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Core Operating Limits Report, COLR2-12 Revision 0, Cycle 12
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/16/2008
From: Laughlin G
Constellation Energy Group
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
COLR2-12, Rev 0
Download: ML081070264 (23)


P.O. Box 63 Lycoming, NY 13093 April 16, 2008 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 ATTENTION: Document Control Desk


Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit No . 2; Docket No. 50-410 Core Operating Limits Report, COLR2-12 Revision 0, Cycle 12 Attached is a copy of the Core Operating Limits Report, COLR2 -12 Revision 0, Cycle 12 for Nine Mile Point Unit 2 (NMP2). This report is being submitted pursuant to NMP2 Technical Specification 5.6.5 .d.

Should you have any questions regarding the information in this submittal, please contact T. F. Syrell, Director Licensing, at (315) 349-5219.

Gary 1. Laughlin Manager, Engineering Services GJL/MHS/


Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Core Operating Limits Report, COLR2-12 Revision 0, Cycle 12 cc: NRC Regional Administrator, Region I NRC Project Manager NRC Senior Resident Inspector

ATTACHMENT Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Core Operating Limits Report COLR2-12 Revision 0, Cycle 12 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, LLC April 16, 2008

NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT Document No.: COLR2-12 Revision 0, Cycle 12 Prepared by: Jl-9-daiJ Fuel Engineer Reviewed by:

Fuel Engineer Independently Reviewed by:

Andrew Ross Reactor Engineeering Approved by:

4c1t AI~ Lf/t~/()1 Supervisor, Nuclear Fuels Services Approved by: (

.4--,,~ r/tv/~t John Darweesh Supervisor, Reactor Engineering Approved by: flO/OJ>

General Supervisor, Nuclear Fuels Services This Controlled Document provides cycle specific core operating limits for use in conjunction with the Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Technical Specifications. Document pages may only be changed through a reissue of the entire document.

COLR2-12 NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 Revision 0, Cycle 12 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT Table of Contents Page 1.0 AVERAGE PLANAR LINEAR HEAT GENERATION RATE (APLHGR) 1 1.1 Limits for Technical Specification 3.2.1 1 2.0 MINIMUM CRITICAL POWER RATIO (ODYN OPTION B) 3 2.1 Limits for Technical Specification 3.2.2 3 3.0 LINEAR HEAT GENERATION RATE (LHGR) 10 3.1 Limits for Technical Specifications 3.2.3 10 4.0 AVERAGE POWER RANGE MONITOR SETPOINTS 15 4.1 Limits for Technical Specification Table (OPRM Upscale) 15 5.0 CONTROL ROD BLOCK INSTRUMENTAnON 16 5.1 Allowable Value for Technical Specification Table 16 6.0 . REFERENCES FOR TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 17



COLR2-12 NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 Revision 0, Cycle 12 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT 1.0 AVERAGE PLANAR LINEAR HEAT GENERATION RATE (APLHGR) 1.1 Limits for Technical Specification 3.2.1 The APLHGR(s) for each fuel type as a function of AVERAGE PLANAR EXPOSURE shall not exceed the limits shown in Table 1.

The limits of Table 1 shall be reduced to a value of 0.78 times the two recirculation loop operation limit when in single recirculation loop operation.

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COLR2-12 NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 Revision 0, Cycle 12 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT TABLEt MAPLHGR Versus Average Planar Exposure Average Planar Exposure MAPLHGR Limits (GWd/ST) (kw /ft) 0.00 12.82 14.51 12.82 19.13 12.82 57.61 8.00 63.50 5.00 NOTE: (I) APLHGRs are interpolated between exposure points for which explicit valuesare given.

NOTE: (2) These APLHGRare not lattice dependent. The values shown also correspond to the limiting value for the most limiting lattice for use when hand calculations are required.

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COLR2-12 NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 Revision 0, Cycle 12 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT 2.0 MINIMUM CRITICAL POWER RATIO (ODYN OPTION B) 2.1 Limits for Technical Specification 3.2.2 For 2-Pump Operation, the Minimum Critical Power Ratio (MCPR) shall be equal to or greater than the maximum of the appropriate MCPR(P) from Figures 2c, 2d and 2f or the MCPR(F) from Figure 2e.

For Single Loop Operation, the Minimum Critical Power Ratio (MCPR) shall be equal to or greater than the Minimum Critical Power Ratio for 2-Pump Operation plus 0.02.

NOTES: 1. For Figures 2a and 2b tau (or "t" ) defmed as follows:

t = ('tave - 't B) / ('tA - 'tB ) where:

'tA = 0.866 seconds, control rod average scram insertion time limit to notch 39 per Specification 3.1.4.


'tB = .672 + 1.65 * [ N) / :E N j ]112 * .0 16 i=1 n n

't ave = (:ENi 't i ) / (:EN i )

i=1 i=1 n = number of surveillance tests performed in cycle th N, = number of active control rods measured in the i surveillance test th

'tj = average scram time to notch 39 of all rods measured in the i surveillance test N] = total number of active rods measured in Specification

r = 1.0 prior to performance of the initial scram time measurements for the cycle.

2. ARTS provides for power- and flow-dependent thermal limit adjustments and multipliers, which allow for a more reliable administration of the MCPR thermal limit. The MCPR(P) curves are independent of EOC-RPT and scram time option, but are determined for other EOOS. The MCPR(P) limits for PROOS were converted to a K(P) consistent with the ARTS offrated limits. MCPR(F) is independent of Scram Time Option and all EOOS .
3. Th e Operating Limit MCPR values for Turbine Bypass Out of Service and EOC-RPT Out of Service are higher (more limiting) than for the standard normal operation case , and are therefore specifically identified where appropriate. The OLMCPR values for all other analyzed EOOS transient events are bounded by the Normal Operation limits.
4. EOR is the End of Rated exposure as defmed in the Cycle Management Report.

Page 3 of 19

COLR2-12 NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 Revision 0, Cycle 12 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT Figure 2a MCPR Operating Limits (Beginning Of Cycle to EOR-1750 MWd/ST) 1.54 . , - - - - - - - - , - - - - -........-------r----~r__---_____,

1.52 (1,1.51) 1.5 (1,1.49) 0:::



E 1.48 0
w CIS 0:::



0 Q. 1.46 ftj (0,1.46) u

w o



.5c: 1.44 i

1.42 + - - - - _ I £ : . f - - - - - - + - - - - - - t - - - - - - t - - - - - - 1 (1,1.41)

Normal Operation 1.4 ....,~__:_:_,----1------+------t_="",...=-----t------1 1.38 . - . = : ' - - - - - - + - - - - - - + - - - - - - t - - - - - - t - - - - - - 1 o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Tau Page 4 of 19

COLR2*12 NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 Revision 0, Cycle 12 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT Figure 2b MCPR Operating Limits (EOR-1750 MWd/ST to End Of Cycle) 1.66 1,1.64 1.64 1.62 ~

V 1.6 /



a. 1.58




V 0


1.56 V


... EOG-RPT InOpelab/

0 c.. 1.54 iiie 0 1.52 V V


l E


i 1.5 ./


/' Turbine Bypass Inoperable 1, 1.49 1.48 I~

1.46 0, 1.46 1, 1 .~.

Normal Operation 1.44 0, 1.42 1.42 o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Tau Page 5 of 19

COLR2-12 NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 Revision 0, Cycle 12 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT Figure 2c MCPR(P) for <30%Power, ~75%Flow K(P) for ~30% Power For Equipment In Service and Recirculation Pump Trip Out of Service 3.500 3.250 ~ MCPR{P) = 2.29 + 2.60E-02{30 .0-P) for 25.0% S P < 30.0%

MCPR(P) = K{P)*{the appropriate MCPR limit from Figures 2a or 2b) for 30.0% S P S 100 .0%

_K{P) = 1.340 + 7.78E-03{48.o-P) for 30.0% S P S 48.0%

3.000 K{P) = 1.150 + 8.67E-03{60.o-P) for 48% < P < 60.0%

K{P) = 1.000 + 3.75E-03(100.0-P) for 60.0% S P < 100.0%

2.750 2.500






~ 2.250




2.000 1.750 1.500 I~


'1 1.000 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90

-- 95 100 Power (% Rated)

Page 6 of 19

COLR2-12 NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 Revision 0, Cycle 12 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT Figure 2d MCPR(P) for <30%Power, ~75%Flow K(P) for ~30% Power for Turbine Bypass Out of Service 3.500

~ MCPR(P) = 2.53 + 9.20E-02(30.0*P) for 25.0 % S P < 30 .0%

3.250 =

MCPR{P) K{P)*{the approp riate MCPR limit from Figures 2a or 2b) for 30%::; P S 100 .0%

~~ _ K(P) =1.340 + 7.78E-03(48.0-P) for 30.0% S P s 48.0% K(P 3.000 1\ =1.150 + 8.67E-Q3(50.0-P) for 48% < P < 50.0%

1.000 + 3.75E-03(1OO.o-P) for 50.0% S P < 100.0%

K{P) =

2.750 \\~

il:' 2.500


e, o


" 2.250 s::::

ns il:'

S2' 2.000 1.750 1.500 I~


I 1'1 r--- I'--.t 1.000 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Power (% Rated)

Page 7 of 19

COLR2-12 NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 Revision 0, Cycle 12 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT Figure 2e Flow-Dependent MCPR Limits MCPR(F) 1.800 1.700 30,1 .66) .....MCPR(F) 1.600 LL 1.500

"" ~

[E' Q.



1.400 1.300 1.200 "" -,

(94,1.20) 112,1.20) 1.100 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Flow (% Rated)

Page 8 of 19

COLR2-12 NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 Revision 0, Cycle 12 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT Figure 2f MCPR(P) for <30%Power, ~75%Flow K(P) for ~30% Power for Operation without a Backup Pressure Regulator 3.500

-+- MCPR(P ) = 2.29 + 2 .60E-02(30.0-P) for 25.0% S P < 30.0%

MCPR(P) = K(P)*(the appropriate MCPR limit from Figures 2a or 2b) for 30% S P S 100 .0%


- . - K(P) = 1.122 + 5.97E -03(90 .0-P) for 30.0% S P < 90.0%

K(P) = 1.000 + 3.80E-03 (1OO.O-P) for 90% S P < 100.0%

3.000 2.750 ii:" 2.500




.~ b


"C 2.250 2.29b s::::

ns ii:"

SZ" 2.000 1.750 1.500 L~

r---- :--


1.250 r--

r--- J--

I--t* 1 .12~

1.C 38 IL

. ..., o


1.000 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Power (% Rated)

Page 9 of 19

COLR2-12 NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 Revision 0, Cycle 12 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT 3.0 LINEAR HEAT GENERATION RATE (LHGR) 3.1 Limits for Technical Specification 3.2.3 During power operation, the Linear Heat Generation Rate (LHGR) of any rod in any fuel assembly at any axial location shall not exceed the minimum of: 1) the limiting values shown in RSLD-II , Revision 0, "Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Reload 11, Reload Specific Lattice Data" times the LHGRFAC(F) from Figure 3a; and 2) the limiting values shown in RSLD-II , Revision 0, "Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Reload 11, Reload Specific Lattice Data" times the appropriate LHGRFAC(P) from Figures 3b or 3c or 3d. RSLD-Il , Revision 0 contains the LHGR limits for both U02 rods (which contain no gadolinium) and the most limiting gadolinium-bearing rods. Other gadolinium-bearing rods have LHGR limits which lie between these two curves.

Compliance with these limits will be monitored by the plant's process computer.

NOTE: ARTS provides for power- and flow-dependent thermal limit multipliers, which allow for a more reliabl e administration of the LHGR thermal limits. The LHGRFAC(P) curves are independent of recirculation pump trip operability, but are determined for other EOOS. The LHGRFAC (P) limits for PRODS are also presented in a manner more consistent with the ARTS offrated limits. LHGRFAC(F) is independent all EOOS .

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COLR2-12 NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 Revision 0, Cycle 12 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT Figure 3a Flow-Dependent LHGR Multiplier LHGRFAC(F) 1.100 (85,1.00) 1.000 V 112,1.00) 0.900 V 0.800 /




VI 0.700 LL 0' 0.600 (30, .625)

<C LL 0::

~ 0.500

..J 0.400 0.300 II I


......LHGRFAC(F) = MIN(1.0,[ .681*FI100 + .421]

0.100 -

0.000 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Flow (% Rated)

Page 11 of 19

COLR2 *12 NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 Revision 0, Cycle 12 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT Figure 3b Power-Dependent LHGR Multiplier LHGRFAC(P) for Equipment in Service and Recirculation Pump Trip Out of Service (100,1 .00) 1.000 0.900 , ->


0.800 .>

V' 0.700 ,.,

0.600 / V(30, .634) l l.

U (25, .608)

IL. 0.500 0::



..oJ 0.400 0.300 0.200

---LHGRFAC(P) = .634 + 5.23E-03(P-30.0) for 25.0% S P < 30.0%

0.100 f--

_LHGRFAC(P) = 1.000 + 5.23E-D3(p-100.0) for 30.0% S P < 100.0%

0.000 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Power (Ufo Rated)

Page 12 of 19

COLR2-12 NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 Revision 0, Cycle 12 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT Figure 3c Power-Dependent LHGR Multiplier LHGRFAC(P) for Turbine Bypass Out of Service (100,1 .00) 1.000


0.900 ->

0.800 ., ~


0.700 V


(30, .634)

I /


--o c,

(25, .549)

(30, .583)

LL 0.500 0:::



...J 0.400 0.300 0.200

-"'LHGRFAC(P) = .583 + 6.80 E-03(P-30.0) for 25.0% s P < 30.0%

0.100 -

-LHGRFAC(P) = 1.000 + 5.23E-Q3(P-100.0) for 30.0% s P < 100.0%

0.000 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Power (% Rated)

Page 13 of 19

COLR2-12 NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 Revision 0, Cycle 12 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT Figure 3d Power-Dependent LHGR Multiplier LHGRFAC(P) for Operation without a Backup Pressure Regulator 100, 1.000 1.000


0.900 90,0.850 0.800 ~



0.700 c->

0.600 ~~_608 Q.


<<LL. 0.500 a::



..J 0.400 0.300 0.200

-'-LHGRFAC(P) =.634 + 5.23E-03(P-30.0) for 25.0% S P < 30.0%


-LHGRFAC(P) =.85 + 3.60E-03(P-90 .0) for 30.0% S P S 90.0%

LHGRFAC(P) =1.000 + 5.20E-03(P-100.0) for 90.0%< P < 100.0%

0.000 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Power (% Rated)

Page 14 of 19

COLR2-12 NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 Revision 0, Cycle 12 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT 4.0 AVERAGE POWER RANGE MONITOR SETPOINTS 4.1 Limits for Technical Specification Table (OPRM Upscale)

ALLOWABLE VALUE < 1.13 Page 15 of 19

COLR2-12 NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 Revision 0, Cycle 12 CORE OPERATING *L1MITS REPORT 5.0 Control Rod Block Instrumentation 5.1 Footnote Values for Technical Specification Table (a) MCPR< 1.70 (b) MCPR < 1.70 (c) MCPR< 1.70 (d) MCPR< 1.40 (e) MCPR < 1.70 (h) Allowable Value:

Low Power Range - Upscale 124.6 Intermediate Power Range - Upscale 119.6 High Power Range - Upscale 114.6 (i) NTSP:

Low Power Range - Upscale 124.2 Intermediate Power Range - Upscale 119.2 High Power Range - Upscale 114.2 Page 16 of 19



FOR TECHNICAL SPECIFICA nON Technical Specification 5.6.5.b.l:

General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel, NEDE 2401l-P-A-15 and NEDE 2401l-P-A-15-US (September 2005).

Page 17 of 19




General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel, NEDE 240 II-P-A-15 and NEDE 24011-P-A-15-US (September 2005).


Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 2, Reload II , Cycle 12, 0000-0067-1263-SRLR, Rev. I, March 2008 3.1.1 BASES REFERENCE 7~

General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel, NEDE 240 II -P-A-15 and NEDE 24011-P-A-15-US (September 2005).


Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 2, Reload II , Cycle 12, 0000-0067-1263-SRLR, Rev. 1, March 2008.


General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel, NEDE 240II-P-A-15 and NEDE 24011-P-A-15-US (September 2005).


General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel, NEDE 24011-P-A-15 and NEDE 240II-P-A-15-US (September 2005).


Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 2, Reload II , Cycle 12, 0000-0067-1263-SRLR, Rev. I, March 2008 3.2.3 BASES REFERENCE I~

General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel, NEDE 24011-P-A-15 and NEDE 24011-P-A-15-US (September 2005).


Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 2, Reload II , Cycle 12, 0000-0067-1 263-SRLR, Rev. I, March 2008 3.2.4 BASES REFERENCE 3~

General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel, NEDE 24011-P-A-15 and NEDE 240II-P-A-15-US (September 2005).

Page 18 of 19

COLR2-12 NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 Revision 0, Cycle 12 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT 8.0 SOURCE DOCUMENTS The Core Operating Limits contained in this report were obtained from the following documents :

Section 1.0 - APLHGR LIMITS Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 2, Reload 11, Cycle 12, 0000-0067-1263-SRLR, Rev. 1, March 2008.

Section 2.0 - MCPR LIMITS Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 2, Reload 11, Cycle 12, 0000-0067-1263-SRLR, Rev. 1, March 2008 Nine Mile Point Station Unit 2 - APRMlRBMfTechnical Specifications/Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis (ARTS/ME LLLA), NEDC-33286P, Rev. 0, March 2007 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 2 ARTSIMELLLA, Task T0900, GE-NE-0000-0055-2373-RO, Rev. 0, February 2007 Section 3.0 - LHGR LIMITS Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 2, Reload 11, Cycle 12, 0000-0067-1263-SRLR, Rev. 1, March 2008 Nine Mile Point Station Unit 2 - APRMlRBMrTechnical Specifications/Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis (ARTS/MELLLA), NEDC-33286P, Rev. 0, March 2007 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 2 ARTSIMELLLA, Task T0900, GE-NE-0000-0055-2373-RO, Rev. 0, February 2007 Section 4.0 - APRM SETPOINTS Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 2, Reload 11, Cycle 12, 0000-0067-1263-SRLR, Rev. 1, March 2008 Design Specification Data Sheet 22A2843AM (NMPCNO NSSS161405000),

Neutron Monitoring System .

Section 5.0 - Control Rod Block Instrumentation Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 2, Reload 11, Cycle 12, 0000-0067-1263-SRLR, Rev. 1, March 2008 Nine Mile Point Station Unit 2 - APRMlRBMrTechnical SpecificationslMaximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis (ART S/MELLLA), NEDC-33286P, Rev. 0, March 2007 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Setpoint Data Sheet (SPD S) 2NMP-RMB, Rod Block Monitor Setpoints Page 19 of 19