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Monthly Operating Rept for Mar 1982
Person / Time
Site: Duane Arnold NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/14/1982
From: Brown S
Shared Package
ML20054C435 List:
NUDOCS 8204210068
Download: ML20054C436 (9)




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  • _ , . DATE Aori1 14 ~1982 COMPLETED 1;Y Sidr.dy_L . Brown TELEPilONr. 319 R41 4611 OPERATING STATUS ,
1. Unit Name: Duane Arnold Eneray Center Notes
2. Rep'orting Period: March 1982
3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt). 169R *
  • 4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): 565 (Turbine Ratin_q)-
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 53R ,
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gro:s MWe): 545

.- 7. Maximtun Dependable Capacity (Nct MWe): 515

8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings-(Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report.Give Reasons:
9. Power Level To Which Restricted.lf Any (Net MWe):
10. Reasons For Restrictions.lf Any: _


' This Month Yr to Date Cumulative

2,160 62,784

11. Ilours In Reporting Period 744
12. Number OfIlours Reactor Was Critical 744 2,160 '45,638.7
13. Reactor Reserve Shutd wn llours 0 0 -


  • 14. Ilours Generator On-Line 744 2,160 44,549.4 .
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown flours 0 0 0
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWil) 1,101,127 3,104,026 56,157,424 .
17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 370,508 ,_,

1,049,983 18,825,023

18. Net Electrical Energy Generated.(MWH) 349,234 990,417 17,622,002
19. Unit Service Factor 100% 100% 71%  ;
20. Unit Availability Factor 100% 100% 71%
21. Unit Capacity Factor (U>ing MDC Net) - 91* 89T 54.5%
22. Unit Capacity Factor (U>ing DER Net) 87T 85% 52%
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate 0 0 -16L
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over 6 Months (Type.Date.and Duration of Eacht: .. ,

Maintonanen- Anril'1. 19R2 1,vn wookh *

25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated Date of Startup:
  • O
  • Turbine Rating: 565.7 MWe ,

U Generator Rating: 663.5{MVA')x.90(PowerFactor)=597MWe . . . .

8204210068 820414 -

PDR ADOCK 05000331 .

. (nf773 R PDR

, 1' AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL DOCKET NO. 050-0331 UNIT Duane Arnold Energy Ctr.


I 504 17 482 2 509 33 480 510 482 3 ,9 4 504 :o 483 5

506 21 475 6

250 g 486 7 408 23 486 3 '479 ,4 483 9 4RR 25 499 to 532 26 495

456 2, 492 12 d74 23 475 13 ,

464 29 477 i4 476 30 460 486 3, 258 15 16 486 INSTRUCTIONS On this format. list the aserage daily unit power leselin MWe Net for each day in the reporting month. Compute to the nearest whole rnegawatt.



DATE Anril 14. 198?

REPORT 510NTil March, 1982 COMPLETED DY i S'dnev L. Brown TELEPi!ONE 319-851-5611 ,

"r- . .

No. Date

, $? Y licensee 5% "o Cause & Corrective 2 5g n .8 s s Event u S3 Action to H

aE 5 jd Report y Ar?s fu Prevent Recurrence a -

f 4 ~20306 8 F 0 B 1 Power was reduced to isolate "A" reactor feed pump fo'r maintenance.

5 820331 S 0 B 1 Shutdow.i of the reactor was initiated for the April maintenance outage. '

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I 2 3 4 F: Forced Reason: Method:

S: Scheduled A Equipment Failure (Explain) Exhibit G - Instructions 1 Manual for Preparation of Data B Maintenance of Test 2-Manual Scram. Entry Sheets for Licensee C Refueling 3-Automatic Scram.

D Regu!atory Restriction Event Report (LER) File (NUREG.

4 Other (Explain) 0161)

E-Opera:or Training & Ucense Examination F Ad:dnistrative 5 C Ope :ional Ermt(Explain)

(9/77) li O:le:: (Explain) Exhibit I Same Source m e

Uocket huo 050-033( '

Unit Duane G lifEnergy~

REFUELING INf0fM1ATION ate Apr R 14, M Completed by Sidney Br6wn~

Tel ephone 319._a. m .5_.,i1

1. Name of facility.

A. Duane Arnold Energy Center

2. Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown.

A. September 4, 1982

3. Scheduled date for restart following refueling.

A. Unknown .

4. 11111 refueling or resumption of operation thercafter require a technical specification change or other license amend, ment?

A. Yes. New MAPLfi,GR tables will have to be included in Technical Specifications.

5. Scheduldd date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting information.

' A. Unknown at this time.

6. Important licensing considerations associated with refueling, e.g.,

new or different fuel design or supplier, unrevicued design or per-formance analysis methods, significant changes in' fuel design, new operating procedures.

A. New fuel assemblies to be placed in .the reactor will be ri1 ore highly k enriched than those currently in use.

7. The numbar of fuel assemblics (a) in the core and (b) in the spent fuel storage pool.

A. a) 368 b) 448

8. lhe present licensed cpent fuel pool storage capacity and the size of an,, increase in licensed storage capacity that has been requested or is planned, in number of fuel assemblics.

l A. 2050

9. The projected date of the last refueling that can be discharged to the spent fuel pool assu'ning the present licensed capacity.

A. 1998 l

Docket No. 050-0331 Unit Dunne Arnold Egengy Con Date April 14, 1982 Completed by Sidney L. Brown ~


. Telephone -319-851-5611 C.",T E SYSTEM COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 3-2-82 Containment Atmospheric RM 8101A Radiation Monitor Removed water.from detector Control 3-4-82 Containment Atmospheric IC-2198 Iodine Source Check Cleaned and lubricated motor, and Control performe~d. source check


3-4-82 Containment Atmospheric RE 8101B Radiation Element Dried and replaced detector window, Control ,

and performed source check


3-6-82 Standby Gas Treatment CV-5837A Control Valve Rebuilt valve, replaced plug and stem, Deluge System cleaned body, tapped plug to seat and installed new gaskets.

3-6-82 RHR M0 2003 Valve Replaced torque switch ,

3-6-82 Containment Atmospheric PR 4384A and PR 4385A Pressure ^ Rec'rders o Calibrated recorder Control ,

3-6-82 Standby Gas Treatment "A" Drain Cleaned drain' orifice 3-6-82 HPCI PI 2208 Root Valve Replaced packing and gasket 3-6-82 HPCI MOV 2202 Valve Repacked 3-6-82 HPCI EBB-14-H8 Hanger Temporary . hanger installed 3-8-82 Control Bldg. H&V "A" SFU Heater Replaced diodes and recalibrated 3-8-82 "B" River Water Supply CV 4914 Valve -

Cleaned out positionery,

'3-8-82 "A" SBGT ' Charcoal (wet) Changed charcoal 3-8-82 RHR GBB-4-H10 Pipe Hanger Changed baseplate 3-9-82 .CRD "B" Suction Filter Changed filter

  • e

b Docket No. 050-0331 Unit Duane Arnold Energy Con Date April 14, 1982 Completed by Sidney L. Brownj MAJOR SAFETY RELATED MAINTENANCE . Telephenc ,31g-851-5611 SYSTEM COMPONENT DESCRIPTION DATE 3-9-82 RHR GBB-4-SS-211 Snubber Added stiffeners 3-9-82 RHR GBB-4-H9 Hanger Added stiffeners 3-11-82 RHR 1E201A Heat Exchanger Added washers and torqued mounting bolts


3-12-82 RHR Cooling Water IP.22D Motor C1'eaned dnd repaired oil cooler leak 3-12-82 RHR "B" Heat Exchanger ,

Add'ed washers and torqued mounting bolts 3-12-82 <

RHR "B" V-19-4 Valve Cleaned 'and lubricated. valve stem 3-15-82 Standby Diesel Generators "A" Diesel 1G-31,1K-10C Pressure Swit'ch Replaced line &. fittings 3-15-82 Standby Diesel Generators "B" Diesel 1G-21 Fuel Injector ,

Tightened fue.1 injector' 3-15-82 Standby Diesel Generators "B" Diesel 1G-21 Vented fuel filt' e rs 3-16-82 Containment Atmospheric TR 4383C Recorder.  ! Installed new pen motor and .R/I Transmitter Control ,

3-16-82 Containment Atmospheric TR 4383A Recorder Installed .new pen motor and calibrated Control 3-18-82 Standby Diesel Generators "B" Diesel 1G-21 Changed fuel filter.s 3-19-82 Containment Atmospheric IK-18-B '

Tightened ' fitting and cleaned trap Contro1 3-19-82 Containment Atmospheric IK-18-A Cleaned trap Control 3-22-82 River Water Supply 1P-117C Pump Tightened packing 3-23-82 Standby Gas Treatment IC-24 Fuse Holders Install'ed new fuse block -


g 8

Docket No. 050-0331 l Unit nunnn arnold _Energv res Date April 14, 1983

- Completed by Sidney L. Brown MAJOR SAFETY RELATED MAINTENANCE Telep'none ,31g_89.g11 -

SYSTEM COMPONENT DESCRIPTION CATE 3-24-82 RHR GBB-7 Line Elbow Ground crack and tested line 3-25-82 125 Volt Relays Repla~ced ' relay and cleaned battery 3-26-82 HPCI PSV 2223 Valve Repaj red . drain line leakage.

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Docket No. 050-0331  %

Unit Duane Arnold Energy Center Date April .14 01982 Completed by Sidney L. Brown Telephone 319-851-5611 NARRATIVE


OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE 3-1 At the beginning of this reporting period, the plant was operating normally at 539 MWe.

3-2 During normal operation while performing surveillance testing on the standby gas treatment (SBGT) system charcoal bed deluge system, the "A" SBGT system charcoal bed was found to be wet. The leaking deluge valve was reworked, the charcoal was replaced, and the system was functionally tested satisfactorily.

To preclude recurrence, a design review will be consider changes to the deluge piping to the SBGT charcoal beds.

R0 Report 82-021 3-5 During normal operation, the high pressure coolant injection (HPCI) system was declared inoperable when a preliminar design review did not confirm that -

a loose mounting plate on a spring can hanger would not adversely affect the operability of the HPCI system. Further review of the HPCI system design revealed that failure of the spring can hanger would not adversely affect the operability of the HPCI. As a result of this, the HPCI was declared operable concurrent with the installation of a temporary hanger. The can hanger will be repaired and the temporary hanger removed.

R0 Report 82-022 3-6 Power was reduced to 50% to isolate "A" reactor feed pump for maintenance.

3-7 During normal operation while performing surveillance testing, the "A" standby filter unit (SFU) for the control building ventilation system was declared inoperable when a halogenated hydrocarbon test indicated a charcoal absorber bank removal efficiency of 97%. The low removal efficiency was caused by moisture in the "A" SFU absorber bank. The moisture was removed by operating the "A" SFU with the heater on, and the SFU was functionally tested satisfactorily. To prevent recurrence, the appropriate procedures will be modified to preclude running a declared-inoperable SFU train before first manually starting and running the redundant train.

R0 Report 82-017 3-9 During normal operation while performing surveillance testing, a 4 KV emergency bus undervoltage relay tripped conservatively high.-- Since instrument drift was the cause. the relay was recalibrated and tested satisfactorily.

R0 Report 82-023 3-10 During normal operation while performing surveillance testing, reactor core isolation cooling (RCIC) steam line high flow pressure differential indicating switch tripped out of specification. Since the cause was instrument drift, the switch was recalibrated and tested satisfactorily. A design change is being pursued to replace this type switch with a similar type that has a smaller range to reduce instrument drift problems.

R0 Report 82-024


Docket No. 050-0331 Unit Duane Arnold Energy Center

- , Date April 14, 1982 Completed by Sidney L. Brown Telephone 319-851-5611 NARRATIVE


OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE 3-15 During normal operation while performing surveillance testing, a standby diesel generator tripped in the start sequence. The diesel trip was caused by a procedural deficiency which allowed both fuel oil filters to be changed without properly filling and venting the filter casing. Subsequent testing demonstrated that the diesel generator would have started with an auto-start signal. To preclude recurrence, maintenance procedures have been developed to ensure the fuel oil filters are changed properly.

R0 Report 82-020 3-19 Normal plant operation at 524 MWe, 3-25 Normal plant operation at 527 MWe. .

3-30 Two cooling tower fans shut down for deluge system maintenance.

3-31 Plant shutdown underway for April maintenance outage, power at 292 MWe.

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