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E-Mail Dated October 24, 2019, from Mark Vansicklen, Duke Energy Florida, to John Hickman, NRC, Providing Background Information for the Crystal River Partial Site Release Request
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/24/2019
From: Vansicklen M
Duke Energy Florida
To: John Hickman
Duke Energy Florida
Download: ML19310D860 (19)


{{#Wiki_filter:Hickman, John From: Van Sicklen, Mark < > Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2019 9:53 AM To: Hickman, John


[External_Sender] RE: Partial Site Release Attachments: NRC PSR Questions.pdf Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged One late change, very sorry. Please*use this copy. Call me if it is a problem. Thanks,* Mark From: Hickman, John] Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2019 7:59 AM To: Van Sicklen, Mark <>


Partial Site Release

      • Exercise caution. This is an EXTERNAL email. DO NOT open attachments or click links from unknown senders or unexpected email.***
Mark, When do you expect to get the supplemental information out? .

Thanks, . John 1

John, Below is the supportive radiological background information we identified from regional sources in response to questions 1 and 2. The data is not from CR3, so no response to question 3 is being provided.
  • Since our discussion in our partial site release request on the.presence of Cs-137 in background (page ~ 6 of 20) did not specifically identify the Fukushima event as the sole source of the radionuclide in our samples, some of the data being provided is intenqed to support the general presence of Cs-137 from global fallout sources in general and is not specific to Fukushima:

Ottier offsite data provided as supporting information is not specifically from soil or vegetation

  • analysis as noted in questions 1 and 2, but is from other regional analyses performed that support the conclusion that there was a contribution to Cs-137 in background as a result of the Fukushima event.


1. Information is requested on the range of cesium-137 concentrations in local and regional soils before and afterthe atmospheric releases of radionuclides from the Fukushima Daiichi accident in March 2011.
  • Information is not limited to data collected by the licensee.
  • Information sources could include data and reports from the State of Florida Bureau of Radiation Control, other nuclear power plants in Florida, academic articles, and reports or articlespublished by State or Federal agencies. .
  • Historical information on. the. varial;>ility of cesium-137 in Florida soils would be useful.

Supportive Information: For soils, we identified the following supportive radiological background information.

a. King's Bay Naval Base Background Study (Section G), shows that before Fukushima, there were fallout Cs-137 levels detected. A copy of page G-5 and G-11
  • of that study, Figure1 and 2 below, shows that Cs-137 was detected and attributed to global fallout.
b. Fort Calhoun submitted an Evaluation ofCs-137 Global Fallout in Soils report as part of their partial site release (ML18215A223). Page 5 includes a United States map showing Cs-137 deposition from fallout and nuclear weapons testing, In Figure 3,
  • Fort Calhoun is in the yellow shaded area corresponding to a deposition of 4000-6000 Bq/m 2 of Cs-137. Crystal River is in the green shaded area corresponding to a deposition of 2000-4000 Bq/m 2 of Cs-137. Taking a 3/5 ratio of the Fort Calhoun expected range gives a Crystal River expected .range of 0.18-1.8 pCi/g. The actual Crystal River results were within this range and lower. This demonstrates that for
  • soils at Crystal River, Cs-137 from fallout and nuclear weapons testing is detectable.
c. Savannah River Site publishes annual reports that show soil samples and relative Cs-137 levels. These reports include a data table of radioactivity in soils and show levels of Cs-137 found post-Fukushima. A copy of the Radioactivity in Soils data tables from the 201 O, 2011, 2012 and 2017 are included as Figures 4, 5, 6 and 7 below. This link provides access to all the Savannah River Site Reports.


2. Information is requested on elevated cesium-137 levels in local props and vegetative matter, as a result of atmospheric fallout from the Fukushima Daiichi accident.
  • This information could include:
  • A summary of REMP information from CR-3
  • Information from other sources, such as Florida Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Florida universities, other nuclear power plants in Florida, etc.

Supportive Information: For vegetative matter, we identified the following supportive radiological background information.

  • Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Radiation Protection, Crystal River Site
  • Radiation Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) second quarter 2010 & 2011 reports. We compiled Table 1 from page 13 of the 2010 report and page 12 of the*

2011 to show the comparison of vegetation samples before and after Fukushima. Also, extra samples were taken in 2011 to show the effects of the Fukushima accident. Note thatthese samples were taken at the Orlando site, as part of their REMP.

b. Savannah River Site publishes annual reports that also shows vegetative samples and relative Cs-137 levels. These reports include a data table of radioactivity in vegetation and show levels of Cs-137 found post-Fukushima. A copy of the Radioactivity in Grassy Vegetation data tables from the 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2017 are included as Figures 8, s; 10 and 11 below. This link provides access to all the Savannah River Site Reports.*
c. King's Bay Naval Base Background Study (Section G), shows that before Fukushima, there were fallout Cs-137 levels detected .. A copy of pages from that study, Figure 12 and 13 below, shows that Cs-137 was detected and global fallout. provides additional information from the United.States Environmental Protection Agency, RadNet Air Data. It is specifically related to the Fukushima Daiichi event and shows beyond the soil and vegetative data shown above, both the air samples and milk samples show detectable Cs-137 levels.
  • I have also attached the referenced reports, except for the Savannah River Site Reports, in which the link is provided above.

Please let me know if this meets your request or if you have any further questions .. Respectfully, Mark Van Sicklen Crystal River Licensing

Figure 1 from King's Bay Study Soil: Soil sample results (T ablt G-2) were nonnal, with no unexpected findingc;. The only man-made radionuclide detected was Cs-137, which is attributed primarily to global fallout. Naturally occumng radionuclides (including Ra-226, Ra-228. and K-40) accounted for the majority of the activity detected. Cs-137 activity did show some interesting patterns (Figure ~ . however. Since the background sample (Station# 18 which is located 18 miles away) had the second highest level of Cs-137, Site operations don' t appear to have contributed any measurable Cs-137activity to indicator locations. In fact, the closest indicator location (Station # 23 on Crab Island less than 1 mile from operations) had the lowest activity, which SttOJS to support this finding. However, this location bas received dredged fill material over the years, so that the cutrent top layer of soil (or sand) might not be reflective of what was dqx>sited by global fallout from previous years.

  • pCi/Kg (dry) Figure G-6: CS-137 in Soil Near Kings Bay (pCi/Kg my}

350 -,--=::=-==-==-==-=-=---==-=--=-==---=-----=-=-==-----=-=--=----==--=-----, 200 -tr---~N~m~e~  : TLD-=-=~2=3~is~~-ca~ted-:---.---====-::======-===- on Crab Island, which receives 150 dredged fill material, which may explain - - - - - - - - the unusua y low Cs-137 results. N-<1 SE-6 SW-4 NE-6 NNW-3 NNE-18

                #--23              #-15               #-5            #-14             #-8  #-26 (Control~

Direction - Distance (Miles) / Station NllTiber

Figure 2 from King's Bay Study T ble G-2 Kings Ba, Soil ' amplf' Data Ci/Kg dry) Samp Collect Ag D Cs-137 K-40 Ra-226 (nat) (nat) SW - 3.7 miles near amden Co. High School 5 1113 000 EPD Oi.94 5 1 600 400 00 5 1173 001 EPD 0.&8 63 1 900 400 500 5 12071 002 EPD D.98 33 2 500 800 1~000

                              - .0 miles near Crooked River State Par 8     111             000 EPD          0.95      140      3000       500    600 8     117             001 EPD          0.,80     430      1 0        200     00 8     1208            002 EPD          0.        310,         00     300     00 NE - 6. 0 miles on Cumberland Island at Plum Orchard Do 14      1115      3/8 000 EPD            0.99      130,       800      200    200 1:5                                                                           600 N - 0.3 on Sou *est tip of Crab Island 3     111       3/ 000 EPD             0.99       c::S        00   1, 0     300

_3 1175 3 001 EPD 0.98 c:j 2 600 900 300 26 1 00 _6 500 26 1 700

Figure 3 from Fort Calhoun submitted Evaluation of Cs-137 Global Fallout in Soils (ML18215A223) Evaluation of Cs-137 Global Fallout In Soils FC-18-003 at Fort Calhoun Station Revision 1 Page. 5 of 15, 6000 .. SOOO IOOO .. IJOOO Figure 3- Cs-137 deposition from fallout and Nuclear Weapon~ Testing (Ref. 1, CDC-NCI, 2013) 3.2 Chemobyl In 1966, the accident at the former Soviet Union's Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant was the world's worst nuclear accident and released significant amounts of radionuclides into the local and global environment. Chernobyl was a light water cooled, graphite moderated reactor. Sr-90 release into the atmosphere is estimated to have been 10 PBq and Cs-137 released is estimated to be 85 PBq (Ref. 8, UNSCEAR, 2008). 3.3 Fukushima Daiichi In March of 2011 the Great East-Japan Tohoku earthquake and tsunami struck the six nuclear power plants in Fukushima prefecture in Japan causing nuclear accidents and subsequent radioactive releases at three of the six boiling water reactors at Fukushima Daiichi. The estimated atmospheric release of Cs-137 was on the order of 20 PBq (Ref. 9, UNSCEAR, 2013).

Figure 4 from Savannah River Site 201 O Report ! Data Table 5-18, 2010 Radioactivi in Soil I *I ,. I I I

Summary Statistic Section __J_---J-----*__
Radioactivi in Soil : Units are Ci/ ,

I_____ I____ . _I__ I ] . I *

                       -*-*----[ ---*-1------- l _* -\-------\----{

i Location. r if~~~'~:::~us --------- =1 Cs-137 f 1 Nuclide Summa

  • Stat
                                                      - N-         +- -- NA Sam leCon 1

Sam leStd Si

-NA ~-
k and Dam 614 ____ -- - g:~~;~ **E '.vl~an --!I*- 9.57;-02 -* 11- 1.9~'1-02 [ -- ~: ___ JI*

! Augusta Lock and Dam 614 . Cs-137 Mean 3.14E-01

  • 3.61E-02 NA I Cs-137 _J
                                                                -I  I                I NA I NA I 1

Highway 301 @ State Line N 1 i FITgtlwaifcl1~@State_Liile_.--~_,_ Cs-1fil-_.-Meiii 111E-01=12-12Ewi _-NAJ

~~~~~:h~~:s ----------------) Cs-137 I_____ -- N - __j___ 1 ----1-- NA- ---!-- NA---!-
Savannah: GA ::_ ::_
_::_::_::_:::::~~1-~ j i_64E-Of-ll _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J _ _

2-46E-02 f _l ________,_____J

                                                                                                     ~NA-T *

! 25-Mile Radius ________ ! __

  • _I _______I_______I_____ _I_

'. Aiken Airp~ ___________ _!_ I A_ggusta Lock and Dam_614 ______ 1 . Highway 301 @State Lme __1 Cs-137 -1 _ 10-Feb-10___ + Cs-137 _____ 10-Feb-10 _____]__ 9.57E-02 __ J 1.98E-02 3.14E-01 _ __j 3.61E-02 j Cs-137 _] __ 10~Feb-10 ______ 1.11E,q1 ___ J__2.12E-02 _I J __ Yes ___ ! Yes ___1 Yes _ _!_

~:~~:hR~s-::__ -==~- . -1Cs-137J= 28-Jan-10 *--J~ j t=64E-01 2-46E-02 Yos - .-i

Figure 5 from Savannah River Site 2011 Report

summary Statistic ~ection __ _1 _________ ,_____ ---[----------1 ___ ----f-l Radioactivity in Soil : Units are pCi/g . 1 ____1_________

1 1_ _ _ 1------ 1

Aiken Airport
Aiken Airport 5
                                         --------, cs-137 r Nuclide lsummarysJ SampleCon IsOmpleStd I Sig f

Cs-137 1

                                                                              -1* - - - - -



II I Mean I 3.30E-01 2.69E-Oi

                                                                                                                             . I
                                                                                                                                     -~I i Augusta Lock ahd Dam 6i4                                           Cs-137     I ~                          1    _J
  • NA NA j

\ Augusta Lock and Dam 614

  • Cs~137 I ~--T *1.41E-01-J 2.85E-02 NA I iHighway 301@ State Line .Cs-137 I N --*,*---1----] NA NA 1*
Highway 301@ State Line
  • J_ Cs-137 l Mean _ 7.65E-Oi I 2.33E-02 I_ . NA _
'.l.OD-Mile Radius * --- -{ i--- -:]_ ' --1--i' --- - *-
GA . --------**- Cs-137 r- N  :=-~, 1 r-~---- NA \-

! Savannah: GA . \ Cs-137 I* M*ean I 4.32E-02 ] 1.02E-02 J NA .*


I ~Mile Radius _______ ----- .--r--.----i----------i---------i----------------------,- 1 [ - - *--- : , Aiken Airport * -----,-Cs-137 J 10-Mar-11 I 3.30E-01 I 2.69E-o£-I-- Yes - :-1, Augusta Lock ahd Dam 614_____ Lcs-1~7 _[ici=ivi;-::U-J1.~01---1:* 2.85E-,02 Yes ~

  • _!-lighway 301 @_State Line* _J Cs-137 I 10-Mar-11 ____ 7.65E-02 __ 2.33E-02 _-~----

100-Mile Radius -------------- 1- * - * --~ - .  !- Savannah: GA ----- .cs-137 r 13-Jan-n--J* --4.32E-02 I

 - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - -I             - - : - - - * - -
  • 1--------*

1.02E-02 -- Yes!-


Figure 6 from Savannah River Site 2012 Report

Data Table 5-22, Radioarity in Soil. 1---. ______!___ l --- I
~~:;~::::;:~ ~;:;~~ Units are palg - ~==~- l~- . --T--=-=-- - ~ ---===

.'. ~::~n Radius _

Aiken Airport' I

I Nuclide

                    --*- Cs-137     - -----    N-I

_.. Summary~ Sample Con_

                                                      ----:-1---     i - - - - NA


                                                                                          ---1        NA      T
\~~k;:5~i~~~    and Dam 6! ~:~~:~ *-1-- 1** _  M~an              l.68:.,01 __ _ 2.5~~02 ---[_.     --~---J
v~:~n~:~;~=- ~=~:~ =t--r _M~an~=l=l._44~-01 1=~*9:02_=---: I
'. High~ay 30l@State lint ___ Cs-137 __         Mean. __         9.57E-,02 ___    2.57E-02 _______ NA ___


   ~~~~~ :h~~~us -J___S~_I----N*---_ --1* ___


                                                                             .1---- NA*--J __~___J 1


                     .                                               1 ____

Savannah: _GA --------1-- Cs-137 ---~ ____ Me_an=l---- 2.52E-,Ol _____ I 3.17E-,02 . -l- ___ NA ___ 1_

   ~:u~~:~~:nd Dam) * ~:~~

Highway 301@ State Li~ *** cs-i37-- [~;~:ii-J-~:~~~.* 18-Jan-12 -i-- ~-~-!'~ i-~:: ~;~ -I ~ +:-~+ J _2.57E-ii2 _J -~ Yes _

   ~:~~l:h~~~us-~~1~.         Cs-137 *** 1--  26-Jan-12]. 2.52E-01            t   3.17&02   -J_ ;~,          -+

Figure 7 extracted data from Savannah River Site 2017.Report Data Tables Supporting the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Cs-137 data from Table 16 Radionuclides in Soil FArea 2000 Feet West

  • 2/13/2017 3.27E-01 3.47E-02 HArea
  • 2000 Feet East 2/13/2017 2.27E-01 2.61E-02 ZArea
      #3                        2/13/2017          1.39E-01               2.08E-02
    . Burial Ground 643-26E-2                 2/13/2017          -2.92E-02              1.SlE-02 Burial Ground North        2/9/2017           6.68E-02              1.92E-02 Plant Perimeter Allendale Gate             2/9/2017          1.94E-01               2.04E-02 Barnwell Gate              2/8/2017          2.76E-01               2.76E-02 DArea                      2/9/2017           3.59E-01              3.36E-02 Darkhorse @ Williston Gate                       2/8/2017           1.70E-01              2.20E-02 East Talatha               2/8/2017           1.71E-01              2.28E-02
  • Green Pond 2/8/2017 1.lOE-01 1.88E-02 Highway 21 / 167 2/8/2017 1.SSE-01 2.36E-02 Jackson 2/8/2017 1.84E-01 2.07E-02 Patterson Mill Road 2/9/2017 . 3.19E-01 3.40E-02 Talatha Gate 2/8/2017 8.54E-02 1.27E-02 25-Mile Radius Aiken Airport 2/9/2017 1.48E-Ol 1.77E-02 Augusta Lock and Dam 614 2/9/2017 1.90E-01 2.29E-02 Highway 301 @ State Line 2/9/2017 4.86E-02 2.99E-02

Table 1 is compiled from Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Radiation Protection, 2010 & 2011 reports to show the comparison of vegetation samples before and a:fter Fukushima. Orlando DOH Cs-137 concentration in Vegetation Samples- before and.after Fukushima These samples were taken at REMP location C47 at the Orlando DOH lab. They are used as reference background samples for comparison to CR3, Turkey Point and St. Lucie vegetation samples taken at each station. Additional samples (C47J) were taken after the March 11, 2011

  • event.
  • Before Fukushima - 2010
  • After Fukushima - 2011 **

Sam le Date Cs-137 Sam le Date Cs-137 4/2/10 C47 27 +/- 6 4/5/11 C47 <21 5/5/10 C47 <21 4/12/11 C47J <21 6/1/10 C47 26 +/- 9 4/19/11 C47J 27+/-4

                                                    .4/26/11    C47J       182 +/- 7 5/4/11    C47         10 +/- 2 5/9/11    C47J        17 +/- 2 5/17/11    C47J       42 +/- 3 5/24/11    C47J       10 +/- 2 5/31/11    C47J       108 +/- 5 6/7/11    C47         40 +/- 6


2010 2nd quarter Florida DOH REMP report, Page 13


2011 2nd quarter Florida DOH REMP report, Page 12. Extra samples were collected after the F"ukushima and designated as C47 J

Figure 8 from Savannah River Site 2010 Report

 ; Surrim~ryytatistic Section_i_______ i_____ ___i _________ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * \ - - -            * ----*.
 ; Radioactivi in Gra      Ve elation : Units are Ci/           1               I
Location Nuclide Summa Stat Sain leCon Sam leStd Si
25-Mile Radius * [_____ _L_ _____ J .. _ _ J .___1 ______ 1' iAikenAirport _______ Cs-137_ _] N 1 ___ 1_ _ _ NA -I-NA __
Aiken A i r ~_____ I Cs-137 I_ Mean ___ !_ 1.74E-02 __ 1 2.42E-02 _____ NA __ ,_
 ! ~;~::    t~~~ =~~ g:~1}! **1-g::1~~+-::- M~an=I::              1901-01   _:J_   4.7:-02  *1::_:__:::-1
Highway 30L@ State Line ___ . Cs-j~37I__ N______ _J __ 1___L NA . _ NA_j
 ! Highway 301 @State Line _ _Cs-137 ___ Mean _____ I _ 1.16E-01 __I 4.11F02 _____ NA __ _

ii:~~:Rr*_-~---*-_---_* _-*_-r_~_---1*_ ~ --*--r-==:i_:9*[* ~-B~i-02_____--~!*---*

 .        .____ *_____* J_ _______I ___________ J_ -------- ___I__ -----------* ---

i 25~Mile Radius I J I iAikenAi~- ___ --___ Cs-137 i_ 30-Mar-10 __ . 1.74E-02 _ **1_-2_.4_2_E--0-2-***. No_.

  • _A~gustaLoc~ and Dam_614 Savannah: GA State Lme

_ Cs-137 -*- 1-- Cs-137 1 14~Apr710 __ +----1:30E-01 ___ _1.70E-02 ___ I___~--_ Gs-197---1~9-Apr-10--- _ 1.16E-01='=411E,02 l__15-~p_I:J_Q_____ -3~62E-03 J:::- No __]

                                                                                ! 3.BOE-02 __ ,_No __       J 1

Figure 9 from Savannah River Site 2011 Report \ ~~:;:~~t~~~i-:~~ct~::ioictivity in Grajy Vegetation -------------J===-=~J==~===l-

Radioactivity in Grassy Vegetation
Units a_]e pCi/g _ _:_________ J_____ ~-~--:--1--______ J i:~~':i~:~~s
Aiken Airport
  • ____ __I ____ cs-137__
  • ____ J__


  • N
  • Cs-137 ___I __ Mean ___j J__ _ 1 _

3.38E-03 J j____ NA 2.33_E-02 _J_!______ NA__ NA __ _J_ l Au~usta Lock and Dam 614 J_ Cs-137 ____J ___._N__ _J__ 1 __]_ ___ ~ _ __! ___ NA ____ _!_ !Augusta Lock and Dam 6:L.4 J___ Cs-137 _

  • Mean __ __! __ -3.95E-02 __J 3.UE-02 __ \ NA _I_
                                             ~ .* M~*n_~I~ 3~~~J_6*:~~2 t : _J.

! Highwar 301@ State Line Cs-137 --'-~-------- 1 l_ _!-!~___ L_~ __ J

~;~; ;h;~~
:tMeLine 1  :::
S-a~~n-n~-~~:~---~--:=lr~- ~~13~=1~=-:ea~- - - ~~:~:_~_ -~-~~~-~~-lr- -~~~-~~-- =l:

25-Mile Radius __________ I_____ -----:--------------!--- ------------1---------- ----- -------------!

                         -------------***                        i---------s                         *----**-----*

Aiken Airport J__ Cs-137 ___ I 6-Apr-n _[_ 3.38E~03 _L 2.33_E-0_2 ---!------No __ J Augusta Lock and Dam 614 **f .Cs-137 I* 7-Apr-11 J __ -3.95E-02 I_ _3.i2E.:.02 _ ----- No _

  • I_
 ~way 301 @ State Line __     rl    Cs-137   --1    ~!'ere'!~   I ~-~'":~ --            6.25E I j
 ~~:~~1:h~:~u~ ----* -*--- --- -- -*cs-137 --f----7-Apr-u --+---2.13E-02 __ I___ 2.66E-o£ *+-
----                          ,----~*-1-------1                                 ---1--

No - --/


Figure 1O from Savannah River Site 2011 Report iD~ta -.:able 5-24, Radioactivij in Grassy Vegetation __L ______I _______ I* -=J i Summary~~tatisticSection I 3_____t_____________J_________J j 2012 Radioactivity in Grassy Veget_ation : Units are pCi/g - - /

  • J
!I Loc~tion l25-MileRadius I

_Jlsummarystat-~ Nuclide _________]__ _ _ _ _- SampleCon _-SainpleStd *f Sig L I [ iAiken Airport .Cs-137 j_ N I_ 1 _ NA I NA I-

 \ Aiken Airport.        ____J_-cs-137 I_           Mean   I __    1.73E'-Ol ___ E4.40E-02           . . NA __ _
 !Augusta lock and Dam 614      _J   Cs-1371        . N       I         1                   NA
  • I NA [

jAug~sta_Lockari~Dam614 J Cs-137 j __~~an ____B.14E-02 _ _1_ 3.79E-02 _ NA .[ l __~_ _I . 1 ]

Highway301@_State Line _) cs..:131 State Line - CS-137 L _Mean J_. 5.16E 02 t NA j_ _ N~__ I_

I___ - l\lA .

                     -------==+-- * -
 ; Highway 301 @                                                          0 3 .03E-02                      I_

i-- - Radius 1oo~Mile __________J ____,_______

savannah: GA _ _I . cs-137 _I N _ 1 J
                                                                                        *    ----/

NA l__~___J 1-L

Savannah:. GA _
  • _ _ _ _ Cs-137] _ Mean JJ 9..!JlE'-02 _____ 3;12E-02 J_ NA _ 1 i


  • I I -- - ------- I - - - - - -1 i ~Mile Radius _____ __J _ _J __ I ______! _ _ _ _ ~ ______ 1.

1 Aiken Airport LCs-137 J_ 23-Apr-liJ __l.73E.,,Ol I 4.40E~o2 ____1 _ _ Yes ___ 1_

; Augusta lock and Dam 614__j
  • cs-137 __J_ 23_-Apr-12 -j---8.14E'-04 _l_ 3.79E-02 j__ No ____ l_

i"~Way 301 @. slate Line I l T 5.l6E-02 -1 =}*----'!~ -_j t C,-137 23-Ai>r-12 a:oSE-02 i'100-Mile Radius___ _

Savannah: ~A ________

__j_ ____J

                                 !-- Cs-1~7 ~-

_ i---_______ 3-May-12 ,--- 9.41E.::.02

                                                                                   !_____            I
                                                                                  ~ ___ 3.12E-02 -,* ___ Yes---,-

Figure 11 from Savannah River Site 2017 Report Data Tables Supporting the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Table 17 Radionuclides in Grassy Vegetation (continued) Cs-137 Sr-89/90 Result Standard Dev. Result Standard Dev. Location Sample Date (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) Onslt* Buria l Ground North 5/3/2017 1.21E-03 1.40E-02 1.26E-01 2.13E-02 Sit* P*rlm*tar Allenda le Gate 5/3/20 17 2.53E-01 3.34E-02 8 .24E-02 2.27E-02 Barnwell Gate 5/3/2017 3.03E-01 3.21E-02 1.30E-01 2.09E-02 DArea 5/3/2017 1.16E-02 1.31E-02 1.59E-01 2.36E-02 Darkhorse@ 5/3/2017 4.84E-02 2.24E-02 2.15E-01 2.52E-02 Williston Gate East Ta latha 5/3/2017 2.52E-01 3.21E-02 4 .62E-01 4 .19E-02 Green Pond 5/3/2017 3.51E-03 1.22E-02 2.92E*01 2.82E-02 Highway 21/167 5/3/2017 8.46E-02 1.82E-02 2.64E-01 2.90E-02 Jackson 5/3/2017 2.70E-02 1.42E-02 2.34E-01 2.67E-02 Patte rson Mill Road 5/3/2017 5.76E-02 1.71E-02. 2.19E-01 2.76E-02 Talat ha Gate 5/3/2017 3.57E-02 1.49E-02 1.31E-01 2.23E-02 25-MII* Radius Aiken Airport 5/3/2017 8.0SE-02 2.34E-02 2.UE-01 2.52E-02 Augusta Lock and 5/ 3/ 2017 1.56E-01 3.27E-02 1.20E-01 2.00E-02 Dam 614 Highway 301@ 5/ 3/ 2017 2.StE-02 1.74E-02 8.54E-02 1.85E-02 State Line

Figure 12 from King's Bay Study Veget don: Vegetation results (Table G-4) were nonnal (within the expected rmge) and show somewhat similar Cs-137 patterns (Fipre G- 7) as that observed in the soil samples. The background location had the highest level of Cs-137, which suggests that the Cs-137 is not site-rdatcd. aturally occuDing J3e..7 and K-40 were also ddected. pCi/Kg (dry) Figure G -7: Cs-137 in Veoet tion Near Kings Bay (pCi/Kg dry) JOO..-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 250 Note: ~23 is located on Crab Island, which receives dredged fill materi , which may explain the lllusually low Cs-137 results. 200 N-<1 SE-6 SW-4 E-6 NNW-3 NNE-18

               #-23             #-15              #-5           #-14           #-8     #-26 (Control)

Direction - Distance ( *1es) / Station Number

Figure 13 from King 's Bay Study Tablr ~ Km1s Ba: Y5 etation Sam£le Data (£CilKI fnsla) Sta Samp Collect Agy DW Cs-137 Be-7 K-40 (nat) (nat) SW - 3.7 miles neu Camden.Co. Bigg School 5 1104 03/07'2000 EPD 0.31 8 600 S,900 5 1126 06106'2000 EPD 0.23 <14 200 5,100 5 1145 09/19'2000 EPD 0.19 <17 600 5,300 5 1157 12/12'2000 EPD 0.21 <13 700 3,200 5 1169 03/06/2001 EPD 0.14 so 400 5,600 5 1186 06112/2001 EPD 0.17 30 200 3,900 5 1200 12/11/2001 EPD 0.18 30 800 3,300 5 1216 06/04/2002 EPD 0.2.5 22 400 4,800

5 1227 10/17/2002 EPD 0.17 <16 300 3,600 NNW - l-O miles nm Crogl;~ &,:a: Slim Pm:

8 1127 06/06/2000 EPD 0.28 80 500 4,400 8 1146 09/19/2000 EPD 0.38 90 2,100 4,900 8 1158 12/12/2000 EPD 0.41 1 1,800 5,800 8 1170 03/06/2001 EPD 0.34 <14 3,100 5,:500 8 1187 06/12/2001 EPD 0.26 70 1,000 4,700 8 1210 04/02/2002 EPD 0.39 430 1,700 3,200 8 1217 06/04/2002 EPD 0.35 190 1,000 3,100 8 1228 10/17/2002 EPD 0.33 140 900 2,200 NE - ~-!:! miles gn ~umberland Island !!t Plum Orchard Dock 14 1128 06/07/2000 EPD 0.40 100 1,500 1,400 14 1218 06/04 002 EPD 0.45 190 1,100 6,300 14 1229 10/17/2002 EPD 0.29 63 900 2,600 SE - lJ miles~ ~wlmd Iilild 11 ~ t1111 IJ2§ 15 1129 06/07 000 EPD 0.22 110 2,300 2,900 N - OJ miles on Southwest lil! ofCmb Island 23 1105 03/08 000 EPD 0.14 <16 <140 7,700 23 1130 06/07/2000 EPD 0.52 <10 3,000 2,600 23 1147 09/20 000 EPD 0.35 <14 2,000 4,100 23 1159 12/12/2000 EPD 0.48 <15 2,500 4,900 23 1171 03/07/2001 EPD 0.12 <17 100 4,700 NNE - 18 miles on South end o{Je!!)'.11 ulmd (£2ntroll 26 1131 0610612000 EPD 0.26 390 200 4,700 26 1148 09/19/2000 EPD 0.28 2:50 1,500 3,000 26 1160 12/12 000 EPD 0.51 230 3,700 2,600 26 1172 03/06/2001 EPD 0.47 200 1,800 2,600 26 1188 06/12/2001 EPD 0.26 290 1,400 3,100 26 1201 12/11/2001 EPD 0.31 290 1,400 2,900 26 1211 04/02/2002 EPD 0.47 160 3,400 2,700 26 1219 06/04/2002 EPD 0.35 100 500 3,700 Note: Cs-137 a product of global fallout, appears to be higher in \<egetation growing in sandy nutrieDt-poar soils near the ocean. Crab Island, which is the closest island to Kings Bay appears to be m exception, in that.!! Cs-137 was detected. This may be due to the dredged fill material, hich bas been used to build up the island, or it may be due to the proximity of the vegetation to the salt-water zone, which may improve uptake of potassium, whiclt competes with cesium in uptake by plants. Georgia Enviromnental Radiation Surveillmc:e hport 2000 - 2002 Section G ... Nani Submarine Baw, Nll&S Bay United States Environmental Protection Agency, RadNet Air Data from Tampa, FL Air Filter Analysis Results httos:// The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) RadNet system was operating on March 11 , 2011 , when the Fukushima Daiichi event occurred . From late March to late July 2011 , RadNet sample analysis detected very low levels of radioactive material in the United States, consistent with expected radionuclide releases from the damaged nuclear reactors at Fukushima Daiichi. The levels detected were below any level of public health concern . Post-event, the EPA has continued to perform routine sampling and analysis. RadNet stationary air monitors located in Tampa, FL (approximately 80 miles from Crystal River, FL) measure gamma radiation emitted from airborne radioactive particles as they collect on the monitors' filters. The filters are collected from each monitor on an annual basis and sent to the National Analytical Radiation Environmental Laboratory (NAREL) for additional analysis. One of the radionuclides the filters have continued to be analyzed for is the Manmade Radionuclide Cs-137. After checking the analysis results to assure they meet quality standards, the results of the air filter analysis are published in the publicly available data on the EPA RadNet website (reference above). The table below provides the pre-and post Fukushima (Event F) results of the filter analysis performed for Cs-137, indicating that prior to the Fukushima event, measured levels of Cs-137 were below the level of detection. After the Fukushima Event, filter analysis did identify the presence of Cs-137 at detectable levels. Radiouuclide -<; pecific Air Filter Aualy<; i<; Re <; ult <;

\lanmade Sample Information Radionudide s Sample Sample Sample State Location Collection Duration EYeut l"uit Type Sta11 Date (hr)

I' . .,, Composite Air filter II  !.: IJI t FL TAMPA 1-Jan-16 Composite Air filter aCilm.3 FL TAMPA 1-Jan-15 Composite Ar filter aCilm3 6.2 FL TAMPA 1-Jan-14 Composite Air filter aCilm3 4.9 FL TAMPA 21-Mar-11 71.7 EventF Air filter pCilm.3 Non-detect FL TAMPA 1-Jan-10 Composite Air filter aCilm.3 on-detect FL TAMPA l-Jan-09 Composite Air filter aCilm3 on-detect Milk Sample Analysis Results httos:// query v2.simole outout?Llocation=State&oStation=O&subl oc=FL&media=PASTEURIZED+MILK&radi=Cesium-137&F romyear=201 O&T oyear=2019&units= Traditional

In addition to performing filter analysis for Cs-137, during the period prior to and after the Fukushima event, the EPA was also responsible for collecting and analyzing samples of pasteurized milk as part of their radiological monitoring network. While the basis for the EPA's sampling requirement was to monitor samples collected from commercial dairy farms near nuclear power plants and was not event driven, milk is recognized as a principal pathway for potential radiation contamination when a radiological event such as Fukushima occurs. The availability of sample analysis results prior to and after the Fukushima event can be used to draw a similar conclusion to that of air filter analysis results performed pre-and post-event. The table below shows the Cs-137 analysis results from pasteurized milk samples obtained from Plant City, FL (approximately 92 miles from Crystal River, FL). Like the air filter analysis results, Cs-137 was typically below the level of detection in milk samples collected before the Fukushima event. After the Fukushima event, milk sample analysis consistently identified the presence of Cs-137 at detectable levels. Sam_ple Combined Standard Location Medium Procedure Name Nuclides/ Radiation Result MDC Unit Date Uncert_ajnty PLANT CITY, PASTEURIZED Gamma-ray Fl MILK 17-FEB-10 Spectrometry Cesium-137 ND - 4.5 pCi/L PLANT CITY, PASTEURIZED Gamma-ray FL MILK 25-MAY-10 Spectrometry Cesium-137 ND - 4.3 pCi/ L PLANT CITY, PASTEURIZED Gamma-ray FL MILK 21-JUL-10 Spectrometry Cesium-137 ND - 5.4 pCi/L PLANT CITY, PASTEURIZED Gamma-ray Fl MILK 12-JAN-11 Spectrometry Cesium-137 2.64 0.82 - pCi/ L PLANTOTY, PASTEURIZED Gamma-ray Fl MILK 30-MAR-11 Spectrometry Cesium-137 ND - 4.4 pCi/L PLANT CITY, PASTEURIZED Gamma-ray 13-APR-11 Cesium-137 ND - 6.4 pCi/L FL MILK Spectrometry PLANT CITY, PASTEURIZED Gamma-ray Fl MILK 25-JUL-11 Spectrometry Cesium-137 ND - 5.1 pCi/ L PLANT CITY, PASTEURIZED Gamma-ray 18-0CT-11 Cesium-137 1.3 1 3.4 pCi/L Fl MILK Spectrometry PLANT CITY, PASTEURIZED Gamma-ray 24-JAN-12 Cesium-137 2.7 1.1 3.5 pCi/L FL MILK Spectrometry PLANT CITY, PASTEURIZED Gamma-ray 24-APR-12 Cesium-137 1.2 1.3 4.3 pCi/ L Fl MILK Spectrometry PLANT CITY, PASTEURIZED Gamma-ray 16-0CT-12 Cesium-137 1.37 0.8 2.6 pCi/ L FL MILK Spectrometry PLANT CITY, PASTEURIZED Gamma-ray 23-APR-13 Cesium-137 1.8 1.2 3.9 pCi/l Fl MILK Spectrometry PLANT CITY, PASTEURIZED Gamma-ray 23-JUL-13 Cesium-137 1.64 0.87 2.8 pCi/ L FL MILK Spectrometry PLANT CITY, PASTEURIZED Gamma-ray 15-0CT-13 Cesium-137 0.9 1.2 4 pCi/L FL MILK Spectrometry PLANT CITY, PASTEURIZED Gamma-ray 14-JAN-14 Cesium-137 0.53 0.76 2.6 pCi/L Fl MILK Spectrometry -}}