(1)__.
- 2) At Time = 1321, the 1B SG level control setpoint is __(2)__.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. 1300:30
- 2. 25 inches SUR B.
- 1. 1300:30
- 2. 30 inches XSUR C.
- 1. 1304:30
- 2. 25 inches SUR D.
- 1. 1304:30
- 2. 30 inches XSUR Page 11 of 75
(1 point) 12 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Initial conditions:
Reactor power = 22% power CT-1 Amps = 2000 Central Switchyard is energizing the STBY Buses PCB 17 (OCONEE WH. STARTUP TRANS. CT1 TIE) is open for maintenance Current conditions:
Yellow Bus lockout occurs With no operator actions, power to Unit 1 Main Feeder Buses will be supplied from
______ Transformer.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
1T B.
CT-1 C.
CT-4 D.
CT-5 Page 12 of 75
(1 point) 13 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 plant conditions:
Initial conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
Switchyard Isolation occurs CT-2 lockout occurs EOP Blackout tab initiated Current conditions:
AP/1/A/1700/011 (Recovery from Loss of Power) initiated S12 (STBY BUS 1 to MFB1) Breaker will NOT close LOAD SHED COMPLETE is NOT lit on the ES Component Status Panel In accordance with AP/11, secondary loads must be secured to _______.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
ensure adequate voltage to ES equipment during potential subsequent ES actuation(s)
ensure S22 (STBY BUS 2 to MFB2) Breaker is operated within limits C.
prevent exceeding CT-5 Overload Limits D.
prevent exceeding CT-4 Overload Limits Page 13 of 75
(1 point) 14 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 conditions:
Initial conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
Current conditions:
2KVIB de-energized Which ONE of the following will occur as a result of 2KVIB being de-energized?
ES Channel 2 will trip B.
2RC-66 will fail closed C.
RPS Channel B will trip D.
PZR Level 2 indication will fail low Page 14 of 75
(1 point) 15 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following plant conditions:
All three units Reactor power = 100%
PSW power path OOS for maintenance Time = 1545:
DEC ECC notifies ONS that Grid Conditions are predicted to be Red for the next 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> All three units have entered AP/*/1700/034 (Degraded Grid)
Time = 1600:
A prolonged Station Blackout occurs All three units have entered the EOP Blackout tab
- 1) At Time = 1600, 2DIC panelboard receives auctioneered power from the Unit 2 and __(1)__ DC Buses.
- 2) If Station power is not restored, U2 AFIS Digital Channel 1 is guaranteed to remain powered for a MAXIMUM of __(2)__ hour(s).
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. Unit 1
- 2. one B.
- 1. Unit 1
- 2. four C.
- 1. Unit 3
- 2. one D.
- 1. Unit 3
- 2. four Page 15 of 75
(1 point) 16 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Initial conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
A LPSW Pump tagged out for Maintenance Current conditions:
B and C LPSW Pumps have tripped AP/1/A/1700/024 (Loss of LPSW) has been initiated AP/1/A/1700/020 (Loss of Component Cooling) has been initiated
- 1) In accordance with AP/20, the EARLIEST time that CRD temperatures will exceed 180°F is approximately __(1)__.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. 4 minutes
- 2. will B.
- 1. 30 minutes
- 2. will C.
- 1. 4 minutes
- 2. will NOT D.
- 1. 30 minutes
- 2. will NOT Page 16 of 75
(1 point) 17 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following plant conditions:
A, B, and C Backup Instrument Air Compressor switches are selected to STD-BY 1
- 1) In accordance with OP/0/A/1106/027 (Instrument Air System), the Backup Instrument Air Compressors will automatically start loading at a setpoint of
__(1)__ lowering.
- 2) The Backup Instrument Air Compressor switches are located on the Turbine Building __(2)__ level.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. 93 psig
- 2. 5th floor B.
- 1. 93 psig
- 2. Basement C.
- 1. 95 psig
- 2. 5th floor D.
- 1. 95 psig
- 2. Basement Page 17 of 75
(1 point) 18 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Loss of Heat Transfer exists HPI Forced Cooling in progress RCS pressure = 2210 psig slowly lowering Pzr Level = 380 inches rising Core SCM = 56°F rising In accordance with Rule 6 (HPI), HPI flow __(1)__ be throttled because __(2)__.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
- 1. may
- 2. Core SCM >0°F and Pzr Level is rising B.
- 1. may
- 2. Core SCM >0°F and CETCs are lowering C.
- 1. may NOT
- 2. RCS pressure is lowering D.
- 1. may NOT
- 2. CETCs are rising Page 18 of 75
(1 point) 19 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Initial conditions:
Reactor Power 100%
Current conditions:
Group 6 Rod 3 drops Group 6 Rod 3 control rod bottom light (0% limit) is lit AP/1/A/1700/01 (Unit Runback) in progress Based upon the given conditions:
- 1) Group 6 Rod 3 position __(1)__ be included in the RPI group average.
- 2) In accordance with OP/1/A/1105/019 (Control Rod Drive System), when __(2)__
occurs, RPI indications automatically reset to API for Group 6 Rod 3.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. will
- 2. a control rod bottom light is received B.
- 1. will NOT
- 2. a control rod bottom light is received C.
- 1. will
- 2. an Auto Latch Sequence D.
- 1. will NOT
- 2. an Auto Latch Sequence Page 19 of 75
(1 point) 20 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Reactor power = 92% lowering Unit shutdown in progress per the SGTR tab
- 1) The SGTR tab directs initiation of Encl. 5.5 (PZR and LDST Level Control) to maintain a Pressurizer level band of __(1)__ inches.
- 2) The reason for this PZR level band is to provide adequate inventory to __(2)__.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. 220 - 260
- 2. ensure PZR heaters will remain covered if a subsequent reactor trip occurs B.
- 1. 220 - 260
- 2. accommodate RCS system shrinkage during shutdown/cooldown from 18%
power C.
- 1. 140 - 180
- 2. ensure PZR heaters will remain covered if a subsequent reactor trip occurs D.
- 1. 140 - 180
- 2. accommodate RCS system shrinkage during shutdown/cooldown from 18%
power Page 20 of 75
(1 point) 21 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
Challenging Fire exists in an SSF Risk Area Reactor has been manually tripped SSF RCMU and ASW feed is required AP/0/A/1700/025 (Standby Shutdown Emergency Operating Procedure) initiated
- 1) The MAXIMUM RCS pressure maintained with SSF-ASW in accordance with AP/25 is __(1)__ psig.
- 2) The reason for the maximum RCS pressure is to __(2)__.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. 2250
- 2. maximize Delta P across RCP seals to raise RCMUP seal injection B.
- 1. 2250
- 2. minimize RCS inventory loss via the PORV and Safety Relief valves C.
- 1. 2355
- 2. maximize Delta P across RCP seals to raise RCMUP seal injection D.
- 1. 2355
- 2. minimize RCS inventory loss via the PORV and Safety Relief valves Page 21 of 75
(1 point) 22 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Time = 0400:
Reactor power = 100%
Time = 0415:
Control Rod Group 3 Rod 2 position = 50% withdrawn Control Rod Group 3 out limit light is NOT illuminated 1SA-02/B-10 (CRD Asymmetric Rod Alarm) actuates Time = 0500:
Voltage of one phase of the input to the Single Rod Power supply is greater than the High High overvoltage setpoint
- 1) At Time = 0415, an Asymmetric Rod Runback __(1)__ occur.
- 2) At Time = 0500, a reactor trip __(2)__ occur.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. will
- 2. will B.
- 1. will
- 2. will NOT C.
- 1. will NOT
- 2. will D.
- 1. will NOT
- 2. will NOT Page 22 of 75
(1 point) 23 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Initial conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
1A RPS RC NR Press = 2155 psig 1B RPS RC NR Press = 2370 psig 1C RPS RC NR Press = 2159 psig 1D RPS RC NR Press = 2154 psig 1E RPS RC NR Press = 2115 psig Current conditions:
1A RPS RC NR Press = 2155 psig 1B RPS RC NR Press = 2370 psig 1C RPS RC NR Press = 2159 psig 1D RPS RC NR Press = 2154 psig 1E RPS RC NR Press = 2400 psig No signal faults exist
- 1) Based on current conditions, ICS will immediately __(1)__ steam demand.
- 2) With NO Operator action, the Reactor will automatically trip on RCS __(2)__.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. raise
- 2. high pressure B.
- 1. raise
- 2. variable low pressure C.
- 1. lower
- 2. high pressure D.
- 1. lower
- 2. variable low pressure Page 23 of 75
(1 point) 24 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the Unit 3 conditions:
Reactor power = 31.15% lowering Main Turbine trips Which ONE of the following describes the plant response to the Main Turbine trip?
ICS runback will reduce Reactor power to 20% power and stabilize B.
ICS runback will reduce Reactor power to 15% power and stabilize C.
Reactor will trip and TBVs will use Turbine Header Pressure error as controlling signal D.
Reactor will trip and TBVs will use SG Outlet Pressure error as controlling signal Page 24 of 75
(1 point) 25 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Time = 1700:
Reactor power = 100%
Time = 1701:
Reactor tripped Time = 1706:
RCS pressure = 425 psig slowly lowering All SCMs = 0°F and stable HPI header A flow = 478 gpm and stable Seal Injection flow = 32 gpm and stable 1A and 1B HPI pumps operating 1C HPI pump breaker failed open BWST level = 29 feet slowly lowering
- 1) At Time = 1706, Rule 2 requires the operator to open __(1)__.
- 2) After the required valve is opened, Rule 2 requires the operator to throttle total HPI flow < __(2)__ gpm, including seal injection flow.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. 1HP-409
- 2. 950 B.
- 1. 1HP-409
- 2. 750 C.
- 1. 1HP-410
- 2. 950 D.
- 1. 1HP-410
- 2. 750 Page 25 of 75
(1 point) 26 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Initial conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
TD EFDW pump is OOS Current conditions:
Both Main Feedwater pumps trip 1A MD EFDW pump fails to start 1A SG level = 26 inches XSUR lowering 1B SG level = 28 inches XSUR rising Enclosure 5.9 (Extended EFDW Operation) is in progress 1FDW-313 and 1FDW-314, (1A & 1B EFDW LINE DISCH X-CONNs) open Based upon the current conditions, which ONE of the following describes the MAXIMUM acceptable flowrate (gpm) allowed to each SG at the same time per EOP Rule 7?
220 gpm 220 gpm B.
300 gpm 300 gpm C.
450 gpm 450 gpm D.
500 gpm 450 gpm Page 26 of 75
(1 point) 27 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 3 conditions:
Initial conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
3KVIC panelboard de-energized for maintenance (internal fault)
Current conditions:
MSLB occurs inside containment RB pressure = 5.1 psig rising
- 1) An __(1)__ actuation, independently of any other ES Channel actuations, causes a direct isolation signal to 3LPSW-6 (RCP MTR Cooler Supply) and 3LPSW-15 (U-3 RCP Coolers Outlet).
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1. ES Channel 3 or 4
- 2. will B.
- 1. ES Channel 3 or 4
- 2. will NOT C.
- 1. ES Channel 5 or 6
- 2. will D.
- 1. ES Channel 5 or 6
- 2. will NOT Page 27 of 75
(1 point) 28 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
In accordance with OP/0/A/1108/001 Enclosure 4.39 (LDST Pressure Vs. Level),
which ONE of the following sets of LDST parameters would require a note to be placed on the turnover sheet regarding the use of 1HP-24 and 1HP-25 if a transient occurs which requires additional HPI flow?
REFERENCE PROVIDED Level (inches) / Pressure (psig)
94 42 B.
92 28 C.
70 30 D.
52 12 Page 28 of 75
(1 point) 29 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 conditions:
Time = 1400:
Reactor power = 100%
Letdown Storage Tank (LDST) levels:
o 2A LDST level = 82 inches and lowering o 2B LDST level = 81 inches and lowering Both 2A/2B LDST levels are lowering at a constant rate of 1 inch per minute
- 1) The LDST contains approximately __(1)__ gallons of water per inch of level.
- 2) If the leak rate remains constant, the EARLIEST time that 2HP-24 and 2HP-25 will receive a signal to automatically open is __(2)__.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 2. 1441 B.
- 1. 24
- 2. 1442 C.
- 1. 31
- 2. 1441 D.
- 1. 31
- 2. 1442 Page 29 of 75
(1 point) 30 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 plant conditions:
RCS cooldown in progress LPI High Pressure Mode alignment in progress
- 1) The interlock on 2LP-1 prevents it from being opened above a MINIMUM RCS pressure of __(1)__ psig.
- 2) Unit 2 Decay Heat drop line taps off the __(2)__ Hot Leg.
Based upon the given conditions, which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. 295
- 2. 2A B.
- 1. 375
- 2. 2A C.
- 1. 295
- 2. 2B D.
- 1. 375
- 2. 2B Page 30 of 75
(1 point) 31 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Initial conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
Current conditions:
ES Channels 1 - 8 actuated EOP Enclosure 5.1 (ES Actuation) initiated HPI Flow Train A = 520 gpm HPI Flow Train B = 468 gpm RC Make Up Flow = 160 gpm Seal Inlet Header Flow = 32 gpm Given the current conditions, and in accordance with the EOP, _____ is/are required to be throttled to prevent HPI pump runout.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
NO valve B.
1HP-26 ONLY C.
1HP-27 ONLY D.
1HP-26 and 1HP-27 Page 31 of 75
(1 point) 32 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 Conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
1A Core Flood Tank parameters:
o Pressure = 620 psig stable o Level = 12.91 feet o Boron Concentration = 2750 ppmB o 1CF-1 is OPEN 1B Core Flood Tank parameters:
o Pressure = 590 psig stable o Level = 12.51 feet o Boron Concentration = 2675 ppmB o 1CF-2 is OPEN Based on the above conditions, which ONE of the following describes the action(s) required, if any, in accordance with Tech Spec 3.5.1 (Core Flood Tanks)?
NO actions required B.
Enter LCO 3.0.3 immediately C.
Restore 1A CFT to OPERABLE within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />; no TS actions needed for the 1B CFT D.
Restore 1B CFT to OPERABLE within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />; no TS actions needed for the 1A CFT Page 32 of 75
(1 point) 33 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
Quench Tank is being pumped to MWHUT using the Quench Tank Pump AND the Component Drain Pump
- 1) OP/1/A/1104/017 (Quench Tank Operations) requires Quench Tank Level to be maintained at a MINIMUM of __(1)__ inches.
- 2) If ES Channel 1 ONLY actuates, the given flow path from the QT to the MWHUT
__(2)__ automatically isolate.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. 80
- 2. will B.
- 1. 80
- 2. will NOT C.
- 1. 90
- 2. will D.
- 1. 90
- 2. will NOT Page 33 of 75
(1 point) 34 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Unit 1 conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
1A CC pump operating CC Surge Tank level = 21 inches stable Based on the given conditions and with no operator action, which ONE of the following will result in an automatic trip to the 1A CC pump?
CC Surge Tank level lowers to 10 inches and remains stable B.
Primary IA Compressor trips C.
1RIA-50 high alarm D.
1XL de-energized Page 34 of 75
(1 point) 35 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Initial conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
Current conditions:
RCS pressure = 2078 psig lowering Pzr level = 248 inches rising 1SA-18/A-1 (Pressurizer Relief Valve Flow) actuated ALL 1RC-66 flow monitor red lights are illuminated
- 1) Based upon the given conditions, AP/1/A/1700/044 (Abnormal Pressurizer Pressure Control) Immediate Manual Actions provide direction to first __(1)__ to mitigate the condition.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. close 1RC-4
- 2. 1800 B.
- 1. close 1RC-4
- 2. 1810 C.
- 1. close 1RC-3
- 2. 1800 D.
- 1. close 1RC-3
- 2. 1810 Page 35 of 75
(1 point) 36 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Time = 0400:
OP/1/A/1103/002 Encl. 4.12 (Raising RCS Loops by Establishing Pzr Steam Bubble, and RCS Final Vent) in progress Quench Tank level = 83.1 inches Quench Tank pressure = 0.5 psig The Pressurizer is venting to the Quench Tank Time = 0430:
1GWD-13 (QUENCH TANK VENT (OUTSIDE RB)) closed Time = 0435:
Quench Tank level = 83.4 inches Quench Tank pressure = 2.1 psig
- 1) Based on the given conditions, Pressurizer steam bubble formation __(1)__
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. is NOT
- 2. 2205 B.
- 1. is NOT
- 2. 2175 C.
- 1. is
- 2. 2205 D.
- 1. is
- 2. 2175 Page 36 of 75
(1 point) 37 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 3 conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
- 1) Tech Spec 3.3.1 (RPS Instrumentation) action statement(s) __(1)__ required to be performed.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. is/are
- 2. 3A1 B.
- 1. is/are
- 2. 3A2 C.
- 1. is/are NOT
- 2. 3A1 D.
- 1. is/are NOT
- 2. 3A2 Page 37 of 75
(1 point) 38 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
LOCA CD tab in progress ALL SCMs = 4ºF rising RCS pressure is controllable Statalarm 1SA-07/E-6 (ES LPI Bypass Permit) actuated
__(1)__ psig.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. 865
- 2. will B.
- 1. 865
- 2. will NOT C.
- 1. 890
- 2. will D.
- 1. 890
- 2. will NOT Page 38 of 75
(1 point) 39 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Time = 1000:
Reactor power = 100%
All U1 RBCUs operating in HIGH speed for testing Time = 1100:
1B RBCU placed in OFF
- 1) Based on given conditions, in accordance with OP/1/A/1104/015 (Reactor Building Cooling System), the 1B RBCU fan must remain OFF for a MINIMUM of __(1)__
minutes before the RBCU can be restarted for testing.
- 2) During postulated adverse containment conditions, operating an RBCU in a speed other than its designated ES position can cause damage to the fan __(2)__ due to the higher density atmosphere.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. 16
- 2. blades B.
- 1. 30
- 2. blades C.
- 1. 16
- 2. motor D.
- 1. 30
- 2. motor Page 39 of 75
(1 point) 40 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 conditions:
At Time = 0400:
Reactor power = 20%
At Time = 0401:
RB pressure = 14 psig rising 2TD de-energized With no operator actions, at Time = 0401, the 2B RBS pump __(1)__ operating and the 2B HPI pump __(2)__ operating.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
- 1. is
- 2. is B.
- 1. is
- 2. is NOT C.
- 1. is NOT
- 2. is D.
- 1. is NOT
- 2. is NOT Page 40 of 75
(1 point) 41 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Time = 1730:
Reactor power = 100%
Loss of offsite power occurs Time = 1745:
Main Feeder Buses remain de-energized
- 1) At Time = 1745 and with no operator action, 1MS-112 (1A SSRH Control) position is __(1)__.
- 2) At Time = 1745, 1MS-77 (1A1 SSRH MS Supply) __(2)__ be operated from its control room switch.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. open
- 2. can B.
- 1. closed
- 2. can NOT C.
- 1. closed
- 2. can D.
- 1. open
- 2. can NOT Page 41 of 75
(1 point) 42 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 Conditions:
Initial conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
1A SG Operating Range level = 61% stable Current conditions:
1 FDW-32 (1A Main FDW Control) FAILS open If no operator actions are taken, based on the given conditions __(1)__ Main Feedwater Pump(s) will automatically trip when 1A Steam Generator level reaches a MINIMUM of __(2)__ Operating Range.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
- 1. BOTH
- 2. 86%
- 1. BOTH
- 2. 96%
- 1. ONLY 1A
- 2. 86%
- 1. ONLY 1A
- 2. 96%
Page 42 of 75
(1 point) 43 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
LOHT tab is in progress CBP feed is providing feed to both SGs The DC breaker to the TDEFWP Auxiliary Oil Pump tripped An Auxiliary Operator (AO) has been dispatched to manually start the TD EFWP Based upon the above conditions
- 1) the TDEFWP failed to start since __(1)__ failed to open.
- 2) And in accordance with EOP Encl 5.26 (Manual Start of the TDEFDWP), the LAST action the operator needs to perform in order to start the TDEFDWP is to __(2)__.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. 1MS-95 (TD EFWP Governor Valve)
- 2. lift the local hand starting lever B.
- 1. 1MS-93 (TD EFWP Steam Supply Trip Valve)
- 2. lift the local hand starting lever C.
- 1. 1MS-95 (TD EFWP Governor Valve)
- 2. bleed off Instrument Air to the appropriate valve(s) by replacing the Swagelok body protector with the vent port D.
- 1. 1MS-93 (TD EFWP Steam Supply Trip Valve)
- 2. bleed off Instrument Air to the appropriate valve(s) by replacing the Swagelok body protector with the vent port Page 43 of 75
(1 point) 44 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Station Blackout occurred from 100% power SSF has been activated with SSF RC Makeup required U1 TD EFWP is feeding both U1 SGs RCS NR Tc = 549°F slowly lowering MS Pressure = 1005 psig slowly lowering RCS Pressure = 1985 psig slowly lowering 1A SG XSUR level = 205 inches rising 1B SG XSUR level = 208 inches rising In accordance with Rule 7 (SG Feed Control), EFDW Flow is required to be throttled to ________ as the controlled parameter(s).
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
establish and maintain RCS NR Tc of 550 - 555°F B.
establish and maintain RCS Pressure to 1600 - 2200 psig C.
raise MS Pressure to approximately 1010 psig D.
lower 1A and 1B XSUR levels to proper setpoint Page 44 of 75
(1 point) 45 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Time = 0800:
KHU-1 generating to the grid KHU-2 aligned to the underground and not generating KHU emergency start signal received Time = 0800:10 KHU-1 speed = 181 rpm rising at a constant rate Time = 0800:23 KHU-1 speed peaks at 189 rpm and starts lowering at a constant rate Time = 0800:35 KHU-1 speed = 181 rpm lowering Time = 0915:
KHU emergency start signal reset
- 1) At Time = 0800:35, KHU-1 __(1)__ Emergency Locked Out (ELO).
- 2) At Time = 0915, KHU-2 __(2)__ shutdown when the KHU emergency start signal is RESET.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. has
- 2. will B.
- 1. has
- 2. will NOT C.
- 1. has NOT
- 2. will D.
- 1. has NOT
- 2. will NOT Page 45 of 75
(1 point) 46 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
1KX Essential inverter DC Input breaker trips Static Transfer Switch fails to restore power Power to 1KX Panelboard will be restored with the _______.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
ASCO Switch B.
Auctioneering Diodes C.
Manual Bypass Switch D.
Inverter Bypass Switches Page 46 of 75
(1 point) 47 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following plant conditions:
All three units Reactor power = 100%
ACB-4 is closed 1TC is de-energized Time = 1700:
Unit 1 experiences a LOOP KHU-1 and KHU-2 emergency start Time = 1710:
The Keowee Overhead Main Transformer locks out NO OPERATOR ACTIONS ARE TAKEN At Time = 1715, KHU-2 control power (via Bus 2DA) is _______.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
NOT available due to 1TC being de-energized B.
NOT available due to PCB-8 and PCB-9 being open C.
being supplied by Battery Charger #2 via Load Center 2X D.
being supplied by Battery #2 due to Battery Charger #2 NOT being energized Page 47 of 75
(1 point) 48 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 3 conditions:
Time = 1200:
Reactor power = 50%
3A steam generator tube leak = 2.1 gpd stable RCS activity = 0.25 Ci/ml DEI rising 3RIA-16 failed LOW Time = 1400:
NO change in 3A SG tube leak rate RCS activity increased at a constant linear rate between 1200 and 1400 RCS activity = 0.65 Ci/ml DEI and rising Between Time = 1200 and 1400, 3RIA-59 counts will __(1)__ and 3RIA-40 counts will
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
- 1. be rising
- 2. be rising B.
- 1. stay the same
- 2. be rising C.
- 1. be rising
- 2. stay the same D.
- 1. stay the same
- 2. stay the same Page 48 of 75
(1 point) 49 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Which ONE of the following is the power supply for valve 1LPSW-21 (1B RBCU Outlet)?
1XS1 B.
1XS2 C.
1XS3 D.
1KVIC Page 49 of 75
(1 point) 50 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
O1D2645 (CCW PUMP 1A BAY LEVEL) actuates 1SA-9/A-10 (CCW PUMP BAY LEVEL LOW) actuates o CCW Bay Level P = 16.5 inches of water stable
- 1) Statalarm 1SA-9/A-10 actuation __(1)__ valid.
- 2) Based upon given conditions, in accordance with the OAC ARG, the required action is to __(2)__.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. is
- 2. declare the affected ECCW Header INOPERABLE B.
- 1. is
- 2. perform daily manual differential level readings until the screen is cleaned C.
- 1. is NOT
- 2. declare the affected ECCW Header INOPERABLE D.
- 1. is NOT
- 2. perform daily manual differential level readings until the screen is cleaned Page 50 of 75
(1 point) 51 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following plant conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
Primary Instrument Air (IA) Compressor High Discharge Temperature alarm actuated
- 1) The system that normally cools the Primary IA Compressor is __(1)__.
- 2) If cooling is lost, the Primary IA Compressor will trip at a MINIMUM discharge temperature of __(2)__.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. RCW
- 2. 240°F B.
- 1. RCW
- 2. 425°F C.
- 1. HPSW
- 2. 240°F D.
- 1. HPSW
- 2. 425°F Page 51 of 75
(1 point) 52 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following on Unit 2:
Initial conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
Current conditions:
RCS pressure = 1500 psig lowering RB pressure = 3.3 psig lowering
- 1) Based upon the given conditions, Reactor Building essential isolation valves __(1)__ closed.
- 2) In accordance with EOP Enclosure 5.1, (ES Actuation), a previously closed containment isolation valve will be opened by FIRST placing the associated __(2)__.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. are NOT
- 2. voter in OVERRIDE B.
- 1. are NOT
- 2. ES Channel in MANUAL C.
- 1. are
- 2. voter in OVERRIDE D.
- 1. are
- 2. ES Channel in MANUAL Page 52 of 75
(1 point) 53 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Initial conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
Current conditions:
ICS Final Feedwater Temperature fails LOW
- 1) ICS Temperature compensation is provided __(1)__ of the FDW Masters.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. upstream
- 2. raise B.
- 1. upstream
- 2. lower C.
- 1. downstream
- 2. raise D.
- 1. downstream
- 2. lower Page 53 of 75
(1 point) 54 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 3 plant conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
Group 8 movement is required for imbalance control
- 1) The MINIMUM action(s) required prior to using the joystick to move Group 8 rods is/are __(1)__.
- 2) Group 7 rods __(2)__ respond to neutron error while Group 8 is selected.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. select SEQUENCE OVERRIDE and Place Diamond Panel Group Select switch to Group 8
- 2. will B.
- 1. select SEQUENCE OVERRIDE and Place Diamond Panel Group Select switch to Group 8
- 2. will NOT C.
- 1. place Diamond Panel Group Select switch to Group 8 ONLY
- 2. will D.
- 1. place Diamond Panel Group Select switch to Group 8 ONLY
- 2. will NOT Page 54 of 75
(1 point) 55 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Initial conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
Control Rod Group 7 = 91% withdrawn Neutron Error = 0.0%
Current conditions:
RCS Boration event in progress
- 1) Neutron Error indication will become __(1)__.
- 2) Statalarm __(2)__ will actuate FIRST to alert the operator of the boration.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. negative (-)
- 1. negative (-)
- 1. positive (+)
- 1. positive (+)
Page 55 of 75
(1 point) 56 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 conditions:
Initial conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
Pzr level channel 2 is selected Current conditions:
A break in the Pzr level channel 2 reference leg occurs
- 1) Pzr level channel 2 will indicate __(1)__ than actual level.
- 2) SASS will automatically select Pzr level __(2)__.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. lower
- 2. one B.
- 1. lower
- 2. three C.
- 1. higher
- 2. one D.
- 1. higher
- 2. three Page 56 of 75
(1 point) 57 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Time = 1300:
Reactor startup in progress after refueling Core Thermal Power Best (CTPB) = 35% rising NI Power:
o NI-5 = 36%
o NI-6 = 35%
o NI-7 = 38%
o NI-8 = 36%
Time = 1310:
Reactor trip has just occurred from 40% power Reactor power is less than 1 percent and lowering All control rods fully inserted
- 1) At Time = 1300, the input to OAC CTPB is provided by __(1)__.
- 2) At Time = 1310, the initial startup rate will be __(2)__ than (-)1/3 DPM.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. Primary Power
- 2. more negative B.
- 1. Primary Power
- 2. less negative C.
- 1. Primary and Secondary Power
- 2. more negative D.
- 1. Primary and Secondary Power
- 2. less negative Page 57 of 75
(1 point) 58 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Initial conditions:
Reactor power = 40%
Loop B FDW valve P selected to 1B2 Current conditions:
1B2 Loop B FDW valve P fails LOW
- 1) Based upon current conditions, total Feedwater flow will initially __ (1) __.
- 2) The appropriate section of AP/28 (ICS Instrument Failures) will first direct operators to place BOTH __ (2) __ in HAND to stabilize the plant.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. lower
- 2. FDW Masters B.
- 1. lower
- 2. Main FDW Pumps C.
- 1. rise
- 2. FDW Masters D.
- 1. rise
- 2. Main FDW Pumps Page 58 of 75
(1 point) 59 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 conditions:
Reactor is in Mode 3 2A SG Hot Blowdown alignment is in progress o 2FDW-103 (2A SG SHELL DRAIN BLOCK) is open o 2FDW-242 (OTSG BLOWDOWN CONTROLLER) throttled 25% open
- 1) A Limit and Precaution of OP/2/A/1106/008, Encl. 4.20 (SG Blowdown Operation) states that SG Blowdown Line temperature should be within __(1)__ of RCS Tc to perform the following: SG Blowdown with 2FDW-242 (OTSG BLOWDOWN CONTROLLER) > 30 % open.
- 2) If ES Channels 1 - 4 actuate, 2A Steam Generator Hot Blowdown alignment
__(2)__ automatically isolate.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. 100°F
- 2. will B.
- 1. 100°F
- 2. will NOT C.
- 1. 200°F
- 2. will D.
- 1. 200°F
- 2. will NOT Page 59 of 75
(1 point) 60 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
Condenser vacuum = 24 inches Hg lowering AP/1/A/1700/027 (Loss of Condenser Vacuum) in progress
- 1) As condenser vacuum continues to degrade, ICS is interlocked to close the Turbine Bypass Valves (TBVs) at a setpoint of __(1)__ inches Hg.
- 2) After condenser vacuum has been broken, TBVs __(2)__ be opened from the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. 10
- 2. can B.
- 1. 10
- 2. can NOT C.
- 1. 7
- 2. can D.
- 1. 7
- 2. can NOT Page 60 of 75
(1 point) 61 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 plant conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
50 gpd tube leak 1A Steam Generator for approximately 1 week Chemistry reports elevated activity present in Chemical Treatment Pond (CTP)
- 3 1SA-8/B-9 (RM PROCESS MONITOR RADIATION HIGH) in alarm Based upon the conditions above, which ONE of the following has occurred to cause the elevated activity in CTP #3?
RIA-31 (LPI Cooler) activity is rising causing the elevated activity in CTP #3 B.
1RIA-33 (LW Release) interlock has failed and a Waste Monitor Tank release continues from the Radwaste Building C.
1RIA-42 (RCW) activity is increasing and this will increase activity levels in CTP #3 D.
1RIA-54 (TBS) interlock has failed and the Turbine Building Sump is being continually pumped Page 61 of 75
(1 point) 62 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Time = 1200:
A GWD Tank release in progress A GWD Tank pressure = 58 psig slowly lowering Time = 1205:
GWR Discharge Flow controller fails open A GWD Tank pressure = 48 psig rapidly lowering Time = 1206:
1RIA-37 (Waste Gas Effluent) in HIGH alarm 1RIA-45 (Unit Vent Normal Gas) in HIGH alarm The GWD Tank release has automatically terminated
- 1) Based upon the given conditions, 1RIA-45 __(1)__ automatically terminate the GWD Tank release.
- 2) At Time = 1205, GWD-1 (Vent Header Pressure Control) valve controller will
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. does NOT
- 2. automatically throttle open B.
- 1. does
- 2. automatically throttle open C.
- 1. does NOT
- 2. stay in the same position D.
- 1. does
- 2. stay in the same position Page 62 of 75
(1 point) 63 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following plant conditions:
B GWD Tank rupture occurs 1RIA-32 (Aux Bldg. Gas) in HIGH alarm 1RIA-39 (Control Rm Gas) in HIGH alarm Unit 1 AP/18 (Abnormal Release of Radioactivity) has been entered Based upon the given conditions:
- 1) AP/18 directs starting __(1)__Outside Air Booster Fan(s).
- 2) The B Outside Air Booster Fan is powered from __(2)__ switchgear.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. ONLY one
- 2. 1XR B.
- 1. two
- 2. 1XR C.
- 1. ONLY one
- 2. 2XR D.
- 1. two
- 2. 2XR Page 63 of 75
(1 point) 64 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Startup in progress with extra licensed operators in Control Room An SRO has been assigned oversight of the startup as the Reactivity Manager The OATC is training an individual on OJT from License Class In accordance with AD-OP-ALL-0203 (Reactivity Management)
- 1) __(1)__ withdrawal(s) of Safety Rods is/are required to be communicated to the Reactivity Manger PRIOR to Rod withdrawal.
- 2) the OATC __(2)__ allowed to peer-check the withdrawal of Safety Rods being done by the trainee.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. ALL
- 2. is B.
- 1. ALL
- 2. is NOT C.
- 1. ONLY the first
- 2. is D.
- 1. ONLY the first
- 2. is NOT Page 64 of 75
(1 point) 65 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 conditions:
Reactor is in MODE 6 Defueling in progress per MP/0/A/1500/009 (Defueling/Refueling Procedure)
- 1) In accordance with the precautions of MP/0/A/1500/009, the Refueling SRO Assistant (Booth RO) is required to verify Core position agrees with the determination of the __(2)__, prior to giving permission to lower the grapple.
- 2) In accordance with AD-OP-ONS-0001 (ONS OPERATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITMENTS), the Refueling SRO __(2)__ allowed to relieve the Booth RO for a short break.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. Bridge Operator
- 2. is NOT B.
- 1. Bridge Operator
- 2. is C.
- 1. Reactor Building SRO
- 2. is NOT D.
- 1. Reactor Building SRO
- 2. is Page 65 of 75
(1 point) 66 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 3 conditions:
Reactor in MODE 4 Placing LPI in service for cooldown
- 2) The LPI Decay Heat Removal Mode that will be procedurally aligned for LPI cooling is __(2)__.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. manual
- 2. High Pressure B.
- 1. electric
- 2. High Pressure C.
- 1. manual
- 2. Normal Decay Removal D.
- 1. electric
- 2. Normal Decay Removal Page 66 of 75
(1 point) 67 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Reactor in MODE 3 RCS pressure = 2755 psig stable The Technical Specification MINIMUM required action is to reduce RCS pressure below the required limit within ____.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
5 minutes B.
15 minutes C.
30 minutes D.
1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> Page 67 of 75
(1 point) 68 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station When the Switchover Acceptance Range Setpoint is reached, 1RIA-49 will indicate __(1)__ and 1RIA-49A will provide __(2)__.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
- 1. offscale high
- 2. ONLY alarm and RB radiation level indication B.
- 1. offscale high
- 2. the same interlock functions that 1RIA-49 performs C.
- 1. ZERO
- 2. ONLY alarm and RB radiation level indication D.
- 1. ZERO
- 2. the same interlock functions that 1RIA-49 performs Page 68 of 75
(1 point) 69 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Time = 0800:
All three units are in MODE 1 A fire is reported in Unit 1 Cable Room o AP/0/A/1700/043 (Fire Brigade Response) initiated Time = 0802:
Fire Brigade activation is required The fire in Unit 1 Cable Room has been determined to NOT present a risk to SSF Operation
- 1) In accordance with AP/0/A/1700/043 (Fire Brigade Response), the SSF breaker transfer will be performed on __(1)__.
- 2) After the SSF breaker transfer is complete, U1 Control Room __(2)__ indication will fail high.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. Unit 1 ONLY
- 2. Wide Range TCOLD B.
- 1. Unit 1 ONLY
- 2. Narrow Range TCOLD C.
- 1. ALL three (3) units
- 2. Wide Range TCOLD D.
- 1. ALL three (3) units
- 2. Narrow Range TCOLD Page 69 of 75
(1 point) 70 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 3 conditions:
Reactor startup in progress The OATC is withdrawing regulating rods to achieve criticality in accordance with OP/3/A/1102/001 Encl. 4.7 (Unit Startup From 532°F/2155 psig To MODE 1)
Concerning the controlled approach to criticality, delayed neutrons are important because they ______.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
greatly extend the average neutron generation lifetime B.
are the largest fraction of the neutrons produced from fission C.
are more likely to be detected by Source Range NIs as compared to prompt neutrons D.
are produced with higher average kinetic energy than prompt neutrons Page 70 of 75
(1 point) 71 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 3 conditions:
Reactor power = 84%
RCS Boron concentration = 81 ppmB OP/3/A/1102/004 Encl. 4.7 (Unit Coast Down at EOL) is in progress RCS temperature = 572°F Shutdown for refueling is being commenced
- 1) As the core ages from MOL to EOL (while at power), differential boron worth
- 2) RCS Temperature setpoint __(2)__ required to be restored to 579°F during shutdown.
Which ONE of the following answers the statements above?
- 1. rises
- 2. is B.
- 1. rises
- 2. is NOT C.
- 1. lowers
- 2. is D.
- 1. lowers
- 2. is NOT Page 71 of 75
(1 point) 72 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following plant conditions:
Initial conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
Current conditions:
A Group 3 Rod has dropped fully into the core and is being recovered While the Group 3 Rod is being fully withdrawn, the differential rod worth of the recovered rod __(1)__ and the integral rod worth of the recovered rod __(2)__.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
- 1. rises
- 2. rises B.
- 1. rises
- 2. rises then lowers C.
- 1. rises then lowers
- 2. rises D.
- 1. rises then lowers
- 2. rises then lowers Page 72 of 75
(1 point) 73 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
2RC-66 (PORV) is leaking past its seat Pzr temperature = 644°F QT pressure = 5 psig
- 1) The expected tailpipe temperature downstream of 2RC-66 is approximately
__(1)__ °F.
- 2) The flow through the relief valve can be modeled under ideal conditions as a constant __(2)__ throttling process.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. 253
- 2. enthalpy B.
- 1. 228
- 2. enthalpy C.
- 1. 253
- 2. entropy D.
- 1. 228
- 2. entropy Page 73 of 75
(1 point) 74 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 conditions:
Time = 1000:
Startup in progress Reactor power = 92% and stable Unit 2 Reactor Fuel is Fully Conditioned Nuclear Instruments are being calibrated to Core Thermal Power Time = 1200 Power escalation to 100% recommenced Given the above conditions, core thermal power can be most accurately determined by multiplying the total mass flow rate of the __(1)__.
In accordance with PT/0/A/1103/020 (Power Maneuvering Predictions), the maximum allowed power escalation rate is __(2)__.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
- 1. Feedwater by the change in enthalpy in the steam generators
- 2. 1.0% per minute B.
- 1. Feedwater by the change in enthalpy in the steam generators
- 2. 30% per hour C.
- 1. Reactor Coolant by the temperature change across the core
- 2. 1.0% per minute D.
- 1. Reactor Coolant by the temperature change across the core
- 2. 30% per hour Page 74 of 75
(1 point) 75 ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Oconee Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
Reactor power = 100%
Time = 1700:
SBLOCA occurs Two-phase Natural Circulation (NC) in progress TBVs in AUTO and closed Time = 1730:
Slug flow is established Time = 1800:
Boiler-condenser mode of NC established
- 1) During the initial conditions, void formation at the top of the __(1)__ will cause the loss of two-phase NC flow.
- 2) At Time = 1800, SG pressures will begin to __(2)__.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 1. RV head
- 2. rise until the TBV setpoint is reached B.
- 1. Hot Legs
- 2. rise until the TBV setpoint is reached C.
- 1. RV head
- 1. Hot Legs
Q = mc T
N = S/(1 K
Q = m h CR 1
= CR 1
K Q = UA T 1/M = CR /CR Q
m A =
r T
m F = PA K
= 1/(1
m =
= (K 1)/K W
P = I2R
P = IE P =
+ 1 +
P =
1.0 x 10 sec P
= 0.1 sec (for
> 0)
Thermal Efficiency = Net Work Out/Energy In DRW
g(z z )
+ (v v )
+ (P P ) + (u u ) + (q w) = 0 P = P e /
P = P 10
( )
A = A e g = 32.2 ft/sec2 gc = 32.2 lbm-ft/lbf-sec2 1 MW = 3.41 x 10 Btu/hr
= (5/9)(
32) 1 ft
= 7.48 gal 1 hp = 2.54 x 10 Btu/hr
= (9/5)(
) + 32 1 gal
= 8.35 lbm 1 Btu = 778 ft-lbf 1 kg = 2.21 lbm 1 Curie = 3.7 x 10 dps
Examination KEY ILT22-1 ONS RO NRC Examination Q A Q A Q A Q A 1
C 26 B
51 C
2 A
27 C
52 D
3 B
28 B
53 B
4 B
29 D
54 C
5 D
30 B
55 D
6 C
31 A
56 D
7 B
32 D
57 C
8 C
33 A
58 D
9 B
34 D
59 A
10 B
35 B
60 C
11 D
36 A
61 D
12 D
37 C
62 C
13 D
38 A
63 D
14 C
39 D
64 B
15 C
40 C
65 B
16 A
41 B
66 C
17 B
42 B
67 A
18 B
43 A
68 D
19 D
44 A
69 A
20 B
45 B
70 A
21 B
46 A
71 A
22 B
47 D
72 C
23 B
48 B
73 B
24 D
49 C
74 B
25 A
50 B
75 B
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