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Enclosure 1: ACRS Presentation: NuScale Chapter 9, Auxiliary Systems, PM-0319-64807, Revision 0
Person / Time
Site: NuScale
Issue date: 03/20/2019
From: Fields J, Fosaaen C, Harris S, Nichol C
Office of New Reactors
LO-0319-64871 PM-0319-64807, Rev 0
Download: ML19079A238 (42)


L0-0319-64871 :

"ACRS Presentation: NuScale Chapter 9, Auxiliary Systems," PM-0319-64807, Revision 0 NuScale Power, LLC 1100 NE Circle Blvd., Suite 200 Corvallis, Oregon 97330 Office 541.360-0500 Fax 541.207.3928

NuScale Nonproprietary ACRS Presentation:

NuScale Chapter 9, Auxiliary Systems Scott Harris, PE Supervisor, Mechanical Systems Corrie Nichol, Ph.D.

Refueling and Remote Handling Carrie Fosaaen Supervisor, Licensing John Fields Licensing Engineer March 20, 2019 PM-0319-64807 Revision: 0 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power,. LLC.

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Chapter 9: Auxiliary Systems

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9.1 : Fuel Storage and Handling 9.2 Water Systems 9.3 :j Process Auxiliaries 9.4 Air Conditioning, Heating, Cooling, and Ventilation Systems 9.5 : Other Auxiliary Systems 9A Fire Hazard Analysis 2

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9.1 - Fuel Storage and Handling

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9.1.1  : Criticality Safety of Fresh and Spent Fuel Storage and Handling 9.1.2 New and Spent Fuel Storage 9.1.3 *. Spent Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup System 9.1.4 Fuel Handling Equipment r-9.1.5  : Overhead Heavy Load Handling Systems 3


  • ~! NUSCALE .Powo, lo, oil hemo.,>lnd Revision: O Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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9.1.1 - Criticality Safety of Fresh and Spent Fuel Storage and Handling

  • Storage rack design does not require loading patterns or zones
  • Spent fuel pool connected to refueling and reactor pools which forms ultimate heat sink - large volume prevents undetected addition of unborated water
  • Max keff remains below applicable limits and no abnormal condition causes inadvertent criticality (TR-0816-49833, Rev. 1.)
  • Fuel handling procedures place controls on movement of each fuel assembly and the designated storage location in a rack
  • TS 5.5.12 - Spent Fuel Storage Rack Neutron Absorber- Monitoring Program
  • COL Item 9.1-1: A COL applicant will develop plant programs and procedures for safe operations during handling and storage of new and spent fuel assemblies, including criticality control 4

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9.1.2 - New and Spent Fuel Storage

  • Storage and handling facility for new and spent-fuel assemblies located in the RXB - racks can store new or spent fuel assemblies
  • The fuel storage racks, spent fuel pool, liner, and RXB meet Seismic Category I requirements and protected from non-Seismic Category I SSCs
  • 9.1-2: A COL applicant will demonstrate that an NRG-licensed cask can be lowered into the dry dock and used to remove spent fuel assemblies from the plant
  • 9.1-8: A COL applicant will submit an evaluation of the spent fuel storage racks that addresses structural, thermal-hydraulic, criticality, and material analysis aspects of the design. This evaluation is dependent on a vendor-specific design and the as-built configuration of spent fuel storage racks. The design of the spent fuel storage racks is considered acceptable when it meets the criteria of Appendix D to Design Specific Review Standard 3.8.4.

5 PM-0319-64807 Revision: 0 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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Ultimate Heat Sink Configuration IR:1:FUi:UNG


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9.1.3 - Spent Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup System Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System and Reactor Pool Cooling System

  • Performs the following nonsafety-related functions:

- Maintains reactor, refueling. pool and spent fuel pool temperature during normal operations and refueling

- Maintains ultimate heat sink water level by providing makeup from the demineralized water system

- Provides chemistry control of pool including boron concentration

- Provides reactor pool temperature information signals for post-accident monitoring 7

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9.1.3 - Spent Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup System Pool Cleanup System

  • Performs the following nonsafety-related functions:

- removes impurities to reduce radiation dose rates and maintain water chemistry/clarity in pools and dry dock Pool Surge Control System

  • Performs the following nonsafety-related functions:

- drains the dry dock using the evacuation pumps to support maintenance and refueling activities

- transfers and stores excess water volume from the UHS to maintain pool level during surge events such as when an NPM is added to the pool 8


  • ~! NUSCALE" Powo, lo* ull humankind Revision: O Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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9.1.3 - Spent Fuel Pool Cooling and C,leanup System Pool Leakage Detection System

  • Performs the following nonsafety-related functions:

- provides for collection of water leaking from the pool liner

- directs the flow to sumps for detection of collected leakage for operator evaluation

  • Valves used to isolate each channel drainage line and leakage rate measuring line
  • Channels collect leakage from pool wall and floor liner plates and direct it to a sump in radioactive waste drain system and routed to liquid radioactive waste system for further processing 9

PM-0319-64807 Revision: O Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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9.1.4 - Fuel Handling Equipment

  • Functions

- Receipt of new fuel

- Refueling operations

- Loading of spent fuel into a dry storage cask

  • Design considerations - ANSI/ASME design requirements

- Dropping fuel assembly following a safe shutdown earthquake minimized

- Radiological shielding for personnel who operate the equipment

- Protection from a criticality event

- Capability to permit periodic inspection and testing of components

- Speed of the fuel handling machine, trolley, and hoist motions are limited 10 PM-0319-64807 Revision: O Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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9.1.4 - Fuel Handling Equipment Hgur~'9.1.4~ l: R~fuellng Roo Layout NEW FU FU STORAHE RACKS 1

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9.1.4 - Fuel Handling Equipment COL Items:

  • 9.1-3: A COL applicant will develop procedures related to the transfer of spent fuel to a transfer cask
  • 9.1-4: A COL applicant will provide the periodic testing plan for fuel handling equipment 12 PM-0319-64807 Revision: O Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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9.1.5 - Overhead Heavy Load Handling Systems

  • Major components:

- Reactor Building Crane (RBC)

- NPM lifting fixture - comprised of the NPM lifting lugs and top support structure diagonal lifting braces - permanently installed

- module lifting adapter (MLA) - connection for crane to lift and carry the NPM *

- wet hoist - main below-the-hook structure for lifting equipment underwater

  • RBC:

- Designed as a single-failure-proof crane - highest qualification

- Movement uses position control system interlocks

- Path and the maximum height limited - shielding maintained

- Communication system provided between the MCR and RBC 13 PM-0319-64807 a!

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  • Revision: o Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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9.1.5 - Overhead Heavy Load Handling Systems i= I\ 11 11.1N HOIST CO\IERAG~ /.- NU SCALE l l~l1'\  !.. II POWER MODULE


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I \_ SAFE LOAD PATH REACTOR~ \L CONTAINMENT NPM FL4NGE TOOL FLANGE TOOL 14 PM-0319-64807 Revision: O Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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9.1.5 - Overhead Heavy Load Handling Systems ASME NOG-1 ,

Hoist Type I RBCAux 15 ASME NOG-1 , y N/A 25 2 I 37 3 65 Hoist Type I MLA 790 ANSI N14.6 y N/A N/A N/A N/A NPM Lift 790 ANSI N14.6 y N/A NIA NIA Fixture Wet Hoist 250 ASME NOG-1 , y N/A N/A 4 75 Type I Jib Crane 1 ASME NUM-1 , N II 30 21 40 Hoist Type II Notes

1. Bridge, trolley and hoist speeds are within recommended ranges of ASME NOG-1
2. With load on hoist
3. Without load on hoist 15 PM-0319-64807 w~~g~_L..§"

Revi si on : O Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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9.1.5 - Overhead Heavy Load Handling Systems

- 9.1-5: The COL applicant will describe the process for handling and receipt of critical loads including NPMs

- 9.1-6: The COL applicant will provide a design for a spent fuel cask and handling equipment including procedures and programs for safe handling.

- 9.1-7: The COL applicant will provide a description of the program governing heavy loads handling. The program should address:

  • operating and maintenance procedures
  • inspection and test plans
  • personnel qualifications and operator training
  • detailed description of the safe load paths for movement of heavy loads 16 PM-0319-64807 Revision: O Copyright 2019 by Nu Scale Power, LLC.

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9.2 - Water Systems

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9.2.2 Reactor Component Cooling Water System 9.2.3  : Demineralized Water System 9.2.4 Potable and Sanitary Water Systems

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9.2.5  : Ultimate Heat Sink 9.2.6 Condensate Storage Facilities

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9.2. 7  : Site Cooling Water System 9.2.8 Chilled Water System I

9.2.9 , Utility Water Systems '

17 PM-0319-64807 Revision: O Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.


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9.2 - Water Systems

  • Common Elements of NuScale Water System design (except for 9.2.5 - UHS)

- Does not perform safety-related or risk-significant functions

  • Classified as nonsafety-related

- Not an essential source of water to prevent or mitigate the consequences of accidents or to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe-shutdown condition -

- Not required during or after a natural phenomenon event

  • Includes provisions that ensure system failure will not adversely affect the functional performance of safety-related systems or components
  • Components *in proximity to Seismic Category I SSCs designed to Seismic Category II 18 PM-0319-64807 Revision: O Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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9.2.5 - Ultimate Heat Sink

  • Set of stainless steel-lined, reinforced concrete pools of borated water located below grade in the RXB (reactor, refueling, and SFP)
  • Sized such that active cooling systems are not required for accident conditions; the combined volume of water in the UHS provides sufficient cooling for greater than 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> without additional makeup water
  • Provided with a seismically qualified makeup line that can provide additional water to the UHS and with redundant water level instrumentation
  • During normal plant operations, heat is removed from the UHS through the reactor pool cooling system and rejected into the atmosphere through a cooling tower or other external heat sink
  • In a OBA involving a sustained loss of all AC power, decay heat is removed from the NPMs through passive heat transfer to the pool


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9.2 - Water Systems

- 9.2-1: A COL applicant will select the appropriate chemicals for the RCCWS based on site-specific water quality and materials requirements

- 9.2-2: A COL applicant will describe the source and pre-treatment methods of potable water for the site, including the use of associated pumps and storage tanks

- 9.2-3: A COL applicant will describe the method for sanitary waste storage and disposal, including associated treatment facilities

- 9.2-4: A COL applicant will provide details on the prevention of long-term corrosion and organic fouling in the sews

- 9.2-5: A COL applicant will identify the site-specific water source and provide a water treatment system that is capable of producing water that meets the plant water chemistry requirements 20 PM-0319-64807 Revision: O Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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9.3 - Process Auxiliaries 9.3.1 :* Compressed Air Systems 1 9.3.2 Process Sampling System 9.3.4 Chemical and Volume Control System 9.3.6 Containment Evacuation System and Containment Flooding and Drain System 21 PM-0319-64807 Revision: O Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.


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9.3 - Process Auxiliaries

  • Common Elements of NuScale Process Auxiliaries Design

- No safety-related or risk significant functions, not credited for mitigation of design basis accidents, and has no safe-shutdown functions (except 9.3.4 - CVCS)

- SSCs whose failure could adversely affect Seismic Category I SSCs during or following an SSE are designed as Seismic Category II

- COL Item 9.3-1: COL applicant submits a leakage control program

- COL Item 9.3-2: COL applicant develops PASS contingency plans for using the PSS and the CES off-line radiation monitor to obtain reactor coolant and containment atmosphere samples 22 PM-0319-64807 Revision: O Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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9.3.4 - Chemical and Volume Control System

  • eves purifies reactor coolant, manages chemistry of the coolant (including boron concentration), provides reactor coolant inventory makeup and letdown, and supplies spray flow to the pressurizer to reduce RCS pressure

- eves is provided for each NPM

- eves is used in combination with the MHS during startup to raise reactor coolant temperature and to generate natural circulation flow in the RCS before nuclear heat addition

- BAS is a shared system for all 12 NPMs

  • BAS prepares, stores, and transfers borated water for use by the eves or by the SFPeS for adding boron to the SFP as needed I

23 PM-0319-64807 Revision: O Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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9.3.4 - Chemical and Volume Control System

- eves is only system with connections to the RCS and piping that runs outside containment

  • eves is the total scope for intersystem LOeA consideration in the NuScale design
  • e1v function part of eNTS - Section 6.2

- eves is equipped with two automatic, safety-related, fail-closed, demineralized water isolation valves to ensure eves operation does not inadvertently cause a dilution of the RCS boron concentration

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9.3.6 - Containment Evacuation System and Containment Flooding and Drain System

  • CES and CFDS are used to transfer liquids and gases between the CNV free volume and other plant systems.

- CES establishes and maintains a vacuum in the CNV by removing water vapor and non-condensable gases from the CNV

- CES Performs Leakage detection function

- CFDS is used to flood a CNV with borated reactor pool water after shutdown in preparation for NPM refueling and to drain water back to the reactor pool in preparation for NPM startup

- CFDS can provide borated coolant inventory to containme nt during BOBE for decay heat removal

- CIV function part of CNTS - Section 6.2

- CES required for NPM operation per TS 3.4.7, 3.4.9 & 3.7.3 25 PM-0319-64807 Revision: O Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.


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9.4 - Air Conditioning, Heating, Cooling, and Ventilation Systems 9.4.1 , Control Room Area Ventilation System 9.4.2 Reactor Building and Spent Fuel Pool Area Ventilation System 9.4.3  : Radioactive Waste Building Ventilation 9.4.4 Turbine Building Ventilation System 9.4.5

  • Engineered Safety Feature Ventilation System - not in NuScale

', Design 28 PM-0319-64807 Revision: 0 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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9.4 -Air Conditioning, Heating, Cooling, and Ventilation Systems

  • Common Elements of NuScale Ventilation System Design

- No safety-related or risk significant functions, not credited for public dose mitigation of design basis accidents, and has no safe-shutdown functions

- Components whose failure could adversely affect Seismic Category I SSC or could result in incapacitating injury to occupants of the control room during or following an SSE are designed as Seismic Category II _

- A COL item for each system to specify periodic testing and inspection program requirements (COL Items 9.4-1, 9.4-2, 9.4-3 and 9.4-4) 29 PM-0319-64807 Revision: 'O Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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9.5 - Other Auxiliary Systems 9.5.2 ,,, Communication System 9.5.3 Lighting Systems 9.5.1  : Fire Protection Program 9.A Fire Hazards Analysis 30 PM-0319-64807 Revision: O Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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9.5.2 - Communication System

  • COMS includes components for intra-plant and plant-to offsite communications. Communication methods include private branch exchange, a public address and general alarm system, sound-powered telephones, distributed antenna, and radios for point-to-point communication between plant personnel in vital areas of plant under expected conditions.

- COMS serves no safety-related or risk-significant functions

- COMS not credited for mitigation of design basis accidents and has no safe-shutdown functions

- COL Item 9.5-1: COL applicant provides a description of the offsite communication system

- COL Item 9.5-2: COL applicant determines the location for the security power equipment within a vital area 31 PM-0319-64807 Revision: O Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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9.5.3 - Lighting Systems

  • PLS provides artificial illumination for buildings, rooms, spaces, and outdoor areas of the plant

- PLS functions include normal plant lighting, emergency plant lighting, and normal and emergency MCR lighting

- PLS provides illumination for each area of the plant in accordance with the guidelines of NUREG-0700

- MCR emergency lighting is fed from the highly reliable DC power system for a minimum of 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />

- PLS provides emergency lighting with battery pack for 1.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> for egress or exiting the area in accordance with NFPA 804

- PLS provides emergency lighting with battery pack for 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> for the post-fire safe shutdown activities in areas outside the MCR and RSS (if required)

- No COL Items 32 PM-0319-64807 Revision: O Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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9.5.1 - Fire Protection Program

  • Objective:

- Use the concept of defense-in-depth to achieve the required degree of reactor safety by using administrative controls, fire protection systems and features, and redundant safe shutdown capability

- Safe shutdown relies on passive fire protection - redundant safe shutdown equipment is separated by 3-hour fire barriers

  • Defense-in-depth principles achieve the following:

- To prevent fires from starting;

- To rapidly detect, control, and extinguish promptly those fires that do occur; and

- To provide protection for SSCs important to safety so that a fire that is not promptly extinguished by the fire suppression activities does not prevent the safe shutdown of the plant 33 PM-0319-64807 Revision: O Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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9A - Fire Hazards Analysis

  • FHA demonstrates that the plant maintains the ability to perform safe shutdown functions and minimize radioactive material releases to the environment in the event of a fire
  • FHA has the following objectives:

- consider in situ and transient fire hazards

- determine the effects of a fire in any location in the plant on the ability to safely shut down the reactor or to minimize and control the release of radioactivity to the environment

- specify measures for fire prevention, detection, suppression, and containment for each fire area containing safety-related and risk-significant SSCs, in accordance with NRC guidance and regulations 34 PM-0319-64807 Revision: O Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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9A - Fire Hazards Analysis

  • FHA Special Cases

- Main Control Room Fire Area

  • Manual switches that provide backup control of systems automatically controlled by the MPS are located in the MCR
  • MCR safety-related manual switches associated with MPS actuations (e.g., reactor trip and containment isolation) are isolated using switches located outside the MCR

- Containment Fire Area

  • Fire in containment is highly unlikely - held at a vacuum, electrical conductors are of noncombustible construction or routed in conduit, inaccessible during operation
  • Flooding of containment for heat removal during shutdown prevents ignition or spread of fire 35 PM-0319-64807 Revision: 0 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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9A - Fire Hazards Analysis

  • FHA Special Cases

- Top-of-Module Fire Area

  • Fire on the top of the NPM is highly unlikely- enclosed in bioshield, all cabling under bioshield is in conduit or 3-hr rated cable
  • Top of NPM is inaccessible during power operations
  • Hydraulic fluid for valve controls is noncombustible
  • CIV/DHRS valve actuation based on stored pressurized nitrogen accumulators on each valve - places valve in its safe position when hydraulic operating pressure is relieved by the remotely located hydraulic unit
  • Module has 3-hr fire barrier on each side with exception of bioshield wall facing the pool - Greater than 20 feet between intervening combustibles on pool side
  • During shutdown bioshield is removed and administrative controls limit transient combustibles on the top of the NPM 36 PM-0319-64807 Revision: 0 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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9.5.1 and 9A

- No unique COL items for FP

- Generic COL items related to FP program development, procedure development, implementation schedule, QA program and FP training and qualifications

- Provide Final Safe Shutdown Analysis - based on as-built design

- cable routing

- No unique COL items for FHA

- COL applicant is required to provide a site specific, as-built FHA per RG 1.189

- COL applicant is required to provide a site specific, as-built SSA per RG 1.189 37 PM-0319-64807 Revision: O Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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  • ANB -Annex Building
  • CNTS - Containment System
  • ANSI - American National Standards
  • CNV - Containment Vessel Institute
  • COL- Combined License
  • ASME -American Society of Mechanical
  • COMS - Communication System Engineers

" CRB - Control Building

  • BAS - Boron Addition System
  • BOBE - Beyond Design Basis Event
  • BPDS - Balance-of-Plant Drain System
  • CAS - Compressed Air Systems
  • CES - Containment Evacuation System
  • CST - Condensate Storage Tank
  • CFDS - Containment Flooding and Drain
  • CUB - Central Utility Building System
  • eves - Chemical and Volume Control System
  • CFR - Code of Federal Regulations
  • OBA - Design Basis Accident
  • CHWS - Chilled Water System
  • DWS - Demineralized Water System 38

" CIVs - Containment Isolation Valves PM-0319-64807 Revision: O Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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  • EFDS _ Equipment and Floor Drain
  • LRWS _ Liquid Radioactive Waste System Systems
  • MCR - Main Control Room
  • ESF _ Engineered Safety Features
  • MHA _ Maximum Hypothetical Accident
  • FDS _ Fire Detection System

.. MHS _ Module Heatup System

  • FHA _ Fire Hazards Analysis
  • MLA _ Module Lifting Adapter
  • MPS _ Module Protection System
  • FPS_ Fire Proteciton System
  • FSS _ Fire Suppression System

.. NFPA _ National Fire Protection

  • GRWS _ Gaseous Radioactive Waste Association System
  • NPM _ NuScale Power Module
  • HEPA_ High Energy Particulate Air
  • OHLHS _ Overhead Heavy Load Handling
  • HVAC _ Heating, Ventilating and Air Systems Conditioning
  • PASS_ Post-Accident Sampling System
  • IAS _ Instrument Air System
  • PLS _ Plant Lighting System
  • IEEE _ Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
  • LOCA Loss of Coolant Accident
  • PSS_ Process Sampling System 39 PM-0319-64807 Revision: O Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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l________ A_c_ro_n_y_m_s_ _ _ _ _ ____.

  • PWS - Potable Water System
  • SSC - Structure System or Component
  • RBC - Reactor Building Crane
  • TGB - Turbine Generator Building System
  • TS - Technical Specifications
  • RCCWS - Reactor Component Cooling Water System
  • RG - Regulatory Guide
  • UWS - Utility Water System
  • RWB - Radioactive Waste Building
  • RWDS - Radioactive Waste Drain System
  • RXB - Reactor Building
  • SAS - Service Air System
  • SCWS - Site Cooling Water System
  • SFP - Spent Fuel Pool
  • SFPCS - Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System

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Portland Office Richland Office 6650 SW Redwood Lane, 1933 Jadwin Ave., Suite 130 Suite 210 Richland, WA 99354 Portland, OR 97224 541. 360. 0500 971.371.1592 Arlington Office Corvallis Office 2300 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 1110 1100 NE Circle Blvd., Suite 200 Arlington, VA 22201 Corvallis, OR 97330 541. 360. 0500 London Office 1st Floor Portland House Rockville Office Bressenden Place 11333 Woodglen Ave., Suite 205 London SW1 E 5BH Rockville, MD 20852 United Kingdom 301. 770.0472 +44 (OJ 2079 321700 Charlotte Office 2815 Coliseum Centre Drive, Suite 230 Charlotte, NC 28217 980. 349. 4804 http://www. nuscalepower. com W Twitter: @NuScale_Power NUSCALE' Power for all humankind 41 PM-0319-64807 Revision: O Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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