IR 05000440/2010003

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August 5, 2010

Mr. Mark Bezilla Site Vice President FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Perry Nuclear Power Plant P. O. Box 97, 10 Center Road, A-PY-A290 Perry, OH 44081-0097


Dear Mr. Bezilla:

On June 30, 2010, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) completed an inspection at your Perry Nuclear Power Plant. The enclosed report documents the inspection findings which were discussed on July 14, 2010, with you and members of your staff.

The inspection examined activities conducted under your license as they relate to safety and compliance with the Commission's rules and regulations and with the conditions of your license. The inspectors reviewed selected procedures and records, observed activities, and interviewed personnel.

Based on the results of this inspection, one NRC-identified finding and four self-revealed findings of very low safety significance (Green) were identified. All of the findings were determined to involve violations of NRC requirements. Additionally, one licensee-identified violation, which was determined to be of very low safety significance, is listed in Section 4OA7 of this report. However, because of the findings' very low safety significance and because they are entered into your corrective action program, the NRC is treating the findings as non-cited violations (NCVs) consistent with Section VI.A.1 of the NRC Enforcement Policy. If you contest the subject or severity of any NCV, you should provide a response within 30 days of the date of this inspection report, with the basis for your denial, to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ATTN: Document Control Desk, Washington, DC 20555-0001, with a copy to the Regional Administrator, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Region III, 2443 Warrenville Road, Suite 210, Lisle, IL 60532-4352; the Director, Office of Enforcement, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001; and the Resident Inspector Office at the Perry Nuclear Power Plant. In addition, if you disagree with the cross-cutting aspect assigned to any finding in this report, you should provide a response within 30 days of the date of this inspection report, with the basis for your disagreement, to the Regional Administrator, Region III, and the NRC Resident Inspector at the Perry Nuclear Power Plant In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter and its enclosure will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS), accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).


Jamnes L. Cameron, Chief Branch 6 Division of Reactor Projects Docket No. 50-440 License No. NPF-58


Inspection Report 05000440/2010003


Supplemental Information cc w/encl: Distribution via ListServ Enclosure U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION III Docket No: 50-440 License No: NPF-58 Report No: 050000440/2010003 Licensee: FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC)

Facility: Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1 Location: Perry, Ohio Dates: April 1, 2010, through June 30, 2010 Inspectors: M. Marshfield, Senior Resident Inspector T. Hartman, Resident Inspector R. Baker, Resident Inspector, Duane Arnold Energy Center F. Ramirez, Project Engineer W. Slawinski, Senior Health Physicist T. Bilik, Senior Reactor Engineer J. Bozga, Reactor Inspector M. Phalen, Health Physicist N. Feliz Adorno, Reactor Engineer R. Winter, Reactor Engineer Observer: V. Myers, Nuclear Safety Professional Development Program Approved by: Jamnes L. Cameron, Chief Branch 6 Division of Reactor Projects Enclosure


........................................................................................................... 1


....................................................................................................................... 5Summary of Plant Status


.................................................................................... 51R01Adverse Weather Protection (71111.01) ..................................................... 51R04Equipment Alignment (71111.04Q) ............................................................. 71R05Fire Protection (71111.05AQ) ...................................................................... 81R07Annual Heat Sink Performance (71111.07) ................................................. 91R11Licensed Operator Requalification Program (71111.11) ........................... 101R13 Maintenance Risk Assessments and Emergent Work Control (71111.13) 111R15Operability Evaluations (71111.15) ........................................................... 121R18Plant Modifications - Temporary (71111.18) ............................................. 121R19Post-Maintenance Testing (71111.19) ...................................................... 131R20Outage Activities (71111.20) ..................................................................... 141R22Surveillance Testing (71111.22)


................................................................................ 162RS2Occupational ALARA Planning and Controls (71124.02)


................................................................................. 334OA1Performance Indicator Verification (71151) ............................................... 334OA2Problem Identification and Resolution (71152) .......................................... 364OA3Follow-up of Events and Notices of Enforcement Discretion (71153) ....... 394OA6Meetings .................................................................................................... 414OA7Licensee-Identified Violations .................................................................... 41




M. Bezilla, Vice President Nuclear
D. Evans, Work and Outage Management Director
J. Grabnar, Site Engineering Director
H. Hanson, Performance Improvement Director
T. Jardine, Operations Manager
K. Krueger, Plant General Manager
P. McNulty, Radiation Protection Manager
M. Stevens, Maintenance Director
J. Tufts, Chemistry Manager Others
R. Leidy, Ohio Department of Health


J. Cameron, Chief, Reactor Projects Branch 3
B. Dickson, Health Physics Program Manager




05000440/2010003-06 URI Failure to Perform a Hydrostatic Test in Accordance with ASME Code (Section 4OA2.4)

Opened and Closed

05000440/2010003-01 NCV Failure to Adequately Establish the Radiological Conditions In A Locked High Radiation Area to Allow Workers to Be

Properly Briefed Prior to Entry. (Section 2RS1.2)

05000440/2010003-02 NCV Failure To Work In High Radiation Areas Within The Bounds Of The Radiological Briefing Resulting In Entry Into Areas

Without Knowledge Of The Radiological Conditions. (Section 2RS1.3)

05000440/2010003-03 NCV Inadequate ALARA Planning And Radiological Controls That Did Not Prevent Unplanned, Unintended Dose For Several Work Activities In Refuel Outage 12. (Section 2RS2.2)
05000440/2010003-04 NCV Failure To Evaluate The Need For Radiological Engineering Measures To Control Contamination During Installation Of A

Cover Over The Drywell Head. (Section 2RS3.1)


05000440/2010003-05 NCV Failure To Effectively Use The Intended Radiological Engineering Controls During Cavity Drain-Down In

Preparation For Its Decontamination. (Section 2RS3.2)


05000440/LER-2010-002 LER Piping Leak Results in Condition Prohibited by Technical Specifications (Section 4OA3.4)


The following is a partial list of documents reviewed during the inspection.

Inclusion on this list does not imply that the NRC inspector reviewed the documents in their entirety, but rather that selected sections or portions of the documents were evaluated as part of the overall inspection effort.
Inclusion of a document on this list does not imply NRC acceptance of the document or any part of it, unless this is stated in the body of the inspection report.
1R01 Adverse Weather
ONI-ZZZ-1; Tornado or High Winds; Revision 10
CR 10-76579; NRC Identified Issues for
ONI-ZZZ-1 Walkdown, dated May 7, 2010 eSOMS Narrative Logs dated May 7-8, 2010
CR 10-76578; Radwaste Fire Watch; dated May 7, 2010
NOP-WM-2001; Work Management Scheduling/Assessment/Seasonal Readiness Processes; Revision 9
IOI-15; Seasonal Variations; Revision 17
PTI-M99-P0001; Ambient Temperature Monitoring; Revision 5
CR 10-72025; Potential for Degraded Voltage Relay Trip Due to Addition of Stub Bus Loads; February 24, 2010
IOI-15, Seasonal Variations, Revision 17
Listing of Planned Switchyard Work January 2010 to December 2010; dated June 1, 2010
NOP-OP-1003; Grid Reliability Protocol; Revision 2
NOP-WM-2001, Work Management Scheduling/Assessment/Seasonal Readiness Process, Revision 9
ONI-R10; Loss of AC Power; Revision 9
ONI-S11; Hi/Low Voltage; Revision 6
PAP-0102; Interface with the Transmission System Operator; Revision 5 Perry System Health Report; R11 - Station Transformers; 2009-4 (4th quarter) Perry System Health Report; S42 - Transmission Station; 2009-4 (4th quarter)
1R04 Equipment Alignment
SOI-E51; Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System; Revision 26
VLI-E51; Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System; Revision 8
SOI-M25/26; Control Room HVAC and Emergency Recirculating System; Revision 18
VLI-M25/26; Control Room HVAC and Emergency Recirculation System; Revision 7
CR 10-77682; Emergency Recirculation Fan A Tripped; dated June 3, 2010
VLI-R44; Division 1 and 2 Diesel Generator Starting Air System; Revision 4
VLI-R45; Division 1 and 2 Diesel Generator Fuel Oil System; Revision 5
VLI-R46; Division 1 and 2 Diesel Generator Jacket Water Systems; Revision 4
VLI-R47; Division 1 and 2 Diesel Generator Lube Oil; Revision 7
VLI-R48; Division 1 and 2 Diesel Generator Exhaust, Intake, and Crankcase Systems; Revision 6 1R05 Fire Protection (Annual/Quarterly)
PAP-1910; Fire Protection Program; Revision 19
FPI-A-C01; Fire Protection Program Control Processes; Revision 12
FPI-0CC; Pre-Fire Plan Instruction - Control Complex; Revision 8
FPI-0IB; Pre-Fire Plan Instruction - Intermediate Building; Revision 5
FPI-0FH; Pre-Fire Plan Instruction - Fuel Handling Building; Revision 4
CR 10-75264; NRC ID: Question Regarding Fire Piping; dated April 12, 2010
Updated Safety Analysis Report for Unit 1, Appendix 9A, Fire Protection Evaluation Report, Revision 14
CR 10-79131; NRC Identified - Excessive Rust on Fire Valve 1P54-F775; dated June 30, 2010
CR 10-79133; NRC Identified - Combustible in Fuel Handling Building Exceeding Fire Hazard Analysis Req.; dated June 30, 2010
CR 10-79157; NRC Identified - Various Discrepancies During Plant Inspection; dated June 30, 2010
FPI-A-B02; Fire Drill Planning Guide; dated June 17, 2010
1R07 Heat Sink Review
TAI-0515; Heat Exchanger Performance Monitoring; Revision 1
NOP-ER-2006; Service Water Reliability Management Program; Revision 1
PTI-E12-P0003; RHR Heat Exchangers B and D Performance Testing; Revision 8
PY-CEI/NRR-1121; PNPP Response to Generic Letter 89-13; dated January 26, 1990
PY-NRR/CEI-0497L; NRC Generic Letter 89-13; dated February 21, 1990
PY-CEI/NRR-1328; Supplemental Response to Generic Letter 89-13; dated March 1, 1991
PY-CEI/NRR-1734L; Implementation of Generic Letter 89-13; dated April 8, 1994 1R11 Licensed Operator Requalification Program
PYBP-PTS-0005; Operator Continuing Training Program Administration; Revision 25
PYBP-POS-0027; Operator Actions from Memory; Revision 0, dated December 3, 2008
Simulator Exercise Guide
OTLC-3058201008_PY_SGC1; Cycle 8 2010 Evaluated Scenario C1; Revision 0
CR 10-76775; Static Simulator Exam Failures for Two SROs LOR Cycle 2010-08; dated May 12, 2010 1R12 Maintenance Effectiveness
CR 07-26052; Starting Air Compressor Div 2 DG Final Regulator Adjust Failed; September 2, 2007
CR 08-47743; Div 2 Starting Air Compressor 1R44C0001B failed PMT; October 11, 2008
CR 09-63288; Low Starting Air Pressure Switch May Need Adjusting; August 16, 2010
CR 10-69528; Div 1 Starting Air Compressor failed
PTI-R44-P0001A; January 3, 2010
CR 10-72948; #1 EDG Left Starting Air Bank Pressure Found Below Minimum Allowed; March 8, 2010
CR 10-76258; Div 1 Diesel Starting Air Compressor Start Pressure is Out of Band; May 3, 2010
CR 10-77554; Division 1 DG Starting Air System PTI Failures; May 31, 2010
CR 10-78036; Failure of Div2 Diesel Generator Right and Left Bank Starting Air Systems; June 6, 2010
CR 10-78916; Division 2 Diesel 2B Lifting Relief Valve; June 26, 2010
CR 10-78958; Problems with Div 2 DG Starting Air #1 Air Dryer; June 27, 2010
CR 10-79152; D/G Air Regulator Not Working Causing Dryer Not to Shift; June 30, 2010
D-302-351; Piping System Diagram, R-44, Standby Diesel Starting Air; Revision 15 Maintenance Rule Functions, Performance Criteria, and Classifications; Maintenance Rule System Basis Document for Standby Diesel Generators; Revision 0 Perry Div 1 and Div 2 Standby Diesel Generator System Health 2010-1; January 1 through April 30, 2010
Perry High Pressure Core Spray Diesel Components System Health 2010-1; January 1 through April 30, 2010 Perry Unavailability Spreadsheet for Div 1 and Div 2 Standby Diesel Generators and High Pressure Core Spray Diesel Components; 2007-1 thru 2010-1 1R13 Maintenance Risk Assessments and Emergent Work Control
CR 10-75181; Annunciator Grounds; dated April 10, 2010
WO 200412735; Troubleshoot and Rework Cause of Unexpected Multiple Alarms and Annunciator Ground Alarm; Revision 5 Restricted Area Postings List for RCIC Outage to Protect Other Trains as Published in Daily Notes of May 3, 2010
CR 10-77781; Reactor Recirc. Pump Trip to Off; dated June 4, 2010 1R15 Operability Evaluations
NOP-OP-1009; Operability Determinations and Functionality Assessments; Revision 1
CR 10-75454; Replacement of Isolator Card Caused Loss of All Safety-Related Annunciators; dated April 15, 2010 Operational Decision Making Issue for Digital Feedwater Power Supply; Revision 0
CR 10-76900; ODMI for F1C08 Single Source Disposition; dated May 11, 2010 Operational Decision Making Issue for Disposition of Bus F1C08 with Regard to a Failed Auto Bus Transfer Device Currently Being Supplied by Alternate Source XF1A (XH12)
CR 10-77551; Unplanned Tech Spec Entry for Inoperable Containment Isolation Valve 1P52F0160; dated May 31, 2010
PRI-TSR; Technical Specification Rounds; Revision 21
CR 07-29630;
SVI-C61-T1104 Does Not Reference Tech Spec; dated November 4, 2007 Operational Decision Making Issue for single Recirculation Loop Operation/Recovery Following "A" Pump Trip, Rev. 0, dated June 4, 2010
1R18 Permanent/Temporary Modifications
OP-CC-2003; Engineering Changes; Revision 14
NOBP-ER-3003-01; Temporary Modification Review Checklist; Revision 00
ECP 07-0097-001; Install and Inject Leak Sealant Device on RFBP 'B' Discharge Check Valve; October 17, 2007 Temporary Modification Tracking Report for April, 2010; May 4, 2010
ECP 07-0097-002; Remove Leak Sealant Device on RFBP 'B' Discharge Check Valve; dated October 26, 2010
GMI-0095; Instructions for the Use and Control of On-Line Leak Sealing; Revision 4
EDG 97-005; Engineering Design Guide: Leak Sealants; Revision 6
ECP 07-0097-002; Remove Leak Sealant Device on RFBP 'B' Discharge Check Valve,
Revision 2; April 9, 2009 Drawing 302-0081-00000; Feedwater; Revision BBB Drawing 41-0153-00010; 18" and 24" 300# Tilting Disc Check Valve; Revision -
Drawing 304-0071-00108; Piping Isometric Feedwater System; Revision H
CR 10-77377;
EER 600411728 Does Not Contain the Sealant Material Contrary to
GMI-0095; dated May 26, 2010
CR 00-3587; RFA - Request Installation of Clamp on 1N27F0505B; dated November 20, 2000
CR 10-78063; LEGACY - 2001 Leak Sealant Device Did Not Have a Cycle 11 Approved Extension; dated June 10, 2010
WO 200282588; RFBP 'B' Discharge Check Valve; dated December 13, 2007
1R19 Post-Maintenance Testing
WO 200412735; Troubleshoot and Rework Cause of Unexpected Multiple Alarms and Annunciator Ground Alarm; Revision 5
WO 200393532; Replace Accumulator, Pencil Filters, and Accumulator Instrumentation; dated April 21, 2010
SVI-C11-T1006; Control Rod Maximum Scram Insertion Time; Revision 13
PTI-C11-P0010; Control Rod Speed Adjustments; Revision 4
SVI-E51T2001; RCIC Pump and Valve Operability Test; Revision 32
WO 200218563; Disassemble and Inspect Stem of RCIC Turbine Governor Valve
WO 200393865; Full Spectrum Vibration RCIC Pump/Turbine
WO 200290979; Lube Oil Cooler Inspection and Cleaning - RCIC
WO 200415273; RCIC Turbine Trip Throttle Valve Latch - Troubleshoot and Repair Circuitry;
CR 10-76619; ICS Computer Digital I/O Board Damage: dated May 10, 2010
WO 200390778; Bench Test RCIC Relief Valve
WO 200324753; Troubleshoot and Rework RCIC Flow Controller Process Needle Sticking Downscale
WO 200313070; Calibrate and Tune RCIC Turbine Control Section
WO 200293273; Replace Agastat Relay for "A" Recirculation Pump; dated June 5, 2010
WO 200417759; Recirculation Pump 'A' Optical Isolation Card Replacement; dated June 5, 2010
WO 200293273; Recirculation Pump 'A' Optical Isolation Card Relay Verification; dated June 5, 2010
DWG 208-0015-00027; Recirculation Pump C001A - Breaker Control 3A; dated March 29, 2006
DWG 208-0015-00031; Breaker 5A Controls L1106; dated September 28, 2009
SVI-C71-T0042-D; Drywell High Pressure Channel D Functional for 1C71-N650D; Revision 6
WO 200327238; Replace Rosemount Trip Units - Master Trip Unit Drywell Pressure - H; dated June 14, 2010
1R20 Forced Outage
CR 10-76728; Reactor Recirc Pumps Lost NCC Cooling and Seal Purge During Scram; dated May 12, 2010
CR 10-76727; Reactor Scram; dated May 11, 2010
CR 10-76677; HWC Shutdown; dated May 11, 2010
CR 10-76945; Offgas Issues Not Promptly Documented in CAP; dated May 17, 2010
CR 10-76996; Reverse Flow in the Offgas System During Initial SJAE Startup; dated May 18, 2010
CR 10-76944;
PY-PA-10-02: Repeat Issues with RWCU Impact Plant Startup; dated May 17, 2010
CR 10-76986; 1N36F0392A Valve Found Continuously Blowing Air Through Its Exhaust Port; dated May 18, 2010
CR 10-76988; 1N11F0032B Valve Found Blowing Air Through Its Exhaust Port; dated May 18, 2010
CR 10-76937; Water Found in Piping During the Removal of the 1N641686B Valve Bonnet; dated May 16, 2010
CR 10-76897; RWCU Delta Flow Issues Delay Reestablishing System to Operation; dated May 13, 2010
SOI-B33, Reactor Recirculation System, Section 5-7; Revision 28
SVI-B33-T1168; Idle Recirculation Loop Temperature and Flow; Revision 6
SOI-G33, Reactor Water Cleanup System, Section 7.1; Revision 28
Restart Readiness Review Meeting and Minutes dated May 14, 2020
Post Scram Restart Report, Scram No. 1-10-01, dated May 13, 2010
CR 10-76908; Foreign Material Entered Suppression Pool Make-up Line Bravo; dated May 15, 2010
CR 10-76929;
SVI-T23-T1203 Does Not Appear to be Fully Tracked in SAP; dated May 15, 2020 Perry 50.72 Event Notification for Manual Reactor Scram Due to Loss of Control Rod Drive Charging Water Header Pumps; dated May 12, 2010
CR 10-76846; Single Point Plant Vulnerability for a Loss of K-1-N; dated May 14, 2010
CR 10-76845; Evaluate Changing Timer Running Alarm Windows to Amber; dated May 14, 2010
CR 10-76841; Unable to Adjust Drywell Airlock Interlocks; dated May 13, 2010
CR 10-76839; Recirculation Pump A Seal Leakage Observed During Ops Walkdown of the Drywell; dated May13, 2010
CR 10-76763; MCC F1C08 Trip During Plant Scram; dated May 11, 2010
CR 10-76769; Following May 11th Manual Scram 5 Rods Had Invalid Data and 85 Rods Were Slow; dated May 12, 2010
CR 10-76794; Delays in Restoring a RWCU Filter to Service; dated May 13, 2010
CR 10-76737; Dual Position Indication on SPMU Valve 1G43F0030B; dated May 12, 2010
CR 10-76785; Post Scram Evaluation; dated May 13, 2010 1R22 Surveillance Testing
SVI-E12-T0146; ECCS/LPCI Pump A Start Time Delay Relay Channel Functional/Calibration for 1E12A-K70A; Revision 6
SVI-N31-T1151; Main Turbine Valve Exercise Test; Revision 5
SVI-C85-T1314; Turbine Bypass Valve Operability Test; Revision 6
SVI-C61-T1200; Remote Shutdown Control Test - RCIC and RHR; Revision 5
CR 10-76587; Re-evaluate Methodology for Performing
SVI-C61-T1200 for the Remote S/D Panel; dated May 8, 2010
SVI-E31-T5396A; RHR/RCIC Steam Line Flow High Channel Calibration for 1E31-N084A; Revision 5 Calculation No. C41-016, 1C41C0001A/B SLCS Injection Pump Performance Acceptance Criteria; Revision 1
SVI-C41-T2001-B; Standby Liquid Control B Pump and Valve Operability Test; Revision 15
SOI-E22B; Division 3 Diesel Generator; Revision 23
SVI-E22-T1319; Diesel Generator Start and Load Division 3; Revision 15 2RS1 Radiological Hazard Assessment And Exposure Controls
NOP-OP-4107; Radiation Work Permit; Revision 04
HPI-D0001; Radiation and Contamination Survey Techniques; Revision 21
Apparent Cause Evaluation;
CR 09-59219;
RFO-12 Resulted In 261 Personal Contamination Events; dated May 14, 2009 Apparent Cause Evaluation;
CR 09-63080; PCE Goal Exceeded For 2009; dated August 11, 2009
CR 10-73255; Worker Received Dose Rate Alarm; dated March 12, 2010 Radiological Surveys for FPCC Heat Exchanger Room; Various Dates In March 2010
CR 09-56917;
RFO-12 Worker Received Ed Dose Alarm; dated April 8, 2009
CR 09-56265
AND 09-56266; Unanticipated Dose Rate Alarm; both dated March 28, 2009 Radiological Survey for RHR 'A' Pump Room; dated March 28, 2009 2RS2 Occupational Alara Planning And Controls
CR 09-59216; RFO12 Electronic Dosimeter Dose of 588 Rem Exceeded 374 Rem Estimate By 157 Percent; dated May 13, 2009
NOP-OP-4005; ALARA Program; Revision 01
NOP-WM-7001; ALARA Program; Revision 00
NOP-WM-7002; Operational ALARA Program; Revision 00
NOP-WM-7003; Radiation Work Permit (RWP); Revision 01
Perry Nuclear Power Plant;
RFO-12 Outage ALARA Report; undated 2RS3 In-Plant Radioactivity Control And Mitigation
NOP-OP-4703; Determination of Alpha Monitoring Levels; Revision 00
CR 09-54099; Numerous Personnel Contamination Events of Refuel Floor; dated February 24, 2009 Radiological Survey for Drywell Dome; dated February 24, 2009
ALARA Plan for
RWP 09-6018;
RFO-12 Reactor Disassembly/Reassembly Activities Including Decontamination Activities; Revision 0 - Revision 2
RWP 096018;
RFO-12 Reactor Vessel Disassembly/Reassembly Activities;
Revision 0 - Revision 2
CR 09-55435; Cavity Drain-Down Not Communicated to Radiation Protection Supervision; dated March 14, 2009 Air Sample Results for Refuel Floor; Various Periods in February and March 2009 2RS4 Occupational Dose Assessment Radiological Engineering Assessment; Source Term Determination for Cycle 12; 2009
HPI-B0015; Operation of the ABACOS 2000 Whole Body Counting System; Revision 5
NOP-OP-4206; Bioassay Program; Revision 00
NOP-OP-4205; Dose Assessment; Revision 02
CR 09-53610;
HPI-B0004 Places Individual in Knowledge Based Performance Mode; dated February 16, 2009 Acute Inhalation Whole Body Count Dose Assessments Summary; Individual Assessments for various Periods In 2009
NOP-OP-4201; Routine External Exposure Monitoring; Revision 01
NOP-OP-4202; Declared Pregnant Workers; Revision 00
NOP-OP-4204; Special External Exposure Monitoring; Revision 03
NOP-OP-2404-04; Effective Dose Equivalent Dose Determination; Individual Assessments for Various Personnel In 2009
4OA1 Performance Indicator Verification
NOBP-LP-4012-08; MSPI Data Sheets for Safety System Functional Failures from July 2009 to March 2010; Revision 2
NOBP-LP-4012-04; MSPI Data Sheets for Emergency AC Power Systems from July 2009 to March 2010; Revision 2 MSPI Derivation Reports for Emergency AC Power Systems; March 2010
NOBP-LP-4012-05; MSPI Data Sheets for High Pressure Injection System from July 2009 to March 2010; Revision 2 MSPI Derivation Reports for High Pressure Injection System; March 2010
Mitigating Systems Performance Index Basis Document; Revision 4
NOBP-LP-4012; NRC Performance Indicators; Revision 3
PYBP-DES-0011; Mitigating Systems Performance Index; Revision 1
CR 10-77766; Calculating MSPI System Unavailability; dated June 4, 2010
NOBP-LP-4012; NRC Performance Indicators; Revision 03
Submittals for Perry Performance Indicator Occurrences; Various Dates Between March 2009 and March 2010
4OA2 Problem Identification and Resolution
CR 08-39814, ESW Coupling Leak - Division 2, dated May 5, 2008
CR 10-77714, NRC Potential Non Cited Violation on Minimum Hydrostatic Test Time for Coupling, dated June 3, 2010
CR 09-54577, Emergency Service Water 'B' Buried Supply Pipe, dated March 3, 2009
CR 09-55079, ESW B Piping Backfilled Without Completion of Final Piping Coatings, dated March 10, 2009
CR 10-72109, Human Performance Error Traps Exist in Various C41 (SLC) Procedures, dated February 25, 2010
WO 200321690, Rework 24" ESW Coupling, dated April 28, 2009
ANSI B16.5, Steel Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, 1977 Edition originally issued in 1968 Standard Practice (SP-61) - 1992 Edition, Pressure Testing of Steel Valves, 1977 Edition originally issued in February, 1961 ASME B36.10M-2004, Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe, Issued October 25, 2004 4OA3 Follow-up of Events and Notices of Enforcement Discretion Event Notification, Loss of Safety Function to Control the Release of Radioactive Material; dated April 6, 2010
CR 10-71622; Degraded or Cracked Weld on ECC B Flow Element Instrument Root Piping; dated February 15, 2010
CR 10-74928; Unexpected Annunciator and Status Light; dated April 6, 2010
CR 10-74953; Loss of Power to RCIC Optical Isolator 1E12A-AT10; dated April 6, 2010
CR 10-75101; Fuse Holder Issue; dated April 8, 2010
CR 10-75131; Potential Non-Conformance of RHR Loss of Power Monitoring; dated April 9, 2010
CR 10-75052; Control Power Fuse E12A-F49 in Panel 1H13P0629 Found Blown; dated April 8, 2010
CR 10-75333; Optical Isolator Failure
WO 200412735; dated April 13, 2010
CR 10-75424; Plant Narrative Log Lacked Details - Optical Isolator Issue Impact; dated April 11, 2010
CR 10-75161; Potential Non-Conformance of RHR Loss of Power Monitoring; dated April 9, 2010
CR 10-76727; Reactor Scram; dated May 11, 2010
CR 10-77781; Reactor Recirc Pump 'A' Trip to Off; dated June 4, 2010
LER 2010002-00; Piping Leak Results in Condition Prohibited by Technical Specifications Attachment


US [[]]
ED [[]]
AC alternating current
ALARA as low as reasonably achievable
AN [[]]
SI American National Standards Institute
AS [[]]

ME American Society of Mechanical Engineers

CAP corrective action program
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CR condition report CRD control rod drive
CR [[]]

ER control room emergency recirculation

DAC derived air concentration

dpm disintegrations per minute

ECCS emergency core cooling system

ED electronic dosimeter

EDG emergency diesel generator

ESW emergency service water
FENOC FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company

FPCC fuel pool cooling and cleanup HCU hydraulic control unit

HRA high radiation area

IMC Inspection Manual Chapter

IP Inspection Procedure
IR Inspection Report
LCO limiting condition for operation LER Licensee Event Report
LO [[]]
CA loss-of-coolant accident
LP [[]]

CI low pressure core injection

mrem millirem

MSPI mitigating systems performance index

NCV non-cited violation

NEI Nuclear Energy Institute

NOP Nuclear Operating Procedure

NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NVLAP National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program
PI performance indicator
RC [[]]
IC reactor core isolation cooling
RF [[]]

BP reactor feed booster pump

RFO refueling outage
RHR residual heat removal

RP radiation protection RWP radiation work permit

SDP Significance Determination Process

TS Technical Specification

TSO Transmission System Operator
UFSAR Updated Final Safety Analysis Report
USAR Updated Safety Analysis Report WO work order
M. Bezilla -2- In accordance with 10
CFR 2.390 of the
NRC 's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter and its enclosure will be available electronically for public inspection in the
NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of
NRC 's document system (

ADAMS), accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room). Sincerely,


Jamnes L. Cameron, Chief Branch 6

Division of Reactor Projects Docket No. 50-440 License No.

NPF -58 Enclosure: Inspection Report 05000440/2010003 w/Attachment: Supplemental Information cc w/encl: Distribution via ListServ
NT [[]]
NAME G:\Perry\Perry 2010 003.docm Publicly Available Non-Publicly Available Sensitive Non-Sensitive To receive a copy of this document, indicate in the concurrence box "C" = Copy without attach/encl "E" = Copy with attach/encl "N" = No copy
RIII [[]]
RIII [[]]
NAME [[]]
AG armoe:dtp
JC ameron
DATE 08/04/10 08/05/10
AL [[]]
COPY Letter to M. Bezilla from J. Cameron dated August 5, 2010.
PERRY [[]]
POWER [[]]
PLANT [[]]
NRC [[]]
ATED [[]]
TION [[]]
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RT 05000440/2010003