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Email - from: Thomas, George to Nausdj@Ornl.Gov Cc: Farzam, Farhad; Lake, Louis; Carrion, Robert; Masters, Anthony Dated Friday, November 13, 2009 2:16 PM Subject: Mactec Petrographic Report
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/13/2009
From: George Thomas
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Naus D
Oak Ridge
Download: ML102930639 (46)


Sengupta, Abhijit From: Thomas, George Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 2:16 PM To: Cc: Farzam, Farhad; Lake, Louis; Carrion, Robert; Masters, Anthony


MacTec Petrographic Report Attachments: MacTec Petro Report 11-11-09.pdf L1{D

Dan, Attached for you is the MacTech petrographic report.


George 1

) Iq


- engineering and constructing aq better tomorrow November 112009 Mr. Craig Miller Progress Energy (352) 795-6486 ex, 1026 Stibiect: Report of Petrographic Observations Crystal River Containment Wall Steam Generator Replacement Project.

Crystal River Nuclear Generating Facility, Florida MACTEC Project No. 6468-09-2535.ý Dear Mr.

MACTEC Engineering and Consulting,. Inc. (MACTEC), is pleased to . present this report of our petrographic observations performed on two concrete cores that- were shipped to our laboratory under chain of custody. An additional core was received underuchain of custody for limited observations. It is our understanding. the* two cores submitted for petrographic observations are from an area of the containment wall where a fracture was discovered running parallel to the surface at a depth of approximately 8 to 9 inches. We understand the core. that was submittedfor limited~observations was from an area where the subject fracture had not occurred.

The cores submitted are as follows:

Core Number Laboratory Number Description of the Core Assigned by:

MACTEC 5 21269 From an area where the fracture had occurred: .

2 21270. From an area where the fracture had not occurred 7 21271 From an area where the fracture had occurred, Each core was photo documented as received and then saw cut longitudinally into-halves. Each half was labeled with the same sample number and than A and B were added to designate the halves. As requested the B half for cores 21269 and&21270 were shipped to CTL Group in Skokie Illinois. The B half of core 21271 is being held for possible future use. The A half's of the:cores&were used for our analysis.

The purpose of our work was to perform a petrographic analysis of samples 21269A and 21271A and limited observations of sample 21270A. It is our understanding that you also require specific information, MACTEC Erngineering and Conutting, Inc.

9177 Sky Park Court, San Diego, CA 92123 , Phone: 858-278-3600 ,Fax: 858-278-5300 J

Cb relative to theae of the fractured surface&,& on arnples7 1269A and 2 1274A. Samplte' 221270A was usexd as a controLsample that did not have a fractured surface.

Petrographic Observations A Petrographic Analysis is. a visu~d land microscopic analysis of cementitous Yraterials performed by a qualified :peirographer. Petrographic examinations are typically performed on polished. sections or thin sections; Polished:sections are generally cut sections that have been lapped {'groundflat andsmooth) and polished and are observed using reflected polarized light micros,6Ipes: at magnifications of up to 80X.

Thin sections are samples mounte'd to glass slides and ground to specific: thicknesses (generally 20, 30. or 40 microns depending, on the application) :ad observed using transmitted polarized light. microscopes at magnifications of up to 600X.

A petrographicevaluation may be performed to..identify and describe a specific item of interest such as the presence or extent ofdisiress in concrete, orto provide: a general: characterization and: measure of' quality of the materials being evaluated. The petrographic evaluation qf concrete examines the constituents of the concrete including coarse aggregates+ fine agregates, ernbcdded items, hardened and air.;7oid s*rctufre The examination idehtifies cracking presentMn the concrete. indication Of corrosion, exte4-t 0f damage:, frum ekteroal sources: .aggre~gate re~action; chemical attack, sulfate atthck, freeze. tnaw~c~rackiag, acid attack;oand et ermechanism, o~eteri3iorato. The petrogr'aphi&."ek~m-ination Can al o. estimathe to cenvn ratio. -ofo:r :waer indications of-rmineral addiries and Juh.drate4 cement porticles irhthej aste, look for k~di',cations of bleed water and exeeýs porsity in the concrete, Ic for indications.of curing procedures us~d and methods~ of-fini~shing; 6hbserv& maicrc:crackrng present and other conditions witlain-the conc'rate whch mtgh :give infbrrnati~r, on the overal

  • qalit) ur the quatiryU4*

.anv pertidilar &rnstieuent material.. A~zregate mineralo~y, rock. types, and mtneral.crystal toacture can be identified when thih* secztins:am' view ed under: a tr-ansmitted polarized.Iizht microscope:


The~petrographic: analysis was perffdrmad in gefncrhn accordance with the applicable, sections of ASTM C 856-04 Standard Practice for Petrographic :Examination, of *Hardened Concret*. The*: results- of our petrographic analysis are or( the.i.altacfied. sheets, Summary of Petrogr. phic' Observations of Hardened Concrete, Photorraphs froin our examination are, attac~hed. A summary off our. Observations and discussion are arrallow.


A erei-ete The coarse aggregate- generally consistedof a natural carbonate crushededrock with a maximum size of 3/4 inch. The rocks types observedinclou d limestone, foss liferous Vimestone4 and a few parti'cles (f chert and/or limestone and chert. The particles were generaliy angular to sub-rounded. in shape and fairly evenly distributed. The coarse aggregate appeared to corps approximately 50% of the total:aggregate quantity with the remaining: fractibn ýbeing fine aRgregate.,

,On sample *21271, th&ere were 4 coarse aggregate pieces on the cut..surface. of the, core: that retained moisture (and moisture. in the:surrounding paste) longer than other portions of.the'sample. Thesepieces are shown in Photographs 5, 6, 7,: and 8. One-of the pieces (Photograph, 5 for core21i271) had a darkened rim. A thinsection. was prepared fromnthe piece'inphotograph 7 and:this piece contained microcrystalline quartz and radial silica and exhibited :I6calized evidence of alkali sii ica reaction.

The fine aggrcgate. was observed to::be a:natural siliceous sand consisting mostly-of quartz, The piuticles were generally sub-angular to uapeandifarlyvevenly distributed.

Cement Paste; The cement pasle Was mteduin light gra (.Reference cblbrs fro '1The Geological Sbcity. ofrnerica f Rock-Coior Chart, 1991). Thle paste appeared.moderately hard.and:not easily scratched with a hardened stee point. The concrete: appeared to have hccn placed .at a moderatee' low water to cement ratio.,

,ossihlv in 'he ranýg ofa0.4 to 0.5. Indication of plac.ernent at a high watr tro ceinent raitio such, as significant bleed channels and Water gain vods were nbt observ~eL:

Air Voids, 0Void5 and cracks The concrete appeared, to be airnorrained and had a total air content estimatedt around 3%., Thc void-s were generally"small and spherical. Some air vid clustering was observed around a few coarse aggregate particles. The air void distribution was moderately.un-even andlslrii small areas lucked.-aii entrainment, There was limnited. mineral growth observed in solme. ofthe air voids. Calcium hydroxide was observed lining some air voids.


r, SPECIFICOBSERVATIOFS OF THE FRACTURED SURFACE ON SAMPi4t;*S 21269A AtND 21271A Observations.o" fractred surfjce ye sagnmie 21269A4

.* The edge of the fractured surface had sharp distinct edges.

  • Generally the coarse aggregate (predominately limestone) opposed to being puilled out of the cement paste, matrix,.
  • Thefine aggregate (predominateiyquarez) generally was pulled out .of the cemenf paste alfhouIh it appeared that a few pieces of the quartz did fracture.

o The paste portion of the, fractured surface did not appear carbonated and produced a pink colpr.

when phenolphthalein was applied.

o Some.of the air voids that. were exposed on the fractured surface had. some,.ýminer'al: grown in them. We didnot!observe the mineral growth on the fractured surface around these subject;voids .

o Pieces of this. sampleý were purposely fractured in our laboratory and:"the purposely fractured surfaces. had .imilar, observations to the.submitted fractured surface" o There was a white colored deposit on a ,few areas:.of the fractured surface. The deposit was easily scratched: off and. contained. desiccation cracking. Based on our observations of immersion mounts :viewed, under a petrographie. microscopev the deposit. appeared to; contain .very n material and small sharp.angular pieces of quaiez. Th'ese observations are ccrisistent with ,h0it:

we vould expect fromcore. drilling slurry.

Ohbs rvation,* tf frdceuredl :*dfi[d& bh ,.s~ttrple 2 12.71A

' The edge of the fractured Nsurface had sharpdistinit:edges' o Generally the coarse aggregate (predomirniatel Iin'eston6) fractured:, as opposed to b iing:pulled out-of -thecement paste&matrix.

o The fine aggregate (predominately quartz) generall.Y wats pulled out of the 'cement p ste 4althbugh it appeared that a few pieces of the'quartz didfraituyOe.

The. paste portion of the. fractured surface did not appear car-bbnated anid,' -oduced a rihk tolor when pherdophlhalein :was a plied.

, Some pthe air voids that:-were exposed on tfih&Pracdrued surface had someamineral grown in, themr. We didnot observe the mineral grobwth on the"fracttdrd surfacelaiounidlihc'sc subijed,;oidAs

, Pieces of this sample; were.:purppsclyfracuredi our laboratory, and:thd pýurposely TieCte&ad surfaces had similar observations to-the submitted~fractured siurface.

METHODOLOGIES TO EVALUATE THE RELATIVE AGE OF CONCRETE CRACKS Several articlesý have been written about dating-cracks, by measuring carbonation,., Carb6nation is a.

reaction that takes place between, hydroxides in. the cementI paste and carhonic acid. The carbonic, acid reacts *with "the alkaline components (the hydroxides) in the cement paste and neuiralizes them. The carbonic acid can be derived..from the dissolution 'of':atmiospheric ca'rbon .,dioxide (C0 2 ) inwthe; co6ncrete 4


,y River rear.Gerervfin , Fr*uwii.ti. Flor/da iA pore water., Gentralye the longer the concrete iS exposed to the atmiosphere, the g~cawer the depth orf carbfonation.

In Adam:Nevi le's, article. Can We Determine the Age of Ciacks by MeasUring Carbonation?, Mr. Neville states, in his conclusions that "On the basis of carbonation measurements and of direct observation, it is, often possible to say that a crack is old; but it is not possible to say that,,,t isnew". Mr, Neviile also states.

"If very little. carbonation hasutken place, then this%can be due to one:of two reasons: either the crack is new or the conditions of exposure were such thaticarbonation could not proceed."

In the article, Carbonation as an Indicator of, Crack:Age by Dipayan Janaand Bernard Erlin, the authors

ýstatt that "..carbonation can, at best be used as, a quqlitative measure of crack age.

in most casesi however, -deermining the age of a crack by measuring the depth of:carbonation .along its:walls is highly unreliabte.. .' The authors present some alternative crack age indicators asfollows:

Cracks.!spnnned by bhridges of paste 'ihdicate they were, formed when the concrete semi-plastic.

a Crack surfaces that are smooih indicate they were formed before concrete had attained: much.


Cracks that intersect ý?ir voids-and pa ss through secondary depposits indicate formatLion afer, the depos,-i t precipltates.ý Where 2 ,racks,:in ersctc*. and. o*e contains secondary deposits; .the. crack containing. e**onr"iry.

depositsi is usually 6[&r.

Additionally. iA the. by Donald, A. St. John, Ala n Vs1ma' tneih h*ors. po irt out  ?~chte cracks in h : iened smtate bat an oly f~rm 4anni b:ssures voids in tihe plastic, rebef ore :e ing.

DISCUSSION IIn general the' concrctc appea'ed to, heý in :good condition.: There was some ev;idence thatthe cheert

" articles areundernfgnalkiisilicareaction however s.ignificant distress due'toalkali silica reaction was not observed in: the samples, and. the' chert particles cdmprised a :.,very sinall percentage of the:aggrecgaes..

itvis not unusual t, see evidence of some alkali ,*si.tica reaction -in.'older concrete.-

We understand .the original mix design:used for the project (copy attached) specified approximately 37%

sand and 63% :coarse aggregate. Based" on our observtions of :the :core samplesNwe estimriate they 5

Crisww River Cim ireie( Cre Obs!'*rv¢idns P>' , J  :

kepor:i ojF Peirtp,k apb C t'AC TE Pi'Cqjrf.'i No, ' i Cn3eal.'Riv. r Nw It at.Geera ting Fc~ifiP;.,F.Yrid

  • contained app'roximately 50% sand and 50% coarse, aggregate. The mix dcesign indicated a water to cement ratio of.0.38. Based on our observations of the corc samples, we:estimatq, the water to cement ratio may beenmon the order of 0,4 to 0.5. However, the-evaluation of water to ccrnent ratio of older concrete is very subjective and may not be reliable.,

Based on. the 'gharp.distindt edge of the fractured surfaice, observatiuns of fractured coarse aggregatIe (limestone, which is relatively easy to fracture), the observations of a few fractured fine aggetate (qturtz,.

which. is relatively hard, to fracture) pieces we expect the fractured surfffcd observed in the samples:

occurred after the concrete had hardened and attained significant overall strength as, welt as sufficient paste-to-aggregate bond to enable failure in the limestone aggregate.

It is. our uinderstanding that the subject crack was an internal crack and 'not readily exposed to the atmosphere. Theloutside SUrfaces had some levels of ca.rbontion but ihe cracked surfaces did notp.. We expect the lack of observed'carbonation on the crack surface could be 'due either to the lack ofUsufficient, C02 in the crack space to cause carbonation even though a, long period,of timencould have elapsed since cracking or the crack Was re¢ently formed even though sufficient C02. was: available, if the 'cracked surface had been carbonhnted, thaiwould indicate that there w'as isufficient C02 to initiate carbon tion and sufficient time had ehipsed forthc.c r . cm tn 6 progrc'ss into the:conC-retc. 1i the ca* o. ioef e concrete samples and the eppectede.posir condition of the crack surface, th lack oif observed carhonatibf: o tde fractured suriface 6f is onclusive rn regarinG anrdssmateionthe age. of cracking.

A significant observaion the fracurcd:surficeesof tbh samipes is the minterl growitht2 o,.. er -,*

in>some of th6dur void, expsosedat rartured.surfa e, bhut mineral growth was not obser '.d on :the fra~wred.surface There was not an ex ensiv amount of mnineal growth bservedin the void'indicating the concrete was relatively dry in servite (possibly dujo tothe elevated temperature in'side the cntainment area). Had the crack been in existence for a long period'of time, we would have expected to see some mineral growth on the fract'ured surface.


Cqs.ud Rireri(:~m ie.rý'e~sjii Fýrftv Floir


The lack..of darbonation oft the.,fracture surface is, inconclusive with respect tordating the cracks. Our findings indicate either the crack is relativiely new orlthe crack could be. old but the atmosphere the crack was exposed to. (an inte.rna[ fracture not exposed to the .outsideýatmosphere) wyas not conducive to carbonation.

The fractured limestone coarse': aggregate particles on thefrtactured surface indicate the..concrete had.

gained sufficierit.strength and :bond with-the coarse aggregate toý prevent aggregate pull-out and cause the fracturing. The limestone core~ .diggrcgategenera1l1y does not have a. high tensile.strengt hand is exp~ected to. fracture relatively easily. A few of the quartz fine aggregate particles had fractured indicating the concrete had~gained sufficient strength and. bond with. a 'few.of thetfine aggregate particles,' to cause fracturing, The quartz fine ýggregatc-:getierally has a relatively high tensile strength. The frctured aggregates indicate, the, fr tured Surfac*ce:of the :sainpls probably did not occur soon after the concrete placement when the concrete was relatively fresh. We.understandthis post-tensioned And. it is lfikely that :therendons were tensioned weeks, following the piacement after sufficient strength gain for PJ`T cracking:occurred tensioning Wdis ttained but still rekiti vely early in the service, life. We. anticipate the, afterl this stage howeV&',exadt corretatio6,co Nhis o6cuýrcnc,/ lozad in-duced cracking wa's inconclusive based on the Findings, I) ,ting the crack-.hdied on,ohs&rvatidns! of aggregate fracturC was inconelusi'e hevond a period of after post-tens ining..to0.;relativejy new/recent crack* occurrence.

The mineral growth ihat was dberved :in,:some voids e posed atth* fractured surface, b*a was n-ot observed on the fractured surfdce%indicates the air, voids havecxistd longer than .the fdktured surfaice: Obviously the air %i*&ihave been there since the concrete was in a plastic andor

_-tae tirne under favorablecotiditions,;the mineral growth in the voids has occurred, Had.the crack been in existencu for a long periodo"of time; we, would have expected to see some mineral grewth on-theft-ra6fured surfac-.

The lack of mineral growth on the fractured surface of the, samples indicates the crack iseilher relatively new or oc~curredafter favorlhe conditions for mnineral growth were diminished.

Had carbonation or mineral growth been observed on the'ace of the smrnples, that.would have indicated, the c The [ack of carbonation and mineral growh, on the fracture surface of the, samples is an indicatibh that either:: the crack could be relatiivly new or the conditions,, for carbonation and mineral.growth had not. been ;favorablesince.theccrack developed, in which case the age of the crack could nol be determined.



Crystal River ConcreteCore Observations November 11, 2009 Report of PetrogrnpicObservations MACTEC ProjectNo. 6468-09-2535 Cr)ytal River Nuclear GeneratingFaciliay.Florida We trust this information meets your current needs.. if more information is needed of if you have any questions, pleasecontact .us.


7)fesua SznioC Wilson i -lrosin Senior-Principal Professional (2 copies. submitted)

Attachments:. References Summary of Petrographic Observation's for Cores 21269A:and 2127 IA Photographs for Samples 21269 and 2 1271 Reports from Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory 8

C*?;,:t:d River Uoncret*, Cnie01a, O's , i V . I I, 2...

Report c!Ivrapi Oh,*ervalUas WA CTEC *wr Nuh! 6-25.f5)

Al CITED REFERENCES Neville, A.M.. Can We Determine the Age of Crack :by iMeakuring Carbonation? Part 1, Concrete Internationil> December;2003.

Nevilie, A.M., Can We. Determine the.-Age ,of Cracks by, Measuring Carhonation?: Part 2, Cbncret".

International, January 2004.

Jana, Dipayan, and Erlin, Rerna d, Carbonation as an Indicatr of Cruck Age,. Concrete lnternationai, May 20077.

St. John, Donald A, Poole, Alan W, and Sims, Ian, Concrete Petrograph,, John Wiley. and.Sons, pp.29-246, 1998.





SAMPLE SIZE AND DESCRIPTION Concrete core, approximately inches in AS RECEIVED diameter,, approximately 7 to 8 inches long.


I Shape COARSE AGGREGATE: j Angular to sub rounded Grading Approximately 3 maximum size Distribution Even. Approximately .50% of the aggregates appeared to be,coarse aggregates with the .remaining.fraction being the fiee aggregate.

Texture Fine, Composition Carbonate:.

RIick Types Limestone, fossiliferous limestone 1

.Alteration:., Not observed:

- Degree

- Products Coatings:, Not observed $

Rims Not observed


Internal Cracking Generally not observed ex'ept in the vicinity of the fractured surface Contamination Not observed FINE.AGGREGATE:

Shape Generally sub.rounded to sub-angular Grading_ #4 and smaller, Distribution IFined, Even.

Texture Composition Sgiliceous ___


PefrographicObservalions, Sample 1.D. 21269A *[ :Siliceous Page I of 3 Form Reiewed, and Appoedfor Use lon C,.ystal Rir Cores Project, 09-2535 J. AllanT, e, Project Prliipala R SIAM

MACTEC Rock Types Quartz Alteration: Not Observed Degree Products Coatings: Not Observed Rims Not Observed Internal Cractin: A few internal fractures were observed Contamination: Not observed CHARACTERISTICS OBSERVATIONS CONCRETE:

Air-Entrained or Not Appeared to have some air entrainment.

Total air content based on.visual.

observations appeared to be 2 to 3%.

Air Voids: Mostly small and spherical. Some air void

- Shape clustering was observed, around a few

- Size., coarse aggregate particles. The air void

- Distribution distribution was moderately un-even, some small areasj lacked air entrainment. There was some limited mineral growth, observed in some of the air voids. Calcium.

hydroxide wasl observed lining:some :air


Bleeding? Not Observed Segregation " Not Observed AggregAte-Paste Bond Coarse and.fine aggregates appeared to have a good bond to the cement paste with

.few openings. Some aggregate particles had increased:calcium hydroxide in the paste: surrounding the perimeter.of the particle.

Fractures One end of the core contained a fractured surface., There ,were some other minor fractures on the end with the fractured surface. On thefractured surface there was a white deposit in a few areas. The deposit exhibited desic.cation cracking -and appeared to containwfine cement paste particles:: and somelangular, quartz fragments. This depositis expected to be drilling slurry,

-I. -~ -.

Embedded Items Not observed'

- Shape

- Size PetrographicObservations, Sample LD. 21269A azge 2of 3:

Form Reviewed and:Appromed fov Use On Crystal River Cores Project 6468.09-2535 J. Allan Tice, ProjectPrincipal


- Location Alteration:. Not observed Degree & Type Reaction Products Location

- Identification_

.Nature and Condition of Surface There appeared to. be white paint on the Treatments: exterior surface of the core Estimated water-cement ratio (based on .Appeared to have a moderately low w/cl visual observations only) _.ratio possibly in the rang of 0.4 to. 0..

Estimated. cement content (based on visual Appeared to have a moderately. high observations only) cement content PASTE:

Color (GSA rock color.chart 199) Medium light gray Hardness Appeared moderately hardwhen scratched with a hardened'steel, point Porosity Did not appear very porous. .It took from 10 minutes to:over .20 minutesgto absorb: 15 micro liter drops of water.

Carbonation The outer /4 to Vi inch of the exterior surface was carbonated. The surface was not carbonated.

Residual un-hydrated Cement: Some un-hydrated/partially hydrated

- Distribution cement particles were observed

- Particle Size

- Abundance

- Composition Mineral, Admixtures: -jFly-ash was not, observed


- Abundance Identification Contamination: __ i Not observed Size Abundance Identification Equipment Used:

Cannon EOS Digital Rebel with 50mm macro lens andmicroscope adapters AmScope 7X to 45X stereo zoom microscope (with and without polarized light).

Olympus, BH-2 polarized light microscope Zeiss. Photomicroscope 11 polarized light, microscope Aven Digital Microscope-Starrett 6 inch rule SN 109000003 Note: No M&TE used is subject to calibration. requirements.

PetrographicObservations, Sample LD. 21269A Page 3 of 3 Form Reviewed and Approvedfor Use on CrystalRiver Cores Project6468,09.2535 J. Allan Tice, Project'Principal



OF PETROGRAPHIC OBSER TIONS OF HARDENED CONCRETE - ASTM C-856-04 PROJ7 CT NAME Crystal River Core Petrography Project PROJECT NUMBER 64,68-09-2535 DATE SAMPLED RECEIVED - 0-25-09 SAMPLE I.D. *21271A SAMPLE SIZE AND DESCRIPTION Concrete core, approximately 3 3/4 inches in AS RECEIVED diameter,, approximately 7 to 8 inches long.


Shape "Angular to sub rounded Grading Approximately.3/4 maximum size Distribution Even. Approximately 50% of the aggregates appearedto, be coarse aggregates with the remainingftraetion

_being the fine aggregate..

Texture FHoe Composition Carbonate, a few with siliceous deposits Rock Types Mostly limestone and fossiliferous limestone. 4 coarse aggregate particles 0n.

the: cored surface retained moisture much longer than the other particles and one of these particles: hada. darkened rim.

Alteration: Nortobservcd

- Degree

. Products Coatinsgs, Not observed.

Ri ms Not.observed except for one particle Internal Cracking Generally not observed except-in the, vicinity of the fractured surface. One of the particles that retained moisture longer' than the other particles (referenced in rock type section) was observed'in thin.section

.......... anicontu~amue tmlt;'ocrys iatone _quartz i and...

PetrographicObservakons,Sample,LD. 21271A Pa8eI of4 Form.Reviewed and Appr~oved for Use, on Ciysial Rver Cores Project 6468-09-2535 J. Allan Tice, Project Prinwlpal,

-- ,A>

......... -Amomlaxrý OWN

%C J1 radial silica (essentially chert) with the limestone, several cracks were observed going through the portion which was predominately'chert. There appeared to be

-minoramounts of ASR gel but a positive identificationacould made due to the small amounts present.

Contamiaton 'Not:observebd FINE AGGREGATE":

Shapedi Grading Generally sub-rounded to sub-lan"glu .

  1. 4 and smaller Distribution E'ven Texture .Fine Composition;.___ Siliceous:

Rock Tipes, Quartz, Alteration: Not Observed

- flMfVP

- Products Coatings' Not. Observed .

Rims: Not Observed Intemal Cracking A few internal' fractures 'were observed Contamination NOt observed.


OBSERVATIONS I Air-Entrained or Not Appeared to havesome~air entrainment.

Total airzcontent based on visual

.observations appeared t0 be62:to 3%

Air Voids. Mostly small and spherical. Some air.void

-Shape Clustering was observed around a few,

- Size coarseiaggregate particles. The air void Distribution distribution was, moderately'un-eVen, some smalltareas. lacked airtcntrainment. There:

was ýsome limited mineral growth observed in some-of thc air voids.- Calcium hydroxide:was observed lining some air voids..

Bleeding. . .. Not Observed Aggregati-to 4.-

Not.Observed Aggregate-Paste. Bond. Coarse and fine aggregates appeated to have agood bond to the. cement paste with few openings; Some aggregate particles had increased calcium hydroxide in the paste surrounding the pcrimcter of the PetrographicObservatiolls,Sample LID. 21271A. Page '2 of4 Form Reviewed and Approved for Use,on ,Crystal River Cores Profict6468-09-2535J. Allan Tice; PrjectPrincipal.


-- T A MAGTEC Fratures One end of the core contained a fractured surface. There were some other minor particle...

fractures on. the end with the fractured, surface. There were some fractures associated the chert particle discussed previously. ............. . ..........

Embedded'Items Not observed Shape

- Size,


- Tye Alteration: Not observed Degree,& Type Reaction Productsý

- Location

- Identification i

Nature .andý Condition of Surfacke There appeared to be white paint on the Treatments, exterior surface of the core Estimated water-cement ratio (based, on. Appeared to. havewamoderately low w/c visualobservations only) rlatiopossibly the range of 0.4 to 0.5 Estimated.cement content (based on visual Appeared to have a moderately high observations only) cement Content:


Color (GSA rock color chart 1991) Medium lighto. ray .... _ _

Hardness Appeared moderately hard when scratched with a hardened steel point, Porosity Did not appear very porous. It took from 10 minutes to over 20 minutes to absorb 15 micro liter drops of water. ....... ...

Carbonation The outer 1/4:to 1/2 inch of the exterior surface was carbonated. The fractured surface was not carbonated.

Residualn-hydratedCement: Some. un-hydrated/partially hydrated:

- Distribution cement particles were observed

- Particle Size

- Abundance

-- Composition Mineral Admixtures:: Fly-ash was-not observed:

- Size

- Abundance!

- Identification ...

Contamination: Not observed Size.

Abundance Identification Petrographic Observations, SampleI.L. 2127iA: 4age 3 of4 Form.Reviewed and Approved for.Use on.Crystad River Cores Project 6.468.09.2535 J. Allan Tice, ProjectPrincipal

--.Ir- I - -. 1-- - -- - M

<MACTEC Equipment Used:

Cannon EOS Digital Rebel with 50mm macro lens and microscope adapters AmScope 7X to 45X stereo zoom microscope (with and without polarized light)

Olympus BH-2 polarized light microscope ZeissPhotomicroscope II pplarized light microscope-Aven Digital Microscope, Starrett 6 inch ruleSN 109000003 Note: No M&TE used is subjectito calibration requirements.

Pe*,ographl Observations,Sample LD. 21271A Ptge;4of4 Form Reviewed and Approvedfor Use on;Crys*W River Cores Project6468-09-2535 J. Allan Mice, ProjectPrincipal

& U ~ iU'~ .. ). 2)2~~

Phetn*ph #l Remarks Photograph #1 to the leftr. The fa -

surf~ace is to the riL-ht.


ý -'7' -Ph :12 IRemrarks; Phnto~raph 42 flemarks C-)ro 212(.9 tas surface is to rho -cf.

The Crtwro wraco",- is tothe tight.

Ctvqgw River wwan~te C1/2 (bn'in~. m1/4plr1021 'P


'4- Fcr Pe 7miric Cbverai IIA( ILK .1/4"'g': V 44(k ~

CruRbrr Nut/car Ganegajy; g FturlifY, Flurich, PhotouraDh #3 Remarks Close-up of the side of the core at the fractured surface end.




&Rh p~~*pi A

Photograph #6 Remnarks fr~cwr2d ~u~fac~

A core 2126).

C.stal River Concrete Core Observations Sample L . 21269 Novemt'er 1I, 2009 Rejoul of PetrographicObservations MACTEC Project No. 6468-09-2153 Crystal River NuclearGenerating Facility,Florida fit#7 Remarkts Clos up o the fractured surface of core 21269. Note the desiccation cracking where the white deposit is thicker (shown by red arrow).


  1. 8a r Rmarks Polished section 21269A prepared from sample 21269 4

Pr!' V?" r'r(r IK Photograph 09 Remarks Close-up (f *he polished ,ection prepared froim core 21269A. The exterior end is to the right.

Csyswi River Concrefe Care Obwtvations Sao"*~ LaD. 21269 November 11. 2009 Repon of Petjrqimhic Obs.ervadoom MACTEC Project No. 646"09.2535 Crystaiw Ra ive

/n!ear Goeramog Facility Florida

  1. 11 Remuarks Photomicrograph of the fracture surface. Red arrow points to an air void with some mineral growth. Due to the uneven surface and limited depth of field at this magnification, some areas are out of focus.
  1. 12 [ Remarks Photomicrograph of the fracture surface. Red arrows point to an air voids with some mineral growth. Due to the uneven surface and limited depth of field at this magnification, some areas are out of focus.


Crnstal River Concrefe Core OMservations, Sample ID. 21269 Neiveiber 11, 2009 Report of PearographicObservations MACTEC Project No. 6468-09-2535 CrystalRiver NuclearGenerating Facility,Florida

  1. 13
  1. iPhotograph Photomicrograph of the polished section. The fracture surface is towards the bottom.

Width of view is approximately 0.5 inch.

Ph2O"P #14 Remarks Photomicrograph of the polished section. The fracture surface is towards the bottom.

Width of view is approximately 0.5 inch.


C> '*rd RN Nt'oae"se ,ore,tSams*iot Sople 1M..Z1269 MACrI&C Pnijest No. 6dM-4XL25J5 t'itýývoi Ri or N, cio feermieg Farli,'nl Floridi Phoogap #6 Remarks Pho)omicrograph of the polished section, Note the un-even distribution of air voids. Width of view is approximar tey 0.5 inch.


Cryswal River Concrete Core Obnrvadons,Sample IA 21269 November) . 2009 Repio" of PetrsnrugqcObsanuions MACTEC Project Io. 6468-09-2535 Crystal River Nuclwr GeneratinaFaciity Florida Photomicrograph of the polished section. Note the un-even distribution of air voids. Width of view is approximately 0.5 inch.

  1. 18 Remarks Photomicrograph of thin section using plane polarized light. The fractured surface is to the left. Note fractures (red arow). Width of view is approximately 0.5 inch.


CmsialRiver Concrete Core Obsermoins.Sainple ItD. 21269 November 11, 2009 Report of PetmgraphicObsernwtias MACTEC Project No. 6468-09-25*5 Crys$d River Nuclear GeitraiingFacility, Florida

  1. 1i9 Remarks Same view as in photograph #18 taken with cross polarized light. Red arrow points to an air void Width of view is approximately 0.5 inch.

IPhotogruph #20 Close up of the air void identified in photograph #19. Note the small mineral growth (red arrow).

Width of view is approximately 0.5 inch.


CrsalRiver Concrete Core Obwrvations Sample I.D. 21269 November 11, 2009 Report of PeroraphicObwvatio MACTEC ProjectNo. 6M68.09.2535 Crystal River Nuclear Generaing Facility.Florida "I'll,

RemarU Photomicrograph of a thin section taken with plane polarized light.

The fracture surface is towards the bottom.

Width of view is approximately 0.5 inch.

ELWý #22 1 Remarks

............................... U Same view as photograph #21 taken with cross polarized light. The red arrow points to an air void with mineral growth (white area around void). The blue arrow points to a fractured surface (note lack of mineral deposits). The yellow arrow points to a fractured piece of quartz. Width of view is approximately 0.5 inch.



Crysal River ConcreteCore Observations..anqupleLD. 21269 November 1I. 2009 Repovi of PeirogrepkicObw*iutio, MACTrEC Pmject No. 6468-09-2535 Crystal River Nuclear GeneratingFacildy Florida

  1. 23 ReAarks Another view of the area in photograph #22.

Width of view is approximately 0.5 inch.


.'- ~

t Ri-t-mmie n vrr~thl; ~~* .,~ k TI. 27 "l.

~:KRi e - iWi~ F'~w-.' l Photograph #1 Remarks C(.ire 2>!27 us received.

The exterior surface is to the left. The fracture surface is to the right.


COstal River Concrete Core Obserwidons. Sample L.D. 21271 Novembe~r /I. 200Y9 Report of PetrographicObservations MALTEC Projert No.6468 2535 Crvoval River Nuclear Generating Facifivy. Florida Photograph #3 Remar -

Photograph #3 Remarks The fracture surface of core 21271.

Potograp #4Reak The exterior surface of core 21271.

Crystal River ConcriteCore Obserrvanou SaNmple . 21271 Noi*mber I1.2009 Report of PetrogrophicObser0vaions MACTEC Project No. 6468-09-2535 Crostai River Nuclear GeneratingFaclift Florida

  • *Remak An aggregat particle on the cored surface.

This particle has a darkened rim and the aa around the particle appeared to retain moisture Iongae than the rest of the core.

Marks on the ruler are

0. 1 inch.

~~~#6Re rk An aggregate particle on the cored surface.

This particle has a darkened rim and the area around the particle appeared to retain moisture longer than the rest of the core.

Marks on the ruler are 0.1 inch.


Cr',sWa River Cownfte Core Obwevatons. Saniple 1.fl 21271 November 11. 2009 Repoil of Petrgrphic Obaewwwwm MACTEC Project No. 6468-09-2535 Ciyno River Nadear Generafinq Facft kw 7oida Photograph #7 Remarks bhigrp

.. Remar8 An aggregate particle on the cored surface.

This particle has a darkened rim and the area around the particle appeared to retain moisture longer than the rest of the core.

Marks on the ruler are 0.1 inch.


Remarks An aggregate particle on the cored surface.

This particle has a darkened rim and the area around the particle appeared to retain moisture longer than the rest of the core.

Marks on the ruler are 0.1 inch. i A


Cvsmai ARi'wr Comr-,'Core'(T Olv~rvaions,.Samir!h' 1.0. V271 N\',i rmber ! 1, 2(009 Rnnre C~fi VIACTFC P ro'er Ne; ?'MA~A2I Crs.,a Rhver NVtbl*ar '-eraingJariihtv, Fanida Photoeraoh #9 Remarks Close up of the polished sections showing voids in the coarse aggregate.

Width of view is approximately 0A. inch.

I I?

I Photovraph #10 Remarks Close up of the polished sections showing the fracture surface ýtop of photograph). Note uneven distribution of air voids. Width of view is approximately 0.4 inch, 5

Cr.ynd River CowrmerCore Observuoadam Saaipe L.A.21271 November /I. 2W09 Rqpot of Peflvwmphic (**en'alotio MACTEC ProjectNo 6468-09-2535 Crysol Rimr Nwmear Gewinztg Famiiy. Florida

  1. 11 Remarks Close up of the polished sections showing the fracture surface (top of photograph). Note uneven distribution of air voids. Width of view is approximately 0.4 inch.
  1. (R Rearks _,2 I Close up of the polished sections showing the fracture surface (top of photograph). Note uneven distribution of air voids. Width of view is approximately 0.4 inch.


y Crsti River Cmtrre*e Core Obsemafim,,T, Sample 1.D. 2!27! \'.* ,mr .

Rfrport of Peiroraphie Obst'natirm W"'IU f~~

VL:t, P;,;,

C.*.,sai Rijer Nuct ear Ge [cilit. FYorida F-,r,','tt Photo ara h #13 Remarks Close up of the polished sections showing the fracture surface (top of photograph). Note uneven distribution of air voids. Width of view is approximately 10.4 inch.

I p-hotoigra Pif14Reak I

Close up of the polished sections showing the fr'dcture surface (top of photograph), Note uneven distribution of air voids. Width of view is approximately 0.4 inch.


Crt'stal River Concrete Cort Obenoionx. Sample I.D. 212 71 November !1, 2(X)9 Report of PetrographicObservaions MACTEC Project No. 6468409-2535 Crystal River NMclear GeneratingFacility,Florida 0ý-

Plmobpmpvp #15 Remarks Close up of the polished sections showing the fracture surface (top of photograph). Note uneven distribution of air voids. Width of view is approximately OA inch.

M I'hotoý 1,4 #16 Close up of the polished sections showing the fracture surface (top of photograph). Note uneven distribution of air voids. Width of view is approximately 0.4 inch.


Crystal River Concrete Core Obwwtkons, Sample I.A 21271 Nome*ber 11, 2009 Report of PetnoSgrpkicObserwions MACTEC Project No, 6468-09253;5 CrystalRiver Muclear Genewrating Facility.Florida I Photoarauh #17 Remuarks I

Close up of the, volished sections showing clustering of air voids around an i aggregate particle.

Width of view is approximately 0.2 inch.

Photogap#18 Remarks Close up of the polished sections showing uneven distribution of air voids. Width of view is approximately 0.2 inch.


L)-v.ctI Riierf;-v Comf'~(Ob~senwi-ns Srnp

.0. 21271 November i 1, 2rY)9, PReport of PeemnqhIzr 0&,wndions MACP h7C PijrcrNo. 14802J Phottwr-ap #19 Rvmarksý Close up of dhe polished sections showing the fracture surface (top of photograph). Note, uneven distribution of air voids. Width of view is approximately 0.2 inch.

Photogra #20 Remarks Close up of the polished sections showing the fracture surface (top of photograph). Note uneven distribution of air voids. Width of view is approximately 0.2 inch.


I, Ciwotl River Concrete Core Observadons Sample 1..21271 November 11, 2009 Report of PetrographicOfseevations MACTEC Project No. 6468-09-2535 Ciyeal Ri Nuclear GeneratingFacility,Florida Pbmoft9M]* #21 Remrk Photonicrograph of the fractured surface showing an air void with some mineral growth (red arrow).

Because of the un-even surface and the magnification the focal depth is limited and some areas of the photomicrograph are not in focus. Width of view is approximately 0.06 inch.

  1. 22 Photomicrograph of the fractured surface showing an air void with some mineral growth (red arrow).

Because of the un-even surface and the magnification the focal depth is limited and some areas of the photomicrograph are not in focus. Width of view is approximately 0.06 inch.


CFystalRiver Conwrete Core Obsw'iona.i Sample I D. 21271 November I/. 2009)

Report ofPetra~raphicObservations MACTEC Project Ma 6468.09-2535 CrytalRiver Nclear GeneratingFacility Florida

  • #7.3 Reamuft Photomicrograph of thin section in plane polarized lighL Note the mineral growth in the air void that was exposed at the fractured surface (red arrow).

Note lack of mineral growth on fractured surface (blue arrow).

Width of view is approximately 03 inch.

[Photorph #24 [,

Photoniicrograph of thin section using plane polarized light. Note fractures (red arrows) coming out of chert deposit (blue arrows) in a limestone particle.

Width of view is approximately 0.5 inch.


CrystalRiver Concrete Core Observadoom Sample LD. 21271 November 1I, 2009 Report of PetrographicObservations MACTEC Project No. 6468.092535 CrystalRiver Nuclear GetertingFacility. Florida Photogmp 2 Sam'n view as oaph #24 taken pbotoc ioss polarized with light. Width of view is approx imately 0.5 inch.

  1. 26Re Cracking in a chert deposit in a limestone particle (red arrows).

Width of view is approximately 0.5 inch.


6 CrystalRiver Concrete CoreObservations,Sample L D. 21271 November 11, 2009 Report of PerographicObservations MACTEC ProjectNo. 6468-09-2535 Crystal River Nuclear Generating Facift Fondo I htgah#27 Remarks I Same view at photograph #26 taken with cross polarized light. Width of view is approxiumately 0.5 inch.

4 14


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