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June 2004 Exam 50-269/2004-301 Draft JPMs
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/11/2004
From: Ernstes M
Operator Licensing and Human Performance Branch
To: Bradley Jones
Duke Energy Corp
50-269/04-301, 50-270/04-301, 50-287/04-301
Download: ML042330114 (465)


Draft Submittal (Pink Pager)

OCONEE JUNE 2004 EXAM 50-26912004-301, 50-2?0/2004-301, &



JUNE 14 18 & 25,2004


OCONEE Initial Exam June 14?2004 ADMINISTRATIVE

ES-3Ql Administrative Topics Outline Form E§-301-1 Final Submittal Facility: Oconee Date of Examination: June, 2004 Examination bevel (circle one): RQ / SRO Operating Test Number:

Describe activity to be performed Conduct of Qperatio Admin-100, Calculate SDM with a Dropped Control Rod GEN 2.1 2 3 (3.9/ PT/l/A/1103/I5, Reactivity Balance ( 2 0 min) (group activity Conduct of Operatic Admin-I 20, Determine Minimum Shift Staffing GEN 2.f .4 (2.31 SLC 16.13.1, Minimum Station Staffing Requirements (new) (SRQ only) (15 min)

Admin-202, Perform surveillance to verify SSF RCMUP Equipment Control Operability GEN 2.2.12 (3.01 PT/600/001, Encl. 13.1 (Mode I& 2) (new) (15 min)

Radiation Control Admin-300, Calculate the Maximum Permissible Stay GEN 2.3.4 (2.5/3.1) Time Within Emergency Dose Limits (last exam) (SRQ only) (20 min)

Admin-403, Determine Emergency Classification and Emergency Plan Protective Action Recommendations GEN 2.4.48(2.214.0) (SRO only) (group activity) (20 min)

Note: All items (5 total) are required for SRQs. RQ applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when 5 are require NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1

Iacility: Oconee Date of Examination: June, 2004 Examination bevel (circle one): RQ / SRO Operating Test Number:

Administrative Topic Describe activity to be performed

onduct of Operations Admin-100, Calculate SDM with a Dropped Control Rod ZEN 2.1.23 (394.0) PTil/A/l103/15, Reactivity Balance (group activity) (10 min)


Admin-103, Perform Manual RCS Leakage Calculation; Conduct of Operations PT/0600/010 (RO Only)

SEN 2.1.7 (3.7/4.4) (last exam) (group activity) (18 min)

_____________-_------- -

Admin-202, Perform Surveilrance to Verify SSF RCMUP Equipment Control Operability GEN 2.2.12 (3.013.4) PT/600/001 Encl. 13.1 (Mode 1 & 2) (new) (15 min)

_ _ ___--__ - -_ _- -

Radiation Control GEN 2.3.4 (2513.1)

Admin-402, Perform Actions for Medical Emergency Emergency Plan RP/l000/016, End. 4.1 (Medical Response)

GEN 2.4.39 (3.313.1)

(RO Only) (15 min)

Note: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when 5 are require NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 5


Admin-700 Page 2 of 7




Facility JPM #:

Ad WA Ratinds):

Gen 2.1 23 3 9/4.0 Task Standard:

PT/l/FLIl103/15, Reactivity Balance Procedure is used to verify z 1% SDM w~thone inoperable (dropped) CR within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />. Determine that 1% SDM does not exist and boration is required within 15 minutes.

Preferred Evaluation Location: Preferred Evaluation Method:

Simulator 2In-Plant - Perform Simulate -


PT/I/A/I103/15, Reactivity Balance Procedure AP/l/A/1700/15, Dropped Control Rods Technical Specifications:

3.1.4. Control Rod Group Alignment Limits 3.2.1, Regulating Rod Position Limits Candidate: Time Start:

NAME Time Finish:

Performance Ratin% SAT -UNSAT - Performance Time -



1. Recall Snap 205 2. Impart Admin-100 Simulator files

Adinin-I00 Page 4 of 7 ToolsiEquiDmen~ProceduresNeeded:

PT/?/Nl103/015, Reactivity Balance Procedure OPIQIAIIZ 051003, Control Rod Drive System Technical Specifications:

3.1.4, Control Rod Group Alignment Limits 3.2.1, Regulating Rod Position Limits READ TO OPERATOR DIRECTION TO TRAINEE:

I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM, including any required communications. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


You are the Unit 1 OATC and Group 6 Rod 3 has dropped into the core. Reactor power is stable

~ Dropped Control Rods, has been completed up to step 5.5.

at 55%. A P / ? / N l 7 0 0 /5, INITIATING CUES:

The Sa0 in the Control Room directs you to continue with AP/l/Nl700/15, Dropped Control Rods.


Admin-I00 Page 5 of 7 START TIME:

Within one hour verify > 1% SDM with allowance to the inoperable control rod. Perform PTlllAlI 103115, Reactivity Balance Procedur SAT STANDARD Obtain copy of PT/l/A/I 103/15, Reactivity Balance Procedur COMMENTS:

-UNSAT Determine proper enclosure to us STANDARD: Enclosure 13.20, Shutdown Margin at Power, is chosen


-UNSAT Use Enclosure 13.21, Rod Position Limits at Power, 1 Inoperable Rod or CRITICAL STEP 1 Dropped Rod - 4 Pump Flow. Verify available SBM is 2 3 % AWK by verifying that the control rod position and power level are within the acceptable region or the Restricted Region on the appropriate curve for SAT the number of RCPs and Inoperable rods in Enclosure 13.21, Rod Position limits at Powe STANDARD: SDhl is determined to be is 5 1% A U K UNSAT COMMENTS:

STEQ: Appropriate actions are taken per ITS 3.1.4. 3.1.5 and 3.2.1, CRITICAL STEP STANDARD: Refer to ITS 3.1.4. 3.1.5and 3.2.1 and detertnine that initiation of boration to restore SDM to within limits is required within 15 minutes -SAT CUE: /RfWRT SfMdeRf that an f?ok CORTmeRdRg bOratiQ COMMENTS: I UNSAT END OF TASK TIME STOP:


STEP # Explanation 3 Step is necessary, the operator must interpret the 4 RCP curve to ensure adequate SD Step is necessary; initiation of boration must be occur within 15 minutes to restore SD Admin-100 Page 7 of 7 CANDIDATE CUE SHEET (TO BE RETURNED TO EXAMINER UPON COMPLETION OF TASK)


You are the Unit 1 O A K and Group 6 Rod 3 has dropped into the core. Reactor power is stable at .= 55%. AP/I/N1700/25, Dropped Control Rods, is complete up to step 5.5.


The SRO in the Control Room directs you to continue with AP/I/N17OQ/15, Dropped Control Rods.


Duke Power Company 'rocedum N Qconee Nuclear Station PI'/ 1/A/IIOJ/UIS tevision N REACTIVITY BALANCE PROCEDURE (Unit 1)

(ISSUED) - PDF Format

PTIlfAfl 103fO15 Page 2 of 8 Reactivity Balance Procedure 1. Purpose To calculate the Boron concentration necessary to provide greater than 1% AWK shutdown margi I .2 To calculate the actual shutdown margin when the reactor is shutdow .3 To evaluate the available shutdown margin during power operation (e.g., in the event of an inoperable rod.) To provide the minimum RCS Boron concentration required to ensure greater than 19%

AWK shutdown margin to perform the Control Rod Drive (CRD) patch verification (for initial startup following refueling).

i .s To estimate the critical rod configuration or the critical Boron concentration prior to startu .6 To provide a method for preventing inadvertent criticality using subcritical multiplication measuremen I .7 To provide nominal APSK position.

2. References Technical Specifications: 1. I , Definitions - Shutdown Margin 3.1.1, Shutdown Margin 3.1.4, Control Rod Group Alignment Limits 3.1.5,Safety Rod Position Limits 3.2.L.Regulating Rod Position Limits 3.3.9, Source Range Neutron Flux 3.9.1, Boron Concentration Selected Licensee Commitments: 16.13.4, Reactivity Anomalies Unit I - Physics Test Manual (PTM) Unit I - Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) Nuclear Systems Directive 304, Reactivity Management

PT/1/A/1103/015 Page 3 of 8 3. Time Required Two people - 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> for most Enclosures 4. Prerequisite Tests None 5. Test Equipment Personal computer (for computerized calculations)

6. Limits and Precautions 6 .i The results of this procedure are used to make important operational decisions, therefore this procedure affects core reactivit .2 Appropriate corrections have been made per this procedure, or actual plant conditions must be the same as the reference conditions stated on the appropriate enclosure(s). Independent verification is required for each calculation performed. For hand calculations, this requires that two people separately complete the appropriate enclosures for the desired calculation to verify the results are in agreement. For computerized calculations, this requires that two people separately run the computer code(s) or verify the inpu .4 If the power history information from the last equilibrium Xe/Sm condition is not input into the code, significant error may result.

7. Required Unit Status None 8. Prerequisite System Conditions None

PT/l/A/I I03/015 Page 4 of 8 9. Test Method Shutdown Boron Concentration:

Calculated i n Enclosure 13.1 or 1 The shutdown Boron concentration provides a greater than 1 .0% A U K shutdown margin with the worst case stuck rod assumed to be out and with conservatism applied per standard practice for Babcock & Wilcox 677 fuel assembly reactor A reference shutdown Boron concentration is obtained based on the cycle burnup, rod positions and RCS temperature. The reactivity worths of Xenon, Samarium, and the inoperable rod penalty (if applicable) are converted into their equivalent Boron concentrations. (Credit is taken only for the minimum Xenon worth occurring in a specified time interval, which should not exceed 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />. The Shutdown Boron concentration is valid&o during that time interval. Due to inaccuracies in the Xenon models, .8times the Xenon and Samarium worth are used unless the RCS is below 450°F. in which case .S times the Xenon and Samarium worths are used. Xenon and Samarium worths may be assumed to be zero for conservatism.) These Boron concentrations are then applied to the reference Boron concentration to provide the reauired Boron concentration for a greater than I .O% A U K shutdown margin ( i s . , the shutdown Boron concentration). Shutdown Margin Calculation while Shutdown:

Calculated in Enclosure 13.1 or 1 The shutdown margin is the amount of reactivity by which the reactor is shutdown. The worst case stuck rod is assumed to be out, and additional conservatism are applied per standard practice for Babcock and Wilcox 177 fuel assembly reactors. If operating with a known inoperable rod, an additional penalty is applied to account for that rod. This penalty need not be applied when the reactor is shutdown if that rod can be confimied to be fully inserted by redundant indications. The shutdown Boron concentration must first be found per 9.1. The actual Boron concentration is then subtracted from this concentration and the result converted to % A U K . 1.0% AWK is then subtracted from this value to obtain the shutdown margin, expressed in - % A m . A separate check for SSF RC Makeup System operabibility is performed, which takes no credit for Xenon,but does not require the stuck rod penalty. This limit is shown in Enclosure 13.2 PTll/A/l103/015 Page 5 of 8 Following a shutdown, Control Rod Position at the time of Shutdown may be used with the Rod Position Limit curves (in COLR) to verify at least 1% AWK shutdown margin for the first 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> following shutdown (provided RCS Temperature stays >= 533°F and boron does not decrease). This may be necessary for shutdowns with an inoperable rod, since the more conservative calculation method (in Enclosure 13. I , 13.2) may not show l % AWK shutdown margin immediately after shutdown. Bomtion should begin immediately to be able to show 1% AK/K shutdown margin using the calculation method.

9.3 Shutdown Margin at Power:

Verified in Enclosure 13.19 While at power, the available shutdown margin may be verified io be >= 1% AWK by using the Rod Position Limits curves (in COLR). Operation in the .4cceptabie Region of these curves ensures that the shutdown margin following a reactor trip will be >= I %

AWK with the worst stuck rod out. There are curves for 3 and 4 RCP operation, and curves for 0 and I inoperable rod. A dropped rod is considered inoperable for the purposes of providing shutdown margin while at power.

9.4 Estimated Critical Rod Position:

Calculated in Enclosure 1 The core excess reactivity is obtained based on the cycle bumup. The reactivity worths associated with B o ~ o KXenon,

~, temperature correction (if RCS temperature not at 532°F)

and Samariuni are then obtained and summed with the core excess reactivity. The groups 5-7 positions are then detemiined for which the inserted rod worth when summed with all the above, yields a totd core reactivity of 0.0% AK/K. The upper and lower rod position limits are then determined and the actual critical rod positions are recorded.

9.5 Estimated Critical Boron Concentration:

Calculated in Enclosure 1 The core excess reactivity is obtained based on the cycle burnup. The reactivity worth associated with Xenon, temperature correction (if KCS temperature not at 532°F).

Samarium and the desired critical rod positions are summed with tile core excess reactivity. The Boron concentration is then determined for which its reactivity worth, when summed with all the above, yields a total core reactivity of 0.070AW PT/bA/ I I03/0 15 Page 6 of 8 Subcritical Multiplication Measurement:

Perfomed in Enclosure 1 With Group 1 at 50% wd, an initial source range (SR) count rate (C,) is recorde During control rod withdrawals, new counts (C) are recorded and used to calculate L/M, or CJC. As criticality is approached. C/C, will approach infinity, and 1 f i 4 will approach zero. Plotting I / M versus rod worth provides a rough indication of what rod position will yield a critical condition, and acts as an indication of premature criticality, or criticality more than 0.75% A W K below the Estimated Critical Position calcuiated in 9.4.

10. Data Required 1 For Xenon Worth: cycle burnup and power history io time of last equilibrium xeno .2 For Shutdown Boron Concentration/Shutdown Margin Calculation: Power, cycle burnup, KCS temperature, Group 1 and 8 positions, Xenon worth and the actual boron cctncentratio .3 For Estimated Critical Rod Configuration: RCS temperature, cycle hurnup, preseni boron concentration, Xenon worth, and Samarium wort .4 For Estimated Critical Boron Configuration: W C 3 temperature, cycle burnup, desired critical rod configuration, Xenon worth, and Sarnarium wort .5 For Subcritical Multiplication Measurement: Control Rod position and source range (SR) count rate.

11. Acceptance Criteria IndependenUSeparate verifications should agree within IO ppmR (for Shutdown Boron or Estimated Critical Boron) or 5%wd (for Estimated Critical Position). The more conservative Shutdown Boron Concentration calculation shall he used to ensure at least a 1.O% AWK shutdown margi PT/l/A/l103/015 Page 7 of 8 12. Procedure Complete, or refer to. the appropriate enclosure(s):

Shutdown Margin Calculation while shutdown:

Enclosure 13.I, Shutdown Boron Concetitration/Shutdo~~n Margin Calculation, OR-Enclosure 13.2 Computerized Shutdown Margin Calculation Estimated Critical Rod Position:

Enclosure 13.4, Computerized Estimated Critical Rod Position Calculation Estimated Critical Boron Concentration:

Enclosure 13.5, Computerized Estimated Critical Boron Calculation Subcritical Multiplication ( I f i f ) Measurement:

Enclosure 13.6, Subcritical Multiplication (IM)Measurement Refueling Outage Boron Concentrations:

Enclosure 13.14, Refueling Outage Boron Concentrations Required Control Rod Group 8 Position:

Enclosure 13.15, Required Group 8 Position and Designed Cycle Length Designed Cycle Length Information:

Enclosure 13.15, Required Group 8 Position and Designed Cycle Length Required Shutdown Margin:

Enclosure 13.17, Shutdown Margin Requirements Shutdown Margin Calculation at power:

Enclosure 13.19 RCS Boron Concentration for SSF Operability:

Enclosure 83.21, Minimum RCS Boron Concentration to Maintain SSF Operability NOTE: Only the appropriate conipleted enclosures need be attached to the procedure cover sheet to be submitted for procedure completion.

13. Endosurss 1 Shutdown Boron ConeentratiodShutdown Margin Calculation 1 Computerized Shutdown Margin Calculation 1 Computerized Shutdown Margin Calculation Documentation 1 Computerized Estimated Critical Rod Position Configuration 1 Computerized Estimated Critical Boron Concentration 1 Subcritical Multiplication (UM) Measurement 1 Core Excess Reactivity vs. Burnup

PT/bA/I 103/015 Page 8 of 8 1 Differential Boron Worth vs. Burnup 1 Inserted Control Rod Worth (for l/M measurement of Groups 1-7)

13.10 Temperature Coefficient vs. RCS Boron Concentration 13.1 1 Shutdown Boron Concentration vs. Burnup (Group I @ 0% wd)

13.82 Shutdown Boron Concentration vs. Burnup (Group 1 @ 50% wd)

13.13 Inoperable Rod Penalty for Individual Inoperable Rod 13.14 Refueling Outage Boron Concentrations 13.15 Required Group 8 Position and Designed Cycle Length 13.16 Power Defect vs. Reactor Power 13.17 Shutdown Margin Requirements 13.18 Control Rod Group Worths for Control Rod Drop Time Testing 13.19 Shutdown Margin Calculation at Power 13.20 Group 7 Control Rod Worth 83.21 Minimum RCS Boron Concentration to Maintain SSF Operability

Enclosure 13.19 pT/l/A/i ia3/015 Shutdown Margin Calculation a t Power Page I of 1 1. PUrpQSe-I 1 I The purpose of this enclosure is to perform a shutdown niargin calculation while at powe . Procedure Performed By:

shutdown margin while at power.

-2. I E performing a shutdown margin calculation with one group inserted other than Group 7 for the purpose of aligning a group per QP/0/A/1500/009, Control Rod Drive System, perform the following:

-___ 2. Verify there are no dropped rods misaligned rod sv

__- 2. Ensure that the group that is inserted (other than Group 7) is 2 95% w SV

_ _ - 2. Available shutdown margin is shown by verifying the control rod position S\' (Group 7) AND power level are within the acceptable region on the "Control Rod Position Setpoints, 1 Inoperable Rod" curve in the COLR



__.- 2. Appropriate actions are taken per TS 3.1.4, 3.1.5 and 3. sv E performing a normal shutdown margin at power, verify one of the following:

- -2. Available shutdown margin is 21% AWK. This is shown by verifying that the SV control rod position AND power level are within the Acceptable Region a the Restricted Region on the appropriate curve for the number of RC Pumps


AND Inoperable rods in the COL OR

- -2. Approphiate actions are taken per TS . sv

ONEI-040( PV20

. ...

Control R O Position,

~ % WB

Admin-103 80 Page 1 of 10





No Facility JPM #:

CRO-43 WA Ratindsl:

Gen 2. .7/4.4 Task Standard:

RCS Leakage is correctly calculated within .01 gpm of attached key.

Preferred Evaluation Location: Preferred Evaluation Method:

Simulator -In-Plant Perform Simulate -


PT/O/N0608/~01A, Loss OF Computer PT/lIN600/10. Reactor Coolant Leakage Validation Time: 1%minutes Time Critical: NO


Candidate: ... Time Start: .,

NAME Time Finish: __

Performance Rating: SAT ~ UNSAT - Performance Time



Admin-103 80 Page4oflO ToolslEcluiDmenffProc%duresNeeded:


I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM, including any required communications. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


Unit 1 computer repairs are expected to be extended through turnover for hardware replacement. The Loss of Computer procedure PT/O/A/0608/001A, Loss Of Computer, is in progress, however an RCS Leakage Calculation has not been performed during this shift.


The Control Room SRO directs you to perform a manual KCS leakage per PT/I/A/600/18 (Reactor Coolant Leakage). The initial data given was collected one hour previously. Use the final set of leakage data and manually calculate the RCS leakage rate. Enclosure 13.3 of PT/I/A/600/10 (Reactor Coolant Leakage) is complete up to step Admin-IO3 RO Page 5 of 10 Nota: Data cues are only applicable if JPM is performed in the control roo __SAT

- Step After 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, Record final set of data in "Table #I".

-UNSAT STANDARD: Student enters final set of data into "Table #'I" of Enclosure 13.3 (Manual Leakage Calculation Data Sheet).

CUE: Present student with attachment of final data reading OR Student locates Pzr level gauge on UBI and enters value on data shee CUE: Pzr Level 219.0 inches Student locates Quench Tank level on AB1 and enters value on data shee CUE: Quench Tank Level 84.9 inches Student locates LDST level gauge on UBI and enters value on data shee CUE: bDSFbevel74.0 inches Student locates Taw meter on UBI and enters value on data sheet CUE: Tave Indication 579.0"F Student locates Power meters on UBI and enters value on data shee CUE: Power Range NI indicates lQO.f%

Student locates RCS NR Pressure chart on UBI and enters value on data shee CUE: RCS NR Pressure chart 2150 p i g Student locates Group 7 Control Rod Position on the Computer and enters value on data shee CUE: Group 7 Control Rod Position is 93.6%


Admin-I03 RO SPEQ: Step Calculate and record Change values in Table #1 of Enclosure 1 (Manual Leakage Calculation Data Sheet).

-SAT STANDARD: StLdm performs ca CJMon aiiu records Change va Jes n Table ftlo!

Ecc:osJre 13 3 (hlandal Lrmage Ca c;lat on Dais Soeel)


Step Calculated Corrected PZR Level Change:

-SAT STANDARD: (- 6.831 inches/ F X F) + -1inches = inches-UNSAT COMMENTS:

Step Convert Corrected PZR Level Change to gallons:

-SAT STANDARD: - 3169 inches X 14.364 gallonslinch = - 4.552 gallons


STEP: Step Convert BT Level Change to gallons:

-SAT STANDARD: -3 inches x 34.94 gallonslinch = 10.482 gdlOnS-UNSAT COMMENTS:

Admin-103 RO Page 7 of 1 m: Step Convert LBST Level Change to gallons:




S'TEP: Step Calculated Total Volume Change:


~ -

4.552 gallons + 10.482 gallons + j- 9.287 qallons) = 3.357 gallons -UNSAT COMMENTS:

-8: Step CRrTlCAL TASK Calculate RCS Leakage Rate:




STEP # Explanation 8 Necessary data calculation to properly determine manual RCS leakage rat Admin-103 RO Page 9 of 10 Manual RCS Leakage Final Data I


,~ ~ ~ . ~ .

~ Time i 0115



Unit 1 computer repairs are expected to be extended through turnover for hardware replacement. The Loss of Computer procedure PT/O/N0600/001A, Loss Of Computer, is in progress, however an RCS Leakage Calculation has not been performed during this shift.


The Control Room SRO directs you to perform a manual WCS leakage per PT/1/8/600/10 (Reactor Coolant Leakage). The initial data given was collected one hour previously. Use the final set of leakage data and manually calculate the FCS leakage rate. Enclosure 13.3 of PP/1/N600/10 (Reactor Coolant Leakage) is complete up to step Enclosure 1 I T / 1 /A/ObOO/O IO Manual RCS Leakage Caldation Data Shcet Page I of7 1. Initial Conditions Non . Procedure

-~ Record initial data in "Table # i " . After I hour, record final data in "Table # I "

NOTE: If RCS NR Pressure is off-scale, KCS WK Pressure range may be use e If T,,, is off-scale, Tcold may be use Table # 1 Value Initial Final Change (1) minutes (2) inches inches inches inches (4) inches RCS NR or psig (7) psig WRPressure Control Kod lo Position NOTE: Change = Final - Initial should be included with values as a

__ Calculate and record Change values in "Table # I "

Enclosure 1 PT/~/A/OGOO/O Io Manual RCS Leakage Calculation Data Sheet Page 2 of 2

__ Calculated Corrected PZR Level Change:

(- 6.83 I irzc/7r.~/~Fx O F ) + itzclze~= -_ inches ( 5 ) T a w or Tcold Change ( 2 ) PZR Level Clznnge Corrected PZR Level Clxirzgc Convert Corrected PZR Level Change to gallons:

inchesx14.364 ~ullon.sIirich= I guk~ns Corrected PZR Level Charige Conversion corrected bo 68'1; Final P7X Clwnge Convert QT Level Change to gallons: 141 inches x 34.94 gallons / inck = gallons ( 3 ) QT Level Ctzartge Corrversiori correcred to 68'F Fitid QT Charige Convert EDST Level Change to gallons:

inches ~ 3 0 . 9 5 6gallotzslirich = gallons ( 4 ) LDST Level Change Conversion corrected to 68'F Final LDSI' Change Calculate Total Volume Change:

gailons f gallons + ga[lons = gallons Final PZR Charrge Fiiinl QT Cllunge Final LDST Change Total Chnngc I_ Calculate RCS Leakage Rate:

gallons + Minures = '?P Torui Change (I) Durariori RCS Leakage Rate


Admin-I 10 Page 2 of 10



Determine MINIMUM staffing requirements for the shift for NEO's, RO's and SRO's Alternate Path:

Facilitv JPM #:

Ad KIA Ratinds):

Gen 2.1 4 2 3i3 4 Task Standard:

SLC 16.23.1-1 (Minimum Station Staffing Requirements) is used to correctly determine MINIMUM staffing requirements for the shift for NEO's. RO's and SRO's.

Preferred Evaluation Location: Preferred Evaluation Method:

Simulator -In-Plant X Perform -Simulate X References:

SLC 46.13.1-1 (Minimum Station Staffing Requirements)

Validation Time: 15 min Time Critical: NO

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ _ _ - - - - s s s s s _ _


Candidate: _ I - Time S t a t NAME Time Finish, Performance Rating: SAT -UNSAT i _ l Question Grade ~ Performance Time ~



Adrnin-I 10 Page 4 of 10 ToolsiEquiprnenff Procedures Needed:


I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM, including any required communications. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


Piant conditions are as following:

e Unit 1 is in MO5E 6 with core loading in progress e Unit 2 is in MODE 1 at 73% with 2A HPIP 00s for the last 85 hours9.837963e-4 days <br />0.0236 hours <br />1.405423e-4 weeks <br />3.23425e-5 months <br /> e Unit 3 is in MODE 1 at 100% power e 2 on-shift MEO's are qualified as fire brigade leader 1 RP Tech is fire brigade qualified INITIATING C U E What are the MINIMUM staffing requirements for the shift for NEO's, RQ's and SWO's?

Admin-I 10 Page 5 of 10 START TIME:

m: Reference SLC 16.1 STANDARD: Reference SLC 16.13.1-1 table I SAT COMMENTS:

UNSAT STEP 2: Reference SLC 16.13.1-1for plant conditions-SAT STANDARD Determine correct table to be used:

Column for 2 units in MODE 1-4 from two control rooms based on: UNSAT Unit 1 is in MODE 6 with core loading in progress e Unit 2 is in MODE 1 at 73% with 2A HPlP 00s for the last 85 hours9.837963e-4 days <br />0.0236 hours <br />1.405423e-4 weeks <br />3.23425e-5 months <br /> Unit 3 is in MODE 1 at 100% power COMMENTS:

m: Determine correct number from column for 2 units in MODE 1-4 from two control rooms STANDARD: 1 OSM, 1 STA, 5 SRO, 5 8 0 , and 8 NE0 __SAT COMMENTS:


4- Determine 1 SRO required for fuel handling per SLC 16.13.1.a.2 and adjust total staffing numbers STANDARD: 1 OSM, 1 STA, 6 SRO, 5 RO, and 8 NE0 -§AT COMMENTS:


Admin-I 10 Page 6 of 10 STEP: Determine that available NE0 is fire brigade leader qualified STANDARD: 2 on-shift NEO's are qualified as fire brigade leader f RP Tech is fire brigade qualified _- SAT GOMMENTS:

__UNSAT Adjust total staffing numbers per Step 5 STANDARD: Subtract 1 Sa0 based on NE0 qualified as fire brigade leader:

-SAT 1 OSM, 1 STA, 3 SRO. 5 RO. and 6 NE0 GOMMENTS: -UNSAT Reference TS STANDARD: Determine that TS applicable:

-SAT 2A HPIP 00s for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> COMMENTS: -- UNSAT Adjust total staffing numbers per Step 7 STANDARB: Add 1 RO based on TS 1 OSM, 1 STA, 5 SRO. 6 RO. and 8 NEO COMMENTS: UNSAT

Admin-I10 Page 7 of 10

9- Adjust total staffing numbers per Step 7 STANDARD: Add 2 NEOs based on TS 1 OSM. 1 STA. 5 SRO, 6 RO, and 10 NE0-SA1 COMMENTS: -UNSAT STEP I O : Determine total staffing requirements CRITICAL STEP STANDARD: 1 OSM,1 STA. 5 SRO, 6 80. and 10 NE0-SAT 7SROS 6ROs 10NEOs -UNSAT COMMENTS:




STEP # Explanation 10 Determine total staffing requirements



Plant conditions are as following:

Unit 1 is in MODE 6 with core loading in progress Unit 2 is in MODE 1 at 73% with 2A HPlP QOS for the last 85 hours9.837963e-4 days <br />0.0236 hours <br />1.405423e-4 weeks <br />3.23425e-5 months <br /> Unit 3 is in MODE 1 at 100% power 2 on-shift NEO's are qualified as fire brigade leader 1 RP Tech is fire brigade qualified INITIATING CUE:

What are the MINIMUM staffing requirements for the shift for NEO's, Bo's and SRO's?

Admin-I 10 Page 10of 10

Minimum Station Staffing Requirements 16.13.1 16.13 CONDUCT OF OPERATIONS 16.1 Minimum Station Staffing Requirements COMMITMENT a. Minimum station staffing shall be as indicated in Table 16.13.1-1 and shall meet the following additional requirements: At least one RO per unit shall be present in the control room when fuel is in the reactor. In addition, while the unit is in MODES 1, , 01-4, at least one licensed SRO shall be present in the control roo . At least one licensed operator shall be in the reactor building when fuel handling operations in the reactor building are in progress. In addition, during CORE ALTERATIONS including fuel loading and transfer, an SRO or an SRO limited to fuel handling shall be presenl to directly supervise tho activity and, during this time, shall not be assigned to other licensed activities If the computer for a reactor is inoperable for more than eight hours, an operator, in addition to those specified in ITS 5.2. and 10 CFR !50.54(m) shall supplement the control room staf b. The Shift Technical Advisor shall be an experienced SRO.

APPLICABILITY: At all times.



CONDITION Requirements for A. 1 Restore minimum station 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> niinimurn station staffing level staffing not met.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS ___ - --.- -_ - - -._=





.. . . L -


SR 16.13. N/A NIA 16.13.1-1 12/11/01 I


OSM 1 1 1 1 1 5 4 RO' 1 6 5 5

Chemistry Technician RPTechnician 1 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 Si0 nurribcr can be reduced by one when a qualified NIL0 is designated the lire brigade leader. The N number must be increased by one. or orie fire brigade rnembcr musl be supplied from another organization, I 2 NI.0 nunibcr must be increased by two when in (1s3.5.2 Condilion 8.

3 RO number must be increased by one when in ITS 3.5.2 Condilion .13.f -2 12l11/01 I

Minimum Station Staffing Requirements

$6.13.I Sonic of the requiremenl(s) of this SLC section were relocated from TS 6.1 . I .9 and TS Table 6.1-1 during the conversion to ITS. These requirements were initially relocated to SLC 16.1 3.5, "Additional Operating Shift Requirements," dated 3/27/97.

The requirements of this SLC consolidate ONS station staffing requirements into one document. This SLC includes the shift manning requirements of ITS 5.2.2, 10 C F H 50 Appendix R Section ILI.H, 10 CFR 50.54.m, Operations Management Procedures (OMPs), NSD 112, and the Emergency Plan. This SLC also includes the old requirements of SLC 16.13.1,

"Fire Brigade." dated 3/27/99 and SLC 16.13.5; "Additional Operating Shift Requirements dated 3/27/99. The numbers for each position per shift are additive. For example, Table 16.13.1-1 requires a total of 5 SROs per shift (3 SROs required by 10 CFR 50.54(m)(2)(i) plus 1 additional SRO for the Fire Brigade and 1 additional for the ERO). The bases for the numbers in the first column of SbC Table 16.13.1-1 are as follows:

1 OSM (active SRO) Required by 50.54(m)(2)(ii) (implemented by OMP).

1 STA (active or inactive SRO) Required by ITS which indicates the individual fulfilling the STA position is the Shift Work Manager (implemented by OMP). Revision 50 to OMP 2-1 renamed the person fulfilling this position an STA. Note that pre-conversion TS Table 6.1-1, which implemented NUREG-0737 requirements, did not require an STA on shift when no units were in MODES 1-4. The SCC Table is more restrictive in that it requires an STA on shift at all times.

3 SRO's (active SRO) Required by 10 CFR 50.54(m)(2)(i). Per ITS 5.2.2.b and 10 CFR 50.54(rn)(2)(iii) at least 2 SRO's must be in the control roo SRO (active or inactive) or NLO Required by Appendix R Section 111.1- Fire Brigade Implemented by OMP and NSD. Individual fulfilling position shall be a SI30 or an NLO who is qualified to be a fire brigade leader. Per OMP this individual functions as fire brigade leader and is not available for control room activities when directing the fire brigade. Appendix R does not specify that the brigade leader be an SRO, it only specifies that the fire brigade leader have sufficient training in or knowledge of plant safety-related systems to understand the effects of fire and fire suppression systems on safe shutdown capability. When an 16.13.1-3 12/11/01 I

Minimum Station Staffing Requirements 16.1 NLO is serving as the fire brigade leader, the SRO number for each column in Table t 6.1 3.1 -1 may be reduced b y one.

1 SRO (active or inactive) - ERO Required by Volume A, Section 0. Figure 0-2 of the Emergency Plan. Implemented by OMP. t;RO serves as the offsite communicator and the (3 communicator in the 1SC. This is permissible since the offsite communicator role is completed prior to the NRC communicator role starting.

5 nos Required by 10 CFH 50.54(m)(2)(i).



Required by ITS 5.2.2.h, implemented by OM Per ITS 5.2.2.h, the manpower necessary to operate the SSF will be exclusive of the fire brigade and the minimum operating shift that is required to be present in the Control Room. ITS 5.2.2.b and.i@

CFR 50,54(m)(2)(iii) require 3 of the 5 ROs required by 10 CFR 50.54(m)(2)(i) to be present in the control room when fuel is in the reactor. When all three units are in MODES 1-3, one RO per unit must be available lo be dispatched to the SS Since 3 R O s must be present in the Control Roorn only two are available to dispatch lo the SS Therefore, one additional RO. beyond what is required by 10 CFR 50.54(rn)(2)(i), is require RO - ADV Amendment 314, 314, 314 requires that staffing level be increased by an additional RO heyorid what is required in Table 16.13.1 -1 when in Condition 8 of ITS 3.5.2. The additional RO is designated to respond to an event requiring activation of the SSF for the unit operating under ITS 3.5.2 Condition 5. The additional RO role may be fulfilled by an SRO as long as the SRO is not being counted towards the number of required SROs listed in Table 16.13.1-1 and is quaiified to tasks involving operation of the SSF- system When ail three units are in MODES 1-4, a total of seven ROs are required; five per 10 CFR 50.54(m)(2)(1). one per iTS 5.2.2.h, and one per ITS 3.5.2 Condition NL.0s Required by 10 CFH 50 Appendix H Part 1II.H. ITS 5.2.2.a. Volume A, Appendix 8,Spill Prevention 16.13.1 -4 12/11/01 I

Minimum Station Staffing Requirements 16.1 and Control and Counter Measures Plan, Hevision 98-04, lW98 of the Emergency Plan, and Volume A. Section B, Figure E-8 of the Eniergency Pla Implemented by OMP. (Four for fire brigade, one NLO per Unit to complete critical AP and EOP actions and I for SSF equipment verification for the design basis Appendix R fire.) When an NLO is serving as the fire brigade leader, the NLO number for each column in Table 46.13.1-1 must be increased by one or one fire brigade member must be supplied from another organiz'it' io The number of NLOs that are fire brigade qualified may be reduced provided that a like number of fire brigade qualified personnel are provided from other organizations. This does not change the total number of NLOs required; only the number required l o be fire brigade qualified.

2 NLO'S - AUV License Amendment 314, 314, 314 requires that staffing levels be increased by an additional two NLB's beyond those required in Table 16.13.1-1 when in Condition 5 of ITS 3.5.2. The additional NLOs are designated for tho purpose of operating the Atmospheric Dump Valves (ADVs) for the unit under ITS 3.5.2 Condition 13. In addition, the NLO's with the responsibility for operating the ADVs will be designated to respond to the control room within five minutes and will not be given duties that will prevent this from happening.

7 SPOC Required by Volume A, Section B, Figure B-8 of the Emergency Plan and the Fire Plan (Volume Appendix 8, Spill Prevention and Control and Counter Measures Plan, Revision 98-04, 10/98).

Implemented by OMP 1-7 and N S U 1 12. Consists of two I&E technicians ERO qualified and knowledgeable of IP/O/A0050/003 (Power SSF Submersible Pump), two M M technicians ERO qualified arid knowledgeable of MPIOINI 300/059 (Install SSF Silbmersible Pump), one supervisor or temporary supervisor qualified to establish the OSC and perform the OSC Maintenance Supervisor functions, and one additional person to help with pump installation as directed by SPOC supplied by one of the following groups in the order 16.13.1 -5 la1 1/01

Minimum Station Staffing Requirements T (5.1 listed: SPOC, other maintenance personnel onsitc, C&F, Chemistry, RP arid Maintenance Overtime resources. Security will automatically supply one Security Guard to open doors and gates who will also assist with any maintenance activities lo be performed. The Security Guard is munled as one of a total of 6 people needed to install the submersible pump. One other person is needed to establish the OSC for a total of 7. In the everil of a fire, SPOC will respond to the fire until directed to install the submersible pump. A total of 5 SPOC personnel are assigned to the fire brigade. Per PIP 4-099-2987 problem evaluation, it is acceptable to consider these additional 5 Fire Brigade members to be available for other duties, such as installation of the SSF pump. This is based on Oconee Fitc?

Brigade Guide #2, which contains guidance that allows fire brigade members to be released from the brigade for operational needs at the discretion of the OSCTTS The number of SPOC personnel qualified as fire brigade members may be reduced, provided that the qualified fire brigade rnernbers from other organizations are increased by a like nurnber. This does not change the total number of SPOC personnel required, only the number reqilired to be fire brigade qualified.

1 Chemistry Technician ERO Required by Volume A, Section B, Figure B-8 of the Emergency Plan. Implernentcd by ONlP and Station Chemistry Manual 2.6. A Chemistry Technician who is fire brigade qualified may be credited toward fulfilling the ERO requirement anti the fire brigade requirement. ln the event of a fire, the Chemistry technician will respond to the fire until directed otherwise.

3 RP Technicians Three are required by Volume A. Section B. Figure 8-8 of the Emergency Plan. One is required by ITS 5.2.2.d and may be counted towards fulfilling the ERO requirement. Implemented by HP/O/B/I000/054. RP technicians who are fire brigade qualified may be credited toward fulfilling the ERO and TS requirements and the fire brigade requirement. In the event of a fire, the R P 16.13.1-6 12/11/0~ I

Minimurn Station Staffing Requirements 16.1 technician will respond to the fire until directed otherwise.

Minimum Station Staffing numbers for the SRO and RO positions in Table 16.13.1-1 change as a function of the number of units in MODES 1-4 and whether the operating Units are controlled from one or two Control Rooms. The number for the remaining positions in Table 16.13.1-1 is not affected by operational condition of the unit CFR 5054(m)(2)(i) requires 3 SROs when two units are in MODES 1-4 and controlled from two Control Rooms, 2 SROs when two units are in MODES 1-4 and controlled from a common control room, 2 SROs when one unit is MODES 1-4 and 1 SRO when no units are MODES 4-4. Thus considering fire brigade and ERO requirements. this results in the requirement for 5 SROs when two units are in MODES 1-4 and controlled from two Control Rooms, 4 SROs when two units are in MODES 1-4 and controlled from a common control room' 4 SROs when one unit is MODES 1-4 and 3 SROs when no units are MODES 1- CFR 50.54(m)(2)(i) requires 5 ROs when two units are in MODES 1-4 and controlled from two Control Rooms, 4 f3Os when two units are in MODES 1-4 and controlled from a common control room, 4 ROs when one unit is MODES 1-4 and 3 ROs when no unitc are MODES 1-4. QMPs require 2 ROs l o man the SSF when two units are in MODES 1-3 and 1 RO when one unit is MODES 1-3. None are required when no units are in MODES 1- Therefore, no additional no's are required beyond what is required by 10 CFR 50.54(m)(2)(i) when less than three units are in MODES 1-3 with one exception. When two units are in MODES 1-3 and controlled from one Control Room one additional RO is required since 10 CFR 50,54(m)(2)(i) only requires 4 RO's when the two operating units (Units 1 and 2) are controlled from one control room. Since one RO (or SRO) must be present in the Control Rooni when fuel is in the reactor vessel, the two RO's required to man the SSF for the operating units are exclusive of the one RO required for each uni a'hereforc, a total of 5 no's are required for this configuration.

The minimum staffing number for the SPOC and NLO positions is reduced by one when all three units are in MODE 4 or below. This reduction is allowed since the SSF is not required to be QPERABLE in these MODES. Therefore. there is no need for SPOC to provide a qualified individual to establish the OSC and no need for an NLO to perform SSF equipment verificatio SLC 16.13.1.a.l requires at least one RO per unit to be present in the control room when fuel Is in the reactor and one SRO to be present in the control room while in MODES 1-4. This requirement is based on 10 CFR !50,54(m)(2)(iii) and ITS 5.2.2.b. The first part of SbC 16.13.1 3.2. which requires at least one licensed operator l o be in the reactor building when fuel handling operations in the reactor building were in progress, was relocated during the ITS conversion from TS Table 6.1-1, Additional Requirement 3. This requirement has existed since the initial issuance of Oconee Technical Specifications. The second part of SLC 16.13. which requires that a SRO or an SHO limited to fuel handling activities be present to directly supcrvise CORE ALTERATIONS including fuel loading or transfer and be assigned no other duties, is based on 10 CFR !50.54(m)(2)(iv). SLC 16.13.1 .a.3 which requires an operator, in 16.13.1 -7 12/11/01 I

Minimum Station Staffing flequireinents 16.13.1 addition lo those specified in ITS 5.2.2.b to supplement the control room staff if the computer for a reactor is inoperabie for more than eighl hours. was relocated during the ITS conversion from TS Table 6.1-1,Additional Requirement 6. This requirement has also existed since the initial issuance of Oconee Technical Specifications. SLC 16.13.1.b, which specifies the STA shall be an experienced SRO was relocated during the ITS conversion from TS 6.1 .I .9.

The primary purpose of the Fire Protection Program is to minimize both the probability and consequences of postulated fires. Despite designed active and passive Fire Protection Systems installed throughout the plant, a properly trained and equipped Fire Brigade organization of at least ten (Reference 8 ) members is needed to provide immediate response (0 fires that may occur at the site. This number is the result of a corrective action from Reference 18. This Fire Brigade requirement is normally met by using one SRO (of NLQ qualified to be a fire brigade leader), 4 NLOs, and 5 SPOC personnel. However, this requirernent can also he met by using personnel from other organizations (e.g., Chemistry, Radiation Protection, and Security).

Fire Brigade equipment and training conform to Qconee's commitments to Appendix A l o Branch Technical Position 9.5-1 and supplemental NRC Staff guidelines including Nuclear l%int Functional Responsibilities, Administrative Controls arid Quality Assurance.

This SLC is part of the Oconee Fire Protection Program and therefore subject to the provisions of Oconee Facility Operating License CORditiORS.

The following requirement was reiocated from the TS during the conversion to ITS. A training program for the fire brigade shall meet or exceed the requirements of Section 27 of the NFPA Code-1975, except that training sessions may be heid quarterly.

ACTIONS & l With the requirements for minimum station staffing not met, the minimum station staffing levels shall be restored within 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />s: The 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> Completion Time is consistent with ITS 5.2.2.c and d which allows 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> to accommodate unexpected absence of on-duty shift crew members provided that immediate action is taken to restore the shift crew composition to within the rniniinum requirement f3EFERENCE.S: Oconee UFSAR, Chapter 9.5.1. Oconee Fire Protection SER dated August 1 1, 197 . Oconee Fire Protectiori Review, (currently contained in the Fire Protection DHD) as revise . Duke letter of January 16,1978 lo NRC in response to "Nuclear Piant Functional Responsibilities. Administrative Controls. and Quality Assurance". ITS 5.2.2, Arnendment 300/300/30 .13.1-8 12/11/01 I

Minimum Station Staffing Requiremenls 16.13.6 CFR 50.54(m). Emergency Plan. Volume A, Section 3. Figure 6-8.&!vision 97-01,7/97. Emergency Plan, Volume A, Appendix 8. Spill Prevention and Control and Counter Measures Plan, Revision 98-04, 10/98. Station Chemistry Manual 2.6.

10. Problem lnvestigation Report Seriai No. 1-089-0001.

11. Problem Investigation Process (PIP) Serial No. 4-099-2907.

12. ITS 3.5.2.Amendment 314/314/31 .13.1-9 12/11/01 I

Admin-202 Page 1 of 7



Admin-202 Page 2 of 7



Perform surveillance to verify SSF RCMUP Operability Alternate Path:

N Facilitv JPM #:

NE KIA Ratingis):

System: GEN WA: 2.2.12 Rating: 3.Q13.4 Task Standard:

Verify SSF RCMUP Operability using PTil/A/0600/001 (Periodic Instrument Surveillance), Encl. 13.1 (Mode 1 tl2)

Preferred Evaluation Location: Preferred Evaluation Method:

Simulator -In-Plant _2_ Perform __ Simulate A References:

PT/llA/0600i001 (Periodic Instrument Surveillance), Encl. 13.1 (Mode 1 & 2) Page 35 of 36 Candidate: Time Start: _ _ -

NAME Time Finish:

Performance Rating: SAT- UNSAT __ Performance Time __



Admin-202 Page 4 of 7 ToolslEcluirsmenffProcedures Needed:

PT/l/N0600/001 (Periodic Instrument Surveillance), Encl. 13.1 (Mode 1 & 2) Page 35 of

  • Enclosure "Unit 1&2 §pent Fuel Pool Level Vs Temperature Curve" of OP/O/A/1408/OG1 (Curves And General Information)


I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM, including any required communications. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


U2EOC20 outage in progress Unit 2 was shutdown (subcritical) on 3/20/04 at 0100 Unit 2 core is defueled Spent Fuel Pool Level = +0.1 feet Spent Fuel Pool Temperature = 91°F Current date and time: 3/26/04 at 1100 PT/600/001, Enclosure 13.1 in progress INlTlATiMG CUES:

The SRO instructs you to continue with PT/600/001, Enclosure 13.1 starting at the top of page 3 Admin-202 Page 5 of 7 START TIME:

Beterrnine if all fuel in SFP subcritical > maximum days specified on CRITICAL STEP Enclosure "Unit 1&2 Spent Fuel Pool Level Vs Temperature Curve"

-SAT STANBARD: Refer to Enclosure "Unit 1&2 Spent Fuel Pool Level Vs Temperature Curve" of OP/l108/00 Determine that Unit 2's fuel has been subcri for 6 days and 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br />. This is c than the maximum days specified Endosure "Unit 1&2 Spent Fuel Pool Level Vs Temperature Curve". UNSAT COMMENTS:

2- Verify SFP level > specified on appropriate curve of Enclosure "Unit CRITICAL STEP Spent Fuel Pool Level Vs Temperature Curve".

__ SAT STANDARD: Determine that the correct curve is Bay > 6 & S 7".


Determine Spent Fuel Pool water temperature is 98°F by looking on temperature gauge on 2883 or on the OAC -UNSAT Determine Spent Fuel Pool water level is + 0.20 feet by looking on S Level gauge on 2AB Cue: When a SFP temperature indication is located indicate to the candidate th SFP temperature = 98°F Determine Spent Fuel Pool water level is + 0.20 feet by looking on S Level gauge on 2AB Cue: When the Unit 1 & 2 SFP Bevel indication is located indicate to the candid; that SFP level = + 0.2 fee Determine that SFP level is NOT > than the appropriate curve COMMENTS:

3- If limit exceeded. SSF RCMUP is inoperabl CRITICAL STEP STANBARD: Declare the SSF RCMUP inoperabl SAT COMMENTS:


~~ .... . - -... .. .



STEP # Explanation 1 Must determine that some fuel has been subcritical e than the maximum days specified on Enclosure "Unit 1&2 Spent Fuei Pool Level Vs Temperature Curve" 2 Required to determine is SFP level is adequat SSF RCMUP is declared inoperabl Admin-202 Page 7 of 7 CANDIDATE CUE SHEET (TO BE RETURNED TO EXAMINER UPON COMPLETlON OF TASK)


U2EOC20 outage in progress


e Unit 2 was shutdown (subcritical) on 3/20/04 at 0100 e Unit 2 core is defueled Spent Fuel Pool bevel = +0.1 feet e Spent Fuel Pool Temperature = 9 1 T a Current date and time: 3/26/04 at 1100 e PT/600/001,Enclosure 13.1 in progress INlTlATlNG CUES:

The SRO instructs you to continue with PT/600/001, Enclosure 13.1starting at the top of page 3 Enclosure 1 PT/hA/0600/00 1 Mode I, Rr 2 Page 35 of 36 COMPONENT CClMPUTER REQUIRED CONDITIONS rs 3 . io. I SFP Level Verify SSF RCMUP Operable:


IF all fuel in SFP subcritical > maximum days specified on Enclosure "Unit l&2 Spent Fuel Pool k v e l Vs Temperature Curve" of OP/O/A/I 108/001 (Curves And General Information), verify SFP level 9 - 2 f IF any fuel in SFP subcritical 5 maximum days specified on Enclosure "Unit 1&2 Spent Fuel Pool Level Vs Temperature Curve" of OPIOIAII 108/001 (Curves And General Information), verify SFP level > specified on appropriate curv IF limit exceeded, SSF RCMUP is inoperabl Generator Voltage Schedule -

IF Generator is supplying the Grid, maintain Generator Bus Voltage per Enclosure

"Generator Voltage Schedule" of OP/O/A/I 106/040 (Generator Voitage Schedule).

Enclosure 3.34 OP/O/A/I 1081001 Unit 1&2 Spent Fuel Pool Level Vs. Temperature Curve Page I of i (For Aid In Determining SSF RCMU System Operability)

Admin-300 RO Page Iof 8


INITIAL LICENSE EXAMINATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Ad min-300 Calculate the Maximum Permissible Stay Time Within Emergency Dose Limits (EDL)



Calculate the Maximum Permissible Stay Time Within Emergency Dose Limits Alternate Path:

NiA Facilitv JPM #:

N/A WA Ratinds):

Gen 2. .513.1 Task Standard:

Calculate the Maximum Permissible Stay Time Within Emergency Dose Limits (i 5 minutes).

Preferred Evaluation Location: Preferred Evaluation Method:

Simulator -in-Plant X Perform Simulate __




Admin-300 RO Page 4 of 8 Tools/EuuiDment/Procedures Needed:


I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All contfo[ room steps shall be performed for this JPM, including any required communications. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


I. Steam Generator Tube Rupture has occurred on Unit 3 2. Emergency Dose Limits are in effect 3. NE0 "A" has received 1.46 R TEDE this year 4. The following tasks are required to be performed: I Closing 3c-573

, 12 min ! 6.55 Whr 4 min 21.45 Whr


Open all Unit 3's ADVs 2.88 Whr

.~ .

Note: Assume no dose received whlle traveling between tasks.


Refer to the above information. NE0 "A"has completed tasks 1 and 2 in the time required. How long does he have to complete task 3 without exceeding his Emergency Dose Limits?

Admin-300 RO Page 5 of 8 START TIME:

Note: Candidate may perform these steps in a different order however the calculated stay time should be correc Note: Candidate should understand the following:

?. EDL is 5 t? per event (LOCA or SGTR).

2. Current exposure for the year is not counted toward the Emergency Dose Limit (EDL).

I jI -STEPI: Determine dose received while performing task SAT STANDARD: Determine dose received while performing task .55RlhrX lhr/60minX12min= 1.31 R UNSAT COMMENTS:

STEQ: Determine dose received while performing task SAT STANDARD: Determine dose received while performing task UNSAT 21.45 Whr X 1hr/60 min X 4 min = 1.43 R COMMENTS:

Determine dose remaining from EDL _I SAT STANDARD: Determine dose remaining from EDLs 5R - 1.31R - 1.43R = 2.26 R-UNSAT COMMENTS:

Adrnin-300 RO Page6 o f 1

4- Determine time available for the NE0 to complete task 3 without CRITICAL STEP exceeding ED SAT STANDARD: Stay time is calculated to be:

Available Dose = = ,785hr X ~

= 47.1 min Dose Rate 2.88 %hr 1hr UNSAT (+ 5 minutes)




STEP # Explanation 4 Required to calculate stay tim Admin-300 RO Page 8 of 8 CANDIDATE CUE SHEET (TO BE RETURNED TO EXAMINER UPON COMPLETION OF TASK)

INlTlhL CONDITIONS: Steam Generator Tube Rupture has occurred on Unit 3 Emergency Dose Limits are in effect NE0 "A" has received 1.46 R TED this year The following tasks are required to be performed:


DOSE RATE 4 min 21.45 Rlhr


3 2 p e n all Unit 3's ADVs l--. ~ -~

_ .,

_ _I


_ 2.88_ R/hr ~ -,

- ~

Note: Assume no dose received while traveling between tasks.


Refer to the above information. N E 0 "a"has completed tasks 1 and 2 in the time required. How long does he have to complete task 3 without exceeding his Emergency Dose Limits?

Admin-402 Page 1 of 14



Admin-402 Page 2 of 14



Perform Actions for Medical Emergency Alternate Path:

N Facility JPM #:

N KIA RatinMs):

System: GEN KIA: 2.4.39 Rating:

Task Standard:

Complete RP/lQOO/@16.Enci. 4.1 (Medical Response) as required Preferred Evaluation Location: Preferred Evaluation Method:

Simulator __ In-Plant X Perform __ Simulate References:

RP/l@OO/Ol6.Encl. 4.j (Medical Response)



Admin-402 Page 4 of 14 ToolsiEauipmenff Procedures Needed:

RP/IQQ0/016,Encl. 4.1 (Medical Emergency Action - Routine Operations)


I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM, including any required communications. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


1. You have answered a call on 492 1 (emergency line) reporting a medical emergency.

2. The caller is still on the line.


The SRO in the control room instructs you perform the required actions for a medical emergenc Admin-402 Page 5 of 14 START TIME:

Determine the appropriate procedure to us CRITICAL STEP-SAT STANDARD: RPIOiB~IOOOiOl6 (Medical Response) is referenced and Enclosure (Medical Emergency Actions - Routine Operations) is determined to be the appropriate procedure to use. Enclosure 4.1 is obtained from notebook located in the front of the control room desk or from the cart in the TS I UNSAT Cue: When procedure is Eocated give candidate a copy of Enclosure COMMENTS:

Step CRITICAL STEP Complete the following accident information:

-SAT 0 Name of person reporting injury Call back number Name of person injured Supervisor of injured person-UNSAT Location injury occurred Brief description of injury Time Note: The evaluator will play the role of the person reporting the injury. Answer questions by referring to the Medical Emergency Phone Call Information Shee STANDARD The candidate obtains the above information from the evaluator by asking the appropriate questions and completes step 1.2 correctl Note: Refer to the completed procedure as an answer ke COMMENTS:


_ _ Page 6 of 14 STEP: Step CRITICAL STEP IF There is a Security Event in progress, THEN Continue with ...

STANDARD: Determine a Security Event is not in progress and NIA step Cue: If asked, inform candidate a Security Event is not in progres COMMENTS:

4- Step 1. CRITICAL STEP Use Plant Page to request all MERT members to respond to the inciden _ I SAT STANDARD: The phone is used to access the Plant Page and request all MERT members to respond to the inciden Cue: Inform candidate to simulate onl UNSAT COMMENTS:

~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~

STEP: Step 1. Use the radio paging system to request MERT members to respond to the inciden SAT Transmit Standby for Emergency Message Press the instant Call button labeled MERT Wait for the red Transmit light on the radio to turn off -UNSAT e Transmit message STANDARD: The radio paging system is used to request MERT members to respond to the incident by:

Transmit Standby for Emergency Message Press the instant Call button labeled MERT Wait fer the red Transmit light on the radio to turn off Transmit message MERT members respond to a medical emergency in the Unit 3 clean side of the change roo Note: The red Transmit light is normally green and is located next to the MERT button on the radi Cue: Inform candidate to simulate onl COMMENTS:

Admin-Page 7 o

6- Step 1. Repeat steps 1.4.1 and 1. I_ §AT STANDARD: The Plant Page and the radio paging system are used a second time to request MERT members to respond to the inciden UNSAT Cue: Enform candidate to simulate onl COMMENTS:

STEP 7: Step 1. Call Security at one of the following extensions and request they have -SAT security MERT members respond to the emergenc SAS (Secondary Alarm Station) 2205 or 2767 e CAS (Central Alarm Station) 2222 or 2958 -UNSAT STANDARD: Security is notified at one of the above extensions and are requested to have security MERT members respond to the emergenc Cue: Inform candidate to simulate onl COMMENTS:

IF The incident location is away from the m ain plant (WOE. C omple Keowee Hydro. etc.) and incident occurs during normal working hours, THEN Notify shuttle Bus ... -SAT STANDARB: Determine that this step does not apply and NIB step 1. UNSAT COMMENTS:

STEP: Step IF A mass casualty event has occurred or is suspected. and a centralized treatment area is needed, and plant conditions allow, THEN Make a PAAnnouncement ... -SAT STANBARD: Determine that this step does not apply and NIA step UNSAT COMMENTS:

Admin-402 Page 8 of '14 STEP IO: Step CRlTlCAL. STEP IF Hospital evacuation is needed as determined by MERT Command or as indicated by Step 1.6.1, THEN Arrange transport of patient to the hospital by one of the following __ SAT means:

  • EMS (ambulance)

Dial 9-91Ifrom the Operations Shift Manager's phone or Unit I Control Room SRO's phone or dial 91 1 from the bell South line - Unit I UNSAT 1 , 2 , and 3 Control Rooms. Refer to Step 1.6.2. prior to requesting EM Company vehicle (less serious injury)

Personal vehicle (less serious injury)

STANDARD: Ambulance is requested by calling 9-911, Ambulance is requested to come to Oconee Nuclear Station.


STEP 11: Step 1. IF Any of the following illnesses or injuries are reported on the emergency line (4911)

THEN Immediately request EMS (ambulance) to respond to the site: __ SAT Unconsciousness-UNSAT STANDARD: Determine that the injured is unconscious and perform step 1.6.1. (Step 10 above)


STEP 12: Step 1. IF The patient is known or suspected to be radiologically contaminated, THEN Have the EMS dispatcher inform the EMS personnel to expect a -SAT contaminated person.

STANDARD Determine that this step does not apply and N/A step 1. I UNSAT Cue: I f asked, inform candidate Phat the palient is NOT contaminated.


Admin-402 Page 9 of 14 STEP 13: Step 1. Notify Security at 2222 that the ambulance is enroute STANDARD: Security is notified that the ambulance is enroute -SAT COMMENTS:

I _ UNSAT STEP 14: Step 1. CRITICAL STEP Notify MERT Command that the ambulance is enroute.

STANBARD: MERT Command is notified via radio that the ambulance is enrout I SAT Cue: hform candidafe to simulate Q ~ I Y .

COMMENTS: I UNSAT STEP 15: Step 1. Notify World of Energy Duty Person (Ext. 4602 or Pager #777-9414).

STANDARD: World of Energy Duty Person is notified by phone I SAT Cue: Inform candidate to simulate only.

COMMENTS: -UNSAT STEP 16: Step Notify the Occupational Health Unit at ONS during normal working hours (4652).

I SAT STANDARD: Occupational Health Unit at ONS is notified by phone.

Cue: Inform candidate to simulate onl UNSAT COMMENTS:

STEP 17: Step IF Radiological contamination is involved and the person is being sent to a hospita THEN Complete... -~ SAT STANDARD: Determine that this step does not apply and N/A step UNSAT COMMENTS:

Admin-402 Page 10 of 14 STEP 18: Step Remind MERT Command that a Patient Treatment Form needs to be completed for all patients and that the completed form is to be sent to the Medical Unit for inclusion in the patients medical fil . SAT STANDARD: MERT Command is informed that a Patient Treatment Form needs to be completed and sent to the Medical Uni I UNSAT COMMENTS:

STEP 19: Step 1.10 After normal working hours the Operations Shift Manager or designee shall report the following incidents to ONS Safety Duty Person who will determine if additional people need to be notifie SAT STANDARD: Determine that this step does not apply and NIA step 1.IO


STEP 20: Step 1.11 Verify the following notification in the event of a fatality or injuries to 3 or more people:

-SAT STANDARD: Determine that this step does not apply and NIA step COMMENTS: -UNSAT STEP 21: Step 1.12 Notify STA to make appropriate notifications of the transport of an employee to an off site medical facilit I SAT STANDARD: Notify the STA by phone or in person to make appropriate notifications of the transport of an employee to an off site medical facilit UNSAT COMMENTS:

Admin-402 Page 11 of 14 STEP 22: Step 1.13 IF A death, near death, or major traumatic injury...

STANDARD: Determine step does not apply anti N/A Step 1. I 3 __SAT COMMENTS:

I_ UNSAT STEP 23: Step 1.14 The Operations Shift Manager (OSM) or designee shall ensure notification of next of kin, if applicabl Fatality - Appropriate Division Manager performs notifications I SAT


Injury requiring hospitalization - Employee's Supervisor or Manager perform notification STANDARD: Inform the 05114 to perform this step as required -UNSAT COMMENTS:

STEP 24: Step 1.15

~. Action -Routine Submit comoleteti Enclosure 4.1, (Medical Erneroencv Operations)'to the Emergency Planning Sectio I SAT STANDARD: Indicate that form would be submitted to the Emergency Planning Sectio UNSAT COMMENTS:


Admin-402 Page 12 of 14 Medical Emergency Phone Call Information Sheet 1. Name person calling John Adams 2. Call back number 2322 3. Name of injured person David Smith 4. Supervisor of injured person Allan Jones 5. Location injury occurred Unit 3 HPI Pump Room The injured is currently located in the clean side of Unit 3s change room (3rd floor Aux Building).

Injured is NOT contaminated 6. Description of injury The injured stood up to put on his hard hat and hit his head on a cable tray resulting in a laceration to top of head. The wound is continuing to bleed. The injured is unconscious.

7. Time Current time


STEP tC Explanation 1 Need to select the correct procedur Need the correct information to ensure proper actions are take Need to determine a security event is not in progress SQ that MERT can be calle Need to activate MER Ambulance has to be requeste MERT command should be notified so that the injured can be taken to the pickup poin Admin-4Q2 Page 14 of 14 CANDIDATE CUE SHEET (TO BE RETURNED TO EXAMINER UPON COMPLETION OF TASK)


1, You have answered a call on 491 1 (emergency iine) reporting a medicai emergency.

2. The caller is still on the line.


The SRO in the control room instructs you perform the required actions for a medical emergenc Enclosure RpI@E3/ 1OOO/Q 16 hfedical Emergency Actions Page 1 of 7 Routine Operations

' 1. Medical Emergency Actions Routine Operations I NOTE: e Security Manager or designnee in the Operational Support Center (OSC) will assume responsibility for running this procedure Enclosure 4.2, Medical Emergency Actions OSCXSC Activated) after the TSCYOSC is established and turnover is accepted from Operations. The Security Manager or designee will also assume the responsibility of NLERT Communicator after activation of the TSCIOS * Actions may be followed in any sequenc e Lines left of procedure steps are used to indicate place in procedure.. Check marks are acceptable in these blank & Complete the pmcedure steps that apply to this medical ekergency, N/A steps not performe @'.2 Complete the following accident information:

Name of pcrson reporting injury hu tQh US Call back number 23 &a,

Enclosure ~p/Om~100s/a16 Medical Emergency Actions Page 2 of 7 Routine Operations safe for MERT memMrs to respon Continue with Step 1.3.1 or 1.3.2 as appropriate; if NOT, go to Step . IF


The patient is outside the Protected Area, THEN Dial 9-911 from the Operations Shift Managers phone or Unit 1 Control Room SROs phone or dial 911 from the Bell South line: Units 1/2 and 3 Control Rooms. Request EMS to respond along with lwal law enforcemen a I

1. The patient is inside the Protected Area, TIEN Wait until Security gives assurance that it is safe for MERT KO respond before proceeding to Step 1.4.

& Activate MERT to respond to the medical emergenc s 1 . 4 . 1 Use Plant Page to request all MERT members to respond to the inciden k 1 . 4 . 2 Use the radio paging system to request h4ERT members to respond to the inciden A. Use the following directions to activate radios and pagers encoded to the MER? alert tones:

Transmit Standby for Emergency Message Press the Instant Call button labeled h4ERT Wait for the red Transmit light on the radio to turn off

  • Transmit message 1. Repeat Steps 1.4.1 and 1. Enclosure RPfiWI 1OOWQ16 M e d i d Emergency Actions Page 3 of 7 Routine Operations J

NOm Bo call Security if there is a security event in progres I

@ 1. Call Security at one of the following extensions and request they have Security MERT members respond to the emergenc SAS (Secondary Alarm Station) - 2205 or 2761 CAS (Central A l m Station) - 2222 or 2958 The incident location is away from the main plant (WOE, Comple Keowee Hydm, etc.) and incident occurs during normal working hours, THEN Notify Shuttle Bus at 5353 to come to pe main plant entrance to transport hfERT members to those location NOTE: The primary location for Triage, should it be needed, is the Maintenance Support Building Cafeteria. An alternate location may need to be selected depending OR the mea of the plant

& A mass casualty event has occurred or is suspected, and a centPalEzed treatment area is needed, and plant conditions allow, Make a PA Announcement emphasizing the following:

e Location of the Triage area Warn that only trained medical personnel should move injured peop1e unless there are life threatening conditions in the are Enclosure RP/~/B/1ooO/O16 M e d i d Emergency Actions Page 4 of 7 Routine Operations through the emergency line (4911). Immediate notification will then be made to the Operations Shift Manager or his designe Patients with less serious injuries or illnesses may be transported to offsite n a d ~ c a l facilities by personal or company vehicle if site Medical or MERT Command gives

@ E Hospital evaluation is needed as determined by W R T Command or as indicated by Step 1. THEN Arrange transport of patient to the hospital by oqe of the following means:


%* EMS (ambulance)

Dial 9-91I from ffie Operations Shift Managers phone OF Unit 1 Control Room SROs phone or dial 911 from the Bell South line -Units 112 and 3 Conk01 Rooms. Refer to Step 1.6.2, prior to requesting EM $-

&e ~ o m p a n yvehicle gess serious injury)

8-a e Personal vehicle (less serious injury)

& 1. Any of the following illnesses or injuries are reported on emergency line (49111, Immediately request EMS (ambulance) to respond to the site:

fall greater than 10-12 feet (qualified as multi-trauma)

obvious fractures (with defornlity or open wounds)

amputations allergic reaction Wll airway compromise (swollen lips, tongue)

poisonous snake bite head injury with altered level of consciousness (confusion, disorientation)

altered mental status (confusion, disorientation)

seizure (grand mal)

Enclosure Medical Emergency Actions Routine Operations

  • respiratory distress entrapped person cmshing injuries The patient is known or suspected to be radiologically contaminated,


THEN IIave the EMS dispatcher inform the &S personnel to expect a contaminated person.

&1. Notify Security at 2222 that the ambulance is e m t e .

u 1 . 6 . 4 Notify MERT Command that the ambulance is enroute.

lbLJ1. Notify World of Energy/Public Affairs Duty Person (Ext. 4602 during operating hours). Notify the Occupational Health Unit at ONS during normal working hours (4652).

facility is require The NKC must be notified within eight (6) hours (reF. 10CFR50.72 @) (3) (xii).

Radiolopical contamination is involved and the person is being sent to a hospita THEN:Complete the following 1. Request MERT Command to FAX the Patient Treatment Form to the appropriate hospital as soon as possibl I . Determine if a Radiation Protection Technician accompanied the contaminated patient to the hospita A RP Technician did not go with the ambulance to the hospital Arrange for the first available one to go and assist the hospital with radiation monitoring and contamination control as neede . Notify Operations Shift Manager to refer fo NSD202 for reportability requirement Enclosure W/oIBllW/016 Medical Emergency Actions Page 6 of 7 Routine Operations psoh/ Remind MERT Command that a Patient Treatment Form or Refusal of Treatmentfliansport Against Medical Advice Form needs to be completed for all patients and that the completed form is to be sent to the Medical Unit for inclusion in the patients medical fil I21

& 1.10 After normal working hours the Operations Shift Manager or designee shall report the following incidents to ONS Safety Duty Person who will determine if additional people need to be notified

- Fatality (including heart attacks at work)

Injuries requiring offsite medical breatment I

Admission of 3 or more employees to the hospital for in-patient care 0 Serious accidents (near miss) whereby personnel could have sustained a disabling injury although net resulting in an injury

- Electric contact, shock or flash burns Injuries or burns resulting froma fire Vehicle accidents Accident involving serious property damage

  • Accident involving potential DPC liability

%d OSM shall verify the following notifications in the event of a fatality (including d1 fatd JV& 1.11 heart attacks at work) or admission of 3 or more employees to the hospital for in-patient car .1 Notify Safety Duty person who will notify OSHA (8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> oral reporting requirement).

1.l I. .2 Refer to NSB 202 for other reportability requirement .1 Notify Site VP or his designee.

&,& 1.12 Notify the STA to make appropriate notifications of the transport of an employee to an off site medical facilit w

& 1.13 E A death, near death, or major traumatic injury incident occws, (11


TIIEN Notify Employee Assistance Program at extension 3 1 5 or 7Q4-382-7900, 1.1 Inform the EAP person of the event and the possible need to conduct a critical incident debriefin ..

Enclosure RP/0/B/1000/016 Medical Emergency Actions Page 7 of 7 Routine Operations

' & 1.14 The Operations Shift Manager or designee shall ensure notification of next of kin, if applicabl Fatality - Appropriate Division Manager performs notification e Injury requiring hospitalization Employee's Supervisor or Manger pesonu


& 1.15 Submit completed Enclosure 4.1, (Medical Emergency Actions-Routine Operations) to the Emergency Planning Sectio i

Admin-403 Page 1 of 8


INITIAL LICENSE EXAMINATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Ad min-403 Determine Emergency C Iassification and Protective Action Recommendations CANDIDATE EXAMINER

Admin-403 Page 2 of 8





Determine Emergency Classification and Protective Action Recommendatlons Alternate Path:

N Facility JPM #:

KIA Ratinds):

Gen 2 4 38 2 214.0 Task Standard:

Appropriate classification is determined and assoclated Protective Action Recommendations are made Preferred Evaluation Location: Preferred Evaluation Method:

Simulator 1 In-Plant X Perform -Simulate 2 References:

RP/O/B/IOOO/OI RP/O/B/I 000102 BASIS Document (Volume "A", Section "B" of the Emergency Plan)

Candidate: - Time Start:

NAME Time Finish:

Performance Ratinn: SAT -UNSAT ___ Question Grade - Performance Time -



Admin-403 Page 4 of 8 ToolslEsuiDmentlProcedures Needed:

RPlO/BllOOO/01 RPIOIB/1000102 BASIS Document (Volume " A , Section " Dof the Emergency Plan)


I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. Ali control room steps shall be performed for this JPM, including any required communications. 1 will provide initiating cues and reports on other actjons when directed by you. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


0800: Civil demonstration occurring at the World of Energy by anti-nuke activists.

0900: Security reports to the OSM that, one or more persons has been observed cutting their way through the double securiity fences. RP/01B/1000/007 (Security Event) is being used in conjunction with the Emergency Plan.

0905: intruders have been seen entering the SSF. Security has isolated the area around the SSF.

0910: Security reports that an explosion has occurred on the Keowee Dam and that water is beginning to leak through the dam in several places.

0930: Security reports that no additional bombs were found and that no additional intruders have been located.

NOTE: All three Oconee Units remain in MODE 1 at 100% power during this event.


You are to perform the required actions of the Emergency Coordinator by referring to RP/O/B/I000101, Emergency Classification and determining the emergency classification and any Protective Action Recommendation Admin-403 Page 5 of 8 START TIME:

1:- Classify the Event CRITICAL STEP STANDARD: Refer to RP/O/B/1000/01 (Emergency Classification) Enclosure (FiredExplosions and Security Action SAT Classify the event as a "Site Area Emergency" due to following:

Bomb detonated in Keowee Dam -UNSAT COMMENTS:

2- Determine Protective Action Recommendations STANDARD: Refer to RPlO/5/l000/002 (Control Room Emergency Coordinatoi -SAT Procedure) and GO TO Enclosure 4.2 (Site Emergency)


.-UNSAT IF It has been detemined that an Emergency Action Level for an Initiating Conditions has been met, THEN Declare a Site Area Emergency Time of Declaration: I I -SAT STANDARD: Determine Initiating Conditions have been met and Declare a Site Area Emergency due to:

Bomb detonated in Keowee Dam -UNSAT OR 0 Imminent lactuai failure of the Keowee Hydro dam Determine Time of Declaration is wesent tim COMMENTS

Admin-403 Page 6 of 8 STEP: Appoint a person to maintain the Emergency Coordinator Log OR maintain the log yoursel STANDARD: A person is appointed to maintain the Emergency Coordinator bog ar -SAT indicate that you will maintain the lo Cue: If asked, indicate someone is maintaining the Emergency Coordinator Lo UNSAT COMMENTS:

- Appoint Control Room Offsite Cornmunicatot(s).

STANDARD: A Control Room Offsite Communicator is appointe I SAT Cue: [basked, indicate a Control Room Offsite Communicator has been appointe COMMENTS:

__UNSAT Provide the Protective Action Recommendations from Enclasure 4.7, CRITICAL STE?

(Condition A I Condition B Response Action). Step 1.O, for use by the Offsite Communicator if a Condition A, Imminent or Actual Darn Failure, exist I SAT STANDARD: Enclosure 4.7, (Condition A I Condition B Response Action) is used to determine that the following protective action recommendations are given to Oconee and Pickens County: -UNSAT 1 . Provide the following recommendation for Emergency Notification Form Section 15 (3) Evacuate:

Move residents living downstream of the Keowee Hydro Project dams to higher groun . Provide the fdlowing recornmendationfor Emergency Notification Form Section 15 (D) Other:

Prohibit traffic flow across bridges identified on your inundation maps until the danger has passe Cue: If asked, inform the candidate that Keowee Darn failure is imminen COMMENTS:



STEP W Explanation 4 The candidate needs to be able to utilize the procedure and determine that a Site Area Emergency needs to be declare The candidate must be able to make recommendations to the local agencies as to what actions are necessary to protect the health and safety of the publi Admin-403 Page 8 of 8 CANDIDATE CUE SHEET (TO BE RETURNED TO EXAMINER UPON COMPLETiON OF TASK)


0800: Civil demonstration occurring at the World of Energy by anti-nuke activists.

0900: Security reports to the OSM that, one or more persons has been observed cutting their way through the double security fences. RPIOIBII0001007 (Security Event) is being used in conjunction with the Emergency Plan.

0905: Intruders have been seen entering the SSF. Security has isolated the area around the SSF.

0910: Security reports that an explosion has occurred on the Keowee Dam and that water is beginning to leak through the dam in several places.

0930: Security reports that no additional bombs were found and that no additional intruders have been located.

NOTE: All three Qconee Units remain in MODE 1 at 100% power during this event.


You are to perform the required actions of the Emergency Coordinator by referring to RPIOIBII000/01 Emergency Classification and determining the emergency classification and I

any Protective Action Recommendation (4)

(5) Requires NSD 228 Applicabiiity Determinatio Yes (New procedure or revision with major changes)

No (Revision with minor No (Toincorpor (6) Reviewed By L----

Reactivity Mgmt Review By (QR)NA- Date M p t Involvement Review By (Ops Supt) NA- Date (7) Additional Reviews Reviewed By Date Reviewed By Date Temporary Approval [if necessary)

BY (OSWQR) Date a/&

(10) Compared with Control copy Date compared With CORtPJl COP) Date Compared with C011~rolCopy Date (11) Date(s) Performed Work Order Number (WO#)

COMPLETION (12) Procedure Completion Verification:

81 Unit 0 0 Unit I 0 Unit 2 13 Unit 3 Procedure performed on what unit?

0 Yes 0 NA Check lists and/or blanks initialed, signed, dated, or filled in NA, as approp~ate?

c1 Yes c1 NA Required enclosures attached?

81 Yes c1 NA Data sheets attached, completed, dated, and signed?

Yes 17 NA Charts, graphs, etc. attached, dated, identified, and marked?

CB Yes 5 NA Procedure requirements met?

Verified By Date i. , Procedure Completion Approved Date (14) Remarks (Amch additionu[pages)

Duke Power Company Oconee Nuclear Site 010 Control Room Emergency Coordinator Procedure Electronic Reference N Reference Use OXOOZWOT I I

RP/O/nr/1000/ooa Page 2 of 8 ControI Room Emergency Coordinator Procedure NOTE: 'Thisprocedure is an implementing procedure to the Oconee Nuclear Site Emergency Plan and must be forwarded to Emergency Plaming witlun three (3) working days of approva I 1. Symptom Events are in proccss or have occurred which require activation of the Oconee Nuclear Site Emergency Pla . Immediate Actions The Operations Shift ManagerEmergency Coordinator shall use this procedure until relieved by the Station ManagedAiternate in the Technical Support Cente .1 General Emergency conditions are met, THEN GO TO Enclosure 4.1 (General Emergency). Site Area Emergency conditions are met, THEN GO TO Enclosure 4.2 (Site Area Emergency).

61 E Alert conditions are met, THEN GO TO Enclosure 4.3 (Alert). Unusual Event conditions are met, GO TO Enclosure 4.4(Unusual Event). E An Emergency Classification does exist and ERO Activation is desired, TaEN GO TO Step 1.6 of Enclosure 4.4 (Unusual Event).

3. Subsequent Actions I I NOTE: Actions are required to be followed in any particular sequenc .1 A SBLOCA or S t e m Generator Tube Leak exist, Implement Step 5.4, Emergency Worker Exposure Limits, of Oh@ 1-1 (Implementation Standard During Abnornial And Emergency Events).

RP/OWlloO0/002 Page 3 of 8 17 RIA 46 is on scale, Use Enclosure 4.3 of RP/O/B/1OOO/OO1, emergency Classification), to determine if the emergency classification should be upgraded to a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency based on radiation activit CJ 3.2.1 Instruct RP to perform an Offsite Dose Calculation and determine any additional Protective Action Recommendations.

65 .3 RIA 57 reads > 1.0 R/hr; 2 RZA 57 reads 21.6 Rhr; or 1 , 2 , 3 RIA 58 L- ,

reads 21.0 Rih Use Enclosure 4.1 or 4.8 of RP/O/B/lOQO/OOI, (Emergency Classification), to determine if the emergency classification should be upgraded to a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency based on radiation activity.

0 E RIA 16 OF 17 ardwere in Alert or FEgh Alarm (22.5 mWhr),

TKEN Instruct RP to perform an Offsite Dose Calculation using the RIA value .4.1 Use Enclosure 4.3 of RP/OW/1000/001, (Emergency Classification), and the Offsite Dose Calculation results to determine if the emergency classification should be upgraded to a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency based on dose projection at the site boundar .4.2 Determine any additional Protective Action Recommendation .5 E A large scale fire or flood damage has occurred or is occurring, TIIEN Use RP/0iBl1000/022, (Procedure For Site Fire Damage Assessment And Repair) and /or RP/OIB/1000/29, (Fire Brigade Response) to determine additional actions that may be required.

El A Security Event is in progress, TI1EN Use RP/O/B11000/OO7, (Security Event), to determine additional actions that may be required.

17 E A hazardous substance has been released, Use RP/0/B/1000/O17, (Spill Response), to determine addtional actions that may be require ~~~0/~~1000/002 Page 4 of 8 NOTE Priority should be placed on providing treatment for the most life-threatening event (Le.,

medical vs radiation exposure - OSC procedure RpIOIB11OOO/O11, (Planned Emergency Exposure). The Emergency Coordinator may authorize (either verbal or signature)

exposures greater than 25 rem E D E (Total Effective Dose Equivalent) for lifesaving mission .8 A medical response is required, THEN Use RP/O/1000/016, (Medical Response).

El 3. Document verbal approval of Planned Emergency Exposures required for lifesaving missions in the Control Room Emergency Coordinator Lo .9 Changing plant conditions require an emergency classification upgrade, TflEN GO TO the applicable enclosure, designated in the Immediate Actions section of this procedure, required for the appropriate emergency classificatio .1Q Announce over the Plant Public address System the following information:

0 3.1 The current emergency classification level and plant status UWAlertlSAWSE I3 3.1 If appropriate, the status of contamination and how people are to handle themselves:

Plant personnel should assume they are contaminated until surveyed by R P or until they have frisked themselve NO eating, drinking, or smoking until the area is cleared by RP Identify areas of contamination to plant personnel:

RP/0/s/1000/002 Page 5 of 8 NOTE: The Outside Air Booster Hans (Control Room Ventilation System - CRVS) are used to provide positive pressure in the Control Room to prevent smoke, toxic gases, or radioactivity from entering the area as required by NuReg 073 Chlorine Monitor Alarm will either stop the Air Booster Fans or will not alIow them to star .11 E There is an indication that smoke or toxic gases from the Turbine Building may enter the Control Roo Instruct Control Room personnel to turn on the Outside Air Bmster Fan Fans On __ Time: __

El 3.12 RIA-39 is in ALAFW, THEN Follow AP/112/3/1705/018, (Abnormal Release Of Radioactivity).

Fans On __ Time: __

0 Secure fans if back-up sample by RP shows RIA-39 is in erro E l Isolate source of airborne contamination to the Control Room if sample from RP shows RIA alarm is vali Secure fans if dose levels in CR/TSC/OSC are increased by the addition of outside filtered ai Fans Off - Time: -

NOTE: 1OCFRs0.54(q) allows for reasonable actions that depart from a License Condition or Technical Specification to be perfomed in an emergency when this action is immediately needed to protect the health and safety of the public and no action consistent with the License Condition or Technical Specification that can provide adequate or equivalent protection is immediateky apparen * lOCFR50.54 (y) requires approval of any lOCFR50.54(x) actions by a Licensed Senior Operator 3.13 Plant conditions require a decision to implement 10CFR50.54(x),

Perform the following steps:

I3 3.1 Document decision and actions taken in the affected unit's lo .1 Document decision and actions taken in the CR Emergency Coordinator Lo E! 3.1 Request CR NRC Communicator to report decision and actions taken to the NR [7 3.14 E Plant conditions require NRC notification under 106FR50.72, Request the CR NRC Communicator to provide this notification using the guidance in OMP 1-14, (Notifications).

3.15 The Emergency Response Organization was activated and a security event involving an inmsionhttempted intrusion does not exist, (41 I Provide turnover to the Technical Support Center using Enclosure 4.5 of this procedur Technical Support Center Activated __ The: m _

A. Tuna over all emergency response procedures in use to the TS w/O/s/noooiooz Page 3 of 8


NOTE: 0 After normal working hours, emergency response personnel will not report to the TSC or OSC until after the security threat has been neutralize The EOF Director will notify the Control Room Emergency Coordinator once the EOF is Operational and initiate turnove .16 I E The Emergency Response Organization was activated after normal working hours a security event involving an intmsiodatternpted intrusion does exist, THEN

.__ Provide turnover to the EOF Director using the following guidanc {4)

EI 3.1 Obtain the current copy of the Emergency Notification Form and plant statu A. Verify the following information being provided by the EOF Director to the Control Room Emergency Coordinato Present Emergency Classification Time of Classification __

Initial Emergency Classification Time of Classification __

Initiating ConditiodUnit(s) Affected:

0 Present status of affected unit(sf, including significant equipment out of servic Plant Condition: Improving - Stable - Degrading Status of affected unit(s):

Unit 1 shutdown at or at % Power Unit 2 shutdown ai or at % Power Unit 3 shutdown at or at % Power Equipment out of service:

Emergency Releases:

None - Potential - Is Occurring __ Has Occurred ~

0 Protective Action Recommendations:

None __

Oconee County:

Pickens County:

e Last Message Number ___ Next Message due at (time):

RP/o/B/1o0o/oo2 Page 8 of 8 El 3.1 Control Room Emergency Coordinator turnover to EOF Director complete EOF Activated Time e3 3.1 Direct NRC Communicator to notify the NRC Operations Center that the EOF is activate I 3.17 Ip An Unusual Event ciassification is being terminated, REFER TO Enciosure 4.6, (Emergency Classification Termination Criteria),

of this procedure for termination guidanc .1 Verify that the Offsite Communicator has provided termination message to the I offsite agencies.

NOTE: The EP Section shall develop a written report, for signature by the Site Vice President, to the State Emergency Preparedness Agency, Qconce County EPD, and Piskens County EPD within 24 working hours 67 3.172 Notify Emergency Planning Section (Emergency Planning Duty person after hours) that the UnusuaI Event has been terminate !3 3.1 Emergency Planning shall hold a critique following tennination of any actual Unusual Event.

4. Enclosures General Emergency Site Area Emergency Alert Unusual Event Operations Shift Manager to TSC Emergency Coordinator Turnover Sheet Emergency Classification Termination Criteria Condition NCondition B Response Actions ERO Pager Activation By Security References

Enclosure RP/O/B/1000/0(32 General Emergency Page 1 of 4 1. Immediate Actions NOTE: State and County Agencies must be notified of event classification within 15 minutes Qf Emergency Declaratio * Provide Offsite Communicator with declaration tim .1 It has been determined that an Emergency Action Level for an Initiating Condition has been met, Declare a General Emergenc Time of Declaration: Appoint a person to maintain the Emergency Coordinator Log maintain the log yousel are required at Ieast every Condition A, Dam Failure (Keowee or Jocassee), OR Condition B also requires notification of the Georgia Emergency Maiiagement Agency and National Weather Service. Remind the Control Room Offsite Conlmunicator to notify these agencies in addition to and after SC State, Oconee County, and Pickens Count .3 Appoint Control Room Offsite Communicator(?.). Provide the following Protective Action Recommendations for use by the Offsite Communicator to complete the Emergency Notification For RECOMMENDATION 1. IF Condition A, Imminent or Actual Dam Failure (Keowee or Jocassee)

exists, THEN REFER TO Enclosure 4.7, (Condition NCondition B Response Actions), Step 1.0, for additional Protective Action Recommendations,

Enclosure General Emergency Page 2 of 4 a fire in the Turbine Building, flooding conditions, security events (except those involving intrusiodattempted intnasion), or onsite/offsite hazardous materials spill have occurred or Activate the Emergency Response Organization @RO) by completing the following action . Activate ERO Pagers as follows:

NOTE: Flooding/dam failure/earthquake conditions assume bridges may be impassable to reach emergency facilities. Provide the code below for these condition I 5 E ERO activation for an Emergency (Blue Echo) is required, Press ERO Pager Activation Panel Button CI ERQ activation for an Emergency affecting bridges (Blue Echo Bridges) is required, THEN Press ERO Pager Activation Panel Button B E ERO activation for a Drill (Blue Delta) is required, THEN Press ERO Pager Activation Panel Button B ERO activation for a Drill affecting bridges (Blue Delta Bridges)

is required, THEN Press ERO Pager Activation Panel Button D E Aiternate TSCYOSC will be used, Press ERO Pager Activation Panel Button A Security Event is in progress, TIIEN Press ERO Pager Activation Panel Button . Wait one minute and repeat step 1. Enclosure RF/O/B/ 1OiWOO2 General Emergency Page 3 of 4 0 1. Monitor ERO Pager and verify that message has been provided to the ER . Repeat steps 1.6.1 - 1.6.3 if message is not displayed on ERO Page A. REFER TO Enclosure 4.8,(ERO Pager Activation By Security), if the Pager is not activated by the completion of Steps 1.6.1 - 1. . ERO activation is after n o m d working hours, Contact Security at extension 3636 or 230 Security Officer Name A. Request Security Officer to activate the CAN call list.

I WAFCNNG: Conducting Site Assembly during a Security Event may no; be pruden ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~


0 Contact the Security Shift Superviso . Inform the Security Shift Supervisor that the ERO has been activate . Discuss the need to conduct Site Assembl .8 -

IF A Security Event does exist,


OR A Security Event does exist and the Security Shift Supervisor agrees, TWEN Conduct Site Assembly per RP/0163/1000/009, (Procedure For Site Assembly),

Enclosure 4.1 and .9 -

IF Area Radiation Monitors are in ALARRI,


OR Steam Line Break has occurred, THEN Contact shift RP and dispatch onsitc monitoring teani NOTE: Remind the NRC Communicator to complete the NRC Event Notification Worksheet and Plant Status Sheet from O W 1-14 (Notifications).

  • An open line to the NRC may he require .10 Appoint a SRO to notify the NRC immediately after notificationhf the Offsite Agencies but not later than one (1) hour after declaration of the emergenc .1 NRC Communicator (SRO) Name

Enclosure W/OlS/lW/W2 General Emergency Page 4 of 4 NOTE: The NRC Communicator is responsible for activating ERD .1 Start the Emergency Response Data System @RDS) for unit(s) involved within one (1)hour of the emergency classificatio A. REFER TO RP/O(B/1000/003A, (ERDS Operation).

1.1 1 Evacuate all non-essential personnel from the site after personnel accountability has been reached 1.1 REFER T O RP/O/B/1oOO/OIO,(Procedure For Emergency Evacuation/

Relocation Of Site Personnel).

Kl 1.12 IE Condition A, Imminent or Actual Dam Failure (Keowee or Jocassee),


OR Condition B (Keowee) exists, REFER TO Enclosure 4.7, (Condition NCondition B Response Actions),

Step 2.0 or 3.0, for additional response action B 1.13 Return to Step 3.0, (Subsequent Actions), of this procedur Enclosure ~~0~/1000/002 Site Area Emergency Page 1 o f 4 1. Immediate Actions Emergency Declaratio CI It has been determined that an Emergency Action Level for an Initiating Condition has been met, Declare a Site Area Emergenc Time of Declaration: Appoint a person to maintain the Emergency Coordinator Log maintain the log yourself.

NOTE: Remind the Control Room Offsite Communicator that Follow Up notifications (updates)

are required at least every 60 Minutes for this classificatio Condition A, Dam Failure (Keowee or Jocassee), Condition B also requires notification of the Georgia Emergency Management Agency and National Weather Service. Remind the Control Room Offsite Communicator to notify these agencies in addition to and after SC State, Bconee County, and Pickens Count .3 Appoint Control Room Offsite Communicator(s). Condition A, Imminent or Actual Dam Failure (Keowee or Jocassee), exists, REFER TO Enclosure 4.7, (Condition NCondition B Response Actions),

Step 1.0,and provide Protective Action Recommendations to the Offsite Communicato i5)

NOTE: Steps 1.6 - 1.12 may be startedcompleted while the Emergency Notification Form is being prepared by the Offsite Communicato .5 Review and approve completed Emergency Notification For . Sign Emergency Notification For Enclosure w/oIB/1000/002 Site Area Emergency Page 2 of 4 NOTE: Activate the Alternate TSC and OSC in the Oconee Office Building, Rooms 316 and 316A, if a fire in the Turbine Building, flooding conditions, security events (except those involving intrusiodattempted intrusion), or onsitdoffsite hazardous materials spill have occum& or are occumn I41 El Activate the Emergency Response Organization @RO) by completing the following actioc . Activate ERO Pagers as follows:

NOTE: Floodingldam failudearthquake conditions assume bridges may be impassable to reach emergency facilities. Provide the code below for these condition ~

I CI W O activation for an Emergency (BlueEcho) is required,


THEN Press ERO Pager Activation Panel Button D E ERQ activation for an Emergency affecting bridges (Blue Echo Bridges) is required, Press ERO Pager Activation Panel Button gi ERO activation for a Drill (Blue Delta) is required,


THEN Press ERO Pager Activation Panel Button O E ERO activation for a Drill affecting bridges (Blue Delta Bridges)

is required, Press ERO Pager Activation Panel Button 4.

WARNING: Activating heAiternate TSC and OSC during security events involving an intlusiod D E Alternate TSC/OSC will be used,


THEN Press ERO Pager Activation Panel Button D E A Security Event is in progress,


THJCN Press ERO Pager Activation Panel Button . Wait one minute and repeat step 1. . Monitor ERO Pager and verify that message has been provided to the ER . Repeat steps 1.6.1 - 1.6.3 if message is not displayed on W O Page A. REFER TO Enclosure 4.8, (ERO Pager Activation By Security), if the ERO Pager is not activated by the completion of Steps 1.6.1 - 1. Enclosure RP/O/B/lCOO/002 Site Area Emergency Page 3 of 4 3 1. E ERO activation is after normal working hours, Contact Security at extension 3636 or 230 Security Officer Name A. Request Security Officer to activate the CAN call lis .7 Contact the Security Shift Superviso . Inform the Security Shift Supervisor that the ERO has been activate . Discuss the need to conduct Site Assembl cl IF A Security Event does NOT exist,


011 A Security Event does exist and the Security Shift Supervisor agrees, T Conduct Site Assembly per RP/0lB/1000/009, (Frocedure For Site Assembly),

Enclosure 4.1 and .9 E Area Radiation Monitors are in ALARM,

-OR Steam Line Break has occurred, Contact shift R P and dispatch onsite monitoring teams.

NOTE: Remind the NRC Communicator to complete the Plant Status Sheet from OMP 1-14 (Notifications).

61 1.10 Appoint an SRO to notify the NRC immediately after notification of the Offsite Agencies but not later than one (1) hour after declaration of the emergenc .1 NRC Communicator (SRO) Name 0 1.1 Start the Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) for unit(s) involved within one (1) hour of the emergency classificatio A. REFER TO RP/0/5/10001003A, (ERDS Operation)

Enclosure Site Area Emergency 0 1.11 Ip Condition A, Imminent or Actual Dm Failure (Keowee or Jocassee),


OR Condition B (Keowee) exists, REFER TO Enclosure 4.7,(Condition NCondition B Response Actions),

Step 2.0 or 3.0, for additional response actions.

61 1.12 Return to Step 3.0, (Subsequent Actions), of this procedur Enclosure RFY0/J3/~000/002 Alert Page 1 of 4 1. Immediate Actions Emergency Declaratio * Provide Offsite Communicator with declaration tim e It has been determined that an Emergency Action Level for an Initiating Condition has been me THEN Declare an Aler Time of Declaration: s_ Appoint a person to maintain the Emergency Coordinator Log maintain the log yourself.

NOTE: Remind the Control Room Offsite Communicator that Foilow Up notifications (updates)

are required at least every 60 minutes for this classificatio * Condition B for Keowee Hydro Project Dams/Dikes also requires notification of the Georgia Emergency Management Agency and National Weather Service. Remind the Control Room Offsite Communicator to notify these agencies in addition to and after SC 67 Appoint Control Room Offsite Communicator(s). Review and approve completed Emergency Notification For . Sign Emergency Notification For Enclosur~ RPIoiBI1000/002 Alert Page 2 of 4 NOTE: Activate the Alternate TSC and OSC in the Bconee Office Building, Rooms 316 and 316 a fire in the Turbine Building, flooding condi.tions, security events (except those involving intrusiodattempted intrusion), or onsitehffsite hazardous materials spill have occurred or ar I Q Activate the Emergency Response Organization (ERO) by completing the following action . Activate ERO Pagers as follows:

NOTE: Flooding/dm failurdearthquake conditions assume bridges may be impassable to reach emergency facilities. Provide the code below for these condition ~~ ~

I KI E ERO activation for an Emergency (Blue Echo) is required, THEN Press ERO Pager Activation Panel Button U E ERO activation for an Emergency affecting bridges (Blue Echo Bridges) is required, THEN Press ERO Pager Activation Panel Button u ERO activation for a Drill (Blue Delta) is required, THEN Press ERO Pager Activation Panel Button D ERO activation for a Drill affecting bridges (Blue Dclta Bridges)

is required, THEN Press ERO Pager Activation Panel Button D Alternate TSC/OSC will be used, THEN Press ERO Pager Activation Panel Button B E A Security Event is in progress, THEN Press ERO Pager Activation Panel Button B 1. Wait one minute and repeat step 1. B 1. Monitor ERO Pager and verify that message has been provided to the ER . Repeat steps 1.5.1 - 1.5.3 if message is not displayed on ERQ Page A. REFER TO Enclosure 4.8, (ERO Pager Activation By Secueity), if the ERB Pager is not activated by the completion of Steps 1.5.1 - 1. Enclosure RP/O/n/ 1000/m2 Alert Page 3 of 4 0 1. ERO activation is after normal working hours, Contact Security at extension 3636 or 230 Security Officer Name A. Request Security Officer to activate the CAN call list.

WARNING: Conducting Site Assembly during a Security Event may not be prudent 0 Contact the Security Shift Superviso . Inform the Security Shift Supervisor that the ERO has been activate . Discuss the need to conduct Site Assembl .7 -

IF A Security Event does exist,


OR A Security Event does exist and the Security Shift Supervisor agrees, Conduct Site Assembly per RpIoIB/1000/809, (Procedure For Site Assembly),

Enclosure 4.1 and a IF Area Radiation Monitors are in ALARM,


OR Steam Line Break has occurred, TI1EN Contact shift hcp and dispatch onsite monitoring teams Plant Status Sheet from OMP 1-14 (

0 Appoint an SRO to notify the NRC immediately after notification of the QFfsite Agencies but not later than one (1) hour after declaration of the emergenc B . NRC Communicator (SRO) Name

Enclosure izP/~5/I000/002 Alert Page 4 of 4 NOTE: The NRC Communicator is responsible for activating ERD . Start the Emergency Response Data System @RDS) for unit@)involved within one (1) hour of the emergency classificatio A. REFER TO RP/O5/1080/003A, (ERDS @=tion).

19 1.10 Condition B at Keowee exists, REFER TO Enclosure 4.7,(Condition MCondition B Response Actions),

Step 3.0, for additional response action E 1.11 Return to Step 3.8, (Subsequent Actions), of this procedur Enclosure ~p~Q113110w/002 Unusual Event Page 1 of 4 1. Immediate Actions NOTE: State and County Agencies must be notified of event classification within 15 minutes of Emergency Declaration.

I Provide Offsite Communicator with declaration tim I It has been determined that an Emergency Action Level for an Initiating Condition has been met, Declare an Unusual Even Time of Declaration:

67 Appoint a person to maintain the Emergency Coordinator Log maintain the log yoursel (updates) are required unless requested by the Offsite Agencie Condition B for Keowee Hydro Project Damsmikes also requires notification of the Georgia Emergency Management Agensy and National Weather Service. Remind the Control Room Offsite Communicator to notify these agensies in addition to and after SC State, Oconee County, and Pickens Count .3 Appoint Co~itrolRoom Offsite Communicator(?.).

!Il 1.4 Review and approve completed Emergency Notification For . Sign Emergency Notification For .5 E Condition B at Keowee exists, THEN REFER TO Enclosure 4.7, (Condition NCondition B Response Actions),

Step 3.0, for additional response action Enclosure w/0/B/i000/002 Unusual Event Page 2 of 4 0 Activate the Ninnate TSC and OSC in the Oconee Office Building, Rooms 316 &d 316A, if a fire in the Turbine Building, flooding conditions, security events (except those involving intrusiodattempted intrusion), or onsiteloffsite hazardous materials spills have 0 Emergency Response Organization (ERO) activation is desired, Complete the following action . Activate ERO Pagers as follows:

NOTE: Flooding/dam failureiearthquakeconditions assume bridges may be impassable to reach B E ERQ activation for an Emergency (Blue Echo) is required, Press ERO Pager Activation Panel Button O E ERR0 activation for an Emergency affecting bridges (Blue Echo Dridgcs) is required, Press ERO Pager Activation Panel Button u ERO activation for a Drill (Blue Delta) is required, TIIEN Press ERO Pager Activation Panel Button C3 ERO activation for a Drill affecting bridges (Blue Delta Bridges)

is required, TIEN Press ERO Pager Activation Panel Button O Alternate TSC/OSC will be used, THEN Press ERO Pager Activation Panel Button DE A Security Event is in progress, TBEN Press ERO Pager Activation Panel Button e7 1. Wait one minute and repeat step 1. . Monitor ERO Pager and verify that message has been provided to the ER Enclosure ~~i~wlrooolooa Unusual Event Page 3 of 4 e7 1. Repeat steps 1.6.1 - 1.6.3 if message is not displayed on ERO Page A. REFER TO Enclosure 4.8, W O Pager Activation By Security), if the ERO Pager is not activated by the completion of Steps 1.6.1 - 1. . IF ERQ activation is after normal working hours, Contact Security at extension 3636 or 230 Security Officer Name A. Request Security Officer to activate the CAN call lis ~

(A&NGFConductingSite Assembly during a Security Event may not be pruden El Contact the Security Shift Superviso . Inform the Security Shift Supervisor that the ERO has been activate . Discuss the need to conduct Site Assembl .8 The Emergency Response Organization is needed to assist with the Unusual Event emergency activities,

~ AND A Security Event does NOT exist,

-OR A Security Event does exist and the Security Shift Supervisor agrees, Conduct Site Assembly per RF/OW/1000/009, (Procedure For Site Assembly),

Enclosure 4.1 and . Document the decision to conduct Site Assembly in the Control Room Emergency Coordinator Lo .9 Area Radiation Monitors are in ALARM,

-OR Steam Line Break has occurred, TIIEN Contact shift RP and dispatch onsite monitoring team Enclosure ~~~Qm110001m2 Unusual Event Page 4 of 4 CI 1.10 Appoint an SRO to notify the NRC immediately after notification of the Offsite Agencies but not later than one (1) hour after declaration of the emergenc .1 NIRC Communicator (SRO) Name 0 1.1 1 Return to Step 3.0, (Subsequent Actions), of this procedur Enclosure KPIQIBI~000ioo2 Operations Shift Manager To TSC Emergency Page 1 of 2 Coordinator Turnover Sheet EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION TUlE DECLARED DESCRIFTKON OF EVENT Unit One Status:

Reactor Power RCS Pressure RCS Temperature Auxiliaries Being Supplied Power From ES Channels Actuated MAJOR EQUIPMENT OUT OF SERVICE JOBS IN PROGRESS Unit Two Status:

Reactor Power RCS Pressure RCS Temperature Auxiliaries Being Supplied Power From FS Channels Actuated MAJOR EQULPMENT OUT OF SERVICE JOBS IN PROGRESS Unit Three Starus:

Reactor Power RCS Pressure RCS Temperature Auxilianes Being Supplied Power From ES Channels Actuated M J O R E Q U P M N T O W OF SERVICE

~-~ ~


Enclosure 4 5 RP/OA3/1000/002 Operations Shift Manager To TSC Emergency Page 2 of 2 Coordinator Turnover Sheet Classification Procedure in Use:

RP/OW/1000/002 (Control Room Emergency Coordinator Procedure)

Is RP/5/B/1008/03A, (ERDS Operation) in use? Yes ~ No __ If Yes, Unit N ~

Step No. -

Is IPPIOIB/1000/~7,(Security) in use? Yes-No-..-- If Yes, Step No. ~

Is RP/O/B/1000/016, (Medical) in use? Yes __ NO __ If Yes, Step N ~

Is RP/O/B/1000/017, (Spill Response) in use? Yes p_ No - If Yes, Step N ~

Is Bp/OW/100O/022, ( F i r f l o o d ) in use? Yes ~ No ~ If Yes, Step No. ~

is RP/OB/IQ00/029, (Fire Brigade) in use? Yes -No __ If Yes, Step N ~

Is Step 5.4 of OMP 1-18 (Implementation Standard During Abnormal And Emergency Events) in use? * Yes m _ NO m_

  • If yes, implementation of emergency worker exposure limits must be announced over Public Address Syste (11


IF Condition A, Dam Failure, has been declared for Keowee Hydro Project, T Provide the following information to the TSC Emergency Coordinator:

+ Status of Offsite Agency Notifications

+ Recommendations made to offsite agencies

+ Status of relocation of site personnel What is the status of Site AssembIy? (This question is only applicable for those times that the Emergency Response Organization is activated after hours, holidays, or weekends.)

Next message due to Offsite Agencies at Time:

Operations Shift ManagerICR Time:

Emergency CoordinatorESC Time:

Enclosure RP/O/B11000/002 Emergency Classification Termination Page 1 of 1 Criteria


IF The following guidelines applicable to the present emergency condition have been met or addressed, An emergency condition may be considered resolved when:

~ 1. Existing conditions no longer meet the existing emergency classification criteria and it appears unlikely that conditions will deteriorate furthe ~ 2. Radiation levels in affected in-plant areas are stable or decreasing to below acceptable level _ I 3. Releases of radioactive material to the environment greater than Technical Specifications are under control or have cease __ 4. The potential for an uncontrolled release of radioactive material is at an acceptably low leve __ 5. Containment pressure is within Technical Specification requirement __ 6 . Long-term core cooling is availabl s__ 7. The shutdown margin for the core has been verifie __ 8. A fire, flood, earthquake, or similar emergency condition is controlled or has cease __I 9. Offsite power is available per Technical Specification requirement ~ 10. All emergency action level notifications have been complete __ 11. Hydro Central has been notified of termination of Condition B for Keowee Hydro Projec (21

+ REFER TO Section 6 of the Emergency Telephone Directory, (Kecwee Hydro Project DamDike Notification).

-12. The Regulatory Compliance Section has evaluated plant status with respect to Technical Specifications and recommends Emergency classification termination.

- ~ 13. Emergency terminated. Request the Control Room Offsite Communicator to complete Datellime Initial an Emergency Notification Form for a Termination Message using guidance in RP/O/IW/O15A, (Offsite Communications From The Contrbl Room), and provide information to offsite agencie + Return to Step 3.1 Enclosure Rp/0~/1000/002 Condition A/Condition B Response Actions Page I of 3 1. Condition A Response - Immediate Actions 0 1.11 E Condition A, Imminent or Actud Dam Failure (Keowee or Jocassee) exists, Perform the following actions:

a 1. Provide the following protective action recommendations to Oconee County and Pickens County for imminena/actualdam failur A. Provide the following recommendation for Emergency Notification Fom Section 15 (s) Evacuate:

1. Move residents living downstream of the Keowpee Hydro Project darns to higher groun B. Provide the following recommendation for Emergency Notification Form Section 15 @) Other:

I. Prohibit traffic flow across bridges identified on your inundation maps until the danger has passe El Return to applicable Enclosure (4.1or 4.2).

a 1. IF A General Emergency has been declared, THEN GO TO Step 1.5 of Enciosure 4.1, (General Emergency).

e 1. E A Site Area Emergency has been declared, TIIEN GO TO Step 1.5 of Enclosure 4.2, (Site Area Emergency).

2. Condition A Response - Subsequent Actions Notify Hydro Central and provide information related to the even . REFER TO Section 6 of the Emergency Telephone Directory, (Keowee Hydro Project D d i k e Notification). I21

' Relocate Keowee personnel to the Operational Support Center (OSC) if events occur where their safety could be affecte . IF Keowee personnel are relocated to the OSC, THEN Notify Hydro Centra REFER TO Section 6 of the Emergency Telephone Directory, (Keowee Hydro Project DamEXke Notification). (2)

Enclosure RpIo/B/1000/002 Condition A/Condition B Response Actions Page 2 of 3 NOTE: A loss of offsite communications capabilities (Selective Signaling and the Wide Area Network - 'IVAN) could occur within 1.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> after Keowee Hydro Dam failur Rerouting of the Fiber Optic Network through Bad Creek should be started as soon as possibl El Notify Telecommunications Group in Charlotte to begin rerouting the Oconee Fiber Optic Nehvor . REFER TO Selective Signaling Section of the Emergency Telephone Directory (page 9).

El Request Security to alert personnel at the Security TracklFiring Range and Building 8055 (Warehouse #5) to relocate to work areas inside the plant.

NOTE: Plant access road to the Oconee Complex could be impassable within 1.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> if the Keowec Hydro Dam fails. A loss of the Little River Dam (Newry Dam) or Dikes A-D will take ionger to affect this roa * PA Announcements can be made by the Control Room using the Office Page Override Make a PA Announcement to relocate personneI at the following locations to the World Of Energy/Operations Training Cente Oconee Complex Oconee Garage Oconee Maintenance Training Facility Dispatch operators to the SSF and establish communication .7 Return to applicable Enclosure (4.1 or 4.2).

a 2. IF A General Emergency has been declared, GO TO Step 1.13 of Enclosure 4.1, (General Emergency).

0 2. IF A Site Area Emergency has been declared, .

GO TO Step 1.12 of Enclosure 4.2, (Site Area Emergency).

Enclosure ~~~Qls/iooo/ooa Condition MCondition B Response Actions Page 3 of 3 3. Condition B Response - Immediate Actions 0 Condition B at Keowee exists,


THEN Notify Hydro Centra . REFER TO Section 6 of the Emergency Telephone Directory, (Keowee My&

Project DamDike Notification).

El Return to applicable Enclosure (4.1, or 4.2, or 4.3, or 4.4).

3 3. IF A General Emergency has been declared, GO TO Step 1.13 of Enclosure 4.1, (General Emergency).

L7 3. A Site Area Emergency has been declared, GO TO Step 1.12 of Enclosure 4.2, (Site Area Emergency).

13 3. E An Alert has been declared, GO TO Step 1.11 of Enclosure 4.3, (Alert).

3. E An Unusual Event has been declared, GO TO Step 1.6 of Enclosure 4.4, (Unusual Event).

( I Enclosure RP/o/B/1ooo/oo2 ERO Pager Activation By Security Page 1 of 2 1. Symptoms Activation of the ERO Pagers using the ERO Pager Activation Panel in the TSC was unsuccessfuL 2. Immediate Actions Activate the Emergency Response Organization (Technical Suppori Center, Operational Support Center, and Emergency Operations Facility) by completing the following actions.:

2. Contact Securit A. Dial 3636 (Dial 2309 if no response is received).

Security Officer Name 2. Read the following information to the Security Officer:

A. The Emergency Response Organization (Technical Support Center, Operational Support Center, and Emergency Response Facility) is being activated for an emergency relating to Unit # -.

B. Thisisa Blue Delta @rill) activation, This is a Blue Echo (Emergency) activation C. This is a Blue Delta Bridges (DriIl) activation, This is a Blue Echo Bridges (Emergency) activation 316A, if a fire in the Turbine Building, flooding conditions, security events (except those involving intrusiodattempted intrusion), or onsiteloffsite hazardous materials spills have occurred or are occurrin WARNING: Activating the Alternate TSC and OSC during security events involving an intrusion/ The Alternate TSC/OSC will be used

Enclosure ERO Pager Activation By Security Page 2 of 2 NOTE: The following step is only applicable during security event A Security Event is in progres I '

Enclosure 4.9 W/O/B/l OMWOO2 References Page 1 of 1 1. PIP 0-01-01395 2. PIP 0-01-03460 3. PIP 0-01-03696 4. PIP 8-82-01452 5. PIP 0-02-03705

NSD 703 (RO4-01) Duke Power Company (I)IDNa IW/0~~/1000/001 PROCEDURE PROCESS RECORD R~WORNO dEPhRATION (2) Station OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION (3) Procedure Title Emergency Classification (4) Prepared By Rodney Brown (Signature) . Date 03/29/2003 (5) Requires NSD 228 Applicability DetenNnation?

63 Yes (New procedure or revision with major changes)

No mevision with minor changes)

No (To incorporate pre (6) Reviewed By Cross-Disciplinary Review By Reactivity Mgmt Review By (QR)

(QR)NA&Date (QR-.-

Date Date



Mgmt Involvement Review By (Ops Supt) NA- Date (7) Additional Reviews Reviewed By Date Reviewed By Date Temporary Approval fixnecesfav)

BY (OShUQR) Date _ I BY (QW Date ___-

(9) Approved By __ .- Date ~&.dM---

PERFORhUNCE (Compare with control copy every 14 calendar days w i d e work is beingperformed.)

(IO) Compared with Control Copy-p Date Compared with Control Copy Date ~ -

Compared with Control Copy- - Date _ I _ __

(1 I ) Date(s) Performed ~-

work Order Number (WO#) _ i _ _ l -_ _--

COMPLETION ( I 2) Procedure Completion Verification:

gl Unit 0 0 Unit 1 Unit 2 0 Unit 3 Procedure performed on what unit?

c7 Yes eJ NA Check lists and/or blanks initialed, signed, dated, or filled in NA, as appropriate?

13 Yes 0 NA Required enclosures attached?

0 Yes 0 NA Data sheets attached, completed. dated, and signed?

Yes 0 NA Charts, graphs, etc. attached, dated, identified, and marked?

0 Yes 0 NA Procedure requirements met? Received

-.- Is Verified By

\ :.

m i,

(1 3) Procedure Compietion Approved _- - Dat (1 4) Remarks (Attach addifionalpagcs)

Procedure N Duke Power Company Bconee Nuclear Site Rp/0rn/l000/00~

Revision N Emergency Classification Electronic Reference N Reference Use 0x002w0s

RP/O/B/ I 000/00 1 Page 2 of G Emergency Classification NOTE: This procedure is an implcmenhg procedure IO the Oconee Nuclear Sile Emergency plan and must be fowaded 10 Emergency Planning within seven (7) working days ofapproval.

1. Symptoms This procedure describes the immediate actions to be taken to recognize and classify an emergency conditio .2 This procedure identifies the four emergency classifications and their corresponding Emergency Action Levels (EALs).

I .3 This procedure provides reporting requirements for non-emergency abnormal event .4 The following guidance is to be used by the Emergency CoordinatorEOF Director in assessing emergency conditions:

1. The Emergency CoordinatorEOF Director shall review all applicable initiating events to ensure proper classificatio . The BASIS Document (Volume A, Section D of the Emergency Plan) is available for review if any questions arise over proper classificatio . IF An event occurs on more than one unit concurrently, TIIEN The event with the higher classification will be classified on the Emergency Notification For A. Information relating to the problem(s) on the other unit(s) will be captured on the Emergency Notification Form as shown in RP/Q/B11000/015A, (Offsite Communications From The Control Room),

RPIO/B/1000/015B, (Offsite Communications From The Technical Support Center) or RF/OIB/1000/01SC, (Offsite Communications From The Emergency Operations Facility).

1. IF An event occurs, A lower or higher plant operating mode is reached before the Classification can he made, T The classification shall be based on the mode that existed at the time the event occurre RPIOBI 1OOO/OO 1 Page 3 of 6 1. The Fission Product Banier Matrix is applicable only lo those evenis that occur at Hot Shutdown or highe A. An event that is recognized at Cold Shutdown or iower shail no: be classified using the Fission Product Banier Matri . Reference should be made to the additional enclosures that provide Emergency Action Levels for specifis events (e.g., Severe Weather, Fire,Security). A transient even! should occur, T" Review :he following guidance:

1. IF An Emergency Action h v e l ( E L ) identifies a specific duration The Emergency CoordinatorEOF Director assessment concludes that the specified duration is exceeded or will be exceeded, (Le.;

condition cannot be reasonably corrected before the duration elapses),

Classify the even . E A plant condition exceeding EAL criteria is corrected before the specified duration time is exceeded, The event is NOT classified by that EA A. Review lower severity E N s for possible applicability in these cases could occur, for example, if a follow up evaluation of an abnormal condition uncovers evidence that the condition was more severe than earlier believe . IF A plant condition exceeding E L criteria is not recognized at the time of occurrence, but is identified well after the condition has occurred (e.g.; as a result of routine log or record review)

~AM) The condition no longer exists, TREN An emergency shall be declare RP/O/B/ 1OOO/OOI Page 4 of 6 1. IF An emergency classification was warranted, but the plant condition has been corrected prior 10 declaration and notification,

?HEN The Emergency Coordinator must consider the potential that the initiating condition (e.g.; Failure of Reactor Protection System)

may have caused plant damage that warrants augmenting the on shift personnel through activation of the Emergency Response Organizatio A. I_F An Unusual Everif condition exists, T Make the classification as require \ The event may be terminated in the same notification or as a separate termination notificatio An Alerf,Site Area Emergency, or General Emergency condition exists, Make the classification as required,


AND Activate the Emergency Response Organization 1.6 Emergency conditions shall be classified as soon as the Emergency CoordinatorEOF Director assessment deteniunes that the Ernergency Action Levels for the Initiating Condition have been exceeded.

2. Immediate Actions 2.1 Determine the operating mode that existed at the time the event occumd prior to any protection system or operator action initiated i n response to the even .2 The unit is a l Mot Shutdown iir higher AND The conditiodevent affects fission product barriers, GO rO Enclosure 4.1, (Fission Product Barrier Matrix).

2. Review the criteria listed in Enclosure 4. I , (Fission Product Barrier Matrix)

and make the determination if the event should be classifie RP/O/E/ 1ooo/ooI Page 5 of 6 Review the listing of enclosures to determine if the event is applicable to one of the categories show . IF One or more categories are applicable to the event, 2. THEN Refer to the associated enclosure . Review the EALs and determine if the event should be classifie An EAL is applicable lo the event, Classify the event as require .4 -

IF The condition requires an emergency classification, GO TO W/OIB/1OOO/OO2, (Control Room Emergency Coordinator Procedure) Subsequent Action .5 Continue to review the emergency conditions to assure the current classification continues to be applicable.

3. Subsequent Actions 3. I Continue to review the emergency conditions to assure the current classification continues to be applicabl RP/O/BI I 000/00 1 Page 6 of 6 4. Enclosures Enclosures Page Number 4. I Fission Product Barrier Matrix 7 System Malfunctions 8 Abnormal Rad LeveisRadioiogical Effluents io Loss Of Shutdown Functions 12 Eoss of Power i4 Fires/Explosions And Security Actions 15 Natural Disasters, Hazards, And Other Conditions Affecting Plant Safety 16 . Radiation Monitor Readings For Emergency Classification 19 UnexpectedlLJnplanned Increase In Area Monitor Readings 20 4.10 Definitions 21 4.1 1 Operating Modes Defined In Improved Technical Specifications 25 4.12 Instructions For Using Enclosure End, 2 KP/O/B, 4001 Fission Product Barrier Matrix Page 1 of 1 Loss ( 5 Points)

Average af the 5 highest Average of rhe S highest CETC capacity 2s indicalcd by a loss of CETC 2 1200" F L?B pressure decrease a i m increase rubemling 2 700' F CETC 2 700' F 2 I 5 m h u l c r with m

~ontainrneniprcsrurc or rump 3 vnlid KVU reading 0" t c w l nai conwtcnt with LOCA Vdrd RVLV rerd:ne o i 0 Coolant activiry 5 303 oCilml DEI R B prerrurc L 59 psig Failurc of rccaiidary ride o i SC c?B ICIYI~I an a direct opccing IO l l i c R D prersurc 5 10 ps8g and no n : P!C lcrkagc L 10 e ~ ~ v i r o n m ~wO/

KDCU or R U S gpm in thc same S G tRIAJ7158rcadlngL l.OlWd ]lours Since SD RIA57158 Rlhr Ilours Sinrc SD IUAS7158. lvlx Failurc of rccandaiy side of S t i ieiuiU i n a direci opening io the 0.< jQO/ISO 0- c b IS501F60 environment with P/S lcakagc 2 I O 2 RLA 54 reading 5 I.6 lvhr gpm in the athcr SG 2 RLA SN reading? 1.0 Whr 0.5.< XO/Ll) 0.5 < ? 4001195 m


Fceding SG with sccondrr, ride JRIA 57158 rcaCing2 I0 PJlu hilure from thc afkctcd unit 2.0 - /16 2.0 . 8 0 L 28011311 RCS plrrsurc spike 2 2750 psig Emcrgcncy CwrdiuarorlEOF Emergency Coordinalnr/EOF Emcrgcncy CoordioatorlEOF Dircctoi Emcrgcncy CmrdinatorlEOF Director iudmnenl 3ircclor judgme judgmcot Director iudmncnt


sm*wAm . * ,i+j33rQSNGYf7

!Q& 1.2. QPERATINC MODE: 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 I Loss of any two banicrs t Any poteniial Ioos or loss of the Fuel Clad

+ Loss oionc barrier and pmential loss of either I t Loss of any two banierr and potcntia! IOEI afthc third b a k r

+ Any polcnlial loss or loss 0i:hc RCS RCS or Fuel Clad U~rricrs t Loss of a!i lhrCC banicri I Porcntial IDIS ul both the RCS and Fuel C!ad SEE EMERGENCY TEl.EFI1ONE DIRECTORY SEE EMERGENCY TELEPHONE DIRECTORY NOTIFY 1.1. .NOTIFY I.Z.J,J 1 NOTIFY 12. I I NOTE: ~n event with multiple evenu could occur which would rcsult in the conciusiov that exceeding the IDISor potential lcss ihmhold is III.IMIh'ENT(i.e.. w h i n I-? hours) In this LMMWENT LOSS

, judgment and classify as if the thxsholds ste crceede ~ i t w t i o nuse

Enclr a RPIO/B/ 1 Systems 1 mctions Page 1 c h'PlANNED LOSS OF btOST OR ALL SAFETY SYSTEM A.Wm.INCUIION/

OPERATWG MODE: I, 2 . 3 . 4 M I C A T I C S IN COhTI(0L HOON (BD1 9 ) Unidcnlificd lcikage 2 10 ~ r n ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~

QPERATTNG MODE: I, 2. Unplanned loss of> IO% of the fallowing Prersurr houndary lrakape 2 IQgpm 4. I Unplonnrd loss of > 50% cf thc following annunciators on onc unit for> I S minulcs C Identified leakage 2 25 gprn annunciators on one unit for > I S minutes:

yni1, i %. 3 Units 1 JI 3 I SAI-9. 14-16, and 18 O N P U N N E D LOSS OF MOST OR ALL I SAI-9. 14-16,and 18 3 S A I - 9 . 14-16.and 18 SAFETY SYSTEM ANNUNCIATION/

INDICATION IN CONTHOL HOOM 3 SAI- 9. 14-16.and 18 2SAI.9. 14-16 2 S A I - 9 . 14-16

\ND Loss of iiinunciston liodicatorr rcqui:er \.2 A rignflmm Nanfirnr is in progrcss

\.2 addiliooal peisonncl (bcyond n o m i l shift ynirs 1 JI 2 complcmcot) to rrfcly operate die unit m I SAI-9. 14-16.aad 18 Loss of the OAC aod ALL PAM indiealionr 3SAI-9.14-16.zod18 w y!&-z 4. j Sign$/ironr plan1 rmnrienr i n propress m 2 S A I - 9 . 14-16 lnnbiliry Io dirrcrly nioniror any oiie o l thr QS following functions: b r r of rnnuociitom or indicators rcquirer l a s s of the OAC and ALL PAM sddirional personnel (bcyond n m r l shifl indicatims Subcnlicalily cornplemcnt) to rarely openie the unit Core Cwling Heat Sink 3, INABILITY T O REACII REQUIRED RCSIniegrily SHWTDOWN WITISIN LIMITS ( B D 16) Containment Integrity

= = = = = = = = = _ _ ~ = = = ~ L = _ 3 S = = = - ~ - ~ ~ RCS lnvcnrary QPERATLVG MODE : 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 Hcquircd operating mode no1 rcschcd within TS LCO action slatsmcnl time (COPITINLIED)





NOTIFY 1 . 2. 3. 4

Ilnclc 1 RPIOIBI ' 1 Systems 1 mctions Page 2 L f


Enclr .J RP/O/B .I Abnormal Rad Lev diologicnl Effluent Page I L


i_--l-_-PE-=L_=.-~=-__-i.-liiaii5i LIMITS FOR 60 MWLTJLS OR LONGER QPERATING MOD&: All S)PERATTNG MODE: All (nu 231 W i d reading on R I A 46 of 2 2.09E+O5cpm A Valid rrading on RIA 46 of 2 2.09E+06 cpm loi>15 rnicutca(SccNolc2) for 215 minutes iSec N o t 3 ) Valid reading on RIA 57 or 58 IS shown on R Vuldrcading on R I A 57 or 5R 8 %shuun un Enclorurc 4.8 (Sec Natc 2) E ~ ~4 a I(SCC~NOW ~3) ~ ~ c vase crlcuhtions result in a dare projection 21 3 Dore cillwlxions result in a ~ O E Cp r q m i o n 31 the xire boundary o f tbc rilr hotindory of 2 I00 mReiri TEUE or 500 ntRcn; CDE a d d l C I 2 1000 mRcm TEDE thyroid D Firld rurvcy rcsul~sindicatc Jilr bout3dov dore C 2 2 5000 n@cm CDE aauir lhyruid rates rxcccding 51 00 mRadlhr crpccted 10 t more thm one hour

~ o r i i i n u fo: 3 Field ru:vcy r e s u l ~iodicaie boundo? dose rater ercccdiiig 2 1000 mRadihr crpcctcd to Q! continue fog mor< than one hour ~ n a l y i e of s Geld rurvcy rrmplcs indicate adult NOTE I : U monitor reading i s sustained thyroid dore c o d t m e i i t of 2 500 mRem LE for the time p e 6 d iodicakd in the EAL KADIATION LEVELS THAT IMFEDES C D E (3.84 E" WCilrnl) for M C hour of >.I Analyrcr of field survey samplcr mdicatc adult the required aiiessmcnts (proccdun inhalalion thyroid dore commitment of2 5 W O mRcm crlculrtionr) cannot bc cornpletcd within this pchcd declaration must be made on thc CDE for DOC hour of mhalation TO ESTAULISFI ORMAINTAIN COLD SHUTDOWN (BD 30)

mpletcd u,ithin I S minuter. lhcn Ihe QPERATWNG M O D E All NOTE 2 : If actual Dose Asscsrment c a m o i b e cornplcted within I S minutes. then the W i d radi3tion reading 2 I 5 mRadhr in C volidradiatian monilor reading should be CAS. or, Rsdwartc CR used for emc:gency clarrificauon Unplanndluncxpectcd volid arc8 monitor readings cxcecd limits stateti in Enclosure (CONTINUED1 tENDJ (CONTINLFDI INITIAL NOTIl~ICATlONREQUlKEhlEhTS: NITIAL NOTIFICATION REQlIIW.hiEF.lS ISITIAL NOTIFICATION REQIJIRULENTS SEE:EMERGENCY TLLEPIiONE DIRECTORY ;E EhlERGENCS TELEPIIONE LJIRECTOHV SEE EMERGESCY TELEPHONE DIRECTORY 4OTlFY I. 1.2. 4 MOTIFY 1. I NOTIFY I.2. I, 4 NOTIF? I,3 . 3 , 4

Enclr KPIOIB' I Abnoranai Rad Levc d o l o g i c a l Effluent Page 2 c LOSS OF W A T E K LEVEL N TKE I'





,A ::'5 not rcading 14" and dccrearing with mikcup kccpiag up with l w t a g e m fuel i o thc

~ P E R A T ~ MODE: C; All Failure o l heat sink causes loss of Cold Shtitdoun condition Valid RIA 3. 6.41. OR 49 IIIGK Alarm Uncotirrollrd waler level decrease in the SW m I, HIGH Alan11 lor porrabtc a m monitors on thc and fucl ninricr c8nd with 811 irradiatd fuel main bridge or SFP bridge assemblies remaining cowrcd by watcr LT5 indicates 0 inches allcr initiation o l RCS makeup I rn radiation reading at one foot away from : Report of visual ohserration of irradiated fuel uncavcred Failurc of heal sink CEUSCI loss of Cold a damaged rtoragc cask located a1 the lSFSl Shutdown condition j! IJoiidarea monitor readings cxcceds lim'ts rtaed in Enclosutc ). Opcraton dctrmine water level drop in cithcr the SFP or l J e l lranrfer canal will exceed makcup capacity such that irradiated fuel will be uncurcred m Either train ulmsonic lcvcl indicstioe l c s than 0 inrhcr and decreasing after initialvx of RCS makeup (END!

Functions). High ndiarion levels will also be seen with this conditio <END)




NOTIFY I , 2.3, I I YOTIPY 1.2,3,4

- NOTIYY 1.1. End 2 Loss of Shutdown Functions FAII.UKE OF RPS 1'3COhlPLETE OK MITIATE A Rx SCRAM (BD 19) INITKATE A Rr SCRAM (BD 4 2 ) AUTOMATIC SCRAM A N D M A N U A L SCRAM NOT SUCCFSSRlL W T H INDICATION OF C O N DAhZACE YPERATING MODE 1 . 2 . 3 OPEIUTMG h l 0 P . E I . 2 (UD 45) Valid reactor uip signal received cr required Valid renclor [rip signal received or required WTTIIOUT aulornatic scram OPEMTKNG M O D E WTRlOllT a~lomaticscram rn ALQ Valid Rr Uip signal rcccivcd 01 required WlTIIOUT auiom3tic scram A. DSS has inrcncd CnaVcl Rod Groups 5.6. 7 DSS has mscncd ConlPol Kod croups 5 . 6 . 7 rn p1!

A, Mmual trip from :hc Coouol R w m is Manual h p from thc Canlrol Raom was ALQ rucccsrlul in reducing r e i ~ l o power i 10 c S%

succcrsful and reactor pQuTr is less lhrn 5% m d decreasing and dccreasinp Manual trip from [he Control Room was l Q T INADILITY TO hlAINTAIN PLANT IN successful to reducing r61clor power 10 less than 5% and decreasing !gQ COLD SWUT'DOWN (RD 41)

A 3 Arcragc of ihe 5 higher1 CETCr 21200" F o n QPERATlh'G &LQ,L& ICCM 4. I Loss of LPI and/or LPSW OPERATING MODE: :, 2 . 3 , 4 Inability 10 maintain RCS tcmperaturc Avenge olihc 5 liigtcrc CETCr 2 1 2 W F below 200" F as indicated by cilher of the shown oii ICCM (END)

following: Unabic 10 maintain reactor subsnlical A. RCS lempcrrlure a1 the LPI Pump Suction SSF kcding SG pcr EOP SIB A. Avenge of rhe 5 highal CETCr as (CONTINUED1 iodiralrd by ICCM display A. m Visual obrcrvarion (END1 INITIAL NOT:FISATIUV KEQLllHEhlENTS INITIAL NOTIFICATION REQUl RELIENTS STE FhIERGESCY T E L E F l l O Z OIKECTOXY WE EMERGENCY TELEPHONE DlRL(TOKY


iOTlFY 1.2. NUTlFY I , 2. 3, J YOTlFY 1, I , 3 . 4

EKlClL J RPIO/B/. J O O 1 Loss of Shutdown Functions Page 2 of 2 I.OSS OF \VATER LF,VEL I3 T H E DPERATLWC MOD% 5 . 0 Failure olhcnl sink cituIcs losf Of Cold Shuldawo condiiinnr LT-5 indicates 0 inches afler inilialion of RCS Makcup Failurc of heal rink CIUSCI 101s of Cold Shuldou'n condilionr AND Eilher train uILmonic lcvcl i n d i d m lcss lhan 0 inches and decreasing aflcr illilialion of RCS makcup (END)






I f . l l S aF

_.__ .,. AI.L OFFSITE .\C



?"AN I5 MLnRlTFS @D 4 7 )

i - C)PElthTmPiCMODE : All QPERATmG bIODE: 5 . 6 OPERATING h l n I , 2. !1; ,,\.I Loss of all uflsitc AC power to both the Red and Yellow Russer for > I5 ~ n u t c r

,.I a2 Dcfuclcd MFB I m d 2 de-energized a MPB I and 2 de-eacrgizd 1 :\a ~ . l Faililrc to rcstorc powcv IOat Icast nne MFB

..2 Failure 1" reSt"rC power to S I least 0°C MFD within I5 rninutCS lrom thc time of loss Of 1 i2 L h t nusiliaficr arc k i n g supplied from Kcowee or CTS within I S minuler from the lime of loss Of both affsitc and onsite AC power bath offrite and L'nSitE AC powcr I! LOSS OF ALL VITAL DC P O \ W R


! POWER FOR G R E A T E R T ~ ~ AISN SINGLE SOURCE FOR G N A T E R TKAN l; MINUTES (nu 48) 15 MINIITES (BD 50) gPERATmG MODE: I . 2, 3 . 4 ij QPERATLNG MODE: 5 . 6 Q ) 1.2. A. I Gnplminrd l o s o f vilol f>C powcr 10 rcquircd II)

DC busses 8 %indicated by bus vo:trgc less than

,\ I Linplonrcrd 10s o i vim1 DC power to rqi:ircd ,. AC pcwer capability has been degraded to a I10 vnc DC: burrcr IS indicated by bur \,altlec less rjnglc power s ~ i l r c elor > I5 minutes due 10 the t t m n 110 VDC 13s c l PI! but Onc of: rn unit NOKIMI Transformer Failure to restore pawcr to at l a s t o n e requircd Unit SU Transformer DC bus within I S minutes from thc l i m e of 1x1 l


.I A 2 Fatlure IO restorc power to at least one required DC hus within 15 mioutcs from thc time of loss Another Unit SU T;ailsfumler cT4 cTS (ESD)



~ NOTIFY I. 1. 3 , 4

.%- ---

+OTIFT 1.2, 3, 4

'4CTIFY I. I, 3. 4


ESTAULISlllhlAINT.4~SAFE SIIUTDOI\%' Kill 5 9 ) Q P E I U T I N G MyTa, All Q.kZR4TIh'G MODE: AI1 N O T E Wilhm the plant means shall be urcd in ccnjuncuon with PII Turbinc Buildiog. Auxiliary Buildin security relatcd emergency clusificationr NOTE: Only one lmin of a rystcrn needs lo Rcactor Buildinn. Keowcc Hvdr be aficctcd or damaged in order 10 satisfy this coodilio Are wilhio rhe plant 001 crlioguishcd within rnrrurion in10 any oithe fcllowinp: plan1 areas Loss of physical conV0l of the conlrd rwm 15 minurcr uicoowol R m m notification or A. 1 Firc/explosionr hy a hostile farce: due 10 recurtty even1 vedficrtion of a Canlral R m m d a m Rcaclor Building m A " x i ! i q Duilding Loss ofphysical control of the Adx Shutdo-Llnaniicipalcd rrplosion willtin Lhc plrnl Keowuce Hydro panel and 1hc SSFduc 10 a Secunly Event A. Aficcrcd safcly.relutcd ryrlem parirnctcr rcrukinp m virible donmge to permancnl indications show dcgradcd pcrformance rrruciurc~icquipmcnl PE Bomb delonalcd in any of the iallawinf arras (END)

  • Kcowe Hydro A. I .l Plant pcrSOnnc1 rcpar~\visiblr donurge 10 KcaveeDm pcmancnl s ~ u c t ~ ~or r cequipmcnt s ISFSl DEGRADATION lNTIiE LEVEL OF required for sale rhuldow Rcaclor Building SAFETY OF PLArNT CUD 58)


- Auxiliary lluilding SSF (END)

QPERnTlNG MODE: All Evcni). shall bc used i n Cmjunclion wilh a11 sccuntv rclatcd cmerecncv clarrificalions NOTE: RPIOIBI:0001W7. (Securirj Evenl).

rhsll bc used in cmjunciian with all security related emcrgcncy classifications.

, Discovery of bomb within plro1 profccrrd arcs ~

and outside security vital arczs lrwusion 1010 plant proiec:cdarro by a hvslile HorrogdDmrrion silvalioll rarcc Violenrcivil Cisturbancc within lhe owner ~ o m discovcrcd b io an m a containing safety conwollcd area related cquipmenl (END)



QPERATING MOD& All QI'ERATING MODE: All QPERATINC MODE: All Trcmoi f e l l and seismic Irigzcr ~ c l u i l c s(0.0Sg: Control R w m e v a ~ u a l i o nhas k e n inilialcd Emergency CoordinalorIEOF Oireclo:

Tremor fell and vnlidalmn 00 lhe strong Tornado. high winds. missiles ruulling from judgmcnl indicalcr moiion nccclemgaph lurbine failure. vchiclc crashes. or clhcr carasvcphic even1 m

A. AcluaV~mmiaenlrubrwn1ial COT^

Tomsda rlriking wilhin Prorscrrd Area rn Ccolral of lhc plan1 canna?[ br established frolr degradalion with potenlial for loss 01 Daundary Ihc Aur Shutdown Pans1 or Ihe SSF wilhin 15 conlainrnenl minutes occdr 10 be affcckd or darnngcd io ordcr lo Vchielc crash in10 plant structur&systcms ratisfv lhesc condition . KEOWEE HYDRO DAM FAILURE m

within Ihc Prorrrrcd Area Boundary mn qfi)

A. I .2 Polenlial for unco,trrollrd Turbine failorc rcsulliog in casing pesemlion radioiluclidc releases that would or damage 10 lurbine or gcneraror scds B. Visible damgc to pcnancnl rerull in a dose projcaioo PI the PPERATING kf 0 D Q All SVUC~II~CS or cquipmcnl rcquircd for s i l t boundary p a l e r than 1000 mRcm rafc rhuldown of lbe m i l TEDE or SO00 mRcm CDE Add1 Thymid IrmnioenVic1usl dam failure includes any of (COlrTINUED) lhc following:

B.1.2 Affected safely ryrlcm panmclcr * Kcowec Hydro Dam (END)

indicaliocr show degraded * Little River Darn perlormmrc * Dikes A. D. C. or D



Q P E M T I N C hlODQ All OPERATING MODE: All Repoddcicciion of loxic p s c s in A Emergency CoodinatodEOF Director cmccnlralions lhal will Sc life-lhreaaning 10 judgmcnl plan1 personnel RcporUderrction olflammable gascr ill (END)

coaccntntionr [ha1will affccl the safe


opcratioo of the plml:

Rcscror Building


  • A u x i t i a ~Duilding Turbine nuilding Control Rmm (CONTIlrVED)



Enclr i RPIQIBI' 1 Natural Disasters, Hazards and QL. 'onditions Affecting Plant Safety Page 2 G PIIENOMENA AFFECTING KEOWEE IIYDRO (nD 661

_ = = l i j s = ~ = = = = E s r = = = _ - = = = ~ = ~ ~ ~

OPERATING MODE: All Q P E M T I N G MO DE: All T u r b i x Building fload irguiring use of A Rcrcrvoir elev31mn 2 804 feci with all sptliwuay AP!I,2,3/MVL700/10. (Turbine Building Rad1 g a m opcn and thc lakc ~htwtim conrinu~sla rise 4, CONTROL ROOM EVACUATION HAS nem LNITMTED (nu 7s)

1; Secpage rcadingr ~ ~ C ~ C BorP dccreacc C gcatly or rccpagc water i s carrying a significant a m o m of soil pariiclcs 9 A.II Evacuation 0:Conuol Room c New i i c a of recpagc or w m c s s . with large nrnounu of rcrpagc watcr obrcrved an da NQ OhT OFTKE FOI,LOWlNG:

dam toe. or the abutrnccts a 2 Sltdc or other rnovcme~tof the dam or A. I,I Plant contrul KS crtablirhcd from tllc Aur abuimeols which could develop inlo a failure shutdown Panel or the SSF E Dcveloping hilure involving the powerhouse or appurtenant 11muctutc1and the operator helievcs A. Phot control IS DEIA'G establirhed Irom i h c safety o f i h c smcturc is qucrtiooahle the Aur Shutdown Parcl or SSF RELEASE OF T O X l C O R FLAMMABLE O T H E R CONDITIONS WARRAPIT GASES DEEhlED D E T I U h l E N T A L T O CLASSIFlCATlON O P AN ALERT SAFE OPERATION OF T H E PLANT (DD 7 4 )

(BD 671


~ P E R A T K N GM O D E : r\ll OPERATING MODF6 All Emcrpcncy Coodinator judgment indicates A RcporU'dclcclion uf loxic or flammable gases chat:

that could c n t u within the si:e area boundary in imauots rhal can affect normal operation of the A. Plant r a f ~ r ymry bc dcgndcd

,,..101 II Rcpori by CocsI. county. s a t e officials fat m

potcntirl cv~cvationof sitc pcrrannel hascd on h I2 Increased moniroring ofplani functianr oifwc C V ~ N is warranicd (END)







1 QPERATING MOUE: All Emergency Cwrdmitor d e t c n n c s potential dcpdation ol lcvcl of safcly has occurrcd (END)



End, 2 Rp/O/B! J/OO I Radiation Monitor Headings for Emergency Classification Page 1 of 1 THEN The valid monitor rea REACTOR TRIPPED

' RIA 58 is partially shielded Assumprions used for calculation of high range in-containment monitors RIA 57 and 58: Average annual meteorology (7.308 E 6sec/m3) Design basis leakage (5.6 E6mllhr) One hour release duration 4 . General Emergency PAGs are I rem TEDE and 5 rem CDE; Site Area Emergency determination is based on 10% of the Generul Emergency PAGs 5 . Calculations for monitor readings are based on CDE because thyroid dose is limiting 5. No credit is taken for filtrarion 7. LOCA conditions are limiting and provide the more conservative reading

End, - RP/O/Bt JOO1 Unexpected/Unplanned Increase In Area Monitor Readings Page I of 1


NOTE: This Initiating Condition is not intended to apply to anticipated temporary increases due to planned events (e.g.; incore detector MONITOR NUMBER UNUSUAL EVENT 1000~

KIA S Hot Chemist RIA 13, Waste Disposal Sink Elevation 77 i


NOTE: RL4 15 normal readings are approximately 9 niRadihr on a daiiy basis. Applying IOOOx normal readings would put this monitor greater than 5000 mKadihr just for an U m ~ ~ Even n l For this reason, an Unusual Event will be declared for a reading less than 5000 mRadh Enclosure 4.10 RP/O/BI i ooo/oa I DefinitionslAcronyms Page 1 of 4 1. List of Definitions and Acronyms NOTE: Definitions are italicized throughout procedure for easy recognitio J ALERT - Events are in process or have occurred which involve an actual or potential substantial degradation of the level of safety of the plant. Any releases are expected to be iimited to small fractions of the EPA Protective Action Guideline exposure level I .2 BOMB - A fused explosive device CONDITION A - Failure is Imminent or Has Occurred - A failure at the dam has occurxd or is about to occur and minutes to days may be allowed to respond dependent upon the proximity to the dar .4 CONDlTlON I$ - Potentially Hazardous Situation is Developing - A situation where failure may develop, but preplanned actions taken during certain events (such as major flood earthquakes, evidence of piping) may prevent or mitigate failur .5 CIVIL DISTURBANCE - A group of ten (10) or more p o p l e violently protesting station operations or activities at the sit .G CREDIBLE THIWAT -'The deternunation of what is a credible threat to the site will be the responsibility of Security Managddesignee in consultation with the OSM. The deternunation of "credible" is made. through use of information found in the Oconee Nuclear Station Safeguards Contingency Plan and Security implementing procedure .7 EXPLOSION - A rapid, violent, unconfined combustion, or a catastrophic failure of pressuiiz.ed cquipment that impaits energy of sufficient force to potentially darnage permanent stmctures, systems, or components. A sudden failure of a pressurized pipelline could fit this definition. This definition includes MS line rupture and FW line rupture .8 EXTOlWION An attempt to cause an action at the station by threat of forc .9 FIR3 - Combustion characterized by heat and light. Sources of smoke. such as slipping drive belts or overheated electrical equipment, do NOT constitutefires. Observation of flames is preferred but is NOT required i f large quantities of smoke and heat are observe .10 GENERAL EMERGENCY - Events are i n process or have occurred which involve actual or imminent substantial core degradation or melting with potential for loss of containment integrity. Releases can be reasonably expected to exceed EPA Protective Action Guidelines exposure levels outside the Exclusion Area Boundar Enclosure 4.10 RP/O/B/1000/001 Definitions/Ac ronyms Page 2 of 4 1.11 HOSTAGE - A person or object held as leverage against the station to ensuredemands will be met by the station.

1.12 INTRUSIONIINTRUDER - Suspected hostile individual present in a Prorected Area without authorization.

1.13 INABILITY TO DIRECTLY MONITOR - Operational Aid Computer data points are unavailable or gaugeslpanel indications are NOT readily available to the operator.

1.14 LOSS OF POWER - Emergency Action Levels (EALs) apply to the ability of electrical energy to perform its intended function, reach its intended equipment. Ex.- If both MFBs, are energized but ail 4160v switchgear is not available, the electrical energy can not reach the niotors intended. The result to the plant is the same as if both ME% were de-energized 1.15 PROTECTED ARTSA - Encompasses all Owner Controlled Areas within the security perimeter fence.

1.16 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM (RCS) LEAKAGIS - RCS Operational Leakage as defined in the Technical Specification Basis B 3.4.13:

RCS leakage includes leakage from connected systems up to and including the second normally closed valve for systems which do not penetrate containment and the outermost isolation valve for systems which penetrate containmen Identified LEAKAGE, LEAKAGE to the containment from specifically known and located sources, but does not include pressure boundary LEAKAGE or controlled reactor coolant pump (RCP) seal leakoff (a normal function not considered LEAKAGE LEAKAGE, such as that from pump seals, gaskets, or valve packing (except RCP seal water injection or leakoff), that is captured and conducted to collcction systems or a sump or coilecting tank; LEAKAGE tluough a steam generator (SGj to thc Secondary System: Primary to secondary LEAKAGE must be included in the total calculated for identified LEAKAG . Unidentified LEAKAGE All I.I3KAGE (except RCP seal water injection or leakoff) that is not identified LEAKAG Pressure Boundarv LEAKAGE LEAKAGE (except SG LEAKAGE) through a noriisolable fault in an RCS component body, pipe wal or vessel wal .17 RUPTURED (As relates to Steam Generator) - Existence of Primary to Secondary leakage of a magnitude sufficient to require or cause a reactor trip and safety injectio .1s SA5OTAGE - Deliberate damage, mis-alignment, or mis-operation of plant equipment with the intent to render the equipnlent unavailable

Enclosure 4.10 RPIOIB/1000/001 Definitions/Acronynns Page 3 of 4 1.19 SAFETY-RELATED SYSTEMS AREA - Any area within the Prorectedarea which contains equipment, systems, components, or material, the failure, destruction, or release of which could directly or indirectly endanger the public health and safety by exposure to radiation.

1.20 SIGNIFICANT PLANT TRANSIENT - An unplanned event involving one or more of the following:

(I) Automatic turbine runback>25% thermal reactor power (2) Electrical load rejection >25% full electrical load (3) Reactor Trip (4) Safety Injection System Activation 1.21 SITE AREA EMERGENCY - Events are in process or have occurred which involve actual or likely major failures of plant functions needed for the protection of the public. Any releases are NOT expected to result in exposure levels which exceed EPA Protective Action Guideline exposure levels outside the Exclusion Area Boundary.

1.22 SELECTED LICENSEE COMMITMENT (SLC) -Chapter 16 of the FSAR 1.23 SITE BOUNDARY - That area, including the Protected Area, in which DPC has the authority to control all activities including exclusion or removal of personnel and property (1 mile radius from the center of Unit 2).

I .24 TOXIC GAS - A gas that is dangerous to life or health by reason of inhalation or skin contact (e.g.; Chlorine).

1.25 UNCONTROLLED - Event is not the result of planned actions by the plant staff.

1.26 UNPLANNED - An event or action is UNPIANNED if it is not the expected result of nornial operations, testing, or maintenance. Events that result in corrective or mitigative actions being taken in accordance with abnormal or emergency procedures are UNPLANNE I .27 UNUSUAL EVENT - Events are in process or have occurred which indicate a potential degradation of the level of safety of the plunt. No releases of radioactive material requiring offsite response or monitoring are expected unless further degradation of safety systems occur .28 VALID - An indication or report or condition is considered to be VALID when it is conclusively verified by: (1) an instrument channel check; or, (2) indications on related or redundant instrumentation; or, (3) by direct observation by plant personnel such that doubt related to the instruments operability, the conditions existence, or the reports accuracy is removed. Lmplicit with this definition is the need for timely assessmen I .29 VIOLENT - Folre has been used in an attempt to injure site personnel or damage plant propert Enclosure 4.10 RP/O/B/1000/001 Defilii tions/Acronyms Page 4 of 4 1.30 VISIBLE DAMAGE -Damage to equipment or structure that is readily observable without measurements, testing, or analyses. Damage is sufficient la cause concern regarding the continued operability or reliability of affected safety structure, system. or componen Example damage: deformation due I O heat or impact, denting, penetration. ruptur Enclosure 4.11 RP/o/B/ I 000/001 Operating Modes Defined In Improved Page 1 of I Technical Specifications MODES REACTIVTf CQNDmQN REACTOR COOLANT TEMPERATURE (Ked 20.99-s0.99 4.99 Hot Shutdown (b) c. 0.99 250 > T > 200 Cold Shutdown (b) < 0.99 NA (a) Excluding decay hea (b) All reactor vessel head closure bolts fully tcnsionc (c) One or more reactor vessel head closure bolts less than fully tensioned

Enclosure 4.12 RPIQIR/~OOO/OO I Instructions For Using Enclosure Page I of 2 1. Instructions For Using Enclosure 4.1 - Fission Product Barrier Matrix If the unit was at Hot SID or above, (Modes I , 2, 3, or 4) and one or more fission product baniers have been affected, refer t o Enclosure 4.1, (Fission Product Barriel Matrix) and review the criteria listed to determine i f the event should be classifie . For each Fission Product Barrier. review the associated EALs to determine if there is a Loss or Potential Loss of that barrier. Circle any that apply.

NOTE: An event with multiple events could occur which would result i n the conclusion that exceeding the loss or potential loss thresholds is imminent (i.e. within 1-3 hours). In this situation, use judgement and classify as if tlie thresholds are exceede .2 Three possible outcomes exist for each banier. No challenge, potential Loss. or los Use the worst case for each b m i e r and the classification table at the bottom of the page to detemune appropriate classificatio .3 The numbers in parentheses out beside the label for each column can be used to assist in deteimining the classification. Eno EAL is met for a given barrier, that barrier will have 0 points. The points for the columns are as follows:

Potential I.,oss Loss Containment Potential Loss 1. To determine the classification. add the highest point value for each bamer to determine a total for all barriers. Compare this total point value with the numbers in parentheses beside each classification to see which one applie . Finally as a verification of your decision. look below the Emergency Classification you selected. The loss andor potential loss EALs selected for each bsmer should be described by one of the bullet statement Enclosure 4.12 RPIOIBI !OOOiOO 1 Instructions For Using Enclosure Page 2 of 2 EXAMPLE: Failure to properly isolate a 'B' MS Line Rupture outside containment, results in extremely severe overcoolin PTS entry conditions were satisfie Stresses on the 'B' SIG resulted in failure of multiple SIG tubes RCS leakage through the SIG exceeds available makeup capacity as indicated by loss of subcooling margi classification on judgment

! Challenge I RCS 5

-- + Fuel 0+ Containment 3= Total 3 A . Even though two Potential Loss EN..s and one Loss EAI.. are niet f o ~

thc RCS banier, credit is only taken for the worst casc (highest point value) EAL, so the points from this banier equal B. No EAL is satisfied for the Fuel Ciad Barrier so the points for this barrier equal C. One IASS EAL is met for the Containment Barrier so the points for this barrier equal D. When the total points are calculated the result is 8, therefore the classification would be a Sife Area Emergenc E. Look in the box below "Sile Area Emergency". You have identified a loss of two baniers. This agrees with one of the bullet statement The classification is correc CRO-12A RO Page i of 1 1



CRO-12A 80 Page 2 of 11




Y Facility JPM #:

WA Ratina(s):

System' APE 005 KIA AA2.03 Rating a Task Standard:

Unit is tripped manually upon receipt of second dropped rod.

Preferred Evaluation Location: Preferred Evaluation Method:

Simulator In-Plant - Perform X Simulate _s References:

AQ/l/Nl700/15 (10/10/02)

OP/O/AII 105/09 (11/21/02)

T.S. 3.1.4 OMP 1-18


1 Recall Snap 206


2. Import files for CRO-12A 3. 60toRUN

CRO-12A RO Page 4 of 11 Tools/Equipment/Proceduses Needed:

Enclosure 5.3 of AP/QI1 (Recovery From Loss of Power)


I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. Ail control room steps shall be performed forthis JPM, including any required communications. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


Unit #I dropped a control rod in Group 6 approximately one hour ago and the unit is stable at 55%.

The Subsequent Actions of AP/15, DROPPED CONTROL RODS, have been completed through step 4.9.

Shutdown Margin calculation has been run to verify that an adequate SDM exists.

Systems Duty Engineer has been notified and no special maneuvering instructions are reauired.

Enclosure 4.10 of OPIOIA14 105/09 has been completed up to step 2.0.


The Control Room SRO informs you that the problem has been corrected and that recovery of the dropped rod can now begi ~

CRO-12A RO Page 5 of 11 START TIME:

Step CRITICAL STEP Take manual control of rods at the Diamond Control Station:

Ensure the SG Master in HAND __SAT Ensure the Diamond Station in MANUAL-UNSAT STANBARD: The manual pushbutton for the SG Master hand:auto station is depressed, The White Hand light comes ON and the Red Auto light Goes OF The AUTO/MANUAL pushbutton on the Diamond Control Panei is depressed; the MANUAL half of the Push Button is back lighte Location 1UBI COMMENTS Step CRITICAL STEP Ensure group with droppedlmisaligned rod selected on the Group Select Switc __SAT STANDARD: GROUP SELECT SWITCH on 1UB1 is located by the student and rotated to Group __UNSAT COMMENTS:


__ SAT STANDARD: The SEQISEQ OR pushbutton is located on the Diamond Control panel on 1UBI and depressed. "SEQ O R is backlighte ~ UNSAT COMMENTS:

CRO-12A RO Page 6 of 11 SPEQ: Step CRITICAL STEP Ensure JOG selected on Speed Seiector.

STANDARD: The SPEED Selector is located by the student on the Diamond Contrc panel on IUBl and rQtatedto the JOG positio I YNSAT COMMENTS:

Step CRITICAL STEP If Group is at the OUT LIMIT:

Depress and hold LATCH switc SAT Insert group for approximately 15 seconds or until the group OUT LIMIT lamp on the Diamond Panel goes of Release LATCH switc UNSAT STANDARD: The IN LIMIT (LATCH) BYPASS pushbutton is located by the student depressed and held while the INSERT/WITHDRAW joystick is used ct insert Group 6 until the Group 6 Out limit lamp, located on the Diamor Control Panel on 1UBI, extinguishe The LATCH pushbutton is then released and the INSERT/WITHDRA\

joystick returned to neutral.


CRO-12A I Page 7 of

- Step CR%TICA%STEl TRANSFER the droppedlmisaligned rod to the Auxiliary Power Supply:

Ensure desired group selected on Group Select Switch I_ SAT Ensure droppedlmisaligned rod selected on Single Select Switch UNSAT Ensure in SEQ OVERRIDE Ensure in AUXILIAR Verify Manual Transfer Sync light is lit before pressing clam Depress CLAMP Depress selector for MANUAL TRANSFER switch until TRANSFER CONFIRM lamp and the CONTROL ON lamp on the PI panel ligh e Depress CLAMP RELEASE STANDARD: On the CRD Panel on 1UBI :

Verify Group Select Switch positioned to Group 6 SELECT droppedlmisaligned rod on the SINGLE SELECT SWITC VERIFY SEQ OR is backlit (Not Critical).

Depresses GRQUPlAUXIL pushbutton to make transfer to AUXIL Verifies SYNC is backlit on MAN TRANS/SY/TR CF pushbutton (Not Critical)

Depresses CLAMPlCLAMP REL pushbutton to make transfer tQ CLAM CLAMP will be backli Depresses MAN TRANSISYITR CF pushbutton. TI? CF will become backlit. White CONTROL ON lights will illuminate for the Dropped Rod on the Position Indication pane Depresses CLAMPELAMP REL pushbutton and verifies CLAMP REL is backlit.


CRO-I2A RO Page 8 of 1 Step Perform PI alignment on the dropped/misaligned rod as follows: -SAT Depress and hold LATCH switc Insert rod for 15 second UNSAT Release LATCH switch STANDARD: Depress and hold LATCH switch and use the IMSERTIWITHDRAW joystick to insert rod for 15 seconds. Release the LATCH switch.

COMMENTS m: Step Perform PI alignment on dropped/misaligned rod as follows:

-SAT Compare absolute and relative readings on the PI panel Use PI reset raisellower switch to match absolute and relative reading UNSAT STANDARD: Absolute and relative indications on the PI panel, on 1UBI. are compared using toggle switch to make compariso RPI is selected with the select toggle switch. The POSITION RESET RAlSElLOWER toggle switch is then placed in the lower position and RPI indication is matched to BPI positio When matched the RAISEILOWER toggle is released to neutra The select toggle switch is returned to the API position.


CRO-12A RO Page 9 of 11

9- Step Ensure RUN selected on Speed Selecto SAT STANDARD: SPEED SELECTOR is located by the student on 1UB1 and rotated to the _. UNSAT run positio NOTE: instructor in Booth: at this time fire timer to drop second control ro COMMENTS:

Manually trip the reactor CRITICAL STEP STEP 10:

-SAT STANDARD: The student recognizes the second control rod inserting and manually trips the reactor by depressing the Reactor Trip pushbuttcn and verifies that the reactor is shutdow _ _UNSAT COMMENTS:



STEP # Explanation 1 Step is necessary for the operator to select the single rod and not move the plant around due to power excursion Step is necessary to instruct the rod logic as to which group the rod is in that the operator wants to recove Step is necessary to allow the operator to withdraw the dropped rod 4 Jog is necessary because the rods will not latch with the selector switch in RUN 5 The latching of the group to clear the out limit is necessary so that the individual rod can be withdraw Necessary to place the dropped rod on the auxiliary power supply for withdrawal while leaving the group on the group power suppl Necessary because the second dropped rod places the unit in an unanalyzed condition and this is a direction, which is given by OMP 1-1 CRO-12A 80 Page 11 of 11 CANDIDATE CUE SHEET (TO BE RETURNED TO EXAMlNER UPON COMPLETION OF TASK)


Unit #I dropped a control rod in Group 6 approximately one hour ago and the unit is stable at 55%.

The Subsequent Actions of AP/I/A/I 700/15, DROPPED CONTROL RODS, have been completed through step 4.9.

Shutdown Margin calculation has been run to verify that an adequate SBM exists.

Systems Duty Engineer has been notified and no special maneuvering instructions are required.

Enclosure 4.10 of OP/O/A/I 10909 has been completed up to step 2.0.


The Control Room SRQ informs you that the problem has been corrected and that recovery of the dropped rod can now begi NSD 703 (R04-01)





ea Pr,,


, , ~


I4Nl Duke Power Company (1) DNo AY/l/N1700/ 015

/+LP PROCEDURE PROCESS RECORD No Rcv~sro~ Rev 007 SR PREPARATION Station OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION Procedure Title Dropped or Misaligned Control Rods Prepxed By Kevin McMurray (Signature) Date 10/07/02 Requires NSD 228 Applicability Determination?

a Yes (New procedure. or revision with major changes)

(QR) Date Cross-Disciplinary Review By =6&-h+--- (QR)NA- Date F f ~ / O ~

Reactivity Mgmt Review By I(QR)NA&Date Mgmt Involvement Review By (Ops Supt) NA ate Additional Reviews -

Reviewed By Date Reviewed By Date Temporary Approval ($necessary)

BY (OSWQK) Date BY (QR) Date Approved By -

, Date \O-Lo-et v

PERFORMANCE (Compare wifh control copy every 14 calendar days while work is being perjormed.)

(IO) Compared with Control Copy Date Compared with Control Copy Date Compared with Controi Copy Date (11) Date(s) Performed Work Order Number (WO#)

COMPLETION (12) Procedure Completion Verification:

0 Unit 0 Unit 1 0 Unit 2 Unit 3 Procedure performed on what unit?

3 Yes 0 NA Check iists and/or blanks initialed, signed, dated, or filled in NA, as appropriate?

B Yes [7 NA Required enclosures attached?

I Yes 0 NA Data sheets attached, completed, dated. and signed? -.

El Yes NA Charts, graphs, etc. attached. dated, identified, and marked?

0 Yes El NA Procedure requirements met?

Verified By (13) Procedure Completion Approved (14) Remarks (Attach additionolpages,

Duke Power Company Procedure N Bconee Nuclear Station AP/~/A/H700/015 Revision No.

Dropped or Misaligned Control Rods w7 Electronic Reference N OXOCD2RGS I


.. .


AP/1IA/1700/0 15 Page 1 of 5 1. Entry Conditions Dropped control rod(s) -

0 Control rod(s) misaligned > 9 (6%)

2. Automatic Systems Actions With ICs in AUTO, an ASYMM. FAULT (yellow light on diamond) will result in the following:

OUT inhibit at 60%power

  • R x runback to 55% (may stop before reaching 55% power if ASYMM. FAULT yellow light on diamond clears)

I 3. Immediate Manual Actions I

.............. ................. .......................... -. ...

[ _

ACTION/EXlECTEI) RESPONSE . KESPOSSE NOJ - O B T A I N E D ~ ~ IAAT more than onc control rod is droppcd or misaligned > 9 (6%) from the group avenge,


1IlEN ......

trip the R I - ...... -. ..... -. ...... (3.1) i n m than one control rod is dropped or misaligned > 9 (6%) from the group average ... (trip the Rx)

I i

AP/1/A/1700/015 Page 3 of 5 4. Subsequent Actions NIs should N O T be calibrated per guidelines contained in OP/I/A/I 102/004 (Operation at Power)

Group 1 at 50% W .- Notify SPOC to investigate and repair the dropped yr misaligned control rod.

___I_. .

3.- GO TO Step 4.1 _I.-__.____ Initiate powcr reduction to 55% FP at progres t l%/mi .3 - Initiate Encl 5.1 (Control of Plant Equipment During Shutdown).

RPS trip setpoints and Tech Spec time limit .4 Notify SPOC to perfom the following:

- Investigate cause of dropped or misaligned control ro Prepare to reduce the foliowing trip setpoints:

RPS FluxlFlow-Imbalance

  • RPSHighFIux _ I_ Within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, verify > 1% SDM with allowance for the inoperable control rod per PT/I/A/1103/015 (Reactivity Balance Calculation). Ensure requirements of TS 3. (Quadrant Power Tiit) are me ~.

AP/%./A/1700/015 Page 4 of 5 IF AT ANY TIME:


(3.1) more than one control rod is dropped or ~ s a l i p e >

d'9 (6%)from the group average ... (trip the W x )


Page 5 of 5

... .....


....... RESPONSE


... ..

4.7 Within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />, ensure thermal power S the power litnit for the operating RCP combination:

I 1 4 1 GO I WHEN Ms are <- the power limit for the operating RCP combination, THEN notify SPOC to reduce trip setpoints for dropped control rod condition per MO/A/O301/003U (Procedure to Reset the FluxlLmbalance/Flow and High Flux Trips for Operation with Excessive Power Tilt, Dropped Control Rod Or Other Conditions).

I WHEN I&E is ready to begin repairs, TIIF,N perform the following:


_ - i__ l


4.10 - WHEN the control rod is repaired, THEN perform the following: Notify Duty Reactor Engineer for necessary maneuvering limit B. - GO TO OP/O/A/1105/009 (Control Rod Drive System) to recover the control ro I Enclosure 4.10 OP/0/A/11U5/009 Recovery Of DroppedMisaligned Regulating Page 1 of7 Control Rod 1. Initial Conditions RefertoTS3.1.4.

- I .2 Reactor Power < 60% of allowable thernral power for existing KCP combination.

__ Re-job briefing completed including review of OMP 2-12 (Reactivity Management). Reactor Engineer has been contacte .5 Control Rod in Group 5-8 is misaligned from Group average by 2 9".

E .6 Review Limits and Precaution . Procedure Take manual control of rods at Diamond Control Station:

2. Ensure SG Master in HAN ~ 2. Ensure Diamond Station in MANJAL.

__ Ensure group with dropped/misaligned rod selected on Group Select Switc .3 Ensure in SEQ OVERRID .4 Ensure JOG selected on Speed Selecto .5 E Group is at OIJT LIMIT 2. Depress and hold LATCH switc . Insert group for approximately 15 seconds or until group OIJT LIMIT lamp on Diamond Panel goes of . Release IATCH switc Enclosure 4.10 O P l ~ l A /105/009 I

Recovery Of Droppedhfisaligned Regulating Page 2 of 7 Control Rod

~ 2.6 Transfer droppedlmisaligned rod to Auxiliary Power Supply:

2. Ensure desired group selected on Group Select Switc . Ensure dropped/misa!igned rod selected on Single Select Switc . Ensure in SEQ OVERRID . Ensure in AUXILIAR . Verify Manual Transfer Sync light is lit before pressing clam . Depress CLAM . Depress MANUAL TRANSFER switch until TRANSFER CONFIRM lamp and CONTROL ON lanip on PI panel ligh . Depress CLAMP RELEAS .7 Perform Latch on droppcd/misaligned rod as follows:

2. Depress and hold LATCH switc . Insert rod for 15 second . Release LATCH switc .~ 2.8 Perform PI alignment on dropped/misaligned rod as follows:

2. Compare absolute and relative reading . Use PI reset raise/Iower switch to match absolute and relative reading ..~ 2.9 Ensure RUN selected on Speed Selecto Enclosure 4.10 OI/O/A/I 105/009 Recovery Of Dropped/lllisaligned Regulating Page 3 of 4 Control Rod CAUTION: If rod is known to have been droppedhisaligned for less than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, rod can be withdrawn at 30 in./min. (RUN Speed). ( 1 )

If rod has been droppeUniisaligned for greater than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, rod can be withdrawn in 10% withdrawal increments spaced 30 minutes aput at 30 in./min. (RIJN Speed). ( 1 )

-2.10 Perform the following until tiroppeflmisaligned rod is reaiigned with group:

I NOTE: Do NOT withdraw individual rod to Group Out Linii I 2. 10. 1 Withdraw droppedmisaligned rod until PowerKave begins to increas .1 Stop rod withdrawa .103 E dropped rod is in controlling group. perform to stop Powernave increase:

A. Depress GROU B. Ensure controlling group selected on Group Select Switch C. Ensure A I L selected on Single Select Switch D. Insert controlling group regulating rods to stop Powerr8ave increas E. Select dropped rod: Depress AUXILIAR . Ensure desired rod selected on Single Select Switc . Ensure desired group selected on Group Select Switch 4. Repeat steps to continue with rod withdrawal as require Enclosure 4.10 OPlo/A/I 105/009 Recovery Of Dropped/Misaligned Regulating Page 4 of 7 Control Rod 2.10.4 E dropped rod is in controlling group, perfonn to stop Powerrnave increase:

A. Transfer dropped rod to Normal Power Supply as follows: Ensure in SEQ OVERRID . Ensure in AUXILIAR . Ensure JOG selected on Speed Selecto . Verify Manual Transfer Sync. light is li . Depress CLAM . Depress MANUAL IIIANSFWR switch until TRANSFER CONFIRM lamp all CONTROL ON lamps on PI panel go of . Depress CLAMP RELEAS . Depress GROU . Depress TRANSFER RESE B. Select RUN on Speed Selecto C. Ensure controlIing group selected on Group Select Switc D. Insert controlling group regulating rods to stop Powerrnave increas Enclosure 4.10 OPIOIAII 105l009 Recovery Of Droppedhfisaligned Regulating Page 5 of 7 Control Rod E. Transfer dropped rod to Auxiliary Power Supply as follows: Ensure desired group selected on Group Select Switc . Ensure desired rod selected on Single Select Switc . Ensure in SEQ OVERKID . Ensure in AUXILJAR . Ensure JOG selected on Speed Selecto . Verify Manual Transfer Syic. light is li . Depress CLAM . Depress MANUAL TRANSFER switch untiI TRANSFER CONFIRM lamp AND desired CONTROL ON lamp on PI panel are 11 . Depress CLAMP IeLEASE 10. Verify PI panel CONTROL ON lights are only lit for desired CKD ro ill1 11. Select RUN on Speed Selecto . Repeat steps to continue with rod withdrawal as require Enclosure 4.10 OPIOINB 105/009 Recovery Of DroppedMisaligned Regulating Page 6 of 7 Control Rod

.__ 2.1 1 droppedhisaligned rod is realigned with group, transfer rod to Normal Power Supply:

2.1 Ensure desired group selected on Group Select Switc .1 Ensure desired rod selected on Single Select Switc .1 Ensure JOG selected on Speed Selecto .1 Verify Manuai Transfer Sync. Light is iit before pressing clani .1 Depress CLAM .1 Depress MANUAL TKANSF%;.Wswitch until TRANSFER COhTIRhl lamp and COINTROL ON lamp at PI panel go uu .1 CL.4MP RELEAS .1 Depress GROU .1 Depress TRANSFER RESE .11.10 Depress FAtJLT RESET.

-2.12 Ensure RUN selected on Speed Selector.

~ 2.13 -

IF group with droppedhisaligned rod was initially at OUT LIMIT, withdraw cgroup until OIJT LIMIT light is lit on Diamond panel.

I __ 2.14 Ensure in SEQUENCE.

-2.15 Ensure OFF selected on Group Select Switch.

__ 2.16 Ensure ALL selected on Single Select Switc Enclosure 4.10 oP/o/A/a105/Q59 Recovery Of Dropped/Misaligned Regulating Page 4 of 7 Control Rod NOTE: Diamond Control station can be placed in AUTO anytime provided neutron error is within 21.O%, auto power available, and Safety Groups at out Limi I 2. B 7 Ensure ICs back to Automatic Controi:

~ 2.1 Ensure Diamond Station in AUT .1 Ensure SG Master in AU'IY).

after recovery of rod to return to i00% power. ( I ]

If rod was recovered within 8 to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, deconditioned power escalation rate should be used after recovery of rod to return to 100% reactor power. { 1 ]

e If rod recovery took greater than 24 horns, initial cycle st.utup power escalation rate should be used after recovery of rod to return to 100%reactor power. ( 1)

2.18 Escalate power per appropriate procedure CRO-815 RQ Page 1 Of 16



CRO-015 RO Page 2 of 16






Facility JPM #:

WA Ratinds):

System: APE-054 KIA AA2.04 Rating:

Task Standard:

EFDW flow is established to the affected header through the startup valve Preferred Evaluation Location: Preferred Evaluation Method:

Simulator In-Plant __ Petform Simulate __



EOP Rule 3, (Loss of Main or Emergency FDW)

EOQ Rule 7, (SG Feed Control)

EOP Enclosure 5.27, (Alternate Methods for Controlling EFDW Flow)


1. Recall Snap 209 2. Import files for CRO-015 3. G Q ~ Q R U N

CRO-015 RO Page 4 of 16 TooIsiEquipmentlProsedures Needed:


I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM, including any required communications. I will provide initiating cues and reports O R other actions when directed by you. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


The reactor has tripped Main feedwater is lost No increase in Reactor Building pressure is occurring and all RCPs are running Subsequent Actions are complete Rule 3 was complete up to Step 29, which directs the use of Endosure 5.27, Alternate Methods for Controlling EFBW Flow lNlTlATlNG CUES:

Initiate Enclosure 5.27, Alternate Methods for Controlling EFBW Flo CRO-015 RO Page 5 of 16 START TIME:

1- Step 1 Verify EFBW is being supplied by an alternate uni SAT RNO GO TO Step 7 STANDARD: Determine EFDW is not being supplied from another uni UNSAT Perform RNO step and GO TO Step 7 CUE: EFQW is NOT being supplied by an alternate unit COMMENTS:

STEP: Step 7 CRITICAL STEF Stop MD EFWP in headers with malfunctioning EFDW control va

__ SAT STANDARB: Observes 1A steam generator level decreasing below setpoint on th EXTENDED SU RANGE LEVEL meters (1 UBI) or OAC screen andlor-UNSAT Observes zero flow indicated to the 11%steam generator on the TOT EFDW FLOW meters, on 1UB Based on these indications, candidate determines that 1A steam generator EFDW header is the affected heade Control switch for the 1A MD EFWP is rotated to the OFF positio Continue to Step 8 COMMENTS:

3- step 8 CRITICAL STEP Place TD EFDWP in PULL TO LOC SAT STANDARD: The TD EFDWP switch is placed in the LOCKOUT position Continue to Step 9


CRO-815 RO Page 6 of 16 m: Step 9 CRITICAL STEP Place controllers for the following in HAND and set demand to 0% in &I affected headers: I _ SAT IFDW-35 ( I A STARTUP FDW Control)

STANDARD: Candidate locates 1FDW-35 on 1UBI and the Bailey control station is placed in Hand by depressing the white HAND pushbutton. and observir -UNSAT the white HAND light ON. Valve position demand is reduced to 0 using the toggle switch to close the valv Continue to Step I O NOTE: Candidate should perdorm all actions for 1A header because it is the heade with the failed valv COMMENTS:

5- Step 10 CRITICAL STEF Place control switch for the following in CLOSE in all affected headers:


STANDARD: Candidate Locates 1FDW-33 control switch on 1UBI and rotates to the

-- UNSAT CLOSE position, observing the green CLOSE light ON and red OPEN light OFF. (NOT CRITICAL IF ZFDW-35 LS CLOSED)

Locates IFDW-372 Control Switch on 1UB1 and rotates to the CLOSE position. observing the green CLOSE light ON and the red OPEN light OF Continue to Step 1I COMMENTS

CRO-015 RQ Page 7 of 16 CRITICAL STEP Place control switch for the following in OPEN in all affected headers:

  • 1FBW-374 (MD EFDWP 1A DlSCH TO SG A) -SAT STANDARD: Candidate locates IFDW-374 on 1UB1 and the red OPEN pushbutton is depressed. the red OPEN indication is observed to be O _- UNSAT Continue to Step 12 COMMENTS:

Place control switch for the following in CLOSE in 211 affected headers:

IFDW-36 ( I A S G NORM SU FDW HDR) -SAT STANDARD: Candidate locates IFDW-36 on 1VB3 places control switch in the CLOSE position and the green CLOSE indication is observed to be _ I UNSAT illuminated; and the red OPEN indication is observed to be extinguishe Continue to Step 13 COMMENTS:

STEQ: Step 13 Place control switch for the following in OPEN in all affected headers:

  • ZFDW-38 ('IA SG EFDW Header) -SAT STANDARD: Candidate locates 1FDW-38 on 1VB3 places control switch in the OPEN position and the red OPEN indication is observed to be illuminated and -UNSAT the green CLOSE indication is observed to be extinguishe Continue to Step 14 COMMENTS:

CRO-015 RO Page 8 of 16 STEQ: Step 14 Verify 1FDW-315 failed I_ SAT STANDARD: Manual Loader Knob is turned counter-clockwise to OPEN valve. on 1UB Candidate recognizes that 1FDW-315 is NOT responding to manual-UNSAT contro Continue to Step 15 COMMENTS:

STEP I O : Step 15 Verify all the following:

1FDW-38 open -- SAT 1FBW-36 closed e 1FDW-35 closed e 1FDW-33 closed-UNSA?

STANDARD: Candidate locates 1FDW-38 on 1VB3 and the red OPEN indication is observed to be illuminated and the green CLOSE indication is observed to be extinguishe Candidate locates IFDW-36 on 1VB3 and the green CLOSE indication is observed to be illuminated; and the red OPEN indication is observed to be extinguishe Candidate locates 1FDW-35 on 1UBI and observes the Bailey control station position demand is zer Candidate locates 1FDW-33 control switch on 1UB1 and observes the green CLOSE light ON and red OPEN light OF Continue to Step 16 COMMENTS

CRO-015 RO Page 9 of 16 STEP 11: Step 16 Verify IFDW-372 closed,

-- SAT STANDARD: Candidate locates 1FDW-372 Control Switch on l U B l and observes the green CLOSE light ON and the red OPEN light OF UNSAT Continue to Step 17 CQMMENTS:

STEP 12: Step 17 Verify both of the following:

Verify 1FDW-374 is ope * Verify 1A MDEFDWP available, -- SAT STANDARD: Candidate locates 1FDW-374 on 1UB1 and the red OPEN indication is observed to be O UNSAT 1A MD EFDWP control switch green OFF light is verified illuminate This pump was secured by the candidate in a previous ste Continue to Step 1%


STEP 13: Step 18 GO TO Step 2 I SAT STANDARD: Candidate goes to Step 22.



CRO-015 RO Page 10 of 16 STEP 14: Step 22 CRITICAL STEP Verify 1FDW-316 faile RNO GO TO Step 3 SAT STANDARD: Candidate verifies IFDW-316 is controlling SG level @ = 30%.

- UNSAT or Manual Leader Knob is turned counter-clockwise to OPEN valve, on l U B l , Recognizes that IFDW-316 & responding to manual contro Perform RNO and GO TO Steu 30.


STEP 15: Step 30 Verify AFlS actuation has occurred (either Statalarm on):



STANDARD: Candidate observes indicated Statalarms and verifies that they are NO-UNSAT illuminated. Perform RNO and GO TO Step 34.


CRO-015 80 Page 1Iof 16 STEP 16: Step 34 Verify an operator has been sent to locally position any FDW valve IFDW-94 IFDW-315 I SAT RNO GO TO Step 3 UNSAT STANDARD: Determine that an operator has NOT been sent to locally position and FDW valv Perform RNO and GO TO Step 36.

CUE: No operafors have been dispatched to locally operafe any valves.


STEP 17: Step 36 Verify 1FDW-315 failed ope RNO If lineup to feed through I A SIU Control Valve was successful, -SAT THEN GO TO Step 37.

STANDARB: Candidate should determine that the Manual Loader on l U B l indicates 0% and 1FDW-315 has failed close I UNSAT


or Green CLOSED light is O Perform RNO step 2., 1A SIU control valve lineup has been successfu THEN GO TO Step 37 COMMENTS:

STEP 18: Step 37 Verify an operator has been sent to locally open 1FDW-9 SAT STANDARD: Determine an operator has NOT been sent to locally open 1FDW-9 Perform RNO and GO TO Step 40-UNSAT CUE: No operators have been dispatched to locally operate any valves.


CRO-015 80 Page 12 of 16 Start 1A MD EFDW SAT STANDARD: The 1A MD EFDWP control switch is rotated clockwise to the RUN position and the red RUN light is verified O Continue to Step 4f -UNSAT COMMENTS:

STEP 20: Step 41 Verify 1FDW-316 failed ope SAT STANDARD: Verifies IFDW-316 is controlling SG level @ = 30%

or Manual Loader Knob is turned counter-clockwise to OPEN valve, on __ UNSAT 1UB Student recognizes that 1FDW-326 responding to manual contro Perform RNO and GO TO Step 46.


STEP 21: Step 46 Verify HPI forced cooling is in progres SAT STANDARD: Determine that #PI Forced Cooling is NOT in progres Perform WNO and GO TO Step 4 UNSAT CUE: HPI forced cooling is NOT in progress.


CRO-015 RO Page 13 of 16 STEP 22: Step 48 Verify LOHT tab is NOT in progres SAT STANBARD: Determine LOHT is NOT in progress Perform RNO and GO TO Step 52.

CUE: 6OHT tab is NOT in progres UNSAT COMMENTS:

STEP 23: Step 51 Verify iFDW-315 failed-SAT STANDARD: Manual Loader on l U B l indicates 0% IFDW-325 has failed closed or Green CLOSED light is O UNSAT Continue to Step 52 COMMENTS:

STEP 24: Step 52 Verify one of the following:

Lineup to feed through 1A SIU Control Valve was successful Operator sent to locally throttle 1FBW-315 I SAT STANDARD: Determine that Lineup to feed through 1A SIU Control Valve was successfu UNSAT Continue to Step 53 CUE: fdl S/U control valve lineup has been successful.


CRO-015 RO Page 14 of 16 STEP 25: Step 53 Verify an operator has been sent to locally control 1FDW-31 __ SAT STANDARD: Determine that an operator has NOT been sent to locally control 1FD\

31 Perform RNO and GO TO Step 56 -UNSAT CUE: No operators have been dispatched to locally operate any valve COMMENTS:

CRITICAL STEP Flow from the TDEFDWP through a S/U control valve should be reads on the FDV SU FLOW gaug SAT e Flow from the MDEFDWP through a SIU control valve should be read on the

__ ~


....~ . DISCH

. _ _ FLOW

_ _ _gaug STEP 26: Step 56 I UNSAT Throttle 1FDW-35 SIU to obtain desired flow rate andlor SG level per Rule 7 (SG Feed Control).

STANDARD: Manually throttle 1FDW-35 on I U B I . The raisehwer toggle switch is pushed up to increase the valve position demand signal to throttle ope the valve. Flow is maintained within allowable limits. If flow exceeds pump runout limits, action must be taken to reduce flow to within limit?

prior to completing the tas When feeding through the SIU Control Valves with the MDEFW Pump the MDEFDWP DlSCH FLOW gauge should be used to verify flow wii limit NOTE: When flow has bean established and level is increasing in the 1.4 SG, the JPM is complet COMMENTS:



STEP ## Explanation 2&3 Necessary because the MD EFWP in the affected header needs to be secured so that the header can be isolated and valves repositioned. §tep is necessary because the TB EFWP needs to be secured so that the header can be isolated and valves repositione &5 Necessary to prevent the EFDW flow, which is meant for 1A SG from getting to other portions of the syste Aligns the emergency feed water to the 1A §G through the startup valve Restarts the MD EFDWP, which was stopped to reduce the R/P for the closure of valves to isolate the affected heade Actually establishes flow to the 1A SG to establish required SG level CRO-815 RO Page 16 of 16 CANDIDATE CUE SHEET (TO BE RETURNED TO EXAMINER UPON COMPLETION OF TASK)


The reactor has tripped Main feedwater is lost No increase in Reactor Building pressure is occurring and all RCPs are running Subsequent Actions are complete Rule 3 was complete up to Step 29, which directs the use of Enclosure 5.27, Alternate Methods for Controlling EFDW Flow INITIATING CUES:

Initiate Enclosure 5.27, Alternate Methods for Controlling EFDW Flo CfhW4& 31 5 eunee 6 u e s u . u MM Enclosure 5.27 - EP/1/AJ1800/001 Alternate Methods for Controlling EFDW Page 1 of21 Flow

1. - Verify EFDW is being supplied by an GO TO Step alternate uni . I Verify EFDW control valve is failed ope ___ Is__ __s_

3. - Notify dternate unit to stop EFDWPs supplying Unit I ._____ _ . -- Verify&b EFDW control valves are failed close __l_l_.____ ____I__

5. - Notify alternate unit to stop EFDWPs supplying Unit I

., .-. ...


Enclosure 5.27 Y

Enclosure 5.27 EPIhA/I 800/OOl Alternate Methods for Controlling EFDW Page 3 of 21





..-..I.-.__ . .. RESPONSE i_ ...... -. ... RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 1 Stop MDEFDWP in glJ headers with malfunctioning EFDW control valv . Place TDEFDWP in PULL TO LOCK Place c o n t d e r s for the foollowing in HAND arid set demand to 0% in all afFecti headers:

- .- ---__.l__l__-



EO. Place controI switch for the following in CLOSE in & affected headers:

-__I---..___.__ _______ _._I_

i I I . P I Rcontrol

~ ~ switch for the following in O h 3 in & l affected headers:

-...... ~

12. Place control switch for the following in CLOSE in affected headers:



13. Place control switch for the following in OPEN in & affected headers:

Enclosure 5.27 EP/1/A/I800/001 Alternate Methods for Controlling EFDW Page 5 of 21

. . Flow 15. Verify& of the foliowing: IF IFDW-3 15 is failed closed, AND 1FDW-316 has NOT f ~ l e d ,

- 1FDW-38 open THEN EXIT this enclosur I _ IFDW-36 closed 1FDW-35 closed THEN GO TO Step 1 I

- 1FDW-33 closed 3.- GO TO Step 2 . -- Verify 1FDW-372 close IF IFDW-415 is failed open, THEN GO TO Step 1 . V e r i f y m of the following: Dispatch an operator to open 1FDW-94

_ I 1FDU'-374 open (TD EFDWP DISCH TO 1A S/G NORMAL EMERG IIDR) (T-1,6' N of

__ BA MDEFDWP available C-20,7' up).

19. Dispatch an operator to the Pen Room to p d o r m the following:

A. .-Close IFDW-315 I


B. - Establish communicatibns with the


Control Roo . I Open 1FDW-37 :

Enclosure 5.27 Alternate Methods for Controlling EFDW Page 7 of 21 Flow


RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 1 2 ~ Verify IFBW-316 failile GO TO Step 3 _...._ . _






__ ~

23. Verify of the following: 1.- IF 1FDW-316 is failed closed,

- IFDW-47 open AND IFDW-315 has NOT failed, THEN EXIT this enclosur IFDW-45 closed

- IFDW-44 closed 2. - IF 1 PDW-3 16 is failed open, THEN GO TO S t q 2 __1FDW-42 closed 3.- GO step 3 .---..-.--_-_._.._.__.____I_ .






, __ .I..._._._.-__I 24. - Verify 1FDW-382 close . ~ .. IF 1FDW-316 is failed open, THEN GO TO Step 2 . V e r i f y m of the foliowing: 1.- Dispatch an operator to open 1FDW-96

-_ 1FDW-384 open (ID EFDWP DlSCH TO 1B S/G NORMAL EMERG IIDR) (7'-1 ,6' N of

- IB MDBFDWP available C-20,7' up). Close 1FDW-36 _ I ~

i 26. -GO TO Step 3 _..~--....__I.___"

27. Dispatch an operator to the Pen Room to perfonn the following:

A. --,-CIosc 1FDW-316 (1B S/G EFDW CONTROL).

B. - Establish communications with the Control Roo . ~~ ~ Open IFDW-38 . Close 1FDW-38 Enslosure 5.27 Enclosure 5.27 EP/ 1/AI18OO/OO1 Alternate Methods for Controlling EFDW Page 9 of 21 FIOW


c--:::::I- ..-. ._. ......



30. VerifyAFIS actuation has occurred (e&g - CXI TO Step 3 statal- on):



31. Place control switch for the following in CLOSE for SG with the break:

...I-...I-...._._. . Place the following in HAND with deniand at zero:

__ 1FDW-35

1ImW-44 33. Select OFF for both Digital Channels 1 C(r 2 of AFIS on headers to be fed:

. .._.~-._..-._I_.._.,_ - _I _ _

34. -VeriQ an operator has been sent to - GO TO Step 3 locally position a FDW valves:

. .-..-I THEN continue in .

this enclosur .

Alternate Methods for Cow%rol)4ngEFDW Page 10 of21 HilOW


Enclosure 5.27 EP/1/A/1800/00I Alternate Methods for Controlling EFDW Page 11 of 21 Flow

-. . . -. ..



. ..

36. - Verify IFDW-315 failed ope .- IF 1FDW-315 has NOT failed, THEN GO TO Step 4 . - IF lineup lo feed through 1A SIU Control Valve was successful, THEN GO 'IO Step 37.

__ ___ 3. - GO TO Step 4 . Verify an operator has been sent to GO TO Step 4 locally open 1FDW-94.

I---.--I_ ________.___

ax. - Start theTDEFDW . ~ GO TO Step 4 . - Start 1A MDEFDW, 1 ._ IF IFDW-3 15 has been nnanually closed, THEN perform the foIlowing:

A. -Start the TDEFDW I GO TO Step 4 . GO TO Step 1 . Verify IFDW-316 failed ope I . _ - IF IFDW-316 has NOT failed, TIIEN GO TO Step 4 . .- IF lineup to feed tlirougli 1B SXJ Conk01

\ ' a h WdS SUc6eSSfMl, THEN GO TO Step 4 GO TO Step 4 l._l_-.-___l__l.--___-

4 __ Verify an operator has been sent to .- GO TO Step 4 localfy open IFDW-9 ~ ____

l_l 43. - Start the TDEFDWP.

.___._ .- __ ___ __

4 ~ GO TO Step 4 . - Start 1R MDEFDW .- IF IFDW-3 E 6 has been manually closed, THEN perform the following:

A. .-Start the TDEFDW B. -GO TO Step 4 GO TO Step 2 . I

.---.--.I__..-__.._ ~

Enclosure 5.27 aternate Methods for Controlling W W Page 13 of 21 nQW

___ ..- .- ....


....- ...-. f


....- ...-. ..-

4 I Verify HPI forced cooling in progress.

.____..._..___.I.-~_._...~_.__--._I 1 --

- GO TO Step 4 Notify CR SRO that Unit 1 EFDW has been made available per this enciusur EXIT this enclosur MIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK 1 I i

Enclosure 5.27 Alternate Methods for Controlling E m W Page 15 of 21 ROW RESPONSE NOT O B I ' A I N E D - " I 4 Verify LBHT tab.is_ in progres __ GO TO Step 5 . .- Notify CR SRO that Unit 1 EFDW has been made available per this enclosur . . .- .

5 GO TO Stm 6 . - Verify 1FDW-315 faile _ ___ _ _ _-

52. Verify of :he following: .- GO TO Step 5 ._Lineup to feed through 1 A SRJ Control Valve was S M C C ~ S S ~ ~ ~

-_ Operator sent to locally throttle 1FDW-315

. .

53. __ Verify an operator has been sent to - GO TO Step 5 lOcdily control IFDW-31 ~

54. __ Locally throttle 1FDW-315 to obtain desired flow rate and/or S G level per Rule 4 (SG Feed Control).

5 GO TO Step 5 * Flow koni the TDEFDWP through a S/U COntFOI valve should be read on the EDW SU FLOW EFDWP through a S / U control valve should he read on the MDEFDWP (SG Feed Control).

I. _.__.___..._.____I 5 _IVerify IFDW-316 faile GO TO Step 6 . Verify of the following: _ GO TO Step 6 Lineup to feed through 1E SAJ Control Valve was successful

- Operator salt to locally throttle IFDW-316

Emslosure 5 3 1


Enclosure 5.27 EP/~/AIl800/001 Alternate Methods for Controlling EFBW Page 17 of 21 I

Flow 59. - Verify an operator has been sent to - GO TO Step 6 locally control IFDW-3 1 . - Locally throttle BFDW-3 16 to obtain desired flow rate and/or SG level per Rule 7 (SG Feed Control).

6r. - GO TO Step 6 Plow from the TDEFDWF through a S N control valve should be read on the FDW SU FLOW 0 Flow from a MDEFDWP though a Slcr control valve should be read on the MUEFDWP DISCI3 FIBW gaug . - Throttle IFDW-44 to obtain desired flow rate and/or SG level per Rule 7

, . (SG Feed Control). __

) 63. - IAAT .

auto control of a S/U controi valve is desired, THEN place desired valve in AUT . _- IAAT local control of an EFDW control valve is ineffcctive, AND manual control of IDEFDWP is desired, THEN dispatch an operator to perform the following: __I Establish communication with the Control Roo B. __ Throttle 1MS-94(TD EFDWP STOP VALVE) as required to establidh desired BFDW flowrate and/or SG leve . WHEN directed by CR SRO, THEN EXIT this enclosur Enclosure 5.27 cwl/A/m800/001 Alternate Methods for Controlling EFDW Page 19 of 21 Flow


ACTIONlEXPEeTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED I 66. I Verify BFDW-315 faile GO TO Step 7 . Verify= of the following: GO TO Step 7 Lineup to feed through E A S/U Control Vdve was successfd Operator sent to locally throttle 1PDW-3 1S 68. - Verify an operator has been sent to -

NOTE locally control 1FDW-31 Flow from the TDEFDW through a S N control valve should he read on the FDW SU FLOW gaug Flow from a MDEFDWP through a S / U control valve should be read on the MDEFDWP DISCI%FLOW gaug . - WHEN directed to feed by LOHT tab, THEN throttle 1A S.4J Control Valve as

...~. .. directe . - GO TO Step 7 . - WHEN directed to feed by LOHT tab, THEN Iocally throttle 1FDW-3 15 as directe ~ ~ . _ _ _ _

70. - Verify 1FI)W-316 failed.

.--_I__ -~ G O -rostep 7 . Verify one ofthe following: - GO TO Step 7 Lineup to feed through 11 B SKJ Control Valve was successful

- Operator sent to locally throttle IFDW-316


Enclosure 5.27 EPI1/N18001001 Alternate Methods for Controlling EFDW Page 21 of 21 Flow I ACTIQN/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT ___ OBTAINED I 7 Verify an operator has heen sent to locally control 1FDW-31 Flow from the TDEFDWP thruugh a SIU control valve should be read on the FDW STJ FLOW gaug Flow Erorn a MDEFDWP through a S/U control valve should be read on the WHEN directed to feed by LOHT tab, THEN throttle 1B S/U Control Valve as directe !.- GO TO Step 7 . - ~ ~

7 I WHEN dirccted to feed by LOMT tab, 1HEN locally throttle IFDW-316 as directe ~ __

7 IAAT auto control of a S/U control-J value is dcsired, THEN place dcsired valve in AUT ~ ~

7 IAAT local control of an EFDW contro vaive is ineffective, AND mnnual control of TDEFDWP is desired, THEN dispatch an operator to perform the following:

A. _ _ Establish communication with the Control Roo R. - Throttle t MS-94 (12,EFDWP STOP VALVE) as required to establish desired EFDW flowrate


and/or SG leve , . .-.


76. -WHEN directed by CR SRO, THEN EXIT this enclosur I t

CRO-053 Page Iof 8



CRO-053 Page 2 of 8





N Facilitv JPM #:

KIA Ratinds):

System: EPE-074 KIA: A304 Rating:

Task Standard:

Reactor Coolant Pump starting interlocks are correctly bypassed Preferred Evaluation Location: Preferred Evaluation Method:

Simulator __ In-Plant X Perform -Simulate A References:




CRO-Q53 Page 4 of 8 ToolslEquipmenff Procedures Needed:


I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM, including any required communications. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


An accident has occurred on Unit 3 in which the EOP is being used.

All RCPs are off and full HPI has been initiated.

Inadequate core cooling exists with Core Exit Thermocouples > 900°F but 6 1200°F and not decreasing.


The Procedure Director directs you to bypass Reactor Coolant Pump starting interlocks per Enclosure 5.14, "Jumper Contacts for RCP Starting Interlocks" of the EO CRO-053 Page 5 of 8 START TIME:

Obtain Reactor Coolant Pump Motor starting interlock jumper cables for CRITICAL STEP affected unit(s), per Enclosure 5.14 of EP/l,2,or 3!Ail800/01, Emergency Operating Procedur SAT STANDARD: Jumper cables are obtained from the key locker located in the Work Control Cente UNSAT NOTE: Jumper cables for unit #Iand unit #2 RCPs are located in the same key locker. Ensure correct set of jumper cables are Identified and obtaine CUE: After correct jumpers have been located, inform student that he may leave jumpers in the key locke COMMENTS:

2- LOCATE Terminal Cabinet MTC3 for the affected unit(s) CRITICAL STEP-SAT STANDARD: Terminal Cabinet MTC3 is correctly located:

3MTC3 is located in Unit #3 Cable Room near south Cable Room door, UNSAT COMMENTS:

CRO-053 Page 6 of 0

3- BYPASS the Reactor Coolant Pump Motor starting interlocks on the CRITICAL STEP affected unit(s), as listed on Enclosure 5.14 of PI 3/N1800/01, Emergency Operating Procedur SAT RCP Contacts I _UNSAT AI A3PA to A305 A2 B3PBtoB305 BI A4PA to A405 B2 B4PB to B405 STANBARD: MTC3 cabinet door is opened and the following steps are performed for EACH Reactor Coolant Pump Motor:

The first contact is located and identified on the terminal board One end of the jumper cable is simulated to be clipped to this contac The second specified contact is located and identified on the terminal boar The other end of the jumper cable is simulated to be clipped to the second contac NOTE: End task when you have determined that student is proficient at identifying RCP jumper contact COMMENTS:

... ..~.. END

. ~ ~ .TASK,.. .~..



STEP # Explanation 1 Necessary because the cables must be obtained to jumper the interlock Necessary because the operator must locate the correct cabinet for the correct unit 3 Necessary because the operator must be able to identify the correct contacts for each RCP or the interlocks will not be bypassed as require CRO-053 Page 6 of 6 CANDIDATE CUE SHEET (TO B RETURNED TO EXAMINER UPON CQMPLETlON OF TASK)


An accident has occurred on Unit 3 in which the EOP is being used.

All RCPs are off and full HPI has been initiated.

Inadequate core cooling exists with Core Exit Thermocouples 700°F but < 1200°F and not decreasing.


The Procedure Director directs you to bypass Reactor Coolant Pump starting interlocks per Enclosure 5.14, "Jumper Contacts for RCP Starting Interlocks" of the EO Enclosure 5.14

.lumper Contacts For RCP Motor Starting Page 1 of I Interlocks

  • Jumpers are located in the key locke Jumper contacts are located in CABINET 3MTC3 CABINET 3MiC3 is located in Unit 3 Cable Rooin near the South Entrance door northeast of Column 90 Jurnper rabies are connected to the 1st CONTAC'I' ID (LOCATION) and terminated at the 2nd CONTACT ID (LOC.4TIC)Nl RCP 3AI 3A2 RRPB (F:2:6) I3805 (G:3:12)

313 1 3B2 A4PA (F:2:1 1)

I_x lllil I39PR (F:3:4)

- ._ . _-


A405 (G:3:5)

390.5 (Ci:4:5) t--

IT Example: CONrACT ID (LOCATION) is C204 (A:2:3)

Where: CONTACT ID is C204 (contact identification label)

Where: LOCATION is deterniined as below:

A Vertical row letter 2 Terminal block from top of cabinet 3 Contact in terminal block from top of terminal block

CRO-060 RO Page 1 of 11



CRO-060 RO Page 2 of 11




Facilitv JPM t:

KIA Ratinds):

System, APE BW/AOS KIA, MI 3 Rating Task Standard:

Preferred Evaluation Location: Preferred Evaluation Method:

Simulator 2In-Plant __ Perform X Simulate -


1. Recall Snap 212 2. Import files for CRO-060 3. GotoRUN

CRO-060 RO Page 4 of 11 Toolsi~auipment/BroceduresNeeded:


I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM, including any required communications. I wil!

provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


Unit 1 was operating at 100% power with no known problems.

Unit 2 is in cold shutdown.

The 2/41 condenser inlet expansion joint has ruptured and Turbine Building Basement water level is rising.

Unit 1 has been tripped and the EOP is being completed by other team members.


The Control Room SRO directs you to refer to AP/10, Uncontrollable Flooding of Turbine Building, and perform required action CRO-060 RO Page 5 of I 1 START TIME:

Step 1 Ensure Rx is trippe SAT STANDARD Determine RX has tripped by observing all control rods inserted and power is 1%.

-UNSAT Continue to SteD COMMENTS:


NOTE CRITICAL STEP Tripping the CCW pumps will cause loss of condenser vacuum which will result in TBVs failing closed

.. . . and trip of the MFDWP ..-. ..

_ I SAT Step 2 Ensure all CCW pumps ilre shutdow UNSAT STANDARD: The I A , 16, and 16 CCW pump switches are rotated to the TRIP position. (located on 1AB3)

Continue to Steo COMMENTS:

4- Step 3 CRITICAL STEP Press both of the following on the TURB BLDG FLOOD EMER CLOSING ALL CCWP DlSCH VALVES control switch: -SAT CLOSE1 CLOSE2-UNSAT STANDARD: "CLOSE 1" and "CLOSE 2" on the TURB BLDG FLOOD MER CLOSING ALL CCWP DISCH VALVES control switch are both depressed. (located on 1AB3)

Continue to Step COMMENTS:

CRO-060 RO Page 6 of 11 Verify all CCW pump discharge valves are closed-SAT STANDARD: The green CLOSED lights for 1CCW-10, 11, 12 & 13 are verified illuminated and the red OPEN lights for the same valves are verified extinguished. (located on 1863) __ UNSAT Continue to Step COMMENTS:

-..~- -.~ ~ ~ . ~ .-. ,. ......... ...

L Field tasks that may affect multiple

....... .......

NOTE be coordinated with Unit 2 and Unit units should .......

CRITICAL STEP-SAT-5: Step 5 Dispatch operators to ensure all three flood doors are closed and in the SECURED position from the AB side (A-I, at Unit I, 2, and 3 stairwell -UNSAT entrances to TB): {2}

e Unit 1 Flood Door Unit 2 Flood Door Unit 3 Flood Door i STANDARD: Cand'date shoblo dispatch atlo N E 0 10 ensJre a. three food doors arc closed and ' r i ilie SECURED pos ;ion from the AB sot?.

Coritintzeio Step Cue: An operator has been dispatche COMMENTS:

.......... .......... ......... ........-

s;ep 6 Verty 1.11' oecay hea! removal is NOT 'n progress

__ SAT STANBARD: Determine LPI pumps are net operating by observing pumps switch indications on IUB UNSAl Continue to Step 7, COMMENTS:

I ~ ... ....... .

CRO-060 RO Page 7 of I 1 I

m: Step 7 Dispatch an operator to place the following waterbox discharge valve switches to HAND and CLOSE (T-3, East of condenser catwalk): -SAT


  • ICCWQO ( I A I )

ICCW-21 (IN)

ICCW-22 (161)



e ICCW-23 (IB2)

ICCW-24 ( I C I )

ICCW-25 (1C2)

STANDARD: Candidate should dispatch an operator to place the above valves to HAND and CLOS Continue to Step Cue: Operator has been dispatche COMMENTS:

STEP: Step 8 Make a PA announcement of the event including restrictions on entry into TB basement due to electrical hazar SAT STANDARD: PA announcement is made using the Control Room phon UNSAT Continue to Step COMMENTS:

9- Step 9 Attempt to locate and isolate the source of the floodin SAT STANDARD: Dispatch operators to locate and isolate the source of the flooding Continue to Step 1 UNSAT Cue: Operators have been dispatche COMMENTS:

CRO-060 R0 Page 8 of 11 STEP IO: Step 10 Ensure all Unit 1 ESV pumps are shutdown:

IAESVPump ._ SAT 1CESVPump 1BESVPump-UNSAT STANDARD: Stop ALL Unit 1 ESV pumps by rotating their pumps switches to OF (located on 1AB3)

Continue to S t e ~11 COMMENTS:

STEP 11: Step 11 Verify all CCW pump discharge valves were successfully closed in earlier SteD SAT STANBARD:

Continue to Step 1 UNSAT COMMENTS:

STEP f 2 : Step 12 Dispatch an operator to perform Encl 5.1 (Isolation of SSW to CCW Pumps).

-SAT STANDARD: Candidate should dispatch an operator to perform Encl 5.1 (Isolation of SSW to CCW Pumps).

-UNSAT Continue to Step 13.

Cue: Operator is dispatched.


CRO-860 RO Page 9 of 11 STEP 13: Step 13 IAAT HPSW is NOT available, THEN ensure End 5.31 (Temporarily Charging the HPSW System) of EPll has been initiate I- SAT STANDARD: Determine that HPSW is available by observing the HPSW Jockey pump operating and level in the EWST. (located on 1AB3) -UNSAT Continue to Step 14 COMMENTS:

STEP 14: Step 14 Notify a SRQ to evaluate de-ensrgizing electrical components in the flooded zrea SAT STANDARD: Candidate should inform a SRO to evaluate de-energizing electrical components in the flooded area UNSAT COMMENTS:

.. .. ..- TASK END..~. ...~. ~.



STEP # Explanation 2 Necessary to attempt to terminate the flooding and not contribute to the water level in the TB basemen Necessary to attempt to terminate the flooding and not contribute to the water level in the TB basemen Necessary to prevent the waters from the flooding from entering the Aux. Bldg.,

causing more problems and the spread of contaminatio CRO-060 RO Page 11 of 11 CANDIDATE CUE SHEET (TO BE RETURNED TO EXAMINER UPON COMPLETION OF TASK)


Unit 1 was operating at 100% power with no known problems.

Unit 2 is in cold shutdown.

The 2 A l condenser inlet expansion joint has ruptured and Turbine Building Basement water level is rising.

Unit 1 has been tripped and the EOP is being completed by other team members.


The Control Room SRO directs you to referto APllO, Uncontrollable Flouding of Turbine Building, and perform required action i-PREPARATION (2) Station O C O N E NUCLEAR STAnON (3) Procedure Title Turbine Building Flood (4) Prepared By Kevin McMurray (Signature) ate 09/03/02


Requires NSD 228 Applicability Determination?

Yes (New procedure or revision with major changes)

0 No (Revision with minor changes)

0 No (Toincorporat Mgmt Involvement Review By (Ops Supt) N d D a t e Additional Reviews Reviewed By I Date Reviewed By Date Temporary Approval ($necessary)

BY - (OSWQR) Date BY Date Approved By u

__ Date XJwZ T PEREORhfANCE (Compare witk eontrol copy every 14 calendar days while work ir beingperformed.)

(10) Compared with Control Copy Date Compared with Control Copy .Date Compared with Control G p y Dace (11) Date(s) Performed Work Order Number (WW)

COMPLETION (12) Procedure Completion Verification:

0 Unit 0 61 Unit I El Unit 2 0 Unit 3 Procedure performed on what unit?

0 Yes NA Check lists and/or Manks initialed, signed, dated, or filled in N Yes U NA Required enclosures attached?

0 Yes 0 NA Data sheets attached, completed, dated, and signed?

Yes 0 NA Charts, graphs, etc. attached, dated, identified, and marked?

0 Yes NA Procedure requirements met?

Verified By (13) Procedure Completion Approved (14) Remarks (Affachaddifional pnges, ifnecessory)

Duke Power Company Oconee Nuclear Station Turbine Building Rood Electrunic Reference N OP002RGN I

AP/~lA/1700/010 Page 1 of 3 1. Entry Conditions Uncontrollable flooding of the Turbine Building 2. Automatic Systems Actions None 3. Immediate Manual Actions None

I AP/1/A/17OO/O ]I0 Page 3 of 7 4. Subsequent Actions



L ACTIONIEXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE N- O T OBTAINED .. 1 Ensure Rx is triDve ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~

I Tripping the CCW pumps will cause loss of condenser vacuum which will result in D V s failing closed and trip of the MFBWPs. Ensure

_______I CCW pumps are shutdown. Press of the following on the TUFG I BLDG FLOOD EhER CLOSING ALL CCWP DlSCH V A L W control switch: ..


- CLOSE 2 -_I_^

4.4 - Verify & CCW I pump discharge valves are close Ihe control switches for the CCW pump jischarge valves do not The valves act 1s thmttle valves unless the associated CCW xmip switch is in t h e m positio Dispatch an operator to ensure &ICCW pump discharge valves are closed (Equipment Rm):


- lXSl-F3C (1CCW-13 BKR 1D ccw PUMP DISCIT)

- 1XS2-F2D ( l a w - 1 1 BKR 1B CCW PUMP DISCH)


I r' .............................



Field tasks that may affect multiple units should be coordinated with Unit 2 and Unit .5 Dispatch operators to ensure & three flood doors are closed and in the SECURED position from the AB side (A-I, at Unit 1,2, and 3 stairwell entrances to TB): (21

- Unit 1 Flood Door i

- Unit 2 Flood Door Unit 3 Flood Door -. .- . . __Verify LPI decay heat removal is NOT hitiate the following EP/1 enclosures:

in progres Encl 5.8 (Feeding kGs with Station ASW)

__ Encl 5.10 (Station ASW Pump Alignment). Dispatch an operator to place the following waterbox discharge valve switches to I-IAND and CLOSE (T-3, East of condenser catwalk):

- 1CCW-20 (1Al)

- ICCW-21 (1A2)

- 1CCW-22 (IB1)

- 1CCW-23 (1B2)

1CCW-24 (1CI)

- ICCW-25 (1621 Make a PA announcement of the event including restrictions on entry into TB basement due to electrical hazar ) Attempt to locate and isolate the source of the floodin .18 Ensure Unit 1 ESV pumps are shutdown:

I A ESV Pump

- ICESVPump lB ESV Pump

I API~lN 17OOm10 Page 3 of 7 I O N E i i E C 1 ' E D RESPONSE '. ItESI'ONSE..-NOT .O - LIT .. A I h %

.. T ' I 4.1 1 - Verify glJ CCW pump discharge Dispatch an operator to perform the lollowing valves were successfully closed in (ESV Trench, Intake):

earlier step Remove pipe cap at ICCW-26 (CCW Inlet Iigh Point Vent). (4)

Open 1CCW-26 (CCW Inlet High Point Vent).

- Remove pipe cap at 1CCW-28 (CCW Inlet High Point Vent). 14)

- Open IC&-28 (CCW Inlct High Point Vent).

4.12 - Dispatch an operator to perform Encl 5.1 (Isolation of SSW to CCW Pumvs).

4.13 - IAAT WSW is NOT available, T I E N ensure End 5.31 (Temporarily Charging the W S W System) of EPll has been initiate .14 - Notify a SRO to evaluate deenergizing electrical components in the flooded mas. (21 I Contact with standing water could present electrical shock hazard until affected equipment is

. I de-energize (2)

I 4.15 - WHEN affected equipment is deenergized, T m N attempt to pump out water from TB sumps and any covered electrical equipment. ( 2 )


4.16 I WHEN all flooded equipment has been de-energized, AND recovery efforts are in progress, THEN EXIT this procedur I


I t


Enclosure APIIIAII TOOIOIO Isolation of SSW to CCW Pumps Page 1 of 1



-. .... ... ..- Verify & Unit 1 ESV pumps are off: - Notify Unit 1 CR to secure &ESV I

pump I Verify Unit 2 ESV pumps are off: - Notify Unit 2 CR to secure & ESV l

I pumps. '

- . I - Verify & Unit 3 ESV pumps are off - Notify Unit 3 CR to secure ESV pump . Close the following valves: (ESV Bldg)



5. Notify Unit's CR that SSW is isolated to ccw pump Unit 1

- Unit 2 Unit 3 6 . -EXIT this enclosur .'


Appendix ~~/llA/17oO/5 I5 Page I of 1 I I. This procedure is considered Reactivity Management Relate . PIP 0-0-97-4250, as a result of benchmarking, the recommendation was made to provide a comprehensive list of elechjcal loads in the TB basement to be de-energized. Evaluation of the list concluded that this approach was impractical for Oconee. Instead guidance is provided to restrict TB basement entry while potentially energized equipment is floode . PIP 0-01-0731, to delete HPSW alternate cooling to H p l p motor . PIP 0-01-3623, action added to remove FMEpipe caps from 1CCW-26 and 1CCW-28 to allow airflow into CCW lines to break sipho i

CRO-067 RQ Page 1 of 12 REGION ll INITIAL LICENSE EXAMINATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE CRQ-067 Perform Required Actions for ES Actuation (> 3psig)


CRO-067 RO Page 2 of 12



Perform Required Actions for ES Actuation (> 3psig)

Alternate Path:

Facilitv JPM #:

C KIA Ratinds):

System: EQE-009 KIA: EA1 13 Rating:

Task Standard:

Proper ES conditions are verified usmg the appropriate procedures and re-start the 1A and 1B LPI pump when required Preferred Evaluation Location: Preferred Evaluation Method:

Simulator 2Implant __ Perform 1 Simulate ~



1. Recall Snap 207 2. Import files for CRO-067 3. GotoWUN

CRO-067 RO Page 4 of 12 ToolslEquipmentlProcedures Needed:


I will explain ths initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM, including any required communications. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


Small Break LOCA is in progress.

Rule 2 in progress RCS is saturated and RCPs are off.

ES Channels 1 - 6 have actuated.


The Control Room SRO instructs you to perform EOP Enclosure 5.1, E§ Actuatio CRO-069 RO Page 5 of 12 START TIME:

STEQ: Step 1 Determine all ES channels that should have actuated based on pressure and RB Dressure: -SAT I Actuation Setpoint I ESChannel I -UNSAT 3&4 1.&'213& 4,5 & 6

... .... 7&8 STANDARD: Candidate should monitor the existing RCS Pressure, using valid pressure indication, ICCM Train A or B, OAC, RCS Pressure (NR), RCS Pressure (WR) on 1UBI and 1UB2 to verify Rf3 pressure is > 3 psi Determines that ES Channels 1-6 should be actuated Continue to Step 2 COMMENTS Step 2 Verify ES channels associated with actuation setpoint have actuated: -SAT STANDARD: Ensure ES digital channels 1 6 are actuated Continue to Step 3 -UNSAT COMMENTS:

3- Step 3 IAAT additional ES actuation setpoints are exceeded, THEN perform Steps 1 - §AT Continue to Step 4-UNSAT STANDARD:


CRO-067 80 Page 6 of 12 STEP: Step 4 Place HPI in manual contro __SAT STANDARD: Go to RZ modules on 1VB2 and select manual for the HPI component Continue to Step 5


Verify Rule 2 in progress or complete

__ SAT STANDARD: Determine Rule 2 in progress by referring to the Initial Condition Continue to Step 6-UNSAT COMMENTS:

Open the following:


  • IBS-1 1BS-2 STANDARD: Verify at the ES RZ modules that 16s-1and 1BS-2 are ope UNSAT Continue to Step 7 COMMENTS:

STEQ: Step 7 Verify any RCP operating I SAT STANDARD: Determine NO RCP is operatin Perform RNO step and GO TO Step UNSAT COMMENTS:

CRO-067 110 Page 7 of 12

8- Step 9 IAAT any RCP is operating-SAT AND ES Channels 5 and 6 actuate THEN perform Steps 10 and 1I I_ UNS STANDARD: Determine NO RCP is operatin Perform RNO step and GO TO Step 1 COMMENTS:

IAAT ES Channels 3 & 4 are actuated, THEN GO TO Step 13 STANDARD: Determine ES Channels 3 & 4 are actuated by GO TO Step 13 COMMENTS:

STEP 10: Step '13 Place the following in manual control:

1ALPIPump 1BLPIPump ILP-17 ILP-18 STANDARD: Go to the E§ RZ modules on 1VB2 and place the above components in manuai by depressing each components manual pushbutto Continue to Step 14 COMMENTS:


.. ..~. . ..~

.. ...~~.. ..~~...

CRO-067 RO Page 8 of 12

....... ........... ........ . . ~.

CAUTION LPI pump damage

........ may occur if operated in excess of 30 minutes against

.......... ......... a shutoff head.- -SAT

8- Step 14 SAAT any LPI pump is operating against a shutoff head,

-UNSA1 THEN at the CR SRO's discretion stop affected LPI pumps, STANDARD: Determine RCS pressure is above LPI pump discharge head and then ask for SRO direction. When directed by the SRO secure both the "A" and " B LPI pum Continue to Step 15 Cue: When asked inform candidate that the SRO desires bo stwp BOTH LPI pump COMMENTS:

Step 15 I M T RCS pressure is < LPI pump shutoff head, THEN perform Steps 16 - 1 STANDARD: Determine RCS pressure is NOT e LPI pump shutoff head (=ZOO pSig)

Perform RNO step and GO TO Step 1 COMMENTS:

CRO-067 RO Page 9 of 12 STEP 10: Step 18 IAAT 1A and 1 B LPI pumps are off I tripped, AN5 all the following conditions exist: __SAT RCS pressure < LPI pump shutoff head 1LP-19 closed 1LP-20 closed -UNSAT IBS-1 open OR throttled open 1BS-2 open OR throttled open THEN perform Steps 19 - 21 STANDARD: Determine conditions of step NOT met because RCS pressure is not

< LPI pump shutoff head (=ZOO psig).

Perform RNQ Step and GO TO Step 22 COMMENTS:

Note: After Step 28 is completed RCS pressure will decrease to LPI pump shutoff head. The candidate should determine that lAAT step 15 is met and transfer to step 1 SAT STEP 11: Step 15 IAAT RCS pressure is c LPI pump shutoff head, THEN perform Steps 16 - 1 UNSAT STANDARD: wig).

Determine that WCS pressure is < LPI pump shutaff head ( ~ 2 0 0 Continue to Step 16 COMMENTS:

STEP 12: Step 16 CRITICAL STEP Perform the fullowing:

Open ILP-17 Start 1A LPI pump I _ SAT STANDARD: Verify ILP-17 is open by observing the open light on the ES RZ madule Start the I A LPI pump by using the pump switch on 1UB Continue to Step 17 -UNSAT COMMENTS:

CRO-067 RO Page 10 af 12 STEP 13: Step 17 CRITICAL STEP Perform the following:

OpenILP-18 0 Start 1B LPI pump -SAP STANDARD: Verify lbP-18 is open by observing the open light on the ES RZ module Start the 1B LPI pump by using the pump switch on IUB UNSAT COMMENTS:



STEP # Explanation 12 The " A LPI pump must be started when RCS pressure is less than LPI pump head to ensure bPl flow into the cor The "B"LPI pump must be started when RCS pressure is less than LPI pump head to ensure LPI flow into the cor CRO-067 RO Page 12 of 12 CANDIDATE CUE SHEET (TO B RETURNED TO EXAMINER UPON COMPLETION OF TASK)


Small Break LOCA is in progress.

Rule 2 in progress RCS is saturated and RCPs are off.

ES Channels 1 - 6 have actuated.


The Control Room SRO instructs you to perform EOP Enclosure 5.1, ES Actuatio . . . ...


Enclosure EP/1/A/l8oo/Qo 1 ES Actuation Page 1 of 33 L".';' -. .............. --... .. OBTAINED-.""""']


A C rIoNmxi'Ecrm _.......... RESPONSE ..... RESPONSE NOT ......... Determine &I 3 channels that should have actuated based on RCS uressure and RB pressure:

Associated ES Channel 1&2 3&4 E 10 (RB), & 6 7&8 Verify ES digital channels associate1 - Actuate affected ES digital channel with actuation setpoints have actuate . .......... IAAT additional ES actuation setpoint are exceeded, THEN perfom Steps 1 - ............................................ Place HPI in manual control ..... .......... .......

........ .....................

5. -Verify Rule 2 in progress complet G O T O Step6 ... ... _ ~

6. Open the following: 1)ispaicti an operator to open the affected valve 20 ttrr1Ki:

- IBS-1


- 1BS-2 (A-4-402. E Pen Rm)


(A-4-409, W Pen Rm)

. ...... -. . I Verify RCP operatin ... - ......

GO TO Step . ...

-.. ....... ............ -. - Open the following:

- 1m-20

- 1HP-2 1

................ ..................... .............................................. .. - .. -

EP/BiA/1806/001 Page 2 of 33 EF AT ANY TIME:

(3) additional ES actuation setpints are exceeded ... (verify associated channels actuated)

I i

Enclosure EPI1/AI1 800/Qo1 ES Actuation Page 3 of 33

~- ._.... .......- ..... - ....... .- .......- ..........

I AC'TlON/WiPEC'I'ED RESPONSE: RESPONSE NOT_ O B T ______ A E f i - 7 9. - M A T g RCP is operating, - GO TO Step 1 AND ES Channels 5 and 6 actuate, THEN perform Steps EO and 1 I . __ ....._ . .. ....... __

10. Open the following:

-1 c c - 7

- 1CC-8

-. 1LPSW- I 5

- ILPSW-6 . .

11. -Ensure I A E 1B Component Cooling 'i Pump is operatin .. .......

12. -1AAT ES Channels 3 & 4 are actuated, - GO TO Step 4 THEN GO TO Step 1 ... .........

13. Place the following in manuai control:

__ 1.4 LPI Pump

- 1B LPI Pump

- 1LP-17

- 1LP-18 ...

I P I pump damage may occur if operated in ex 14. I IAAT LPI pump is operating against a shutoff head, THEN at the CR SRO's discretion, stop affected I P I pumps. 16.22)

. . .-- .. - ....

15. - M A T RCS pressure is < LPI pump - GO TO Step 1 shutoff head, THEN wrform Steps 16 - 1 __.__ . . .....

16. Perform the following: 1.- Stop 1A LPI Pum Ope11 1LP-1 .- Close 1LP-1 ~ Start 1 A LPI Pum ....................

17. Perform the following: 1.- Stop El3 LPI Pum Open 1LP-1 .- Close 1LP-1 Start 1B LPI Pum . .... __ ..- . .. ..

EP/hN/1800/001 Page 4 of 34 IF AT ANY TIME:

(3) additional ES actuation setpoints are exceeded ... (verify associated channels actuated)

(9) KCP is operating AND E§ Channels 5 and 6 actuate... (ensure CC and WSW to WCPs)

(14) LIP1 pump is operating against a shutoff Read ... (at CR SRO's discretion, stop affected LPI PUWS)

(15) RC§ pressure is <LIP$pump shutoff head ... (perfonn steps to start LPI pumps)


Enclosure EP/~/N11800/001 ES Actuation Page 5 of 33

.-. ...-. -



. _I7 18. -IAAT 1A 1B LPI Pumps are - GO TO Step 2 off I tripped, AND 4 the following conditions exist:

- RCS pressure z LPI pump shutoff head

- 1w-19 closed

- 1LP-20closed IBS-I open OR throttled open

- 1BS-2 open OK throttled open THEN ~ r B o m

___ Steps 19 - 2 . Open the following on either header to provide suction to IC I P I Pump:

20. -Start IC LPI Pump.

.~ ~. ~ ~ _ _ ~ ~ ~ .... ~ . . . ~ ~ ~

21. Open the following: I . Open thc following:

- 11P-9 - IIP-IO

- ILP-17 - 1LP-18 2. Close the following:

- 1IP-17 1LP-9 22, - IAAT 1A LFI Pump fails while operating, AND 1B LPI Pump is operating, THEN close 1LP-1 . - IAAT 1B LPI Pump fails while operating, AND 1A I s 1 Pump is operating, THEN close 1LP-1 ~ . '.... . . .,.... .

EP/l/A/1800/001 Page 6 of 33 (3) additional ES actuation setpoints are exceeded ... (verify associated channels actuated)

(9) a RCP is operating ANDES Channels 5 and 6 actuate,.. (ensure. CC and WSW to RCPs)

(14) an^ 1,PI piimp is operating against a shutoff head. .. (at CW SROs discretion, stop affected LPH pumps)

(15) RCS pressure is < HPI pump shutoff head ... (perform steps to start WI pumps)

(IS) 1A & 1B LPl Pumps are off/ tripped AND WCS pressure is < LIh pump shutoff head AND I=-19 closed BLP-20 closed AND 111s;-18c 2 are open or throttled open ... (line up and start IC IPI Pump)

( 2 2 ) 1A LPI Pump fails w h i k operating AND 1R LPI Pump is operating ... (close BLP-17)

(23) BR I 2 1 Pump fails while operating AND I A WI Pump is operating ... (close ITP-18)


Enclosure ES Actuation

....... -.- ... .

........... WSPONSE NUT OBTAINED .. --I 24. Start the following:

-A Outside Air Rooster Fan B Outside Air Rooster Fan 25. Notify Unit 3 to start the following:

__3A Outside Air Booster Fan

__ 3R Outside Air Booster Fan

. -__- ~ -

26. Verify the following are open: - I F C R SR0,desires 1CF-I and ICF-2 I

- lCF-1 open,

- 1 CF-2 THEN open the following:

- 1CF-1

- 1CF-2

- I - ___ .



27. -Verify 1I-E'-410 close .- Place 1IP-120 in manua . ..

2.- Close HE'-120.

.......... .. . - ... ....

28. -Notify Chemistry to prepare for caustic addition per CW1&2/A/2002/005 (Post Accident Caustic Injection Into LPI System).

- ........................ _ ... ........ ~

29. -Secure rnakeup to the LDS ........ ..........

30. -Verify fl ES channei 1 - 4 components - Notify SKO to emhiate components NOT are in the ES positio in ES positio ........... . ...

31. -Verify Unit2 turbine trippe GO TO Step 3 . -Close&PSW-13 ___ ......

33. -Verify total LPSW flow to W 2 LPI I Reduce LPSW to UNIT 2 LPI coolers to coolers 2 6000 mr obtain total LPSW flow I 6 0 W gp . ...

34. -Close 1LPSW-13 .....

35. Place the following in fail open:

- i ~ p s w - 2 5 1FAIL s W r r c H


.. ..............

FSIIIN 18Oo/Wl Page 8 of 33 IF AT ANY TIME:

(3) additional E§ actuation setpints arc exceeded ... (verify associated channels actuated)

(9) RCP is operating AND ES Channels S and 6 actuate. .. (ensure CC and LPSW to RCPs)

(14) LP%pump is operating against a shutoff head.. . (at CR SRO's discretion, stop affected LPI PUWS)

(1s) RCS pressure is < LPI pump shutoff head ...@wfomsteps lo Start 321pumps)

(18) 1A _and 1B ztpl Pumps are off f tripped AND RCS pressure is < Eh pump shutoff head AND 1Lk-19 closed AND 1LP-20 closed A M IBS-1 $r 2 are open or throttled open ... (line up and start IC LPl Pomp)

(22) 1A 191Pump fails whik operating AND BB L E Pump is operating ... (close ILP-17)

(23) IF3 LPH Pump fails while operating AND 1A LPH Pump is operating _.. (close 1EP-18)


Enclosure EPI1 IN1SOOfOO 1


ES Actuation Page 9 of 33

............ ..._- .. ............ -. .....




36. Verify either of the following: - GO TO Step 3 __ Three LPSW pumps operating

- Two LPSW pumps operating when Tech Specs only requires two to be operable 37. Open the following:


- BLPSW-5 ...

38. -IAAT BWST level I IY, I. - Display BW'ST level using OAC Turn-can THEN initiate Encl5.12 (ECCS Suction Code "SHO\VI)EG QlP1600".

Swap to KBES). 2.- Notify crew of UWST level IAAT step.

... ..

39. -Dispatch an operator to perform Encl (Placing RB Hydrogen Analyzers In Service). ( I S )


40. -Select DECAY HEAT LOW FLOW AI .ARM SELECT switch to O ....... .____

41. -WIIEN ES channels 5 & 6 have actuated, THEN continue procedur .. .. ....... . - ......................

4 Dispatch an operator to establish

= IO00 cfrn flow in each PRVS filter train using the following flow controllers (A-6.602, Vent Equip Rm, N wall):

- IPR-13 (ControlIer) (Filter 1.4)

-- 1PR-17 (Controller) (Filter . .


~ -...- ... .. ............... -

43. -Verify ES channel 5 & 6 components - Notify SRO to evaluate components NOT are in the ES positio in ES position.

. ....... ...... . ..... ......

Enclosure EPI1INI 800/001 ES Actuation Page 10 of 33 (3) additional ES actuation setpoints are exceeded ,.. (verify associated channels actuated)

(9) RCP is operating AND ES Channels 5 and 6 actuate.. . (ensure CC and U S W to RCPs)

(14) 1.P9 pump is operating against a shutoff head,.. (at CR SRO's discretion, stop affected L P I IPUWS)

(15) KCS pressure is < LPI pump shutoff head ... (perfom steps to start I P I pumps)

(18) 1A BB WI Pumps arc off I trippod AND RCS pressure is &I pump shutoff head AND 1PP-19 closed AND IIP-20 closed AND IBS-I & 2 are open or throttled open ... (line up and S@J'l1cwI PMlAp)

(22) 1A LPI Pump fails while operating AND 1U LR Pump is operating .).(close %LP-17)

( 2 3 ) 1I3 I P I Pump fails while operating AND BA LPI Pump is operating .,. (close lLP-18)

(38) BWST level 5 19' ... (initiate ECCS Suction Swap to RBES)

Enclosure EPI 1IAi18OO/QO1 ES Actuation Page 11 of 33

-. ......-- __ ..........


44. -WHEN ES channels 7 & 8 have actuated,

~~ ~~~

THEN continue rprocedur ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~

45. -Verify E§ channel 7 & 8 components - Notify SRO to evaluate components NOT are in the ES positio in ES positio ~ ___ ~I.._..-.-...~_...----., ~. .-

46. --WHEN CR SRO approves, THEN EXIT this enclosur IF AT ANY TIME:

(3) additional % actuation setpoints are exceeded ... (verify associated channels actuated)

(9) RCP is operating AND ES Channels 5 and 4 actuate... (ensure CC and U S W to WCPs)

(12) E 3 Channels 3 xi 4 are actuated ... (GO TO path for proper EPI actuation)

Enclosure EP/1/N1800/001 ES Actuation Page 13 of 33 47. Start the following:

I A Outside Air Booster Fan

...____....___I-B Outside ..I Air Booster Fa .._..s.,. ....... ..s .......

48. Notify Unit 3 to start the following:

-3.4 Outside Air Booster Fan

~~ 3R Outside Air Booster Fan _ i

. ~ . Verify the following are open: - IF CR SRO desires 1CF-1 and ECF-2

__ 1CD- 1 open,

- I CF-2 THEN open the following:

1 CF- 1

~ 1CF-2


50. -Verify BHP-410 close .- Place IHF-120 i n manua .-_ Close IHP-12 .... __ ....... .....

51. -Dispatch an operator to perfoim Encl (Placing RB Hydrogen Analyzers In Service). (PS

................... .- ..

5 I Notify Chemistry to prepare for caustic addition per CP/1&2/N2002/005 (Post Accident Caustic Injection Into LPI System).

....... ~ _ ................. ...

53. -Secure makeup to the IDS .... ....... .....

54. -Verify all channel 1 & 2 components Notify SRO to evaluate components NOT are in the ES positio in ES positio . -Verify Unit 2 turbine trippe GO TO Step 5 . close 2LPSW-13 .....

57. -Verify @ atJLPSW flow to UNIT 2 EPI - Reduce LPSW to UNIT 2 LPI coolers to coolers S 6000 m obtain total LPSW flow .C 6000 cu . -Close ILPSW-13 .........................................

59. Place the following in fail open:



................_....._.._._.__...-_...___.._..._ Emclosure ES Actuation IF AT ANI? TIME:

(3) additional ES actuation setpoints are exceeded ... (verify associated channels actuated)

(9) RCP is operating ANTB ES Channels 5 and 6 actuate.. . (ensure CC and WSW to RCPs)

(12) ES Channels 3 & 4 are actuated ... (GO TO path for proper 121 actuation)

Enclosure EPt1/Al1800/001 ES Actuation Page 15 of 33

[-.-- ................ -. .......


......_.... -I _ _


.......... ......J.....~.....T

.. A NED-~

60. Verify &r of the following: - GOTOStep6 Three LF'SW pumps operating T w o LPSW pumps operating when Tech Specs only requires two to be operable 61. Open the following: I


I 62. -WHEN CK SRO approves, THEN EXIT this enclosur Enclosure EPlfik118001001 Es Aeturatiora Page 16 of 33 (3) additional ES actuation setpoints 3re exceeded ... (verify associated channels actuated)

I i

Enclosure EPI1IAII 800/001 ES Actuation Page 17 of 33

-. ............ .... ...

I A(TIO~kXPECI'E1) -. _RESPONSE NO'I' ORTAINED ............ 3 63. Open the following: 1. - IF both BWST suction valves

- 1Hl'-24 (1"-24 and 1W-25) are closed,

- 1"-25 THEN perform the following:

A. - Stabt 1A LPI Pum B. - Start 1B LPI Pum C. Open the following: ,231 ILP-1s

- 1LP-$6 D. Open the following: (23)

- 1LP-6

- 1 LP-7

- 1LP-9

- 1LP-10 I IF two LPI Pumps are running to provide HPI pump suction, THEN secure one LPI pum Dispatch an operator to open 1"-363 (IETDOWN L N E TO LPI PUMP SUCTION LOCK)

(A-1-1 19, U1 LPI Hatch Rm,N end).

2.- IF only one BWST suction valve (1"-24 or 1"-25) is open, THEN perform the following:

A. -IF three HPI pumps are operating, THEN secure 1B "I pum B. -IF e 2 IPI pumps m operating, THEN start HPI pumps to obtain two HPI pump operation, preferably in opposite header C. - GO TO Step 6 . -Ensure at least ~ W O"1 pumps are operatin . ,____ .......

EPl%IAl1800/001 Page 18 of 33 IF AT Am TIME: I (3) additional I 3 actuation setpints are exceeded ,.. (verify associated channels actuated)

Enclosure EP/1/a/1800/001 ES Actuation Page 19 of 33

................ -.-..._ ...... . - _. ......... ..


I I:::: __

- ..- ACTIONKXPECTED RESPONSE..- - --. . ...- .. .- ..RESPONSE

-. NOT-.OB'I'AIhTD .......

65. Open the following:

- IHP-26

- IHP-27

~ .......... .....

66. - IAAT at least two HF'I pumps are operating, AND HPI flow i n header is in the Unacceptable Region of Figure 1, THEN open the following in the affected header:

.... .-............. __

Figure 1 Ilequired HI'I Flow Per fleader 0 100 250 300 400 m 6Qo Required WPI mow Per Header (gpm)

Emc:Bssuse EP!l/Al180n/Wl ES Actuation Page 20 of 33 (3) additional FS actuation setpoints are exceeded ... (verify associated channels actuated)

(66) at least two WPI pumps are operating AND EgpI flow in any header is in tlae Unacceptable Region of Figure I... (open llW-410 and/or 409)


Enclosure EP/I/A/I800/001 ES Actuation Page 21 of 33

[ ACTIONEXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 67. Open the foliowing: Dispatch an operator to open the affected valve 20 turns:

- 1BS-I

- 1BS-2


(A-4-402, E Pen Rm)


(A-4-409, W Pen Rm)

_.- _.___I______

68. -Verify RCP operatin I GO TO Step 7 . Open the following: I(

- 1HP-20

- 1HP-2 1 70. -IAAT RCP is operating, - GO TO Step 7 A N D ES Channels 5 and 6 actuate, THEN perform Steps 71 and 7 . Open the following:

- 1CC-7

._ 1CC-8 I ILPSW-15

-. ILPSW-6 .


............ ._

72. -Ensure 1A 1B Component Cooling Pump is operatin . . . ........ -

73. - M A TES Channels 3 & 4 are actuated, I GO TO Step 10 THEN GO TO Step 7 .. ...... .- ~

74. Place the following in manual control:

_- 1A LPI Pump

- 1B LPI Pump 1LP-17

- ILF-18 I CAUTION LPI pump damage may occur if operated in excess of 30 minutes against a shutoff head. 16)

I THEN at the CR SRO's discretion, stop affected LPI pumps. 16.22)

Enclosure ES Actuation (3) additional E3 actuation setpoints are exceeded ... (verify associated channels actuated)

(66) at least two "1 pumps are operating AND W H flow in any header is in the Unacceptable Region of Pigwe I... (open 1 ~ - 4 1 Q andor 409)

(70) RCP is operating AND ES Channels 5 and 6 actuate.. . (ensure CC and WSW to KCPs)

(75) aLPI pump is operating against a shutoff hea , (at CR SRO's discretion, stop affected LPI Pumps)

Enclosure EPI~IAII800/001 ES Actuation Page 23 of 33

.. ..... -......-. ............ -- ..... ..

....- -- RESPONSE .NOT - OBTAINED 2 76. -IAAT RCS pressure is < WPI pump - GO TO Step 7 shutoff head, THEN wrform Stem 77 - 78.

~~~~~~~ ~~~

77. Perform the following: Stop 1A LPI Pum Open 1LP-1 !.- Close BLP-1 Start 1A LPI Pum I

... ~~ ~


78. Perform the following: Stop 1B LPI Pum Open 1LP-1 !.- Close 1LP-1 Start 1B LPI Pum ;

__I.. _ I 79. -MAT 1.4 and 1B LPI Pumps are GO TO Step 8 off/ tripped, AND the following conditions exis

- KCS pressure < LPH pump shutoff head I _ ILP-19 closed I 1LP-20 closed

- IBS-1 open OR throttled open I 1BS-2 open OR throttled open THEN perform Steps 80 - 8 ....................

80. Open the following on either header to provide suction to 1C LPI Pump:


81. -Stat IC LPI Pum ..... ~ .........

82. Open the following: I . Open the following:

- 1LP-9 119-IO

- 1LP-17 1LP-18 2. Close the following:

- ILP-17

- 119-9 ............

. . . . ...... ..

Enclosure EP/IIAII 8OOiOOB ES Wstulmtian Page 24 of 33 (3) additional ES actuation setpoints are exceeded ... (verify associated channels actuated)

(46) at leist two WI pumps are operating AND HPI flow in any header is in the Unacceptable Region ofFigwe l . . . (open 1"-410 and/or409)

(70) RCP is operating AND ES Channels 5 and 6 actuate. .. (ensure GC and IPSW 10 RCPs)

(45) LPB pump is operating against a shutoff head.. . (at CR SRO's discretion, stop affected LPI pumps)

I (76) RCS pressure is < EPK pump shutoff head ... (perfom steps to start LPI pumps)

(79) 1A 1B 1,PI Pumps are off/ tripped AND RCS pressure is < I P H pump shutoff head AND 1LP-19 closed AND IIP-20 closed AND 15s-l 6r 2 are open or throttled open ~ .(line . u p and start 1(' I P I Pump)

Enclosure E P / l / N l 800/001 ES Actuation Page 25 of 33

-. .. ............... ...... . .- -. .- -. ..._ . ._-.......... ---T LA.C'I'IONIEXPE:CTEDRESPONSE .- RESPONSE -. NOT



83. - IAAT 1A LPI Pump fails while operating, AND IB LPI Pump is operating, THEN close 1LP-1 ... ...

84. - MAT 1B LPI Pump fails while operating, AND 1A LPI Pump is operating, TIEN close 1LP-1 ..... .. __ . ___

85. Start the following: i-A Outside Air Booster Fan

~ B Outside Air Booster Fan 86. Notify Unit 3 to start the following:

-3A Outside Air Booster Fan 3B Outside Air Booster Fan 87. Verify the following we open: - IF CR SRO desires lCF-1 and 1CF-2

- ICF-I open,

__ 1CF-2 THEN open the following:

I ICF-I ICF-2 88. -Verify 1HP-410 close .__ Place 1"-120 in inanua . _ Close 1"-12 . -Notify Chemistry to prepare for caustic addition per CP/1&UAi2002/005 (Post Accident Caustic Injection Into LPI Svstem . -Secure makeup to the LDS . -Verify ES channel 1 - 4 components Notify SRQ to evaluate components NOT are in the ES positio in ES positio . . ..... .-

Enclosure ES Actuation (3) additional E§ actuation setpoints are exceeded ... (verify associated channek actuated)

(66) ai least two I P I pumps are operating AND I-%plflow in any header is in the Unacceptable Region of Figure 1... (open 1HP-410andor 409)

(70) KCP is operating AND ES Channels 5 and 4 actuate... (ensure CC and WSW to RCPs)

(75) P I pump is operating against a shutoff head.. . cd! C X SWD's discretion, stop affected WI[


I (76) WCS pressure is < LFI pump shutoff head ... (perform steps Po start 121pumps)

(79) IA g& 1B LPI Pumps are off / tripped AND KCS pressure is < LPI pump shutoff head AND ILP-19 closed ANH) BLP-20 closed AND Ins-1 PG 2 are open throttled open ... (line up and stm 1C LPI Pump)

(83) 1.4 LPI Pump fails while operating A N D 1R LPI Pump is operating ... (close 1W-17)

j (84) 1B LIpIPump faih while operating AND 1A 121Pump is operating __. (close 1LP-18)

Enclosure EP/~/Nl8QQ/oO 1 ES Actuation Page 27 of 33 r - - - ~ c T I ~ N @ , X P ~ ( ~ TRESPONSE ED

...... -. .- __ RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED I 92. -Verify Unit 2 turbine :rippe GO TO Step 9 .................... ...

9 ____ Close &PSW-i3 . -Verify @ aLPSW flow to UNlT 2 LPI tJ I Reduce LPSW to UNIT 2 LPI coolers to coolers 5 6000 m obtain totas LPSW flow I 6 o o o gp . ---Close 1IPSW-13 ...... ... ___.~_I__

96. Place the following in fail open:



97. Verify &r of the following: - GO TO Step 9 Three LPSW pumps operating

- Two LPSW pumps operating when Tech Specs onfy requires two to be operable .....

98. Open the following:

- 1LPSW -4 I ILPSW-s ..... ..

. .

















.. .... ~

9 I IAAT BWST level 2 1 . - Display BWST level using OAC Turn-on THEN initiate Encl 5.12 (ECCS Suction Code SIIOWDIG 01Pl6Q Swap to RBES). 2.- Notify crew of BWST level MAT ste Enclosure EP/llAlI8oo/oo1 ES Actoatism Page 28 of 43 (3) additional IES actuation setpoints are exceeded ... (verify associated channels actuated)

(66) at least two RPI pumps ape operating AND P I flow in any header is in the Unacceptable Region of Figure 1.. . (open BHP-410andor 409)

(70) RCP is operating AND ES ~ h a ~ ? l5&and 6 actuate ... (ensure CC and WSW to RCPs)

(75) LFI pump is operating against a shutoff head ... (at iCR SRBs discretion, stop affected WI pumps)

I (76) RCS pressure is e WI pump shutoff head ... (perform steps to start LPI pumps)

(79) 1A g J 1B LPI Pumps a x off I tripped AND WCS pressure is < LPI pump shutoff head AND I D - 1 9 closed AND 1LP-20 closed AND IDS-l $c 2 are open or throttled open ).. (line up and start 1c LPI Pump)

(83) 1A 1 2 1 Pump fails while operating AND 1B L H Pump is operating ... (close lLP-17)

(84) IB LPI Pump fails while operating AND % ALPI Pump is operating ... (close 1LP-18)

(99) BWST level 5 19 ... (initiate EGCS Suction Swap to KBES)

Enclosure EP/IINlS00/001 ES Actuation Page 29 of 33 I AC'ITONIEXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT ORTAI~MD BOO._Dispatch an operator to perform Encl (Placing WB Hydrogen Analyzers In


Service). (PS)

~ ___

lOI._Seleci DECAY I E A T LOW ITOW ALARM SELECT switch to O .- WHEN ES channels 5 816 have actuated, THEN continue procedur .- Dispatch an operator to establish

= 1000 cfm flow in each PRVS filter train using the following flow controllers (A-6-602, Vent Equip Km, N wail):

- 1PK-13 (Controller) (Filter 1A)

- ^1PR-17 (Controller) (Filter 1B)

_._."__._._..__...-__I ._I_ ___.~ .

104.- Verify ES channel 5 I%6 components Notify SRO to evaluate components NOT are in the ES nositio ~~

in ES position. ~

105.- WHEN ES channels 7 Rr 8 have actuated, THEN continue procedur .. . ._~___I..._ ._

__._._I_.___.___ ..~ I . .-

106.- Verify &iES channel 7 Rr 8 components - Notify SKO to evaluate components NOT are in the ES positio in ES nositio ._.._._.__._...-_.___.l.._.l_

107.- WHEN CK SRO approves, THEN EXIT this enclosur Enclosure ES Actuation f


(3) additions! ES actuation setpoints are exceeded ... (verify associated channels actuated)

(66) at least two ilk1 pumps are operating AND WI flow ~n any header is in the Unacceptable Region of Figure 1 _..(open 1HP-410 and'or409)

(40) m y- RCP is operating A N D ES Channels 5 and 6 actuate ... (ensure CC and D S W to WCPs)

(73) EX Channels 3 & 4 are actuated ... (GO TO path for proper WsI actuation)


Enclosure EIV~/A/ISOO/OQI ES Actuation Page 31 of 33

...... - .. ......... -. .


i . . A C I ' I O N /-. E X P E C T E D WSI'ONSE ....... -. ............. __...


..._.._..I 1 s.._ ~. ..-



! Unit Status i j

ES Channels 3 & 4 have NOT actuate :

!  !

, ~ s..~ .... .. . I 108.Sta1-1the following:

-A Outside Air Booster Fan-B Outside Air Booster Fa .Notify Unit 3 to start the following:

3A Outside Air Booster Fan

~ 3B Outside Air Booster Fan 110.Vetify the following are open: - IF CR SRO desires 1CF-1 and BCF-2

- ICF-1 open, THEN open the following:

- ICF-2 I__ 1CF- 1 I 1CP-2 111.-Verify IIIP-410 closed i._ Place 1"-120 in nianua ?.--. Close 1HP-12 .-Dispatch an operator to perform Encl (Placing RB Hydrogen Analyzers In Service). (E'S )

_.l______._l ~

. ~

113.-Notify Chemistry to prepare for caustic addition per CP/1&UA/2002/005 (Post Accident Caustic Injection Into LFI

__ System). . ... _ _ ~~

114.- Secure makeup to the LDSI'.

... .. . -- ___.._.I__.-.._.___._..._s_--_____I_

115.- Verify all J3 channel I & 2 components Notify SRO to evaluate components NOT are in the ES positio in ES positio .-

._..__s.____. . .. -- ......____._..._I___I._..__ EP/B/AIl8~/001 Page 32 of 33 IF AT ANY T I r n (3) additions! ES actuation setpoints are exceeded ... (verify associated channels actuated)

(46) at Beast ~ W "D1 pumps are operating AND "1 flow in any header is in !he Unacceptable Region of Figure 1 ,.. (open 1HP-410andlor 409)

(70) RCP is operating A N D ES Channels 5 and 6 actuate ... (ensure CC and WSW to RCPs)

(33) ES Channels 3 & 4 are actuated ... (GO TO path for proper 1 9 1 actuation)


Enclosure EPihA/1800/001 ES Actuation Page 33 of 33

.-. .. ___._....... -. __



...- ..... RESPONSE... NOT OBTAINED ... 3 116.- Verify Unit 2 turbine trippe GO TO Stee, 11 .-

11 Close 2LPSW-13 ____I _I_-- - __-__-~ss .- Verify total LPSW Wow to UiWT 2 LPI I Reduce LPSW to UNIT 2 LPI coolers to coolers 5 6000 gp obtain total LPSW flow 56000 gp .... ................ .


_ _ _ ~ ...

12Q.Piacethe following in fail open:


- 1LPSW-252 FAIL SWITCH 1 2 1 . V e r i f y m of the following: __ GO TO Step 12 Three LPSW pumps operatin Two IPSW pumps operating when Tech Specs only requires two to be operable

... . .---._ ....... ~

122.Qpen the following:


......... ...............

123.-WHEN CR SRO approves, THEN EXIT this enclosur i CRQ-097 80 Page 1 of 13


INITIAL LICENSE EXAMINATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE CRO-097 Transfer ECCS Suction to the Emergency Sump (1LP-15 Failed Closed)


CRO-097 RO Page 2 of 13


INITIAL LICENSE EXAMINATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Transfer ECCS Suction to the Emergency Sump (f LP-15 Failed Closed)

Alternate Path:

Facilitv JPM #:

CRB-09 KIA Ratina(s):

System: EWE08 WA: EA1.l Rating: 4.013.7 Task Standard:

Steps of EOP are properly completed by the student to align HPIlLPl piggyback made Preferred Evaluation Location: Preferred Evaluation Method:

Simulator In-Plant __ Perform Simulate -


EOP Enclosure 5.1Z (ECCS Suction Swap tQ RBES)

Validation Time: 9 minutes Time Critical: NO



Candidate: Time Start:

NAME Time Finish:

Performance Ratinn: SAT-UNSAT - Performance Time -

Examiner: - I---



1. Recall Snap 208 2 . Import files for CRO-097 3. GotoRUN

CRO-097 RO Page4of13 Tools/Equipment/Procedures Needed:


I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM, including any required communications. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


A small break LOCA has occurred which is depleting the BWST.

Core SCM = 0°F.

The BWST level is 19 feet and REI level is increasing.

LOCA CD tab has been completed up to step 7.

"IA" LPI header indicates no flow

"13 LPI header indicates no flow INITIATING CUES:

The Procedure Director directs you to perform IAAT Step 1; Initiate Enclosure 5.12, (ECCS Suction Swap to RBES).


CRO-097 RO Page 5 of 13 START TIME:

Step 1 CRI?TIGAL STEP Start both of the following: -SAT IALPIPump IBLPIPump-UNSAT STANDARD: The candidate rotates the control switches on 1UB2 for IA and 1 EI LPI Pumps clockwise to the CLOSE position and verifies that the Red TRIP COIL lights illuminate and the White CLOSE COIL light is OFF and the ammeter respond Continue to Step 2 COMMENTS:

Step 2 Verify either of the following exist:

  • LPI FLOW TRAIN A plus LPI FLOW TRAIN B 5 3300 gpm __ SAT Only one LPI header is operating AND flow in that header is 5 2850 QPm-UNSAT STANDARD: The czndidate locates the flow instrumentation for the LPI headers and determines that no flow is indicated in either heade Perform RNO Step and GO TO Step 4 COMMENTS:

CRO-097 RO Page 6 of 13 Step 4 Verify e three HPI pumps operating-SAP RNO STOP 1 B #PI pump STANDARD: Candidate observes the indications for the HPI Pump controls on ?UBI -UNSAT and determines that all 3 HPI Pumps are operatin The candidate locates the control switch for the 1B #PI Pump and rotates it to OFF position and verifies that the white OFF light comes on and the red RUN lights go of Continue to Step 5 COMMENTS:

Step 5 Dispatch an operator to perform Encl. 5.37 (Isolation of HPI Pump Recirc) without dressing out. (PS) -SAT STANDARD: Candidate should dispatch NEO(s) to perform Encl. 5.3 Continue to Step 6 -UNSAT CUE: Inform candidate operator(s) dispatched as requested.


Step 6 Notify Control Room personnel that the 170 gpmlpump minimum HPI flow requirement is in effec SAT STANDARD: Candidate informs control morn personnel of HPI minimum flow requirements for HP UNSAT Continue to Step 7 CUE: Inform student the control room has been notifie CRQ-097 RO Page 7 of 13

.....~. ..... . .... ...~~.

CAUTION ECGS pump damage may occur if LPI pumps are operated below the following mini flows: -SAT Any LPI pump operated at < 100 gpm for 9 30 minutes TWQLPI pumps operating in piggyback with NO LPI flow and total HPI flow

.. .. gpm ..~. .~.. .... .- .. .. -UNSAT STEP: Step 7 Verify two LPI pumps operating STANDARD: The candidate locates the controls for "1K and "18" LPI pumps on 1 and determines that both LPI pumps are runnin Continue to Step 8 1 CoMMENTS:

I STEP: Step 8 Verify total HPI flow including seal injection is > 500 gprn-SAT STANDARD: Observe #PI headers flows on l U B l and determine total HPI flow including seal injection is > 500 gp Continue to Step 9 -UNSAT COMMENTS:

CRO-097 RO Page 8 of 13 I I STEP: Step 9 CRITICAL STEP Simultaneously open the following:

-SAT ILP-15 ILP-16 RNO-UNSAT Limit total #PI flow to < 750 gpm including seal injection STANDARD: Candidate locates the control switches and light indication for lbP-15 and ILP-16 on 1UB2 and determines that the valves are close bP-I5 and 1LP-16 switches are rotated to the OPEN direction and the student verifies that the green CLBSEQ light goes out and the red OPEN light comes o The candidate identifies that 1LP-15 did not open when its control switch was placed in the OPEN position and performs RN Throttle 1HP-26 and 1HP-27 to limit total HPI flow to C 750 gpm including seal injectio Continue to Step 10 NOTE: aLP-15 (1A LPI TO HPI AND RBS)will NOT respond, and will not be operilble during this JP I COMMENTS:

STEQ: Step 10 GO TO Step 14

___ SAT STANDARD: Candidate goes to step 14 COMMENTS:

-. ~ . . ....

.. .~. ..~.. .~~..



CRO-097 RO Page 9 of 13 STEP 10: Step 14 Place the "LDST LEVEL INTERLOCK switch in the "DISAELP positio SAT STANDARD: The candidate locates the "LDST LEVEL INTERLOCK switch and places it in the "DISABLE" positio ___ UNSAT Continue to Step 45 COMMENTS:

STEP 11: Step 15 Position the following valves switches to close until valve travel is-SAT



IHP-23 IHP-24-UNSAT 1HP-25 STANDARD: The controls for IHP-23.24 and 25 are located by the candidate on 1UBI, The switches are rotated to the CLOSE position and the green CLOSED lights are observed to come on and the red OPEN lights are observed to go of Continue to Step 16 COMMENTS:

STEP 12: Step 16


Verify any of the following are open:

ILPSW-4 ILPSW-5-SAT Continue to Step 17 __ UNSAT STANDARD: Verify any of the above valves are open by observing their open indications on 1VB2.


CRO-097 KO Page 10 of 13 STEP 13: Step 17 GO TO Step 22-SAT STANDARD: Candidate goes to Step 22 COMMENTS: I_ UNSAT STEP f4: Step 22 Verify bath LPI coolers avzilable for LPI and LPS SAT STANDARD: Determine bath LPI coolers available for LPI and LPS Continue to Step 23 I _UNSAT COMMENTS:

STEP 15: Step 23 Verify any LPI pump has been secured in this enclosure due to low flow condition I _SAT STANDARD: Determine BOTH LPI pumps are operating and perform RNO and GO TO Step 2 _ I UNSAT Continue to Step 25 COMMENTS:

CRQ-097 RO Page 11 of 13

. , . ~.. ......- ...~...

~ ~ . ...


. ... RB level of 5 2 is expected when BWST level

. reaches

.. 9 . .......

-SAT STEP 16: Step 25 WHEN BWST level is 5 AND RB level is rising, -UNSAT THEN continue in this endosure STANDARD: Monitor BWST level and RB level and determine that this step is satisfied and continue to Step 26.




Simultaneously open the following:

ILP-19 ILP-20-SAT I UNSAT STANDABD: The candidate locates the controls for 1LP-19 j l A aX BbBG SUCTION)

AND ILP-20 (1B RX BLBG SUCTION) on UB The switches are placed in the OPEN position and the valves are verified to open.


.~.. ~. TASK END



STEP # Explanation 1 Required to provide HPI pump suction 8 Necessary to allow the flow from the LPI headers to the HPI pump suction Candidate must determine that 1LP-15 did not open and then throttle HPI flow to protect the HPI pump Necessary to allow the suction source for the LPI system to be the RBES and not the BWST, which is almost deplete CRO-097 RO Page 13 of 13 CANDIDATE CUE SHEET (TO BE RETURNED TO EXAMINER UPON COMPLETION OF TASK)


A small break LOCA has occurred which is depleting the RWST Core SCM = 0°F.

The BWST level is 19 feet and RB level is increasing.

LOCA CD tab has been completed up to step A LPI header indicates no flow I B LPI header indicates no flow INITIATING CUES:

The Procedure Director directs YOU to perform IAAT Step 1; Initiate Enclosure 5.12, (ECCS Suction Swap to RBES).

Enclosure 5.12 EPI1IAII 80O/O01 ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 1 of 19

. ...._ .... .......... .......

_ wsrovsi:.. NOT OBTAINED .. Start both of the following:

- IA LPI Pump

- 1B LPI Pump Verify eilher of the following exists: __ GO TO Step LPI FLOW TRAIN A &

LPI FLOW TRAIN B 2 3300 gpm

- Only one L P I header is operating, AND flow in that header is 2 2850 gpm

_ I _ ~

I__ .

3. -GO TO .Step 5 ._l___..--l..-- ___--

l _ _ _ l_ Verify < three WPI pumps operatin ___.__.__l_s.-,. .

5. -Dispatch an operator to perform Enci 5.37 (Isolation of HPI Pump Recirc) without d r e s s i n g s . (1s)

.. _- ~ .

.6;. -Notify Control Room personnel that the 170 g p d p u m p minimum HPPJ flow requirement is in effec ....

ECCS pump damage may occur if LPI purnps are operated below the following minimum flows:

Any LPI pump opcrated at < 100 gpm for > 30 minutes

back with NO WI flow and total HPI flow < 500 gpm 8. -Verify total tIPl flow including seal IF of the following exist:

injection is > 500 gp NO flow on LPI FLOW TRAIN A

- NOflow on WI FLOW TRAIN B THEN perform the following:

A. -Secure one LPI pump due to low flow condition B. - GO TO Step 1 1 .

..._.....___.._..__._I__.._.._...__ . -. .

9. Simultaneously open the following: - Limit total HPI flow to < 750 gpm including sed injectio LP-15


- 1LP-16 ...... . .... ... .........

10. -GO TO Step 14. _ .

EPiB/A/1800/00 1 Page 2 of 19


Enclosure 5.12 E P I k N I 800/006 ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 3 of 19 I ...... .......... ... .._

ACTION/EXPECTEL) ..... __ ...-.

-. RESPONSE ...- .. R.ESPONSE ..NO'I'~G~TAINED--.-'-'

__I ._.... J I Total LPI flow = LPI header flow + EIPI header flows + seal iniectio I 1I. -Maximizetotal LPI flow < 3000 gpm by throttling HFI flo . .-Limit total HPI flow to < 7.50 gpm includinr! seal iniectio . Simultaneously open the following: 1.- IF 11-F-15 fails to open,

- 1LP-15 THEN start 1B LPK pum ILP-16 2.- IF ILP-I6kaiIs to open, THEN start 1A LPI D U ~ D .


14. -Piace LDST LEVEL IN'ERLOCK switch in DISARI ~~~~~~~~~ ~

15. Position the following valve switches to - Contintie procedure close until valve travel is initiated:

1"-23 I-I

- 11-IT-24



1IIP-2.5 ( 3 ) .

16. Verify of the following are open: GO TO Step 1 I LPS W-4

- ILPSW-5 ~

17. - G O TO Step 2 . - Verify NEITHER LPI cooler Lpsw 1. - Consider LPI cooler with blank LPSW-flow DIXON indicator is blan flow DMON unavailabl . - GO TO Step 2 _____-

. ........ .... -.......................

19. Verify the following are open: 1. - Consider LPI cooler associated with the

- ILP-I5 closed piggyback valve unavailabl ILP-I6 I GO TO Step 2 ..

20. -Throttle ILPSW-4 for 3000-3300 gpm flow to I A LPI coole ....

21. -Throttle ILPSW-5 for 3000-3300 gpm flow to 1B LPI coole ....


.... -- I -.


I GO TO Step 2 . . ._ ...... .-

Enclosure 5.12 EHJiBiPLII8001001 ECCS Suction §wap to RBES Page 4 of 19

Enclosure 5.12 EPIlIAI 180OIOO 1 ECCS Suction Swap to RnES Page 5 of 19 ms~ ~...-N....s.-. -.. ~ . N - ~ ~ B T ~ ~ T h-NOTE An IS1 punip secured due to low flow conditions is considered avnilahi The capability io align IC LPI pump is NOT considcrcd avaiiahlc unless alreidy in us . -Verify both LPI coolers available for LPI 1.- IF 1A 191 Cooler is available, and LPS THEN perfonn the following:

A. - Close ILPSW- . - Opeti IIPSW- C. - Reduce total HPI flow to

< 750 gpm including seal injectio D. I Close 1LP-1 L I IF 1B LPI Choler is available, THEN perform the following:

A. - Close ILPSW- B. - Open 1LPSW- C. __ Reduce IIPI flow to

< 750 gprn including seal injectio D. ...- Close 1LP-1 ~~ ~..~ .~ ~ ~

23. __ Verify LPI pump has been secured in __ G O TO Step 2 this enclosure due to low flow condition . -WHEN BWST level is IIO',

THEN start LPI purnp previously stoaped due to low flow condition AND RB level is rising, THEN continue in this enclosur )

26. Simultaneously open the following: 11.- IF 1LP-19 fails to open,

- 1LP- 19 THEN stop the 1A RBS Pum I _1LIP-20 2.- IF 1LP-20 fails to open, THEN stop the 1B RBS Pum Enclosure 5.12 EP/~/A/1800/001 ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 7 of 19

- -

- RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 1 2 IAAT BWST level is I@, - GO TO Step 3 THEN L O ~ 28 E ~ Steps ~ 32 28. -Verify 1LP-19 ope Stop 1A LPI Pum ~ -..___

29. -Verify 1LP-20 ope Stop 1B LPI Pump.

~______._.___._..I_.-- __..-

30. Simultaneously close the following: . _ IF 1LP-21 fails to close, THEN perfom the following:

- 1LP-21-Stop 1.4 LPI Pum I 1LP-22 I Stop 14 RBS Pum !.- IF 1LP-22 fails to close, THEN perform the following:

-- Stop 1B LPI Pum Stoi, 1B RRS Pum ___



31. -Dispatch an operator to close 1LP-28 (BWST OUTLET) (East of Unit 1 BWST).

~~ ~

32. -Verify two LPI pumps operatin Maximize total LPl flow < 3000 gpm by throttling HII flo _.- Limit total IFF1 flow to E: 750 gpm including scal.. injectio ~ ~

3 IhAr an operating LPI Pump (1A OR - G O TO Step 4 B) fails, THEN perfom Steps 34 - 4 ~ __

34. -Verify 9 LPI pump operatin I.- IF I A or 1R LPI pump is available, THEN attempt to start the available LPI Pum Z. - IF g LPI pump is operating, THEN GO TO Step 3 .- G O T 0 Step 3 ~ -- .-

Enclosure 5.12 EPI1IAI1800/00 ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 9 of 19 BIS-I7 IIP- I8

. __ ..._l...l .- ..-

36. -GO TO Step 41.

37. Perform the following: I . - Open I I P - ~ O .

A. -Open ILP-1 .- Open HP- B. -Open 1LP-6.

38. -WHEN the following are open, OR throttled open:


- 1BS-2 THEN continue procedure.

39. Open the following to align 1C LPI pump to header with LPSW aligned:

40. -Start IC LPI pump.

4I. -Verify LPSW aligned to the in-service 1 . - IF A LF'I train in-service, LPI trai THEN perform the following:

A. -Close ILPSW- B. -Open ILPSW-4 2. - IF B LPI train in-servicc, THEN perfom the following:

A. -Close ILPSW- B. -0Qen ILPSW- Enclosure 5.12 EP1ll/a/1800/001 ECC§ Suction Swap to RBI?§ Page 10 of 19 (27) BWST level is 5 ti... (transfer suction to only the RB sump)

(34) an operating LPI h m p (1A OR 13)fails ... (verify any WI pump operating OR start BC %PI Pump)


Enclosure 5.12 EPI1INI 8001001 ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 11 of 19

.......... .._ .. .- -. ._ HESl,ONSENO-T-(jBT~K~-D-l AC'l'ION/EXI'EC'rED RESPONSE -- ...-. -. ... I 42. Perform the following:

A. -Maximize tots% LPI flow < 3OOO gpm by throttling HPI flo B. -Limit total HPI flow to < 750 gprn including seal iniectio .........

43. Notify Chemistry to perform the following:

__ Commence caustic additio Periodically sample EPI discharge for I boron concentration.

4 IAAT the TSC is operational, THEN notify TSC to provide guidance on long term oneration of LPI nurnn ~~ ~

45. -WHEN llP-28 is closed, THEN continue in this enclosur .........._l..._._I.s_l._

46. -Verify 1LP-19 ope .

- GO .

TO Step 5 ..... .........

47. -Verify 1A LP1 Pump operatin IF TSC approves restart, THEN perform the following:

A. -Start 1A LFI I'um B. - GOTO Step 50.

48. -Verify

__ ......

1LP-20 ope .

- GO TO Step 50.

49. -Verify 1B I J I Pump operatin IF TSC approves restart, THEN start IB LPI Pum . -Initiate Encl 5.4(Makeup to the BWST)

to replenish inventory for subsequent use if neede . -WHEN directed by CR SRB, THEN EXIT this enclosur Enclosure 5.12 ECCS Suction swap to ma i

Enclosure 5.12 EP/lINV800/001 ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 13 of 19

......__..__.__.._..__.-..-.....-.. I .......................

I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

! Unit Status I


I I P I FLOW TRAIN A &p LPI FLOW TRAIN B 2 3300 gpm  ;

!  !

I OR  ;

!  ;


! Only one LPI header in operation with header flow 2 2850 gp !

!..s ........__I.__......

, I ................................................................. .._

52. -WHEN BWST level is S 13'.

THEN stop & KPI I pump __ I .

AND RB level is rising, THEN continue procedui . Simultaneously open the foilowirsg: 1.- IF ILP-19 fails to open,

- 1LP-19 THEN stop the BA RBS Pum LP-20 (41 2.- IF 1LP-20 fails to open, THEN stop the 1B RRS Pum . -1AAT BWST level is 2 6', - GO TO Step 60 THEN perfonla Steps 56......- 5 . ....... .

56. -Verify.... 1LP-19 ope Stop the 1IA IPI Pum ... ....

57. -Verify 1LP-20 ope stop the 1B LFI Pum ... ... ~

58. Simultaneously close the following: 1.- IF 1LP-21 fails to close, THEN perform the fallowing:

1LP-21 Stop 1A LPI Pum LP-22 I

I-Stop 1A RBS Pum .- IF ILP-22 fails to close, THEN perform the following:

-Stop 1B LPI Pum Stop....1B RBS .....

Pum . .. .. ... -. ..... .. .-..

59. -Dispatch an operator to close 1LP-28 (BWST OUTLET) (East of Unit 1 BWST).

...... .. .......


(55) BWST level is 5 6'...(transfer suction to only she RE3 sump)

Enclosure 5.12 E P I I I N I 800/00 1 ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 15 of 19 L.....ACTIONEXPECTED RESPONSE 60. -1AAT 1B) fails, I____

an operating LPI Pump (1A OR THEN W ~ O I T ISteps 61 - 6 + ...._ ...-..............


- GO TO Step 6 ....

-. ................... ...

i-61. -Verify LPI pump operatin GOTOStep64.

-_._.I._______.____.._ ...... ~ ..

62. Open the following for the running LPI pump:

6 I I 1LP-17 GO TO Steo 6 I 1 ILP-I8 I I I


~~~~ ~

64. Perform the following: I 1.- Open 1LP-2 A. -Open 1LP-1 .- Open 1LP- B. -Open IIP- ...

6 I WHEN the following are open, OR throttled open:

__ IBS-I

- IBS-2




continue procedur .. ~_..__.._____..._..I..._-- .. .

66. Open the following to align IC LPI pump to the desired header:

1IP-17 1 I 1LP-18 67. -Start IC LPI pum ..___ ... . .

68. -Verify LPSW aligned to the in-service 1.- IF A LPI train in-service, LPI trai THEN perform the following:

A. -Close ILPSW- B. -Open ILPSW-4 2. - IF B LPI train in-service, THEN perform the following:

A. -Close ILPSW- I Open ILPSW- . ~ .. - .

Emclosure 5.12 EP/l/nl1800/00 B ECCS Suction Swap %aRBFS Page 16 of 19 (55) RWST levd is I G . . . (transfer suction to only the RB sump)

(60) an operating LPI Pump (BA OR 18) fails ... (verify any LPI pump operating OR start l C LPI pump)

Enclosure 5.12 EP/~/Al1800/00 I ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 17 of 19 69. Notify Chemistry to perform the following:

-Commence caustic additio Periodicnlly sample LPI discharge for


boron concentratio . Verify of the following are open: - GO TO Step 7 LPsw-4

- 1LPsw-5 -

~. ._ .l_

. ___-____ -

71. -GO TO Step 7 i 1I The DIXON LPSW flow indicators must be used 72. -Verify NEITHER 191.cooler Lpsw 1 . _ Consider LPI cooler witti blank IPSW flow DIXON is blan flow DIXON unavailabl .- GO TO Step 7 . -Throttle IIPSW-4 for 3000-3300 gpm - GO TO Step 1 flow to the 1A LPI coole ........

74. -Throttle ILPSW-5 for 3000-3300 gpm flow to the 1H EPI coole __-____--_.___I_ I._____. ......... . ...

Enclosure 5-12 ECCS Suction §wap to RBES I


( 5 5 ) BWST level is 5 e...(transfer suction to only the RB sump)

(60) an operating Up1 Pump (1A OR 1B) fails ... (verify any LPI pump operating OR start 1C P I Pump)


Enclosure 5.12 EP/I/A/1800/001 ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 19 of 19


I ACTIONIEXPECTED RESPONSE ...................... .- -


'The cap3bilily io align IC I P I pump is NO'I'considered available unless already i n us . -Verify LF'I coolers available for LPI 1.- IF BA LI'I Cooler is available, and LPSW. 1211 TEEN perfonn the following:

A. - Close ILPSW- B. - Open ILPSW- .- IF 1B EPI Coo1er is available, THEN pe4onn the following:

A. - Close ILPSW- Open ILPSW- __



7 I _ WHEN 1LP-28 is closed, THEN continue in this enclosur . -Verify ILP-19 ope GO TO Step 8 GO TO. Step 8 . -Verify ILP-20 ope GO TO SteD 8 1.

. ._..._..._._.__.____.__x . -Start EB LPI Pum ._ .... ......... .-. ... .- . . . -. .

_ ~

81. -Initiate Encl 5.4 (Makeup to the BWST)

to replenish inventory for subsequent use if neede ......... - ........ ..... .

82. _WHEN directedby CR SRO, THEN EXIT this enclosur CRO-600 Page 1 of 12



CRO-600 Page 2 of 12



Recover from Switchyard isolation Alternate Path:

N Facilitv JPM #

KIA Ratinds):

System: BW/A05 KIA: AA1.l Rating: 4.314.2 Task Standard:

Recovery from Switchyard Isolation is performed correctly including manually synchronizing the overhead Keowee Unit onto the 230 KV Red Bus Preferred Evaluation Location: Preferred Evaluation Method:

Simulator X In-Plant __ Perform Simulate -


Enclosure 5.3 of APlOl1 (Recovery From boss of Power)

Validation Time: I 5 minutes Time Critical: NO

~ _ _ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ _ _ ~ ~ _ _


_ _ ~ ~ ~

Candidate: Time Star NAME Time Finish.

Performance Ratinn: SAT ~ UNSAT - Performance Time ~


1. Recall Snap 210 2. Import files for CRO-600 3. GotoRUN 4. Use the Speed Change Motor on Keowee Unit 1 to ensure the unit is out of sync.

5. Timer 2 will reset the SWYB Isolation 6. Timer 3 will give remote control of Keowee

CRO-600 Page 4 of 12 ToolslEquipmenffProcedures Needed:

Enclosure 5.3 of APlOl1 (Recovery From Loss of Power)


I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM, including any required communications. 1 will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. Ensure YQU indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


1. A switchyard Isolation has occurred 2. Unit 1 and Unit 2 reactors have tripped 3. Unit 3 remains online at 100% power 4. Power has been restored to Unit 1 and Unit 2's Main Feeder Buses from Keowee Unit 1 via the overhead power path 5. The TCC has notified Oconee that the 230 KV transmission system voltage and frequency has returned to normal and recovery from switchyard isolation may be initiated.


7 . The SKO in the control room instructs you utilize Enclosure 5.3 of APlOl1 (Recovery From LQSS of Power) to recover from the Switchyard Isolation.

2. Procedure steps 1 and 2 have been completed. Begin on step CRO-600 Page 5 of 12 START TIME:

I- Step 3 Verify NO ES 1 or 2 actuation on Oconee unit:

Unit 1-SAT Unit 2 Unit 3-UNSAT STANDARD: Verify ES 1 or 2 has NOT actuated on Unit 1 by observing the RZ modules and/or statalarms. Contact Unit 2 and 3 to determine if ES or 2 has actuate Continue to Step Cue: Unit 2 and 3 have not had an ES actuatio COMMENTS:

-2: step 4 Ensure &Iof the following AUTOlMAN transfer switches in MAN:

-SAT-UNSAT STANDARD: Place the Unit 1 TA and TB AUTOlMAN transfer switches in MAN Contact Unit 2 and 3 by phone and have them ensure TA and TB AUTO/MAN transfer switches in MA Continue to Step Cue: Unit 2 and 3 TA and TB AUTOIMAN transfer switches are h MANUA COMMENTS:



__ UNSAT STANDARD: The following RESET pushbuttons are depressed:


Step 6 Verifv the followina stataianns are off:




-UNSAT STANDARD: The above Statalarms are verified to be off. Statalarms are located on SA-1 Continue to Step 7 COMMENTS:

-5: step 7 CRITICAL ST, Notify Keowee Operator to transfer control of Keowee units to Ocone SAT STANDARD: Contact Keowee Operator, by phone, to transfer control of both Keowea units to Ocone _ I UNSAT Continue to Step NOTE: Simulator instructor will transfer control of both Keowee units to Ocone COMMENTS:

CRO-600 Page 7 of 12 STEP 6: Step 8 Verify both channels of all Bconee units Main Feeder Bus Monitor Relay Panels reset as indicated by the following statalarms off:




1(2)(j)SA-14/D-6 ( T R A E TO SB CHNL 3 LOGIC I I I INITIATE) ...

STANDARD: Both channels of Oconee unit 1 Main Feeder Bus Monitor Relay Panel is verified reset as indicated by observing the above statalarms off. Contact Unit 2 and 3 and have them verify their Main Feeder Buses are rese Continue to Step Cue: Unit 2 and 3 Main Feeder Bus Monitor Panels are reset as indicated by the above alarms are of Note: Unit 3's Main Feeder Bus Monitor Panel has not actuated.


STEP 7: Step 9 CRITICAL STEl Verify overhead Keowee unit energizing Oconee unit MFB-SAT STANDARD: Determine that Keowee Unit 1 is energizing Bconee Unit 1 MFBs via the overhead path, by observing Keowee Unit 1 has emergency started and ACB-1 is closed energizing unit 1's MFB Continue to Step 1 UNSAT COMMENTS:

CRO-600 Page 8 of 12 Step 10 GO TO Step 23 STANDARB: Candidate goes to Step 23 COMMENTS:

Step 23 Verify Keowee overhead unit is energizing Oconee unit MF SAT STANDARD: Determine that Keowee Unit 1 is energizing Oconee Unit 1 MFBs via the overhead path, by observing Keowee Unit 1 has emergency started and ACB-I is closed energizing Unit 1's MFB UNSAT Continue to Step 24.


STEP 10: Step 24 Notify Emergency Coordinator to determine which of the following is desired:

e Manually synchronize overhead Keowee unit onto the 230 KV Red SAT Bus e Disconnect overhead Keowee unit from the 230 KV Yellow Bus and reconnect (dead bus transfer) 230 KV Yellow Bus to the System Grid IUNSAT STANDARD: Call Emergency Coordinator and ask which of the above methods is desire Continue to Step 25.

Cue: The Emergency Coordinator determines that manually synchronizing the overhead Keowee unit onto the 230 KVRed Bus is desired.


CRO-600 Page 9 of 12 STEP 11: Step 25 Verify manual synchronization of the overhead Keowee Unit onto the System Grid via the 230 KV Red Bus is desire SAT STANDARD: Determine from previous discussion with the Emergency Coordinator that manual synchronization of the overhead Keowee Unit onto the System Grid via the 230 KV Red Bus is desire UNSAT Continue to Step 26.


STEP 12: Step 26 Obtain permission from TCC to connect overhead Keowee unit (230 KV Yellow Bus Supply) to the System Gri SAT Cue: The TCC gives permission to connect overhead Keowee unit (230 KV Yellow Bus Supply) to the System Gri UNSAT STANDARD: Cali the permission from TCC to connect overhead Keowee unit (230 KV Yeilow Bus Supply) to the System Gri Continue to Step 27 COMMENTS:

CRO-600 Page 10 of 12 STEP 13: Step 27 CRITICAL STEP Perform the following to sync and tie overhead Keowee unit (Yellow Bus Supply) to 230 KV Red Bus:

-SAT Establish communications with Keowee Operation e Depress and hold PCB-8 SYNC push butto Adjust overhead Keowee unit SPEED CHANGER MOTOR to -- - UNSAT synchronize overhead Keowee unit to 230 KV Red Bu . WHEN synchronization is achieved, THEN perform the following:

> Close PCB F Release PCB-8 SYNC push butto STANBAKD: The overhead Keowee unit (Yellow Bus Supply) is synced and tied to the 230 KV Red Bus by:

Establishing communications with Keowee Operation Depressing and holding the PCB-8 SYNC push butto Cue: The simulator operator will act as a second operator and operate the PCB-8 SYNC button. After synchronization is achieved (slow in the fast direction), inform the candidate to close the PC Adiustina the overhead Keowee unit SPEED CHANGER MOTOR to sy6chro&e overhead Keowee unit to 230 KV Red Bus WHEN synchronization is achieved, THEN perform the following:

> Close PCB-8 (Red closed light illuminated).

'i. Release PCB-8 SYNC push butto Note: The SYNC HECK provides only indication, NOT protection agairas ,ut of phase closur COMMENTS:



STEP # Explanation 3 Reset buttons must be pushed to reset the Switchyard Isolation circuit to allow PCRs to be repositione Oconee must have Keowee control to operate any Keowee Uni Must recognize power is coming from a Keowee Unit via the overhead path in order to transfer power back to the switchyar Manually syncing of the Keowee Unit is required to put the Oconee axillaries on the switchyar CRO-600 Page 42 of 12 CANDIDATE CUE SHEET (TO BE RETURNED TO EXAMINER UPON COMPLETION OF TASK)


1. A switchyard Isolation has occurred 2. Unit 1 and Unit 2 reactors have tripped 3. Unit 3 remains online at 100% power 4. Power has been restored l o Unit 1 and Unit 2's Main Feeder Buses from Keowee Unit 1 via the overhead power path 5. The TCC has notified Oconee that the 230 KV transmission system voltage and frequency has returned to normal and recovery from switchyard isolation may be initiated.


1. The SRO in the control roum instructs you utilize Enclosure 5.3 of AQ/O11 (Recovery From Loss of Power) to recover from the Switchyard Isolation.

2. Prucedure steps 1 and 2 have been completed. Begin on step Enclosure 5-3 AP/1/A/I700/01 I Recovery from Switchyard Isolation Page 1 of I9 RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED I. Determine extent of 230 KV Switchyard trouble:

- Consult with TC Consult with I&E Electrical Technica support. { 2 j

- Coordinate with TSC.

2. WHEN the following conditions exist:

-Notified by TCC that at least two i

230 KV transmission lines on

.separate towers are available to supply > 223 KV to the 230 KV Yellow Bus-230 KV Yellow Bus Bockout has been reset-230 KV Switchyard Red Bus voltage and frequency adequate THEN continue this enclosur ... _ .. Verify NO ES I or 2 actuation on 2 Press MANUAL on the fo%lowingES Oconee unit: modules on the affected Oconee units:

I Unit 1

- Unit 2 Unit 3

.-- Position & I the following AUTOMAE of transfer switches to MAN:

Transfer Switch I I I I TBAUTOMAN

. . . . ... .......

i i


Enclosure APl~lAl~7~lOl1 Recovery from Switchyard Isohtion Page 3 of 19 I ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 5 . Press of the following RESET pushbuttons:





, ~ ~

.- .~...

6 . Verify the following statalarms are off: - Notify I&E to investigate the cause of the I SA-iS/A-2 (CIIANNEL#I statalarm UNDERFREQUENCY)




~ ~ Notify Keowee Operator to transfer control of Keowee unirs lo Ocone Enclosure AP/IiA/17WOI 1 Recovery from Switehsyard BsoWon Page 4 of 19 i

Enclosure AP/1/A/17~/011 Recovery from Switchyard Isolation Page 5 of 19 8. Verify @ channels of Qconee units .Simultaneoustv press p t RESET

!J Main Feeder Bus Monitor Relay Panels pushbuttons for & affected unit:

reset as indicated by the following statalarms off:

Push Buttons CHANNEL I RESE'I'



_.- IF the affected unit(s) statalanns listed in SHED CIINL B LOGIC Step 8 did NOT clear, THEN notify affected unit to locally PERFORM the following at M I 3 MONITOR RELAY PANEL HlJS 1 and MI% MONITOR RELAY PANEL BUS 2 (Cahle Room of affected units):

Simultaneously press both of the following pushbuttons:

-. MFB UNDERVOLTAGE CMANNEI, 1 RESET-MFB UNDERVOLTAGE CXIANNEL 2 RESET 3. - WHEN statalarnis listed in Step 8 have cleared for units, TIEN continue prccedur . .- .~. ~.~~

~ ~.~

~~ ~ ~

9. -Verify overhead Keowee unit energizing - GO TO Step I Oconee unit MF ~ . . ~ .-~ ...

10. -GO TO Step 23.

. . ~ ~ -.. ~... .

1 I. -Open PCB-9.

~~ ,~.. , . ~ . ~ ..... . . ~

12. -Obtain permission from 1'CC to connect 230 KV Yellow Bus to the System Gri ~ ~~~~ . . . .~ ~~ ~

Enclosure APf%/A/i900/011 Resovery from Switchyard Isolation Page 5 of 19 i

Enclosure APl/1/A/1700/01 I Recovery from Switchyard Isohtion Page 7 of 19 r- -. -. ......-

ACTKNEXPEC'I'ED ..... ....___

RLSSYONSE ....T ..........

KESPONSE-~WT .... ..






CAUTION NO attemDt should be made to close m isolated PCB without knowing the reason for isolatio c I I 13. Close the following 230 KV Switchyard i

-. . . .

. ........

14. Verify %Oconee unit receiving power - GO TO Step 1 from the nonnal source (IT, 2T, 3T):

- Unit 1

- Unit 2

- Unit 3 .... .- .. ....... .

15. Place the following transfer switches in a

AUTO on Oconee units receiving power from the nomial source:

... .-

rnnsfer Switch



16. -Verify Oconee Unit I is on tin .....

- GO TO Step .1 ... ...

17. -Synchronize and close PCB-21. . ..... ....

18.. -Verify Oconee Unit 2 . is on lin .....

- GO TO Step 2 ......... .- ...

1 Synchronize and close PCB-2 ................................ ............. ........... - ..... .. - .

I i

Enclosure AP/~/A/1700/01I Recovery from Switchyard Isolation Page 9 of 19

__ ........ .. ........ .- ... .- . ........ ........ ....... ..........


._ .-. .... RESPONSE __. ......... -. RESPONSE


........................ -....... 3 I E m Keowee unit is receiving auxiliary power from the Step-up Transformer, then PCB-8 or PCB-9 must be closed within 30 seconds of ooening ACR-1 or ACB-2 to prevent automatic transfer to the Backup Auxiliary Transformer (C I f

20. Open the ACB for the Keowee unit aligned to the overhead:



21. Close the following PCBs to energize Keowee Step-up Transfonner from the 230 KV Swifchyard:

- PCR-8 I _ PCB-9

. .............. ~.

22. ___GOTO Step

. .

4 .

23. --Verify Keowee overhead unit is _ I GO TO Step 4 energizing g 0cont.e unit MF ..... . .......... .......

24. Notify Emergency Coordinator to determine which of the following Is desired:

- A4anually synchronize overhead Keowee unit oilto the 230 KV Red Bus

- Disconnect overbad Keowee unit from the 230 KV Yellow Bus and reconnect (dead bus transfer) 230 KV Yellow Bus


to the System -~

Grid .... ___

25. -Verify manual synchronization of the - GO TO Step 3 overhead Keowee unit onto the System


via the 230 KV Red Grid ....... ...

Bus is desire Enclosure AP/f/Nl700/(1I I Recovery from Switchyard ISOhtioR Page 1 I of 19 26. -Obtain permission from TCC to connect


overhead Keowee unit (230 KV Yellow Bus Supply) to the System

__ Grid. ...... I .-. _ .... ...

The SYNC CHECK provides only indication, NOT protection against out of phase closur Extreme caution is advised when synchronizing across PCB- Changing Keowee speed will change the speed of running motors for g Oconee unit receiving power from the overhead Keowee unit. Keowee spe.ed,changesshould be made The following steps should be coordinated with Keowee Operations. Keowee Operations should 27. Perforna the following to sync and tie overhead Keowee unit (Yellow Bus Supply) to 230 KV Red Bus:

A. -Establish communications with Keowee Operation B. -Press and hold PCB-8 SYNC push butto C. -Adjust overhead Keowee unit SPEED CHANGER MOTOR to synchronize overhead Keowee unit to 230 KV Red Bu D. -WHEN synchronization is achieved, THEN perfmn the following:

1) - CIOXPCB- ) __ Release PCB-8 SYNC push butto i THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY B U N K I

Enclosure AF/1/A/i700/01 I Recovery from Switchyard Isolation Page I3 of 19

-. ......... ....-. ......

. -

I ..A


- C



-T..I. ~ N / E X P E C T.....

I ED~~IB~NSE RESI'OGVSE NOT .............

OBTAINED -......._ _ -....... 1 NO attemnt should be made to close an isolated PCB without knowine the reason for isolatio I 28. Close the following 230 KV Switchyard PCBs:

. . , .. . . -

29. Verify aOconee unit receiving power __ GO TO Step 3 from the nornial source (lT, 2 T , 3T):

- Unit I

- Unit 2

~ Unit 3 30. Place the following transfer switches in a

AUTO on Oconee units receiving power from the normal source:

. ..... .

3 1. -Verify Oconee Unit 1 is on lin __ GO TO Step 3 ... . -. .... -. .... .-

32. -Synchronizeand close PCB-2 I .

. - I . _ _ . . _^__ ~ ......


3 Verifv Oconee Unit 2 is on lin .GO TO Step 4 .- ............. _

34. - Synchronize


and close PCR-2 ................... ............... _ . . . .

35. -GO TO Step 4 _ ..........

........... ......... .....................

Enclosure AP/hA/1?00/01!

Recovery from Switchyard Isolation Page 84 of I9 I

Enclosure AP/hNI700/01 I Recovery from Switchyard Isolation Page 15 of 19

............ ............ .............



.. I N E I . ) - ' ~

e Opening PCB-9 de-energizes the Startup Transformers and &Oconee l unit hWl3s receiving power from the Startup Transfonner. Closing the first PCB in Step 37 reenergizes Startup Transformers connected to the 230 KV Yellow Hus from the System Gri Steps 36 and 37 shall be pre-planned such that at least 3 seconds and NOT more than 20 seconds elapse between opening K B - 9 in Step 36 and closing the first PCB in Step 3 Some equipment (RCPs, " I s , etc.) will be lost on undervoltag ted I'CB without knowing the reason for isolatio . -Open PCB- ...........................

37. Close the following 230 KV Switchyard PCBs:

3 II Initiate repeat of Section 4 (Subsequent Actions) to restore lost loads.

. . ... - - .- .... -.

33. Verify 3 Oconee unit receiving power - GO TO Step 4 from the normal source (lT, 2'1.3T):

- Unit 1

- Unit 2

- Unit 3 40. Place the following transfer switches in AUTO on fi Oconee units receiving power from the normal source:

.......... - ... ....... ..


Enclosure AP/1/A/1700/51 I Recovery from Switchyard Isolation Page 17 of 19

... -. .......... -.-..-..-..........

I -._-...... ._ ....__ RESPONSE NOT -. OBTAINED

..... .......-.- 2 1-ACT16N/EXlDEC1'ED KESl'ONSE ......

31. - Veiify Oconee Unit ! is on lin G O TO Step 4 .... . .............. .- .. . . __ . . . . . . . - ..... _. ._ _ _ . _ ._ . _ _ ._ . _32._ - Synchronize .... ---

and close PCB-%



-- - ..... -. - - -._.- . . . . . . . . . . _ ...... _ .......

43. -Verify Oconee Unit 2 is on lin GO I O Step 4 . . .- . . . . -. . . . . .-. . . . . . . - . . ... .- ...... .- .- - . .

44. .__.Synchronize

. ...

and closr PCB..% . . . -. . ......... . . . . . . . - .- -. .. _ _ . _ . . -. .


15. .... Notify Keowee Operators that a mommtary loss of power will occur upon opciring thc PICE for the Kcowcc unit aligned to the overhea _ .. .- - ... .. _


...... -. ... .. -.- .- ...... - ..... . 1 .. -

I . . .

NOTE .....

If a!jy Keowee unit is rcceiving auxi!izry power from the Step-up l'rarisfornicr, at kast 3 scconds and NO'T more than 30 seconds sliould elapse ticrwecl: opening ACR- I or ACR-2 in Step 46 and closing PCB-8 or PCB-9 in Step 47. If Z 30 seconds elapse hclore thr associated PCB Is c!osed, automatic transfer to Backup Auxiliary Trarrsfonner (CX) may wcur.

L.-. ....-.........____ - I 46. Opcn tlic ACB for the Kcowee unit aligned to the overhea ACU-I (KEOWEE I GENERATOR t1U)

__ A.CB-2 (KFOWEE 2 GENERATOR BKW ... -. . .............

47. Close the following PCBs to energize Keowee Step-up Transformer from the 230 KV Switchyard:

- KB-8 KB-9 .-..... -. -.............. _ .- ...


48. -Verify Oconee unit MFB is supplied - GO TO Step 5 by CC- ......

. .. .......... ..

49. -Transfer unit loads to the Startup Transformers per OP/O/A/1106/019 (Keowee Hydro At Oconee). ......

50. -Verify Oconee unit MFB is supplied - GO TO Step 5 by CT- .........

5 I. -Transfw unit loads to the Startup Transformers per oP/o/A/1 107/003 100 KV Power SUDD~V).



Enclosure AP/~/A/8700/011 Recovery from Switchyard Isolation Page 19 of 19

.............. ...-. ..... ...


.............. ...-.KESWNSE

. ............... { R E S P O N S E NO1 OI%TAINEL) I 52. -WHEN NO Oconee unit auxiliaries are being powered from Keowee, THEN press the folbving pushbuttons to reset the Keowee Emergency Start signal for affected Oconee units:



I PUSH TO RET TQ NORMAL AFT ES RESET 53. -Shutdown the Keowee unit. per OP/O/A/I 106M89 (Keowee Hydro At Oconee). -~ .............

.... ............... ._

.I . -. .-

54. -Notify Keowee Operator to place Keowee units in local contro .................. .. , ..... -. ............ ..

55. -EXIT this enclosur CRO-700 R0 Page 1 of 17 REGION ii INITIAL LICENSE EXAMINATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE CRO-700 Place ICs In Auto following Loss Of AU%Q Power CANDIDATE XAMINEU

CRO-700 RO Page 2 of 17




Place ICs In Auto following boss Of Auto Power Alternate Path:

Facility JPM #

NE KIA Ratinds):

S;ySteM' BWIA02 KIA: AAll Rating.

Task Standard:

Use APi23 (boss Of IC§ Power) Enclosure 5.5 (Placing ICS In Auto) to place the IC§ in AUTO following a Loss Of Auto Powe Preferred Evaluation Location: Preferred Evaluation Method:

Simulator X In-Plant - Perform X Simulate -



1. Recali Snap 21 1 2. Import files for CRO-780 3. GotoRUN

CRO-900 RO Page 4 of 17 ToolalEqui~nnenffBraceduresNeeded:

AQ123 (Loss Of ICs Power) Enclosure 5.5 (Placing ICs In Auto)


I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM, including any required communications. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


1. ICs AUTO power lost 2. AP/23 (Loss of ICs Power) in progress 3. ICs AUTO power has been restored INITIATING CUES:

The SRO directs you to perform Enclosure 5.5 (Placing ICs in AUTO) to place ALL ICs H/A stations in AUT CRO-700 80 Page 5 of 17 START TIME:

Note: ABI operations will be performed on the ICs stations located on I U B I .

Step 1 Perform a pre-job briefing for AP/I/N1700/023 from the pre-job briefing databas SAT STANDARD: State that a pre-job briefing should be performe UNSAT Continue to Step Cue: lnform candidate that fhe pre-job brkfiflghas been performe Note: Candidate will obtain setgsint information from the OAC during this JP COMMENTS:

Step 2 Ensure RATE SET to SAT STANDARD: Ensure W T E SET thumbwheel located is set to Continue to Step __ UNSAT COMMENTS:

CRO-700 RO Page 6 of 17 Step 3 CRlTlCAL STEP Verify THP setpoint at = THP by comparing the following:


OlE2088 (ICs SELECTED TURB HDR PRESS) __ §AT RNO Ensure the following in HAND:

TURBINE MASTER 1A TURBINE BYPASS VALVES -UNSAT 18 TURBINE BYPASS VALVES Adjust THP setpoint to = PHP at the TURBINE MASTER-ST Call up the appropriate BAC display (enter GD AP28) and determine THP setpoint NOT at = THP and perform RN Verify the above stations are in HAN Use the Setpoint knob on ths TURBINE MASTER to match THP setpoint to = THP while monitoring on the OA Continue to Step 4 COMMENTS Step 4 CRlTlCAb STEP Place TURBINE MASTER in AUTO STANDARD: TURBINE MASTER is placed in AUTO by depressing the Auto -SAT pushbutton on the TURBINE MASTER Bailey statio Continue to Step UNSAT COMMENTS:

-5: step 5 Verify Main Turbine controlling TH SAT STANDARD: Verify Main Turbine controlling THP by observing THP being maintained at setpoin Continue to Step I UNSAT COMMENTS:

CRO-700 RO Page 7 of 17 Step 6 Verify all TBVs are close SAT STANDARD: Verify all TBVs closed by observing the Green closed indicatio Continue to Step UNSAT COMMENTS:

Step 7 CRITICAL STEP Ensure all TBVs in AUTO:

1A TURBINE BYPASS VALVES 1B TURBINE BYPASS VALVES -SAT STANDARD: Place TBVs in AUTO by depressing the red AUTO pushbutton and verify the red AUTO light illuminates and the white HAND light extinguishe I _ UNSAT Continue to Step 8.


Step 8 CRITICAL STEP Verify Tave setpoint at = T a w by comparing the following:

a 0 1 E2087 (ICs TAVE SETPOINT)

01E2086 (ICs SELECTED TAVE) -SAT RNQ Ensure the following:

DIAMOND in HAND -UNSAT I A FDW MASTER in HAND 10 FDW MASTER in HAND STAND Call up the appropriate OAC display (enter G- AP28) and determine Tave setpoint NOT at Tave and perform RN Verify the above stations 2re in HAN Adjust Tave setpoint to = Tave at the REACTOR MASTER while monitoring on the OA Continue to Step 9 COMMENTS

CRO-?OO a0 Page 8 of 17

9- Step 9 Ensure DIAMOND in MANUA SAT STANDARD: Verify DIAMOND in MANUAL by observing MANUAL light illuminated on DIAMOND pane UNSA1 Continue to Step l COMMENTS:

CRITICAL STEP Place REACTOR MASTER in AUT SAT STANDARD: REACTOR MASTER is placed in AUTO by depressing the Auto pushbutton on the REACTOR MASTER Bailey station and verify the red AUTO light illuminates and the white HAND light extinguishe UNSAT Continue to Step 11 COMMENTS:

STEP 11: Step 4 I Verify Neutron Error is 0 f 1%

-SAT STANDARD: Verify Neutron Error is 0 f 1% by observing Neutron Error meter on 1UB UNSAT Continue to Step 1 I COMMENTS:

CRO-700 R0 Page 9 of 17 STEP 12: Step 12 CRITICAL STEP Place DIAMOND in AUT SAT Place DIAMOND in AUTO by depressing the AUTO pushbutton on the

_I STANDARD DIAMOND panel pushbutton afld verify the AUTO light illuminates and the HAND light extinguishes. Verify plant parameters do not chang Continue to Step 1 UNSAT COMMENTS:

STEP 13: Step 13 Verify STM GENERATOR MASTER Measured Variable is on the care SAT STANDARD: Place selector switch to Measured Variable and verify the pointer on the STM GENERATOR MASTER is on the care Continue to Step 1 UNSAT COMMENTS:

STEP 14: Step 14 CRITICAL STEP Place STM GENERATOR MASTER in AUTO SAT STM GENERATOR MASTER is placed in AUTO by depressing the Auto I _


pushbutton on the STM GENERATOR MASTER Bailey station and verify the red AUTO light illuminates and the white HAND light extinguishe UNSAT Continue to Step 15.


CRO-700 RO Page 10 of 17 STEP 'i 5: Step 15 Verify Delta Tc setpoint at = Delta Tc by comparing the following:


STANDARD: Verify Delta Tc setpoint at = Delta Tc by comparing the above points on -UNSAT the OA Continue to Step 16.


STEP 16: Step 16 CRITICAL STEP Place DELTA Tc station in AUT SAT STANDARD: The DELTA Tc station is placed in AUTO by depressing the Auto pushbutton on the DELTA Tc Bailey station and verifying the red AUTO light illuminates and the white HAND light extinguishe UNSAT Continue to Step 17 COMMENTS:

STEP 17: Step 17 Verify 1A FDW MASTER Measured Variable is on the caret-SAT STANDARD: Place selector switch to Measured Variable and verify the pointer on the 1A FDW MASTER is on the care UNSAT Continue to Step I 8 I _


CRO-700 RO Page 11 of 17 STEP 18: Step 28 Verify 1B FDW MASTER Measured Variable is on the caret-SAT STANDARD: Place selector switch to Measured Variable and verify the pointer on the 18 FDW MASTER is on the care Continue to Step 1 UNS COMMENTS:

..... ... ..~.. .. ..

E... NOTE-' CRITICAL 1A FBW MASTER and 1B FDW MASTER should both be placed in AUTO

...... ..,

..~,.simultaneousl ..~.- ..~.~. ~..

I SAT STEP 19: Step 19 Place the following in AUTO:

  • I A FDW MASTER __ UNS, I B FDW MASTER 1 STANDARD: The 1A FBW MASTER and 1B FDW MASTER is placed in AUT6 simultaneously by depressing the Auto pushbuttons on both the 1A FBW MASTER and IB FDW MASTER Bailey stations and verifying the red AUTO lights illuminate and the white HAND lights extinguis Continue to Step 20 COMMENTS:


..... -. ~

.... ...

CAUTION Changing Total FDW flow will result in Rx power change. Total FDW flow should be maintained as near constant as possible by adjusting FDW pump spesd and FDW control -SAT valve

. positions. ..... _ ..... -. ...

STEP 20: Step 20-UNSi Verify lowest FDW VALVE AP = 35 psi STANDARD: Verify lowest FDW VALVE AP = 35 psid by observing the FDW VALVE AP gaug Continue to Step 21, COMMENTS:

CRO-700 RO Page 12 of 17 STEP 21: Step 21 Verify 1A MAIN FDW PUMP Measured Variable is on the care SAT STANDARD: Place selector switch to Measured Variable and verify the point6 1A MAIN FBW PUMP is on the care UNSAT Continue to Step 22 COMMENTS:

STEP 22: Step 22 CRITICAL STE IAAT 1A MAIN FDW PUMP Measured Variable is on the caret, AND desired in AUTO, THEN place 1A MAIN FDW PUMP in AUT SAT STANDARD: Place 1A MAIN FDW PUMP in AUTO by depressing the AUTO pushbutton and verify the red AUTO light illuminates and the wh UNSAT light extinguishe Continue to Step 23.


STEP 23: Step 23 Verify 1B MAIN FDW PUMP Measured Variable is on the care SAT STANDARD: Place selector switch to Measured Variable and verify the pointe 1B MAIN FDW PUMP is on the care UNSAT Continue to Step 24.


CRO-700 RO Page 13 of 17 STEP 24: Step 24 CRITICAL STEF IAAT 1E MAIN FDW PUMP Measured Variable is on the care AND desired in AUTO, THEN perform the following: .- SAT Adjust 1B MAIN FDW PUMP bias as required using OlE2092 (FWT 1E BIAS).

m Place 1B MAIN FDW PUMP in AUT UNSAT STANDARD: Place 1E MAIN FDW PUMP in AUTO by depressing the AUTO pushbutton and verify the red AUTO light illuminates and the white HAND light extinguishe Continue to Step 25 COMMENTS:

STEP 25: Step 25 Verify 1FDW-32 Measured Variable is on the care SAT STANDARD: Place selector switch to Measured Variable and verify the pointer on the 1FBW-32 controller is on the care UNSAT Continue to Step 26.


STEP 26: Step 26 Verify 1FDW-35 Measured Variable is on the care SAT STANDARD: Place selector switch to Measured Variable and verify the pointer on the 1FDW-35 controller is on the care I _ UNSAT Continue to Step 29.


CRO-700 RO Page 14 of 17

~. ... . ... ...~~... .... ... . ..


.. . -.


1FDW-32 .and 1FDW-35

. . ~ ~ ~ ~

should both be placed in AUTO


.. ..

simultaneousl STEP 27: Step 27-SAT Place the following in AUTO:

e IFDW-32 1FDW-35 __ UNSAT STANDARD: The 1FDW-32 and 1FDW-35 is placed in AUTO simultaneously by depressing the Auto pushbuttons on both the IFDW-32 and 1FDW-35 Bailey stations and verifying the red AUTO lights illuminate and the white HAND lights extinguis Continue to Step 2 COMMENTS:

STEP 28: Step 28 Verify IFDW-41 Measured Variable is on the care SAT STANDARD: Place selector switch to Measured Variable and verify the pointer on the 1FDW-41 controller is on the care __ UNSAT Continue to Step 2 COMMENTS:

STEP 29: Step 29 Verify 1FDW-44 Measured Variable is on the care I SAT STANDARD: Place selector switch to Measured Variable and verify the pointer on the 1FDW-44 controller is on the care UNSAT Continue to Step 3 COMMENTS:

CRO-700 RO Page 15 of 17

....... ..... .....


.....~-. . . .. . ..


.. should both be..~~-.

placed in AUTO simultaneousl . .. ..

SAT STEP 30: Step 30 I _

Place the following in AUTO:

  • IFDW-41 e IFDW-44 -UNSAT STANBARD: The 1FDW-41 and 1FDW-44 is placed in AUTO simultaneously by depressing the Auto pushbuttons on both the 1FDW-41 and 1FDW-44 I Bailey stations and verifying the red AUTO lights illuminate and the white HAND lights extinguis Continue to Step 3 COMMENTS:

STEP 31 : Step 31 Slowly adjust the following as required by unit operation:

Tave __ SAT THP Delta Tc UNSAT STANDARD: Adjust the above on 1UBI as required by unit operation Continue to Step 32 COMMENTS:

STEP 32: Step 32 Ensure CTPD SET at desired valu __ SAT STANDARD: Ensure CTPD SET at desired value on 1UBI-UNSAT COMMENTS: ... .- END. . . TASK

~~ .~~.~... .. . ...



STEP # Explanation 3 The setpoint and the parameter have to be matched to prevent a plant transient as the ICs is place in AUT Required to place the IC3 in AUT Required to place the ICs in AUT The setpoint and the parameter have to be matched to prevent a plant transient as the IC§ is place in AUT Required to place the ICs in AUT Kequired to place the ICs in AUT Required to place the 16s in AUT Required to place the ICs in AUT Required to place the ICs in AUT Required to place the ICs in AUT Required to place the ICs in AUT Required to place the ICs in AUT Required to place the ICs in AUT CRO-700 RO Page 17 of 17 CANDIDATE CUE SHEET (TO BE RETURNED TO EXAMlNER UPON COMPLETION OF TASK)


1. IC§ AUTO power lost 2. AP/23 (Loss of ICs Power) in progress 3. IC§ AUTO power has been restored INITIATING CUES:

The SRQ directs you to perform Enclosure 5.5 (Placing ICs in AUTO) to place ALL IC§ H/A stations in AUT Enclosure AP/llA/1900/023 Placing ICs in AUTO (2.4) .Page 1 of 9

--. .. ......


.. .......... ..._...... ..... RESPONSE

. NOT O L I T A I ~ ~ " ~

This enclosure should be performed by an RO with the CR SRO following along if possibl The CR SRO should be informed prior to placing ICs stations in AUT Encl 5.6 (Measured Variable Infomation) contains information on Measured Variable 1. -Perform a pre-job briefing for AP/l/AI1700/023from the pre-job briefing databas . -Ensure RATE SET to /I

- I __ 1 1 1 I...._


___I ~ _ _.__

3. -Verify THP setpoint at = THP by I . Ensure the following in HAND:

comparing the following: I T W I N E MASTJZR



  • OlE2088 (ICs S E r n r n D TemB - 1B TURBINE BYPASS V A L W S WDR PIIESS) 2. __ Adjust THF' setpoint to = THF' at the TUKRhT MASTE .... ... .

4. -Place TURBINE MASTER in AUT I...__

5. -Verify Main Turbine controlling T GO TO Step . -Verify & TBVs are close . - Ensure both TBVs in HAN . close all open TBVs:



I Enclosure AF'/1IN 1?OW823 Placing ICs ie AUTO (2.4) Page 3 of 9

...... .. .- .....

L -. ...... - lwSPONSE -_

7. Ensure TBVs in AUTO:

-1A TURBINEBYPASS V A L W-IB TURBINE BYPASS V A L W 8. -Verify TaV,setpoint at = TaYc by i.Ensure the following:

comparing the following: - DIAMOND in MANUAL OlE2087 (ICs TAVE SETPOINT)


- 1B FDW MASTER in I-IAND 1.- Adjust Tav,fetpoint to = T,,, at the REACTOR MASTER.

- .. __ _ II 9. -Ensure DIAMOND in MANUA IO. -Place REACTOR MASTER in AUT . _Ve~fyNeutronErrorisO+ 1%. L.- Notify WCClSPOC to investigate and repair the Neutron Emor signa .- WI3E.N Neutron Error is 0 k 1'70, T m N continue this enclosur . place DIAMOND in AUT . -Verify STh4 GENERATOR MASTER Ensure the following in HAND:

Measured Variable is on the care A FDW MASTER

~ 1BFDWMASTER 14. -Place STM GENERATOR M A S E R in AUT . -Verify Delta T, setpoint at =Delta Tcby 1.Ensure the following in HAND:

comparing the following: - IA FDW MASTER OIE2091 (ICs DELTA TC SETPOW)


  • OlPlGO8 (RCS NARROW RANGE 2. - Adjust Delta T, setpoint to = Delta T, at DELTA TC) the DELTA Tc station.



1G. ....Place DELTA T, station in AUT I

~~ - - .........

17. - Verify 1A F'DW MASTER Measured 1.- Notify WCC/SPOC to investigate and Variable is on the care repair 1A FDW MASTE .- WHEN 1A FDW MASTER is repaired, THEN continue this enclosur I J


Enclosure A P l l l N 17OO/523 Placing ICSjn AUTO (2.4) Page 5 of 9

........ ._. .-.

.. ... RESPONSE............


. . 3 18. -Verify 1B FDW MASTER Measured I . - Notify WCC/SlOC Io investigate m d Variable is on the carw repair I B FDW MASTE . - WHEN I13 I-DW hlASTEK i s repaired, THEN continue this enclosure.

.... .- ...... -- ... .... ...... .- - ~. - .- -. bc placed in ALTO 19. Place the following in ALT A FDW MASTER

- i B FDW MASTER Changing Total EDW flow will result in Rx power change. Total FDW flow should be maintained power = constant until the lowest I;DW VALVE AP = 35 psid:

- IAMAINFDWPUMP IBMAINFDWPUMP llmw-32 lFDW-41 0 1mw-35 1FDW-44 ... . -




Page 6 of 9 I

Enclosure AP/llA/1700/023 Placing IGS in AUTO (2.4) Page I of 9



. .......... ..RESPONSE 21. -Verify 1A MAIN FDW PUMP - Notify WCClSPOC toinvestigate and Measured Variable is on the care repair 1A M A N Fl[)W PUMP Measured Variabl . -IAAT l A MAIN FDW PUMP Measured Variable is on the caret, AND desired in AUTO, THEN place 1A MAIN FDW PUMP in AUT . -Verify IB MAIN FDW PUMP Measured - Notify WCC/SPOC to investigate and Variable is on the care repair 1B MhIN FDW PUMP Measured Variabl . __ IAAT l B M A " FDW PUMP Measured Variable is on the caret, AM) desired in AUTO, THEN perform the following:

A. - Adjust 1B MAIN FDW PUM'

bias as required using OlE2092 (PWT 1B BIAS).

B. - Place 1B M" FDW PUMP in AUT . -Verify 1EDW-32 Measured Variable is 1.- Notify WCC/SPOC to investigate and on the care repair BFDW-3 .- WHEN 1FDW-32 has been repaired,

__ .-

I THEN continue this enclosur . -Verify 1TjDW-35 Measured Variable is 1.- Notify WCC/SPOC to investigate and on the care repair 1FDW-3 . - W H E N 1FDW-35 has been repaired, I__ - -

i THEN continue this enclosur I Is_ i

. _

1HBW-32 and 1FDW-35 should - placed in AUTO simultaneousl ~~~ ~ ~~

23. Place the following in AUTO:

- IFDW-32

- 1mw-35

(24) 13 itlAIN FDW P W Measured Variable in 081 the eaet AND desired in AUTO ...

Q ~ and place E (balance M l D W s S U C ~ ~flows !MAIN FDW PUMP in AUTO)

I '


CRO-980 RO Page 1 of 13



CRO-900 RO Page 2 of 13



N Facility JBM #:

NE WA Ratinqls):

System 071 W A4.26 Rating: 31/3.9 Task Standard:

Release a GWD tank correctly using OPiiBr2IVI 1041018 tncl. 4.9 (GWU Tank Release)

Preferred Evaluation Location: Preferred Evaluation Method:

Simulator In-Plant __ Perform Simulate -


1. Recall IC-30 2. GotoRUN

CRO-900 RO Page 4 of 13 ToolsiEcluipmenffProced~resNeeded:


I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM, including any required communications. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


Release of "C" GWD tank is desired OP/1&2/NZ 1Q4/Q18,Enclosure 4.9 (GWD Tank Release) is in progress and completed up to step 2.3.


SRO directs you to complete the release of the "C" GWB tank at step 2.3 of Enclosure CRO-900 RO Page 5 of 13 START TIME:

Step Determine any other GWR(s) are in progress at statio I SAT STANDARD: Determine that no other GWR(s) are in progress at ONS, Continue to Step UNSAT Cue: No other GWRs are in progres COMMENTS:

Step CRlTfCAL S LF release will be made at 'i/3 station release limit, verify ?RIA-45 High and Alert Alarm setpoints set per PT/O/N0230/001 (Radiation Monitor ___ SAT Check).

STANDARD: Refer to PT/O/N0238/001 (Radiation Monitor Check) and verify 1RIA-45 -UNSA High and Alert Alarm setpoints using the RIA View Nod Continue to Step Note: The setpoints will not be correct and will require the candidate to reset them per PTi0230100 COMMENTS:

Step IF release will be made at 2/3 station release limit:

_ I SAT STANDARD: Determine that this release will be made a 1/3 station limi NIA steps 2.5.1 - 2. UNSA Continue to Step 3.1 Cue: If asked inform the candidate as the SRO that this release will be at 1/3 station limit.


CRB-900 RO Page 6 of 13 Step Record background readings for 1RIA-37 & 1RIA-38 on Enclosure 4.10

"GWD Tank Sample Request". -SAT STANDARD: Determine background readings for 1RIA-37 & 1RIA-38 by observing the RIA readings on the RIAView Node and record on Enclosure 4.1 UMSAT Note: The background readings should be as follows:

IRIA-37 Background reading is: 45 cps

$RIA-38 Background reading is: 6.6 cps Continue to Step 3.2 COMMENTS:

..~... . ... ~..

NOTE: The RIA required to tenninate release (RIA within range) must be operable or two independent

.~.. ... . I. (SLC 1 samples must be taken ..-.1.3).

.. A-SAT STEP: Step Recommended IRIA-37 and 38 High and Alert setpoints:

-UNSAT e 1RIA-37 cpm above background 1RIA-38 cpm above background STANDARD: Obtain this information from the sample request and record on for Continue to Step 3.3 COMMENTS:

CRO-900 RO Page 7 of 13 STEQ: Step CRITICAL STEP Adjust 1RIA-37 setpoints for release per one of the following:

3.3.1 IF above instrument range over-ride 1RIA-37 setpoints: -SAT Set 1RIA-37 Alert setpoint at zero Set IRIA-37 High setpoint at zero Or-UNSAT 3.3.2 IF required to set alarms:

Set IRIA-37 Alert setpoint at 4795 cpm Set 1RIA-37 High setpoint at 4795 cpm STANDARD: Determine setpoints fer release are NOT above instrument range and NIA step 3. Determine required setpoints by adding background to data from the sample request and enter it on this for Continue to Step 3.4 COMMENTS Step CRITICAL STEP Adjust 1RIA-38 setpoints for release per one of the following:

3.4.1 IF above instrument range over-ride 1RIA-38 setpoints: -SAT Set 1RIA-38 Alert setpoint at zero Set 1RIA-38 High setpoint at zero Or UNSAT 3.4.2 SF required to set alarms:

I _

Set 1RIA-38 Alert setpoint at 319.6 cpm Set 1RIA-38 High setpoint at 319.6 cpm STANDARD: Dstermine setpoints for release are NOT above instrument range and N/A step 3. Determine required setpoints by adding background to data from the sample request and enter it on this for Continue to Step 3.5 COMMENTS

CRO-900 RQ Page 8 of 13 Step Reset WASTE GASTANK DlSCH integrator to aer __SAT STANDARD: Reset WASTE GASTANK DISC# integrator located on 1AB3 to zero by depressing the reset butto _ I UNSAT Continue to Step COMMENTS:


STEP 10: Step CRITICAL STEP Open GWD-100 (Decay Tanks Dischzrge Header Block). (A-2-209/E 7 3 '

N of Door) -SAT STANDARD: Dispatch NE0 to Open GWD-100 (Decay Tanks Discharge Header Block). -UNSAT Continue to Step Cue: hnferm candidate that GWW-100 Is ope COMMENTS:

CRO-900 RO Page 9 of 13 STEP 11: Step CRITICAL STEP IF releasing GWD Tank C perfarm the following:

Open GWD-204 (Decay Tank I A Discharge Block) (A-2-2091E 14' N I SAT of Door)

Place GWD-206 (A GWD TANK DISCHARGE) switch to "AUTO-UNSAT STANDARD: Dispatch NE0 to open GWD-204 (Decay Tank 1A Rischarge Block).

Cue: inform candidate that GWD-204 is ope Located GWD-206 (A GWD TANK DISCHARGE) on 1AB3 and place switch to "AUTO" Continue to Step 3.9 COMMENTS:

STEP 12: Steps 3.9 - 3.1 I IF releasing GWD Tank B perform the fallowing...

SAT STANDARD: Determine NOT releasing GWD Tank A, B, 5 and N/A steps 3.8, 3.9, and 3.1 Continue to Step 3.12-UNSAT COMMENTS:

CRO-900 RO Page 10 of 13 recommended release rates per Enclosure 4.10 "GWD Tank Sample Request" are followe * Limit and_ Precautions have required approval levels -SAT


. . . . .for

. releas .-

-UNSAT STANDARD: Obtain approval for release, Continue to Step 3.13 Cue: Approval is granted for release by Tracy Lemons at current Dateflime.


I _ SAT STANDARD: Determine NOT releasing at 213 Station Limit by previous cu Continue to Step 3.14


STEP 15: Step 3.14 Recommended Release Rate from Enclosure 4.10 "GWD Tank Sample Request": cf SAT STANDARD: Record Recommended Release Rate from Enclosure 4.10 "GWD Tank Sample Request". __ UNSAT Continue to Step 3.15 COMMENTS:

...... ........... .......

CRO-900 RO Page 11 of 13

....~~.. .. ...~...


e If 1J1 Penetration Room Ventilation (PRV) system is shutdown, RIA-32 U1 Penetration Room sample point does NOT sample general area air properl SAT

  • With UI PRV system shutdown, MA-32 sample point for U1 Penetration Room is sampling air in piping between U1 Unit Vent and PRV discharge.

e RIA-32 counts may increase when selected to U1 Penetration Room while UNSAT making a GWD Releas .. . ..~

-. .... .

. ..~~..

STEP 16: Step 3.15 Place a note on Turnover sheet that RIA-32 Penetration Room samDle Doint mav alarm when selected to U1 Penetration Room during GWD release.

STANDARD: Candidate should indicate a note should be placed on the Turnover sheet indicating that RIA-32 Psnetratian Room sample point may alarm when selected to U1 Penetration Room during GWD releas Continue to Step 3.16 COMMENT§:

STEP 17: Step 3.16 GWlBlCAh STEP Adjust GWR DISCHARGE FLOW CONTROL to obtain desired release rate

_ I SAT STANDARD: Slowly adjust the manual loading knob to obtain the desired release rat Continue to Step 3.17-UNSA?

Note: Although the maximum rate is high the actual release sate will b e low COMMENTS:

STEP 18: Step 3.17 Record Begin GWR # I in Unit Log

-§AT STANDARD: Candidate should indicate a Unit log entry would be mad UNSAT COMMENTS:


STEP # Explanation 2 Required to set RIA to prevent station release above limit Required to set RIA to prevent station release above limit Required to set RIA to prevent station release above limit $0 Required to align release flow pat Required to align release flow pat Required to align release flow pat CRO-900 RO Page 13 of 13 CANDIDATE CUE SHEET (TO BE RETURNED TO EXAMINER UPON COMPLETION OF TASK)


Release of "C" GWD tank is desired OP/1&2/A/I 104/018, Enclosure 4.9 (GWD Tank Release) is in progress and completed up to step 2.3.


SRO directs you to complete the release of the "C" GWD tank at step 2.3 of Endosure Duke Power Company

- -

Oconee Nuclear Station 1 Proccdure N PT/ 1&2/A/0230/002 Revision No.


  • * 4: * * * * * * * UNCONTROLLED FOR PRINT * *********

(ISSUED) - PDF Format

GWD Tank Release PT/1&2/A/0230/002 Page 2 of 5 1. Purpose (PIP-0-00-00337)

Surveillance requirements required by SLC 16.1 1.3 prior to and during GWD Tank release for 1KIA-37 & 38 and Effluent Flow Kate Monitor are properly documented.

2. References RP Manual Site Directive 1.1.7 (Frocess and Area Radiation Monitors) SLC 16.1 .4 PT/O/A/O230/001 (Radiation Monitor Check)

3. Time Required Prior to and during each U%&2GWD Tank release i hour 4. Prerequisite ' k t None 5. Test Equipment Required None 6. Linlits and Precautions None 7. Required Unit Status

- Record the following:

b GWR# for GWDTankRelease 8. Prerequisite System Conditions GWD release require GWD Tank Release url1&2/A/0230/002 Page 3 of 5 9. Test Method If 1RIA-37 or BRIA-38 is available, a Source Check will be performed within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> to GWD Tank releas .2 If 1RIA-37 or lRIA-38 is available, during G\VD Tank release a Channel Response Check wit%be perfomle .3 If Effluent Flow Rate Monitor (Waste Gas Discharge Flow - GWD CK033)is available, during GWD Tank release a Channel Response Check will he performed.

10. Data Required 10.1 Flow (cfrn)

10.2 RIA readings (cpm)

11. Acceptance Criteria None

GWD Tank Release ~11&21N0230/002 Page 4 of 5 12. Procedure I NOTE: If any instnlment is unavailable, the associated surveillance requirement is NOT required. I 1 Prior to GWD Tank release perform the following:

12. Record DateEime I NOTE: RIA reading will change during Source Check. Operable RU(s) should be source ctiecked 12. available, perform Source Check of 1KU-37.(SR

-* - IF available, record 1 W - 3 7 Background Reading: Wm)

-12. E available, perfonn Source Check of I W - 3 8 by checking 1RHtZ-38 indicating counts. (SR { 1)

- available, record 1RM-38Background Reading: (cP@

12. RIA-37 is required by SIX: 16.11.3 and 1RU-37 is unavailable ensure SEC 16.11.3 required actions of Condition C and I are satisfied. [ 2 )

-12. I--38 is required by SLC 16.81.3 and IRM-38 is unavailable ensure SLC 16.11.3 required actions of Condition C and I are satisfied. [ 2)

-12. U1&2 WG DECAY TK DISCI1 FLOW instrument (GWDCR033) is unavailable, ensure SLC 16.11.3 actions of Condition C and J satisfied. [ 2)

GWD Tank Release PT/~&2/al0230/092 Page 5 of 5 NOTE: If any instrument is unavailable, the associated surveillance requirement is NOT require Sub-steps of Step 12.2 may be performed in any order no sequence require .2 During GWD Tank release perform the following:

-12. E U1&2 WG DECAY TK DISCN FLOW (GWD CR033) 1s available ensure instrument indicates flow. (SR 16.1 1.3.1)

~- * Record actual Release Rate from U1&2 U7GDECAY TK DISCH FLOW (GUT) CR033)


-12. IF U i & 2 WG DECAY TK DISCI3 R,OW (GWD CR033) is unavaiiable or fails during the release, ensure SLC 16.1 1.3 required actions of Condition C and J satisfied. [ 2)

12. Record RIA Eqiiilibriuni Readings during Release:

-12. IF available, ensure 1RIA-37 indicated 2 0. (SR

__ 12. IF available, ensure 1RIA-38 indicated 2 0. (SR 16.1 I .3.1)

~ 12. IF 1RIA-37 is required by SLC 16.1 1.3 and 1RIA-37 fails during the release ensure SLC 16.1 1.3 required actions of Condition C and I satisfied. { 2 )

~ 12. IF 1RIA-38 is required by SLC 16.11.3 and IRIA-38 fails during the release ensure SLC 16.1 1.4 required actions of Condition G and I satisfied. [ 2)

13. Enclosures None

  • Appendix*

Appendix urll&2/A/0230/002 Page 1 of 1 1. PIP # 0-01-2690 indicated that performhg a source check of 1KIA-38 was not defined well enough. Steps added to provide better procedure guidance.

2. PIP # 0-02-3093 procedure steps added to enter SLC 16.11.3 Condition C and I or J when required KZA or flow rate monitor is unavailabl Enclosure OPi1&2/A/I 104/0t8 GWD Tank Release Page 1 of 1 I 1. Initial Conditions U I &2 WG DECAY TK DISCH FLOW instrument operable Initiate Enclosure 4.10 "GWD Tank Sample Request."

__ 1.3 Review Limits and Precaution . Procedure KOTE: - Steps in PT/l&2/A/0230/002 (GWD Tank Release) completed prior to GWD Tank release to satisfy SR 16.1 1.3.12 o n IKIA-37 61 38. ( 3 )

If any instrument is unavailable, the associated surveillance requirement is NOT

. ._. Perform steps for prkxka GWD Tank release in PT/l&2/A/0230/003 (GWD Tank Release). [ 3 ) W1IEN sample results are received:

__2.2. I -

IF sample results allow release as deterniined by CR SRO, continue to Step . II? sample results are too high in activity for release, complete Enclosure 4.10

"GWD Tank Sample Request" and return to R ~ * Stop this Enclosure Determine any other GWR(s) are in progress at statio Releases in Progress Release Rate of Station Limit UI 0 Yes e3 No U2 0 Yes No u3 0 Yes No

Enclosure OW1&2/A/I i04/018 GWD Tank Release Page 2 of 1 1 release will be made at 113 station release iirnit, verify 1RIA-45 High and Alert Alarni setpoints set per PT/O/A/0230/001 (Radiation Monitor Check).

____ -* 1RIA-45 High Alarm set.

_ _ 0 IRIA-45

~ Alen Alarm se .5 E release will be made at 2/3 slation release limit:

~ 2. Ensure other two units NOT releasing 2. Multiply Alert and High setpoints by two for 1RIA-45 per PT/O/A/O230/001 (Radiation Monitor Check) and reset alarm ~-Reset 1RN-45 High Alar ~- * Reset 1R1A-45 AIert Alar ~ 2. Notify U2 CR to perform the following:

0 Multiply Alert and High setpoints by 0.5 for 2RIA-45 per PT/O/N0230/001 (Radiation Monitor Check) and reset alarm Reset 2RIA-45 High Alar Reset 2RIA-45 Alert Alar . Notify U3 CR to perform the following:

Multiply Alert and High setpoints by 0.5 for 3RIA-45 per PI'/O/A/O230/001 (Radiation Monitor Check) and reset alarm Reset ?RIA-45 High Alarm Reset 3RM-45 Alert Alar . Ensure 2RIA-45 and 3RIA-45 Alert and High Alarm setpoints rese Enclosure O P / I &2/A/ 1 104IO18 GWD Tank Release Page 3 of I i 3. GWD Release

~ 3. I Record background readings for IRIA-37 & LRHA-38 on Enclosure 4. IO "GWD Tank Sample Request".

NOTE: The RIA required to terminate release (RIA within range) must be operable or two Recommended !RIA-37 and 38 High and Alert setpoints:

__ iRIA-37 -- ___ cpm above background

~ * !RIA-38 cpm above background Adjust IKIA-37 setpoints for release per one of the following:

3. IF above instnimerit range over-ride 1KIA-37 setpoints

~~ Set IRLA-37 Alert setpoint at zero

.- ~ * Set IRU-37 High setpoint at zero


Or 3. IF required to set alarms:

- -e Set 1RM-37 Alert setpoint at cpm

- Set 1RIA-37 High setpoint at cprn

ICnclosure O P / I &2/N1 104/0 18 GWD Tank Release Page 4 of L 1 Adjust 1RIA-38 setpoints for release per one of the following:

3. IF above inslruinent range over-ride IRIA-38 setpoints

- Set ]RIA-38 Alert setpoint at zero

~~ * Set IRIA-38 Iligh setpoint at zero-Or 3. required to set alarms:

- Set IRIA-38 Alert setpoint at cpm

~~ e Set IRW-38 High setpoint at cpn1

__I Reset WASTE GASTANK DISCH integrator to zer .6 Ensure GWR DISCHARGE FLOW CONTROL in 'WAND".


~ Open GWD-I00 (Decay Tanks Discharge Ileader Block). (A-2-209E 13' N of L h o r ) E releasing GWD Tank A perform the following:

-~Open GWD-98 (Decay Tank 1A Discharge Block) (A-2-209E 14' N of Door)

- -* Place GWD-4 (A GWD TANK DISCHARGE) switch to "AUTO" IC releasing GWD Tank B perform the followirrg:

- D - 0 Open GWD-99 (Decay Tank 1B Discharge Block) (A-2-209E 14' N of Door)

__-0 Place GWD-5 (B GWD TANK DISCHARGE) switch to "AUTO" 3.10 E releasing GWD Tank C perform the following:

- _ I _ _

Open GWD-203 (Decay Tank IC Discharge Block) (WW Building)

-~ * Place GWD-206 (C INTERIM GWD TANK DISCH) switch to "OPEN" 3. I 1 releasing GWD Tank D perforin the following:

I _

Open GWD-205 (Decay Tank I D Discharge Block) (lRW Building)


I _

  • Place GWD-207 (D INTERIM GWD TANK DISCH) switch to "OPEN"

Enclosure P/1&2/A/1104/018 GWD Tank Release Page 5 of I 1 NOTE: Station Limit release rates, per SLC 16. I I , will NOT be exceeded if recommended release rates per Enclosure 4.10 "GWD Tank Sample Request" are followe Limit and Precautions have required approval levels for releas .12 Approval granted for releas ~ I Approval Date Time 3.13 releasing at 2/3 Station Limit:

__ Verify 2Rm-45 High and Alert Alarms set per Step 2. * Verify 3RIA-45 High and Alert Alamis set per Step 2.5.4

- 3.14 Kecomniended Relcase Rate from Enclosure 4.10 "GWD Tank Sample Request":

__ cfi Penetration Room sample point does NOT sample general area air properly. { 2 )

With U1 PRV system shutdown, RIA-32 sample point for 1.11 Penetration Room is sampling air in piping between U i Unit Vent and PRV discharge. ( 2 )

e RIA-32 counts may increase when selected to U1 Penetration Room while making a GWD Release. ( 2 )

3.15 PHace a note on Turnover sheet that RIA-32 Penetration Room sample point may alarm when selected to U1 Penetration Room during GWD release. ( 2 )

3.16 Adjust GWR DISCHARGE FLOW CONTROL to obtain desired release rate.

__s 3.17 Record "Begin GWR # " in Unit Lo .18 Notify U2 CR to place a note on turnover sheet "If 2RIA-45 aianns, notify U 1 CR".

I _ 3.19 Notify LJ3 CR to place a note on turnover sheet "If 3RIA-45 alarms, notify U1 CR".

Enclosure OP/1&2/AlI 104/018 GWD T3nk Release Page 6 of I C release to satisfy SR 16.1 1.3.1 on IRIA-37 & 38 and Effluent Flow Rate Monitor. 13)

0 If any instrument is unavaiiabie, the associated surveillance requirement is NOT required. ( 3)

3.20 Perform steps for during GWD Tank release in P'I'/I&2/A/0230/002 (GWD Tank Release). [ 3 I 0 GWD Tank discharge valve shouid automatically clos * "Enable Control" screen on RIA VIEW NODE should show "WHIRIT".

3.21 E automatic tennination occurs:

3.2 Close GWR Discharge Flow Controlle .2 Investigate cause of alar __ 3.2 IF required, request an independent sample on GWI) tan ~ 3.2 Manually reset valve inhibit on "Enable Control" screen of RIA VIEW NOD .2 Record maximuni cpin of RIA-37 or 38: I cpm

_I_ 3.2 IF required, perform Enclosure 4.17 "GWD Tank Release With Revised RIA Setpoints".

-3.2 IF required, terminate releas I

- 3.22 WHEN GWD Tank is = 5 psig, close GWR DISCHARGE FLOW CONTROL.

~ 3.23 Add N* to affected GWD tank to increase pressure to 15-20 psig per Enclosure 4.19

"Adding Nitrogen To GWD Tank".

3.24 Adjust GWR DISCHARGE FLOW CONTROL to obtain desired release rat Enclosure OP/1&2/A/i 104/018 GWD Tank Release Page 7 of 1 1 3.25 E required depressurize GWD tank as follows:

~ 3.2 WHEN GWD Tank is depressurized, close GWK DISCMAKGE FLOW CONTROl .

  • Note OKITurnover sheet after that maintenance _- GWD tank shouid be pressurized to = 5 psig per Enclosure 4.19 "Adding Nitrogen To GWD Tank"

~ 0 Continue with Section 4, "GWD Termination".

3.26 E nothing requires GWD tank to he depressurized perform the following:

- e WHEN GWD Tank is = 5 psig, close GWK DISCIIARGE FLOW CONTROL.

~ * Continue with Section 4, "GWD Termination".

Enclosiire OP/I&2/A/I 104/018 GWD Tank Release Page 8 of 1 i 4. GWD Termination:

4. I Record "Stop GWR # in Unit Lo .2 Complete Enclosure 4. IO "GWD Tank Sample Request" and route to R .3 GWD Tank A released, isolate as follows:

~ .-I_ __ Ciose GWD-98 (Decay Tank 1A Discharge Block) (A-2.20903 14' N of Door)


e Ciose GWD-100 (Decay Tanks Discharge Header Block) (A-2-209E 13' N of Door)

_____I e Place GWD-4 (A GWD TANK DISCIIAKGE) switch to "CI.OSED" GWU Tank B released, isolate as follows:

~ e Close GWD-99 (Tank IB Discharge Bltxk) (A-2-209E 14' N of Door)

__ 0 Close GWD-100 (Decay Tanks Discharge IIeader Block) (A-2-20903 13' N of Door)

~ e Place GWD-5 (E3 GWD TANK DISCHARGE) switch to "CI.OSED" GWD Tank C released, isolate as follows:


Close GWD-204 (Decay Tank 1C Discharge Block) ( E W Building)

___ ~

Close GWD-ICX) (Decay Tanks Discharge Header Block) (A-2-209E 13' N of Door)

-e Place GWD-206 (C PN'TERIM GWD TANK DISCH) switch to "CLOSED" E S W D Tank D released, isolate as follows:


-~Close GWD-205 (Decay Tank ID Discharge Block) ( R W Building)

-~ e Close GWD-IOO (Decay Tanks Discharge Header Block) (A-2-209E 13' N of Door)



Enclosure OP/1&2/A/I 1W/O I8 GWD Tank Release Page 9 of 1 1 4.7 IF released, check GWD Tank A for accumulation of water as follows: (A-2-209)

- -* Throttle open LWD-240 (Waste Gas Tank 1A Drain)

- -* Throttle open LWD-352 (Waste Gas Tank 1.4 Drain Block)

- -* Throttle open LWD-350 (Waste Gas Tank 1.4 Drain)



Throttie open LIVE-35 I (Waste Gas Tank 1A Drain Block)

4. WHEN no water passes through sight-glass, position the following:

- -- 0 Ciose LWD-240 (Waste Gas Tank 1A Drain)

-- Ciose LWD-352 (Waste Gas Tank 1A Drain Block)

-~Ciose LWD-350 (Waste Gas 'rank 1A Drain)

-- Close LWU-351 (Waste Gas Tank 1A Drain Block)

4.8 IF released, check GWD Tank B for accumulation of water as foliows: (A-2-209)

-- Throttle open LWD-241 (Waste Gas Tank 1B Drain)

- Throttle open LWD-355 (Waste Gas Tank 1B Drain Block)

- -e Throttle open LWD-353 (Waste Gas Tank IB Drain)

-~Throttle open LWD-354 (Waste Gas Tank 1B Drain Block)

4. WHEN no water passes through sight-glass, position the following:

-- Close LWD-241 (Waste G a Tank 1B Drain)

-- Close LWD-355 (Waste Gas Tank 1B Drain Block)

-- - Close LWD-353 (Waste Gas Tank 1B Drain)

-~ * Close LWD-354 (Waste Gas Tank IB Drain Block)

Enclosure OPI1 &%All lo41018 GWD Tank Release Page 10 of 1 I E released, check GWD Tank C for accumulation of water as follows: (Interim Bldg)

_I_- -__ e Throttle open GWD-197 (Waste Gas Tank IC Drain)

g__ -

. Throttle open GWD-198 (Waste Gas Tank IC Drain)

4.9. I WHEN no water passes through sight-glass:

-~ e Close GWD-197 (Waste Gas Tank IC Drain)

--e Close GWD-198 (Waste Gas Tank IC Drain)

4.10 E released, check GWD Tank D for accuniuiation of water as follows: (Interim Bldg)

- -- e Throttle open GWD-200 (Waste Gas Tank 1D Drain Isolation)

a Throttle open GWD-201 (Waste Gas Tank 1D Drain Isolation)

4.10. i WHEN n o water passes through sight-glass:

~ 0 Close GWD-200 (Waste Gas Tank ID Drain Isolation)

--e Close GWD-201 (Waste Gas Tank I D Drain Isolation)

4.1 1 Drain GWD Filters as fooilows: fA-2-210/Waste Gas Compressor Rrn)

___- Throttle LWD-242 (Waste Gas Absolute Filter Drain)

- -e Throttle LWD-243 (Waste Gas Charcoal Filter Drain)

4.11. I After one minute: (A-2-210Naste Gas Cornpressor Rin)

- -0 Close LWD-242 (Waste Gas Ahsolute Filfer Drain)

-~ e Close LWD-243 (Waste Gas Charcoal Filter Drain)

4.12 Perforni purge on IRIA-37 and IRIA-38 per Enclosure 4.18 "1RIA-37 and 3X Purge."

Enclosure OP/I &2/N 1 1ow0 18 GWD Tank Release Page I 1 of I S 4.13 release was at 213 Station Limit:

4.1 Reset IRIA-45 Alarms per F'T/O/A/O235/001 (Radiation Monitor Check).

-~Reset IRIA-45 High Alarni

- -* Reset IRIA-45 Alert Alarm 4.1 Notify U2 CR to reset 2RIA-45 Alarms per PT/O/A/0230/001 (Radiation Monitor Check).

  • Reset 2RIA-45 High Alarm Reset 2RIA-45 Alert Alarm 4.1 Notify U3 CR to reset 3WIA-45 Alarms per FT/O/A/0230/001 (Radiation Monitor Check).

Reset 3RIA-45 High Alarm

  • Reset 3RiA-45 Alert Alarm 4.14 Set RIA alarms as follows:

- Set IRIA-37 Aleit setpoint at zero

- Set 1KIA-37 High setpoint at zero-0 Set 1RIA-38 Alert setpoint at zero

___ * Set 1RIA-38 High setpoint at zero 4.15 required, remove note from Turnover sheet for RIA-32 alarming.

4.16 Notify U2 CR to remove Turnover sheet notes for 2RIA-45 atamis.

4.17 Notify U3 CR to remove Turnover sheet notes for 3RIA-45 alarms.

4.18 Ensure PT/1&2/N0230/002 (GWD Tank Release) complete. ( 3 )


NLO-039 RO Page 2 of 10




N Facilitv JPM #:

KIA Ratinafs):

System: 063 KIA: K1.03 Rating: 2.9/3.5 Task Standard:

Control Battery Charger is placed in s correctly.

Preferred Evaluation Location: Preferred Evaluation Method:

Simulator -In-Plant X Perform ~ Simulate X References:

"Removal From Service and Restoration To Service c Contrc Charge Enclosure (for CA or CB Control Charger)

of OP/l,2,3iA'I 1Q7/10 Validation Time: 12 minutes Time Critical: NO

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Candidate: Time Start:

NAME Time Finish:

Performance Ratina: SAT -UMSAT - Performance Time ~



NLO-037 80 Page 4 of 10 Tools/Ecluipment/Procedures Needed:


I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JFM, including any required communications. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


Last week, the 2CA Control Battery Charger was removed from service on Unit 2 which is currently operating at 180% power.

I&E personnel have informed the Control Room SRO that 2CA Control Battery Charger is ready to be placed back in service.

The Standby Control Battery Charger is currently in service. "Removal From Service and Restoration To Service of Control Charger 2CA Enclosure of OP/2/A/I Z07/10 has been completed up l o Step 2.2.


The Control Room SRO directs you to place the 2CA Controi Battery Charger in service and remove the Standby Control Battery Charger from service on Unit 2 by procedur NLO-037 BO Page 5 of 10 START TIME:

STEQ: Step 2. At MCC 2XS1; Ensure closed 2XSI-F4A (2CA BATTERY CHGR BKR). -- SAT STANDARD: The candidate locates the appropriate breaker for the designated Control Battery Charger and closes the breake UNSAT CA located on MCC 2XS1 (F4A)

Continue to Step 2. CUE: Indicate to student that power supply breaker is akeady closed in, CQMMENTS:


-SAT e Close AC INPUT circuit breake Verify AC POWER FAILURE light is of Verify after 20-30 seconds DC OUTPUT volts meter indicates 131-140 Volt UNSAT Close DC OUTPUT circuit breaker.

STANDARD: Candidate should proceed to the 2CA Control and Instrumentation Battery Charge AC INPUT CIRCUIT BREAKER is placed in the ON position.

Cue: Breaker is closed Verify AC POWER FAILURE light is off.

Cue: PIC POWER FAlLURE light is off Verify after 20-30 seconds DC OUTPUT volts meter indicates 131-140 Volts.

Cue: Examiner should point to the different voltages on the meter for the 20-30 seconds that it takes the voitage to reach acceptable voltage. Final voltage indicates 135 Volt Close DC OUTPUT circuit breaker.

CUE: DC OUTPUT circuit breaker is close Continue to Step 2.2.3.


NLO-037 RO Page 7 of I O Step 2. CRITICAL TASK At MCC 2DCA:


STANDARD: Control Battery Charger breaker is located on associated BC Distribution __ UNSAT Center and is closed in by rotating breaker switch handle from the OPEN position to the CLOSED positio MCC 2DCA: Close the 2CA battery charger to 2DCA breaker CUE: After student simulates closing breaker, indicate to student that breaker is closed E MCC 2868: Open 2DCA-2B (2CS BATT CHGR TO 2CA BATT BKR).

CUE: After student simulates opening breaker, indicate to SfUd@Rtthat breaker is ope Continue to Step 2.2.4, COMMENTS:

  • Verify CONTROL CHARGER 2CA is supplying load as indicated on -SAT DC OUTPUT amperes mete Ensure ALARM ENABLEIDEFEAT switch in "ENABL UNSAT STANDARD: The DC AMPERES meter is observed and verified to indicate load on the battery charge C U E lndicate to student that the DC AMPERES meter indicates approximately f90 amp The ALARM ENABLEBEFEAT switch is located on the Control Charger cabinet and placed in the ENABLE positio Continue to Step 2. COMMENTS:

.. . .. ... . . -

NLO-037 RO Page 8 of 20 Step 2. At CONTROL CHARGER 2CS:

e Place ALARM ENABLEKJEFEAT switch to "DEFEAT". -SAT Open DC OUTPUT circuit breake Open AC INPUT circuit breake UNSAT STANDARD: The ALARM ENABLEXEFEAT switch is located on the Control Charger cabinet and placed in the DEFEAT positio DC OUTPUT CIRCUIT BREAKER is placed in the OFF positio CUE: After student simulates opening breaker, indicate to student that DC Output CIRCUIT BREAKER is ope AC INPUT circuit breaker is placed in the OPEN positio CUE: After Student simulates opening breaker, indicate to student that AC lnput CRCUIT BREAKER is ope Continue to SteD 2. COMMENTS:

Step 2. Delete note on Turnover Sheet concerning Control Charger 2CS in servic SAT STANDARD: Candidate should indicate that they would delete the note on the Turnover Shee __ UNSAT COMMENTS:

.......... END TASK


...~... ....



STP # Explanation 2 Step 2 is necessary because it energizes the Control Charger and verifies that it can assume the loads on the BC busse Step 3 is necessary because it closes the breaker from the Control Charger to the MCC to pick up loads prior to the shutdown of the Standby Charge NLO-037 RO Page 10 of 10 CANDIDATE CUE SHEET (TO BE RETURNED TO EXAMlNER UPON COMPLETION OF TASK)


Last week, the 2CA Control Battery Charger was removed from service on Unit 2 which is currently operating at 100% power.

l&E personnel have informed the Control Room SRQ that 2CA Control Battery Charger is ready to be placed back in service.

The Standby Control Battery Charger is currently in service. Removal From Service and Restoration To Service of Control Charger 2CA Enclosure of OP/2/PJ1107/10 has been completed up to Step 2.2.


The Control Room SKO directs you to place the 2CA Control Battery Charger in service and remove the Standby Control Battery Charger from service on Unit 2 by procedur Enclosure OPi2IAII 10710 10 Removal And Restoration Page 1 o f 3 Control Charger 2GA 1. Initial conditions CONTROL CIIARGER 2CS is NOT supplying 2CR BATTER .2 Verify requirements of Technical Specification 3.8.3 3.8.4 are met.

- Review Limits and Precautions.

2. Procedure NOTE: Red Tags should be attached per appropriate RRr .1 Removal From Service:

2. At MCC 2XS3:

- ~ A. Ensure closed 2XS3-2C (2CS STDBY BATT CHARGER BKR).


~ ~ A. Close AC WPIJT circuit breake B. Verify AC POWER FAILIJRE light is of ~ ___ C. Verify after 20-30 seconds DC QlJTIPUT volts meter indicates 131-140 Volt D. Close DC OUTPUT circuit breake E. Place ALARM ENABLEDEFEAT switch to ENABL . At MCC 2DCB:

-~ A. E required, lock and remove Kirk Key from 2DCB-2B (2CS B A I T CKGR TO 2CB BATT BKR) compartmen Enclosure Q1V2/2/A/1107/010 Removal And Restoration Page 2 of 3 Control Charger 2CA 2. I .3 At MCC 2DCA:

- -A. IJnlock Kirk Key interlock inside 2DCA-2B (2CS BATI' CHGR TO 2CA BATT BKR) compartment.

-___ B. Close 2DCA-2B (2CS R A l T CHGR TO 2CA B A T r BKR)

-~ C. Open 2DCA-1B (2CA B A I T CHGR TO 2DCA BKR).


- -A. Verify CONTROL CHARGER 2CS is supplying load as indicated on DC OUTPUT amperes mete . At CONTROL CIMRGER 2CA:


- _ _ _ I _ B. Open DC OUTPUT circuit hreaker.

- -C. Open AC INPUT circuit breaker.

-2. E Electrical Maintenance requests complete battery charger isolation, open 2XSl-F3A (2CA BATTERY CIIGR BKR).

2. Note on Turnover Sheet to monitor CJnit 2 Equipment Room temperature while Control Charger 2CS is in service. [ 3 )

Enclosure OQl2/A/I 1071010 Removal And Restoration Page 3 of 3 Control Charger 2CA I NOTE:

I Red Tags should be removed per appropriate R& I I Restoration To Service:

2. At MCC 2XS I:

_ _ - A. Ensure closed 2XSI-F4A (2CA BATTERY CHGR BKK),


- -A. Close AC INPUT circuit breake ~ B. Verify AC POWER FAILURE light is of C. Verify after 20-30 seconds DC OUTPUT volts meter indicates 131-130 Volt D. Close DC OUTPUT circuit hreake . At MCC 2DCrZ:

_ _ _ A. ~Close 2DCA-1B (2CA B A l T CIIGR TO 2DCA BKR).

~ m _ B. Open 2DCA-2B (2CS BATT CHGR TO 2CA BATT BKK).



- -A. Verify CONTROL CHARGER 2CA is supplying load as indicated o n DC OUTPUT amperes mete B. Ensure ALARM ENABIHDEFEAT switch in "ENABLE".


A. Place ALARM ENABLEDEFEAT switch to "DEFEA B. Open DC OUTPUT circuit breake C. Open AC INPUT circuit breake . Delete note on Turnover Sheet concerning Control Charger 2CS in servic NLO-039 80 Page 1 of 10



NLO-039 a0 Page 2 of 10



N Facilitv JPM #:

N KIA Ratinafs):

System. APE022 UJA: AK302 Rating:

Task Standard:

SFP Priming Pump is aligned and started Preferred Evaluation Location: Preferred Evahatiom Method:

Simulator __ In-Plant X Perform __ Simulate References:

EOP Enclosure "HPI Pump Operations from ASW Pump Switchgear"



NLO-039 RO Page 4 of 20 Toolsi~:au~pmenffProcedures Needed:


I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM, including any required communications. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


14 tornado has struck Unit 2 Turbine Building and destroyed the 41 60 volt switchgear TC, TD, and TE.

It also struck the Unit 2 BWST, rupturing and draining it.

The SSF Reactor Coolant Makeup Pump failed to start.

2,4 HPlP has been powered from the ASW switchgear.

The Spent Fuel Pool level is currently +I .0 feet.


The EOP directs the operator to perform HPI Pump Operation From ASW Pump Switchgear Enclosure to align HPlPs to the SFP.

Another operator is aligning the HPI Suction from the SFP.

The Control Room SRO directs you to prime the Spent Fuel Pool fill line on Unit 2 per this Enclosure, beginning at Step 2 NLO-039 RO Page 5 of 10


STEP: Step 20 Obtain bucket and rope from EOP equipment locker U2AB5. (A-5, U2 elevator lobby) -SAT STANDARD: Locate EOP equipment locker U2AB5 located at A-5, U2 elevator lobby and idcaite that you would obtain a bucket and rope from the locke UNSAT Continue to Step 21 Cue: Inform candidate that opening fhe hcker is not require COMMENTS:

STEQ: Step 21A Connect SF priming pump suction hose to quick disconnect fitting at SF-66 (SF PRIMING PUMP SEAL WATER INLET) -SAT STANDARD: Candidate connects suction hose to quick disconnect fitting at SF-86, or verifies it is connected -UNSAT Continue to Step 21 COMMENTS:

3- Step 218 Connect the Spent Fuel Prirning Pump suction hose to the Spent Fuel Pool Fill line connection tap on SF-85 (SF PRIMING PUMP SAT I__


STANDARD: Verify the Spent Fuel Priming Pump suction hose to the Spent Fuel Pool Fill line connection tap on SF-85 (SF PRIMING PUMP UNDERWATER IUNSAT SUPPLY BLOCK) is connecte Continue to SteD 21 COMMENTS:


-SAT STANDARD: The student locates and opens SF-85 (Pool Underwater Supply Block to Priming Pump) by rotating valve operator until handle is parallel with pip Continue to Step 21 UNSAT Note: These is a special tool for operating SF-85 and SF-84 hanging at the South end of the Spent Fuel Pool.


Step 21D Place the flex hose on the discharge of the SF Priming Pump into the SF SAT STANDARD: The student (simulates) placing the free end of dischzrge hose into the Spent Fuel Poo UNSAT Continue to Step 21E.



-SAT STANDARD: SF-84 (SF Pool Underwater Supply Vent) is CLOSED by rotating valve operator until handle is perpendicular to pip Continue to Step 21 UNSAT Note: There is a special tad for operating SF-85 and SF-84 hanging at the South end of the Spent Fuel Pool.


NLO-039 RO Page 7 of 10 STEQ: Step 21 F Fill the SF Priming Pump Seal Tank to at least half-full with DW or water CRITICAL TASK I from SFP using bucke SAT STANDARD: The candidate fills the SF Priming Pump Seal Tank at least half-full using DW from the North-West end of the SFP or by using the rope and bucket to dip out of the SF __ UNSAT Note: It will take several buckets of water to fill the SF Priming Pump Seal Tank half-ful Continue to Step 22.

CUE: Communications have been established wjth operators at the ASW Pump Room and East Penetration Room.


STEQ: Step 22 CRITICAL Ti WHEN communication is estzblished with operators in the following locations:

ASW Pump Room-SAT


I UNSAT STANDARD: Determine communications have been established with the above locations and then open SF-86 (SF PRIMING PUMP SEAL WATER INLET).

Continue to Step 23 Cue: Communications have been established.


NLO-039 80 Page 8 of 10 Step 23 CRITICAL TASK Notify operator in ASW pump Rm to start U112 SF PRIMING PUMP (remote starter on S wall)

I SAT STANDARD: Notify operator in ASW pump Rm to start U112 SF PRIMING PUM Continue to Step 2 __ UNSAT Cue: The U1/2 SF PRIMfNG BUMP is operatin COMMENTS:

STEP 10: Step 24 IAAT seal tank level begins to rise, THEN close SF-86 (SF PRIMING PUMP SEAL WATER INLET)

-SAT STANDARD: Monitor seal tank level and determine it is NOT risin Continue to Step 2 UNSAT Cue: Seal tank devel is NOT rising.


STEP 11: Step 25 WHEN SFP fill line is primed (as indicated by a steady discharge stream -SAT from the SF priming pump),

THEN notify Control Room of the following:

e HPI suction aligned to SFP fill line -UNSAT HPI pump cooling water status An operator is available in the E Pen Rm to throttle 1HP-26 STANDARD: Monitor the hose attached to the SF priming pump discharge and determine the SFP line is prime THEN Notify the Control Room the HPl suction is aligned to SFP fill line.

Cue: The SFpriming pump has steady discharge stream.

Cue: Notifying the Control of the last two bulleted items is not required for fhis JPM.


.~.. . END TASK ..... ~~~~



STEP tc Explanation 4 Necessary to provide suction to the priming pum Tank must be % full to provide adequate water for primin Required to provide flow pat Priming pump must operate to fill the line



A tornado has struck Unit 2 Turbine Building and destroyed the 4160 volt switchgear TC, TD, and TE.

it also struck the Unit 2 BWST, rupturing and draining it.

The SSF Reactor Coolant Makeup Pump failed to start.

2A HPlP has been powered from the ASW switchgear.

The Spent Fuel Pool level is currently +I.O feet.


The EOP directs the operator to perform "HPI Pump Operation From ASW Pump Switchgear" Enclosure to align HPlPs to the SFP.

Another operator is aligning the HPI Suction from the SFP.

The Control Room SRO directs you to prime the Spent Fuel Pool fill line on Unit 2 per this Enclosure, beginning at Step 2 Enclosure EP/2/A/1800/001 IIPI Pump Operation From ASW Pump Page 1 of I 1 Switchgcar p

[- ________-__ NOT OBTAINED: 1 ... CIOSC ~ H P - 1 3 9(RCP SEAK..I w w CONTRQI, OUTLET) (.4-3-327, ClRD Filter Rm).

. . .. . . .... ... . . . ....... . .~ . ........ ... . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . ~~

I-IPSW via head from EWST I

2. Verify 2 1 gpm cooling water flow to HPI - Notify Control Room to contact TSC for pump motor coolers on local indication guidanc (HPI Pump Rm):

-2A HPI Pump (2LPS-PS-1013)

~ 213 IIPr Pump ( ~ I , I ~ s - P s - ~ o I ~ ) GO TO applicable step based on HPK pump suction Source specified by Control Room:

1"1-iI Applicable Step

. .. .~ . .~

. ...... ,.... Open the following (A-1-1 18, I&2 bIPl Hatch Area, East wall):



. . . ... ... .... ~~~.~~ .......... ... .. .. . . Proceed to East Penetration Room and notify Control Room of the following:

-HPI suction aligned to BWST-HPI pump cooling water status Available to throttle 2HP-26 EXIT this enclosur Enclosure EP/2/A1800!001 NPI Pump Operation From ASW Pump Page 3 of 1 1 Switchgear

...... ..... ... ~ ....

~ T T l O N / E X P L.....C T l %RESPONSE ....... .- .. ..- . NO! OBTAINED

.... .- ..- 1 7. Proceed to Easi Pmctration Room end notify (oiitrol I h m oltl:c fol1owi:ig::

- HPI purnp cooling water SMUS

... A\viilnhle to throttle 2HP-26

. .

8. - EX.IT this enclosure.


. .... ............... .......... . ...

Enclosure EPI2/AI1800/001 I W H Pump Operation Prom A S + ' Pump Page 4 of 1 1 Switchgear

Enclosure HPI Pump Operation From ASU Pump Page 5 of 11 Switchgear

~ : .

....................... ~ . I ACTIONIFXIECIED.............

........................ RESPOKSE .. - RESPONSE ._ NOT OBTAINED ~

9. Rack out the following breakers:

..~.. 2A L.PI Pump (2TC-9)

- 2B LPL Pump (2TD-10)

- 2A RBS Pump (2TC:-10)

2B RRS Pump (2TD-I 1)

............... ......................... ................................................

10. -Close 2LP-28 (BWST OUTLEl)

(Outside, East ofUnit 2 BWST).

................ ........................... , ......................... ...................... ................... .................................

1 I . Close the following (A-1, S end of 1 &2 LPI Hatch Area, East wall):


- 2LI-23 (2B LPI BWST SUCTION) j32)

........................................................ .- .... ..... ................ -~ ................................................... ....

12. -Open 2HP-24 (2A HPI BWST SUCTION) (A-1-1 18, 1&2 HPI Hatch Area, East wall).

...................... .. ,..

13. Perfonn the following (A-1-128, ASW Pump Kin): .- Close ASW SWGR FDR (ASW SWGR FDR FROM BIT - UNIT I O )

(ASW 4160/600V SWGR ASWS-5)



(S wall).

14. Notify Control Room to stop the following:

- BWST Recirc Pump All SF Cooling pumps


........... ................................... . . . .

Enclosure EP/%/A/I 800/0U1 MPH Pump Operatiom Prom ASW Puraap Page 6 of 11 Switchgear

Enclosure EP/2/A/I 800/001 HPI Pump Operation From ASW Pump Page 7 of 11 Switchgear ACTI~NIEILPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE

.. i O T OBTAINED -____

1 5 ~Close the following (A-2-218, Unit iBi2 SF Cooler Rill):






.... SF-23 (UNIT 1 gL 2 SF COOIER OUTLE?' HEADER B1,OCK) (E wall by B cooler)




(over C SF Pump) __................................. ..........................................

16. Open the following (A-2-218, Unit 1&2 SF Cooler Rm):



__SF-51 ('B' SF COOLER OUTLET TO PUMP SUCTION HEADER) .............................................................


19. -Close SF-22 (POOL SURFACE OUTLET) (A-4-407, Pen Rm, at


crossover on chain). ....................... ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....

1 __Ope11SF-50 (SF POOL CJNDERWATER SUPPLY) (A-4-407, Pen Rm, at crossover on chain). ....................... .................................................

... ..... ................. .............................

Eladosaare EP/2/A/I 800/001 fIPI Pump Operation From ASW Pump Page 6 of 11 Switchgear

Enclosure EP/2/A/I 800/001 HPI Pump Operation From ASW Pump Page 9 of 11 Switchgear 19. Notify Control Room to dispatch operators to the following locations to establish communications and await hrther instruction:

-. A- I 128, ASW Pump Krn


I A-4-407, E Pen Rni ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ .

.............. .... . . . . . . . . . . ..........................................

2 Obtain bucket and ropc from EOP equipment locker 1J2AB5 (.4-5, 'IT2 elevator lobby). ...............................................................................................

........................... .....................

21. Perform the following (A-6-619, Unit 18-52 SF Pool Km, S end):

A. -Connect SF priming pump suction hose connected to quick disconiiect fitting at SF-86 (SF PRIMING PlJMP SEAL, WATER INLET).

B. ___ Connect SF priming pump suction hose to SFP fill line connection tap on SF-85 (SI; I'IIIMING PUMP UNDERWATER SUPPLY .


C. -Open SF-8 D. ___Placetlex hose on discharge of SF priming pump into SF Close SF-84 (SF POOL 1JNDERWATEK SUPPLY VENT).

I:. -..-Fill SF Priming Pump S e d Tank to at least half full with DW or water from SFP.

............................................................................................................... ..................................

22. -\#'HEN cciinniunication is established with operators in the following locations:

- A-1-128, ASW Pump Rm


(A-6-619, CJnit 1&2 SF Pool Rm, S end).

................................................... .............................. I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Enclosure I;,P/%/A/I800/001 MPX Pump Operation Prom ASW Pump Page 10 of 1 1 Switshgeats


Enclosure EP/2/A/I 800/001 HPI Pump Operation From ASW Pump Page 11 of E 1 Switchgear RESPONSE NOT O B T A I N E D - ~

_I 2 Notify operator in ASW Pump h i to start Unit i &2 SF Piiniing Pump (reilaotc starter on S wall).

. . . . . . ................................... ..........................................

2 ..~~. IAAT seal tank level begins to rise, THEN close SF-86 (SF PRIMING PUMP SEAL WATER INLET).

..................... . . . . . . . . . . . . - .................................. . . . . . . ................................................ .- .............

25. -WHEN SFP fill line is primed (as indicated by a steady discharge stream from the SF priming pump),

THEN notify Control Room of the following:

I HPI suction aligned to SFI' fill line-HPI pump cooling water status

__An operator is availahte in the E Pen Rni to throttle 2HI'-26



2 Notify operator in ASW Pump Rni to stop Unit 1 &2 SF Priining Pum ........ ................ ...... - ..................

2 . ~ Close SF-86 (SF PRIMING PUMP SEAL WATER INLET). ..................... .........................................


2 EXIT this enclosur __


..'.. .~ ...-..... --.

FS-xi-l Administrative Tooics Outline Form E§-301-1 lnal

- .

Submittal Facility: Qconee Date of Examination: June, 2004 Examination Level (circle one): RQ / SRO Operating Test Number:

Administrative Topic Describe activity to be performed Conduct of Operations Admin-400, Calculate SDM with a Dropped Control Rod GEN 2.1.19 (3.013.0) PT/l/NI103/15, Reactivity Baiance (group activity) (15 min)

Admin-103, Perform Manual RCS Leakage Calculation; Conduct of Operations PT/0600/010 (RO Only)

GEN 2.1.7 (3.7/4.4)

. .-.

. -- (group activity) -(48 -min)

(last exam) ._

Equipment Control Admin-202, Perform Surveillance to Verify SSF RCMUB Qperabiiity GEN 2.2.12 (3.013.4) PT/600/001 Encl. 13.1 (Mode 1 & 2) (new) (IO min)

Radiation Control GEN 2.3.4(293.1)

Admin-402, Perform Actions for Medical Emergency Emergency Plan RPll008/016, Encl. 4.1 (Medical Response)

GEN 2.4.39(3.3/3.1)

(RO Only) (15 min)

Note: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when 5 are require NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

r-=s-mi Administrative Tooics Outline Form E§-301-1 Final Submittal Facility: Oconee Date of Examination: June, 2004 Examination Level (circle one): RO / SRO Operating Test Number:

Administrative Topic Describe activity to be performed Conduct of Operations Admin-100, Calculate SBM with a Dropped Conteol Roc GEN 2.1.23 (3.914.0) PT/I/N1153/15, Reactivity Balance (15 min) (group activit!

Conduct of Operations Admin-I 10, Determine Mlnimum Shift Staffing GEN 2.1.4 (2.3/3.4) SLC 16.13.1, Minimum Station Staffing Requirements (new) (SRO only) (15 min)

Admin-202, Perform surveillance to verify SSF RCMUP Equipment Control Operability GEN 2.2.12 (3.013.4)

PT/650/001, Encl. 13.1 (Mode 1 & 2) (new) (IO min)

Radiation Contrul Adrnin-300, Calculate the Maximum Permissible Stay GEN 2.3.4 (2.5/3.1) Time Within Emergency Dose Limits (last exam) (20 min)

Adrnin-403, Determine Emergency Classification and Emergency Plan Protective Action Recommendations GEN 2.4.38(2.2/4.0) (SRO only) (group activity) (20 min)

Note: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. KO applicants require only 4 items NUWEG-1021, Draft Revision 9

E§-301 Ccntrol Roomlln-Plant Outline Form E§-301-2 P

Facility: Oconee

- q_

Date of Examination: June, 2004 Exam Level (circle me): RQ / SRQ(I) / SRO(U) Operating Test No.:

Control Room Systems (8 for RO; 7 for SRO-I; 2 or 3 for SRO-U)

System / JPM Title AP/i/N1700/15. OP/O/AI~105/09,Encl 4.10 IKA: 005 W . 0 3 (3.5/4.4)1 (20 min)

b. CRO- 067, Perform Required Actions for E5 Actuation (> 3psig) 3 EOP Enclosure 5.1 (ES Actuation) D, A, s

[KA EPE-009 EA1. I 3 (4.4/4.411 (6 min)

c. CRO-97, Transfer ECCS Suction to the Emergency Sump (1LP-j5 Failed Closed) D, A, S. L 4P EOP, Enclosure 5.12 [KAXWIEOB EA1.1 (4.0/3.7)] (PBA) (9 min)

d . CRO-015, Establish EFDW Flow Through Startup Valves EOP Enclosure 5.27, Alternate Methods for Controlling EFDW Flow 4s

IKA: BW/A05AA1.1 (4.3/4.2)1 (15 min) CRO-700, Place ICS In Auto following Loss Of Auto Power N, A, S AP/23 (Loss Of ICs Power) Enclosure 5.5 (Placing ICs In Auto) 7

[KA: BWIAO2 AA1.l (4.0/3.8)] (new) (20 min)

3. CRO-060, Perform Required Actions For Turbine Building Flood AWlO (Turbine Building Flood) D, S 8

[KA APE BW/A07 AA1.3 (3.3/3.5)] (7 min)

1. CRO-900, Release GWD Tank OP/I&2/A/1104/018 Encl. 4.9 (GWD Tank Release)

In-Plant Systems (3 for RO; 3 for SRO-I; 3 or 2 for SRO-U)

. Nb0-039, Prime The Spent Fuel Pool Fill Line EOP Encl. 5.7, HPI Pump Operations from ASW Pump Switchgear

[KA APE022 AK3.02 (3.5/3.8)] (16 min)

EQP Encl. 5.14 IKA: EPE074 AA1.04 (3.6/3.9)1(7 min)

c NLO-037, Place A Control Battery Charges In Service OP/l107/004 Enclosure 3.2 [KA: 063 K1.03 (2.9/3.3)1(12 min)

Type Codes: (D)irect from bank. (M)odified from hank, (N)ew, (A)lternate path, (C)ontrol room, S)imulator. (L)ow-Power, (R)CA NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

ES-301 Control Roomlln-Plant Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: Qconee Date of Examination: June, 2084

- -

Exam bevel (circle one): RO / SRO(I) / SRO(U) Operating Test No.:

Control Room Systems (8 for RO; 7 fer SRO-I; 2 or 3 for SRO-U)


System / JPM Title Safety Function AP/l/A/1700/15, OP/O/Nl 105109. Encl 4.10 1 IKA: 005 AA2.03 (3.5/4.4)1 (20 min)

b. CRQ- 067, Perform Required Actions for ES Actuation (> 3psIg) 3 EOP Enclosure 5.1 (ES Actuation) 0,A, S

[KA: EPE-009 EA1. I 3 (4.4/4.4)] (6 min)

c. CRQ-97, Transfer ECCS Suction to the Emergency Sump (ZLP-d5 Failed Closed]

EOP, Enclosure 5.12 [KA:BW/EQB EA1.l (4.0/3.7)] (PRA) (9 min)

I D.. A.. S.. L 4P d. CRO-015, Establish EFDW Flow Through Startup Valves EOP Enclosure 5.27, Alternate Methods for Controlling EFDW Flow 4s

[APE-054 AA2.04 (4.2/4.3)] (20 min)

IKA: BWIA02 AA1.l (4.013.8)l (new) 15 min) CRQ-080, Perform Required Actions For Turbine Building Flood APllO (Turbine Building Flood) D, S 8

[KA: APE BW/A07 AAl .3 (3.313.5)l (7 min)

g. CRQ-900, Release GWD Tank OP/l&2/A/11041018 End. 4.9 (GWD Tank Release) 9

[KA: 071 A4.26 (3.113.9) (new) (15 niin)

InPlant Systems (3 for RO; 3 for SRO-I; 3 or 2 for SRO-U)

h. NLQ-039, Prime The Spent Fuel Pool Fill Line EOP End. 5.7. HPI Pump Operations from ASW Pump Switchgear D, b, R 2

[KA: APE022 AK3.02 (3.513.8)] (16 min)

i. 688-053, Bypass Coolant Pump Starting Interlocks NLQ-037, Place A Control Battery Charger In Service OP/l107/004 Enclosure 3.2 IKA: 063 K I .03 (2.913.3)l (12 min))

  • Type Codes: (D)irect from bank, (M)odified from bank, (N)ew, (A)lternate path, (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator; (L)ow-Power, (R)CA NURG-1021, Draft Revision 9

..... ............_..,_



ES-301 Control Roomh-Plant Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: Oconee Date of Examination: June, 2004 Exam Level (circle one): RO I SRO(I) / SRO(U) Operating Test No.:

Control Room Systems (8 for RO; 7 for SRO-I; 2 or 3 for SRO-U)

System / JPM Title Type Code* Safety Function a. CRO-067, Perform Required Actions for ES Actuation (* 3psig) 3 KIP Enclosure 5.1 (ESActuation) D, A, S. L

[KA: EPE-009 EAI.13 (4.4/4.4)](6 min)

b. CRO-015, Establish EFDW Flow Through Startup Valves EOP Enclosure 5.27; Alternate Methods for Controlling EFDW Flow D, s, L 4s

[APE-054 AA2.04(4.2/4.3)] (6 min)

c. CRO-700, Place ICs In Auto following Loss Of Auto Power AP123 (Loss Of ICs Power) Enclosure 5.5 (Placing ICs In Auto)

In-Plant Svstems (3 for RO: 3 for SRO-I; 3 or 2 for SRO-U)

d. NLO-039, Prime The Spent Fuel Pool Fill Line EOP End. 5.7, HPI Pump Operations from ASW Pump Switchgear D, L. R 2

[KA: APE022 AK3.02 (3.5/3.8)] (16 min)

e. NLO-037, Place A Control Battery Charger In Service OP/l107/004 Enclosure 3.2 [KA: 063 K1.03 (2.9/3.3)] (12 min) D 6

  • Type Codes: (D)irect from bank, (M)odified from bank, (N)ew. @)Iternate path, (C)ontrol room, (.§)itnulator, (L)ow-Power, (R)CA NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9